stars-heal ¡ 2 years
Stella and Brandon = dream team
Tecna and Timmy = having the fun-time of their lives
Bloom and Sky = evolving communication skills
Musa and Riven = finally getting closer-closer
Flora, where is Helia?
Aisha, I want a girlfriend for you..... (I know it's not gonna happen but let me dream) 🥺😭
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tadpolesonalgae ¡ 7 months
The Dregs of Tragedy - Part 5
Mer!Azriel x reader
a/n: took a minute, thanks to the ungodly amount of italicising I had to do, but enjoy mer!az 🧡💛
Word count: 5,969
-Part 4-
Seaweed flutters gently against your skin, feather-light as it pulls you back to consciousness.
Small, shimmering creatures dart about in between the barnacle-covered rocks and pleasantly-coloured coral, sparkling light reflecting off their tiny scales with easy, hastened movement. Out from a crevice unfurls a purple tentacle, spotted with blue and red dots that glow faintly as it emerges from its cozy home, and you watch as it politely ambles along the cave floor.
The drift of a current eases your hair out from under you, and you push up from the sandy patch you’d chosen for sleeping, set in the top of a particularly large rock, hollowed out to create a dip you can comfortably settle in. Seaweed brushes your upper arms as you peer about the luminescent cave, cast in mellow blue-green light as unknown flora sprouts from the cavern’s walls, lighting it up. Up on the other side of the cave, you spot his long, powerful tail lolling over the ledge, the rest seemingly tucked away into an alcove that he’s chosen to be his sleeping quarters.
With some effort, you manage to leverage yourself into open water, pulling yourself along until you reach the wall, where you attempt to shift your tail to propel forward. It’s a little tricky, but not an unpleasant journey—getting to haul yourself clumsily up the sides, passing other nooks in the stone that house all sorts of fauna.
You reach his ledge, folding your arms over the smooth rock, tail swishing idly beneath you.
Dark, charcoal eyes flit over, and he pauses, before lethargically rolling onto his front, copying your position in folding his arms, cheek propped upon his forearm as he gazes at you intently.
You’re awake, he thinks, and your stomach flutters with surprise, still not entirely accustomed to the way his voice resonates so deeply within your mind. Do you usually sleep up here, or was this a ploy to have me swim some more? You ask quietly, watching as amusement glows in his eyes. Swimming more certainly won’t hurt you, he replies, tail shifting slightly. But no. This is where I like to sleep.
The stone is so smooth, you wonder, glancing down to where the rock looks to have been lathed flat. Centuries of being worn down, he replies, shifting again, and you can see this time how well the slight hollows and curves fit to the shape of his body. Almost making the rock appear soft.
I forget you’re old, you think, a hint of amusement in your tone, the edges of your mouth curving, gaze twinkling. He rolls his eyes, before his features settle into something more serious, watching you quietly. You peer back at him, wondering what’s passing through his mind.
You mentioned a connection to the moon… You hedge slowly, tail swishing a little. That a new moon is when you’re closer to humans, and a full moon is when you…get stronger?
He doesn’t reply, just continues regarding you neutrally, unable to tell what he’s thinking. Your brows twitch. Is that not right? You push, peering at him. I remember you saying we were nearing a new moon. What does that mean?
Azriel’s quiet for a bit, before readjusting himself, pulling his long tail up into the alcove. You understand we are creatures of magic, don’t you? He asks, and you nod in clarification. Quite simply, upon a new moon is when we can become more humanlike. Becoming more distanced from how we are now.
How so? You push, something about the way he’s speaking sounding…slower than usual. Slightly reluctant. Wary.
Again he pauses, and you wait, tension coiling in your arms with apprehension. But then he pushes up from the rock, easily swimming past with effortless grace, so close you feel the sea move with his motion. We can rise from the water, he answers, swimming down toward the seafloor, glancing over his shoulder as he pauses, waiting for you to follow. We can walk among humans.
What do you mean? You ask sharply, scrambling away from the rock as you try to swim downward, using your hands to almost pull the water apart. I can become human again? You push, a spark of something in your chest. You don’t have to remain a mer forever. You aren’t shackled to eternity below the sea.
His brow narrows slightly, and then he’s cutting through the water, smoothly swimming upward. You blink when he moves around you, too unfamiliar with their motion to keep up as he settles in the water above you, hands gently but firmly pulling your arms back, keeping them from pulling you forward. You aren’t going to learn if you keep relying on your hands like that, he reminds, and you reluctantly ease beneath his touch, a look of disgruntlement on your mouth. Just try using your tail more, or you’ll ingrain bad habits into your body during your developing.
There’s more? You ask, aghast, trying to turn to look at him over your shoulder. Aren’t I fully mer already?
You are. But your muscles are still growing, and becoming familiar with your new form. Not to mention your mind will also need time to catch up. He answers succinctly, with surprising coherency. Just try swimming to the floor, he suggests, easing his grip on your forearms, putting a little distance between your bodies, though you can still feel his hands poised to guide your palms away from motion.
But, tell me more about it, you push, trying to figure how to turn yourself over, to see him better. You’re able to catch the way his chest expands in what you think is probably a sigh. Frustration simmers in your chest, brows narrowing as you swiftly pull your arms away, using them to turn, much to his obvious disapproval. I still have people—…I still have someone up there, you think, gazing into his glittering, coal black eyes. Azriel blinks, features flattening to careful neutrality. Who?
I don’t— …I’m not telling you. You answer, head dipped but managing to hold his intense gaze. Tension simmers in your chest, so close to this new information.
You barely know how to swim from one place to another. You aren’t undergoing a shift.
So you’re just going to keep me here? You think sharply, brows narrowing. No, he replies, voice a little softer, you’re free to go where you like. But I’ll keep an eye on you.
I want to go back to being human, you snap, anger forming as your hands tighten into fists. I didn’t even get a choice in becoming like you in the first place, and now I don’t get a choice in returning?
A new moon will come again. We have one each month. Missing this one won’t mean you’ll never have the chance again.
I’m not wasting my time, Azriel, you think, a hint of panic rising to your tone. You may be accustomed to immortality—having enough time for everything—but we…humans don’t live forever! I have no guarantee that he…that my person will be there at the next new moon.
Azriel pauses, something passing behind his eyes.
Tell me who it is, he says, slightly tighter than usual. Maybe you’re waring at his temper.
Someone important, you yield, lips pressing together, someone dear to me.
Why does it matter? You grit out. He might not be alive by next month. Isn’t that a good enough reason to let me go? Or is the life of a human simply not worth it to you?
You’re putting words in my mouth, he thinks back, tail swishing as he calmly floats down toward the floor, and you’re forced to follow after him. Besides, becoming human and returning to that village… Someone will recognise you.
The transformation would happen overnight, wouldn’t it? Surely I could get back by morning? You push, slowly managing to shift to where he’s come to a halt, coincidentally by the rock you chose to sleep in.
You’re not going. He thinks quietly, though his attention is on the hollow of the stone, able to mark the indentation of the sand—how it dips down and curls in line with how you’d slept.
You stare at him silently, something a little too similar to hurt twinging across your chest. You’d apparently been hoping he was different. But it’s the same story.
Maybe it’ll take the same solutions.
Carefully steering a conversation, gently turning it to the right direction, without a soul knowing.
So you swim forward a little, coming to the lip of the hollow that he’s hovering above. Moving to be at his side, keeping your attention ahead. Would you not be able to change him into a mer, too? You think, careful to keep on topic without a sharp turn. Smoothly bending the flow.
Azriel shakes his head. There are…requirements, that need to be met in order for a transition to occur. We can’t just take humans here and there.
And you need humans because…?
We’re a dwindling species, he thinks quietly. Almost sadly. When an opportunity presents itself, we take it.
I was an opportunity?
Dark, glittering eyes flit to yours, taking in the tension of your jaw, the resentment tucked between your brows. I didn’t mean it like that, he tries, a glimmer of guilt working its way to his surface. It’s fine, you think back with obvious bitterness, we’re treated as objects above water, too. You move to pull yourself away, hands pressing down on barnacle-covered rock, when his palm settles around your wrist. Firm enough to be noticeable, but light enough for you to pull away.
You’re precious, he thinks quietly, features mostly neutral save for the softness at the edge of his irises. Because of what I stand for, right? Not because of who I am? You return, though you don’t pull away—allowing him to feel that control. It’s always about control.
His lips press into a thin line, and you nod slightly. That’s fine, you think quietly, holding his gaze, I’ll try not to let it go to my head.
I’m treating you as I would another mer who had never undergone a shift, he returns, his grip loosening further as you drift a little closer, enough to appear subconscious or accidental. It’s all about having power over people. Let him think he can draw you in.
As I said before, you can hardly swim in a straight line, and you will be recognised if you’re spotted above sea. You can imagine what might happen, he reasons gently.
And it would be a waste if I died, too, you return, resentment becoming more apparent. After all the work you put in to finding someone suitable. Wouldn’t that be a shame.
It’s for your safety. Don’t pretend like you can’t understand that.
No, I don’t understand it, you hiss, moving forward, brows narrowing, because above there is the only person left in this world that I care about, and you are coming between us. All because your fucked up species is too selfish to care for anything else. You drift closer, pulling your hand away to grip his wrist instead, tightly. And just maybe, if your kind weren’t snatching, stealing, and murdering sailors, there’d be more of you left.
His pupils contract, tension shifting beneath his pale blue skin, before he’s firmly withdrawing his wrist, putting a clear distance between you.
I understand you’re upset, he begins.
No, you don’t, you hiss, moving after him, you say you do, but—
I understand you’re distraught, and confused, he states again, sterner than before, though this time he doesn’t retreat at your approach. But that does not mean you can speak so disgracefully. To me, or about our kind. Something inside you flinches at the tone, tension coiling as you wait for the impact, bracing for pain.
You have only seen the end result of their process. You do not understand the pain they will subject us to, nor the degradation of being strung up along the shore for the rest of us to watch as our folk slowly bleed out, so close to their home.
You could swear you hear his voice lilt with emotion before it’s swiftly shut down, as if blocking out the building pressure of what having to witness that slow death does to a creature.
You are not undergoing a shift, he repeats firmly; finally. Not this time around.
He makes to turn, likely to leave, to give time for both of you to cool off, but your hand darts forward, gripping him until your nails are squeezing his skin, and he whirls back to you.
You’re just like him, you think lowly, close enough that—had you been human—you would be sharing breath. Close enough to count his eyelashes, to see the flecks of glittering black and storm cloud grey in his eyes. To number every tiny, shredding tooth that’s concealed by a deceptively soft-looking mouth.
At least Alaric wasn’t aware of how awful he was, you hiss lowly, moving closer still, free palm settling over his other hand, like you’re able to hold him to the ground. But you think you’re so much better. You condemn him, and pretend like you’re anything better and it’s despicable. I’ve just been taken from one cage to another, except in this one, the only beast I have to fear is you.
His eyes shutter, then he’s forcefully ripping his hands away from your hold, and there isn’t a single muscle in your body that amplifies the shockwave of fear that strikes through your body. As you recoil into yourself, eyes squeezing shut as you duck your head, bracing for the staging slap of his palm or the piercing bite of teeth.
Instead, all you feel is the slightly cooler swish of water against your front, the gentle brush of a shift in current.
You open your eyes in time to see his tail disappearing into one of the tunnels.
A shimmer of iridescent blue, and pearly white, vanished in a blink.
You find yourself slowly trailing after an octopus, pulling yourself along the sea bed at a similar speed to its friendly amble, tentacles stretching ahead as it swims idly through the coral.
Maybe it’s because you have no one else, but you feel a connection with the creature. One that arises from being granted the wonder to freely follow something through its life, to observe as it goes about satisfying its more common interests: how it peers beneath a rock (maybe looking to move house?), bringing a fragment from the floor (as if to appreciate it!), shifting its movements so it looks as though it’s skipping between the stones after having eaten something.
It’s been still for a while now, though, as if resting, and you’ve found a comfortable section of flattened rock to settle on, shimmering fishes occasionally swimming closer, as if to admire your own scales.
As much as you’d like to return to being human, you can appreciate the difference. Animals and other sea creatures almost seem to like you, no longer flitting away as soon as the water’s disturbed, but rather swishing to float along the currents. They seem to recognise you as one of them, rather than something that will hunt them. Playing nearer, until you’re worried some might get tangled in your hair. But they seem to have fun, darting between and through the floating strands.
You’ve no idea how long he’s gone for, and frankly, you’ve been trying not to think about it. When you think about it, you find a temper beginning to bubble, simmering in your cold blood. You don’t know enough about him to guess at why he refused so adamantly. Can’t understand the deep-rooted desire to keep his species alive, when humanity seems to be existing in every corner, like an infestation of some kind.
Still, it hurts a little to remind yourself his only interest was in changing you to become like him. It’s hard to admit, but you’d felt appreciated. Comforted. But you suppose, by nature, nothing will be that simple. You’ll never be able to truly become something animate in their minds. They seem to have more compassion for fish that for women.
At least a fish’s effort to escape is acknowledged. A woman’s is just beaten out of her until she’s fixed.
Are you enjoying following him?
You startle from your rock, peering about to try and locate him. It’s one drawback to being able to speak mind-to-mind: you have no way of telling direction.
He’s swimming down from another tunnel opening—separate from the one he disappeared into—coming to a pause a more than healthy distance away from you. Really more than heathy.
There’s not much else to do down here, save for looking at things, you reply, not quite able to bring yourself to remove your attention from him. Too wary to do so after your last conversation.
He’ll sleep for another hour or so, Azriel thinks to you, nodding back to the quiet octopus who’s tucked himself up. You might want to find something else to look at.
I think I already have, you reply warily, keeping your gaze on him as you shift atop the smooth rock, not taking your eyes away from where he’s floating.
Why are you here? You ask, tail stretching out to hang off the ledge. Am I not allowed to be here? He replies, glancing throughout the cave. You don’t feel his attention leave you, though.
You left rather abruptly. I’m assuming you had a reason to come back. You counter, regarding him neutrally. Cautiously.
He waits for a few moments, before tentatively swimming forward, delicate swishes of his tail having him drift through the sea, and you shift yourself up and away a bit when he makes to settle on your rock.
Do you still want to go above? He asks quietly. Eyes on you.
Your brows furrow, narrowing as you pin him with a resentful look. I suppose you weren’t listening, earlier? You remark, subtly moving closer to the edge of the rock.
I suppose you have no manners, either? He replies, though it’s without any bite. I have nothing to say to you.
Do you still want to go above?
You remain pointedly quiet. He’s already said he won’t allow you to go, so there’s no point in answering. It’ll likely only boost his ego, knowing you want to leave, but that he’s keeping you here.
Do you still want to leave? He repeats, I won’t know unless you tell me.
Your brow narrows, hands curling as nails press into your palms, trying to find something else to observe. To direct your attention to.
Something brushes against your tail, firm but smooth as it drags lightly over the scales. Deliberately, and you swiftly glance over your shoulder, to see what it is.
The large fins at the base of his tail are gliding over your own, stroking up the spine of the long limb, brushing against it in gentle motions. Your throat rolls, but you don’t make the effort to move away. Instead you meet his gaze, remembering how his eyes had gleamed with an array of hidden colours, suitable for under sea.
I do, you reply tersely. Quietly.
He nods, holding your gaze. Then we’ll go.
We? You ask, slightly skeptical.
We. He repeats, his tail coming to a rest from its soothing motions, settling over your own.
Your lips press together, briefly glancing away, thinking, before you turn back to him, nodding. Okay.
So…how does it actually work? You think, awkwardly holding him as you attempt to move in time with his instructions.
We don’t know exactly why these points exist, or what caused them to, but there are certain places that seem to exist with more magic than others, he explains quietly, holding you steady. Some folk think it’s best not to wonder, while others theorise it’s to do with ley lines overlapping, creating an energy strong enough to fuel a transformation.
Azriel had told you he would take you to one of their moon pools, supposedly the only pool near Blackwater you’d be able to reach in time—and also the only pool that would allow you to return to something resembling human. With no other method of transportation, and Azriel deeming your strange half-crawl, half-swim method of movement to be too slow, you’d ended up in this position: your palms settled at the tops of his forearms, while he holds your elbows, theoretically helping to keep you streamlined while making sure you won’t resort to using your arms for swimming. He’s able to hasten your speed, while also helping you become more familiar with the muscles and tendons in your tail.
Though the pace is still slow, both by human and mer standards.
Ley lines? You ask, peering up at him, but his eyes flick down to where you’ve stopped moving, and you restart into motion. It would be easier to show you, but essentially lines drawn to connect significant structures from our history. Throughout the centuries—even millennia—different civilisations have risen and faded, each leaving their marks on the sea bed. There are still mysteries surrounding their collapse, but from some fragments that remain, questions have cropped up relating to certain consistencies. Architecture that should be impossible, long-lost tunnel systems that seem designed to confuse and trap, cave engravings that line up suspiciously with our own history—history that would have been their future.
Moon pools seem to exist where these lines overlap, which some consider to be signs. Others think the world is founded in patterns, and detail—were it not, none of us would exist. We are all fleetingly complex systems of chance and evolution.
That sounds…fascinating, you concede, watching him with interest. To think the mer had the awareness to document their existence, as if understanding it’s not a guarantee they will live on… Acknowledging their gradual disintegration, while remaining free of its fear. It’s admirable.
Moon pools bring out an ancient magic from the surrounding earth, though they can be dangerous. As creatures of the sea, the moon is at the centre of our world, the foundation of many prayers and fables passed down through mind. A new moon is the absence of that stability, hence it turns us into something not. Bringing us up from the waters and onto land, splitting our tails into legs. That sort of change can damage our anatomy, and has in the past, when used incorrectly.
You know how to use it right, right? You ask, peering up at him as you try to remember your motion, attempting to keep up with him as he holds you steady. He nods in answer, nothing bad will happen to you.
So what happens after I…after we go back…I mean, when we change into humans?
Clothes are left for use by the pool, so you have no need for worry. But once we’re above ground, the task will be returning to your village. You will have to guide the way to your… He trails off, watching you silently, waiting for an answer.
You miss the signal, and nod. Okay, you think, gills fluttering with a deeper breath, I can do that. Will you wait on the outskirts?
His hold temporarily tightens on you, the roughened pads of his fingers pressing against your skin before loosening again. I will be coming with you.
But you’re so noticeable, you think back. You’ll draw attention. It’ll be better and quicker if I go by myself.
I will either be there with you, or we will not go at all. It would be irresponsible to let you return on your own, he reasons firmly.
I can manage myself, you return, I understand your point, but I know my village. Having you there might scare someone away.
I can keep to the shadows, he replies.
You peer at him doubtfully. He seems quite big compared to you…Will that be reflected in a human form? You have no idea what the scale would be like.
Okay. But I want privacy, when we get there, you push, following his motions as he guides you through another tunnel, the pale blue lights beginning to fade, replaced by an iridescent shimmer along the walls, like powdered stars. I don’t want to have you looming in a corner the entire time. Please allow me to speak with him alone.
Azriel is about to reply, to think that he won’t be leaving you for a single moment while in such dangerous territory, but you continue, pupils shuttering a little.
…Especially if I might have to be saying goodbye.
His jaw tightens at the obvious sadness in your thoughts. The deep-soaked pain, and loss. He doesn’t want to be listening to this.
You can go into a separate room, he relents, but you will have to be able to leave quickly if something happens. In other words, he doesn’t want you to use this last chance to physically take this man into your body. His teeth grind at the thought alone. Don’t do anything stupid.
I won’t, you reply, unaware of those un-communicated thoughts, just trying to figure out what you’ll tell him. How to ever explain your situation. You hope he won’t be scared.
Your eyes seem to wander of their own accord, moving from the iridescent walls, powdered with shimmer light, to plants perking from the rock, their ends glowing faintly as if to guide the way. The thought starts with a question, curious if he curated these tunnels too, perfectly placing these lovely fascinations at well-timed intervals to keep the caves light and in-oppressive, to transforming itself into a visual wonder of, perhaps, slightly morbid appreciation.
The tales you’d been raised on still have a place in your mind—they’d been true about the shredding teeth, their affinity for dexterity and agility beneath the deceptively calm surface of water. And yet they’d spoken nothing about the unearthly beauty.
Perhaps it’s just him though.
After all, he’s the only one you’ve encountered. Are there many others? He’d mentioned they were a dwindling species, but…
Something on your mind? He thinks, eyes glittering, and you realise you’ve been staring. How long had you been zoned out for?
Why have you been looking after me? You ask, holding his steady gaze, taking in the softness to the edge of his mouth. How his ears flutter slightly as something brushes by, but his attention remains on you.
As opposed to…? He returns, shifting your course once again, directing you toward a tunnel that has a slight upward tilt to it. There are more of you aren’t there? You push cautiously. You said that cave was fashioned after a Rainbow, so there must be more of you somewhere. And earlier you spoke like groups of mer existed to examine past events, and remnants of their buildings. Why not bring me to wherever the rest of your kind are?
Azriel is quiet for a pause, and you wait curiously, watching him steadily. It almost feels like hesitance.
You need time to become accustomed to your surroundings, he replies at last. Your mind needs to adjust to this new life, so it would be unwise to bring you to the centre of our civilisation, where you would likely be overwhelmed.
Your brows narrow as you watch him. It feels like the truth but…not all of it. Like he’s leaving something out. But maybe that’s just you reading into the infection of his thoughts too much. You don’t even know if they have a different method of intonation beneath the sea, or if thought suffices for intention.
No other reason? You push, regarding him cautiously.
He raises a brow, what other reason would I have?
Well that’s why I’m asking, you think, because I don’t know.
A noise enters your mind that sounds similar to a hum, and your spine prickles, making you shudder, ears fluttering. His pupils mark the reaction with a strange intensity, before increasing the pace a little, tail brushing lightly against your own, as if encouraging you to put in more effort. I suppose I might have wanted to see what sort of person you were, he thinks, and you wonder if you’ve subconsciously drifted closer to him.
What’s that supposed to mean? You ask skeptically, peering at him. Is there something I could have done to make you leave me?
Like what?
Now why would you need to know that? He asks, amusement clear, eyes twinkling as his mouth curves at the edges, thumbs lightly grazing the bone of your elbow as his tail again flicks against you own.
Your expression shifts into one of displeasure, brows pulling together in distaste. Please just answer.
He seems to be thinking in his own mind for a bit, and you watch carefully, wondering if you’ll catch any hints to what’s passing through his head.
Perhaps if you hated us so viscerally… he answers slowly, quietly. That would have complicated things…would have muddied the choices, a little.
With what to do with you. How to progress.
You couldn’t have just turned me back into a human using the moon pool?
We only look like humans, he thinks quietly, watching you. You can never return to one.
You blink, lips parting a little before remembering to keep them closed, keeping your mouth filled with air to prevent water rushing in. You said… but you trail off, letting it dawn on you all over again. Then why are there clothes ready? You ask. What happens if you don’t return to the moon pool in time?
The you’re simply stranded until the next new moon. The clothes are there for when folk might wish to be above ground for…longer.
But not as something entirely human.
That’s right, he replies softly, thumbs brushing your skin.
A quiet settles between you, but you try not to let it lower your spirits. You’ll be on two legs again regardless, and you’ll get to say goodbye to him. Though you hate that he’ll be the one to see you go first.
It should never have to be that way.
So what were the choices you mentioned? You ask a touch quietly, easing in a calming breath.
Those don’t matter anymore, he thinks gently, you’re adjusting well.
I want to know. You push, wanting something to focus on. There’s still so much you don’t know about his kind. About mer folk.
Azriel goes silent, his eyes taking on that strange intensity again that at one point had made your insides squirm with discomfort. Now you just hold it, levelling him with your own gaze. Eventually though, he blinks, glancing elsewhere, chest deflating in what you can guess is a sigh.
A strange tension seems to shift beneath his features, carving his expression into one of seriousness.
When you made the choice to cut me free… he begins slowly. Softly.
Do you remember what you had been thinking, when you did it?
Your throat rolls, casting your mind back to that day. Those hours where everything changed. Those few minutes, where a choice had been made. One that had arguably altered the course of your life.
I was thinking what they’d do to you, if your were found, you manage quietly. About how I’d thought it was an unnecessary act of violence, one routed in hatred and revenge, and that a conflict that continuously took lives would never be resolved.
Something flits past behind his gaze, but it’s gone too quickly for you to even catch its trail.
I thought it would be hypercritical of me to leave you. That not helping would be as good as condemning you myself. You manage, grip loosening as you’re called back to the thundering shudder of wooden boards, groaning and creaking as Alaric had approached.
I thought it would be better to save you.
Despite all the stories you’d been fed, Azriel thinks quietly, pace slowing a little, drifting unnoticeably closer. You decided to save a monster.
I don’t think you’re a monster.
But that’s what I was in that moment. Wasn’t I? You didn’t know any different.
You didn’t feel like a monster, you return.
The lowest part of your tail makes a small movement, brushing against him.
Exteriors can be deceiving, he warns softly.
Sometimes they can, you reply, quieter. Not always. But what does that have to do with it all?
Your intention, he almost whispers, so close now. Close enough to again catch a glimpse of the spectrum contained within his irises, glowing with a smattering of stars from the powdery cave light. Close enough to fully see the soft sections of his features, hidden beneath the unforgiving exteriors that you’d almost been fooled by. Close enough to pick out the hint of emotion he’s unable to conceal, raw, and blinding, and—
You recoil in a blink, jerking away as your hands frantically cross over your chest, your breasts having grazed the bare skin of his torso.
You blink with shock, having become so accustomed to your own nakedness, but now overwhelmingly aware of how bare you are. Your skin hasn’t become any less sensitive from shifting to a mer—everything is just as responsive—and your heart pounds with a drive so intense you can feel it in your stomach.
The breath puffs from your gills heavily, caught off guard by the force of your own reaction, arms still covering your breasts as you shift backward. Something brushes just shy of the nape of your neck, a mere finger’s-width from the height of your spine, and something tingling and exhilarating bursts through your blood, flinching away from the wall, hand now slapping over the spot.
Gods above, you think, heart still pounding wildly in your chest, using your hands and tail to shift to see what it was that had brushed so tantalisingly against your skin.
A small plant stares back at you, and you sigh again, returning your attention to him.
Sorry about that, you think, I was startled. You force your arms to remain at your sides as you make to shift closer, hands gliding up to settle at the tops of his powerful forearms.
It’s fine, he replies, though his movements seem a little stiff, his tail less flexible than before. You might find your spine and sternum to be more acute to touch, than before.
My sternum? You ask, peering up at him. Where’s that?
Muscle flexes beneath your fingertips, before calming, and he gestures to the bone down his chest, joining his ribs. Careful not to touch.
You blink, before nodding, looking down at yourself, raising your hand to your chest.
Azriel visibly stiffens, but remains silent as your fingers brush against the bone—between your breasts. Sure enough, that tingling feeling returns, pulse spiking, tiny muscles fluttering beneath your touch, and you hum, the edges of your mouth curving faintly.
I didn’t know you had such obvious weak spots, you think, at last returning your palms to his forearms. Good to know.
He doesn’t reply. Just holds you lightly as he begins moving again, tail shifting with less fluidity than before.
Your brows furrow, wondering at his silence. Did you say something wrong?
Anyway… you think, attention flitting about before settling on him. What were you going to say?
But he shakes his head, eyes flicking to a light at the end of the tunnel. Moonlight spilling into the water.
We’re here.
general taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @amygdtjhddzvb @sfhsgrad-blog @needylilgal022 @hannzoaks @hnyclover @skyesayshi @nyotamalfoy
tdot taglist: @mika-no-sekai-blog @blueeclipsepaperstudent @lalalucha @v3lv3tf0x @acourtofbatboydreams @coureurs-de-bois9 @sidthedollface2 @lees-chaotic-brain @vickykazuya
az taglist: @azrielshadows1nger @jurdanpotter @positivewitch @nightcourt-daydreaming @assassinsblade @marvelouslovely-barnes @v3lv3tf0x @kalulakunundrum @vellichor01 @throneofsmut @vickykazuya
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avatarmerida ¡ 5 months
Hey fellow losers I’m back with more beta huntlow fluff. I know I’ve written some Paulina/William stuff before but this is based on the most recent even more beta huntlow we got from the leaked show bible. So we’ve gone from awkward little prince and fumbling quirky girl to feral witch hunter and equally feral creepy plant girl and I also love them too so hope ya like it 💛💚
“And if the water boils here how do all the plants live?” William asked, balancing on the fence along Paulina’s garden as she did some maintenance and planted some new seeds they had found in the forest. She never tired of answering his many questions about the demon realm, especially about the flora and fauna.
“The same way they do in the human realm I suppose,” she said with a small shrug. “I think the stems here have more coating than the plants you’ve seen, but a lot of plants close up during the rain to protect their petals.”
“Interesting,” he said, jumping down to look at her work closer. “How do you persuade the ones with teeth not to bite you?”
“I just keep them well feed, they don’t nip unless they’re hungry or scared,” she said. “But feeding them the food that helps keep their teeth healthy is tricky because it smells kinda gross.”
“They can smell it?”
“They sure can.”
“Fascinating,” he marveled, looking at them closer to see if he could understand how.
“Can I ask you a question?” Paulina asked, wiping some stray dirt from her glasses.
“Of course you may,” replied William, sitting on the ground beside her.
“Why are you still so upset with Luz?” She asked, changing topics. She saw his body language shift.
“I think it’s very clear why,” he said softly.
“You know she didn’t wake you up early on purpose,” she said gently. “She’s really a very nice person, and she genuinely thought she was helping you. Is there anything she can do to prove she’s sorry?”
“I’m not upset that she woke me from my slumber, I'm upset that she was able to,” sighed William, hugging his knees.
“What do you mean? Do you not want to be here?” Paulina asked, hoping it wasn’t the case. Selfishly, she liked having him around.
“When it happened… my uncle told me I’d awaken to a better world. That the suffering and confusion I was around would be gone. That I’d be awoken gently by my…”
“By who?”
“… by my true love.” He said under his breath, almost as though he was embarrassed to utter the words.
“Oh, so you think that Luz is your-.”
“Ew! Bleh, no!” He exclaimed in disgust. “Er, sorry that was rude. No, no I don’t think that. But I think she able to awaken me the way she did because I don’t have a true love.”
“Oh,” Paulina breathed, seeing the genuine hurt slip though the cracks as he tried to keep his lip from trembling. She ventured this was the first time he had said the sentiment aloud. “Or maybe the spell just wore off.”
“Or maybe it just gave up,” he said with a hurt chuckle. “I mean, it makes sense; maidens didn’t favor me before, why would they ever start now? I was better off sleeping forever, giving the world some peace.”
“William, don't say that,” she said, taking his hand. He didn’t flinch at her dirt covered hands.
“It’s true, is it not?” He sighed, focusing on her knuckles decorated with grass stains and tiny scars from the thorns she did not fear. “I cause you nothing but trouble despite you showing me nothing but kindness.”
“Well technically I did threaten to feed you to my plant,” she reminded him. It was certainly a unique first impression.
“Twas for my own good,” he said. “Plus knowing you as I do now, I know it was merely a jest to teach me a lesson. You are kind and patient and I’m just a nuisance.”
“No you’re not!” She insisted. “Okay, well maybe a little at first, but you’ve changed! You’re still learning and adapting, growth doesn’t happen all at once overnight.” She gestured to her garden as proof, a mixture of progress and color. “Love is the same way, ya know. Usually you have to get to know someone first before you label them as your ‘true love.’” She carefully plucked a vibrant yellow flower and placed it behind his ear.
“So… you don’t believe in love at first sight?” He asked timidly as she went back to her gardening.
He remembered when he first saw her, how there was a rosey spotlight around her like a halo. How time slowed down so he could soak in every detail of her beauty, memorize her voice and her movements before reality set back in and with it brought a new breed of confusion. He didn’t know better, but upon reflection the whole ordeal felt like what the poetry he had read in secret during his studies labeled as the phenomenon of love at first sight. His eyes had not seen such a thing before and ever since.
“Hmmm, not really?” Paulina pondered. “I think it’s different for everyone, but I also don’t think I’d want to marry someone I don’t know who kissed me while I was sleeping.”
“That is a fair point,” William chuckled, leaning over to help her make another hole in the ground for her next round of seeds. “You’re correct, as usual.”
“Exactly, and I’m also correct when I say if you want to fall in love then you will,” said Paulina. “You just have to give it time, it’s not something you can force.”
“You know… much about love then?”
“I mean, my dads really love each other but they didn’t get married the second they met,” she said. “They got to know each other first and they didn’t meet the way they thought they’d meet their spouse. Everyone’s story is different.”
“But it’s also possible that some of us aren’t meant to have a story.”
She couldn’t deny that, but she refused to accept a world where a boy who seemed to cherish love so much wasn’t meant to have it. “Maybe she was able to wake you because she was meant to introduce you to your true love.”
“Perhaps,” he said, his mind fully focusing on how she had been the first person Luz had introduced him to. He couldn’t complain about that logic.
“It also might help if you had a crush first,” added Paulina, carefully pressing the dirt back into the ground as though tucking it into bed.
“Like a duel?”
“Oh well, a crush is like… what comes before someone is your true love,” she tried to explain without divulging how complicated they could truly get. “Like, having positive feelings about someone, and wanting to spend time with them without, like, getting married after a few days. Just like thinking of them romantically.”
“I think I may… have formed this crush.”
“Oh! On who?” She asked with enthusiasm that made him quiet. Paulson wore her heart on her sleeve, but he had trouble expressing anything that was not deeply rooted in fact. Or at least, the facts he had been feed. A few moments ago he didn’t have the words to describe his feelings let alone validation their were sinful. He didn’t know the proper way to share them.
“Wel… um…”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” said Paulina quickly, sensing the answer was hard for him to bring forth. “I didn’t consider it could be someone from your original time. I’m sorry if that was too forward, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“And… not wanting to share it doesn’t make it wrong?” William asked.
“Of course not,” she assured him. “You’re allowed to have secrets, and if you want to tell me eventually that’s fine too; you decide when and if you’re ready. I mean, I’ve had tons of crushes on very different people but sometimes they’re just something small, ya know? Sometimes they take awhile to figure out and sometimes they go away on their own, each one is different.”
“Has there ever been one you weren’t able to escape?”
“Well, I don’t know if I would word it like that,” she chuckled. “Having a crush is supposed to be fun, it’s exciting. And sometimes scary, but that also makes it fun. Like a rollercoaster.”
“A roller… coaster?”
“Oh yeah I forgot,” she giggled. “I’ll have to show you one.”
“A… crush?”
“No a rollercoaster,” she said.
“Ah, haha yes of course,” he laughed nervously, painfully aware that he could not seem to stop. “So w-what does one do if they don’t wish to have the crush dissolved?”
“Well I guess you could ask the person you have a crush on to go on a date with you.”
“And a date is like… a courtship, yes? I would seek to woo them?”
She giggled. “Yes, you would seek to woo them.”
He didn’t know what he said that was so humorous but he’d say it everyday for the rest of his life it meant getting to hear her laugh like that.
“Ah, well then. That’s another obstacle, as I know not the way to do so,” he said with a slight frown. “Especially in this foreign, modern land I feel that any outing I plan would not be up to her standards.”
Paulina’s ears perked, her first suspicion dashed as William made it clear the person he liked was someone he had met since he had awakened, which meant it was more than likely that she knew the person as well.
She wondered how well she knew them.
“I mean, like you said I still have much to learn about this world and this time,” he sighed. “But regardless, I’m still myself and I can’t help but feel as though someone discovering I have this crush for them would be most unwanted.”
“I don’t think so,” said Paulina. “I think they’ll think it’s sweet.”
“Surely you jest,” he scoffed. “You’re kind to spare my feelings but I’m sure if this person was aware of my thoughts regarding them they’d be repulsed and uncomfortable.”
“Well I’m sure they’d be perfectly fine with it,” she insisted. “After getting to know you these last few months I can tell you’re actually really sweet, even if you don’t think so. Give yourself more credit.”
“Oh so if I were to tell you I fancy you and wish to spend my days with you, you wouldn’t find it revolting?” He asked as though it was the most comical thing he could imagine.
“Oh.” He said, surprised at how quickly and confidently she replied. He cleared his throat and dared to continue. “S-so if I were to say that I would consider it an honor to hold your hand and escort you anywhere you wish to go, you wouldn’t find it inappropriate?”
“A-and if I told you you have the most captivating, soft eyes I’ve ever seen and that they make precious jewels envious you would be… okay with that?”
“Um…” Paulina found herself speechless, struck by his words like they were an arrow destined for her very heart.
“Oh yes of course that sentiment is made of cheese, as you might say.” He laughed, slightly embarrassed. “I should have realized my attempts at poetry were novice at best. I apologize if the example was offensive, I should have-.”
“No, no it was very nice!” she said quickly, not wanting to prevent him from saying such lovely things. “It was a beautiful thought, Will. I think anyone would like to hear that.”
“Truly? Uh, well thank you,” he said, unable to hide the blush that danced across his freckles. “Eh, but I’m sure you hear things such as that daily from your suitors.”
“My suitors?” She repeated with a snort. “Oof, now that’s a good one.”
But William did not find it humorous. “I’m sorry, I’m confused.”
“Well let’s just say when other witches my age notice me it’s usually not for the best reasons,” she said. “Most of them think I’m weird or creepy.”
“My apologies again, I’m still getting accustomed to the colloquialisms of this time, do those terms mean something different now?”
“No, I’m pretty sure they mean the same thing now as they did back then,” she said with a small smile, secretly recalling how when they first met William had a similar impression of her, though in fairness it was more about the witch aspect than her specifically. She wondered when exactly that had changed. “I’ve never been very popular. In fact, after Amity stopped talking to me and until I met Augustus most of my closest friends were plants.”
“Well perhaps it is because those plants have the sense to appreciate being in the presence of a rose.”
It was her turn to blush now. “Well, aren’t you the secret romantic?” She giggled, impressed with how quickly he had provided the response. They sat in silence a moment as William realized he hadn’t complimented her hypothetically this time and that something in her tone had shifted. As much as Paulina was willing to try and spare his feelings, he knew she would not lead him astray in this manner. She would not lie to him about this, but did that mean her words applied to her?
“Miss Park… I have a favor of sorts to ask of you,” he began, taking a deep breath.
“Of course,” she said, and he was taken back by how quickly she had agreed. She didn’t even ask what was in it for her benefit, like he was worthy of her assistance without any bribery.
“I will admit I know little of the courtship rituals from my time and even less about the present ones and I was hoping that you would be willing to help… educate me.”
“Oh yeah?” She said with a smirk, scooting closer to him. “How so?”
He could feel his hands get sweatier under his gloves. “Well, would I perchance be able to take you on an outing I believe suitable for expressing such… feelings,” he said as he cleared his throat as though the word made him dizzy. “And you advise me on if it was a suitable choice? I can compensate you for your time, I’ve been saving the snails I’ve acquired in exchange for my sewing and tailoring skills. We can have a grand collection of treats!”
“That sounds really nice,” said Paulina, adoring the way his full smile was on display and she could see the gap in his teeth without him shying away, too caught up in his own hypothetical excitement. “I would love to go out with you William.”
“Okay, wonderful,” he managed to squeak, and his eyes lit up in a way Paulina had never seen before. “I will uh I shall make all the arrangements! What day favors your schedule?”
“I’m fine with whatever day works best for you.”
“The sooner the better!” He exclaimed, louder than he intended to. He swiftly adjusted his volume. “I-I just mean for research purposes. I look forward to the learning aspect of the evening, heh.”
“I’m excited too,” she said and he couldn’t control the wide grin that consumed his whole face. She began to pat down the dirt to help support the budding bulb she had been keeping an eye on, ready to bloom any day now. “Do you think at the end you might be ready to tell me who you have a crush on?”
“I think that if everything goes as planned… I will be. Yes.”
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encantobrainrot365 ¡ 2 months
Ok so, I can’t believe I missed this but, look.
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I’ve always loved this moment in the song. The way she’s basically projecting herself onto a wall of roses 🌹 The way the wall changes color from pink 🌷 to blue 🪻as she sends a giant wave of flower petals throughout the room.
But did you catch that?
The way the room changes color. The way her projection of herself no longer appears to us as the delicate flower 🌺🌸, or pretty pink princess 👸🏾 her Abuela wants.
But a more bold and beautiful shade of purple and blue 💙💠💜 with a hint of yellowish-orange 💛🏵️🧡 and some green 🌴🌵 thrown in there too.
It’s foreshadowing people! The reclamation of her identity! Look at her, now!
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Look at the way she is no longer dressed to reflect her Abuela’s influence or her need to please her, but takes a tip from Mirabel and is instead, dressed to reflect the rest of the family she loves so much.
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There’s the *bright* violet blue color of the dress that reflects her parents and sisters. The yellows and bright oranges that symbolize joy and her Tia Pepa’s side of the family. Then, there’s the bright green color that symbolizes truth and her Tio Bruno, whose prophecy finally came true.
Now compare that to the way she used to dress! In pale blue, lavender and pink pastels.
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The way she almost looks muted and repressed compared to the rest of her family’s far brighter color palettes 🎨
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I also think it’s a call back to Sleeping Beauty, and Flora and Merry Weather’s iconic disagreement on whether to make Aurora’s dress pink or blue. Makes sense since Sleeping Beauty came out in the late 50s. The same time period that Encanto takes place in. I’m sure Isabela can relate.
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battyaboutbooksreviews ¡ 6 months
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in March 2024 🌈
🌈 Good afternoon, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ Shift: A Memoir of Identity and Other Illusions - Penny Guisinger 🧡 Tempting Olivia - Clare Ashton 💛 Monilinia - Free Mints 💚 Guillaume - Aurora Dimitre 💙 The Marble Queen - Anna Kopp & Gabrielle Kari 💜 The Baker & the Bard - Fern Haught ❤️ Rainbow! - Sunny & Gloom 🧡 The Safe Zone - Amy Marsden 💛 The Weavers of Alamaxa - Hadeer Elsbai 💙 The No-Girlfriend Rule - Christen Randall 💜 A Different Kind of Brave by Lee Wind 🌈 Cirque du Slay - Rob Osler ❤️ Wizard’s Debt - Niranjan 🧡 One Last Breath - Ginny Myers Sain 💛 Nothing Special - Katie Cook 💚 I Feel Awful, Thanks - Lara Pickle 💙 The Tower - Flora Carr 💜 Be the Sea - Clara Ward ❤️ What Grows in the Dark - Jaq Evans 🧡 Heirs of Bone and Sea - Kay Adams 💛 The Haunting of Velkwood - Gwendolyn Kiste 💙 Thunder Song - Sasha taqwšəblu LaPointe 💜 Mona of the Manor - Armistead Maupin 🌈 Like Happiness - Ursula Villarreal-Moura
❤️ Ellipses - Vanessa Lawrence 🧡 Saint, Sorrow, Sinner - Freydís Moon 💛 Blood & Brujas - Mikayla D. Hornedo 💚 Infinity Kings - Adam Silvera 💙 Really Cute People - Markus Harwood-Jones 💜 How You Were Born - Kate Cayley ❤️ These Bodies Between Us - Sarah Van Name 🧡 Icarus - K. Ancrum 💛 The Emperor and the Endless Palace - Justinian Huang 💙 How Not to Date an Angel - Lana Kole 💜 Enemy Colours - R.M. Olson 🌈 Broken Parts Included - Alyson Root
❤️ Who's Afraid of Gender? - Judith Butler 🧡 The Duke’s Cowboy - Andrew Grey 💛 The Secret Something - Emily Wright 💚 Colstead & Andie - Olivia Janae 💙 Play It Again, Ma’am - Sienna Waters 💜 Love Is…? - K.J. Wrights ❤️ Welcome to Forever - Nathan Tavares 🧡 Just Another Epic Love Poem - Parisa Akhbari 💛 The Phoenix Bride - Natasha Siegel 💙 These Letters End in Tears - Musih Tedji Xaviere 💜 Truly Home - J.J. Hale 🌈 Monster Mixer - Robin Jo Margaret
❤️ The House of Hidden Meanings - RuPaul 🧡 Promised to the Queen - Barbara Winkes 💛 A Conclave of Crimson - Nicole Eigener & Beverley Lee 💚 A Hunt of Blood and Iron - Cara Nox 💙 The Fealty of Monsters - Ladz 💜 Ariel Crashes a Train - Olivia A. Cole ❤️ Those Beyond the Wall - Micaiah Johnson 🧡 Dancing Toward Stardust - Julia Underwood 💛 Heir to Dreams & Darkness - Ben Alderson 💙 Comet Cruise - Niska Morrow 💜 Dead Girls Walking - Sami Ellis 🌈 Blackout - Carlos E. Rivera
❤️ Monster Crush - Erin Ellie Franey 🧡 Blessed Water - Margot Douaihy 💛 These Fragile Graces, This Fugitive Heart - Izzy Wasserstein 💚 Kiss of Seduction - Rawnie Sabor 💙 Sunbringer - Hannah Kaner 💜 Evacuation to Love - C.A. Popovich ❤️ Sin - Brooke Matthews 🧡 Falls from Grace - Ruby Landers 💛 Lean in to Love - Catherine Lane 💙 A Small Apocalypse - Laura Chow Reeve 💜 Cascade Failure - L.M. Sagas 🌈 The Mars House - Natasha Pulley
❤️ All This Time - Sage Donnell 🧡 The Romance Lovers Book Club - MA Binfield 💛 View from the Top - Morgan Adams 💚 Number Call - Nagisa Furuya 💙 Crossing Bridges - Chelsey Lynford 💜 The Boyfriend Subscription - Steven Salvatore ❤️ Love the World or Get Killed Trying - Alvina Chamberland 🧡 Synthetic Sea - Franklyn S. Newton 💛 The Prince & His Stolen Groom - J.E. Ridge 💙 Chrysalis and Requiem - Quinton Li 💜 Where Sleeping Girls Lie - Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé 🌈 A Botanical Daughter - Noah Medlock
❤️ Wednesday Nights - by Donna Jay 🧡 The Woods All Black - Lee Mandelo 💛 Song of the Huntress - Lucy Holland 💚 Rainbow Black - Maggie Thrash 💙 Spirits & Sunflowers - A.D. Armistead & Austin Daniel 💜 Floating Hotel - Grace Curtis ❤️ Far From Camelot - Rylee Hale 🧡 This Way to Change - Jezz Chung 💛 Mexican Bird - Luis Lopez-Maldonado 💙 Android Affection: Unveiling - Beau Van Dalen 💜 Welcome to the Damned - Astraea Long 🌈 She Came for Blood - Darva Green
❤️ Cover Story - Rachel Lacey 🧡 The Poisons We Drink - Bethany Baptiste 💛 The Perfect Guy Doesn't Exist - Sophie Gonzales 💚 In Walked Trouble - Dana Hawkins 💙 Never Leave, Never Lie - Thea Verdone 💜 Guardian: Zhen Hun - Priest ❤️ All the World Beside - Garrard Conley 🧡 Rainbows, Unicorns, and Triangles - Jessica Kingsley Publishers 💛 The Feast Makers - H.A. Clarke 💙 Synthetic Sea - Franklyn S. Newton 💜 All the Painted Stars - Emma Denny 🌈 A Hard Sell - Jennifer Moffatt
72 notes ¡ View notes
nats-revival ¡ 9 months
Love story au: you and Abby have a sort of forbidden secret romance 💛 takes place during medieval time.
𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙨𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙨 | 𝙖. 𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣
pairing: abby anderson x afab!reader
tags: (sorta modernized!) shakespearean english, no smut, abbys father is mentioned, reader lowkey living that rapunzel lifestyle but like not rlly. 😭🙏, abby has a bow and arrow, im still terrible at tagging, so i probably missed some stuff??
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a/n: honestly, i rlly only chose this song for this fic bc i was watching berlin while writing this and lowk.. i figured that it was fitting! honestly this prompt was super fun to do!!! i absolutely loved doing this, and i promise i will finish out my requests soon. 😭🙏 there’s still two more i have to start. uploads might be slow next week since i have some tests at school but ill def still try to be active here. ^^
You weren’t supposed to see each other, it was forbidden. Ever since your families began to quarrel, they had kept you held up in your room for seemingly no reason at all. Your father often fought with Abby’s, and they’d go extreme lengths to show their superiority, whether it be trading and buying the most expensive things they could, draping their daughters and significant other in the finest silks, or flat out going toe-to-toe with each other. Of course, you had already been seeing her secretly beforehand, and she showed you things you weren’t ever gonna be allowed to see. Fighting tournaments, erotic literature, the finest alcoholic beverages her kingdom had to offer, and how it felt to rebel. You loved doing these things with her.
These days, you’d been confined to the stone walls of your room, cold floors, and whatever other luxuries your father decided to drape you in. You were only allowed outside for a few minutes, or whatever your father allowed. It happened to be 45 minutes today. During this time you and Abby meet up secretly. Today, you found yourself running through the thick forest behind your castle. You were out of breath and your mouth went dry, but there she was. Her long braid would’ve been noticeable from any distance. You catch your breath and you stand up straight. “Abby.” You say with a smile. She turns to you with a smile, holding her bow and arrow. “Wherefore doth thee at each moment come running to see me? What is the reason behind thy eag'rness to seeth me?” The curiosity in her tone was playful. “I couldn’t possibly miss out on seeing thee. I'm willing to wend to most wondrous lengths just to beest with thee, coequal if 't be true t means running a million miles. You know that I can't be outside f'r long these days, so I want to make it count.” You admit as your smile grows. Abby chuckles. “Nobodys ever did like me so much to running to me ev'ryday. Concluded, be it, follow me. I want to showeth thee something, and I think you’d plaited it.”
   Abby takes your hand and she leads you deeper into the forest. The flora of the forest was to die for this season. The beautiful greens, the flowers, the dew drops sliding off tree leaves, it was a sight that was just impossible to want to not see. But it was only something the two of you knew about. After some time, she stops by some trees. Attached to them were some targets. “I suppose thee haven’t forgotten that day we spent a few fortnights ago? Did thee say.. thee did want to see how valorous mine aim was, no?” Abby asked with a smile. You nod enthusiastically. “Oh, of course I’d want to see how well thee uses yond bow and arrow. You speak so highly of thy aim, I’m sure it’s better than any sirs in the entire kingdom.” Abby always found your enthusiasm cute. Her body felt warm and fuzzy, as stupid and cliche it sounds, but she always felt that way around you. She loved how alive you made her feel. She readies her bow and arrow, and you watch her. You observe her pulling the string back and being mindful of how much she does. She inhales and loses the arrow in the middle of her exhale. Dead center of the target! She turns to you with a smile as your face lights up equally as bright.
   She was amazing! God, you’ve seen men competing for the other princesses hands in marriage (thanks to Abby), but you wanted her to do this for you when your time came. “That wast most wondrous! Oh my gosh, thee should it again. I want to see you do it again!” You say as you give her a face of pleading. She lets out a small chuckle before she turns to another target. This time, she decides to be flashy. She readies an arrow yet again, closing her eyes before she lets it loose. She opens her eyes to find that it had just nearly hit beneath the target. She shrugs her shoulders with a small smile. “Well, art thee did impress, princess?” She asks as she goes to collect her arrows. You turn to her with a small smile. “Of course I’m impressed.  Thee nev'r faileth to impresseth me, Abigail.” “That’s the second timeth you’ve hath called me that. I still rememb'r the first liketh it’s yest'rday.” Abby’s cheeks were dusted in a pink blush as she remembered that day you’d asked her out. All loopy from your drinking, your drunken rambling had resulted in you asking her out. “I rememb'r that day fondly. It was the day I hath asked thee out.” You reply in a soft tone almost as if you were falling in love with her all over again. But you couldn’t help it. This woman was timeless, and she never failed to take your breath away no matter what she did. Whether it be simple housework, gardening, or using that bow and arrow. Every aspect of Abby was attractive. Once all her arrows had been collected, she walks back over to you. She grabs your hands, her thumb gently grazing your knuckles as she looks in your eyes. Your gaze meets hers. She smiles, you look away with a giggle. She turns you back to face her. “I loveth thee. For many nights, I’ve hadst these dreams. Those dreams beshrew mine own mind.  All of those were about thee. Well, us.  Running hence. Being joyous. Not having to encave our love.” Her voice was soft. Her tone was sincere.
   Her gaze softened. One hand comes to softly hold your face. You melt. You couldn’t stop the words from spilling out of your mouth now. “I want to be with thee. I’m not restful of hiding. I want to run in the lush gardens, waketh to a sleep chamber that isn’t bitter cold, and stay out with thee for howev'r long mine own heart desires.” You smile at her and she smiles back. Slowly, her eyes become half lidded and she moves closer to you. “Run away with me, princess.” She whispered before she softly pressed her lips to yours. She pulled away for a moment to see if you were okay with it, but when you pulled her right back in, it solidified that you were more than okay with this. Her arms wrap around your waist, and yours find solace around her neck. This moment felt surreal. Being surrounded by forest, her hands on your body, the humming sound of cicadas and whatever else was in the forest, and the sounds of her soft, quiet moans filled your ears and burned in your memory. While you’re kissing her, you remember its way past the time you should’ve returned. You pull away. “Goodness, it’s getting late. We shall meet. Here, before sundown. I expect to see thee waiting for me here.” You say sweetly but in a rushed manner. She crosses her arms, then closing her eyes as she gives you a confirming nod before she bids you farewell. “I’ll see you soon, princess.” She says as she watches you walk off, then turning to head towards her own castle. This was the start of living freely, not confined by the restraints of parents.
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punkmunch ¡ 1 year
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loves to play outside
always covered in something, let it be glitter, paint, dirt, etc
bolts of hyperactivity and sleepiness
will climb a tree to try and stop their cg from taking them from the park
mismatched clothes
thinks they could would fight a bear to protect their cg
"are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet?"
loves to learn about the local fauna and flora
sits in sunny patches outside
steals snacks from the cupboard and runs away laughing
popsicles! lollipops! chocolate bars!
likes to wear bright colors and simple setups (shorts + t-shirt, overalls, tops and skirts, summerdresses, etc)
messy eater
has no concept of the progression time (what do you *mean* it's already time to leave? we just got here!)
always singing or humming songs from their favorite shows n movies
has a few potted plants, or likes to plant random seeds they find outside
talking about plants: they have a green little thumb!
worst days of their little life is when they wake up and it's raining (and their cg will not be reasonable and let them play in the garden. outrageous!)
puts every.thing. in their mouths, much to their carer's dismay
loves their pets to death and wishes they could have a zoo/farm
is either hyposensitive to pain or hypersensitive: either breaks their arm and runs away like nothing happened, or scratches their knees and cries as loud as they can
has to be chased down the house to go and have a bath
once in the bath, they won't leave it ("but I'm a mermaid!! I have to stay here or I'll DIE")
is either a little drama queen or a precious (yet *fast* lol) angel
wears a kid leash or has to hold their cg's hand whenever out to do errands
little ray of sunshine💛
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serendipminie ¡ 9 months
List of Minie's lovely mutuals!
If you find yourself on this list, it means I am sending you constant love and care (virtually)~
(Some of you are in more than one place lol, but that's okay!)
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@faceglitchsworld (#teresa 🤍🌻)
@jongside (#fanny 🖤💎)
@snoos-tattoos (#beedee 💙🌸)
@toxicrevolver (#obsidian 🖤🎶)
@takeutothemoon (#li 💙🪐)
@solaysa (#soph 🤍🌹)
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@asoulsreverie (#soul 🤍🥀)
@tighnaridabouken (#fenris💜🪽)
@bassguitarinablackt-shirt (#asher 🎧💚)
@worldsfromhoney (#bee 🐝💛)
@littlebookworm69 (#cami 📚🧡)
@clearcloudlesssky (#stella🌟💜)
@hachi-qo (#hachi! 🫧🩵)
@kitty-meowskers (#snekkey 💜🦚)
@blak-ie (#blakie! 💙💫)
@c-h-pictures (#chuuya 🪷💜)
@aurae-rori (#aurae 💜🖊️)
@convictionblades (#evan 💜🦑)
@reminscingskylight (#ven 💜🕯️)
@robins-s0ngbird (#serenia! 💖🎶)
@starfall-reef (#flora 💖🌸)
@heatedpirate (#faisal 💜🎮)
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Writeblr: (over at @serendipminiewrites)
@shadow-of-tea-and-tea (#teamaker 🍵💛)
@imslowlydisintegrating (#evvy🖌️💜)
@worldsfromhoney (#bee 🐝💛)
@bassguitarinablackt-shirt (#asher 🎧💚)
@briannaswords (#bri 🖋️❤️)
@littlebookworm69 (#cami 📚🧡)
@lordcatwich (#finn 🐈💛)
@clearcloudlesssky (#stella🌟💜)
@awleeofficial (#ash✨💜)
@c-h-writes (#chuuya 🪷💜)
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Please don't ever hesitate to let me know if you would like a personal tag!
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hazywazysmind ¡ 2 years
Spend the day with me || Ellie Williams x Reader
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Summary: You spend the day with Ellie, which turns to a steamy confession
Content Warning: 18+ mdni, initial fluff, turns smut, smut with plot, boobie appreciation(obvi), fingering, Ellie existing(god I love that woman)
A/N: Ok ok… originally I had planned to do a total fluff fest piece but um… well my mind drifted elsewhere lol. I attempted to write smut but at most points I think I rambled to much. Also I feel like the ending is a bit lack luster… I always struggle with endings. But anyways… I hope you enjoy!💛
˜”*°•.˜”*°• … •°*”˜.•°*”˜
You stirred in your bed, the soft streaks of sunlight dancing on your skin, a sign of your day coming to a start. It was a nice spring day in Jackson, with a soft breeze, and the dew still settling from the early morning. It was nothing short of ethereal, your breath was soft as you stayed in slumber, your body relaxed and unbothered.
Knock Knock
A soft knock rang through the small space of your room, a visitor waiting outside your door. You didn't react at first, too entranced in the comfort of your sleep, warranting another knock; louder this time. You groaned as you slowly blinked open, losing whatever dreams were floating in your head. “Hey! Sleeping beauty…” Your sleepy gaze traveled to the door, your ears soon filled with a familiar voice, one that made you smile even in your annoyed sleepy state.
Ellie sighed as she waited outside your door, she looked at her hands, the only sound being her foot tapping against the porch and the birds singing in the air. She looked up before readying herself to knock on your door once again, her action cut short as your door slowly creaked open. Her heart stopped a bit, taking in your sleepy features; hair messed, eyes fighting to stay awake, and your tank top hugging you snuggly. “Well well well… look who finally decided to join us in the real world.” She spoke softly, letting herself in as you moved to the side. You chuckled hoarsely, your throat still not quite warmed up to speak. “I mean is it so bad that I would actually want to sleep in on my day off?” You questioned, watching as Ellie dropped her bag on the chair accompanying your desk before falling onto your plush bed.
You studied her from afar watch as she laid there comfortably, staring at your ceiling before opening her mouth to speak. “No no… nothing wrong with that, but-” she stopped mid-sentence, her soft green eyes meeting your own, a smirk creeping on her face as she started again “wouldn't you rather spend the day with your favorite person in the whole world, princess?” Her voice finished, that cheeky smirk still adorning her freckled face. Your face grew red at the nickname Ellie always used with you, at first it was used as a form of teasing, you hated when the word slipped off her tongue but know it seemed to make your stomach do flips and twists. “What exactly did you have in mind? This won't warrant us getting into trouble with Maria right? I refuse to do more cleaning as punishment…” You grumbled soon walking over to your dresser to slip on some pants, not even noticing Ellie’s gaze practically burning into your skin. “I mean not if you manage to get us caught… I was able to sneak Shimmer out of the stables, she's packed up at and waiting on the East side of town.” Ellie stated before sitting up, still watching you closely as you wiped your face and combed out your hair. You nodded, brushing through your hair one last time before walking to the door slipping on your boots and grabbing your bag.
˜”*°•.˜”*°• … •°*”˜.•°*”˜
It didn't take long before you and Ellie were outside the secure walls of the town, trotting along the soft ground, and holding Ellie close so you wouldn't fall off the rear end of Shimmer. You breathed out softly enjoying the serene moment, taking in the flora and fauna of the forest around you. “Penny for your thoughts?” You were pulled from your concentration, eyes shifting to Ellie. It was hard not to stare at her, the light streaming in through the dense trees capturing every part of her perfectly. “I'm just enjoying the calm, it's been so long since I've been able to just enjoy the environment, without having to worry about patrol.” You spoke out softly, smiling as you grazed your cheek against Ellie’s back. Ellie chuckled and nodded, almost as to say she agrees and feels the same about your claim. She gripped the reins, twisting them in her hands before halting Shimmer. “Well, let’s not waste any of this time off… we're here,” Ellie spoke before hopping off Shimmer; after balancing herself, she extended a hand to you. You looked at her before gladly grabbing her hand, slipping off the horse, and landing firmly on the ground. Ellie walked around to tie up Shimmer and dismantle her bag from the saddle. You took this opportunity to stretch your body, looking around and having a small content smile on your face. “Ah as annoying as you are Els, I could never deny your ability to find a little oasis in this broken world…” You teased, looking at Ellie as she scoffed, acting hurt at your comment. You giggled before following behind her, watching as she cut through an opening, revealing a lush plot of land with grass and flowers; looked like a painting placed right in front of you. 
Ellie stopped in the middle of the field before throwing her arms up and exclaiming “Isn't this amazing!?… I found this little spot on patrol with Jesse… I just knew I had to bring you along.” She smiled before setting down her bag. You smiled always enjoying the softer side of Ellie, she didn't show that side often; she was always rough and serious to others. You watched as Ellie rummaged through her bag before pulling out a blanket and a paper bag. “My My… if I didn't know any better I would almost think we were on a date darlin’…” You spoke out in a poor southern drawl as Ellie sat on the blanket, a small blush forming on Ellie’s face as you teased her. You enjoyed teasing Ellie with simple flirts and notions to the unnamed relationship you both had.
An outsider could look at both of you and think; surely these two are a happy couple. But they would be mistaken, seem as obvious as you and Ellie were about the attraction you both garnered for each other; neither of y'all ever seemed to make that final move. The final decision was to be together, but today was going to change that. Ellie had mulled over the thought, every day for the past week; no doubt annoying Jesse and Dina in the process. She wanted to make sure she did this right, she wanted to make sure that you would return the feelings, and that she wouldn't make a complete and utter fool of herself. So here you both were, sitting down on a plush blanket and enjoying each other's company. Ellie reached for the brown paper bag which had been placed in between you both, she reached in and pulled out two sandwiches. “Are you hungry? I made them this morning…” She spoke softly, holding out the sandwich; a simple chicken sandwich. You nodded, thanking Ellie before grabbing the sandwich and immediately digging in not realizing how hungry you were. Ellie watched you, the air becoming thick with silence, she cleared her throat before speaking “Y/N… so-” She stopped as your eyes met hers, focusing on her speech as you swallowed your previous bite. She couldn't help but stop her thoughts, snorting as she held in her laughter at the sight. Your eyebrows furrowed, confused as to why the Auburn-haired girl was laughing, completely unaware of the mayo that very obviously rested on the other corner of your mouth. “You have a little something on your face…” Ellie spoke before scooting herself closer, her hand grabbing your cheek before letting her thumb swipe away the glob of mayo. Your hand had instinctively grabbed her wrist softly, as your heart began to beat at what seemed like 1 million beats per second. You stared at her, she was so close, and even after doing something so mundane as cleaning your face, you found yourself choked up. Ellie seemed to take notice of your hesitant state, a small smirk forming before finally breaking the tension with her lips. A gasp slipped out at the sudden action, you were caught off guard but ultimately allowed the kiss to deepen.
Ellie leaned into you more, her lips moving with a fervor; her tongue soon finding its way into your mouth. You had graciously let your body melt to her touch, ready to let her mold and shape you for her own pleasure. Your hands had found their way into her hair, your nails scratching her scalp gently as you gripped. She leaned into you deeper, as her body guided you to lay back. You were in total bliss, becoming drunk off of Ellie’s actions, your underwear growing wet with the thought of her taking you how she wanted. Ellie’s hand soon found its way to the hem of your tank top, her calloused hands slowly snaking their way under to graze the soft skin. You moaned at the sudden contact, the noise caught Ellie off guard; her mouth soon leaving hers. You stared at her as your face grew with a melancholic expression. She noticed your face and quickly shook her head, grabbing your face delicately between her hands “No… no, I didn't mean to pull away Y/N, Believe me.. I desperately want you but this wasn't how things were supposed to go, well I mean yes I want you like that… it's just… well I-” You stopped her babbling, your sad expression being replaced with a smirk before giving a soft kiss to her lips. “it's okay El…” You spoke gently against her lips, soon guiding her hands back to there previous position. Ellie gladly took your invitation, immediately finding her way to your boobs, grabbing and squeezing them softly; a groan erupting from her mouth. “Gosh princess… you're so perfect.” She spoke out, her kisses soon traveling down your jaw. You couldn't help but moan at the use of the nickname, what was once peaceful fun was now used to praise you.
Ellie nibbled at your neck gently, leaving small marks here and there as she began to remove your top. You lifted your arms, the breeze of the spring air causing your nipples to perk right up, and Ellie pulled away from your neck. She looked at your body, admiring every curve and marking; a dumb smile littered her face as she realized you were giving yourself to her. She was quick to pull you back in for another kiss, her other hand quick to unclasp your bra; she tugged on your bottom lip causing a whine to leave you. You were spent, your body hot and your mind racing as you watched Ellie’s movements; a moan soon left your lips as Ellie’s mouth clasped around your nipple. Your back arched, your clothed pussy grazing against Ellie’s thigh sending goosebumps all over your body. You can't remember a time you felt this good, at least not with yourself or with any previous partners; you wanted to revel in the pleasure, moving your hips to get some kind of friction so you could reach your peak. Ellie seemed to notice the desperate ruts of your hips against her thigh, she smirked before pulling away and looking at your flushed face “Aww.. Princess I've barely touched you…” she started before going near your ear, “and you're already so needy for me. Tell me, what do you want?” She whispered before nipping your earlobe. You whined softly at the action, the words suddenly stuck in your throat but you managed to get something out “Touch me…” You said desperation laced in your voice. She nodded, leaving chaste kisses, making her way down your body; the sensation was tingly as her kisses traveled, and soon felt her hands unbutton your pants. You gladly, and almost too quickly lifted your hips to help Ellie remove them. Once your pants were gone, she started at your underwear cooing at the very evident wet spot. “So wet for me… I love it…” She mumbled faintly, her pointer finger grazing your pussy softly causing a moan to erupt from you. “Ah… E-El... No teasing…” You spoke almost in a whisper as you reached for her wrist. Ellie wanted so badly to tease you, but that wouldn't be fair to you or her at this moment. She needed you, wanted you.
Ellie left more kisses peppered along your things, leaving marks in some spots so you'd know she had been there. She stopped at your underwear before slowly moving them to the side, exposing your pussy; the air has the same effect as it did on your boobs earlier. She took two fingers, sliding them down your slit, coating them in your slick. You were a mumbling mess, your head reeling at the fact that Ellie had such a tremendous effect and she hadn't even made you come yet. You were lost in thought before quickly being brought back to reality “F-Fuck…” You moaned out as you felt Ellie’s long fingers enter you. She filled you so well, slowly pumping her fingers and enjoying watching your writhe in pleasure. She continued a steady but hard pace, her palm hitting your clit deliciously “Mm… look at you princess… you take me so well…” Ellie praised you as she gave more attention to your boobs again. Your back arched enjoying the way Ellie fawned over your body, your hand gripping her wrist; nails digging in sure to leave a mark.
“E-Ellie… faster please… fuck me faster…” You begged her feeling your orgasm approaching. Ellie chuckled softly, surprised you were this close already and so soon but she acknowledged your request. She picked up the pace, curling her fingers which in turn had you arching your back. You moaned loudly, most likely startling any wildlife surrounding y'all. Your hips were eagerly rutting against Ellie’s fingers to get to your peak faster; words slurring and becoming incoherent. “You gonna cum for me princess? Hm? Come on baby… cum for me…” Her voice rang in your ears as your body began to tremble; you threw your head back as your orgasm soon washed over you. Your breathing is heavy and quick as any tension built up slowly left your body. Ellie continued slowly pumping her fingers, helping you down from your high. You opened your eyes, your gaze soon meeting Ellie’s; she smiled at you soon removing her fingers and giving you a soft peck before speaking. “You did amazing sweetheart… who knew I could make you scream like that…” She teased you, which cause you to slightly hit her arm. She chuckled and laid back, pulling your naked body close to hers, tucking stray hairs out of your face. You hummed and watched her, a soft smile on your face as you spoke up “Hey El… can I say something?” She looked down and nodded with a soft hum, awaiting your response. “I love you… you know, more than friends…” You spoke out as you placed your hand on her cheek. She smiled from ear to ear, “I love you too Y/N…” She responded softly before placing one last soft kiss on your lips. You both lay there, completely content in each other's arms.
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waltricia ¡ 4 months
oooh, the Colin not seeing Pen thing has its own thread on the r/PolinBridgerton subreddit, it's being hotly debated, but I think in my opinion, they're heavily pushing Pen's "wallflower"-ness pre-transformation? if that makes sense? I mean she's almost dripping in garish florals, pressed up against the shrubbery
she's also a lot more out in the open before Colin shows up, and none of the Bridgertons react to seeing her when they pile out of the house. You'd think at least El would react to seeing her. Also I think the emphasis of the two most important people to her- El and Colin, embracing before her expression really falls is setting us up for how alone she feels and how much the loss of those connections is weighing on her.
just some thoughts! have a happy less than 30hrs to the season drop!!
Omg thank you for such a detailed and wonderful explanation!! I love this. 🙏
Good to know I’m not the only one questioning this moment. I love the idea that they’re leaning into the wallfloweryness and so he can’t see her because she’s blending into the surrounding flora.
And yeah, it’s such an ouch moment for her. The first episode is going to be rough no doubt.
Even so, yesssss!!! Happy almost 24 hours to the season drop!!! 💛🩵💚
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snarky-art ¡ 1 year
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I meant to get this done way earlier but alas whoops🥲
Anyway here they are in my rewrite!
Bloom is queer and gray ace/a spec
Stella is omni and polyamorous
Flora is pan
Tecna is they/them genderqueer (is ok with the term agender but prefers the broader term since they aren’t totally sure and don’t care too much about the specifics lol), gray romantic/Alterous
Musa is bi
And Aisha is a lesbian
I hope everyone had a great pride month!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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tadpolesonalgae ¡ 6 months
Raspberry Lips
Elain x reader
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a/n: sapphic playlist to read along to, if you’d like 🧡💛
word count: 896
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The sun shimmers atop the rippled surface of the Sidra, glittering gold undulating between soft pinks and peachy oranges, mixing with the aquamarine blue of the painted houses and the warm magentas from storefronts below. The two of you remain quiet as you take in the wonderful vista from atop the small balcony, held up on oxidised copper, pale blue and a little patchy in places but tinged with an almost mossy green, artfully curved into bars that swirl and wrap around to form a railing.
Her sundress flutters in the late evening breeze, the floppy straw hat she’d chosen sitting pretty atop her gently curled hair, forming soft ringlets of golden brown, like the tops to the perfectly baked goods she makes. Small wildflowers are tucked behind her elegantly pointed ears, left over from your lunch in her carefully cultivated garden—picking a few of the unplanned but not unwelcome flora that had cropped up in the grass.
She opens up the wicker basket, pulling out something swaddled in pale cream cloth, setting it down between you, carefully revealing the contents to be two slices of pie. The pastry looks perfectly flakey and crisp, with powdered sugar dusting its surface, sun-dried raspberries lining the circumference. The cross-sections appear a mix between a spongey and custard-like texture, rhubarb baked into the main body of the pie.
“I made this yesterday,” Elain pipes up, raising a slice from the fabric, perching it upon her dainty fingertips, offering it up. Your heart flutters a little as it usually does around her, your lips helplessly curving into a smile as you lean forward across the chequered picnic blanket. It’s easy to bite into, teeth and tongue able to effortlessly pry it apart with little effort, slightly crumbly on top but soft and plaint in your mouth.
You hum, hand coming to cover your mouth as you chew, pulling back a little, swallowing. The setting sun sparkles in her cocoa eyes, like melted chocolate that swirls as it sinks into gently simmering milk. Rosey lips soften, curving to reflect your own as matching grins broaden your mouths.
“You like it?” She asks through her laugh, eyes crinkling as her cheeks warm with an apricot flush, rounding as the corners of her mouth lift upward, smiling with her slightly uneven teeth. It has your own smile broadening, eyes gleaming with affection as you manage a nod. “It’s perfect,” you reply through your smile, meeting her twinkling gaze. “Just like you,” you murmur, vaguely aware of how her hands have lowered the slice, making room for the two of your to gravitate toward one another.
Her lids lower a little, lashes obscuring some of the fascinating colours of her irises, but then her head is tilting a little, and you’re only a few inches apart.
Your lips tingle with heat as they settle against hers, soft and plush, and you’re almost certain some powdered sugar has gotten between you. Maybe she’s just that sweet.
Your hand raises, cupping her jaw as you kiss her, feeling how she pushes against your touch, mouth slanting against your own as she copies your movement, her thumb brushing the crest of your cheek, middle and forefinger tucked behind your ear. Lips stretch out, smiles playing on soft, sugared mouths as you pull away, keeping close.
Elain blinks, smile fading a little before widening into a sunshine-filled grin that has your heart aching, throat tightening.
“What?” You ask, voice lilting with laughter at her smile. “You’ve got sugar on your cheek,” she whispers over your mouth, thumb stroking over the area. The two of you crane together, mirth ringing between you as your stomach flutters.
“I should’ve known that’d happen,” you mumble, fingers gently wrapping around her wrist to ply it away. Her laughter is still prominent as you swipe the tip of your tongue over the pads of her digits, removing the sweet powder she’d so carefully dusted the pastry with. “That tickles,” she laughs softly, watching as you move to her thumb, sliding it over your lower lip as she presses down a little.
Her flush deepens as you press a soft kiss over her skin, observing with a quiet heat that has your skin warming.
“I love your hands,” you murmur into her palm, raising it higher until her fingertips could brush your brows, nosing at her skin. “They’re so clever.” Her flush deepens, neither of you really able to look away. “So good at making things,” you mumble into her palm, feeling the slight roughness that’s begun to surface from the incessant pruning of the plants in her garden.
“I like yours more,” she says breathlessly, leaning closer again, making your eyes twinkle as she pulls away, cupping your jaw. “Why’s that?” You reply, so eager to press your mouth to hers again. To feel them. To taste them. Taste her.
“You’re so gentle with them,” she answers, feeling as her words take shape on your lips, so, so, close. “I love it.”
Your mouths push together, slow, soft motions echoing between you, lips parting to feel the other, flicking gently—as she’d wanted. Elain makes a small noise, breathy and hot as she applies more pressure, opening a little wider, food forgotten as a new appetite is stirred within her.
Stirred within both of you.
Soft and sweet.
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general taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @amygdtjhddzvb @sfhsgrad-blog @needylilgal022 @hannzoaks @hnyclover @skyesayshi @nyotamalfoy @decomposing-writer @soph1644
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multicolour-ink ¡ 1 year
Do you have headcanons about how Deity Luigi from your AU would show his love towards Daisy? How would he use his powers for her?
Deity AU
For context: Luigi is a celestial god, and Daisy is a forest nymph
Oooohhhh that's an interesting question 🤭 To explain this, I'll break down how their first meeting went.
- Luigi is very cautious about approaching Daisy. It's love at first sight, and he watches from afar for a while before even getting the courage to talk to her.
- He makes himself appear more human, and carefully approaches her while she's walking through the forest. Being only a nymph, Daisy is by natural instinct terrified of him at first. Even though he is in a human form, she can sense something is not mortal about him, and demands that he show her who he really is.
- One thing about Daisy that Luigi has come to learn, is that she is not as submissive or delicate as other nymphs of her kind. She is loud, ferocious, and able to fend for herself. And he is drawn to her.
- Luigi is hesitant, but agrees in order to put her at ease. "Please don't freak out", he says, as he lifts off his mortal disguise and shows himself in his true form
- Even though he is keeping his power in check (so as not to harm her) he is blinding with sheer power alone. Daisy steps back, unsure whether to run away. But then she take a good look at him. And instead of seeing a ruthless god, she sees a gentle soul staring back at her, begging her to stay, to give him a chance. She approaches him and takes his hand in hers. She smiles at him, and instantly his heart soars. She trusts him.
- Luigi visits her regularly in his mortal form, so as to keep her and the forest safe (for a god's power is destructible if not in check), but there is a comforting presence around her at all times in his absence that she identifies as Luigi. For example, while exploring her forest home, Daisy accidently stumbles into hunter's territory, and she is pursued. However, the hunters don't get far before lightning bolts unexpectantly rain down from the sky and strike them down.
- Another time, Daisy is upset that a part of the forest is dying from the lack of rain, so Luigi sends a rainstorm that instantly rejuvenates the flora.
- Another one I want to add because I think it's cute ^^ While Daisy has a power that can make flora grow, she cannot ultimately make the life permanent. Her powers only allow her to assist the forest. When they both agree for Luigi to spend a night with her, she creates a beautiful bedding of flowers of many species and colours ^^ But she is sad, for she explains that by the time they will wake up, the flowers will be dead. Luigi then says they won't, and uses his power to have the flowers be gently dusted in a watery mist (but does not feel wet to the touch). He explains that the flowers are now permanently frozen in a time of life, love, and beauty, and they will never die out 💚💛
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dreamerawaken ¡ 11 months
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Here's my part for the SRMTHFG 'Trick or Treat' Art Exchange!!
For @monkeyinaround, featuring Flora the Fairy Queen and Zoltoy the Lunar Moth! 💚💛
I had fun working on their costumes; hope you like it!
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numberonepeacock ¡ 27 days
Yes! Pretty Cure 5 Origin Story
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In the year 2993 BCE, a young butterfly wanted nothing more than for her sick mother to get better. She worked hard to get money for the medicine needed but on the day she collected her 55th cent she tragically died with her last words being that she wished for her mother to get better. At that moment her 55 coins started to glow as a pink butterfly flew from her body. The glowing coins turned into the Pinkies before the pink butterfly turned into the Dream Collet. As the Mobians watch, Vanessa appears and takes the device in her hands as the Pinkies go into the Dream Collet. Vanessa then turns to the girl's mother and tells her that her wish is for her to get better so this device was created to grant it. Once granted, Vanessa disappears with the Dream Collet. She then created a new world where she made the Palmier Kingdom to protect the Dream Collet. She also creates a big gate around the kingdom with five special lights to keep evil people out. She tells the two rulers that if the Dream Collet must leave the kingdom the five lights would transform into five butterflies, which hold special powers for the Pretty Cure to use.
About 4,986 years later, in 1993 CE, Diabolos is searching for a greedy Mobian to turn into a Negative Boss using the magic of the Dream Collet (the Dream Collet and the five lights are made out of the same magic). He found a female crane who feared growing old and thought being young would grant her eternal happiness. He offered her eternal life if she made the whole world fall into despair. She agreed and began building an army with Diablo's help.
Vanessa saw this and began creating Cure items with her children to prepare for the trouble ahead. When the evil organization Nightmare invaded the Palmier Kingdom and destroyed it, the two princes of the kingdom fled to Mobius with the Dream Collet to hide, leaving many of its citizens to be controlled and brainwashed by Nightmares. The five lights transformed into butterflies and flew with them to Mobius before spreading out to find their linked Cures. When the two princes, Coco and Nuts, were attacked by Hadenya on Mobius, Vanessa activated the Dream Collet, telling the Pinkies to go and hide. She also put Nuts in the Dream Collet to heal him and turned both Coco and Nuts into Cure Flickles.
Fun Fact; Nozomi Yumehara is the descendent of the girl, whose wish created the Pinkies and the Dream Collet.
I would like to explain why the CE and BCE system was introduced and when it transferred from BCE to CE. That year was the year when another powerful entity was born and various magical phenomena occurred, leading to the belief that the Universe was reborn. Among the things that were born that year are Flora, the Rose Deer, the youngest sister of Vanessa, and the Goddess of the Red and Blue Cure Roses. Additionally, the Red and Blue Cure Roses, the Cure Rose Garden, and the Rose Pact were created that same year. Vanessa created the Red and Blue Cure Rose as special weapons with the Universe's power if the need arises. The Universe created the Cure Rose Garden to hold the Red and Blue Cure Rose and gave birth to Flora as the guardian of the Cure Rose Garden. Vanessa created the Rose Pact as a key to enter the garden. Also, all of this was created from the same magic.
Now fast forward a few years, Diabolos wanted to create another Negative Boss that would collect powerful items to use so he sent one of his generals to go and collect an item with powerful magic. Funny enough, in the year 1593 CE, the general ended up in the Cure Rose Garden and took one of the roses to Diabolos, who twisted the magic inside and created Boss, a crow Mobian. After being created, Boss left and started to build his collection and the Eternal for 414 years.
During the battle against Desperaia and Nightmare, Boss is drawn to the Cure Rose Garden since its power is similar to his, and there he meets Flora, with whom he falls in love. He wanted to preserve the garden like the other stolen treasures of Eternal but Vanessa told Flora that in doing so Diabolos would get the two roses and the power of the place making him very powerful. Flora locks/seals the gates/entrance and hides the garden away to prevent Diabolos from getting the two roses, however, this only makes Boss want the garden and her more. When Diabolos and Vanessa found out what magic Boss was made out of, both were shocked. Diabolos tells Boss to find the garden so he tries to find the Rose Pact. When he finds that the Cures have it, he sends his employees to get it from them.
Now let's go to Vanessa’s side of all of this; Vanessa knows that all of this would mean there needs to be another Cure group, but the problem was that the keys to activate the Rose Pact were with the four other rulers from the kingdom surrounding the Palmier Kingdom. They had them because Flora had become good friends with them while hiding their kingdom from Nightmare while the Cures were battling them via Vanessa’s order. Boss found this out thanks to Diabolos and attacked the kingdoms. When he did, Vanessa turned the rulers into Palmins. She decided that the Yes Cures would rise up again but with different magic. She asks Flora to give her the Red and Blue Rose. She and her children create the CureMos and Cure Fleurets from the Red Rose and the Milky Palette, Milky Note (she created the power that was placed in it which she gave to Princess Crepe when she turned her into a Palmin), and the Milky Mirror (this she did create but stored in the power of the Milky Note) from the Blue Rose. She then takes the items from the five lights and replaces them with the items from the Red Rose. She also gives the Rose Pact and the Milky Palette to Flora to give to the Cures and Milk.
Since Syrup was born in the Cure Rose Garden, he is the only Cure Fairy to be born one and not turned into one.
The Palmer Kingdom crowns were made and given to the kingdom by Vanessa when she first created the kingdom. The crowns have special magic to help the two rulers protect their kingdom. When Coco and Nuts gained the power of the Palmier crown, Vanessa linked the Cure’s weapons to the crowns as well as the power to combine the Red and Blue Roses’ power.
Milk is a Rabbit Flicky, and when she is Kurumi Mimino and Milky Rose, she is a Rabbit Mobian. When turning into Mobians, Coco is a Mobian Fox, and Nuts is a Mobian Squirrel.
Previously: 🌸🕊️🎐🌕 | Next: 🍎🪩♠️
Masterpost of AU: Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
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intro !! (sarah's version)
i changed my url!! prev: -> just-sarah-xx // 14/05/2024
☆ sarah, s, moon ☆ she/they ☆ bi ☆ sun: libra ♎︎ moon: libra ♎︎ rising: pisces ♓︎ ☆ australia !! ☆ infp<3 (pls talk to me im so introverted lmao)
☆ i have a few alt accounts if you'd like to go follow<3 -> @scholarmoons-studyblr :: my studyblr alt !! -> @oxi-moon-xx :: my shifting account for my shifting mooties<3 ☆ taylor swift, conan gray, phoebe bridgers, tv girl, olivia rodrigo, the neighbourhood, steve lacy, dominic fike<3 ☆ i love art, reading, astronomy, taking long walks, playing guitar, making playlists and aesthetics ☆ fav aesthetics: rockstar gf, downtown girl, chaotic academia, y2k grunge, etc.
☆ stuff you'll see me posting about: -> random shitposts -> shifting -> rants about stuff -> drawing -> many different books -> obsessing over someone -> the sturniolo triplets -> etc.
my socials<3 ☆ pinterest: justsarahxx ☆ spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/31nyeusuv342xa4h4thn3j7ujzoy?si=b8f0fc1b36864e52
this is my fav post that i've made so far: https://www.tumblr.com/julie-schwieters-supremacy/746191574561636352?source=share
my mooties<3: @niallermybabe - bells, probably will tag as bells💛 (im sorry i dont have a better name) @quackethh - tay, will tag as quack quack @antisocialgaycat - lele, will tag as bestieboowifeyforlifey @cc-horan - cc, will tag as cc or 🍍 @strawberry-lia - lia/laura, will tag as 🍓 @localrockstargf - my shifting bestie xe, tagged as 🎸 @sad-trash-pigeon - fernie, tagged as pigeon🌿 @shutup-andletme-go - jack, YOU ARE JACHARY IM SORRY U DONT HAVE A SAY IN THIS @thatsawesomedontyouthink - emma, i also havent given you a tag yet im very sorry @waitingforthesunrise - ari, will probably tag as ari☀️🌿 @5ducksinatrenchcoat - flora, will probably tag as duckies x5 @svnflowermoon - lucy, will probably tag as luc🪩<3 waaaaiiittt wait wait wait @sleepy-vix (im so so so sorry i am so sorry ur so special omg i cant believe i didnt add u) - vix, uhh ill tag u as vix (mitski's version) @elemelom OMG my irl, imma tag you as em :D melon (im sorry thats just what i associate your name with) @demigoddess-of-ghosts - tess, ill tag u as tessy :3 julie schwieters is my bae (she doesnt know i exist) so she deserves a tag too, which is #julie schwieters supremacy my asks tag is #i'm not introverted !! (my asks) my posts and random rants will be #sazzy yaps i will do more im sorry if i missed u (i haven't fully added the moot tags so some might not show up)
so yeah thats my intro imma prolly edit it later have an amazing day<333
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