#so uh yea sorry bout that
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this is mostly in jest but heads up i might not post official art besides small doodles for a while because my drafts ran out and these past two weeks have genuinely been destroying my mental health so I don't have the capacity to do anything seriously art-related right now
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chaosandmarigolds · 4 months
Johnny's wedding speech
"An ya, okay, let's get this on." Johnny turns around on the chair he had placed in the middle of the dance floor, looking at the projector screen.
You were currently sitting beside your, now, husband, Ollie happily sitting in your lap and eyeing the man Simon considered his best friend.
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"AH got it!! Okay, um, yea-yea, okay, as it says I hate you." Johnny nods as everyone falters, a few coughs and panicked looks going to you. "I really hated you when I firs heard of ya, cus me and my boy- Simon-" He paused, "Sorry I'm Johnny by th' way, Simon's bud- anyway, Simon 'n I were gettin drinks and this boy looks at me 'n he- he was all weepy bout it! Reduced my man t' tears! Goin: 'Johnny, mate, i thin' I foun' her.'"
By that point everyone had realized it was bit, and a few laughs rung out.
He runs his hand down his face, "Foun' her?? Well i gotta meet 'er myself, be the judge of it."
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"For the record," he brought the mic to his mouth, his voice muffled by how close it was, "I am. I love ya, lassie. However, I do have a few bones ta pick wit ya."
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"Oh, uh..." he looks back at the projector, "My bad, didn't fini' tha slide."
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"YEAH! Yeah! when I firs met ya lassie you two might as well be joint at the hip already," Johnny frowns, "I call 'em like: 'Got tickets to th' game.' and he doesn't even let me finish! 'Sorry mate, me and my girl are sittin in and watching tha new Disney movie wi' Ollie.' or 'Nah, lad, my girl is wearin that dress I like." He gives an exasperated sigh to that as you bite back the urge to laugh to that. Meanwhile, Simon seemed to loosen up, leaning back in his chair with a bit of a smile.
"Anway- I have been rejected seventeen times for Bluey, yea. The cartoon wit the lil blue dog? Course I got tired of it so I jus come over...It makes sense now, Bluey's pretty cute."
Ollie seemed to get a good laugh from that.
There was a pause and Johnny nods again, "I don't hate you, lassie. You made my mate happy. Thank you."
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"OH! Shoutout to my boy, Oliver."
Ollie might as well as jumped up from how fast he jolted to the sight of his 'picture' (if it could be classified as a photo from how blurry it was) and he screamed with utter glee, "I LOVE YOU UNCLE SOAP."
Johnny laughs as he gets down from the chair, "I love you too, laddie."
(Am I just buttering y'all up fro the next installment of Eek? yes. Annyway, that's all!)
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82mitsu · 4 months
{18Trip} <PROLOGUE SIDE-A: Still blank> 000-A06 An eccentric youth
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A translation of 18TRIP's PROLOGUE SIDE-A by 82mitsu. ENG proofreading by sasaranurude.
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Man selling flowers: And we’re here… Is this okay?
Kaede: It’s more than enough! You genuinely were a big help. Thank yo—
Kaede: Ah, right. Sorry, I still haven’t asked for your name.
Man selling flowers: Aaah, uh… Then, here.
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Kaede: And this is?
Man selling flowers: My shop. Drop by once everything’s settled.
Man selling flowers: When you want flowers, or want to have your laundry done.
Kaede: Laundry? And, flowers…? What kind of business …?
Man selling flowers: ‘Kay, I’m off.
Kaede: T-thanks again!
Kaede: ….HAMA nice trip!
Man selling flowers: ….HAMA nice trip, too.
Kaede: (...What an interesting guy.)
Kaede: Okay… gotta search for Kafka!
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Kaede: Hmmm… He isn’t here either, huh.
Kaede: (Where did you run off to, Kafka….)
Kaede: That day, where did we go next based on that sightseeing guide I made…
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Headband boy: Hey hey, you over there!
Kaede: Eh… me?
Headband boy: Yeah! Y’see, I got this once in a lifetime favor here~....
Headband boy: Use this camera and film the whole shebang of what I’m ‘bout to do!
Kaede: Eh, eh… eeeh!?
Headband boy: Okay, I’m blastin’ off…
Headband boy: “NO, WAIT!!”
Kaede: Eh, what is he doing…!?
Headband boy: “These stairs still aren’t safe! You caaaaaaaan’t!!”
Security guard A: You over there! Stop where you are!
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Headband boy: “Damn it…The Space Dimension Over Journeyer isn’t fully charged yet…!”
Security guard B: What are you mumbling about…Either way, remove yourself from the premise! Entry is forbidden to those who do not follow the dress code!
Headband boy: “I know! But this machine isn’t able to endure an incomplete Over Journey…!”
Headband boy: Get it all on camera! Properly!
Kaede: Eh… is he saying that to me…?
Headband boy: “Let me through! Why are you letting him go on his own!”
Security guard A: Dangit…! You sure can put up a fight…!
Security guard B: Enough of this tomfoolery!
Headband boy: Uh-oh…!?
Kaede: (Ah… looks like they let him go…?)
Headband boy: Phew… so a cut here, huh.
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Headband boy: Hey! Didja catch that!? Did you!?
Kaede: Ah… sorry. I was taken so aback I didn’t do anything…
Headband boy: No freakin’ way! Then one more take… 
Kaede: Wait, wait! The guards will just stop you again if you do that!
Headband boy: Dummy, that’s what I need! In scene 87, I shake off the organization restraining me and go travel across the multiverse to save my buddy!
Kaede: I… I don’t know what kind of filming is going on here, but I think you better stop causing problems… All the guards are on high alert too. 
Headband boy: Booo! Even though I was sure you filmed that explosion of emotions earlier!
Kaede: …Huh?
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Kaede: Hey, what’s that in your hand?
Headband boy: This? Just some papers I rolled up, but… no shoot is complete without it! It being a megaphone!
Kaede: Ah, no. That’s not what I meant… That paper on the outside. May I have a look at it?
Headband boy: Yea, sure! It’s just one I snagged up after it came down fluttering through the air from above earlier. 
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(Guide page)
Landmark Tower is a symbol of HAMA! You can see all of HAMA from the observation deck Sky Garden.
When I went to do extra activities for school, I searched for the hospital where Kafka was staying. As you’d expect, I wasn’t able to tell where his room was located.
Kaede: I knew it… another page from the guide I made…
Headband boy: Huuuh.. extracurricular activities for school, eh. Hard to imagine that nowadays.
Kaede: Eh, why?
Headband boy: ‘Cuz y’know… that. Look over there.
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Renga: “—On the second floor of the landmark plaza, you can partake in Burger Emperor’s speciality, diamond french fries for 34,000 yen!”
Renga: “Potatoes of the finest quality from Île de Noirmoutier, worth 40,000 yen for one kilogram, rinsed with water stemming from an aquifer roughly 450 meters deep beneath the Andes Mountains for exactly 38.8 seconds and then fried crisply by an out of this world cuisinier!”   
Kaede: (That’s the Ward Mayor Nishizono Renga I ran into at the airport yesterday…! Actually, like 30,000 yen for fries…!? Is this some ad for a five star hamburger joint!?)
Renga: “—This is the place to be for high class service at any given time. Urben and lugsurious, gorgeous facilities perfectly reserved for someone of your steetus, I bid you a warm welcome to Landmark.”
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Headband boy: See? Ain’t no way a buncha elementary schoolers would waltz into such a hoity-toity place. 
Kaede: That can’t be…!
Kaede: (Is because of that Ward Mayor’s policies that the Landmark changed like this…!?)
<<previous chapter / next chapter>>
prologue directory: A01 / A02 / A03 / A04 / A05 / A06 (x) / A07 / A08
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eddieboi23 · 8 months
A dream
Enid Sinclair x male reader
(Wednesday )
Summary: reader is a lot more mean in their sleep, enid notices. (Relationship unspecified)
Tw: cussing
Y/n)=your name
“This is talking”
Requested by: @pvzizgr8
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Enid was sipping her coffee, enjoying the calming atmosphere of the weathervane.
The day had only just begun, but it was already going so much better than she could have ever hoped for.
You were sitting across from her, sipping from [ favorite drink].
You and enid had a sleepover the night before, you didn’t know it, but you slept talk.
Enid definitely noticed, because you were cussing out someone the whole time.
(Flash back to the sleepover)
You and enid where sleeping in her bed, it was already lat but enid was kept awake as you snore next to her.
You were talking in your sleep, not quite making sentences , but it sounded like a rather loud string of cussing.
Enid was surprised at first, because you never cussed like that while awake. she had to admit to herself that she did found it a little bit amusing.
She listened for awhile while idle stroking your hair.
You seemed to calm down and she was about to fall asleep when the words “you bitch!” came from your mouth, waking her up.
Your both lucky Wednesday wasn’t here or you’d be dead for waking her.
You seemed to be yelling at someone, though she had no idea who it was aimed at. Enid was finding this a little bit to funny to pass up, as she continued listening.
Soon you just kept cussing at the dream person until you feel into a deep sleep and snuggled into enids side.
She blushes and giggled, hugging you as she soon too falls asleep.
—-(end of flash back)
The memory of her sleeping next to Y/N the night before plagued her mind as she took a sip of coffee.
She had to admit, she was finding Y/N’s random bouts of cursing and swearing in his sleep rather interesting, especially since she had never even heard him swear at all while awake, and she kind of wanted to know why…and maybe to even tease you. “Hey, Y/N, can I ask you something real quick?”
You look at her from your coffee, look a tad tired since it was still morning. “Yea what’s up Enid?”
“Oh, I, uh, I just had a question about why you say a lot of…well…mean things while you sleep. I was wondering what kind of…dream person your arguing with.” She said, her voice full of amusement…maybe this was the perfect time for her to tease him a bit…
You blush. “Huh…what do you mean..?”
You have been told by many people you get mean in your sleep but chose to ignore it, thinking It was a prank, but now Enids saying the same, maybe it’s NOT a prank.
She smiles and leans forward, her face very smug.
"You can stop playing dumb with me. I heard every word while you were sleeping last night and you sounded more pissed off than i've ever seen you before, i can't believe what a potty mouth you have when dreaming!". Her tone of voice was playful, she was clearly teasing you, wanting to see a reaction from you.
You blush. “I-I didn’t realize…”
She giggled. "Oh, but its true!...you were do angry!” She said teasingly, she couldn't help but find your blush amusing, she leaned forward trying not to laugh, clearly wanting a reaction from you.
You blush, looking a tad ashamed . “Sorry..about that.”
*she smirks* “Oh, I'm not complaining, in fact, I find it funny...your never so...angry when awake, and I find it interesting to hear how you express yourself so...aggressively in your dreams.…it’s kinda cute, in a way.”
You blush more and kick her under the table as you look away and sip your coffee. “Shush…”
Enid giggles and sips her coffee happily and kicks your leg under the table. “Potty mouth”
You kick back. “Shush!!!”
Sorry it’s short, I’m just too tired but I wanted to give you something 💚
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missyandthemisfits · 5 months
Tokyo Rev x Pretty Feet 👣
"Kiss It Better." - 1
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Your Tokyo Rev crush accidentally steps on your foot and you decide to get bold and tell them to "Kiss it better."
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Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano
"Oh dang, sorry 'bout that (Name)-chi!"
His apology is playful and his grin is shit eating and for a moment you have to wonder if Mikey did that on purpose-
Feeling playful yourself, and uncharacteristically bold, you hold up the 'injured' foot, bracing your back on a nearby wall
"Kiss it better."
He stops smiling - stops everything
Just...stands there with his mouth slightly agape with an unreadable expression 
You start to sweat
"J-just kidding-,"
Before you can say another word, he's down on one knee, lips on your exposed toes (damn you sandals), eyes never once leaving yours
An embarrassed blush finds your face and neck and he grins 
"I gotta say, I kinda like you bossing me around, (Name)-chi~"
You stand dumbfounded as he starts down the road still recovering from the fact your long-time crush, THE Mikey, just kissed YOUR mf toes-
Ken 'Draken' Ryūguji
"Oh man, sorry (Name)- I didn't hurt you, did I?" 
Actually moves to inspect your foot - he's a big dude and he knows it
Just then, something came over you
You knew full well Emma had a crush on him too. That said, he hadn't yet explicitly accepted or rejected anyone yet, so-
"Kiss it better...?" 
By this time, your foot is hiked up and there's an uncharacteristic, almost unseen blush on his face
"I- what the Hell, (Name)? Where did that even come from?"
You couldn't help but laugh 
Oh well. Maybe next time.
This nervous energy was enough for now.
Keisuke Baji 
"Shit, my bad! You okay?" 
He jumps back, crouching down to inspect it
Keisuke was so damn hot and the fact that he was this caring (though he'd often try to hide it) was even more attractive-
"You should," he perks up and you waver a bit, "Um... kiss it better."
His face is as hot as yours as he looks down then back up to you 
You practically scream, pulling your foot away- or trying to anyway 
"Wait! I...I didn't think you'd actually do it!"
"Then why the Hell did you ask?!"
"I-I dunno!"
It was, in fact, the weirdest confession of feelings ever.
Chifuyu Matsuno 
"Holy crap, I am so sorry, (Name)!"
He tries his best to keep his cool in most situations- totally freaks out about this minor incident 
Fingers are already caressing your calf, successfully assessing the damage and tickling you
You heart flutters at the sight of it all and your words tumble out faster than your brain can catch them-
"Kiss it better?"
Thankfully, you'd asked the question innocent enough. That didn't make the situation any less awkward tho-
"I-I mean...at least let me buy you dinner first...,"
He trails off on that last part but you definitely heard that one, loud and freaking clear-
"There's a ramen shop up the road!"
He stands upright, bright eyed and determined 
"Yea? Let's do it."
Another moment passes
"...Do you really want me to kiss your feet?"
His hand finds the back of his neck and he looks away with a blush identical to yours
"I- let's just pencil that, okay?"
Takashi Mitsuya 
"Oh- my apologies. Did I hurt you?" 
Ever the gentleman, ever the kindhearted cutie, he's sweetly glancing down at your painted toes, fingers lightly brushing against your arm in apology 
Oh Mitsuya~
"Kiss it better."
Annnd you said something stupid without thinking again...
Awesome job, (Name)
"I'm sorry?"
"Uh-," Sweats
Sweats profusely 
He smirks like the sly fox he is
"Well, now. Didn't take you for that kind of person, (Name)."
You take this as a form of encouragement 
"I'm full of surprises, Mitsuya."
Holy crap, are we flirting rn? 
He chuckles lightly 
"I look forward to discovering each and every one of them."
Your face is on fire...again
Hakkai Shiba
 "Fuck- I'm sorry, (Name)!"
He's got some pretty big feet and he knows that so he's lowkey (highkey) freaking out about it
Better respond quick, the longer you take to respond, the more anxious he gets-
"S'ok. Or... it will be when you kiss it better."
Pauses his haphazard inspection - partially because his breath hitches in his throat
What now? 
"I um...well, if you think it'll help, I don't mind..."
You almost don't wanna fess up to teasing him cause you dunno what you were expecting, but it definitely wasn't that
"I was joking, but now I actually kind of want you to?"
Laughter ensues and honestly it's all either of you can manage at the moment, totally embarrassed 
Nahoya 'Smiley' Kawata 
"Whoops! Hey watch it, would ya, (Name)?"
This bitch-
"You are so damn rude sometimes like...what the actual fuck, Smiley?"
-Is what you said, but you were still pretty into it somehow 
He laughs, but does a subtle double take
"You're okay though, right?"
"No...I might need you to Kiss it better..."
He hums momentarily 
"Wow, (Name)- that's pretty kinky."
You're instantly regretting ever uttering
"I seriously can't stand you...," 
"Well, I didn't say no~"He sings
You sure knew how to pick 'em 
Exhausting, he is
Souya 'Angry' Kawata
" Oh my god- I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't see your foot, I should have watched where I was stepping-,"
 Apologies profusely 
Full on nurse mode- breaks out the mini-first aid that he carries around (cause let's face it his brother and friends are walking disasters) and gets to work immediately-
It is... so endearing and yet so unnecessary at the same time 
You allow him to finish and thank him with a smile, almost feeling bad for the teasing about to ensue-
"Could you Kiss it better, Souya? Please?"
Freezes in place
Fingers are twitching around your foot
Face is beet red
Oh yea, the sight was definitely worth it
You laugh, placing a hand on his shoulder
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it! You're just so cute when you're flustered! Thank you for the bandaids!"
He proceeds to bury his face in his hands, trying and failing to make himself as small as humanly possible, still crouched 
You promised him you wouldn't tease as much on one condition; a date.
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bravo4iscool · 7 months
I want more about the tall!reader x Ghost (I myself am taller than a girl’s normal height - 203 thanks to my grandfather and dad for being tall)) sorry for the mistakes English is not my native language
Tall!wife reader and husband Ghost, Reader is older and taller than him (reader's height is 204-14cm, but I know this is probably too tall) they met when Ghost just went to army
Yeah 👍
as someone who’s not tall i really like this request hahaha
i hope you like this and this is kinda what you envisioned🫶🏼
(masterlist | part two)
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„fuck me, that‘s your wife?“
„keep that jaw closed, johnny,“ simon mumbles as you walk into the room, his best friend not believing his eyes.
„look, i thought you were tall but her? she‘s a fucking…giant!“
simon stands up with a grunt and glares at johnny. „don‘t speak about my wife like that.“ then he leaves; his lips forming into a smile when you finally spot him.
„hello luv,“ he greets you as you bend down to press a kiss to his lips. „how‘re ya?“ he wants to know, grabbing your hand to intertwine it with his.
„i‘m good si,“ you smile down at him. some may think the size difference of you both was…weird but you didn‘t have a problem with it, neither had he. you both met when he first joined the army and you were, well…his co but he went off to sas training rather soon and you both never thought you‘d see each other again.
which was proven wrong when you were called to a mission together with lieutenant riley and suddenly simon strutted into the room. it‘s fair to say that you were intoxicated by his appearance and he didn‘t leave your mind. things got sorted out rather fast after that first reunion.
„so, you‘re mrs. riley?“ johnny clears his throat, angling his head to look at you.
„i would say so,“ you smile. „and you’re sargent mactavish?“
„the one and only,“ he proudly grins, his signature smirk on his lips. „i bet lt‘s been talking bout me.“ he wiggles his eyebrows and you need to suppress a chuckle.
you clear your throat and sit down, glancing at your husband. „yea, he, uh, told me quite a bit about you.“ simon snorts and downs his glas of whiskey.
„so, how did you both-“
„non of y‘business mactavish,“ simon cuts his friend off, glaring at him. „met ‘er early in m‘career. thats all y‘need t‘know.“
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stxuxrniolochris · 7 months
fake dating P4 - Chris sturniolo
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P1 P2 P3
slow burn ( i think ), your both seniors(18), also i live in Ireland so idk how American like years in school works so just go with it, use of y/n, half based on to all the boys I’ve loved before but not really, highschool!chris
Summary ~~you both need to get peoples attention but you might just end up catching eachothers~~
Y/n pov
I walked downstairs to the kitchen still thinking about last night. Was I too harsh? I mean the plan was to get Amelia back, so it’s good that she’s texting him. But why did it make me mad, I shouldn’t care about his dating life. I should’ve never done this whole fake relationship.
I sighed as I sat down at the table scrolling on my phone. A few minutes went by and I heard footsteps coming upstairs. Chris. My stomach flipped thinking about what he was going to say. “Hey” he sighed as he sat down beside me. “Hi.” I said with a half-smile. “So about last night..” he starts. Oh god here it goes. “Sorry I got mad i was just stressed and I took it out on you, I know it’s weird. And I shouldn’t have gotten angry with you.” He says fast like he practiced before he came up. “Chris it’s honestly fine, you can text who you want and that’s none of my business, your my best friend and i was looking out for you, but if u want to text her, that’s ok.” I say half honest.
Chris pov
“Chris it’s honestly fine, you can text who you want and that’s none of my business, your my best friend and i was looking out for you, but if u want to text her, that’s ok.”
Best friend. Why did it feel weird when she called me her best friend. Why did it kind of hurt. I brushed it off and pulled her into a hug. She immediately hugged me back and I heard her sigh a bit. Was she still upset?
“Y/n/n?” I ask pulling away. “Yea?” She asks back. “You mean a lot to me, you know that?” I don’t know why I was getting sappy I just wanted her to know I care. “You mean more to me than you will ever know, love you.” She smiled. Her smile, it always made me feel better. “Love you too.” I smiled back. “So there’s a party tonight, how bout we go and make up for not going yesterday.” She suggests. I smile. “Yea sure.”
~At the party-
Y/n pov
Me and Chris, hand in hand, walk up to the party. We stop at the door and he turns to me. “You ready?” He asks. “Yep.” I say nervous. I knew Ben and Amelia were going to be there and I was a bit scared. He gave my hand a light squeeze as we walked in.
He said hi to a few of his friends and I just awkwardly stood there. I wasn’t used to these parties, they were full of hockey players and cheerleaders. They were more Chris’ scene.
“Hey, y/n.” I turn around at my name being called. Becca. Amelia’s best friend. I smile and walk over. Their whole group was sitting there. “Come sit with us.” Becca beams at me. I sit on a couch opposite Amelia and Becca, beside their other friends. “So Chris Sturniolo?” Becca says not really asking, clearly trying to get stuff out of me for Amelia. “Yup.” I say trying to show confidence. “Have you guys done anything?” I’m a bit taken a back by her straight up wierd question. “What..?” I say confused, before Amelia speaks up for the first time. “Cmon Becca they haven’t done anything.” The balls on her. “Oh yea, and how do you know that Amelia?” I scoff. “Because I know y/n y/l/n and I know Chris Sturniolo, now excuse me i have to go to the bathroom.” She says while standing up. Me and Amelia used to be good friends in like 8th grade before she randomly started hating me and making fun of me. That’s why I hated her so much.
Chris pov
I see y/n talking to Amelia. What the hell. I know they used to be friends but I also know they don’t like each other anymore. I walk to the bathroom to get a break from everything. I’m washing my hands and I hear someone opening the door. “Uh someone’s in here.” I shout over the music, but they continue to come in. Ameila. She smiles as she walks over to me. “Hi Chris.” She says while leaning on the sink. “Hey.” I reply. “Saw you with y/n, I guess I always knew you two had something going on.” She smiles. What is she trying to do. “What do you want Ams.” I sigh. This is what I wanted, but why did it feel weird. “What? I cant just talk to you.” She pouts. “You always can.” I admit. Making her smile. Don’t get me wrong I love her smile, but y/ns is different, y/ns makes me happy. “What’s this?” She questions playing with the hair tie on my wrist. “It’s y/ns.” I say as she takes it off my wrist. “Cmon Amelia give it back.” “Oo full name your serious, but I think I’m gonna keep it for awhile, k?” I sigh. Y/n wears that scrunchie every day. She says a few more unimportant things before walking out.
Y/n pov
Me and Chris are walking home, since it wasn’t far and didn’t want to bother Matt. “I talked to Amelia tonight.” He speaks up. “Oh yeah, how’d it go.” I ask, looking at him. “Fine, she said that she always knew there something going on between us, but it was ok.” He explains. What did she mean always something going on between us? “Well that’s good, at least you two talked.” I smile. He sigh kind of loud. “What your not happy?” I question. “No- I don’t know, it just felt weird, like I didn’t want to be there. I don’t know why though, I mean that’s what I wanted but- I don’t know.” He said cutting himself off. But what? “She was kind of flirty I guess.” He finishes
We reach his house and walk inside. We talk to Matt and Nick for a bit before heading up to his room. We sit on his bed and put on a movie. “Hey Chris?” “Yea, whatsup?” He replies. I take a deep breath in. “I don’t think we should keep doing this fake dating thing.” I breathe out. His face sort of dropped and he paused the movie. “What why.” He asks with a worried tone. “Well, Amelia got jealous and you talked to her and everything, and I don’t really like Ben that much, so.. it’s kind of worked out so what’s the point of continuing.” I say scared of his reaction, I knew him inside out but we’ve never done this before so i didn’t know what would happen. “No y/n just for a small bit more, it’s only been a couple of days, I need more time.” He says. Why does he want to keep going, he got Amelia to talk to him. “ I don’t know Chris…” I sigh. “Please y/n.”
How do you tell your best friend you can’t keep fake dating him because you’re scared you’ve developed actual feelings for him and don’t want to just fake it anymore. You can’t. So you fake break up with them.
a/n: sorry there’s so much pov changes in this! Also sorry it’s not that long
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angstysebfan · 8 months
My Roommate's Boyfriend - Chapter 8
Pairing: Bucky x Female Reader AU: Modern
Chapter Summary: Reader learns the truth, but will it change anything? Bucky comes home. Warnings: Angst, cursing
Series Masterlist
It’s been three days since you came home from Seattle. You spent those three days alone in your bed. You couldn’t stop crying or thinking about all that has happened over the last year, and especially over the last week. 
You finally get up out of bed and decide you should head to the store to get food in your apartment, not that you have eaten. You walk aimlessly down the aisles grabbing this and that, not really paying attention. Suddenly you bump into someone and drop the hand basket, which caused your groceries to fall on the floor. 
“I’m so sorry,” you hear a deep voice say.
You look up to see a handsome man ,with dark skin and a friendly smile, that you know to be Sam. You heat up in embarrassment, and hope he doesn’t recognize you. 
“No, it’s my fault,” you say quietly, as you kneel down to grab your stuff. Sam also kneels down and looks at you.
“I know you!” he shouts. You feel even more heat on your face. “You’re Nat’s friend, Y/N, right?” he asks with a smile.
You nod and continue to collect your things. “Bucky isn’t home yet, so may I ask why you are?” he asks, lifting his brow.
You stand up straight once everything was back in your basket.
“Oh, uh… I decided to come home early. Give them some time alone.”
Sam gives you a knowing look, “Oh, I uh, guess he didn't get his head out of his ass and continued being an asshole to you, huh,” he says.
You look at him and scoff. “Has he given you the 50 bucks he owes you?” you say sarcastically.
Sam laughs, both eyebrows raised. “No, not yet. He doesn’t believe in Venmo. He's probably still pouting that he lost,” he said.
You nod, “Yea, well… make sure he pays up,” you say as you start walking away.
Sam shouts after you, “He's stubborn, but you gotta keep pushing him!”
You turn back and look at him, “I’m sorry?”
Sam laughs, “Bucky. He's really stubborn. I told him that he wouldn’t make it to Seattle in three days, but he wouldn’t listen. He was close, but I know him too well.”
You stare at Sam confused. Sam shakes his head, as he walks up to you. “The bet. It was about how long it would take him to make it to Seattle. He said three days, but I bet him it would take him more. I won.”
You can’t help but stare at Sam and wonder if he was telling the truth. “Did… did Bucky tell you anything about our trip?” you ask hesitantly.
Sam shook his head, “Nah, figure I'd get the details when he came home. Why? Did something happen?” he asks intrigued.
You shake your head. “N-no. It was nice seeing you again, Sam,” you say and quickly head to the checkout counter.
Your thoughts were going in every direction and you didn’t know how to get them straight. You quickly checkout and head home.
Bucky hugs Nat goodbye as he heads out to his Uber to take him home.
“Please don’t give up on her, Buck. I’m sure once you explain yourself, she'll come around,” Nat says into his shoulder.
Bucky kisses the top of her head. “I'll try, Nat. But she thinks so terrible of me, I don’t know if I'll ever win her over,” Bucky says.
Nat gives him her knowing smirk. “I think she will, and you know I am usually right.”
Bucky smirks as well and gets into the Uber, driving away towards the airport.
Bucky unlocks the door to his apartment and enters. Sam is sitting in the living room watching TV with a beer in his hand. “There he is! ‘Bout time you got home!” Sam shouts standing up and giving Bucky a slap on his shoulder. 
“Oh, did you miss me, Sam?” Bucky said sarcastically.
Sam laughs, “Yea right! How was the trip man, talk to me.” Sam says as he grabs Bucky around the shoulder and drags him to the couch. Bucky can only sigh and shake his head. 
“It… it wasn't what I expected, that’s for sure,” Bucky says as Sam hands him a beer. 
“How did everything go with Y/N? I saw her yesterday,” Sam said.
Bucky’s eyes snap to Sam. “You saw her? Where? How did she look? Did she see you?” Bucky fires back quickly. 
“Whoa man, chill. Yes, I saw her at the store. She seemed out of it. Like she hadn’t slept in days. Her eyes were all bloodshot like she was either stoned or she had been crying. We spoke a little,” Sam said.
Bucky’s heart broke more as he heard the way Sam described you. “Wh-what did she say?” Bucky asked, picking at the label of his beer.
Sam shrugged, “I asked her why she was home. She said she decided to give you and Nat privacy. Then she asked about the 50 bucks you owe me.”
Bucky looked at Sam in a panic, “And… what did you say.” 
“I said you don’t believe in Venmo, so no you haven’t paid me yet. She seemed pissed off until I told her why you owed me the money. She seemed very confused and then ran out of the store like a bat outta hell. So, you gonna to tell me what happened on that trip of yours?” Sam asked.
Bucky stared at Sam. You knew the truth! So is what Nat said true? Will this mend things between you? He hasn’t stopped thinking about you since you left. He wanted to run after you, but Nat said you needed to cool down. He tried calling you, but it went straight to voicemail. He texted but no answer.
“I don’t know man. One minute we're fighting, like usual. Then she explained about what you overheard at the bar and I found myself standing on the side of the highway kissing the hell out of her,” Bucky said. Sam raises his eye brows, intrigued.
“Then she almost got attacked by a bunch of stupid fuckers, but I made it there on time and saved her. I slept with her that night, nothing happened, but I slept so well with her in my arms. Then the next day when we made it to the border of Washington, I knew I could have made it to Seattle, but I wanted one more night with her alone. I lied to her about the hotel only having one room, so we could share a room. Something happened between us, and it was the best sex I've ever had. We talked that morning and everything seemed fine. She asked to borrow my phone cause hers died and she wanted to text Nat.
I left her alone to change, which is when she saw the text between us about the 50 bucks. She thought I made a bet about gettin' with her. She started giving me the cold shoulder, and I didn’t know why. I planned on confronting her when we were in Seattle, but she changed her flight to that night. She never let me explain. She… she hates me,” Bucky said.
“Damn man. That sounds like quite a road trip. What did you do when she left?” Sam asked.
Bucky sighed, “I hung out with Nat, but I couldn’t get Y/N out of my head. Nat kept giving me advice, but I… I don’t know if I should bother. Maybe I should give up. I was an asshole to her for so long she will never see me in a good way.”
Sam smacked Bucky upside his head. “You’re a fucking dumbass dude!”
Bucky glared at Sam, rubbing the back of his head. “Why? Because I know a lost cause when I see one?” He asked.
Sam stands up and faces Bucky. “Dude, you've been secretly pining for this girl for a whole fucking year! Yea, you were an asshole, but apparently she still had feelings for you if she slept with you!” Sam said.
Bucky just looks at him, shaking his head. “It’s no use-”
“Man, shut the hell up! She misread a text message between us. Yes, she should've asked you about it, but based on your history she automatically assumed you were messing with her. She knows the truth now. So why are you still sitting here instead of running to her and talking this thing out? Do you still have feelings for her?” Sam asked exasperated.
Bucky nods, “More than I did before,” he whispers. 
“Then get over there and don’t take no for an answer. Go get your girl!” Sam shouts.
Bucky stands up and grabs his duffel bag. “It’s late, I need to think about this. I’m going to bed,” he says, walking into his room, Sam shaking his head at him.
When Bucky closes the door Sam just says “Dumbass” to himself.
Bucky lays on his bed staring at the ceiling. He knows Sam is right, but he wants to do this right. He wants to sweep you off your feet! He needs to come up with a plan.
Chapter 7 / Chapter 9
Of course Bucky won't give up... but will his plan work and will the reader and Bucky get together? We'll see. Feedback is appreciated.
Permanent Taglist: Permanent Taglist:  @rebekahdawkins @marajade1974 @missvelvetsstuff @phillygirl77 @pattiemac1 @winterslove1917 @vampire7595 @unkasworld @midnightramyeoncravings
Story Taglist: @unaxv @kandis-mom, @igotmajordaddyissues, @millercontracting, @thesoundresoundsecho, @kentokaze, @tornraltos, @bisexualnikkisixx @alwaysclassyeagle
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ask-red-sniper · 1 month
Yo, wassup? Already saw the red scout on here, but now the red sniper too?? Pretty freakin' awesome!
But uh, yea hope ya dont mind me..i just want everythin to be friendly on here! Unlike in battle..
But yea, sup!
⚾️'- he's a friendly goober for da most part ykyk...
Oh.. your the blu bloke aint ya? Yeah I can play nice on here.. s'not like were in battle right here right now. Sorry for blowin holes in ya head or whatevah.. its a job Um.. not good at talkin to people online or like in person so sorry bout that mate. G'day though
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tf2shipswag · 1 year
Demo introducing Zhanna to his mother like "Ye know me boyfriend Jane, I called you bout him when we were stationed out in Arizona, aye? Right numpty, the soldier from BLU? Ach, well, this is his wife, Zhanna... Now, before ye go on an' wallop me upside me head, hear me out. This is all an agreement, so dontcha go thinkin Jane's a knob for havin' a wife while bein' with us. Zhanna's a lovely hen, keeps up with us, and I'd be lyin' if I said I didnae like her too. So, yea. Your boyo's finally got hisself a family."
and his ma would be all confused but still be like "Me boy!"
I came up with the name Boots n Bombs n Brawn, and I think it's perfect. It suits them.
I love poly people.
They all sleep together in the same too small bed and take turns being the little spoon.
Zhanna and Jane about to take a shower after a really long day, but uh oh, who goes first? Jane says "Now hold it right there, son. That shower faucet has my name all over it! I will shove my dirty, unshowered foot up your sorry ass if you do not step aside!" and Zhanna is like "Alright then, maggot-bear, fight me! I have won against much bigger shower thief than you! I will beat you, and shower first, and then will have to shower you after because you will be pile of broken bones!"
and then soldier is like "Alright Thats It" strips naked "FIGHT ME, MAGGOT!!"
and then zhanna also strips naked "SO BE IT, YOU WILL LOSE!!"
And then Demo walks in from the hallway, not entirely surprised at seeing his too partners naked, dirty, and about to wrestle in front of the bathroom door. "Have you lot heard of this concept called... Sharing the shower. You know. Showering Together? I hear it can be quite romantic" wiggles eyebrows
Zhanna and Solly pause, fists raised, sparring positions held. "hrmmmm. A third option. I see..." Solly mumbles. Jane and zhanna exchange looks, debating whether this idea is worth trying. Zhanna makes up her mind "I will shower with you if you keep your unshowered foot out of my ass" n she holds out her hand as though proposing a handshake
Soldier considers it. "Only if you leave my bones ubroken and unpiled!"
"deal" they shake hands enthusiastically
and then they shower together and show off their muscles whilst covered in soap bubbles
"ok, you obviously win in the pectoral department, but get a load of This!" shows off upper back muscles (and his slouch) from carrying around fuck off huge rocket launchers
"impressive, but look!" Shows off huge neck and arm and back muscles from wrestling and beating the shit out of bears
and they are both utterly infatuated with eachother.
"Awww look! You made heart shaped puddle of dirty water!" Zhanna points to the ground "Hah! I think that is my blood! From when I tried opening a soup can with my teeth!" Solly responds.
Demo is so affectionately fed up with their shenanigans. Like, usually demo and solly are The Duo for chaos and shenanigans. But having Zhanna around is like having a woman version of solly. So its double trouble, and demo has to constantly balance out their unhingedness
anyways yeah. Thats my propaganda
this is such good content oh my gooooooooooooooooooood
okay i know i said i usually like boots n bombs as queerplatonic but the exception is when zhanna is also included because their polycule is INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are all so in love its crazy
literally soldier and zhanna will cover themselves in like. syrup or something in the kitchen while making pancakes and have a fist-fight and demoman will see them and join them and then they'll all stand up and give each other pats on the back and tell eachother what they did well in the fight and then they make out while the pancakes burn to a crisp and the smoke alarm goes off. this is all in the team-base kitchen btw and it's like 5-7 am
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sweetnsour1 · 2 years
Fluff, Kaminari x female reader, part 1 of 2
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“Hey, this is so embarrassing but could I ask you to-?”
“Yea, yea. Give it to which one?”
You stared down at the palm he offered you before following his blue tinted gaze to the two pros he had left outside.
“Uh…” He smiled at you, only derailing your original question further. He looked so god damn handsome, but what the hell was he talkin’ about. “Give what to who?”
“Your number, right?” He stepped beside you, throwing a surprisingly heavy arm over your shoulder as he pointed at the two heroes waiting for him outside your shop. “So who’s your type, gorgeous…the red teddy bear or the explosive softie?”
“Oh…neither?” You shifted under the lean muscles still pinning you to his side, meeting his golden eyes as he finally lifted his shades. He squinted as if he were straining to see. You kinda doubted those blue glasses were prescription, so you wondered what he was looking for.
“Really? Shit, well what’d you need me to charge?” He wore that same smile, looking eager. It wasn’t until you scrunched your face into a pout that he stopped talking long enough for you to get a word in.
“Stop guessing so badly and let me ask.” Your mouth fell open as heat spread, following the path of his arm and rising up your neck. This was not the way to ask a top hero for a favor. And yet, his face lit up. You finally realized what had been missing from his expression before. His smile stretched wide, creasing the skin around his eyes. He laughed, shaking you for a moment before he released you.
“Sorry, you’re totally right. So how did you want to embarrass yourself?” You let your glare escape onto your face for a moment at the teasing tone he’d opted for.
“Could you come by again? My niece is a big fan and she’d kill me if I didn’t ask.” He looked stunned, but recovered quickly.
“Oh? Is she as cute as you are?”
“Hmm, I find that hard to believe.”
“Oh yea, no question.” You stepped closer, loving the flutter you felt inside as his eyes went wide and he took a step back. “Just do me a favor and turn her down gently when she proposes. She’s a little too young for you.”
“What time?”
“Really.” His attention was stolen for a moment by a rough knock on the window. He waved at the blonde waiting for him outside, earning an eye roll from Dynamight. “Duty calls.” He walked backwards toward the door, making you laugh as he bumped into a display on his way. “How bout I patrol this area the same time tomorrow?”
“That’d be great, but no worries if um…you know, duty calls somewhere else. I understand.”
“Nah, I’ll be here. How else am I gonna get to know my future wife?”
“Don’t be a creep. I promise she’s not your type.”
“Who said I was talkin’ about her?”
He winked again before he darted out the door. The stun gun hero lived up to his name, leaving you speechless and immobile as you watched him break into a run to catch up with the heroes already across the street.
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Might edit this more later.
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rockkandii · 5 months
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Hana: Wait- you like, WHO?!
Y/n: DONT! Hana, please, for the love of everything please don't lose it. Like I said, it's just a crush! Nothing crazy!
Hana: Oh come on, when do I ever 'lose it'
Y/n: Really..?
Hana: Uh, noted. But anyways, PLEASE tell me I heard you right!!
Y/n: Yeah, you did.. but, like I said it's just-
Hana: Yeah yeah, just a crush sure. But, I mean come on! You liking anyone is a miracle of its own but LUCIO?!
Y/n: GAH- can you not Shout his name please?!
Hana: Oop- ha, sorry. But seriously! You've got a crush on our designated music man?
Y/n: Well.. I mean yeah, we've been getting out on a lot of missions together lately and sometimes I'm a bit nervous before hand so he's been letting me listen to music on the way there to help calm me down and then.. well we got to talking and such and he's really interesting and ya know he's always been cute and- GAH im rambling! *Hiding their face while Hana is grinning like a madwoman*
Hana: So what I'm hearing is, you've gotten to know him and he's gotten to know you and nowwww we just need to find out if he feels the same?
Y/n: Oh lord, no Hana, please.. I couldnt. I don't need to know anything, for all I know he's just been very nice this whole time and it's one sided and I don't want it to be awkward..
Hana: Oh don't worry! You, don't need to do anything but stay here. Detective Hana is on the case, I'm a master of stealth and information gathering. He'll tell me everything without even knowing it.
**Later that night**
In the common room, Hana finally found Lucio who was scrolling through his phone while listening to music.
Hana: Hey Lucio! *Plops down next to him, scaring him out of his thoughts*
Lucio: Woah- oh! Hey Hana! What's up?
Hana: Oh nothing much, just been wandering around bored. How bout you?
Lucio: Oh ya know, just- listening to music, the usual. *Hana goes to look over his shoulder, but he leans the phone away a bit*
S-so uh, was there- did you- uh, didja need something?
Hana: Yes actually. *Stares at him squinting*
Lucio: Okay..? And that is?
Hana: Do you like y/n? *Lucio chokes on nothing trying to suck on a breath at hanas forwardness*
Lucio: Do i- huh?? Where'd you get that from? Why do you ask?
Hana: You're so nervous, so I take that as a yes? *Smirking at her totally "stealthy" accomplishment*
Lucio: *Sighs, setting his phone down and nodding* yeah, you got me. I've actually been trying to tell them for like, a week now but every time I try I get all jumbled up and can't get it out right. So, all day I've been putting together a playlist of songs that actually fit their vibe but also spell out what I'm tryin to say.
Hana: That's actually so cute, omg.. they'll be so happy, you totally gotta finish it and send it to them! *Hopping on the couch in happiness*
Lucio: Whoa wait, back it up, they'd actually be happy? Wait a minute, did they say something about me?
Hana: *Sweating in nervousness* uh- no? Oh wow look at the time! I've gotta go walk my mech, see ya later! *Bolts out of the room, leaving a blinking Lucio behind.
Lucio: Man, what?
**The next day, Hana returns from a last minute overnight mission.
Hana: What- huh? What'd I do?! *Notices it's y/n running towards her* oh crap.
Hana: *Completely confused now as she's getting shaken back and forth* what even, huh??
Y/n: Lucio, he came to my room last night sometime after you and the others left for the mission and he sent me a playlist.. it was so sweet and had so many good songs but then all the titles clicked and he likes me back.. and after we talked about all that he also mentioned your not so subtle way of asking about his feelings.
Hana: *Nervous laughter* haha, yeaaaa.. well I mean it all worked out, yea?..
Y/n: Yes, yes it did. Now, you go get your rest. I'll be with Lucio in the library if you need me.
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anormalweirdo · 1 year
Part two of my YouTuber!Itadori X reader. If you missed part one it's right here. I hope you all enjoy my new series and if you have anything you want me to write about feel free to ask 😄. I know there's most likely errors and mistakes and I'm sorry bout that. I was just rushing to put this out, especially considering it's been almost a week since the first post came out. Once again I hope you all enjoy my series💙.
You honestly still couldn't believe that you even got a response from the gaming YouTuber himself. You guys have finally contacted each other to plan out a couple of days where you're both free to meet up to record your videos for you separate channels. You two decided not to tell your fans about anything, if anything you chose to trick your fans into believing that he never responded to you. Considering that Itadori did get comments about you and the whole collab which eventually caused him to just turn his comments off completely. Many people were left confused to say the least when you posted a tweet saying "it's finally the day, stay tuned bad bitches‼️".
"Alright you ready to start this shit" you ask while adding your finishing touches to your gaming setup. "Of course I'm so ready to beat your ass" Yuji says while smirking. You press start on your live and watch as people start to join. "Sup bad bitches guess who I'm with today" you say as you grab Yuji's arm and put him more into the camera. "It's yujiiii" you yell. "The people in the comments already excited" yuji says while reading some of em." Yea they've been waiting for this for a lil minute". You sit down in your chair all ge way and put your headphones on while you see yuji staring at you through the camera. "What are you looking at" you say in curiosity. "You" "um why?" "I can't look at you?" He asked while laughing. "No don't be weird now that we finna play this game" "yea yea whatever just prepare to take yo L". "You never showed me how to play this game, so if I lose its your fault" you say annoyed. "You never asked me how to play. I would've been showed you." Itadori says while shrugging his shoulders. You roll your eyes and turn your attention to some of the people in your comments. "Itadori someone asked 'is this why you turned off your comments'". "Oh yea you guys where flooding my comments over her and this collab, so I had to turn em off so I don't get thousands of notifications a day". He joins you and do some comment reading of his own when his eyes glance at one particular comment, which seem to have his attention. He ignores the comment for now, thinking it'll be a good time to announce it while y'all are playing. If his cards is played right it could be used as a distraction. "Alrighty let's get this shit started for real" you say while grabbing your controller. "Ready to lose" Itadori ask with a smirk. "Hell no" you say while smirking back.
Fast forward a few minutes and a couple of losing rounds you finally had Itadori in a losing situation. Just as you were about to make Itadori get his first L of the night he asked you a question. "One of.the comments said that you had a major crush on me. Is that true?" It was like the whole screen of your gaming PC went blank as your eyes grow wide and you mouth open. Itadori celebrates as "WINNER" is flashed on his screen. You quickly snap back into reality as you look at the "LOSER" on your screen, still a bit in shock. "That's no fair, you cheated to get that win" "we never said that simply asking a question to each other was cheating, but you didn't answer my question babe" he says while turning his attention to you. You're in even more shock, not only did he win the game, but he also asked you a crazy question, and he called you babe. You look back at him and simply shrug your question, trying to seem uninterested. "Yeah but it wasn't nothing major" "uh huh sureeee" Itadori says while laughing as you roll you eyes. "To y'all people watching this don't think nothing of this, it was just something slight" you say as you huff. "I want yall to make all the edits of us after this collab". You look at the comment section which were mostly filled of a both of comments like "I definitely ship" "y'all are literally perfect" and "please get together". You laugh at some of the comments, especially the ones in all caps. "You guys can't expect us to do anything, especially when we literally barely know each other. Maybe in a couple of weeks." You say laughing "so you do like me" Yuji says while looking into the camera. "Omg not no more, now you're just annoying" you say while getting out of you chair to use the bathroom. "Excuse me" "you're excused" "don't start this childish shit, scoot overrr" you say. "Say please and I'll let you move babe" "oh my fucking god please move" you say irritated. Itadori finally moves out the way, as your walking in front of him he watches you walk away. His eyes look at your ass as.your hips sway. He looks back into the camera and smirks to himself. "Y'all if we ever get together she owes me $20".
Once the live was almost over you announce one more game as Itadori left to get y'all something to drink. "What the hell are y'all talking about" you say as you read the comments about the deal Itadori made without your knowledge. "He didn't even tell me about any deals or anything" "maybe we should make a deal, but what's it about?" You ask. The comments were quick to tell which made you laugh. "Bet we'll make that a deal, but ain't no backing out". Itadori soon comes back into the room and gives a look when he sees you sitting in his chair. "Can you get up?" He ask. "Say please and I'll let you move babe" you say mocking him. "Can you please get up L/N" "hmmmmm no" "alright bet". You don't think nothing of it until you see his back facing you. You quickly lose your breath as he sits on your lap. "Get yo ass off of me" you struggle to say. "Hmmmmm no" he mocks. The people are saying our positions should be switched". Itadori says while laying on you, getting relaxed. "Get off" "if I get off you gotta get in my lap" "absolutely not" you say. "Alrighty then" he says while relaxing on you even more. "Ok ok damn nigga I can't breathe" you say annoyed. Itadori smiles as he gets up and looks at you. "Yo ass stink" you say as you get up and stretch. "That's not true y'all, she was just begging to eat my ass before the Livestream started". "The fuck?! No I didn't stop lying". You bent over a little bit to see some of the comments, which were filled with "get in his lap" and "sit on his lap". You tried to act like you couldn't see the comments until you heard Yuji behind you. "C'mon L/N we gotta keep the fans satisfied" he says while sitting down, manspreading in his chair. You roll of eyes and sit down stiffly on his lap. "Let's make this quick" you say while laughing, which made him chuckle. "Oh by the way I have a question before we end the lifestream" you say. "Yes?" "Did you make a bet with me without my knowledge?" You asked while. Turning you head to look at him. "Oh yeah I said that if we end up together you owe me $20" he says truthfully. "Well let's shake hands on it" you say as you put your hand out. "We got ourselves a deal L/N".
Hours after the Livestream was over you did your nightly routine and went to your bedroom. Yuji went to his hotel a couple hours after the stream. You're laying in bed scrolling through your phone when you seen a notification. It was a text message from Itadori, a TikTok video. You click on the notification which took you to the message, then you clicked on the link which took you to TikTok. You look at the video which started off with a dark screen. The screen flashes and you finally see why he sent you the video. It was an edit of you in his lap and you talking to him from the stream. You look wide eyed as you watched the video again. It was already edits being made! Part of you understood why, especially considering the tension that was made between you two. But the other part of you just couldn't believe how fast it was before anything came out. You thought it would've been at least a day before anything happened. You snapped out of your thoughts when you received another notification. You heart beats even faster as you read the notification. 'That's definitely going into my favorites. If stuff like this happened today imagine how it's gonna be tomorrow. Goodnight L/N~'.
I hope y'all enjoyed part two of the Gamer!Yuji Itadori, I literally started it once I seen the answers from the polls. I'll work on part three as soon as I can especially because I want to be consistent with this series. If you missed part one it's right here and stay in tune. Bye~
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ms-kio · 3 months
Technichally Not A Mutant
Mina Ashido X TMNT 2012! 1030 Words
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Mina was sitting on a rooftop, her legs dangling over the edge as she gazed at the stars. How did she end up here? All she remembered was a bright flash of light as she passed the support course doors, then she appeared on the roof. She had been there for quite some time, not quite comfortable with exploring yet and listening to the people below her. The acid girl could make out a few words from the people below her, though English wasn’t her strong suit. She’d also noticed another something strange; everybody seemed plain, quirkless. That was until Mina heard someone behind her, causing the pink teen to turn and settle into a fighting stance, courtesy of Aizawa-sensei. She was greeted by the face of another teen, a turtle mutant. He seemed cautious, his fists up in a defensive position, but not hostile.
”[Uh, who are you?]” she asked. The turtle boy's brow furrowed and he replied, with a noticeable accent. “[My name is Raphael, I speak little Japanese.]” Mina nodded in understanding, dropping her stance. “[Cool! I’m Mina Ashido!] Mina greeted, offering her hand Raphael followed suit, taking her hand in his. Mina shook it, sinking back into her stance. “Spar?” She asked, this time in English. Raphael grinned, in a way that reminded Mina of Bakugo. “Gladly, [Pinky].”
~ ~ ~
Raphael immediately took into account how fast and flexible this girl was, especially after having to dodge a kick to his jaw from less than two feet away. And she was in heels! Mina was wearing a large bandana around her chest, as well as a pair of high-waisted jean shorts with leggings, and a large fur coat. Raph had to admit she had taste. Her skin was also alarmingly pink, with unique eyes and a small pair of horns. Usually the hothead didn’t like pink, though it suited her well. He and Mina traded a seemingly endless amount of blows, before the turtle took out his sais. The girl replied with a flick of acid to his legs, which caught him off guard enough for her to land a knee to his cheekbone. So they were fighting dirty. Raph kicked debris up into Mina's eyes, forcing her to close them as he threw an uppercut at her chin. This back and forth continued until Raph and Mina were covered in acid burns and bruises, respectively, deciding to call it quits when the turtle teen got a bloody nose.
After saying his farewells, Raphael made way back to the base, flopping on his beanbag in the main room. Those acid burns were a pain in the shell and he felt dead on his feet, feeling relieved to sit down. He’d already missed evening patrol, and he was probably gonna miss midnight, so he might as well rest up for early morning. The boy pulled out his T-Phone, calling his nerd brother. “Raph? What's up? You missed evening patrol.” His voice sounded over the device. “Yea, I know. Sorry ‘bout that. I feel about as sore as a deadbeat horse. Got anything for acid burns?” Raph asked. “Acid burns!? Raph, where are you? How bad are the burns?” Don's demeanor immediately went from frantic brother to focused doctor as Raph heard his brother's medical box rattling in the background. Leo and Mikey were also there, it seemed, asking questions. “I’m in the living room. The burns aren’t bad, I’m just covered in a whole bunch of tiny ones.” “Alright. Leo, Mikey, you go make sure Raph stays awake. I need to assess his injuries, and he sounds half alive. He’s in the living room.” Soon enough, Raph heard the garage doors pen, plus two pairs of feet rapidly drawing closer. “Raph, what happened? Why are you covered in acid burns? Was it another mutant?” Leo asked, obviously concerned. “Friendly sparring match, needa talk to sensei ‘bout it later…” Raph slurred, his eyes drifting closed. “Bro, stay awake!” Mikey said suddenly, shaking the red-masked turtle in a panic. Raph jolted, hissing in pain before slapping Mikey away. “Be careful Mikey!” Leo scolded. “What, I’m stressed!” “Leave the poking to me!” Don shouted from the other room, soon by Raphs side, shooing away the other two. He then pressed a piece of gauze against a burn on Raphs collar bone, storing it in a small container before treating the rest. Donatello chattered at him constantly, forcing Raph to answer every question he asked, no matter how mundane. And finally, when Don was done, he let Raph sleep.
~ ~ ~
Mina watched as her new friend(?) left. They had exchanged very few words, but she felt like she understood Raphael more than most others. No wonder Aizawa-sensei had them ‘spar it out’ with him if they presented any personal problems. It told him how to respond, the best way to help, or to have them just ‘tough it out’. Mina lied down on the softest stretch of concrete she could find on the rooftop and closed her eyes, listening to the city sounds. The spar had taken out a lot of her anxiety about getting back to her home, and now she was just tired. So when no more than thirty seconds passed, she was out like a light.
~ ~ ~
Hamato Yoshi arose from his meditation, exiting the dojo. This was usually when the boys were having their early morning patrol, so he wasn’t expecting to see Raphael and Donatello to be in the living room. The taller of the two was working quietly on his computer, one hand checking his brother's temperature. “Donatello? Why are you and Raphael here? And why is your brother covered in bandages?” “!” Donatello's head snapped towards him in momentary surprise. “Oh, hello sensei. Raph was out earlier and apparently he met another mutant and had a ‘friendly sparring match’ with them.” Donatello explained. “However, the DNA in the acid residue doesn’t contain any traces of mutagen.” “No traces of mutagen?” Yoshi asked. “Are you suggesting a new breed of mutant?” “I don’t know sensei.” Donatello lamented. “Unlike any mutant we’ve encountered, this one seems to be completely independent of external chemicals, like an extremely advanced version of evolution.”
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reiningsoral · 4 months
You can talk about Stuff for hours if you'd like, I don't mind
you know sometimes i forget this is the nerd website.
anyway you've given me an excellent excuse to talk about Stuff! disclaimer tho it's past midnight and im very very fucked in the brain rn bc finals r coming up... i kinda just used this as an excuse to word vomit a bunch of unrelated feelings and infodumps into on mildly incoherent post so yeah sorry bout that
mlp theory!!
so in the first episode of the first season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Nightmare Moon is prophesized to be released/freed from her prison (the moon) by the stars. now that at first gets you thinking, "okay, but why would the stars want nightmare moon to be freed? she's evil." and you're right... kind of?
twilight's cutie mark is a sparkle, or rather, a star. see where im going? well now you're thinking "but twilight actively works against nightmare moon!" and you're right! but, i dont think the prophecy was actually about freeing nightmare moon, but about freeing Luna.
luna herself didnt ever want to cause the kind of harm that happened when she was nightmare moon, and she was essentially imprisoned in her own mind via corruption in a weird sort of venom-and-eddie-but-not-really kind of thing
twilight sparkle, the stars, frees Luna from her prison (nightmare moon) which was a state originally brought on by corruption, i think(?)
dont hug me im scared makes me very nostalgic for a multitude of reasons, but also extremely uncomfortable in a comforting way?
uh if you havent guessed im autistic (undiagnosed but whtv) and this section of my half-past-midnight, feelings-induced, whatever-ness of a post/ask answer is about how dhmis made me feel and why i guess
dhmis makes me think of jack stauber's videos. i think the connection is pretty obvious, i mean, you cant take a look at bumblebees are out and then take a look at dhmis and tell me they arent at all similar.
umm, dhmis's approach to horror is very interesting and unique to itself, its (or was, when it was first introduced) a very new style of horror. it's a psychological nightmare, but even without the even surface-level analysies of the psychological horror, it's still absolutely horrifying. it's uncomfortable, it's gross, and it's generally very unpleasant.
so like,,, why do we watch it?
or i guess, why do i watch it.
all three guys (yellow, red, duck) are trapped in this repeating nightmare of a day, with incompetent people masquerading as teachers who dont know what they're talking about. this, again, very deeply resonates with me, as the kid who had a lot of special interests which coincidentally corresponded to a lot of things we learned in school. i liked a lot of things science related, expecially since my parents are both scientists. i often like, knew more about the topics that were being taught (read: shoved down my throat, incorrectly i might add) to me. i, being the justice seeker i was, would raise my hand to correct the teacher because i needed to make sure that this clearly innocent mistake was corrected so that no one carried misinformation. which is rude, apparently, there's a reason i dont like talking about stuff anymore, thanks middleschool. that bit about yellow guy turning smart for a bit really hit, sorry.
the whole part of the first ever episode about the arranging-leaves-and-sticks-into-one's-favorite-color makes me think about that time in fifth grade. the scene is so hilariously jarring in one way, then it hits you again. "go and collect some leaves and sticks, and arrange them into your favorite colors" is a line that, at first, just makes completely no sense at all, because, how the fuck does one arrange a pretty much monochromatic pallette and arrange it to be in your favorite colors? youre given only a half a second to be confused before the three comply in a different way than the viewer didnt think was the option. they arrange the sticks to spell out thier favorite colors. and then, yeah! that makes sense, so youre satisfied. but the episode punches you in the goddamn face again, by telling yellow he's wrong because "green is not a creative color" which is both very jarring and triggering, and just, infinitely hilarious to me. so how does any of that remind me of fifth grade? it's more autistic childhood stuff, lmao:
when i was in fifth grade, i had teacher who didnt communicate her kind of already nonsensical rules in a way little autistic me could understand, and i didnt ask questions because id been trained to know that asking questions is "giving sass" or fucking, whatever the hell nt adults think it is idk. anyway, this one weekish, at some point, my more rowdy classmates had gotten out of hand using their water bottles and kept spilling water everywhere, so my teacher said that we had to keep our water bottles at her desk at all times. and i was immediately distressed for two reasons: one, it was interrupting a status-quo that had been established (i.e., keeping out water bottles by us, at our feet, every day), and two, i couldnt drink water if Ms. teacher had my bottle. and the way she said it made it extremely easy for an autistic who takes almost everything too literally to misinterpert what she was saying. everyone else got the memo apparently, but i didnt.
id go on more about this but im too tired for an emotional deep dive rn and i wasnt to make an actual post about just dhmis at some point. anyway the point ofthat section was basically i really relate to yellow guy.
the truman show!!
the truman show is a work of absolute fucking genius. i was actually introduced to it via ranboo's generation loss, which is an analogue horror series with a youtube channel with around six(?) vids and a three-part streamed-vod series which was inspired by the truman series i think.
anywaay the inherent horror but comfort in your whole entire life being carefully crafted to be entertainment for thousands upon thousands of people! untapped venting market tbh.
the way that, at the start of the movie, the show is already unraveling, his dad shows up in almost the first scene.
i think the way that the actors subtly break character throughout the show and then try to cover it up in a way that makes sense to their character so that truman doesnt realize they're not real.
but then how the subtlety of the character breaks slowly becomes less and less subtle, and it just... unravels.
um, anyway yeah theres a couple of,,, things that ive been kinda thinking about, mostly incomprehensible because yet again it's past midnight, but i needed to word vomit idk
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skeleboiii84 · 2 years
Hi... Ima a big fan ,I had a request could u do mafiatale and mafiafell sans x reader angst, fluff and maybe smut
Helloooo There darling!! <3 this has been a long time coming I sincerely apologize for the wait sweetie 🥺
I just didn't know how or where to go with this story but I think ik where I'll take it! I'm so happy your a fan of my writing your so sweet you've waited a while for this so I'll make it as long as I can 😊❤💙
Come back out sweetheart.. Please..?
(A mafiafell sans X mafiatale sans X reader) angst, fluff and a lil smut
You ran up to your bedroom in tears and slammed the door behind you. You sat on the floor as you cried into your knees. Sans and butch had been fighting again, when you tried to stop them they both shouted at you to stay out of it.
They immediately calmed down when they saw the tears in your eyes you couldn't handle being shouted at, they knew that. But you didn't wait for an answer you ran straight up with tears silently rolling down your cheeks.
"Dollface..? Ya.. Uh ya in there..? " said a soft low voice from outside the door it was butch. When you didn't answer sans chimed in "we're sorry baby.. We didn't mean to upset ya.. ", butch decided to add" yea.. We really are..we shouldnt have raised our voices at ya..come back out sweetheart..please..?" you could hear how sincere they sounded so you slowly opened the door avoiding their gaze.
Sans put his hand on your cheek and wiped a falling tear, causing you to look him in the sockets. "We know you were tryin ta help babe but sometimes if we fight we don want you gettin involved is all" sans said softly. Butch nodded in agreement and took your right hand to give it a gentle kiss.
"We're sorry" they said it at the same time looking up at you as they were on their knees because they knew it tugged your heart strings.
You sniffed "I'll forgive you.. " you mumbled, they both bounced up to shower you in kisses until you stopped them before they could. "If" they looked at you with a confused look. "If? " sans asked.
You composed yourself before stating "if I get you two all day tomorrow with cuddles, kisses and attention", you puffed out you're cheeks and turned from their gaze.
You're little fit was rudely interrupted by being tackled to the bed. "Ahh! " you shrieked as they both pinned you down. "Come on doll Ya'know we can't take days off just for a lil fuck around", butch chuckled. " do you want me to forgive you? " you huffed at him.
But that huffed turned into a gasp as he rubbed up you're hips and sans kissed you're neck lightly biting it too. You let out a soft moan as your neck and hips were sensitive. "How bout we make you forgive us~? " sans said in a low tone in your ear that sent a shiver up you're spine.
"Mhnng~ you'd have to work for it~" you whined. "That's our naughty girl~" butch ran his fingers up your warmth causing a sinful moan to fall from your lips.
The night was let's just sayy passionate~😉😉
Again I really do apologize for the wait darling 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
You've been very patient with me, but alas I have delivered! So enjoy your mafia boys if you want some more smut let me know through my ask box and I'll get on it! 💙❤
Again enjoy darling you deserve your husbones<33
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