#i'm just lawful good deep down and this is how it manifests i guess
bunny-queen · 6 months
you can be you
hey babes, long post ahead
i've felt for a long time since entering the LOA community that there's a lot of pressure on everyone who knows how to conciously manifest
it seems like after you grasp that YOU are the creator of your reality and that YOU can do literally anything you want, almost everyone expects us to want 'big' things
by big i mean mansions, resort trips, a sports car, a new phone, a celebrity SP, being a public figure, being a millionaire... this kind of life
and although there's nothing wrong with living like that, or wanting to live like that, it's perfectly fine if it's not your dream life
edward art says in one of his reddit posts (remind me to link it here later) that if you somehow aren't manifesting X thing, it might be because......... it's not what you actually want
you may have convinced yourself that you SHOULD want that thing, but deep down, you feel indifferent towards it. you don't think about it a lot, you don't imagine yourself being happy with the thing, you don't lie in bed daydreaming about it. and eventually you realize it might not be coming into the 3D
this has definitely happened to me before. i had spent MONTHS affirming and listening to subliminals for my ideal face, but i had little to no results in the material world, and i could not for the life of me figure out what i was doing wrong
you guessed it: i wasn't doing anything wrong. but social media LOA comms had eventually convinced me that kpop idols are the epitome of beauty, and that any east asian should be manifesting to be a carbon copy. i saw that, thought 'hm, alright' and proceeded to frustrate myself endlessly trying to manifest something i didn't even want. a year later, here i am, realizing i like my current face better than any idol's out there, and that's why i didn't get results
and it happened yet again regarding my college applications and entrance exams. because people on this hellsite are constantly encouraging others to go directly to the end, i thought 'ah, i should manifest that i've ALREADY passed, then. that i don't even need to take the exam'
so i did it, i affirmed, i meditated, yadda yadda, and made myself MISERABLE. bc apparently i like to study, and i'm excited to take the exam! doing this way might not be the most straightfoward way, but it's what i want. i *want* this experience
long ass post but the moral of the story is that: just bc you know about the law, it doesn't mean you put on a show about your desires. you don't need to manifest 10 billion dollars just to show an imaginary audience that you can. just to post it on tumblr. you don't need to manifest a mansion in LA just bc that is the type of success story that gets the most likes
you're allowed to still want a quiet, simple life, even if you're God. you're allowed to not care about new phones, new clothes, and instead manifest more crochet yarn, and that the weather's good everyday. you're allowed to be happy with yourself and not want to lose/gain weight, change your height, your eye color, or any other features. you're allowed to want to be a normal college kid, and not a victorias secrets angel. it's okay to be you
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howlingday · 1 year
since we're talking about a dc rwby au, i actually had an idea for jaune in gotham learning under cat woman on how to be a thief. at first it's mainly because he's desperate to help his family who're struggling to make ends meat. but after a while he really starts to enjoy the thrill of his job. right up until he manages to get himself caught up in some supervillain bullshit and now he's a known entity to both sides.
taking the name Tom Cat as his persona his main ability is his bullshit luck and improv skills, he always seems to find the perfect way to get out of a situation.
might be fun to keep rwby as superheroes also pyrrha as wonder woman, nora as hawk girl (but with a hammer), and ren as green lantern.
meanwhile jaune's neither hero nor villain. the guy just wants to make some money and dip out but finds himself fighting both sides to save the world (mainly because he keeps all his stuff there)
Hm, interesting. For now, though, let's explore the Jaune Arc as Catwoman's apprentice angle. And now, without further ado, I present unto you...
Gotham City wasn't perfect. In fact, it was the exact opposite of perfect. One could argue it as the physical manifestation of Murphy's Law. What can go wrong out here, will go wrong out here. Even in the suburbs on the outskirts of Gotham proper. But it was still my home.
Home. It's weird calling it that. I don't even know if I'm from this world. Mom took me in after a job gone wrong, and I'm just the one stray who hasn't ran off yet. Well, me and Cleocatra, but I still have all my teeth.
But back to the important business, I'm not from Gotham. In fact, according to Mom's b- I mean, Mr. Wayne, I'm not even from Earth. Something about my "genetic makeup" is similar, but completely different from other humans.
But that doesn't change the fact that I'm my mother's son. Sure, we may not look exactly alike, but she's still my mom. She taught me everything I know. I learned how to walk, talk, know my directions, and even how to crack a ShelLock safe blindfolded!
All the important life lessons for a future up-and-coming world-class thief. Just like Mom.
"36... 24... 36..." It wasn't actually that, but I saw it on TV, and it's been stuck in my head ever since. Mom doesn't like it, but she never told me why, so I figured that if I'm going solo on a job, I might as well keep saying it. What's the worst that could happen?
"Don't move, Cat."
Oh, right. Remember Murphy's Law? Well, it's here, and it gets better. Jaune heard a click, and the man muttered away from him. Yup, this party was about to get bigger. But Jaune had it under control. Really.
"Can you order a pizza while you're at it?"
"Shut the hell up. Do you know who's safe that is?"
"If I guess right, what do I win?"
Ah, right. The ol' gun to his head. A classic, never out of style choice. Personally, he would have preferred a comic book, but beggars can't be choosers, right?
With a spin, the gun was knocked to the air and a fist nestled deep into the goon's gut. Flick of a wrist later, and the gun fell to the ground. A headbutt here, a backfist there, and the thug was down.
No time for witty one-liners. Cash, jewels, and whatever else was in the safe was shoveled into the bag. Even found a neat folder inside. Wasn't a comic book, but it'll do.
Hop, skip, and a jump later, and the room was free of both cat and cash. Now for the long trek home. Thankfully, it wasn't too bad a run. All he had to do was get to the train station and-
Oh no.
Either there was an eclipse was tonight, or everything was about to get so much more complicated. Jaune could've stopped and let the nice Batman go easy on him, or he could keep all of his hard-earned loot. Decisions, decisions.
Never was good at making the smart choices.
Leaping across rooftops, being chased by a legend himself is no easy task, but nothing Jaune wasn't used to. As his face met the hard ground of the rooftop, he wished he could say that.
"What are you doing out here?"
"Would you believe me if I told you I was sleepwalking?" A thumb pressed into Jaune's hand. "OW! OW! OW! OKAY, I WAS DOING A BURGLARY!"
"Who did you steal from?" Jaune felt the pressure ease up, but the thumb remained where it was.
"I dunno, some guy's place!" Jaune felt the thumb press a little. "No, really! I don't know! All I know is he had a security guard or two!" The thumb pressed more. "AGH! OKAY! IT WAS ARMANO MORETTI, OKAY?!"
The thumb was lifted off, and the legend turned Jaune to meet him face-to-face. Pointed mask and near-snarling grimace confirmed Jaune's worst fears.
"Does your mother know you're out here?"
"No, she doesn't."
Ice filled his veins as his blue eyes widened. Jaune glanced to the side and saw his mom walking up to him. He recognized her walk, too. It wasn't her usual, "teasing Mr. Wayne" walk. No, this was her "Mama Kyle" walk, as in what she did when Jaune screwed up.
"H-Hi, Mom."
"Hello, Tom." She growled. Jaune felt so small under her glare. "So this is you 'hanging out at Tony's later'?" Jaune gulped as she sighed. "What did you steal?"
The bag came open, and the loot started getting rummaged through. Stacks of bills. Deeds, diplomas, and permits. Pearls, emeralds, and so many golden trinkets. All swiped from one place. However, of all of the loot, only one stood out from the rest.
Without a word, Batman took the folder and opened it. Swiping and flipping through the pages, he tapped the side of his mask. He shut the folder and set it back in the pile.
"Leaving so soon?" She asked.
"You already have your hands full. And now, so do I."
And there he goes, off as silently as he arrived. Y'know, before he smashed into the pavement. Still, it was hard to believe he was letting Jaune go AND leaving the loot! What a great night!
"Tom," Jaune gulped as he heard that warning tone of her, "we have a lot to talk about."
'However do you mean, sir?'
"The file contained a list of assassins, Alfred. Some of whom I more than recognize."
"And I myself as well.". Alfred replied through communications. "I seem to recall a similar gathering with these exact individuals as well.".
"Falcone is hiring assassins, Alfred; assassins who are going after rival crime bosses."
"I see. And what of the other names on the list? They certainly don't appear to hold the same criminal element.".
"No, but it's still lives at stake."
The names raced through his mind like an assassin's bullet. Tomorrow night, the hubt began, and four names caught his attention the most.
Bruce Wayne
Selina Kyle
Tom Cat
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thisdreamplace · 2 years
hi dreamplace, it’s me. I wanted to tell you something that happened. for the past days, it’s been rough. but I remember you and your podcast, and I tell myself that everything will turn out right. last night, I got hit hard but there is light. a part of me just doesn’t feel like life is worth doing anything so I don’t do much of anything or I just hold myself from doing what I need to. this bit me in the ass last night LMAO. i find myself just laying down on my phone a lot because that’s the only time life feels good. I had a college assignment due. If I didn’t do it on time, I’d be dropped from the course. this meant that I’d lose some of my financial aid and I won’t have enough credits. so i told myself, whatever, I’ll lay down and watch this tarot reading (i needed the comfort) and I ended up falling asleep for too long. I missed the deadline. I woke up panicking and I cried. although I don’t care about college at all, I have to do well bc I have nothing else for me rn. so, I calmed myself down. I did not believe in my abilities at all. I still don’t believe now, but I told myself, “it’s going to be okay. stressing and crying won’t do me any good” so I was calm. I still doubted but I just made myself relax. I woke up this morning … the professor re-uploaded the assignment. so now I won’t be dropped. I’m not sure how to feel. I still don’t believe in myself tbh, but a part of me is like, maybe everything can be okay. I know it was such a small incident, but any type of relief I can get in life feels better than none. 🏆 It feels like a success but I hope I can get this success for things I genuinely want now. I guess what I learned from this is just remain calm. no amount of negativity I forced upon myself has ever helped an outcome. all I can do is maintain peace on the inside I guess. still confused on how to go about manifesting, but I know it’s okay :)
hello <3 i am sorry it took me a while to reply to this !
it was a lil magic moment to nudge you and remind you that everything is okay <3 everything always work out, no matter what. i feel like that is a basic given in life, the law just emphasizes it and puts so much pressure on us. but if u just relax.... you'll see the natural flow of life actually flows in your favor. (the tao of pooh !) i think that this experience was a hint on how to go about manifesting. because it's just not..... that deep. and it satisfies the ego when there's all these extensive posts and how-to's and etc etc because it feels like something we get to work out, and the ego wants to work. the ego wants to find problems and dwell in them and contemplate endless solutions to endless problems. but it really is that simple, just letting life flow. :)
i'm really glad that was such a nice lil moment for you <3
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Alright, I have to ask, what makes you like the Children of Finarfin the most, when it seems to me that most people gravitate more towards the Feanorians?
This is... an excellent question. I'm not sure I really have a definite answer??? I just know that I've always gravitated very strongly towards characters who try their very best to be GOOD. Especially the ones that have to fight for it. The ones who have to constantly fight the darkness and despair in their lives to stay that way. That could be morally upright characters that maintain that stance all through their character arcs (like Obi-Wan Kenobi or Steve Rogers), ones that get beautifully written and executed redemption arcs (like Zuko in Avatar the Last Airbender) or even the ones that do their best to maintain an outward appearance of apathy or evil but are actually decent people deep down. I also connect really deeply with characters who display loyalty as a main motivation/personality trait, which Finrod definitely does, imo. And, like, I recognize that the Arafinweans have their flaws and failings just like everyone else, and so do all the other characters I mentioned above. I also know that a lot of other people connect better with more morally gray characters or villains because they feel like they're allowed to make more mistakes and be more human, but that has actually never resonated with me as strongly. And I don't know why I gravitate towards them vs, like, the Nolofinweans, who tend more towards being the classic Heroes. It's one of those things that I've been trying to figure out for a long time, but I've never come to a truly satisfactory conclusion.
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
I had a thought about a huge hangup I've had for a long time, and how terrifying this loop really is at its core. My hangup was/is the fear of... fear. The fear of being afraid. Of doing something that might bring back scary thoughts, scary memories. You see, fear takes a few different forms as I'm sure we all are pretty deeply acquainted with at this point, but being able to articulate and differentiate between them is not something I'm used to. Immediate fear - being immediately in a life-threatening or embarrassing situation and reacting right Now to it - is very different from being afraid something MIGHT happen. That's one step removed, into the hypothetical realm. Then there's the fear of being in a situation that might remind us of or trigger a fear of something happening, that's two steps removed into the hypothetical. Oh, how deep it can spread, like an infection. That last one steps into the realm of "fear of fear", which gets all kinds of fucky real quick. Wanna know how? Step into my office!
Hi. So fear is a terrifying thing to me because it requires nothing but energy and time to manifest, it can theoretically spread infinitely and, most terrifying of all, it can feed itself. Let me simplify. For fear to manifest, all it needs is a place to attach, a concept. Spider. Crackling sound. Pink Humvee. Shadow. Literally anything. Then you just need energy to manifest it, which you have to offer if you're alive and your cells are metabolizing, and make sure you allow the instinctual process to do its thing. What I've taken to calling "giving it the microphone".
So what happens if you become afraid of Fear? Every time you even think about being afraid, your Fear grows stronger, more validated. It becomes godlike. It cannot be questioned, I must avert my gaze, it's too powerful to face head on, etc. Very "bowing before a vengeful God" kinda shit. It's word becomes law. This gives it freedom to spread to other nearby concepts as well, for who are you to question Fear? It can even spread to other people, too.
While you're experiencing low-grade hypothetical fear CONSTANTLY, being slowly steadily drained, you're also becoming disconnected from what immediate fear even felt like. When you're afraid of Fear, avoidance is second nature, you start getting real good at it. Eventually, it's been a hot minute since you've been in a crisis, because everything has been playing it super safe or distraction for years. So you start to forget what real Fear (car crash) feels like, and this looming secondary Fear (if I go to the store I might get in a car crash) which is a completely different sensation takes its place. In time, you feel less confident in your ability to handle the immediate fear, because of the lack of experience due to avoidance and building it up so much for years and years. So the Fear noms down on this because guess what? Fear is both of those feelings, immediate and secondary. Cool, huh? So it feels like you're avoiding Fear but really you're just patting her on the head, doing everything she says blindly and making her a comfy seat next to you. I told you it gets fucky.
Oh here's the best part. It's all You. That's you. The person it's happening to? You. The Immediate Fear? You. The Secondary Fear? You. All You. So while you are feeding yourself, you may not be feeding the parts of you that encourage the growth and health of the whole You ecosystem. You might be feeding an invasive species, that really only cares about the biological imperative to stay alive at all costs. At ALL costs. So as tenders to our own magnificent psychological ecosystem, as thought-gardeners (he he), stable balance is much easier to manage when you stop giving Fear the steering wheel, or taking the back roads to avoid her. Just try sitting her down and having a little chat. Remind her that she has a place in the ecosystem of You... but she's a smoke alarm, not a GPS.
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