#i’ve not met him but i’m v in love with him. at least as bffs
jamaisjoons · 5 years
me & you ⤑ jhs | m.
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 your relationship with your best friend has always been strange - especially since you started as friends with benefits.  〞best friends to lovers au.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: hoseok x reader
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: light angst ⋆ fluff ⋆ smut
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 6.5k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: soft dom!hoseok, sub!reader, softcore porn, anal fingering, anal sex, but like its not kinky, just v sof, unprotected sex, anal creampie, mentions to ass to pussy, AGAIN ITS ALL SOFCORE PORN OKAY  but don’t fucking do that irl use a damn condom this is fantasy not real life okay
➵ 𝑎/𝑛: god i’m really out here wildin and writing softcore anal porn in one day? damn someone come stop me
⏤ happy belated birthday to @readyplayerhobi​,, miss tali i love you lots and this bff!hobi fic is what you deserve
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Large beams of sunlight stream in through the open door of your cramped, rooftop apartment. The radiant rays illuminate the small space of your front room - chiffon curtains lightly billowing in the wind. A light shiver runs across your spine and goosebumps prickle at your skin. Sitting on the floor of your front room, you stare at Hoseok - taking in the complete almost intangible sight of him.
Lounging lazily, his back pressed against the sofa’s edge - your best friend hums softly to himself: indolently flicking through the pages of his book. He’s a picture-perfect view of ease - his muscles completely relaxed and eyes idly flittering over the pages of his book. Long fingers delicately support the spine - his grip gentle: as if applying any more pressure would cause it to fall to pieces. Occasionally, he lifts his other hand and turns the page.
The motion shouldn’t be so captivating. It’s a simple gesture - turning the page of a book. Yet, the way Hoseok’s graceful fingers flit down the side of the page before curling around a corner and flipping the page, has you completely spellbound. His fingers move elegantly, and you can’t help the way your eyes follow them - gaze fixated on the slender, pretty digits.
Suddenly, Hoseok shifts to a different position. Knees drawn up to his chest, he rests his elbows against the kneecaps as he pulls the book closer to his face. The faded couch behind him silhouettes his figure - drawing attention to his slender body. Dressed in a pastel blue baggy shirt, and loose-fitting grey slacks, he’s the epitome of comfort. Though, somehow, he still looks utterly ethereal. His russet-red hair ruffles in the wind, his heart-shape lips pulled into a slight pout - dimples teasing at the corners - as he focuses on his book.
Breath hitching in your throat, you struggle to breathe. Hoseok is beautiful - you have absolutely no doubts about that. Nor do you have any doubts about the almost overpowering swell of emotions you feel whenever you see him. Butterflies bloom in the pits of your stomach at the sheer sight of him, and the sound of his dulcet voice ringing through the air never fails to cause your heart to lurch.
You and Hoseok have been best friends for almost seven years now - but you’ve never had the most conventional relationship. No - because best friends usually don’t sleep with each other when they feel like it. But you and Hoseok do.
Or at least you used to.
Best friends don’t know incredibly intimate details of your sex life. But you and Hoseok do. You know what he sounds like in bed: the sweet, sinful noises he makes in the midst of pleasure. You know the feel of his hands over your naked flesh: his hands splayed across your back as he pulls you flush against his body. You know the way his cock feels inside you: pulsing synchronously with your own walls as he fills you up with his cum.
The two of you may no longer sleep together - that had long since faded after you’d graduated - but that doesn’t mean you don’t know - or that you don’t remember.
Had you started conventionally, of course, you’d never have known Hoseok intimately. However - when the two of you had met, it had been in the first year of college - in a dingy bar frequented by the broke students of your university. In a mess of drunken limbs, you’d fallen into bed together that night. And the night after that. And the next. It had started as just a simple release - no strings attached and just a way to burn off the stress of college. But eventually - it had started becoming more.
Stressful nights filled with hands grasping for a quick release had turned into early morning study brunches together. Drunken Saturdays filled with frenzied, sloppy touches turned into late afternoon Sundays lying in bed. Spontaneous evenings filled with needy kisses and wandering hands turned into late-night pillow talks. At some point in your casual relationship - you’d stopped going home after your little rendezvous - and you’d begun sleeping over.
Then had come the pillow talk. Tongue loosed by your orgasms - Hoseok would pull you close into his body, and you would sigh at the tacky feel of his sweat-soaked skin against your own. But it wouldn’t matter - because he’d soothingly rub your back, and you’d trace your name in his skin over and over again. And you’d talk - talk about everything and nothing at the same time. Sometimes, you’d talk about your dreams for the future - and sometimes you’d playfully argue about which Disney Princess would win in a fight. But sure enough, through those late-night pillow talks, the two of you had developed an unlikely, somewhat strange, friendship.
You’d gone from simply fucking and crying each other’s names, to talking about your lives, your past and your hopes. Out of all your friends, Hoseok knows the most about you. He knows your favourite brand of chocolate - stashing some of it in your secret pile of sweets during your period. He knows the names of every one of your plush toys and pets from childhood - and the order of which ones are your most favourite to your least. He knows that some nights, you like to be left alone; dissociating from the stress of work and life as you retreat into your self to recuperate.
In fact, there is very little that Hoseok doesn’t know about you.
If you’re being honest, you can count the things he doesn’t know about you on one hand. He doesn’t know that his smile is your favourite thing in the entire world: you’re sure he could light up the entirety of Seoul with you. You know he definitely lights up your world with it. He doesn’t know that his tender touches are the one thing that can calm you down without failure - or that when you’re most stressed, you wish for nothing more than his arms around you while he whispers everything will be alright. But most importantly, he doesn’t know that somewhere in the seven years that you’ve known him, you’ve completely and utterly fallen in love with him.
After you’d graduated, almost three and a half years ago now, you and Hoseok had stopped sleeping with each other. Mainly because you’d found yourself getting into a serious relationship. Hence, you’d ended it with Hoseok - and your relationship had fallen into one of just friendship. Of course, that serious relationship had failed after about six months - and you’d never admit it to him, but it was due to Hoseok himself. When your boyfriend, Juhwan, had found out that you’d been sleeping with Hoseok, he’d freaked out and demanded you choose between the two.
When he’d presented you with the choice, you’d been shocked. Hoseok had been a constant in your life for four years by then. So you’d made your choice. A very easy choice. Aided by the fact that not only were you bored and listless in your relationship with Juhwan, but that he’d also tried to remove Hoseok from your life. So, you chose Hoseok. You’d always choose Hoseok. Of course, it was probably your own downfall that caused the bitter end to the relationship. Completely accustomed to your odd relationship with Hoseok, you had compared Juhwan to your best friend - craving the spark of connection and intimacy that you feel for Hoseok with someone else.
In the years after Juhwan, you’d tried to date again - but none of them compared to Hoseok. None of them smiled the same as him, or had his humour, or made you feel at ease like he did. So, for years now, you’ve simply settled for being Hoseok’s best friend. There’s still traces of your former intimacy; in the way his hand instinctively falls to the small of your back as he leads you around, the way the two of you snuggle on the sofa while watching Netflix: Hoseok’s hand resting just above your ass, your body laying on top of him - or even in the way he’ll buy you flowers ‘just because’ and kiss your forehead.
Just like that, with simple - what should have been platonic - gestures, you’d fallen headfirst for your best friend. Between the warm smiles on coffee dates, lazy strolls through the parks, and the way he’d playfully smile at you and call your name - as if it belonged to him; you’d lost your heart on him.
You couldn’t help it. Nor do you regret it.
Utterly magnetised to your best friend, you want nothing more than to wrap your arms around him, press your mouth to his and drown every one of your senses in him. A part of you wonders if Hoseok feels the same way - whether he yearns for you as much as you yearn for him. Drawn out of your musings, you hear Hoseok’s phone vibrate on the low coffee. Placing his book down, Hoseok picks up his phone before unlocking it with a swipe. After his lips twist in amusement, he lets out a tinkling, raucous laugh. Eyebrows shooting into your hairline, you cock your head in question.
“What happened?” you ask, your head tilting to the side.
With another boisterous laugh, Hoseok’s eyes glance up from the screen. Eyes twinkling with mirth, “Namjoon and his girlfriend tried to have anal sex - but the moment he entered her ass he came,” Hoseok guffaws. His words only have you scoffing.
“Pretty bold of her - I’ve heard stories about his cock. I wonder if it’s as big as they say it is?” you ruminate distractedly. Preoccupied with your own thought, you don’t see the way Hoseok’s eyes soften, a slight twinge of despair ebbing through them. However, as quick as it starts, it fades away and he turns back to his phone. “I wonder what it feels like,” you continue musing out loud.
“Namjoon’s cock?” Hoseok chokes out, looking at you with wide eyes. Sending him a playful disdainful glare, you snort.
“No - anal sex,” you reply - as if it were the most obvious answer. Had this been a conversation with someone else - anyone else - you’d be uncomfortable and shy. But it’s Hoseok - and you’d always been open with him.
“Wait, you’ve never had anal sex?” Hoseok’s incredulous voice breaks the air.
Humming softly, you shake your head. Then, with a shrug, “I haven’t really had anyone I trust enough to do it with,” you reply.
“Do you want it?” Hoseok asks - his voice turning breathy.
With a soft laugh, “why are you offering?” you tease. Your words are meant to be playful, but seeing the heavy sincerity in Hoseok’s eyes, you pause.
“Yes. I am,” Hoseok replies, his voice completely serious.
“W-wait what?” you ask, your mind suddenly swimming with haziness.
“I mean it. It’s not like we haven’t fucked before - and you do trust me, don’t you?” he asks - then with a pause - “But it’s completely up to you,” Hoseok finishes. You swallow audibly, your throat constricting. Would this be a bad idea? It’s been so long since you’ve felt Hoseok’s naked body against your own. But things are different now - you hadn’t been in love with him then - you are in love with him now. Would you be able to survive feeling him inside you - so intimately - only to lose him again? You have no idea.
Despite your reluctance, however, “yes,” your mouth automatically agrees. Consequences be damned - you’ll deal with heartbreak later. Right now, you have to opportunity to have Hoseok again - to feel his naked skin against your own as you drown in all that is him. You’d be damned if you lost this opportunity.
“I- are you sure?” Hoseok asks. His warm eyes stare at you in question; you know him well enough to know he’s giving you an out. But you don’t need one. You’re sure of this - as sure as the love you feel for him. Even if it’s just one last time, you need to feel him inside you.
Eyes steeling with resolution, “yes,” you reply once again. Sucking in a sharp breath, Hoseok nods. Then, he’s getting up. He holds his hand out to you and you place your own in his palm before you allow him to lead you to his bedroom.
Stepping past the threshold of his bedroom you feel the heat rise by several degrees. Carefully, Hoseok guides you towards his bed. This streams of sunlight bath his bedroom - lighting up every inch and corner. There’s not a hint of shadow or darkness, and suddenly you feel a little selfconscious. Without any cover, you’ll be completely exposed to him - unable to hide any flaw on your body. Suddenly, you feel your stomach twist in nervousness, and momentarily, you wonder if this was a mistake.
Hesitancy thickening in the air around you, Hoseok’s in front of you in a flash. Your eyes widen at the sudden movement and you let out a short gasp. He’s incredibly close to you now - his face only a hair’s breadth away from yours. Swallowing thickly, you look up at him through the thick of your eyelashes. With deliberate movements, Hoseok’s hand moves to cup your face - and delicately strokes his thumb across your cheek.
His actions comfort you - the tension in your shoulder dissipating under his tender touch. Boring into you with his warm gaze, Hoseok dips his head down. His lips hover over your own - so close that you can almost feel his mouth - almost taste him. Heart-shaped lips ghosting over yours, “It’s alright. I’ve got you,” Hoseok mutters.
Then, his lips are descending onto yours. You gasp against his mouth. It’s been so long since you’ve tasted him - felt his mouth move against yours - that you’ve forgotten what he tastes like. Not anymore, though. As he licks your lips, the saccharine flavour of his tongue coats your lips; and with another gasp, your mouth parts open. Lethargically, he presses his tongue between your teeth - the wet appendage massaging and gliding over your own.
Lost in the intoxicating sweetness of Hoseok’s tongue against your own - you barely register the way he undresses you. Briefly, he breaks your kiss - a soft whine of protest slipping from your lips - as he sheds you off your top. Then, pressing his lips back against you, his hands caress down the curves of your sides and along your abdomen before he deftly unbuttons your jeans.
Aiding his movements, you step out of your jeans - leaving most of your body exposed. The crisp air causes you to shiver, Hoseok’s hands reverently falling to your hips as he pulls you closer. Head dropping to your neck, his hands curl around your pelvis before cupping your ass. When he squeezes the fleshy cheeks of your behind, you gasp. However, he doesn’t stop there. Fingers delving under the waistband of your underwear, he spreads your ass with one hand - the fingertips of the other brushing against your dewy slit.
A low groan resounds through the air, Hoseok’s chest rumbling against yours, “You’re already wet. God, I forgot how responsive you are,” he rasps. His warm breath fans over the naked flesh of your shoulder, and over your back, causing the hair at the nape of your back to stand on end.
“H-Hoseok,” you stammer out, your head nuzzling deeper into the crook of his neck when you feel him lightly trace the outline of your folds.
“What do you want, Petal?” Hoseok questions. The sound of the familiar pet name causes your heart to clench. Vividly, you remember the way he used to call you Petal, his fingers ghosting over your clit as he brought you to climax. Though, this time it’s different. Before, whenever he called you Petal, the pet name would drip with desire and dominance. Now, however, it’s filled with tenderness - his soft voice causing your chest to cave from the weight of the emotions that well up inside you.
The muscles of your throat tighten, and simultaneously, your tongue ties as you try to force the words out. “You. I want you,” you choke out. There’s more truth to them than he knows - than he’ll probably ever know. The magnitude of your words ring heavy in the air, the atmosphere shifting slightly. Hoseok hums in approval from above you, his finger still tracing teasing circles over your folds.
“Where?” he murmurs. Taking a deep, shuddering inhale, your heart races. Everywhere - is the first thought that springs to your mind. You want to feel him everywhere: feel yourself drown in his embrace, inhale the intoxicating scent of earth and spice that wafts around him, taste the sweetness that is his essence. You want to sink into everything that makes up the entirety of Hoseok’s being. But the confession sits heavy at the back of your throat, the words turning to ash in your mouth as you feel your tongue dry.
Instead, “I-In my a-ass,” you stutter out. Choking out the words, you feel your ears heat - your flesh searing in embarrassment. You know he can feel your mortification - he’s the only one who can read you like a book - but rather than pointing it out, he places a soothing kiss to the edge of your shoulder.
Drawing away from you, “get on the bed,” he urges.
On shaky limbs, you do as he says. Falling to the bed with a bounce, you shuffle backwards. You watch him slowly shed his own clothes, until he’s dressed in nothing but his boxers. Trepidation and want pools in the pit of your abdomen, your stomach twisting as you watch him slowly approach you once. Momentarily, he stops at his bedside table, and opening the mahogany draw, he begins rummaging around in it. Time moves slowly - the seconds ticking by at what feels like an excruciating phase as he searches through his bedside table.
Finally, he finds what he’s looking for. When he pulls out the small bottle of lube, your stomach flips. Crawling back onto the bed, he comes to a halt in front of you. Knees pressed to the bed, he leans back on the backs of his heels before gesturing to your with the wave of his hand. “On your hands and knees, Petal,” Hoseok commands softly. The light domineering tone is reminiscent of the way he used to beckon you to your knees - but again, this time, it’s different. His command is softer - and you simply can’t decipher the underlying current of tenderness clinging to his tone.
Nonetheless, you slowly flip yourself over. Bearing your ass to him, Hoseok dips forward and presses a soothing kiss to the base of your spine. You feel his fingers curl around the waistband of your underwear before he peels the article of clothing off of you. A soft sough drops from your lips when you feel the damp fabric pull away from your folds before he slides it down your thighs. Lifting your legs, you aid Hoseok in divesting you of your underwear. When he’s done, he turns back to your sex, and you bite your lip when you feel his dark gaze on your folds.
In this position, you’re bared completely for him - nothing hidden from him. Under his heavy stare, you feel yourself grow self-conscious once again. Curling into yourself, you bury your face into his pillow before taking deep breaths. The scent of earth and spice fills your senses, the calming scent soothing you instantly. From behind you, Hoseok drags his soft lips against the fleshy globes of your ass, before he presses two tender kisses to each cheek.
“Relax, Petal, I’ll take care of you,” Hoseok mumbles. His warm breath ghosts over the seam of your ass, the muscles of your thigh twitching in response. Taking another deep breath, you pull yourself together before nodding to him.
“What’s your safeword?” Hoseok asks and another wave of nostalgia hits you.
“Butterscotch,” you breathe out. Hoseok freezes behind you, his face crumpling as he hears the word.
You bite your lip at the light disbelief in his voice.
Butterscotch had been the safeword he’d chosen for you - because you’d consumed an unhealthy amount of it during your university years. Butterscotch reminded Hoseok of you - of the days you used to suck at the caramel sweets and drive him mad with lust: wishing you’d suck at his cock the same way. For you, however, butterscotch reminds you wholly of Hoseok; and the way he’d sweetly call your name when you came undone above him. And even now, years after him, and long since you’ve had him in your bed, butterscotch remains your safeword - the security blanket you’d never really been able to let go of.
“Still,” you reply, echoing his sentiment. Hoseok takes a couple of moments to let your words wash over him. Fruitlessly, he tries to figure out what it means; figure out why still, after all this time, you’d kept the same safe word. But he can’t make anything of it. So instead, he presses another sweet kiss to your skin.
“Okay. Say ‘Butterscotch’ if it gets too much, alright, Sweetness?” Hoseok breathes out. Sweetness. That’s a new one - you haven’t heard him call you that before. Sweetness; you repeat in your head. Over and over you play the name in your head, until it’s all you can hear: until you’re drowning in it.
Abruptly, you feel a cold liquid drip over the seam of your ass. Pulled back to reality, you buck your hips and hiss at the sensation. Hoseok pays you no mind, instead, dripping more of the lube over your twitching asshole. The click of the cap resounds through the still air and then silence. He’s incredibly still behind you, and you have to resist the urge to turn around and look at him. You have no idea what he’s waiting for - but the pause only has you growing tense again.
Without warning, he presses a finger against the rim of your ass. You groan, your thighs quivering when you feel him softly trace the outline of your puckered hole. His touch is gentle - reverent - as he traces your back entrance. The slim finger barely ghosts over your flesh, his finger moving in feathery circles. He’s barely doing anything, yet heat begins prickling along your spine. Just the soft strokes of his fingers has pleasure rippling through you, and briefly, you wonder what it would feel like to have him actually inside you.
Though, you don’t have to wonder long - because the next thing you know, Hoseok is applying pressure to your asshole. Under the force of his lubricated finger, your ass slowly opens up for him. Simultaneously, the two of you hiss: you in the odd pleasantness of your ass opening up around his slim finger; and Hoseok in incredulity as the hot tightness of your ass muscles squeeze his fingers.
“Fuck, that’s tight,” Hoseok mutters. Experimentally, he wriggles his finger inside you, causing a cry to tear through your throat. It’s definitely a strange sense of fullness - but you can’t deny the sheer undercurrent pleasure that tremors through you.
“M-More,” you choke out, softly bucking against his hand.
A deep exhale, “Fuck- okay,” Hoseok rasps out. You feel another squirt of lube against your ass, the puckered rim twitching as the cold feeling. Slowly, Hoseok begins thrusting his finger into you, gradually opening up your muscles for him.
Low keening whimpers emanate from your throat, wetness flooding your sex as you feel his finger plunge leisurely inside you. Hoseok moves with deliberate motions, his lips ghosting over your ass in soothing butterfly kisses. “Are you okay? Speak to me, Petal,” Hoseok urges, picking up the pace slightly.
Head spinning with pleasure, you hazily register his words, “G-good. It feels good. Hobi- please, more,” you reply with a strangled moan.
At your behest, Hoseok presses a second finger into you. You feel the tight ring of muscles stretch for him. Discomfort stings at your ass, the slight ache making you wince. Hoseok mumbles an apology, peppering another kiss to the base of your spine. Even as he does that, however, he continues pushing the second finger into you. Once it’s knuckle deep, he stills - letting you grow used to the sensation.
“How’s that?” he asks. Shaking your head, you try to clear your head. Your mouth is dry, throat completely parched. Hands aching, you unclench them from the sheets - when had the happened?
“It’s alright. Just- just give me a moment,” you breathe out. Hoseok nods behind you. You both stay like that for long moments - the internal muscles of your ass twitching every now and then. When you grow accustomed to the stretch, you experimentally clench around his fingers. You cry out in pleasure when your ass squeezes his digits, a low thrum of bliss swirling in your stomach.
“Okay, y-you can move,” you stammer out. With your permission, Hoseok begins thrusting his fingers into you once again. With every plunge of the dainty appendages, your stomach twists and tightens. Muscles of your thighs quivering, you lose yourself in the pleasure of Hoseok’s fingers stretching your ass out.
Foreignness of it all fading away, you’re left with nothing but utter, blissful rapture. A third finger teases at your entrance - and this time, when Hoseok pushes it into you - the muscles of your ass are relaxed - and you easily accept the third digit. The stretch feels euphoric, and sinking further into unadulterated intoxication, you push your ass against him.
Deliberately, Hoseok plunges his fingers into you - his eyes trained on the way your ass swallows his digits. Lube slicks his appendages, the slippery fingers coating your internal muscles in the slick lubrication. Within the confines of his boxers, his cock strains, pulsating with need as he continues fucking his fingers into your ass. His throat constricting, he spreads all three fingers inside you: in a scissoring motion, as he stretches you out further.
The sudden action has you crying out, your back contorting in euphoric elation. Hoseok lets out a deep shudder at the sight - once tense with nervousness, your shoulders are completely relaxed now - you’re ass pushing back against his digits. Once again, he spreads his fingers - trying to spread you out as much as possible for his cock. The stretch has your rolling back once again, your pussy clenching around nothing as you drip onto his sheets.
“Want you. Fuck- Hoseok I want your cock,” you slur out, your hips picking up the pace as you try to fuck his fingers deeper into you.
“I need to stretch you out more or-” Hoseok tries to argue. However, fists gripping the sheets harder, you shake your head.
“I’m ready! Please, I just wanna feel your cock. Please,” you plead. Hoseok waivers for a brief moment, but the desperation in your voice, paired with his own aching cock, has him giving in.
Retreating his fingers from your ass, he grabs the bottle of lube again. You hear him uncap the contained before squirting some on his cock. Slick sounds of his palm rubbing over his cock fill the air as he preps his cock for your ass. However, when he presses the head against your asshole, you twist your hand back and stop him.
“What’s wrong? Do we need to stop?” Hoseok asks. Quickly, you shake your head before flipping yourself onto your back. Hoseok’s eyes widen at your new position. “What-” he begins, only to have you cut him off.
“I want to see you,” you breathe out. Eyebrows furrowing, Hoseok looks at you in concern.
“It’ll be more comfortable on your knees,” he tries to reason. However, steadfast and resilient, you shake your head.
“I want to see you,” you whisper again. This time, there’s a heavy undercurrent of emotion lacing through your voice. Large imploring eyes staring at him, you plead for him to give into you, and completely captivated by you, Hoseok knows he can’t deny you. There’s very little he could refute when it comes to you. You may not know it, but there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to see you happy.
Nodding in surrender, Hoseok helps manoeuvre your legs so your ass is spread for him. Legs bent at the knee, he presses them against your chest. The muscles strain, pulling taut at the new positioning. Nonetheless, you ignore the slight discomfort - far too wired by the thought of Hoseok’s cock in your ass.
Shuffling between your thighs, Hoseok presses the weepy head of his lubed cock against your slick asshole. Then, he slowly begins thrusting into you. Feeling the blunt head of his cock slowly enter your ass - stretching the tight ring of muscles - you suck in a deep breath. His girth is thinner than the width of his three fingers, and aided by the slipper lubrication, he slides in fairly easy.
However - Hoseok’s cock is much longer than his fingers - and soon you feel discomfort deep within your stomach. Wincing, you feel his cock spread open the untouched territory of your ass, the blunt head spearing you open for him. Through it all, you stare up at him - watching the way he sucks in deep breaths, his face twisting in pleasure as the hot muscles of your asshole rhythmically pulsate around you.
Eyes fixated on him, you take him in. It’s been so long since you’ve seen him like this - naked and fucked out: all for you. Sinewy muscles ripple under taut, caramel skin - his flesh glistening with a light sheen of perspiration. Bathed in sunlight, he glows from above you - shimmering in the amber rays as if he were some ethereal being sent by the heavens themselves. Your throat constricts and you feel your heart clench once again.
With his cock deep inside your ass, you don’t think you’ve ever felt more connected to him than you do right now. Hoseok feeds the last inch of his cock inside you, his hips pressing against the fleshy cheeks of your ass. When you feel your ass swallow the last inch of his shaft, you cry out in pleasure. Heavy lids beckon you to shut them, but you refuse. You want to savour this moment. Right here, right now, you want to remember everything.
Eyes raking over him - you ingrain this one memory into the back of your head. The way the corded muscles of his arm twitch, braced on either side of you. Deep chocolate eyes staring at you, his warm obs half-lidded and fluttering as he tries his best to hold still and not fuck into you. How the muscles of his abdomen ripple under his skin as his cock pulsates inside you, synchronous to the way your ass contracts around his shaft. All of it. You commit it all to your memory - because if this is the last time you have him in your bed, and inside you, you never want to forget it.
Tears pool in your eyes, but you blink them away. Seeing them, Hoseok bends over and presses gentle kisses to your lids, hushing you softly. You have no doubt that he thinks it’s due to his cock in your ass - but it’s not. It’s so much more than that. It’s the feeling of fullness, of wholeness, as you feel him deep inside your stomach. It’s the way your hurt aches looking at him - wishing he was yours for the rest of your lifetime. It’s the way you’re completely in love with him - your best friend - the only constant in your life these past few years.
“Are you okay?” Hoseok whispers, his nose brushing against yours. You close your eyes at the tender action. A part of you wishes he wasn’t so sweet - that he wasn’t so… Hoseok - just so that this would be a little less overwhelming - so your feelings wouldn’t be so overpowering. But he is sweet, and he is Hoseok, and you’re so desperately in love with him that you wish to feel him deeper into you.
A deep shuddering breath exhales from your nose, “I’ve never been better. Please move. I want to feel you,” you reply. You’ve never spoken truer words - because despite the staggering weight of emotions you feel for him, you haven’t been better and you do want to feel him - entirely and absolutely.
At your words, Hoseok slowly moves his cock - retreating it out of you before thrusting back in. Each plunge has his cock dragging against your inner ass muscles, the ridged veins of his shaft only adding to your pleasure. Slowly, Hoseok begins thrusting into you - his hips snapping against your fleshy cheeks with every plunge. He doesn’t move quickly - keeping his pace slow and mind-numbing - but he moves deep, his cock burying to the hilt with every movement.
White-hot pleasure begins racing through you, your veins searing in pleasure. Every time his cock impales you, you’re pushed closer and closer to the precipice of your orgasm. Hoseok senses your impending orgasms, the hot muscles of your ass erratically clenching around his cock; subsequently, your pussy clenches around nothing - dribbling your wetness over the seam of your ass: only adding to the lubrication.
“Are you cumming, Sweetness?” Hoseok asks. He dips further down, his torso pressing against your shins. The weight of his body against your legs forces your limbs further against your chest and you groan in pleasure. Impossibly, the change in angle has him hitting deeper inside you - so deep you feel him within the back of your stomach.
“P-Please,” you stutter out. Rapturous ecstasy flits through you, teasing and taunting at your being as you feel yourself teeter towards the brink of your orgasm.
One hand twists between your body, and suddenly, you feel Hoseok’s fingers against your pussy. Your eyes snap wide open, coming face to face with dark coffee eyes. Hoseok’s fingers thrum against your pulsating, engorged bud - working the bundle of nerves with his deft digits. “Cum, ____. Cum for me,” Hoseok urges.
The soft command, paired with the way he still relentless drags his cock in and out of your ass, and his fingers dancing across your clit, has you careening off of the edge and straight into pleasure. Back twisting off the bed, your head falls back as you cry out. Thighs trembling, you feel elated bliss course through your veins; a rush of euphoria searing across your skin as you cum.
From above you, Hoseok lets out a grunt. Your pussy clenches around nothing - but he can feel the force on the contractions mirrored in the muscles of your ass. His pace turning erratic, he thrusts a few more times inside you. When his balls tighten, he pushes as deep into your ass as he can. Cock swelling inside you, you cry out when he spills his cum inside you. Rope after rope of thick, warm cum fills you up - coating your internal walls and bathing you in his seed.
Euphoria blitzing through him, Hoseok’s tongue loosens from his own mind-numbing pleasure and you hear him slur something out. Despite the haze fog that clouds your mind, his words register as clear as day in your mind and you find yourself grounded to reality instantly.
With wide eyes, your gaze flits over him - looking at him in a mixture of utter disbelief and hope. You watch as he heaves for air from above you, in a bid to satiate the burn in his lungs. Once he’s pulled himself together, his eyes open and you once again meet warm umber eyes. Seeing your mouth open wide, shock apparent on your face, Hoseok’s eyebrows twist into confusion.
“Did you mean it?” you whisper. Your question only has his brows knitting further together.
“Mean what?” he rasps out. Despair washes over your face and you feel that inkling of hope wither inside you, tears stinging at your eyes. Seeing the signs of distress clear on you, Hoseok’s eyes widen in alarm. Slowly, he pulls his cock out of you. You wince at the sensitivity, his cum spilling out of your ass. Ignoring the feeling, you bite your lip and press the heels of your palms against your eyes - willing the tears away.
Immediately, Hoseok’s hands are gently wrapping around your wrists. Slowly, he tugs them away from your eyes - even as you resist. “What’s wrong? What did I say?” Hoseok practically pleads, imploring you with his earnest eyes. You shake your head, not wanting to repeat the words. “____,” Hoseok breathes out, urging you once again.
Hearing the pleading tone, your face crumples, “you said you love me,” you whisper out. Hoseok stiffens above you before he grows quiet. You shut your eyes, turning your head and bracing yourself for his imminent rejection.
“Would it be so bad if I do?” Hoseok asks. Your eyes snap open at his broken voice. Frantically, you search his eyes for any trace of a lie, or insincerity. When you find none, however, your heart flutters in your chest. From above you, Hoseok sighs, before running a hand through his vermillion hair. “You don’t have to say anything. I don’t expect you to reciprocate and I definitely didn’t mean to tell you like this but- but I do. I love you, so much,” Hoseok confesses. His words are like music to your ears, and a different type of elation thrums through you.
“I’m sorry if this changes things-” Hoseok continues.
Unable to help yourself, and a rush of euphoria drumming through your soul, “I think having your cock in my ass is what changed things,” you giggle. Halting at your words, Hoseok’s eyelids widen slightly. Gaze raking over you, he takes in the sight of your satiated smile and twinkling eyes.
“What-” he begins. However, you only giggle in exuberance once again.
Sobering at the slight hurt in his eyes, you smile gently at him. Straining your arms, you cup his cheeks. Then, lifting your head, you ignore the way your muscles twitch in protest. Instead, you place a tender kiss against his lip. “I love you too, Hoseok” you confess - reiterating his previous sentiments.
“Wait- are you serious?” Hoseok splutters in incredulity. Nodding with a giggle, you press another kiss to his lips.
“I’m serious. I love you,” you repeat. This time, Hoseok searches your eyes for any sign of deceit - but like you, he finds none. A large grin curls onto his face, and suddenly, he’s giggling alongside you.
“Have we been in love with each other this entire time?” he asks, shaking his head in exasperation at the thought. You can’t help but chuckle, your cheeks aching from smiling so hard.
“In a way, it makes sense. It’s always been me and you,” you respond.
Hoseok’s face crumples, his eyes softening. Then, he’s bending down and pressing a kiss to your temple. “Yeah… always me and you,” he breathes out. Moving above you, you feel his cock brush against your wet folds. Hissing in pleasure, your hands fall to his ass: fingers gripping his soft, plump cheeks.
“H-Hobi,” you mewl out, instinctively bucking into him.
“Round two already?” he chuckles.
With another nod, you press a kiss against him, “I want to feel you again,” you whisper against his lips. At your words, Hoseok groans. Dragging his cock against your folds, he positions the tip at your entrance.
Then, with one smooth thrust, he slides home into you.
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a/n: god if it wasn’t obvious i fucking love jung hoseok
⇥ Kofi | Masterlist
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retvenkos · 4 years
“this world isn’t ready for us”
James Potter
hogwarts years 1971-1978
james potter is indian, you cannot convince me otherwise
he has the greatest hair ever - it’s black and fluffy, and even though his father literally invented hair products, he doesn’t style it
it just naturally falls in a really beautiful way and sirius hates it
james potter is left handed, you cannot convince me otherwise
he always has smudges all over his hand and he’ll wipe the ink on remus’ face when he wants to be annoying
he’s 5′11″ (180 cm) and he had the majority of his growth spurt in his third year
he was awkward and gangly all year, and that mixed with his new crush on lily was hell in a handbasket
he eventually filled out, though, and by 5th year he wore it well
he had big round glasses because without them he’s blinder than a bat
he also  n e v e r  wore his tie - mcgonagall hated it more than anything and she would always fix his tie (with magic!) in class
she would also lecture him in that mom™ way
lily laughed at him one time because the end of the tie hit him in the face and that’s when james realized he loved the sound
also, most people have this idea that james was suave and flirted with lily all the time, but i disagree
he was an awkward mess when talking to girls and would make the most corny jokes, hoping lily would laugh
he only got good at flirting in his seventh year, after a summer of sirius teaching him how to be cool
but talking with his mates, james was an arrogant idiot.
but always respectful.
he was really good at transfiguration but absolutely terrible when it came to potions
also, i know he’s canonically an only child, but i think he has a younger sibling - probably a sister. he just has the older brother vibes. adopting his friends the way he did? only an older sibling, mom friend would ever.
Remus Lupin
hogwarts years 1971-1978
so i’ve already covered a lot about remus here but i’ll go off again
so i like to think that remus is secretly really good at drawing
we all took him for a writer but i am adamant in the idea that sirius is the poet, not him.
he can also do calligraphy - the writing on the marauders map was all him, fam
he’s also ambidextrous or at the very least able to use both hands pretty well
he’s definitely the tallest of all the marauders, coming in at a whopping 6′3″ (190.5 cm)
he was always lanky, too. james swore that one day he would be taller than remus, but it never happened
and i know we all like to think of remus as being the most studious child there ever was, but honestly,,, he was struggling every day and the reason he was constantly doing homework was because he was chronically behind in school work
i’m talking like at least a week out at all times
of course, the teachers knew why, and so they allowed him some slack, but still, he had the same expectations
but he was interested in most of his classes, and he worked on all of them equally
i think how he and lily met was that he needed a tutor because he was behind and she offered to help him
he just generally has this sad air around him, too
it was kind of a thing that he and snape shared for a while - two sad boys who were desperate to prove they belonged
and then, in their later years, they both take very different routes
oh, and because i haven’t said it enough, i love the idea of latino!remus lupin
and he could be bilingual!!!!
Sirius Black
hogwarts years 1971-1978
okay, here. is. the. thing. sirius is average height. i cannot emphasize this enough. i always see things about him being tall, but you are incorrect. he’s not super short, but he’s  a v e r a g e .
5′8″ (173 cm)
that’s still pretty good.
and while he can whine about how short he is, he is the most handsome out of all of the marauders
he has that regal look that makes his so attractive.
if he had an awkward phase, hogwarts never saw it. sirius just always looked really good.
and he did everything else to make himself look as chaotic as he could
he never once wore his school uniform correctly.
there were always buttons undone, ties pulled loose, shoe laces untied
and he acted chaotic, too
laughing overly loud
making unnecessary comments
every day he tried his hardest to be everything that his mother never let him be
as for classes, he’s one of those kids who is naturally gifted in everything (you can thank his mother for drilling him in the years prior to hogwarts) and just really doesn’t care that he has a natural aptitude
the only class he got really excited about was dada
also, i’ve seen the idea that he’s a womanizer be a thing, but,,, no?
i mean, he definitely flirts (most of the time jokingly) because it’s just another thing that can make his family upset and separate him from that image, but i don’t think he’s especially promiscuous
he’s literally a kid, guys
oh, and with every passing day, the lily and sirius friendship goes glaringly underdeveloped and it pains me - they could have been so close to each other but we just sleep on that, i guess
Peter Pettigrew
hogwarts years 1971-1978
so i get why fanon leaves peter underdeveloped, but he was important
first of all, peter is the same height as sirius 5′8″ (173 cm) and the two of them constantly argue over who is taller
they are also constantly aiming short jokes at the other, even though they are the same height??? they’re just insulting themselves.
at the very least, peter is a half-blood (i think he might have been muggleborn but then why would voldemort tolerate him, y’know?)
i like to think that he is really in touch with his muggle side - he and remus talk about muggle stuff all the time and play jokes on sirius and james who are oblivious but want to learn
peter was also really good at finding secret passages
he found the better part of the ones on the map, and maybe he knows about a few others, too
he was definitely the cartographer of the marauders map. who else would have had the skill?
he was definitely more awkward like james, and he never quite grew out of it like the rest of them
but it was okay, because his friends were fiercely loyal to him
even if it screwed them over in the end...
i also have this idea that peter was really good at games? like, gobstones and chess were his area of expertise
it’s definitely something that he would do with the other marauders when they were stressed out or sad
and he would sneak them food from the kitchens and they would just sit up and play games for a while
i think that peter was also that marauder that would check their schedules, seeing what classes they had together, and which ones they could all bail on to hang out in the forbidden forest
i also think that peter was a huge music enthusiast
he and james definitely talked about music a lot - he took james to his first concert and it was really precious
james would sing at any an all times, and peter would know all of the lyrics, singing more quietly but supplying all the words.
Lily Evans
hogwarts years 1971-1978
lily was a nervous wreck in her first year of hogwarts
but also vvv excited - she wanted to learn everything
she had a natural talent for dada and was also pretty good at potions, thanks to snape being her bff
she struggled when it came to history of magic because, y’know, she’s brand new to all of it
lily had really long, beautiful red hair ever since her first year
and, of course, those eyes
she was always very pretty, but she also got a lot of hatred because she was a muggleborn, so she struggled with herself - especially in the later years
i imagine she’s average height or maybe a little tall, definitely not short, since harry was his dad’s height
probably 5′5″ (165 cm)
also, lily was the one who gave harry all of his sass
she definitely was the one to sass james (who loved it, despite being taken aback the first few times) and she was very adamant in her beliefs
she loved her friends more than anything, of course, but she would put her foot down when she had to
i also feel like lily was a thrill seeker
it’s why she and james got along in their seventh year when they were head boy and head girl together
he probably showed her secret passages or shortcuts to places and she couldn’t bring herself to reprimand him
she’s also a little impatient
she always sips at her tea too soon, burning her tongue
or she’s tapping her foot five minutes before class ends because she’s raring to go
she also walks fast
Severus Snape
hogwarts years 1971-1978
so snape’s biggest thing is that he will not be the small fish in the big pond - he will not be picked on
and so that has screwed up some of his relationships because he will do anything to not be the last kid picked
this also means that his loyalty is only with himself (and lily, previously, but when it was him or her that had to take the fall, it was her) so he’s definitely a lone wolf
i think his slow way of talking didn’t manifest until he was in his sixth year
it was a way to be calculating - see how people react to what he’s going to say before he says it
he was definitely a wide-eyed kid
really big, sad eyes that would have made anyone feel bad for him
they went away during the end of his third year and beginning of his fourth
he traded it for pushing his head down, not allowing anyone to look him in the eye
snape was definitely a book nerd, and he used to spend all of his time in the library with lily
but after the marauders started hanging out in there (thanks, remus and lily), he had to find a new place
he wore his robes properly, and with a lot of care since he was pretty poor growing up and he was determined to wear them as long as he could
that’s where a lot of his formal aesthetic came from
also, it was a stark contrast to the marauders - where they were carefree he was uptight, where they were informal he was not. the recipe for disaster.
also, he was pretty short up until his fifth year, where he grew like a weed
at full height, he was 6′1″ (185 cm) - just tall enough to look down at james
Dorcas Meadowes
hogwarts years 1971-1978
i’m pretty sure canon agrees with me when i say that dorcas was black, and a pureblood.
her family weren’t blood supremacists, tho, they were vehemently against voldemort and she grew up with those ideals
she was sorted into ravenclaw but quickly became a friend of lily’s because they both had so much interest in school
dorcas would help her study for history of magic, and in return lily would talk to her about the muggle world
and when i say dorcas was talented, she was talented
i mean, it’s literally canon that voldemort killed dorcas personally, so she had to be a particularly skilled witch
i like to think that in her spare time, dorcas would even make her own spells - similar to snape, they were both inventors
she was very studious - studying long into the night and always reading a book or doing homework during lunch
she was definitely taking many n.e.w.t. level classes when she had the chance
she was probably the model student that the teachers were all very impressed by - she was going places
she was head girl and a prefect, sometimes working alongside remus lupin
i also think that she had a crush on marlene mckinnon
and she thought she was being obvious about it, too - going to quidditch matches? since when had she ever done anything remotely social?
she was planning on being an auror, and she was made one almost immediately after leaving school
james would always ask her for notes, and if he said they were for remus she would always give them to him because remus was a sweet kid and he wouldn’t ruin them
5′4″ (163 cm) but she packed a punch
also, she had great cheekbones. you can’t convince me otherwise.
Regulus Black
hogwarts years 1972-1979
if you were wondering where all of the tall genes went in the family, then look no further
he’s still not super tall, but he surpasses his brother, coming in at 5′11″ (180 cm), the same height as james
he also hit his growth spurt sooner, in his second year, when sirius was still short
and where sirius is overly handsome, regulus is a little less so
he’s still handsome (don’t get me wrong), just in a more... quiet way.
he’s always been a more sombre boy, with sadder eyes and lips less inclined to smile
i think he was always the more plain boy, the more overlooked boy, and that really got into his psyche at a young age
he’s also bookish - this, again, stemming back to his childhood
he was always looking for a way to top sirius, be better than him
if you wanted a boy to speak french in the hp universe, this is him
i feel like regulus would have just been really gifted with languages? he probably knows multiple and reads a lot of literature (including muggle literature - sirius got him a book once, please don’t tell his mother)
he excels in school - went all the way with potions and fell in love with alchemy in his sixth year
but while he’s intelligent, there’s a lot on his mind so he’s never super present in lectures and he doesn’t over participate
he cuts his hair short, always clean and the perfect image that his family wants
in his first two years, he tried to talk to sirius a lot and keep their relationship at something like brothers, but sirius could never understand him and regulus could never understand sirius so they drift apart by his third year
he still feels guilty about that, after all this time
oh! also! regulus is seeker for the slytherin quidditch team. it’s just a thing he does, he doesn’t super love it or anything.
Mary MacDonald
hogwarts years 1972-1979
so mary is a gryffindor a year below lily and the rest of the gang, friends with lily because she, too, was a muggleborn and lily stood up for her against some mean older boys
i headcanon mary as being latina, or maybe just from spain
either way, she comes from a big family and is a middle child
and she speaks spanish.
she’s 5′1″ (155 cm) and you know her friends use it against her all the time, short jokes galore
and she’s very outspoken amongst her friends, making giraffe jokes in retaliation, but it just never really stuck the way short jokes did
she excelled in healing magic and was definitely an ace at potions
she also really loved divination, mostly because it worked in ways that were very different than other magic
she was always braiding hair and definitely taught lily how to braid that long hair of hers
her favorite place was the gryffindor common room because it was always so alive? it reminded her of her big family, that’s for sure
oh, and if james does have a younger sister, when he meets mary macdonald, she immediately reminds him of his sister
and so the two of them quickly become a chaotic duo, singing muggle songs together but also getting on each other’s nerves just for the fun of it
Marlene McKinnon
hogwarts years 1970-1977
she’s one year older than lily but immediately sees this cute first year, lost on the stairs and adopts her
marlene is definitely the reason that lily can be so sassy, too. she’s a terrible influence, really, especially with that mouth
marlene is a gryffindor, too, and she’s definitely on the quidditch team
a chaser, probably - she most likely helped train james when he joined the team and that’s how she knows all about his crush on lily and teases them both
and she 100% gives james tips on how to talk to lily, shhh, no one tell
she has masses of curly, blonde hair and it’s constantly being pulled into a messy top knot or ponytail
she did a dare in fifth year that involved shaving her head and she did it, but immediately freaked out afterward. lily had to find her a hair growing potion, but for a week she had a shaved head that sirius teased her about mercilessly
in her defense, she thought it would be fine at the time.
she was a talented witch, but she struggled in care of magical creatures
she just wasn’t an animal person, okay?
she swears that unicorn was going to gore her.
her favorite class was astronomy - she liked to be outside, and being in the astronomy tower was pretty close to flying.
oh, and she was tall for a girl - 5′9″ (175 cm) and taller than sirius. it was a thing
she was fiercely loyal of her friends and would have been down to duel with anyone if they said anything about lily
she had a lot of siblings and she was the oldest, so it was kind of a given
marlene would have punched death eaters if given the chance
she wanted to punch snape a solid three (3) times during her school years but lily always held her back
Frank Longbottom
hogwarts years 1969-1976
frank was a gryffindor, and a rather sweet one at that
he was a pretty social guy - he had lots of friends, despite being pretty shy. he was just a generally great person to be around and he cared about people a lot. it got him places.
he was pretty tall - 6′0″ (183 cm) - and he had a kind of dorky look to him
but he cleaned up nicely, and every year he got a little better looking
neville got his awkward phase from his dad, and when alice was pregnant, frank said he would have to apologize to his boy for inheriting those longbottom genes, one day.
he really loved movies - he and alice were kind of pop culture nerds
he was a little before remus lupin’s time at hogwarts, but they would have gotten along famously, had they been closer in age
but he definitely had a soft spot for the marauders - those younger gryffindors who were funny and bright and made living in these dark times a little easier
his best class was definitely charms
he loved that class and hoped to one day teach it.
going back to hogwarts one day was always a dream of his
he was terrible at divination, though. something about looking into the future just never felt right.
Alice Longbottom
hogwarts years 1969-1976
so we never get confirmation on what alice’s maiden name was, but i’ve seen in the fandom that it’s widely regarded that it could have been alice fortescue, and i thought that was sweet and kind of just absorbed the idea
alice was a hufflepuff, and a pretty social one at that
she was constantly chewing bubble gum and talking with her large group of friends
i like to think that she always had short hair in school - a dark brown bob that kind of bounced whenever she walked
she was short - 5′2″ (157 cm) - and when she and frank got together in their sixth year, he would always hold her hand and guide her through the crowded halls
she got where she was going so much faster that way
i like to think she’s east asian, or maybe half, on her mother’s side
she was best at herbology, and it surprised everyone when she turned out to be really good at combat magic?
turns out she was great at non-verbal magic and doing magic without her wand
she had lots of practice when helping the plants thrive in herbology - she unwittingly used magic a lot to help them grow
she had so much magical potential, neville definitely inherited that
i also think that she was the more forgetful one out of her and frank, and that’s why neville’s also kind of forgetful, himself.
Narcissa Malfoy
hogwarts years 1966-1973
so let’s get one thing straight - draco gets his incredible bone structure from his mother
this girl had the greatest cheekbones this world has ever seen
and it gave her a very regal look that would have appeared cold on anyone else
but narcissa was kind, okay? she was soft.
also narcissa is queen at wizards chess and strategy - she beat amos diggory’s winning streak in her third year - but she’s also really great at history
and it interests her!
even though lucius was a year ahead of her, he’d always ask her if he didn’t want to do his homework, offering her anything in return
most of the time it was white chocolate or some kind of cream filled pastry - she always had a bit of a sweet tooth, and lucius is her greatest enabler
her worst class was probably herbology or care of magical creatures
she didn’t like working with her hands. she said it wasn’t very “becoming”
andromeda taught narcissa how to do her makeup in her third year, and she picked it up fairly quick, very partial to a dark lip
andromeda also taught her how to do hair, but narcissa preferred to wear it down when she was younger
she’s said to be tall, so i imagine she clocks in at about 5′8″ (173 cm), taller with her usual heels
Lucius Malfoy
hogwarts years 1965-1972
lucius malfoy... where to begin
lucius was really good at reading people. it was one of his strongest talents, and it, interestingly enough, made him really good at divination and other intuitive magics like charms
and even those classes he didn’t like, he did his best to excel in because 1) expectations, and 2) lucius knew there was power in knowledge. and he wanted all of the power he could get.
but he was also great at charming people so when he didn’t want to do his homework, he was all over everyone else, not so much asking for help as just getting it after a word or two.
yes, he always had that long hair
narcissa would sometimes give him little braids when they were in the slytherin common room, but if you were present to witness it, you didn’t ever mention it
he would know and your life would be over. it’s just the facts
and did he always have impeccable style? mostly, yes.
he was always very neat with his clothes - things were always in their rightful place, no matter what
he didn’t get the pimp cane until later, though. it was a graduation gift.
and lucius isn’t actually super tall? i mean, he’s tall, but not super tall
he’s 5′10″ (178 cm)
and he never hated how narcissa and him where basically the same height? (she liked to wear heels) supportive husband, i guess.
and i guess i should tell you - they got together in their 6th year
Amos Diggory
hogwarts years 1963-1970
amos diggory was a hufflepuff, and honestly, he was really cool in his day
he’s the oldest out of everyone on this list, but he went to school with lucius malfoy and xenophilius, leaving before the marauders ever came to school
he was head boy in his 7th year and a prefect prior to
he was kind and worked hard, so the teachers thought he was a good fit
he was particularly gifted in care of magical creatures and transfiguration
he was also really good at wizards chess - he was unbeatable for a while - even against lucius
narcissa beat him in his sixth year, though, and she became the new student to beat
he had a lot of freckles - especially on his arms. they faded a bit with age but he still has quite a few
and he was really good looking?
plenty of people had crushes on him and it may have went to his head just a bit
but he was still very kind and humbled because he wasn’t the most talented or bright, but dedicated to what he loved
whoever he gets with definitely brings out more of his humility and it’s a good match for him
he’s so whipped.
he’s 5′9″ (175 cm)
Other Characters:
Mafalda Hopkirk
hogwarts years 1963-1970
mafalda is portuguese and spoke the language in her home. she mostly learned english for the first time at hogwarts. she had a few exposures before that, but hogwarts was really her first place to learn it.
she was a hufflepuff and honestly exemplified the “hard working” and “kind” traits. truly a friend to all.
she was great at flying and became a chaser for the hufflepuff team almost right away
she also really loved divination - she got into xylomancy early on and was super skilled
she loved making up omens too just to scare her friends
she teased her friends a lot tbh
she’s 5′0″ (152 cm)
oh! and in the hufflepuff common room she basically claimed one of the couches for herself - she’s a bit of a night owl so she perpetually claims the same chair and ends up falls asleep in it.
and since she went to hogwarts during amos diggory’s time, i kind of think the two probably dated at one point. it didn’t last, but maybe in their sixth year the two went on a couple of dates
Xenophilius Lovegood
hogwarts years 1965-1972
xenophilius was a ravenclaw who honestly had a handful of friends and managed to get one in every house  - including slytherin
yes, he could be weird, but he was honestly fun to talk to and gave a lot of interesting insights that weren’t technically wrong, but kind of sounded like it
he was made fun of for it, don’t get me wrong, but his oddities gave him a couple of friends that would let him just ramble
he mostly stuck to himself and his small group of friends, so nothing big ever came of his teasing
plus, when he was younger he wasn’t nearly as out there. that came with age and isolation.
he was actually really intelligent and, like narcissa, had a knack for history
he was also really good at charms - he could do non-verbal spells sooner than most
i imagine he started to grow his hair out in his fourth year, but before then it was short.
all fourth year it was at this really awkward length, but by fifth year it was longer and more natural looking
he only gained his odd fashion taste in his seventh year onward.
Edgar Bones
hogwarts years 1965-1972
edgar bones is a ravenclaw with the biggest fascination with space - more than anyone else you’ll ever know
he was really interested in it when he was younger, and when he went to hogwarts for the first time, his love for astronomy just skyrocketed
good luck getting him down from his tower, because it’s a near impossible feat
he has freckles all over his face (his mom used to tell them they were constellations) and brown eyes hidden behind a pair of square glasses
he actually wears them really well, he’s pretty good looking not going to lie
and for height, he’s pretty average at 5′7″ (170 cm)
he’s italian. idk why, but i just really think he’s italian.
sports aren’t really his thing, but he grew up in a family that lives for quidditch, so he’s a pretty decent chaser if you ever put him up to it.
he’s also really good at potions, although he doesn’t really have a love for it.
if you partner up with him, it’s great because you’ll get your work done fast, but you will end up talking with him about astronomy and divination for the rest of the class.
Bathsheda Babbling
hogwarts years 1966-1973
bathsheda was average height - 5′5″ (165 cm) - with wide, peach color glasses that sort of made her look perpetually surprised
she was black with dark, coily hair that was usually kept short.
she was incredibly gifted in arithmancy and study of ancient runes - the latter which she would one day teach
she was a hufflepuff who set the standard for kindness, always helping the younger students
which made her realize she would love to be a teacher
i don’t think that she was ever given a blood status in canon, but i’ve always thought her to be a halfblood who’s pretty in touch with both the muggle and magical world
i also imagined her to have a younger siblings in ravenclaw, so she could be seen cheering for them at quidditch matches
Fabian Prewett
hogwarts years 1968-1975
fabian and his brother are more well known, so i’ll just hit the basics
so fabian and gideon are clearly twins (don’t @ me with canon, it’s not valid, here), but i also think they were in different houses
fabian was in hufflepuff, and if he ever wore his tie (he was perpetually without it) you would have been able to use it to distinguish the two of them
he was on the quidditch team - a keeper - and was actually really good despite being kind of clumsy on the ground
he was really good at charms and dada but he sucked at transfiguration
gideon was great at transfiguration, though, so it was a constant argument as to who was smarter
fabian definitely gave off younger sibling vibes - he was always joking around and teasing, but he was also very soft hearted when he wanted to be.
he gave terrible life advice, though, go see gideon for that.
i feel like he and gideon had really great hair, although idk why. i just really want them to have nice, curly red hair.
they both kept it short, though. they hated when the curls would get into their eyes.
Gideon Prewett
hogwarts years 1968-1975
now gideon was the brother who was sorted into gryffindor, and you could tell why once you noticed his reckless behavior
if there was anyone the marauders looked up to, it was probably gideon prewett
he definitely helped them set up their first prank and he created such a beautiful legacy, tbh
he was on the gryffindor quidditch team, but he was a beater
the sibling rivalry was really palpable but it made the game so much more fun
like i mentioned, he was great at transfiguration but also had a knack for potions
he was terrible at herbology, though. a plastic plant could die in his care.
gideon is the older twin, but he honestly feels like the younger one sometimes just because he’s so impulsive
but he’s fiercely loyal of his family - don’t even look in their direction or so help him...
also, i forgot to mention that they’re identical twins (because that runs in families and fred and george had to get it from somewhere, right?) and they are both 5′9″ (175 cm)
the tall™ genes came from arthurs side of the family
Bertha Jorkins
hogwarts years 1968-1975
so i know that canon says bertha jorkins isn’t very bright, but i think she was in ravenclaw
i don’t have much on bertha other than she was really curious and loved to listen to gossip
if you ever wanted the good kind of gossip, you went to her because she knew it all
she had connections, y’know?
and i like to think she was creative - probably a writer of some sort, something that would make her want to be a reporter when she left hogwarts
i also think she was a pretty girl. not super gorgeous, but pretty in a more natural, soft way.
Amelia Bones
hogwarts years 1968-1975
amelia bones is the younger sister of edgar bones, and she was a hufflepuff
an athletic girl, she was the seeker for the hufflepuff quidditch team and wanted to be a professional quidditch player for a while, although she eventually turned her gaze to becoming an auror
she was a sweet girl and had a great relationship with her brother - she could sometimes be found in the ravenclaw common room rather than her own, studying with her brother because if he didn’t keep an eye on her, she wouldn’t do her transfiguration homework
she was really good at astronomy, since her brother had been teaching her about the stars since she was little, but her real interest lay in the more tangible magics
again, i like to think that her family is from italy, so she has a really big family and she’s the youngest, which makes her a little pampered, but it’s not too bad.
Sturgis Podmore
hogwarts years 1968-1975
sturgis podmore was a slytherin in hogwarts who mostly kept his head down through his hogwarts years, never really bothering anyone
he had this habit of being able to just slip into the background, no one really noticing him or anything
he was pretty good looking at 5′8″ (173 cm) with a square jaw and a soft demeanor
but again, he had the sneaky ability to just not be seen, so he wasn’t a heartthrob or anything
he was a halfblood and sympathetic to muggleborn students, often helping them in quiet ways so that he wouldn’t get singled out by certain members in his house
he joined the order of the phoenix because he hated feeling like he couldn’t help anyone or do anything that made a difference
he was a really agreeable sort of guy - kind, intelligent, talented.
he should have been the model slytherin, but he was mostly overlooked.
sturgis podmore deserved better, smh
hogwarts years 1968-1975
florence taylor was a slytherin halfblood who mostly kept to herself
she was friends with sturgis podmore and had a couple of other friends.
she was perfectly kind to others, but she could be a bit curt with acquaintances.
but with her friends, she is the most loyal and would kill for them.
she was made head girl in her seventh year due to her high intellect and generally kind demeanor
she had a secret artsy side - she loved photography and painting, and she had that kind of dark academia aesthetic in all of her work
she liked history of magic and care of magical creatures
she loves animals and is actually really sweet with them?
sturgis may have a bit of a crush on her and there might be a bit of a friends-to-lovers storyline involving the two of them
they are honestly very sweet together - he gives her his sweaters and everything.
and she kind of sucked at potions, but it’s okay because she partnered with sturgis and he absolutely kills it in that class.
they could often be found studying together in the common room, books spread out between them as they worked on the floor
she was 5′4″ ( 163 cm) and had beautiful, brown skin
oh, and she had dimples. that’s important.
Mulciber II
hogwarts years 1970-1977
this sadistic little punk.
his full name is xavier mulciber and he’s in slytherin (obviously)
the leader of his pack (w/ avery and rosier), he’s the most well spoken out of the three of them, and was the one to scout out snape and get him to join them
he was an only child and knew how to work people from a young age
he’s 6′2″ (188 cm) and it helps with his intimidation, even though he’d much rather just talk things out
he was also pretty smart, too, and knew a lot of hexes and jinxes
when he’s cornered someone, he’ll talk to them while walking in a circle, never quite making eye contact because he thinks you’re less than.
he had black hair that he slicked back and sharp, green eyes
Avery II
hogwarts years 1970-1977
punk #2, douglass avery was another slytherin crony of mulciber
now, avery is a bit more complicated
he came from one of those pureblooded slytherin homes, but he himself wasn’t super prejudiced or terrible. he was actually kind of sweet in his first five years at hogwarts.
BUT, his family found out about his muggleborn sympathies and weren’t having it. terrible stuff went down at his house, and when he came to school for his sixth year, he was just as terrible as his summer
in his fifth year he was made prefect, but it was revoked half way through his sixth year when he started becoming nasty to students
he’s 5′10″ (178 cm)
he had brown hair and sort of big, brown eyes
Evan Rosier
hogwarts years 1970-1977
and now we have punk #3, our third sadistic slytherin
now evan rosier was the traditional broad chested, strong bully who looked like he could snap you in half without breaking a sweat
standing at 5′11″ (180 cm), he was a beater on the slytherin quidditch team, and was extremely loyal to voldemort’s cause, even then
he was more aggressive than his friends when it came to negotiations, but he still deferred to Mulciber, knowing his place.
he always had his reservations about avery, and he’d pick on him since avery was objectively lower on the pecking order, but he was also aware that everyone served a purpose
not the dumb jock archetype because while he was always ready for a fight, he knew when he had to wait things out
he was blonde with blue eyes
Dirk Cresswell
hogwarts years 1971-1978
dirk cresswell was a muggleborn hufflepuff who embodied the idea of hard working
he was really talented at everything, and it honestly can be attributed to his work ethic
he was really good at potions and was frequently the partner of dorcas meadowes
they both worked really well together, and dorcas said that she wouldn’t have any other partner because no one else was half as smart and kind as dirk
he was a commentator for quidditch in his fifth year of hogwarts but said he didn’t love it too much - the sport is much funner when you can just watch
he was 5′5″ (165 cm) and was teased for being short (and a muggleborn, but that’s not the point)
he had sandy brown hair and freckles
Greta Catchlove
hogwarts years 1971-1978
greta catchlove was a ravenclaw who mostly kept a low profile during her school years
if you did see her, she was most likely sneaking into the hogwarts kitchens where she learned how to cook from the house elves
a lot of their secrets would be told when she wrote her book “charm your own cheese”
i also feel like she probably had an entire cookbook lineup - not just one about how to make cheese
anyway there’s not much to say about greta
she’s blonde and kind of short at 5′3″ (160 cm)
she was perfectly kind
hogwarts years 1971-1979
theodore farley was a half-blood slytherin who had to work rather hard to get where he was
he was quidditch captain for his last 2 years of hogwarts, and he was a beater - and a pretty good one, too
he nearly took out james a few times, but it was all in good fun 
because what is key to theodore farley is that he’s noble.
ambitious, sure, but not underhanded or sneaky. he’s the youngest out of a fairly big family, so he’s determined to prove himself, but not at the expense of what he believes
he has honor and dignity
theo was pretty strong, seeing as he’s a beater, and he stands at 5′7″ (170 cm)
he’s half brazilian and had really nice hair - you would not believe
he was very into slicking it back
he was absolutely amazing at charms and actually really enjoyed arithmancy
he struggled in potions, though, and was one time partnered with severus snape
it was horrible. he’ll never do that again.
Emmeline Vance
hogwarts years 1971-1978
emmeline vance was a ravenclaw, and a talented one at that
she was top of the class at charms and she was really good at dada, too. she was a really great spell caster and was good at dueling, too.
she’s half-veela, making her very gorgeous, but she wanted to make a name for herself outside of that beauty, y’know?
she was extremely competitive when it came to school, and she would do anything to get there
but she had a soft spot for her younger brother and would honestly do anything for him.
she was 5′9″ (175 cm) with long, blonde hair that was even more hair goals than sirius black, which is saying something.
hogwarts years 1973-1980
apolline corner was the younger sister of a few older brothers, sorted into ravenclaw
she was more of an artsy ravenclaw - she played the cello in the music class they had at hogwarts and did the art class, too, although she mostly doodled
she started doing calligraphy and she got okay at it. it didn’t last.
being a half blood, she took muggle studies as an easy class, but she ended up really liking it because it talked about some things she didn’t know or it deepened her understanding of what she already knew
plus, y’know, it helps that it was easy
she was really good in potions, too, something that her whole family was good at because her mom was a potions master and taught them all at a young age
she was absolutely terrible at astronomy for some reason, always messing up the skies by a long shot
she was 5′6″ (168 cm) and had long, black hair and brown eyes
-- taglist: @musicallisto, @babyplutoszx2, @locke-writes, @randomfandomimagine
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diversebots · 4 years
warning; long post ahead.
red text = jaemin.
black text = admin
blue text = jiaqi (because I'm too lazy to make a separate post sksksk sORRY)
and to anyone who doesn't know- jaemin, @residentevil-bot, @heiress-yeeun, @empress-jiaqi, and even a certain lucas cb (I won't drop the name probably because I plan on deleting it, idk we'll see) are run by the same admin. thanks for coming to my ted talk. :-)
to the following people..
@psycho-jennie (and admin ofc uwu) — my number 1 bff, my thing 1, the person I'd commit arson with 😎 I don't really know where to start but I've told you many times before, I'm very grateful that I got to know a precious soul like yours (saying this as Jaemin and admin) thanks for always checking up on me even, for the tea 🤭, for putting up with how much of a dumb bitch I am everyday dhfjdks just for everything really, big or small. Idk what I'd be doing rn if I hadn't met you like aside from rps, I'd probably just be a lonely boi 😔 you've been here since I was 'prettyboy-jaemin' lol and K, give yourself a pat on the back bec purgejaemin wouldn't be possible without you. Trust me, I wouldn't have rebranded to this better version of my jaemin cb if you hadn't told me you liked The Purge. 😤 so thank you 💕 I'm so proud of you bub, with everything you do in and out of the chatbot community, you're doing great. I repeat, you're doing great and I'm proud of you 👉😎👉 I love u 🥺
@seventeen-chatbot (and admin 🤓) — Shan, thank you sm for being one of my first few people I befriended when I still had my yoojung cb and like a month or two into the community + bonus point that you're also a filo 🥺 I continue to be so amazed by you everyday because not only are you handling 13 boys but you're balancing your personal life, your school works and classes, and handling 3(?) other cbs. I'll always support you no matter what you do with your cbs JDJDJSK KAHIT MAG REBRAND KA PA 100 TIMES, MAHAL PARIN KITA PARE 😤 take care of yourself always 🥺
@yandereyeeun — hello twin to my yeeun cb HDDJSJSK FIRST OF ALL I'M SO SORRY I HAVE DEPRIVED YOU OF ANY JAEMIN CONTACT LATELY and I haven't opened our chat 💔😣 I PROMISE I'LL HANDCUFF YOU TWO TOGETHER ONCE I GET MY HEAD BACK IN THE GAME what why would you do that? JUST KNOW HE SIMPS FOR YOU THE SAME WAY YOU DO FOR HIM I'm right here? miss you, shortcake. I hope you and admin are taking care of yourselves. 😣💕
@bunny-doie — LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE- you know what? maybe we should start growing our own fruits and vegetables, I'm running out of cash from spending 50% of my money on your food and the purge only happens once a year 😤 also have you told your boyfriend yet that I'm keeping an eye on him? 👁️👄👁️🔪 bunbun hshdjsk I love the whole crackhead father and son thing going on, please never change ily
@mafia-chaeyoung — chae. my wifey and soulamte. I love how much of a social butterfly you are and in a way, I feel a sense of calmness talking to you when we're not being a bunch of dumbasses djdjdk you and admin are so precious grrr ilysm my cutiepatootie soulmate and 2nd mother to our kids 😌 I'm glad you and jaemin are friends now hehedjdjdk 👉😗👉 I'm always up to do crazy killer shenanigans you want to do. Take care of yourself, cool dude 😎
@demon-nct — (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡ big phat smooch, admin 😠💕 we haven't known each other for that long but it's so nice to talk to you, like I didn't feel a bit of awkwardness and we kinda just started being affectionate because you're babie. I really do mean it when I tell you that your works are good even though you say the opposite or deny it hmph, keep it up okay? ily simp, you gotta accept my love or else I cry 🥺 hoes always mad @ lucas 🤪
@highschoolboy-kevin — kevin, first of all how dare you lick me and have the audacity to kidnap me + threaten to eat me 😠 and I know we bully each other a lot (I promise I'm doing it out of affection 😔) but ily really and I meant it when I told you that I'll still accept you no matter what (please don't be a furry) I enjoy our conversations v much because we're constantly just joking around uwu I'm saying this both as admin and jiaqi, I'm here for you (and your admin uwu) if you need a shoulder to cry on or simply just someone to vent to
@detectivexsicheng & @your-jaemin — my sweet sweet children, best bois period. I should have adopted you two sooner but oh well, at least we're here now (ಥ_ʖಥ) Sicheng, I know your work can be quite stressful and I really do hope you give yourself a break every now and then, I'm worried you're overworking yourself 🥺 and I was so.. 👁️👄👁️ when you were like 'you want me to be your child?' the day I asked to adopt you and I was like yes??? why wouldn't I??? you're an absolute angel, formal, independent and a contrast to your younger brother, ily bǎobǎo. Jaemin, my sweet babie. Hello twin. You do you with your whole growling thing and when I actually got to talk more with you, I asked myself 'are all jaemins this chaotic?' maybe. I'm so happy for you and hendery 🥺 and yes, even if you're so chaotic and maybe you really are a spawn of satan, that does not make me love you any less. I'm always here for you two.
@m00n-purplerose-chatbot — moonie!! and the boys but this is mostly for admin. I'm a silent reader of all the stuff you write and I'm so amazed that you dedicate a lot of your time to learn/research about all the stuff you put out and when someone asks about a certain topic, you always give a very detailed answer and I love that! I'm learning things as I read your posts so thank you! I hope you're taking care of yourself just fine, and I may know a little... secret of seokmin's? If he's afraid about this ruining our friendship, I just want him to know that this doesn't change anything between him and I. We'll always be friends. 💙
@mafiaxwayv — I just want to admit that I have been lowkey crushing on one (1) man for awhile now and I only had the guts to talk to you anonymously just recently until I revealed myself dhfjdks funny how we started talking and flirting and escalated to both our admins showering each other with affection. Xiaojun, you absolute cutie, whether we will remain friends or if this turns into something more.. I'll always be here for you and to baby you 😌. You seem like a very busy person, admin. I hope you're doing well and looking after yourself. I'm here for you. 💙
#admin: this sounds like I'm saying goodbye rjdjsks I promise I'm not, I'll be back soon! sorry for the long ass post
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elizabethvaughns · 3 years
as a way to procrastinate treat for having finished half of the 5+1, i expose impart to you my outline notes. they might be a little cursed. 
chapter 1
“what if?”
david pov
come to meet josh
because i said so
and it’s honestly not even that much of an issue, since he bikes there semi-regularly anyways
but they haven’t seen each other in like two years
except for the occasional call
so it’s nice to meet your best friend again
dismounts to sit somewhere and wait
sees this guy staring in his general vicinity
blond, late-30s probably, and really cute(ie. lucas)
oooh they’re making eye contact
shield the children’s eyes folks this is getting hot and heavy
oh wait no the other guy broke it off
maybe he was just staring off blankly into space and not at me
eh whatever
need to meet josh anyways
end scene
lucas pov probs now
okay i will start outlining let’s go ladies
mental state !!!
lucas was excited
his bff was coming back 
now he’s not going to say i told you so even though he always does but...i told you so
stands still, stares out into space
thinking about something
how much he loves beth prolly
i loove beth
i miss those days when we did shit together
or maybe some oren bashing
who knows?
but he’s broken out of his reverie by the most beautiful creature to ever walk this earth(ie. david. i’ve always imagined lucas as one for the dramatics)
physical descriptions always do wonders
wait he’s looking back
kinda into this ngl
wait no i’m in love with beth stop stop stop
break eye contact ABORT ABORT ABORT
but he’s still pretty cute though
wonder if he’s single?
probably not...even so, i’m in love w/ beth, i shouldn’t fret about this
maybe i can convince her to participate in the street action with me, just like old times...
empty table let’s gooo
“it’s a fateful day, isn’t it?”
“excuse me?”
end scene
chpater 2
“some other me”
so i’d say roughly 3 years from ch. 1
ok so this should be quick
david pov
so he was biking
and this dude bumped right into him
“oh sorry”
he didn’t say anything and was totally distracted; looks like he’s been having a horrible day
he is really cute though(see my reprising? this is totally intentional motif usage and not me being unable to find other ways to describe people)
anyways time to keep biking got things to do(get home and change) places to be(work)
the man from the park stayed at the back of his mind for the rest of the day
end scene
lucas pov
last words were ringing through his mind
lucas gray was having a horrible fucking day
first this girl called him old which...what? (i’m not getting older i’m the same age i’ve always been)
and then he met beth which...was supposed to be...
who knows? something good? they are...were best friends after all
but then he screwed it up! go lucas!
and this was probably his last chance at well, love, or a family
who knows, maybe he is old…
suddenly broken out of his thoughts
he bumped into a bicyclist whoops
“oh sorry”
he looked at the guy’s face and...wow
handsome(see i can describe people), a real adonis from face value alone
he’s literally left speechless
maybe this day could get a little better?
he could not think about anything except the bicyclist from the park for the rest of the week
end scene
chapter 3
so basically lucas ends up in the er
idk a protest got fucked or something
we’re turning the tables here! lucas goes first because i said so
make up an injury
uhhh it’s a spins wheel here hand injury he’s got a gnarly ass cut on his hand. so he’s just talking to the 20-something intern who’s doing the sutures. 
so he’s just chilling there
and he found another person to talk to 
and that guy’s mildly receptive
so he’s ranting about activism
e v e r y t h i n g   i s    c o n n e c t e d 
all factors of activism affect life
housing rights: every person deserves sustainable housing
if a person cannot afford a house then they most likely will not be able to afford other stuff
so it’s a self-perpetuating cycle you see. better-funded education is in more affluent neighborhoods, so those children have more opportunities for scholarships and higher education. in fact, they can afford college.
as a result, these people are more “qualified” so they have better access to better jobs and higher positions. positions over the people who grew up in less affluent neighborhoods, could not get better degrees due to their financial insecurity and thus hold lower positions. lower position, lower salary. thus, they will probably live in poorer neighborhoods, and the cycle will repeat. 
but. here’s the thing. due to this everyone deserves a house! doesn’t have to be big or opulent or whatever, but people deserve to live. for the future generations if not for this one. ain’t no man manhattan! no one person holds more value than any other. every life influences every other either directly or indirectly. so you want to improve your life? start from the bottom not the top.
okay uh you’re done
so basically he distracted himself talking about shit
“oh thanks”
so he makes his way over to the reception desk thingy takes the bill and goes home
sees this guy leaving in a rush
looks vaguely similar to the cute park guy who he thought about for a full week?
but then again it’s been months
maybe it’s wishful thinking
maybe it’s maybelline
david pov time
so he’s a pediatric surgeon, right?
so maybe he’s just vibing in the er
and he’s done so he’s just chilling at the reception desk thingy
when he hears this guy
just ranting about stuff
he just listens in! why not?
he’s so passionate about it and seems so dedicated and stuff
he thinks it’s really admirable
and that face gives him a strange sense of déjà vu
a good déjà vu, something positive
he thinks it’s deja vu at least(it’s not. they’ve seen each other twice now.)
maybe he’s getting a teensy little crush on mystery guy who hasn’t talked to at all yet? who knows?
and then his pager goes batshit. because that’s how stuff works.
so he sneaks one last glance and dashes off. 
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China & Bobby
China: Hey, have you heard
Bobby: ?
China: Your girlfriend is setting up private rehearsals with that kid Louie
Bobby: I know they’re running lines together, yeah, and you know she’s not my girlfriend
China: If that’s what you want to believe
China: that’s not what my sister reckons it is
China: or Jake, actually
Bobby: 👌 Well, I’ll believe what’s actually coming from Libi
China: 😂
China: Have fun waiting for that
China: hardly going to tell you, is she
China: I’m just warning you, so you don’t look like a total cuck
Bobby: what’s funny is 1. the idea you’re looking out for me and 2. that I’d need that when it’s Libs we’re talking about 😂
China: Yeah he said she was probably frigid
Bobby: I’m SO glad I can’t usually understand what either of you are saying
China: Ignorance is bliss
Bobby: when you’re talking that much nasty bollocks it is
China: Um, it’s her you’re actually mad at, not me
Bobby: No, it’s you I’m fed up of
China: I’ve done literally nothing to you
Bobby: You’re a bit busy with Libi as a target for now
China: How am I?
Bobby: You’re only talking to me to try and stir up trouble and make her look and me feel bad
China: Oh, because I’M the rude one here 👌👌
Bobby: Yeah, unless you wanna say sorry and start over
China: I don’t owe anyone an apology
Bobby: Alright, I’ll see you in rehearsal then
China: You mean the actual rehearsals we all go to, or the cliquey one your girlfriend organized?
Bobby: Depends if you’re gonna turn up there without an invite
China: I wouldn’t come even if she wasn’t excluding half the cast
Bobby: so it’ll be left to Ms Howe to referee, lucky her
China: She literally started it, if it’s annoying you, you should bring it up with her
Bobby: I just said, you’re the one annoying me
Bobby: whatever massive scandal you reckon is going on must’ve passed me by
China: *you wanna pretend it isn’t happening
China: whatever, that’s on you
Bobby: I don’t know what you’re talking about, that’s real
China: Jesus, get with it
China: thought you weren’t meant to be slow
Bobby: She wants to do a good job, so would you if the lead had been given to you
Bobby: the rehearsals with Louie are just that and we’re having our own without you and your mates ‘cause you say stuff like that and think it’s okay, you have done since we were kids, don’t start pretending you don’t get why when it’s not a new thing
China: I didn’t say you were slow, I said you were acting it
China: you use it as a get out of jail free card for everything, if you’re looking to be offended, then you will be 🤷‍♀️
Bobby: I have stuff to do that’s not this
China: So?
China: Go do it
China: Being salty with me isn’t going to change anything
Bobby: don’t worry, I wasn’t relying on you to change Mullan’s mind about the casting or anything
China: Yeah, I’m blatantly not the only one who didn’t get the role they wanted
Bobby: That much we could’ve agreed on, except it’s too weird
China: I didn’t actually think that whole deaf plot was a terrible idea
China: neither of you deserved leads, but if he’d made her the maid or something, it could’ve been a subplot
Bobby: She did deserve the lead, sir got that bit right at least
China: 🙄
China: her and Jake look ridiculous together
Bobby: Yeah, that’s why they need extra rehearsals together too or the whole play is gonna fall apart
China: Well she hasn’t asked him, that’s my point
China: She clearly fancies that kid, God knows why
Bobby: No she don’t
China: How would you know? 😂
China: She’s giving him favourable preference
China: or maybe she thinks it’ll make Jake jealous, tragic
Bobby: We’re best mates, there’s nothing she wouldn’t or don’t talk to me about, but even if she didn’t wanna, I could tell ‘cause I know her inside out
Bobby: she’s not into Louie or Jake
China: When you were both children maybe
China: boys and girls can’t be friends like that after the age of whatever the fuck she is
China: 10, 11
Bobby: How did you work that out?
China: I’m not giving you a biology lesson we all had 5 years ago
Bobby: She’s not my only mate who’s a girl, I’d have to fancy them all, are you gonna go into the subject of polyamory or something like Miss never did?
China: That’s why I said mates like that
China: There’s a difference between BFFs and a girl you hang out with on occasion, duh
Bobby: whatever, it’s not true anyway
China: If you’re this upset, you should really say something
Bobby: I’m not that bothered that Mr Mullan can’t recognise a decent idea when it’s handed to him, I still get to be in the play
China: Yeah, so what I meant
Bobby: You’re the last person I’d tell anything personal to, not THAT slow
China: It’s pretty obvious
China: everyone knows
Bobby: *thinks they do
Bobby: but it’s alright there’s loads worse they could be saying than I’m going out with Libi or want to, least they reckon I’ve got good taste
China: You’re sickening, truly
China: don’t tell me all about your 😍s when she’s the one that don’t give a fuck
Bobby: You’re the one going on about it
China: You bang on about each other constantly, it’s gross
Bobby: yeah well
Bobby: I’m not gonna say or be sorry, especially not to you
China: Do something about it or shut up
China: before everyone else gets as tired of it as we are
Bobby: We’re not kids doing the nativity now, you can’t push me about or get mardy and automatically get your way
China: Ugh, I’m giving you advice to help you
China: fuck knows why
China: you lose all your mates then, girls or otherwise
Bobby: There’s no need
Bobby: but tah, the offer’s decent of you
China: Don’t take the piss
Bobby: I’m not, it’s a headfuck but cool of you to try and help me sort what you think is going on
China: Don’t be a freak about it
Bobby: 👍
China: I’m sick of her bullshit, you were the only other person who might’ve been too
China: but of course not
Bobby: I can only agree with you that Mullan is a dickhead, she hasn’t done anything to me
China: Perhaps not yet
China: I disagree
Bobby: ‘Course you do, whatever makes her the bad guy
China: I can just see what you don’t want to already
China: She’s all over both of them
Bobby: My 👀 are fine
Bobby: they’re both being full on with her but it’s not like she’s encouraging either of them
Bobby: she’s just 😳
China: Of course, she’s totally innocent
China: get real
Bobby: You and I both know she don’t look at Jake with 😍 and all she’s ever said about Louie is he’s alright, totally uninterested is what I’m saying
Bobby: maybe they’ll become mates after spending loads of time together, that’s up to her, she’ll know him better than I do by then, but there’s no real 💘
China: and maybe they’ll get together
China: it’s just as possible and you’d be able to admit that if you weren’t so butthurt about it
Bobby: What are you gonna try next, opposites attract? This is stupid
China: I’m not trying anything
China: Plus I hardly think bland v bland is opposites
China: Jake is ‘opposite’ I guess
Bobby: Calling him bland has helped a 🤏 putting aside you also said she was
China: I knew you were jealous 😏
Bobby: That I don’t get to spend as much time with her when that’s what I signed up for and we already don’t have lessons together, yeah
Bobby: I never said different
China: I don’t miss my friends when I can’t see them for a few hours a day
Bobby: I get why you don’t, loads of them haven’t been great recently
Bobby: and you’ve got more than me, it’s not gonna be as deep
China: You don’t get it, you don’t know anything about me or my friends
Bobby: as much as you know about me and mine
China: except one of your friends is my sister and the other is her little boyfriend, so nah, actually
Bobby: Which is how I know what’s going on, how else, I can’t hear the gossip just going around, can I?
China: And you believe my sister, the infamous liar?
China: that’s solely a you problem, not a me
Bobby: I also believe what I saw when he busted up your party we were at, but okay, no heart to heart happening
China: Yeah, no
China: my ma has a shit boyfriend rn, so what
China: you should really be having that heart to heart with your girlfriend about her mess of a family
Bobby: Her nan isn’t very likely to get a shit boyfriend anytime soon, she’s alright
China: Oh, you mean her great grandma, that she lives with
China: because her teen parents died
China: yeah no she’s probably grand
Bobby: She’s got loads of people around her making sure she is
China: Won’t be long before they peg it
China: who then, her incest loving auntie, perhaps?
China: I guess her actual grandma, who’s younger than my mum, cool, cool
Bobby: Feel better yet?
China: Like I said, worry about her
Bobby: there’s no need, I said, and nothing lost in translation when we’re both on our phones
China: yeah right
Bobby: You don’t want much do you? Tell I love her and slag off her family in the same chat
China: I’m not asking you to do anything, I’m pointing out the obvious
Bobby: 😂👌
China: Fuck off laughing at me, state of you two
Bobby: I’m laughing at what you’re bothering to point out
China: Well I don’t see how you’ve got any room to laugh when it’s about you and your bestie
Bobby: ‘Cause it’s stupid and you’re way off
China: 😂👌
Bobby: I dunno how you’ve got any room to tell me how I should react to such a weird convo
China: It’s not weird, you’re weird
China: if you reacted appropriately it’d be fine
Bobby: maybe it’s just ‘cause it’s you
China: what’s that meant to mean?
Bobby: I could count on one hand the amount of times you’ve spoke to me since I moved here and every word’s been rude
China: You’re too sensitive, still
Bobby: Piss off, you know it’s not on
China: So cry about it
China: you’re calling me rude, don’t see me moaning
Bobby: I could’ve called you loads worse but then I’d be as bad
China: Heaven forbid
China: 😇 wouldn’t love you then
Bobby: Not being a massive dickhead is a choice I’m pretty happy with for everyone who has to put up with me and not something I’d want even if Libs and I had never met
China: You want a round of applause?
China: you’re both so righteous, it’s ridiculous
Bobby: Only if you sign it
China: Ha ha
Bobby: I know you know it from assembly
China: If you see me hitting one hand into the other, you know what that means
China: why would you need a sign, you just want special attention
Bobby: Why does French have le and la? I didn’t invent the language
China: It’s not a real language
Bobby: Bit awkward for all the people who use it
China: If you wanna be a snowflake about it
China: Language is about more than just functionality, that’s all sign language is
Bobby: I wanted a way to communicate when I was too young to write, I don’t see how that makes me a ❄️
China: And that’s nice for you and your family
China: there’s no reason I need to know it, it serves no purpose to me, and loads of people who will never need to talk to someone like you
Bobby: Nobody’s forcing you, school doesn’t even offer it to people who want to
China: Then what’s your point?
Bobby: I’m just answering you
China: I don’t want to talk to you
China: this has a point, pointless as it has ended up being
Bobby: Alright
China: Enjoy then
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nightcitydiary · 4 years
entry 14:
been doing a lot of sidequest lines. and ive met three of the four romanceable characters. river, panam, and finished judy’s quesline (i think?? she said goodbye.)
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judy’s left me with complex feelings. i wish i could’ve helped her more. i’m not sure i made the best choice regarding clouds. but she deserves a place better than this city. and I wont keep her from pursuing that. just that my V really felt like he’d come to be best friends with someone else -- someone that could briefly fill that bffs slot that jackie left behind, at least until he dies from the chip, and now this person is gone. leaving. and the thought that he wants her to stay feels selfish, because she deserves better.
now, onto panams questline, which i’m still doing. i still dont know the reasons behind her leaving her clan, but V can relate anyway. i like saul and i like her and i wish they could get along. i also loved the brief moment of maybe-flirting where we pretended to be in a motel. but i cut that off via being sleepy because i have other plans for the romanceable character i have yet to meet. in another lifetime, maybe, panam.
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i’ve also done the quests with the Paralezes. or, two of them. but mrs Paralez blocked my number so i assume we’re done.
not gonna lie. when i first stepped into that car and they were both smiling at me i thought “oh god is this a married couple looking to vet a possible third for a night of experimental passion.” but no.
i still think i made the right choice to tell jeff about the brainwashing. him not knowing just allows them to continue being gaslit and manipulated. elizabeth’s instinct to protect them both by keeping him in the dark is understandable, even mimicking of how abused parties feel in abusive relationships, but ultimately i think they would be happier and healthier being free of the abuse.
and then there’s also the quest, with uh, this troupe.
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very confusing at the start, but ultimately makes since. not sure of all the morals i’m supposed to be taking from this. if i could’ve convinced joshua to not go through with it. im not sure i even like joshua. there wasnt much time spent with these characters. i didnt get to think it all through properly. (i hope they come back again some time.) but johnny really made it all entertaining. i loved the delivery of this line in particular:
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he is so tickled by all of this. though i think i scared him w all the questions at the end about an afterlife for constructs.
lets see. what else...? i caught a convo between two gangsters about the new ‘some like it hot’ remake, (theres a BD version and a straight up movie remake) and the other one says that the og actors are superior. i’ve seen this movie and am thoroughly amused. opinions about how transphobic the movie is or isnt notwithstanding.
also, this convo:
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and also this one:
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that’s all for this entry. good night, night city!
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this-lioness · 5 years
So like... it’s been a really weird fucking couple of days.
I thought about password protecting this, ‘cause not everybody needs to know everybody else’s shit, but I’ll try to summarize in a way that doesn’t incriminate anyone.  Not that I think anybody cares.  This is gonna be super fucking long, so hold onto your butts.
Husband and I belong to a smallish but close circle of friends.  We all largely met one another through one another, if that makes sense.  Like, Person A and Person B meet Persons C and D, then A and B meet E, who has a lot in common with D, and they become friends, and then C’s roommate F starts tagging along to stuff, and now we’re all bowling together or some shit like that.  So when someone in the group meets someone new, and gets along with them, it’s a pretty sure thing that sooner or later they’re just going to be part of the group eventually.
This has worked out really well for us. But... there have been some exceptions.
Case in point, Husband and I met and became friends with a local dude who we thought would integrate well with the group, invited him to our local NYE party, and it seemed like he was starting to blend with everyone.  But then the dude started flaking out, and the fact that at 30-something years old he was still floating from retail job to retail job, didn’t really bathe or keep himself groomed very well, was telling weird, vague lies about completely unnecessary stuff, and we were kinda like... yeah... maybe we don’t want him super involved after all.
But like, you don’t know until you try, right?
A few years ago Husband and I were tabling a local geeky convention of some kind, and we ran into this chick -- we’ll call her Selina -- who was cosplaying there with her best friend -- we’ll call him Logan.  Logan and Selina, with me so far?  They seemed nice enough, typically geeky folks that we had a good deal in common with.  We became Facebook friends with them both.
Something to note about Selina: She was married.  She was also an avid cosplayer and pretty talented makeup artist.  She posted lots of pics of herself in costume on her IG.
Something to note about Logan: In spite of the fact that Selina was married, it was painfully, excruciatingly obvious that Logan was in love Selina.  Like head-over-heels, constantly making “vaguebook” posts pining away for someone nameless who he yearned for deeply, etc.  Like... nobody ever acknowledged that it was Selina that he was in love with, because she was married and she clearly had no feelings for him, but e v e r y b o d y knew.  You couldn’t NOT know.
Not too long after we met them and connected with them on social media, one of our good, dear friends (let’s call him Jay) messaged me privately and said, “Hey, what do you know about Selina?”
Long story short, Selina was really into roleplaying.  Jay mentioned he wanted to give it a shot, and wanted to check to make sure she wasn’t, like, crazypants.  We still didn’t really know Selina all that well, but we told Jay that she seemed cool, and there was no reason to think she was crazypants.
Jay was like, “Cool,” and so Jay and Selina began roleplaying together.
Now, I myself am an avid roleplayer.  I actually offered to roleplay with Selina, but Selina kind of... blew me off?  It turned out I’m a much more long-form narrative roleplayer than she is, and -- if we’re being honest -- probably a better writer than her overall, and I think she wasn’t into that.
Since I’m being so honest, I think she also turned her nose up at the fact that I had a vagina.
Something we came to learn about Selina, the longer we knew her: She loooooooved attention from dudes.  She was a not-particularly-fit-or-attractive chick who used cosplay as a means of surrounding herself with praise and male attention. Which, good for you, you do you, but that’s kind of a thing I don’t care to associate with.
So as time went on, Marc and I kind of... not distanced ourselves from her, but sort of side-stepped away from her into the “Nah, we’re cool” camp, if you know what I mean.  Marc wasn’t one of her drooling admirers, so Selina kind of didn’t give a fuck about him.
In 2016, Marc and I announced that we wanted to do a group cosplay for Baltimore ComiCon.  We wanted to do steampunk Marvel characters.  I was going to be Scarlet Witch, Marc was going to be Colossus.  Our friend Jay was going to be Cyclops, and his wife Julie (our other very good friend) was going to be Psylocke.  Selina and Logan decided they wanted to join in as well, and we met them there in Baltimore, but we weren’t really there with them.  We walked around with them in costume for part of the con, then we all went our separate ways.
Shortly before the convention, Jay’s wife Julie brought to our attention the fact that she and Jay were having some problems, and that Selina was at the center of them.  Jay’s roleplaying with Selina, and the amount of time they spent talking one-on-one with one another, had become problematic.
I’m going to leave it at that, because I’m sure you can kinda suss out what was happening.  Suffice it to say that although it took Jay awhile to realize how his actions were hurting Julie, eventually he realized that he needed to distance himself from Selina for the good of his marriage.  Jay and Julie worked this all out between themselves and all was well again.  There was a bit of awkwardness at the convention, but then we all went our separate ways again and things seemed like they were normalized.
However, the whole thing made us side-eye Selina even harder.
A short while later, Selina divorced her husband.
Now I’m going to introduce you to Karl.
Karl was long-time best friends with Jay, and was good friends with all of us, being part of “the group”.  Karl was in a committed monogamous relationship with Karol, and had been for some time.  We were all really glad about this, because we liked Karol a ton, and frankly Karl was kind of an awkward man-child with a lot of issues, and we all felt that Karol was good for him, and helping him mature.
Throughout all of this Karl had also become friendly with Selina.
One day Karl announces to all of us that he has broken up with Karol for reasons that made no sense to any of us.  We were all very confused and upset, but tried to be supportive of both of them.
Yeah, well, it turned out that Karl had been fucking around with Selina behind Karol’s back.  He broke up with Karol, blaming it all on her, because he wanted to fuck Selina full time, and didn’t want to look like the bad guy.
When “the group” found out we all turned on Karl and were like, “NOPE,” and basically everybody stopped talking to him.  Selina eventually broke up with him, claiming that she had no idea he was in a committed relationship during this time (which is bullshit, because she could clearly see on social media that HE WAS, but whatever), but of course in cutting Karl out we all cut Selina out as well.
Some time passed.  For reasons none of us really understood, in spite of everything he’d done Karol was still in love with Karl, and they continued to live together: initially just as roommates, but apparently rekindling some kind of relationship with one another as well.
Earlier this year, very suddenly and unexpectedly, Jay died.
This came as an absolutely gutting blow to the entire group.  In the wake of his death, we all sort of let Karl back into the fold.  He seemed incredibly repentful, and he knew it was going to be a long road to regain our trust and respect, but he was contrite.
It has been a very hard year for everyone involved, for reasons that I may get into another time.
At the time that Jay died, Selina -- on her cosplaying Instagram account -- posted a budoir-style T&A pic of herself in costume, and at the bottom added, “RIP Jay”.
I’m going to say this again, as judiciously as I can: If this is your thing, good for you, you do you, but in my opinion that was beyond fucking tasteless, and fuck her.
Well.  Earlier this week, Selina killed herself.
This sent a small shockwave back through the immediate group, although it settled again quickly.  Karl is the only one left who had any even remotely positive feelings about Selina, and I’m not 100% sure how he’s taking it. He seems OK, and until he says otherwise we kinda’ have to just accept that.  If he’s mourning her, he’s fortunately got sense enough not to do it where Jay’s widow Julie can see it, so... thank goodness for that, at least.
You may remember Selina’s BFF and unrequited love, Logan.  Let’s get back to him.
Well, Logan has spent the past week melting the fuck down.  I don’t even follow the dude anymore, myself, but out of morbid curiosity I’ve checked his FB page.
Holy shit.
This is not just... mourning.  He has gone way off the deep end, calling he and Selina soulmates, as if -- in spite of the fact that she never reciprocated his feelings (publicly, anyway) -- she was as madly, head-over-heels in love with him as he was with her.  He’s also doing this in full view of Selina’s recent ex-husband, with whom Selina was still friendly, and with whom he is supposedly friends.  God bless her ex-husband for watching this unfold and not driving over and stabbing this guy to death.
Logan even went so far as to talk about the cast of characters from a roleplay he and Selina had been doing together, which included a number of “in character” children born of their two characters, and saying they were AS REAL TO THEM as real live biological children are to actual flesh-and-blood parents.
Can you fucking imagine being one of his actual kids and watching him mourn these fictional children who did not actually exist, who your Dad concocted with some chick he was obsessed with, and basically saying that these FAKE KIDS mean as much to him as you do?
Like, he actually concluded the post saying (to Selina), “Please watch over our babies until Papa can come home.” Watching this unfold has been COOCOO-NUTS BANANAS.  I have never wanted to say, “DUDE,” so much to someone before.
I don’t know why I’m writing all this, except to say I really wanted to get it all off my chest.  Part of me subscribes to the whole “don’t speak ill of the dead” thing, and like... look.  I feel for Selina’s friends and family.  I feel for her, because clearly she was troubled, and I’m sorry that she felt this was the only way out of a dark place.  But also, killing yourself doesn’t retroactively erase the shitty things you did when you were alive.  And she did a bunch of shitty things. And yeah, I know I’m probably a shittier person for saying that, but whatever.
Anyway. Like I said.  It’s been a wild fucking year. :|
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kellinquinnaf · 5 years
A bi girls story
As a teenybopper I remember fantasizing about boys and coming up with senarios in my head. One day it was randomly a girl in my thoughts.
In summer 2015 I kissed a girl “A” (my bestfriend at the time) idk why part of me just really wanted to and she kissed me back, a boy saw (an ex it’s a small town) and was SHOCKED but we played it off. Later the “A” and I are home alone and I totally kissed her, pushed her up against the wall and everything. She was my first make out too. Throughout the summer we would have sleepovers and make out and it got as far as being shirtless and grinding (and I came wtf??) The whole time we would ask eachother if we’re straight or not and I was so like mind boggled that I was like “im straight, and we’re just friends who kiss” looking back now we were totally girlfriends that summer.
After that summer I was at a sleep over (in the city now) with my straight best friend “B” (100%) and another girl “S” and we were all friends. For some reason we started giving eachother hickeys and my straight bff “B” thought it was hilarious but I was like so into giving “S” hickeys that after I got sooooo nervous. We were all laying in her big bed together and my bff “B” fell asleep and I was so nervous that I kept shaking uncontrollably and she kept asking why. We were cuddling and so close and I can’t remember what I said but I think I told her I wanted to kiss her and we did and it’s was so amazing. Then weeks later we all had another sleep over and I was more confident this time and I kissed her and she kissed me back but out of no where “S” got up and was all nervous and I was sad that it ended but scared that she was not happy about something. After that she moved schools and I heard from my bff “B” that she felt really awkward about it all. Then she’d start posting about her “gf” (it was supposed to be platonic to the rest of the world) but as she posted pics or vids of them kissing I knew it was real for one of them at least.
In grade 11 a new girl came into the school, she was short and had the best but ever.. I couldn’t help but look. We ended up snapping and FaceTiming a few times and she wanted me to sleep over and she talked about us doing shit. She had a boyfriend at the time and he said he was ok with her experimenting. I was so excited to go over, and she started snapping me her in the bath and then her tits but she started snapping me just her vagina and I was not ready for that. The sleepover never happened :/. Yearssss later I’m in the city at the club and she’s there. I dance with her can call her hot and she says something like it’s been a while. We part ways.
I had a few boyfriends / flings in between then and finally made out with some boys and it was all really amazing too! The next summer I didn’t want to go back to the small town cause I had met this guy “D”! But I went back anyways.
I got a boyfriend in this town in summer 2016 and we told eachother we loved one another a few weeks into dating. During this summer I had a little fling with a girl “J” who at the same time was dating my ex-crush of 3 years who his letter is “V”. We tried kissing in front of both our boys they were just like wtf ok.
My boyfriend and I went long distance for a year while I went back to the city for school. During this time I went to a party with a bunch of people from my grade and idk why but I started talking to this girl “H” and straight up asked her (while drunk) if she ever thought about being with girls and she admitted yes and I kissed her. People saw and she got awkward about it. Another friend who saw got awkward around me after too. Another friend knew I’ve kissed other girls and I told her I was thinking about this party girl “H” and she told me that “H” felt weird about it after it happened. I let it go. During this time I also kissed a boy “J” at a party. And more girls at a different party (including my straight best friend “B” while she was drunk. I convinced her to kiss me I just wanted to see how she kissed lol). When prom came boy “J” had a girlfriend and we saw eachother at prom with our dates (“J” knew at the time that I had a boyfriend when I kissed him at the party) he just said hey Sam and looked at me with side eye but flirtation??? I said hey back .. my boyfriend knew that was the guy.
Fast forward a year and I moved in with my boyfriend in the small town. We were completely in love until we moved in together. Things get hard when you graduate high school and move 15 hours away with your boyfriend the day after. I cheated on him with a man “K” a year later and again 6 months after that, with “D” from years after he and I were a thing.
During the second time I was back in the city at the club dancing with the cheat “D” and my bffs sister “K” (guy “D” had a huge crush on girl “K” for the longest time). I’m between them both, my front grinding this girls ass and my ass grinding on this guy. This is the moment I felt true complete bliss and I knew then in that exact moment that I was bisexual. I then admitted it to my bestfriend “B” days later, the first person I told out loud and she said “I’ve known that since girl “S” in grade 10” (at this point we’re on our second year out of high school) Guess I must be obvious.
This guy “D” though he accepted my bisexuality in the moment and made me feel empowered and turned on by it. He was turned on by it. It just felt so good to be with someone so open. Actually I had another boy “C” who felt the same and it felt so good to me for them to enjoy me just being bisexual me. (Funny story this boy “C” dated the girl I had kissed in the sleepovers “S” and so I told him about how we kissed the same girl and he was so horny over it ahhh!)
Bring us to one month ago and (6months after that last cheat with “D”) and I go to another party in the small town now. I’m fucking plastered but I somehow scavenge out the lesbian from the pack of girls who is “M” 😍. We start talking and I guess I’m totally attracted to her. I think I kissed her without her wanting it at first. I kissed her a lot that night. Everyone saw too. We walked home with everyone and I held her hand the whole way. We added eachother on snap.
I told my boyfriend long ago that I’m bisexual and he told me I’m not. I tell him again and he says we could have a three sum. After kissing “M” I got weird cause he considers it cheating and I felt horrible for doing it again. I told him and my boyfriend said “I’m sorry but Im not into that. I know some guys are but I’m not” I told him my fantasy of having us be in a three way relationships with a girl. He could have two girls to fuck and I could have the best of Both worlds. He could get us both pregnant and our kids would be siblings. He was not intrigued by this idea at all.
“M” and I want to hang out but now I feel like I can’t hang out with her cause I know I won’t be able to control myself. She came into my work the other day for a dental appointment. She walks in wearing all black, her blonde hair shimmering in the light contrasting to the black. She has a big leather jacket and a helmet in hand, wearing big black boots. Her colourful tattoos showing on her arms making her look so tough but artistic. We get to chatting as I show her to her exam room. She forgot that I worked there and I commented on the fact that she rides a motorcycle. A Honda 500 (can’t remember the model) - I tell her I’ve always wanted to ride but my parents never let me. I’m leaning on the counter trying to look chill and cool. She said riding a bike is the gayest thing to do (I thought she meant like “gay insult” but she meant “gay homosexual”). I bet the whole office could hear the flirtation and I only hope that they think it’s just banter. She’s getting ready to leave now so I pretend to busy myself with paper work at the front so I can watch her leave. As she’s leaving I walk to the back and turn over my sholder, us making eye contact and waving to eachother. I watch her ride her motorcycle with one hand after saying she just started riding and is getting used to it. She looked like a dream.
I snap her the next day asking how the work day is since I of course work days and she works nights. She replys with something calling me cutie and sending heart eye emojis. We flirt a bit more and she says she wants to hangout soon since she’s leaving for college again. I leave for vacation so I tell her aug 25th and 26th I’m back and can hang out. She said she leaves the 27th but can chill the 26th. I ask her what she wants to do (idk if she knows I have a boyfriend but I have to tell her). She says “I don’t think we’ll be bored😉”
Now I’m day dreaming about her and I have a boyfriend. I don’t know what I should do but I now know that the term “once a cheater always a cheater” is true. I know my desires will win. But can you really blame a Gemini; we are so torn between being two people and leading two different lives that we are greedy and take as much as we can of everything.
I also have a crush on my boss, a smart, intelligent, artistic and wholesome girl dentist, who is also a Gemini and born a decade and two days before me. This life is a struggle.
I’ve been thinking lately of talking to a therapist. My life is fucked up. I’m so torn between where I am and where I want to be. I don’t even know where I want to be .. I thought right where I am was it but I’m not so sure. I want to leave this town and go back to the city and go to school but I’m living the life I wanted here. I just don’t want this settled down family life just yet. I’m dental assisting without having gone to school for it so I feel like I can’t be proud of what I do. I’m a dance instructor with someone I can’t even handle anymore because of their greed and want to have my own control over it. I’m torn between wanting to be in a relationship and wanting to be single. Between wanting to be with a boy and with a girl. I miss my family but I moved here to get away from that toxic household (not toxic when not living with the parents). I have not been officially diagnose but I know I have OCD and trichotilomania (a disorder causing you to involuntary pull out your body hair). I only pulled my eyelashes but when I tried to stop I just started picking my skin and now I have the worst acne and scaring. I need help. My house is either spotless or a complete disaster. also I’m in the closet for most of everything and I’m nervous to what my family and coworkers will think/feel. Everyone else idgaf but when you’re so close and personal and you come out it shocks people and then the women don’t want to get to close to you in fear that you’re attracted to them. And the parents would be ok with it but they’d just be shocked.
I’m gunna ask the girl to hang out tonight and we’ll probably make out. Hopefully we fuck.
#horrible person
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willag42 · 7 years
Yuri!!! On Ice Fanfic Recs with Reviews  ["A” Authors]
Note: Doing some major reformating of the YOI fanfic rec pages. The pages that include my reviews are now having the posts separated alphabetically by author (see below). I am also creating separate page(s) that allow filtering the fanfics by category. It's a work in progress, but I'm having fun with it.
This page includes my YOI fanfic recs (with reviews) for authors whose names begin with "A".
Note: For any authors whom I don't know the gender, I refer to them with they/them. If any authors wish to correct me, please do so.
AUTHORS REC PAGES: #0-9 -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- K -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- X -- Y -- Z
Refer to this masterlist for all of my YOI fanfic recs.
ADreamingSongbird (@adreamingsongbird)
If you’re in the mood for some adorable, wholesome ship fics (friendship or romantic), then look no further than ADreamingSongbird’s fics. The character interactions are sure to leave you with a few extra cavities. I am particularly attached to the close friendship she paints between Yuuri and Phichit. But don’t be fooled, because she is equally crafty at twisting your heart into an agonizing, unrecognizable mess.
Rating: Gen Words: 10.6k Status: Complete Relationship: Platonic Phichit+Yuuri; (side) Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: BFFs; Detroit pre-canon; post-canon Yuuri/Victor wedding ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: Detroit holds a special place in Phichit Chulanont's heart, mostly because that's where he met the boy who would become his lifelong best friend. Wait, no, scratch that - Detroit doesn't hold a special place in Phichit's heart. Yuuri Katsuki does. ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: Did I mention how much I love how she writes the friendship between Yuuri and Phichit? Because I really do.
The Rules for Lovers
Rating: Mature Words: 323.3k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Fantasy AU; Historical fantasy; Magic; War; Survivor's guilt; PTSD; Falling in love ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: Prince Yuuri Katsuki has a duty to his country, above all else (his desires, his dreams, and his happiness included), and he knows this alliance will help to ensure the safety of his people. That’s the only reason he accepts Prince Nikiforov’s hand in marriage. The pleasant surprise, of course, is the part where they fall in love along the way. The unpleasant one, well... That’s a long story. ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: This is perhaps my favorite urban fantasy YOI fanfic, using modern technology but mixing in magic and monarchies. There's a lot of political intrigue, attempted assassinations, and murderous plots, which leads to a lot of dark, heavy angst, but the core of the story is LOVE. Warm, heartbreaking, self-sacrificing, but always present. And before all the angst started kicking in double-time, the sappy fluff was at tooth-rotting levels. Yuuri and Viktor are super soft in this story, building a fluffy, innocent relationship. The maturity rating is earned by the dark themes and twisted, manipulative plots by the antagonists rather than anything by the main protagonists. The series also contains a collection of side stories, mosaic, if you're wanting more from this universe. One of the best royalty AUs in the fandom.
Adrianna99 (@iwritebetterthanispeak)
Rating: Teen Words: 122.1k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Alternate universe; Alternate profession; Music; Violist Yuuri; Violinist Viktor; Fluff; Angst; Minor injuries ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: Viktor Nikiforov is the most talented young violinist in the world, so he's understandably devastated when an injury prevents him from playing professionally for at least a year. But when his mentor suggests he take on a student to keep from getting rusty, Viktor finds new inspiration in a place he never thought he would: a violist. Viktor Nikiforov wasn't at all what Yuuri expected, and when he accepts the older man's offer to help him win the most prestigious musical competition in the world, Yuuri gets a lot more than he bargained for. ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: Another fanfic that adapts the series into an alternate profession but makes several unique changes and improves upon the ending of the original series (if you've read any of my other reviews, you can probably guess exactly how it improves upon the original series' ending). That's obviously not the only reason to love this fanfic. The characters are a softer than their original counterparts, including Yuri, who I really sympathized with in the beginning when Viktor decides to take over as Yuuri's mentor. The fic places emphasis on pathos and developing the relationships between the characters. One wonderful aspect is how much presence Phichit has, since he and Yuuri continue living in an apartment together with Viktor in a separate apartment. As such, we get to see a growing friendship between Viktor and Phichit. The romance between Yuuri and Viktor blooms sooner in the story as well. Adrianna99 has written additional short side stories for this series that are also worth a look: Prodigy: Mirror Image, which approaches chapter 2 from Viktor's POV; and Prodigy: Phone Home, which is an extra from chapter 3 where Yuuri contacts his family. If you want to read a story that takes cues from the original anime, but goes its own path, definitely check this story out!
AlexWSpark (@alexwspark)
Alex has an interesting, softer (but not too soft) interpretation of the characters that I really appreciate. The original anime is a comedy, so it amplifies certain character quirks “4 teh lulz,” but Alex takes care to not over-exaggerate, which can make some characters more likeable (*cough*Yurio*cough*). But don’t worry, Victor and Yuuri are still big pining messes. Alex also takes great care to develop healthy bonds between the characters in their stories, which is always A+++!
The Katsuki/Nikiforov Collector's Edition + DLC (Series, 4 works)
On Online and Offline Love Rating: Mature -- Words: 32.8k -- Status: Complete -- Summary: Gaming/Streaming AU: In which Yuuri and Victor are gamers, head over heels for each other, and hoping to one day come face-to-face. Of course, when two whipped, adorable fluff-balls are involved, shenanigans ensue...
On Bedhead, Bullets, and Bargains Rating: Mature -- Words: 18.2k -- Status: WIP -- Summary: Yuuri (GamerLevelEros) and Victor (GAria_VNikiforov): Gamers, streamers, friends, lovers. Families will unite, love will be spread and, of course, games will be played. But, as their relationship progresses, Yuuri will discover that their time apart carries much more weight that he could've ever imagined.
Our Aim is True Rating: Mature -- Words: 6.2k -- Status: Complete -- Summary: Yuuri (GamerLevelEros) and Victor (GAria_VNikiforov) are THE streaming power couple and as they approach their one-year anniversary, Yuuri decides that it's time to add another life-changing plot twist to his collection.
Katsuki/Nikiforov DLC - A Collection of Tumblr Drabbles Rating: Mature -- Words: 13.3k -- Status: WIP -- Summary: Tumblr drabbles based on HCs/prompts from both myself and followers. ❤❤❤❤❤  Words: 70.4k Status: Work In Progress Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Gaming/Streaming AU; Video games; Mutual pining; Fluff; Dorks in love ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: An amazing gaming AU series with a wonderful light-hearted story where Yuuri and Victor are Ye Ol’ Gaming Gods on Twitch who fanboy one another and live, breathe, and think in game metaphors. Like, seriously, I am deeply impressed with all the corny yet fantastic gaming analogies. It’s like living in a gaming otaku’s head. Gaming fans will understand more of the references, but this is a wonderful series of fics that can be loved and enjoyed by all. If you are seriously a fan of Victor and Yuuri being pining dorks, then you should definitely check this one out!
Rating: Explicit Words: 65.5k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Canon divergence; Victor knows that Yuuri does not remember the banquet ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: Banquet AU: In which one impulsive midnight decision leads Victor Nikiforov to Yuuri Katsuki and, of course, everything changes, a.k.a Drunk!Yuuri has no chill, a.k.a Victor experiences #allthefeels. ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: One of the better canon divergence fics I’ve read. This only takes place up through the first regional competition, but it’s able to keep the characters and situation fresh by changing the order of event and have the characters be more mature and likeable. Yuuri’s anxiety still causes trouble, but he is more open to Victor’s presence and they form a friendly bond quicker; Victor is aware that Yuuri doesn’t remember the banquet and reacts with care; and Yurio is way less of an asshole. I love this spin on the story.
Across the Universe
Rating: Teen Words: 30.7k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Multiverse AU; Dimension travel; Soulmates AU ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: In an alternative universe, Yuuri has just won the GPF at Sochi — and he’s miserable. He lost everything that mattered to him several years ago when a tsunami hit Hasetsu, and after throwing himself into his skating, he’s achieved gold, but the win is hollow without others there to share it. Things change when he’s transported to another universe, where GPF champion Victor Nikiforov is about to drown himself in the Black Sea. According to legend, only those with a deep connection can draw someone from across the universe. But Yuuri and Victor have never met before in their respective worlds; perhaps someone out there knew how much they needed each other. ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: I love both the premise and the execution of this fic. In Yuuri's universe, Victor and all of his family and friends from Hasetsu are dead. He's achieved a gold medal in Sochi but his life feels hollow. In Victor's universe, Yuuri was the one who died in the tsunami (though everyone else survive), and Victor is feeling hopeless. In their moment of need, Yuuri is transported across dimensions to Victor's universe, a common occurrence within that universe such that systems are already in place to help such people adapt and create a new life there if they wish or to be sent back. Victor's universe is fascinating in that it's more technologically advanced at that point, despite the year being the same, but competitive skating is trailing with quads still not being a thing. I like the take on how both Yuuri and Victor agree that this is actually a good thing since quads damage skaters' bodies and wear the joints down even more quickly. Yuuri puts on his performances that won him the GPF a few times, but decides to stick to the universe's rules so that he can focus on the performance more. There are a lot of struggles with adapting to the new world, but overall, it ends up healing everyone. As soulmates, Victor and Yuuri eventually find life and love with one another and soothe each other's broken souls.
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jaeminlore · 7 years
can i request a friends to lovers headcanon w minhyuk please ?? thank u !!
• minhyuk is your best friend in the whole world• the two of you met in kindergarten and just clicked• mostly bc he was the only kid who would play lincoln logs w you since everyone else thought it was boring• but you two would build the biggest and tallest forts and would even steal lil army men to hide inside• anyway since then you guys have just grown up together• you live a few minutes away from each other so most of the time you two just walk or bike to each other’s houses• went through your awkward years together and became even closer friends because of it lol• even when minhyuk gained like six more bffs who were over all the time, he never forgot about you• this was partly due to the fact that he had the biggest crush on you• changkyun was the last to enter the friend group and he automatically thought you guys were dating bc you guys just have this natural chemistry• so while everyone was eating pizza and you were in the bathroom, changkyun was like how long have you guys been dating?• minhyuk promptly choked on his pepperoni • me? us? no! we’re friends! • the rest of the boys are like yeah okay keep lying • and that night minhyuk really stops and thinks about you and the possibility of a relationship w you• lowkey hes always seen you in his future he just never,,, could admit it to himself• bc who just assumes they’re going to get married to their bff? that’s weird• but yeah that’s when minhyuk realizes he is sort of in love w you• and he becomes v awkward and hyper aware • suddenly he’s afraid of hugging you bc what if you think he’s trying to make a move • and he becomes quieter and almost stops talking to you • everything just feels awkward now,,, at least for him • you on the other hand know something is wrong• minhyuk never acts this quiet and strange• so as soon as everyone leaves your house one night after a study session (which was actually just an intense mario kart tournament) you tell minhyuk to stay so the two of you could talk• he’s never looked so uncomfortable in your home before• he’s twiddling his thumbs and avoiding your eyes • “seriously minhyuk what’s up? are you upset? did something happen? did i do something?”• he nods at the last one, causing you to sit down beside him and place your hand on his knee “minhyuk if i hurt you in any way then you have to let me know so i can fix my behavior. i’m really sorry for whatever i said or did that’s causing you so much distress”• “it’s not like that,” minhyuk groans, dropping his head into his hands. “it’s sort of my fault too”• you’re confused “i did something…. but it’s your fault…? how does that make sense”• then minhyuk says it, in the smallest of whispers, a slight tremor in his voice• “i’ve fallen in love with you.”• he looks up to catch your reaction, and he’s pleasantly surprised to see you smiling, a blush on your cheeks• “you love me? as more than a friend?”• “…yeah”• before he can even think you lean forward and kiss him softly, your warm lips coaxing him away from his worries• “i love you too, you dork”
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Riverdale S2E7 Review
So sorry this is late. And for the length. And for the way I flip out near the end.
 Well, well. Look who’s trying something new. Riverdale experimented with tone and style in the seventh episode of this season. As a storyteller in my own right, I appreciate the effort for variety. Of course, there were things about it that worked for me and things that didn’t, but let’s get to that in a minute.
What exactly were we all watching Wednesday night? A young adult anthology penned by Stephen King? Or was the dark, tingling quality in the show’s atmosphere a byproduct of fanfiction fumed with Queen hits?
Huh, you say? Let’s break down that observation, in order.
 Bert and Ernie Archie and Jughead
Lawyers in general earn a mixed reputation for their practice. I grew up hearing of comparisons to sharks and parasites. But Penny Peabody has carved herself a special box of awfulness here. After all, every snake is a serpent but not all of Riverdale’s Serpents are snakes.
After Riverdale received a message from the Black Hood (his basic blah, “sin and die” stuff) the whole town reacts by…ahem, business as usual?
Betty, evidently distressed by her failure to keep Jughead’s drug-dealing English teacher alive, spent the night in her boyfriend’s arms. He did his best to console, and I could have gone for more than that, but then his phone sang the song of eternal damnation, and he had to run off to appease the Snakecharmer.
Penny, using Jughead’s concern for his father’s welfare in prison to her advantage, promised she can get FP out if Jughead did one little job for her.
Which led to him making a midnight drug run, with Archie as his co-pilot, his conscience torn between his determination to support Jughead and his passive desire to stop him.
Overall, the night was full-moon freak worthy. Jughead and Archie met a man on the road whose interest in the Black Hood suggests that the masked killer has been sending fan mail in the wrong direction. The boys also randomly encountered a set of deer, one bloody and the other bloody-dead. Poor Jug had so many jumpscares, I was surprised that it didn’t end with Archie checking him into a mental health clinic.
But they were in a hurry, after all, and like the song Headlong says
It ain’t no time to figure wrong from right, cause reason’s out the window, better hold on tight – you’re rushin’
 Oh, good, a character who deserves more attention has finally got some! I always loved Josie’s friendship with Cheryl before, and now there are layers to go with that slice of cake. Granted, when you go a’ explorin’ the foundations of friendship, you might not always like what turns up from the dirt. But even if I don’t have quite the same love for Josie/Cheryl anymore, I am definitely more intrigued by them.
So, this is the (long overdue) spotlight on Josie McCoy. Pussycat by day, the next Whitney Houston by night. Might I add Ashleigh Murray’s pipes are fabulous, and I could fall asleep listening to Josie play the piano. No one knew she was composing alone except for her bff Cheryl, who is paying for studio time. Because the beginning of their story intersects with Jughead and Archie’s, we get the pleasure of hearing Cheryl snap at them as “Bert and Ernie” TWICE while chatting with Josie. Then Josie opened her locker to find a stuffed animal with a stalker-note attached. She rolled her eyes and tossed it, assuming it was from a secret admirer. Because it wasn’t like there was a Ra’s al Ghul wannabe ready to waste a town that day. At least Cheryl was wary, but her devotion to Josie seemed more intense here than it had been in previous episodes.
Then Josie encountered Chuck Clayton. Instead of skirt-chasing for the sake of humiliating his dates, Chuck goes to church. Chuck takes art classes. Chuck is ready to start going by Charles now.
There was in fact something softer about him in this episode, enough to leave both me and Josie hoping he’d changed. That dance between them at the diner was so cute.
But whether this was a one-shot tale or a to-be-continued setup, we’ll have to wait and see. Because while Josie did have a stalker in this episode, it wasn’t the Black Hood. It wasn’t Chuck.
Cheryl, you break my heart.
In honor of Josie’s rollercoaster of a trip, I give you The Invisible Man.
 When you hear a sound that you just can’t place, feel somethin’ move that you just can’t trace, when something sits on the end of your bed. Don’t turn around when you hear me tread/
I’m your meanest thought, I’m your darkest fear
But I’ll never get caught, you can’t shake me, shake me dear
 Veronica & Betty
 The last story goes back to what Betty did after saying goodbye to Jughead. While talking to him about the teacher murdered in Sheriff Keller’s station, a lightbulb sparked in her brain – who could find it easier to get into the cell than Keller himself? Not one of her better ideas, I feel, but she ran ahead with it. She told Veronica, who insisted the Sheriff was just exhibiting the signs of practicing infidelity. Still, the girls agreed for Kevin’s sake they would have to be careful. While Betty worked her Veronica Mars magic at the department, Veronica invited herself to a sleepover at Kevin’s house. Being the warm treasured heart he is, he taught her how to dominate his favorite fantasy board game. Taking a break, Veronica took a call from Betty. (virtually the only time I’ve ever been truly disappointed in my girl – more on that later.)
Betty learned from V that a bunch of doors were locked at the Keller house. She bobby-pinned them open until she found Sheriff Keller’s evidence office. Crime scene pictures here, letters from the Black Hood there. Betty was just picking up the black mask that Keller had confiscated from Archie earlier this season, when the Sheriff showed up.
However, when the scene bounced to Betty and her father sitting, facing Keller, he wasn’t enraged. He seemed quite understanding of her suspicions, and downright sad she had them. He promised her he wouldn’t tell Kevin, because she and his son were so important to one another, and knowledge of this incident would break his heart.
But for relentless Betty, it wasn’t over. She wanted to know where Keller was sneaking off to at night. Tailing him alongside a reluctant Veronica led them to a motel. Keller knocked on one of the doors, and out stepped Mayor McCoy – Josie’s mom – into his arms.
The girls swore a pact they’d never reveal the truth to Kevin. I felt like they also should have promised each other to never investigate with Veronica’s Cheat-Buster’s intuition. This was one secret that would have been better left uncovered.
 Because Kevin remarked upon “the pressure” his dad was facing so much, here’s Under Pressure.
Pressure pushing down on you, no man ask for
Under pressure that burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on the streets
  Odds and Ends
 These are a few of my other Darkside observations, pros and cons:
We had a break from Toni. Yes I know some still like her, and yes I know she’s not a bug mucking up Bughead’s windshield. For the record, though? I wanted to like Toni Topaz. Really. I was so hoping she’d be the Toni from my South Side Story fic. That Toni took a stand, had integrity, and had a kind-of-crush on Betty. She was interesting, and I was hoping Vanessa Morgan’s version would at least have some interesting lines. Sadly, something fell flat for me along the way, and with this absence I hope the writers have thought of a new way to make her more appealing as a person.
 Bert and Ernie. BERT AND ERNIE. Though I see Jughead as more the cynical-ish Bert, and Archie is more the rubber ducky type methinks. Still, never getting old.
 But unfortunately, I have some nitpicks now.
 Archie owes Jughead? You know, I’m not entirely certain Jughead would have won that race with the Ghoulies. And if it had been a clear loss...Jughead clearly needs glasses if he’s that shortsighted. Archie bailed him out of a high-risk situation. If it had been me in that fix I daresay I would be treating Archie Andrews to burgers and milkshakes for a month.
Even worse friends are the Pussycats. Setup or no, I just wanted someone to point out to High and Mighty Valerie that cutting Josie out for working on songs by herself when just a few months ago she was crushed for writing songs with Archie seems either very petty (if revenge) or hypocritical.
I hate to bring up hypocrisy now, but let’s examine Betty’s actions when her boyfriend’s father was under suspicion for murder. She. Would. Not. Have. It. Everyone, from Archie and Veronica to her own damn mother wanted her to look a bit more closely beyond Jughead’s words that FP was innocent.
Cut to today, when she doggedly pursued the father of one of her closest friends, and someone she’s been quite frankly more familiar with over the years than FP Jones, for his potential ability to walk into a jail cell and shoot someone. And for Veronica to remind Betty that investigating Kevin’s dad would hurt their friend, only for Betty to keep gunning for him like the Kellers meant so little to her.
*I’d like to think I know what this is about. Betty has been traumatized by the Black Hood. She’s so freaked Dark Betty has had to come out of the woodwork. Dark Betty is colder, a bit more obsessive than the Girl Next Door version. She’s probably determined not to rest until the culprit can’t hurt her or her friends anymore.
I see this possibility. Of course, I could be dead wrong.
 But now that I’ve mentioned the Black Hood, I’m going to say what I should have said the last time:
Where tf is the FBI?
I mean, there’s a psychopath in a mask that has declared war on an entire town. When he starts sending encrypted messages vowing to erase all sin from Riverdale, Jesus sorry but that’s when you send in the Feds.
 Riverdale has forty-eight hours to stop sinning or he’ll kill again. Doesn’t anyone take this threat seriously?
Obviously not, including the very people he’s threatening. WTF kind of a test is that anyways? A town without sin, wow, really? He might as well come for all of us.
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  With this theme song:  Innuendo
 show yourself, destroy our fears – release your masks
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ask-jaghatai-khan · 7 years
The BF Reacts to the Primarchs
In which @asking-ask​ gives first impressions of all the Primarchs based on art I provided!
For each Primarch I listed the legion, name, and three pieces of art, two of which were always from Aerion’s Primarch Project, and the Iconoclasts portraits. Gonna be a long post, so just click the “read more” tab.
(I) Lion El’Johnson
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His name’s Lynel! That’s incredible! The art looks so different, because the first guy looks like a fuckboi, but the third guy looks like Lucius Malfoy by book seven, and then the middle looks like Soldier 76 in fantasy. So I don’t really know how I feel about that guy. I like the first one, the other two not so much.
(III) Fulgrim
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(I listed by legion.)
I was gonna say, three does not come after one. Fulgrim—I like the name. Once again it goes fuckboi—I mean it looks like a Tarot card, which is neat. I love the sword, it’s zippity. He looks like if you had a baby with Samus Aran and the entire Belmont clan! Like the power armor, but it’s still very fantasy-like. And once again, he’s like an old fuck.
(IV) Perturabo
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I’ve been pronouncing it like “Pervtabo”, like a pervert, so I’m sorry. Ah, it’s Reinhardt! It’s Reinhardt but with Hanzo’s face. I didn’t know this was—oh, it’s Battlefield Earth! I didn’t know this was secretly Overwatch. Yeah, I don’t really like the cable-hair, but the second one where he looks like Reinhardt and Hanzo’s lovechild I’m super into. He’s got caution signs! “Look, I’m dangerous.”
(V) Jaghatai Khan
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It’s yo boiiii! He looks like he’s straight out of Big Trouble in Little China. The lightning bolt thing frustrates the hell out of me because in every picture it’s in a slightly different place. So once again, electric sword, I’m super into it. He’s got a parchment like pinned to his armor? Yeah, no, you need like Gorilla Glue or something, you can’t just thumbtack it on there, that’s not how it works. I LOVE the color scheme though, that is slick. White and gold and crimson, that is legit.
(VI) Leman Russ
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First thing I thought was Lemon Brothers, or Leman Brothers, or whatever. WOAH, dude, it’s the Scotsman! God, I’m seeing a theme with these swords, they’re all very similar. He’s got a wolf on his crotch. Is that your boy in the background?
(No, that’s a Sister of Silence.)
Disappointing. Yeah, I don’t know, this guy’s kinda I don’t know. He looks like he’s from Samurai Jack.
(He’s a Viking werewolf.)
Yeah, that’s pretty neat! Oh, I see! Well, at least in all of them he’s got a wolf on his crotch, so that’s cool. Continuity.
(VII) Rogal Dorn
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Yeah no, that’s just straight-up Soldier 76. Like, I can’t even comment any further because it’s just him. He’s got like the 70s porn-stache.
(Friendly muttonchops.)
Friendly muttonchops? I like porn-stache better, though. Porn-stache-chops. And what—he’s also got paper on him! I like to think that’s a grocery list and he doesn’t want to lose it, so he pins it to his armor. Like he looks down, “Oh! Right, I forgot eggs.”
(VIII) Konrad Curze
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Ooh, ooh… This is like if Grima survived and wanted to wreak his revenge on fantasy and sci-fi. He’s not an attractive lookin’ fella.
(Oof! People are gonna be mad at you.)
What? He’s not! He’s greasy looking! He needs a bath. He needs a trip to Lush, he needs fucking cosmetics, and moisturizer, and detangler, and—he needs a lot of work. I am not a fan. Though I do like the bloody claws, that’s pretty neat.
(IX) Sanguinius
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Oh my god, this is a straight-up lost Belmont. He’s straight-up, y’know, “BY THE POWER OF THE CHURCH, I SLAY THEE, DEMON!” kinda type deal. Look at him! Look at him, he’s so fancy! Oh my god, he’s so beautiful.
(He’s got majestic wings.)
I see that. Are those attached to his armor, or…?
(No, those are his actual wings.)
WOAH! I would party with this dude. I would go to a club with him and get drunk, he he’d probably be like—I’d be in the corner crying and he’d be giving me life advice. That’s a misleading name, though, it doesn’t sound very happy. His name should be like—uh—Lord Goldmeyer, or something like that.
(X) Ferrus Manus
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He reminds me of Cable.
(He has metal hands.)
Yeah, he’s Cable. He’s just straight-up Cable, from Deadpool. Can he teleport? Can he travel through time?
(I don’t think so.)
Disappointing. Work on that, and get back to me. Uh, and then team up with Deadpool. I like him, he seems pretty chill. I would trust him to house-sit. He looks like—he looks like a dependable dude. I’m goin’ off of looks here.
(XII) Angron
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Uhh, that is one angry-looking fucker. Oh, another Battlefield Earth guy! He looks VERY angry. Mm, that’s a lot of blood. I do not trust this guy to house-sit. yeah, no thanks, I’ll pass.
(XIII) Roboute Guilliman
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*gasp!* He’s got a sweet bird! Birds? Bird.
(Is it a two-headed bird? It might be a two-headed bird.)
That’d be pretty neat! I would be down with that. He kinda looks like what I assume Master Chief looks like. Like he’s kinda got that generic white dude face, but it’s war-torn. Like, this dude’s seen some shit. But, I don’t know—he still—I feel like he still has hope for the world, y’know? So he’s not Soldier 76, ‘cuz he’s given up. So I think he’s like Master Chief.
(XIV) Mortarion
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Oh my god, how many of these are there? This dude looks like a straight-up Ringwraith, or some sort of wraith. Or uh—Darth Sideous, or Plagueis? Which one is the Emperor?
Yeah, there we go. Yeah, he looks like Sidious. Oh, that’s a wicked scythe, though! Oh, same. We should chill, but maybe not. No.
(XV) Magnus the Red
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Yo! It’s Starfire’s older brother! I mean, he’s ginger and huge! Oh, I like this guy. He’s neat! And he’s got like—cool, purple rune powers.
(He’s a wizard.)
Aw, dude. Is that like, an army of automatons, or something?
(Uh—later, yeah!)
*gasp!* I would party with this guy! I want this guy to be my best friend.
(You’re so good at guessing some of this shit.)
I know my fantasy, yo!
(XVI) Horus Lupercal
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Uh, he reminds me of, um, the animated version of Dr. Freeze.
(I should have included him when he’s at, like—max evil. He looks more like the second picture.)
Yeah, he legit looks like a different skin for the Batman Animated Dr. Freeze. And because of that I don’t trust him. Lotta eyes, a lot of people just have eyes on their armor. Do they serve any purpose, or are they just, like, cool?
(Uh, I think that’s the Eye of Terra. It was like a symbol they used.)
Oh, very neat, I like it.
(XVII) Lorgar Aurelian
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Lotta bald dudes. And if they’re not bald they’ve got hair to their legs. Yo—OH, he makes me think of the Elder played by Leonard Nimoy from Atlantis!
(Oh yeah, the facial tattoos.)
Yeah! That’s cool! I—I trust him. I don’t know, just based on that; based on the fact that he reminds me of Leonard Nimoy as the Elder in Atlantis. I dunno, he strikes me as a chaotic-neutral. Just because he’s got a lot of, like, scary shit, but he’s also got incense and he’s got a book. So he probably knows how to fuck you up, but he probably also doesn’t care. So, that’s what I’m gleaning from how he looks.
(XVIII) Vulkan
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Yooo! This dude—I would not fuck with this dude. He’s scary lookin’. He looks like someone left him in the fryer for too long. He’s a little toasty-lookin’. Not, like, trying to harsh on his personality, I’m just sayin’ that’s what he looks like.
(Would you believe me if I told you he’s the nicest guy of all of ‘em?)
Yeah, I could see that. He’s got a bit of a Drax vibe to him. Where he’s, like, really scary looking but I bet, y’know, you just met him and he offers you lemon squares. You’re like “I didn’t even know you could make lemon squares!”, and they’re pretty good lemon squares. He probably has a cat named Snuffles, that he really loves. But he could also kick your ass, so…
(XIX) Corvus Corax
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I know this name, I’ve heard this name. Ah, it’s Wolverine! He’s got—his primary weapon is his nose, right? ‘Cuz he’s got a straight-up Ocarina of Time nose.
(He’s got a beak.)
Exactly! No, that’s not a nose; that’s a beak or a weapon. I love the color scheme! Like, a lot of these dudes have gold, but, like, gold in different places, which is really cool. Also, he’s got feathers, which is neat. So I’m into that.
(XX) Alpharius/Omegon
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(Or “Alpharius Omegon”)
Are they the same person, or are they twins? What the fuck—?
(They do like a “I am Spartacus” thing. He’s got a twin brother nobody knows about.)
I hope they get along. Oh, that’s cool, they look like they’d get along. I like the mirrored scar thing, do you think they did that on purpose? I like to think one of them got scarred and the other one was like “Bro, you gotta cut up your face so that we look like mirror images of each other, ‘cuz that’d be neat!” I dunno, mm— there’s something—unsettling that, I don’t know, it creeps me out a little bit. Ehh. Naw, I don’t like ‘em.
Final Thoughts
I think out of all of these, I like Vulkan, because you said he’s chill; and I like Lllorgar, because he’s, like, I dunno. There’s a vibe about him, where I’m like “Yeah, you seem like a neat dude!” Uh, who else? And I want Magnus the Red to be my BFF. I wanna chill with him on the weekends and if I have any crazy house parties he’s the first person I’m calling up, because I know everyone’s gonna get fucked up. Like, that is LEGIT. I trust him with my booze, and I trust him with anything. Um, and I’m trying to think—I don’t like the greasy guy; and I feel like Sang-Sangweenus? Sanguinius, that guy, he’s cool too. Though I don’t know, I feel like if I tried to hang out with him he’d just—I’d form a guilt complex. Like, he probably eats really well and works out and has a spice garden…
(He’s Rob Lowe?)
Exactly! So I just look at him and I’d be like “Mm, you’re a little TOO perfect.” But I trust him. No, Konrad, I don’t—he reminds me too much of the midway point when Viktor Krum turned into a shark. That makes me uncomfortable.
(So who would you say is your least favorite, or the one you’re most suspicious of?)
It’s Konrad, yeah. The other ones seem cool, and if not I feel like I’ve got bros. I just need a three-man army and I feel like I’d be safe from the ones I don’t trust. So yeah, I like ‘em, they could kick my ass!
Thanks again to @asking-ask​ for the commentary! Glad to know my BF is a filthy heretic in the making, save for Vulkan being part of his triad-squad.
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This is gonna get sappy. Hello! Thank you for 2K (again)! 
Honestly, when I left 2-3 yrs ago I didn’t have any intentions on returning, or at least I hoped beyond hope I wouldn’t cave. I did, though. I’ve been sharing headspace with Uni for a long time, though by official count it’s at five years. A fella I’ve spent a lot of one-on-one time with, getting to know, helping him grow, and he, in turn, helping me in a lot of ways. Writing him has been therapeutic in a way I cannot even begin to describe and when we left those years ago it was for a number of reasons. The biggest being that we--or, really, I--felt as though we had overstayed our welcome. Uni wasn’t shiny and new anymore, hadn’t been for some time, so finding people to write with was like pulling teeth. I had just recently been plagiarized, too, and that honestly made me too paranoid with everything/one. 
But, lo and behold, I returned at the beginning of the year or so, though my activity was in and out for personal reasons. Since properly returning with a fixed schedule not two months ago, I must say I am so... relieved by the way he’s been [re]accepted back into the RP community. Even despite his divergence, despite my hesitance to divulge too much info, etc. It’s been so refreshing to see him get all this activity, to have people want to interact with him, to want to get to know him. AND BLESS THESE SHIPS, HONESTLY. Basically, we love you all and I would thank you all individually but that’d take a long time. Hence this blurb before the proper bias list to say we appreciate you all and wanna write with everyone!
That being said, this bias list will only cover people I’m very close to, people who’ve been following Uni for a long time, or have simply meant quite a bit to us in recent weeks. Please do not be upset if you’re not listed below, as it’s nothing personal and we do appreciate you! It’s just I follow a LOT of people, and, tbh we aren’t close yet-- that can certainly be changed! I’m very friendly despite the nickname! Never hesitate to IM me or ask for my Discord! 
TL;DR hello you are all amazing, thank you so much for all you’ve done for us!! pls buy Uni’s books when I write them lmao. below the cut is my bias list starting with the extra special people!
honestly crying for days over these people nbd
@frostkingoftheapocalypse --- HOW HAVE YOU STUCK AROUND FOR THIS LONG? i am amazed. i am also amazed we never talked sooner since we’ve known each other for like... 4 yrs lmfao. AHHH TASHA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! you give me so much life and I appreciate our friendship, even if it’s late in the making, bc you’re so sweet and generous and a MOM omg. MOM FRIEND. and your writing has always intimidated me in a good way so to be able to finally, properly write with you is an HONOR tbh. you’re such a bright, unwavering light with such a fleshed out boy who’s BEAUTIFUL, and phenomenal drawings (I have that photo you made of Uni as my phone bg), and I honestly can’t wait to see what else we manage to create together. hit me with that good shit, tbh. I love you, Tash. <3
@sonofagunslinger --- CRIES FOR DAYS. Em ilu with my whole heart and soul tbh like you mean so much to me. thank u for riding on this painful/achingly cute ship with me bc Trickshot gives me so much life. you’re so amazing and such a fantastic friend like wtf. look at all this talent bunched up in one person, I can’t even begin to describe how happy I am you came back to tumblr RP and WANTED TO WRITE WITH ME AGAIN like wtf. Jesse is such a little goddamn shit and I love it (Uni, too, ofc) and the headcanons you have for him and his 10/10 FC choice, and ALSO UR ART WTF. I’m still convinced satan lives in you tho bc you sometimes hit me with serious angst that makes me wanna lie down and d i e. but I love it. I love everything we’ve created for Trickshot SO MUCH. THESE BOYS KILL ME. I LOVE YOU, EM. <3
@velvettclaws --- oh NUT. omg I... adore you so much. how dare you be as amazingly wonderful as you are, I am attacked. when we first started writing together I honestly was like “they are SO out of your league, Vicious, look at this style, look at this talent, look at this characterization, are you kidding? it’s gonna be one interaction and that’s it” but I have never been so wrong. and HAPPILY wrong, too. Gabriel is such a beautiful, flawed, eldritch soul with so much thought put into the intricacies of his life, his being, etc and I’m so honored that he chose Uni to be part of it in some way and that we’re still writing together. I l o v e your writing so much, it’s so pretty and GOALS AF in a lot of ways and combined with lil’ Gabu as a whole and YOU ooc, oh my gosh. I die. like this if you cry every time bc I sure af do. you’re so supportive and encouraging and darling, too precious and pure for us, honestly. but I am so, so grateful for you and Gabriel. thank you. ilu so much <3 ;w;
@oneiromanc --- how do I even begin to explain how much I appreciate and adore you??? let me count the ways... we’d be here for an eternity tbh and by then you’d be so sick of me. c; AHHH BAB omg I love you so fkn much. like our boys themselves are just... so achingly wonderful and I love how spontaneous their relationship was and how far they’ve come in just a short while (writing wise), but also... like you’re so fantastic?? such a supportive, amazing, beautiful person who I only wanna smother with love and all the happiness in the world bc you deserve it and so much more! you’re a light in a dark place and I’m so glad we’ve gotten close bc GAAAAAH. I cry. I adore writing with you and reading the things you create and I’m so... thankful to be part of the process, if only in a small way bc your writing is phenomenal and deserving of all the appreciation, just like you!! I love you so much hnnn! ;w;
@angelofoverwatch --- (i know ur on a hiatus again but that’s okay bc ur still my bff). LENORE... omg... ur such a good. such a pure, kindhearted, sweet soul. you were one of the first people I actually properly WROTE with when I came back and it was... so nice??? I LOVE writing with you more than you know and to see all the thought you’ve put into Angela is inspiring and AMAZING. You’re both two beautiful people and I am so grateful we met bc we got somethin’ goin’ here with our babies that is so wonderful, I love it so much and wanna DO SO MANY THINGS WITH THEM. And I want to buy all your art tbh like holy shit look at this talented af human! ilu bb <3 and we’ll be here for when you return!! and even if not, we’re still here for you!
@fenwxlf --- cries for days I loooove you, Cait, so goddamn much and I know some days I seem kinda “meh” with everything but pls know I appreciate you so much and everything we’ve created together in the last 5 years or so. Fenrir is such a prick, just like his dad, and I LOVE it and how much he’s grown. to be part of that is amazing and honestly I am so honored you picked Uni to be MAIN DAD. and I’m so grateful and flattered tbh that you are so tied in with the raven folklore, too, and have immersed yourself in it. NEED ALL THE BIRBS TBH. I just... you mean so much to me that I can’t properly put it into words but I’m so grateful for our friendship, for being able to write with you, to be part of Fen and Svad’s characterization process/es and... all of it. you’re amazing ooc and I’ve loved to keep up with all you’ve done in the last few years and I’m so happy we never really broke contact even during our hiatus bc you’re a phenomenal friend, irreplaceable. you perfect cinnamon roll /sobs forever. Uni and I love you all soooooo much <3
the folks who have been around for a long, long, long time tbh. how have you not gotten sick of us?? if i’m missing people, i’m so sorry! if you’ve been around for 3+ years, we are amazed you’re still here, for one, and also SO GRATEFUL. you are the reason I keep writing.
@sultrysupernaturals / @agentharrisonofshield & @stiitchwiitchsera / @jennathearcher / @lilylacey / @mordorshi / @madxwonderland
some special mentions! people who mean a lot to me and/or Uni, people we appreciate so much, whom we’ve adored writing with, etc! i’m definitely missing people on this list! my brain only does so well, y’know.
@ircnwccd / @brazenlass / @talonsaconite / @stxrmurdottir / @asgardianhammer / @valadhxfndr / @maegtig / @zehsvara / @crowsandmalachite / @iisfet / @aldrnaari / @tricksandtreason & @jxrmungand / @viiribus / @strongindependentmen / @iridcscentiisms / @jenniferwallters & @claudiadelicncourt / @vasvvani & @aropoakande / @alalkomeneis / @huntingglory & @sifshieldmaiden / @roipirate
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ultramarineguise · 7 years
Mun Survey            
Knowing your partner well makes writing together a lot easier. Tag this with the people you enjoy roleplaying with but want to get to know better. Repost for the sake of activity notes please!
Tagged by: @mtsilverscryptid​ fuck you
Tagging: i don’t like tagging so take it if you’d like to :p
1. i am a lesbian. no really. that’s all i’m writing for this. i’m also alaska native and i’ve graduated cool leg because i’m an old lady.
2. i really love dogs, the color pink, being mischievous, and listening to songs that make me feel like killing a man
3. i am 18+ (24!) the reason i don’t do smut on here is because i’m shy. ;;__;;
How’d You Start: basically at the same time as @mtsilverscryptid​ . in 2008 a little child rosie met sol because they both rped on deviantart and my rp career just went NYOOM from there. i’ve also rped on forums, on tumbles, and yeah no on deviantart. discord is my most recent platform
Platforms You’ve Used: Deviantart, Tumblr, Discord, Skype, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Texting, Chatzy, haha sol i dont have to change this
Worst Experience: oh god i have so many LMFAO OKAY so when i was like a baby (literally like 14/15) i had this friend who turned out to be a lying two faced brat but anyways she was always surrounded by drama and blah blah whatever cut to last year when this friend resurfaces and she catfishes me and my bff for like 1-2 years, catfishes a whole group, fakes HER RACE TO CLAIM SHE WAS MORE NATIVE THAN ME, fakes having medical issues, and basically gives me ptsd and psychotic episodes. yeah no never doing that again
Best Experience: MEETING @mtsilverscryptid​ !!!!!!! WE’VE BEEN BFFS FOR YEARS NOW SO WHEN I SAY FUCK YOU SOL I MEAN I LOVE YOU SOL we met as tiny zelda rpers and then vaulted into hetalia and then jjba and then dragon age and now pokeymon
Original or Canon: all
Favourite Face: ouo ovo ^v^ o__o
Least Favorite Face: i knew someone who did this XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i am not kidding i don’t care if you use XD just don’t drag it out PLEASE
Mirror Friendly?: oh fuck yeah. love my doubles. they are the best
Plots or Memes: gimmie both but i really wanna do some plot with steven and wallace as kiddos sometime 
Best Time to Write: anytime any day but be warned my writing deteriorates after 3am
Do You Like Your Muse(s): honeyyyyyyyy. honey how would i rp this man if i hated him. how, boo. how
How Long (Months/Years?): 8 years LMFAO!!!
Female or Male: none but everyone i rp is gay! that’s the rules
Fluff, Angst or Smut: i fucking love fluff. give me that sweet cuddly relationship i’ll hold your hand in public ya binch. and i might kiss your cheek too. what are you going to do about htat huh? you gonna hold MY hand? i anticipated that. so i still win. (as for smut i’ll do it where no one else can see it)
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paradoxi-kay · 7 years
@xatadaar as promised, yelling!!
okay first of all Prompto’s full name (prompto argentum) is clearly supposed to mean “quicksilver” but it apparently doesn’t really. but bless them they tried.
so the party in FFXV consists of Noctis (grumpycute perpetually sleepy prince), Ignis and Gladio (raised p much from birth to serve Noct)... and Prompto, who’s just. this guy. who Noct met at school. no ties to royalty, nothing. at least not until Noct has him initiated into the royal security force solely so he can tag along on the royal road trip that is the game’s plot, because why wouldn’t he pull strings to hang out with his BFF?? (Noct is also Very Good but if I started yelling about him I’d just never stop)
and this poor kid A: is ADHD as hell and B: has the worst (but best-written) anxiety I’ve ever seen in a fictional character
like there’s this one dungeon where he literally starts saying shit like “this is fine this isn’t setting off my claustrophobia at all I’m totally! fine!!” (he is not fine)
he has so much constant nervous energy and part of that is anxiety, duh, but he really reads ADHD to me too, it’s just that the two issues kind of aggravate each other (which... is v v relatable)
i don’t think he talks more than anyone else but his banter is always so energetic and in stressful situations (like dungeons) he’s always this really exaggerated forced cheerful like being quiet would be literally unbearable on top of everything else
he also kind of won’t shut up about how heterosexual he totally is which would be obnoxious but i realized at one point he talks about women the exact same way he talks about dungeons that totally aren’t making him claustrophobic lmao every time he starts gushing about women he sounds less and less straight it’s so forced
he’s just this little beam of sunshine 24/7 even when he has to force it and it’s heartbreaking but it’s so sweet, too, because you can tell he’s NOT forcing how deeply he cares about the other guys and wants them all to be happy and healthy and safe
(in my game at least he’s also way more likely than the other two to go and revive fallen party members in combat, they’ll all do it but my prompto does it like that’s his job...)
oh and he’s a huge photography nerd!! he takes pictures all the time and you actually get to go through them every time you rest. it’s like half photos of the party posing for the camera in places you actually were at the time and half pictures of stuff that actually happened and it’s really neat. i’ve been fishing a l o t lately because it was a timed quest and he’s taken so many photos of noct fishing...
he also takes millions of photos of noct’s ass as he mounts a chocobo, which isn’t gay at all?? prompto please you are too much
speaking of chocobos prompto fucking ADORES chocobos he loves them so! much!! ignis has banter about how he’s like a kid in a candy shop when you go to the chocobo post. and he’s really cute with his rented chocobo too, one party member will always say goodbye to their chocobo when you dismount and prompto’s is “aw, thanks buddy!” (or in japanese it’s this fucking adorable “ari~ga~to cho~co~bo!” that melts my fucking heart)
ugh i just love prompto So Much he’s such a sweetheart even when things get really tough and he’s so enthusiastic about everything, he literally can’t half-ass anything it’s 150% or nothing! and he basically puts all his energy into caring about everyone else so he has something to focus on that isn’t Anxiety Hell. 
i think you’ll really like him if/when you play ffxv! 
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stardcw-moved · 8 years
tag dump
@euhtak n @krogan-tadpole tagged me in some stuff!!! i’m lazy so they’re all in one post lol
i’m tagging @euhtak @krogan-tadpole @sookiestjames @elosgf @xiadz @spookyplums @mirassugarbaby n i literally tag the same people every time so im also tagging whoever sees this!!! (u don’t have to do any of these or you can do whichever ones you want lol)
☆ name: samantha ☆ nickname: sam, samii, w/e w/e idc lol ☆ gender: female ☆ sexual orientation: (: ☆ hogwarts house: slytherin ☆ favorite color: green ☆ favorite animal: bears n foxes n stuff ☆ hours of sleep: like 2 that’s it 2 ☆ cat or dog person: both but i luv me cat ☆ favorite fictional character: sally owens from practical magic (also me countless video game lovers) ☆ number of blankets you sleep with: right now since it’s warm, only 3 ☆ dream trip: i wanna go to italy bc family but like... i wanna go everywhere ☆ dream job: translation/interpreter maybe ☆ when was your blog created: this blog was like half a year ago i think ☆ current number of followers: not all my mutuals followed me back on this one so like... 200 :( ☆ what made you create your blog: the first one was bc me friend had one and i was like omg i want one
1. are you named after someone? no :( i was told “u can be named after whoever u wanna be” so probably an old gf of me dad’s
2. when is the last time you cried? like literally yesterday
3. do you like your handwriting? ya!
4. what is your favorite lunch meat? chicken!!!!
5. do you have kids? just me CAT but she’s my friend
6. if you were another person, would you be friends with you? knowing what i know now.... n...o....
7. do you use sarcasm? only as a second language
8. do you still have your tonsils? ya!!! shoulda got them out bc they tried to kill me but i just got steroids to bring the swelling down
9. what is your favourite kind of cereal? anything pebbles!!! fruity n cocoa!!!
10. do you untie your shoes when you take them off? ya bc they all go up past my ankles lol
11. do you think you’re a strong person? well i can deadlift 85 so that’s kind of a big deal for my weak self
12. what is your favourite ice cream flavour? blitzburgh crunch!! but out of normal flavors, it’s mint lol
13. what is the first thing you notice about people? their height
14. red or pink? pink!!!!
15. what is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? my stomach lol, love me thighs tho
16. what colour pants and shoes are you wearing now? some flannel stuff that’s like red n black n grey and im only wearing socks
17. what was the last thing you ate? chicken from when i went out to eat w/ the dudes earlier
18. what are you listening to right now? some commercial about old ppl
19. if you were a crayon, what colour would you be? i took a quiz n it told me i’d be a green crayon but i wanna be coral red or peach ??
20. favorite smell? rain!!!!!
21. who was the last person you talked to on the phone? my mama!
22. favourite sport to watch? n...one.....
23. hair color? it’s all diff shades of brown n a lil bit of red lol
24. eye colour? i was about 2 start ranting about how everybody has brown eyes n some ppl lack melanin... but they blue/grey even tho my work bff thought they were green since we met
25. do you wear contacts? i wish bc glasses are a pain lol n also my prescription is whack bc i have anisometropic amblyopia so
26. favourite food to eat? chicken wings!!!
27. scary movies or comedy? probs commedy idk idk i like both even tho im easily spooked
28. last movie you watched? before i fall!!
29. what colour shirt are you wearing? it’s heather black or w/e
30. summer or winter? i luv winter bc i can’t do heat but since i started driving myself places i luv summer lol
31. hugs or kisses? probs kisses idk
32. what book are you currently reading? i started like 42 books my b
33. who do you miss right now? i’ve never met kim taehyung but i miss him
34. what is on your mouse pad? i don’t have a mouse pad lol im on a laptop
35. what is the last tv program you watched? the middle
36. what is the best sound? um shinee’s ring ding dong? gosh
37. rolling stones or the beatles? idk way back when it was the beatles lol
38. what is the farthest you’ve ever traveled? illinois i think bc i can’t remember if i’ve been to colorado or not
39. do you have a special talent? i can destroy all relationships of mine in 12 minutes :))) nah but i can do the ballet stances
40. where were you born? pennsylvania !
a. - age: 21 b. - biggest fear: spiders n the dark n Old Age :) c. - current time: 10:36pm d. - drink you last had: water e. - everyday starts with: playin on my phone for 2 hrs before i tell ppl im awak elol f. - favorite song: skin to skin by luhan! g. - ghosts, are they real: yES h. - hometown: somewhere in pennsylvania lol i. - in love with: well there’s me bf taehyung, me husband jjong, me sidepiece jjong, n miyavi... the one that got away.... j. - jealous of: me friends gf dsklfjslsfds k. - killed someone: u a cop? l. - last time you cried: yESTERDAY m. - middle name: marie! n. - number of siblings: 1.5 sibling o. - one wish: 2 have that cash money p. - person i last called/texted: called me mom, texted me boi q. - question you’re always asked: “what’s wrong?” r. - reason to smile: shinee s. - song last sang: freal luv by far east movement t. - time you woke up: 9:30am u. - underwear color: white v. - vacation destination: italy still but also like s korea w. - worst habit: overthinking n overreacting lol x. - x-rays you’ve had: my lungs in the 4th grade bc i had pneumonia y. - your favorite food: chicken wings z. - zodiac: cancer
rules: put your playlist on shuffle and write down the first ten songs then tag ten mutuals ✨
fake - maximum the hormone
one night - lil yachty
heart attack - exo
i get off - halestorm
rear view - zayn
too fast - royal pirates
anaconda - nicki minaj
schism - tool
lonesome rider - volbeat
spring day - bts
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