#i'm also open to writing a 4th part
yeonban · 10 months
I was joking around about marriage in the last post and everything but then I realized in all of my years as a rper on tumblr (10) I have only once rped a wedding, and only thrice a marriage proposal... that's flabbergasting.
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ambrosiagoldfish · 7 months
I've never sent a request before, but I'm fiending for more adam, like anything, anything at all
Benefit of the doubt
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Adam x 3rd Spouse! Reader
Viewer discretion is advised
Warnings: Angst(?), Not exactly fluff at the end but it gets better, typical Adam TW’s, reader low-key high-key has a complex about being loved, this is set way before the show, and Gn! Reader. (Also Y/n isn’t used, which also surprised me, the author, LMAO)
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Request Box: Open
Word count: 1760
A/N: Hi! Thanks for the request! I haven’t had a chance to write something that was originally my own idea in a while, so this was very refreshing! I’ve had this idea since I’ve watched the show so I hope you enjoy it!
I’m entirely up for making a small series from this oneshot, but I would need to know y’all’s opinion on it! (So don’t feel scared to let me know if you want some more of this idea in my Request box/the replies on this post!!)
Also Adam may be slightly OOC but please just chalk it up to him not yet getting his ego’s dick sucked 24/7
Anyways, I hope you all enjoy, let me know if you do!
Proofread but of course could have left mistakes!
You’ve existed for almost all of human existence, Almost.
You were the 4th being to be created during the time of Eden. But unlike the other 3, you weren’t human. In fact, you technically never lived before. An honestly hopeless existence, yet it was so beautiful in every way. But for what purpose? Well…
You were created shortly after Eve ate the apple, before she and eventually Adam committed the first act of sin that caused evil to latch onto humanity like a leech.
The reason for your existence was simple. To be Adam’s new spouse, except for when after he died. From the very moment Eve bit the fruit of temptation, it was already decided she would hold no place in heaven. Adam was given mercy due to him not possessing any knowledge of the fruit Eve had shared with him, he trusted her wholeheartedly. Which is exactly why heaven gave him mercy… no, pity would be a better choice of words.
Upon your creation you learned immediately of the happenings before your existence. About Lilith and Eve, and about Lucifer
And so, after Adam and Eve were casted away from the Garden, they continued to live their lives, fostering the existence of mankind for the rest of time. And when they eventually died, Adam was given pity while Eve was thrown to the wayside, the vast unknown.
You thought it was finally your time to experience existence with the one you loved, the one you were made for. Of course you never would know life as he did but surely your life never-after life could be just as meaningful as his.
How excited you were, how completely enamored by the thought of it. But there was a problem with that, Adam had grown into a new person, he was meant to of course, he was human. But he had grown selfish, abhorrent… insecure.
You understood why, to be betrayed by not one but two of his wives for the same person. You couldn’t possibly imagine what he could be feeling. Before you were to meet your future husband, Sera informed you that he had asked for a mask, and once on, he has refused to take it off.
That didn’t bother you, it’s irrelevant to your love for him. You've only heard descriptions of his features. Short Brown hair, gold eyes, bushy eyebrows, some scruff on his chin. All in all, he sounded perfectly fine, ordinary even. But even then it’s his choice to wear the mask, so you’ll respect it.
Finally, the time he arrived in heaven, and when Sera finally introduced you, his new spouse, the one to whom would be by his side for the rest of forever.
He rejected you outright.
“What?” Your breath hitched as you stuttered over the word, the sharp inhale of your lungs through your mouth flicked through the air.
Sera looked just as shocked as you but she quickly regained her composure “What is the meaning of this Adam?”
“If you think I’m going to let my life get fucked over by another one of your “gifts” well, you’ve got another thing coming!” He crossed his arms and shook his head defyingly. “I’ve already learned my lesson with those last 2 bitches.”
“Adam I’m sorry that happened to you but I would never-“ almost like lightning his finger shot to your mouth, shushing you.
“Save it, Sweetcheeks, I really don’t care what you have to say, so just stay there and look pretty, k?” His hand fell and grabbed the sides of your face, squishing your cheeks together, his LED mask flashing a sharp smile.
You saddeningly looked down at the clouds below you.
“Adam!” Sera’s voice sounded through the air, still soft but firm, she continued, placing a hand on your shoulder, “Divine judgment allowed you to be the first human soul in heaven, so I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I expect you to give your new spouse that same grace.”
Slowly your eyes looked up at Sera with a soft smile. Adam only groaned “Ugh, Fine but don’t be fuxking annoying, capiche?” You nod your head quickly.
“Very good, glad we have it settled.” Sera gives a quick smile, “now, I have some business to take care of so I’ll leave you two alone to get to know one another” With that, Sera flew away leaving the both of you alone.
The silence was thick in the air, the only sound being the occasional wind breeze blowing past. The sunlight creeps in through the clouds painting an orange sky above you both. In every sense of the word, it was perfect.
It was almost funny. You had waited so long to finally meet him, your true love, the one you were made for. All the things you dreamed about, the laughs you’d have together, the warm embrace of the person who you loved. But now… you didn’t know what to say…
“I’m… happy to finally meet you.” Your voice is quiet, almost non-audible. “I’ve been waiting for you since… well, forever…”
He doesn’t respond. He seems to be transfixed on something below you both. You train your eyes on whatever he’s watching only to see the dark cavernous abyss below you. Finally he breaks his silence.
“The fuck is that?” He asked pointing down, a sound of genuine intrigue hidden behind his abrasive voice
“That’s hell?” You stated confused “where would-be sinners will go to be punished, didnt you k-“ you suddenly realized that perhaps Adam really didn’t know what hell was. It was only created relatively recently, after Eve and Him ate the apple, of course he wouldn’t know. “it’s also where Lucifer-“
“Don’t fucking say his name.” Adam spoke, his voice rough in his speech. LED mask putting a harsh frown on his face. “Let’s get one thing straight M”Kay babe, if you’re my “new spouse” that’s something you should remember.” The “new spouse” was said with a tone clearly meant to mock you.
“Ugh, It’s fine, just don’t do it again.” He groaned before a wicked smile crept onto his mask “Sooo, that means he’s going to be stuck with all the wasteful beings of existence, HA fuxkin’ hilarious. Guess that makes them the losers and us the Winners!”
His laugh filled the air, the sound was like music to your ears, sure maybe it wasn’t really what you’d hoped he’d fine funny, but you loved it all the same but eventually his laugh died down
Silence again… in admits of all of it you suddenly was sparked with a thought “oh!” Adam looked confused at the random exclamation. “I had almost forgotten… I brought you something, as a welcome gift or was it a nice to meet you gift? Both? Eh, it doesn’t matter but the point is-“ you suddenly snap your fingers.
Golden light began shining, the light seemed like liquid hot magma as it moved and molded slowly into a shape. Light seemed to be overlapping and churning into itself, forming your desired outcome. With one final snap of your fingers, the gleaming gold liquid took hold, and quickly hardened to a solid.
The object that had formed quickly fell down, landing in your arms with a light thud.
“I’m still learning this creation stuff, so I’m sorry if it’s not perfect but-“ you hold out the object in your arms as an invitation to grab it “I learned from Sera that you liked to play guitar when you were alive, so I thought you might like to have one here…”
Adam looked at the instrument in your hands. The base color was gold, the neck was pearly white with gold strings. To be honest it looked more like a harp then anything, like if a guitar and a harp had a baby.
Silence again. Did he not like it? Did he hate it? You go to pull it back to you and apologize when suddenly it’s ripped out from your hands.
“Holyshit, this is sick as Fuck!” Adam immediately started playing some rifts on the new guitar. The sound wasn’t what you were expecting but you guess Sera was right about his talent with the instrument. The whole time his mask had a wide and sharp smile as he mimicked guitar sounds with his voice, the occasional laugh leaving his mouth.
“I’m really glad you like it” you say, a sigh of relief leaving your body.
Adam looked at you, one you missed. He saw how relieved you were, how nice you were being. No person who supposedly loved him ever gifted him something, well, one other did. Someone he trusted and loved more than everyone, anyone. But look how that ended, with them being removed from the garden, away from an eternity of happiness until he died. All from someone giving him what he thought was nothing but love, a gift.
But he could see that this was different, you were different. When Eve gave him the apple, she didn’t explain what it was or why she wanted him to eat it, even when he asked her she didn’t explain. But with you, you had not only given him something you knew he liked but also expressed the reason behind it. Yes, you were different, even Adam could see it.
“Anyways, thanks for the axe, I guess…” Adam for the first time was stunned, but quickly he continued “What was the thing that Sera chick said about me and “divine judgment” or whatever the fuck? That she gave me the “benefit of the doubt…”
You were a bit confused but continued listening, “I guess I should at least try to give you a chance, since you got me this sick ass guitar an’ shit.” Your face lit up, you about began to speak before you were, once again, shushed “B-B-But-” his finger tapped your lips with each repeated syllable ”-only a chance. If you betray me like those last 2 bitches then you’re done, got it?”
To say you were overjoyed would be an understatement, a smile quickly plastered across your face as you quickly nodded your head
“Alright good, so uh, what do ya say about showing me the best places to get a bite to eat around here, I could really go for some ribs right about now.”
“ I’d… love to, thank you Adam”
“Yeah don’t mention it Sweetcheeks” Adam quickly wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you two began walking.
Maybe you will get your eternity of happiness.you can only pray you do.
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stellarsagittarius · 1 year
🧭 8th House: Your Biggest Challenges in Astrology 🧭
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[You can book a personal reading with me, kindly check the pinned post <3]
Masterlist: All my astrology posts at one place
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8th House in Astrology rules over everything that is the considered to be the challenging parts of life. It has positive connotations in a way that through these challenges we find our brightest light. The lessons in the 8th house present themselves through our connections with other people, whether its physically, mentally, emotionally or even spiritually. Because through our connection with others we learn about life. 8th house is also connected with debts, other people's resources, being involved in drama, but that's a topic for a different day. Let's see how you can use your 8th house to navigate your challenging lessons, so that the outcome is positive and growth oriented.
See where the ruler of your 8th house falls:
Check 8th House Sign (ex. Libra) -> Sign's Planetary Ruler (ex, Libra is ruled by Venus) -> Which house the ruler falls into (ex, Venus in 4th House)
The signs and their rulers: Don't use Uranus, Neptune and Pluto as rulers of any signs. Firstly it lack proper credits, and second it's just not it (found after 1700s). We rather rely on the Traditional Astrology that has been around for millenias (since about 2nd Century CE). It just makes so much more sense (I'm going to make a long detailed post about this).
Aries, Scorpio: Mars
Taurus, Libra: Venus
Gemini, Virgo: Mercury
Cancer: Moon
Leo: Sun
Sagittarius, Pisces: Jupiter
Capricorn, Aquarius: Saturn
If you have your ruler of the 8H in the 1H, all the lessons that you experience lead you back to yourself. It's an extremely self-development oriented aspect. Your challenges and lessons shape the way you view the world. So whenever such lessons strike, seek to understand how it alters the way you understand reality and life itself. These challenges are presented to you so that you can understand no one but yourself, better. You might have a bit of insecurities and self esteem issues, that result from challenging experiences. Seek to nurture yourself in whatever way you feel the most comfortable, and put your beliefs + values first and foremost.
If you have your ruler of the 8H in the 2H, you are here to practice healthy give and take. You experience people meddling in your business all the time. Perhaps you are always stuck with people using your for your resources or material possessions or simply taking more from you than they can ever return, vice versa. Your lesson is to prioritize yourself, but also not be greedy or manipulative with others. Try to not overly attach with material outcomes, and you shall see a much better flow of finances, resources, etc. Seek healthy ways of intermingling with others, of trading and making deals. Don't lessen your personal value for anyone.
If you have your ruler of the 8H in the 3H, your biggest lesson is to express your thoughts and ideas in a better way. If you have your Mercury here *as the ruler, then it means literally speech issues like stammering or even difficultly concentrating. If you have Moon here *as the ruler, then inability to express your emotions into words. Beware of gossip or spreading misinformation, and also consuming information that is unverified or unconfirmed, since you are much more prone to issues with miscommunication. Seek journaling or writing as it can help you regulate all those thoughts in a better way. And don't hold yourself back from speaking up.
If you have your ruler of the 8H in the 4H, you have this sense of privacy that you seek to protect at all costs. The issues you regularly struggle with have to do with being vulnerable and not being able to open up, or opening up too much with anyone. There could be issues with the home and family life, perhaps there are people constantly prying over your personal life or violating your boundaries, or some of your family members being a pain in the butt. There are many ways to tackle these issues, but the best one is too have proper and healthy boundaries, because you are not everyone else's business. Seek close and trusted people to confide in.
If you have your ruler of the 8H in 5H, you might struggle a lot with either being too serious or not being serious at all when it comes to life's pleasures and fun. Striking a balance is the key. People also take advantage of your light-hearted nature, therefore your must have healthy boundaries that allows you to protect your creative and happy space. People can meddle between your kids or your creative endeavors. Your biggest lessons come from you learning how to rely on your creative self expression. Do not be afraid to shine. Your light is very strong and you deserve to feel the best. Seek to explore cool forms of expression and prioritize your inner child.
If you have your ruler of the 8H in 6H, you are meant to prioritize your routines and learn how to be a more grounded/organized/productive person. The thing is you don't need to burn yourself out or push yourself to do tasks/things that simply aren't working out, just for the sake of it. Instead, set systems that actually suit you. Do not make grand resolutions that you actually cannot put to ground. You have a bit of challenge with the material realm, either being too obsessed with perfection or being super disorganized. Some can even have a bit of health issues. Seek balance and create a healthy lifestyle that you actually enjoy living with. Build systems and not routines.
If you have the ruler of your 8H in 7H, most of your challenges and transformative situations in life has to do with others. These could be relationships, partnerships, friendships and family. Through people, you learn and grow. If you have your Venus in the 7H *as the ruler of 8H, you experience very life changing things in regards to romance and building connections with others. If you have Mercury in the 7H *as the ruler of the 8H, you experience difficultly expressing yourself with others. If you have Moon in the 7H *as the ruler of the 8H, you may have attachment issues. So seek healthy forms of communication, expression, etc. Try to learn the healthy patters of being in relationships and don't hold onto people that stall you from moving forward. Easier said than done, but even being aware of yourself helps a ton!
If you have the ruler of your 8H in 8H, you might go through a lot of shitty situations, but you are tough af. This is actually a pretty good aspect because your challenges don't leak to other areas of your life. The only area it affects, ie, the 8H, is about getting involved in other people's lives deeply, psychology and the occult. So you may resort to things like shadow work, alternative healing, etc, to help you transmute all this shadow into light. With this aspect you need to make sure that you don't make 'healing' your entire identity or make your pain your identity, especially if you have a major planetary ruler such as Sun or Moon. You are here to learn about the deeper parts of life, and that is not always dark and shadowy. Sometimes the lessons you learn from other people can be your most motivating teachers in life. So, take it easy. It happens for you, not to you.
If you have the ruler of your 8H in the 9H, you are here to literally find the light at the end of the tunnel. If the 8H is about the shadow, 9H is about the light. Your lessons give you a really big opportunity to go towards the brighter side of things. And at the same time these lessons are very much ingrained with becoming more open minded with life, being interested in learning about life on a higher level such as philosophy or self development. On the other hand, these challenges can also be related with foreign travel, other cultures, higher education, global media platforms, philosophy, etc, so make sure you tackle these accordingly. You struggle more with letting go and getting "lucky" in life because you tend to get comfortable in the uncomfortable side of life. Seek to expand beyond your challenges, and resolve painful situations by connecting with your spiritual/religious side.
If you have the ruler of your 8H in the 10H, you biggest challenges steams from your career and public reputation. You tend to be a bit more secretive about your life when out in public, or simply view others as prying on your private life. People might become manipulative with you when it comes to your career and you might be prone to people spreading batshit about you all the time. There are a lot of ways these events can be tackled, but one of the advice is to not let others know information about your work or achievements unless they are someone you trust A LOT. People can use you to gain some type of fame or take credit for things they didn't even do. You publicly go through tough things, whether that 'public' is just relatives or a few friends/acquaintances. People always get to know about your challenges and lessons for some reason. So, be careful of how much you let random people know.
If you have the ruler of your 8H in the 11H, you experience a bit of similar situation as the ones who has their ruler in the 10H, but the difference is, people use your issues to propel themselves forward in some way or the other. For the 10H persons, people only spread rumors about them and talk about their issues. But for you, people use it to their advantage. You might have a bit of challenge with making genuine connections with others, as in networking and socializing (not personal relationships). These people can use you to advance their career, use and exploit your ideas and work to give themselves a boost. And you might also struggle with creating long term plans and holding your visions. So the advice for the manipulative people part is that hold on until you actually know that someone is trustworthy. And even then, don't tell them everything about your plans and your dreams. 11H or not, some people are very quick to take advantage of our dreams.
If you have the ruler of your 8H in 12H, first of all I want to do is give you a big hug! *sending a virtual hug*. The reason I say this is because both these houses have a reputation for bringing a lot of intense and transformative situations in a person's life in a variety of ways, but not everyone is able to instantly identity these toxic patterns and help themselves get out of it. With this placement your biggest challenges have a deeply rooted karmic hint to them. And almost all the time, it requires for you to understand what that karma is and end that cycle so that you can grow. Based on the planetary ruler in the 12H your situation can be the most intense to least intense, but what is asks for you is to identity the subconscious/subliminal patterns that keep you stuck in life, and transmute them into healing. Take it easy, don't make 'healing' your entire identity. Focus on grounding and your well-being, first and foremost.
Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more Astrology content 🏹✨️!
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getsuuna · 28 days
I can't stress enough how this Fandom can be fxcking stupid so I'll take advantage of it to make a brief analysis
TikTok is back at it with being extremely gullible
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people seriously believe this is Koyoharu Gotōge's official account. a quick glance would debunk it immediately, but if we wanna look into details there are mainly 3 things that are really obvious and they all piss me off SO bad:
1) they posted fanart. literal fanart, without consent, of course, and without any credits, badly cropped and filtered too. I couldn't see signatures in most of them, but I recognized some art styles and overall it's easy to spot non-official art when you also follow Ufotable's official account. from which, by the way, this fake account takes all of the content they post, then they write a silly and pseudo-cool caption and that's literally it. what's the point? one of the captions said something that quite fucking literally made me want to scream, joking about Shinobu possibly being Tengen's 4th wife because there was a pic in which their VAs were standing close....what. Gotōge would never say that???
2) they reply to fans, which isn't bad per se but let's be SO fr...and it's not even the worst part.
3) said replies include misinformation. saw them saying Masachika would be reincarnated as Sanemi's son or stepson (what the fuck) AND that Sanemi and Kanae would've been canon if Kanae didn't die, which, I'm sorry, is the fakest fucking thing I've ever read despite being a common misbelief.
I don't want to digress too much into this but imagine you're an author, you have the power over your characters and you decide to add a couple that will be doomed inevitably...you would make it canon, if it was supposed to be. you would AT LEAST make said crush remotely relevant in AT LEAST one of the two characters' arc...which it isn't. in ANY of the canon universes. the Academy is right there, the Timeskip is right there, both had Kanae alive and both don't make SaneKana canon, not even remotely. HEAVY ON THE TIMESKIP in which ObaMitsu are married, but they're canon in all the verses...Mitsuri had an actual impact on Obanai's character and even when there's silly trivia about him in databooks or even in the manga it always somehow involves Mitsuri, something that we did NOT see with Sanemi and Kanae.
now, as much as I would talk *endlessly* about this, I don't want to sound hateful to shippers, but it pisses me off that a Gotōge-wannabe is reinforcing the toxic shippers' delusions.
I would've lost my shit even if they said the same thing about my fav fanon ships, because it's FAKE.
if the author wanted them canon, they would be. there's no "if" nor "but", there was no excuse.
they clearly and luckily wanted to leave it to open interpretation
as an OC creator if I want a couple canon I simply write them in a way in which would make them canon in at least one AU 😭🙏🏻 tf
this being said please don't fall for such weird ass stuff 💔
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staarb0y · 1 month
can you write a smut enemies to lovers with nick and make reader? like nick was readers bully in middle school and then they get almost all the classes that are the same in high school
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Pairings: Nick Sturniolo x male reader
Warnings: Praise
Summary: Nick wants to apologize for how he treated you during your middle school years. You go to his house after school and he makes you feel better.
Word count: 2,940
a/n: I go to school in canada so middle school is grades 7-9 and high school is grades 10-12 and you have 4 periods a day. Also I hope you want a part 2 because you're getting one!
a/n 2: It wouldn't let me put Freak by Lana Del Rey but thats the fucking song I wanted so go listen!
When you walked into your first period english class and saw Nick Sturniolo sitting in one of the seats you instantly wanted to leave and not come back. He had bullied you all through your middle school years and made your life hell. When you realized the only empty seat left in the class was right next to him you felt even worse. You sat down not even acknowledging him, expecting to have something thrown at you, yelled at you, etc, but nothing. The teacher walked in and the class started, he was going over what your first assignment for the week would be when a note landed on your desk. A little crumpled up sticky note. You look up and see Nick staring at you. When he sees you looking back at him he immediately puts his head down. Weird behaviour coming from him you think to yourself. You open up the crumpled up sticky note and see his messy handwriting. 'Looking good today y/n ;)'
You grab your pen off your desk and write back 'thanks asshole.' You crumple it back up and throw it back onto his desk where it originated.
You knew you got hotter over the summer. You started working out, cleared up your skin, started eating better, and it showed. You got a new haircut that suited your face better and you started dressing how you wanted to. Today you were wearing a plain hoodie and jeans, along with some adidas sneakers. The hoodie was slightly small on you, so when you lifted your arms it showed off your waist.
When the bell rang signalling you to your 2nd period class, you got up and started navigating through the busy hallways. You're almost at your 2nd period when you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn around and Nick's facing you. "I wasn't joking with what I said y/n, you look really hot." Is he serious? "Thanks I guess... but why the fuck are you talking to me. You've treated me like shit the past 3 years." He looks at you with guilt, "I know, thats why I wanna talk to you after school. Would you walk home with me?" What the fuck. What changed, why's he acting like this. "Let me think about it." You turn around and walk away into the crowds of people in the hallway.
You sit down in your 2nd period art class and when you think you're gonna get a break from Nick he sits down at the other end of the table from you. "You're persistent," you say. He looks at you, "look I just wanna talk," he says.
You spend the rest of your day trudging through 3rd and 4th period trying to ignore Nick, who keeps following you to your classes. With your luck, he somehow manages to have the exact same schedule as you. As you look up at the clock for the 100th time in last period the bell rings. 'Fucking finally' you think to yourself as you get up and head to your locker. You get your stuff and walk out of the school ready to finally go home. As you start the walk home you hear Nicks voice behind you.
"Hey y/n, can I walk with you now?" You forgot that Nick would be walking home with you. "Sure," you say. He catches up to you and walks next to you. "Y/n, I'm really sorry for how I treated you the last couple years. Over the summer I realized that I just felt bad about myself and I took it out on you and I'm sorry. I like you." What. I mean you always thought Nick was kinda hot even though he was shitty to you. You just weren't expecting this coming from him. "I wanna get to know you better, maybe I can try to fix how I've treated you in the past. Do you wanna come to mine? My parents aren't home and my brothers are gonna be at their friends." "Sure, how far's your house" "Just a few minutes from here."
As you walk with Nick you wonder if you're making the right decision. He's been a total dick to you for the past 3 years and now he wants to be friends with you. You arrive at his house and walk in, taking off your shoes as he closes the door behind you. "Come on," he says, leading you upstairs to his bedroom. You walk into the room and sit down on his bed. It's really comfy and his whole room kind of just has a comforting vibe to it. He sits down next to you on the bed. "I'm really sorry y/n, I wish I could go back in time and stop myself. I hope this helps make up for it." He grabs your face and brings his lips to yours, kissing you softly. He pulls away, "was that ok?" You answer him by pulling him back in and kissing him deep. Your arms wrap around his neck and your fingers are tangled in his hair as he slips his tongue into your mouth. You deepen the kiss, whimpering into Nicks mouth as he tongue fucks you. You slowly pull away panting when Nick pushes you onto his bed, laying you down. You look up and see Nick undoing your belt, and then pulling down your jeans.
If you wanna suck me off so bad can we atleast get into a more comfortable position. He turns red in the face, "yeah of course." You kick your jeans off your ankles, left in just your boxers. You pull your hoodie off over your head revealing your defined figure. You climb further onto his bed and under his covers, now lying under his multiple cozy blankets. He climbs in next to you and scoots down, lying fully covered by his blankets. Just his head is visible in between your thighs as he kisses the growing bulge in your boxers. He grabs your waistband and pulls down your boxers, taking them completely off and chucking them onto his floor next to your jeans.
"Fuck you're big y/n." He grabs your dick and starts to tongue at your tip, tracing wet circles on it. He takes your dick into his mouth, getting about halfway down before he goes back up and sucks on your tip. "Mmh fuck Nick. Fuck your door has a lock right?" He pulls off your dick, jerking you off to make up for the loss of the warmth of his mouth. Slick noises fill the room as he moves his hand up and down your length. "Yeah it does, and no one's gonna be home for hours anyway so don't worry about it. Just let me make you feel good ok?" That he is. He puts his mouth back on your dick, bobbing up and down quickly as his hand does the rest of the work at your base. "Oh fuck Nick your mouth feels incredible please don't stop!" He goes faster with his mouth, making your tip start to feel a little sensitive. His hand starts to move a little easier with his spit lubing it up. You feel your precum start to drip into his mouth. He does too, wanting to suck every last drop of it out of you. He milks your dick for more, sucking hard and lapping his tongue up and down your length in sync with his head. He moans around your dick, vibrations adding to the pleasure as his lips tighten. He feels more of your precum drip onto his tounge, swallowing the salty consistency. "Nick fuck," you groan out as his free hand cups your balls, fingers grazing your taint. You whimper and pant as you feel your orgasm coming on, "mh Nick I think I'm gonna cum." He pushes his head down your length, trying to take you to the base. He does but not without gagging a bit, your dick getting swallowed by the back of his throat. His nose is hitting your pubic bone as you shoot your cum down his throat. He sucks you through your orgasm, mouth remaining all the way down your dick as he sucks softly. He does this until you go soft in his mouth, he pulls off and looks up at you.
"You want a turn?" You ask, slightly out of breath. "Fuck yeah," he says, looking at you excited. You quickly switch positions, you now laying in between his thighs. You pull down the slutty grey sweatpants he was wearing, "No underwear, really?" He smiles as you pull the sweatpants down far enough for you to access his dick. You grab his already hard dick and start to jerk him off, making him let out soft pants and whimpers. You lick his tip as you keep jerking him off, quickening the pace on his dick. "Y/n fuck you're good at this" he says in between pants as you keep licking his tip. You tongue at his slit making him let out a loud whimper. You wrap your lips around his length and slowly sink down, taking him inch by inch. "Ah fuck good job you feel so good." You wrap your tongue around his length and suck, salivating all over his dick. You feel yourself blush from the praise he was giving you. You pull your lips up to his tip and then down quickly, starting to bob your head on him. You start to grind your hips into the mattress below you, whimpering softly around his dick. "Good boy y/n," you make him moan as you suck him, quickening the pace of your head on his dick. You grab his balls with one of your hands as you continue to suck him, fingers brushing against his taint. You use your other hand to jerk him off at the base, making up for the last 2 inches out of his 6 that you couldn't quite take into your mouth. "Mm fuck y/n such a good boy for me keep going." You feel yourself blush some more as you continue, starting to taste his bitter precum in your mouth. You grind into the bed as you suck harder trying to pump more out of him, bobbing your head a little lower every time you come back down, trying to reach his base. You feel his hands in your hair as he suddenly holds your head firmly in place, thrusting into your mouth. You moan around him as he pulls out to his tip and thrusts all the way back in, pubes hitting your nose as you take him all the way. You grind harder into his bed, dick twitching while you suck him. He keeps fucking up into your mouth, holding you in place. You grip onto his thighs as more precum spills into your mouth. You swallow it down quickly begging for more. He rests his hips down on the bed and controls your head instead, letting your head do the work while he trys not to cum too quick. He has a firm hold on your hair as he pulls you up before quickly pushing you back down to the base of his dick. Your spit is dripping down his balls to his taint as he fucks your mouth. You can feel him deep in your throat as moans spill out of his mouth. He continues using your head as a toy, cursing under his breath as he moans out your name. You tighten your mouth around him, and he moans out loud, "fuck, just like that please don't stop y/n please." You keep your mouth tight around him as he controls your head, dick throbbing in your mouth. He fucks up into you a few more times before he cums hard into your throat. "Fuck y/n mmh," moans are falling out of his mouth uncontrollably as he rides out his high, gripping your hair tight as he uses your mouth. "Fuck y/n that was so good, your mouth is so good." You keep sucking him, slowing down and sucking softly on him as he goes limp in your mouth. He pulls out of your mouth slowly, a strand of saliva connecting his tip to your tongue.
You pull up those grey sweatpants he had on, climbing on top of him still naked. You pull him into a kiss, tongue sliding into his mouth. He moans into you as he can taste himself on your tongue. Your spit slides into his mouth as he grabs your ass, groping you. He begins to fight back with his tongue, ultimately winning when his tongue is exploring your mouth. His arms wrap around your neck, holding you in place. Your laying on him naked when his tongue slides deeper into your mouth. You start to suck lightly on it, making him whimper into your mouth. You swallow the mix of spit in your mouth, moaning as he continues to explore your mouth with his tongue. You melt into him as you make out, one of his hands reaching back down to your ass to grope you. You swear his tongue has touched every part of your mouth by the time you slowly pull away.
You climb off him, grabbing your boxers off his floor and sliding them onto your thighs and up past your aching dick. "You want some of my sweatpants?" He asks. You nod and he grabs you some out of his dresser, handing them to you. You slide them on and now you're matching with him, both wearing grey. "Come here," he says. You walk over to his bed, he's sitting on the edge of it, legs open. You walk up to him and he places his hands on your waist, pulling you on top of him and onto the bed. "Cuddle with me y/n" he speaks softly into your chest. You obey his request as he lays up against one of the pillows on his bed, you resting your head on his stomach. "Is it ok if I sleep over Nick?" You ask, looking up at him. "Yeah of course, but my parents can't know ok? If they come upstairs hide under my bed." "Okay," you say, resting your head back onto his stomach. You reach for your phone, grabbing it and texting your mom.
Is it cool if I hangout with my friend tonight?
Yeah that's okay. Are you sleeping over there?
You put your phone down on his bed and close your eyes as your head rests on his stomach. "I'm sorry for everything I've done to hurt you y/n. I hope I made up for it a bit just now," Nick says softly. "It's a start," you mumble. He plays with your hair as you fall asleep.
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weird-is-life · 1 year
i always see sunshine spence! x grumpy cat!reader but i was wondering if you could write smth about it being the other way around!!
i imagine it with older season spence (post prison even) with a gf who’s a bit younger and away more perky than he is!! but you can do it whichever way you’d like :))
Thank u for this request! I hope this is okay🥰🥰 (0.9k)
The Bau is buzzing with people. You've only been here once before and it was just to get some files with Spencer late at night. And then there was literally no one except for the security guards.
Right now, the place is so busy, you have to step away to the side multiple times just to not get run over.
Spencer called you this morning as he always does. But he seemed very off on the phone, more grumpier than usual. And of course, you as a good girlfriend can't have him sad all day. So here you are, standing in middle of the Bau with no idea where to go.
You got inside by telling the guards, you were coming to see Spencer and that you knew the way to his office. But obviously the second part was a lie. You have no idea what floor Spencer's office is. You think it's either 4th, 5th or 6th floor, but you can't really remember.
You are on the floor 4, but this is definitely not the right one. And because you don't want to look like a fool, exploring every floor until you find Spencer's, you settle on calling him.
He picks up, as you step into the elevator, "Hi, sweetheart. Is everything okay?"
"Hi Spence, everything is great. Remember when we went to get your files, that one night?" you ask with giddy smile on your face as you push the button of the 5th floor.
"Of course, I do."
"What floor did we go to? Was it 6?" you ask as unsuspiciously as you can.
"No, it was the 5th-"he starts to say as the elevator stops there.
You notice his tall frame in the distance, so you say, "never mind, I got it."
"Wha-"before he can asks, you hang up. You can see the big frown on his face even from the distance, his confusion makes you giggle.
You are not even a bit surprised, when your phone's starts ringing. You don't pick up, you quickly walk towards him. Poor guy, he is so focused on the phone call, that he doesn't even notice you as you near his desk.
"Hi" you greet him and giggle again, when he looks at you with wide eyes and open mouth.
"Y/N? W-what are you doing here?" Spencer puzzles.
"You seemed sad on the phone call this morning," you pouts, " so I thought I'd come see you and bring you lunch."
You are smiling so much at him, that Spencer already feels better, "sweetheart, you didn't need to come all the way here."
"But I wanted to, couldn't leave you grumpy all day, could I?" you tease him, " and I'm pretty sure, you didn't even eat breakfast."
Seeing his guilty face, you know, you are right. You know he tries to eat something else than a coffee for you, so you don't say anything to that.
"I also brought you some cookies" you smile at him.
"Thank you" he says, tugging you close to him for a hug.
"You are very welcome, handsome" you grin at him and look around, before you give him a quick kisses on both of his cheeks. Apparently, it was not enough, because when you pull away to look at him, he is back to frowning.
"Stop frowning so much, Spence" you chuckle.
"It's your fault. You come here looking so pretty to bring me lunch and you don't even give me a kiss" he defends and you think, he's being ridiculous.
"I did kissed you!"
"I want a real kiss, please." You roll your eyes at him, but you comply. The kiss is long enough to make him happy, but not long enough to make people around uncomfortable.
"Thank you, pretty girl and thank you for coming here."
"Of course" he smiles and you return  the smile.
"Okay, call me, when you are done, yeah? " you start to pick up your things to leave, but Spencer stops you.
"Wait wait wait, where are you going? Aren't you going to stay?"
"I don't want to bother you at work" you answer, cheeks a little red.
"Nonsense, you could never bother me, lovely. Please stay." He gives you puppy eyes and who are you to say no to that.
"Really? Won't Hotch mind?" you bite your lip, you know Hotch is really sweet, but stern person.
"I'll tell him, I'm taking my lunch break, which is exactly what I'm doing" he grins at you and leans to push another chair next to his.
"Okay,then I'll stay" you sit in the chair and start to tell him all about your morning. Or more like you ramble happily to him about every single detail of your morning. About how you saw your neighbours cat or about how you went to the shop and had to buy a bouquet of flowers, because they reminded you of him and so much more. But Spencer doesn't mind one bit, he could listen to your excited voice all day.
By the time his lunch break ends and you have to leave, your giddy energy makes all his frown lines dissappear.
Later that day, you get a text from Penelope, saying, that the team owes  you a big gift basket for saving them from grumpy Spencer. Which honestly makes you giggle ones again and you make a mental note to yourself to bring Spencer lunch more often.
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leiflitter · 11 months
Gale Dekarios and The Wizard of Waterdeep
Aka Leif vents their brain into Tumblr again because I have Thoughts About The Wizard! Is it coherent? PROBABLY NOT I'M DOING THIS FOR FUN.
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General rambling below the cut!
Firstly- this little braindump is based upon my interpretation of Gale as a Neurodivergent Individual, so I guess if you're not on the "Gale would be so fuckin into magic the gathering if he was in this realm" train, then this may not be for you. Which is fine! I'm just yelling into the void here.
Also; characters are fun because we can interpret them in different ways! This is in no way meant to stomp on anyone else's headcanons of Gale, and may even be entirely overwritten if more info comes out about him from Larian.
I wrote a ton and then fuckin lost it all but hey that's fine I can condense it WAY more now. So let's go, bullet points!
Gale of Waterdeep is Gale Dekarios' mask.
If you don't know what Masking is- a quick definition for ya-
Neurodivergent masking refers to the practice of concealing or suppressing aspects of one's neurodivergent traits or conditions, in order to fit in with the norms of the workplace or society.
Let's begin at the beginning-
Gale as a child would have been insufferable. He was a prodigy, yes, but also clearly lacked proper consequences for his actions (his punishment for Blackstaff hijinks in his first year? Writing lines. HE OPENED A PORTAL TO LIMBO AND ALMOST DIED). This may be due to Mystra's influence, even if it was indirect, but there's no faster way to alienate a child from their peers than to both mark them as Very Special and let them get away with everything. Gale's magical education likely left his social education lacking.
As Gale's also mentioned that he was a prodigy, and was using 4th level spells (summon elemental) when he was living at home (at least part of the time), he may even have been younger than his fellow first year apprentice wizards when he was admitted- further isolating him. He specifically says he was a child when he, uh, "borrowed" the blackstaff- we just don't know how old Blackstaff first years tend to be.
Also, from Gale's story about the Blackstaff, he seemed to be attending Wizard Boarding School (he wanted to get to the first year dorms). So he was not only set apart from his peers, he had to live in a dorm with them.
To navigate this difficult social situation, Gale Dekarios becomes Gale of Waterdeep- he starts Masking. He puts on his Wizard Suit and acts the way Wizards should, because those are the Wizard Rules.
For an example of these Wizard Rules- the closest equivalent we have to Pre-Folly Gale would probably be Lorroakan - and Lorroakan is a great example of Wizard Language and Wizard Rules. Yes, Lorroakan is an absolute shitweasel, but let's consider him an extreme example- pre-folly Gale turned up to 15. Heck, he even does the little ☝️ when you speak to him (Gale does it better bro, sorry).
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Elminster is also a good example- he's almost allergic to just saying something straight out until he absolutely has to, but he'll dance around the point repeatedly. A trait Gale shows before he reveals the orb:
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Gale. Seriously. He'd get you a birthday present and make five billion hints about it, I swear. But again- that's How Fancy Wizards Talk in this canon. And Gale does it excellently.
Gale masking also explains how his Wizard Rizz and his loneliness coexist. Gale of Waterdeep has a practiced tongue and has totally had sex with mortals. Gale Dekarios, on the other hand, is stuck inside Gale of Waterdeep like that little alien in Men in Black.
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The Wizard of Waterdeep can only facilitate shallow connections because there's nothing behind the Thesaurus Vocabulary. The confidence he projects is essentially an illusion, but it's one he relies on to navigate his world. He's isolated by default- as you grow closer, he admits this:
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Note how he says Tara was "always" telling him to get mortal friends- we know that Gale conjured Tara when he was young. Assuming that he's not exaggerating to an exponential degree, we can assume that Gale's never really had a friendship based on actual mutual appreciation- more that any connections he had were entirely due to his magical ability and proximity to Mystra.
Thus while he may not be a virgin on the physical plane, I doubt that his experiences were in any way personal or meaningful.
We know Gale's a romantic at heart- but again, he cannot remove the mask. From personal experience, masking can often lead you to do things you don't quite "get" because it's what "normal" people do.
Although it could be explained by scripting limitations, I would have expected any meaningful romantic encounters to be mentioned- especially as you directly ask him if you're his first mortal partner. Gale is an expert at oversharing- I would consider it in-character for him to ramble about his first mortal love before realising that he's cramming his foot into his mouth and shutting up (similar to the "Mystra once took the tiniest piece of weave and-" scene).
Again, without further info from Gale's writers, we've got space to play in- my personal feeling is that Gale has had hookups, most likely with his wizarding peers, but as he didn't let his peers see beyond the Wizard of Waterdeep, anything more than casual just wouldn't happen. He couldn't let anyone close enough to get behind the mask, especially not another wizard- as other wizards are those he's most trying to blend in with.
Enter Mystra (Derogatory) + a lil more Lorroakan (Derogatory)
A minor sidetrack here- part of why I tend to see Gale as early-mid 30s is to do with the Mystra timeline and my own personal experiences. So- firstly, as BG3 is set in 1492. Mystra was slain (aw yeah) in 1385, which started The Spellplague, but she was restored (boo, hiss, we were fine without her) in 1480. So there's about 12ish years where Mystra was, y'know, alive and able to interact with Gale. Gale spent one of those years with the orb, and before that he had to go and find the orb. So let's say he and Mystra spent about a decade together, from teacher > lover.
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I've already expounded about why I think Mystra doesn't give a single shit about Gale in my previous GaleRant- my basic thoughts are that Mystra's relationship with Gale was a form of damage control to prevent him becoming Karsus 2.0, but as she didn't actually care enough about him to get to know him, her plans actually made him more likely to go all Netherese Magic.
We're going to hop back to Lorroakan for a sec. Again, he proves to be a good analogue for Gale. Lorroakan has been in residence at Ramazith's Tower for about 10 years- even though context clues show us that he's definitely not up to Gale's standard, so we'll assume he's probably a little bit older than our Child Prodigy- and he's definately less of a go-getter, seeing as how he's paying folks to go get the Nightsong instead of doing it himself. The big baby.
Lorroakan is important because he demonstrates the sort of shit egotistical wizards do when they aren't distracted by Mystra's blue sparkly tits. Again, a minor assumption that he's maybe a little older than Gale- he has taken ownership of a famous Wizard's Tower, absolutely upped his PR game to Kardashian tier over a decade, and now he's trying to find the Nightsong. Is it just me, or is there HUBRIS in the air?
Now, back to Gale. We know he was trying to prove himself from childhood. Elementals, Tara, The Blackstaff- and, frankly, does he seem like the kind of guy to leave it at that? I doubt it- hence why I peg him at early-mid 30s, depending on when Mystra tried the Godly equivalent of danging keys in front of a cat. I reckon he'd have dashed into some sort of cataclysmic bullshittery as soon as he graduated from Wizard School. And we know he probably became a full-fledged wizard early, given that he's a smart lil guy.
HOWEVER, back to my actual point about Gale's general social life/etc- Gale absolutely lacks real-world experience.
I'm not talking him hanging out in the Yawning Portal. I'm talking his actual, prolonged exposure to the world outside of Wizard Life.
(Yes, it is absolutely possible that he spent however-long just quietly studying for Wizard in between him becoming a full wizard and his exile, but! With age comes exposure- and Gale is actually a fairly adventurous lil dweeb. He's curious- and again, had he been given true freedom, he probably would be off gathering eldritch relics and causing havok)
My main point, though, is that a major point of Gale's entire plot is that he is being forcibly unmasked by the circumstances he's in- and this is in many ways the catalyst for late-game stuff.
Gale's primary conflict isn't truly against Mystra, because let's be real- Mystra doesn't give much of a shit about him one way or another. I'm not even convinced that she cares about The Absolute- I think she just doesn't want to go through the hassle of dying again, and she doesn't respect Gale enough to even consider a way to actually communicate with him about it.
Gale's arc is a struggle between Gale of Waterdeep and Gale Dekarios- and Gale coming to terms with himself as a person. Not as a wizard. Not as a prodigy. Not as anything special- just a man.
You see it in the language he uses- he goes from speaking in monologues to telling you to stop licking the damn thing!
You see it in his emotional range expanding- when you yoink him from the portal, he's immediately cheery! You could whack him in a faculty party and he'd probably behave in the exact same way- and then the night before Moonrise he's terrified. He even becomes more honest in his aspirations- yes, he still dresses it up to be persuasive, but he doesn't try to play it cool. He's absolutely geeking out about it alongside everything else.
Gale of Waterdeep demands a lot to be maintained, and it's a comforting outfit to wear. He slips, but the beauty in the story is that you can take Gale Dekarios by the hand and show him that he can be mortal. He can feel pain and greed and desire, disgust and shame and sadness, and it isn't a bad thing. He can be confident for real, and not as camouflage- he can be horny on main and as long as it's genuine, he's absolutely rockin' it.
And as someone who was and is going through it, it's made me appreciate him immensely.
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catnipaddictt · 6 months
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wc: 2.1k
series masterlist ⭑ co-creator @memoiich
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You had finally moved away from your hometown. A final answer to your undying search for independence. A trait your mothers whipped tongue had tried to rein back for years. Something that had very clearly failed. The thought alone made you smirk a bit as you stood before your new home. The Alderaan apartments were a choice at best. Very cheap for the location being so close to the centre of the city but a little decrepit. Still it felt like a palace to you right now.
You made your way up to the 4th floor, the highest of the crumbling building. Leaving you to look out to the curtains of the slightly nicer hotel on the other side of the street. Grabbing your suitcase, you unpacked your luggage before coming to the realisation that you had no food in your new home. And of course it just had to be dark outside, evening having set. After overthinking your options you decided to ask your neighbour for some eggs. Dragging yourself to your neighbour’s door with your metaphorical tail between your legs, you knocked on the door.
A strange being poked its face through the slightest gap possible, it looked around worried. You didn’t know if it was to look for trouble or to find it. After the anxiety-writing look, the creature opened the creaking door. Now that you could see it, It was clearly a Gungan.
“Hello. Missa Jar Jar Binks. Why are you at misssas door?“ he questions “Hey, I'm your new neighbour. I was wondering if I could borrow some eggs?“ You say, a bit unsure of the Gungan in front of you. “Missa loves eggs. Sun sun or scrambled, lovely for my tumtum” jar jar snickers at the end. ”So… Can I use the eggs? You question once again. “Missa doesn’t have any eggs for sunsun but missa could go to the store for stuff and stuff.” Not only did you think of going to the store before you were now massively disappointed and also extremely tired. The less effort option was clearly the wrong one.
“No it's fine I will go myself thank you anyways.” Before finishing Jar Jar was already speaking, “It's not a big dealio, you newbie don't know the way like missa does.” Before you could protest against this clearly exhausting task, he was already out of the door and started walking towards the staircase. Not wanting to be rude, you followed. It took 17 minutes longer than normal to get to the store because Jar Jar wanted to ‘cut a cornerio’. Once at the store Jar Jar started to argue after eating a RAW egg “As a tasty jum jum” Only after 36 min of arguing and you finally offering to just buy the dozen did you start to make your way back home which also took a small hour.
You could finally bid Jar Jar goodnight. You got home just to cook the damn eggs ‘sun-sun’ style and went to bed in the early morning, you already knew this new life was going to be hard at first.
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Waking up had never been so hard before, but the alarm was ringing and today was an important one. It was your first day at your new job at the paper company, ‘Paper Force’. Paper Force was located pretty far away, you would have to drive past the mustafar part of the city, making it a long trip for a very tired driver. Prepping for work wasn't the worst as you had laid out your work outfit the night before.
You got in your beat-up 2002 beetle and started the 50 minute commute. At the 20 minute point your car started to rumble, not just a soft snore, no, a rumble. 10 minutes later and you were stuck by the side of the road. You search an auto shop on your hologram immediately. The only car mechanic that wasn't 2 hours away was a place called ‘MustaCar’. Having no time to waste, you called the number.
45 long minutes later an old pickup truck pulls up behind your still-not-starting beetle. By this point you were frankly very annoyed. You were already half an hour late to your new job, and it didn't seem like you were going to get there soon. And to make things worse, you slept bad last night, meaning you were now rather sleep deprived.
The door to the pickup truck swings open with a clunk, clearly well used. A man in his early to mid 20’s steps out of the vehicle, he reaches up and moves his dark-blond curls out of his field of vision. He wears an oil-stained long sleeved button up, of which you cannot tell the original colour, as well as a pair of dirtied jeans. He spots you, puts his hands in his pockets and stalks over, clearly in no hurry.
“I was just thinking you weren't going to bother showing up” you snapped at him harshly. “Well, sorry Miss, the rest of the world doesn’t revolve around you” You let out a sharp breath at his words. “Excuse me, just look at my car and do your job”. You were fed up with this day already and now you had to deal with a know-it-all, stuck-up, man-child of a mechanic. “Parents didn’t teach you manners I see, now what seems to be the matter here? So I can do my job” He walks towards your car, popping the lid. You roll your eyes at him before speaking. “Well she won't go” He rolls up his sleeves, “Figured that much” he states. Your brows furrow in annoyance, you don’t have time for his attitude, “something started making noise and now she doesn't want to run.” He leans forward to observe your car’s engine. “She, huh, does the lovely lady have a name as well?” You can hear his smirk through his words. Your ears turn red “Shelby, the car is called Shelby”. The mechanic lets out a harsh laugh as he turns to something unknown “An old lady I suppose then, with a name like that”. You let out a huff and turn away.
“Dead Battery and the terminals are corroding”. You jump slightly, having zoned out. “Sorry?” you question. “You have a dead battery and its terminals are also corroding. Oh and you have a break problem, that's what the noise was”. You stand there a bit perplexed, “Uh what does that mean?”. “It means you aren’t gonna be able to drive Shelby until you get her fixed”. He says the name of your car amusingly. “So can you do it then?” You ask, checking your hologram for the time, you were almost an hour late already. “Well that's my job isn’t it?” He raises an eyebrow. You sigh, clearly this guy thought highly of himself. “How much and how long?” you demand, patient wearing thin at this point. “Well the battery change is gonna be about 150, plus the corrosion, about 20, and the grinding breaks, another 150 credits” he pauses before speaking again, “it’ll take a bit, have to order in the parts, could take a while, a few weeks”. “A few weeks!” you all but shout.
You pace away, trying to think. You were very very late, had little to no sleep, and now your beloved car wasn’t going, plus you might have to wait weeks to get her back running. “Fine, do what you must” you bark out. Hopefully this man could fix Shelby quickly, and you would never have to deal with him or another car problem ever again. “Need anything out of her? Or are you good?” He asks. You walk over to Shelby, grab your bag, morning caffeine fix, and sweater. You shut the door gently. The guy speaks, walking back over to the pickup truck “Okay then, I’ll take her into the shop and she’ll be good as new soon. Oh and I will probably need some contact details, unless you never want to see your car again” He walks back carrying a piece of blue-ish paper and a pen with the ‘MustaCar’ logo on the side, passing both to you. You write down your information and hand it back to his expecting hand. “You should come by the shop, I’m sure the guys would love that” And with a smirk and a wink, he turns, secures Shelby, and gets back into the pickup. You watch as he drives off with your prized possession, your Shelby, If he ruins her, he will have hell to pay. You had now been walking for 30 minutes, with your workplace still another 20 minutes away. Your hair sticks to your forehead with sweat and your feet are starting to ache. The music playing in your ears is a nice distraction from your situation as you stroll at pace. Finally after what feels like a millennium, you reach the building. The large blue letters spell ‘Paper Force’, meaning you haven’t gotten lost along the way. Making your way to the building, you check your reflection in a window, fix your hair, and give yourself a mental pep talk. Just go in, explain what happened, it will all be fine. At least you hope. With a deep breath and step inside.
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Pulling up the shop with a rumble, the pickup-truck deposits his newest client's female car around the back. The fading MustaCar sign blinks slowly at him as he gets out the parked truck and steps foot on solid ground. The beetle named Shelby looks out of place among the beat up vehicles, and forgotten projects of the shop. “Anakin” A female voice yells from inside the garage before a young togruta steps out. She wears overalls and a pair of safety goggles on her head. “New project Snips” He says. “What's wrong with it? It looks pretty good to me” the togruta states as she walks over and runs a hand over the bonnet. “Battery is dead, corrosion, and breaks need new pads” Anakin explains, counting off each problem on his fingers. “We are gonna need to order stuff in for her”. The togruta laughs “Her?” she questions. Anakin sighs “Yes, Ahsoka, Her. Owner calls it Shelby". “Cute” Ahsoka shrugs “lets see what we can do”.
“Well the brake pads are definitely going to have to be replaced, there is basically nothing there” Ahsoka looks up as she speaks. “Thought as much, '' replies Anakin, as he wanders over with two cups of coffee, he passes one to Ahsoka. “Thanks”. “I placed an order for the new battery and brake pads, should take a week to arrive, but knowing the shipping times, it will probably take longer than that” Anakin says as he surveys Shelby. “At least she isn’t a complete wreck”. Ahsoka nods behind Anakin “speaking of wrecks, how is that project coming along ''. Anakin turns to look at the car sitting under a large tree. He had picked up the third generation Pontiac firebird from a man on his deathbed; it had been living in a barn for 20 years, rusted, and in desperate need of restoration. If it even could be saved. “It's a work in progress Snips”, “I don’t know, it is rusted pretty bad in some of it, it will take a genius to make it run again”, “Good thing i’m here then” He replies with a smile. Ahsoka rolls her eyes and drains the last of her drink before returning to their newest project.
A voice pulls Anakin out of his work “Anakin, I need to speak to you”. The voice comes from an elderly man, Palpatine, the creator and owner of MustaCar. “Of course” Anakin wipes the oil off his hands on a nearby cloth, before throwing it back on the table and following Palpatine. They enter the main office of the shop and Palpatine closes the door behind them. “Sith Auto Dominion is growing. At this rate we will be losing profit by the same time next month” Palpatine states. Sith Auto Dominion was the biggest competition for MustaCar, located on the other side of town on Geonosis Blvd. Over time the opposing shop had been taking their customers, meaning Palpatine and the people he employ have been having to cut costs however they can. “What can we do?” Anakin questions. “Not much my boy, we just have to be careful. I have owned this shop for 45 years and I will not see it go bankrupt” he takes a breath “You are my best mechanic Anakin, I cannot afford to lose you”. Palpatine walks around to his desk and sits down, gesturing at the seat opposite him. “I have a favour to ask you, Anakin”. “Anything” He replies. “Take your apprentice, go to Sith Auto, find out what they have that we don’t”
“Alright Snips, we have a job”
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cemeteryvalentine · 1 year
astro observations :3 !!!! part 2
i had fun with my last post, so why not do another one :D. also these r observations r kinda short lolz 🙏 bare with me
★彡 i feel like when people link cancers to being emotional, they mean major crybabies. which is so funny to me because being emotional isn't just being sad all the time. to me, being emotional is being the happiest, the angriest, the saddest, etc. also not every cancer is a big emotional crybaby 😭 but some of us are, and thatz totally okay 🙏. like i also feel like the astro community makes being emotional or a crybaby seem like such a bad thing when it rlly isn't :3
★彡 i feel like if anyone's rlly fluid with style and allat, it's mutable placements.. like i for an example am alwayz switching up my style and i don't have a specific one. i think if my style fit under a label it'd be alternative, but i love wayyy too many alt subcultures like trad goth, romantic goth, vampire goth, whimsigoth, emo, scene, grunge, decora, harajuku, over the top outfits, rlly chill outfits, you name it. i kinda wanna be a fashion designer or sum cuz i just love all sorts of fashion :P
★彡 adding on to that, i feel like mutable placements also like a lot of genres of music :3. like my playlist is an absolute train wreck lolz
★彡 i also feel like mutable placements along with cancer placements (or influence like 4th house lol) really enjoy writing/poetry.
★彡 aries venus looove a good chase. my first lover waz an aries venus and they were alwayz so flirty and fun and wld do anything to get my attention :P
★彡 i notice people say that fixed placements are kinda hardheaded and stubborn when it comes 2 opinions. and at first i thought no wayyy i'm sooo open minded, but thinking abt it, itz pretty hard to change my opinion once i'm convinced i'm right 😭. i don't think i'm too closed minded though, cuz sometimes my opinion changes when i look through different view points, but most of the time, i think i'm alwayz right (cuz i am 😹😹). people also say we think too highly of ourselves. (probably cuz we're the best 😹😹 jkjk kinda).
thatz it for now :3 make sure to eat n drink water :P
also sorry abt most of these being abt mutable placements and cancer 💔
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bbsmuts · 3 months
momo x bbc/ chaeryeong x bbc? 🥵
Asks were closed as of April this year, but I've been reconsidering what I said. I got back into the full swing of writing (For Field Trip Part 2), and saw how fast that blew up in comparison to my past fics, and re-realized my enjoyment of this platform as far as writing. I thought to myself, how can I just leave this platform and all of my followers behind? So I came to the only reasonable conclusion in this situation: Fuck that!
I'm not leaving. I've decided to stay and continue writing, so asks are officially open again! (Of course, this will be open to change at my own discretion)
As far as this ask, (another BBC smut, with momo too 💀) definitely a yes. Are you suggesting momo AND chaeryoung or only one of the two? I'm up to either. When I've finished the 50,000 other pitches I have, I'll DM you for more details.
As a side note, I'd like to mention that Field Trip is nearing 1000 notes (@xiaoondc you're CRUSHING it, my man 😆), we've broken 900 and we're quickly gaining. Also, Field Trip Part 2 is in 4th on the leaderboard, with 461, in UNDER 3 DAYS! I want to thank everyone for continued support of my account. I appreciate each and every one of my followers.
Your sincerely, 상훈
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symphonybracket · 10 months
YouTube links: Tchaikovsky 6, Dvořák 9
Dvořák 9
I know it's gonna get nominated a hundred times, but I have listened to it four times in a row in the past week so I gotta mention it. Exquisite bliss from first to last note.
it slays <3
When I heard the first movement for the first time, I was GRINNING LIKE AN IDIOT because of how much I loved it. LIKE THIS IS SO YUMMY (link opens to the timestamp)
it's got everything. the interplay between minor and major. themes from the early movements that come back in the finale. the most iconic english horn solo in all of classical music. dvorak wrote it while traveling across the US and was directly inspired not only by his native czech/bohemian soundscapes but the musical languages he heard from black and native americans. there's a tuba part but it only plays for like five measures. fantastic orchestrations, making full use of all the different colors of the orchestra. the start of the finale sounds kinda like jaws. it is physically impossible for me to feel upset while i'm listening to it it's the first symphony i ever played in orchestra and i'm so normal about it that i want to get that EH solo tattooed on my art and also i wrote a paper about it for a university music history class and i got an A on it so it should definitely win the bracket or i'll cry
Tchaikovsky 6
Everyone bangs on about the 4th movement but it's the 3rd movement that really hits
tchaik 6 is what i would listen to if i had an hour to live
the 5/4 movement of the tchaik lives rent free in my mind and i think about it every day
It’s beyond gorgeous. The melodies soar, the orchestra swells, and you just need to lie down for a while after listening to it. It’s Romanticism at its zenith. You want to weep and sigh, and it’s impossible to listen to it without literally feeling something.
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Symphony No. 6, titled “Pathétique”, was Tchaikovsky’s final symphony. It is an intensely emotional piece, and to many scholars demonstrates the emotional turmoil that characterized much of Tchaikovsky’s life. He died about a week after its premiere, a fact which leads many scholars to debate about whether the content of the piece itself reflects the possibility that he may have committed suicide. The title itself is often translated to mean “impassioned suffering”, although this was most likely a later addition by Modest and not actually part of Tchaikovsky’s vision. Given these facts, many scholars interpret this piece to be about death and suffering. However, this piece can also be seen to represent life and all its contrasting moments. This interpretation is more holistic and inclusive of all of the moments captured in this piece, and also serves to break down the common narrative of Tchaikovsky as a tragic figure.
More comments about Tchaikovsky 6 below the cut (length warning):
Scholarship surrounding Tchaikovsky’s music tends to focus heavily on the ways his confliction over his homoerotic desires appears in his writing. However, his personal letters reveal a much more balanced understanding of himself that goes beyond the common narrative. In one letter written to Modest describing a new relationship with another man, he writes: “I awoke today with a feeling of unknown happiness and with a complete absence of that emotional sobriety that used to make me repent in the morning for having gone too far the day before.” Many of the letters he wrote regarding his relationships demonstrate no shame and no anguish beyond what can be expected of a man living in a homophobic society. It is important to take this information into account when listening to a piece such as this one that has been discussed so frequently, and to understand it beyond the turmoil and strife that it is seen to represent. Like many of Tchaikovsky’s works, this symphony displays a range of human emotions. It is not only representative of tragedy and “impassioned suffering”; it is a depiction of what it is like to live. It is also interesting to note that this piece is used as a signifier of queer desire in the novel "Maurice" by E.M. Forster, a novel also notable for its radical portrayal of a queer man who gets a happy ending. Much to think about there.
The first movement begins with a lone bassoon soloist playing a plaintive minor melody, which later comes back in the strings. As the movement progresses, it grows in intensity and texture. More instruments are added, and the music becomes more frantic, building and building towards the dramatic trumpet fanfare. Throughout this piece, Tchaikovsky continues to make significant use of contrasting dynamics and melodies, reflecting the emotions he hopes to convey through the music. Dramatic, tumultuous sections are interspersed with pastoral woodwind melodies, and the angry brass fanfares give way to a quiet ending.
The second movement is reminiscent of a waltz, and uses the strings and woodwinds more than the brass to achieve its floating melodies. The dynamics ebb and flow to build tension, but this movement never reaches the same levels of anguish that the previous movement does. Tchaikovsky makes use of pizzicato in the strings to convey a lighter, more cheerful mood, and features the upper woodwinds prominently. He also repeats themes frequently, giving the audience something familiar to listen out for as the movement progresses.
The third movement begins with frantic energy in the strings and woodwinds. As more instruments join the rush of music, the underlying eight note accompaniment does not let up, continuing the vivacious beginning through the whole movement. Instruments pass the melodies between each other and engage in conversations across the orchestra. Like the first movement, the brass play a prominent role in creating dramatic climaxes in the music, as well as supporting the march-like conclusion. Conductor Myung-Whun Chung describes the deceptively dramatic ending as, “one of the greatest, most thrilling, but most empty of victories in musical history,” observing that this movement has the energetic finality of a final movement. The reversal of having the true finale be a slower movement represents a shift away from the “Beethovian model of light over darkness” common in most other symphonies of this time period.
As mentioned before, ending on a movement with a slow tempo was a significant shift away from the standard of the time. This innovation inspired many other future composers to use the same technique, most notably Mahler in his Ninth Symphony. The quiet beginning builds up towards a chaotic rush of fast runs throughout the orchestra, only to stop abruptly and continue in halting, cautious bursts of melody. The movement continues with this cycle of rushing up to a climax and backing away as the movement progresses. Tchaikovsky highlights the horns in this movement, giving them both angry, blaring notes which cut through the string melodies and the flowing, lyrical lines that are passed throughout the orchestra. As the piece ends, the instruments fall away until all that is left are steady repeated notes in the basses, bringing this lament of a movement to an understated close.
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dr-demi-bee · 29 days
Writing Interview Tag Game!
Thanks for the tag @lastlight-inn! 🥰
When did you start writing?
TBH, that's hard to pin down! I was drawing clumsy comics with story lines as early as 4th grade (so like 9 or 10ish?) - and I've always had a thing for telling stories. I don't think I started earnestly writing until maybe 12. But I know for sure I was writing in middle school, and was well and truly into it in high school. There was a brief once-upon-a-time I thought about going that way for a career (but I also considered being an artist or musician ha).
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
So, I find I often write a lot darker than I read. Broadly speaking, I read a lot of fantasy, sci-fi, and some non-fiction. But I write predominantly fantasy. I've dabbled in sci-fi, but I find it a lot harder (perhaps because I'm quite picky about science accuracy).
But thematically, I much prefer to read romances and lighter hearted drama. I think my writing might lean a bit darker than I typically consume (more focus on harsh/traumatic topics).
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Ahhh this is so hard to answer. I've not had anyone really compare my work to others (at least not by name). I don't try to copy anyone's style, but I definitely am influenced by many.
If I have to pick some - Oliver Sacks, Tolkien, and GRRM.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
Well! I have several!
My main office is in an open loft in the second floor of my house - past the railings are large picture windows that look out into my woods and let in a lot of natural light. I've got an L shaped desk stocked with supplies/notebooks/snacks. It looks like the kind of organized chaos one expects with ADHD.
On the left hand is an easel for painting/drawing, and on the right hand is my dual monitor set up (slightly lofted). My space is covered in cute knickknacks and things my husband has made for me. He's a wood worker, so there's lots of cute little things - including a little ghost and a miniature zen garden. I also have an owl skull and spine. My keyboard/mouse/mat and wrist pads are all space themed, as is the desktop (not that you can ever see it.) Beside my desk is my behemoth, very colorful PC tower I built myself (named Eureka).
I also have a yoga laptop that doubles as my writing on the go platform and drawing tablet (named Epiphany). I'll take it downstairs to write on my armchair, or into one of the bedrooms for some more quiet and soft surfaces. And I also take it with me on trips. Had a nice period on vacation at the beach where I got to write in a rocking chair on the porch looking out at the ocean. Ahh... (take me back :sob:)
Very occasionally I will write on my phone. But this is mostly just for notes and short form RP sort of writing.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
So aside from becoming obsessed with something (e.g. media or my own imagined world) usually I get my ideas via listening to music or taking a shower.
Or, inevitably, whenever I'm doing something else that doesn't give me time to write. I wrote several chapters of my novel while writing my dissertation... procrasti-writing.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
On the positive side: found family, loving through pain, helping each other to heal, platonic love.
On the less positive side: the effects of trauma, the way danger and stress hurts our bodies and our minds. Fighting through adversity and oppression. Chronic pain/conditions.
I'm not super surprised by either of these, really - they're all a big part my scientific life too. Before I left clinical practice I primarily helped individuals recover from trauma and addiction - and that involved a lot of working on finding self worth. My research was all devoted to studying stress and cognition - and I tried to pioneer new work on intrusive cognitions. I think this probably comes out heavily in my writing for fun, too.
What is your reason for writing?
Fun, mostly. Catharsis. And a bit of dissociating, I suppose. I've always just kind of had the urge to spew stories out into the world, even if it's just for me. I also write to connect with others.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Ohhhh, any comment makes me incredibly happy. If someone says they like something specific I am over the moon. I'm especially thrilled to hear anyone connecting with or caring about my OC characters.
When another writer I really admire or respect gives me a comment or praise (like @alpydk or @sorceresssundries) my little heart feels ready to burst! Recently had the absolute delight of having friends read and react in real time to some of my work and gooood grief is that ever motivating. (@crimson-and-lavender and @lastlight-inn I'm looking at you lol)
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I want to be approachable and interesting as a person. I hope people want to read my work or even collab.
I want my writing to be novel, engaging, and exciting. I want to subvert their expectations, but also tell them a story that's approachable and will resonate with them.
Mostly I want my writing to make others feel (good).
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
The longer I've been writing things - honestly, I think it's patience. Being willing to change ideas, move them around, or even abandon them if need be. It took a long time to be okay with those things.
How do you feel about your own writing?
Oh, we have a love hate relationship. I know I can be a bit...verbose. But I also find my own writing pretty fun and interesting. I know I've done a pretty good job if I enjoy re-reading it.
Tagging some lovely mooots with affectionate no-pressure boops: @abysskeeper, @feedthepheasants, and an open tag for any other lovelies that want to!
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foibles-fables · 1 year
happy aloy day y'all
this might be Thee Most Unpolished piece of writing I've ever shared, and it's got me a little bit nervy, but. I wanted to get something out for Aloy Day. I'm nowhere near satisfied with it, but I also wanna post about Talisah more than ever, so please enjoy this lil scribble?! Happy April 4th babeeeyyy
It’s not until years and years later that Aloy can be shaken from slumber without snarling and thrashing to defend herself. 
But Aloy survives. She fights, she mourns, she grows. Those years do pass—one and then another, step after step, a blur—like a slow walk that breaks gradually, seamlessly, into a run. Wounds heal where you can see them and where you can’t. Scarred, but always reaching for the light, she lets go, and lets herself begin to flourish.
And today (years and years, they echo behind her), she wakes calmly to a weight scrambling onto the bed and a quick jostle of her shoulder.
It’s past the time when she usually rises. Slowly, she coaxes her eyes open, squinting against the bold Meridian sun streaming in through the bedroom windows. As her vision clears, it settles on another pair of eyes, intent and bright, hovering very close. 
It’s the same amber gaze she’s grown used to waking up beside, reprised on a small face that Aloy knows is half her own—even if most couldn’t tell from a single glance.
Talisah, three years old and bursting with every bit of its energetic willfulness, leans in and speaks a little too loudly for the distance.
“It’s morning, momma.”
Aloy blinks hard and reels back from the near-shout with a soft, surprised laugh. Voice scratchy with oversleep, she says, “So it is, girl.” By habit, she lifts her finger to tap her daughter’s nose—Talisah scrunches her freckle-dusted face into a grin. It’s Talanah’s smile, through and through. “How come you’re waking me?”
She says, “For your birthday,” and Aloy feigns cluelessness. 
“Today’s my birthday?”
Talisah nods eagerly, scooting closer on her knees to crowd against Aloy. “Mama said.”
Aloy shifts to sit upright, pretending to ponder that for a moment. “Well. If mama said that, it must be true.” She gives the girl a big shrug. “I guess it’s my birthday.”
Satisfied with the concession and clearly raring to move on, Talisah retrieves a leaf of parchment from behind her and all but shoves it into Aloy’s face. “Here. Look!”
Once Aloy gets it held at a more suitable distance, the childlike and colorful pigment markings on the page take shape. Vivid blue sky, dazzling yellow sun (of course). A herd of four-legged machines grazes in a field full of sunflowers and the purple-petaled stems they keep in vases around their home. Among them stand four smiling human figures: three large, one small. 
And even though Aloy’s fairly sure she’s understood the concept, she asks anyway.
“This is so nice, Lis. Did you make it for me?” Talisah nods again, beaming. A few pieces of hair fall astray from her messy little tie-up. Aloy tucks them behind her ear. “Will you tell me about it?”
“It’s Grazers,” Talisah explains, nestling easily into the crook of Aloy’s elbow. She has grown so much, but she feels so warm and still fits just right. A crucial part of the new whole. “And us, petting them.” Of course. Putting her hands on any machine is her absolute favorite thing to do, in spite of Talanah’s cautious concern. “See momma, there’s Aunt Milu—” (she points at the tallest, broadest figure, scribbled in green) “—mama—” (long hair, tied back, holding a bow) “—you—” (red braids and a spear) “ —and me.” 
Her own smaller shape is standing closest to the Grazers, connected to Aloy’s at the hand.
And for the umpteenth time in three years, Aloy thinks of how unfathomable and effortless it is to love and to be loved this fiercely. Throat full of embers, she presses a kiss into Talisah’s silky black hair.
“I love this, little one,” she murmurs. “Is it alright if I keep it with me? In one of my pouches?”
“Yeah!” Talisah replies, puffed up with pride, snuggling closer into Aloy’s side. “Don’t rip it, please.”
“You have my word,” Aloy swears. Then, a thought strikes her. She contemplates the drawing again, trying to find what's missing. “Hey, hold on. What about Aunt Beta?”
Without missing a beat, Talisah points to another figure Aloy hadn’t noticed before—sitting a few paces away from the group in the shade of a boulder. “Got sunburn.”
Incredible. Aloy snorts out loud, imagining how Beta’s face will look when she sees it later. “That sounds about right.”
Talisah looks up at Aloy through her long lashes, expression as hopeful as any three-year-old’s could be. “Good birthday, momma?”
Truth be told, Aloy has celebrated very few of them. She’s only known when it actually is for less than a third of her life, and let it be known to others for an even smaller share. It’s always come and gone as a quiet turn of the world—she’s surrounded herself with people who understand why she prefers that, without needing to ask.
But with Talisah, that changed. She reflects her own contagious joy outwards, with no reason not to. A traditional Carja birthday celebration is her only context, and all comparisons are still simple. If for her, why not for everyone else?
And it still feels uncomfortable to acknowledge for Aloy her importance and worth for its own sake—to separate herself from the role she was given, and the ghost whose footsteps she followed. But the years have helped, and maybe it’s never supposed to be completely comfortable to untangle yourself from what’s laid out behind you. Maybe the point is to keep walking on through the rawness of it, and to keep trying.
Aloy looks down at the watchful child in her arms and tries. 
(She makes trying easy.)
“The best,” Aloy says, and means it. She lays a gentle palm on Talisah’s clean-scrubbed cheek. “Do you remember what the Nora do on their birthdays?” Talisah shakes her head, and her brow furrows in reflexive concentration, ready and eager to devour every new bit of information she is offered. “They spend the whole day celebrating their mothers. Would you like that? Giving mama and me gifts on your birthday?”
“Yes,” Talisah answers without hesitation. Then, less than a heartbeat later, with quiet uncertainty: “Would I still get mine?”
Aloy chuckles, rolling her eyes. Talisah’s life is full of safety and an abundance of affection, spoken and unspoken alike. Aloy would accept nothing less. “Of course you would, girl.”
For a moment, Talisah looks assured. Then she gives Aloy another thoughtful frown, a curious glint lighting her gaze.
“What about Elisabet, today?” she asks, sparking a connection between what she knows and the small ways she’s heard that story told. Someday Aloy will tell her the rest. “Your momma.”
It’s a marvel how smart she is. How quickly she cuts to the center of questions Aloy avoids asking herself. 
There’s an ache that comes with it, now. A flare of awareness—an old emptiness that no amount of longing ever could have filled. 
But where some parts linger empty, others run overfull. That, Aloy has learned, can be its own kind of wholeness. Words from long ago, in a voice that sounds like her own, resound gently into the present—into this world of Elisabet’s vision and Aloy’s fulfillment, the only world Talisah has ever known. 
(I would have wanted—her, to be…)
“I think Elisabet would want us to celebrate by going to see some Grazers.”
Talisah almost quivers with abrupt excitement, eyes wide and sparkling. Her hand slips into Aloy’s, gentle and warm. “Can we? Please?”
“We’ll ask mama.” Aloy gives her a reassuring squeeze. “Is she making breakfast? I hope so. I’m hungry.”
“Maize cakes. With honey and peaches.”
“Our favorite.” Aloy smiles and kisses Talisah’s head again. Then she sets the parchment aside and wraps her little daughter into a tight hug. “Thank you for my gift, Lis. I’m going to look at it all the time.” 
(It’s the truth. She will, and she’ll remember this morning.)
Talisah hugs her back, clinging to the soft-worn linen of Aloy’s shirt and burying her face against her chest. “Love you momma.”
Aloy’s heart swells—in that moment, like always, it’s enough to overwhelm every empty space she has ever felt or begun to forget.
“Wherever you go,” she whispers, a promise she’s made every day since Talisah came red-faced and screaming into this new and hopeful world, “I will follow.”
They lie cuddled close and quiet and content in the sunlight until Talanah calls them for breakfast.
Years and years ago, everything came open for this—this is the future that was worth fighting for.
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lxndonorris · 1 year
tender touch - Dando
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Lando Norris x Daniel Ricciardo (Dando) Theme: Smutish, Teasing, Touching prompt: "That wasn't part of the plan. But I'm not complaining." Daniel surprises Lando during an ice bath to congratulate him after qualifiyng word count: 1060+ taglist: @game-set-canet, @mcl4r3n @maxiel-jpg Editors note: I'm still a scrub writing driver ships, so if you have any tips, advice or something like that, feel free to tell me!
It's qualifying day, and even though the sun has already set, the heat is nearly unbearable. Lando managed to perform quite well and got 4th place, right behind two Ferraris and a Mercedes. He is happy and craves nothing more than an ice-cold bath. Luckily, all of the teams prepared that little treat for their drivers; it was the least they could do after wearing those racing suits inside their cars for over an hour.
Lando, stripped down to a pair of black swim shorts, makes his way toward the more secluded area hidden inside the paddock, where his personal ice bath is waiting for him. He asked for some alone time, just to chill and rest. It was an eventful qualifying, and he's so relieved to be performing the way he wants to.
One foot at a time, he enters the cauldron and lets out a long, guttural groan. All of his muscles, his skin, and his mind are aching for some short-term relief.
"Oh fuck." He growls as he lets his whole body sink into the water. It's a sensational feeling—his entire body is tingling blissfully, and shivers run down his entire back.
"Mhmm." Lando closes his eyes and makes himself comfortable before he dunks his head into the water. He's been sweating heavily, his hair is messy, and all he can think of is staying inside this cauldron for an entire week. That's how good it feels. Just chill and relax.
He emerges and struggles to keep his eyes open, but someone is standing right next to him—a bigger figure with a very familiar scent.
"There you are, Lando." Daniel's voice echoes through Lando's head, and he smiles. He runs a hand across his face and through his hair.
""Here I am." He growls deeply and proceeds to subconciously stroke his own chest just below the surface while he looks at him, standing there wearing his usual Alpha Tauri attire.
Daniel smirks and squats down, steadying himself against the cauldron so their faces are on the same level. "I was hoping to find you here." He says it softly and tilts his head.
"You found me." Lando licks his lower lip quickly before he moves in closer toward Daniel, so they are face-to-face now. The smell gets way more intense; it's Daniel's cologne, a very familiar, woody-aromatic fragrance. "What are you going to do now?" He mirrors Daniel and moves in even closer, so their lips brush over one another.
"Congratulate on P4." Daniel breathes right into Lando's mouth once he gasps before leaning in and kissing the man lovingly.
"Mhmm." Lando purrs, embracing these enticingly soft lips on his own. Unable to help himself, he reaches for Daniel, running his wet hand along his neck.
"Fuck." Daniel gasps, pulling his lips just inches away. "That's cold." He giggles quietly and stares into Lando's beautiful eyes.
Lando smirks and narrows his eyes. "Why don't you come in? It's much better here." He grins and lets his eyes wander all over Daniel's face, knowing that he also wants to cool down.
Daniel bites his lower lip and leans his head back. He is supposed to meet a few guys from his garage to celebrate the results as well, but he can't deny the temptation. "Fuuck." He growls again once Lando strokes his neck one more time, and more and more drops of cold water run down his neck.
"I wish I could, but..." He hesitates, but instantly Lando pouts and moves backward. Daniel, looking at his boyfriend's puppy-dog eyes, starts to stroke his own chest through his shirt. "Fuck it." He grunts, causing Lando to smile brightly.
Satisfied, Lando watches him undress. One piece at a time, Daniel exposes his beautiful physique until only his boxers remain. Mindlessly, he starts stroking himself again—his chest, his tummy, and even further down to his thighs.
Daniel knows how to put on a show, running his hands through his hair, his beard, and further down to his chest. He even flexes his biceps and shows off his well-trained form. He winks at Lando, who's visibly getting more and more into it with an open mouth and his hands hidden inside the water, touching himself gently.
"Fucking hot." He grunts as Daniel strikes a pose. His own boxers are giving away his excitement as well, and there is no way to hide it now.
Daniel's skin flushes with more and more color with every stroke of his own hand. "Just for you." He points at Lando, who is blushing now too.
Then, Daniel steps into the ice bath, and just like Lando before, he lets out a long, guttural growl. "This is amazing." He groans and sinks quickly.
"I told you." Lando says, and as Daniel leans his head back, embracing the cold water all around him, he moves in closer again, so he's right in front of him.
"That wasn't part of the plan." Daniel smirks. "But I'm not complaining." He kisses Lando once, then twice, with both of them embracing each other's bodies with their hands.
Lando feels hands all over him, running along his spine, his waistline, across his chest, his abs, and teasingly between his thighs. At the same time, he steadies himself against Daniel's firm body, feeling his heaving chest with every deep breath he takes.
"You're so handsome." Daniel breathes deeply, with his hands embracing the other's entire body.
"Daniel." Lando groans into his friend's mouth as the latter starts to feel the desire building up inside his swim trunks. Both of them slide a hand between their bodies, between their thighs, feeling each other's bulge grow immensely.
"Is this me?" He breathes down Lando's neck. "Or just the excitement for P4? Daniel's hot breath burns on his skin, causing him to let out a low, guttural moan.
"A bit of both." Lando regains his composure and lets his hands feel the chest some more—the hard nipples, the tensed muscles, and how Daniel's breath quickens with every little touch. "I'm glad you came." He is panting slightly as he starts to grind his hips against Daniel's hand.
"So am I." He smirks, and they both start to grind on each other, embracing one another fully.
"I missed you." Lando growls, running a hand through Daniel's hair lovingly.
Daniel, loving that gentle touch, gives in to Lando and hugs him. "I've missed you, too."
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alevolpe · 7 months
So I just read your HCs, and I love how you characterized Ami as having autism. She was always my favorite character-- we even share a birthday-- and I'm glad that I'm not the only one who sees her as being on the autism spectrum.
I'm also not ashamed to admit that I teared up a little reading what happened to Luna. I love the relationship Ami and Luna have, both in the actual show and in your headcanon.
Thank you so much!!
I love that more people are open to the autistic Ami hc now. It was always a bit of a no brainer to me, but I understand why some people pushed the idea away.
That said I love her. I've mentioned before that even back a year ago Ami was prob my 4th or 5th fav, but getting to draw her and write her more and more (and a bit of Makoami magic lol) she has srly grown on me. She's still not my fav, Mako my beloved, but she has a serious soft spot in my heart, I go back to her a lot for comfort.
So I'm always so super happy when people tell me they like my characterization of Ami.💙
Her and Luna's relationship is something I srly wanna explore more.
I see Ami as an outcast, but not really cause her peers actively dislike her, but cause Ami has chosen to distance herself from them, deciding to focus on her studies and academics instead.
This lack of interaction with people her own age has made it difficult for her to relate with them, being actually much easier to interact with people older than her (since that level of informality is never broken and that's where Ami is at her most comfortable).
I see Luna as a middle-aged woman at least and for her, connecting with Ami was easy since the beginning, even if it took her a bit for Ami to warm up to the idea of this 'new reality'. Ami does not want to do this. She said it to Luna since the beginning, initially refusing to aid her and turning her back on Luna's offer to become a senshi.
Though Luna stuck around, not only cause this is her mission, but also because she saw a loneliness within Ami (despite Luna's mission being JUST to reawaken the senshi, she couldn't overcome her maternal instincts). Ami is initially perplexed by this, but slowly starts to warm up to Luna, enjoying her company, her talks, her advice, her compliments, affirmations..
I can see a conflict within Luna at this point, coming to care about this girl, but feeling extremely guilty about her behavior, being very easy to be read as, well, grooming, for a lack of a better term. Tho Luna genuinely cares.
I think multiple factors influenced Ami to finally try being a senshi a go. Seeing someone being attacked by monster (which had Ami initially just simply ran away from it, Ami's but a simple human, powers or not, she's scared), an odd sense of responsibility put on her (Ami being an extreme people pleaser, if an authority entaskes her with something, she feels a sense of duty and drive to make the person proud), but ultimately I think the major factor was Luna.
Luna is the primary reason Ami became a senshi (refresher to the join order of the girls in my AU: Ami awakens first with Luna, then Rei joins, then Usagi). It's not easy, in fact it puts a severe strain on her, both physically and mentally, but Ami pushes through, for Luna. Eventually made easier (and harder in some ways) by the avdent of Rei joining the team.
Loosing Luna is something that will keep resonating withAmi throughout the series. It's like loosing a second mother, especially since Saeko has been fairly absent through her life (though Saeko will be more present, suspecting something is up with her daughter and she will genuinely try to "mother", Saeko is a disaster, in many ways more than Ami herself).
She will start asking herself why she is even doing this anymore, since Luna's not here, who is she even fighting for anymore? It's a very selfish question, she's aware, but I think it's a form of coping from her part.
Despite asking such a question constantly, she never makes to leave, she would never, she knows she can't, cause she cares too much about her friends. She knows she's now fighting for them too, but this would be the first time such thought would be a conscious reflection in her mind, having had Luna be such a central staple on her mind for so long.
Unknowingly, Luna had eased her among loving peers. It was never all easy, they had fights and they will have more, but Ami finally belongs. It's a bitter sweet feeling for her.
Ami loves her team.
At this point, she cares so much about Usagi, being the first to show her how to "friend". Starting as just an odd aloof girl that joined her team, to seeing her as a girl who always strives to make others happy. Bringing cheerfulness into team since the very first day, something that Ami became so accustomed to, she would never realize how much she would miss it til having to go back to an empty apartment, color seeming to drain along the walls in the lack of her presence. A simple genuine smile, something that seems so simple, yet so rare, Ami cherishes it so dearly.
And Rei.. Rei's complicated, she likes to make herself as such. Ever since the beginning, Rei seemed cold, refusing Luna's offer like Ami had done prior. Though this time, Luna just seemed to run in a wall every time she went to the temple. Talks, explanations, pleads, bargains, nothing seemed to work.
"I can talk to her if you'd like"
She really didn't want to, but for Luna, she will. The talk went as well as you expected it, an incredibly frustrated Rei trying to deal with recent accusations of her temple attracting mysterious attacks on students. Despite that, Rei didn't try to physically ward off Ami like she did with Luna many times (Luna is still pretty scared of that broom).
"Did that dumb cat send you? Listen, I have a job to do here, so you either get to the point or you get out of my way."
"My name is Ami, Ami Mizuno" offering her hand to Rei to shake.
*Sigh*, Rei unashamedly pinching her nose in frustration. "If I shake your hand will you tell that dumb cat to-"
"Her name is Luna"
"Yes! I know her name! She's been harrassing me in my own house for the last 2 weeks! Alright, listen. I don't know what kind of program you guys are a part of and I have no interest to know, but let me put this into clear terms so that maybe an actual 'person' might understand this better than a stupid cat. NO! Now scram, I'm busy!"
.. "..." "ok" bowing and turning to leave.
That night, something akin to guilt seemed to boil within a restless Rei Hino. She knew it wasn't due to how she confronted the girl, she had all rights to be angry! Tho a seemingly related vision of the girl with blue hair, lying perfectly still in a pool of what seemed to be her own blood stuck with her.
Rei will tell herself that she joined the team to get Luna to stop harrassing her and that the team NEEDS her. Like, come on, how is such a team meant to go on without the grandiose Rei Hino leading them to victory?! Earth would have no shot. HA!
Rei would never admit part of the reason she did join, was Ami, seeing the girl get hurt, or possibly killed, haunted her. She blamed Luna for this. Ami should've never been a part of this. Ami's weaker, almost fragile combat figure seemed like a cruel joke to Rei. Seeing the girl even shivering from her powers (Ami's not immune to her own powers), the small girl curled up into a ball in a desperate attempt to keep herself warm in a relatively cool night. With a loud sigh and exaggerated movements, Mars made to cup Mercury's hands.
Ami, being obviously perplexed and put off by this, but almost too weak to pull back, finding comfort in her companion's warmth after having to endure numerous and stressful post-fight recory sessions with nothing but the comfort of helpless Luna offering her kind words of encouragement.
It would take a while for both Ami and Rei to fully come to terms to the idea that they were 'friends'. When the newly recruited Usagi asked, Ami had no answer ready, which is extremely unusual of her. 'Friends? Are me and Rei friends? We're companions, teammates, we never really hang out outside of missions or just studying silently at the temple', though Ami enjoyed her presence. Except when Rei was needlessly rude to Luna, Ami enjoyed being around her. It didn't feel quite as lonely, even if they never openly spoke about their lives, hobbies, families... 'I guess we're not friends'.
Ami hated being so logical at times, but she couldn't help it.
Throughout the season and into season 2, this relationship between the two grew stronger, especially due to the 'Usagi' phenomenon LOL. Making it so effortless to bridge the two into more intimate moments outside of uniform. A mission to check on an amusement park became a fond memory for Ami. A picture taken of the 3, looking so much like the pictures she'd see of her school piers sharing among each other of their 'hangouts'. Funny how that worked.
Rei and Ami's friendship would def have its highs and lows, mostly stemming from Luna and how differently each girl would see her. Ami being very capable of holding a grudge toward Rei's treatment of her. All of it reaching a terrible boiling point at the moment of Luna's death and discovering about Rei vision. Again, Ami was absolutely blinded by rage and grief. She loved Rei. Rei's no murderer, but she let her primal emotions take over and with the events of season 2 after that, the two never got a moment to grief or a moment to reconcile. Rei still holding a massive grudge toward Ami, refusing to even speak to her outside of sailor business, while Ami is eaten by grief and guilt.
Mako being her main source of comfort at this point (Usagi tries, but she also has her own demons to fight still). The previously mostly unknown, if nice, tall girl that joined her team late, seeming to take steps to take care of a broken Ami, offering support, food, and and a shoulder to cry on.
Luna's influence will be felt by the team and not forgotten. Ami especially will carry her momery forever.
Idek why I wrote ell this LOL. I feel inspired at times , srry 😅.
Thank you for the ask <3.
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Agitation 3.10 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
It's July 4th, work is dead, I've got nothing else to do, let's try to plow through a bunch of these, shall we? At the rate I've been going I'll be at this all year.
The rest of the battlefield was chaos.  Patches of darkness covered everything, and the landscape was distorted.  In some of the areas Vista had warped, the rain wasn’t falling in a straight line.  One spot in particular had the rain moving horizontally before it dropped to help fill a massive puddle thirty feet across, where her power had made an indent in the ground.
I do like Wildow's attention to detail here, and the way these powers just... absolutely fuck everything up like this, and stay like that.
Bitch screamed, and it was a long and primal noise, filled with rage.  I was still inside the bank, watching things unfold through the window, barely able to hear it, and it still made my skin crawl.  So he’d shot the dangerous psychopath with a blast that made her angry.  Someone would have to explain that one to me at a later date.
I'd guess Gallant didn't shoot her with rage, it's just that Rachel's kind of messed up. But I could be wrong.
Seems an odd choice though, if he did.
Apparently that was order enough, because Judas charged at the teenager that was dressed like a science fiction Lancelot.
I love descriptions like this because they both tell us absolutely nothing about how it looks... and also tell us everything. I once read a fic that described the armor of a guy from a culture that went from medieval tech to space travel in like, 100 years (sorta, long story) as being 'Lord of the Rings, with Sci-Fi bolted on' (the POV character was from Earth), and it both told us nothing, and yet, told us everything.
Descriptions are hard, ya'll. Worst part of writing. Props to Wildbow.
Was someone’s power at work, giving me a headache?  There wasn’t anyone in the Wards, I was pretty sure, who could mess with your head like that.  Gallant could mess with your emotions, but he had to hit you with a light blast to do it.  The person on the roof, then?  I was fairly confident there wasn’t anyone in the Protectorate or New Wave who could affect me like this.
No one suspects the healer!
(also no one knows the healer can do this, but)
.  A gun, no less than fifteen feet long, with a barrel three or four feet across, all turret mounted on a circular platform not unlike the board he was riding.
I know technically there is no overkill, just "Open fire" and "I need to reload" but also...
I jumped for cover the moment I realized what he was doing.  There was a muffled sound, more a very large person someone hitting a punching bag than what I’d expect a laser cannon to sound like, and the window exploded. What was he doing?  We had hostages inside.  I turned to check, and saw there weren’t any hostages near me.  Did he know that?  Heat sensors in his visor?  Was someone watching me through the cameras and passing him info?  Damn it!  There was too much I didn’t know, and Tattletale wasn’t around to fill me in.
You know, if Kid Win and Victoria were dating, he could be the Collateral Damage Ken to her Collateral Damage Barbie.
But JESUS Kid, what the fuck?
(Yes, CDB is an incomplete representation of Vicky, but she does earn the nickname fairly at the early stages. I'm also going to assume it's an unfair representation of Kid Win, but still, *Man* wtf?)
The bugs were slow to react, slow to move and some were slipping from my grasp, returning to their instinctive behavior.  Making matters worse, I wasn’t blind to the fact that every time I gave a command, my headache got exponentially worse.
Given that Amy's little messing with the Black Widows only affected them, I'm surprised? Or is this just some sort of Master headache? Is she doing more with the swarm than usual?
 Aegis didn’t try to run this time.  He stood his ground and reached for his utility belt.  He retrieved something that looked like a miniature fire extinguisher. Then he pulled the pin. For the second time in a matter of minutes, I dove away from the window.  It wouldn’t be a grenade, but the option that made the most sense-  I squeezed my eyes shut and covered my ears just in time.  The explosion the flashbang grenade
Flashbang. Much more responsible, Aegis usually is in fic, so presumably in canon too. Tracks.
and Regent was striding out of the darkness, in Kid Win’s direction.
With his outfit and mask that actually probably looks kinda badass.
I whirled to face the voice, and saw the freckled, brown haired hostage that had been glaring at me when we’d first taken control of the bank lobby.  After that, I saw only stars as she slammed something large and blunt into the side of my head.
AMY! :rofl: Finally!
Okay, so like, I get that Amy's not the MC of Worm, but like, I've been waiting for the Fire Extinguisher smash the entire time I've been reading this Arc, so bear with me.
Amy's blorbo, okay?
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