#i'm howling that i got this ask in my inbox
liesmyth · 2 years
Theory: Jod is a trans man
-grew up playing with barbies
-tumblr kid
-constantly dressed in the worst fashion sense youve ever seen but is making it work (t shirts, greek bone crown, and shower curtain lychtor cloak? And he looks good in it?)
-flesh magic enjoyer
-is weirdly confused Mercy was able to steal semen from him for a man who regularly participates in threesomes. Mercy was working overtime with the flesh magic
Ok but you forgot the best part: trans guy John means that there's a significant chance he named himself after John Homestuck.
(Also on the barbie thing: I think that even beyond any gender headcanons and interpretations, that IS a telling writing choice on Muir's part. She said, about John "the God of the Locked Tomb IS a man; he IS the Father and the Teacher; it’s an inherently masc role played by someone who has an uneasy relationship himself to playing a Biblical patriarch" and made this guy a STEM nerd whose fondest childhood memory was of playing with his mother's dolls. THAT is the memory he turns to as he's losing his humanity. Regardless of John's gender identity, playing with barbies is not something associated with traditionally masculine gender roles. idk what I'm saying but I do feel some kinda way when the main takeaway from "I loved Barbie as a kid" is "he forced the earth into a shell of patriarchal beauty standards because he thought it was hot." Like... that's boring)
Anyway. Diversity win! The first man to end humanity is trans.
And I'm YELLING irl that the lyctor cloack is a shower curtain. You're... You're not wrong.
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papercorgiworld · 3 months
No smoke, only love in the air
Mattheo and Theo imagine
When the guys notice that you don’t like their smoking habit they quit, but dealing with the withdrawal has your boyfriend constantly needy for a kiss. 
A/N: I'm sorry for taking so long with this request. I still got few messages in my inbox. I will get to them I’m just short on inspiration, witch is new for me and kinda sad. I’m not super happy with this one but I wanted it finished and out here so I can have some inner peace. Anyways happy readings hopefully it’s not too bad and lots of love to all you darlings, may your week be filled with joy and good fictions. 💛
You and your boyfriend join his friends at the astronomy tower. As soon Mattheo spots Theodore taking a drag from his cigarette he starts to crave one as well. Your boyfriend lets go of your hand. “Gimme.” Mattheo says reaching out his hand to his friend to ask for a kind donation of cigarettes, either because he was out of smokes or he had forgotten his pack somewhere. Theodore rolls his eyes and growls with his cigarette still between his lips. “Why are you so cheap, Riddle?” Theo complains while reaching in his pocket for his pack of cigarettes. Mattheo smiles wickedly at his friend’s annoyance as he still gets what he wants. 
Finally, with a cigarette between his fingers Mattheo’s eyes wander back to you. He gently tugs you towards him as he leans against the side of the railing. You let yourself fall against his chest and stay there in his arms for a few seconds as he argues with Theodore about him not being cheap. You roll your eyes in disgust when Mattheo starts mumbling with the cigarette between his lips.
You turn away when he lights his smoke. “Come back, princess.” Mattheo whines, he wants you back in his arms. “Nah I got to study, see you later.” You kiss him on the cheek. When you’re out of sight Draco lets out a howling laugh. “Future Miss Riddle doesn’t like it when you smoke.” Blaise snorts. “I don’t blame her, you better not smoke around her she deserves better than to inhale that filth”. Mattheo stares at his cigarette as if he had just now figured out it wasn’t a healthy snack. Truth is, he never cared and it never mattered but now you were in his life, it did matter.
That evening he smoked his last cigarette and ordered Theodore to not give him any smokes from now on. 
However dedicated Mattheo was to his plan to quit, it didn’t make it any easier. His body craved the nicotine and nothing calmed him… except for you. Your presence was some magical cure to relax his mind and body. Which resulted in Mattheo constantly searching for you and more specifically your lips. A kiss before class. A kiss after class. Maybe during class when the teacher wasn’t paying attention. A quick kiss in the hallway when he passed you. It seemed innocent and still quite normal, but the longer your boyfriend stayed away from the cigarettes the crazier he got about your kisses. Crawling in between crowds to get to you as quickly as possible for just a small peck. Sneaking into your classes to kiss you and of course getting detention for doing so. It could be the middle of dinner and he would just come sit between you and your friends to kiss you.
You sit in the great half for dinner with Hermoine and Luna on either side of you when Mattheo shamelessly puts his leg between you and Luna. “Excuse me.” He announces, urging Luna to scoot aside, which she does looking a little more confused than she normally does. “Matt?” You ask, surprised by his sudden appearance. He slings his arm around you without a word, before pulling you in for a tender kiss. Your friends blink a few times and Mattheo pulls away, leaving your eyes twinkly from the loving kiss. “Okay, I’ll leave you to it. Granger. Odd girl from Ravenclaw.” Mattheo nods to your friends and gets up leaving you very confused as your boyfriend has again stolen a kiss from you at a most random moment. “How am I the odd one?” Luna asks, turning to her food after watching Mattheo leave. “I think it’s cute.” Hermione says, not sounding convincing at all.
“Something’s off and you have to tell me what… because it’s getting out of hand.” You demand an explanation after Mattheo had just tackled you in the hallway to pull you into him and kiss you like his life depended on it. “What?” He laughed, “I'm allowed to kiss you, I’m your boyfriend.” Ron snorts, unable to keep his opinion to himself making Mattheo glare at him. You grab Mattheo’s face forcing him to look at you. “Matt, I love that you kiss me any time and all the time, but you’re kinda overdoing it.” You whisper those last words hesitantly, but Mattheo hears and is slightly offended. His tongue moves over his bottom lips as he seems to drown in serious thoughts. “Matt, I love you, talk to me.” You urge him to let you in. He sighs and gives in, pulling you into a more quiet hallway.
“I quit smoking.” He breathes out, immediately glad to have confessed it, and you let out a soft laugh. “That’s great… but what does that have to do with you going on a kissing-spree?” Mattheo moves a nervous hand through his hair and chuckles. “I get nervous without my smokes and my body craves the nicotine and you calm me.” His voice turns into a whisper as he confesses how important you are to him. You quirk an eyebrow at him. “Mattheo Riddle, are you using me as a drug?” You quip, crossing your arms, but unable to hide your obvious amusement. “No! You’re more like my favourite healthy snack.” Mattheo leans in for his millionth kiss and you're happy to snake an arm around him and deepen it. As silly as it was, it wasn't the worst to be constantly kissed by your boyfriend. 
Your boyfriend sees you happily skip towards him and he immediately drops his cigarette, quickly crushing it with his foot to keep it from burning further. “Hi.” You smile with a happy face. You lean towards him for a kiss and Theodore eagerly wraps his arms around your figure. “Hi.” He whispers suggestively, while drowning in your eyes, but just as your lips are about to touch you pull away a little. “Ugh, you smell like cigarettes.” Draco and Mattheo snicker in the background and Theo is about to snap at them when Luna calls you. “Hi, (y/n)! Are you joining us in Hogsmeade?” You nod her way and place your hand on Theo’s chest. “See you later.”
“No kiss?” Theodore whines as you leave and you just crunch your nose making it clear to him that it was the cigarette smell and taste that came in between the kiss. As soon as you’re out of sight, Theodore curses. “I’m gonna have to quit, aren’t I?” Enzo nods and Theodore growls, before reaching for his pack and throwing it at Mattheo. “Early Christmas gift?” Mattheo grins and Theodore rolls his eyes. “Just, don’t give it back no matter how I beg.” Mattheo’s grin grows and turns wicked. “This is going to be fun.
“One?” Theodore asks Mattheo who’s lounging in the slytherin common room. “One of these?” Mattheo shows the pack of smokes, shaking it before quickly putting it away, earning a loud groan of frustration from his friend and in turn making Mattheo snicker. Theo lets himself fall on the couch opposite of Mattheo. “I’m going insane.” He complains, but just then you walk in and take a seat on your boyfriend’s lap. You want to greet Theo but he doesn’t let you, instantly crashing his lips into yours. “Hello to you.” You giggle and he responds with another kiss. Maybe this not smoking can work out after all. When the kisses turn more heated, some of Theo’s friends start howling while Blaise just looks annoyed at how his quiet reading moment got disturbed. “For the love of hygiëne, go to your room, Theo.” Your boyfriend breaks the kiss to make eye contact and check up on your opinion of Blaise’s idea. Without saying a word you grab Theo’s tie, leading him to his room.
Ever since that day Theo knew he had cracked the code. Your kisses calm him, so when he feels an urge to smoke again after class he doesn’t go begging for a cigarette with Mattheo but turns to you. You are still packing your books when your boyfriend walks over, snatching one of your books. You laugh and hold your hand out for him to return it. “Only if you kiss me.” You chuckle but lean into him and with an intense passion he takes your breath away. You blink a few times when he finally pulls away. “Here’s your book. See you later.” Again he lips meet yours, this time for a short and sweet kiss, but it still leaves you watching your boyfriend in shock. Since when is he so needy?
“Look at that, look at that.” Mattheo mocks with a cigarette between his lips, making Enzo and Theo turn in the direction he’s looking. Theodore doesn’t say anything, but a low grunt escapes him as you and Potter come into view. “The man’s flirting with ya girl, Theo.” Mattheo pushes, making Theo instinctively reach for his pack of smokes in annoyance. “They’re just friends, have been since first year, they’re never going to be anything more.” Theo sighs when he remembers that he doesn’t smoke anymore. “There’s plenty of girls I’m friends with… that I’ve seen naked.” Enzo adds with a grinny smile. “You’re both shit friends, you know that.” Theo complains reaching for the cigarette hanging from Mattheo’s lips. “Na-ah.” Mattheo mumbles as he pushes Theo’s hands away. “You’re one of those good boyfriends that don’t smoke, remember.” Theodore rolls his eyes and lets his head fall a little as his eyes focus on you. Normally a smoke would calm him and help him deal with his annoying friends but now… the agitation crept through his whole body. “I need a kiss.” Theo blurred, making his friends eye him strangely. “I’ll not volunteer as tribute for that.” Mattheo jokes, earning an eye roll from an irritated Theo. After a second of watching you talk with Potter, Theo makes up his mind. “I need my fix.” Theo surrenders to his craving and walks over leaving a confused Mattheo and grinning Enzo. “Man’s addicted to his girl. That’s a new level of love.” 
“Nott.” Harry simply states. “Hi T-” Theodore ignores your friend and doesn’t even let you finish, but just hungerly crashes his lips onto yours. “Wha-? Theo! You can’t just kiss me.” Your boyfriend’s eyebrows knit together. “Of course I can and I just needed one small kiss… Or maybe just one more.” Before you can say anything his lips again passionately move against yours. “Now you can go about your day.” Theodore says and just grimly nods at Potter as he always does, before walking in the direction of the castle. You stand there perplexed and a little annoyed. “Slytherin boyfriends, right?” Harry sighs like he knows how frustrating it can be, making you furrow for a moment before shaking it off. “I need to get to the bottom of whatever he’s got going on.” Harry nods understandingly and you run after Theo.
“Were you jealous?” You ask as soon as you’re close enough to Theodore. He turns and immediately shakes his head. “I just really needed to kiss you.” He explains like it’s normal reasoning. “Theo, I sometimes really want to kiss you as well but I never do it so desperately and urgently as you’ve been kissing me the past few days. What’s gotten into you?” Theo sighs at your continuous pushing. “Fine.” He says reluctantly, giving in to you. “I quit smoking… but it’s not exactly been easy.” Your brain tries to see a link between smoking and kissing but it doesn’t make any sense to you and your eyes show your genuine confusion to Theo, who can’t help but smile a little. “Kissing you calms me and helps me stay away from cigarettes. If I could I would put you in my pocket so I could kiss you whenever I’m stressed out.” You chuckle at his adorable confession, but quickly focus on the most important part. “You quit smoking?” You close the space between him and you, and start playing with his tie. “Yeah. I did. I don’t want to miss a moment with you because I smell bad and you deserve the best version of me.” You have no words for him and just kiss him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulls you against him by your hips. 
Walking in on your little make out, Blaise rolls his eyes. “Again? Can’t you two behave? You’re shocking the first years.” Theodore parts from you and licks his lips. “Can’t do that to those poor first years, can we?” You play along and shake your head. “No, we definitely should take this somewhere private.” Your suggestion causes a happy grin to tug on your boyfriend’s lips. Not smoking is definitely working out for me.
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Synopsis - Everyone on the team has their vices. It just so happens that yours is sat across the table looking at you.
Pairing - Luke Alvez x Female Reader
Warnings - smut. cursing. luke has a gorgeous filthy mouth.
Age Rating - 18+
Word Count - 1.6k
Author's Note - my baby my baby my BAAAAAABY!! I have been in love with this man for years and years and I can't believe I haven't written more for him. if you ever have a luke request, please send it to me. love him with my whole heart <3
as always, reblogs, comments and feedback (even anonymous feedback!!) are immensely appreciated!! your reblogs are the only way to circulate my fics, which keeps me going <3
Masterlist. Inbox.
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Vice - a weakness of character or behaviour; a bad habit. "Cigars happen to be my father's vice."
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
"Italian food."
The entire team laughs, faces illuminated by the warm yellow lights in Rossi's backyard.
"Yeah, no shit," Tara retorts, looking pointedly at Dave. "Doesn't take a behavioural analyst to figure that one out."
"Look, you asked the question, I answered."
He reclines back in his chair and takes a sip of his wine, looking around the table.
"Okay Tara, you go. What's your vice?"
She chuckles to herself before confessing.
"Super steamy period romances."
Everyone bursts into more laughter.
"Wait, what?"
"What kind?"
She's clutching at her sides as she answers.
"All kinds! Movies, books, TV shows. If it has corsets and sex, I'm in."
Your cheeks are aching from smiling so hard. You're not sure who first raised the initial question, but it's really allowed you to get to know each other a little bit deeper.
"Okay, enough about me. Simmons, what's your vice?"
"I have six kids. I don't have time for a vice."
He sounds serious, but he's grinning as he says it.
"I think the six kids are a result of an old vice."
The words leave your mouth before you can stop them, several glasses of wine almost obliterating your verbal filter. Your team howl with laughter.
"No comment," Matt wheezes, wiping tears from his eyes. "Golfing is a safer option now. No risk of unplanned surprises."
"I had to change mine after kids, too," JJ chimes in. "I used to smoke cigarettes after bad cases, but I can't anymore. What kinda mom would I be if I lectured the boys about the dangers of nicotine, and then got caught chain smoking in the backyard?"
"A cool one," you shrug, yelping when she jokingly punches you in the arm.
"What about you, hotshot?" she asks, the whole team turning their attention to you. "What's your vice?"
You desperately avoid any eye contact, trying to play it cool. You just know Luke has that glint in his eye as he looks at you pointedly.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
"Oh, fuck," you groan, fingers threading into the dark curls of his hair.
"Shhh, honey," he murmurs, lifting his head from between your legs to look up at you. "You and I both know how much trouble we'll be in if we get caught."
He dives back in, tongue gliding and flicking all the spots that make you keen. You slap one hand over your mouth, the other grappling to hold onto the leather beneath you.
"Bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?" he taunts, condescension dripping from his tone. "The thrill turns you on, doesn't it, baby? The risk of getting caught only makes you hotter."
You whine against your palm, bucking your hips to urge him to keep going.
"What do you want, princesa? Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you."
He loves this. Loves hearing you beg. Loves having you relinquish complete control and let him take care of you. Loves that he can turn you, the most independent, headstrong woman he knows, into a whining, needy mess.
"Fingers," you croak out. "Make me come, Luke, please."
He grins up at you like the cat who got the cream, self satisfied smirk never leaving his lips.
"Okay, baby," he soothes. "Since you asked so pretty."
He slides two fingers into you with embarrassing ease, crooking them in the way he knows you like.
"Oh, sweet girl, what would the team think? Huh? What do you think they'd say if they saw you like this, letting me finger fuck you in the backseat of my car in the parking garage?"
He's muttering lowly, under his breath, but you hear him clear as day. He loves to patronise you, tease you, get under your skin. In everyday life, he treats you with the utmost respect. In bed, not so much. You love it.
"Couldn't even wait until we got home. Poor baby, just had to take the edge off."
His eyes meet yours, like a magnetic force. His gaze is so dark, it has you squirming in place.
"It was the shirt," you choke out. "Fucking shirt."
"Hmm?" he hums against you, the vibrations pulling you closer to the edge.
"Your shirt," you moan as his thumb finds your clit. "Makes your arms look so, fuck, so big."
Oh, you shouldn't have said that. You can practically see his ego inflating.
"I'll let you wear it tomorrow morning, if you want. If you can still walk by then, that is."
You're right on the precipice, orgasm almost within reach. If he keeps talking to you like this, you'll be at the finish line in no time.
"Oh, I've got a better idea. Why don't I fuck you in it?"
The idea makes your head spin, sending you straight into your climax. Sharp white heat licks up your spine, curling your toes and arching your back. Your grip tightens in his hair and he groans, low and honeyed.
"That's it, baby," he's murmuring. "Ride it out. Good girl."
You finally relax, melting into the leather seats. Luke crawls from his position to lean over you, resting his body onto yours. He kisses you gently at first, then dirtier as you come back to yourself.
"My place or yours?" he whispers against your lips.
"Yours is closer."
"Mine it is."
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
"Hello? Earth to Hotshot?"
JJ nudges you playfully, grinning at you from ear to ear.
"What you thinking about?"
"Nothing," you stutter, clearing your throat. "Nothing at all."
You make the mistake of lifting your gaze from your lap. There, staring at you from across the table, is Luke Alvez. You almost wish you could slap that smug smirk off of his face.
"Come on, girl!" Tara hollers.
"Everyone has a vice," Spencer begins. "You have to. Especially in our line of work. We have to have some kind of outlet. Some sort of release."
Release. You almost choke on your wine, patting yourself on the chest.
"Yeah, no. I, uh, I like British reality TV. I guess that's mine."
The team laugh, everyone teasing you relentlessly. You risk a glance at Luke, and regret it immediately. He runs his tongue over his bottom lip and chuckles, knowing look in his eye. You're petrified for a moment that he can read your mind.
"Okay then Spence. Your turn," you prompt, desperate to take the attention off yourself.
Spencer starts rambling about quantum physics, and you breathe a sigh of relief.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
"Yeah, this is what you needed, isn't it baby?"
You try to respond, but Luke's huge hands wrapped around your throat are making it a little difficult.
"My poor sweet girl, just needed some relief huh? You sick of being in charge all the time? You want me to take care of you?"
His tone is low and melted, the timbre of it settling into your bones. All you can do is whine and nod your head in response.
His hips repeatedly snap into yours, his body melded to you. He's completely smothering you with his weight, but you don't mind. You like the closeness.
You lean up to kiss him, allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. He's swallowing your moans, leaning his head forward to rest against yours.
"Fuck, you sound so pretty," he groans. "You gonna come for me, mama? Give me what I want?"
"Yes," you breathe. "Yes. Please, baby. Please."
"Who am I to deny you when you beg so fucking sweet?"
The hand that's not around your throat snakes between your sweat slicked bodies to rub circles on your clit, throwing you over the edge.
Your back arches, hips writhing on Luke's soft cotton sheets. You're squeezing him so tight he's seeing stars.
"Oh fuck baby, oh fuck."
Luke goes boneless, dropping his head into the crook of your neck. He releases his grip on your throat and wraps both arms around you, pressing you together impossibly closer.
"We get better at this every time," he chuckles.
You smack him jokingly, before bursting into laughter. Soon, the two of you are crying happy tears, revelling in the afterglow.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
"I'm gonna get a refill. Anyone need anything from the kitchen?"
You stand from your seat and make your way inside, taking note of the replies.
"I'll help you," Luke says, rising to join you. Neither of you see the way everyone at the table looks at each other knowingly.
You're barely through the door when you feel him against you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He presses a kiss onto your shoulder, murmuring in your ear.
"I'm your vice, aren't I?"
You shake your head, breathing out a laugh.
"In your dreams, Alvez."
He nips at your neck before continuing.
"Admit it. I'm your dirty little bad habit that you just can't kick."
You turn in his arms to face him, running your fingers through his hair.
"Talk the talk all you want, Luke. You and I both know this works both ways."
Your quirk your brow at him, and he leans in and kisses you chastely.
"Old habits die hard, huh?" he grins.
"Wouldn't have it any other way," you smirk back.
Outside, the team decide they'll continue to let you both lie to them for a little while longer. It's more fun for everyone that way.
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bihansthot · 11 months
Hey there!! ☺
I hope everything's been going okay, I'm not as active on here anymore as I used to, but I'm glad to see you back😊 I was wondering if i could write you something for Bi-Han and/or Reptile since my inbox ate your ask all that time ago😵
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Title: Boo to You, Happy Howl-o-Ween part 2!
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Werewolf!Bi-Han x AFAB!Reader, Syzoth x AFAB!Reader, Syzoth x Werewolf!Bi-Han, OT3 Werewolf!Bi-Han x Syzoth x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: werewolf!Bi-Han, implied A/B/O dynamics, knotting, hemipenes, DP, mxm, threesome, c*m inflation, ruts, mating season, breeding
Word count: 4,250
Summary: You wake up to find Bi-Han with an insatiable urge to mate, ok you got this, you know how to handle it but what you didn’t count on is Syzoth feeling the same way. How are you supposed to handle both of them at the same time when they’re like this? Don’t worry, you’ll find a way 😉
Author’s Note: So, Bi-Han bottoming is about the closest to him getting dominated that I will write, I’m sorry but there is no “sub” in Sub-Zero for me, so hopefully this scratches that itch 😅 I LOVE how this one came out and hopefully you loves will too. As always please like, comment and reblog if you do! 🩵💚🩷
Also if you missed the first part you can read it here!
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You shift and roll around in bed and it feels hot and sticky and wrong, you wonder if Syzoth had pushed the space heater too close to the bed in the middle of the night again. “Hnng what’s going on, why’s it so hot,” you lament reaching a hand out to look for either of your lovers only to be greeted with a hot, fluffy tail. “Oh,” you mumble slightly “oh!” You repeat as it dawns on you why the bed was so hot, it wasn’t Syzoth’s fault, it was Bi-Han's. His exposed flesh was hot and almost clammy as he slept peacefully beside the two of you. You had been through this before but Syzoth hadn’t and you were unsure how the Saurian was going to react to finding out not only were werewolves real but he was dating one.
Gently you roll the cryomancer over and tug down his pants, trying to be careful not to wake him up, slowly you lower your head over his hot, dripping cock. Bi-Han was already worked up from his rut even without knowing, and he let out a soft whimper in his sleep, the sound of its music to your ears. You shift so you're straddling his legs giving yourself a better angle to suck his cock, it's musky, heady, and mouth-watering as you test the heavy weight of it against your tongue. The taste of the cryomancer was something you could never get enough of and he almost tasted sweeter when he was in a rut, syrupy, enticing, intoxicating, irresistible and you moan softly as you lap up the sticky fluid leaking from his tip. You feel stirring and quickly flick your eyes up to see if Bi-Han was waking up, but it wasn’t Bi-Han, it was Syzoth, who seemed very happy to wrap his arms around you from behind and press, hot, wet kisses to the nape of your neck.
“Why is Bi-Han getting such a nice wake up present, I was sound asleep too ya know,” Syzoth whispers against your ear, his forked tongue tracing the outer shell as you feel the Zaterran swelling against your back.
“Because, Bi-Han has a little problem right now that I think you can relate to,” you whisper back as you pull away from his delicious cock to gesture at his fluffy ears and bushy tail.
Syzoth’s emerald green eyes go wide with surprise, “sunshine, what’s going on? Why does our Polar Bear have ears and a tail?” He hisses frantically.
“Mnng,” Bi-Han groans at the loss of your hot, wet mouth as a clawed hand gropes around for you.
“He’s been meaning to tell you, I guess he just never found the right time…” you trail off as Bi-Han cracks open his bewitching blue eyes.
“I’m a werewolf,” he slurs groggily as his tail starts to wag when you start stroking his cock lazily.
“First vampires are real, now werewolves, next your going to tell me those awful things from that movie Johnny made me watch are real too!” Syzoth exclaims thoroughly dumbfounded.
“Aliens? Nah, those aren’t real,” Bi-Han rumbles, “but I am and my rut is starting to get kind of bad.” He warns as he exhales sharply, his tongue presses against his sharp, extended canine and he shifts his hips up seeking more of your warmth.
“You get ruts too?” Syzoth ventures a curious question and figures he should come clean to Bi-Han about his own problem with ruts. He could tell from the way he was leaking against your back Bi-Han wasn’t the only one about to start their rut.
“Too? Sy, what haven’t you told me? And don’t give me that ‘well you lied too’ bullshit because I kept this a secret because I can seriously hurt both of you,” he looks away for a moment, as if he was scared of what he was really capable of.
“I’m a reptiloid Bi-Han, my true nature is that of an animal essentially and I, like you have ruts, where I can’t control my urges,” he pauses to moan as he bucks against your plush ass.
“Let me guess,” he pants softly, the fever getting worse, “you just hit yours too? Qīn, please, I need you or Sy if you’re feeling up to it.” Bi-Han all but begs as sweat breaks out across his brow and he squeezes his eyes shut tightly.
“Talk about bad timing huh?” The Zaterran answers before continuing, “how are we going to do this? I need to satisfy myself in my natural form when I’m in a rut, I need all of sunshine.”
“Why the fuck do you need her to yourself, you can share, you’ve never been so greedy before,” Bi-Han sits up snarling and then his ethereal blue eyes go wide as he sees Syzoth in his natural form from the waist down for the first time. “What the fuck? You have two dicks?!” Bi-Han exclaims as his tail goes rigid and his ears lie flat back in surprise.
Syzoth blushes a deep green as he lets Bi-Han drink in his surprise, “now you see why I need all of sunshine, un-unless,” he starts.
“Unless what? I can’t knot qīn’s throat, it would suffocate her, we’ll have to take turns.” Bi-Han reasons.
“Unless,” Syzoth tries again, flushing even deeper with embarrassment, his tail flicking and flopping around wildly at the idea.
“Spit it out,” Bi-Han growls angrily, the wolf getting the best of him as he waits very impatiently for Syzoth to get to the point.
“Well, sunshine can ride you, while I fuck both of you,” Syzoth speaks rapidly as if afraid of the answer from the cryomancer.
“You… you mean to fuck me? In my ass? I…does your rut make you stupid or something?!” Bi-Han lashes out with verbal anger.
“Now, now, calm down and think about it for a minute Polar Bear, you still get to knot me and flood my belly with your cum while Syzoth gets to satisfy himself too, no one has to wait and anal can be very enjoyable,” you reason with the cryomancer trying to come to an amicable arrangement that didn’t leave you getting passed around like an overly sensitive rag doll. You didn’t think you could handle getting fucked back to back by their animalistic sides, the thought terrified you if you were honest. Both had made you orgasm so many times and left you teary-eyed and exhausted to the point you could barely move.
Bi-Han looks away, not wanting to look at Syzoth, “be honest Sy, does it hurt?” He asks, his high cheekbones dusted with a light pink coloring as he deliberates.
“Does what hurt? My rut? Yes, it’s excruciating,” he whimpers as he ruts against your ass more persistently.
“Not that!” Bi-Han all but hisses with embarrassment, unwilling to look at either of you.
“Oh, oh, I’m sorry love, you meant anal, well a little at first but, it feels really good, especially with you, you’re always careful not to hurt me and your cock is so nice and big it feels fantastic when you get into a rhythm,” Syzoth answers as he leans forward, pressing you against the cyromancer’s washboard abs as he lovingly caresses Bi-Han’s flushed cheek.
“Fuck,” Bi-Han whines at the contact of your warm body surrounding him, “fuck, I guess, I mean if you think it will work, I just can’t wait anymore,” he growls and bucks his hips up trying to find your warmth.
“Shhh Polar Bear, let us take care of you for a change,” you whisper sweetly pressing a kiss to the temple of his forehead before you right yourself and give Syzoth a little shove back. You wrap your lips around the cryomancer’s cock again, making sure you get him nice and wet before you bury him in your wetness. His cock always seemed impossibly bigger when he was transformed so it was more a courtesy for yourself than it was for the cryomancer.
He moans low in his throat as a clawed hand comes to rest in your hair, the other pulling Syzoth over for a kiss, the kiss is cold and dominant, as if Bi-Han was trying to say he was still the one in control despite the state of affairs.
You hear the desperate little chirps coming from the Zaterran as you pull more of Bi-Han’s delicious cock into the hot cavern of your throat. You moan around his cock as you lap up the pre-cum oozing from the cryowolf’s huge cock, loving the taste of the salty liquid.
Reluctantly Syzoth breaks the kiss, “I think my tongue might be more beneficial elsewhere.”
“Go-go slow Sy, please,” Bi-Han asks in a quiet voice, one you barely even recognize as his.
Syzoth nods and helps reposition you, you unwillingly give up your delicious treat. Playing with the cryomancer had made you soaking wet, as wet as his spit-soaked cock, with Syzoth's help you steady your hands on the cryomancer’s perfect abs and you slowly sink down on his huge, thick cock. You cry out at the warmth as he opens you up slowly, you pant softly as you take your time, getting used to the burn and stretch of the cryomancer’s impressive length. It didn’t matter how many times you had been with the cryomancer, he was always a lot to handle, and even more so in this position while he was transformed. You shutter just thinking about trying to squeeze his knot inside your already stuffed pussy, but that was future yous problem, current you were just enjoying the cryowolf rearranging your insides, claiming your tight little cunt as his own.
“Fuck,” Bi-Han breathes out loudly as you finally sink down his entire shaft, enveloping him in your sweet, sticky, velveteen heat. He nearly jumps as Syzoth’s strong hands push his thighs apart and his nimble tongue grazes Bi-Han’s puckered hole. “I, I can’t, it’s too weird,” he breathes out with a hint of a pleasured whimper.
“Focus on me Bi-Han,” you reassure him as you squeeze your plush walls around his cock. “It’s like that time I gave you a prostate massage, you liked that right?” Hesitant to answer and embarrassed, Bi-Han turns his head to the side and just nods in agreement. “This is like that only better, trust me, I wouldn’t ask you to do anything I don’t think you’ll enjoy, I know giving up control is hard for you, but just try it.” You feel a spit-soaked finger prodding your ass as Syzoth slips the digit inside your ass, you let out a small moan as if to encourage and reassure Bi-Han.
Syzoth’s tongue returns to Bi-Han’s hole before wriggling inside the tight ring of muscle. He thrusts his tongue in and out slowly, trying to keep pace with the cryomancer’s uncertainty, gradually he removes his tongue to suck on his fingers and slowly pushes one inside the cryomancer’s tight body.
“Nnng Sy,” Bi-Han calls softly as he tries to relax and allow his boyfriend to keep stretching him, the sensation unfamiliar and strange.
You roll your hips to distract the cryomancer from Syzoth’s ministrations, moaning softly as you do. You can already feel the base of Bi-Han’s knot swelling as he gives a little shout and a swear.
Syzoth added a second finger to both of you as his fingers are quick to find Bi-Han’s prostate and massage it eagerly.
“Oh fuck,” Bi-Han sighs and tries to keep still, desperately wanting to buck up into your enticing heat, but not wanting to do anything that would hurt himself.
“You look so good right now Bi-Han, your cute little ears keep flicking around and you’re all flushed with need, god you’re perfect,” Syzoth breathes out as he peeks around you to get a good look at his usually dominant lover.
“Sh-shut up Sy,” Bi-Han stutters before it’s cut off by an indignant little whimper the cryowolf is desperate to choke off.
You moan at the way Bi-Han looks, his shoulder-length, ebony hair spilled across the dark blue sheets, strands sticking to his sweaty forehead, the blush prevalent on his high cheekbones, his blue eyes almost black with need. Oh, this was your lucky day alright, seeing Bi-Han like this would more than make up for any discomfort to come. You shift your weight in his lap to make it easier to bounce on his huge cock, each little thrust making you moan loudly as Syzoth worked a third finger into both of you. “Oh god, you two are going to make me cum,” you whimper as the heat coils and pools in your lower stomach. You’d barely started fucking the cryomancer and already you were teetering on the edge of an orgasm just feeling the swell of his knot and the delicious way each thrust of your hips knocked his fat cockhead into your sweet spot.
Bi-Han growls and presses down on Syzoth’s fingers as his clawed hands find your hips, digging into your supple flesh softly, “so cum for us, no one’s stopping you.”
You whine at Bi-Han’s words as you lift and lower yourself onto his thick cock, determined to fit his knot inside your warmth as you can feel it swelling more and more with each flick of Syzoth’s talented fingers.
“Mmm what are you waiting for indeed?” Syzoth asks and there’s a sudden emptiness as you hear the obscene squeal of the bottle of lube. Even though Syzoth was self-lubricating in his natural form he thought some extra moisture wouldn’t hurt. Slowly he pushes into you first meeting little to no resistance as his huge cock slowly slips inside your tight little ass.
“Ah, oh, fuuuuuuck,” you hiss as you're filled to the brim by both of your lovers and it feels indescribable, you can’t hold back any longer as you force the last few inches of Bi-Han’s knot into your greedy pussy. Your mouth opens in a silent cry before you find your voice in the form of a high-pitched keen, your plush, sticky walls clamp down on both of their cocks as you chase your high. You shudder wildly as Bi-Han’s claws hold you firmly in place atop him as your orgasm crashes into you. You can’t explain it but whenever Bi-Han was in a rut it always made you crazy sensitive and extra horny, maybe he released pheromones to make his mate amicable to his rut, you didn’t know, all you knew was the pleasure coursing through your body was enough to make you see stars.
Bi-Han lets out a low whine and through your fog, you realize Syzoth is slowly sinking his second cock into the cryomancer’s tight entrance. “Oh fuck, you feel so good qīn, so perfect, your little pussy built just for me,” he groans as you squeeze and pulsate around his hard cock. Another soft noise escapes the cryowolf, “this is weird, why is it spiney Sy?”
Syzoth just chuckles and reaches around to wipe some of the hair from Bi-Han’s sweaty brow, “I don’t know, just how Zaterran’s are. Is it ok? Do I need to go slower?”
“If you go any slower we’ll still be here by the time our next rut kicks in, you aren’t going to break me Sy,” Bi-Han huffs indignantly, his usual cockiness and arrogance slowly returning.
You pant and heave on top of the cryowolf as you try and catch your breath, but it just comes out in pitiful little whimpers as both cocks fill you so full you’re afraid to move.
“I’ll take it from here sunshine, you rest, you did such a good job,” Syzoth praises as he begins to move slowly thrusting his cocks in and out of you and Bi-Han.
You cry out at the action as it forces you to topple over giving Syzoth a better angle to fuck you both. You whine and mewl as the actions drive Bi-Han’s huge knotted cock in and out of you, the tip kissing your cervix with each thrust. It seems so gentle in compassion to the first time the cryowolf had absolutely ravaged you last spring in your little apartment by the river.
Syzoth reaches down to entwine his fingers with Bi-Han’s as their hands rest on your hips, keeping you in place. He shares a messy kiss with the cryomancer as he starts to fuck both of you in earnest now.
Bi-Han bites his lip to try and quiet the little cries and whimpers falling from his lips as Syzoth’s cock plunges into him over and over again.
You don’t bother silencing yourself, you didn’t care if the whole Lin Kuei heard how good you were getting fucked. You cry out loudly as the lip of Bi-Han’s knot catches on the rim of your overstretched pussy, it hurts but feels perfect all at the same time and Syzoth keeps thrusting into the two of you, driving Bi-Han’s cock impossibly deeper inside your slick walls. “I-I’m going to cum again,” you warn the two of them as the heat and pressure in your stomach becomes unbearable. Bi-Han holds your hips in place as he thrusts up wildly, feverishly into your wet heat and your brain short-circuits, you can’t keep up with them both thrusting, you pant and whimper as hot fat tears begin to roll down your cheeks. “Oh fuck, oh fuck please,” you plead, unsure who you’re pleading to as they continue to fuck you.
“Shit qīn, I’m gonna cum too,” Bi-Han growls out, his teeth clenched tightly together as his hips snap into you painfully.
You squeal loudly as the tension in your belly snaps and you tumble over the edge, you whimper pitifully as the pleasure courses through your body. You can’t help the way your tongue falls out of your mouth, lolling to the side as saliva mingles with your tears as your mess oozes down your face, dripping onto Bi-Han’s unusually hot cheeks.
He holds you close as he slams up into you, pushing his enormous knot inside your tight little canal before he finally stills, with a loud snarling sound you feel the first jets of cum splashing against your walls. His icy claws dig into your flesh, little droplets of blood oozing up from the punctures as his hips still and he begins pumping you full of cum.
You whine as you feel the ridiculous amount of viscous liquid filling up your tight little hole, your whole body trembles as his knot swells fully, locking every single drop of cum inside your spent pussy. You pant softly as you look down, feeling your belly swell with Bi-Han’s release, you blush as you look almost pregnant.
“Fuck, qīn, you feel so perfect right now, so tight, you’re so full of my cum, ugh I just want to keep fill you up,” Bi-Han groans as Syzoth keeps thrusting.
“You both feel amazing,” he echos the sentiment as he rocks his hips against both of you, the little spines tickling and caressing your insides.
“I feel weird, I just came, but I want to again,” Bi-Han growls, his blue eyes looking electric in the morning light.
Syzoth focuses on Bi-Han’s prostate as he fucks the two of you harder, chasing his own orgasm, “so cum for me, cum all over my pretty cocks.” Syzoth pants, getting close to cumming himself as he sneaks a hand around and in between you and Bi-Han to tease your clit.
“Sy!” You shout and lurch in place, unable to go anywhere due to Bi-Han’s knot locking him deep inside you. You cover your mouth in embarrassment as he continues to rub tight circles around your clit making your voice rise in octaves, both their names fall from your lips as you tremble and shake around their cocks.
“Such a good girl you are qīn, gonna make a mess all over my cock aren’t you, I bet it feels so good taking both of us at once,” Bi-Han encourages in between moans as Syzoth’s cock keeps up its persistent assault on his prostate. He pants loudly, his groans and growls becoming more animalistic and feral the longer the reptiloid keeps fucking the two of you.
“Sy please,” you beg and you’re not sure if you want him to stop or to let you cum as you feel Bi-Han’s huge cock twitch and pulsate with another impending orgasm.
Syzoth pulls you upright again as he gets a better angle on your clit, rubbing it mercilessly in time with his hard thrusts, you can barely hear the obscene squelching over the noises you keep making. It embarrasses you again, to the point of tears once again threatening to fall. “Cum for me sunshine,” he hisses trying to keep his excited chirps at bay.
You scream their names as your body locks up and with a great big heave your orgasm knocks the wind from your body. It takes a moment to find your voice again as you whimper and cry as the pleasure shakes you to the very core, you clench around their cocks as you ride out your pleasure, blurry-eyed and spent.
“Fuck!” Bi-Han shouts as one more thrust from Syzoth coupled with your orgasm pushes him over the edge once more and you aren’t sure where all the cum will go, your stomach is already distorted as it is.
You’re a good girl though so you take it and moan at the sensation of more of the hot cum spilling into your unprotected womb. You cry and whimper on top of Bi-Han as Syzoth’s tail flails wildly and you can tell he’s about to cum as well.
“You’re both so good, so pretty, I can’t hold back anymore,” he whines and chokes off a hissing sound as your ass and Bi-Han’s ass are suddenly warm and sticky with copious amounts of Zaterran cum.
Suddenly you shiver violently, the heat dissipating from Bi-Han’s once fevered body and you’re suddenly chilled to the core inside and out.
Bi-Han makes a face as Syzoth’s release floods his body and he looks uncomfortable, “that feels weird, why do you always moan when I cum qīn?”
“You look really hot when you do?” You offer up the easiest, least embarrassing answer you can give the cryomancer. “I mean I can’t see Sy, but I’m sure he looks all fucked out and hot as hell,” you continue trying to cover up the fact that you had a breeding kink about as badly as your boyfriends had one.
“I mean yeah, he looks pretty hot, but it’s all warm and sticky,” Bi-Han continues to make a face as slowly Syzoth pulls out.
“It’s a compliment Bi, it means I like your sweet little ass so much I just had to claim it,” he chuckles and barely manages to dodge the pillow thrown at him.
“You are so lucky I can’t move right now, you’d be in deep shit,” Bi-Han growls, but stays in place knowing he can’t go anywhere until his knot deflates.
You whimper feebly caught in the middle of all of this as Syzoth’s release dribbles down your backside mingling in the mess below. “C-cold,” you whimper out and Syzoth is quick to wrap a blanket around you all while Bi-Han’s tail wags happily and his ears twitch playfully.
“So, how was it?” Syzoth asks, cuddling up next to the two of you.
“Weird, but I didn’t hate it, I guess under emergency rut situations it’s acceptable to let you top, but ONLY during emergency rut situations.” Bi-Han huffs as Syzoth nuzzles his neck lovingly.
“Understood,” he agrees albeit a bit wistfully, it had been nice being able to pleasure both of his lovers at the same time.
“Qīn, you can lie down on me if it’s more comfortable you know, you don’t have to just stay perched up there,” Bi-Han says while stroking your back through the fluffy blanket.
“I’m cold Polar Bear, laying on you will make me even colder,” you whine, you hadn’t thought about how uncomfortable of a position this would be to ride out his knot.
“What if I put a blanket on my chest, will that help?” Bi-Han asks while Syzoth grabs another of the many blankets that were strewn all over the cryomancer’s bed.
“Y-yeah, that might help.” You try and stop your teeth from chattering as Syzoth helps you lay down on the blanketed cryomancer, his tail still wagging happily. “Next time can you two have separate ruts please?”
“Why? You seemed like you enjoyed yourself,” Bi-Han asks, his now brown eyes fluttering closed.
“Yeah but everything hurts now, you two are too much like this,” you lament, but not really, deep down you were about as happy as could be with your distended belly full of cum making it hard to get comfortable.
Syzoth offers you a kiss on the cheek as he slides a pillow under your head, “well get some rest for now, I don’t know how werewolves are but you know I’ll be insatiable in another few hours or so.”
“Same!” Bi-Han grins and throws a hand up for a high five, something the two of you had to teach the Zaterran.
The two of them chuckle and you just sigh dramatically, while concealing a smile as you try and get some more sleep, it was going to be a very long day and night, not that you were complaining of course.
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jsuli · 2 years
Tsu'tey x gender neutral reader - avatar
@adrian-nebula im so sorry about this my laptops gone mental and your ask has disappeared from my inbox, but here is the reposted request:]
You looked around at Pandora's lush, neon flora and fauna in awe of its unimaginable beauty, almost in tears of happiness at its beauty, and jealousy as your own dull planet had lost everything natural about it long ago.
Every little speck of nature was deemed collectible by you as you nearly fell over from how much you were carrying. Many kinds of shrubs, sticks, plants, rocks, and what looked to be moss were stacked in your arms as you practically pranced back to Hometree to show your newly appointed babysitter.
Tsu’tey had been made overseer of your training to becoming 'one of the people', to which he protested with no luck. He was stuck with you and your ramblings, and strangely enough, bringing him presents at every chance you got, asking him question after question about the vegetation.
Every day it was a bundle of glowing leaves, a funny-shaped stick, or clumps of magenta moss, but this time you felt as if you really scored with the golden rock with smatterings of black, although it did have a strange warmth to it...
But you ignored this and continued on your way back to Hometree, thinking of making it into a necklace by wrapping some hanging vine around the stone. Maybe you'd give it to Tsu’tey as a thank-you gift for putting up with you!

that isn't weird, is it? no! it's only a gift, a token of my appreciation! yeah... You offhandedly thought to yourself.
you came out of your thoughts and realized you were already standing in front of Hometree, awkwardly waddling in place with your findings. Travelling up the spiral structure, you thought about the time you spent with Tsu’tey and his annoyance at your mere existence.
Does he seriously hate me? I understand I'm just a 'dreamwalker' to him but I hope he warms up to me soon...

Arriving at the branch you had become familiar with, you plopped down your goods onto your allocated hammock and cut a decent-sized vine from the smaller branch beside you. you made quick work of wrapping the vine around the warm golden rock and creating what you deemed was a pretty nice necklace.
Hopping up, you decided to go find Tsu’tey, as time for your daily na'vi lessons was approaching. You made quick work of slithering down the large branches, something you had become used to since your first try, which had ended in bruises and Tsu’tey scolding you. Reaching the ground, you fell into a light jog towards the spot you meet him at every day.
Once you reach the spot you find that Tsu’tey has already arrived. You see the disapproving look he gives you but miss how long the look lingered.
"what have you been doing all day? wasting time once again?" he grumbled as his sharp eyes looked through yours. His stare felt as if it was judging your very soul.
"I was out... getting stuff"
The roll of his eye told you he was not pleased with your answer. "this time you waste 'collecting things', could be used for your training an-" You cut him off with a finger to his lips which he froze at.
you smiled deeply and opened your palm, revealing the jewelry to his agitated face.
"so I found this really cool rock, and look it's so pretty, and I just thought you've helped me so much so why not make you something nice-" you were cut off by Tsu’tey letting out a shriek of laughter and doubling over, clenching his own stomach. you were in shock to see him let loose like that around you.
His voice cracked a few times while he howled with laughter, which was actually rather cute. You couldn't help but notice how the toned muscles on his sides spasmed with his laughter. "Hah! that's viperwolf dropping! you've gifted me viperwolf droppings!"


After finishing his bought of laughter he lightly smacked the back of your head while still giggling at the necklace in your hand. after a few seconds, he snatches it off of you.
"I'm so sorry, I had no idea-" "oh, be quiet demon"

The look of horror on your face would never be forgotten by him when he wore the necklace the next day, a big dopey smirk spread across his face at your embarrassment.
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shiny-jr · 5 months
HELLO SHINYYY this is not a request/question but this is my first time writing for an account in TUMBLR I'm worried whether I have to do something or not but LOL I just wanted to say I am SUPER in love with your damnation au oh my GOD I haven't started the others in order yet but I read the Pomefiore one and my heart got hit with an arrow ‼️ so now I'm IN LOOOVVEEEE and I have also read your "I didn't ask to be isekaid" (TWICE because I love it) and the other one about the twst characters in the apartment 😭‼️ you're like ONE of my favourite twst writers out there and you have a SPECIAL place in my heart (I also love the one you made with Floyd and Jade) I genuinely want to pull my hair whenever I'm reading your posts it's just so good I wanna howl at the moon.
ANYWAY I HOPE YOU TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND REST MORE AND EAT MORE, me and everyone who follows u loves your content 🥹💗
Anon, I just have to say this first, you got my attention. I don't usually get text with bright colors in my inbox, so I was surprised to see this. I don't even know how to do that. Anyways.
I'm honored to be the first you write to on this platform. Your message has been received. Thank you for spending your time reading multiple of my posts. And I'm flattered to be held in high regard.
Trust me, I see others mention me, whether they are referencing my written stuff or just casually mentioning me, and I just. I'm still not entirely used to it, but I don't mind! I appreciate it, nonetheless.
Anyways, hopefully you enjoy future posts just as much as you might've enjoyed my older posts. And I hope you have fun reading the other damnation endings!
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anulithots · 2 months
Because you love storytelling, what are your top 5 fav (fictional) books ever? Do you love live- stage drama? Oh, and do you love fairy tales like Andersen, Grimms, etc? If you are, what are your top 5 fav fairy tales?
As I read your blog, I can tell that you love story telling and story as a whole (sorry if it's kinda weird to say). Love your blog so much 🥰💐
Awww thank you!
I dooo like storytelling, it's my solace and comfort place and how my little neurodivergent self processes the world.
Top 5 favorite fictional books:
The Little Prince. The movie fundamentally shaped my childhood, and the book shapes me now. It's such a beautiful story and I've quoted it... quite a few times 😅
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Six of Crows. I looove all the characters, their dynamics, the growth they have and how they fit into the larger world. The way all character dynamics and backstories are explored is soooo well done. It's 'be gays, do crimes' in a book and I love it so much,
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The wild robot (is it obvious now I used to read a lot of middle grade and never reaaalllyy got into young adult - I've been reading lots of fanfic - so now I'm trying to find a new genre to like.) It's the sweetest little found family between a robot and a gosling ever.
Sherlock Holmes (not finished yet). I've only read a bit so far. THe main duo of Sherlock Holmes and Watson are so fun to read. Their banter, Sherlock's willingness to do crimes and Watson wanting to go along with it because he finds Sherlock interesting. Sherlock Holmes himself being so adhd core. He accidentally became the best man at a wedding for the people he was trying to spy on. It's peak fiction.
(The BBC show had very good characters and character dynamics, but the mystery was kinda... lackluster to be honest)
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Blind Trust by @goodluckclove. Such a comfort read, all the characters and dynamics are thoroughly explored. And everyone deserves hugs and happiness. It feels like reading a slice of life show mixed with the saddest backstories and well done emotional writing and akjsdfkl. It was so fun and comforting to read.
Honorable mentions I'll have to reread: Howl's Moving Castle, The Hunger Games (my tbr list got messed around), Heaven Official's blessing.
TBR list: haikyuu, sherlock holmes, The picture of dorian gray, Six of Crows duology, Heaven Official's blessing, The Hunger Games, Omniscient reader's viewpoint.
ALSO ALSO. If anyone ever has recommendations for books that are commentaries with lots of deep contemplation and explorations of themes of some sorts... the ones that sit with you afterwards and make you look at the world in a new way.... I'm alwayyys open to recommendations.
Do you love live- stage drama?
I've only seen one😅. I don't remember what it was called. One of those classic desi ones. Ended tragically and such. I've never gotten into it, but I think I'd like it if I ever did! Maybe when I have ✨ le independence✨ I'll see some. I'm always open to suggestions in my inbox!
Oh, and do you love fairy tales like Andersen, Grimms, etc? If you are, what are your top 5 fav fairy tales?
I've never read any, but I did have a phase where I was interested in them. I watched and read lots and lots of summaries.
I liked the little mermaid one. The ending tragedy sat with little me for a while. The idea that her sisters cared enough to give her the option of her old life at the expense of the prince, that she loved him so much - even if it was unrequited - that she'd rather sacrifice herself... the moral dilemmaasss klajflkasdf. (Also the queer allegories heheh)
The Rapunzel one also was nice... I've heard lots of versions and such.
Um kajdfk I don't remember everythinggg. But they were dark and I loved how dark they were. Since they were 'fairy tales for children' it's pretty much the first dark thing I was exposed to. I honestly love dark things for that weight they add to stories and my fairy tale phase probably played a major part in that.
Thank you so much for the ask!
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sensitiveheartless · 2 years
*kicks down your door*
The newest chapter of Dazai’s Moving Detective Agency is so fucking good it is now my fave chapter I did not expect THAT to be the solution to the heart thing. Also the Akutagawa and Atsushi thing was Goddamn hilarious.
*Shakes your hand, fixes the door, and leaves.*
HULLO oh my gosh I'm sorry this took me so long to respond to alskdfjskfjs this ask was one of the ones that kept disappearing and reappearing in my browser inbox for some reason — ANYWAY YESSS (I want to talk about spoilers for chapter 19 so I'm gonna put them under the cut :0)
Ok so the heart thing! I wanted to mention that I remember seeing your comment where you theorized about how maybe the heart thing would be solved by Chuuya and Dazai kissing or saying "I love you" for the first time, and that maybe they could metaphorically share a heart between them, and the way you wrote it sounded so nice and romantic and lovely and while I was reading it I was internally just thinking "oh no" because of how it was actually going to go XD
In retrospect I really did have Chuuya solve it in the most brute force way possible aksdjfksfjks — speaking of that scene though, it did change a bit from the way I had originally planned it! Since I wrote the story back to front, I figured out the ending first, then the middle, then went back to the beginning and worked forward from there — so as a result, by the time I got back to the ending, a bunch of character stuff had changed.
Basically, in my first draft, Chuuya was going to get out of the chasm, find Dazai in the castle ruins, tell Yosano "before you say anything I know this is very medically inadvisable", then immediately pull his own heart out of his chest and split it in half (much to the utter horror of everyone watching). I was kind of hand-waving the magic aspect at that point, figuring "well, he's a star with a shit-ton of magic, he can probably survive doing wild stuff like that".
...But then I started writing everything out from the beginning, and added all the stuff with Chuuya learning not to shut out the people who care about him and to let them help him when he's in trouble, and in the process of really digging into his character arc I realized that I had made it so that him acting on his own like that would have been rolling back the character development I had already given him aksjdfksdfjskj SO I thought about it for a looong time and gradually figured out how to incorporate Rimbaud, Yosano, Kyouka, and the rest into all helping out in their own ways. And I ended up liking that version way better, since it fits more with the theme of support and the importance of all Chuuya's bonds he's made along the way, so I think it was worth the extra effort in the end!
...It still is a very brute-force way to solve it though XD Chuuya has a very straight forward approach to everything ksjfkdsj
ANYWAY that was a long ramble — I'm also really glad you enjoyed the Akutagawa and Atsushi shenanigans, I ended up having way too much fun with that part :D Their interactions are actually pretty similar to how I initially planned everything out (that end part where Dazai and Chuuya are completely wrapped up in each other while everything is spiraling out of control around them is heavily inspired by the ending of the book version of Howl's Moving Castle, and I had most of the dialogue for it figured out from the beginning).
...Honestly, considering how out of order I wrote it, I'm surprised I didn't have to scrap more scenes. As it is, the only things that really ended up getting changed/scrapped were:
A part of chapter 11 (in particular, the bit where Chuuya and Dazai talk after Dazai brings Akutagawa and Kyouka to the castle was originally a very different tone, because Chuuya was not supposed to have gotten as far along his "realizing he has feelings for Dazai" arc)(I do still kinda like the original version for the comedy aspect, but I like the way the final version fits with their relationship progression better)
A scene where Dazai was going to get drunk, which had to be scrapped entirely (I was basing it off of the book scene where Howl gets drunk and goes on a rant about the curse, but I ended up deciding that it a), made things way too obvious, and b), Chuuya should have absolutely figured everything out from what Dazai said and I didn't want to make Chuuya seem like a moron)
The final confrontation between Chuuya, Dazai, and Fyodor changed a LOT. I rewrote that scene. So many times. Similar to the Chuuya-pulling-out-his-heart-scene, there was a bit in my original draft that ended up being very out of character for Dazai because of how his and Chuuya's relationship had developed in the rest of the story, so I had to completely switch around how they got into the chasm in the first place. I again think it was worth the effort though, because I think where it landed (Dazai completely losing control of the situation and having to trust Chuuya to save them both) was more interesting for Dazai's arc as well.
Anyway, all that said— I've had a really really good time writing this fic, and I'm happy other people have enjoyed it too!! (And hopefully I can actually finish chapter 20 soon aksdjfksdj things keep getting in the way of it help)
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howlinchickhowl · 2 years
Hi Howl (:
Here’s a little Headcanon challenge:
1. Besides “Mick” and “Mickey”, what’s Ian nickname for Mickey? From all the nicknames Mickey calls him , what’s Ian’s favorite?
2. What’s the story behind Mickey’s knuckle tattoos? (When / how / by who) When Ian gets a tattoo for Mickey, what is it / on what occasion?
3. Random turn-on for Mickey and a random turn-on for Ian? (Bonus: something that really shouldn’t be a turn on but is)
4. What’s their Instagram @ ? When did they start following each other?
5. If they get a pet, is it a dog (who walks it more often?) or a cat (who cuddles with it more often) ? 
hiii! I am putting off doing some work by answering asks that have been sitting in my inbox for goodness knows how long. Thank you for including me in this little headcanon challenge! Here are my thoughts:
This is tough because obviously Mickey is the nickname guy. I do think Ian is the guy who calls his husband 'baby'. It's cute and sickly and kind of traditional, which Ian kind of is, and I think he only busts it out in super private moments when he's using his wedding vows voice (you know the one) and it makes Mickey feel so loved and cared for and gross that he can't help but grin with his entire face whenever it comes out. Ian's favourite is lover. No contest.
Knuckle tattoos i think are a sad times Milkovich thing that get done too young at parties, maybe after a kid's first big job or something. I think one of the older cousins got them in prison to copy Terry and then it became a family tradition. I think Ian will get a small M.M just behind his ear, right where Mickey's thumb goes when they're hanging out on the couch and Mickey likes to have his hands on Ian. That's a thing and they both like it.
Random turn on for Mickey is Ian with kids. Don't ask him about it. It doesn't necessarily mean he wants babies. It just means he married a man who is gentle and good and goofy and everything his own dad wasn't and that's hot, ok???? Random turn on for Ian is anytime Mickey does math in his head. Sometimes in bed he asks Mickey math questions for fun and Mickey does them even though he thinks Ian is insane and Ian laughs but also his dick isn't getting any softer so...
I don't think Mickey will ever have instagram. I think Ian has a very boring insta handle like @redheaded_middle_child and Mickey uses it to stalk people he wants to know about, watch barbecue videos and reels about home improvement, and enter competitions to win lifetime supplies of beer and shit like that.
This is hard! I think cat. Mickey x cats is one of the cornerstones of my belief systems, and in my mind they're living in an apartment for at least a little while, so I think cat. I think Ian picks it up and carries it around like a baby. I think Mickey and the cat have an understanding. It likes to curl up between him and the arm of the couch and also to eat little bits of whatever Mickey is eating. They have conversations about what's on the tv and whatever Ian is doing, everyone is under strict orders to not bring any attention to this clearly adorable behaviour.
This was fun! Thank you again for the ask :) I'm afraid I'm not so inventive at headcanon's as some of my colleagues, but it is such a sweet exercise and made me very happy today ☺️
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valentine-cafe · 3 months
[Eden and Howl a while ago releasing a list of characters to come]
Me: I'm so excited!!
[Also me tweaking out every time someone new drops because I forgot]
I'm sorry for lurking so much I think I just don't wanna overshadow the pride event with all my asks!! BUUUT THAT WAS SO GOOD!! I'M VERY EXCITED TO SEE WHERE THE STORY TAKES HIM!!! AND I'M READY FOR THE OTHER CHARACTERS TO BE RELEASED!! (I'm gonna forget and get all excited when they drop.)
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but yes he will kidnap you if necessary. . . he just wants to make sure you're safe he's just being a good noudriend. it's dangerous where he's from after all!!<3
he might be a red flag but it's FINE mushmush you seem to LOVE the colour red and honestly??? so do I - HJGJGJHJGJ
annnddddd finally! darling don't worry 'bout sending asks, you won't overshadow anything!! we're always happy to receive stuff in the inbox especially your imagines<3 stay safe MUAH MUAH ꒱
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i-am-thornqueen · 8 months
Yes hello sorry to bother but i am going FERAL in the middle of my workday because i got an email for the latest chapter update and i CANNOT ESCAPE WORK to go CURL up in my BED and read/suffer through whatever you have in store and i just think that is so unfair of life but it also reminded me of another feral ask i sent some time ago that maybe tumblr ate that basically boiled down to me losing it at the thought of baby post-humans and wondering if that was a possibility in the lore of your AU. Cause like THE IMAGE of a baby werecats kneading or a baby werewolfs howling or chasing their tails or eachother just lived in my soul for months i had to know. Anyway if thats just something you dont wanna answer please ignore this ask! Have a wonderful day! Im so excited to read the new chapter tonight!!!!
This the opposite of a bother, @tenshiyuna! It's been months to possibly a year since anyone dropped anything into my inbox, so imagine my delight when I saw your message. ^_^ Though, from the sounds of things on your end, I may have to apologize for leaving you to go feral at work. At the very least, please don't bite anyone!
As for that ask you mentioned, I actually think I do remember it - you're one of the few who ever send asks regarding the larger lore of the AWIL/TMOP world, so I remember being excited to answer a question.
With regard to the possibility of baby post-humans in the AU, that would be a rare thing, especially in the werebeast community. In all technicalities, being a werebeast is a non-hereditary "curse" (a curse in truth centuries ago, but the context has changes in modern times), so a person can be a werebeast but not pass it on to offspring. No baby were-kittens or were-puppies, I'm afraid. ^_^; John and Adrien are outliers in the community, both of them being so young when they were changed; most people transition in their twenties and thirties. If either Adrien or John had children in the future, the kids would be human or other depending on what the mother was. If anyone wanted a baby werebeast, the baby would have to be bitten and cursed, just like an adult, and then the adult would probably go to jail for biting a baby and changing its species. -_-
I hope that is able to quench your thirst for knowledge, even if I don't believe that is the answer you were hoping for. ^_^; Perhaps the new chapter will offer you more? So long as you stay sane until the end of your shift. Good luck!
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Tumblr Superlatives Tag Game Part 2
Rules: Tag (or list) the mutual/friend/acquaintance/etc. that best fits each category. I was tagged by @mistmarauder because she likes to derail my day.
Is the funniest: @mistmarauder makes me howl with laughter even when I'm mentally flipping her off and I always appreciate @brassm's memes
Has the best tags: I'm saying the same as Jess - @stagefoureddiediaz @evcndiaz or @extasiswings - their tag essays end up screenshotted and put on posts for a REASON
Is the most underappreciated creator: @captainofthefallen which I get because she tends to write in small fandoms but if you're a Star Wars fan and know anything about Knights of the Old Republic you need to read her fic "Two With One Stone" OR I'M BLOWING THE PLACE UP
Is the most underappreciated blogger: @catdadeddie just because she deals with SO much crap in her inbox and I feel like people should appreciate her patience more
Is most likely to be kinkshamed: *tosses hair* me. :3 okay okay seriously, maybe @evcndiaz?
Knows you best: @captainofthefallen @devilsbrokerank @extasiswings although @mistmarauder is coming around the turn and gaining down the stretch
Is most likely to delete their blog in a rage: @catdadeddie seriously how she hasn't rage quit yet with the nonsense she sees, I don't know
Changes their url most often: LUCKILY I HAVE SANE FRIENDS WHO DO NOT TORTURE ME WITH SUCH THINGS actually @evcndiaz does it occasionally
Is everyone’s favorite mutual: @mistmarauder everyone wuvs her
Is most likely to become Tumblr famous: I actually do have some tumblr-famous mutuals but I'm not gonna tag them since they obviously get enough annoying attention already. You know who you are, I still can't believe you think I'm cool enough to talk to.
Is most likely to win The Hunger Games: @givemeunicorns are you fucking kidding me? hands down. she grew up in the middle of nowhere and currently works in the woods. she handles snakes with her bare hands. she'll survive whatever the arena throws at her AND kick your ass
Is most likely to marry their Tumblr crush: I actually don't really feel like any of my friends or mutuals are the type for that.
Would call you to bail them out of jail: @devilsbrokerank and they wouldn't even remember how they got in there
Has the longest block list: @extasiswings lmao or maybe @eddiediass IDK I just get a Vibe
Is most likely to strive for world domination: someday @extasiswings or @catdadeddie is gonna snap and decide they can do it better themselves
Is most likely to survive the zombie apocalypse: @givemeunicorns she's the butch leading the remnants of civilization
Has the strongest food opinions: @mistmarauder although if you asked her she'd say she has the "correct" food opinions
Is most likely to keep a plant alive: I do not trust any of these people with a plant. okay maybe @givemeunicorns since it's kinda her job.
Is most likely to share their fries with you: @tulipfromtheinternet or @captainofthefallen (grudgingly)
Doesn’t return their library books on time: @devilsbrokerank HEY RETURN YOUR BOOKS
This was difficult to do since I don't really talk to a lot of people on here, so sorry for tagging some of you multiple times, ha ha.
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yeyinde · 1 year
Hi I sent in the original moss ask and I just wanna say it turned out so much better than I could’ve even imagined, like I don’t have words to put towards how fucking important that piece is to me. You captured the feeling and vibe of forests and seas so well, I mean I literally live in Alaska but you painted such a perfect picture of it. And the fae aspects, the macabre undertones, the longing, the nostalgia,, like I really can’t even describe it all cause I get choked up. It almost feels like you wrote it for me personally, like I know I requested it but you detailed how the forest and the rivers call for you in an ancient romantic rumbling and I didn’t even mention that, I’ve felt that all my life with no words to put to it. I especially loved the part describing all the little trinkets he leaves, and how the house starts to overgrow with vines and moss. It was so so perfect. It felt like a song that manages to touch all the parts of your soul and describe how you feel perfectly even when you can’t quite decipher it yourself. I’m sorry to ramble. It just means so so much to me, thank you for writing it. Easily my favorite piece of literature I’ve ever read and I can’t believe my stupid little moss bed thought inspired such pure poetry. I can’t go visit the forests or the ocean as much as I used to because I’m chronically ill, and I miss them more than anything, so this feels like it helped heal something in my longing heart. Thank you.
Thank you so much for this. I needed to have a giant cry before I could really sit down and respond, and so. Here I am. Stuffy nosed and red-eyed and still weeping.
The imagery you used in your ask, about the soft bed of moss below your fingers and the forest arching above you, was really what made everything click into place. I could see this massive shadow over everything, enclosed by a huge canopy. The cold forest floor. The soft echos through the treeline. And when I got to Alaska, I immediately knew which forest I was going to use. It did end up becoming a mishmash of all my favourite things - especially Giant Sequoia, which does not natively grow in Alaska - but it was largely meant to capture the same hauntingly beautiful atmosphere of Tongass National Forest, particularly the inlet near Ketchikan. I'm a bit obsessed with the PNW - especially the coast with these massive trees so close to the waters.
The fae aspects were very loose, admittedly 😅 I wanted to go full out with that aspect of mythology but I couldn't really see Price giving them something to eat, so I switched it to something modern. A pub that might not even exist, and a drink you can't refuse. Little things showing up at your doorstep that are too pretty to throw away so you put them inside but now they have a life of their own, and grow up the walls and across the floorboards. The haunting sense of something urgently calling you. A whisper of your name in a quiet room. The wind howling at you between the trees.
It got a bit dark, in many places, but I loved the idea of Price pining away while you have his chiseled heart locked in your childhood jewelry box. The most precious trinket of all.
I saved the ask to my phone so I could keep coming back to it while I wrote everything down, trying to capture the atmosphere you inspired. The lush descriptions of the forest, the moss, the sense of ease and languor - it immediately ensnared my attention and made me almost desperate to write this down as quickly as a I could.
This would not have existed if you didn't send in such a beautiful ask, so it is, without a doubt, yours. I just put the words together.
I agonised a lot over whether or not you'd enjoy this, so seeing this in my inbox honestly made me so incredibly weepy. I felt like it was taking ages to put together, but ahh, the way you laid out the scene made me fall in love with the idea of this little world trapped between the unforgiving ocean and a sprawling forest full of secrets. It wasn't a want, but a need. I needed to make this come to life. I needed to try and capture an iota of beauty you painted, and to try and transcribe the feelings I felt reading it into this. I'm honestly so incredibly happy I managed to do that for you. Thank you so much! I'm gonna go cry another river now 🖤
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niuniente · 2 years
Hello! I saw your post about good tumblr reblogging ettiquette and that your inbox is a good source of social contact, so figured I'd break ice and ask: What's your favorite fictional animal?
Fictional animal hmmm... Must be a werewolf. Can we count it as an animal? I've been a fan since I learned the concept of werewolves from Howling III when I was little. Both of my parents are fans of horror so we had lots of horror movies at home. I'm pretty certain I've seen almost all werewolf movies so far, though for the sake of Halloween, I should double check and if I find something new, then watch it.
Naturally, I'm a big fan of the cryptid dogman, too, which I do believe in. Too many eyewitnesses so that they all would be lying. One of my friends has seen a dogman, too, and my friend has got such a sweet heart that she would never come up with something like that just to amuse me.
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allylikethecat · 14 days
Ally!!! tuesday update is phenomenal as always! i liked thw “im here every tuesday” part it was very meta of you lol (even if it wasn’t intentional) This story is incredibly angsty atm and i have no complaints. To be honest the vibe is kind of reminding me of Queer in the sense that Matty is watching a mysterious man at a bar and getting wasting at the same time i also assume he’ll keep going back to that bar to try to see this mysterious man again. all i have to say is that you’ve got my attention and i’ll be listening to noah khan so i can get the full experience (any suggestions in where to start???)
Ahh Smoothie Anon!! It's a joy as always to see you in my inbox!!
First off, thank you SO MUCH for giving my Noah / Matty fic a chance - I know that there isn't really an audience for it but WOW am I having SO MUCH FUN working on it! I was kind of going through a rut with my writing and working on this fic has fully pulled me out of it. I'm glad that you liked the "I'm here every Tuesday" line lol Fictional!Noah performed at the bar every Thursday and Sunday in the original draft, then I was reading it over and I was like WTF Ally he should OBVIOUSLY be there every TUESDAY because TUESDAY is your day lol
I'm going to be honest... I haven't actually read Queer (I am silly spicy romance / romantasy trash) so the fact that they have a similar vibe is completely accidental but I will happily take it! Let's just say that Fictional!Matty will be meeting that mysterious bar stranger sooner rather than later 👀
AH Welcome to the emotional turmoil OMG I would say Noah's most recent album Stick Season is a great place to start if you're just getting into his music. The most popular songs off that album are Stick Season, and Dial Drunk. Homesick is another popular one and my personal favorite. Other favorites would be Forever, Orange Juice, and Growing Sideways. Call Your Mom is a tear jerker and No Complains is extremely Matty coded. From Busy Head my favorites are: Young Blood, False Confidence and Mess. From I Was / I Am my favorites are Bad Luck, Godlight, Hallow and Howling. From Cape Elizabeth it would be Maine and Anyway. Live from Fenway also features the previously unreleased song Pain Is Cold Water and I am absolutely obsessed with that live album - I was at Fenway Night One and it was a religious experience. But AH Noah Kahan!! I am so obsessed with him it's not even funny. I will admit though, the song featured in the middle of the chapter is actually Something in the Orange by Zach Bryan (it came on shuffle while I was working on the chapter and it just felt right? Noah and Zach Bryan also collaborated together for Sarah's Place which is another great one!) I've been very in my folk/country era working on this fic!
Sorry for all of the rambling omg I just LOVE talking about this fic and Noah and just AH thank you so much for reading and sending me this ask and being so wonderful and supportive. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the next few chapters and also what you think about Noah's music!!
Thank you SO MUCH again!! I hope you are having a wonderful day and a fantastic rest of your week!
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seelestia · 2 years
LIA OMG HI??? I MISSED TALKING TO YOU!!! (btw bedo, cyno n tighnari say hi they've been my emotional supports for the new semester) ~Lycoris
LY, HI HIII! aaaaa, i really missed talking to you too. unfortunately, exams got me by the throat but i'm finally done with them! thank ayato's pretty hands, ahem. (/lh) i'm hanging onto ayato's back like a koala as i say hi back to your lovely emotional supports <3
having three emotional supports means they got you covered left, right, and center... literally, pfft. good luck on getting thru your semester, ly! let's go thru it together 😩
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i still have that ask in my drafts, i'll answer it soon! >:) AND YOU ARE SO VALID. howl and albedo are like one in the same; the hair, the eyes, the 'detachment' from the normal crowd, the elegance (although howl is kinda silly at times)! the height tho, maybe not so much— (/j)
ly, listen. if howl!albedo helps you land on the ground and say "that's my girl" to you, hang on to his sleeve and don't let go. but i think you'd turn into a puddle of goo first so then, albedo stops out of concern and goes, "are you alright?" 🤭
AYATO IN STUDIO GHIBLI, AWKWSK. i'm not sure which ghibli protagonist he'd be but whomever he becomes, i'd kiss him instantly eitherway. (/lh)
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fret not, my beloved dango! your presence is always cherished here, my inbox is all yours to invade 😩 (/g) BUNNY LY, BUNBUN LY, YES. ask tighnari why he calls you bunny and he just says, "bunnies are absent-minded animals who'll get lost if i don't keep them in check... and they're cute." then, he goes on to flick your forehead unceremoniously. (/j)
the people have spoken and they are not wrong! you do resemble a bunny, hehe. i shall now be putting you in my picnic basket and carrying you around. bye, albenaricyno, i'll be taking my leave with your bunny in tow. (/j)
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