#i’m rereading again btw….. expect posting
omgpoindexter · 7 months
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if i don’t get to see this interaction play out in a tv show before i die then i WILL be doing something drastic. btw.
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spampai · 1 month
Talk Your Way Out! (Cancelled…)
Well, not exactly…
Prologue Part 4: Queen’s Pursuivants.
Well yeah I knew this was coming-NUH UH THAT AIN’T MY PLAN-
Yeah so I realized that this project ain’t going well, considering the fact that:
1. The script is very messy. YEAH I placed so much good ideas for the upcoming chapters but it feels like it was smooshed in and not well explained. The timeline isn’t explained as well, seeing that people didn’t notice the timeskip between Part 1 and Part 2.
2. The characters are not well put out. I didn’t really explain why they were acting out of character and the readers can’t symphatize well with these characters as they don’t know what the purpose of the scenes are for. Characters are out of character for no reason as I didn’t delve into that until further chapters, which in this case will still make people confused. They can act like they are, but I gotta give an explanation for it, which I failed to do in the current prologue.
3. Many people find it confusing rather than enjoyable. I’ve received lots of feedback on how it was ordered or how the story flows. Basically responding to the feedback and thinking about it more; ya, it is confusing the more I reread it. So yeah, that’s one of the reasons.
4. The execution isn’t as great as I thought I did. People got confused between chapters ‘cause the thought bubble wasn’t really recognizable (my indescribable art is pouring towards the story plotline ☠️). Some scenes are also not portrayed well as I lack the ability to show their positions on where they’re at or what situation they’re in (still kinda bad with that atm, will change soon). Expression and dialogue-wise it’s fine, but I didn’t like how I was using similar formats for the panels or some expressions seemed repetitive. Same goes for the speech bubbles. I still like the dialogues tho.
5. Not much recognition. Ya okay this is probably the least important part of what I want from this project. Yeah okay I admit it that’s also a reason I stopped this project. From the first part to the two other parts, it stopped getting that much attention and I felt like there’s something that’s making people lose interest. I spam reblog as a result, which I regret doing. This is why I even thought about ‘cancelling’ the project.
6. Wrong timing. Always posting it on dead hours, or when the fandom ain’t active. Too impatient, pretty sure. I promote it way too much with spam reblogs, which I still regret.
I changed my reasoning from ‘likes and reblogs will make me famous’ to ‘I need this community to provide feedback so I can improve myself as I grow and eventually get accepted in the ‘big artists’ community from now on.
I’m learning from my mistakes, and basically something for me to experience so I wouldn’t repeat again. So at the moment, it is cancelled…
I never said it was cancelled with a period ;)
Stay tuned for my next few posts as it’ll revolve around this situation :))
While waiting, have some scenes of the aforementioned Part 4. I specifically like this part ‘cause I think it potrays these two a lot better, I just didn’t explain why Toadster was acting the way he is, which is repulsive and mean. I’ll be explaining that in my next few posts (No, I don’t ship them btw, I rarely ship characters unless it’s canon in the lore).
As for the deleted posts this morning, I figured it wasn’t the best time to post it, so expect it when the fandom is active again. See ya!
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
Some language and translation trivia from episode nagi
So, I recently reread episode nagi 1-3 in japanese, and since I enjoy translation trivia a lot, I thought I would compile all my observations in a post. Please don’t take this too seriously! While I do have a language degree, I’m not a professional translator. In no way this is meant as a dig towards the professionals working on the official release! These are just some fun facts I thought I’d share. 
without further ado, let’s delve into it!
On top of his already limited (kinda childish) vocabulary, Nagi’s speech bubbles often forgo complex kanji and favor writing the words out in hiragana. He sometimes does the same with (foreign) words that should be written out in katakana (example: Barou’s beloved “king”). We know this is a quirk of Nagi’s because he sometimes uses kanji for the same words. The most notable example is his favorite one, mendoukusai, “hassle”—mostly written in hiragana, sometimes shortened, sometimes elongated for dramatic, whiny emphasis, and rarely written out in kanji.
Since kanji are taught by grade in japanese schools, the foregoing them in a certain character’s lines can hint that the guy doesn’t have a higher education. However, in Nagi’s case, I think it’s meant to make him come across as unsophisticated or a bit childish. Or maybe just lazy. I think the former, though, considering how all his compliments always circle back to the same, like, 4 juvenile variations of "amazing". 
(more under a cut for length):
Still on the topic of speech patterns, Nagi talks in plain form. For those who don't know what that means, it's an informal register, very common between teens. Nagi seems to use it with his elders, too, though, and that's a bit less common. You're supposed to talk in polite form to strangers and to your elders. Then again, pretty much everyone in blue lock talks that way. There's not a lot of respect for your elders in this series. Or for your peers, lol 
As for Reo, he talks in male speech! Still very much informal and common, particularly between rowdy teens, but if plain form can still be acceptable in a lot of social situations, male speech is distinctly cocky, self-confident and impolite, so not what you'd expect from the distinguished heir of a billionaire who prides himself as a businessman in the making, ahah. He talks that way to Ego as well, btw. 
Both of them tend not to use honorifics. Reo more so. In all three volumes, Reo used them once, to calm Nagi down while he was angry at Barou. Nagi mostly goes without too, but he sometimes uses them, when the situation calls for it, or a bit ironically. If you're curious, here's what I noticed: he uses "san" for Baa-ya when talking to her (when he leaves Choki in her care), but not when he's talking to Reo about her. He calls Zantetsu "dentist-san" when the latter drops his backstory, and "Zantetsu-kun" when the guy scores after listening to Reo's advice. And when all three finally link up, Nagi tacks on a "sama" to Reo's name while calling him a king (in the chess sense. Fun fact, it might or might not have been a pun, since Reo's name contains the kanji for king btw). That's pretty much it for epinagi so far. He just uses surnames without honorifics (or nicknames) for everyone else normally. Same for Reo. 
When talking to Nagi, Reo refers to his mother as 母親 (hahaoya, "mom") and to his father as 親父 (oyaji, "old man, pops") and クソ親父 (kuso oyaji, "shitty old man") respectively. Idk if that changes when he's talking to them tho, as he hasn't yet in epinagi. But so far his contempt seems to be only directed at his father. 
Upon seeing Kira, Reo describes him as "Japan's gem", but the word he uses for "gem" is 宝 (takara), treasure, pretty much the same he uses for Nagi (= 宝物 takaramono, or treasured thing, prized possession). Hence Nagi looking up, unimpressed: 
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To check out what the fuss was about. His face dhsvbdhdhdhsbs When Nagi thinks Reo's talking about Isagi, then, Reo corrects him by pointing his face toward Kira and saying not the dark-haired one, but that "really good looking guy". He calls him an ikemen btw, lmao.
I'm not sure if this was in the eng version too, but Reo calls Nagi and Zantetsu's team up the "neet combo". It's pretty self-explanatory how this relates to Nagi, but I wonder what about Zantetsu screamed "neet" to him.
When Zantetsu adamantly refuses to take Reo's advice, Reo gets super mad and calls him "obaka-sama", which. I can't with his pettiness ahah. Okay, let me explain. He's tacking on an honorific prefix ("o") and the highest honorific suffix ("sama") to an insult. 😂😂 Normally, you use honorifics to pay respect to and elevate the status of whatever or whoever you're tacking them on to. In this case, Reo's using them sarcastically, but he goes extra out of the way to be scathing. Zantetsu hates being called an idiot, but Reo feels he's acting unreasonable with his holier-than-thou attitude, so he upgrades his regular insult to mock that, basically. He's more or less saying, "oh great, revered moron".
Not a linguistic trivia, but. Nagi has a weekly planner for his bread eating habits. The day Reo joins his class to spy on him was a tuesday, cause tuesdays are melon bread days. 
When he's making a confident remark, Reo occasionally speaks with a sing-song in his voice. 
During the match against team X, Barou mocks Reo and Nagi's coordination and mutual dependence with a jab. He calls them a couple who wear matching outfits. Still laughing about this one tbh 
now onto my favorite one
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Ever wondered why Nagi’s response here doesn’t come across as reassuring to Reo? Well, I think I have finally figured it out! 
While the translation above is 100% correct, I feel like the miscommunication lies in a matter of contextual ambiguity. When Reo says, quote, “You were supposed to team up with me,” in japanese it’s more like, “But teaming up with me is a must!” To which Nagi replies, “You and I are going to be the best in the world. That’s a must.” 
The theme (=what is being talked about) of Reo’s sentence is the “must” (zettai) part. Meaning, something that is absolute, unconditional. Reo is making a conjecture, the assumption that they’ll work with each other as they promised, but he’s also implicitly expecting Nagi to agree. He’s saying our combo is the unchangeable condition here. You know this. 
Nagi responds with something he means as reassuring, as a confirmation that he has their promise in mind. But since he echoes Reo’s word choice (zettai), and applies it to something else, it comes across wrong, more like he’s correcting Reo on what the “must” actually is. Not teaming up with each other until the end like Reo posits, but the simple agreement that they’ll be world class one day. With or without each other. 
This miscommunication is made worse by the fact that Reo’s declared ego is making Nagi the best striker in the world. So when Nagi follows this with a remark about how their team up wasn’t the strongest, Reo of course takes the “correction” to mean “someone else can better help me become the best instead of you. bye. nice hanging out with you till now. see you at the world cup, xoxo”
Simply put, Nagi thought he was explaining himself, but what he got across was that he was rejecting Reo’s ego altogether and moving on. That’s why the art then shows Reo’s ego chains falling apart. 
When Bachira asks Nagi if he’s secretly the “super cold type” right after leaving for the 3v3, in japanese it’s a neat, direct callback to the scene in chapter 2 where Nagi tells Reo he's okay with him teaming up with someone stronger than himself, and Reo calls that “heartless.” Both times the word used is the same, 薄情  (hakujou), cold-hearted, heartless, though iirc it was translated differently in english
They both say they feel lonely after their split up. Nagi in response to Bachira’s line as per the previous point (here’s a post I made about it a while back). And Reo when he thinks about Nagi’s change in chapter 13 and says he feels lonely, scared and weak. I will go down with the idea that they’re each other’s first friend. 
Ending this on a less sad note, when Rin calls Bachira “bowlcut”, the original phrasing reads okappa, from the mythical creature’s hairstyle. Now please google what an okappa looks like, lmao 
More epinagi language and translation trivia you might enjoy: 
notes on Nagi’s line “I’m gonna say something selfish”
notes (and misconceptions) about Nagi and Reo calling each other “partner” 
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so i was rereading the transcript to Launch (the episode where the princesses are trying to locate glimmer) and i want to talk about two things i hated about this episode (apart from.. the obvious):
1. i don’t like that the crew’s idea of an autistic person is “has a special interest” and “doesn’t value human life”.
now i get it. neurodivergent people can have trouble reading the room or responding in a way that people expect us to. but we can still recognize a serious situation (especially one where someone is hurt or in need of help) when we see it.
entrapta has always been kind of absentminded, but i feel like in this episode, they made her act like too much of an airhead. she seems to be on the high-functioning end of the spectrum, so i don’t understand the point of making it seem like she can never take anything seriously. she’s rambling about science and space, she’s climbing over tents, knocking shit over, it’s just strange to add in “comedic” bits like this in an episode that’s supposed to be serious. in general, this episode was far too lighthearted than it had any right to be, but entrapta was the worst part of it.
i just feel like she’s portrayed as more of a silly caricature of an autistic person, rather than an actual autistic person. a lot of this is played for laughs as well like “haha look at entrapta, she’s such an idiot, she only cares about science!” and it just feels insulting. we’ve seen entrapta show concern and compassion before, albeit in her own way, like when hordak wasn’t feeling well. so why would she act like this in a situation where someone’s life is at stake?
my problem lies with the writers and not entrapta herself, because it seems like they pick and choose when to make entrapta more empathetic and relatable, and when to make her act like a robot who doesn’t value human life. it’s just weird.
(this is all based on my general knowledge about neurodivergent people and my own personal experience with autism, so if i said something wrong here, feel free to correct me!)
2. the princesses aren’t mad at entrapta because she joined the horde and built weapons that were used to hurt thousands of innocent people, no no no, they were mad that she betrayed them specifically.
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it’s all about “us”. not “our people” or “innocent civilians”, just.. “us”. because they’re the only ones affected by the ongoing war, right? everyone else on etheria is completely safe and sound, the princesses suffered the most because their ego was a bit damaged by what entrapta did. sure.
and let’s not forget this:
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fucking rich of perfuma to say that they’re supposed to be entrapta’s friends, when SHE’S the one who leashed entrapta and dehumanized her.
and this is the first and only time they mention the kingdoms. which, btw, i may be nitpicking but “destroyed kingdoms” is a very light way to put it. it makes it seem like the horde was just destroying lands and buildings and not, you know, killing or grievously harming very real people. and again, this is all about THEM in the end, they’re acting like the kingdoms were their property, and not a civilisation of real people with real lives.
it’s a subtle way to avoid addressing the real impact of war, because how would we redeem our beloved catra if we acknowledge that she probably slaughtered hundreds of innocent civilians who were just trying to live their lives?
(also i find it funny that the 12 year old is the only one who even attempts to acknowledge the civilians, while the “adults” of the group whine about themselves.)
i’ve said this a million times before but i just don’t understand the idea of writing about war, and then acting like it only affects the people who are fighting it. this was a show written by adults, right? i’m seriously beginning to question it.
and like i said in a previous post, they did not have to make a she-ra reboot. they did not have to write about war. no one forced them to. if you’re choosing to write about a specific topic in a show that is marketed to the general public, especially children, it is your duty to do your research on it and address it accordingly. you don’t even have to do research to understand that war impacts everyone, not just the oppressors and the royalty. that’s just common knowledge. or did these people skip their history classes?
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weirdmageddon · 1 year
ur davejade posting has me Remembering and goddddd. theyre so good. thank u
i want to make a davejade analysis masterpost but the funniest thing with these asks is that theyre the ones that really prompt me to put my thoughts together in some direction and i ALWAYS find a new implication or connection to talk about. like while i’m writing the connections will just make themselves known. if i made a masterpost i’d have to update it every time i think of something new which defeats the purpose of a masterpost because it’d never be finished. so i just like to spitball into separate posts and just shove them in my davejade tag. i was NOT expecting to get back into homestuck with davejade at the forefront but i can see things now i didnt then
im gonna go off again because it’s so obvious to me on this jumpy scrambled “reread” that dave has a fat fucking heart-on / affection erection for jade. hes tryin soo hard to be cool but hes like this with jade actually behind the screen and she knows it
words and deeds of a court jester dude who totally has a crush on his childhood internet friend and doesnt acknowledge it (btw this is woefully incomplete for the sake of brevity but i could elaborate in another post. i actually have a draft (edit: posted) with a shit ton of more analysis stuff in it on why he acts differently with her than other characters):
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the next day (chronologically) when jade messages him:
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hussie commentary: “Dave's one-pixel-smile there means that there are literally more than ten thousand drawings on the internet of Dave and Jade kissing. That pixel literally made that happen.”
i mean … it sure is easy to assume how he feels about jade based on the way he talks to her and when his sprite only ever smiles one other time in the entire fucking comic and the reality of that other one was arguable since it was during [S] Karkat: Mental breakdown and its likely karkat was hallucinating it based on the content and context of the flash
nah this one was real. and it was from the first conversation we saw between dave and jade in the comic and thus set the standard for their dynamic. and remember old school 2009 dave was kind of a menace so it says a lot
this girl was special enough to him to warrant that pixel
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jade calling dave a “huge baby” for him getting nervous about a piss while she’s his server player. he makes such a big deal about it while shes like oh my god just go:
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and the absurdity of the situation being one of his favorite memories
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i know pesterquest isn’t “canon” canon but it passes my character essence check and still contributes something of substance to my argument. like i can say this is not at all out of place if these characters were plopped into these scenarios. remember this takes place on the same day as the above, 4/13/2009. theyre the same age as above and have the same relationship as they did above, just in a different scenario that wasn’t possible in canon wherein they didn’t play sburb
Jade wanders away from that window and toward another one, whose view is exclusively centered on the rolling blue. She presses a hand against the misty pane and sighs. JADE: you know, dave talks a lot about coming to visit me here. i mean, all of my friends do but dave especially JADE: in his usual davey way of course, which means making lots of jokes and not sounding very serious about it JADE: "yeah im itching to put on my safari hat and come traipsing down to doomdeath archipelago to get my ass murdered by infinidog the eldritch retriever," stuff like that JADE: i know he really means it though! he wants to see me, just like i want to see him JADE: but its just wishful thinking
anyway daves reaction to seeing his isolated online friend for the first time irl cry because she has guests. its even better with the character sprites
JADE: we can play with all my toys and jam out to some music and stay up all night chatting with each other and oh my god oh my god youre here youre all here this is really happening!!!!! Jade's next laugh verges on hysterical and she's got tears streaked down her cheeks. Dave looks a little perturbed. DAVE: wow holy shit uh DAVE: its cool jade no need to get so DAVE: like this DAVE: kind of fucks me up seeing you cry DAVE: not that im trying to make this all about me DAVE: i mean uh
and so after mspa reader’s intervention, who do we see with jade the next time we see her?
dave. and hes goofing with her squiddles while grinning
DAVE: okay so lets see what we got here Jade's room is bright and cheery, fresh flowers in the hanging pots, curtains pulled open wide to let in the afternoon sunlight. Jade sits on her bed while Dave paces in front of a line of squiddle toys, carefully assembled in neat ranks. DAVE: this blue one is clearly in charge look at his dominant posture DAVE: also hes the only motherfucker not tentacle deep in his homie DAVE: hes an untangled buddy that is some shit really cuts to the core of like DAVE: DAVE: emotions JADE: its actually because the magnets in him are messed up, and always have been!! DAVE: harley you are ruining the magic come on
basically what im putting together is that dave was REALLY fixin to spend some time with jade. extending into her sphere of interests that he doesnt express much with anyone else; you can tell he really wanted to engage with her in a less irony poisoned way. he’s softer with her than his other friends and god forbid the trolls, he is much less skeptical about things when talking to her (he even questions why he just seems to go along with her eccentric precognitive statements but he doesnt change his attitude about it), he showers her with his music and raps to the point where jade is expectant of getting poetry from him. rap IS poetry. please realize that dave is sending her his poetry, regardless of how goofy it may be. this is the level on which im viewing this at and once you realize this theres no going back. there comes a time in every homestuck’s life where they have to see how dave interacted jade and conclude that he had a cute little puppy crush on her unbeknownst to either of them. and it was adorable. and now, in the year 2023, it’s your time to realize this too. no going back.
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and btw it all came back around…………………nimblest son of a bitch who had the gumption to glue a nasty pair of latex cat lips to his face
for a reason that wasnt a joke anymore
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don’t think ive seen anyone talk about this parallel at the end to one of their first conversations in the comic. maybe somebody did back in the day but i never saw it
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nebulacollege · 2 days
I procrastinated enough to get a couple of asks, so now I have to make another post where I compile your questions together. I’m very sorry! orz
Anonymous asked:
Who would be more likely to pull the “if I can’t have you then no one can” card on Edmund and murder him in a jealous rage or even for another sick reason?
This ask has been in my box for a month, and the reason why is because I couldn’t figure out how to answer it without spoiling the fuck out of the game lol You’ll get your answer I finish it, I promise. Still, I’ll answer it partially because you’ve been waiting for so long and I feel awkward.
(The more I thought about it, the more I came up with jealousy scenarios that would technically work despite what I write below...)
Niall doesn’t consider Edmund his e- is this a spoiler? Nvm. Niall doesn’t view Edmund as a very important person in his life, so he wouldn’t kill him because he saw Edmund with someone else. In fact, that’s a great argument to bully Edmund even more! He’d do it for other reasons~
Ned would never hurt Edmund on purpose even if he’s dying from jealousy. He’ll probably kill everyone else who looks at Edmund the wrong way, so they’ll be two people left on Earth.
Liam isn’t jealous by nature and he doesn’t really consider Edmund his lover, but he likes him a lot. Edmund’s relationship with any other guy is irrelevant, so, other reasons as well~
My replies are somewhat specific, but I hope not too revealing. Thank you for asking and sorry for keeping you waiting this long!
Anonymous asked:
I read cunningness as something else entirely and I was so confused I had to reread the entire thing again before I realized my mistake
I loved your ask the moment I read it. In fact, I do not consider it a mistake at all. Niall does use his cuntiness because he’s a total cunt. You didn’t read that.
Anonymous asked:
Would you mind if we were to draw your characters with ocs?
That’s... an unusual question that I did not expect to get during such early stages of the Nebula’s development! lol I’ll share my thoughts, if you don’t mind.
I think it’s a little impossible to do this right now in terms of characters being just my vague descriptions from replies and based solely on a handful of sketches that I posted. They don’t have personalities in a proper way, and I haven’t even written them yet in a dialogue once as of today, so it’s hard for me to imagine anyone wanting to draw them when there’s not really much to do with them. Ofc it’s possible to do physically, but I’d hate to see someone being disappointed because my character turned out to be disappointing and not what they imagined after they already wasted their time and effort to draw their OC with them simply due to the lack of knowledge. I’d love people to have the entire image of the characters and the context in which they exist at first. Anyone can draw it even right now, of course, I can’t really stop it, but damn it’s going to be awkward if personalities of someone imagining who Niall is, for example, and who he turns out to be in my writing would be too different. I don’t doubt anyone’s judgment of being able to understand my descriptions, btw, and in addition, I’m not that deep or good with it, but what I plan on writing and what I’ll actually end up writing might be contradicting.
That being said, if and after I finish Nebula at least in some way and it comes out and people can experience it, I don’t really mind whether it’s just an OC or an OC who was created solely as a student for Nebula College. I’d be happy to know that the setting of it was fun enough for people to create their own students and have them interact with the main cast and/or other characters. I see the game closer to a Nitro Chiral experience (in a "harem around a main character" sense), so it feels unusual, but the setting makes it totally plausible. Not to assume that everyone would start dating these douchbags lol
Overall, I guess I don't really mind? It's hard to predict my reaction, tbh.
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i-kai · 3 months
OMGGG I DIDNT EXPECT U TO ACTUALLY RESPOND I SRSLY MISSED UR ACC THOUGH i acc just came back from a rlly long hiatus of my own lol
no worries !!!! i completely understand if u dont want to continue the smaus :) ngl im not a big enha stan anymore more of a gg stan rn but i rlly loved ur acc + do reread often bc ur literally so funny ^^
would love to see more of u on here even if not posting for enha !!
love, a moot of urs <3
i’m glad you understand 😕😕 i got less interested in kpop for a while then found myself into kpop again after going to tds3 (for both days WOOHOO) now i’m HOOKEDDDD again
thank you for loving my smaus!! i’m glad they can make ppl smile 💗 its the main reason i started making them
lmk what you guys wanna see on here!!!
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
DADDDYYYSSSS HOMEEEE 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ greetings my beloved angel zadie <3 🤲 i have returned ☝️ as i had been spending my time the past few days attempting to collect my thoughts and opinions on CH in order to serve a full complete rant 🙏🏼😁 anywho so i might not be able to cover all the events for the past 3 or so chapters but hello 😀 hoon fist fuck event🧍‍♀️. see now i’m all about obsessive men and all that but what the actual FUCK. wdym jakyung begged him to be vocal but he couldn’t and bro was whimpering moaning AND panting her (yn) name while he was masturbating HELLOOOOOOOOOO 🏃‍♀️ the GRIP i had on my phone while reading that chapter what the hell help me ya allah what the HELLLLLL🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ im still losing my mind over it cuz not only is hoon hitting them beyoncè notes in the room when he thinks about yn bro ALSO can’t cum WITHOUT the thought of her😀 pussy so good left his dick non-functional 🤕 (i’m losing my sanity btw cuz now i know when hoon finally gets to hit it again 1) bros gonna be cumming the MOMENT he bottoms out and 2) bros gonna turn INTO beyoncè HERSELF.)
there’s just smth about the way that u wrote hoon being so pathetic and desperate for yn it’s just OOOOOO like it HITS THE SPOT MA’AM 🙏🏼 IT DO IT REALLY DO 🙏🏼 💯that whole chapter had me gripping my sheets. and the moment i finished it i started to literally feel earth’s rotation on heeseung i started seeing frequencies on niki i started hearing shapes like that shit altered my brain’s chemistry i’m telling u bro fr fr wallahi 🙏🏼 ANYWHO going back to the hoon fist fuck event (not really just pathetic hoon himself) i know his ass is gonna be dramatically sliding down the wall while gripping his hair and listening to needy by ariana grande when the gc brings up yn’s hook up with fuma 😭 like i know damn well bros gonna film 3 different sad music videos istg. looking at the camera all sad and shit. “you & i” by one direction but make it park sunghoon version. (also yn posting a very revealing sexy bad bitch hot girl summer ahh story with needed me by rihanna after she knows hoon is down bad diabolically expeditious for her When.) (i NEED sunghoon to rip his hair out at that like it’s not a want it’s a need i need him to lose his mind as payback for him being a sassy mf 😒) (u rlly think u the shit bitch. U NAWT EVEN THE FART 🥱) (i literally have no clue why i have beef with sunghoon rn don’t ask 😭) sunghoon u really fumbled the bag dawg 🤣🫵 pathetic ahh. look where your “snowflakes” and “ur parents never loved yous” got you sunghoon. IN MISERY FOR GOOD PUSSY 🤣🤣🤣🤣🫵🫵🫵 (ik he’s gonna win the bag again soon but let me have my moment) anyways sPEAKING OF FUMA 🙈 now when i tell u… that was so embarrassing. fuma why r u like this like r u not embarrassed. r u not ashamed of urself. do u have no dignity. what’s ur phone number. what’s ur address. what’s ur fav type of flower baby? white chocolate or milk chocolate angel boy? (do they make men like fuma anymore 💔) i’m so so so glad yn has a man like fuma in her life. (he did the bare minimum but he better be the fucking standard especially after that aftercare i’m LOOKING AT YOU BITCHASS SUNGHOON 🫵WITH YOUR BIGASS EGO DAMN😟) i can’t wait to see more fuma & yn (and sunghoon’s desperate jealous ass) like im so seated for all the upcoming events with fuma 🫶🏼🫶🏼 anyways so now let me ask u a serious question haha … 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂how do i become tsuki pls i need heeseung so bad this is not a joke😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂like bro i totally wasn’t punching air at all the tsuki & hee references😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂ion even like hee like that it’s coo😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂(typing this shit with tears in my eyes while looking at my heeseung lockscreen💔) idk what i was expecting when i became a heeseung stan hes a PLAYAAAA🗣️ always whoring around ☹️#Hee4DaStreets ❗️ANYWAYS let’s move on i can always reread poison (masterpiece sent from above) anytime which i will be doing very soon bcs i miss my man 🤕🤕
alright now that that’s out of the way idk what to say other than i love the triplets (the older ones) with yn sm 💔 especially jaeyun bcs him & yn r like this 🤞 fr. and hEESEUNG GOT HIS DICK BITTEN 🤣🤣🫵🫵🫵🫵 that’s what your ass gets for whoring around😒😒😒😒(i’m jk don’t jump me) but anywho jaeyun is just like me. idk how to act around hot Women 🙏🏼 (can’t spell women without W!!) he’s so real he represents me in the story so well. anyways thoughts & prayers for jongseong’s nonexistent dry ahh sex life🙏🏼 (side note: jay baby i’m always just a call away🫶🏼) (and to think that i was calling hee a whore i’m sorry *looks away* 😕)
anywho sending u so so so much love babyyyy !! thank u sm for the consistent updates (and i’m really happy u like my asks as much as i like taking over ur inbox with my yapping 😔🫶🏼) sending u so many hugs & kisses take care of urself angel !!! <333
1.) hoon's fist fuck event was a rollercoaster for us all and i love how i can tell you went from oh... to oh?? to WHAT THE FUCK?? bc that represents most of us very well im aftaid 🤕 and yk i gotta ghallenge that cocky fucker by twking away his ability to last long bc he's gonna cum the SECOND he gets another taste, we're talking face buried in her cunt hands free just humping the air and shit 🥰🥰
2.) AAAH PLS I LOVE HOW YOU NEVER NOT CLOWN CH!HOONIE BC HE DESERVES IT AND YOU ALWAYS EAT 🤥🤥 not the mvs and pathetic crying i love you sm ngl i was a little worried when i got to the fuma part bc i was like wHAT DID I WRITE ??? but then i realised youre just as down bad as we are 🤕 AND IM SORRY FOR GIVING TSUKI A GF THIS TIME I HAD TO MAKE HIM TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM AND YOU STAN A FLIRTY LIBRA WHORE SO THIS ISNT MY FAULT AT ALL 🤕🤕🤕
3.) i am SO relieved you guys sre enjoying their dynamics and actually know how close jaeyun and y/n are because their bond will be super important for future chaps!!!!
thank you so so so much for this baby, i hope you're taking good care of yourself and know how much i love and appreciate you 🥺🥺🥺 youre the best, my idol and role model ilysm 🤍💓💗💕💞
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starryjkoo · 11 months
have u seen the new Weverse article? The stark difference between how they praised jk and how they trashed jimin in that other article is hilarious. I think it’s time we accept that BTS is basically over. We might get a reunion and couple of songs from them in 25/26 but it’s very clear that the long term plan here is to focus on JK and JK alone. They want him to be the breakout star no matter what. So many comments were made by him and the company hinting at it since the start but the fandom keeps ignoring and excusing everything. Ppl acting dumb whenever JK says things like “ i want to be the one and only” “the biggest “ as if he isn’t a part of BTS. I’m very disappointed in how things turned out in ch2. Everything went to shit after jimin’s debut and we all know why, he really did ruin their plan and as a consequence he got neglected. These Weverse articles are an example of how hype wanted to downplay what jimin did in order to glorify the golden boy. I have zero hope and zero expectations from them when it comes to jimin’s next project, i know they won’t support him if he manages to succeed beyond their expectations, they wouldn’t want any members to surpass JK and they will make sure of that. It’s unfair to all the members not just jm btw but he’s the one who had the most potential with face. I hope JK knows what he’s doing. I won’t be supporting him anymore but i wish him the best of luck.
Yeah, the JK Weverse article is pretty terrible. I think they’re just very aggressively trying to advertise their whole A&R thing with SB. They’ve been doing this consistently and it’s kind of wild how many times SB and these producers and collaborators have been brought up every single time they talk about Jungkook and his success. They’re acknowledging (and sometimes exaggerating) Jungkook’s success but only so they can take credit for it. If you read it again, you’ll notice that every time they praise Jungkook they’re connecting that praise to their system. Like this is their concluding statement -
“Thanks to that, Jung Kook’s been able to collaborate with world-class international pop creatives, to sing songs entirely in English for the whole world, and, in the end, become a pop star who can show off his musical tastes without fear of hitting writer’s block”
So they’re attributing his success to being able to collaborate with western creatives, singing in English, and not having to deal with writers block (which is all thanks to them) and that's what this article is actually about. And they’re again taking credit for his success 😭 The whole article is honestly kind of shady towards Jungkook imo, and it’s weird how they keep bringing up he has no writing or producing credits when that’s not out of the norm. It’s a propaganda piece trying to boost their whole A&R system and it’s why I said in an earlier post I was so frustrated they were making Jungkook’s whole debut not about him, but about SB’s stupid A&R thing.
But concerning Jimin actually, if you don’t remember it, please go and reread the album review they did for FACE. It’s excellent (sounds like it was written by a hardcore JM stan lmao)
Seriously compare this to what they wrote for Jungkook and tell me who you think got the better album review here? If you have time, you should look up the album review they did for Layover too. It was also really good. Compared to those, the JK article is absolutely terrible and a huge disservice to him imo. But it shows you that Golden (to HYBE, not to JK) is just a vehicle for the company to push their agenda - and that’s exactly why they were willing to invest so much into it (and I mean, they're a corporation so I expect it).
The thing with FACE was that it was a personal passion project for Jimin and it was never supposed to be his big commercial breakthrough. Jimin seems to be very aware of the things fans want from him because he just listed them out (blonde hair, conceptual like filter, sexy and showing skin, his signature dance style). When he releases something like that I’ll be curious how they push it because I don’t think he ever planned to promote FACE all that much or for it to have such a massively positive reception, especially in the US where he barely promoted. All the other solo albums have been similarly kind of niche and more like passion projects so I'm waiting to see how they treat a release by another member that's more commercial and targeting GP (and if they're forced to work with SB's team). JK is the only one who went for a big commercial release so far (maybe YG but k hip-hop is not a mainstream genre - but he did do some interesting stuff like w/ the NBA. Actually Le Sserafim also did something with the NBA recently, so I’m guessing HYBE has an in there now).
The whole Justin Timberlake thing was super shady though because most people should know that by saying that it severely shades the rest of the group. And the Morgan Wallen article was trash, not only because it shaded Jimin, but because they were uplifting such a nasty racist white man who is a hugely controversial figure in the US that the academy won’t even acknowledge, so that goes to show you how out of touch some of those writers are. IIRC that article was also mainly talking about the importance of radio, but I’m not going to go back and give it clicks.
And I do believe JK when he says BTS is his priority. Sure he said he wanted to be a big pop star, but he also said that the group is more important to him than solo work and that he’s going to focus on that before another solo album and made all sorts of similar comments. If he really enlists with the other guys when he could easily stay around to ride the momentum and keep building his solo career I think it makes it pretty clear where his priorities lie (not saying I would blame any of them for not enlisting right away either btw). I just really hope that SB is not going to keep being personally involved with him because it’s clear none of these people actually care about JK or his artistry or whatever, they just want to use him and take credit for everything he achieves. But I also don’t blame JK for agreeing to Golden because he loves that kind of music and was probably a fan of those producers, and it was brought to him by BangPD, someone who he trusts and who even Jimin went to for advice for FACE.
I think we just have to wait and see what happens but all the members are extremely ambitious, they’re seriously monsters, and there’s no way they’re going to be okay falling off or behind JK. But none of them as soloists are ever going to be as big as BTS either imo and I think HYBE knows that too. This is all just media play to fluff up the value of their whole HYBE US thing that they’re using JK as the poster boy for. ARMYs are even getting antsy and wanting the rest of the members to enlist - the BTS brand is just way too massive at this point.
Also as long the members are able to keep getting all the resources they need to release whatever kind of music they want I’m happy. It was cool Jimin was able to work for almost a year with literally the highest paid producer in SK for a project he was thinking about releasing as a free mixtape. That creative freedom is seriously priceless. It’s way more valuable to me than a place on TTH’s and I would think Jimin would probably think similarly too. Jimin also hasn’t really released anything proper since FACE, so I’m just going to wait and see what happens. He did renew so that gives me hope that he has a solid amount of power there. I get why some people are done but I still think it's going to be okay personally, just occasionally very frustrating.
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cha1cedony · 1 year
Okay fine I’ll do one of these (because I like to talk about myself hehehe). Thanks @roboobin for tagging me B)
A very long ‘get to know me’ post below…
Last song: Apparently it was ‘Two Time’ - Jack Stauber, according to Spotify? I’ve also been relistening to a few tracks from Falsettos all day, for some reason. ‘I’m Breaking Down’ got stuck in my head somehow. I’m not super big on musical theater, but I LOOOOVE Falsettos and especially Trina :) You can probably tell I have a certain type of favorite characters/media lol.
Favorite color: Light greyish blue (or white, grey, silver, orrrr light greyish green?)
Last movie: I actually have no idea. Maybe Nimona with my IRLs a few months ago? I almost NEVER watch movies in full because I get bored of them easily. Sorry I know that’s so lame lololol
Currently watching: A commentary YouTube video to use as background noise while I do my writing assignments lol. Like I said, I don’t really watch a lot of movies or TV :/
Currently reading: Nothing, unfortunately! I haven’t read any books/stories in an embarrassingly long time :( I am so ridiculously busy and haven’t had the time/motivation to read and get invested in new characters. I have a bunch of series I want to reread for nostalgia purposes, though. I’m also strangely tempted to read the Animorphs series? LOL. I looked it up on AO3 for the first time a few months ago while in the kids’ section of the library with my IRLS and we were assessing the popularity of kids’ books based on the amount of AO3/Wattpad fics (btw, there are a shockingly low amount of Geronimo Stilton fics in the world). I wasn’t expecting there to be an Animorphs fandom, but there IS? And the fics are really GOOD even though I don’t know the source material? Anyway. Tempted to read it because I like putting teens in situations /lh. Also I want to read more short stories! Send me recommendations, if you have any.
Last thing I googled: This is so embarrassing. ‘Bathroom cruising’ LMAOOOO. I was just writing a funny bit, but I wanted to make sure it was accurate, okay? T_T Other recent searches include my voice lesson Lieder, various areas I’ve felt pain recently (because I’m a hypochondriac /lh), and a vlog I had to watch for my job… I was writing an article about it.
Sweet/spicy/savory: Savory. Every time. I love savory foods, and they’re basically the only types of food I ever crave. Then I would go with spicy, but only if it’s spicy in a flavorful way (and not just a painful way). I don’t like sweet foods except for chocolate—and, even then, I am infamous among my friends and acquaintances for only liking SUPER dark chocolate… like 70% cocoa or more. I would say my favorite flavor profile is bitter! :)
Current obsession: I think y’all already know :^) I am incapable of having more than one strong interest at once, soooo DnDads has quite literally been occupying my brain since liiiike October 2022… almost a year ago now! o_o Holy shit. I’ve been really busy with work and school in the past month or so, so I haven’t done basically anything else in my free time. I’d like to start cross stitching again because I have some projects to finish, and I got some of my late grandmother’s jewelry-making supplies recently, so I’ll toy around with that, too.
Currently working on: Like, right this second? Discussion post replies for my Writing in Digital Environments course :p In general? As far as hobbies go, the beginnings of my next longfic chapter! As far as work goes, I’m working on article about a mural. I have to drive like 30 mins to get a features image for it tomorrow ugh. At least I get to kill time on the clock :’)
I don’t want to tag anyone in particular, but, obviously, if you want to do this, you can just say I tagged you. Shhh I won’t tell ;) hehehe
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hard-core-super-star · 11 months
do you have any Kate fics that make you feel exactly like this? melting from so much cuteness and giggling and stuff like that. oh okay, so this happens more when you reread it than when you write it down, noted, it's just that it seems hard to keep a straight face while writing things like this mostly smut or maybe the cutest life-changing, heart-warming thing in the world. lmao, I think you can steal this. I mean, give it a try???jshakksks. yes, it does. 🫠
I don't know if it would be fair for me to say it since you didn't say some things either- yeahhh I won't get over it. I'm here to see what would happen. It wasn’t a good surprise tho😭😭
SEE?? how can this be a problem? this is something cool. you can literally claim 19 as your lucky number. you still remember what she replied??
YEP LMAO, it's okay, I didn't expect superman tho, if that's any use. tumblr is the social media you use most? It literally has nothing to do with the subject of tiktok but I was curious. “I feel so old” — said a 19 year old. I feel like that too hdkska. sometimes it's strange to feel like a grandma, but not just anyone... those with conservative beliefs, this is the peak of rock bottom.
yeah, you can call that a win. now I don't know how to create a context to let this person know, and my brain can't work right now lmao.
poor rubix's brain, besides melting and freak out almost all the time, it works all the time- I don't think I've ever heard of 8 Ocean 🤔 stop, that shouldn't sound that funny skehwjkak. NO???? I MEAN, SAYING THEY'RE NOT IMPORTANT DOESN'T HELP AT ALL!! mhmm, I just did it 🙃
– 🌟
ask me again in the morning and i might be able to pull enough braincells together to give you a list of fics that aren't just my own lmao. weirdly enough, writing smut can sometimes be easier than writing fluff 😶 it’s definitely hard to keep a straight face with both and, if i’m at home, i usually have to take breaks and walk away before i start giggling at my own lines. it’s easier to appreciate what i write when i don’t wait until the last minute to write it. great, it’s halfway to going on my wall 👍 it sounds both hilarious and awful lmao.
i think it would be extremely fair. and in return i’ll spill some more of my very obvious thoughts. you just love to cause chaos and make my heart stop every few sentences, don't you?
i don't know, i’m still not convinced but i’m glad you find it entertaining and not weird. and yeah, of course i remember, i think it's going to be engrained in my brain forever. i basically just sent something saying how cool the music videos for the Crybaby singles had been so far and she thanked me [and called me by my name which was quite the experience] and talked about how fun the music videos had been to shoot. it's nothing like super significant but it was unexpected and i still think about it to this day because…well, it’s tegan. i don't think i have to say anything else.
it certainly does help me feel a little better so i’ll take it. a win is a win. yeah, Tumblr is mainly it, i still use Instagram but the things i post are random af and basically just for my self and my before mentioned only friend. i know i’m technically not old but damn, people my age are annoying af. with a few exceptions of course but 🙃 is thinking kids shouldn't be allowed to have phones at such a young age really a slightly conservative belief? i think it's just common sense tbh.
something tells me the person will know so you don't have to worry too much about it 👀
not this again akskdjdjsjsj yeah, my brain is quite overwhelmed all the time, it's not as fun as it sounds. i can't recommend it enough, fuck the critics. here are two reasons to watch it, ready? sandra bullock and cate blanchett. what more do you need??? if you need gay subtext, it's definitely there, btw. I ALREADY APOLOGIZED FOR THE MISUNDERSTANDING, WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME??? thank you for this, i’ll be thinking about it until i fall asleep.
0 notes
Hey there! I just read your post about liking Bobs Burgers and your feelings being hurt because of how the situation was handled (I totally agree with you btw). I noticed that at the bottom of the post you had some autism hashtags. I’m not trying to be rude, I’m just curious: were the tags related to the show or related to you? Meaning, are you autistic? Again, I’m not trying to be rude, my 3 year old son has moderate autism and I was intrigued by your post as (although he’s nonverbal), things like that bother him too.
So I am autistic and bobs burger is my special interest which I why I tagged it.
Thank you for asking though :D
On an unrelated note, I absolutely wanna say thank you for everyone's really nice messages on that post, I did not expect it to blow up the way It did. I keep going back and rereading all the comments on it and I get all excited and happy so thank you for turning my shitty day into a really good day :)
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mythgirlimagines · 2 years
DVHS Reread: Chapter V.III
"A rule clarification, at the very least, would keep the trial fair in this case," Abe continues, building off of Sasaki. "After the vote, you can't possibly rule whether it's correct if you don't know what the correct verdict would be in the first place."
Monokuma opens his mouth, then closes it, mulling over his words before giving us his decision. We stand in charged silence until he speaks again. "Okay, here's what's gonna happen if you're so insistent. Since you smartasses are only alive because you voted correctly every other time, I'll leave this up to you. All you have to do is convince me that the conclusion you draw is the right one, and we'll carry on from there. That sound fair enough to you?"
I had a fun time thinking of that rule, or at least building off of what V3 more or less established about what happens when Monokuma doesn’t know exactly what happened: the class has to convince him, and then he’ll rule based on that.
"I mean-" Yoshida yawns again, wider this time- "we were all mostly alone after the time limit was announced. Any of us could've been up in the teachers' lounge, unaccounted for from that time until, what, this morning? It would be a waste of time if none of us could provide a tight alibi." She presses the back of her hand to her mouth, holding in another yawn. "Shit, I'm tired."
I’m just as tired now writing this as she was during this trial, and it’s only 7:36pm as I’m writing this. This won’t be posted for a few weeks btw, I’m doing this far in advance to procrastinate homework.
He looks a bit shocked that I picked up on that. What can I say? I'm good with words. "I was mostly just thinking out loud, but it's possible, I think. Sasaki said that common broom has the same effect as cardiac arrest, so maybe it's possible that Yasu did go into cardiac arrest, but from her condition instead of the common broom."
If Nakamura had pressed on this, Sasaki and Yasu’s fan would’ve failed. Just things to think about.
Still, he says nothing. That worries more than anything. "Come on, Abe." Nakamura sounds just steps away from pleading. "We're all expecting a lot of you, we need your help."
It's blink-and-you-miss-it, but if my eyes aren't playing tricks on me, Abe flinches. "I'll figure this out," he vows. His voice doesn't sound shaky, exactly, but there's something just slightly tight and unstable about it. "I'll… I'll live up to your expectations."
Nakamura you S.O.B. This was, of course, meant to be foreshadowing, but that’s still incredibly mean of him.
"What would the ultimate goal be if this were a trap? As much as it may seem otherwise, I don't actually think any of you would conspire to kill everyone." Aoyama's eyes appear to double in size when he realizes what he said. "Wow. I must be tired."
Yoshida smiles sleepily, reminding me of how Oshiro looked in the mornings when the two of them joked together in the dining hall. "Aww, I knew under those layers of being a total dick you were just a big softie." She starts laughing, complete with snorts, before she can even finish her sentence. "Seriously, can we please wrap this up? I need to get to bed."
I fight the urge to smile at their short exchange. I think that's the closest they'll come to apologizing to each other.
These two are so fun to mess with, even in more serious times.
"I beg to differ!" Monokuma sniffs indignantly. "Maybe it wasn't meant to be part of the case, but the killer must think they're sooooo clever for taking advantage of it! If it weren't for that damned shirt, I wouldn't have to be piecing this together with you brats! Jeez, relying on you like this, how pathetic can a bear get?"
My mouth falls open, but I shut it just as quickly, hoping nobody saw that momentary lapse in judgement. I can't believe that Monokuma of all people said something helpful. Not to mention it brings me to a conclusion, but… It's not a pretty conclusion to come to.
Imagine Monokuma being helpful smh
"The only thing Abe was wrong about was wanting to kill everyone with this plan. Yasu and I had a specific goal in mind: what would happen if Monokuma made an incorrect ruling? So if you all voted for someone else, or if you voted for her death being natural, and Monokuma already ruled you correct because he didn't know any better, what would happen if I came forward after?"
This was what brought me to constructing this case to begin with, in part because of Sonia’s interruption of the vote (post-vote?) in the second trial of SDR2. That part always makes me wonder, what if that had actually swayed the case?
This one is a reference to Little Shop of Horrors!
She almost seems to meet my eyes before shifting to someone else. Surely she must see its reflection looming over her as she reaches into the center pocket of her overalls. The plant monster grows larger even without her tending to it until it opens its mouth thing, slowly closing in on her. In the instant before it comes crashing down, swallowing her in one bite and burping afterward like a cartoon, she throws something with all of her strength at the base of the divider.
Abe is the only one of us who unfreezes quickly. With something akin to dread in his gait, he goes to the divider and kneels to get a better look. After a few seconds pass, he straightens and turns to us. His skin looks ashen. "She had the blossom the whole time. It couldn't have been what killed Yasu. Monokuma's verdict was wrong."
Y’all the CHILLS I had when I planned and wrote this section.
I knew there was something off about all this. Why didn't Sasaki say something? Why didn't she stop us? "Holy shit," Yoshida says softly in realization. "It all went according to their plan. Because Yasu died of natural causes and Sasaki wrongly took the fall. They were both sacrifices in their own plan, not just Yasu."
I nod solemnly and gulp. "And I think Monokuma just broke his own rules."
"Not to mention, even Abe got it wrong." Nakamura spares him a quick glance. "I'm...kinda shocked."
"Trust me, so am I." Abe's teeth are gritted, his hands curled into tight fists at his side. He doesn't look at us. "Just wait for the transmission now. I don't want to talk about it."
Nakamura stoppppp.
"Heeeeeey!" I can hear the voice clearly now, though I still don't recognize it. Is it okay to be putting our trust in these unknown women? We don't even know their names! "We're almost in! You have to hang- a little longer! Put your trust in us and-" 
“Us and Future Foundation” would be the rest of that sentence.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
so i just reread your shinomitsu royal au post (which is still amazing btw) and i got to the part when Shinobu talks about the old suitor that told Mitsuri she ate too much. i was just curious on how the interaction would go now that Mitsuri shows Shinobu is a female. like what would happen if they actually did end up running into the old suitor now?
thank you!!
The Unseemly Suitor
ShinoMitsu Royalty AU Addendum
A/N: Hi, I’m glad you enjoyed my work! Sorry this took so long. I bet you were probably expecting kind of a one note answer, but I liked the premise so I used it to expand the universe a bit. I hope you like it! If anyone’s interested in where I have Mitsuri’s siblings in terms of age, it’s Taiyo 15ish, Akimitsu 9, Kazuhiko and Shoma are 6 and Haruhi is 4. Warning: The old suitor is a real asshole and makes awful comments to Mitsuri about her habits and appearance. I blocked off the worst of it with, ‘~~~’ Take care of yourselves! First installment HERE if you are interested! Word Count:~7,000
“There we are, very dapper, Princess.”
“Thank you Nezuko. You did a wonderful job.” Shinobu praised the young seamstress while adjusting the cuff of her sleeve.
“Yes, you look incredible my dear!” Mitsuri chimed in from where she had been lounging nearby. It took everything she had not to pounce on Shinobu right then and there.
The young royal couple had been invited to Prince Muichiro’s 14th birthday party and Shinobu had just gotten a suit tailored for the occasion. She no longer had to concern herself with keeping her gender a secret, but she really did enjoy the fit of a well made suit when she felt like it. Mitsuri also very clearly liked it when she wore them as well. A nice bonus.
“Princess Mitsuri, your turn for last adjustments.” Nezuko called.
Shinobu stepped off of the stool and offered Mitsuri a chivalrous hand so that she may step up in her place. With a teasing smirk, she kissed her wife’s hand and went to sit where Mitsuri had moments ago.
Mitsuri blushed, a goofy grin free of self-consciousness bloomed across her face. As Nezuko worked on her dress, she had to try really hard not to hum and sway. She was really looking forward to the party. She liked Prince Muichiro a lot and she hadn’t gotten to see him since before the war with Muzan started. Then there would be the food and the dancing of course. She was really looking forward to dancing with Shinobu. It would be their first time doing so at a major even like this. It was sure to be a great party!
“Princess,” Nezuko giggled, “you’re wiggling again.”
“Ah, sorry!”
Shinobu chuckled behind her hand and Mitsuri caught her eye in the mirror and in a very unlady like manner that would have her mother and Hinatsuru hanging their heads, she stuck her tongue out at her.
When Nezuko finished with Mitsuri’s dress, the couple thanked her again and began the walk down to the main foyer to wait for the rest of the Kanroji’s to come down to the carriages.
“Are you excited, Shinobu?” Mitsuri asked as she spun around Shinobu as she walked through the hallway.
“I don’t think I could ever be as excited as you.” Shinobu smiled warmly. “I’m actually not much of a party person.”
“Hmm, I want to act all surprised and affronted, but you are definitely a quiet night in type.”
“I can handle a soirée every now and then. It isn’t as if I’m antisocial. It’s just that some of the people who show up to these events are… jackasses.”
“Shinobu!” Mitsuri smacked Shinobu’s arm and tried very hard not to laugh along with her. “I hope you keep that language to yourself tonight, really. We have to make a good impression.”
“You’re right of course, but you know it’s true. It’ll be worse not knowing who anyone is, but everyone will know me.”
“I know, but I’ll be by your side the whole time. Once our allies see that the Kochou’s truly mean no harm, that will open up a lot of doors.”
Though the Kochou’s and the Kanroji’s had put aside their differences and united, the smaller nation allies each side held were still weary of the previously opposing super powers and their doors remained closed to them. In a way, Prince Muichiro’s birthday also served as a way for Shinobu to represent the Kochou’s and their good intentions. In other words, the event was like any other royal function. It served as a front for several intersecting businesses transactions, tradings and politics.
“I’ll tell you who someone is if they feel brave enough to approach, but you just have to remember that people are going to be focusing more on your actions than words tonight.” Mitsuri said, absently straightening the collar of Shinobu’s jacket.
“Now you know that’s definitely not true, otherwise you would let me say, ‘jackass’.”
Another smack at Shinobu’s chest, a bit harder than the last.
“How did I end up with such a cheeky wife?” Mitsuri pouted in a playful manner.
“It’s a bit of a long story. I doubt we have the time.” Shinobu grinned.
“Ah, sorry for the wait, darlings. Some people didn’t want to get into their party clothes.” Queen Kanroji said, giving her sons a pointed look.
“They’re itchy!” Akimitsu whined.
“Too poofy!” Kazuhiko grumbled, pulling at his shirt.
“And hot!” Shoma added.
“I think I look cool. I’m like Shinobu.” Taiyo said as he stood proudly and struck a dramatic pose.
“I want to wear a suit too!” Haruhi exclaimed, struggling to pick up her skirts and walked down the stairs at the same time.
“When it’s your birthday you can where whatever you want.” The Queen waved, slightly exasperated. She grabbed hold of Shoma and re-buttoned his shirt before he could fully slip out of it. “Dear!” She called, raising her voice in the hopes her husband would hear her, “if you could come down and help me with this, I would be most grateful.”
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” King Kanroji grumbled. He took the stairs two at a time and scooped up Kazuhiko and Shoma before they could run away. “You two are riding with your mother and I.”
The youngest brothers grumbled unhappily while Akimitsu tried fruitlessly to scratch a specific spot on his back that he could not reach. Taiyo helped him out, while at the same time looking over at Shinobu like she was the most fascinating person in the world. Haruhi bounded up to Mitsuri and begged her sister to pick her up which she did happily.
The family split between the two carriages and began the journey to Tokito’s castle. While the Queen and King had a hell of a time trying to keep Kazuhiko and Shoma in line, Shinobu and Mitsuri had an enjoyable ride with Akimitsu, Taiyo and Haruhi. They played I spy as they made their way down the mountain. Although Akimitsu would still occasionally complain about the itchiness of his shirt, his older brother was able to convince him to stay clothed fairly easily while asking Shinobu a bunch of questions about medicine advancements in her home kingdom.
All of Mitsuri’s siblings loved Shinobu. They thought Prince Shinobu was nice and they were happy that he treated their big sister well. When they learned that the Prince was actually a Princess after protecting their sister so valiantly, they became absolutely smitten. It wasn’t uncommon for Shinobu to make her way around the castle with a handful of Kanroji siblings trailing behind her.
“We’re here~!” Mitsuri warbled, looking out the window. Akimitsu and Taiyo swarmed the window, leaving no space for Haruhi to see. She pouted until Mitsuri picked her up and showed her what layer outside. Shinobu stayed put and watched the siblings squabble contently. It made her wish that she could have let Kanae and Kanao come too.
“I can’t see anything!” Haruhi whined. “It’s too foggy!”
“A thick cloud of mist always blankets the forest around Tokito Castle. It’s a great natural defense against outsiders.” Mitsuri explained.
“The humidity always messes up my hair.” Taiyo sighed, running his fingers through his hair, “it’s already frizzing.”
“You still look great, don’t worry. In fact you look cuter.” Mitsuri teased, reaching over to ruffle his hair and laughing when he batted her away, using Shinobu as a shield.
The carriage slowed and came to a halt. The footman came and opened the door, assisting everyone out of the carriage. The family merged between the two carriages and went over formalities once more.
“Your mother, siblings and I will be introduced first. Then you two, as the new couple and next in line to the crown, will be introduced separately.” King Kanroji reminded Mitsuri who nodded.
“Don’t worry papa, we got this!” She winked, slipping her arm through Shinobu’s.
“We will be on our best behavior.” Shinobu agreed.
“It’s not your behavior that concerns us.” Queen Kanroji piped up worriedly, “There will be a lot of eyes on you tonight. Be prepared for some… not so friendly looks.”
“Pay those old biddies no mind, ladies.” King Kanroji said, pulling Shoma back to his side before he could run to the muddy puddles further down the road. “Just have fun tonight.”
“Will do!” Mitsuri grinned.
Mitsuri and Shinobu waited at the front entrance as the rest of the family was introduced, the light, warmth and quiet rumblings of conversation from within feeding into the evening air.
“If you ever need to disappear for a bit, let me know.” Mitsuri whispered. “There is a lovely garden in the courtyard, a pretty fountain too.”
“Sounds romantic.” Shinobu whispered back, “I think you will drag me off before the night is through regardless.”
“Now introducing, the successors of the Kanroji crown, Princess Mitsuri Kanroji-Kochou and… Princess Shinobu Kanroji-Kochou.” The announcer cleared his throat awkwardly and the rumble of conversation died. It was so quiet that the couple could hear their footsteps resonate with each step.
Mitsuri and Shinobu didn’t let the silence intimidate them and walked through the parted crowd to where Prince Tokito sat in a regal chair on a raised platform at the opposite end of the ballroom.
“Good evening Prince Muichiro and happy birthday! It is very good to see you again. I hope you have been well.” Mitsuri curtsied, presenting the young Prince with her and Shinobu’s gift.
Muichiro blinked slowly like a cat before nodding. “Thank you,” he murmured distractedly, “was I supposed to bring something too?”
“Just yourself, Prince Muichiro.” Mitsuri smiled, pulling Shinobu to stand more directly in the boy’s line of sight. “This is my wife, Princess Shinobu, of the Kochou Family.”
Muichiro’s head tilted with muted interest and his eyes locked onto Shinobu’s.
“Yes,” Shinobu bowed, “a pleasure to meet you Prince Muichiro. Thank you for extending the invitation to me as well.”
“Hm, it doesn’t matter to me. It was just a whim. I had forgotten until now.” He shrugged.
“I see, well, my gratitude still stands.” Shinobu replied without pause.
“We will see you around young Prince, I hope you enjoy your party!” Mitsuri said, earning another disinterested hum from the boy. Then she guided Shinobu back off of the platform and towards her parents.
“He’s certainly… something.” Shinobu whispered.
“He’s a sweet boy. His mind just tends to wander. I think it’s related to an accident he had when he was younger.” Mitsuri informed.
“We do have great doctors back home. If things work out tonight, maybe his parents would let them take a look at him.” Shinobu was already going through a few hypotheses in her mind as they reconnected with the rest of the family.
“So far so good.” Taiyo shrugged. “No pitchforks at least.”
“Taiyo…” Queen Kanroji hushed her eldest son.
“I’m only trying to lighten up the mood. Everybody is so quiet. I thought this was supposed to be a party.”
“Well, let’s make it look more like one then!” Kazuhiko grinned and began flailing his body around in a way that looked more like he was having an attack than dancing.
“Yeah, yeah!” Shoma joined his brother, looking just as ridiculous. It didn’t take long for Akimitsu to join in as well.
They certainly didn’t share the same affinity for it as their older sister, or even Taiyo. Haruhi, the youngest and not one to be left out, began to wiggle along.
“Children, please.” Queen Kanroji sighed tiredly.
“Ah, rest easy darling. Come, help me greet a few dignitaries and tie a few loose ends so we can join in on some real fun.” King Kanroji took his wife’s hand and walked into the crowd that had began conversing again, but their eyes still lingered on the outsider in their midst.
Mitsuri obstructed Shinobu’s view and offered her hand for a dance which she happily took. They danced while her siblings danced around them and partners switched hands numerous times until they had tired themselves out.
“I’ll see about getting us some drinks.” Shinobu offered.
The Kanroji siblings were all sitting at their assigned table in various states of fatigue. Little Haruhi had already fallen asleep on Mitsuri’s lap and the brothers were still panting and sweating from their erratic moves.
“I’ll come with you.”
Before Mitsuri could hand off Haruhi to Taiyo, Shinobu dissuaded her.
“I’ll be quick. Sit tight.” She touched her shoulder and then was off.
When she got to the banquet table, she perused the drinks for the nonalcoholic options which was more difficult than it should have been. There was a healthy smattering of children besides the Kanroji’s there. The water and fruit juices shouldn’t have been set so close to the champagne and alcoholic punches in her opinion.
As she scoured the table, she felt a presence approach her from behind and turned with a smile, expecting to find Mitsuri or Taiyo coming to help her, but instead she found a young man she was not aquatinted with sidle up beside her at the table. He was a plain man, dark hair, tall, taller than Shinobu anyway. He smiled down at her and though he hadn’t said a word yet, Shinobu felt immediately condescended.
“Princess Shinobu, wow, a pleasure meeting you. You look lovely tonight. I can’t imagine just how many necks you’d snap in a dress.” He chuckled, taking a glass of champagne from the table.
Shinobu made a mental comment about how she could probably snap a neck right now, before putting on her best diplomatic smile and greeted the man.
“I thank you good sir, you flatter me, truly. Forgive me, but I’m still unfamiliar with the nobility on this side of the boarder. I hope you don’t find it horribly rude of me to ask for your name?” Wow, she spoke without an inkling of bite. Kanae would be proud.
“Oh, no trouble at all I assure you. I am Viscount Junichi Ibara. I was really hoping for a word with you actually, about your older sister?”
If Shinobu’s guard wasn’t up before, it sure as hell was now.
“Oh, what about her?” She asked, her faux smile sharp.
“I realize that there are still tensions between the allies of your homeland and ours. Forgive me if I come off as a little uncouth for that is certainly not my intention, but is Princess Kanae involved in any serious courtship? I think it might be a good idea to take a page out of your book and make more connections, if you know what I mean?” Junichi chuckled, taking a sip of champagne.
“She is spoken for I’m afraid. Apologies.” Shinobu deserved an award at this point. Had she had home field advantage, this man would already be crying in the fetal position and Giyuu or Gyomei would have thrown him out. Unfortunately, here she had to be on her absolute best behavior.
“Ah, a shame. May I inquire as to whom stole her heart?”
This man. Shinobu sighed inwardly. It was no secret back home that Kanae’s guard, Sanemi Shinazugawa, was soft on her and Kanae very much liked him. They weren’t officially together per se, but everyone was waiting for the man to finally make a move, especially now that Shinobu had a happy marriage of her own. He was rough and battle hardened in appearance, but he had compassion beneath it all.
It was uncommon and generally frowned upon for royals to marry below their status, but far be it of Shinobu to act ashamed of her sister’s choice of partnership.
“He is not of any royal standing, Viscount, but he his noble in every other sense of the word.” She answered smartly, gathering the last of the fruit juice flutes between her fingers, uncaring of how gauche she might have appeared.
“True love, is it?” He laughed, “Seems childish when there’s a kingdom to rule in her future. I heard you have a younger sister as well. Just how young is she?”
Shinobu gripped the glass flutes almost hard enough to crack them. Still, her smile persisted. “Too young for you I’m afraid. Excuse me, I must be on my way.” She turned on the man and walked back to the table, shoulders tense.
Taiyo met her half way, as he seemed to have been looking for her. He took three of the glasses in into his hands and gave her a concerned look.
“Everything good? Mitsu was getting worried about you.”
“Yes, I’m fine. Let’s get back to the table.” Shinobu didn’t see a need to sound any alarms over some sleazy, power hungry Viscount. She doubted she would have to deal with him again anytime soon, but she was definitely putting him in her mental shit list should their paths cross again.
“There you are, I was getting worried you know. No one was giving you a hard time, right?” Mitsuri asked, giving Shinobu a look very similar to the one her brother had given her just moments ago.
Shinobu sat beside her, and handed sleepy Haruhi a glass of juice, making sure she didn’t spill on Mitsuri as she drank.
“No, nothing I couldn’t handle. You needn’t worry. I’ll tell you about it when we go home if you’d like.”
“I would like.” Mitsuri nodded. She would drop it for now. It was smarter to avoid conflict at this point when the allies were still wary.
She relaxed after a few minutes, laughing along with Shinobu and Taiyo at the dumb jokes Shoma and Kazuhiko made. A bit later, she noticed how hungry all of that dancing had made her and passed Haruhi off to Shinobu so that she could peruse the banquet table with her brothers.
“Want me to get you anything?”
“I’d like a little something, please. Haruhi? Do want anything?” Shinobu asked the small girl in her lap. Poor girl looked as exhausted as Shinobu felt. It was way past her bedtime.
She rose her head from Shinobu’s shoulder and said, “Cheese.” before pouting and flopping back face down to avoid the brightness of the room.
“Got it.” Mitsuri giggled. “I’ll be right back.”
She walked up to the long table of goodies with her brothers and they all dispersed to different sections looking ravenous. Mitsuri hummed to herself as she piled food onto a plate. She noticed the drink table and went to grab a couple more glasses, reaching past the man who seemed to take up the whole table.
“Pardon my reach.” She said politely. She almost dropped her plate when the man turned around with an inquisitive brow raised. His cheeks flushed from how much champagne he had drank.
“Well, well, Princess Mitsuri Kanroji.” Junichi looked over her body, his lip curled with displeasure though he managed to sound almost cordial when he spoke. “Look at you, a married woman and me, still a bachelor. Now that’s irony if I’ve ever seen it.”
Why was he invited here?
“Viscount,” Mitsuri greeted stiffly. She reached for a couple flutes of fruit juice and Junichi scoffed, making Mitsuri blush with shame.
“I see nothing much has changed.” He said, the disgust in his tone seeping through. “Still a glutton and you didn’t re-dye your hair black like I recommended to cover up that gaudy pink. I don’t know how Princess Shinobu could stand something so unseemly. Though I suppose, she hadn’t a choice in the matter. Arranged marriage and all.” He said, tutting sympathetically in the direction of the Kanroji table. “Poor thing. With dainty looks like that she could have done so much better than you.”
“I will not have you speak to me in such a manner.” Mitsuri swallowed nervously. His words hurt badly, but she knew Shinobu’s love for her was true. She wouldn’t let Junichi be anything more than a bad memory. “You are far out of line for a man so far below on the chain of command.”
Junichi cackled, swiping another glass of champagne. “Grown a backbone have we?” Then his smile disappeared and he drew in close, making Mitsuri flinch. She felt a little woozy as the scent of alcohol came off of his breath in waves. “You’re trembling you know.”
He withdrew, but not nearly as far as Mitsuri would have liked. “Allow me to do you a favor, Princess,” he took the plate of food from Mitsuri’s hand and placed it behind her on the banquet table, “have something a little lighter. Wouldn’t want your war issued spouse to grow tired of you, wouldn’t we?”
Mitsuri pushed past Junichi and walked away briskly, fighting back the tears bubbling past her ducts and blurring her vision. She didn’t even hear Kazuhiko and Shoma call out to her from the dessert end of the table as she escaped to the courtyard.
Shinobu was in the middle of suppressing a yawn when the twins ran up to her with chocolate covered cheeks.
“Sugar high, boys?” She smiled. That would be a lot to deal with until they crashed.
“Little big sis Shinobu,” Kazuhiko panted.
Shinobu rolled her eyes. She still wasn’t a fan of their chosen way of addressing her, but it was better than some of the other things they came up with.
“Big sis Mitsuri, she got sad!” Shoma said.
“What…?” Shinobu turned her head to look over the length of the banquet table, her heart picked up in speed as no familiar pink hair caught her eye.
“She went outside. What do we do?” They asked her together.
“Stay with Haruhi and tell Taiyo and Akimitsu where I’ve gone. I’m going to go after Mitsuri.” Shinobu pushed two chairs together and laid Haruhi down, then she maneuvered through the party guests, ignoring every look they gave her. Only thoughts of Mitsuri had her full attention as she stepped out into the courtyard.
Fortunately, it didn’t take long to find her wife. She was sitting with her back to her on the edge of a grand fountain, her head in her hands, shoulders shaking. If not for the sound of running water Shinobu was sure she would hear her crying and a fire hot rage was then ignited in her heart.
“My love, what is wrong? What happened?” Shinobu cooed, by her side in an instant. She pulled Mitsuri’s head to rest against her chest and rocked her. Her blunt fingernails scratched comfortingly against Mitsuri’s shuddering back as she cried in Shinobu’s arms.
Who did this? Who do I need to make pay?
“Shi- Shinobu!” Mitsuri hiccuped. “I tried. I tried but he kept be- being awful, just like before. I couldn’t stand up to him. Even, even after all the things you told me I couldn’t, I caaaaan’t!” She wailed into Shinobu’s shoulder.
“Who, sweetheart, tell me who it is. What happened?” Shinobu said before wincing and thinking better of it. She wasn’t going to get anywhere with Mitsuri upset like this. The hunt could start later. Right now, Mitsuri needed her. “Never mind that right now darling, just breath with me. I’ve got you, I love you so so much. All I need you to do is breath and ground yourself.”
Mitsuri held her tighter and Shinobu grunted with effort to pull Mitsuri to sit between her thighs in a sidesaddle-like manner and continued to rock her.
“Focus on the sound of my voice. The feel of my clothes and skin against yours, the smell of my perfume… breathe with me, Mitsuri.
Mitsuri’s breaths were stuttered between sobs, but as Shinobu encouraged her, eventually she managed to stop crying, though she still hiccuped from every so often. Shinobu kissed the side of her head and offered Mitsuri her handkerchief, which the other girl blew into with the intensity of an elephant. Shinobu kissed her head again and rubbed soothing patterns over Mitsuri’s back.
Some time later, Mitsuri had gone mostly silent and Shinobu attempted to talk to her about what had hurt her so badly.
“‘Nobu,” Mitsuri sniffled, “do you remember when we talked about a suitor I used to court?”
“He’s here?” Shinobu seethed. She didn’t have to think about it hard. Mitsuri nodded against her shoulder. “Who is he, what does he look like? You have to tell me, my love.”
“I can’t. I don’t want any trouble.” She refused, hiccuping again.
“Trouble is already here. I’m not going to sit here knowing that someone in the next room over disrespected my wife and brought her to tears. I simply cannot, Mitsuri. Impressions be damned, if I cannot defend you I do not care how many doors I’ll slam shut.”
“But, Shinobu…”
“There is not a person in that room who’s opinion means more to me than you. May it be disappointing if your allies still don’t trust my family, yes, but I simply care about you more. My mother would understand. There will be more events. Give me his name.”
Mitsuri bit her lip and chewed on it. She really didn’t want to have this all fall apart because of the Viscount, but an unfamiliar part of her also wanted Shinobu to make him pay.
“If I tell you, whatever you do. Could you try to do it discreetly?” She asked.
“I would rather castrate him before the whole ballroom for all to see, but I can do discreet if that is what my Princess wishes.” Shinobu relented. As long as she got the name, as long as she could pass judgment on the man, she would do whatever Mitsuri asked.
“Shinobu, your language, please.”
“‘M sorry love. Go on, please.”
Mitsuri drew in a deep breath, and exhaled shakily. “His name is Junichi Ibara.”
“The Viscount.” Shinobu’s veins felt like they had magma running through them.
Mitsuri pulled back from Shinobu’s chest to look her in the eye. “How do you know that?”
“He stopped me at the drinks table.” Shinobu said, trying hard not to clench her teeth as she spoke. “He asked me about the likelihood of courting either of my sisters, that bastard. I’ll kill him!”
“Shinobu, you can’t!” Mitsuri had no doubt in her mind that Shinobu could and would kill a man if she saw fit and there wasn’t a man alive who deserved it more, but she couldn’t have her wife beheaded for killing a noble man, no matter how much he may have deserved it.
“It’s horrible enough what he has done to you, but he has the audacity to ask me to introduce my sisters to him? Kanae can handle herself, but Kanao? The thought of him even looking at her makes me furious!”
“And I’m right there with you,” Mitsuri assured. “I love your sisters. I don’t want anyone to get hurt. I want, I just want him to leave. Can we make him leave somehow and never come back?”
Shinobu stared hard at the bushes surrounding the perimeter of the courtyard, deep in thought. Then suddenly as she stared at the blooms, an idea began to take shape.
“Well, if murder via mountain cliff is off of the table, perhaps I can do something a little more creative.” Shinobu pondered, swiping stray tears from Mitsuri’s cheeks.
“What are you planning to do?”
“First, we’re going to enjoy the sanctity of the courtyard as you had hoped we would,” she cupped some water from the fountain into her hand and gently rubbed at the salty tear tracts that ran through Mitsuri’s make-up, “then, when we feel more like ourselves again, I’ll tell you what I have in mind.”
Mitsuri closed her eyes and rested her forehead against Shinobu’s. She almost started crying again when Shinobu began reminding her of all the things she loved about her between sweet kisses and gentle touches. Gradually, Shinobu’s words became more playful as did her ticklish touches and kisses, making Mitsuri laugh in the unrestrained way Shinobu loved.
Mitsuri slid out of Shinobu’s hold and stood, only a little wobbly. She could still hear the music playing inside so she pulled Shinobu up with her and they slow danced together around the fountain, a light breeze would occasionally blow through and spritz them with water, making Mitsuri shiver. Shinobu took off her suit jacket and draped it over Mitsuri’s shoulders before they continued on.
“I feel a lot better now.” Mitsuri murmured.
“I’m glad. I wish I could say I’ve cooled off, but I’m still furious. However,” Shinobu reached out and plucked a blossom from one of the nearby bushes, “with this, I think we will have a lot more fun tonight.”
“That’s not going to poison him, is it? Everyone will expect you if something like that happens.” Mitsuri warned.
“Not in the traditional sense of the word, no. A little of this crushed up into some champagne will give us a fine reaction. With all of the drinking he has seemed to be partaking in tonight, I doubt anyone would try to pin anything on me. Especially if we have a little help making this run more smoothly.”
“Help from who?”
Shinobu waved at someone behind Mitsuri’s head and she turned around to see Taiyo and Akimitsu jogging over to them.
“What’s happened? The twins were having a fit.” Taiyo said when he got close enough.
“You okay?” Akimitsu asked, noting his sister’s puffy eyes with concern.
“I’ll be okay. I’m upset because Junichi is here being awful. Shinobu helped me and I’m feeling better now.”
“Junichi Ibara?” Taiyo’s mouth flew wide open, and his eyebrows furrowed in anger. “I hate that guy! What did he say to you this time? I’ll punch him so hard his head will spin!”
“I’ll spit on him.” Akimitsu nodded resolutely.
“No outward shows of violence today unfortunately,” Shinobu spoke before Mitsuri could, “however, we will make him sorry if you could get me a glass of champagne, a spoon, and a bowl that would be helpful. Also, a plate of food for your sister. She must be starving.”
“Are we about to do some crazy Kochou revenge science right now? I’m here for it!” Taiyo grinned. “Come on, let’s do this.”
“Be back soon.” Akimitsu waved and jogged after his older brother.
“You just made my brothers accomplices…”
“All for a good cause. Besides, you saw how excited they looked. It would be a crime not to.”
The boys came back in a matter of minutes with the requested items and watched Shinobu work with exhilaration and fascination. Mitsuri preened on Shinobu’s behalf as she ate and listened to her brothers compliment her wife’s skills.
Shinobu explained every step, filling the bowl with a smidge of champagne, to tossing a couple petals and crushing them beneath the spoon, to finally letting it sit for a few minutes before pouring the milky colored champagne back into the glass. With a couple of stirs, it looked almost normal. She then washed the shriveled petals out of the bowl using the fountain and picked up the champagne flute and nodded to herself.
“This should be satisfactory.”
“What’s gonna happen, Shinobu? Will it be gross?” Taiyo asked, practically bouncing in his seat.
“Oh, it will be disgusting and absolutely humiliating for sure.” She smirked. “We just need to make sure he will drink it.”
“Easy. Have you seen that asshat?”
“Taiyo!” Mitsuri scolded. “Where did you learn to talk like that?”
Shinobu gave him a look behind Mitsuri, a finger raised against her lips.
“I’m not a baby anymore Mitsu. I know stuff.” He answered with a shrug. He wouldn’t throw Shinobu under the carriage like that.
“You are too a baby! My sweet baby brother, watch your language!” Mitsuri pouted.
“I’m taller than you.”
“Baby! Boy!” Mitsuri poked him twice in the chest.
“I won’t say swears, Mitsu Prime.” Akimitsu spoke up, looking away from the spider web that had caught his attention while Shinobu was working.
“I knew I could count on you Mitsu Two!” She hugged him tight enough to make him squirm a bit and Taiyo struck his tongue out at them.
“As sweet as this is, I better give the Viscount his drink before the night is through.” Shinobu stood up, glass in hand. “Go back to the table. This shouldn’t take long.”
“Shinobu, are you sure you want to do this alone?” Mitsuri certainly didn’t want Shinobu to be left alone with that venomous man, but her wife had an affinity for dealing with all sorts of toxins. She was sure she would be fine. It was just a matter of whether Junichi would swallow the champagne or have the flute broken over his smug face.
“I won’t be long darling. Go check on the twins. They’ve been unsupervised for far too long. Haruhi is probably still sleeping, or at least trying to.” Shinobu kissed the top of Mitsuri’s head and made her way back into the ballroom.
Mitsuri, though nervous, watched Shinobu go. Taiyo took her hand and brought her to her feet.
“Come on, I want a front row seat.” He grinned, pulling her along with Akimitsu trailing close behind them.
It wasn’t difficult for Shinobu to lock onto the Viscount. The pathetic man was still loitering alone at the drink table, looking visibly drunk. It made her blood boil. He thought he could judge and ridicule her wife for living a more healthy life and loving herself while he couldn’t even pace his alcohol consumption at a fourteen year old’s birthday party?
He happened to sense her approach and turned to her, the scowl on his face melted into a cocky grin. Shinobu never wanted to punch someone’s teeth out more in her life.
“Ah, Princess. Glad to see you again. ‘Been letting loose I see.” He slurred a bit, gesturing towards Shinobu’s fitted white dress shirt. Mitsuri still had her jacket.
“It is a party, is it not?” She casually placed the champagne on the table.
“That it is. You know,” he began, taking a step closer, “I couldn’t help but empathize with you all night.”
“Really.” Shinobu’s tone obviously changed to reflect how she really felt about the man, but he was too absorbed in himself to notice her ire.
“But of course. It may surprise you, but I used to court Princess Mitsuri some time ago. I thought I’d try to see it through, but I couldn’t stand her. I’m sure you can understand why,” he took the champagne flute into his hand, already forgetting that it had been in Shinobu’s possession first, and took a heavy sip, “I don’t envy your position.” He chuckled.
“Have a good night, Viscount.” Shinobu said curtly. She had never found it more difficult to walk away than in that moment, but her mission had been successful. He would be paying for his transgressions soon enough.
“That was fast.”
Mitsuri turned her head, relieved to find Shinobu stalking towards their table. She had been afraid to watch and had Taiyo give her a play by play of what was going down.
“Sit back and enjoy the show in…” Shinobu looked at the grand gold clock, then turned back, “about fifteen minutes.”
“I can’t believe we’re doing this.” Mitsuri’s heart was pounding. She had never done something so vindictive before. It was so against her nature and yet, she was surprised to find she didn’t feel bad in the slightest. This was exhilarating!
While they were all waiting, King and Queen Kanroji came back from their rounds and sat at the table, blissfully unaware of the events that had transpired in their absence.
“Ah,” King Kanroji groaned as he sat down, “Bedtime shouldn’t be a struggle tonight.” He chuckled.
“Everything running smoothly, darlings?” Queen Kanroji asked, settling Haruhi on her lap.
“We had a bit of a hiccup, but we’ve settled it.” Mitsuri answered carefully.
“Oh, what happ—“
“Good Heavens!”
“Watch it, you oaf!”
The Kanroji table turned to the commotion and saw Junichi stumbling in the middle of the ballroom. He had just thrown up at the feet of Marchioness Koyuki and her husband Marquess Hakuji.
“M-my apologiiiiblegh!” He threw up again, prompting the Marquess to pull his wife out of the line of fire.
“Pull yourself together man! Have you no shame?” The Marquess yelled, aghast.
“He’s been drinking all night.” Another noble man piped up.
“Yet he wonders how he has yet to find a bride.” A few woman giggle and jeer.
“Remind me not to invite him to any of my functions.”
“Remind me, to reject his pathetic proposal to court my daughter.”
“How unseemly!”
The ballroom threw insult upon insult at the man as he stumbled and waddled out of the castle. He threw up once more in the bushes and screamed at his coachman to prepare his carriage.
“Was… was that Viscount Junichi Ibara?” King Kanroji blinked slowly, processing, before breaking out into hearty laughter. “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!” He snickered after he had calmed down a bit.
“Why was he walking like that?” Taiyo was also struggling to breathe at this point. He sat with his forehead resting against the table to try to quell his laughter.
“You may not want to think about it too hard.” Shinobu answered, swirling a leftover flute of juice between her fingers.
“Shinobu?” Queen Kanroji looked at her questioningly. Shinobu gave the Queen a chagrined smile and a shrug before bringing her attention anywhere else.
“Oh, what have you children been up to?” The Queen sighed, a hand upon her forehead in an attempt to stem her oncoming headache. She smacked her husband’s arm when he clapped Shinobu on the back, the laughter coming back in full force. Even Mitsuri had hid her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking as she attempted to keep her laughter at bay.
“Kenji, do not encourage them!” The Queen huffed. “Everyone stop, they’re going to know we had something to do with this if you keep screeching like mules!”
“Oh, lighten up Aika. This party needed a little pick-me-up. You know he needed to be brought down a few pegs. He had this coming for years.” He stood up and clapped Shinobu’s back again with a loud, hollow thump that had the poor girl wincing. “Now I’m going to get my daughter-in-law a stiff drink to celebrate!”
Queen Kanroji, hid her eyes under her hand and sighed again.
“Is it really too much to ask for some subtly? Need I remind you what the point of tonight was? I’m only trying to keep Shinobu out of prison for poisoning a dignitary.”
“And no one appreciates that more than me, momma. Thank you.” Mitsuri kissed her mother’s cheek. “We should definitely go home now.
“Yes, yes. Please say good night to the Prince on your father’s and my behalf. Then come right outside.” The Queen said already pushing her boys towards the door before heading over to the drink table with Haruhi drooling on her shoulder to drag her husband out by his metaphorical ear.
“I’ve never seen your mother look so cross.” Shinobu commented. “It’s rather unsettling.”
“You don’t even know. The scariest is when she gets quiet.” Mitsuri shivered.
“Oh really? It’s the same with my mother.”
“I’m not surprised. Your mom is very nice to me and I’m still scared of her.”
They chuckled quietly and approached Prince Muichiro who was still sitting upon his throne with the same zoned out expression. Mitsuri curtsied and Shinobu bowed, Muichiro gave them a slight nod of acknowledgment.
“My family is preparing to take their leave. Again, thank you very much for inviting us. We had a wonderful time. I hope you’ll consider coming to my sister’s birthday celebration next month.”
“If I remember, sure.”
“We will send an official invitation in a few weeks. Don’t worry.” Mitsuri assured.
Then Muichiro’s eyes fell to Shinobu, who gave a boy a polite smile.
“I saw what you did.”
“H-hu-hu-huh? What?” Mitsuri laughed awkwardly, “Saw what? Who?”
Shinobu held her poker face, though she was caught off guard. Perhaps this boy was more observant then he let on. Certainly a dangerous adversary for those who took him at face value.
Prince Muichiro ignored Mitsuri and held Shinobu’s gaze. He tilted his head to the side appraisingly for a minute before nodding and leaning back in his chair.
“I like you, you’re like a swallow.”
“Ah, thank you.” Shinobu was not entirely sure what she had in common with the bird mentioned, but she would take it in stride if it meant the young Prince wouldn’t sell her out.
“Safe travels.” Muichiro waved the couple off and went back to seemingly staring off into space.
“Wahhh! That was so scary!” Mitsuri gasped, pulling Shinobu’s jacket closer to her in the cold night air.
“I’ll admit I was already planning on how I would decorate my cell.” Shinobu joked.
“That’s not funny, Shinobu!” Mitsuri whined.
“I know, I’m sorry.” Shinobu rose up on her toes to kiss Mitsuri’s cheek. “Let’s go home. I’m exhausted.”
“Me too. I’ve never been more tired in my life.”
Shinobu cooed at Mitsuri sympathetically and wrapped her arm around her waist as they walked to their carriages. Taiyo and Akimitsu greeted them with excited grins and detailed the last few minutes before the Viscount tore out into the night.
On the way home, they laughed together about how Junichi had stumbled into a thistle bush and had fallen into the mud before crawling into his carriage and slamming the door on his ankle. Safe to say he wouldn’t be showing his face in public for awhile.
While the carriages ascended the familiar mountain terrain, Shinobu stoked Mitsuri’s hair as she slept with her head on her lap. She pondered how she would share the story with her family or even if she should. Perhaps it would be a good idea to keep it between herself, the Kanroji Family, and Prince Muichiro for now.
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cassiopeiasara · 3 years
Wait. The new ink on Siuan was to remember Moiraine? How do we know this? Also, Moiraine was surprisingly chill about it and not 😍😭🥰
Did I say this? (*goes back to check* I did reblog a wonderful speculative post about it feel free to reread that)
Idk that we know it but I know I def headcanon that it might. I mean was she chill though?? One of the things I’ve been adoring about Rosamund’s embodiment of Moiraine, most especially in that scene, is how she expresses herself. Her face is soft and open in that scene and her fingers are so tender. Even with all that openness though, her words aren’t necessarily incredibly direct but keep in mind Siuan has known her for more than 20 years and they’ve been intimate in all that time.
An excellent example for me is “when have we ever followed the rules?” Like it’s teasing and familiar and notice that it’s not until she says it that Siuan reaches out to touch her. She could have just as easily said “kiss me” or “and yet here we are” but that’s not what she chooses. Note the use of we btw, it’s a reminder that they’re both in this, that they’re both risking a lot to have these moments and this connection.
So let’s look at “these are new.” Moiraine strokes her fingers over the tattoos first of all which is such a tender move. So much of what Moiraine does is calculated and draws back to this mission to find the dragon and prevent the world from destruction. But here? She’s relearning Siuan’s body, it’s an acknowledgement that she pays attention. It’s also a check in. In all their history, I’m sure Moiraine knows what the tattoos mean even if there isn’t a reference to her in them (which if there was would have to be hidden and layered bc we’re shown Siuan’s tats are cultural and while I’m sure there aren’t necessarily a whole bunch of folks from Tear in Tar Valon on the regular, anyone who is from there or had studied them could read her tattoos and the ones she’s had since childhood are pretty easy to see even in her formal wear). So she wants Siuan to know she sees them but also perhaps to ask why she has them bc also note that it seems there aren’t any new tattoos on Siuan’s other arm (at least not that we’re shown).
And notice Siuan’s response of “you’ve been gone such a long time.” This is also an acknowledgement that they both understand their roles and what they must do even when they never know how long it will be between their time together. And I wonder too that keeping in mind Siuan’s tattoos are cultural, was missing Moiraine this time especially more difficult? Did she need the extra reassurances of the tattoos? Maybe not just bc of Moiraine but also because being the Seat requires no other life and Siuan is proud of who she is and vowed she wouldn’t forget it to her dad. So she does all she can to still be the daughter of the River she’s always been and always will be (excuse me while I sob).
But circling back to Moiraine’s “chill”. I feel like she went through all those emojis you used in the whole ep but also look at her body language later in that scene when they’re both slightly dressed. She’s pacing and explaining her worries and thoughts about their mission but she’s also kind of giddy and you can tell she’s particularly weak to Siuan’s teasing which helps her slightly relax and honestly she definitely could have blushed during “you can’t always get away with that.”
I just don’t think you’re ever going to get Moiraine to behave in the way one might expect but once again, it was incredibly clear to me that whole ep that she’s eternally heart eyes over Siuan and is expressing that in a very Moiraine way of doing things. And I hope somewhere in those beautiful tattoos is a message Moiraine understands that Siuan misses her when she’s gone.
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buffysummers · 3 years
I just finished season 3 of my btvs rewatch (it's only the second time i'm seeing the show) and I have to admit I expected angel to be in the show longer with the way I see you post about them. I am not trying to be mean or anything, but why do you love them so much if he isn't in that much of the show?
A Buffy rewatch??? ALWAYS a good time omg. Ahhhh I have so many thoughts about this but I will do my best to keep everything as organized as possible.
To start off, Despite Angel leaving the show after season 3, he is still very present in Buffy’s life. That is never questioned or doubted. Having said that, I want to give a shout out to the writers of both BtVS and AtS for being so damn consistent with this. It isn’t like they break up and their relationship ceases to matter (I have seen SO many shows go this route lol) because there is so much evidence in canon to support that Buffy and Angel will always choose each other, regardless of how much time has passed or regardless of what may be going on in their lives.
Let’s look at season 4 of Buffy and season 1 of Angel as an example. In the season 3 finale, we get that beautifully understated final look of good-bye between them. I know the writers love to poke fun at the high stakes drama of Buffy and Angel, but they go an entirely different direction with their good-bye and I gotta say it’s perfect. They checked all my boxes with that one! I’m getting off topic here. Ok, so back to BtVS season 4/AtS season 1. Buffy is notably depressed at the start of season 4. Some of it has to do with being in a new environment and feeling out of her element, but a LOT of it has to do with Angel’s absence. You similarly see this with Angel when he first gets to LA. (it’s important to note I know BtVS better than any other piece of fiction out there, and I’ve only watched AtS maybe twice all the way through, so I don’t particularly remember the Angel stuff as well).
[So this is an edit after I reread for typos, which I’m sure I still missed some, it would probably take too long for me to list every important reference to either Buffy or Angel on both shows, but some important ones post season 3]:
Angel drops everything to be there for Buffy after her mom dies. They share a very intimate moment where Buffy admits to him things she hasn’t told anyone else, because she trusts him more than everyone else. this is toward the end of season 5, so WAY after he leaves the show btw. She also asks him to stay forever with her... And he wants to, but after the kiss they share, it’s very clear how reckless that would be. Just another example of them choosing the safety of the world over their own personal happiness.
Angel’s blatant jealousy of Riley.... Keep in mind, this is literally a year after they broke up basically and it’s like Riley shouldn’t even bother to compete with Angel. Oh God, poor guy. Never stood a chance.
I believe the episode is “Heartthrob” but Angel says that in all those years he’s lived (so... a lot lmao) no one ever mattered like Buffy did. This is like... season 6 of Buffy, so very far into the show.
Speaking of season 6, Buffy’s totally thinking about Angel in that speech Anya gives at her engagement party about finding the person for you and how rare it is etc. I am sad again.
In 7.05, so the FINAL SEASON of Buffy, Buffy states that she loved Angel more than she has ever loved ANYTHING in this life.... You heard it, pals. ANYTHING!!! IN!!! THIS!!! LIFE!!! She says she would’ve given up EVERYTHING to be with him.... Yeah.... Yeah.... 
I’d be remiss not to mention the kiss they share in the finale and the whole “shoulder to shoulder, i’m yours.” and the whole “sometimes is something...” when Buffy says she sometimes thinks that far ahead. I don’t really think I need to elaborate on the significance of this.
On a side note, I totally looked this up (so i’m not crazy enough to know this by heart lol), Buffy either appears or is mentioned/referenced in 11/22 of the episodes of season 1 of AtS, and Angel is mentioned/referenced in 9/22 of the episodes of season 4 of BtVS. So, despite the fact that they went their separate ways, their presence in each other’s lives feels almost palpable. Angel may be gone but he definitely is not forgotten and vice versa. 
Now, I don’t really like to draw comparisons between other ships but I have the perfect example so I’m going to go for it. Everyone knows that Stelena from TVD is modeled off of Bangel. (One of the creators of TVD even said they used Buffy as a template for their show lol.) Like Bangel was the blue-print for them (my feelings for Stelena aside, this is very obvious). Except when Stefan and Elena break up, it isn’t because they can’t be together, but because Elena falls in love with someone else. It’s canon. Stelena are what Bangel *could have* been. The writers could’ve chosen to ignore the significance of Angel to Buffy, and vice versa, but instead, they consistently write them to be in love throughout BtVS and AtS.
Buffy and Angel didn’t fall out of love. They weren’t incompatible and no infidelity was involved. They aren’t together because of external forces and because of who they are as individuals. They’re both heroes on separate journeys, although their influence on each other is crucial for that journey. Angel does not seek redemption without Buffy, Angel does not want to fight and atone without Buffy. She gives him the strength to do so, and after she does, he comes into his own. We also get to see what COULD have been in the most depressing but beautiful episode ever, “I Will Remember You.” Buffy and Angel would choose to be together if they could, but they literally can’t be together.
Similarly, I don’t think it can ever be stated *just* how important the back-to-back “surprise” and “innocence” episodes are... Those two episodes changed the entire trajectory of the show. There is not a single moment more important in either shows than the moment Angel becomes Angelus. Up until then, Angel was there to support Buffy. He loved her, she loved him, and he did his best to help her come to terms with her destiny as the Chosen One. He backed her up in the field and listened to her struggle with having to compromise basically every aspect of her life. She didn’t get to place value in cheerleading and making straight a’s and being popular like Cordelia and literally every other high school student on the planet. But she wasn’t alone, she had him. Until she didn’t.
Although Buffy faces a God and an evil that’s omniscient and everywhere, her battle with Angelus is her biggest victory from an emotional standpoint. Because in that moment, well I should say in those pivotal 60 seconds, she has to decide who she was. Could she have taken Angel and fled and tried to outrun Acathla for as long as possible? Could she have turned to Giles and his books to find an alternative way to save the world? Absolutely. But did she? No. She chose to be selfless and plunge a sword into the love of her life’s heart... all in like 60 seconds. (Can we talk about the acting from SMG in this scene because holy..... shit!!!!!!!!!! So much is displayed in so little time). Also, you just know that Buffy knows Angel would understand. He wouldn’t blame her or hold it against her for doing that (of course she’s tormented by the idea that he would bc hello PTSD that’s some real shit right there)
The reason I mentioned “Becoming” though is that without Buffy and Angel’s deep love for each other, we’d never get Angelus, and if we never got Angelus, we’d never see Buffy realize or “become” who she was always meant to be. She’s a hero, we know this, we’ve seen her go to fight the Master despite knowing that she would die, but this is different. Because this time, she’d have to stick around and deal with the fallout, unlike if she were to have remained dead in “Prophecy Girl.” She knew she could make that sacrifice, but there’s only *one* way to know if you can sacrifice what you hold closest to your heart yes this is corny blah blah I’m tired [Another sidenote but god I’m thinking of how she mentions how she sacrificed Angel to save the world and that she loved him so much in “The Gift” but now she feels she doesn’t have that anymore. This is tragic and heartbreaking for a lot of reasons, but the main one being that she felt so defeated in this moment. She was emotionally exhausted, barely clinging to sanity (as seen by her catatonic state in “the weight of the world”) and felt that she no longer had the resolve to make a sacrifice like that because why SHOULD she??... God I could go down another rabbit hole with this thought but I will refrain from inflicting that on y’all... by y’all I mean to the maybe one person that will read this fucking essay jfc shjdgsdg] I wanna close out this paragraph and just say how iconic and sexy it is of Buffy and Angel to get an entire season dedicated to their love story, like no other pairing gets the same treatment in both shows (or like... a lot of shows I’ve watched lol) like everything that happens in season 2 is directly connected to their love for each other... powerful stuffffff
tldr: wow I went on so many tangents like does this even make sense, but simply put, Buffy and Angel do not just disappear after season 3. The significance that they had on each other (as individuals and as a couple) is felt throughout both shows. It is *always* present, even if it’s not directly stated. The influence is always there...It’s written into both of their characters to love each other always, that’s canon.... And I feel God in this Chili’s tonight
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