#i’m so confused dude
emichevy · 1 year
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So I had a dream last night where Noir was fighting the fucking Annabelle demon??
Please do not ask questions I don’t have answers
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Here’s a 3am Steddie rant I think every Steddie lover (and possibly hater) should hear. I have no goal to convert anyone—just to say that the ship did not actually “come from nothing.” Here’s why:
I don’t understand how there wasn’t Steddie foresight in the writer’s room.
So they play it up in season 3 like Steve just can’t get the girl and when he does she’s not the right girl and yada yada yada—cool beans. I love his character arc with Robin, their friendship, her queerness. I love their entire bathroom interaction.
Specifically: “It’s somebody that I didn’t even talk to in school. Maybe cuz Tommy H. would’ve made fun of me, or I wouldn’t be prom king…. First of all, she’s hilarious. So funny. I feel like this summer I have laughed harder than I have laughed in a really long time. And she’s smart—way smarter than me…. She’s honestly unlike anyone I’ve ever met before.”
Traits Robin Also Has that Eddie Shares:
Band Kid
The Witty Banter
Eddie’s personality is VERY Robin. Not perfectly so, but maddeningly close.
Another point:
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This is just the same person in different gender specific fonts, A.K.A. Steve’s “love interest” versus a guy who called him “big boy” completely unprompted and interrupted a tender moment between him and his “love interest” and complimented him for an entire scene while Steve wore his clothes.
So, really, one of them’s Steve’s love interest and the other is Nancy Wheeler /hj.
I write a lot, and as someone who both writes and consumes an abhorrent amount of media, whoever wrote this down, casted and costumed this way, and allowed for the interactions between Steve and Eddie to be as nuanced as they were (EX: the scene in which Eddie steps forward like he has more to say to Steve before he goes off and kills himself) had to have known what was going to happen. There is simply no way of not seeing it.
And if they didn’t want people shipping Steddie at the scale which they do, here’s what went wrong:
First: defaulting to Steve wanting his ex back is just plain shitty writing. It means you don’t know where to go with the character anymore, and since you’re certain he’s done all the growing he can do, he’s just gonna double back to the conflict he was in in the FIRST SEASON.
Are you serious right now, bro?
Steve’s arc as a character has been absolutely heartwarming to watch. If anything, he’d have been better off given the “I need to figure out how to be happy on my own” narrative. Throwing him back at Nancy is a cop out, a big one.
Second: Eddie. Throwing Eddie in the mix was absolutely a WILD decision, because he looks like Nancy, he banters like Robin, and GENDER IS NO LONGER A PLAUSIBLE REASON FOR AN AUDIENCE TO DENY CHEMISTRY, OR EXPLAIN IT AWAY. Not in the year of our lord 2023, no sir. Not unless you’re going to explicitly state in some way to an audience that these characters are DEFINITIVELY STRAIGHT. And with Eddie, they went as far off that course as possible.
The outcast stuff. The D&D stuff. The hatred of the system. The mysteriously living with his uncle and not his parents. THE HANKERCHIEF IN HIS BACK POCKET.
So essentially, this is what they did:
They took a beloved character, flubbed over his character arc because they weren’t sure what to do with it.
Then, they created a SECOND beloved character, made him likable, lovable, even, and relatable. Then they gave him half and half personality and looks of Steve’s last two love interests. Then they gave us scenes of them together where they showed chemistry, genuineness, and playfulness.
Then they EXPECTED that we as an audience had enough heteronormativity left as a society to say—oh, those two guys aren’t flirting with each other even a little bit because they’re two guys and obviously that doesn’t happen.
Pick a side pick a side, are your characters fucking gay or is your audience fucking blind?
Point being, I have some friends IRL who don’t really get this. They think Steve and Eddie hardly interacted enough for there to be romance at all, but I think it’s less about how much they interacted and more about the (unintentional) set up they were given by the writers.
Steve’s a truly beloved character and I don’t know on ST fan that wants to see him just end up back with Nancy Wheeler like his entire character arc was just to “get the girl” and “have six kids.” Which he already has by the way.
Anyway, that’s just my two cents. I’m not advocating for anyone to ship them, I’m just saying it’s honestly a perfectly logical conclusion to make, especially if you CARE about Steve as a character, you know? We want him to be with someone genuine, someone who challenges him to be better, to be different than he was. Nancy couldn’t handle doing that. Robin could, but they’re platonic af.
So why wouldn’t it be Eddie?
Rest in peace, by the way. You would’ve loved this text post.
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k1tty5 · 1 day
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oh hey also take this bdubs design for my nameless au that i forgot i did
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not-a-matopoeia · 11 days
Good Luck Babe? He read the lesbian masterdoc
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desultory-suggestions · 4 months
Witcher fans forgive me. I finally watched the Witcher because everyone raved about it for so long. I just. I just don’t like this show. Devastated. Everything good about it (which there is plenty) is overshadowed by the most annoying narrative choices. I never know what time it is in the show (past or present?) there’s random choppy moments that make no sense until so much later but with no intrigue, and Ciri aged so much between recording seasons that I thought they recast her. No hate to anyone who likes the show, there’s a ton of good stuff about it but these things I just can’t get past. They chop up a great idea until I keep pausing to go “wait what happened? WHO is that?” I know this has nothing to do with my blog but someone needs to know my insanity over this.
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hero-dualies-pog · 2 months
always remember that you can block people over the pettiest of things
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scrooges-greasy-toes · 2 months
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B! O! Y! D!!!!
The murderer of two of my markers!!
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neon-vocalist · 1 year
why is everyone in the warrior cat books so fucking stupid
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olskuvallanpoe · 8 months
I do NOT recommend returning back to your Book of Mormon audiobook immediately after reading ineffable husbands fanfic….
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acidhues64 · 1 year
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So uh… is it just my Hulu or has anyone else noticed that the thumbnail of s2ep12 in the reboot is a screenshot from the original 90’s animaniacs? 😅
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why-the-heck-not · 1 year
hate hate hate the feeling of turning in a part of an assignment and being hella embarrased abt how it is :3 like, feeling someone’s just gonna email me like ”hey?? what the fuck ??? what are u doing here this is garbage” like yeah dude i dont know what to tell you, things did not go well this week
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nicoscheer · 1 year
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bigbroadvice · 6 months
I keep seeing this term ‘biological male’ being thrown around. There are lots of reasons why this is an innacurate and unhelpful description, but I’d like to examin just this term for a moment.
What exactly is a ‘biological male?’ The definition of biology is “the physiology, behavior, and other qualities of a particular organism or class of organisms.“ So let’s brake that down a bit. In refference to humans that means organ structures and chemicals that run those organs. So when talking about biological sexes, we’re probably referencing a certain set of average characteristics shared by people with XX chromosomes, XY chromosomes, or other sets of chromosomes which are part of natural human variation like XXY, XYY, XXX, XXXXY, X, XXXXXX, and XXXY (learned about those in biology class. It’s really cool how much more diversity there is to human biology than you generally think about. If we’re basing sex off of DNA, there are indeed WAY more than two sexes).
Now the way that any of those sets of DNA (which are known as genotypes) translate to how the body looks and works (phenotypes), is by making chemicals. Those chemicals are what build all the organs and keep them running the way they do. DNA isn’t the only thing deciding how much of each chemical there is though. Environmental factors like the food we eat, medicine we take, other organisms living inside us like bacteria and viruses, chemicals we absorb from the environment, and even stress massively impact body chemistry, often completely overriding DNA. So sometimes you might have the genotype for one thing and end up with a different phenotype. Like people who were born with tall genes but end up short as adults because during the time they were developing they didn’t have access to adequate nutrition. Their DNA might say one thing but in reality, they turned out as something else. The short person with tall genes is still short, regardless of what their DNA says.
Phenotype can also be directly changed by outside forces, like getting a limb blown off in an explosion, getting your ears pierced, or having surgery. These overide both DNA and body chemistry. A person with the DNA and chemicals to have two arms but had one arm chopped off is phenotypically a one armed person.
When reffering to different sexes, we’re usually talking about generalized groupings of phenotype, like gential organs, bone structure, musculature, hair growth, and fat distribution. These phenotypes are generally determined by chemicals called hormones. Just like any other chemicals, these too are impacted by environmental factors like what we eat and what medicines we take. So when someone takes a medicine that alters their hormone levels, that alters their phenotype. Just like how growing up with healthy foods and vitamins can help kids develop strong and healthy bodies, medicines like puberty blockers and hormone replacement therapy lead to bodies developing differently. These phenotypes can of course also be altered through surgery by deconstructing and reconstructing different parts of the body like genitalia and facial bone structure. By changing the chemicals and organ structures they have changed the biology.
So what is a ‘biological male?’ A biological male would presumably be someone with the general phenotypes of the group called males. If someone does not have those phenotypes, it wouldn’t make sense to call them a biological male. So according to the definition of biology, a trans woman whose physiology, behavior, and other qualities align with those exhibited by females is not a biological male. She is a biological female.
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starrcrossrose · 8 months
Someday I want to write an actual LeoIchi centric fic. Somedayyyy somedayyyyyy
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spicysucculentz · 8 months
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natugood · 11 days
Last night I accidentally had a really interesting insight about making eye contact, and I’m curious for other people who struggle with eye contact if this is something that they can relate to.
I was having a therapy session, and usually when I’m with my therapist I don’t look at them in the face, I’m usually looking at their feet or the space behind them or the ceiling or the wall or something. Yesterday I had been tired, so instead of wearing my contacts, I wore my glasses. I don’t particularly enjoy the sensory experience of wearing glasses, and I especially hate it when I’m wearing glasses and a mask, which I was (I still mask in public spaces). I feel comfortable with my therapist, so I said “fuck it I’m taking my glasses off I don’t like the sensory experience of wearing them.” I am fairly nearsighted, so once I took my glasses off I could still see the form of my therapist but they became completely blurry, like I couldn’t see the details of their tattoos or the pattern on their shirt or anything like that, but I could tell where their legs and arms and head were.
The change was like night and day, as soon as I took my glasses off instead of staring at their feet I immediately was able to stare at their arms, and I was even able to look them in the face and even look them straight in the eyes at times (except I wasn’t necessarily sure I was looking at their eyes because their eyes were just fuzzy black dots to me lol). But it was wild!!! Just taking off my glasses meant that I could actually look at them in a way I’d never been able to before?? And then when I put my glasses back on my eyes snapped back to right where they’d been without my glasses for a moment before darting away again, so for the first time I was able to look at my therapist’s arms directly for more than a few seconds and even look at their face briefly when I was wearing my glasses!! It was like not wearing glasses around them helped me suddenly be able to look at them without as much confusion or distress or distraction or fear. Next week I’m going to continue the experiment by not wearing my glasses again and asking them to take of their mask for part of the session to see if being able to see a blurry mouth will impact my ability to look at their face. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
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