#i'll go now but will try to come back in a few to rb all the anniversary posts i missed on before the day ran out so the date match lol
melanieph321 · 10 months
Since you’re open to writing for szoboszlai could you maybe right an angsty one where you’re fwb and find out you’re pregnant and when you tell him he freaks out at first and leaves for some alone time to think but eventually comes around
Lovely request! 😊
Dominik Szoboszlai x Reader - Positive
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"Pregnant?" Dominik frowned. "How can you be pregnant?"
You rolled your yes. "I don't know Dom, maybe we had somthing called sex?"
Dominik did not find your sarcasm amusing. He was neither amused that you showed up at his doorstep just as he was about to leave for training.
"How could this be possible?" He sighed, his body slumping down against the doorframe. It was a bit rude of him not to invite you in to his apartment.
"We didn't use protection the last time we...you know," You said awkwardly. "And I missed my period a few days ago. I went to get tested, and the results came back positive."
Dominik was silent for a moment, processing the information. You were having a baby together? It seemed like a distant possibility, but there was no denying the truth. But as reality set in, Dominik's expression turned from shock to panic. Perhaps he wasn't ready to be a father! Like you he was only twenty-three years old, a flourishing career ahead of him. Would he let a sloppy one night stand ruin that? Most people would argue that he had alot more to lose than you, a social media manager for the ever so addictive Red Bull energy drink.
"Y/N." Dominik shut the door behind him, adjusting the gym bag that hung over his shoulder. "I need some time to think. This is all too much for me right now."
You felt a lump form in your throat as you watched Dominik struggling to process the news. You knew this was a lot to take in, but you had hoped that he would be more supportive considering that you were both in the same boat. And It wasn't like you were complete strangers. You and Dominik had history, stretching back to when you were both based in Germany, Dominik playing for RB Leipzig and you doing jobs for their social media.
"I'll call you later okay?" He looked scared and overwhelmed, a desire to jump ship and flee.
"Okay," you said softly, trying to keep your emotions in check. "Take all the time you need." You nodded. But even as you spoke those words, you couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. Had you made a mistake by telling Dominik? Should you have given him more space? Were you truly ready to be a single mother? So many questions raced through your mind, leaving you feeling lost and uncertain about the future.
"I can't believe him." Your friend Sasha said.
It's where you were staying for the six months that Red Bull wanted you to do jobs for them in England. This whole situation was really her fault. If Sasha hadn't suggested that the two of you attend a sponsors event that her company was hosting, you would have never run into Dominik again and the two of you would never have hooked up. And it wasn't once that the two of you had spent night and day together. In fact, your relationship had gotten way past late night bootycalls. Perhaps that's why you were so suprised how off put he had been at the thought of knocking you up. Despite the life growing inside of you, life had to go on. You still had a job to do.
"Y/N, there is a call for you."
After spending and antire week in bed Sahsa woke you up one morning with your cellphone in her hand.
"Is it Dominik?"
"No. I think it's your boss."
How foolish of you to think that Dominik would ever call. The only word you had heard from him since you told him of your unexpected pregnancy was a text, saying:
"Need more time. Talk to you later."
"What did he want?" Sasha said, seeing you finally getting up and out of bed.
"There is a job in London that they want me to do."
You tied your hair in a gentle ponytail, marching towards the bathroom.
"What's in London?"  Sasha asked.
"I dunno, some charity event at a youth center that Red Bull is funding."
"Oh...can I come?"
"Do you like kids?"
She snorted. "No."
You smiled. "Then perhaps you should sit this one out."
As you arrived at the youth center, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. Red Bull frequently arranged a "Meet your Hero Day." Where the children of the youth center would be suprised by athletes artists and other inspirational personalities.
"Who is it, who's coming?" You asked one of the youth counselor, since you had no idea yourself.
"It will be the best Hero Day yet." The counselor said. He seemed equally as giddy and excited as the children. "Red Bull went all out this year. They got two Liverpool players coming."
"Which ones?" You asked, but in terror.
"Trent Alexander- Arnold and Dominik Szoboszlai."
"No." You groaned.
"Yes." The counselor grinned. He was obviously a big fan.
The children were already gathered in the hall, eagerly waiting for the arrival of their special guests. You did you job, setting up your camera and snapping away photos, capturing the energy and enthusiasm of the young ones. Soon Dominik and his teammate arrived, dressed in their signature football jerseys and a big smile on their faces. The children went wild, screaming and cheering as they walked into the room. You couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as you watched Dominik interact with the kids - he was so natural and effortless around them, while you felt like a bit of an outsider. As the day progressed however, your presence became known.
"Y/N, w...what are you doing here?" Dominik asked as you had walked up to him with your camera.
"My job." You said.
"I didn't know..."
"It was last minute." You shrugged, snapping another picture of Dominik and a kid that refused to let go of his leg.
"I've been meaning to call." He said.
"Sure you have."
You moved on to snap more photos of Dominik's teammate, who was very photogenic.
"Can you maybe do something with the ball, a trick?" You directed.
"Like this?"
Trent gave the ball a tap, sending it up into the air and catching it with his knee then foot as it came back down. He did so with ease, the children gawking impressed.
"Thanks. I think I got it." You smiled.
Scrolling through your camera you noted how many good images there were. The children all looked so happy. You found yourself getting more and more comfortable with the children. You played games with them, listened to their stories, and even joined in on some of their dance moves. It was then that you realized something - you wanted a child of your own. You glanced over at Dominik, who was currently juggling a ball with one of the kids. He wasn't sure if he was ready for fatherhood, and maybe that was his right. But what you did with your body, that was your right. But as you continued to watch Dominik interact with the children, you saw the way he lit up their faces with his presence, and the way they looked up to him with such admiration. Deep down you knew that he would be an amazing father, which made the decision you wanted to make even more difficult.
"I'm giving the child up for adoption"
As the day came to a close, you took Dominik aside and told him what you wanted. His eyes widened in surprise. "What? Why would you do that?"
You tooka deep breath, calming yourself down. "I know I might be a bit old school but abortion isn't an option for me."
Dominik searched your face then nodded agreeingly. "Me neither."
"And I...what?" You frowned.
"I don't want you to have an abortion. " He said.
You were lost for words and for a split second you contemplated punching him in the face. "Dominik." You sighed. "You've given me the cold shoulders for days, making me question ever fucking choice I've ever made in this life. You made me feel so shitty about myself these past few days and now all of the sudden you want me to have your baby?"
"I know and I'm sorry." He said. "But Y/N you must understand, growing up my parents had nothing. They struggled to take care of me and at the same time did everything for me to succeed in life. I made a promise to them and myself that my children would never have to go through what me and my family did. That when I grew up I'd be able to give them everything that they need. I really want to be with you Y/N, but I promise you I'll struggle trying to be a dad now.
"Well I'll struggle even more being a single mother, don't you think?"
You could see it in his eyes, the genius angst. But you were in this together, why was it so difficult for him to understand that?
He shook his head. "I won't leave you. I'll be there for the both of you. Everything you need, money, a house..."
"Dominik." You sighed. "I don't want your money. I want you. I need you."
His expression withered, looking a bit defeated. "But I'm not good enough..."
"You're good enough to me." You placed a hand on your flat stomach. "You're good enough for us."
Somthing changed in his expression, a newfound light. "I am?"
You nodded, tears streaming down your face. "Yes, you're everything we need, just the way you are."
He stepped forward his arms collecting you in his embrace. You sighed in relief.
"I'm gonna be a dad." He pulled you back, now a smile on his face.
"Yes, yes you are and I'm gonna be a mom."
You gasped as Dominik bent down, kissing your lips. Forgetting your surroundings, a group of children spotted you and giggled unremosrfully. Dominik turned to look at them than back at you. He returned your smile, knowing that this is what you wanted. You were both positive.
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that-ghost-pal · 3 months
I've had this playlist for Ian Beale from @marypsue 's Reincarnation Blues for ages now and after sharing my Judgment Day playlist I thought "what the hell, might as well share this one too." So here it is :3
Also bonus, here's the art I did which was heavily inspired by @eggsistential-breakdown 's incredible art ^-^ (go look at it now, this one in particular only made me a little (very) insane)
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I've also provided some explanations for the songs included under the cut for those who are interested ^-^
First things first, there's a lot of Tim Minchin songs here, an Aussie musical comedian writer who features as much as he does here cause in my heart I just know Ian would like his sense of humour/general philosophy xD
I did try to fit songs that at least kinda fit Ian's vibe tho, especially Not Perfect (This is my brain, And I live in it [...] It's tucked away behind my eyes, Where all my fucked up thoughts can hide, 'Cause god forbid I hurt somebody), and Apart Together (I can handle the entropy, If you promise to stay with me, I give you my heart knowing things fall apart, Praying you will decay with me). Lullaby is also totally fits what I imagine he'd be feeling when he first becomes a Dad, it's perfect.
Moving on, Exterminate Regenerate is a Doctor Who fan song which 100% fits Alcor's perception of Ian/the reminants of Bill within Ian and you can't convince me otherwise!
Firestarter is a song I WILL one day make an AMV for if it kills me, I can so clearly see how each lyric connects with specific moments in RB (I'm the self inflicted, mind detonator yeah, I'm the one infected, twisted animator).
Love Like You is the kind of song I can picture as being a duet between Ian and Mira (especially post him learning about the whole Mizar thing) (When I see the way you act, Wondering when I'm coming back, I could do about anything - I always thought I might be bad, Now I'm sure that it's true, 'Cause I think you're so good, And I'm nothing like you).
The instrumentals from Across the Spider-verse (Across the Spider-verse Intro and Spot Holes 2) are 1 part there cause I went through a period where I was just listening to the soundtrack on loop and adding ones I likes to my main playlists, 1 part to fulfill the Animation part of the Funny Animation Man title, and 1 part general vibes, Spot Holes 2 especially so. It just reminds me of the scene in Area 51 after the name spell has completed and all hell breaks loose :3
I won't go through all the songs cause there's a fair few and I'm always on the look out for more to add anyway so I'll leave it there, but if there are any songs that y'all wanna know why I added them hit me up ^-^ (the answer is almost definitely just ✨️Vibes✨️ but I can certainly try to explain myself haha).
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marypsue · 8 months
of course I recognize it, but I would love something for RB 2 Electric Boogaloo :>
[from this meme]
Ah yes. RB 2 Electric Boogaloo, also known as Something Borrowed, Something Blues, the sequel to Reincarnation Blues. I'll be honest, I've barely touched this one since late 2019-early 2020? My whole methodology of writing has changed since then, but somehow I'm still stuck on knowing what has to happen next, but not being quite sure how (or in what order). Maybe I need to try something creative with sticky notes.
I did start rereading this one from the beginning recently, though, to try to remind myself where I was and where I was going, and I have been working on it. Slowly.
Where the shiny, modern glass-and-steel building that housed the Stanley Pines Memorial Library of the Supernatural had stood, now there was nothing but a flattened pile of rubble, still smoking slightly in places. Eldritch fire glimmered purple-green in between a few tumbled, broken concrete pillars. Bits of broken glass twinkled in the grass of the park that surrounded it and glittered over the asphalt of the road that passed by in front.
The motorcycle crunched over that glass and pulled to a halt, the woman in front putting a foot down to brace herself before pulling off her mirrored helmet and shaking out her iron-grey ponytail. An expression of melancholy crossed her face as she took in the wreckage, melancholy shading toward despair.
Archie could see why. He couldn’t imagine that anyone could have survived whatever calamity had destroyed the library – and, quite likely, caused that enormous percussive boom that had nearly knocked them off the road, earlier. Whoever they’d been coming to see, whatever information they’d hoped to find, whatever remedy to send the hordes of the undead back to their restless graves which they’d sought – all of it was now buried under the smoking ruin.
“Shit,” the motorcyclist said.
Archie found that, vulgar as her language was, he was forced to concur.
He’d only been staring mournfully at the ruin for a scant few seconds, though, before motion caught his eye. At first, he thought it was simply the smoke, or possibly one of those unnaturally-coloured flames, or maybe the rubble settling. But as he watched, a slender hand burst up through the wreckage.
Archie absolutely did not scream like a little girl. He had just barely escaped a gruesome demise at the hands of rotting zombies that punched up through the ground in a very similar fashion, anyway. If he had let out a short, masculine cry of distress, why – he could hardly be faulted, could he?
Whatever the reason, though, the motorcyclist turned.
For a split second, her expression froze, turning grim as she grabbed a piece of shattered rebar from the rubble at their feet. She raised it like a baseball bat as she took several careful steps toward the hand, which was now groping blindly at the broken concrete around it like, Archie thought a little hysterically, someone searching for a dropped contact lens. “Hey! Are you alive?”
For one tense, agonising moment, there was no reply.
And then, muffled, from somewhere under the heaps of concrete and steel, a voice piped up. “That’s kind of vitalist, don’t you think? What if I was a vampire?”
The motorcyclist sighed, a full-body release of tension, and swung the rebar down into the grass before clambering over the rubble to where the hand was still searching. There was an exasperated fondness in her voice as she started to pull the crumbling chunks aside. “Stars’ sake, Yaz, only you could think of something like that while trapped under a collapsed building.”
The exasperated fondness was echoed in the subterranean voice. “And only you would give me shit for it, Wanda. Hey, are you digging me out? You’d better be digging me out, or I’m going to haunt your skinny ass.”
“Yes, I’m digging you out,” the motorcyclist – Wanda? – grumbled, pulling aside a piece of girder as she looked back over her shoulder at Archie. “A little help, here?”
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singaporesainz · 8 months
probably/maybe a hot take but as of rn I don’t think any driver on the grid will challenge Max for the championship if RedBull give him a good enough car. Maybe a few drivers will win races and we might even get a title fight but throughout the whole season Max’s sheer consistency will beat any others.
He has just had the probably most dominant season in the history of this sport, winning 19 races and being on the podium for all races but one (and that was due to RB f*cking the setup not him) and he beat Seb’s record of most wins in a row which a lot of people thought would never happen. (I could go back to previous years to expand on his consistency if anyone is interested but I’ll leave it here for now). And yes, he’s had a great car but looking at Checo tells you that it’s still not that easy.
And as much as I respect Lewis and his achievements he’s never had that consistency even when he had a dominant car.
Lando has yet to win a race & while George has won one, I think those two need to gather some more experience fighting at the front before they can think about seriously challenging Max.
As for Charles, it might be my bias, but I feel like he could come closest if Ferrari finally got their shit together bc he knows Max and his driving and, as much as people try to disregard this, he is just as aggressive as Max and will fight on the limit (this has been said by Charles himself by the way and I feel like a lot of his fans could do well to remember it). But even so I believe he still needs to find that sheer consistency that makes Max so hard to beat rn.
looooaded takes, lets go through them
i definitely agree that max has consistency and truly is such a great driver, and thats why he will 100% be the front runner of the wdc. he's def gunning for his 4th and he'll probably get it. though i'll reserve judgement over whether or not anyone will challenge him for it. anything is possible, anything could happen.
i dont know if i necessarily agree with lewis lacking consistency. i mean i've never paid much attention to him/merc, but i dont know if i necessarily agree with it. but maybe i need to look back and watch and see. but idk about this one.
i agree with you lando/george point, nothing to add except i think the only way they'd win a wdc if max wasn't a contender.... tea
and charles-- i think i've said this before but-- he def does have to work a bit more with his consistency, at least when you compare his race craft to max's. and i think when he finds his footing paired with a good car and even better strategy, he'll def be a tough challenger for max. he could beat him too. i think. though maybe i'm biased.
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henriiiii-1001old · 8 months
coming back/moving blogs
hey, been a while, hasn't it? i hope you're all doing well! this is my official coming-back-to-tumblr post, but it's a little different than i had originally planned.
i've decided it would be in my best interests to move blogs after a bit of thinking. i feel like coming back here would just feel too awkward for both me and you guys, especially with my now deleted drama post. i just wanna move on from all this bullshit, especially since i've had do deal with a lot of other shit, including college.
it's still @/evrydaygets-darkr, just moved to a different account. i still like the name, so i'm keeping it for now. this account will still be up for archival purposes, but it will never be active again. i hope you understand. (EDIT: changed to @henriiiii-1001 bc of shit that happened w ak recently. see this for more info and this for my official statement on it)
as a general life update, i'm done with my first semester of college!! it's been kinda fun so far! i've made a couple friends here and there, and classes (except for math) were super cool!!! i loved most of my professors, and i am honestly excited for the upcoming semester! ive been artblocked to hell and back though, so i don't have much in terms of new art or writing, but i've been trying my best to get out of it. i also gained a new hyperfixation, which is project sekai: colorful stage (abbreviated as pjsk), so i'll probably be posting abt that quite a bit (btw my fav group is wxs and my fav character is tsukasa :3 ), specifically abt stats and achievements w like song completions, maybe some pulls too!
im also gonna put a few updates on aus and oc stories rq:
for my tmc aus: the big ones i'm working on are getting new masterposts and infodumps for the new blog. i would rb posts from this blog to the new one, but due to some personal stuff i don't feel very comfortable doing that. i havent been able to cook much lore-wise for any of them, but i'll probably get back into the swing of things once i start interacting w you guys again. - for specifically father's duty: i'll hopefully have chapter 3 done soon. it's actually been almost done for a while now, i just need to think of the ending. thank you to those who've stuck with me this far <3 (EDIT: all my tmc aus are discontinued. read above for more info)
for murder files: i'm gonna change up the pacing a bit because i feel like i was going a bit too fast with it. i wanna take my time with it and make it feel as real as possible. it might take me a bit to get fully set up bc im probably gonna have to plan a few steps ahead, which i've barely done. i just need time to plan everything out and draw some shit
i will try to post as often as i can to get back into using tumblr like a true tumblrina (even though i see theyve made some more disgusting changes so yay </3 ), though it'll probably take some getting used to.
i really missed you guys. i'll see you on the flipside.
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synth-spinner · 2 years
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@milimeters-morales GWAHHH THANK U THANK U FOR ASKING!!! ITS A JOY TO THINK ABT THIS💥 AND I HAVE SO MACH TO SAY BUT BASICALLY !!! Superior visits earth 1048 sometimes using the dimension hopper device thing <3 AND HIM AND PS4 PETER HAVE GOT A FATHER SON RELATIONSHIP GOIN AWN PLUS THEY HELP EACH OTHER HEAL AND GROW !!!!! superior also would have some freakang awesome interactions with certain other characters in e1048 too :3 I'm just gonna explain the set up then I'll just say a few things :3 other ideas I can say in the future !! When I develop them more<3
Superior and ps4 meet during the spidergeddon event :3 and ofc when ps4 first learns that superior is otto who's stolen his peters body it brings up a whole load of trauma </3 he even says like I know what you've done to your peter.. you're worse than my otto ever was :( and I was like GWAGHH...<-had been thinking abt them meeting before I found out they DID actually meet in the comics
Anyway there r definitely some ISSUES ! Superior has also worked quite hard to protect the spiders so far and he is trying to be a better person so hearing ps4 spidey, a peter parker, say that to him probably hurt a bit :( cuz like he KNOWWSS‼️‼️ it's just a reminder that his existence contradicts the person he wants to be and .. grughh..
BUT!!! After peter sees superior try so so hard to save them and be a good person (keyword try, he can be pretty morally dubious at times) he's like hey.. you're actually trying to be a hero, you're not that bad... and starts trusting him a lil more.. <3 and then there's THIS freaking thang
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AND BWAAHHHH THEY CARE !! THEY THE ONLY ONES WHO GET IT FRR THEY CAN HELP EACH OTHER !!!! WAAHH,, its helping ps4 to see an otto octavius who HAS gone down a path of villainy like his otto actually come back from that and start trying to be a good guy again,, even going so far as to say superior reminds him of his otto .. which is like.. bwuh.. means superior is at least decently niceys to remind peter of his old mentor/father figure,,, And of course its helping superior to know that a peter parker believes in him and his efforts to be a hero <33 despite his existence being a product of a horrible act.. <33
In my mind I'm a little sillay <3 superior here isn't from the main timeline (actually canon) so I just stay silly with it and say that he does the whole spidergeddon thing then returns to his timeline without much time passing and continues to save the day in his own universe👍 so no consequences there </3 however since he's had more experience and tech (and some advice from ps4 peter :3) he's able to resolve the goblin nation thing without sacrificing himself and well yeah that's a lil selfish but let's ALSO just say superior's peter parkers consciousness does not reform from his memories so there's nobody to give the body back to </3
Anyway now superior has a life in his own universe with Anna maria and also he's a teacher at Horizon/ Horizon Uni ^_^ the whole teacher thing was an idea from my big brain superior spidey mutual @ztu2455 who has such awesome ideas <3 Tu if u see this I BEG of u to share and post ur ideas so I can rb :3 they r so awesome‼️<3333
Anyway he's doin pretty good all things considered :3 this is the part where I just get silly with it. He still has a dimension hopper thingamajig from spidergeddon and uses it to visit e-1048 every now and then :3 !! 💕 which slowly becomes a regular thing and he learns more abt peters world and meets miles and ganke anddd sometimes he brings Anna maria along maybe :3 FOUND FAMYY NOWWW!!! He has some CHOICE words for jjj (like in the games where people would call in to his podcast to be like UHMM ACTUALLY HE SAVED US !!!") yeah he would defend the 1048 spideys with his life <3
Miles would definitely be pretty wary of him at first but he trusts peters judgement and gets to know superior and maaan superior cares so much abt him hes gonna be one of those really mother hen uncle figures and give miles soo much advice on how to fight and stay safe and strategise and <3333 he would make GADGETS for them too I bet <3
And and he would looove ganke because.. he gets it.. a young genius surrounded by super people but he himself doesn't have powers.. something something metaphor .. but he's so loved and supported and appreciated by everyone in his life... superior would be OVERJOYED to see that ‼️ He would give Ganke some guidance for his tech and coding stuff (tho he doesn't need that much and learns pretty quickly) and he'd praise ganke and the spiders soo much cuz he wants to be the father figure he never had.. especially to all these people who believe in him and appreciate him for who he is ... grughaghhhh..
Anyway can you tell I'm normal abt these spiders <3
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desultory-novice · 1 year
Been awhile since I had seen your stuff, and I really enjoy what you’ve been coming up with! Glad to see you’re having fun
(Also, how did you start here, so to speak? I would love to be an active creator in the kirblr community, but since I just lurk and rb because I don’t have the energy/confidence to create, I just feel like an unwelcome stalker LOL. Sorry if this is too much!)
Oh, gosh, thank you so much! I'm a little impressed at how things have turned out after barely two years(?) here myself!
I don't know if my methods could ever work for anyone else as they do me, as I attribute a lot of "this" to serendipity but...
...It seems to me I really took off after opening my inbox up to doing detailed ask memes about the characters. Again, this was kind of luck on my part because I spoke very lovingly (albeit truthfully!) about a few mega popular characters, which caused two of their fandom BNFs to kindly reblog my posts, and that sent a bunch more asks for the WHOLE rest of the Kirby cast my way!
I'm sorry to say, it does take a lot of energy though. But I do get the struggle, as I'm often exhausted by life/lots of jobs. However, if you can find any sort of mental "trick" to keep yourself going, you might discover you have more energy than you think inside you!
(Me, I'm very visual, and I keep a collection of my favorite fanart on hand. If I think I've exhausted myself on a character/ran out of ideas of things to talk about, I'll browse through my personal "gallery" and it will help me to remember characters/events/interesting points.)
As to the matter of confidence, you've probably heard the whole "fake it to you make it" bit and to a degree, at least, it's true. I've had a couple of posts where I've flooded the tags with things like "OMG this is so bad and I'm so sorry!" or "I had no time to work on this and it shows~" or "if this sucks it's because life is crushing my soul and I just want to sleep for a thousand years..." annnnnd unfortunately...
...even if it's how you're feeling At The Time, those things can make people feel like they're intruding into your space by liking or reblogging it. It's like, if you're telling us something so personal and private, maybe you really only want to hear from a friend right now, and not a stranger...? What I've done is I've told myself it's okay to write out those low self-esteem thoughts elsewhere but try to let the people who are here for the art/images/videos/writing/discussions just enjoy your art/images/videos/writing/discussions.
If you've got something to get off your chest, don't feel like you have to hold it inside, but don't hold your audience captive either.
(Also, something else fun about this: if you cast out positivity, you may find that it comes back to you, and when you look again at that thing you shared, it was NOT as "awful" as you thought.)
Now, a lot of that was about "external" confidence or what you display. As for internal confidence, that's... kind of a constant struggle. We all -- and by all, I I mean even famous published creators -- have times when we think our work isn't good enough. Annnd...
...Well, it isn't always great. But the fact that something isn't great now (even if it's the absolute best we can do at the time) doesn't mean we have no skill at something! We all have to start somewhere. And sometimes "somewhere" is a piece of art or writing or theory or humorous content that only 1-2 people think is "...Eh, not bad."
My first "hit it big" piece? My "Moon's Haunted" Kirby meme? Ohhh man, I can't STAND to look at now! I redrew it a few months back and if I were to redraw it today, it'd look better still, probably. The key is that I tried (...and that I meme-posted when the game was going viral >.> ) and I think that shone through??
(...It might be silly, but there IS a Nintendo Direct tomorrow. Probably no Kirby news, as I assume Vanpool's closure will bring an end to us getting multiple Kirby titles a year, but if you really want to try and take that ^ path, you can always get up early/stay up late and ready yourself to post commentary on any news!)
That doesn't just go for art, but writing/theories/HC as well. I myself find it a little sad when someone starts on a post and then will just trail off with "...lol I dunno, didn't think about it that hard."
"Don't say that, person on the internet," I cry! Do you realize how much information is at your fingertips right now? You can google for things even if you only know it as "that thing in that one movie about the fruit." You can watch a Youtube video in 5 minutes explaining the mechanics of something you've never seen or ever hope to do before! You can even watch a Youtube playthrough of a Kirby thing you forgot instead of saying "You forgot!" Don't know how to draw cloaks? Pinterest has millions of references! Don't like Pinterest? Just google "cloaks, Pinterest" and click on the images tab and you will never have to log into that accursed site! It just takes WANTING to.
Though sometimes, I think people write that out of embarrassment? Maybe they DID think about it but they don't think anyone would be interested? Or maybe they really didn't think about X or Y but didn't want to feel like they were neglecting anybody and that something is better than nothing. Which it is, but LOVE is even more important!
...And love, especially in a fandom space, can be ~complicated~
Like I mentioned above, I'm LUCKY that my top favorite characters also come close to topping the rest of "the fandom's" list. But as I've said before, I love every character in Kirby. Even the ones-people-want-to-throw-off-a-bridge-into-a-waste-treatment-plant..
And if I'd started off my tumblr as a "The Susie Haltmann Appreciation Blog!" as opposed to my actual "Hey I'm Completely Obsessed About Marx and Magolor and I Think About Them All The Time (...but I also like the Haltmanns from a story perspective for their heartrending tragedy that hits close to home for me...) Blog" I don't know if we'd be having this conversation right now. ^^;
(It doesn't just have to be all about controversy/"discourse" related stuff either. I could have started a "Daily Sillydillo" blog and had to retire it in a month due to low levels of interaction. The concept of fandom favorites might not be very egalitarian, when every character deserves to have their story enjoyed, but sometimes, strong love can make up for the lack of eyes on a thing. Occasionally ^^)
...Anyway, you might not have the energy, at least not all the time, and confidence might be a little low right now too, but you love Kirby, right? You have passion for it? Passion can get you a lot! And also, there's a few methods of interaction that, for personal reasons, I could not choose that have done wonders for everyone else!
For example, I have some old, unhealed trauma about OCs, but there's a whole hu~ge section of Kirblr that loves OCs and, as far as I've seen (??) tries to be really supportive about them?
Lastly, I can guarantee you, you are NOT a stalker and anyone who thinks being a "quiet supportive fan" equates to being a stalker should consider moving away from thinking of themselves and/or others in that negative way. You have stalked nobody! You have only shown an active interest in others! That is a POSITIVE thing!
And on that note, you're definitely not unwelcome either! Especially if you're one of the precious, wonderful people out there who reblog lots! If you want to get your toes wet, why not test the waters and build your confidence in this space by adding some of your thoughts onto your reblogs? You could build a rep/connections that way!
TLDR, sometimes gaining an audience/a space is a magic trick that no one knows the secret to. Other times, it is the result of months and months and months of hard, lonesome persistence.
The best advice I can give you is advice I would give myself:
-Be kind if you can, if you cannot, then be understanding -Demonstrate care about your interests and those of others -Forgive yourself for being at the beginning of your journey
-Enthusiasm, sincerity, and love are warm lights in this world of ours that can, at times, seem so dim and dreary. Light a little lantern for yourself and remember to laugh loud with joy that life is also so amazingly, ridiculously magical and before you know it, others will find their way to your light to add their lantern to yours!
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whatstheoccasion · 1 year
... hi there, everyone.
tw depression, family issues.
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hi guys🥲 (gn), i... had a rough couple of months in which i had no time for the blog, or writing in general. i felt so bad for the amazing requests i got because i opened the ask box to gain some inspiration, but i could not. for the life of me. find it, and they were all amazing and that's the worst part: they were situations i was comfortable and under normal circumstances would enjoy writing, but i didn’t... get... anything from them, which was 100% my fault, and with time and place being scarce to write, i finally decided to give up on them.
it's KILLING ME, i'm so sorry but i just can't do it and i didn't want to keep you waiting any longer, i really wanted to come back with them written and done, but only at like, at the beginning of this year, i got a little spare time and i hopped on here and liked a few things and looked the requests once again... and then left again. jesus what i'm tryna say is i'm honestly sorry. ALSO, to the friends i made here: (if you're reading this i'm sorry i like you a lot and i'm sorry i wasn't able to answer you), if you really want to know, i dropped out of my 3rd year in law school.
i'm now trying a new career and balancing work on top of it bc my parents got tired of me changing majors (the FOURTH time i change since 2018 guys TT), i hid it from them for months because i was so ashamed, which only made it worse, so once they found out they kicked me out (they're so valid btw), but then my depression got worse until i found a job and tried to pull my life together. THAT'S A VERY SHORT!! WAY TO PHRASE MY ENTIRE YEAR UNTIL NOW, i refuse to trigger anyone with darker thoughts so yeah, that's the gist of it.
i'm better now though, found a new psychiatrist, i'm getting my drivers license, fixing things with my family, and i'm ready to give this blog another chance.
i hope you can understand, i'm so sorry but also so grateful to you guys, for all this love for my writing, the moments i got on here and read the rbs and comments and they were so good to me it made my day better, seriously. thank you so much.
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now i am going to try and take things slow, but i'm also excited... so yyeah, not to sound like one of those ao3 authors that comeback once a year because their house set on fire and they commited arson and are now writing from prison, but yeah (they're also so valid btw).
anyways, thank you for reading up 'till here if you did, i hope you're having a great night and start of the week! i'm now writing some full blown fics and a few drabbles, all for one piece except for one tokyorev fic, but they're nowhere near done– it will take some time, but i hope you can enjoy it once they're out (one of them is my baby btw), and i also just miss reading fics, so i'll be rb fics a lot more now, don't be surprised if you see me on the tl these days.
anyways! bye, and i'm sorry, and thank you so much again, 💗
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maleficent-cannoli · 2 years
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I posted 30,063 times in 2022
That's 28,746 more posts than 2021!
117 posts created (0%)
29,946 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,327 of my posts in 2022
#your gender please sir - 263 posts
#kinnporsche - 46 posts
#vegaspete - 36 posts
#the eclipse - 35 posts
#the eclipse liveblogging - 31 posts
#the eclipse the series - 31 posts
#kpts - 31 posts
#kimchay - 29 posts
#kinnporsche the series - 27 posts
#<— exactly - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#my friend who i haven’t talked to in years got stuck upside down in one of those weird coffee-filter looking kindergarten basketball things
My Top Posts in 2022:
Might I suggest ✨ little spoon Vegas ✨
81 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
Can we talk about novel! vs show!Porchay?
Please take this with a grain of salt because we haven’t actually reached the parts of the plot I’m going to talk about so there is still room for it to happen in the show, however unlikely it’s looking so far.
So far, show!Chay has been a little ray of sunshine while also making it clear whose brother he is, which novel!Chay did a little differently. In the original novel, Porchay was a little spicier when it came to his language, which can be very clearly seen in two parts of the novel.
“Do you think this will scare me? You're just being insecure. Because whatever you do, my brother will always be ahead of you. He's even better than you because P’Kinn won't follow him around like that if he's not!”
So the first is when he’s kidnapped by Tawan and takes it as an opportunity to mock his brother-in-law’s ex and hit him where it really hurts. The novel even mentions him having fun annoying him. He also calls Tawan a preschooler.
"Kim, you fucking bastard! Just try getting on with someone else, I'll pray to the Gods to make your dick shrink and rot!"
The second time is during the gathering of mafia wives (Tae’s words, not mine), which he tags along on because he’s absolutely convinced Kim is cheating on him (as far as we know, he was not). And he yells that out the car window as they drive away.
So, in conclusion, I really would love to see Baby Chay show his fangs a little bit. He’s been very precious so far, and I appreciate that, I really do, especially in a mafia show where he is the one shining beacon of purity and Wattpad-like joy amidst the darkness of moral ambiguity, but at the same time, it could be interesting to see him just SNAP at some point. He is Porsche’s little brother after all, and I would love to see him make at least a snarky comment. 
127 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
Guys. I just realized something. What if we get to see Bible’s thigh tattoos in the VegasPete NC scene? What then?
134 notes - Posted June 16, 2022
Rb if you’d fight the suppalo teachers behind a 7/11
134 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Timelining KP
The time has come. I’ve spent the last few days organizing my notes as much as possible, so here it is. And it is a monster of a post, I swear I didn’t realize how long this was going to end up being.
So the short version is this:
Ep 10 - VP starts, Chay gets kidnapped, further discussion of the mole, videos, Tawan is dealt with (30 - 33)
Ep 11 - VP episode, “fuck where’s Pete”/dead body, Porsche’s birthday (34 - 36)
Ep 12 - funeral/Return of the Pete, post-VP (36 - 40)
Ep 13 - parental issues, conversation re: Vegas  (42 - 44)
Ep 14 - boss battle, party (44 - end)
And now things get more specific, which is what was taking me so long.
Episode 10 (next episode)
Transition between the end of the Tawan arc and the beginning of the VegasPete/Everything-Is-An-Absolute-Trainwreck arc
VegasPete starts (obviously)
KinnPorsche will probably break up, but get back together by the end of the episode, potentially with the pool scene (although I know I’m setting myself up to be clowned with this one)
KimChay reveal
Kidnapping plotline
Porsche tries to move out/Big pushes Chay dumpster fire extravaganza
Basically everything up to the end of chapter 33 of the main novel (Tawan arc over, KimChay are a mess)
Further discussion of the mole (Kim knows Porsche isn’t the mole, everyone else probably realizes he isn’t the mole, so who is?)
Again, potentially Chay getting kidnapped (kinda hoping that’s what they go with since it was a really nice transition in the novel, not just for Chay himself, but it was the push KinnPorsche needed to talk out some of their issues and get back together, particularly for Porsche to be willing to hear Kinn out after the shit he pulled)
Maybe the whole thing with the sex tapes toward the end, or episode 11, or not at all, who knows
Oh and this would be the VegasPete episode that will probably feel the most uncomfortable because it’s really the beginnings of their relationship and even toned down it’ll be quite the experience
Not just for us but for Pete as well
We will probably see Vegas become more attracted to Pete beyond just being intrigued and amused
Episode 11
I’m thinking primarily VegasPete, like (hopefully) almost entirely VegasPete
Probably cut in with some main family drama 
Chay moving in with the main family?
KimChay kinda going to shit
Obviously some Tankhun commentary would be amazing
See the full post
149 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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allsassnoclass · 1 year
hazel!! hi!! i'm def going to have to rb your fanfic ask game soon, you've got some great questions on there 👀 some questions for you: 4, 41, 57, 62 & 66 both for pas de deux, 69, & 77? (feel free to talk about non-5sos fic stuff as well!) hope you're doing well -megs 💙
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii megs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for asking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and for giving me permission to talk about non-5sos fics lol
4. How do you choose which fics to write? it's either something I have a deadline for (self-imposed or not) or something that I have inspiration/motivation for! for example: right now I'm spending most of my writing time on a fic i'm writing for a minibang. I have a deadline for that, so I need to get it going, and this idea is the one that I have for this pairing that lends itself best to that type of event format. i've got quite a few prompts that i'm still trying to chug along on, because some of them are almost 3 years old at this point. i have a 5sos fic that i'd love to get done for summer because the summer setting is very important to it and i love the story idea. but otherwise i just go with what i feel like writing! whatever idea i'm vibing with!
41. Who’s your favorite character you’ve written? ooooooooooo. mr. michael in puzzle pieces is up there i love him. i have an oc named mason who i love a lot (his fic is not yet posted). i think i'll go with those two right now!
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics? In longer fics, it's something that I try to catch and add in as i'm editing. in short things i'm not necessarily looking for it, but with longer ones i feel like it's important in maintaining continuity and ensuring that there's a good arc to the story, because that's something that i really worry about with my longer fics. most of it happens on accident and i flesh it out more in editing as i catch the potential for it.
62. In pas de deux, is there a deleted scene/idea you wish you could have included?  Why did it get cut? ooooo let me try to remember my process for that fic lol. initially michael was going to call harry styles on the phone and ask for insight on ashton. michael and harry danced together at abt and used to date, gemma partnered with ashton at nycb back in the day. the scene just didn't fit, was unecessary, and would've been more of a distraction than anything, especially because realistically harry wouldn't have anything substantial to tell michael if his sister is the one who danced with ashton and it was years ago.
66. What’s a fun fact about pas de deux? mmmmmm i believe every name that is dropped is the name of a semi-famous person somewhat associated with 5sos, with the exception of my high school theater tech director :)
69. What are your favorite fics at the moment? ooooo very difficult question! at this exact moment (so these aren't my favorites of all time or anything like that) I'm thinking fondly of:
With Absolute Splendor by veliseraptor (it's about!!!! rebuilding a broken brother relationship via planning a wedding!!! and also it made me cry!!!! and also it has jiang cheng tell lan wangji (very seriously) "you may not have noticed that we live in a society" which my sister and i laugh about)
Run Away to Mars by almost-a-class-act (this one ROCKED MY WORLD it's so well done. it's a luztoye space au. it's so so so so good)
Leave the Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) by hmslusitania (my favorite buddie fic! grief and parenting and addressing the will reveal!!!)
yeah i'll leave you with those right now. i feel like, for all the fic i've been reading lately (because i've been reading a lot, i haven't really found ones that have fully gripped me.
77. Why do you enjoy writing fanfiction? i enjoy getting to create worlds and write very character-focused stories and i like getting to post them for other people to see and i like exploring canon or throwing away canon or just in general thinking of stories more in-depth. idk it's just fun! and it's a nice creative thing that i can do!
Fanfiction writing asks
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seokljin · 2 years
hope you have great weekend 💛🍊
it was a better one in a while, thank you ♡ i hope yours was good, and that your week will be just as grand 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
0 notes
ohmykazuha · 3 years
♡ better together
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♡ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: zhongli, xiao, itto, diluc, scaramocuhe, childex gn!reader
♡ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: fluff <3
♡ 𝐚/𝐧: pure fluff where they agree that they're better with you! inspired by the song 'better together' by jack johnson! <3 | like/rb if you liked this!
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There's no combination of words I could put on the back of a postcard No song that I could sing, but I can try for your heart Our dreams, and they are made out of real things Like a shoe box of photographs With sepia-toned loving
Zhongli never expected that he would fall in love with you. You.. with your outgoing, loud personality, contrasting his too-mellow one? It seemed almost impossible... but you showed him that you wanted to make it work, so he was willing to. He loved your tenacity, your willingness to communicate, and your heart that showed him everything that love was supposed to be – kind, warm-hearted, forgiving, trusting, and giving selflessly. He loved every bit of you, you were beautiful and everything he had hoped for in a relationship. The two of you were truly a match made in heaven. You were better off with each other, weren’t you?
Love is the answer, at least for most of the questions in my heart Like why are we here? And where do we go? And how come it's so hard? It's not always easy and Sometimes life can be deceiving I'll tell you one thing, it's always better when we're together
Xiao loved your heart. He loved how you didn't care for his past, instead opting to look to the future. It comforted him to know that you wouldn't shun him away from... his past self. He saw how others had shunned you because of him, and Xiao had tried to tell you many times to leave. It would be better for you. But through all of that, you still stuck by him – that took a lot of courage to do so, and he admired you for that. It was amazing how you selflessly devoted your love to him – and now, he would do the same for you. It was time to pay you back for all the goodness you had brought unto him.
Mmm, it's always better when we're together Yeah, we'll look at the stars when we're together Well, it's always better when we're together Yeah, it's always better when we're together
Itto loved every bit of you. You were so special to him! The two of you were such a sweet couple; no one would have thought that the two of you would be together because of how much of a contrast you were. Surprisingly, the two of you fit like a well-oiled machine – your gentleness pulled him back down when he floated too high, and he taught you to act looser in return. You complemented each other well and the love between the two of you had a strong foundation too. People shied away from him because of his sheer personality, but you didn't. And that was something that was so, so special.
And all of these moments Just might find their way into my dreams tonight But I know that they'll be gone When the morning light sings Or brings new things
Diluc loved how you showed your love to him. You took care of him when he was sick, when he felt down, when his anxiety got too high. When you first met him, his walls were high and thick – but over time, something about you just made him want to vanish away his hard exterior. You made him crack, you helped him to let people in. He didn't expect to need you this much... but since you helped him for the better, why not, right? You were willing to stay as well, unlike... a few others. You showed him kindness no one else had shown him. Since the two of you were better together… yeah. Diluc loved having you around.
For tomorrow night you see That they'll be gone too Too many things I have to do But if all of these dreams might find their way Into my day to day scene
Scaramouche, the balladeer, the 6th harbinger. His name was feared greatly on the battlefield… but he didn’t scare you away. In fact, he drew you in, your curiosity piqued. Scaramouche had told you time and time again to leave, just leave, because it would have been better for you. He hated how his line of work had to interfere with the one person he truly loved, he truly let in. It was tiresome. However, you refused to leave his side. You refused to let him be cast away and alone again – that was the thing that truly shocked him; that someone loved him enough not to leave. But he agreed. The two of you were certainly better together, after all.
I'd be under the impression I was somewhere in between With only two Just me and you Not so many things we got to do Or places we got to be We'll sit beneath the mango tree now
Childe loved you so, so much. He loved how you didn’t care about his field of work, how he had to work his way for the Tsaritsa. He loved the way you cared for him even after he pushed you away, a gentle smile always on your face; but still genuine. Even after he had doubted the love he got from around him, you still took care of him lovingly. He admired you for that. You took care of him after each battle, you tended to his wounds as gently as possible, you even took care of Tonia and Teucer! Eventually, Childe let you in... deciding that he was going to pay you back for the kindness you had showed him. The two of you were certainly better together, don't you think?
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yeeeek this took me days to write!!! ahh please rb and like if you liked this! it really helps my engagement >< and thank you for 900, yall are amazing <3
taglist: @bookuya, @mikachuchu, @starglitterz, @cherubbic, @noirkkat, @the-gayest-sky-kid, @ajaxeology, @icecappa, @almondoufu, @gnyuvile, @yeetmeoffjueyunkarst. @simplyxsinned, @heaven-dissolution, @xiaoyksa, @yua1106, @gnyuvrse, @mayple, @rim0na, @kamitoge, @abyssheart, @hushyouu, @thaliastea, @chichikoi
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asktherexsquad · 3 years
With every greeting, there's a farewell
RB waves goodbye to the last raptor as they trot off down the ramp of his ship, leaving only the three other humans there with him. He gives them a little wave as they come towards him smiling brightly, although there's a little wistfulness to his eyes as he does, knowing that this will be the last time he sees them... For a while.
It's Rem that reaches him first, and he doesn't hesitate to fling his arms around him, burying his face in RB's hair. Bye, Rex... I'm so glad we got to meet you...!
Rex and Rocket hang back, each wanting to have an individual moment with him, and happy to let Rem have his own first.
And I'm so glad I was able to meet you all too! It's been incredible. You guys have done so much for me, and I'm so happy to have made friends with you. RB says, hugging Rem as tightly as he can, as if to never let him go, or to have to part from his friend.
Rem giggles tearfully and hugs him tighter. Us too!! I never thought we'd make such a good friend again, not since Ryder left... You've always got a place here with us. When he finishes, he pats RB's back and loosens his hold, backing away. As much as he didn't want to let go, he had to let the other boys have a chance with him too.
It's Rocket that swoops in next, lifting RB off the ground slightly with an enthusiastic grunt. Seeya, tough guy!!
RB giggles, grinning with excitement as he gives Rocket a strong squeeze, loving the enthusiasm from his bro. See ya later Rocket, I'll be back for ya, don't you worry! None of you're seeing the last of me today!~
Good! We'd pester ya nonstop otherwise!!~ Rocket bounces him once, growling playfully, before setting him back down as he laughs brightly. Tell everyone we say hi!!
Oh I will, I'll tell everyone about you guys! Make em very jealous I'm sure.~ He winks, as he gives him another affectionate squeeze.
Hah, yeah? Think they'll be jealous you got to see three unbearably handsome men?~ Rocket croons, backing away and patting RB on the head. I mean I'm sure anyone would want to be in your shoes.~
Oh definitely.~ But you'll all get to meet them someday, if you want to. And if nothing else, you've gotta come and meet my three little raptors.~ He chuckles, giving Rocket a little gentle fist bump on his bicep.
I'd love to say hi, someday, Rocket says with a grin. And I know all of us would love to meet those kids of yours.
Rex walks up, clapping a hand to RB's shoulder, grinning as he shakes him slightly. "Yeah, we'll always be glad to see you, and your dinos are just as welcome as you are. I'm sure they'd love some playmates!"
Oh definitely, but I'll be glad for those audio tapes and videos some of the raptors gave me to give to them. It'll be great to let them hear and see what raptors are like. He smiles back at him, so excited for all he'd be able to show and tell his little raptor kids now.
"For sure!" Rex puts his hands in his pockets, grin widening. "If you ever need anything, bud, anything at all, you know where to find us."
Oh... that felt so final...
Rem bursts into tears, but waves a hand dismissively when they all turn to him with worry. I-I'm okay! G-goodbyes just... always get me...!!
Yeah, me too buddy, RB says, a few tears in his eyes, that he quickly brushes away, trying for a smile instead. It wouldn't be forever. He'd come back, he'd see them again! But still... It was so emotional.
We'd love for ya to stay, RB, Rocket said warmly, clasping his hand tight. But we've kept you here long enough. Your people are waiting!
Gradually, the trio began moving back down the ramp, smiling warmly at their friend.
"Get lots more pictures of your fights for next time!!" Rex requests, pointing at him purposefully.
Think of me whenever you're the little spoon~ Rocket croons, wiggling his fingers playfully at him.
We'll call you!! Rem managed through his tears. I-I don't know how yet but we'll call you!!
Yeah, we'll work it out, I'm sure! RB takes a step back as he waves to them, looking into the ship for a moment, before giving them another glance. After a split second, he bites his lip, then shakes his head, smiling and chuckling as he runs down the ramp, slamming into Rex as he wraps his arms over Rem's and Rocket's shoulders, grinning with pure happiness.
Oh, I can't resist you guys! Let's get in one last hug for the road huh??
The cluster stumbles for a moment, the Squad all voicing their surprise at this display of affection.
But then all three of them are doing their best to each hug RB at the same time, all of them laughing-- Well, Rem's was more like sobbing, but the feeling was there!
For good luck!! Rocket exclaims, giving RB a gentle squeeze, leading the other two to do the same. Not that you need it big guy...!
Eventually, their grip loosens, three pairs of glistening eyes fixing on RB as he stands up straight again.
He sighs wistfully at them, taking in their faces, their smiles, everything about them, and hoping to everyone upstairs that he'd still have a workable interdimentional machine after this, and that he'd be able to come and go as he pleased.
I'm... I'm gonna miss you guys, so much... But I promise, it won't be forever. I'll be back for sure.
I know it, RB, Rocket says with conviction. He takes the last step back, away from the ramp, giving it room to close. We'll be here for ya when you do.
"Thanks for everything RB," Rex mutters, quickly wiping his tears from his eyes with his fingertips as he joins Rocket.
Now get going before we decide we want to keep you!! Rem scolds, managing to smile genuinely through his tears for a moment as he stands beside Rex and Rocket.
Alright, alright! RB laughs at that, nodding as he slowly takes one step back, then another, and another, walking back up the ramp, standing and waving to them once he was at the top.
See you soon guys. Good luck with everything. He smiles, as he leans over, and presses the button that slowly starts the ramp closing. Goodbye!!
The boys all wave back enthusiastically, tears and smiles at equal intensity.
Bye RB!! Miss you!!! Take care!! "Keep it real!!" Kick ass!!
Rocket even goes so far as to pick Rem up, lifting him so he can keep eye contact with RB as the hatch obscures him from their view.
We love you!!!
I love you all too!! He calls out, still waving even as the hatch hides Rem entirely from view, and it finally closes shut.
They were all so dear to him now. It was odd, daunting, being alone... But he had a home to get back to now. This was finally it.
He was going home.
With the hatch shut fully, the three men on the floor quickly run over to the viewing deck, not wanting to get in the way of his ship's takeoff.
Although they couldn't see him, they instinctively continued waving as the little ship roared to live, thrusters flaring. Slowly, it lifted off the ground, and began inching out of the open shuttle bay. It seemed almost as if even the ship was dragging its metaphorical feet.
But, all too soon, the CCA was clear of the permishield. The Squad watched as all at once it was buzzing with energy, enveloped by light...
And then it warped off, leaving nothing but distant stars in its place.
Rocket squeezes Rem's shoulder as he hiccups through his tears, pointedly looking away from Rex as he scrubs at his own cheeks again. I know. We're all gonna miss him. But... Well, this was just a first. Rocket smiles wistfully out at the stars. And no way is it going to be the last.
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multifandomingmess · 4 years
Bad Girl (Rafael Barba x Reader)
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Summary: You tease Barba during his job, send him photos, and obviously - you're gonna have to pay for that
Ratings: Mature
Warnings: NSFW; Nudity; Cursing; Kissing; Spanking; Mentions of RAPE due to SVU cases
Words: 869
Y/N: "I miss you...."
RB: "I will be home in a few hours, mi amor..."
Y/N: "ugh okay but don't think that these hours will be easy for you, mr. barba"
RB: "Whatever you say, Y/N"
Rafael puts down the phone and smiles to himself. Y/N was such a handful. She always teased him like this. Of course, Rafael loved it, but it always killed him.
"Barba - we have another rape case..." Olivia spoke as she entered his office. She could see his smile turn to a frown. "Someone's in a good mood!"
"I was just on the phone with Y/N, that's all." He began, before twitching the corners of his mouth. "What's the case, though?"
"Polly Hunter. Sixteen. She was found in a ditch with her underwear torn off, bruising, and semen on both her clothes and body. She claims she was raped and seems to be reliable."
"Poor girl. Is there any suspect in questioning yet?"
"No but I want you to represent her because once we find them... You're the best bet for her."
Rafael leaned back into his desk chair, giving the offer some thought, before accepting it. "Of course, Liv."
"You're a lifesaver." She said with a relieving sigh. She sat down across from him and showed some of the case files.
During the brief moment, Barba's phone was blowing up with notifications.
"One moment, Liv..." He excused himself as he checked his messages. He wasn't expecting those pictures. His eyes sunk in and he bit the inside of his cheek.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah - everything's fine. Just Y/N messaging me and trying to get my attention." He stuttered a bit before laughing it off. Olivia smiled for a moment.
"If you need to go home and see her - that's fine, Barba."
"No, no, no. It's just how she is. It's okay, let's get every fact aligned with the story so we can make the best out of the case." He reassured as he turned off his phone and grabbed the files.
He began to examine the photos and cringed at some of the ones. The injuries were horrifying and barbaric. It wasn't the worst case he's seen but it was definitely up in the top of them.
"These are horrible..."
"I know. It made me emotional when we found her..." Olivia responded and she slid a few more things over. "The semen is being tested currently but from what was gathered - the DNA possibly matches rapes from a year ago."
Barba was taken back for a moment. "Is there any data connected with the DNA?"
"That's being tested now. She had extreme vaginal trauma, anal tearing, bruising on her chest and back, markings on her wrists, and bodily fluids on her."
"That man is sick." Barba shook his head as he looked down. The injuries were bad. Extremely horrible. Some of the worst he's seen in a while.
As they discussed it more, Y/N sent more photos. He peaked at each notification but wanted to remain professional for Olivia and the case.
Olivia could notice him getting distracted by Y/N. "Barba, go home for now. It's fine. I don't need you yet but you're caught up on it - that's enough for me."
"Are you sure, Liv? I can keep going through the files with you. That's fine with me." Barba insisted but Olivia shook her head.
"Go on and be with Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
Barba stood up and gave Olivia a hug, before heading off to see Y/N. She's in trouble. Such a bad girl.
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You sit on the couch, watching some X-Files, waiting for Barba to come home. You drink on some water, covered up with a blue fleece blanket. You hear the door unlocking and immediately get up - running for the bedroom.
You close the door as he opens the door. "Y/N!"
You laugh to yourself silently, sitting against the bedroom door.
"You've been a bad girl..."
You hear his footsteps down the hall and begin to hear the door knob jiggle. "Y/N... let me in."
You crawl away from the door and watch the door finally open. You lay your eyes on him, watching him loosen his tie, throwing it aside. "You were trying to fucking kill me with those pictures, huh?"
You nervously bite your lip, wanting to laugh, but hold in your laughs.
He starts to unbutton his dress shirt and approach you, licking his lips gently. "Stand up."
You slowly get up from the ground and feel his eyes burning into you. The both of you lean into each other, passionately kissing and straddling each other. The two of your souls were intertwining with lust, passion, and meaning.
His hands went down your backside, spanking your ass, and deepening the kiss with you. You moan into the kiss as your hands ruffle through his hair.
He bites onto your bottom lip and his lips move to your neck crease. "You're so beautiful, mi amor..." He whispers as he devours your neck with kisses. You lean your head back, allowing more room for his love bites. Maybe you should do this more often.
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nashmusings · 3 years
【Book Review】 Small Notebook Usage Techniques to Help Your Live Your Days The Way You Want, Everyone's 74 Usage Examples
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If you're a weeb (odds that you are, reading this blog), you'd know that JP titles are no fucking joke. In this post, besides reviewing the book, I'll be talking about some of the take-home messages from the book and anything of interest that stuck out to me. I'll also be looking at this book through the lens of a bullet journal user.
What's the book about?
It's actually the 2nd in a series called the "Small Notebook Usage Techniques", this one collects 74 examples from other small notebook users, the first one was solely by the author sharing his usage examples and MO. This one does have a taste of the author's, Takahashi Takuya (herein Takahashi), own usage and his MO. This book was published in Late Feb of 2021, and so it's very COVID-19-centered. As with Covid, everyone was locked home and overwhelmed by the changes the pandemic wrought. And so, this book was sort of written with that in mind, to 'reclaim' back our lives through the mighty small notebook.
Why a small sized notebook?
A small canvas has its own charms and perks, one may argue that an A5 book is the way to go. With a smaller space, you don't feel pressured to finish up the entire page to avoid wastage. And it's the 'perfect' size for one 'subject'. Not to mention that it's small-enough to be forked out anywhere or on the go so that you can quickly jot things down that comes to mind. Takahashi's MO on small notebooks does share some parallels with bullet journalling, in the sense of brain dumping all that you have onto the page. Numbered pages are essential, as well as an index. Here are the spreads that are under the "Takahashi-Style" spreads.
A to-do list & idea memo that grants you the ability to observe everyday happenings
A to-do list with a reward system
A grid that allows you to see everyone's roles (for work hierarchies and the like)
A memo that grants you the ability to deepen your understanding on a particular thing
A themepark-like route for going about meetings
A personal manual (referential spread)
Whiteboard-like usage (braindumping)
Inventory list
Namecard scrapbook
Running record
Uneasiness/worry memo
Cooping memo
Emergency contact memo I'll be going through a few of these spreads which I found interesting and that I found especially useful for the small notebook format, as some of the spreads can easily be compiled in a bullet journal. The book comes with lots of visuals and sample diagrams so I'd highly recommend you pick up the book. Every spread in the Takahashi-Style makes use of a header with a date to it and have it underlined (at number 1).
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A grid that allows you to see everyone's roles (for work hierarchies and the like) sample page
1. The to-do list & idea memo that grants you the ability to observe everyday happenings
The to-do list will be comprised of 1 daily page, and here you write down all your tasks for the day. The idea memo section is made so that there's as little friction as possible by using the last page of the book, you can always rotate the book vertically to get your page spread orientation right. This memo section is just a list, with the date of when the idea was written and a bullet point of what the idea entails. You can always attach the page number to the heading when you explore that idea in detail in the front section of the book.
2. A to do list with a reward system
This one is fairly straight forward. Construct a to-do list of what needs to be done in the day and then make a margin at the bottom of the page with the heading "reward" and leave a checkbox next to it. Set yourself a rule, if you've managed to complete the urgent or all tasks, get yourself that 'reward' and check it off once you receive it. The reward can be something as simple as a desert or whatever you consider rewarding.
3. A memo that grants you the ability to deepen your understanding on a particular thing
If you heard or saw about something, odds are that you don't really understand it from the getgo. Especially now in the context of the pandemic where the rules set by the government regarding infection control ever changes day by day. Takahashi recommends taking memos on such things (but of course it can be applied to any topic at hand) to deepen your understanding on the matter. So the spread starts with the heading of the desired topic and you write down notes or details of said topic. A bullet point format would be things look cleaner and easier to refer to later in time.
4. Uneasiness/worry memo
When going about our daily lives, we come across many things that induces stress in us, as well as making us uneasy or worried about. In order to sort through our murky thoughts, it's best to get it all down on paper. By making these worries visible to the eye on paper, you're able to gain a 3rd person view about the matter. In doing so, you'll be able to see the ways of resolving the issue or making sense out of it, rationalizing it. You can always use the left side of the spread to list down the issues and the right side the solutions to said issues.
5. Cooping memo
In this spread, you list the number of things or ways to help you detoxify your stress away. By listing them down ahead of time, you save your head the trouble of trying to find such information since you're going through a stressful time. It could be something as simple as getting your favourite drink or going to that special place to even ordering that favourite dish of yours. Whatever works for you, it can be in any scale.
My way of using a small notebook
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"Small notebook 1"
Any of these spreads can be implemented into the bullet journal but I'm quite particular and I like having excuses to use more stationeries and hence I got myself a passport-sized Traveler's Notebook.
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Index page, with the page number and it's respective heading Unfortunately due to Covid, my living conditions changed for the worse, forcing me to live with a relative who practically takes a dump on my own mental health. And thus, I use writing as means of therapy and a way to sort out my thoughts. So, I use my small notebook as a means of understanding a mental health issue, breaking it down and thinking of ways to solve it. I also use it as a space to break down my monthly finances and stick in reminders for altered budgets cause on one unfortunate month I had to spend more because of emergencies.
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I just dump down my troubles and add explanations to it to gain some perspective
I'll give this book a 7.5/10. It has a LOT of sample usages from many users but quite a number of them are common spreads that you'll find in the bullet journal community and thus I personally felt that my money was partially wasted. I quite like the idea of having a notebook small enough to be easily pulled out whenever I'm out and about, so this book opened my mind quite a bit in that regard. I'd recommend this book if you're a fan of Japanese stationery and would like to see how the locals use their notebooks.
I hope this post was of help to you. The book is sadly only available in Japanese. There are ebook versions for sale as well. AmazonJP (Kindle ver available): https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4768314570/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_937X6D1FFSBBQKB0ZTAN RakutenJP (no Kobo ver available): https://books.rakuten.co.jp/rb/16607928/
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boyy-wonder-grayson · 4 years
Forever Yours
Summary: Dick and reader had a bad break up but things work out at the end.
Request: yes, thanks to @wintercapilson​ !!
Pairings: Dick Grayson x Reader
Warnings: lil angst but nothing bad, swearing and fluff.
Word count: 1807
A/n:hopefully this is as good as i think it is lmao. I really really liked the way this turned out! so feedback and rb’s are always welcomed :)
Based on prompts from this list!
*pics mine*
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51. “He’s no good for you”
57. "Days without you are my reminder that there's something wrong"
58." I'm forever yours whether you have me or not"
Dick watched as you laughed at something Brad said. He scoffed thinking what could have been so funny that had you laughing that hard. He drowned the rest of his whiskey before asking the bartender for a refill; he knew he was staring too much, but it was impossible for him to look away when you were having a good time in someone else's arms. He knew he shouldn't be upset about it, after all it was his fault that you two were no longer together, and boy he regretted that every single day.
"You're staring" Donna said sitting in the stool next to his best friend. She asked for another beer while awaiting Dick's answer. She thanked the bartender and took a sip of the beer while rolling her eyes. "You know, it's getting kind of creepy."
"Shut up" Dick said not tearing his gaze from the happy -disgusting- couple. 
"You do know she still loves you right? But at least she had the guts so move on, unlike someone else" Donna mumbled the last part but loud enough for him to hear.
"Look, Donna. I love you, you're my best friend,but shut up.i know I fucked up okay? I know" Dick said drinking the whiskey, liking the burning sensation the liquid left on his throat. "And I know i don't deserve her, or her forgiveness. But seriously, that guy?" He asked looking back at how Brad. 
"You really are stupid aren't you?" Donna asked in a serious tone.
Dick looked back at her not understanding what she's trying to convey.
"Jesus Christ, I mean what can I expect you're a man after all" she mocked him "do you really think that Y/n Is not waiting for you to make another move? Yes, she's with Brad now but it's because you're not with her! She loves you and even though you screw your chances with her, she's still waiting for you to come back. How blind you have to be not to see that?" Donna got up and went back to the group of friends that, unlike Dick, was actually having a good time.
Dick was astonished to hear her friend say that. He actually thought that after what he did, Y/n would hate him. But hearing Donna say that gave him hope. He couldn't stand seeing the girl he loved being touched and loved by someone else. He needed to do something. All the alcohol he consumed was not helping him think straight so instead of waiting to sober up a little he went looking for his girl.
Y/n was glued to Brad's side when Dick approached the group stumbling his way to the group, bumping into anyone that stood on his way to get you. When he finally reached the table he smile at Y/n which looked at him with confusion in her eyes.
"Heyy Y/n can I talk to you?" He slurred his words a little bit "in private" he added the last part quickly.
"Umm, sure" the girl said getting out of Brad's grip and followed the dark haired boy outside. 
She rubbed her arms trying to preserve the heat from leaving her body, but San Francisco nights were cold as ice. They stood outside for a few minutes in silence before Dick spat the words to her.
"He's no good for you,you know?"
"What?" Y/n asked unsure of what he had said.
"Bryan, he's not good for you. You deserve better" he said not looking at her.
"It's Brad, and what do you know what's good for me?" Y/n scoffed. She was tired of Dick's entitlement.
"Because I know you Y/n! And I know you'd never go for someone like Brad" Dick answered quickly. "I know you're only doing this to make me jealous!" 
Y/n laughed bitterly, trying to control herself, she really wanted to punch Dick, "Wow, so everything is always about you Grayson huh?" 
"That's not what I meant" the boy tried to get closer to her buck she took a step back instead getting away from him.
"No, that's exactly what you mean. Drunk minds speak sober thoughts and all that bullshit right?" Y/n turned around to go back inside the bar, she stopped in her tracks without looking at Dick "Go home Dick, get some sleep and then maybe we can talk."
Dick cursed under his breath, tugging at his hair. He knew he screw up yet another opportunity to talk with you about what happened; the alcohol running through his veins evaporated when he saw the look on your face after he said those words to you. He sobered up immediately and even though you didn't shut him down completely,he still feel so stupid for trying to get you back while intoxicated. He was going to have to wait till tomorrow when, hopefully, his head would be in the right place.
Dick woke up when he hear Donna's - loud - voice; he groaned in response and hissed when the light hit his half open eyes. 
"Rise and shine sweetheart" Donna said in a sing-song voice. "Ready to fuck things up again with Y/n? Or did you manage to grow some balls overnight that would help you talk to her,you know, like a normal person?" She said smirking at the hungover boy.
"Fuck off" he said grabbing a pillow and hiding his face on it, only for the object to be taken away by none other than his best friend.
"Oh I will fuck off, when you go and apologize to her. Seriously what were you thinking Dick? As if things weren't bad enough you managed to make them even worst" she said sitting next to him.
"I know okay, I will talk to her. Just...give me some time" he replied rubbing his throbbing temple.
"Not gonna happen. You're going to take a shower, have some coffee and you gonna get your ass in line and go talk to her, you hear me? I'm sick and tired of seeing you mope around because you're 'oh so sad because you can't be with her'.
You need to go and fix this, now."
Donna was right and Dick knew this, but he was afraid that you may not be willing to give a relationship another shot, and that terrified him.
He followed his friends advice and within an hour he was ready,and determined to get you back.
Ever since her and Dick broke up, Y/n decided that it was best to get her own place. Living in the tower was easy and y/n really enjoyed it,but waking up every day to see your ex boyfriend was not something she looked forward too. 
So she decided to look for a place not too far from the tower in case of an emergency. 
She cleaning some dishes that were in the sink from the night before when she heard a knock on the door. She wiped her hands with a towel and went to open the door. When she saw it was Dick she moved aside so he could get inside and sighed preparing herself for yet another argument.
"I'm sorry" he said first not wanting to beat around the bush any longer. "I was drunk last night and I know that's not an excuse for what I said but I'm really sorry Y/n"
The girl looked at his appearance and noticed the bags under his eyes and how dull his eyes were;it was weird seeing him so defeated, she hated to see him like this.
"I know Dick, but we've been having this type of conversation for weeks now. And I- I'm just tired of it ending in a fight where one of us always gets hurt" she said looking down, finding the rug under her feet quite interesting.
Dick took a step forward and when she didn't backed away, he smiled a little.
"Look at me" he said softly, lifting her face with a finger under her chin, looking over at her glossy eyes. "You deserved better than this, than me" he said.
"Don't you think I have some say in that?" She asked him grabbing his hand and caressing it with her thumb. "I know you want the best for me now and back then too,but you were, you are what's best for me Dick. I know it" 
Dick realized he was crying when he wiped the tears with her fingers. He wasn't really the type to cry, but he felt so vulnerable under her gaze. 
"I miss you, so much. And all those days without you were my reminder that there was something wrong" he said pulling her closer to his body so she could rest her head in his chest. 
They stood there embracing each other, reminiscing about when they were in the exact same position but in a different situation, a much happier one.
"I love you Y/n. I have loved you ever since you set a foot in the tower. From the first time I have loved you and it scares the shit out of me how much you mean to me. I know I was unfair to leave you without explaining the reason, but I just couldn't keep lying to myself, so I needed to let you go, because alone was safer than with you. I needed to keep you away from me so I could keep you safe, and i know it's a bullshit reasoning but I have never loved anyone as much I love you. But I promise I'll be better if you take me again. I'm forever yours, whether you have me or not"
Y/n didn't answer instead she just hugged him. She was crying too. When she pulled away to dry her puffy eyes she smiled at the brown haired boy in front of her.
 "I love you too Dick, so much" she bit her lip "i- i also told Brad that we would have never worked out" she said laughing a little "it was unfair for him to keep leading him on when I knew it was not going to work, so I won't be seeing him again."
"I'm sorry It didn't work" he said with honesty.
"No, you're not" she laughed a little louder this time making him laugh too.
"You're right" he looked down biting his lip not wanting to ruin the moment.
"So...do you think we could try again?"
Y/n smiled sweetly at the boy and brought a hand up to caress his face, dick leaned into her touch.
"I think we can,yes. But I'm gonna need some time,okay?" 
"As much as you need" he said quickly. "I'm not going anywhere."
"Good, cause neither am I"
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