#i'm annoying
necroticghost · 11 months
of course I overshared again because I apparently can't keep my mouth shut whenever someone's there to listen
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chrrywvea · 11 months
my fellow transmasc korn fans i just found these
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i'm just gonna go explode real quick brb
[photo creds to owner]
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i-am-trans-gwender · 2 months
I don't even have the energy to disguise this as a joke. Sorry for the vent post.
I really hate my past self. I don't like the version of me from pre two weeks ago. I was a horrible person. No matter how much I apologize and mentally torture myself I can't undo who past me was.
I have become everything I use to hate which makes me hate younger me even more.
I dont like any version of me but I especially hate who I was from the late 2010's to the early 2020's. Filled with self loathing that lead to me lashing at other people.
I have hurt so many people out of ignorance. Multiple friends of mine have left me because I'm annoying, i have trouble understanding others emotions, i have trouble communicating my feelings, I have trouble learning from past mistakes and no matter how hard I try I screw everything up.
I can't handle the bad things that happen to me but I also can't handle the good things that happen because i feel I don't deserve it. Everybody else has accomplished so much more than me.
I'm afraid of showing genuine emotion. I feel like I have to disguise all my cries for help as jokes or bury my feelings under a billion layers of irony.
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ahedderick · 11 months
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I am allowed to annoy my son by sending him stuff on Instagram. As a treat.
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A breezy morning in April.
Oscar followed Jordan and stepped through the front door, he immediately felt more relaxed than he had been the past three days. He couldn’t even imagine how nice it must have felt for Jordan. She stood in front of him holding their very newly born daughter, Willow. - Wow, it’s so…clean, she sounded surprised. - It must have been mom and dad, he said and smiled. - Apparently they stocked the fridge too. Oscar stepped forward and put a hand on Jordan's back. She turned towards him and carefully passed him the baby. - That’s really sweet, she looked him in the eyes, clearly exhausted. - Well they love you, and who can blame them?, Oscar responded and gave her a gentle kiss. - And now I think you should get some sleep. - I’d like that very much, she said and gave Willow a little kiss on the head. - I love you, you know?Both of you.
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I wish I was better. Just... better...
If I was, I could do more and be more useful to people...
I could be better for others too and be able to give more. Instead I'm quite useless but there's nothing to gain from saying that, though I desperately need to because the thoughts are constantly stuck and I'm rarely, if ever much good for people who are important.
I often feel like I'm just not good for others on a fundamental level, I can't even take basic care or do basic things and it sucks... that's before I'm often too much or too little.
Anxiety peaking with a meeting I'll have take because of my own failure to do anything...
I'm just a rotting waste of life.
I hate being an ugly, useless, horrible monster...
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sindirimba · 1 year
use a photo on your phone camera roll and write a quick hc/fic you're NEVER explored before
these anonymous prompts are fun but also always shocking to me. une invite de commande (pas d'ordinateur, mais fiction) pour moi??? well, thank you.
well. the last photo i took was of my cat sleeping in a bag...
Nile makes her spending money like this: going to art school in a place where it’s not hundreds of grand for the privilege, getting a teaching degree for the flavor, teaching the most in depth art history class you’ve ever heard of in your life to bored teenagers or curious university students. Teaching little kids how to make perfectly inelegant bowls and cups out of earthenware clay, for their parents. For her, sometimes, presented with a big toothy (sometimes partially toothless) grin. Merci Madame Rivière. Per tu, Senyora Riu. Kwa ajili yako. Nós te amamos, tia Nile. It gives her spending money, and it gives her a kind of connection she struggles to find anywhere else, too.
Booker makes his spending money with jewelry. Not copying the work of others, that’s a talent that pays the bills, that keeps his compatriots out of trouble. But sketching his own ideas, sculpting metal and polishing gems and etching and bending until he’s made something beautiful, unique, lasting on the power of its own creation-- that gives him something extra to take home, gives him something to help him enjoy this everlasting inescapable life he inhabits.
He likes working in silver, mostly. For most of his life, he preferred silver. Nile looks good in everything but there’s something about the way she looks in gold that changes his mind. His best effort goes into the gold and emerald ring she wears every safe moment she has. She carves him a heart-shaped pendant out of porcelain, accented with shimmering platinum diagonally across holding the arteries and valves safely stitched back together, and he clasps it in warm gold, strings it on fine silver, and only takes it off when they go back to their day jobs.
Merci Madame Rivière - thank you Ms Rivière, french Per tu, Senyora Riu - for you, Ms Riu, catalan (riu is 'river' in occitan) Kwa ajili yako - for you, swahili Nós te amamos, tia Nile - We love you, aunty Nile, portuguese, ty nat <3
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ivystoryweaver · 11 months
How have u been? :))
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SO into spooky season!
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I'm annoying about everything but especially spooky season💀🎃👻
How are you?
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unbound-shade · 2 years
I feel like I’m actively getting worse at communicating the harder I try; like no matter how I come at things I feel like all I manage to do is be a nuisance. Even when people have been patient with me I always feel like needing help with anything or to talk the logic of something through is an unfair thing for me put on someone, even though I can externally acknowledge that it’s not.
Pretty sure it’s part of what killed my last relationship before it even got off the ground. Fucked up my education experience. Fucked up a bunch of friendships. Fucks up my acquaintances even worse, which makes it harder to make new friends.
I want to be even less verbal. I want to stop feeling compelled to even do shit like this. I want to give up trying.
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euesworld · 2 years
"The sound of us in love has to be really annoying to everyone else.. like who wants to sit around and hear our lips smacking together for hours at a time, or our little maniacal giggles? I can totally understand why we need our own spot.."
By George I've found the spot!! The G spot!! Haha - eUë
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noosesurroundsme · 2 years
I'm really sorry. I'm annoying.
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butthead7 · 10 months
friend 1: what am I?
Friend 2: your a homosapien
Friend 1: I'm a homosexual
Me: I'm autistac! :D
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toxictwiggie · 2 years
I hate how annoying I am
I wish I could stop myself from talking to anyone
But damn do I hate the loneliness
And when something goes wrong
I crave comfort
I'm toxic through and through
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platonicgryphon · 2 years
How is someone supposed to make close friends as an adult?
Like I have "friends", but it never really feels like I get invited to stuff. Even as far back as high school everyone has their circle of friends and I'm just off to the side, a circle of one connected to a few other large circles via a very thin dotted line. People in those circles know me and I'll talk to them every so often, but that's as far as it goes.
I don't think I've ever been someone's best friend and I don't know anyone I would have considered a best friend.
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w3ird0-red · 1 year
I just laughed for like 30 minutes at a realistic jeff The Killer fan art with him bringing a bloody gift because I kept thinking, "He has no lip lips. How will he get a kiss kiss?" And realized it was 3 am and sent it to one of my friends with an audio clip of me weezing saying that. Then messaging them with "Happy nightmares! <3" and blocked them when he asked about my mental state.
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Feeling so intensely restless and anxious or worried... thoughts screaming in circles and I just want to cry, hurt and sleep and shut down.
I can't help but worry if I'm being too much or not enough all the time. Missing people...
Though that's the norm, missing people...
Barely managing my self care. Life is a mess of which I'm being little more than a useless bother and not managing to do anything.
I wish I was better company or better for others, I don't give enough and I've got almost nothing else to give... I wish I was better, I wish I could give more.
All I can do is hope I'm not being bad or too much or making things too one sided...
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