#i'm here for the fictional drama not the internet drama
i don't even care who wins. i hope they all collectively snap. i want bad to hunt down charlie and kill him over and over and over until he rage quits. i want fit to lavacast red and blue's spawnpoints until they're screaming bloody murder at him. i want cellbit to eat pac's other leg. i want tubbo and phil to kill each other a thousand times over. i want tina to relentlessly hunt down cellbit for killing bagi. I WANT THIS PLACE TO LOOK LIKE 2B2T BY THE TIME THE TWO WEEKS IS UP!!! from a storywise standpoint i just want all the characters to go batshit and i'm not even going to look at the qsmp tag anymore i want to go crazy all on my own with my cubitos with not even a HINT of discourse on my dash
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lackadaisycats · 7 months
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Since it's Indie Animation Day...
I figured I'd repost that list of other animation creators on YouTube that I shared last week, separate from it's original, weird context. I've also included several more entries based on suggestions in the comments. Thanks for the feedback! General Content Warning: Some of the below is not for kids, or contains violence or other subject matter some viewers might find distressing. Please use your adult discretion. Also, this is not a list of moral endorsements. I know some of these creators personally, but many of them I do not. While I have tried to make sure I'm not listing anyone who is a criminal or otherwise objectively harmful person, I don't have encyclopedic knowledge of every little internet drama that has gone down (and chances are I'm not super interested in hearing about it all because it's really difficult to tell fact from fiction from hyperbole around here).
Anyway, check out some Indie Animation:
Far-Fetched Worthikids Satina | Scumhouse Noodle and Bun Punch Punch Forever Ramshackle Noodle Papajoolia | Pipi Angel Hare | The East Patch Jonni Peppers Salad Fingers Monkey Wrench Studio Heartbreak Felix Colgrave JelloApocalypse Odd1sout (started indie, got picked up by Netflix) Allie Mehner JaidenAnimations Lumi and the Great Big Galaxy Cloudrise | The Worlds Divide Telepurte RubberRoss James Lee ENA Godspeed | Olan Rogers Ollie and Scoops Meat Canyon Port by the Sea Kekeflipnote Boxtown Kevin Temmer Weebl Joel Haver CircleToons Long Gone Gulch Atlas and the Stars Animist Skibidi Toilet A Fox in Space Alex Henderson Talon Toniko Pantoja Sr. Pelo Hullabaloo Kane Pixels (started indie, picked up by A24) Homestar Runner Fennah Gods' School Alan Becker Dungeon Flippers JazLyte Psychicpebbles (started indie, Smiling Friends picked up by AS) Piemations vewn Metal Family Dead Sound chluaid Jacknjellify Betsy Lee | No Evil My Pride Cranbersher GeoExe | Gwain Saga Horatio the Vampire Mech West Playground | Rodrigo Sousa The Brave Locomotive Finchwing (+ check out other Warrior Cats animators) Quazies SamBakZa Kamikaze: Trial by Fire Parasomnia
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ninii-winchester · 3 months
Chosen Affection
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Pairing : Dean Winchester X Reader
Word Count : 3.3k
Warnings : slight angst, language, Lucifer being Lucifer, soft smut at the end (nothing explicit) MDNI. Unedited.
Part 2 to Deepest Desire
A/n : This is a Supernatural x Lucifer crossover fic. I’ve only ever watched a few episodes of Lucifer. This is a work of fiction, I don’t own Supernatural or Lucifer. They belong to CW and Netlfix respectively.
After talking with Sam, Y/n went back inside the bar and Dean followed silently. Chloe could tell Y/n had been crying and the tension was obvious. Lucifer eyed the couple, clearly enjoying the drama, which he created in the first place. Not intentionally but he did.
"I think it's best we get to the Bunker and see what we can do from there." Y/n told the other three, Dean opened his mouth to argue but she cut him off. "Sam agrees."
"The Bunker?" Chloe asked confusion lacing her voice.
"It's our workplace. We live there too." Y/n replied, Dean's heart squeezed the she didn't call it home. He knew it was far from homey but that's the closest thing they've had to a place of their own.
"Sounds fun." Lucifer said standing up from his seat.
The quartet left the bar. Dean watched as Y/n slid into the back seat of the Impala, he sighed before he made his way to the driver's seat. Lucifer slid into the passenger's seat while Chloe joined Y/n in the back. He watched her from the rear view mirror hoping to catch her eye but she never looked his way.
The drive back was awkward and tense. Dean couldn't bear the uncomfortable silence so stepped on the gas, wanting to reach their destination as soon as possible. They soon arrived at the Bunker and Dean opened the huge door allowing them to enter. The quartet descended the stairs and Y/n spotted Sam sitting at one of the tables in the library, his laptop opened in front of him.
Sam noticed the presence of other people, and looked away from the screen. He looked at the man in black suit with weary eyes, not feeling completely at ease in his presence. Chloe noticed his timidness and introduced herself.
"I'm Detective Chloe Decker." She held her hand for Sam to shake. "This is..uh my partner, Lucifer."
"Sam Winchester." He shook her hand and nodded at Lucifer who stood there with his hands in his pant pockets. That was so awkward that even, ever the friendly, Sam had a hard time clearing the air.
"Alright." Y/n broke the silence before she went crazy with all the palpable tension around the room. "We need to send them back home as soon as possible. Sam have you got anything yet?" She questioned walking towards him as he sat back on his chair.
"So I've been searching the internet for a way to open a portal to another universe and so far I've got anything." He explained running a hand through his hair. "Although I've yet to search the the files in the library."
"Yeah the Men of Letters might have key laying around here." Y/n commented with a roll of her eyes.
Sam noticed the lack of participation from his brother, he didn't fail to notice the distance between Dean and Y/n, it seemed as she was avoiding him at all costs.
"Is there anyway we can help?" Chloe asked from where she stood.
"Don't you want to rest a bit? I'm sure you're tired after being thrown into another universe." Y/n said softly.
"I already feel like we're asking too much from you people." Chloe replied bashfully. "We can help."
"Its fine-"
"Why don't you say it out right that you don't trust us with your precious files filled with important information." Lucifer interrupted Y/n with a smirk on his face.
"You know what, yes. I don't trust you. At all! So you shut your trap before I throw you in the dungeon alright?" Y/n snapped, directing all of her pent up anger towards Lucifer.
"And just who do you think you're talking to?" The devil asked menacingly, walking towards her. Dean was quick with his feet stepping in front of her, his gun pointing towards Lucifer.
"Don't you dare." Dean threatened.
The man just laughed before speaking, "is this your way of sucking up to her? It's quite pathetic if you ask me."
Sam's brow raised in confusion at his words, before things could get worse Chloe jumped in, "Lucifer, back off. Dean please put the gun down." Dean glared at Lucifer still pointing his gun at him. At Chloe's intervention Lucifer stepped back, prompting Dean to lower his gun. "It's best if we rest." Chloe looked at Y/n and she nodded.
"Dean will show you where you'll stay." Sam spoke, Dean gave him a look that said i-will? and the younger brother shrugged. When the others left the library Sam turned to Y/n. "So are you gonna tell me or I'm gonna have to play twenty questions with you?" She sighed before filling him in.
"It hurts, Sam." She felt herself tear up. Sam immediately went to comfort her. She sobbed in his chest as he held her. "After everything we've been through and it still wasn't enough..."
"Hey don't say that. Maybe you should talk to him, hear what he has to say." Sam suggested. She knew she had to face him sooner or later. "It's late, how about you go and get some rest, you came back from a hunt, must be tired." She nodded her head before leaving his embrace.
She left the library, walking through the hallways she debated whether she should go to their shared bedroom or to the room she stayed in before she moved in his'. That room hasn't been used in a long time. Before she knew it she was standing in front of their shared bedroom, her feet unintentionally dragged her there. She sighed before entering the room. After taking a quick shower she settled into bed. As tired as she was, she couldn't get her brain to keep repeated those moments from the bar.
"Amara" Dean's voice kept repeating that name in her head.
The door to the room opened, Dean entered the room as quietly as possible, assuming she's asleep. He'd gone to library and offered Sam to help but his younger brother told him he needed to be elsewhere and refused his offer politely. Dean's eyes landed her figure on the bed, eyes widen open staring at ceiling.
"Y/n." Dean called out approaching the bed slowly.
"Not now, Dean." She replied, unblinking.
Dean nodded before changing into comfortable clothes and slipping into bed. He knew she wouldn't be in here if she wasn't comfortable sharing a bed with him, however he kept his distance incase she didn't want him touching her. He knows she's hurting, but her ignorance is killing him and the last thing he needs is her pushing him away.
"Did they settle in okay?" Y/n questioned after a minutes of silence.
"Yeah." Dean replied. "Lucifer is a dick though." He added with an eye roll.
"He's the devil, what do you expect."
Minutes passed and none of them spoke, Y/n couldn't fall asleep for the life of her, she kept tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable. She wanted to hold him, she wanted him to hold her. She was too hurt to make a move and her ego was too big to ask him.
Noticing her restless Dean couldn't help but blurt out, "Can I hold you?" Part of him wanted her to get comfortable and part of him wanted to hold her in his arms since he couldn't ever sleep peacefully without her. He didn't know if he asked it for her sake or his own.
She scolded herself for being so eager to be in his arms but she couldn't help but nod her head. He didn't waste a second wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer to his chest, so her back rested against it. He snuggled his face in the crook of her neck.
"I love you, sweetheart." He whispered in her ear, placing a soft kiss on her neck. She shuddered at his action and that was the first time in forever she didn't say it back.
Dean woke up to an empty bed. The clock read 2:27 and he shoved the covers off of him haphazardly and bolted out of the room. First thing that came to his mind that she left him. With hurried footsteps he reached the library, his eyes fell on Sam who was surrounded by files, books and empty beer bottles. His breathing picked up, Sam opened his mouth to question his brother but Y/n's voice interrupted him.
"Dean?" She called out his name, noticing his disheveled state. He turned around to see her standing at the entrance of the war room with two mugs of coffee in her hands. He didn't answer her, instead he took large steps towards her and hugged her tightly. Her arms were angled awkwardly and she somehow managed not to spill the scalding hot coffee over themselves. She sent Sam a confused look over Dean's shoulder and he shrugged, not knowing either.
"I thought you left." Dean mumbled in her shoulder.
"I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd help Sam." Dean nodded before pulling away. An awkward silence followed after. She walked over to Sam putting a mug in front of him.
"Did you guys find something?" Dean asked following behind and her taking a seat.
"Actually we did. There's a few ways to open a portal. There's energy manipulation, magic ritual, or using an ancient artefact or finding a weak spot." Sam explained taking a sip of his coffee.
"But we don't have ingredients for a magic ritual and we certainly do not have the specific artefact." Y/n commented.
"So either energy manipulation or finding a weak spot?" Dean questioned looking at her.
"Maybe but considering Lucifer has to absorb energy from a volcano or a thunderstorm, I don't think it's safe to let him juice up." She replied with a concerned voice.
"Agreed." Sam said rubbing his eyes. "Our best bet is finding a weak spot. From there he can open a portal by using his own powers saying this incantation." Sam turned his screen towards his brother.
"So were do find this 'weak spot'?" The older Winchester wondered out loud.
"It's usually around places like deep woods, ruins or caves. Lucifer can sense it since he has powers." Y/n answered.
"So let's do it." Dean said getting up.
"Wait, now?" Y/n exclaimed.
"Yeah now." Sam agreed with Dean. "The sooner he goes back, the better."
Y/n nodded in understanding, she told them she'd go and get Lucifer and Chloe while the Winchester brothers geared up. Y/n quickly changed and met up with the others. They'd decided to go to the forest. It took them three hours to reach their destination. They got out of the Impala and ventured into the woods.
"Thank you for helping us Y/n." Chloe said as they continued to trek through the dark forest.
"That’s what we do but you’re welcome." She smiled at the blonde. The three men walked ahead of them Sam and Dean constantly asking Lucifer if he felt anything. And the devil kept giving them snippy replies.
"You know.." Chloe started gaining Y/n's attention. "I may not know you all for long but I'm observant. You're good people. I can see Dean truly loves you, whatever he said back there it hurt him too." She said looking at Y/n. It sure felt like the detective knew what she was talking about. "You should give him a chance to explain." Y/n mumbled a quiet 'yeah' with nod.
"This is it." Lucifer said loudly. "I can feel it." He held his arm up feeling up an open space.
"Alright, now channel your powers and focus on the spot. Think of the place you want to go. Your world." Lucifer did as Sam told him to.  Sam handed Lucifer a piece of paper. "Now say this." They could see a split forming above them and bright light emerging from it.
"Ad universum alterum patefacio, vires
invoco. Portalem aperire, vires occultas evocare. Tempus et spatium frangere, iter transire concedere." Lucifer read out loud and the five of them watched in awe as a portal finally opened.
A strong wind roared through the landscape, its force palpable and relentless. Trees bent and swayed, their leaves and branches rustling loudly as they were whipped around. The air was filled with the sound of howling gusts, the sheer strength of the wind created an atmosphere of raw, untamed energy.
"Holy fucking-" Y/n exclaimed, Dean instinctively moving in front of her.
Lucifer breathed heavily, panting as he stood back.   
"Alright. You ready to go back?" Lucifer asked Chloe and she nodded. She quickly hugged Y/n and thanked Sam and Dean.
"I have to say, you three really are something." Lucifer said with a smirk. "And I thank you for your help." He added. The three of them nodded.
They watched as Lucifer and Chloe jumped into the portal and it closed as soon as they fell through. The wind stopped and the light was gone. Sighs of relief were heard in the complete silence of the forest.
"Felt weird being thanked by the devil." Y/n chuckled as they walked back to the car.
"You're telling me." Sam added.
Dean was silent the whole ride back to the Bunker. The sun has already risen, the world felt calm and serene, filled with a promise of a new day. Y/n hoped this new day brings her some peace. When they reached to the Bunker Dean left the car without saying a word.
“You’re gonna talk to him?” Sam asked looking worried. He knew now that Dean didn’t have something to focus on, his mind would be all over the place.
“Yeah.” She replied walking inside. When she opened the door to their shared bedroom she saw Dean sitting on the edge of the bed. He had something is his hands but quickly hid it when he noticed her, though he fiddling with a set of keys in his hands. She took smalls steps and sat beside him. A few seconds passed in silence when Dean chuckled humourlessly,
“You know,” he started, “I was waiting for so long, I didn’t want it to go this way.” She looked at him, confusion written all over her face. “I thought I’d do it when you’d come back from that hunt, take you out somewhere fancy, dinner and all.”
“I bought us a house.” He interrupted her. He showed the keys that were in his hands. “I thought I’d tell you after I’d ask you, and you’d hopefully say yes, we’ll start a new life. You, me our kids. Together. No more monsters, no more hunting.” Her heart rate picked up, “I should’ve known better though, when has anything gone the way we’ve wanted it.” He moved to kneel in front of her holding her hands in his.
“She,” Dean grimaced, “her and I were bound because of the mark, the mark may have gone from my arm but it’s has left something behind, it’s an urge. I don’t desire her at all, not her physical self anyway. It’s something I don’t like admitting out loud but there’s something in me that’s dark and sometimes it makes me want to do things that I did when I had that mark.” She let out a gasp at his confession.
“Dean I had no idea.” A few tears escaped her eyes.
“But you know what keeps me sane? You.” He cupped her cheek in his hand wiping away her tears. “You’re my light, you vanish all the darkness inside of me. You’re the one I want, you’re the one I crave. You’re the one that makes me want to be better. I’m not bound to you, you’re a conscious choice sweetheart. Everyday, every second you’re the one I want.” He grabbed something from beside her, she hadn’t even notice it was there all the time. She gasped again when she saw what it was, a small velvet box.
“Y/n, sweetheart, I love you, I always have and I always will. I know I’ve hurt you baby, but if you give me this one chance, I’ll spend the rest of my life showing you how much I desire you. Will you marry me?”
She couldn’t believe what she heard, did he just say he’s giving up hunting? Getting a house? Getting married? Kids?
“You, Dean Winchester, has decided to quit hunting?” She questioned, thinking somehow she’s didn’t hear him right.
“Yeah,” he chuckled through tears. “And hopefully spend the rest of my life with you, Mrs. Winchester, if you would.” He gestured to the ring in his hand.
“I like the sound of that.” She teased with a smile on her face.
“So will you?” He asked again, not believing her until she says it out loud.
“Yes Dean, I’ll marry you.” He didn’t waste a second slipping the ring on her finger.
“I love you so much.” He pressed his lips to her, kissing ber softly, pouring all of his love into it. Their lips moved in perfect sync, a soft brush sent shivers down their spines. Time seemed to slow, and the world around them faded into a blur. The warmth of their breath mingled, and the closeness created a cocoon of shared emotion. The gentle pressure and the delicate movement of their lips, created a bond that felt both timeless and immediate.
“I love you too, Dean.” She panted as they pulled apart. “I won’t lie, I was hurt pretty badly when you said that. But I had no idea where it came from and it made me insecure. I thought you wanted her.” She spoke lowly as if sharing a secret.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I shouldn’t have kept it from you, but after everything, I didn’t want you to worry. You’d finally had some peace.”
“I understand but from now on, no more secrets okay? I want you to be open with me, yeah?”
“I promise.” He kissed her again, laying her back on the bed. He hovered above her, his hands placed on either side of her head. She let out a soft moan as he kissed her neck and moved to her collarbone. “Let me make love to you, baby.”
She nodded, pulling him back up, kissing him passionately. “Show me how much you love me.” He gently pulled her shirt over her head, and she gripped at his’, indicating she wanted it off and he quickly removes it. It didn’t take long for them to get rid of all their clothing, leaving them completely naked.
He dragged his fingers delicately over her cheek, down her neck and chest. She flipped them over making him lay on his back. She bit his neck, nibbling and leaving dark purple hickeys. She moved to his chest, kissing her way down to his stomach before she could go any further he stopped her.
“Later, baby. I need to feel you.” Dean flipped them over again. He watched her flushed face, leaning on his one arm, he reached a hand between their bodies and gripped himself, leading himself to her. They moaned in unison as he penetrated her. “Fuck baby.” He groaned in her neck.
Moans and groans filled the room as they continue to loose themselves into heated passion. Wrapped up in each others embrace, bare skin pressed together, their hearts beating in unison. Coming undone together basking in the aftershocks of their passionate love making they laid entwined in the soft sheets, their breaths slowly synchronized, a comfortable silence enveloped them. She rested her head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a sound that had become her lullaby.
@fullbelieverheart @spnfamily-j2 @n-o-p-e-never @montyrokz @deangirl96
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That anon might be right, maybe we need more positivity in the community. So here is some proshipper positivity and validation because I'm wearing yellow today!~
Minor proshippers are valid! The safety rules of the internet still matter but you're not being "brainwashed" for it.
Adult proshippers are valid! You're not a creep for being so.
Proshippers who have been here since the beginning of fandom are valid! Thank you for your service.
Proshippers who realized just yesterday are valid! Welcome to the community.
Proshippers who are ex antis, whether they used to harass or never harassed in the first place, are valid! Your actions in the past don't have to define who you are now.
Proshippers who are loud and vocal about it and posting about it are valid! Thank you for helping build community, be careful out there.
Proshippers who remain quiet and don't get into fandom drama are valid! Sometimes you just want the peace and quiet.
Proshippers who feel like they can't be themselves in certain spaces are valid! I'm sorry for your circumstances, hoping you'll find more acceptance soon.
Proshippers who are also com/ darkshippers are valid! Keep consuming your "problematic content".
Proshippers who only like peaceful themes in fiction are valid! You're not a "fake proshipper" because of that.
Proshippers who are picky with their "problematic" or non-problematic content and ships are valid! You still have your place here.
Proshippers who are paraphiles are valid! Your existence is not a threat, and you deserve support and outlets for yourself.
Proshippers who are/ were traumatized or mentally ill, whether that affects their stance or not, are valid! You deserve all the support you can get, not to mention com/darkship content *is* a healthy coping mechanism.
Proshippers who are not traumatized, or don't have trauma relating to the specific content they like, are valid! You don't need to be any certain way to be a proshipper.
And many more.
And thank you admin for running the blog, always remember to take care of yourself if it gets too stressful.
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box-off · 14 days
Hey guys, as much as I HATE internet drama and personally have a lot of stuff to worry about in real life instead of wasting my time here, discussing WHATEVER. I have to come here and talk about this.
First of all, I personally LOVE postal. All of the games, I own merch of it, I own the games, I even own the movie. I drew and will draw a lot of stuff about the game. I enjoy playing it, I enjoy creating for it, I just like it. And when I came around here I was pretty excited, there were a lot of people who share my interests and there still are BUT there's a bit of a problem.
I haven't been posting much stuff related to the games, mostly because I just didn't have time and I do other stuff that is not always related. And while I was away I kinda started noticing a bit of a shift in the fandom, maybe it's just me watching it from the perspective of someone who doesn't interact with it that much by now, but damn it does feel strange.
I'm going to dedicate this post to my dear @mayonnara, and if you want to see their point of view on this, please go check their recent posts.
True crime. True crime is interesting, if you think about it well enough, all human history is true crime but there's a bit difference between "Wow, this story is interesting, I wonder how that happened" and "Wow, those guys are hot and thanks to that we'll dismiss what they did, which is, killing people". You guys??? Are dumb. Sorry to say it, but don't put people who are genuinely interested in just crimes that happened and idiots who worship killers. I don't like when people worship real life people in general, but come on, those people specifically?? Why not go for Hitler straight away? He killed more people! Go to a fucking cult if you need to worship weird people so bad.
On other hand, you're not welcomed in the Postal community. When you enter any of the games the first thing you see is.... drum roll... A DISCLAIMER. That says what? "No violence in real life", "violence should stay in video games", and hey, did we all forget what is one of the reasons postal redux doesn't end the same way postal 1997 ends? Guys... sorry to tell you this... The devs DO NOT like people like you.
Reminds me a lot of how some smart-ass decided to make an edgy joke about a worker from RWS who had a really serious health problem. The game might be edgy, the RWS made it that way, yes. But I doesn't mean they enjoy you dumb fucking idiots who think that what is normal in a fictional world is okay in real life. Sick and twisted all you want, but have some dignity, keep your bullshit to yourself
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Anonymous asked: Sorry if this is a stupid question, but is it okay if I just say fuck it and write something "poorly written" on purpose?
[Ask edited for length]
I'm going to try to tackle this question in parts, because it's actually a quite good question with a complex answer. So, bear with me...
The answer to "is it okay to write something 'poorly written' depends on two things: the chosen definition of "poorly written" and your intentions with the work.
Defining "Poorly Written" - What does and doesn't qualify as "poorly written" is largely subjective, meaning that it's different for everyone and every situation. There are certainly things that fall into a more objective category... like, if your work is riddled with typos and bad grammar, that will be broadly seen as "bad writing." But, just because a few people say something on the internet doesn't make it broadly true. When you see advice on the internet like "if your character holds important information back from the reader until the end, that's bad writing," don't just assume that's true. Dig into it. Research it. Verify it on multiple reliable sources. If you can find that same advice coming from multiple reliable sources (see below) it's probably broadly true and something you should strongly consider if you want your work to be broadly successful. You can break a "rule" here and there, but be mindful about it.
Some of my favorite reliable sources for writing advice: K.M. Weiland/Helping Writers Become Authors, Joanna Penn/The Creative Penn, Writers Helping Writers/Angela Ackerman/Becca Puglisi, Jane Friedman, Advanced Fiction Writing, Chuck Wendig/Terribleminds, Kristen Kieffer/Well-Storied, Mignon Fogarty/Grammar Girl, Nathan Bransford, Abbie Emmons/Make Your Story Matter, Bethany Atazadeh, Brittany Wang
Your Intentions with the work: obviously, if you're writing for yourself or a small group of friends, just for fun and entertainment, do what you want. If you're writing with the intention of publishing and you want your work to do well, you do need to mostly stick to the "rules" that are known to work on broad levels.
The reason you see advice like, "all dialogue should serve a purpose," is because it's understood that broadly-speaking, most readers don't enjoy dialogue that is obviously fluff and serves no purpose, for the same reason that your eyes glaze over when you're in a group of friends and someone starts telling a long and irrelevant story about some minor inconvenience they had the other day. People don't like their time being wasted, and if you force your reader to read two pages of your characters having a completely irrelevant conversation about fashion, you're going to lose the reader's interest.
I see a lot of advice like, "If your characters know important information that they don't tell the audience until the end, that's bad writing..."
Part of the problem with advice that you see from random people on the internet is that, quite often, they see a bit of broad and reliable advice, but when they repeat it, they strip it of a lot of the additional information that makes it true. This bit of "advice" is a great example of that, because there's a lot of detail missing. For example, having a character withhold information from the reader is fine to a degree (this is called an unreliable narrator), but there needs to be some indication early on that the reader isn't getting the whole story. There need to be other clues the reader can pick up on throughout the story that makes them question whether or not they're getting the whole truth from the reader. Otherwise it comes off like the writer dropped it into the story at the very end for convenience or drama's sake.
Others I've seen are "If your character has a backstory that's not 100% relevent to the plot, you need to cut it"
Stories can be plot-driven (more about the plot than the characters), character-driven (more about the characters than the plot), or a combination of both (where both have equal importance.)
If you're writing a story that is partially or fully character-driven, who your character is--and how they got to be that person--is one of the most important aspects of the story. Not only because it helps the reader understand why your character is where they are when the story starts and why things need to change, but it helps explain why they make the decisions they make, who and what's important to them, why it's important for them to reach their goal, and gives us a starting point for how they're going to change throughout the story. It's their backstory that is going to build all of that up for the reader.
Backstory explains your character's important life experiences up to the start of the story. So, there is no point in going into detail about the two years your character lived on a beach in New Zealand if that experience didn't play a role in who they are at the start of the story. It just becomes useless information that serves no purpose and clutters up the story for the reader.
Or "Here's why this trope is boring and overdone and why you should remove it"
Advice about tropes and cliches are often opinion-based, because for every person who says "love triangles are dumb and here's why you shouldn't do them" you'll find people who say "I only read books featuring love triangles."
The key thing to remember with tropes is that when you read they're tired and overdone (which makes them cliches), it's fine to use them, just find a way to put a new spin on them. Find out how the trope is typically used and do something different.
And now I just feel awful. I feel like the entire premise of my story is just complete trash and I need to scrap it and start over. I feel like I need to remove everything that I actually want in a story so that it's "correct".
You definitely don't need to do that. Again, take random internet advice with a grain of salt. If it's something you're really concerned about, try to verify it on multiple reliable sites. If you can't, you're probably fine. If you can, those sites will probably also offer alternatives or ways you can fix the problem.
I'm self publishing, does it actually matter?
If you are planning to self-publish but are not going to take the time to make sure you're putting the best book out there you can, you are only hurting legitimate self-published authors who do put in the effort to make sure they're putting out their best work.
Having said that...
Will people really read my story and go, "Oh dear, these characters didn't just pop into existence as soon as the plot started! They actually existed and did things before the story takes place!?
No, probably not, but that's because this is a really dramatic interpretation of the advice that backstory should be relevant.
Again, the reader doesn't give two shits that your character spent a year backpacking through the Alps unless that experience played a role in who they are when the story begins. If they had good or bad experiences during that trip, learned things, met people who matter later, etc., then that becomes plot relevant. But, if you can remove this bit of backstory from the story completely and it has no impact on who the character is or the reader's understanding of the character, then it doesn't belong there. Period. Again, the reader doesn't want to have their time wasted, so they don't want to read story after story of your character's time in the Alps if it doesn't matter.
Or "Look, and now they're having a silly conversation and talking to each to her about things unrelated to the plot! And that guy has a pet cat that's never used for anything! This is awful, poorly written trash!"
Again, this is an overly dramatic interpretation of the very solid advice that dialogue needs to matter.
That doesn't mean that every single word uttered needs to be blatantly plot-relevant, but truly, broadly-speaking, readers don't want to read an eight-paragraph argument about which pizza place has better pizza in your character's town unless this argument is in some way relevant to the story. You may be an exception to that rule... you may love to read stories that meander and have a lot of fluffy dialogue and pointless scenes, but you're in the minority, and in that case, you might be better off posting your work to someplace like your blog or Wattpad where you can use tags to find the small segment of other readers who like to read original fiction fluff.
But... the bottom line is that I don't think your story is in as bad of shape (broadly-speaking) as you think it is. Writing advice can feel very, very personal, especially when we see it from randos in internet threads who can't tell the difference between fact and opinion. So, don't take it to heart. Do some research on reliable sites, and if you can't find a bit of advice mentioned, it's probably nothing to worry about. If it is mentioned, they're probably going to tell you how to fix it without scrapping everything you've already written.
Truly, no worries! ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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apricotmayonaise · 5 months
i wasn't sexually harassed by @/musashi, ya'll are just playing the telephone game.
hi, im slushy, i'm 15 and a half years old, i keep hearing these bullshit rumours about my friend wendy, or musashi, as is their tumblr url. i'm here to go on the record to say, that did not fucking happen. unfortunately, since i got banned in the server this went down in. (ha ha. how ironic.) might be tricky but i do have, like, 10 people who can back me up on this.
so, a rundown of events. me, wendy, and a few other people are in a vc. i post a poll about what i should go as for halloween. the options are pretty skimpy but hey, i'm fifteen, going on sixteen years old. i'm nearly an adult and by the time halloween rolls around i'll be old enough to work, drive, and fuck. i'm a teenager, not a toddler.
a couple server members, i think it was around five, voted on this poll. the mods, specifically the owner, got mad at wendy specifically. they said wendy was sexualising me. wendy was obviously like "no, when i look at a teenager in a halloween costume i see a teenager in a halloween costume. slushy's 13 years my junior, im not a weirdo."
the owner proceeded to get mad at wendy and then told me i should dress up as jesus? which is an odd thing to say. it was less of lingerie and more like a bikini. which gives me a feeling that the people getting mad are the type to sexualise teenagers at the beach.
anyway, wendy, with no warning, got banned for this. the mods said they gave plenty of warning but in those "warnings" they seemed to just be making friendly requests, not mod-ly orders.
the whole claim of wendy "offering to buy" me anything is also completely and utterly false. that didnt happen dawg
anyway, i was confused, angry, and upset about this. wendy was also very upset.
anyway, you know who i was groomed by?? someone else on the server who all the mods continue to reblog from and interact with. they know she's a groomer. i've told them. wendy's told them. at least five other people have expressed concern or disgust at this person's behaviour, and yet they continue to talk to the groomer.
i also want to add that i was completely and utterly spoken over. every time i said "wendy wasnt weird or creepy!" they didn't listen to me because i'm just a minorrrr. i'm just a little girl who obviously can't think for herselffffffff.
as for wendy being a "pedo apologist", i think this just refers to wendy...not being an antishipper? god forbid wendy, a grown ass 28 year old adult with adult responsibilities not get into internet discourse? also i find it pretty gross how we put "actual fucking child predators" and "people who don't care about online drama surrounding made up ships" on the same level of bad. one is something i can scroll past or block the tag of. the other caused me trauma, pain, and having grown up way too fast. fictional characters can't experience pain or tragedy in the same way real children and teenagers can.
this post is in regards to this anon message:
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you are a bunch of sick people who don't care about real child abuse. you ignore groomers and let them fly under the radar to target people who you, personally, don't agree with. you're making a real victim into a false victim, and at the time of the incident it was sexual assault survivor's awareness month.
if you're going to call someone a victim, at least fucking listen to them. a real groomer is out there living her life while my friend lost a big amount of friends due to false allegations.
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osachiyo · 1 year
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please for the love of god, read my rules before interacting/requesting.
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do not steal/copy/repost/translate ANY of my works. plagiarism is not cool.
I write and interact with nsfw stuff so minors (-18) please don't interact with my blog. I am not responsible for anything you consume on the internet.
this blog contains dark content. if you are uncomfortable with that, I suggest you click off and don't attack me. just because I think something is hot in fiction, that does not mean I condone such acts in real life. fiction is not reality, keep that in mind.
be patient while requesting. I have a life outside of tumblr and this is not my first priority. please remember this is just my hobby, not a full time job and don't rush me/demand things from me because I will most likely ignore your ask if you do.
be nice. I write for fun, please remember that. writers don't owe you anything, and I'm not being paid to do this, so have decent manners while requesting
please refrain from trauma-dumping in my askbox. While I do love talking to you guys, please refrain from sending me extreme stuff. I understand if you are going through something, but I am a stranger on the internet, not your therapist.
any anon hate, threats or bullshit like that will be ignored or I'll most likely clown on you.
don't bring any drama in my askbox, especially not about other creators. this is a writing blog and we're just here to be horny and read stuff, not partake in any drama's.
absolutely no kind of discourse. but I will speak up if I sense some bs going 'round and esp if it involves my moots.
refrain from giving me criticism unless it is asked for.
be specific but not too specific please, like paragraphs after paragraphs. only a few sentences should suffice.
don’t spam like me. if i spot that someone’s spam liking my work without a single reblog, it’s a block. if I spot you liking 5+ posts without a single reblog, you'll get blocked. remember, likes don't share my work, reblogs do :)
if you're gonna send me fanart that doesn't belong to you, please please PLEASE credit the artist in the ask, or just don't send it at all.
please don’t spam my inbox. i receive lots of asks and i try to answer as many. sending me constant asks makes things harder for me and doesn't increase the chance of me responding to you. i’ll delete them or just ignore them to avoid spam.
if you wanna break mutuals then hard block me. if you soft block i'll most likely think it's a glitch and follow you again. please DON'T just unfollow and have me still following you.
please don't feel offended or attacked if i block you.
if you have a problem with me, don't be shy to dm me about it. don't subpost about me, because i WILL see it. let's handle shit like adults, yeah?
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Stuff I don't write ↓
amab/male reader + etc, pseudo/step-cest/incest, necro, vore, character x character, age regression, lolicon/shotacon, ddlg, foot fetish, bukkake, gang bangs, pedophilia, Mori, breast feeding, watersports, piss kink, domestic abuse, brainwashing, scat, cbt, food play, snowballing, race play, m-preg, knotting, bestiality, eating disorders, wound fucking, heavy bleeding, milf! reader, shock play, shoe licking, high school au! setting (nsfw), panty sniffing, sounding, race/color specified reader, oc's, SUKUNA, aging up minors etc. — these are subjected to change.
any confusions? don't be afraid to throw me an ask !
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doyouhearthunder · 18 days
On Pros and Antis and the Confessing of "Sins"
If you're in any way involved in fandom spaces, and in particular fanfiction, you've probably heard about the ongoing debate between proship and antiship schools of thought. It's a perpetual drama machine that I have tried to stay clear of, to avoid incurring the wrath of the 'pitchforks and torches' types, but I feel I can no longer stand on the sidelines while my friends take abuse from terminally online Unreasonables. So I'd like to set the record straight on a couple things.
First though, since we're dealing with amorphous internet terminology that means 100 different things to 100 different people, here are some quick definitions as I see it:
PROSHIP is the more reasonable, nuanced and mature stance of the two, defined as the belief that there is no automatic correlation between individual morals and the consumption or creation of fictional media. Proshippers believe that all facets of life, even darker and more taboo topics, are fair game for fictional exploration and creative expression (even in the common context of NSFW fetish material). The key point here is that one should have a healthy ability to separate fiction from reality and an understanding that finding enjoyment in darker subject matter does not somehow make one a bad person - although moral lines obviously can and should still be drawn regarding improper behavior towards real people, it does no one any good to limit creative expression or paint creators with a broad moral brush.
ANTISHIP, on the other hand, is a reactionary movement in response to the above. Antishippers believe in drawing a hard moral line in the sand around some topics and discouraging creative expression regarding them. Antis defend their conservative worldview by attempting to take a moral high ground, making themselves out to be the reasonable ones and decrying any criticism of their position as tantamount to condoning the indefensible. But the problem with antis is more one of behavior than motivation; they may think they're defending the innocent, but they function like a loaded gun pointed in all the wrong directions. Anti rhetoric is often characterized by sweeping black and white moral standards and purity tests, leading to targeted harassment campaigns, harmful slander and willful distortions of reality, and attempts to ostracize targets from fandom communities and turn public opinion against them.
It's also worth mentioning that the burden of these culture war campaigns against "inappropriate" and/or NSFW content often falls more heavily on queer and marginalized creators, due to internalized transphobic rhetoric and fear-mongering, while cis people who consume or create similar content often skate by unnoticed, shielded by privilege or anonymity.
To demonstrate my point: I am the creator of several popular SFW fics, but I'm also the creator of several popular NSFW ones. For years I've been writing "darkfics" with subject matter that could be considered extreme or controversial, under the pseudonym of SubordiSins (a more common story for many of your favorite fic authors than you might think, I should add).
My best-known (and best) work under that handle is a fic called Reindeer Games, a novel-length erotic torture porn thriller. RG was written as a collaboration between myself and @kimberlyeab, a talented and prolific fic writer and a dear friend. I'm quite proud of our work together: We took a simple premise and gradually expanded it into a twisty, emotionally complex character-driven drama. It was also, frankly, some of the most fun I've had writing anything. It's important to me to be clear that while the subject matter of RG is an acquired taste (mind those Dead Dove tags), the fact that I wrote it on an alternate AO3 account does not mean that I am in any way ashamed of it.
In addition to being a fantastic creative partner, Kim has done a great deal to uphold the most basic benefit of fandom: providing like-minded fans with safe, accepting online spaces through which to forge friendships and express themselves creatively. I've definitely found my online tribe in Kim and their friends, as have many other notable fic writers.
However, Kim has also been a magnet for controversy, in part because of our collaboration on Reindeer Games, but mainly because as a queer online figure who openly writes smut, they make a good target for hate. They have directly suffered from the crude transphobia of chuds and 4channers, the vile slander and sustained harassment of unhinged and obsessive Tumblr stalkers, and even email bombs and doxxing campaigns that pose a threat to their IRL safety and security.
Through it all, I have tried to be a supportive friend while also benefiting from a shield of insulated anonymity that means I get to be impervious to harm from writing the same fics that they get hate for. I originally took that approach for my safety, but I'm tired of feeling like I have to choose between self-preservation and being fair to my friends. We never meant it to, but the unequal footing created a wall between us and lead to hurt feelings. I've had enough of it, and so I'm finally bringing that wall down.
To summarize:
Proshippers are good people more often than not, and antis are often dangerously obsessive, inappropriate, and untethered from reality.
Fiction cannot be held to the same moral standards as reality and if you don't understand why, I don't know what to tell you other than "Give it some more goddamn thought."
Nobody needs to meet someone else's arbitrary standard for moral purity tests in order to deserve being left alone and not harassed.
Having kinks is normal, and most of your favorite fic writers have probably written about their kinks, even if not openly. As ever, the golden rule of fanfiction is and has always been "Don't like, don't read."
Just as it is the responsibility of fic authors to tag their work appropriately, it is the responsibility of internet users to make use of content filtering and block features to curate their online experience and protect themselves from material that upsets them. It is *no one's* responsibility to police what other users post online.
Anyone who throws around accusations like "p*dophile" or "gr*omer" without concrete and substantiated evidence of actual wrongdoing (aka, a lot more than just fics or kinks) is not a serious person.
Kimberlyeab is a cool and sexy person and anyone who tries to hurt them must go through me as well.
Any complaints about my/Subordi's fics or the contents thereof can be mailed to the following address:
Doyouhearthunder 69 Fuck Off Ave Proshiptopia, FU United States of Mind Your Own Damn Business
Any praise for my fics can be directed to my inbox. <3
Thank you for reading. I will not be taking questions at this time (except of course from friends in good faith).
God bless all the kinksters and the queers, Nate
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arcielee · 5 months
I hope you're doing fine amidst all this drama. It's no surprise that my intuitions were proven right once again, and here we have Ange, crying on her blog about being doxxed while conveniently ignoring her own complicity in Bel’s racism. It's sickening that some people still support her behaviour. However I wanted to bring up this post:
Weren't you also doxxed in Ange and Em’s groupchat? And now they only come to you when the dust settles after their mess with Bel. I'm tired of these women always playing the victim and never taking responsibility for their actions. We're all over it!
Hey anon. You are referring to this post that I made. I thought it best to respond to this before we return to some much needed healing and hydrating.
I mentioned that I was not going to speak on the subject again, but more information has come to light and there is something that has been weighing on me.
As I posted before, I found out that I had been doxxed. This was something that happened in the same groupchat that included Bel, Fae, Ange, and Em where screenshots had been shared. I learned about this prior to the post when Em reached out to me through a mutual we shared. She was very remorseful and apologetic for what happened, and she provided me with the unedited versions I needed so I could handle this at my local police department.
Doxxing is frightening. When I returned to Tumblr back in 2022, I enjoyed the anonymity of it all, how I was able to blatantly be some dork who swooned over silver haired fictional characters with my kindred spirits. Seeing myself tagged in the post mentioned above, seeing those original screenshots with my legal name and my private, personal IG on display rattled me to my core.
In this chat I learned that not only had I been doxxed, but it was also mentioned about the animosity that stemmed from lies being shared without being validated. The TL;DR of the situation is that Bel and I shared a small server together. I was warned about her behavior by Ange and others, but at the time Bel had been nothing but kind to me, so I ignored it. Then Bel left our server and went to Ange and Em with some false narrative about me and some others. Despite how I was warned me in the beginning, she accepted what was said without thought. This resulted in me being blacklisted and harassed within the HotD fandom.
This was and continues to be an ugly ordeal. We are finally seeing that worst things happened in that same chat, which is why I was wary to even bring this up again.
But I do feel I should remind everyone that doxxing is the act of providing personally identifiable information about an individual or organization, usually via the Internet and without their consent. [x]
And this is what happened to me.
I did not want to do a super detailed post about it; I understand the insanity of it all since we literally came to this hellsite for a show about some incestual family that rides dragons. But the only way for us as a fandom to move on is to acknowledge what happened and those who were affected by it before we can move forward to create a safer environment for everyone who is a part of it.
I truly believe that we can and will do better. 💜
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princessbrunette · 1 month
im not a big john b girlie but you write him so well! your most recent one w toxicex!reader n all was so well written!
you seriously nail dialogue so well, they feel so human and their dialogue conveys such nuance and glimpses into their personality and motivations. i'm genuinely such an impressed by writing and incredible skill, you have such a seamless way with words, painting a really charged, and clear image of these characters and scenarios.
p.s some questions if youre willing to answer !
what got you into writing fan fiction?
do you write your own original stories, or are you more happy and comfortable exploring these fictional worlds as is?
would you say writing is an outlet for you, from life, or drama, or work?
when it comes to dialogue, what do you think is more important - what is said or what isn't and
do you have any particular literary inspirations for dialogue (i.e a film with good dialogue like 'before sunrise' or a novel like 'normal people' or something) or are you more thinking of just real, conversations or straight from shows (like outerbanks, and etc) and watching how they talk rather than trying to emulate any other style?
sorry if this sounds like an interview or if this is a bit much or overwhelming. i've been reading your stuff for like a good year now, and i'm just curious!
adore your work, hope all is well sending hugs n love :)) x
this is literally so sweet <3 made me so happy tysm!! of course i’ll answer ur questions ♡
what got you into writing fan fiction?
well tbh i’ve been writing ‘fanfiction’ since before i knew what it was. i’ve mentioned a few times on this blog but i had this little notebook (that i still have!) where i’d write loads of self insert stories when i was roughly 9-10 years old. i would insert myself into my favourite disney shows with the characters i had a crush on etc. it was my favourite thing to do, id bring my notebook with my everywhere and it could keep me entertained for hours! that’s probably where i got my start.
do you write your own original stories, or are you more happy and comfortable exploring these fictional worlds as is?
on tumblr particularly i’m more comfortable adapting universes that already exist because i enjoy the community i can / have built off relating characterisations with other people on the internet. i can have some sort of semblance of whether or not im doing an okay job based on the feedback. however, i grew up writing for a stage / screen too, which i’ve recently gotten back into and i do deeply enjoy creating a universe from scratch.
would you say writing is an outlet for you? from life, drama or work?
not particularly! moments in my real life have absolutely inspired by writing but i’m not sure i use it as an escape. as someone with autism, routine is really important to me. i write as part of my routine mostly every single day whether i post something or not — and if i don’t write i actually feel pretty thrown off. i also write in other forms, for example i love journalling. i think if anything were to be an outlet it would be that.
when it comes to dialogue, what do you think is more important? what is said or what isn’t?
that’s a really interesting question and honestly i’m not sure! i think it varies from fic to fic. i do think what isn’t said can be very powerful, however i believe in order to grasp what is being conveyed without words the reader would really need to understand the character — and to my understanding not every reader does. not only do i know that based off requests i receive occasionally trying to force characters into boxes i personally think they do not belong — but not everyone is here to understand, period. some readers are casual readers, just here to thirst because they saw a couple of edits they liked (which is great, no problem with that!) in which case i like to make my writing accessible to everyone and i try to make their intention as verbatim as possible.
do you have any particular literary inspirations for dialogue (i.e a film with good dialogue like 'before sunrise' or a novel like 'normal people' or something) or are you more thinking of just real, conversations or straight from shows (like outerbanks, and etc) and watching how they talk rather than trying to emulate any other style?
not any that i can remember! i focus more on trying to make my characters seem like they stepped directly off the show even if it’s based in an au. i want readers to be able to hear the intonation in their voice, understand why they’d stutter when they did, see their facial expression as they say it in their head the same way they would if they were watching outerbanks. however, when i read over my drabbles — i often reimagine them as if they were adapted to a film instead. i would give anything to watch all of my drabbles on a private screen, each of them produced in a sofia coppola style of cinema. that would be really fun and girly and aesthetically pleasing i think.
i hope that answered your questions adequately !! 🩷
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heatherra · 1 year
Hey. Serious post. Trigger warning for sexualization of minors.
Yes. This is about Scepterno. Of course it's about Scepterno. I am not going to censor his name, because everyone should know what is going on with him.
He has responded to my post about him, where I said he was actively talking about Alenoah nsfw. I am going to respond to that.
Let's talk!
"i have seen the Posts and im laughing very hard HAHAH not only is Noah a fictional character, he is canonically 19 in the show. and is around my age. even if he werent.... i dont care. cuz he's fake. i can do whatever i want to him because hes not real. yall need to go outside and find some real problems to talk about. this is just plain sad !!!"
This is a serious issue. You want to know why? Because it has been proven multiple times that fiction DOES in fact affect reality. This is a very serious issue. The Total Drama Fandom has a lot of kids in it. Total Drama is a show for children. Children can find your very public blog, see you talking on public about alenoah nsfw, and they will normalize it. You wanna know how I know this? Because I've experienced this myself! Children stumble upon things that they're not supposed to see! You are coming into a space that is filled with minors, because this is a TV show for CHILDREN, and you are talking about these minors characters in a way that is messed up. I am scared for the minors that will see your post.
"PLEASE. guys. please. grow up. im begging you to stop worrying about the imaginary rights of FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. genuinely. for you own mental health. please find real issues to worry about in life. have fun. stop torturing yourself with drama that doesnt matter. at all. youre going to make fandom an absolutely miserable place if all you do is scream and tantrum over what other people do with what are essentially TOYS"
I am worried about the the fucking children. About the VERY REAL children. And you know what? "Stop torturing yourself with drama that doesnt matter." Then why even address it in the first place? If it doesn't matter, why make a long angry post about it? Fandom is supposed to be a fun place. Fandom is supposed to be where you go and talk about your favorite show and post little things that you think about the media. Me "screaming" and throwing a "tantrum" is because you are coming into this space and making it a nasty place to be. Minors are not safe with you in the space.
"you do not care about morality you care about getting attention and feeling more powerful by bringing others down."
Here's my take. People have immoral thoughts about things. That's part of being human. But when you act on said thoughts, and post about it on the internet on your very public blog where everyone can see when they look you up, and you don't even have it tagged or anywhere stated on your blog that you don't want minors following, that's the part that I am shaming. There is something wrong with you for you to post something like that, and not even try to hide it from minor's eyes. I care about the people in this fandom. I am trying to keep people safe from people like you.
And now, the tags.
"I draw [noah] short because size difference is sexy and noah has short king energy."
Height headcanons are fine. But the fact that you are brining size difference into this? A kink? Yes, you are an adult, I'm a fucking adult. We have things that we are into, but you bringing it into this space where children are, that's where the problem is. You are not tagging it, you are posting it on your very popular and public account, where I do not doubt for a second that minors follow you.
"I want you to really self reflect on why your so quick to see a gay man and call him a predator"
I am gay myself. I am not calling your a predator for you being gay. I NEVER FUCKING SAID THAT. I am calling you a creep for fucking talking about alenoah nsfw! I am calling you a creep for drawing nsfw of minors! I am calling you a creep for drawing incest art! Using this "It's because I'm gay" defense, it doesn't fucking make sense! No where have I ever said you're weird because you're gay. You are a fucking creep for talking about alenoah like that.
I am begging everyone to unfollow, block, and get this person off the platform. They are not welcomed here.
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I always said I'd never post anything like this when I was actually active on this blog as I didn't want to start drama but you know what, screw it, I'm not here anymore and I'm tired of staying silent on this.
The way some of the fandom treats Yui is absolutely nuts.
And no, I'm not talking about people who call Yui "weak" or who get jealous over her situation (that's a whole other can of worms), I am talking about the other obsessive fans.
I'll start off by saying I am not saying all Yui fans are bad (some are delightful) but I swear she also manages to attract some of the most unhinged people I've encountered on the internet.
I can't even begin to name all the posts I've seen defending her and arguing against anyone who would call her weak or criticise her in any way etc. And while I know there certainly are people who call her weak or fanfictions where she acts as a love rival for one of the boys versus an OC or reader character, I've actually seen far less of those posts than ones defending her, to an almost problematic degree. Like I literally once saw a post where someone was genuinely telling people to kill themselves because they were treating Yui badly in fanfiction and like what the actual fuck?
I personally have no gripes with Yui as a character. She's written to be exactly what the story needed, and if you like kind cinnamon roll characters, she definitely falls into that category, but people don't have to like characters just because they're good people.
In the same way, the diaboys are all terrible to some extent and if they were real people, you wouldn't want anything to do with them. However, I would argue all of them are well-thought out characters with interesting backstories that clearly tie into who they are by the time the series starts. An immoral character =/= a badly written character in the same way a moral character =/= a well written character.
Now I'm not trying to say Yui is a badly written character, as I mentioned above, I think she fits the role she needed to in DL perfectly, but I do think people need to stop treating her like literal perfection at the expense of actual real human beings. I'll admit, I have seen people dislike Yui for immature reasons, but you can't have a go at people for not liking a fictional character.
I know, and have seen, some people argue that your attitude towards Yui reflects your attitude towards rl abuse survivors and just no. That's not how that works. If someone is reading an account of actual abuse and starts victim blaming that's one thing but DL is NOT REAL and it was never meant to be an allegory about abuse or abusive relationships, it's made for people who are horny about vampires. That's it. There is no deeper meaning. I cannot emphasise this enough.
I think if there's any real point here, it's that if some of these fans genuinely value morality and goodness as much as they claim, they would take a good look in the mirror at how they treat real people. If you love Yui so much, use her an example (i.e. being nice), not some icon to beat people over the head with. And people liking and enjoying the darker aspects of DL doesn't make them bad people in the same way watching a horror film doesn't make you a future serial killer.
Anyway thank you for coming to my TED talk. Again, I am not talking about all Yui fans, just the worst ones I've seen. And to be fair a lot of the points I've made here are true for rabid diaboy fans as well. At the end of the day, it's how you treat other people, not fictional characters, that matters.
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stopitbehaveyourself · 5 months
Kind of long. Ranting about the ST fandom because I need to get this out of my system.
What I'm about to say doesn't really matter as such, because there's about 5 people here who I've somewhat befriended here anyway. But I'm done with this fandom and the people in this fandom. Not all of them, but a lot of them anyway.
The hatred, the absurdity, the creepiness, the toxicity. It's too much. I got into this fandom because I adored jamie (and I still do. Always will.) I've never really met him but from what I've seen, he's sweet, kind, and REALLY TALENTED. So as much as I'll continue to follow him, I've decided to part ways with this fandom. Through the blog anyway. Maybe being a silent fan was always the better option, because having this blog (and a now inactive page on Instagram) has burst my bubble.
When I say this fandom, I mean the ST fandom as a whole. Not just the jamie fandom. Where do I even get started?
Hating Millie Bobby Brown for talking too much and being too loud and rude when she was a literal child. As if you guys were real mature kids who'd behave at a press conference if you played a big character in a big fucking show.
All the hate grace van dien recieved for simply addressing the chemistry she thought Chrissy had with Eddie. Calling her obsessed with joseph- her actual real life friend- on a blog/page dedicated to Joseph Quinn - who probably doesn't know you exist. Who's more obsessed here? You're allowed to have a celeb crush or simp over a fictional crush or whatever but learn to separate reality from fiction and stop hating and hurting real people over fictional characters.
Knowing Joseph Quinn is a private person and yet so many people disrespecting his privacy at any chance they get.
The hate Eduardo Franco gets for talking too much or for his looks.
And an endless list of toxic things in the jamie fandom alone. (I probably missed out on plenty other shit that happened in the ST fandom in general because I wasn't ever involved with it in detail)
Jamie being asked to sign a marriage certificate by a fan. Even if it was fake, if he says he's uncomfortable you STOP. Just because you paid for an autograph doesn't mean you're entitled to get whatever you ask for. He has the right to deny, and when he does, you respect his boundaries and back the fuck off. You don't ask him for a refund when he doesn't even handle that shit.
Overanalysing everything he/the person he is around says/does. Breaking news: everything a person does doesn't have to have a masterplan behind it. They're people. Let them fucking breathe.
Leaking his music even when he specifically asked not to. Support his work ethically maybe?
The recent hacking: Jamie specifically asked not to engage and yet people went on and engaged and were surprised when they got blocked. It's common sense that sending hate to a hacker won't actually make them stop hacking when they have the option to simply block you. By pissing the hacker off you only make Jamie's work more difficult. Sit back and let him handle things by himself maybe? He's an adult with a good enough team who can sort the hacking out for him.
Shipping characters, having a celebrity crush, indulging in fanfictions. It's normal. But keep it to yourself maybe? Nobody wants to see a stranger on the internet showing them their sexual fantasies with them. Try imagining yourself in his shoes, it's uncomfortable as fuck. He is too polite to point it out directly, but some of y'all don't get the fucking hint when he indirectly expresses his discomfort, do you? You pass it off as a joke.
I could specifically list down at least 5 more things but they'd be an attack to specific people and I don't want to get into an argument with anyone or genuinely attack anyone personally either.
All I'm saying is that this fandom is fucked. I miss the times I was oblivious to all the drama going on, but my bubble has burst now, and I can no more look at a video/post related to stranger things and not remember the negativity attached to it. I need to get my head clear at least for now. So I call quits. Maybe I'll return some day but I hope it's not anytime soon. It doesn't matter anyway, apart from the few friends I made here. But I had to say this. It was in my system for way too long.
Please don't spread hate x
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alonetimelover · 2 years
Action! - part 5 - Social Media
Pairings: Director!Reader x Joseph Quinn (+ ex!Harry Styles)
Warnings: swearing, privacy invasion, victim blaming (two comments)
Summary: Privacy has been breached. More songs and albums were written. Halloween happened. Italy. Drama.
Side note: The villain in this fictional story is fictional.
check out the previous parts! part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
series masterlist
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liked by ynshands, harryupdates and 12 818 others
ynupdates the reviews are here! 'Don't Worry Darling' critic's score is 38% right now, and 'Bones And All' is at 87%! Overall, critics say that DWD lacks good pace and contains lots of plot holes. They do praise Florence for her performance and say Harry's accent changing is crucial to the plot - his acting although wavers from quite good to acceptable. 'Bones And All' however is gaining praise all over the world. YN is applauded for her directing, but even more for her acting. People call her 'the new sensation'. Timothée as always played beautifully.
im so happy for our yn being appreciated all over 💓
view all 3 818 comments
harryupdates i had the opportunity to watch DWD on its premiere in NYC and i do agree with critics. what's more IT IS NOT a film about female pleasure. literally there are two sex scenes and that's it.
ynsmybestie i feel like a proud mother 🤧
ynshands i smell two oscars for yn
harrysmoustache kinda disappointed that the dwd script was changed after yn's fiasco. it must have been decent if she considered it
⤷ harrysmylife nick kroll said the script changed almost entirely and that's when the confusion happened
joeandynfann yn is THE ARTIST of the 20s, im making rules
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liked by harrysmylife, user451 and others
harrysnonefan Harry's phone got hacked! pictures mostly of him and yn are all over the internet. this is the most appropriate one i could post.
view all 6 188 comments
harryupdates please delete the post, they got enough privacy invasion for months today. stop.
ynupdates delete it!
harrysmoustache i understand it's all over twitter, tiktok and ig, but you don't need to post about it. their privacy was invaded, those are VERY PRIVATE photos.
ynsmybestie i feel sorry for yn. she's getting so much hate for photos that clearly were taken by the two of them, not only her. point at the couple that has never taken any quite intimate photo, ill wait.
joemyman i hope yn has people close to her helping her deal with it healthy.
harrysmoustache i feel sorry for harry as well. lets not forget his privacy was invaded too.
text messages between YN and Harry
Harry Styles
hello, yn. i just wanted to let you know that i have nothing to do with the leak that happened. the team is already working on solving it as soon as possible. im so sorry you need to deal with it, H.
why haven't you deleted them?
Harry Styles
I don't know, truly. i think i just forgot about them being on my icloud.
it's too late now, but please delete them anyway.
my manager will contact you soon about the statement that should be made and all that. goodbye, harry.
Harry Styles
i really am sorry, yn. i hope it didn't affect your relationship too much.
thank you for your concern, we'll manage.
Harry Styles
i'm sorry. i really am, YN.
read 10:24
text messages between YN and Jeff
i couldn't wait for your move forever, yn. i hope you appreciate the work those photos will do. they have the potential, don't they?
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liked by ynupdates, harryupdates, ynshands, harrysmoustache and 716 918 others
celebrityupdates !BREAKING NEWS! YN YSN is sueing Harry Styles' manager, Jeffrey A. for drastic invasion of privacy. Lawsuit was brought against Jeffrey this morning at the Los Angeles County Superior Court. At the moment the case is open to the public with YN's direct enquiry to stay this way. For more information head to our website.
view all 124 928 comments
ynupdates it was jeff's fault? oh my god. the situation got even sadder and more twisted now. I'm wondering if harry had anything to do with it... I hope not
harryupdates if he's responsible, i hope yn'll get all the money and justice
harrysmoustache he's sick. selling your friends and his girlfriends body for promotion??? #cancelljeff
ynsmybestie i feel so sorry for yn. i hope she'll get her justice. that's the least she can get after all the drama.
user617 i didn't need to know that
hater168 shouldn't have taken photos like that in the first place, could save ger money for the trial
⤷ ynshands she can do whatever she wants with her body. she can be photographed by someone if she wants. her body, her choice. if someone else is placing their hands on it, it's her right to sue them.
hater718 hope she's losing it
joemyman hopefully its going to be a quick trial. she went through enough the last couple of years.
yourinstagram and harrystyles
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liked by josephquinn, taylorswift, annetwist, beyonce, rihanna, tchalamet, florencepugh, ronniecoleman and 21 382 716 others
yourinstagram In the last few days you saw my previous partner's and my body without our permission. You also learned that I filled the lawsuit against my former manager, Jeffrey, because I believe and am ready to proof he is responsible for this invasion of privacy.
This lawsuit isn't only for us. It's for every person that got their body being used. For every person that had their photos leaked, being taken without permission, sold or used for promotion.
I believe in your story.
What is private should stay private.
YN and Harry
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josephquinn You are the strongest woman I know. ❤️
florencepugh privacy isn't a choice, it's your right. you cannot take it away from us. my body my choice. #istandwithynandharry
tchalamet your bodies shouldn't be used against your will or without your permission #istandwithynandharry
taylorswift much love and strength for you both #istandwithynandharry
beyonce take what's yours, yn. 🤍
rihanna your body, your choice. 🤍
joekeery you deserve justice. #istandwithynandharry
annetwist 🤍
ronniecoleman #istandwithynandharry
ynupdates thank you for speaking up about something that people are quiet about! i hope you'll get justice #istandwithynandharry
harryupdates justice is yours. #istandwithynandharry
harrysmoustache joined post? couldn't predict that in my wildest dreams. #istandwithynandharry
ynshands take your money, girl! sue his ass! #istandwithynandharry
hater182 boring
hater168 shouldn't have taken photos like that in the first place, could save her money for the trial
⤷ yourinstagram Your concern about the way I'm using my money is astonishing. This case is worth every penny, if it can bring people like you to acknowledge the problem that invasion of privacy is.
⤷ yourinstagram I can photograph myself in every shape or form I want, it is not your body to decide. And it's my right to sue people that decides to use my body without permission.
⤷ ynshands and that's how you put haters in their place
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liked by ynupdates, harrysmoustache, ynsmybestie, hArrysbtch and 56 283 others
harryupdates Harry leaving the courthouse with his lawyer. YN and Joe were walking right behind him. THEY WON THE LAWSUIT!!!! Jeff is obligated to pay 3,6 mln $ in total for direct invasion of privacy. He is also not Harry's manager anymore, it is unknown who took his place.
I'm so happy it is over. I hope they, especially YN, will catch a breath to enjoy life without all this fuss.
view all 8 182 comments
ynupdates the way they needed just one hearing in the court. jeff really started something with a wrong person
ynshands im so happy for yn and harry. i hope that them winning the case will allow people in the similar situation to sue anyone that invaded their privacy
harrysmoustache thank god its over
ynsmybestie im so happy for them
joemyman i love how Joseph didn't leave yn even for a moment
⤷ ynshands right? also she was grasping his hand so tight, poor baby was soo nervous 😓
⤷ harryupdates did you see how harry was trying to discreetly observe them?
⤷ ynshands I did! but it was so obvious. he was literally glaring at them. the sad smile said it all
⤷ harryupdates he really is still in love with her
user383 only if all the cases were solved this quickly...
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liked by ynupdates, harrysmoustache and 12 829 others
ynshands Matty Healy said that Harry wrote a few songs for 'the 1975' newest album. Those songs are: About You, Human Too, Happiness and All I Need To Hear. 'One day I got a message from the number I've never thought I would hear from. Harry fuckin' Styles was it, saying he had some songs that could work for us. We used every single one.' said Matty in the interview. Similar situation happened to Lewis Capaldi, 'Well I was drunk and sent Harry - I mean Harry Styles a DM, a video of something. (..) All in all, he screenshotted it and then randomly asked if I was interested in hearing a song he wrote. Forget Me is all written by him, I just changed the melody because Elton John told me to.'
harry wrote five songs about yn and decided to give them away instead of using in the next album???
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ynupdates she is the muse
ynsmybestie i imagine it's nice having songs being written about you, but if it's your ex? i don't know.
⤷ harrysmoustache well, he's writing about her beautifully
⤷ harrysmoustache 'there was something 'bout you that now I can't remember; it's the same damn thing that made my heart surrender' in About You made me ugly cry
⤷ ynsmymama what about 'I don't care if your insincere; just tell me what I want to hear; you know where to find me; the place where we lived all those years' in All I Need To Hear? even writing this made me cry. the whole song is just heartbreaking 💔
⤷ harrysbtch and in Happiness there are a few like: 'she showed me what a love is' and 'I would go blind just to see you' and 'I'd go too far just to have you near' and 'her body's like a modern art; take it out in front of me' and 'I'm never gonna love again' .... like im dancing but my cheeks are wet
⤷ ynsmymama i just relistened to the album and Human Too is like his apology and at the same time his excuse of what he did in their relationship... he's not going to stop writing about her, that's for sure.
harryupdtaes the lewis' story??? he's so funny
⤷ harrysbtch but the song? heartbreak anthem once again
harrysbtch the whole chorus to Forget Me has me in tears
harrysgrammy songwriter harry has entered the chat
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liked by yourinstagram, josephquinn, ynupdates, harrysupdates and 10 292 193 others
taylorswift Midnights, the stories of 13 sleepless nights scattered throughout YN's and my life, will be out October 21. Meet us at midnight.
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yourinstagram it was an honour working with you. thank you for putting my words into this astonishing album. 🌃
⤷ taylorswift are you kidding me? you're the star here.
josephquinn 💜
ynupdates yn singing??? name one thing she cannot do
ynshands she directs, acts, writes, sings, what's next?? she's fucking amazing, I love her
ynsmybestie apple music released the song titles and writing credits and im sorry but yn wrote lavender haze, sweet nothing, vigilante shit and mastermind BY HERSELF? with having credits on each song??? songwriter yn era is here, and im so ready for it
⤷ ynsmymama i haven's heard the album but i know, I KNOW it's gonna be my favourite just because yn wrote most of it
harrysmoustache maybe she wrote a track about harry?? we could possibly get her point of view for the whole relationship or drama
⤷ taylors22 if you want songs about yn and harry then listen to evermore. willow, champagne problems, gold rush, 'tis the damn season, tolerate it, happiness, coney Island, closure, evermore, it's time to go. they all are rumoured to be about yn and harry. someone did a video on it, you should look it up on yt. it's worth it.
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liked by ynupdates, harryshoee, harryupdates, ynsmybestie and 9 292 others
that video made me really 🥵
view all 1 293 comments
ynupdates harry really said 'im gonna make her my whole personality'
ynupdates yn and joe are looking divine 🔥
harryupdates he sang hopelessly devoted to you
⤷ ynshands isn't that yn's favourite song from grease?
⤷ ynsmybestie nope! she loves 'you're the one that I want'
joemyman they are the perfect couple. they won this year.
harrysbtch i worry for harry. everything he does is somehow, more or less, connected to yn. it's getting unhealthy
⤷ ynshands i hope he'll find someone to make him happy again. its sad watching him be so attached to yn.
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liked by ynupdates, ynshands, harrysmoustache and 9 282 others
joemyman OMGHSJEDJKD guys!!!! I met Joseph and YN in Italy tonight!!! look how good this man looks
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ynshands spill the tea, lola!
⤷ joemyman I was at the restaurant for my birthday and when the waiter brought the cake my friends started singing. In the middle of the song I saw YN and Joe walking past our table, holding hands and being all cute. Immediately we stopped singing and stared at them with amazement.
⤷ joemyman If that wasn't enough, YN turned around and walked up to us, with Joe right after her (hand on her waist and shoulder) and wished me a happy birthday in italian! Joe then did the same. Later she sent our table the poshest dessert available on the menu.
⤷ ynshands OMG! that's so sweet of them
⤷ joemyman yes! and also after we finished celebrating, yn and joe finished their diner. i found a courage to walk up to them, thank them and ask for a photo. they were super chill but kindly refused a join photo (what was totally fine, YN looked super tired). we took a video of joseph speaking italian with yn laughing in the background, and that's a screenshot of it
ynupdates so good to see them again. it's been a minute since we saw them last
⤷ harrysbtch there wasn't anything after the halloween last year
⤷ ynupdates i mean yn won two oscars earlier this year, but didn't show up at the ceremony
⤷ ynandjoeforever i'm a new fan, can you tell me what she won the oscars for?
⤷ ynupdates sure! last year she directed and starred in a movie called 'Bones And All' with Timothée Chalamet. She won the Best Leading Actress and the Best Director. Timothée also won the Best Actor.
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liked by ynupdtaes, ynsmybestie, harryupdates, harrysmoustache and 384 927 others
celebritygossip EXCLUSIVE photos of YN YSN pregnant on the beach in Italy. For the last six months YN and her boyfriend, actor Joseph Quinn has been living in Italy, staying away from Hollywood gossip. Last January YN won two academy awards for directing and starring in a movie 'Bones And All' but didn't accept them in person. Was being pregnant a reason to skip the gala? For more photos head to our website, link in bio.
view all 47 938 comments
ynupdates 'YN and Joseph on the private beach in Italy' says the caption under this photo on your page. If it's a private beach then it means you broke the law by having taken those photos, invading their privacy. Once again...
ynsmybestie oh man, you're next to be sued by YN for invasion of privacy. hope you have enough money for that 💰
harryupdates they went away to have some peace and quiet and here you are with those photos... smh
user382 how long have they been together?
⤷ joemyman almost 2 years
⤷ user829 so she was with styles more years and couldn't be pregnant?
⤷ joemyman it's not your business.
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liked by josephquinn, florencepugh, tchalamet, taylorswift, joekeery, milliebobbybrown and 47 738 728 others
yourinstagram baby quinn says hi
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josephquinn what a beautiful baby mama 🤰
florencepugh hi baby quinn! 👶 auntie florence's gonna spoil you rotten
⤷ yourinstagram joseph just put the crib together. you outdid yourself, flo ❤️
tchalamet my godchild has the best parents in the world
⤷ ynshands stop... timothée is going to be a godfather???
ynsmybestie timothée knows he's got no chance anymore
⤷ tchalamet she's gonna be my crush forever, ain't no other way
⤷ yourinstagram stop it, timmy
⤷ josephquinn yeah, stop it, TiMmY
taylorswift i'm writing you lullabies, baby
⤷ yourinstagram please record 'em. baby already loves your voice.
joekerry hello, baby joe
⤷ yourinstagram i'm not naming my baby after you
⤷ josephquinn that's my name too...
⤷ yourinstagram your name is dada, i don't know what you're talking about, mate
annetwist Congratulations to you two, darling! ❤️
⤷ yourinstagram thank you, Annie!
milliebobbybrown see you soon, baby quinn! 🤴
ynupdates congratulations darlings!
harryupdates so so so happy for you both!
ynshands she probably wouldn't have posted the photo if that gossip page hadn't invaded their privacy... yn can't get a break from paps
comment liked by yourinstagram and 4 484 others
joemyman a baby with genes from yn and joe??
⤷ ynsmybestie imagine the baby has joe's big eyes and yn's hair
⤷ joemyman the most beautiful baby in the world
text messages between YN and Harry
Harry Styles
Congratulations on your pregnancy, YN. Hoping the baby and you are healthy, H.
thank you, Harry. we're feeling great, baby's healthy.
annie's said you took a break, how is it going?
Harry Styles
You don't need to talk to me if you don't want. I understand. Just wanted to congratulate you after mum told me about your pregnancy
i think i'm mature enough to put the past in the past. also anne is seemingly worried about you, harry.
but if you don't feel comfortable yet, then it's okay. thank you again for the message. hope you are well.
read 4:67 pm
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liked by yourinstagram, josephquinn, florencepugh, ynshands, harryupdates and 2 938 028 others
vogue 'I was always infatuated with motherhood and the beauty that mother love is. Being pregnant just deepened my understanding of those emotions,' says our August cover star, YN YSN. To get to know YN more, her past and future, and her anticipating projects - head to your local stores and buy VogueMagazine August issue.
The sneak peak of the article is available on our website, link in bio.
photography: josephquinn styling, hair and makeup: yourinstagram
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yourinstagram thank you katiesmith for this interview!
ynupdates 'Joseph is everything I could ask for in a partner. He's caring and loving, a good cook which is crucial while being pregnant. He's also very patient with me from the very beginning of our relationship.' the way she describes him is just so lovely
ynshands 'He's a kind hearted, tender man. He thought me a lot, and I'm grateful for having shared a part of my life with him. I only could wish him the best, he just deserves it.' YN talking about Harry. she has nothing but good things to say, despite everything she went through because of that relationship.
harrysmoustache 'It's part of a process, I understand it. Harry's an artist and that's how he deals with live, by writing about it. I found it therapeutic too, and somehow Taylor [Swift] put my rubbish on her album Evermore' she confirmed evermore guys, SHE CONFIRMED IT. also it's not rubbish, babes. its a masterpiece.
florencepugh sexy mama 🔥
joemyman 'I wasn't planning on announcing my pregnancy and that's why we moved to Italy earlier this year. I wanted something to be just my partner's and mine. Joseph was doing everything he could to protect us, and I am so grateful for him and his involvement. If not that one photographer, we'd still be in Italy, having pasta for breakfast.' we were right girlies, she didn't want people to know
⤷ ynsmybestie what about the next part?? 'No, I didn't sue them. I had had enough the last time I was in court. The stress it caused then would be bad for a baby, which is my first priority right now. Joseph, however did report that incident. I remember hearing him say 'I won't allow them to put you through it again, there's no way' and that felt like the quiet 'I love you' he whispers to me every night.' im- 😭
⤷ joemyman i know, man. joseph is just perfect, so protective and loving, couldn't ask more for our yn
⤷ ynsmymama i love how we simply adopted yn, even though she's probably older than all of us
harrysbtch but did you guys see that shade she threw on WB???💀 'I heard about Henry returning as SuperMan, yes. Am I going to direct him? No. I'm keeping my distance from WB. And also the only superhero film I see myself directing is The Amazing Spiderman 3 with Andrew Garfield.' her crush on Andrew is still there
⤷ ynshands i respect her decision. WB did her dirty with DWD and it really started all the drama she's been through
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liked by yourinstagram, florencepugh, tchalamet, taylorswift, joekeery, ynupdates and 17 820 028 others
josephquinn You made me the happiest man alive - a father of our beautiful daughter and your husband. Thank you, lovie.
comments to this post have been limited
yourinstagram and I am the happiest woman with you by my side. I love you.
florencepugh cheers to the best couple in the world!
tchalamet i loved being your flower boy 💐
taylorswift so so so happy for you guys
text messages between Harry and Joseph
unknown number
Please cherish her. She deserves the world.
read 5:29 am
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thefairywithboots · 6 months
Welcome To My Blog
Hi there! ;)
Welcome to my fanfic blog. My primary places to post are AO3, Wattpad, and Dreamwidth, but I have moved a lot of my stuff over here to Tumblr because I love the community and friends I've made over here!
All of my NSFW work fics will be labelled as such. I am not responsible for any minors who ignore the warnings and read such fics anyway.
Requests are closed
About Me
Hi there! ;) You have managed to somehow stumble upon my little corner of the internet. So welcome!
My name is Rita, and I have written fanfiction ever since I was 11 years old - by hand in spare spiral notebooks that I had - back before I even knew what fanfiction was. I’d just sit scribbling alternative endings to video games whose canonical endings had left me emotionally traumatized (Twilight Princess, Valkyrie Profile, etc.) But I didn’t start writing fanfic to post for the public to read until a full decade later.
I have always used writing as a form of escapism, to create worlds when I felt like the one I am in was too restrictive. This blog will be my safe space from the world, and I want it be just as much as an escape for others as it is for me. I want this to be a positive vibes only blog. 🌻
I am a hopeless romantic at heart, and spend a lot time trying to spread positivity, peace and love. ❤️ 🌻
My other interests include crochet (I often post pictures of clothes that I make,) painting/drawing, video games, fantasy/mythology, and most importantly music. Music is my catharsis. The reason I am alive.
I usually keep to myself in fandoms to avoid drama and fights, but am a really nice person as long as you are not an asshole, so please don’t be afraid to slide into my DMs if you want to chat.
Fic Requests
Stuff that I write:
• Fluff
• And most importantly, angst because I love torturing my characters/muses as well as myself.
•X Reader inserts
•x OC
•FxM (fluff and smut)
• FxF (fluff and smut)
• MxM (fluff)
Stuff that I will not write:
•Obviously icky stuff (pedo/necro/rapey shit)
• Jimbert - nothing against people who write or enjoy these kinds of fics - there's actually a few fics of this ship I enjoy myself - and people can write whatever fictional scenario they want. It's just that a very small handful of people on here take things way too far insisting that this is not fantasy, and these two had very real feelings for each other. So... yeah. That shit ain't for me. So I won't be writing this ship. I'll read others' fics though, and any other MxM ship is open for requesting. :)
So... yeah. Other than that, I'm willing to write anything. So feel free to send in requests.
My Fanfic Library
Iron Maiden
Dave Murray x Janick Gers
Fates Warning (Book 1 of Into Darkness) a Dave x Janick fic that follows their relationship throughout the 1990s.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Led Zeppelin
Robert Plant x Reader
Your Most Sacred Place (Smut)
Submissive Robert (Smut)
Aftercare (Smut)
Fire At Midnight
A Little Deal (Smut)
Way Down Inside (Smut)
Who’s In Charge (Smut)
Daddy, I Just Can’t Wait (Smut)
Far Too Long (Smut)
If You Wake Up With The Sunrise
Just Pretend
Robert and Evanna (OC ship)
Depollute Me, Gentle Angel
Steal Away Now (Smut)
I'm Gonna Put You Down For A While (Smut)
I'm Gonna Crawl (Smut)
Song Fics
Tea For One
Crack Fics
What Is And What Should Never Be
Legend of Zelda
Link x Malon
Welcome Home (Smut)
Recommended Blogs
@bijouxcarys writes incredible Robert Plant fics, is such a prolific writer, and is also the sweetest person ever. So check her out. ⚔️🌈
@firethatgrewsolow @brownskinsugarplum76 and @nature-and-music have also written some of my favourite Robert fics, and just overall extremely talented writers who inspire me to get better at my own. So please check them out. 🌻
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