#i'm ngl i am quite in love with this 'verse
twistedtalking · 3 months
Welcome to Twisted Talking (2.0)! Your one-way ticket to NRC. (Asks/interactions open)
Twisted Talking is a roleplay blog with a twist (pun unintended).
The TWST fanfiction writing/requests shall be moved to @write4me-twstandocs . Please check that out as well!
Mayo (which is me btw), will not be role-playing just one character, but the whole cast! (Rollo too, I guess... Staff definitely tho!)
There are different levels of role-playing! Canon-compliant, Romantic, and Yandere. These would be symbolised by symbols?
🤨- Canon Compliant :)
😏- Romantic <33
🫣- yandere ;)
3. You can also send letters! But beware, I might take longer since uh-oh I am tempted to print it on paper.
4. I do take NSFW asks, but only in Canon, so it would be just their horrified reactions.
5. Minors welcome here. I've seen lots of yandere fic blogs that say minor dni, and as a teenager who hasn't yet reached her debut, I feel super sad about it. So yeah, minors welcome!
○Those with church/religious trauma, specifically Christianity. More for you than me, since I add bible verses to each of my posts. Feel free to block!
○ Those who are rude about Christ in my blog. My God is very important to me, so if you got something to say, don't say it here. Or I'll block you.
You now know everything you need to know to ask/roleplay. Now, personal stuff! About me, the one running this thing!
My alias is Mayo! I am a binibini (maiden) from the Philippines! I am currently a not-yet 18 year old. I am quite excited about my debut ngl.
Other than Twst, I am very fond of manga! I've read tbhk and wotakoi! I'm also excited for "The flower that blooms with dignity" anime adaptation! I also love musicals, like Six and Hamilton. Very excited for Epic the Musical's release too! (I also code)
Outside of tumblr, I am a high-school student (middle school, by Japan's standards), who wants to spread the word of God! That's why I add bible verses on each of my posts! My dream is to one day be a Voice Actor in America, while also doing accountant work. I also one day want to live in Japan!
My main account on tumblr is called @/everydaytwstsimp. Its mainly for reblogs though.
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just-emerald-star · 1 year
I've been hooked on My Adventures With Superman for 3 weeks now and you know what, I now know why.
This is the first superhero/action media I've been obsessed with in a long while.
To be clear, I've been obsessed with The Spider-Verse films thus far and the MCU's last hold on me was WandaVision. But outside of those, not much else has caught my attention. And I finally understand why.
I'm fed up with cinematic universes.
There's a reason my relationship with the MCU broke off post WandaVision. After that show, I pretty much lost interest in having to watch what's next cuz shared universe lol and how they'll try really hard to convince you to see all the films & TV shows just so you can keep up with the universe.
Between the fact that I'm a broke bitch, movies being expensive and having spent 10+ years keeping up with ALMOST every fucking film the MCU has offered...I may be a bit burnt out ngl.
Combine that with my immense disappointment in how Young Justice S3 turned out or whatever the fuck the DCEU ended up being as of it's recent offerings and you just have me facepalming repeatedly for the past couple of years.
The studios wanna keep making these interconnected films but keep forgetting the most important part when creating their 10+ films & TV shows: They're all reliant on what's coming rather than what's in front of them.
There are exceptions but not by much. Regardless, I'm genuinely tired of hearing about plans for a rebooted universe or how the MCU plans on giving us more shows & movies but can't be bothered to pay their workers fairly and rush their CGI artists to near death.
Which brings me back to My Adventures With Superman (or MAWS as I'll be calling it going forward cuz long title lol.) This show was the first time an action/superhero show has me hooked. Action shows used to be my shit and I'd obsess over them. Young Justice was the last show to hype me up. And sadly that show fell into mediocrity as well due to it's inability to know when plots should end and having too many characters on screen.
MAWS however is solely focused on Superman characters and has a much smaller cast as a result. It's not focused on expanding any bigger universe but instead focus on Supes' beginnings and how he becomes the great man of steel who protects Metropolis. For once I don't worry about anything beyond what's being established in said show's plots.
I can't wait to see what's coming next at the moment cuz I know the season finale will tie up most of the plots established while leaving us hanging with what's coming for S2. And honestly, that's all I really want. More self-contained media that isn't reliant on having a shared universe.
"But what about the DCAU back in the day???"
All those shows worked and ended up coming together for Justice League quite nicely cuz EACH SHOW WAS MOSTLY SELF-CONTAINED AND FOCUSED ON ITS CORE CHARACTERS FIRST. They weren't entirely worried about Justice League. Even then, the crossovers were solid cuz they were often one-offs and damn good ones as well.
If they choose to have MAWS be the start of some DCAU reset, I'd be down for that but I'm also ok with just having self-contained superhero projects from here on out. I am completely burnt out from shared universes and the severe case of FOMO I get when I choose to save money.
TL;DR Go watch MAWS and support this lovely cartoon. Superman is back y'all and he's amazing (so are Lois & Jimmy too.)
If you made it this far, I shall leave you with this meme-worthy pic of my son Jimmy from MAWS. Enjoy <3
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coquelicoq · 1 year
First I'd like to say, it's a pretty impressive list of french books to have read in only 12 months! (even for a french speaker ngl).
I'm not super well versed in classic literature, novel wise (tho I liked "le dernier jour d'un condamné" by Hugo, "la promesse de l'aube" by Romain Gary, and as cliché as it may be I adore "le petit prince") but if you like theater ! In classics I’d recommend "Phèdre" and "Iphigénie" by Racine, Molière ("le malade imaginaire" and "les fourberies de scapin" are personal favorites),"Hernani" by Hugo again (♡♡), and for more modern stuff "Rhinocéros" and "la cantatrice chauve" by Ionesco. Oh, and "Huis Clos" by Sartre!
In poetry, first of all I think Villon is a great, and brave choice especially if you have it in old french (one of my all time favorite poem is his, "la ballade des pendus"). Otherwise, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Verlaine and Apollinaire !
In a bit more modern things, if you liked Queneau I’d say give "Zazie dans le métro" a try – tho the way he plays with vocabulary and spelling in this one can be challenging (but it is very fun). Then "Au bonheur des ogres" and "La fée carabine" by Daniel Pennac (I assume the rest of "La saga malaussène" is good too but I have only read those two so far), "escalier C" by Elvire Murail (this one is a big big big fave of mine ♡♡♡), "mercure"by Amélie Nothomb (she’s super prolific but this is the one I remember really enjoying).
For sci-fi, I realize I am not very up to date with what french literature proposes. It’s been quite some time but I remember enjoying “le cycle des fourmis” and “les thanatonautes” + “l’empire des anges” by Bernard Werber. Also “les lutteurs immobiles” by Serge Brussolo. My mother is a harcore fan of Pierre Bordage, so I will slip his name here too. Then I don’t know if you enjoy reading short stories, but in between some scifi/fantasy/fantastique I can rec “la vieille anglaise et le continent – et autres récits” by Jeanne-A Débats, “notre dame aux écailles” and “le jardin des silences” by Mélanie Fazi, Oh and in … I guess technically fantasy? But bordering historical fiction bc of the realism, “chien du heaume” and the next one “mordre le bouclier” by Justine Niogret are two very good short novels.
I am probably missing a ton of great titles, but my brain is failing me and I have very few books in french here (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) (most of them stayed, well. In France). But this makes me think I really need to get back into actually reading in french – so I am adding Valérie Perrin to my lists for sure!
omg thank you for these recs!! this is so detailed and specific, i love it. you're reminding me i've read several of these before, like i had forgotten about rhinocéros but we read it in high school and i really loved it! i should reread that and/or read some other ionesco for sure. speaking of absurdist plays, have you read en attendant godot? i've read it in english but i know it was in french originally so i've been thinking about trying that. big fan of french absurdism.
i also read a lot of molière in high school french classes (i remember giving an extremely boring and long-winded presentation (for everyone else; i was super into it) on his plays to my english class for some reason??), which is how i first learned what a cuckold is lol. and of course we read some baudelaire but i really want to revisit him! also omg apollinaire is the calligramme guy, right? those rewired my brain. i will check out more of his stuff for sure. and it's good to have the names of some other heavy hitters so i can expand out to cover more than was included in my formal education obvi. (like i have read zero racine? which seems like an oversight in curriculum, but what do i know.)
i do have villon in old french 😩 or i guess technically middle french is what he was writing in. the reason i've been putting it off is that right after the preface there's a four-page section on "graphie et prononciation" and i was just like hmmmm is this really something i need to be introducing into my life at this formative time. like i'm still sort of coming to terms with modern french spelling and pronunciation and this seems like it might just confuse me. so i might not be quite ready, but it's here for me when i've leveled up lol.
i loved the one book by queneau i've read so far, so i super appreciate getting recs for other works by him. and i read one amélie nothomb a few years ago, but when i went to look at what else i could read by her i got so overwhelmed by the sheer number that i couldn't pick! so it's good to have your suggestion for a particular title 😊 i've not heard of the other people you mentioned but will look into them!
thank you so much for pointing me in some scifi/fantasy directions 👀📝 i will take a look at these authors and titles...
yeah i super recommend changer l'eau des fleurs, and i know valérie perrin has written at least two other novels, so i'm gonna try to get my hands on those! the challenge now is that whenever i try to buy books from overseas my credit card company marks it as fraud and cancels the transaction lol. my grandmother found this us-based company that imports books from france and really wants to get me some more french-language books for christmas, but their selection isn't huge. this gives me lots of ideas though and i'm sure they will have at least some of the books you mentioned! thank you again, you really came through 🥰🥰
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petrichoraline · 2 years
Six recent song favourites
thank youu sm @idletype 💖 i haven't really been listening to music that much lately but there are songs i keep gravitating towards, i'll talk about those and try to be short 😊
HALAZIA by ATEEZ - i didn't like it the first time i listened to it, the second time i gave it a try was a few days later and i've liked it a lot since; my go to song for a while
YOUTH by KIHYUN - especially that live jam session in a field during a sunset, mwah 👌
CALM DOWN by REMA and SELENA GOMEZ - everytime i hear it on tv i get joyful, that's simply it
and now the half w/ some links included:
STILL LOVE YOU by HONGKI and HWESUNG - this one is a must-listen. you can't claim to know kpop's best vocalists till you've heard these two. i had listened to it before because of hwesung's high note, recently a video of him devouring came up on my fyp so i revisited it and jam to it regularly now
TINNITUS by TXT - ngl this is a representative for the album haha, i listen to the whole thing, although i have faves; it's all very fresh imo, they have me dancing
LOSE by WONHO - idk when i got it on my playlist tbh, i listened to it a long time ago but now that its found its way to me again, i appreciate it more
shoutout to 파이팅 해야지 by BSS ft. YOUNGJI cause i listen to it (esp the chorus) about 20 times a day (carats on tiktok have seen the challenge so many timesss, not to mention a new version is released every day, promotions go hard for the nation's moodmaker)
also to the JUST BEING FRIENDLY cover from MSP, it's that OST's world and we're just living in it
honourable mentions - a bunch of specific parts from songs i hear on tiktok daily and still enjoy lmao, for example Opp's verse in Get Loose; that part in the sped up version of Camila Cabello's Shameless; the chorus of Stand by Cute
i'm so curious about people's music tastes so i might tag quite a lot of people oops
also!! as per usual i don't tag people i think wouldn't want to participate, assume have done it or i just miss but i am interested so if you want please do it and tag me even if you're not listed here, okay? okay!👍@fangirlmedstudentblog @howitrulyam @gillianthecat @maleficent-cannoli @himbodelamain @lelephantsnail @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @saturnskyline @pink-skies-blog @catboyjosten @hometothecanyonmoon @justafriend-ql @hello-n-goodbye @rythyme @lotusclouding @biochemjess @sugarbabywenkexing @n0hshinwoo @catwalkninja @anotherthingsstuff @jingyanwang @callipigio @vickyawesome @legendaryrooftopscene @neo-neos @sillsif @cloriix @sommmnus @peerless-airplane
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If you've been folllowing my blog for more than 10 minutes you'll know my ships as I frequently interact with them on here! Robin has two ships that encompass all of his verses: ― Khada Jhin @curtain-cxll in his league verse and various skinlines ― Danny Johnson aka The Ghost Face @bells-of-black-sunday for his modern verse, his alternate legaue verse (Locum Tenes) and other private verses.
Haruko has 1 ship and that is with Tarhos Kovács or "The Knight" @bells-of-black-sunday for all of their verses.
Haru and Tarhos have a 12 year age gap, and Jhin and Robin have about 8-9 years so... I'm very loose about it, as long as everyone is an adult, consenting, and mature enough to be with one another I'm pretty alright with anything.
I'm actually quite shy with writing NSFW but my writings with Spuk have really helped me realize that I don't have to be guilty about those topics. Howevever I still am very quick to put "Read More" on the post if I think it might even lead to something spicier. Usually this occurs when kissing starts getting more intense and hands are placed on one another; it isn't so much that I consider it NSFW, but I like to tag what is going on just so people can decide for themselves if they'd like to read it!
I have absolutely no issue with saying that I'm very picky when it comes to shipping any of my characters, I can generally pretty quickly pick up when characters have chemistry together but it takes time for me to be invested and keep interest. Robin has a lot of complexities that tend to not work well in shipping situations and Haru is....an experience. So I tend to be very selective with shipping, there's only a few exceptions to this like how me and Spuk have a lil Frank/Haru thing going on despite Haru being shipped with Tarhos, its a one-off and fun and since most of my ships are with Spuk anyway well...I feel comfortable to explore that with him without worrying about "Ohhh but Tarhos!"
quiet cough nightbringer yasuo and whatever-bringer robin are pretty fruity ngl
Haru gets along really well with Durkos, Sander, and Alejandro! While I don't view them as romantically involved with eachother (thats a convo I'd have to have simply bc I never considered it) I do know that they deeply care for eachother and have had some sexual encounters.
I generally like to confirm with my shipping partner that they feel the same way - just because I can see something doesn't mean they do, or vice verse and that's completely fine. While chemistry is, mostly, extremely obvious in a lot of cases, I still just prefer to confirm it.
To be completely honest I'm so horrible with shipping that I didn't even realize people really shipped things within the game; particularly since Riot isn't the best with making new champion interactions. I enjoy my mutuals ships, frankly, but I don't know if they would ever be something I would have thought of without them. Although a ship I DO love and absolutely delight in is GaloLio from Promare!
I realize I probably sounded super professional but IN ACTUALITY if theres chemistry please feel free to reach out! If you're enthusiastic about it and the chemistry is there then I'll feel comfortable! I love talking dynamics even past romantic shipping, so if you want to do a friendship or familal bond I'm down for talking about that too!
tagged by: @agonizedembrace @misstantabismuses @saviourofzaun ((thank you!)) tagging: I'm REALLY late with this but @bells-of-black-sunday ♥ and @sxlemnity @piltover-sharpshooter @arkyn-iceborn-vindication @the-flame-blade @thegoldentigress @noxfortid @magicshadowkitten
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villanevehaus · 1 year
4, 8, 20, 25, 40, 45, 54, & 71
so many !!! ty <33
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
8. what’s your relationship with constructive criticism and feedback like? do you seek it out? how well do you take it?
i think i take it well! i will often ask my femme and my best friend to look stuff over if id like constructive criticism
20. what is your favorite trope to write?
slowburn, maybe? hurt/comfort, too. im ngl im not actually super well versed on tropes.
25. what’s your revision or rewriting process like?
i write 80% of the time on my phone so often i am just writing through a scene as it comes to me from front to back, then ill reread it, tweak here and there, pull back, read the working chapter draft, repeat. i dont really do like, "get it all out and then revise/edit it all in step two", its very simultaneous.
40. best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
i am blessed with having lovely readers who leave many lovely comments, but one that always comes to mind is from Eve Undone
"their conversation and communication are making me dizzy. even more so than the sex. it's amazing and even quite educational too. this is more than just a villaneve fic for me tbh, i'm learning a lot more about navigating conversations around this kinda stuff. So thank youuux"
just always makes me !!!
45. name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
herbeloveve - pigflight - redisaid (have only read this fic tho)
54. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
five senses :)
71. how do you balance writing and life? do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of writing you have to do?
cheesy but writing and life are intertwined for me. it is already under the surface, if i were not writing i would be drowning. i do feel overwhelmed sometimes but really only by Tell Me, Eve's enormity.
ask game for fanfic writers
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tackyink · 1 year
Ehe (you can delete my previous ask, because I'm back ♡)
Can I say how much I love the change of povs?? Beginning the chapter with the chaos trio pov was a power move, because nostalgia hit like a train ngl you always have a way to write their interactions with one another so well, it makes my heart full (comfort characters go brr).
These parts?? Chef kiss (uh, spoilers?)
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I just love them okay? The fact that Kurama is the one to negotiate because of his pretty face will always be hilarious for me. And the fact that both Yusuke and Kuwabara are a little bit 🤏 scared of Kurama makes everything funnier.
With the whole conversation and shenanigans in the forest, my first thought was that my girl wouldn't be able to do this sober. And I was right! I would also want fried chicken and croquettes. She has a superior taste.
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Also, I find her, like Makoto, quite funny. This line:
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Wakaba is torn between underpaid-workers (non-paid-workers?) solidarity and not wanting to deal with this bullshit any more than what she had. I respect that. I want to get tattooed the 'these guys were more than just a little pathetic' line /j. (Whoops, just realized there's a typo, after reading this thrice. I am not beta-reader material and it shows) Anyways!
Now, with that left behind, I was a bit surprised about Wakaba's powers, or at least the spiritual awareness (well, not quite, as after the first chapter, it would have been weird she didn't have spiritual awareness), but a welcomed surprise! Even more with the actual nature of her powers (see what I did there? No? I'm sorry I will stop). It was cool, like, really cool. And I am also happy that she did indeed had some ties to the forest!
Also, a silly little question, on my line of silly little questions: does the poem at the beginning have a japanese counterpart? I mean, it's a silly question alright, because japanese poetry is like,, waiting for death to come. But I thought I would ask. It's ok if it is not, I'm just a geek about these sort of things ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)
Looking forward to see how these pathetic men (affectionate) deal with everything now ahaha. Thank you for the chapter <33333 I enjoyed it lots!
Hehe, I'm not deleting it, I'm keeping it for posterity.
I didn't plan it this way, but I think beginning with a more somber Kuwabara was a good contrast with the chaos that was about to ensue for the rest of the chapter. Despite how funny the situation is looking at it from the outside, everybody is so done.
Throwing Kurama to the lions and him suddenly getting a nat 1 in a diplomacy check while the other two are giggling around the corner is probably my favorite part of the chapter. Yusuke made a tactical error anyway, because while people do find Kurama more attractive, out of context Kurama is a highly unnerving person and everybody who's spent two minutes with Kuwabara thinks he's a sweetheart.
Slave labor. It's slave labor and she already doesn't like Koenma. asdfghjk I had to reread three times to catch it, fixed it!
I can't comment on Wakaba's powers without spoiling future stuff, but for all intents and purposes right now she's a regular human having a crisis of, uh... not faith. Atheism? Something like that. Girl's cursed by the supernatural-adjacent.
It's a good question! I've been turning the poem over in my mind since before I began writing the fic proper, but I'm not confident enough in my Japanese to write a haiku and not murder it, and I can't translate it back to Japanese without losing critical info in the process because I wouldn't be able to keep the 5-7-5 syllable format. Take for instance the first verse, "flame lights the last path" (5) becomes 火は最後の道を照らす ("hi wa saigo no michi wo terasu") (12). I'm sure someone with a good handle on the language could come up with something, but that's not me. (ˉ▽ˉ;) I can tell you, however, that the "young leaves" mentioned in the poem are written 若葉 and pronounced "wakaba".
The end of this chapter truly was Sad wet cat of a man (x3). Thanks as always for your lovely comments, they make me so happy! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
Hiya!! 🥺 for the latest Spotify ask: 12, 89, 47
Hey friend!!! I hope you're doing well! Thank you for sending me this!! 😊😊 The Spotify ask game
12) Be Sweet - Japanese Breakfast Okay, I LOVE this song! So, I am super pumped that you got it, cause I get to share my favourite lyric!
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I just really resonate with the "pacify her rage" part. I don't know about you, but I have met quite a few people that like to pacify my emotions and downplay how hurt I am or make out like I'm overreacting... Which is... 😒 yeah, it's super fun (Also, the Korean version of this song is spectacular)
89) Smoke Signals - Phoebe Bridgers This is guaranteed to make me emotional! It's so wonderfully heartfelt and emotive. Phoebe is a brilliant storyteller, and I think this song showcases that talent really well.
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I LOVE this outro!!! "comin' up lavender"??? What a beautiful phrase! "past is a corridor"??? 😩👌 I totally stole "buried a hatchet" for a fic once lol. Also, this song makes me think of jwds because of the lyrics: You, you must've been lookin' for me Sendin' smoke signals It makes me think about them every time, and I get all sappy 🥹
47) Closer - Kings of Leon I have this song for a BE playlist, it's pretty perfect for that show, ngl. To be honest, I could choose the whole song as a good choice for my favourite lyrics, but I think the second verse is pretty great!
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Keep on crying, baby, I'll bleed you dry??? Well, hello Dong Sik! 😂😂 That lyric immediately makes me think of the episode 5 basement scene, and how Dong Sik just stands there watching Joo Won cry. It's SO them (especially, the "open up your eyes" part). (Also, "Feels so good, but I'm old Two thousand years of chasing taking it's toll"???? It's him, it's Dong Sik!!! Which is good, he deserves cool, sexy songs!)
I think you got a pretty good collection! I hope you enjoyed these songs if you don't know them (although, I have a feeling you will), and if you do know them, I would love to hear your thoughts on them! 😊
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estrellita-wrights · 3 months
"Not for money, not for views, not for anyone but myself."
I am Mayo, whom you may know from my previous writing account turned roleplay blog, @/twistedtalking. Feel free to request twst stuff here! But also, it wont just be twst. There'll also be original stories, and the fics will be tagged appropriately, so you can jump straight to the twst fics. Tags are (#twst platonic, #twst x reader, #tbttu (original story), #randomwrites) Tags will be added as the number of original stories increase.
Table of Contents
-Twisted wonderland Fanfics (Asks open, but I can reject)
-My Stories (The Bonds That Tie Us, A Regular Fantasy Harem, etc.)
-Random writing (writing prompts or otherwise)
Asking Rules
There are three different flavors you could ask for in writing twst fics! Canon-compliant, Romantic, and Yandere. Please specify which type you want in the fic.
I have simple boundaries, which are, please respect my religion (Christianity/Born Again) while on my blog, and that's all right now whoops.
Minors welcome here. I've seen lots of yandere fic blogs that say minor dni, and as a teenager who hasn't yet reached her debut, I feel super sad about it. So yeah, minors welcome!
○Those with church/religious trauma, specifically Christianity. More for you than me, since I add bible verses to each of my posts. Feel free to block!
○ Those who are rude about Christ in my blog. My God is very important to me, so if you got something to say, don't say it here. Or I'll block you.
You now know everything you need to know to ask/request! Now, personal stuff! About me, the one running this thing!
My alias is Mayo! I am a binibini (maiden) from the Philippines! I am currently a not-yet 18 year old. I am quite excited about my debut ngl.
Other than Twst, I am very fond of manga! I've read tbhk and wotakoi! I'm also excited for "The flower that blooms with dignity" anime adaptation! I also love musicals, like Six and Hamilton. Very excited for Epic the Musical's release too! (I also code)
Outside of tumblr, I am a high-school student (middle school, by Japan's standards), who wants to spread the word of God! That's why I add bible verses on each of my posts! My dream is to one day be a Voice Actor in America, while also doing accountant work. I also one day want to live in Japan!
My main account on tumblr is called @/everydaytwstsimp. Its mainly for reblogs though. I also have @/twistedtalking, which is my twst roleplaying account, where I roleplay as most of the students. (More info on that account's pinned post).
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kanerboo · 7 years
basically @nuuclearshow showed me this and my first reaction was: “time to break out yet another first gentleman of canada ficlet!!”
so, here it goes~ also i feel like i have to thank justin trudeau for like, giving me so much material to work with for PM toews...
Whenever Christmas comes around, Patrick knows to expect that his adopted country’s going to come up with a slew of ridiculous merchandise featuring his husband. Two years ago, Hallmark debuted a range of Christmas cards with pictures of Jonny wearing Santa hats, riding moose (also equipped with Santa hats), and giving out presents. Last Christmas, some tech start-up started selling mugs that, on first glance, looked like plain white coffee mugs, but a picture of Jonny grinning and holding a miniature Christmas tree would appear once the mug was filled with a hot liquid. Both items sold out within days.
Basically, Patrick’s often thought that they ought to maybe trademark Jonny’s image and make a ton of money while they’re at it.
But this year - this year, Canada may just have outdone itself with regards to terrible Christmas-slash-Prime Minister merchandise.
Patrick thinks the Toewster may be a joke at first.
“You have got to be joking,” he sputters, looking up at Jonny. He’s trying so hard not to laugh that he’s crumpling the brochure he’s holding - the promotional brochure from Canadian Tire that Jonny had casually handed to him just as he’d stepped out of the bathroom after his shower.
“It’s for charity,” Jonny insists for the hundredth time. “It’s fine, it’s - “
“It’s your face toasted on a piece of bread,” Patrick says.
“It’s charitable!” Jonny says. “At least it’s better than - than all that stuff from Hallmark or whatever. At least proceeds from this toaster go towards making sports accessible for children who might not otherwise have the resources for it - “
“Oh my god, Jonny,” Patrick says - and he can’t help it, he’s starting to break into helpless, high-pitched giggles. “You just. Oh god. You’re so earnest about this. About this fucking toaster.”
“Charity, Pat,” Jonny repeats, and even through his tear-filled mirth, Patrick can see Jonny starting to grit his teeth, his face taking on that mulish look he gets when he thinks he’s absolutely in the right and Patrick’s being an asshole. “It’s for a good cause. It’s for kids.”
And yeah, maybe Patrick’s being a bit of a dick about this; when your husband’s the Prime Minister and patron of a dozen charities, he perhaps could find better things to laugh at. Like the damn butter sculpture, for one - he still hasn’t let Jonny live that one down.
“Okay, okay,” he says, tossing the brochure aside and going over to Jonny to wind his arms around his neck. “I’m sorry for laughing. It’s just - I mean - couldn’t they have thought of something better than your face on toast?”
“Gretzky got a toaster too,” Jonny says stubbornly, his ears reddening.
“Oh, well, if Gretzky got one, I suppose it’s fine for the Prime Minister to get one too,” he says, and tiptoes to peck Jonny sweetly on the lips. “I’m sorry, babe. No more badmouthing your - your Toewster, I promise.”
“Don’t even, Pat,” Jonny warns; but he kisses Patrick back, so all in all, Patrick guesses his feelings aren’t too hurt after all.
Patrick secretly places an order for the Toewster the day it’s launched; he’s glad he did, because it sells out in hours. 
And if he maybe intends to make Jonny breakfast in bed on Christmas morning, with the help of the toaster and Jonny’s favourite gluten-free bread - so he can have the singular pleasure of watching Jonny grumpily eat his own face - well, that’s his own business. It’s for charity, after all.
But then Patrick discovers the wall calendar. That’s being sold on Amazon. The calendar with twelve photographs of his husband (half of them topless), called the My Canadian Boyfriend Jonathan Toews Wall Calendar.
And that is it, Patrick is absolutely done. One moment he’s innocently scrolling through his Instagram feed, and the next moment he’s staring at a post from Buzzfeed plugging the calendar. The best part is the sheer number of likes (over eight thousand), and nearly four hundred comments, most of which seem to be from women discussing how hot and perfect Jonny is and how they’re so 100% definitely buying this calendar. Good lord.
Jonny finds him like that, curled into a ball on their bed and wheezing with laughter, tears rolling down his cheeks. “What’s the matter?” he asks, sounding slightly alarmed.
Patrick waves his iPad at him. “I can’t,” he chokes out.
Jonny takes the iPad from him and says almost immediately, “What the fuck is this shit.”
Amazon’s kindly provided several preview photos of the calendar, and August features a particularly steamy picture of Jonny wakeboarding in a skimpy, skintight pair of black trunks while they were at Lake of the Woods several summers ago. The picture was taken by Patrick himself and uploaded to his Instagram; apparently the calendar publishers had been thorough in going through his social media, tabloid long-lens photos, and official news pictures of Jonny at black tie events.
Patrick watches Jonny’s face darken as he swipes through all the photos, and he just can’t help it; he starts laughing again.
“What is - oh for god’s sake, people have too much time on their hands,” Jonny says, tossing the iPad onto the bed. 
“I’m quite surprised they didn’t make it a full topless porn calendar, considering the number of times the paps have caught you sauntering around Lake of the Woods almost naked,” Patrick says, trying to get his laughter under control.
Jonny scowls; in his first couple of years as Prime Minister, before he’d really understood the depths to which tabloids would sink to get some scandalous pictures of him, he was constantly being papped at Lake of the Woods and out on his boat with Patrick. There are still some pretty NSFW photographs of them both making out with Jonny in next to nothing - exhibitionist that he is - floating around on the internet, despite Jonny’s best efforts and lawsuits.
He’d found it a complete invasion of privacy and an utter outrage - which, yeah, it is, but Patrick personally has zero issues with showing his super hot husband off to the world - and quite literally laid down the law. A comprehensive overhaul of privacy laws later, they’re finally left in peace on their yearly visits to the lake, and at least Jonny gets to walk around completely naked now like he likes, no shorts or fabric in the way, and that is something Patrick appreciates immensely.
“Don’t be mad,” he tells Jonny, picking the iPad up and swiping to the photo where he’s kayaking, his back to Patrick’s camera, although he’s looking back over his shoulder and smiling at something Patrick’s saying. Patrick can’t even remember what that was about, but he can’t be blamed; he’s pretty distracted by the array of muscles rippling across Jonny’s back, even now. “Look - hotness like this totally should be on wall calendars. Pinned up on walls of teenage girls and gay men across the country, et cetera.”
Jonny’s still frowning, but a corner of his mouth twitches upwards. “Oh, you think I’m hot,” he drawls.
“There’s a reason I married you, and it’s not because you were going to be a politician,” Patrick says, grinning.
Jonny yanks the iPad out of his hands and puts it on the bedside table before he climbs over Patrick’s body, pressing him into the bed with his body weight. “Oh I see, you just want me for my body,” he says; and he’s starting to actually look smug, the asshole.
“I mean, there may be a couple of other things,” Patrick says consideringly.
Jonny snorts. “Yeah, sure,” he says, and then he’s tangling his fingers in Patrick’s curls, tilting his head and leaning down to kiss him, nice and slow and deep.
(If Patrick hadn’t been in such a teasing mood, he may have added that there’s, in fact, too many other things; way too many to list. Things like: the way Jonny looks at his desk with his glasses on, as he puzzles over yet another piece of urgent legislature; or making a televised speech on Canada Day, all seriousness and efficiency; or when he goes down on one knee to speak to a shy child at eye level, resting a big hand gently on the child’s back. 
There are so many reasons he wants and loves Jonny; and sometimes, it’s easier to just laugh and tease him about his ridiculous country and the ridiculous things they do for him, or his heart might just explode a little.)
Patrick greets Jonny on Christmas morning with a smile, a kiss, and a (literal, actual) silver platter of food. He’d insisted on preparing everything on the tray himself, down to the small vase with a sprig of holly placed nicely beside the enormous plate. There are gluten-free pancakes with a little dispenser of maple syrup, baked beans (opened from a can - Patrick has absolutely no idea how to make baked beans from scratch), eggs, maple bacon, sausage, sauteed mushrooms, and of course, in pride of place, two slices of toast with Jonny’s face seared into them, alongside a pat of butter in a little dish.
All in all, Patrick’s pretty proud of his handiwork.
“What the hell is this,” Jonny says, voice hoarse with sleep, struggling upright.
“Happy Christmas, love you too,” Patrick says brightly. Jonny blinks down at the tray on his lap.
“You made me breakfast?”
“You - you bought the toaster?”
“The Toewster. Yep.”
“Patrick, oh my god, why would you - “
“It’s for charity,” Patrick reminds him, and grins when he sees Jonny visibly swallowing.
“Pat,” Jonny says, “please tell me you didn’t buy the other - thing. The calendar.”
“Yep,” Patrick repeats cheerfully, and pulls it out - rolled into a tube and tied with a giant red bow.
Jonny puts his face in his hands. “I don’t know why I put up with you.”
“Because you love me,” Patrick says, and tugs Jonny’s hands down. Jonny’s absolutely red, from his forehead down to his neck, and god, Patrick loves him, even if he spends half his time trying to annoy him.
“You’re not getting your Christmas gift,” Jonny says.
Patrick rolls his eyes. “I know exactly what I’m getting - a hand-knitted Christmas sweater from Andree, a vacation when you can get the time off, something nice I can use that’s monogrammed with my initials, and some awesome sex.”
Jonny’s eyes start bulging. “How - who told you what you’d get?” he sputters.
“No one,” Patrick sighs. “No one has to. I get the same things from you every year, babe. Not that I mind,” he adds quickly as Jonny’s flush grows deeper. “But this is why you love me. Because I’m the one who brings all the fun and surprise in this relationship.”
“Sure, fun,” Jonny grumbles, staring down at his toast. His face on his toast. 
Patrick kisses him again. “Stop being a Christmas scrooge and wipe that frown off your face and eat. I slaved two hours in the kitchen for this. And maybe after this, you can get your real present.”
“I better get a proper one,” Jonny says, but he brightens visibly, and picks up his cutlery.
Patrick makes sure to get a photo of him sinking his teeth into the buttered toast, looking extremely long-suffering and put-upon, but the tweet he posts with it becomes his most-favourited tweet of the entire year.
He also makes sure to reward Jonny’s long-sufferingness by riding him later until his thighs are sore, and then presenting him with a Vacheron Constantin watch engraved with their initials and a maple leaf on the back, which Jonny declares to be the best gift ever, so basically Patrick’s secure in the knowledge that he gives Jonny the best Christmases, all of Jonny’s bitching notwithstanding.
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heffrondriving · 2 years
heyyy babes hru!! dale pa' ya themed kenlos blog and new colour scheme for september be upon ye~ 💜 ☜(  ̄ᴥ ̄ )
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tvrres · 2 years
Okay, I had one for Angel, maybe an angel x fem!reader where the reader is almost sucked up into the ufo and our poor bby is worried? Just some fluff and stuff <3
and please don’t feel the need to rush take your time! Love ya 💕
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✦ pairing: angel torres x fem!reader
✦ summary: it's dumb luck you ended up at the haywood's ranch. it's even dumber luck that you didn't die there.
✦ note: yeah i listened to jennifer saunders' cover of holding out for a hero while writing this and yeah i made it deeper than it needed to be. it's a little sad i'm ngl
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You weren't even supposed to be here.
This was all because of your stupid phone charger. If it hadn't disappeared from plain sight, your phone wouldn't have died before your alarm went off the next morning. You would have been to work on time and your boss wouldn't have let you go. Running into Angel, an old friend from high school, would have ended with plans for a coffee date that would never come. Instead you asked him if he knew any places hiring.
At first, you were glad things ended the way they did. You liked working with Angel. He had gotten taller since graduation and built some muscle that suited him well, but inside?
Inside, he never changed.
He would often visit the furniture department of Fry's to ask if you needed help, even though he was far from well versed when it came to Tempur-Pedic beds. You would laugh and tell him you were fine, to get back to electronics before he got in trouble again. So what if you guys were friendly? So what if maybe it was a little more than that?
After a two months of this, he invited you over to his apartment to watch some psychological thriller on Amazon Prime of all things. It was a fine movie, but you were too busy thinking about how your knees were touching. Neither of you moved them. When the end credits rolled and your can of Sprite was empty, Angel slid his hand into yours.
"I promise next time I'll take you on a real date," He muttered. You felt a smile creep onto your face before nodding. "But I think you're really great, (y/n). I want to spend more time with you if that's cool."
"That's cool." He looked relieved when you said this even though you couldn't imagine saying anything else. Afterwards, you guys talked and you're pretty sure he convinced you that ghosts were real that night. He seemed pretty certain there was one in the laundry room downstairs. Then he walked you to your car and hugged you goodbye.
There was a tension as you pulled away and you thought maybe he might kiss you. But he didn't, and that was okay. You guys had plenty of time.
It was only a few days after this that the Haywoods entered your store. Angel texted you, saying he was heading out to do an install and that he'd be back later. You sent him a thumbs up emoji before returning to work. Later finally came and Angel strolled up to where you stood by the display couches.
"How was the install?" You asked in a cheery tone, mostly just happy to see him. He looked around, pretending to be casual.
"Fuckin' weird," You furrowed your brows.
"Weird how?"
"Like extraterrestrial weird."
You let out a small laugh. Angel wasn't exactly a conspiracy nut, but he did let himself get lost in the idea of it sometimes. "What are you-"
"Look, just meet me at electronics after you clock out," He whispered as if someone was listening. "It could be nothing, but it could not be nothing." You gave him a suspicious look.
It was most certainly not nothing.
The unmoving cloud was enough to convince you, but nothing struck pure fear into your heart quite like feeling Angel's van stall on your way off the Haywoods' property. "Shit." Was all he'd said.
"Shit?" You looked at him frantically. "Shit, what do you mean shit?" Angel didn't answer you, instead quickly undoing both of your seatbelts. Your heart sank at this as you realized what his plan was. "I am not going out there and neither are you!"
"(Y/n), these are fucking aliens and they will crack this fucking van open like a goddamn piñata if they want to!" He grabbed your hand roughly and looked into your eyes, causing a sudden calm to wash over you. "Just don't let go of me and we're gonna be fine." You barely had time to process his order before he threw open the driver's side door and pulled you out behind him.
You narrowly escaped death once, which was more than enough for the both of you. OJ Haywood was not satisfied with this, however.
So now here you were, reloading film into a bulky camera being operated by some gruff and acclaimed filmmaker you had never even heard of. You sat nervously behind Angel the rest of the time, running your thumb over the label on your walkie that read BATTLESHIP. Despite everything you'd been through, everything you'd seen, the cloud, the power, that. . . thing (Jean Jacket as the Haywoods called it,) none of it felt real.
The only thing keeping you grounded was the constant string of voices coming through your walkie. It was truly a sight, watching OJ on his horse trying to win an impossible race. Jean Jacket loomed over him and you wondered how something so large could seem so weightless.
As the man released a colorful parachute at the last second, the entity turned on a dime to avoid it, giving Holst and his camera a perfect shot of it. It quickly retreated high into the sky, making you breath a sigh of relief as Angel cheered. A weight lifted off your shoulders, seemingly drifting away just as Jean Jacket had.
"It's over!" Emerald's voice crackled through your walkie. "We got it, y'all! The feed started going in and out when, when that guy got got, but we should be covered with the film camera. Right, Holst?"
The man was silent. You took this as his being in awe, disbelief at what he had just captured. His walkie beeped before he spoke into it. "The light," He gazed at the sun that hung low in the sky. "The light, it's, gonna be magic soon." You didn't know what he could have meant by that, but there was sudden foreboding energy in the air.
OJ felt it too, asking over the walkie what he meant. The man didn't answer, having already grabbed his other camera and standing from where he was. You tapped Angel, who was still staring in the direction Jean Jacket had disappeared. He turned to see Holst leaving the safety of the tent.
"Wha- no, no, where're you going?" His voice was frantic. The man turned back to the both of you.
"Angel, (y/n)," he said somberly. "It's gonna be alright. We don't deserve the impossible." Your blood went cold as he stepped fully out into the open.
"Hey guys?" Angel spoke into the walkie. "Holst just said some creepy, cryptic shit, took his camera, and he's heading up the mountain. Over."
You cupped your hands around your mouth and hollered at the older man. "Dude, what the hell?!" The same pit of fear from before welled up in your stomach. "Holst, come back!" Behind you, Angel got up from his seat and moved to where Holst had been before.
"Fuck it." He muttered, looking through the viewfinder of the camera. "He's crazy, right?" You searched for Jean Jacket in the sky frantically, still yelling for Holst. The being seemed to notice him quickly, flying down from the clouds at an incredible speed. It came close to the tent, causing you to quickly pull Angel down onto the ground with you. You both watched helplessly as it descended upon Holst and pulled him up into the air in a cloud of dust.
Then, just like that, he was gone. Your eyes were wide as saucers as you stared at where he had been, fighting every instinct you had to look up. You began to search for your walkie on the ground in a panic, knowing OJ and Emerald had seen it, hoping they knew what to do next.
In your distressed state, you didn't notice Angel stand and walk towards the edge of the tent. Once you did, a scream caught in your throat. He backed up, staring at Jean Jacket in disbelief. It slowly started closing in on him.
"Angel!" You cried out, getting ready to run out to him. Before you could, the tarp that covered you flew and wrapped around Angel and sent him rolling down the mountain into a barbed wire fence. You were about to slide down after him, until you heard Holst's screams echoing right above you.
It was nearly on top of you, so close the metallic scent of blood filled your nose. So you crouched back down and stared at the dirt shifting in the wind, hand over your mouth as you whimpered in fear, not daring to breath. That stupid fucking charger.
You were sure the only thing that saved you was Jean Jacket noticing Emerald by the stables. The wind of it rushing towards her knocked you over, your hair whipping wildly in the air. Once it was gone, you quickly made your way to Angel.
He was tangled up in the barbed wire and tarp, cuts from it littered his skin. "Angel!" You turned him over and tried to feel for the end of the wire. Your fingers bled, but you ignored it the best you could. "What the fuck is wrong with you, you scared the fuck out of me, oh my-"
"(Y/n), get to the house," He was breathing hard and trying to push your hands away from him. "You can make it, go!"
"No!" Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you fought against him. "No, I'm not gonna leave you here! We have to stay together and we'll be fine, that's what you told me!" The sound of Jean Jacket destroying the stables and Emerald's screams only made you panic more.
"Now I'm telling you to go!" He turned to where the animal clicked loudly. "Go! Before it comes back!" You looked over your shoulder at the house before turning back to Angel.
"You better not fucking die!" Was all you said before turning to sprint towards shelter. You nearly tripped more times than you could count. In your peripheral vision, you could see Jean Jacket move behind the mountains behind you before losing sight of it. You prayed to whatever higher power could hear you that Angel would be okay. That they all would.
"HURRY (Y/N)!" Angel called from behind you. "IT'S COMING!" Your stomach sank as he shouted and you tried to move faster, but the house was still out of reach. Suddenly, you felt as if gravity was no longer working and the dust around you swirled.
Angel watched with horror filled eyes as you were lifted off the ground, felt his heart pound in his ears when he heard your screams. He tried to free himself quickly, knowing there was nothing he could do for you, but refusing to accept that.
You reached for anything you could and by some kind of divine intervention, your sweater sleeve became tangled in the branches of a nearby tree. Jean Jacket still pulled on you with an unbearable force, the wind roared around you so hard you thought you'd go deaf. You fought against the pressure as best you could, forcing your other arm down to grab the tree branch. Clenching both fists around it, you hung in midair. The branch threatened to slip out of your hands and you could feel blood being drawn by its rough surface.
Then, just as quickly as it disappeared, your weight returned to you and you hit the ground with a thud. Not before falling through the branches of the tree, cutting your skin and clothes on the way down. You kept your eyes down for what felt like eternity. The air was silent aside from the steady breeze that had been there before, but you didn't trust it.
Angel stared at your limp body from afar, assuming the worst. He could feel a lump forming in the back of his throat, not even noticing the figure Jean Jacket had started to transform into. He watched as Emerald marched towards where OJ was hiding out and waited until Jean Jacket was distracted with her. Once it was, he finished untangling himself and ran to you. The wind burned his eyes and he wasn't sure if it was sweat or tears that streamed down his face.
Your breathing was still frantic as you looked in the direction of the arena, where Jean Jacket was unfurling itself into some cosmic horror more terrifying than before. You didn't have the energy to be afraid, however. Right as you were going to lay your head on the dirt once more, you heard footsteps rushing towards you. With a cough, you tried to support yourself on weak arms to see where they were coming from.
Angel fell to the ground next to you and pulled you into a suffocating embrace. "I fucking thought you were dead, (y/n)!" You don't remember when you started crying, but at some point you were shedding silent tears into his shoulder while you felt his shaky breath on yours. "I thought you were dead!" You let out a through a sob. You were bleeding all over each other and the only thing you wanted was to be right back on that sofa in his stupid apartment. Before you knew any of this existed.
You both pulled away from each other to examine your injuries. He looked over the bleeding cuts on your palms and you looked over the ones on his arms. You were in the middle of scanning over his dust covered face when he pulled you into him again, this time planting his lips on yours feverishly.
It was a desperate kiss, one he was afraid wouldn't last. You kissed him back just as wildly, trying not to let him know you were crying again in fear he would stop. Finally you pulled away, face shining with tears. The sun had started to sink in the sky.
There was a muffled boom in the distance and you both turned to the direction it came from. A cloud of smoke floated in the air, what remained of Jean Jacket slowly emerging from it. Angel stood on weak knees and helped you up as you did the same.
The drive to his apartment was a quiet one, your hands were still shaking as you tried to unlock your car.
"You don't have to go home, (y/n)." Angel said from where he stood behind you. You smiled in spite of yourself.
"You've done enough for me these past few days," You turned to him with a sad smile. "You need to rest, it's okay."
He stared into your eyes with an empty gaze. It hurt to see him looking so hollow. "I don't," He cleared his throat. "I don't want you to go home." Silently, you pulled him into another hug. It mirrored the one he'd given you the very first time. "Okay," you said. "I just need to get a few things."
When you walked into your bedroom to retrieve some clothes, you saw your old phone charger. Right where you had left it.
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Feel free to send in more requests y'all otherwise it's just going to be more of my self indulgent bs
Also, and this goes for any request, if you the sender are not satisfied with your written response, please reach out to me and I will redo it to your liking!
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ingrid-marie · 2 years
My eurovision 2022 ranking
Because I have nothing better to do and I love making lists 😌 💅🏻
I have sorted them in the categories: bad, ok, good, great and the best.
40. LITHUANIA: This just so boring to me. A strong contender for the perfect bathroom break song.
39. BULGARIA: Just very very mediocre and boring. I just feel very indifferent towards it. They do have a cool guitar solo though, I'll give them that.
38. SAN MARINO: Not my thing. I think the verses are okay but the chorus falls completely flat and feels very unoriginal.
37. MOLDOVA: I usually love fun and easy-going songs but the difference with this song is that it's just not... good. It's a bit too all over the place.
36. DENMARK: Very forgettable and doesn't stand out, I feel like I've heard a song like this before.
35. FINLAND: I don't find it very original and just like Denmark, I feel like I've heard a song like this before. And the singer makes me a bit uncomfortable, ngl.
34. AZERBAIJAN: Also very forgettable. The chorus is decent but other than that it's just pretty bad.
33. ISRAEL: James Charles (derogatory) vibes.
32. BELGIUM: He has a good voice but other than that... There's nothing wrong with the song, it's just not for me.
31. AUSTRALIA: So sooo boring. The bridge (the one part where something actually happens) is good but otherwise I just don't like it.
30. ROMANIA: It's very repetitive but it feels like something you'd find at eurovision in like 2002, which is a good thing for me because I love nostalgic stuff. But the song feels very flat otherwise.
29. NORTH MACEDONIA: This is very forgettable, but still better than many of the other (plenty) forgettable songs this year.
28. GREECE: I don't like that the instrumentals doesn't kick in until like halfway into the song, because that is when the song is actually good. And I don't love the lyrics, I don't find the song as romantic as I think it is intended to be interpreted.
27. MONTENEGRO: In my head this song is called "Unforgivable". I think the song is alright, but as many other songs this year, I find it forgettable. I think the music video is really cool though, even though I have no idea what's happening (Broken faces? Flying books? Ballet?).
26. ARMENIA: I usually like this type of music, but I can't get into this song for some reason. It's just pretty boring.
25. SLOVENIA: I find them so adorable, and I like the vibes! This is the type of song I would listen to while cooking and jamming in the kitchen.
24. SERBIA: I was very skeptical (and still is in some ways) when this song was first released and put it last straight away. But after some more listening I have warmed up towards it. The chorus is really catchy, but I'm not completely sold yet. I'm excited to see what she will do live!
23. UNITED KINGDOM: This is good to be the UK tbh. At least it's memorable, in comparison with the last few entries (I can't remember a single entry in the last five years while writing this). It's fun! But not something I listen to a lot.
22. ESTONIA: I like the cowboy aesthetic just as much as anyone else, but I am still on the fence about the song (and I don't quite get how it can be connected to cowboys). But he has a really great voice.
21. ALBANIA: This song is a lot, and contains like five different genres. That means that it doesn't get boring, but it doesn't make it great either.
20. CYPRUS: I love the chorus, the verses not so much. I would prefer it if it was entirely in greek, the english ruins the ethereal feeling a bit.
19. AUSTRIA: As an half Austrian I love that they are sending an unexpected song like this, and that it is so well perceived! I think the song is good but nothing I listen to a lot.
18. SWITZERLAND: I like the old school Disney vibes I get from this and I think it will be beautiful live. But it's not something I listen to much.
17. MALTA: I think I'm the only one who prefers this song over the other one. Yes, it's very generic but that doesn't always have to be a bad thing!
16. IRELAND: It's a little bit silly and cringey, but also pretty good!
15. PORTUGAL: This is beautiful and the overall mood is great. Sometimes feels a little bit boring though, but I'm sure it will grow on me.
14. FRANCE: I did not like this at first, but it has been a grower! I think it's really exciting and the chorus is so good. I also appreciate France sending something different than what they usually send!
13. GERMANY: This is really good but at the same time it's not. It reminds me of 21 Pilots (derogatory) which is very nostalgic (affectionate). 16 year old me would love this, which is why I have a soft spot for it.
12. UKRAINE: I think the song is amazing, except for the rap parts, which sucks because that's like half of the song. If it weren't for the rap this would easily be in my top 5. But it's still a really good song and I like their performance, it feels very natural and just like them hanging out and having fun. Hopefully they will bring the same energy to eurovision.
11. ICELAND: God I want to be the fourth sister so bad. They remind me of HAIM. I think the song is so cozy and I want to listen to it on a roadtrip in the evening when everyone else in the car have fallen asleep.
10. SPAIN: This feels a little too down with the kids/TikTok inspired, but I can't deny that it's a catchy song.
9. NORWAY: I love jokey songs and I don't care who knows it. For me that is what eurovision is about and what I love most about this show. This song is fun! It's weird! It makes me want to dance! What more can you ask for?
8. GEORGIA: Unpopular opinion but this song has the best chorus this year. It's like drugs to my brain. It feels timeless in some way? I can't explain what this song does to me. I'm so excited to see what they are going to do live!
7. POLAND: I love every song that is about wanting to float down a river (because I want to do that too). His voice is stunning, and even though I don't love the chorus (it doesn't feel as ethereal and magical as the other parts) it's one of the strongest songs this year.
6. ITALY: I didn't like this at first and compared it to Soldi (which I think is a stronger song). But after listening more I have realized that it's not fair to compare this to Soldi since they are two completely different songs. I just like the atmosphere the song brings, I feel like I should sit on a rooftop watching the sunset while listening to it.
5. CROATIA: Am I the only one to have this in my top 5? Probably. It just gets me in a good mood, and it's really catchy. I hope she brings a similar performance from the national final to eurovision.
4. CZECH REPUBLIC: This was one of the first songs released and I knew right away that it would probably be one of my favourite songs this years. I just love her voice and it makes me want to go out on a run (and I hate running).
3. LATVIA: Again, I love jokey songs. I love this song completely unironically. I know that is is a super sexual song masked as an environmentally conscious song, but that doesn't make it bad. And I think we should have more songs about going down on people.
2. THE NETHERLANDS: This songgg...... I cannot get enough. It just hits the spot. I love how it goes from being a bit slow in the verses to gaining so much power in the chorus. The OOOO-AAAAH parts makes me scream and I can’t help but singalong to the entire song even though I don’t speak Dutch. Everything about the song just makes sense. This is pretty much tied as my number one. But I'm scared that it will be hard to stage.
1. SWEDEN: Listen, I am not one that usually roots for my own country. I do think that Sweden has an unfair advantage and our entries usually gets points just for being Swedish. But this song is actually good! And Melodifestivalen was so crap this year so I'm so happy that one of the few (if not only) good songs won. I always get chills when the first chorus hits, and if I were in the middle of a breakup I know that I would not be able to listen to this because it would feel too real lol. Just the perfect, emotional, song I never knew I needed.
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🔥🔥🔥 (it's bloody hot in here today, chaps)
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How many times have I seen a blog that either doesn't have a rp meme resource tag or just mixes post that's appropriate in that tag with ones that who are rp meme asks that have been answered? It's something I've recently done it and honestly it's super helpful, both for you the roleplayer and the mutual. I have a rule in my blog that would love someone to reference the RP meme in question. It helps the mun get the rp meme you reference it easier-- especially regarding older ones, plus your mutuals can look through all the RP memes you have reblogged at some point, so it's like your own personal rp meme archive list.
2. You'll find a group of friends who will give your OCs a lot of attention.
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I've seen and noticed myself before. We OC writers have to put a lot of work and effort to get our muses to get the same amount of attention as canon muses, but what I've noticed in my years of being an OC writer is that no, that's not the whole answer. Take it from me, I know mutuals who would love to interact with OCs here and there, regardless of what kind of OC they are. You just have to keep looking.
This may take a while to look for the right mun or muns, but when you find the right one I'm sure you'll see that they will give your muse a lot of love and attention.
3. TMI in BIO? (Too Much Information in the Biography?)
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I get it, I get it, I get it. We all love to write a lot of info on our bios-- maybe a little bit too much to the point where the bio feels a tad bit overwhelming. I guess that might one of the reasons why some muns don't read bios. That or they prefer to go straight in and get the rawest of experience (which ngl, I'm very much guilty for that too, but that's mostly because most of the muses I roleplay with nowadays are muses I know something about).
I know sharing info about your muse is important, but I feel like there's some things that's a little bit too specific to be normally used. Like blood type for example.
For me I prefer to have bios that if they're jam packed to be also very much readable and put some less important information out or have some things in an accordion element, like what I did with relationships, backstories and verses where I expect to expand these thing quite a bit.
I am painfully aware that tumblr doesn't have a built in accordion element for the additional pages so I understand it's kind of hard to make the bio more readable and I also understand that not everyone has the time or skill to make custom pages. But even then, there are still some ways to make it tidier.
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hogwartsmysteryho · 3 years
Omg, I love the Swiftie game maybe a little too much, ngl 👀 You are amazing!
Seeing as I'm the most terrible person at choosing and you said multiple requests were fine....
How about Seliot, Lizion, and Dylanielle? 💛💛💛
(If you only want to do one, that's so fine!)
eeeeeeeek let’s talk some taylor!!!!!!!!!!
seliot - “The Way I Loved You” (Fearless) eliot belongs to the marvelous @kc-and-oc
“He is sensible and so incredible /And all my single friends are jealous” this is pretty straightforward: eliot is a very sensible ravenclaw, and there’s a reason selene is into him in the first place. and i too would be jealous of anyone dating adam brody’s face.
“He opens up my door and I get into his car / And he says you look beautiful tonight / And I feel perfectly fine” eliot is quite the courteous little gentlemen when the two are getting along, and i feel like this line fits with that one wildflower prompt u did for these guys!
“But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain / And it's 2AM and I'm cursing your name / You're so in love that you act insane / And that's the way I loved you” if i could only use one word to describe seliot, i’d say passionate. and that includes their breakups and heartache as well as their good times. the chorus of this song really captures that passion that i associate so strongly with seliot.
“Breaking down and coming undone / It's a roller coaster kind of rush / And I never knew I could feel that much / And that's the way I loved you” rollercoaster is one way to put it, and a really perfect, really fitting way to put it i think. i especially love the “i never knew i could feel that much” because hey, it’s their first love, and it’s very intense!
there’s another verse about some more positive and cute relationship things, and then the chorus repeats. then we get the bridge: “He can't see the smile I'm faking / And my heart's not breaking / 'Cause I'm not feeling anything at all / And you were wild and crazy / Just so frustrating / Intoxicating, complicated” seliot is many things, but it’s never boring, and there’s never any question how real the feelings are behind it. this song compares a seemingly perfect relationship to a wild and passionate one, claiming that those feelings just weren’t there in the perfect one, and that it’s through all of the crazy fights and breakups that they know how strongly they feel for each other.
hehe if u need some good bitter breakup songs for these two, i am, once again, dropping this album here :)
lizion - “Wonderland” (1989 Deluxe Edition)
“Flashing lights and we / Took a wrong turn and we / Fell down a rabbit hole” all right so this would be that part in aob where lizzie is realizing her feelings for orion, and she’s metaphorically falling into this rabbit hole because of all of the drama.
“You held on tight to me/ 'Cause nothing's as it seems / And spinning out of control” lizzie’s whole world is falling apart- she’s fighting with rowan, charlie, and sometimes skye while going through this big emotional crisis. but, throughout it all, she has orion to hold onto.
“Didn't they tell us don't rush into things? / Didn't you flash your green eyes at me? / Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds? / Ooh, didn't it all seem new and exciting? / I felt your arms twistin' around me / I should have slept with one eye open at night” the astronomy tower scene! lizzie gets caught up in her feelings and alcohol and gets a little too rash, which has disasterous consequences.
“We found Wonderland / You and I got lost in it / And we pretended it could last forever (Eh, eh) / We found Wonderland / You and I got lost in it / And life was never worse but never better (Eh, eh)” orion is such a wonderlandiful guy, isn’t he? the vibe that lizion gives off to me is that they seem like they can be in their own little absolutely adorable world together (especially in rockstar au!) “life was never worse but never better” i’m not sure what to add it just feels like it fits, you know?
“But there were strangers watching / And whispers turned to talking / And talking turned to screams” frigging rumors. but, another important point of their relationship and obstacles in aob!
“I reached for you, but you were gone / I knew I had to go back home” that point when lizzie chooses rowan over orion
“And in the end, in Wonderland / We both went mad” well, they didn’t actually, but there was a point when i was worried they were gonna go mad from all that stress!
side note - wildest dreams totally gives me rockstar! lizion vibes, even though orion doesn’t really fit the bad boy narrative the song has :)
dylanielle - “You Are In Love” (1989 Deluxe Edition)
“One look, dark room / Meant just for you” c’mon now, these two are totally the make-eye-contact-across-the-classroom-and-smile type.
“Buttons on a coat, lighthearted joke / No proof, not much, but you saw enough” one of the most important parts of this beautiful friends-to-lovers ship is that they show their love through little interactions (*cough* shadow puppets *cough*), rather than reallly grand romantic gestures. it’s not huge proof, but it’s enough to know theyre in love.
“Small talk, he drives / Coffee at midnight / The light reflects the chain on your neck / He says, "Look up" / And your shoulders brush / No proof, one touch, but you felt enough” even when they had one scene that they featured in that zadie and reva story, it was very clear that they were a couple from their casual and normal activities, like studying together, or getting coffee at midnight. and they’re totally the type to accidentally brush shoulders!
“You can hear it in the silence (Silence), silence (Silence), you / You can feel it on the way home (Way home), way home (Way home), you / You can see it with the lights out (Lights out), lights out (Lights out) / You are in love, true love / You are in love” all these two have to do is walk next to each other, and you can just tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then we get some more little things lyrics that totally fits them, and we get this gem: “And for once, you let go / Of your fears and your ghosts / One step, not much, but it said enough” they both have the same ghost: this looming quidditch legacy draping over both of their heads! it’s through each other that they can help themselves in that regard.
“One night, he wakes / Strange look on his face / Pauses, then says "You're my best friend" / And you knew what it was, he is in love” it… it just sounds exactly like them! are we sure this song is older than this ship? it just fits too well!
“And you understand now / Why they lost their minds and fought the wars / And why I've spent my whole life trying to put it into words” no specific comment, just ugh these lyrics r so good!
send me a character or relationship and i’ll break down a t swift song i think suits them!
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syncopatedid · 6 years
I've seen a lot of hate for the Kazetsuyo anime, because it doesn't stick to the source material. Which one do you think is the best "version"? I've only seen anime and I find it the best thing ever, and the story and the character are so well done and I'm just ridiculously in love with this show. Also, I adore your blog. 💕
Thank you for your kind message!
I haven’t actually finished reading the novel yet, but I can see why the novel readers would feel shortchanged by the anime. There may be spoilers so I am going to add a cut for this post and also because it got long, whoops:
Based on how much I’ve skimmed through so far, there were quite a few interesting developments in the novel that were cut. Off the top of my head,  Kakeru X Hana moments (there was one really sweet moment in Chapter 8 and Kakeru, bless this son, is a true friend and honorable knight of the Bro Code™); Twins X Hana moments  (The novel went a little deeper and touched on their sibling rivalry, which the anime actually *did* hint at in #1 and #15 - the part where Kakeru said that “they’re practically the same person” - but obviously they’re not, and resentment can grow when nobody seems to care if you’re one or the other); and Yuki X Family moments (I’m actually not sure about this one being in the novel but I would think so? But after episode #18 it’s unlikely that they’ll explore more of Yuki’s backstory now). My guess is fans who are most invested in these characters or relationships will not find the anime to their satisfaction. 
However, as someone who had no prior knowledge of the novel-verse going into the anime, my first unbiased impression about the anime was already pretty good to begin with. The premise intrigued me, and as the episodes progressed ; the characters endeared me and I just got really invested in them.  Production value wise, execution is sharp, comedic sense is impeccable; and… things that the novel have absolutely nothing over the anime  -  a fantastic soundtrack, good voice acting, appealing character designs/scenery visuals (ngl, aesthetics wins half the war in the battle for my attention, lol), and little details like these that they can show rather than tell.  Add to that my deep appreciation for animation/visual storytelling in general, I dare say that if the anime had never existed (or if the anime really did suck), I’d never be interested in the novel at all.
The anime alone is entertaining on its own merit, and I draw most, if not all my muses and inspirations from this source rather than from anywhere else. And because it’s that good to me that I am left hankering for more, I turn to the novel to get my fix. I think of the novel as an extension of the anime-verse I love like I’m reading a 433pp fan fiction that is arguably most canon, and I think it’s the most ideal way to enjoy this franchise. :)
Thanks for coming to my ted talk!
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