#i'm just thinking about asra a lot
warlordfelwinter · 2 years
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just getting asra's archdevil glow-up ready for if the party manages to impress asmodeus
a few more present celestial traits, some signs of corruption, a slight outfit update. he definitely isn't going slightly insane and can absolutely be trusted
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thetreeturnedoff · 2 years
i'm replaying the arcana and i knew i would yearn for asra's route but then he had his first line in the prologue and my feelings for him hit me like a goddamn semitruck. like holy shit i wanna play his route so bad. but i can't :(((
#i mean i will#but it'll be last#i wanna get the ones i don't like over with first#but i wanna read it so bad :(#but i'm playing all 6 again cause i've hit a point where i don't know what knowledge i have is canon and what's fanon/something i made up#i'm like actually taking notes and shit. and i feel like i'm learning a lot i missed originally#this is like the 4th time i've read the prologue too. i just never really paid attention before#too distracted by pretty people 😔#which is funny cause i'm hella aroace irl. my heart is reserved for fictional characters#but yeah. asra :(#gonna play lucio's first and gotta deal with knowing what asra's probably going through seeing that#and like. he's a fictional character!!! he does not have feelings!!! and yet i still feel like i'm hurting them#i have literally never felt feelings for anyone ever in my life as strong as the ones i feel for asra. i am so fucking In Love with him#even other characters i've hyperfixated on in the past. i think the closest i've been to this was saeyoung from mystic messenger#but even that obsession wasn't as bad as this one. and that one was horrible#my sister fucking knew about it and they were in elementary school at the time#i read probably every fanfic about him there was on wattpad#i had so many pictures of him in a few different pinterest boards or whatever they're called#i'd made his name my kindle password of all fucking things#he was my intro to cosplay too. got really really close to cosplaying him actually#but i was a child and had no money and was also a child#i literally have not thought about saeyoung in years. i still love him apparently#but not as much as asra#do i have a type? are they similar? i can't remember enough about him#but i'm not going back to that. it fucked up my sleep schedule so bad and i know i would spend way too much money on that game now#but a babe can dream#i know at one point i ran out of space in my phone because of how many pictures i had saved of saeyoung#it was also a shitty second-hand galaxy s3 so like. idk how much space it had to begin with. but i remember it hurt to delete them
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What about mini hc's for the MC asking the M6 for help getting something down from a shelf? (they're not short, they're just making up an excuse to get the LI's closer to them)
The Arcana Mini-HCs: Asking M6 to reach something for you
Julian: he is mr tall and this is his job. most of the time he won't even pick up on what you're trying to do until you're right there and oh. oh.
Asra: knows exactly what you're trying to do and grants your request with all the seductive flair they can come up with (which is ... a lot)
Nadia: calls you on it immediately - "my darling, surely you know I'd lay the world at your feet if you asked for it. I'm already yours ~"
Muriel: was fully ready to reach something down for you. was not ready for you to scale him like a ladder so you could reach it yourself
Portia: assumes it's a short joke and gives you an unimpressed stare. realizes what you're doing and saunters over to flirt with a lip bite
Lucio: this is flirting to him because he loves being dependable. and being praised. and the (what he thinks is) accidental proximity
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snobgoblin · 6 months
erm I've actually been nervous to post my Arcana theories here but I really like this one if you'll fuck with me on this
I think that like, the way the characters use magic? is actually based on the Minor Arcana. let me explain
the suit cards, to my understanding, have an elemental association and an overarching thing they relate to in a reading. I'll list out the elemental association of each suit and the traits associated with it, to the best of my ability, drawing from multiple sources including the official Arcana tarot guide, and then when I'm done with that I'll explain how this correlates to the magic systems present in the game
Cups ☕️💧
this one is associated with water, and it relates to matters of the heart, emotions. as well as connections to other people, spirituality and adaptability
Swords 🗡🌬
is associated with air, and deals with internal dialogues, logic, and intuition. it also has associations with decision making and intelligence
Wands 🪄🔥
this one is associated with fire and emphasizes willpower, self reliance, and the ability to take direct action. there's a lot of strong emotions associated with this one, it's a passionate suit
Pentacles ⭐️🍃
is associated with earth and deals with the tangible things in one's life, physical things. it also represents hard work, stability, and practicality
NOW THAT IVE EXPLAINED THAT let me explain how this fits into the way characters will use magic
Asra 💧
i dont think *matters of the heart* represents anyone better than Asra, how about you 😉? not to mention his magic is described as feeling like rain, he communicates through water, he can MAKE water in the desert, in the gladiator battle they can control it too iirc, AND his personal gate is full of pools of water. their teachings also seem extremely emotion based in a way that's hard for me to explain, a very "believe it will happen and it will happen" kind of way to using magic (God I wish I could articulate this better but luckily the others will be easier to explain) all of this would mean they would be operating under the Cups magic system
Nadia 🌬
Intuition is her whole thing! of course she'd be the swords (also notable that Nadia is great with a sword) intelligence also screams Nadia, she knows 12 languages and when she first met the High Priestess all she wanted to do was figure out how the realm worked because it wasn't scientifically accurate to her. decision making is also fitting considering she is the Countess
Lucio 🔥
Lucio is actually a little bit bad at magic according to Asra, so I won't be relying on him entirely for this (you'll see) however, it should be noted that when Lucio summons Vlastomil, he does so by setting a fire and then cutting open the bottoms of his feet. this mirrors how Morga uses magic, like once she cuts open her palm to catch her own spear on fire, and there is no hesitation in the way Morga uses magic, like rushing into portals (not for recklessness, but because she's so sure of herself) and another time she breaks the Devil's chains via extremely precise spear throw, something Asra is impressed by. so! I think the wands suit fits just perfectly when we consider direct action and self reliance in reference to Morga, and I suppose by extension Lucio, if he practiced a bit more
Muriel 🍃
his magic is actually described as feeling earthy at at least three different points, and the way he casts magic is very interesting as well. runecasting, which is described in the game as Muriel throwing a rock and interpreting the meaning. which is a very physical, grounded way to use magic. not to mention the myrrh and protection charms he uses- those are also extremely tangible things, naturey things so I think it aligns perfectly with the Pentacles. I would even argue that Mazelinka falls under this magic system, since she uses plants to make her potions- which is also a tangible way to do magic- pulling from your environment and such
so yeah I just thought that was interesting 🤔
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 4 months
The Arcana M6 Getting Ready For Bed
AN: because I'm sleepy AND alone, and it's late so no judgement lol
This man will sleep anywhere, any time.
His before-sleep routine is usually just shedding a few layers of clothing (I mean boots and jackets and stuff you perverse neanderthals) and then cramming himself into a space that he deems comfortable
Hair care? Pbbffftt, no, he doesn't do that, MC (how do you think he maintains hair that fluffy, of course he has a hair care routine)
After their hair care they tend to grab the nearest object and snuggle it before they sleep
Guess what the nearest object usually is
BINGO, it's you
Bedtime preparation with Nadia usually means working through an extensive list of self care requirements
If you want to sit with her while she nourishes and brushes her hair, and bathes, and brushes her teeth, and moisturizes, and washes her face, and waxes her legs, and exfoliates, and does nightly stretches, and changes into her nightdress, she'll definitely appreciate your efforts. You'll recieve a smooch on the forehead or something
You cannot fathom how Nadia manages to keep up with all her nightly routines
Bitch you thought he was going to bed?
The bedtime routine with Julian is often just him refusing to sleep for longer than he should, and then you needing to haul his bony ass into bed
Other times, you end up lounging around with him while he works, head in his lap. This is more bedtime prep for you (because he won't rest at all), especially when you can't fall asleep. The sound of his quill on paper is insanely therapeutic
And other times, he gets blackout drunk and his bedtime routine is sobbing into the bar table before letting out the most horrendous gut wrenching snore
Originally, Muriel's bedtime prep was literally just him laying down on the ground (either fully dressed or completely not) and shutting his eyes
Nowadays it's still a little basic, but it's a lot more healthy than what it used to be
He usually just puts his hair up, brushes his teeth and crashes in the bed. The clothing thing doesn't really apply anymore because he sleeps in a bed and shoes + bed = sin. Oh, and also he doesn't want to sleep in his panties with you around /hj
It's worth mentioning that if you buy him pajamas he will wear them, regardless of what they look like. You shouldn't abuse this, of course. Buuuut if you wanted to buy him an otter onesie–
Inanna will make fun of him for the onesie for the rest of her life
Portia is very consistent, that's for sure
Her nightly bath is very much needed, more so in the warmer months, as she is super busy throughout the day
Your bathroom always smells nice
When you're in town you end up buying her soothing smelling soaps and shampoos and all that
Asks you to heat the water beforehand (then every night, without fail, asks you if you want to join)
Then she gets dressed, does basic hygiene things, and crawls into bed with you, immediately falling asleep
Much like Nadia, he also engages in extensive self-care before bed
Or at least he USED TO. Damn you, nomadic lifestyle
His skincare routine has gone from twenty-eight steps to only twelve, and it devastates him, like an immense amount
It still takes him an annoying amount of time to get ready for bed, but you can't imagine what it used to be like
He always waits for you to be laying down before he takes his heels off (he's worried about seeming short)
"MC, is my hairline receding?"
You regret buying him a pocket mirror as he will not shut up now
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theintrovertbean · 8 months
I wanna see how Nadia realized she loves Mc. Like when she realizes just how much she loves and cares for Mc and I’m talking bout before they got together because the M6 describes Mc , Mc is strong, caring , smart, talented and I just wanna see when Nadia realizes she loves Mc. ( also wanna see how she reacts to Mc being the strong Magician people say they are)🙃
Oh boy, I made this so long. I think I got a little bit carried away, but that's okay because the more Nadia content the better.
Thank you for the request, Anon! It was a delight and I had the time of my life writing it.
How Nadia realized that she loves MC
Nadia loved MC long before she even realized it. For three months, she dreamt of them and she saw their face everywhere. She already loved the idea of MC and having them in her life, but since there isn't much logic in that, she pushed it away until it was no longer possible to ignore.
However, MC was not entirely the same person in reality, but the potential was always there.
Remember the part in Nadia's route when MC was in The Tower realm with Nadia, and they woke her up from her magic slumber? Yeah, that's the person Nadia was already in love with. That version of MC didn't exist yet, at least not at the beginning of the game. But when Nadia finally invited them to the palace, and as they spent more time together, MC eventually became that person.
MC was once a powerful magician, I guess even stronger than Asra. Because MC died and lost their memories, it's likely that a lot of those abilities were lost, but not entirely. Still, this doesn't mean that MC is not a powerful magician, they just need to find a way to tap into that power. MC literally goes from cutie patootie who can summon a ball of light to breaking the Devil's chains. If that's not powerful, then idk what is.
On the one hand, Nadia is glad that the people didn't lie about MC being powerful because she hates liars. On the other hand, she found MC's power quite attractive and relieving. It gives her some peace knowing that MC can take care of themselves.
Not only MC is powerful, but also smart. Nadia was surrounded by incompetent dumbasses (except for Portia), so she wasn't joking when she said that MC's presence was refreshing. Being around someone with common sense made her life a whole lot better.
As for caring, it was something Nadia had experienced before from her family, because, let's be honest, the Satrinavas never seemed as bad as Nadia portrayed them. Still, Nadia refused to accept their affection and care, which was something she didn't do with MC. It was unusual to her at first and a little scary as well, but being cared for by MC felt so good. It took some courage, yes, but she did enjoy having someone care for her the way she cared for them too.
Loving MC was the easiest thing in the world. Nadia felt it pretty soon after MC came to the palace. It was natural, and there was no need to put much thought into it. Because of that, Nadia needed a catalyst, something that would help her realize her own emotions.
The moment when Nadia truly realizes that she's in love with MC is when Lucio steals their body and she almost loses them. You know how it is. People don't always realize how much something/someone means to them until they lose them, and that's exactly what happened to Nadia.
Suddenly, MC wasn't there, and the world felt empty and dull without them in it. And it hurt. Gayness, did it hurt. If it wasn't for her incredible self-control and because she was more focused on bringing them back, I'm sure Nadia would have had an entire breakdown. Not the pretty princess tears from a Disney movie, but actually crying.
Her heart was aching so bad, and she was horrified of losing them. Was she losing her independence if she felt like she could no longer imagine her life without MC in it? No, she was simply in love, and it was the most heart-wrenching yet beautiful feeling she had ever known in her entire life.
This person, MC, uplifted her in such a short time. Her resentment towards her sisters is almost gone, her memories are coming back, she's a better ruler, and MC has helped her with pretty much everything. MC makes both Nadia and her life better. How could she not love them?
It also made Nadia realize that she had to tell MC about her feelings. To lose them without ever telling them how much she loves them would have been far too tragic. And Nadia didn't want to let go of MC.
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bakuliwrites · 1 year
MC Regaining Little Memories From Objects Associate w/ M6
Hi everyone! Here is another one of my headcanons from my old blog. I think this one was a request I had gotten and I really enjoyed writing this one. It was a lot of fun to try to think up some meaningful objects and scenarios. Over time, I've been trying to post some of my old headcanons on to this blog, but I do have a lot of them up on my AO3, if you are curious!
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You and Asra are tidying up the shop one day when you stumble upon a broom closet in the back that you've never noticed. Curious, you attempt to turn the door handle and fortuitously discover that it is unlocked.
The room is tiny, only big enough for you and the other objects inside. There are a few random boxes of trinkets and old ingredients, but what really catches your attention is the dress in the far corner, worn by a slightly eerie, faceless mannequin.
The dress is floaty, billowing. Your fingers find the sleeves, the thin tulle delicate in your careful grasp. Even in the darkness of the closet, the dress seems to sparkle, the crystals bedazzling the neckline dancing jovially in the lamplight just outside. You've been so enamored with the dress, you hardly notice Asra's presence in the doorway behind you.
"You look beautiful, like a jellyfish floating in the gentle summer currents. Carefree and lovely," you whisper aloud. The words were familiar to you, but you couldn't quite place who had said them, or when. When you repeat them in your mind, it's Asra's voice that sounds them out. A flash of a grand party, a masquerade perhaps, dances across your vision. When you finally turn to greet Asra, you see he has tears in his eyes, reserved but joyful. He draws you into a warm embrace and something just clicks in your brain. Finally, you remember Asra and all he meant to you.
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You're quietly reading one afternoon when Nadia enters the room and asks if she might play the organ for a bit. "If I'm bothering you, just say the word!" she offers, but you simply smile. You loved listening to her play, and you didn't get to hear it very often since she was usually busy.
Nadia's fingers begin skillfully dancing across the keys. She's merely warming up at first, which you still take delight in. Her talent shines through even in her simple practice exercises. The notes start to fade in the background as you settle back into your novel, finding yourself fully engrossed. Until you're suddenly drawn out of your concentration by the beginning of a song.
This song is different, though. Something about it is oddly familiar. Bittersweet, like a lost memory. The music swells, lilting and sprightly, before quieting into a melancholy hum. You suddenly find yourself overwhelmed with emotion, though you can't really place why. This music, it echoes through your mind like it once echoed through the halls of the palace, in a time you thought you'd long forgotten.
When Nadia finishes, she looks over to see you quickly wiping tears from your eyes. She opens her mouth to ask what's wrong, but you hush her with a smile. "It's been such a long time since you've played that for me," you whisper. Nadia beams knowingly, before setting off again to play for you like she used to all those years ago.
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Back at Mazelinka's, you and Julian are rifling through stacks of his old papers, ones that you'd managed to pilfer from the palace. You've found nothing of any real use so far, but you have confidence that you might stumble across something.
While Julian is frantically scanning page after page, you find yourself growing still, fixating on just one of them. The edges are yellowed, frayed from water damage. But the handwriting is still legible (well, as legible as Julian's messy handwriting could possibly be). The script doesn't say anything important. It appears to just be a general note about the status of some test he was running, but it's what is written in the margins that catches your eye.
It's your handwriting, littered amongst tiny drawings of what you at first think are worms. But upon closer inspection, you see that you apparently had written, "Watch out! Getting bitten by a leech really sucks." You roll your eyes at how terrible that pun is, wondering what possessed you to write it in the first place, if that really was your handwriting. You grab some ink and a quill from your bag and start to scribble next to the writing. It's a dead ringer for your script.
You feel some happy tears sting your eyes, but when Julian asks you what's wrong, you break out into a wide smile. "You and your accursed leeches!" you exclaim, before bursting into laughter. He looks at you, a bit confused at first, before breaking down into giggles himself. Finally, he thinks, something you both remember.
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You're enjoying a quiet afternoon at Portia's cottage, basking in the sunlight and sipping some tea. Portia is baking something delicious, her dress covered in flour. You offered to help, but she insists you relax. You've been hard at work these past few weeks and deserve a break.
While you're admiring a monarch butterfly that regally flits past the open window, you're hit by a sudden, strange feeling. A familiar scent wafts through the room, warm and sweet. You're practically salivating at the delightful smell. You look across the room to see Portia pulling out a light-golden cake from the oven. After she lets it cool, she brings it to the table and starts to slice into it.
Portia hands you a generous piece and offers to refresh your tea. As she's filling up your cup again, you dig into the freshly baked treat. As soon as it hits your tongue, you can taste the honey and the vanilla, comforting and cozy. It tastes like spring, like a bright memory.
You look up at Portia as she sets your tea down in front of you, your eyes full of wonder. "This is one of my favorites. How did you know?" you venture, but you already know the answer. She smiles cheekily at you. "Call it intuition," she winks. All you can do is smile, overjoyed that you reclaimed your memory of Portia's divine baking skills.
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You enter Muriel's hut, soaking wet and seeking shelter from the sudden storm that raged outside. He quickly directs you to the warmth of his fireplace and gives you some dry clothes. They're much too big on you, but they'll do for now, while you wait for your own outfit to dry. Muriel exits the hut for a moment, just to bring the chickens into their shelter. As your eyes roam the room, they settle on an ornately carved mask sitting on the mantelpiece.
You rise, reaching up to grab the mask. It's beautiful, but something about it seems- familiar to you. Maybe it's pure coincidence that it resembles the animal you consider your familiar. Or maybe, there's a deeper meaning to it. It had clearly been carved with the utmost precision and care. Its colors were striking, but not gaudy. It was breathtaking.
As you turn it over in your hands, you notice some protection runes carved into the inside, just beneath the eye holes. It's like the sun suddenly broke through the storm clouds. Memories come flooding back to you. Masquerades, multiple masquerades. Asra is there, Muriel is- here, at the hut. Carving this mask, just for you.
Muriel returns, soaked now, as well. You whirl around to greet his hulking form, your brows furrowed with an emotion you can't quite place. He notices the mask in your hands and blushes a deep red, looking sheepishly away. You can't help but beam at this. "Thank you for holding onto this for me," you finally speak. He grunts a, "You're welcome," but you notice that he, too, is softly smiling.
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You're sorting through a box of jewelry that Lucio's provided to you, attempting to find one that might go with your outfit. They're all his jewelry pieces, so most of them are a bit garish for your taste. But you need to select something if you're going to attend the masquerade with him that night. You pick past heavily bejeweled, oversized designer pieces, until your fingers clasp around a necklace that you could've sworn you've seen before.
The necklace is delicate, gold and studded with tiny diamonds and milky-white pearls. You hold it up against the lamplight and it glitters luminously. This is it. This is the necklace. Not only does it match your outfit's color scheme, but there's something about it that feels like it is fatefully yours.
"Are you almost ready?" Lucio whines, impatient and eager to get to the festivities. He freezes dead in his tracks when he sees what you're holding up. A blush creeps across his cheeks and he looks away, embarrassed. "Will you help me put this on?" you implore. After a moment, he hesitantly nods. He gently takes the necklace from you and unclasps it. Lucio takes his place behind you and you watch in the mirror as he draws it around your neck and fumbles with the clasp.
As he secures it to you, you're hit with a vision: someone coming up behind you at a masquerade, years ago. Deftly, they fasten the necklace around your neck. When you turn around to see who it could possibly be, you're greeted by an enigmatic figure, done up in golds and reds. Their impish smile and silver eyes are the only things visible behind their ostentatious mask. They bend down to place a kiss on the back of your hand before disappearing once again into the crowd. In the present moment, you whirl around to meet Lucio's eyes, eyes that are familiar from that masquerade so long ago.
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arcanavoid · 1 year
About Julian
In my post About Dorian I mentioned how people in the fandom typically reduce the M6 into one or two personality traits. I’ll be talking about Julian today and the fandom's treatment of him!
I'm going to try and keep this factual and not opinionated, nothing like “he should only be like this” and more like “this is what he is in game, but people show him like this” 
It's gonna be a long post so if you don't want to get into the topic, or don't feel like reading something long then go ahead and scroll by! I don't mind! 
And if you want to make this a civilized discussion then i don't mind talking and hearing others points out either!
So let's go!
Julian is a Doctor who went to Parka to learn medicine and got most of his experience on battle fields while he apprenticed under Nazali. He started up his own clinic in Vesuvia and ended up being hired by the palace to work on the red plague cure, eventually treating Lucio himself. 
After the apprentice died he was stricken with grief, eventually he had an affair with Asra but it didn’t exactly last. He soon found a cure in the form of killing Lucio through sickly hallucinations of the hanged man. 
Julian is a smart man, who often blames himself for things that were not his fault, even putting himself at risk with no evidence simply to save others or because he feels guilty. He loves people with his whole being and yet doesn't trust himself to be around them as he thinks he’ll hurt them with again no evidence. 
So tell me why most of the Arcana fandom will portray him as, for lack of a better word, idiotic and whoreish. 
I know Nyx Hydra poked fun at Julian a few times, mentioning that he likes to use leeches or make him kinky, but that is simply not his whole personality.
Yes, he can be flustered easily, and easy to arouse, and a masochist. But he is also lovey dovey, and soft and mushy and loves with his whole heart not just his dick.
And he literally went to school, i know its a big joke that he simply doesn't know what a medical school is but he literally went to one… and even if he didnt and there's no evidence of that he was at least mentored by Nazali who definitely did go to school. 
Now again i'm not saying he can't be horny, oh on the contrary he is horny, for someone he loves, not just a stranger. And by all means he's not the smartest man in the world, he actively struggles to comprehend magic and the Arcana realms but that's because he is smart with science and medicine! 
And yes you can write porn without plot with him, he doesn't have to show off his undying love in every single thing he's in. and yes you can make him marvel and question magic and still show his smarts in reality. He literally tries to use logic in the tower's realm and figures out that the realm is looped by testing out his hypothesis. 
All I'm saying is that a lot of people reduce his character when he really is rich in personality, and hopefully this will help bring some light as to what his character might look like more fleshed out. 
Another point I want to touch, is Julian as a background or side character. I’ve written a fanfic that was focused on my Mc, Asra, my friends Mc, and Julian. But my friends Mc and julian were supporting cast, so Julian wasn’t as fleshed out as Asra, but i didn’t reduce him to only horny or kinda dumb whenever he was “on screen” his traits just didn’t show as much as it would if he was a main character.
So what should we take away from this? 
Well, Julian can be horny and isn't the smartest man in the world, but he is much more than that! He's loving and cares so much about the people close to him, he's smart and doesn’t know much about magic but is willing to try and figure it out with the knowledge he has. He gives his whole self to someone, his heart and body. And he does not need to constantly show these traits in depth especially if he's mostly a side character in someone's story. 
Julian is a lovely character, and I would love to do an analysis of him after I re-do his route, but I think this is good enough for now.
Of course you can all do what you'd like with him, but when it becomes prevalent that the fandom is mostly thinking of him in a reduced state it becomes a little saddening, and it's good to remind ourselves that he's not all horny and unknowing! 
Feel free to give your reasoning for making him more horny, since i’ll be honest i don't think as many people think they’re dumbing him down. If anything I think Lucio might be dumbed down more, but I definitely notice the dumbing down of Julian too.
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alpacahat67 · 2 months
A Very Detailed Analysis Explaining Why Asrian is Mid
Yes, I've made a shitpost summing up my thoughts on the topic before. However, I regularly get into bi-weekly complaint sessions about this terrible, horrible ship.
I am willing to be burnt at the stake if it means I will be a martyr against Dorian... (I'm joking. This is Tumblr. It's not that serious.)
Under the cut is a lot of words! Be prepared
By the way all of this is Dorian's fault GIVE ME MODERN ARCANA I WILL REWRITE IT
I want to preface this by saying my opinions on the ship come off as very mixed? At least in my head. My problem is obviously more with the fandom than how it's portrayed in the actual game, as you will see. Unfortunately, it's just what happens in fandom. Asra x Julian fits the perfect mold for a potentially popular ship. Two masc-presenting people with a tragic story, yeah cool.
I don't care about people making art or writing about them. I actually think Asra and Julian have an interesting dynamic and I enjoy a lot of their in-game interactions. Here's the thing, and my thesis statement for this post, most of the fanworks surrounding these two that I see in the wild are using the dynamic for the wrong reasons! Furthermore, for Asrian to work out and genuinely last a while, you have to mischaracterize one or both of the characters.
I think that this stems from a misunderstanding of the characters and the circumstances under which their situationship (they didn't have a relationship, I'll get into that soon) sparked. Dorian's pushing of content including the two in a romantic or suggestive context does not help matters.
I think a good example of this was under the original shitpost I made about the topic. I won't put this user on blast because I don't recall their URL, and if you find it do not be mean to them. I had called Asrian one-sided. I do sort of agree now, Asra x Julian is not one-sided. However, one party sure as hell does not reciprocate the feelings as much as the other party does! Here's the thing, Asra and Julian's relationship was born from grief for the death of the apprentice on both sides. However you want to interpret Julian's relationship with the apprentice, it's clear that he had some interest in Asra following their death. But we can see very, very clearly in literally every scene involving Asra speaking to or about Julian, Asra didn't feel the same. Asra loved the apprentice through and through. Asra gave the apprentice half his heart for fuck's sake!
I don't want to say Asra was using Julian, or vice versa. But the other was a distraction from everything going on in their lives, from the apprentice's death to the plague. Hence, situationship. Although I do think there was romantic intention on Julian's end, chances are it fizzled out during the three-year interlude.
It's a very tragic dynamic and I do enjoy it! They drive me INSANE! It's just... a lot of people willfully ignore that. A lot of people ignore that they both have problems they haven't addressed that more than just some kisses will solve, both internally and with one another. And when you ignore that...
...You mischaracterize them. Haha, like my segue? Unfortunately, the best ending for those two is in Muriel's route. Which, as far as we know, the two didn't... ever seriously sit down and have a talk. Which is what they need to do. In order for those two to work out, they need to have a serious, long talk about where they went wrong in the past and what they can do to do better.
Do you wanna know something about those two characters? NEITHER OF THEM WOULD BE WILLING TO HAVE THAT DISCUSSION! Furthermore, their personalities in a lot of media I see (cough cough mostly from Dorian) are completely wrong! I love a morally gray character very much, people tend to erase that from Asra and only make him mischievous if not straight-up an asshole, or very cute and loving, as if the point of morally grey isn't a very confusing middle. I mostly see Julian being characterized as pathetic. Yes, he is my pathetic little wet cat sometimes, but he is smart. He's a doctor. Not only that, he was a battlefield medic at what we can only assume is a pretty young age. Julian has issues but he can handle himself.
I have a lot more I can say on the topic. In short, a doomed relationship where they just have to come to terms with the fact that it wasn't the right time or the right person is much more interesting to read than a perfect one where you get your happy ending. I understand the appeal, but if you want to write them being cute and happy together, I implore you to just... make an au. That is not fixing itself. They both need to be medicated.
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iridescent-solstice · 2 months
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“𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐮𝐳𝐳𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 . . .”
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In celebration of all the support i've gotten recently I couldn't help but feel compelled to create a fun challenge for the arcana community. So here it is!! A word puzzle . . .
cricket noises
OKAYYYYY!! I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING. It's a very silly way of holding a competition but humour meeeee. The puzzle itself, has a total of 9 words to be found and the list can be seen below the puzzle itself. It's not as easy as that though. I'm sure you'll find that . . . some of the ink has spilled and caused a mess so be careful when You look for the words!! The first one to find all the words and send me the completed list (either by reblogging or by tagging) will win first place and can choose from one of these prizes:
┈➤ A long fic dedicated to the winner. Can be an idea they'd like to be more fleshed out or something else if they prefer. ┈➤ A custom made banner for their blog. Can be edited to an aesthetic they prefer, or be centred around a character (limited to the arcana characters for now) ┈➤ A ꜱɴᴇᴀᴋᴘᴇᴀᴋ into a future project i'm planning that no one knows about . . . yet
BUT before I show you the puzzle, there are some rules and regulations ⏬
⤳ There shouldn't be any hate towards any of the contestants. Be respectful to everyone involved. ⤳ There can be up to 2 or 3 winners in total 👀 ⤳ In the events of the winner choosing the first prize, please note that I will not write NSFW. Best case scenario, it'll be hinted at towards the end but not more than that. ⤳ In the events of a winner choosing the third prize, you are not allowed to disclose any details about the project before I do. (Obviously the surprise is sometimes part of the experience of these projects) ⤳ It took a long time to make this puzzle. A lot more work than I initially imagined so a) Don't copy and repost b) criticism for my editing is appreciated, but only if it's constructive. Otherwise refrain. ⤳ Also, regardless of whatever prize the winner chooses, rest assured I won't stop until you're satisfied with the end product.
I hope everyone enjoys this just as much as I did while planning this, and without further ado . . .
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| ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @casioo , @thestrangelystrange , @moon-maybank , @muriels-brainrot , @kimira-k , @starbbyy , @stickystickyduck , @cinsilly , @wxnderdream , @kuip3r , @graciebasie , @iliveforyouilongforyouvesuvia , @orikuu |
Thank you to everyone taking part, and to those that took the time to read this post. Have fun everyone, your time starts now!! ⏲
{ Credit: Divider used for the puzzle and word list is from @lavendergalactic, rest of the stuff is taken from pinterest. Asra ofc is from the visual novel game 'the arcana', and the only thing that belongs to me is the editing on the post }
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[ᴅɪᴠɪᴅᴇʀꜱ ʙʏ: @saradika-graphics]
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thecraftymagician · 1 year
Hi there! Arcana brainrot has had me in a chokehold recently, so I wanted to ask: How do you think the m6 would react to the reader's family being racist and/or misogynistic? I've been getting into conflict with my parents on stuff like that a lot recently (especially the misogyny bc even tho I'm a guy, I'm trans, so comments like that are directed towards me a lot) and the idea of my blorbos putting them in their place makes me happy. I completely understand if your not comfortable with it tho
First off, I am so sorry you're going through this. The society we live in right now is utter insanity and it's extremely unfair especially when those who are meant to love and care for us most not only refuse but do the exact opposite. Sincerely, I just want to talk to them at a waffle house. I.. just wanna talk. I completely understand what you're going through and I am here for you, Anon!!! (This is one of those ones where there is bleed-through. All of the M6 have trouble understanding how your family can be so different from you and desperately want to take care of you. I just worded it a bit differently for each and may have left that out a bit for a few, but I assure you it is a given. Your comfort characters love you very much and want what's best for you!!)
Warnings & Clarifications: For everyone's safety, comfort, and wellbeing I will not be going into the specifics of the topics mentioned. At most there will be hints of what may have been said by Reader's family and/or friends. TW: Implied R*cism, Implied H*m*phobia, Implied M*sogyny, Implied B*gotry, Implied etc.
M6 w/ Apprentice's Hateful Family:
Asra 💜
(Directed at them by the family)
They freeze and there's a brief silence before their eyes narrow as they ask for clarification. Did they.. really just say that?
Depending on the response they may have the patience to attempt to put the family in their place with respect for you but they have no qualms about just grabbing your hand and walking away.
They're confused and hurt but know that it's not your fault in the slightest. They are their own people and adults at that who unfortunately made awful choices outside of having you as a child. Even so, how far the golden apple fell from such a rotten tree is astonishing in the best possible way and they are truly grateful.
They will try not to let it get to them but will still confide in you with reassurance that it's not your fault and they don't see you any differently.
(Directed at reader by the family)
Instantly their hand is holding yours firmly, jaw clenched and eyes narrowed.
Through gritted teeth they let the family know that it is time they leave. Any protest from them is met with a glow of purple irises as Asra readies a spell, though they're not sure exactly what.
As soon as they're able, they get you as far away from your family as they can and somewhere comfortable. Immediately they check in on you and get anything you might need, even if it's just a big long hug.
They can't begin to imagine what it was like living in the household but they know it was difficult for you and they want to be there for you as much as possible.
Nadia 💖
(Directed at her by the family)
Her shock lasts milliseconds before morphing into her signature scowl. "I beg your pardon." It is not a question or a suggestion.
If they have the gaul to continue, she allows herself to interrupt and cut them off. In no uncertain terms she all but tells them to go to hell in a hand-basket in the most eloquent way that one may even look forward to the journey.
She will attempt to continue the meeting for your sake but if they refuse to play nice or have made you uncomfortable they are asked to take their leave, even if it's not at the palace. Surely the display in public would send them off, tails between their legs.
Unfortunately, this isn't the first time she's dealt with something like this and she suspects it will be far from the last. It doesn't affect her as much as it used to, the worst of it being from your family and them embarrassing you in the process. She will also confide in you but make sure you do not worry about her as you are her main concern.
(Directed at reader by the family)
The air shifts instantly with palpable tension. For a brief moment, Nadia composes herself to address you directly, placing a tender kiss on your hand. "My dear, would you mind if I spoke to your.. family.. alone?"
Once she's certain you are safe and out of the room, the doors are shut. Her glare is enough to turn them to stone where they stand as she rips into them. Her words are far from pretty but she couldn't care less.
She makes it well known your place in her life and how she would spare nothing to keep you safe and happy.. even if that be exile, among other things.
After their departure, she finds you immediately and does whatever you require whether that's a hug, a good cry in her arms, talking, or ignoring the whole thing for now. She reassures you of your safety and makes sure you smile once more.
Julian 🖤
(Directed at him by the family)
It takes a moment for what they said to hit him. He blinks owlishly at them as he tries to wrap his mind around it and the complete contrast to you. He might ask for clarification out of.. respect.
When they continue his shock turns to a stern, calm anger. "..I see." He enlightens them with the fact that he owes them nothing nor anyone else for that matter, something you taught him. If they have a problem, that is awful for them plain and simple.
If they continue he will excuse you both curtly before escorting you away from them. He's still calm but silent. He's hurt because it's your family but what he said is true. What you and his own friends/family think of him matters more than anything else.
Even so he may need some reassurance. He might know all of that but he still struggles with his insecurities. He wants to make sure he did right by you in case you want your family in your life still.
(Directed at reader by the family)
His eyes narrow as he pulls you behind him, putting himself between you and your family. With his jaw clenched, his words flow with venom and purpose.
He's not above berating anyone no matter the time or place for hurting you but he'd rather not have a physical fight with them if he doesn't have to.
As soon as he's finished lashing out at them he turns on his heel and guides you away, holding you in his coat so they don't see you and vice versa.
As soon as you are somewhere safe, he frets over you and makes sure you are okay. He will try to distract you first to take your mind off it unless you want to talk immediately. If there is anything he can do for you, it will be done.
Muriel 💚
(Directed at him by the family)
While he's been used to harsh words, it is different for him coming from your family. He knows that you don't reflect their words and vice versa in the moment. Even so, he doesn't feel the need to respond with words.
Instead his initial shock melts into an intense glare, allowing the heavy silence.. and his intimidating presence.. to do the work for him. Needless to say, they do not continue.
In any case, they've said enough so he gently takes your hand and walks away from them. He will remain silent for a while before he feels comfortable saying anything.
It's weird that you could be so different from them but he's very glad of it. In another aspect, you make him feel safe, secure and loved. He couldn't be more grateful, even if he has trouble showing that sometimes.
(Directed at you by the family)
He has already taken a few steps forward into their space before they finish their sentence, eyes boring down into them. With all his rage, he can only think of one thing to say. "Leave."
They likely do as he says without a second thought. Scaring people off isn't something he's too keen on now but it needed to be done for your sake.
He'll collect himself as quickly as he can so he's able to tend to you, taking you elsewhere if needed.
It might be difficult for him to articulate the care he wants to convey to you, his bear hugs say plenty.
Portia 🧡
(Directed at her by the family)
She physically takes a step back at first before she squares her shoulders and looks them dead in the eye, letting them have it. Unfortunately, she knows a thing or two about belittling and bullying but lucky for her they aren't Nadia's guests. Even if they were she knows there's no way she'd get into any trouble for her actions.
She's not afraid to walk closer into their space and point/poke at them as she verbally lays into them. Her language is a bit less colorful than her brother's but she's not going to play nice unless she has to. They've certainly lost her respect currently and are undeserving of it.
If they try to continue she will talk over them, continuing to roast them until she's finished. She'll tell them off one last time with a huff before taking your hand in hers and leaving them.
She might vent about it more but she knows it's not your fault and makes sure you don't worry about it. They're their own people and they just so happen to suck but clearly, that has nothing on you.
(Directed at you by the family)
Before they can finish their sentence, she's cut them off, marching forward to get in their face. She readies a punch but stops herself short.
She's not afraid to throw one or hurt them but she is afraid of hurting you further. Even though their flinch was satisfying, she takes in a breath before taking a step back. "You're not even worth it."
Returning to you, she wraps an arm around your shoulder protectively before turning to them over her shoulder to tell them how awful they are in comparison to you. It's shameful of them.
She takes you to a safe space all the while asking if you're alright and if there's anything she can do right now to help. She feels guilty about being so intense but she just can't stand anyone speaking to or about you that way, especially those who should love you.
Lucio 💝
(Directed at him by the family)
His first instinct is to scoff at them. Clearly, they don't know him or anything about him to have that kind of blatant audacity.
He quickly lets them know as such, insulting them verbally each time they attempt to cut him off. All the while he takes slow deliberate steps toward them, putting himself between you.
The rant is ended with the fact that even if they had the decency to apologize he couldn't bring himself to accept it. They should, however, apologize to you because a slight on his honor is a slight on yours but he's sure they've already said enough.
He escorts you away, having said his peace, and takes you somewhere with a nicer atmosphere. Sure he is a bit hurt that your family could say such things but he himself knows a thing or two about rough families. He knows you don't think that way and that's all that really matters to him.
(Directed at you by the family)
"Excuse me?" before they can respond he has closed the difference between them, hand on the hilt of his sword.
When he speaks, his voice is barely above a whisper but judging by their faces.. it wasn't the most pleasant. They back away from each other and his eyes pierce through them as he grins.
When he makes his way back to you, his gaze softens as he guides you away to safety. He holds your hand, explaining later that he was fighting every urge to not turn back around and start a fight to defend you. But.. if you did want that later, he absolutely would.
As much as he's still livid, he's able to put it aside, for now, to take care of you. Anything you need, anything he can do for you; name it and it is yours.
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More quick headcanons!
The arcana M6 during a boring lecture
I'm picturing one of those HUGE class with like 300+ students in multiple rows.
Takes the most perfect notes, color coded, wonderful handwriting, clear, and referenced
Always on time
Secretly hates most of the classes bc the teacher is boring
She'll try to take the professor's place
She's just so good that the principle pretends she's an actual student
Everyone is happier this way
Sleeps through the class
Takes a lot of colorful notes
...none of them are about the lecture
Trades tarot readings for notes and explanations by their classmates
Interrupts the lecture often with random pieces of information about the subject
Random, but accurately correct
Somehow he passes
There's no knowledge he would deem as boring
Sits in the front row and takes actively part to the lecture
Never takes notes, survives on Nadia's
Always late
Still loved by the teacher
Will go play chess with the professor because he thinks he's sad no one likes the lecture
He sucks at chess
Party all day, study all night
Sleep? NAAH
Brings a plant to the lecture
"She felt alone at home"
Really tries to focus...
... but falls asleep on Asra (or viceversa)
She gets easily distracted by the other's jokes
Actually, I think she's the secret head-prankster in the room
Great sounding board, Nadia loves studying with her
That's how Portia passes
The plant is actually in perfect shape
Is this a class?
I thought it was my auditory
Keeps an alternative lecture behind the last rows of seats
Always got booze
Nothing of what he says is true or correct
But he has charisma, people love listening to him
Will end up as the teacher's assistant ina few years???
Passes because he bribed/banged/convinced the teacher
Oh my god why am I here
He's the classroom hero whenever a bugs flies in
He keeps the bug under a glass and spends the lecture looking at it
Will mostly talk to Portia's plant
He has the hugest girls fanclub
He's so embarassed by this
Borrows Asra's note, almost fails the test
He passes anyway, Lucio bribed the teacher again (out of guilt, ofc)
Muriel's graduation is more of a team effort
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rasby · 1 year
Heeeey I loved your tattos HCs!
Do you have anything about what kind of HS/uni professor they'd be?
Hii! Omgg thank you 😭😭😭 this is really nice
I tried to write this with my limited knowlage of how American schools work (that i picked up from tv shows and cartoons). I'm from the Balkans and our schools are a bit different, so if there's anything inaccurate i apologise!! (Also this is based on highschool bc I'm in highschool)
• They would teach art
• One of the favourite teachers in the entire school
• None of the assignments they give are what the school board tehnically require, but they encourage creativity
• Also he has no care when it comes to grading so you can come to class with a roll of toilet paper and still get an A
• There is no learning in his class, it's more like an extended break
• I imagine they don't even show up half of the time
• It's a miracle they haven't been fired
• (The miracle is called Nadia)
• As a teacher, i think she'd do history or geography
• But overall, she's definetly the principle
• If the school is short staffed, she can definitely multi-task
• As a teacher, she'd be very strict
• No talking, no whispering, no phones...really follows every rule
• And she's a little harsh on the grading too
• But it isn't hard to get a good grade if you listen to her lectures and take notes
• She's also very willing to help and really aims to teach
• If you ask, she'll find the time in her day to go over everything with you
• The obvious answer is chemistry and/or biology
• But i feel like his classes would be so much more
• He gets really immersed in teaching and he knows how to hold the students attention
• Half the time doesn't even notice the bell
• He's not a strict teacher by any means, but he does want everyone to learn
• When it comes to grading he's very flexible
• If he thinks you understand the subject, he'll give you a good grade even if it's not EXACTLY by the book
• Of course, he's open to helping students with his own subject but if you need help with other subjects, he's willing to help in that department too
• If you wanna get out of a class, just ask him about his day before he starts the lecture. He'll start rambling about random things until the class ends
• She would teach language and literature
• She's also very liked by the entire school
• Puts her whole soul into teaching
• Like there's no way you're coming out of her class uneducated
• She decorates her classroom and has a LOT of plants
• In fact, she probably takes care of most school plants
• And shows the janitors how to properly take care of them if she can't
• Teams up with Asra for most school projects and decorations
• Her classes are very calming but if she's really passionate about a certain subject, be prepared
• Will also ramble before class and talk to the students, but she's more focused then her brother
• Spends her breaks in the library or with the lunch ladies
• Also the type of teacher to bring snacks every day into the teachers lounge
• Honestly, everyone likes her
• I'll be honest, I've been wracking my brain about this for so long but i cannot for the life of me see him as a teacher
• In pre school, maybe
• But with high-schoolers? No...
• I do see him as a janitor, however
• He'd be perfect for the job
• The kids wouldn't want to mess with him because he seems mean and scary
• (And because Asra can also be mean and scary)
• He's very fast and only focuses on doing his work as fast as he can
• He's tall, he's strong...you get my point
• He would definitely bring Asra lunch every break and they would sit and chat in his classroom or the Janitors closet (they don't mind the small space)
• Eventually, Asra introduces him to other teachers and they all become friends and welcome him into the teachers lounge
• He's a PE teacher
• If you're in his class all i have to say is....good luck
• Most students skip his class
• EVERY class
• He will work you TO THE BONE
• He doesn't understand that high-schoolers can't compare to his professionally trained self and expects everyone to meet him at his level
• For a PASSING grade
• If you want a GOOD grade you'll have to impress him
• And before you think he should've been fired, that isn't possible
• Nadia is aware of his..."teachings" but she can't do much about it
• With him gone, half the school goes too!
• Eventually everyone tells him to calm down and he does
• (But he's really passive agressive about it)
• The students forgive him cause he's hot
As always, if anyone wants to add on, please feel free!
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Are there HC on M6 reacting to a very clumsy MC?
Like they bump into walls cause they get distracted, and usually has bruises without knowing were they come from, and drops (or almost drop) things a lot, you know, constantly tangling up with their own feet and almost falling
Yes, I'm like this, just the other day I crashed on a wall and let's just say having glasses wasn't helpful at all
I'm also asking because I think I saw something like that but I'm not really sure xd
The Arcana Mini-HCs: M6 with a clumsy MC
Julian: so endeared to you it's physically painful for him. do you know how much getting to catch you makes him swoon? how his heart flutters when you fumble something and blush? spare him!
Asra: they think it's adorable, but it's not ideal because this is exactly what they do every time they get lost in thought and zone out. both of you now regularly use minor healing spells after a distracted day
Nadia: she's going to have a heart attack. do you know how many dangerous things pass through the Palace? you could fall down the stairs. you could get burned on a roast. you could slip in the bath -
Muriel: this was how you two really broke the ice - his damn reflexes kept catching you every time you tripped until he started to like the way you looked against his chest. *cue typical freeze and blush*
Portia: she doesn't have this problem herself, but she's relieved you do because it means at least something about you is normal. likes to tease you gently about it, but moves stuff out of your way too
Lucio: ... of all the magicians to stake his fate on, it had to be the one who tripped and fell backwards into his ash-covered bed?? Come on. (he actually loves this because it's one thing he's better at than you)
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snobgoblin · 9 days
can i know how the M6 would react to meeting Reise for the first time? (in your opinion ofc)
ohhhhhh my god good question..... I'm gonna take this ask into account with this
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Asra- overall he's happy that Danny's happy. he's not quite sure how he feels about him being Lucio's son, too, though. but he doesnt let it show. after Julian (doctor who delivered him) and Lucio (his other father) Asra would be one of the first to see him. he's Danny's best friend! of course. he would show the baby little magic tricks and oh god no Asra you can't levitate the newborn
Nadia- she really isn't sure how to respond. the ask says she's the worst with children and I'm willing to bet that's because she'd do some shit like ask her servants to give a baby caviar or something 😭 she seems really out of touch sometimes /affectionate. ANYWAY she is handed the baby and formally welcomes him to Vesuvia, and the world for that matter. Nadia did you just give a tiny infant a diamond necklace
Julian- his first time meeting him would've been When He Was Born since he is Danny's doctor. he's the best with kids. he was happy to watch the baby while Danny recovered and Lucio soothed him. it's really a bittersweet experience with him... he's brought life into this world. but... people have also died in his care. during the plague... many children did. funny being a doctor, huh? it reminds him it isn't all bad. anyway this mother hen ass was telling him tall tales the whole night. who needs sleep when there's a baby to entertain
Muriel- absolutely uncomfortable. really really not sure how to respond. he's awkward enough with adults. what are you supposed to do around a tiny baby? it doesn't help that this is Lucio's baby. but he tries not to hold that against him. he would refuse to hold him because he isn't sure how and he's terrified he would drop him. he's also CONVINCED he would start crying the moment he did anyway (I think it would be a different story if it were say, his or Asra's baby. but this is someone he doesn't know all that well that had a baby with Lucio. it's awkward)
Portia- OHHHHHH she is so ready to make a new friend. HER FRIEND MADE A PERSON!!! THATS LIKE... A PRE MADE FRIEND. she's great with kids. the initial meeting is Exciting and maybe they have to tell her to calm down so she can hold him. but after that she'll often have him over and he'll take naps with Pepi in her pillow pile. OH on first meeting she's mad they didn't tell her ahead of time because she would have made him little baby clothes
Lucio- oh this man is PUMPED he MADE A PERSON WITH the person he loves more than anything are you kidding??? that's awesome. with a very heavy heart he takes off his arm's armor so he can hold him, that's definitely a hazard with all the sharp edges. anyway holding him was probably the first time he's ever shut the fuck up in his life, he was just speechless. he does want him to grow up faster though so they can get to the fun stuff that's definitely too rowdy for a baby but. in the moment, it's nice. Mercedes and Melchior are definitely very curious about him and at first he's like WHOA WHOA OKAY because they bite people but they do fine with Reise surprisingly
OH OH ALSO BONUS DANNY: it's really bittersweet for him because he knows Capra will never get to meet him. a lot of his family was lost to the plague and it's a shame he won't get to have that. but. for the moment he's really hopeful for the future. he loves nature and this is a part of that!! he wants to see where this goes. Also Good Lord He Is Glad It Is Out Of Him
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samtheplatypus · 8 months
✨Julem in a Nutshell ✨
*randomly starts infodumping*
I don't know why that meme was my first idea but it tracks XD
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I've never done sketches this way before, it was fun :D
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Two self sacrificing fools, as Julian himself said, they are way better taking care of each other than of themselves (and man they take so much care of each other), Demien didn't really liked Julian at first but grew fond of him very fast. Also two drama queens but Demien is nothing compared to Julian. Very much in love. Dem actually is about to give Julian a lot of heart attacks because he is clumsy, is the kind of person to say they'd get better with some sleep when sick, and yes, he will try to pet every animal that crosses his way (again, sorry Julian). But don't worry, Dem is getting as much heart attacks with Julian's absolute lack of selfcare (Dem cooks 3 meals for him everyday so he doesn't forget to eat, makes his best to get him to sleep every night, absolutely everything in his power to take good care of that man)
I'm adding the dynamics between Dem and the other main bc I just think is fun XD
Asra: besties, this two will always be up for mischief, Dem will encourage Asra to do insane stuff, always.
Portia: besties again, they saw each other and immediately went "yes, you are it", so as soon as they are able to "relax" they are getting in trouble (also with Julian, Dem really is a troublemaker damn) Dem teaches her magic.
Nadia: honestly terrified of her, she is THE COUNTESS, and please, is Nadia, have you seen Nadia??? He's just really intimidated by her, he likes her but doesn't know how to talk to her at first, as soon as that wears off he gets pretty chill (constantly tries to imitate the way she walks and fails)
Muriel: Dem likes him, he really does, he wants to be his friend, Muriel doesn't, he thinks Dem is annoying, there's no saving, Julian and Demien try to befriend him and fail every time, they are just too much by themselves, together they are overwhelming for the guy (this doesn't happen so often cause they don't interact that much)
Lucio: Julian may not be one to hold grudges, but Demien is, he doesn't mind he basically died bc of Lucio, not at all, he's mad about what Lucio did to Julian, and Asra, and to everyone else, he wants to unalive him. If it were an AU were Lucio just had his personality and hadn't done all the stuff he did, they'd actually get along really well, Dem would make fun of him, he just would think Lucio is funny, the kind of friends that be bullying each other to show affection
I'm talking about Dem in third person as if he wasn't literally me (it's easier for me to explain that way)
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