#i'll still be on tumblr cuz i like it here but
(not using my tq cuz this is gonna be pretty long)
After 10 years of torture I finally did it. I'm so proud of mahself :33 yesterday was our graduation party and it wa actually SO FUN AND RAD!!!!
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^ mah graduation fit btw >:33 I made lots of selfies and photos/vids of the party, tho I'm not gonna show them here for other people's privacy
I honestly still can't believe it's over. I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE ITTT /vpos
Anyway now onto another good news: I haven't talked about here on mah blog b4, but a while ago I applied 4 an art school 2 go there after summer holidays, and after some time I got a letter back SAYING MY FIRST DAY THERE IS GONNA BE ON LATE AUGUST ヽ(≧∀≦)ノ I GOT ACCEPTED THERE!!!!!!! I can't waitttt 2 go there, I always dreamed of going 2 an art school (I just hope everything there will go better than in my previous schools..)
da art school is a bit far from my house, and I don't rly want 2 take the train and sit there for an hour every morning 2 get there, so I'll be moving into a youth dormitory right next 2 da art school! Dis is gonna be my first time of living without my parents, I'm excited but also nervous.. ;-; but I still have high hopes 4 both the school and dormitory ^_^ I actually gots to get 2 know mah future roommate and he's so kewl!! He's also a student of the art skool, he's trans & queer jus like me and we generally have lots of the same interests and hobbies, can't wait 2 live with him!
Anyway, I just wanted 2 thank everyone who helped me go through these tough school times, dat includes my mother and step-father, my irl friends, my online friends, my Tumblr followers and even just strangers online who decided to help check up on me after seeing my concerning posts. Without y'all I probably wouldn't be here right now, and I wouldn't be able to pursue my dreams of going 2 an art skool
I love y'all so much <333
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this is mostly in jest but heads up i might not post official art besides small doodles for a while because my drafts ran out and these past two weeks have genuinely been destroying my mental health so I don't have the capacity to do anything seriously art-related right now
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vse-kar-vem · 3 months
how to write vent post title that does not come off as self-pitying and or accusatory (because it's NOT !)
#sorry tumblr is like a diary to me idk what i'll do w this blog after i (sigh) inevitably move on#either way#im convinced everyone hates me again :3 but realistically no one cares about me even enough to hate me im just stupid and self centred 💔#if anything me TYPING these posts is actuvely turning people against me#again with the assumptions that people care enough to read these 😭 fhskfbhsjfkg#i hate that i care so much what people online think of me cuz irl it's like. whatever#but here there are so many cool people who i admire and would love to be friends with im always hyperparanoid of everything i do#and still i manage to overstep and come off as annoying#like obvs you're allowed to hate me even if you're someone i look up to like that's your perogative#but i hate worrying about IF anyone hates me#oughgh this is easier irl because usually people send off pretty clear signals if they dont like you#but online (esp with how prickly this fandom is) i don't know whether im being insecure and reading into things or whether people just don't#like me (which again is fine i would just rather know if anyone gets it)#i figure art is the one way i can get people to like me 💔 which sounds kinda pathetic because irl i KNOW im liked and capable!#fandom has just become such a big part of my personality that i cant detach my self worth from it#and i do love art and drawing and such i hate that even if i know people my stuff EYE dont and it doesnt mean anything or act as a signifier#of my friendships#wow .... i really am my own therapist ..... i should shut up#the industrial revolution and its consequences (jofandom)#i think these posts are half self exploration half ... almost self harm? because sometimes im so derogatory about myself on purpose in a#'you're worthless' way. but at the same time it's cathartic and i always feel better having probed at my feelings and gotten them in order#not to do a complete 180 but it's MY post and JO LONDON IN *12* DAYS!!!!!!!! AHH i'm sooo excited if it doesnt live up to my expectations i#may cry a little. and there will be another vent post from me !#sometimes i wonder if anyone actually reads these 😭#vee rambles
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shqrkdud · 5 months
I dunno about Twitter since Elon Musk is running that website and is transforming it into something even worse.
Yeah honestly I have no idea whether I'd like to continue posting here. I'm aware of the dog water of a site twitter is which is why I'm thinking not to though I've been planning to post there for a while but regardless that place scares me.
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kendev · 1 year
first post..
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meatchomper · 7 months
I didn't know shadow ban also exists in tumblr
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raggedy-az · 10 months
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reiincarnatiion · 11 months
shadows of destiny | azriel x reader | part one
summary : 3 sisters for 3 brothers....right? Azriel believes wholeheartedly that Elain should be his mate and in doing so ignores his deep feelings for you.
a/n : I haven't written in like 6 years since my draco malfoy and kpop fanfictions HAHA so please forgive me I am rusty!! Also I wrote this on my phone eeee
but finally eee I'm so excited to post my first writing on tumblr !! I was always a quotev and wattpad girly but here I am finally... 💗
just writing some rough short stories rn but I'll def write more as I get more comfortable again and into the rhythm! let me know what you think please 🫶🏼
ps: it's not proof read cuz I'm lazy I'm so sorry so please ignore mistakes dearies
You watched as Azriel bent down to whisper something into Elains ear and you felt a growl beginning to build up in your throat.
You didn't know the mating bond did this ; make one so possessive and jealous that the half-moon nail marks on your palms had become blood red, from gripping your fists too strongly.
"I just don't understand why you can't tell him," a voice whispers next to you. You turn to acknowledge Mor, as she slips in next to you into the booth.
"Because the moment I do, this whole dynamic changes Mor," you whisper back, indicating to the sprawl of people around you.
You guys had come to Rita's once again, to party, drink, kiss and do other nonsense things Cassian had eagerly talked about, whilst pitching the idea to the group. It had started off fun, with everyone talking together but as the night had progressed, they had all paired off. You could see Feyre and Rhys making out in the corner of your eyes and Nesta and Cassian dancing around each other on the club floor. Elain and Azriel had also innocently gotten up and moved to another table, using a range of excuses you hadn't bothered to process.
Even Mor had a female making eyes at her from afar.
"Then change the dynamic, Y/N. I need some excitement in my life," she whispered furiously again and slid out, stalking to the female at the bar.
Groaning you sunk into the booth, left alone to your thoughts plagued by one thing only, Azriel.
The repetitive music slowly faded out, as you downed drink after drink, watching the others around you mingle and grind away into the depths of the night. They would come past your table and say a few words before being dragged away again.
But not once did he come. Not once did he even look in your direction... and it infuriated you.
"You look more miserable than me,"
You blinked, looking up to focus in on the flop of red hair, braids and whizzing metallic eye and a handsome jawline.
"Lucien!!!" you let out a whine, attempting to get up but falling back down in the process, not having realised how much strong alcohol you had consumed in the last hour.
"Woah there stargirl," he slipped in next to you, using the nickname only he used for you.
Lucien and you had met on Starfall, as you had been leaning on the balcony, apparently being half a second from falling over because of your drunk eagerness to "catch one of the stars", and since then, he had named you Stargirl. Your friendship had blossomed due to your matching humour and desire to travel the realms.
His shoulder pressed up against you, his warmth spread through you, making you feel giddy. You couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or your desperation, as you abruptly laid a hand on his thigh.
If he noticed, he didn't show it as he took a swig of one of the elixirs that you had in your hand.
As he drank, you watched his eyes zero in on his elusive mate and you swore you saw them darken.
His scent visibly changed as he placed the now empty cup back on the table with a lethal fluidness that had you wondering how good he was at controlling his emotions.
"Its a shame we are mated to the wrong people, otherwise you and I would have ruled the world" he whispers, still not looking at you.
Your breath catching in your throat, your heavy heart pangs with emotion, exaggerated from the effects of the ethanol.
"At least she knows you are her mate Lucien... he doesn't even know about me," you miserably mutter.
You feel Luciens hot gaze rest on you as you look up into his deep eyes.
There's no doubt the turmoil of seeing each other's mates together shines in both of your eyes, but behind the pathetic nature of the situation, a force glint shines through his.
"Then why don't we tell him, Y/N," he urges, a smirk growing on his face.
Your heart drops as you make eye contact with Lucien, his eyes glinting with jealousy and anger.
You had never seen Lucien ever break his calm facades, he always would take whatever Elain would throw at him ; why was he so fired up tonight?
"You have always been so kind to Elain and given her time Lucien, why do you want to make her jealous now?" you voice your thoughts, causing him to look away, as you attempt to search his eyes.
Little did you know or feel, the dark cool gaze that had been assessing you since the moment Lucien had slipped in.
If one were to look through your party at this moment in time, the looks of longing and jealously swirling between you and Lucien could easily have been interpreted as longing and hunger for each other. With now, your full body turned to him, intimately touching him, shoulder to shoulder, anyone could mistake you as a couple.
Azriel nodded patiently as he listened to Elain talk about the new plants she wished to acquire from the Dawn Court for her garden.
He was trying so hard to listen and be attentive, but it was difficult when his shadows were buzzing about him, even more frantically, with the effects of the alcohol he had been consuming throughout the night.
He knew the amount of pumps of the vanilla perfume you had sprayed onto yourself, he knew how many times you had sighed throughout the night and he knew of the half-moon marks on your hands. His shadows told him everything, even when he didn't want to know.
For he didn't want to know the looks Lucien and you were giving each other, he didn't want to acknowledge the clenching of your thighs or the hand on your thigh or the-
"-So what do you think Azriel?"
Elains sweet voice cut in deeply through his silent spiralling, as he hummed coming back to the present.
Her big doe eyes innocently looked up at him as he racked his brain for what she had been asking about.
"YES I think the plants would be wonderful-," he began, when his shadows started screaming, "Elain excuse me one moment."
He quickly got up, his eyes narrow and jaw clenching as he went to get out of the booth in haste.
Elains eyes followed him and they widened slightly.
Luciens' hands were on your waist, holding you up from behind, as you both made your way to the dance floor, giggling.
read [ part two ] here deariess <3
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stardustpinkart · 4 months
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Lucifer transformed back into his normal form. "Sorry for scaring you. I see you've discovered singing." He mused, sitting next to him.
Adam nodded, grinning. "It's fun, I really like it. I think it sounds nice... Um- ... I'm sorry, which one are you?" Lucifer tilted his head and laughed lightly. "Lucifer. I usually stay as a snake when I enter the garden?" The man perked up. "Oh yeah! The white one! I'm Adam!"
Lucifer couldn't help but grin at the human's enthusiasm. He adored it to be honest. "Trust me, we all know who you are. How are you enjoying life so far?" "Oh, I really like it! I like learning new things about myself. So far I've learned that I like sweet things, like fruit, and soft things like those other horse things- with the.. branches.. on their heads?" "Deer?" "Yeah, deer, I like those."
The angel smiled along with Adam, just as excited as he was about his discoveries. "You wanna know what else is soft? Here, I think you'll like it." He extended one of his wings out for Adam to feel, accidentally brushing it against his side. The human jumped and covered his side, a surprised grin spreading across his face followed by a sweet sounding giggle.
Lucifer gasped and scooted closer. "You're ticklish! I didn't know we were giving that to humans! Oh this is great, you're going to have so much fun-" "What's.. What's ticklish?"
The angel grinned, excitedly. "Lift your arms a little bit, I'll show you." Adam did as he was told, lifting his arms up. Again, Lucifer extended his wings, gently brushing them against Adam's sides. The human snorted and slammed his arms down, laughing. Lucifer pulled his wings back to avoid having them stuck under Adam's arms, instead reaching out and gently digging into the sides of his tummy.
Adam shrieked and threw his head back, laughing. Not wanting to overwhelm him, Lucifer slowed to a stop, and pulled his hands back. After a moment of giggling and catching his breath, the human looked back up at the angel, sitting up and smiling.
"Can you do that again?" -------------------------------------------
Based on this cute lil fic I found on Tumblr :) Theres an abudance of Hazbin stuff at the mo, a lot of it really good!
Its nice to think how it might have been in the early days. I grew up catholic, schools and the like(though we didnet really go to church or anything) so I know a few bits. The basic stories, Adam and eve, etc. I believe Lucifer was gods most beloved angel, even had a diffrent name, untill he fell. And that supposedly it hurt him terribly when his beloved angel did.
So since Hazbin already has an alternate lore, what REALLY happened in the beggining. I'm sure Adam would be a lot more innocent to begin with, more pleasant, after all, being nearly made, exploring LIFE. The worst aspects maybe came later especially if heaven and its angels overlypraised him, "Adam could do NOTHING wrong", which led to his arrongance and rudeness and cruelty. Perhaps in the beggining, Lucifer and Adam were even friends? It was later events that changed all that.
There is NO sexual themes here, just that of COURSE, Adam and Eve were naked in the garden. They coevered themsleves in leaves in shame after eating the fruit of knowledge right?
I was stumped for colours cuz, they do seem to vary. Like, Sir pentious, his new form was a lot less scary and threatening in heaven. SO I figured, when he was still alive and just starting in the world, he would have a more mortal colour scheme yeah? As would Lucifer have a softer angelic colour scheme back then
I really enjoyed drawing this :)
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So we all know that Tik tok is bad and steals info, right?
Right okay.
And I became so normalized to like yeah I have no privacy online no big deal.
So when I saw one of my mutuals from here show up on my list of friends to follow on tik tok I didn't think much of it.
Today though I decided to figure out like how insidious it is. Cuz the people showing up as friends... I don't dm them, I'm not regularly reblogging from them or anything. We're just mutuals.
And tik tok picked that up. I follow thousands of people and thousands follow me. So... How insane is their data collection?
I stumbled onto this article which answered my question.
It's about this guy who reverse engineers apps explaining what he found when he reverse engineered tik tok. Obligatory disclaimer: this article is two years old However still fairly accurate as tik tok hasn't changed that much.
He explained all this in a reddit thread so I'll share the screenshots from the article
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“TikTok might not meet the exact criteria to be called “Malware”, but it’s definitely nefarious and (in my humble opinion) outright evil,” Bangorlol said. “There’s a reason governments are banning it. Don’t use the app. Don’t let your children use it. Tell your friends to stop using it. It offers you nothing but a quick source of entertainment that you can get elsewhere without handing your data over to the Chinese government. You are directly putting yourself and those on your network (work and home) at risk.”
And like yeah that's really invasive right. But like no they aren't just looking at follower counts and app usage from other apps. They see Actual real data on them. How else would they know which of my followers interact with me most out of the thousands of followers I have?
And how much info are they getting from the data they sift through?
How many of you don't have tik tok but still have your name, age, and some traits, maybe a DNI in your bio? How many of my followers don't have tik tok, but now tik tok has access to you through my Tumblr? How's that make you feel? Is tik tok taking the interests of people I follow into consideration when it's figuring out what videos to show me?
Are they looking at Your interests to help zero in on mine?
If you like my posts consider leaving a tip
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callmegaith · 10 days
announced it on other socials so its time to say it right here on tumblr. Rusty Lake fanbase... I am very grateful for the love you've given me since my return. But now it's time for me to move on once again so it's Hiatus time for me (... again). I've been taking a hiatus on and off anyway since 2020 but I'm just super uninterested with the stuff going on in the games rn and I miss Dale sm : (
I came back cuz I had a story to tell, and I feel like with my last animation, that was it, the best conclusion I could give that story. There's nothing more to say or add.
It's time for me to move on to other projects and other stuff that I hope u stick around for. If not, that's fine.
But for now, yeah. I'll probably still RB Rusty Lake stuff that I like but generally, hiatus time. SEE YA AGAIN AT THE LAKE, WHENEVER THAT MIGHT BE!!
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vvh0adie · 10 months
watching my friends leave tumblr is really sad
you literally can't win
at this point the writer's strike should just be a cultural movement
like ppl are writing for FREE and you're complaining about turn out rate and shit
we have lives and some of us (HELL ALL OF US) have some form of mental illness, so we can't be fucking cogs all day and churn out fics.
writing is suppose to be therapeutic and writers want to share that with you to ease the tension of this hellscape we live in
but some of these readers and even fellow writers are taking it too far with the bullying
like its mean and nasty. you don't know what someone is going thru.
instead of asking for updates how about check and see if your writer is mentally stable to do so. that right there is a booster, to have someone say "are you okay?"
and then the whole accusations of favoring a certain member/character. if that person is my muse or safe space then of course imma write for them. most solo writers i see don't even talk bad about other people. its a SOLO account. think of it as a shrine blog of writing if that helps. they're not there to trash, just share their writing for other's who might also share the same muse.
then you have readers who can't separate fiction from reality. just because someone writes a character with irl people faceclaimed onto them doesnt mean they actually think that person would be or do those things irl. i'll be the first to say that i only gave my characters bts faces cuz thats who im attracted to and they're who i imagine would be casted to play my characters.
then IN THE YEAR OF 2023 we still have ppl making fun of their peers writing and also THE FACT THAT ENGLISH MIGHT NOT BE THEIR FIRST LANGUAGE? that's nasty asf. majority of us dont even speak 'proper' english as our first language no way. you only shooting yourself in the foot. don't act like you dont have beta readers... like what are yall on?
and anybody who gets on THAT BLOG behind anon is an opp. not just to the writing community but in how you interact with the world all together. yall don't know how to talk to people anymore? it may have started as a place for critique and accountability but no one is bringing receipts or critical thinking anymore. its mainly for drama and not rehabilitation. yall serious scare me in how we'd see the reality of social change applied to the real world. like i'd be more scared to let yall around the prisoners with minor offenses cuz yall act like its the end of the world and that change cant happen. yall give nobody room to change ignorant stances but ignore the real egregious shit because you honestly dont have the bandwidth to take on actual fascist views.
also the plagiarism has got to stop too. if you need writing resources just ask. but practice makes perfect. so you're gonna have to write yourself. you may not like your writers voice but you will feel shitty in the long run when you don't feel like its you putting those words on the paper. it literally just prolongs your inferiority. make something you're proud of and don't hurt your fellow writers. we went thru the process just like you. we earned it. and most of us aren't gatekeepers, we will help you.
like its really tuff being on here sometimes. cuz if you not being hounded by readers its your own community praying on your down fall.
we have to do better.
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flower-boi16 · 2 months
Do you think this fandom can still improve despite everything? Is it Viv and Spindlehorse's fault that this fandom is problematic or there is deeper root cause? Despite the amount of negativity both hh and hb recieved, is it still possible to listen to fans who give constructive criticism and improve both shows? Many fans often say something like"The Spindlehorse's crew don't want to listen to critics because there are too many bad faith criticism and hate" or "Those critics don't have the vision of the creators so their advices are invalid." I think both sides of this fandom are overly aggressive to whatever happened. It must have something behind it.
I think the reason why the fandom reacts so poorly to criticism is a mix of several factors:
These shows are fairly popular, the more popular something is the bigger the fanbase will be. And, likewise, some fans would be very defensive when it comes to criticism.
The batshit insane twitter users and fake outrage being confused with the actual critiques people have of the shows. I'll admit, early critical videos were...not great to say the least (cough cough Pkrussel cough cough), and many of Viv's past controversies are admittedly dumb. However, there are real issues people have with these shows and Vivziepop, however, because of all the past controversies with Viv being over-blown, fans lump these real and valid critiques in with the fake Twitter outrage, causing this confusing mess.
Vivziepop's reaction to critiscm. She directly dismisses critiques people have of her shows and pretty clearly spends a bit too much time on online discourse about her shows. Viv IS aware of the critiques people have of her shows but she has this very immature response to criticism just looking at her twitter, and, this does translate to the fandom as well.
Drama channels such as AyyLmao and Iox constantly defending Viv and her shows. AyyLmao is a fairly big channel and a lot of his videos are about controversies surrounding Viv. Pretty much all of these tend to be heavily biased as AyyLmao instantly takes Viv's side, as in several of his videos he deliberately chooses to lump in the actual critiques of the shows with the deranged Twitter users online, which contributes to the second problem I mentioned above. This can be seen with his hatedom video where he says that most of the criticism at least on Twitter isn't "real criticism" and "just hate disguised on such". Notice how he says that at least on Twitter the criticism is just hate. He's deliberately making it look like the critical community is just a bunch of deranged Twitter users who just hate Viv cuz they are jealous or something, when looking at sites such as Reddit, Youtube, Tumblr, etc you'll see people with ACTUAL PROBLEMS with the shows, by AyyLmao's ignoring that in order paint the critical community as a toxic hell-hole. He pretends to be neutral in the video but he clearly is biased with how he paints the critics here, as he only focuses on this one site just to make it look like the critical community is just an annoying vocal minority on Twitter. and because of that, the fandom views the critical community as just that; just an annoying vocal minority of Twitter users who shouldn't be taken seriously.
The fandom just refusing to engage with people's critiques because they can't handle criticism of their favorite shows. That's pretty obvious.
I don't think the fandom will get better any time soon given these factors I just mentioned. Until Viv learns to accept criticism, until Viv drama channels stop defending her bullshit, and until the fandom actually engages with people's critiques rather than sending death threats...ya no this fandom is still going to be awful.
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maemisnippets · 3 months
Lil Update
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Apologies for the inactivity. Here's a pouty Yujin as a sign of life from me.
Just a lil update below (be warned: kinda sad)
You writing again?
To be honest with yall, the last snippet I posted (the one posted just now) was written last December. It's actually unfinished, just missing a humorous ending or witty finishing sentence or smthn, but I got too lazy to think of one. Thought I'd post it now cuz I do kinda miss being on Tumblr.
Anyways, in all honesty, I don't feel like writing anymore. While I don't know why exactly, all I know is that I've lost a lot of motivation in writing and reading smuts in general. If anyone has checked my blog the past few months, yall might have noticed that I have closed requests for a while now, and it will stay closed for a long while. Asks and commissions are still open tho.
How am I?
Can't say I'm good, but can't say I'm doing bad either. College is still taking most of my waking hours. I'm almost done tho! Just about halfway through my last year of college, but this shit fuckin sucks. Glad it's almost over.
If anything, I can say I'm doing better. I visited family these past few months and that went well. Did a lot of stuff with them, caught up with cousins I haven't seen in a very long time, and overall had a really great time. Makes me realize how grateful I should be for even the little things in life.
Yeah left that shit. Not coming back.
I've already said my reasons on why I left to a few people, but in short, it's just not the same place it used to be. I still keep in touch with some people I met here tho, and my discord and tumblr DMs are always open for those who still bother having me around.
Any chance of a comeback?
Not in the near future, but not impossible. It seems to be a trend among "retired" writers to come back eventually so, maybe someday I'll come back as well.
Yujin? Kep1er?
Yujin (the Choi variant) still the loml. And Kep1er always in my heart. STAN KEP1ER YOU FUCKS
If you made it here, have another Yujin
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matrixbearer2024 · 3 months
(I'm not new to Tumblr but I'm just stupid and did absolutely nothing so I have no idea where to ask questions so I'm just going to do it here that's okay also if you could let me know where I ask questions that would be amazing 😭)
*for the actor AU* I just want to know who's bright idea was it to make the readers damnation a chocolate bar they stole when they were five
Actor AU: Lore Drop 2
(Y/N): "Huh? Oh that-? Wait, wasn't it your bright idea Adam?"
Adam: "No? Unless you count the jokes that it came from my contribution."
(Y/N): "I mean, probably?"
Adam: "For all you fans out there, context was I made some jokes poking fun at heaven's hypocrisy given how my character is and acts-"
Lute: "Your character's insanely scummy and cringe, I'll die on that hill."
Adam: "I think the word you're looking for is charming and funny Lute, but yeah he is a jerk. Some fans still think he's hot though, so thank you! Anyway-! I was making jokes and all that with I think Husker and Em when Alastor decided to join in on the conversation."
(Y/N): "Ohhh, doesn't he help with the script writing?"
Adam: "He does. I should've known the old man was up to something when he made a jab about heaven's funky fine print being canon."
Lute: "He's not that much older than you."
Adam: "He acts like it and practically everyone jokingly calls him grandpa on set anyway."
(Y/N): "Huh, so your inspiration and his execution. How the fuck did that end up becoming my character damned by a candy bar?!"
Adam: "Your guess is honestly as good as mine. Cuz bitch I've got no fuckin clue."
Lute: *Facepalms*
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143folium · 20 days
(My) Natal Observations + BONUS TAKES (PART 1)
First of all, I wanna introduce myself.
Hi, I'm Trif! I frequent here in tumblr for astro observations, astro notes, or anything that has to do with the astro community cuz it's pretty interesting to see some takes here. And I sometimes indulge on scrolling astro posts for validation for my placements
If you guys wanna laugh at my placements, or grimace at it, envy it, roast it, feel free. Wanna hear your takes. Bring it on!
Ascendant in Pisces
I have this in 20° and it's definitely not a nice combination. It's just gonna make you stuck in a limbo of being infantilized with people assuming that you need protection and stuff, while you also get people projecting too much of their negative traits on to you even if you got no beef with anyone. Some people just wanna see you as a threat you know.
Gemini Moon
0° and mind is always in overdrive. Dunno where I should be certain but my brainwork is always changing. Like my mind still goes even if my entire body is already FATIGUED! Really strong on micro learning and I wanna learn as much things as possible. But I tend to overestimate myself into thinking that I'm too talented. Yes, I'm a burnt out gifted kid.
Virgo Sun
This one, I don't really relate nor even feel that I'm a Virgo. I have this opposite my ascendant while squaring Saturn and Pluto (DEFINITELY UNFUN). Always find myself reinventing myself. But ever since I started hitting the gym and going tryhard on getting in shape, I've been feeling better and better.
This is my Natal Observations for now, I kinda feel lazy to write my other placements 😅
I've been thinking of classifying things/games/events/characters with the signs. So I'll start with my most familiar ones (as a HYV game player)
Honkai Star Rail would be an Aquarius game. Lots of futuristic touch, space vibes, reinventions and revolutions through their trailblazing. Understanding aeons is on the level of philosophical work.
Genshin Impact would be a Sagittarius game. Archons, different gods, different nations and culture, and TRAVELLING. Many events, many festivals. Vibrant colors. Pioneered the expansive open world genre in games.
Aight, that's all for now. Nice meeting y'all!
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