#i'm not making sense anymore it's bedtime
yourmomxx · 11 months
i wanted to request something sweet with my man aaron hotchner. like r and him work at the bau but their relationship is a secret until r kiss him on accident because shes excited about something!!! i hope this make sense idk!
thanks bestie have a great week!
i’m loving me some babygirl aaron hotchner honestly, i hope you like how this turned out!!
The office lights were blinding.
Like clinically cold balls of headlights that were penetrating through your skull, buzzing at an abnormally high frequence consistently.
You groaned inwardly and pressed the balls of your hands deep into your eyesockets, anything to just make that stupid headache go away so you could continue filing your reports that laid unedited on your desk.
You tapped the head of your pen vigorously against the desk top to jog a flow of words for you to write down.
With your hand supporting your head, you didn't notice a figure approaching you out of the corner of your eye.
"Hey." The tone of Aaron Hotchner's voice was soft and warm, but you still couldn't help but jump at the unexpected presence so near next to you.
You sighed when you noticed it was him, and leaned your head on your hand again. "Hey."
Aaron threw a look on you, then your files, and then your hunched figure again.
His gaze softened.
"Why don't you go home?" He suggested. You opened your mouth to openly protest, but Aaron cut you off before you even started talking.
"You need the rest," He made it clear to you, "and I'm sure Jack would love if you read him a story before bedtime."
You threw him a look. "You can't just lure me home using your son. That's not fair game."
The corners of Aaron's mouth twitched and he tilted his head.
You sighed. "Even if I wanted to go home," You said, "This paperwork won't finish itself."
Aaron moved closer to you and threw a glance over your shoulder, one hand supporting his weight on your desk as he leaned over your body.
"Let me do it," He offered.
You turned to look at him. "I can't ask that of you."
Aaron straightened up. "You're not asking, I'm offering."
Carefully, he pulled your pen out of your hand and put it back into its designated holder with multiple other ones that probably weren't even functioning anymore.
"Now," He drew out slowly, while his fingers were circling under the collar of your jacket hung over your chair, and he held it out to you, "Go home."
You threw him a doubting look. Aaron raised an eyebrow.
"I can make this an order if I want to."
You raised your hands, defeated.
"Alright, alright."
Slowly, you rolled your chair back and stood up, and accepted happily when Aaron helped you slip into the warm jacket. His hands kept steadying you at your shoulders. You closed your eyes and let your muscles relax against him for the blink of a second.
"Thank you," You muttered to him.
Aaron nodded. "Of course."
Your bag was already packed, it was a plus, as you lifted it off the floor.
"Maybe you can read Jack the book you brought him the last time," Aaron suggested. "He hasn't put it down since I showed him."
At his words, your face cracked into a huge, beaming smile.
"He actually liked it?" You hushed. Aaron nodded, smiling.
"That was my favorite book as a child, I'm so glad!"
You strode forward and pulled him closer to you in a short, but emotion-pouring kiss.
When you leaned away, Aaron smiled.
"Get home safe," He said. "Text me."
You dug out your headphones out of your bag and smiled at him.
Then, not without throwing your lover a last kiss in your steps, you made your way out of the glass gates and left the building.
Only when the closed elevator doors put you out of his line of sight, Aaron allowed himself to finally pull out your chair and sit down.
He cracked open one of the brown files and started writing.
Only a few tables away, Emily Prentiss, David Rossi, Derek Morgan and Spencer Reid were frozen in the same position they had been in just one minute ago.
Emily opened her mouth, closed it, and opened it again.
Derek turned to Rossi. "Should we-?"
"No." The elder Agent cut him off.
Emily gestured wildly with her hands. "But they just-"
"I know, but - let's just not."
Spencer tilted his head.
Emily gave in.
They all just watched as their Unit Chief sat on your desk and filled out files that weren't his, as if it was the most normal thing on earth.
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misspygmypie · 24 days
Beyond Biology
Part of the "Meet & Greet... and more?" Universe Pairing: Lando Norris x Noah, Lando Norris x reader, Lando Norris x Baby Maebry Words: 1701 Request: I absolutely love the meet and greet series, can you please write one like Noah felt left out and thinks Lando is not going to love him anymore because he is not his (biological) but his sister is? With a happy ending please. Sorry for my bad English I'm from Argentina Masterlist
Please do not repost, thank you, and leave some feedback :)
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Despite the loving environment in the Norris household there was an undercurrent of tension that Lando and Y/N had been trying to address. Over the past few weeks Noah had become increasingly withdrawn, refusing invitations to play with Lando and preferring to stay in his room over family activities. It wasn’t lost on Y/N that this change coincided with Maebry’s milestones like her first crawling and first mumbled words, moments that seemed to draw Lando’s attention.
One evening Y/N suggested it was time for the children’s bath. Lando, eager to contribute to the evening routine, volunteered to handle Maebry, knowing how much she enjoyed splashing around in the tub.
When Lando filled the bath with warm water and playful bath toys Noah wandered into the bathroom, hoping to join in. He had been excited to help with Maebry’s bath, thinking it might be a fun way to spend time with Lando.
However, when Noah entered the room, he saw Lando completely absorbed in the task of making his daughter giggle. The young man was making silly faces, floating bath toys in front of her and engaging in playful water splashes that elicited adorable squeals from the baby. Noah watched quietly from the doorway, his enthusiasm waning as he felt like an outsider to this moment.
When Noah slowly approached asking if he could help with anything, Lando just smiled. “Just a few more minutes, Noah. I’m almost done here with Maebry. How about you go pick out a bedtime story for us to read later?”
Noah, feeling disappointed, nodded silently and retreated to the living room. The attention Lando gave to Maebry during bath time seemed to highlight Noah’s sense of being left out.
One morning a few days later when they all gathered for breakfast Lando couldn’t help but notice Noah’s distant demeanor. The boy barely ate any of his cereal, his usual cheerfulness absent. Lando tried to engage him.
“Hey, Noah,” Lando said, slightly concerned, “How about we build something with the Legos later? Maybe a new spaceship or a cool castle?”
Noah shrugged, not meeting Lando’s eyes. “Maybe,” he mumbled, his tone flat.
Y/N, who had been quietly observing, decided it was time for a deeper conversation. After breakfast she took Noah by the hand and led him to a cozy corner of the living room where a soft blanket was draped over a bean bag. She sat down and patted the spot next to her.
“Noah, can we have a chat?” she asked softly.
Noah hesitated, looking slightly uneasy. “Okay,” he said, finally sitting beside his mother.
Y/N took a deep breath, her heart heavy with concern. “I’ve noticed you’ve been a bit quiet and distant lately. You haven’t been as excited to spend time with Lando or join in with the family activities. Is there something on your mind?”
Noah stared at his fidgeting fingers, his voice barely above a whisper. “I just… I feel like dad loves Maebry more than me. She’s his real daughter and I’m not. Maybe that’s why he’s been spending more time with her.”
Y/N’s heart sank at her son’s words. She took his hand in hers trying to be reassuring. “Noah, love isn’t about who’s biologically related to whom. It’s about the connection we build, the care we give and the moments we share together.”
Noah kept looking at the floor, the doubt still evident in his eyes. “But lately, it feels like dad has been so focused on Maebry, playing with her, taking care of her and I’ve been left out. I don’t know if he still wants to spend time with me.”
Y/N sighed, understanding the weight of Noah’s feelings. “Sometimes, when a new baby comes into the family, it’s easy to feel like the older child is left out. But that’s not because you’re loved any less. Dad’s attention on Maebry right now is because she needs a lot of care as a baby but that doesn’t mean he loves you any less.”
“So, you’re saying it’s just because Maebry is a baby?” Noah asked quietly, his eyes welling up with tears. 
“Exactly,” Y/N nodded, brushing a tear from Noah’s cheek. “It’s not about how much love there is, it’s about how we balance our time and attention and sometimes we need to make an extra effort to show that love to everyone in different ways.”
“But what if Lando doesn’t really want to play with me anymore?” the boy asked, still a bit sad.
Y/N squeezed his hand gently. “Lando loves you deeply, Noah. Just because he has to care for Maebry doesn’t mean he’s forgotten about you. It’s important for us to talk about our feelings and not let misunderstandings grow. If you ever feel left out, you need to tell us. We want to make sure you always feel loved and included.”
Noah looked up, a flicker of hope in his eyes. “Do you think we could talk to dad about this?”
“Of course,” Y/N smiled softly, relieved that Noah was open to communicating. “It’s important that you share your thoughts with him.”
After sharing a long - and much needed - hug Y/N led Noah back out to the balcony where Lando was setting up a huge pile of Legos. Lando looked up, his face lighting up with a smile. 
Noah still looked a bit unsure but Y/N gently nudged him forward. “Why don’t you talk to Dad for a moment before you start?”
Lando noticed the serious undertone in his wife’s voice. “What’s up, buddy?” he asked gently and guided Noah to the seating area while Y/N went back inside to entertain her daughter with a snack and a book. 
Noah fidgeted with the hem of his shirt before speaking. “I was talking to Mom, and… I’m worried that maybe you don’t love me as much as Maebry because she’s your real daughter and I’m not.”
Lando’s heart ached hearing those words. For a second he wasn’t sure how to respond, he never thought Noah would even think of such a possibility. He gently placed a hand on Noah’s shoulder and looked into his eyes. “Noah, I want you to know something very important. Being a parent isn’t just about biology, it’s about how we love and care for each other.”
Noah nodded, his eyes still unsure.
Lando took a deep breath. “When I married your mom and adopted you I made a choice. I chose to be your dad. I chose to love you, protect you and be there for you and that choice is something I will never, ever regret. You mean the world to me, just like Maebry does.”
Noah’s eyes widened and he looked down at the floor, his emotions swirling. “But sometimes it feels like Maebry gets more attention.”
Lando placed a comforting hand on Noah’s back. “Maebry is younger and she needs a lot of care right now. But that doesn’t mean you’re any less important, it just means we have to balance our attention. I promise you, I love you and your sister both so very much and that love grows bigger every day.”
“Really?” Noah’s lip quivered and he looked up at his dad with a hopeful smile. 
Lando smiled gently at the boy, trying to put as much love into it as possible. “Really.”
Noah’s worry began to fade as he listened to Lando’s words. He threw his arms around his dad in a tight hug, feeling the reassurance he so desperately needed.
“Thanks, Dad,” Noah whispered, his voice muffled against Lando’s shoulder.
Lando hugged him back, his heart swelling. “Anytime, buddy. Whenever you need to talk or if you’re ever unsure, remember that you’re my first child, Noah, and that means you hold a special place in my heart. Every moment we spend together is precious to me. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
A few days later Y/N was out with some of her girlfriends, leaving Lando in charge of bedtime for Noah and Maebry. Lando decided to make it special by setting up a cozy spot in the living room with pillows and blankets, preparing for an evening of storytelling.
He began by reading to Maebry, choosing a vibrant picture book full of colorful illustrations. Lando’s animated voice and playful expressions made Maebry giggle and reach for the pictures. Noah, holding his favorite bedtime story, watched from the edge of the blanket fort, feeling increasingly left out as Lando’s attention again was entirely on Maebry.
After finishing with Maebry, he gently lifted her from the blankets and placed her in her crib. He then turned to Noah with a warm smile. “How about we turn your favorite story into a special adventure tonight?”
Noah looked up, curiosity piqued. “What do you mean, Dad?”
Lando’s eyes twinkled with excitement. “We’ll use the blanket fort as our magic castle. I’ll be the storyteller and you’ll help me make the adventure come alive. What do you think?”
Noah’s face brightened, his sadness fading. “That sounds fun!”
Lando helped Noah into the blanket fort, arranging the pillows and turning on a small flashlight to create some extra magic. He began reading Noah’s favorite story about a brave knight and a dragon. He asked Noah to help with sound effects like the dragon’s roar and the knight’s sword clashing.
The longer they read, the more of Noah’s initial shyness melted away. He joined in, making the story come to life together with his dad. At the end of the story, Lando wrapped up with a triumphant finale where the knight saved the kingdom. He looked at Noah and said, “You were an amazing knight tonight.”
“Thanks, Dad. I had a lot of fun!” Noah smiled brightly at his father who pulled him into a tight hug.
“I love you, Noah and even though Maebry needs extra care right now, that doesn’t change how important you are to me. We’ll always have these special moments.”
With their special bedtime adventure complete, Lando helped Noah get tucked into bed, promising more adventures in the future and Noah drifted off to sleep feeling loved and cherished.
AN: First of all Anon, your English is amazing!!! Sending so much love to Argentina. I hope you like it and if not let me know and I can rewrite 😊🫶
Taglist: @eloriis @pacifierbby @landossainz @littlegrapejuice @barcelonaloverf1life @poppyflower-22 @itsjustfranzi @vickykazuya @sltwins
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megalony · 6 months
All These Kids
This is my newest Eddie Diaz imagine, based on two requests I've merged together, it's rather long but very fluffy. I hope you will all like it, let me know what you think.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @gillybear17 @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Summary: Eddie and (Y/n) have a soccer team of kids together, who they introduce to the 118 team.
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"Dad- hang on a second." Tilting her head down to the left, (Y/n) looked down at her daughter with raised brows and a smile. She pressed her hips up into the counter and waited patiently for Evie to tell her what she wanted.
But the three-year-old just held her hands up towards the phone with grabbing fingers and a sweet, toothy grin. She knew who was on the phone.
"I think I'm gonna have to pass you over. Go talk to grandad then." She leaned over and held her phone out towards Evie who clapped before she took the phone. The confusion was clear on Evie's face. She was so used to talking to her grandparents over Facetime, she wasn't used to simple phone calls anymore.
But she quickly worked it out and pressed the phone to her ear with a wide grin as she turned around. "Grandad!" Evie toddled out of the kitchen, taking (Y/n)'s phone along with her to where Chris, Finn and Nate were playing a game in the living room.
(Y/n) smiled to herself and put the kettle on to make a drink. At least she had talked to her dad for a while this time rather than a few seconds before the kids came and took the phone from her. Every time he was on the phone, all four kids seemed to sense it and take the phone to talk to him.
They were even worse if Eddie was on shift, especially an evening shift. If he missed bedtime, (Y/n) usually had to Facetime him so he could say goodnight to the kids.
Thankfully, (Y/n)'s job meant she could work from home and only had to visit the office once or twice a fortnight. She could work while the kids were at school and always be there to pick them up or stay home with them if they were sick and couldn't go to school.
So it didn't matter if Eddie wanted to do a mixture of day and night shifts or if he did a long stretch of double shifts. (Y/n) was usually able to look after the kids and Eddie did a lot of double shifts so he got a lot of bulk time off at home with his family.
Leaning forwards, (Y/n) folded her arms on the counter and arched her lower back out while she waited for the kettle. But just as it clicked, a grin wormed its way back onto her lips when she felt a familiar set of arms curve around her waist.
She straightened up and moved forwards until her hips and abdomen were pressed into the counter and she felt Eddie press up behind her. His chest moulded around hers like a blanket and his hands gave her hips a squeeze while he tilted his head down. His lips attached to her neck and made a shiver course down (Y/n)'s spine and tingle down to her arms.
"Hi babe," She reached her hand down to give Eddie's wrist a squeeze while she leaned her head against his.
"You got something you need to tell me?" Eddie's words were soft and low as they vibrated through (Y/n)'s neck.
Those words made her heart race and she nuzzled her nose into his hair, trying to rack her brain to think what he meant by that. His words weren't daring or annoyed, they were quite the opposite which made (Y/n) even more dazed. She couldn't think what he was referring to.
She didn't have anything to tell him, did she? Nothing significant had happened. She hadn't told Chris, Finn or the twins anything or any secret surprise for Eddie that they could have let loose.
"I… I don't think so. Why, should I?"
When Eddie bit down on her neck, (Y/n) pressed her lips together so she didn't make a sound. But she knew he felt the deep breath she took, especially when he dragged his tongue across the mark he'd just created.
She stayed still while Eddie curved his left arm around her waist, tugging her back as if the tiny membrane of space between them was far too much. His chest tensed up against her back and his face stayed tucked into her neck with his nose brushing across the side of her jaw like a feather.
(Y/n) almost closed her eyes until she felt Eddie's right arm move over her hip and he placed something down on the counter in front of her.
"Are we expecting a new arrival?"
Eddie dragged his lips up (Y/n)'s neck, across her jaw and around until he was hovering over her lips. He pecked her lips once, then twice, then again until (Y/n) almost forgot what he'd even asked her.
She kissed him again, cupping the side of his face with her right hand before Eddie finally pulled back and looked down at the counter.
He'd been a little more than surprised when he looked in the bathroom cabinet and found a pregnancy test which he knew hadn't been there last week. He could still remember each of the other three times she'd told him she was pregnant.
Eddie had been about to head back to the army for another tour when (Y/n) gave him a baby grow for his birthday and said they were expecting Chris. And when Chris was four, he gave Eddie a small box for father's day with a pair of baby booties in and a positive test. He remembered the way he'd almost collapsed at their first scan when they found out they were having two babies, not just one.
Eddie had been more than in love with the way (Y/n) looked and changed when she was pregnant.
The last time (Y/n) was pregnant Eddie had figured it out before she told him. He started to notice the signs, she had been really sick during the first few months when they were expecting Evie. And it had been uplifting to finally have a girl that time after three boys.
He leaned back a little so (Y/n) could turn around his arms so she was facing him. When her hands moved to cup his face and smooth across his jaw, Eddie glided his hands down from her hips to grab the back of her thighs. He lifted her up and slid her back onto the counter, moving so he was stood between her legs that instantly wrapped around his waist and squeezed him tight.
"Mi amor?"
"I think so, I haven't had chance to take the test yet." (Y/n) looped her arms around the back of his neck and leaned her forehead against his.
(Y/n) didn't like to tell Eddie if she thought she was pregnant, just in case it turned out she wasn't. She thought that if she was, she would surprise him again like she did with Chris and then the twins. But she hadn't found the time to take the test yet, it had been sitting in the back of the bathroom cupboard while (Y/n) tried to get some time and courage to do it.
"You know you've kind of ruined the surprise if I am." She knew she should have done it as soon as she bought the test. (Y/n) didn't like just coming out with it or having Eddie work it out like he did with Evie, she wanted to tell him. She wanted to try and make it a surprise and something special.
"We don't technically know yet, so go take the test and surprise me."
He leaned his temple against hers as his hands wormed beneath her shirt and splayed out across her back.
They hadn't exactly talked about having more kids. They always said they wanted kids together. Finding out about Chris was the reason they got married so quickly and Eddie didn't do anymore tours in the army after Chris was born. He couldn't bear to be separated from his family anymore.
Having twins had been a big surprise but they had coped amazingly well with double trouble and looking after Chris. And Evie had been a very welcomed gift and (Y/n) knew Eddie had been ecstatic about finally having a little girl to spoil.
"Eager?" (Y/n) whispered against his lips as she tightened her legs around his hips and pulled him closer until his groin bumped into hers.
"Yeah. I miss you being pregnant, and how small Evie was when she was born." Eddie wasn't ashamed to admit it. He was always attached to (Y/n) at the hip when she was pregnant. And he missed having a baby in his arms. Evie had been two months early and she had been so tiny that she didn't even fit the length of Eddie's arm.
He loved having his tiny little girl wrapped up in his arms or snuggled down on his chest. He used to call her his little doll because of how little she cried and how tiny and porcelean she looked.
When his lips curved up into a smile, (Y/n) closed the gap between them and smothered his lips with hers.
(Y/n)'s fingers reached up to tangle in the short hairs at the back of his neck and when she gave a sharp tug, she swallowed up the groan Eddie let out. She could feel herself smiling against his lips and she used her legs to pull him closer. Sliding herself onto the edge of the counter so she was almost sitting on Eddie's hips.
"What if it's negative?" Her lips barely parted from his to ask what was playing on the back of her mind.
(Y/n) had been thinking and thinking about this and built herself up with the thought that she probably was pregnant. If the test was negative (Y/n) knew her mood was going to deflate and Eddie's would too which was why she didn't want to tell him unless she was certain.
"Then I can help with that," His hands slid down from under her shirt and in one quick swoop, he held her by the thighs again and pulled her onto his torso. "We can always try for a baby this time, you know."
The twins had been somewhat planned and Evie was a complete surprise, but there was nothing stopping them from planning to have a baby this time if the test was negative.
"Hm. I don't think we'll have to try too hard, either."
Pulling back, (Y/n) trailed her lips down to Eddie's jaw when he turned around. But she quickly pulled away and looked over her shoulder when Eddie stopped walking. Evie was stood in front of him in the doorway to the kitchen, holding the phone up to them.
(Y/n) bit down on her lip and tilted her head forward, burrowing her face back into the crook of Eddie's neck when she realised Chris had showed her how to switch the call to Facetime. Her dad was on the phone and he could see her clinging to Eddie like a baby monkey.
"Am I unterrupting?" Her dad narrowed his eyes and tilted his head back when Evie turned the phone to face her parents.
She, Chris and the twins had all been showing their grandad the new video game Chris was playing. Which Chris knew Eddie had secretly played at night and unlocked at least seven new levels that Chris was now re-doing.
"Nope, what can we do for you?" Eddie leaned forward and took (Y/n)'s phone from their daughter. "Thank you baby," He whispered and pecked Evie's temple while he juggled to keep (Y/n) on his hips with one arm. He didn't want her to get down, he was perfectly happy carrying her around for a while. Eddie wanted her as close as possible and their families were accustomed to the amount of PDA the couple showed, this was nothing new.
"I just wanted to double check if the kids are staying over this weekend?"
"You can have them at the weekend if you want them." (Y/n) nudged her forehead against Eddie's neck and leaned her cheek against his collar bone so she could look at her dad on the phone. Her eyes drifted back up to look at Eddie though, giving him a warning look when he hitched his hand up from her thigh to hold her bum instead.
Her parents had taken to having all the kids almost every weekend while Eddie was at work. It gave (Y/n) and Eddie some time alone when he was back from work since his weekends off were usually spent down at the beach or the amusements with the kids.
And usually one weekend a month, (Y/n) and Eddie would take the kids down to see Eddie's parents and sisters back in Texas if they could.
"Perfect. Alright, I'll let you all go and see you at the weekend."
(Y/n) tightened her arms around Eddie's neck and held her breath when he flopped down on the armchair and she thudded down onto his lap. She could see Chris trying to show Nate how to play the new video game, but Nate was usually more content to watch rather than play. Finn was already settled and knew what he was doing in the game.
And Evie usually liked to try and play the games, especially when Eddie was playing as she liked to copy him.
"Where'd you think you're going?" Eddie murmured, grazing his teeth along the side of (Y/n)'s neck when her hands moved to his shoulders and she tried to get up.
"I thought you wanted me to find out." She waved her hand towards the kitchen where he'd left the test and a smile graced her lips when he nodded. She could see him fighting off a smile but he couldn't help it.
Eddie let go of her without a fuss and listened to the sound of her walking back into the kitchen. But he tilted his head back, supressing a groan when Evie grabbed his knees and started to clamber up onto his lap too.
She scrambled over his legs, accidentally kicked him and wriggled until she could flop onto the middle of his chest and sprawl out across him. She grinned to herself and draped her arms over Eddie's chest and snuggled into his neck until he shivered.
"Hi baby girl," He murmured softly, tilting his head down to kiss the top of her head while he smoothed his hand up and down her back.
He let his eyes drift over to his boys. Chris and Nate were sat next to each other on the sofa and Finn was on the floor leaning up against Chris's legs as they played their new video game. Eddie liked that game. He was rather good at all the combat missions and he could never help himself when Chris left the games switched on and Eddie couldn't sleep.
"Finn, where are your glasses?" Eddie propped his head up on his left hand while his right hand continued to smooth up and down Evie's back. It was hard to keep his eyes open and focused on his boys when he was slouched down in the chair and this was how he always laid to get Evie to take a nap and go to sleep.
But Eddie managed to keep his gaze focused on Finn, watching the seven year old glance up at him with a sheepish look and tightly pursed lips.
"Bedroom." He whispered back but he began to pout when Eddie clicked his fingers and pointed to the hall.
"Go put them on please."
"If you don't wear them, you don't play the game. Go put them on."
Finn passed the control up to Nate who shuffled closer to Chris, he wasn't good at video games and was more content to watch than to play.
At their last eye test, Nate had perfect vision whereas Finn was starting to struggle like Chris, but he didn't like glasses. Something about the feel of them upset him.
(Y/n) had been back to the opticians twice to get new pairs when Finn ripped them off and broke the arm and then he'd tossed them and popped the lens out. They had to keep persevering with him because his eyesight wasn't going to get any better without his glasses. They were trying to get him to wear them when he was concentrating such as playing games or when he was reading.
He didn't have to wear them early in the morning or late into the night or if he was building with his Lego. Eddie hoped they'd get him wearing them all the time soon, and with Chris wearing glasses, it was prompting and showing Finn he needed his too.
"Are you both having a nap?" (Y/n) commented when Eddie propped his feet up on the coffee table and tilted his head back. She watched him smile while he closed his eyes, and Evie already had her eyes closed and her body snuggled under Eddie's arm like it was a blanket.
"We're tired." He didn't bother to open his eyes, but he moved his right arm out instinctively and waited for (Y/n) to sit back down on his lap. She wriggled to get comfy and make sure she wasn't leaning on Evie before she slumped her head into the crook of Eddie's neck and pecked his cheek. "So?"
He cracked one eye open and tilted his head to look down at her, but (Y/n) kept her face buried against Eddie's neck and continued to pepper kisses up and down his skin.
"You can officially dig my maternity clothes out again."
"Where's dad?"
(Y/n) turned to the left and looked over at Chris with a smile. She loved the way his eyes danced around the station in wonder. He had been wanting to come down for a while now and see where Eddie worked, but they had never found the right time.
She knew Eddie was trying to make friends here and get along with the team before he introduced them to his family. And the kids were a handful, (Y/n) was always too nervous to bring any of them down here in case they ran round and caused a scene or got in the way.
Eddie's job was demanding and hectic, the last thing they needed was kids running ramped and causing chaos. And (Y/n) would never want to disrupt Eddie at work or get him in trouble for bringing the kids down. She didn't know the rules here, if family were allowed to come by unannounced or not.
"He should be here somewhere. I hope."
When Evie wriggled in her arms, (Y/n) set the toddler down to her feet but kept hold of her hand so she stayed close.
She had Chris next to her on her left, Evie now between her legs and the twins near Chris taking in their new surroundings.
"Hi, can I help you?"
A shiver bolted down (Y/n)'s spine and she tried to smile politely when her eyes landed on an older man. He had a kind smile and his eyes were soft and warm as he looked across the kids before he looked over at (Y/n). He stood in front of them, a smile still gracing his face and both hands on his hips. He had an authoritive aura about him and when (Y/n) saw Nash written on his shirt, she knew he was the captain Eddie was always talking about.
"I was wondering if-" (Y/n) broke off when Evie suddenly let go of her hand and tore off into a sprint.
Her little arms stretched out in front of her and she squealed, kicking up dust behind her from how fast she bolted while (Y/n) was distracted. "It's daddy!"
(Y/n) sucked in a deep breath and bit down on her lip when she looked at who Evie had set her sights on. That wasn't Eddie. The hair was too light and short on top. The shoulders were too square and set high. The circular tattoo on his forearm was on the wrong arm for it to be her husband.
"No Evie that's not- I'm so sorry." She looked back over at the Captain, apologies clear in her eyes and written across her face as she turned to her boys. "Stay there."
She hitched her bag higher up her shoulder and took off in a sprint after her daughter who squealed again and caught the attention of whoever it was she had her sights set on. Her steps faltered and her smile deflated instantly when the man turned around and Evie realised it wasn't Eddie.
"Hey cutie, where'd you come from?" Evan grinned from ear to ear and crouched down in front of the toddler who looked like she wanted to reach out for him but suddenly didn't dare.
"It's not daddy," Evie whispered and looked over her shoulder up at her mum but when she looked back at Evan, she managed a cheeky smile that made his heart jump.
"No, it's not sweetie."
"I'm Buck… does your daddy work here?" When Evie nodded, Evan kindly held his arms out to her. "We've got some brownies upstairs, do you want one?" He looked up at (Y/n) and when she nodded, Evan picked Evie up and sat her down on his hip.
"I'll be one minute, you stay with Buck, okay?" (Y/n) kissed Evie's cheek and let Buck take her upstairs. He was the one Eddie kept talking about, the person he was partnered up with a lot who he really got along with. She knew he would be safe and fine to look after Evie for a little while.
Once he began his ascent up the stairs, (Y/n) turned and headed back near the fire truck to see what the boys were doing.
A fond smile took over her face when she saw Bobby with Chris. He was stood beneath the fire pole, Chris hoisted up in his arms to help him slide down the pole as if he were one of the team.
She got out her phone and took a quick photo before she took another step closer and looked around.
"Where are the twins?" Her question was directed more at Chris than at Bobby and she glanced around, feeling her heart pick up pace when she couldn't see the boys anywhere.
"I believe they wandered upstairs, they wanted to see the pole properly." Bobby set Chris down to his feet and smiled across at (Y/n) as he pointed upwards. He had given the boys the okay to head upstairs and come down the pole from the top as long as they were careful and he said he would wait down here for them. But he figured they got sidetracked as they hadn't come down yet.
"I'm really sorry-"
(Y/n) could feel her panic bubbling up inside of her as she moved her hand from her hip to rub across her forehead. The boys were as good as gold until they were about to make first impressions. Then they would run for their lives and go off wandering even when (Y/n) told them to stay put. But if Bobby had told them it was okay, (Y/n) couldn't really blame them.
"Don't be, families are welcome here, you know. They're fine to wander around and take a look. Who are you here to see, by the way?"
"Dad works here." Chris tilted his head back and grinned up at Bobby before he reached across and took (Y/n)'s hand.
"Oh, who's your dad?"
"Eddie." (Y/n)'s soft voice matched the melting look in her eyes and she couldn't help how she smirked when Bobby rose his brows and let out a quiet 'huh'. Clearly they didn't have Eddie pegged as a family man.
When Bobby uttered a soft "He's upstairs," (Y/n) nodded and let Chris guide her over towards the stairs.
"Oh, you found one too, huh?" Glancing around the kitchen, Hen smiled over at Evan when he climbed up the stairs with a little girl in his arms. She had just found two boys looking at the fire pole. Nobody told them they would be expecting guests today. They weren't told of friends or family coming down, not that it was an issue. But Hen was surprised. That made three kids so far that they had come across like an Easter egg hunt.
A tender smile flooded Evan's face when he saw the two boys who sat down at the table with Hen. Evan nodded proudly and bounced the little girl on his hip, aiming for the fridge until she squealed and stopped him dead in his tracks.
Eddie ducked his head down to miss a low-hanging beam but he hurried past the pool table when he suddenly heard Evie's voice.
What was she doing here?
"Hey boys," When he reached the dining table, Eddie leaned over and ruffled the twins hair and kissed the top of their heads before he headed over to Evan. "Hey baby. I see you found my kids." His grin made his eyes crease and he held his arms out when Evie wriggled against Evan to get over to him.
Eddie lifted her up and kissed her cheek before he settled her down on his chest and nuzzled his nose against hers to make her squirm.
"They're your kids?" Hen looked between the boys and the girl in Eddie's arms. He never mentioned having a family. He never even said if he was married or not. All they seemed to wangle out of Eddie was that he clearly went home to someone when he left shift. He was always happy to be here but also eager to leave.
He didn't come out for drinks that often after a shift either and he checked his phone a lot, but then again so did Evan and he didn't have a family waiting at home for him.
"You have three kids, and you never said anything?" Evan reached his hand out and leaned against the kitchen counter, crossing one leg over the other.
Why didn't he tell them? Why wouldn't he say he had kids or bring them down to the station sooner? He had seen Hen bring Denny and Bobby brought May and Harry down all the time. They all brought their kids and partners down to see the team and get to know the station and what they did here.
"Wow, you have three kids?" Ravi wandered over from the sofa where he had been watching tv. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and looked between the kids as he leaned back against the balcony rail with a smile. But as all eyes looked at Eddie, they watched a dangerous smile overtake his face and he shook his head.
His eyes locked on the stairs and Eddie watched Bobby walk up with the rest of his family and his dangerous smile broadened.
"Try five." Eddie scratched his jaw and pointed across at (Y/n) and Chris before he reached his arm out and let Chris barrel into his side and wrap around him like a vine.
When Chris moved to sit down opposite Hen and the twins, Eddie curled his arm around (Y/n) instead and reeled her into his side while Evie stayed curled up in his other arm. He smoothed his thumb up and down her hip and leaned his forehead against hers as (Y/n) pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek.
"Where's number five?" Evan did a quick sweep around to look for the fifth kid but he couldn't find one. He could see three boys and one cute little girl.
"In production." Eddie leaned back and curved his hand a little tighter around (Y/n)'s waist so his fingers could skim across her bump that Evan clearly failed to notice. They only had four months to go before they could meet baby number five, possibly less than that if their next child decided to come early like Evie had.
"Are you trying to make your own football team with all these kids?" Ravi glanced his eyes around the annex before he pushed off the balcony and moved towards the kitchen. If he was aiming for his own team, Eddie was roughly halfway there. Especially with a handful of boys and only one girl so far.
"Something like that."
Tilting her head to the side, (Y/n) leaned her cheek on Eddie's shoulder and smiled when she felt his lips against the top of her head. Her arms moved to wrap around his chest and when Eddie leaned forward, (Y/n) leaned with him. She watched him ease Evie down into the chair in front of him so she was sat beside Chris.
She began patting her hands against the table like she was drumming out a beat for everyone. When she stretched her hands out for the cup in the middle of the table, Eddie quickly grabbed it first and slid it down the end of the table towards Evan. "You're not having coffee baby, nice try."
Evan grabbed the mug and put it in the sink and found a juice bottle in the fridge which he handed over to the toddler instead.
"Why did you come down today, I thought you were all going out?" Eddie spoke quietly, hovering his lips over the shell of (Y/n)'s ear until she was shivering and squirming against him.
"I need to borrow the jeep."
"What's wrong with the car?"
It was usual for Eddie to take the jeep to work and leave (Y/n) with the car. Eddie was so used to driving bigger cars and the trucks here at the station that going back to a small car always made his driving worse. And (Y/n) felt safer driving something smaller than the jeep Eddie had. She only drove the jeep when she was desperate and had no other choice.
"Mum broke the car-"
"Chris! I didn't break the car." (Y/n) unravelled an arm from around Eddie so she could swat Chris's shoulder playfully. She pressed her lips into a thin line when he tipped his head back into her stomach and started laughing. "The car's got a flat tyre and I can't change it. Can I take the jeep, I'll come back and pick you up later when you finish."
They had been really lucky this afternoon when they went to get in the car that Nate had noticed the back tyre was deflated. (Y/n) checked it over but she couldn't put the spare on, not when she was five months pregnant and she didn't have the energy to be messing around with it.
So they had all taken a walk down to the station in hopes of robbing the jeep for the afternoon. (Y/n) would bring the kids back out later and pick Eddie up from shift so he didn't have to walk home after an eighteen hour shift.
"I'll give you a ride home. Save bringing your troop back out later to get you." A grin spread across Evan's face as he took a seat at the end of the table. He didn't mind dropping Eddie off, they finished at the same time today anyway. And it saved (Y/n) having to drag all the kids back out this way to go back home again.
"Thanks. I'll get you the keys in a minute."
"Do you boys wanna look round the fire truck before you go?"
Three pairs of eyes suddenly set on Eddie, staring up at him with pleading looks waiting for permission to go and look. The moment Eddie nodded, the twins were up and at the stairs and Chris followed behind, kissing (Y/n)'s arm as he passed.
"Do you want to go too?" Evie tilted her head back to look at Eddie and she shook her head. She didn't want to go anywhere, she was fine at the table.
She pushed her empty juice bottle away and scrambled up onto the table so she could crawl across to Hen who happily picked her up and gave her some attention.
(Y/n) perched her chin on Eddie's shoulder and smiled sweetly up at him as she moved her arms from his chest to wrap around his neck instead. Her smile broadened when Eddie turned so his chest was merged with hers and he looped both arms around her waist, rubbing his hands up and down her hips. Although they kept moving dangerously south.
"I'll go grab the keys… will you need a leg up to get in the jeep?" His teeth punctured down into his lower lip when (Y/n)'s arms tightened around his neck. He watched the way she pursed her lips and leaned her head to the side with one brow arched.
"What do you mean by that, Eddie?" If he was going to start teasing her, she was going to start using his name. He was used to petnames rolling off her lips, hearing his name meant he was either in trouble or in for a good night.
"Be careful what you say next." Bobby muttered and patted Eddie's shoulder as he walked past him to get into the kitchen.
"You think you can get up that high?" He taunted while his eyes did another sweep up and down her frame and lingered on her stomach for a few extra seconds. Eddie loved winding her up. It was always easy to get (Y/n) riled up and it didn't matter if she knew he was joking, she always went along with it and teased him in return.
"Hm, maybe not." Pushing up on her tiptoes, (Y/n) pecked his lips before she wriggled out of his arms and took a look around. "Maybe I should find a fireman strong enough to help me. Any suggestions?" Her eyes darted over his arms, squinting as if she were scrutinising him and she patted his shoulder as she walked past him like she was dismissing him out of that category.
"I think that's a challenge I can win."
(Y/n) bit down on her lower lip, trying to distort her smile as she looked across at Evan when he got up from the table. It was clear in his eyes that he was trying to wind Eddie up and taking a few steps closer to (Y/n) as if he was about to do something clearly sparked the competitive, teasing side in Eddie.
She looked across at Evie who was giggling on Hen's lap even though she didn't really understand the conversation or what they were talking about.
She felt a familiar set of hands on her arms and her breath caught in her lungs when Eddie spun her around so she was facing him.
Her arms moved and she was about to fold them over her chest but she reached out quickly when Eddie bent down. (Y/n) had no idea what he was doing. A gasp tumbled past her lips and she grabbed his shoulders to steady herself when he held her thighs and lifted her up. He lifted her high enough that she had to loop her legs around his hips when she realised he wasn't about to put her down anytime soon.
His hands stayed curled tight around the back of her thighs and he grinned when she leaned forward, pressing her chest into his and hiding her face in the crook of his neck.
"If you drop me-"
"What, like this?" Eddie bent his knees and loosened his hands on her thighs until (Y/n) slid down his torso just a little.
"Eddie!" (Y/n) snapped her eyes closed and kept her face smothered in his neck so she didn't have to look around at the team who were laughing while Evie cheered. Her arms deadlocked around Eddie's neck and she pushed forward until he dug his fingertips into her soft thighs to reassure her he had a good grip. He wouldn't purposely drop her. He would never.
"Am I strong enough for you now?"
(Y/n) took a step back into Eddie, hovering over the threshold when she opened the front door only to be faced with Chris. He had either been about to open the door for them or he had been waiting near the door for them to come home.
A grin spread across her features and she reached out to wrap her arms around him when he pushed forward and curled around her.
"Were you waiting for us?" She mumbled softly into his hair as she kissed his temple. She felt Eddie's hands on her hips and he slowly walked the three of them forwards so they could get inside and shut the door.
They both looked up when Carla walked out of the kitchen, the twins following at her side. "He's been waiting anxiously for you to come home." She spoke with a soft smile which made Chris lean forward and press his face into (Y/n)'s stomach.
He giggled into her shirt which made her shiver and when (Y/n) started to rake her hands through his curls, he tilted his head back and rested his chin on her stomach instead so he was looking up at her.
"You said you'd find out today. What is it?"
"It's… a baby."
(Y/n) rolled her eyes and looked over her shoulder with an unamused expression at her husband. She watched Eddie grin and ruffle Chris's hair when Chris groaned and nudged him. All the kids knew they were going to find out if the new baby was a boy or a girl and they all wanted to know. Especially Chris. He was excited to tell his friends and his teachers at school.
Chris stayed tucked under (Y/n)'s arm as they followed Eddie into the living room where Carla and the twins were setting up a movie to watch.
A grin broke out on Eddie's face and made his heart jump in his chest when he looked over at the sofa. Evie was having a power nap. The three year old was laid on her side, curled up on the cushion with her blanket tightly bound in her arms against her chest.
Moving across to the sofa, Eddie crouched down and tenderly reached out to brush his thumb across Evie's cheek. He didn't really want to wake her up from her nap, but they were home now and she needed to wake up to hear the good news.
"Hi baby," He spoke softly and quietly when Evie's eyes fluttered open and a tired smile pulled at her lips when she realised who was talking to her.
She didn't have to speak. She shuffled across until Eddie took the hint and reached out for her. He lifted her up and switched places so he was sat in her seat and she was laid on his chest instead. Her head tucked beneath his chin and her arms bound around his chest as she wriggled to get comfy against him.
Chris slumped down on the sofa next to Eddie while Finn sat next to him and Carla stood near the end of the sofa. She was eager to find out what the new baby would be, if there would be another little girl around to spoil or an army of boys to outnumber them.
And Nate shuffled across to sit between (Y/n)'s legs instead with his arms folded over her lap and his eyes concentrated on her stomach.
"Yeah, baby?" Eddie tilted his chin down so he could look at Evie. She could barely keep her eyes open and he knew in a few minutes she would be back to sleep if she didn't get overexcited about the new baby.
He took to gliding his hand up and down her back while Chris leaned his head on his shoulder.
"If it's a sister… will I still be your baby girl?" She snuggled deeper into Eddie's chest while he pressed his lips to the top of her head.
His eyes drifted over to look at (Y/n) and he could see her biting back a soft smile. Evie was so used to Eddie saying she was his little girl, his only girl apart from (Y/n). If they had another girl, she wondered if that nickname would disappear and if Eddie would have to start calling her something else.
Eddie had been in two minds about it. Up to now he had been content to say that he had one little girl and three amazing boys. He would love another girl. He loved all the kids equally, but Evie seemed the most like him, his little shadow, whereas Chris was most like (Y/n), and the twins would always switch between them. But Eddie also wanted Evie to stay his only girl.
"You don't have to worry about that, baby. You're gonna have a little brother."
"It's a boy?" Nate pushed up on his knees and pressed his lips and nose against (Y/n)'s stomach as if he was trying to see through her stomach to see the baby.
"Yep. I'm well and truly outnumbered by my boys." Leaning over, (Y/n) pressed a kiss to the top of Nate's head and began rubbing her hand up and down his back as he clung to her front.
There would be five boys in the house and only two girls.
"Another boy." Chris grinned and leaned his head on Eddie's shoulder, wrapping his arms around him to snuggle into his side. While Finn nudged his glasses higher up his nose and grinned up at Carla who was clapping happily.
"I'm daddy's only girl." Evie mumbled happily as she moved her arms higher to lock them around Eddie's neck. She shuffled up a little higher so she could tiredly look up at him with a grin and she nudged her nose against his, prompting him to give her a kiss.
"No, I've got two girls. You're my baby girl, and mummy's my best girl."
Evie nodded and began to giggle when Eddie peppered kisses all across her cheeks. She could live with that. She could very happily be his only little girl and share the title of Eddie's only girl with her mum. She slumped back down onto his chest, giggling and squirming when Eddie bound his arms around her in a bear hug and Chris leaned over to hug her too.
Soon they would have four boys and only one girl. For now.
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Baby Boy Darling!
—Your boyfriend turning into a little baby? What are you going to do with him?
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings: Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor, Nikolai, Ranpo, Jouno X Fem! Reader
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Format: Drabble
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.8K
A/n: Mildly rushed but acceptable ig!
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↳Osamu Dazai
"You know... I don't think this is a good choice for a bedtime story"
The little infant in your arms looked at you curiously. He wasn't old enough to make any sounds other than crying, but the martyred expression he was wearing and his firm grip on your thumb displayed his intention with no complicacy. Nevertheless, that didn't stop you from putting the suicide manual on the nightstand.
"Now now, don't look at me like that. I'm a good babysitter, and a good babysitter doesn't teach babies ways to kill themselves"
You gently caressed his puffy cheeks. "I'm also a generous babysitter, which is why I don't slap your hand away when you grab my boobs"
His gaze fell on his small chubby hand that was trying to get a hold of your breast. It was a good thing you had a T-shirt on, or with the way he was trying to cup them they would've been bleeding by now.
"I'm sorry honey, I don't think you can hold them anymore. Your hands are just too tiny!"
He whined and pouted in response.
"I know! I'm sad too. C'mon, smile a little for me will you? Smile for your mommy"
If he was still an adult, he would have rolled his eyes and smiled, but he wasn't. He was just a cranky baby who was probably planning your murder in his cute little head.
"Get it? Mommy? I'm your mommy! God you didn't have a sense of humor when you were a child did you? I miss my kind, loving boyfriend"
He looked at you unfazedly.
"Alright, how about I sing you a song? Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you aaaaaaaa— ah!?"
Dazed, you looked down at your baby boyfriend with widened eyes, only to find him staring back at you while his mouth was on your right breast. He was trying to suck on it, but that wasn't easy when it was covered with two layers of clothes, your bra and your T-shirt. Your eyebrows jumped in surprise.
"Wow, you still like the right one better?"
↳Fyodor Dostoyevsky
"So this is the power imbalance they were talking about huh?"
The violet eyed infant stares at you blankly, having a "it won't be this way for long" look in his eyes. You're holding him in front of you while sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing the cheekiest grin you could ever wear.
"No wonder you were so crazy about it. Having somebody wrapped around your finger... feels awesome!"
Still the same bored look.
"giving me the cold shoulder now? I'm just using simple logic to prove my point-which is also what you used to do. I'm saying that from this moment, you're totally and completely dependant on me"
Fyodor tilts his head to the side and gives you a weird look, tempting you to imitate his gesture. A strong feeling is causing you to brag about the current situation and tease him, and you're willingly giving into it.
"Alright. Since I'm the one in charge now, I'm setting a few ground rules. No more acting all workaholicly and staying up until late. No more skipping meals, mister. Im gonna feed you with my special milk, hehehe~ Also, I've got some confessions to make"
It's probably a bad decision to bring these up right now, but you're too captured in the heat of the moment to realize that.
"Ok. I've been trying to tell you this for quite a while. The truth is... I'm pregnant"
The unfazed look is still on.
"Yeah, that was a lie. The real truth is... I was the one who ate all your snacks"
Still no change in his expression.
"...But I assume you already know that. Ugh, keeping secrets from you is such a pain... could you not figure me out for just once?"
Fyodor doesn't seem very eager to respond. He's already very annoyed with how things have turned out and is not really in the mood to joke around. You come to that conclusion when he touches your forearm with his chubby little hand.
"You're gonna activate your ability and kill me, aren't you?"
↳Nikolai Gogol
"Quiz time!!"
Your baby boyfriend whines in annoyance.
"Who's gonna get paid one in his own coin and suffer like I did every time he teased me?"
You flash him a cocky smirk, matched with the way you're looking at him from above as he's lying on the bed. You're standing next to the bed, happier than you could ever be, planning all the steps of your revenge as you trash talk to him.
"That's right. It's no one but youuuuu! Hahahahaha!!"
Nikolai wants to prove to you that he's still strong and nobody can defeat him, but he realizes there's noway he can imply that other by a sulky attitude, which he reluctantly suffices to.
You hold his favorite snack in front of him and shake it, smiling wildly. "Come on darling! Have some! Eh? What are you waiting for? Awwwww! You can't? Then I'll help myself!"
You shoved the entire thing in your mouth and laughed hysterically.
"Nom nom* tastes nom* heavenly! No wonder you never let me have a bite!"
Nikolai is starting to feel a little guilty now. He didn't know that his teasings have made you a spiteful whore.
"You hate babies so much, and now you are one! That's the scariest punishment itself! Can you feel the power of karma? It's a bitch, ain't it? Well, now that you can't talk anymore, I have something to say to you!"
You bend over until there's a small gap between you, pointing at his tiny figure. The bullying attitude is all gone and instead, there's soft glare lying in your eyes.
"I want one of these. Give me one when you get back, Kolya"
You're wrong. This is the scariest punishment.
↳Saigiku Jouno
"Thank you for the meal!"
Jouno is upset. There are many unfortunate things happening for him at the moment. He doesn't like to be a baby. He doesn't want to be unable to do anything other than crying, pooping, eating and sleeping. More importantly, he doesn't want to feel your teeth on his cheeks.
"Mhm, so soft and squishy!" You smile sweetly and look at his puffy cheeks, stained with your bite marks in crimson. "I could just eat you up now, 'giku. You taste so sweet!"
Anyone who hears this would be happy and blush slightly, but Jouno wasn't one of them, as he tilts his head and looks away, having the most adorable pout on his lips.
Grumpy as always.
"C'mon now, it's not that bad! Look on the bright side! Everyone will have to do everything for you since you can't do it yourself"
Jouno tilts his head back, his eyebrows jumped in surprise.
"Right, that wasn't a really good example of the bright side"
Sighing, you lay next to him on the matress, hands traveling through his white locks. His muscles relax a little bit as he gives into your warmth, nuzzling his head in your chest. You hum with a soft beam, inhaling his baby scent.
"You smell very nicely too, 'giku. Don't be too depressed about this. It's not the end of the world. We'll find a way to turn you back eventually. Plus..."
You lightly pat his back, pressing a lingering kiss on his forehead. "I can have you all to myself, since you can't go on any missions and leave me here all alone anymore"
Yeah, Jouno thinks, maybe it's not that awful after all.
↳Ranpo Adogawa
"Ouch! Why you- let go of my hair you aggressive baby!"
Ranpo cries a whine out and pulls your hair harder, leading you to scream back even louder.
"Stop it! What is wrong with you? I dont care how upset you are, I'm not gonna give you any sweets- ow ow ow!! Ranpo- I said let go of my fucking hair you dumbass!"
Your angry shout startles the dark haired baby. It's not just that he's little, you'd never talked like this to him before. Slowly loosening his grip on your hair, he starts sobbing quietly, covering his face with his chubby hands. This breaks your heart.
"Nooo... I'm sorry sweetie! Mommy- Aunty- god I dont even know what I am to you anymore! Whatever- I'm sorry ok? But you can't eat sweets baby boy, you're smart enough to know that, right?"
Smart enough to know that?? Huh!
Ranpo sees right through your little plan. He knows all these little tricks inside out- hell he was the one who taught you all of them; but what pisses him off is how it's working on him even though he knows your true intention.
The smirk you've been holding back shamelessly appears on your face when he wears a serious expression, nodding like someone who's given an important task and is determined to do it carefully and correctly, then points at your boobs.
Your smile instantly fades away.
"Shit. I'm not doing that"
↳Chuuya Nakahara
"Your struggle is hilarious to me"
Baby Chuuya watched you with a threatening glare. He was clearly unhappy about this situation, and you enjoying his frustration was not going to help him at all.
"I know you really need it right now, but honestly, I don't think your little tummy can digest that"
Merely ignoring you, he tried to open the bottle of wine he was struggling to hold with his chubby feet; but every time he pulled, the bottle would slip out of his not so tight grasp. He couldn't use his ability on it, since the bottle would sink into his little body. He couldn't even roll over on the bed, and his so called nanny was laughing instead of helping him.
Forget about all the things he'd been through. This was the true misery.
"Alright. Give me the bottle"
He didn't seem to agree, because he immediately hugged the bottle with all the strength he had, like it was his dearest thing. Your serious expression showed that you weren't going to give up either.
"You give me that bottle mister or you won't get extra milk tonight"
Reluctantly, he opened his arms and you snatched the bottle, putting it somewhere high. When you turned around, you saw him sulking.
"Don't be like that baby, you know you can't drink that right now. I thought you were a reasonable person hmm?"
The cute pout resting on his lips made you giggle and bend down to kiss his cheek. He was still pretty upset, so he looked away from you. Unfortunately, he couldn't do anything about the little blush on his face.
You carefully held him up and looked at his tiny figure. His long hair was gone and instead, there were short ginger locks on his head. His bluebell eyes however, hadn't changed one bit, still as gorgeous as ever.
You smiled at him. "You want me to throw you up?"
He looked oblivious. He probably knew what you were talking about, but hadn't figured out whether you were serious or not.
Shaking your head to the side, you tightened your grip on his waist before throwing him up in the air, and catching him before he fell on the ground. He got so excited that he started laughing, letting out adorable baby noises.
"Aww, you like that huh? want me to do it again?"
He blinked.
"Ok! Three, two, one! Whoa!"
Chuuya had jumped higher than this before, but not once did he feel the thrill he was experiencing now. He was having the time of his life, flying in the air with no effort. Every time you threw him up, his mouth got opened wider, wider, and wider,
until vomit came out of it, landing on your chest.
There weren't any throwing and catching after that, since you were too busy looking at the vomit, shocked. But it wasn't him vomiting that caught you off guard, it was the vomit. It wasn't milk, it was wine.
"Ok, we need to talk about your drinking problem when you turn back to an adult"
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goldstargloww · 10 months
canary curse things. thinking about canary curse things
i'm hesitant to say the canary curse has been broken—what, no, of course it has been, jimmy died second instead of first, and the canary curse is all about dying first— okay hear me out i swear i make sense
my thought is that patterns can change. patterns aren't always static ones. just because something new happened this time around doesn't mean the pattern's been broken, it may have just changed its rules a bit.
joel had a pattern of having no true allies up until double or limited life, where it instead became a pattern of being isolated, for example
now, before we get into the canary curse specifically, let's talk about some other patterns
scott and martyn tend to drag themselves as well as their allies up the leaderboard. they both tend to outlive their allies. grian tends to kill his allies. ...i feel like i should put more here but that's all i can think of right now
now, the way i see it, is scott, martyn, and jimmy in particular all have some sort of weight to them. positive meaning they drag themselves and their allies up the leaderboard, negative meaning the opposite. scott and martyn have a positive weight, whereas jimmy has a negative one.
what i think's happened here is that martyn and jimmy's weights have tugged on each other, and as a result, martyn turned yellow and red first instead of much later on, and jimmy died second instead of first.
jimmy's pull is strong, i think, and so he tends to die first every time. just because he tends to die first every time doesn't make that a rule, though - it just makes it a pattern, one that's been broken. the pattern that hasn't been broken, though, is jimmy being one of the earliest to die, and jimmy dragging his allies down the leaderboard with him.
jimmy died first in 3rd life, and dragged scott down to 10th, and scott finally turned yellow right before jimmy died. jimmy died first in last life, and dragged mumbo down with him, and they were a similar color pretty much the whole time. jimmy died first in double life, and dragged tango down with him. jimmy died first in limited life, and joel died quickly after. jimmy died second in secret life, and dragged martyn's color down with him.
martyn, though, doesn't die yet, because of his positive weight. he's often tugged further up the leaderboard, and so while jimmy may drag his color down and martyn ends up first yellow and red, martyn still manages to stay afloat.
martyn is stubborn is the thing, lmao. he stays alive out of spite and just because he wants to, and so he does, and he makes sure he does. now that the stakes are higher and one wrong move could mean losing everything, he's being a lot more careful than he was earlier on.
and let me just reiterate for a second - he's stubborn. once he's got an idea, he's locked onto that idea until he gets it done or literally can't anymore. martyn will drive himself up the wall before he gives up on something and even then he'll need convincing or more likely a distraction. he didn't give up on ren in third life til he died and couldn't do anything anymore. he didn't give up on trying to kill scott in last life til he died and couldn't do anything anymore. he didn't give up on getting a diamond chestplate in secret life until he got it despite how much it cost him in the end. outside the life series, even, i'm rewatching rats right now- martyn will try to climb a wall over and over and over until he gets it or something gets in the way. he'll be texturing a model and complain to chat about how painful it is and still decide to spend the next hour and a half getting the damn thing done even though he should've logged off for bedtime 2 hours ago. (yes martyn i am calling you out, enjoy)
and so martyn doesn't die! he's yellow first, he's red first, and all other red names die, but martyn doesn't. because yeah, maybe he's impulsive, but he's in this for himself and himself alone and there's no way in hell he's dealing with a wither and a warden that's just killed three people. (he did try and steal the kill though. martyn do you remember what happened last time you tried to steal the kill, you fell into the void and died)
jimmy isn't as stubborn. jimmy's a lot more forgiving, a lot more lenient, and as much as he's being more aggressive this season, he's reckless about it and impulsive and his reputation isn't helping him here.
jimmy lets things happen to him. as upset as he might act about it, he never actually does anything about it, and it gets him killed. he's afraid to break the rules, he's afraid to make people uncomfortable or upset or hurt, he starts genuinely tearing up at the thought of pulling a bait and switch on skizz, and that's the kind of thing martyn does on a daily basis lmao
jimmy is forgiving and passive, martyn and scott don't forget so easily and aren't afraid to make people upset, grian's somewhere in between.
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c0smoshit · 3 months
do you do hurt/comfort??? cause if you do id like to request a time x gn!reader, like they have an argument then they make up after cooling off from it
Of course I do honey!!
Two Zelda requests in a row, you guys are pretty needy for Link lately 🫡🫡 (I'm kidding I love thinking about these lil scenarios too)
Thanks for the request and I hope I wrote what you were looking for🫶🫶
Warmth ࣪.⋆ ♡
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⋆ ࣪. ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 ≫ Time/gn!reader
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 ≫ fluff and angst
⋆ ࣪. ℙ𝕝𝕠𝕥 ≫ Link isn't home as often as before and you're starting to miss him so much
⋆ ࣪. 𝔸/ℕ ≫ I love love love angsty time 🤧
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥 ≫ 823
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How could you even begin describing your day?
It had already started bad, waking up with that unpleasant coldness by your side that was starting to get familiar. He wasn't home and the sun was already setting as you looked through the window on your shared bedroom.
You tried to take your mind off it's loop by doing chores; simply taking walks, cooking... since it was sunday and you didn't have to do anything more than relax. On normal days though, it was a different story, you didn't have much time to overthink.
However, you were starting to lose it.
Coming home late, barely even stepping inside, no more bedtime kisses since you were already fast asleep.
Those were only the few things that had been haunting your mind for long lasting weeks.
. . .
Lukewarm water cascading down your body you pressed your fingers into your skin, rubbing off all the accumulated dirt from the day even though you weren't much dirty either way.
Silence filling the room, you could have listened to your own heartbeat if there wasn't any water constantly hitting the shower floor. Smelling the clean aroma you wiped the frown you had been wearing all day for once, finally being able to clear your mind even if it was for a little while.
Stepping out with soaked feet you wrapped yourself in a towel, doing your usual after-shower routine before you noticed that you hadn't brought any spare clothes with you. Silently cussing yourself you opened the door, goosebumps rising over your bare arms and shoulders as you weren't surrounded by a humid and warm ambience.
What you ceirtantly didn't expect was to see a glimpse of what seemed like a stranger standing on the kitchen. Feeling your heart stop for a second you screamed from pure fear, tripping over your feet as you fell right on your butt thanks to the slippery floor.
The next thing you saw- well, felt, was somebody's arms picking you up, baby blue eyes checking up on you.
Oh, so he was home, early?
"Wha- Link, you're home"
You said regaining your breath, supporting yourself by grabbing his arms you looked into his face.
"Pretty... early"
You said and he could sense something was off with your tone, with how you would look at him. Almost, dissapointed...
It was clear that you were upset, you had been looking at him that way for the past week. And now that he was able to watch your pretty face again, it was all pouty.
However, before he could even give you a hug you had already squirmed off his grasp, going into the room.
. . .
"What's wrong?"
His arms had wrapped around your waist, pressing your hips into the counter as he watched you cooking something, you could feel his frame behind you, enveloping you with love but there was something else you missed too.
Warmth he still haven't gotten the time to envelope you with, to warm your insides with such a delicious burning flame.
"Is just that-"
You sighed, placing your hands on the table as you stopped your ministrations, trying to find the right words.
"Forget it, I'd feel dumb"
He frowned at your words, turning you around only to see you looking to the wall beside you both. Caressing your cheek he softly pushed your face in his direction.
"Talk to me, please"
He spurred you on and you finally looked into his eyes.
"You aren't home anymore Link, I- I cook for myself, I bathe alone, I don't even sleep with you anymore!"
"I just miss you"
Tears had began to stream down your face and he was starting to panick, drowning deeper and deeper into the black pit inside his stomach the more hiccups and sniffles he heard.
"I'm so sorry princess"
He craddled you in his arms, keeping your head on his neck as he felt tears tickling the skin there.
He felt so guilty
Guilty of leaving you here, alone, without any explanations for weeks, coming home with his cold dinner on the table, the sound of soft snores by the end of the kitchen while he took off his gear, without any kind hands helping him out.
Of course you had all the rights to suspect too, but he really was on duty, he wouldn't, in a million years, leave you for someone else.
. . .
Laying on the bed as he had laid down with you, still holding you in a bridal style as he had walked down with you to the room. You had your pretty eyes closed, eyelashes fluttering as your cheek rested on his shoulder, your arms had finally hugged him back, resting peacefully around his neck.
"How about I sleep till noon with you?"
At his words your ears perked up, looking up at him only to see his features soften once he had found your eyes again.
"I'm sure Zelda will understand I'm not her only knight"
He smiled at your own grin, looking at him with puffy eyes as you chuckled, forgetting for a moment how upset you were with him.
"I'm yours too"
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mrslectermoriarty · 6 months
Headcanon Series #15
Okay, I need some IceMav!daughter stuff or I'm gonna burst!
I imagine a one-night-stand accident or a deceased mother of the girl and Tom/Pete got custody. (sth like that, the point is they’re a single parent)
Now, when they move in together (after cutting the crap and finally hooking up, developing a relationship) the little girl grows up with at first one, then two fathers.
Mav is Pops and Ice is Papa. East-European Tom Kazansky absolutely gets the ‘Papa’ title.
She learns the cooking from Mav because he had to make his own food pretty early on in his life (rough childhood, you know the drill)
(based on a Bruce Wayne Headcanon I can’t find anymore) Ice can’t cook at all. He can set a kitchen on fire with only a wooden spoon and cold water. The only thing he actually can do is an excellent bbq, which he becomes famous for. Ice teaches his daughter all the tricks and when she gets older, and Ice is maybe too exhausted after a day of work or sth, she’ll fire up the grill and provide amazing food for everyone around.
Also, Ice spent his childhood baking with his mother and her mother whenever they met, so the kid learns baking from him.
Mav teaches her how to fix cars and motorcycles. His hyperfixation kinda catches her too and they spend many weekends in the garage.
I am utterly obsessed with with this fanfiction and needed to implement it into this - Ice reads really weird bedtime stories, but she loves every single one of them.
Of course she grows up with Bradley (they’re around the same age, idc who’s older) and the adults around them like to refer to them as the chaos cousins. When Mav and Ice take Bradley in after Carole dies, they become the chaos siblings.
Bradley loves his sister and is super protective of her when they are in their teens. When she got cruelly dumped by her boyfriend in her first year of high school, Bradley stormed into the guys’ classroom and broke his nose. The principal had to call his parents, so Tom interrupted an important meeting and showed up in uniform at school to get his kid. The principal was kinda intimidated because of course Tom put on his Iceman™ look and stared the guy down, so Bradley ended up being expelled for only the rest of the day. (I think I need to write something separate about this)
Let’s take a closer look at the whole custody situation: Mav made Ice his emergency Contact and vice versa. Obvious. In the eyes of the Navy they are ‘best friends’ and brothers in arms; it’s not an uncommon thing to do so. Concerning the kids; they’re always both listed as emergency contacts for the kids. In a scenario where Tom has a daughter, they always argue “we both have a kid, we’re basically brothers, the kids are grew up together; they’re like cousins - we’re a family in the Navy, we look out for each other.” In a scenario where Mav has a daughter, he answers to that question with “Ice is like a brother to me; we’re best friends. He knows the kid(s). I can’t always respond, so I need another person to watch over the kid(s). He was the first to agree to that.” (I don’t know if this makes sense)
Regarding Bradley being an overprotective sibling; that girl doesn’t actually need any protection - after all, both her fathers are Navy legends and well respected and feared men in the military. She can stand her ground pretty well.
The flyboys often joke around if she actually might be a genetic experiment where they took Pete’s and Ton’s DNA to create the ultimate soldier because she inherits significant parts of both their personalities. She gets Mav’s recklessness and Ice’s strategic thinking, so everything she does, however stupid it might look, she does on purpose. She also got both their stubbornness. They all agree; if she ever starts a career in the Navy, she’s gonna be a nightmare for her superiors.
She starts a career in the Navy. Of course she had the chance to do something else, but she grew up surrounded by people being very passionate about their jobs and they just kinda naturally dragged her into it. Her military education looks something like this, I found it and almost died of laughter because this is kinda exactly how I imagined it, this is a piece of art!
She’s just as protective of her brother as he is over her and that’s why she hates Jake in the beginning. Sure, they’re now adults, but Bradley has such an unhealthy relationship with that guy, on and off and back on; then they’re fucking in a closet, the next minute they shout at each other over training exercises - she doesn’t get why Bradley keeps crawling back to that guy. After the Uranium-Mission (Ice lives, Mav doesn’t have the fight with Bradley) she starts appreciating the guy a little more because for one, he saved her father and brother, second, now that both men are more mature than ever and develope an actual relationship, she can see parallels in them to her fathers and she gets why they can’t keep away from each other. (Also don’t know if this makes sense)
Both her fathers walk her down the aisle on her wedding day, she insists on that.
Please expand if you have additions! <3
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
waking up with taehoon? or any domestic headcanons with him ? :)
Thanks for the ask anon! Some literal sleeping with Taehoon hc (get your mind out the gutter). Taehoon doesn't strike me as fun first thing in the morning though lol
Seong Taehoon x Reader: bedtime hc
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Considering Taehoon is all about invading personal space in his waking moments, he's surprisingly protective of his when asleep.
You learned the hard way your first night together after you tried to cuddle him and he kicked you in his sleep. That bruise lasted for weeks.
Waking up he didn't seem too apologetic "trying touch me when I'm unconscious? I didn't know you're such a pervert..."
But you did catch his eyes drifting to your bruise every now and then, and he was extra indulgent with you until it faded away.
After the first incident, somehow manages to restrain himself - like his body subsonsciously realises it's you. At most now you'll just get a mumbled "fuck off" before he rolls back over to sleep.
Always showers in the evening before bed, washing away the sweat and grime of the day.
Sleeps with the bare minimum on, if anything at all, and encourages you to do the same too. If he has wandering hands? Who can blame him when you're right there and naked?!
(Doesn't leave activities to just the evening or night. If he's in the mood, then it's anytime and almost any place.)
Your own personal heat pack. Will make a fuss if you try to put your cold hands or feet on him, but eventually accepts them with a grumble. That boy does spoil you in his own way.
Rarely suffers from bouts of insomnia anymore. His body seems to make up for it by letting him fall asleep almost instantly. He will say something to you, coherent as anytime, then you could hear him snoring within the minute
HUGE bed and blanket hog. Tends to starfish, squeezing you to a corner. Obviously an only child even with his sleeping tendencies.
Most mornings, Taehoon wakes up like a pissed off cat. He's disgruntled and annoyed. Probably woken up from a sweet dream where he was bullying people.
Makes sense he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed everyday with his shitty attitude.
"Ughhhh what time is it" is almost always the first thing he says. No matter your response, he never moves the first time "5 more minutes" and grabs you to cuddle or spoon. It's the best way for him to start his day, but he will never say that outloud.
The funniest bed head most mornings. Expect a scowl without any heat, and a half hearted noogie if you laugh at him.
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dyns33 · 6 months
Down the Pit - Part 2
I think I'll make like 5 or 6 part for this story. While writing other Bane's stories, because I love the man.
Tag : @jaxitaxibolehlaf (I remembered, I hope you'll like it)
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It had been almost five years since Y/N had left the Pit.
The world had continued to turn, she had found a new job, a bigger apartment, but nothing made sense anymore.
Out of curiosity, Y/N had done some research on Ra's al ghul, but it had yielded nothing. No information either on the infernal prison of India, on Talia or Bane.
She held out hope that just typing these names into Google or whispering them in the street would one day bring them up, since the ninja leader had found her that way the first time.
It was also possible, even certain, that he had never lost sight of her since. Y/N didn’t feel like she was being monitored, but they were probably very good at it. It wouldn't make any difference if she indicated that she wanted them to show themselves, they would stay hidden.
Maybe if they made a lot of noise, they would have moved. By going to an independent journalist to tell them her whole story, with the certainty that he would publish even if she had no proof to offer.
But they would find a way to make it all disappear. They would kill the journalist, and maybe they would kill her too.
So Y/N waited, without really waiting, remaining alone with her memories and her nightmares.
However, she didn't think about all that at all when someone knocked on her door and she went to open it without looking at who it was.
The girl was brunette, her hair tied in a messy ponytail. Her large almost black eyes stared at her while her face remained impassive. The clothes she wore were slightly too big, as if she didn't know how to dress or had grabbed what she could. She couldn't have been more than thirteen or fourteen.
It's been almost five years. But it only took a moment, a brief moment, for Y/N to forget how to breathe, taking the girl into her arms.
“Talia !” she cried, hugging her tightly. "Talia, I'm so happy to see you. I missed you so much !"
"… I missed you too." the little girl whispered, shyly returning her embrace.
Obviously, her father didn't hold her often. The master of the League of Shadows, as Talia told her it was called, preferred to train her so that she would be ready to take his place when the time came.
It wasn't really the life Y/N would have wanted for the little girl she had practically raised in the Pit. It had nothing to do with the bedtime stories she told her.
While eating chocolate for the first time, Talia told her about what she was learning from her instructor, a man named Barsad. The girl didn't like him too much, because he was too strict and he had vulture eyes according to her.
In addition to basic lessons like writing, math, and geography, Talia learned to fight, kill, manipulate weak minds, lead troops of soldiers, and many other things a child of her age shouldn't have to learn.
Locked in a temple in the Himalayas, she had only seen the things Y/N had told her about in pictures. Except the snow. There was a lot of snow, an intense cold, absolutely not alleviated by the people around her.
That was why Talia had decided to look for Y/N as soon as she had the chance. Her father had told her that she had abandoned her, leaving her in his care while begging to be sent home, and with the promise that she would never hear from the child again.
"I believed him… I was young and stupid. I hated you for a long time, and then I realized that he must have been lying, because you would never have done that ! You wouldn't have left me. When Barsad told me I was going on my first overseas mission, I knew it was time."
Thanks to everything he had taught her, it was easy to escape the surveillance of Barsad and his men. After finding a disguise, Talia had managed to get to Gotham without attracting attention, until she found Y/N's apartment.
It might have been difficult, but with her training, stalking someone was perfectly natural.
In addition to the need to see Y/N again, Talia also wanted to see the world she had dreamed of so much when she was in the Pit.
The plane had scared her a little, she wasn't sure she liked the city with all the noises, the smells, the lights, but seeing so many people was fascinating for her.
The feeling of new freedom was exhilarating. She could go wherever she wanted, whenever she wanted, talk to whoever she wanted, eat whatever she wanted… And Talia wanted it all.
"I want to watch TV ! I want to dance ! I want to go to the beach !" the little princess of shadows almost ordered, jumping around in circles in the living room. “Now, now, now !”
"Calm down, Talia. You should probably call your father, he'll be worried."
"I don't care ! He lied to me. I want to try pizza."
"And… What about Bane ? Have you heard from Bane ?" Y/N asked with a bit of fear.
Talia stopped jumping, staring at her with a serious look. For a moment, Y/N trembled, thinking that she was going to tell her that he was dead, or that Ra's al ghul had refused to go get him.
"Bane… is fine. I'll call him."
There were many things her father had denied her, but going to save the man who had kept her safe since birth didn't seem possible.
Since he was strong and intelligent, as well as being completely devoted to Talia, it was decided that he could be useful, and he was allowed to join the League of Shadows. He quickly became an important member, earning the title of lieutenant.
Talia didn't see him often, at least not as often as she would have liked. As if he didn't want them to be together, her father sent Bane on missions outside the temple very regularly, and when he didn't have to report, he trained the new recruits.
Obedient, because he owed him his life and respect, the giant still found time to come and see Talia training. He asked Barsad, whom he treated like a brother, to give him news and watch over her in his absence.
Shyly, the girl admitted that he hadn't spoken about Y/N once since he was taken out of the Pit. No questions, no worries. Perhaps he also believed that she had abandoned them, or perhaps he had understood that their leader did not want her to be part of their lives.
The call was quick, calm. Talia gave the address where she was, firmly requesting that Bane and no one else come pick her up. No doubt she wanted to offer them a moment alone, all three of them, like before.
The tension was almost palpable when three knocks were given on the door. As Y/N took a deep breath, she was held back by the girl, who stared at her with great seriousness, but also what looked like fear.
“Promise me you’ll always love him.”
"… What ?"
"You love Bane. Nothing has changed."
"Of course. Why are you so worried ? Do you think… Do you think he doesn't want to be here ?"
"He'll be the happiest of all. Promise me."
Y/N promised her. She understood better the reasons for this insistence when she opened the door.
Taller than she remembered, Bane stood still until she invited him inside. Like his pupil, his eyes showed nothing, the only part of his face visible between a hat and a huge scarf.
It wasn't exactly cold outside, but since he was coming from a snowy mountain, Y/N figured he didn't have time to check the temperature of Gotham.
As he greeted Talia, he seemed to hesitate. It was not polite to keep his face hidden like that. With a gesture of her head, the young girl gave him a silent order. Then the presence of the scarf was clear.
The mask was strange. Impossible to say if it was so complicated and imposing for technical reasons, or also in order to scare.
For a moment, Y/N was afraid. But not because of Bane. More for him, wondering why he had that horrible mask, what had happened to him, but not knowing if she had the right to ask such a thing.
When he first spoke, his voice was weird, distorted. The pronunciation was also not normal. Sparing her any torture, between asking and staying in the dark.
"The other prisoners didn't accept that I help you escape. With everyone against me, I didn't have the slightest chance. But the doctor finished the job, trying to treat me."
“You… Are you in pain ?”
She wanted to know more, but Y/N decided now wasn’t the time. She would see later if he could remove it or if it might kill him. It didn't matter anyway, as she had promised Talia.
Instead, she held him in her arms, as she had held the child, letting her tears fall. This seemed to scare the giant, but he stood still, letting her do so.
"I missed you both so much. I'm so happy you're here."
"… Habibi." he whispered, his head leaning slightly to rest against hers.
The separaton was not easy.
Talia did not want to leave, while fully understanding that her father would not accept her staying. There would be consequences. Bane knew it too, and he was more adult, even if Y/N sometimes felt his hand brushing against hers, hesitant to take it.
No doubt he wouldn't have had the will to let go of her if he had given in.
Before agreeing to return to the temple, the young girl called her father, to present an absolutely insincere apology, promising to focus on her training, if in exchange she had the right to stay in contact with Y/N.
Ra's agreed, reluctantly. He knew nothing could stop his child anyway.
"We'll be back soon. I'll call you every day."
"You promise ?"
"Yes !" Talia said solemnly with bright eyes.
"The master agreed for you to come back. He didn't say anything about me."
"You are my protector. You will have to come with me, that's logical."
Translation, her father would have no choice. He had managed to separate them once, he wouldn't have that chance again. And since he was clever, he saw that the compromise was fair.
His daughter would continue to follow her destiny, as the future leader of the League of Shadows, not sticking to Bane when she was with her followers, but she would have the small freedom to see him and be with Y/N when she went in Gotham, from time to time.
All that remained was to define this time.
But since Y/N had waited five years, she was willing to wait a few more months, knowing now that they were fine, and that she could call them if she missed them too much.
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louellaby · 1 year
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
May contain bad grammar, limited vocabulary, and OOC characters. Please mind that English is not my first language, and it takes a lot of courage for me to post due to my anxiety and paranoia.
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「 The Mysterious Acceptance Letter 」
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Greetings, Lady Soley.
Uhm... hello?
Who is this?
That is not important at the moment. We have other matters to discuss, you see.
Uh, no, we don't!
I don't know who you are, nor how you got my number, so I'm not saying anything to you.
Well, it can't be helped then.
Am I right to assume you've received a letter this afternoon?
Your maids must have delivered it to you the moment you stepped in the property.
Are you saying that it was you who sent it?
That is somewhat correct, yes, but it wasn't mine to write.
You see, my master has decided you would be a great candidate for the exchange program at our academy. The letter would send you here within a week, so please be prepared by then.
Please bring whatever you may need for the entire year. In fact, it's recommended.
Wait, wait, wait!
What are you talking about?
You're not making sense here, you know!
How was I selected for a school when I hadn't even registered for anything?
And just who do you think you are telling me what to do?
I am not going anywhere a stranger tells me to.
Goodbye now, and you're blocked.
Loud stomping of a young lady could be heard through the halls of their mansion despite the carpeted flooring. Everyone knew what she was feeling and decided to keep their distance from her until she reached her destination: the office.
"My Lady, I believe it is past your bedtime," the butler who only arrived at the doors himself called out to the girl who huffed upon seeing him. "Do you have business with the Lord?"
"He's my father, Heath. I don't need any reason, nor permission to see him whenever I want to." She replied, placing her hands on both handles of the doors. "I certainly need no scolding from you. Remind yourself of your position in this household."
Without another word, the lady opened the doors herself and entered without waiting for the butler's response. He quietly sighed when he was sure no one was around and whispered, "Yes, of course."
"Father!" The girl pushed open another set of doors that blocked her way, entering the room within the office that was filled with books and papers. "I knew you'd be up this late again!"
"Soley?" An exhausted groan came from behind a stack of books resting on top of a wide desk. The man who sat there had dark circles under his eyes, and the wrinkles on his worn-out face were visible. Even then, he smiled like nothing was wrong when he saw his only daughter marching her way towards him. "How can I help my sweet little buttercup?"
Soley slammed the letter she received onto the desk and pouted. "I want to know where this letter came from. Find the sender and threaten them to not bother me anymore!"
The man looked at his daughter with a puzzled expression. His mind was working a little slower than normal due to fatigue, but he did his best to keep up with his daughter's nonsense. "I'm sorry, what? I didn't know you received a letter. From whom is it?"
"That's what I want to know, Father! I also got a message from an unknown number! You didn't apply me into any academies without my knowledge, now did you?" Soley placed her phone on the desk with the chat from the unknown number open and clear for her father to see.
As the man read through the messages and the contents of the letter, someone else entered the room with a tray of tea and desserts in hand. "My apologies if I disturbed you, my lord, but I have your snacks ready. I also have your favourites, my lady, if you're staying a while."
The girl huffed as she crossed her arms. She only came there for information, but she knew she wouldn't get it in such a short time considering the state of her father.
Not that she cared about that.
"Fine, serve me the tea and sweets, Heath," she sighed and plopped herself onto the soft couch that rested on the side of the room. "I'm not leaving until I get the information I need."
Her father looked up from the letter and eyed his daughter with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, darling, but this could take a few days— maybe even longer."
"I don't have that much time, Father! I can't keep myself occupied with this nonsense, I have a party I need to prepare for! The stranger said that I only have a week left before I get whisked away!"
"And how would that actually go, my lady?"
All eyes darted towards the butler, who poured tea into the girl's cup. Soley narrowed her eyes at him, but he just looked at her with a slight smile, clearly hiding a laugh. "What do you mean, Heath...?"
"It is exactly as I asked," he answered, "How would they go taking you away without our knowledge? You are heavily protected by your talented guards the whole day through, and your room is kept guarded from the outside. No one would be able to take you away with ease."
"Well, there's telepor.... ta... tion...."
The silence after her argument increased the heat on the girl's face. She realised what she said and felt absolutely embarrassed. Teleportation? How absurd!There's no such thing as that, and the butler was right! No one could successfully take her by force. Not with her being fully guarded 24/7.
With a red face and gritted teeth, Soley got up from the couch, took both her phone and the letter with her and stomped her way out of the office, leaving the two men watch her back as she disappeared from their sight.
She didn't know she'd be reassured just like that when she only wanted information about the sender.
"Good evening, lady Soley," The night guards in front of her room greeted her as she approached the doors that they opened for her. "We wish you sweet dreams."
Heath is right. I'm protected.
No one can get me, and magic doesn't exist.
The girl threw herself on her bed and looked at the open letter she hovered above her face.
Greetings to Lady Soley Day,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to attend the Royal Academy of Diavolo, or RAD, as we call it, as an exchange student for our current programme amongst all three worlds.
You are expected to stay for an entire year, fully protected by the Seven Rulers of the Devildom, along with the ambassador from the Human Realm. Safety would never be a concern, we assure you.
Attached to this letter is a summoning circle that will be activated in a week's time. Please prepare everything you would need for your stay.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
RAD Student Council
Now that she actually read it herself, the letter sounded stupid and unrealistic. She embarrassed herself in front of her father for this reason?
Little did she know, a group of demons, angels and humans down, down under, was already preparing for her arrival.
Just seven days left.
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Hello, everyone! Loue here.
Thank you so much for reading and getting this far! I really hope you enjoyed it...! This is my very first post, and very first fanfic, so I'm here just sweating profusely because of how nervous I am.
Also, this is my first time posting on Tumblr, and I'm doing everything on my phone, so I'm still not familiar with stuff around here. Please bear with me.
Until next time! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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inneedofsupervision · 9 months
Here you can find all the fanfics I have written and fandoms I'm into. Feel free to reblog, like and comment on whatever you enjoyed reading. You can find all of the fics on Ao3 too.
Short Info: All relationships in my fics are strongly platonic and without sexual themes unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Movie Night? No, thank you. - Lee! Peter Parker / Ler! Bucky Barnes, Ler! Sam Wilson (Read on Ao3)
This Thing about Blankets and Second Chances - Lee! Peter Parker / Ler! Bucky Barnes, Ler! Sam Wilson (Read on Ao3)
So, you got Detention - Lee! Peter Parker / Ler! Steve Rogers (Read on Ao3)
The Big Bad Wolf And The Itsy Bitsy Spider - Lee! Peter Parker / Ler! Bucky (Read on Ao3)
Suit Up - Lee! Peter Parker / Ler! Ned (Read on Ao3)
An eventfull Tuesday Afternoon - Series (completed)
Part 1: No Spilling Secrets - Lee! Peter Parker / Ler! Clint Barton, Ler! Sam Wilson, Ler! Bucky Barnes (Read on Ao3)
Part 2: Hey Mister Villain - Lee! Peter Parker / Ler! Tony Stark (Read on Ao3)
Marvel Headcanons
Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler (Not writing anymore for this fandom)
Prince Soma's Remedy for Boredom - Lee! Ciel / Ler! Soma
Sore Loser - Lee! Ciel / Ler! Soma
Past Your Bedtime - Lee! Ciel / Ler! Sebastian
Sleepless Nights / Lee! Ciel / Ler! Sebastian
Non-Tickle Fics
An Enemy? A Friend? No, just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman.
Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
"Come on, Parker, say something. But don't make it embarrassing," thinks Peter. "Those are your childhood heroes, and they want something from you. Just say hi like a normal person." "Good evening, Mr. Barton, Sir. Mr. Wilson, Sir." "How do you know our names," asks Clint, sounding genuinely curious. "You have a Wikipedia page!" blurts Peter out before wincing inwardly. There goes his plan for a non-embarrassing first impression. "You've read our Wikipedia pages?" asks Sam slowly, as if saying the words slowly would let them make more sense. "Twice, actually." ________________________________ Are the Avengers a Team? Yes. Are they on good terms? Not necessarily. Has the public caught up on that? Maybe a little. When Fury sends the team on the mission to investigate the identity of New York's favorite vigilante, they have to learn to work as a team and not damage their already battered image. Or, the story of how the Avengers have to earn the public's trust back with the help of a certain crime fighting Spider.
(Read on Ao3)
I didn't ask, did I?
Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Happy begrudgingly steps aside and walks after Tony into the diner. The billionaire skillfully ignores the gasps of surprise and the poor attempt to take pictures of him secretly as he strides straight up to the counter. "Two cheeseburgers and a large fry. To go." "Please get in line and wait for your turn, Sir." "Excuse me?" Tony slowly pulls his sunglasses down and glances at the skinny teen behind the register. "Bad hearing comes with age, huh?" mutters the teen under his breath. Happy makes a choking sound behind him. ___________________ Or, how Tony Stark gets sassed by some high schooler working part-time and makes it his mission to figure out what he did to make this kid he'd never seen hate him. If that means annoying the hell out of said high schooler, that's not his problem.
Read on Ao3
Fandoms I'm writing for:
The Avengers, Spider-Man
Fandoms I'm into (and maybe start writing for in the future): Daredevil, Deadpool, Venom
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Katherine x Jack oneshot
"You're not him."
- Katherine's Diary -
Dear diary
It's now been exactly 1.095 days after Jack became Jack. We are now in the year of 1936, and I am sitting here - in Big Root - all alone in my old childhood bunk bed, writing this paragraph. It's New Years Eve, and all of Santoff Claussen is celebrating the new year excitingly; with Jack making it a "snow day," as he likes to call it, for everyone. I wish I could join them. But something just feels so off to me lately, I was not able to tell what it is or where the feeling originated from - until now. Whenever I look at Jack, something just doesn't align anymore. It's like a sting in my heart, so quite the opposite of "butterflies in your stomach." You'd think by now I am used to his new appearance. But no... I -
Just at that moment, Jack came in running and burst the door open, swiftly closing it behind his back. Breathing heavily, in and out, the boy lifted his head, staring at a completely perplexed Katherine. The children had set up a snowball fight, and Jack was obviously, to his own surprise, losing. It was also long past their bedtime already, hence why all the children were awake, still.
The night filled the air with a swift cold breeze, and the stars shimmered in all their glory. But every year at New years Eve, they were allowed to stay up longer than the parents usually permitted. It was a highly priced event for the kids because in that night, they could see the constellations Katherine had told them about in all her stories. For the big wrap-up of the night, Ombric sets up his huge telescope for them to watch the constellations up close, which always causes great excitement amongst the town's children.
However, Katherine closed her book quickly, hiding it behind her back. She didn't want Jack to feel like she was hiding something from him, but Jack knew it was more than obvious that something wasn't alright. He knew his Katherine better than she wanted to admit. As his heavy breaths calmed down, he approached - and sat beside her. Katherine rubbed her arm nervously, trying not to lock eyes with him. She then clutched to the sheets of her bed, trying to ease her tension somehow. When Jack made note of that, he immediately reached for her tensed hands and placed them within his own rather cold hands. Moments later, Katherine could feel her chin being lifted after she'd calmed.
"Katherine. I can sense you're overthinking about something. Mind telling me what it is? You've been very distant toward me lately." His soft-spoken words made the girl ease her expression and the grip she had on his hands. "Take your time. I'm here to listen." She took a deep breath, then nodded. "Look, Jack. I-" Katherine stopped, pulling back her hands. "I don't know... it's just... When I look into your eyes, I see HIM. But you're not him. You're just ... Jack."
Jack tilted his head, raising an eyebrow. He was obviously quite confused and tried to understand her words. "You're speaking in riddles. Who's 'he'?" he questioned. Katherine's face lowered again. She appeared rather troubled and sad because she knew Jack was purposefully wiping his memories of the past and wouldn't stop doing so.
"Nightlight." she finally managed to say - there was just so much agony in that voice of hers when mentioning that name. "You mean the boy you're always talking about to me, right?" Katherine nodded in agreement. "You miss him. I can sense that. From all the stories you told me about him, I think you were really close." Katherine nodded again but turned away when a tired honk was heard from a corner. Kailash had just awakened from all the noise that was going on outside of Big Root. She waddled up to the both of them and huddled beside Katherine. Petting Kailash's head, she continued. "You're talking of Nightlight as if he was a different person. You're him, but you're NOT him. And that's the problem. Nightlight is gone, and he'll never return."
As tears start to form in her watery grey eyes, Jack tenderly wiped his finger over Katherine's cheeks as they flow down, removing them. "Katherine, look. I know I am not him as much as you know. But maybe it's time to see me as who I am now, not as whom I used to be. I may never compete to the legacy of Nightlight, but I know he was always there for you. And I am trying my absolute best to do the same. Now, how about we go watch the constellations and teach them to the kids like you taught me, shall we?" Jack suggested, grinning. She silently agreed and bent sideways to kiss his cheek, then proceeded to walk outside. "Thank you, Jack. Nightlight would've wanted me to do the same."
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forest-falcon · 1 year
Inspired by @riallasheng 's Scott/Alan observation
Lucy rinsed her mouth out in the sink.
Pregnancy was the gift that just kept on giving.
The veteran mom pressed her head against the cool paintwork of the bathroom door.
Only twelve hours until the kids' bedtime.
A distant crash had her acting before she had time to think. She swung the door open and almost collided with a child on the way out.
"Oooh Scottie! I didn't see you there! Everything okay sweetheart?"
Scott nodded, but continued to hover.
Lucy waited. She could tell that he was itching to ask her something...or maybe confess - but what, she had no idea.
A moment passed. Then another.
"Mom, are you poorly?"
That threw her.
Her brain fumbled for words.
"Erm...no love, I'm okay."
She did her best to rally a smile, but she could see that her eldest remained unconvinced.
She squeezed his hand
"Really Scooter, I'm fine."
The young boy hugged her. Blue eyes, so like his father's, drifted up to meet her own.
"But I heard you."
Those eyes challenged hers. Daring her to claim to be fine, when he knew better.
Her little boy wasn't so little anymore.
Usually, it was Virgil who took the title of being the worrier of the family, but Scott had never been far behind. The youngster forever trying to fill the shoes of his legendary father. And forever trying to take care of everyone in his absence.
"Now Scottie, you're the eldest. That makes you the man of the house while I'm gone. I'm counting on you to set a good example for the others and to help out where you can. Make me proud, son."
"I will dad."
Jeff would toussle his hair with a fond smile.
And then he was gone.
For how long, Scott never knew. Time had a habit of dissolving into meaninglessness numbers as a child.
Part of him longed for adulthood so it would all make sense. He'd know exactly how long his dad would be gone for. He'd know exactly when he'd be coming home.
Until then, it would be Mom and him against the world. He had to look after her; she was his constant. As long as he had her, the numbers didn't matter. Mom would always be there to love and reassure. Mom would never leave him.
"Okay, Scottie. Yes I was sick, but no; I'm not ill."
She guided her eldest to a soft seat, where they could have this conversation properly then scooped him up closer for a cuddle on the sofa.
"That literally makes no sense." The child puzzled.
"You're sick, but you're not sick?"
Lucy gave a small chuckle, which Scott emulated without really being sure what he was smiling about.
"I don't suppose you'll really remember before Gordie was born? I think you would have been about six when I was expecting him, seven when he was born."
"You mean when you had the huge belly?"
Scott beamed.
Lucy gave a small laugh.
"Yes. Yes, when I had the huge belly. Well, right at the beginning, I was sick then too. Growing a baby can do that."
Scott pondered thoughtfully for a moment.
"That sucks."
Lucy sighed.
"Yeah. It does suck a bit. But, the payoff is that I got you and your brothers at the end of it all."
She squeezed him in again.
"And, later this year, it looks like you'll be getting another brother - or sister." She watched carefully for the eldest's reaction. Life was already pretty chaotic, though there was no shortage of love.
"But you don't have a big belly now?"
Relief washed over the tired mom.
Scott really was a sweetheart.
"Well, baby's still got a lot of growing to do."
"Oh. So how big is the baby? Is it like...this big?"
Scott roughly gestured the size of a newborn with his hands.
Lucy smiled.
"Smaller Scottie."
"Like this?"
The eldest child closed the span of his hands by half.
Lucy pulled out her phone.
"I have an app on here that can tell us..."
Scott rested his head on his mum's shoulder.
"Let's see...11.5 weeks. Baby is the size of a sprout!"
"A sprout?" Scott said, wrinkling up his nose.
"That's funny."
Lucy kissed the top of Scott's head. He smiled at her momentarily before sliding from the sofa so that his face rested upon her lap instead.
Ever so gently, the young boy placed a hand to her stomach and he smiled.
"Hey there Sprout."
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blackbloodteeth · 3 months
Maka had known Soul online for quite a while before they finally met up in real life. Out of all of her friends, he was the one she knew the least about, but it was always a delight to see his sense of humor lighten up the rest of the group.
As predicted, he was somehow even more disheveled than he was in his late-night bathroom selfies. His biker jacket was really cool though. He actually took her out for a ride on his motorcycle when they went out into town for the afternoon, something she would've never dreamed of in her earlier years of studyholic highschool student turned exhausted college student (oh how times have changed), but she understands now how exactly he feels whenever he went off on tangents about that bike of his.
It was a really fun afternoon. He knew just where to take her, all the fun spots like the old-school local arcade and the best vegetarian-friendly food joint this side of the state has to offer, even taking her to a cozy little bookstore that he swears up and down he just happens to have taken note of because it would interest her, unshakeable smile be damned. It was so great to just see him smiling.
In the earlier years of their early morning messages, where both of them were probably up well past their bedtimes, he'd sometimes slip into that dark hole that would take up his head. She never understood why he thought so harshly of himself as some kind of "animal" or "horrible beast," but she always tried to stay with him until he saw at least a little light again and was more like himself. He's been doing so much better these days, and she couldn't be prouder of him for taking better care of himself.
Soul's a little more awkward in real life than he is online, but turns out he's also more of a sweetheart. And mischievous. If you thought he was a sarcastic jackass in text, he's infinitely worse in person. That's what makes her laugh so much. He's really good at riling her up in the funnest ways possible.
It almost felt like something was bothering him, though. The moment she'd catch a glimpse of it for long enough, he'd give her a shine of those sharp canines, and it'd be back into the moment like it never happened. This time, he stopped smiling.
They went back to the hotel they're both staying at for the night when the sun started to get close to setting. He invited her into his room, nothing weird, just said he wanted to show her something he's been thinking of telling her about for a really long time. She almost wondered if it had to do with his sporadic mentions of being a musician until she saw how lost in thought he looked by the curtain of the window, like those early years would bubble back up right to the surface.
I didn't want to tell you before we hung out so you'd have a good day to remember, he says quietly. I probably should've, so I'm sorry, but if you want to hate me after this I completely get it.
Maka's arms are crossed, worried. He reassures her that he still appreciates everything she's done for him, so he won't be mad if she doesn't talk to him anymore. He doesn't answer when she asks what's going on, just pulls back the curtain, tosses away his jacket.
The look on his face is the most frightened she's ever seen him. He's sitting down on his knees as Maka can only stare at the way his body shivers, the tips of his fingers becoming long and sharp. Hair starts to spread across his arms from under his shirt, just as white as the full moon hiding up in the sky, his ears and face starting to change too.
She never even realizes her hand is covering her mouth the entire time. She couldn't believe it was really happening, a creature that only existed in old folklore and theories cowering where her friend is right now. And yet it all finally made sense with how much he looks like an animal now, furred limbs ending in claws and an elongated jaw filled with fangs only barely resembling a human anymore.
When his transformation is seemingly complete, he doesn't howl. Doesn't make a peep while he watches her. All he does when she quietly calls his name is curl further into himself.
Soul leans away from her as she walks closer to him. He even tenses up when she slowly reaches out her hand, crouching to meet him at eye level. I'm not going to hurt you, she says calmly. I really appreciate that you trust me with showing me this, so please trust me that I won't ever hate you. You're still you.
A soft whimper leaves his anxious, sweetheart eyes before he shakily lifts one of his hands up and gently sets it in hers. He lets out a low whine, maybe because he can't fully speak at the moment, that she knows means he still sees that little light too.
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
OH OH have u hear of welcome home yet if u have?its the arg game (it does give off Dhmis/Sesame Street horror vibes) cause like there’s a sentient house call home and we’ll casita but there’s a lot of implications of horror and dark secrets like maybe Mirabel gift could be freeing them from that horrorshow but inviting the darkness to the real world but mainly cause I wanna see casita and home interact cause it’s heavily implied that’s homes malicious among other stuff so like the madrigal family would be scared of them due to so many things (but good news the village won’t advantage of their gifts anymore cause bris they’re freaky despite a majority of them being all smiles haha) their uncanny behavior like wally is never seen not smiling his eyes but I think the puppets would get along well with the kids or maybe it’s an au where Encanto takes place as it’s like the neighborhood where the madrigal are silly puppets but eventually realize stuff ain’t right and become self aware like the show omg so many possibilities
Ok so. I actually had to research this. I have heard of it but I never got into it, at least not till now. I think it's a cool idea! Welcome home in and of itself is cool, and personally I like the idea of the Madrigals becoming self aware 🌚
I did try and draw them as close to puppets as I could. Can you tell its my first time drawing puppets 💀
They aren't all human, cause I saw on the OG that not all the characters are human so. I played with that ❗❗
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I'm going to wing this and hope it makes sense. Again, I'm still learning about this Welcome Home stuff, so feel free to suggest edits to the idea or correct me on things I've referenced wrong 😭
But. Basically the Madrigals each have a segment about. Whatever it is they specialize in??? I guess. Felix and Pepa talk about the weather. Julieta and Agustín both do kitchen and cooking. Isabela does gardening, Dolores and Camilo is basically about playing nice and having fun. Luisa and Mirabel are about helping others out. Antonio does animals (occasionally accompanied with Mirabel). Alma is basically about family, and does the nighttime segment.
Bruno. He HAD a segment. He actually still does, but it's different from what it was when they initially aired (debuted?). Bruno used to do the bedtime story/nighttime segment. But upon an incident (becoming the first to be self aware), he now always wears a space helmet, and does a hand puppet segment. Though, it is hard to understand him, due to his helmet muffling his talking.
I think Bruno would have tried to tell the others about what was going on but was silenced. But through his hand puppet shows, he slowly makes the other Madrigals become more ans more aware.
These are just close ups <33
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mothguillotine · 8 months
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On the night of your birth, it had been like no other. A storm came of no one's fault, lightning struck the ground causing it to shake and the rain poured down making the roads slick, countless car accidents happened that night. The hospital, which was understaffed for the night, got a mass of patients and your mother, who had come in to have you. That night your mother died, while you lived.
You soon moved in with your mother's best friend, Sylvia Figg. She and your mother met after Aunt Sylvia moved from the United Kingdom. After that, you moved to New York City. Your aunt would tell you stories of magic, creatures, and such tales trying to prepare you. When you were eight the world ceased to make sense to you anymore. 
“Aunt Sylvia?” you call from your bed to the woman leaving your room after tucking you in, “Something happened today, and- I'm just confused.”
“What happened dear?” she asked you, even after all this time of living in the United States she still had an accent.
“Today at school, when we were outside, a girl was being mean to this boy. He was swinging and she shoved him off.” you stopped to think about what to say next, “While she was swinging I kept wishing that the swing would just break and she would fall off. Then it did.”
That was the first time you had anything like that happen to you and your aunt knew that she could no longer keep up the roose. That night she told you that everything you once knew as stories before bedtime was real. She told you that your mother was a witch, as was she, and as were you. The stories became more detailed. Your mother had gone to a school called Ilvermormy and she had worked as a healer for many years up until her death. Aunt Sylvia started bringing you around magic users and for once in your life you felt whole.
A few years after that you got your Ilvermormy letter, inviting you to study at the school. Which you did with much excitement, after arriving you knew fast what you wanted to study, plants. In the nonmagic world plants were, well, boring. Here though you could almost hear them speak to you, your professor once remarked “You are the only witch I have ever met that the plants seem to like.” 
The plants seemed to flourish in your care, plants that were once deemed on the brink of death came back to life, and no one could figure out why. Perhaps that was why you were in Pukwudgie house, you were incredible at healing plants.
The day you came to this school you had never wanted to leave it. Here you felt closer to your mother than ever before, given you were in the same house as well. All you had wanted was to know her. Around the school, you had found a few mentions of her, mostly of her academics, but she also had trophies in the display case in the main hall. Your mother was an amazing quidditch player you found out, pushing the Pukwudgies close to victory each year she was here. While you found no interest in playing quidditch you still went to all your house matches, loving the sport from a distance. 
Unfortunately, your last days at the school, were much sooner than expected. During the summer before your fifth year at Ilvermormy, your aunt got a job offer. The Ministry of Magic wanted her to become the replacement for a soon-retiring department head.
“My dear you do not have to leave the school if you don’t want to,” she tells you sitting in her chair facing you, “You can just travel there during the breaks.”
As much as you did want to stay here it felt too safe, you wanted an adventure. No, needed an adventure. Perhaps it was the fact that not only had the Pukwudgie statue reacted all those years ago but the Thunderbird as well. You couldn't help but wonder, what would have happened if you had picked the Thunderbird house. At age fifteen, you were beginning to doubt if you really belonged in your mother's house. 
“Aunt Sylvia, you are the most important person in my life,” you tell her, “I want to go with you.”
So as the summer drew closer to an end you packed up your things and moved to a house in the countryside. The change was drastic, as you were used to living in the city, but you loved it. Here you had space to grow plants and non-majs would never know. Before the school year officially started you and your aunt went to Hogwarts to meet with the headmaster, Dumbledore. That day you were sorted into a house in private, Gryffindor would have a new student as it was decided by the hat. Your aunt looked relieved in a way but you decided not to bring it up.
At Hogwarts, you were welcomed but you didn't really fit in anywhere. Most of your free time was spent with Professor Sprout in the greenhouse. You both got along really well.
“Curse that hat for putting you in Gryffindor,” she complained to you during your first year, “I wish you were in Hufflepuff.”
Your love for plants grew during the many years you went there. Each year you and Sprout became less professional and more like family. At the end of your time at Hogwarts Professor Sprout made you promise to pursue a career in botany, which of course was your plan all along. While you were sad not to be able to see Professor Sprout as frequently you were also relieved that you wouldn't have to deal with Slythirins every day, such as Professor Snape. Who for some reason really hated you, even though you had passed each of his classes with no problems. You had come to terms that he had something against Gryffindor, but the hatred he felt for you was unwarranted. Perhaps he hated Americans that much, but it sure didn't feel like it.
After graduation, you began studying under every botanist who would let you, keeping all your notes in a journal. Traveling across the world to study with different wizarding societies and even after years of traveling you always came back to the house in the country. Years, after you had graduated a young man, came to Hogwarts, Harry Potter. Your aunt had shielded you from the war while it was happening but everyone at Ilvermormy knew the story of the boy who lived seeing as how you-know-who was defeated during your third year. But honestly, a war that was happening across the ocean was the least of your worries at that point. You didn't care to read about violence in your free time and thus stayed oblivious to what was happening in the war.
A bit after that, your travels came to an end. You decided to publish your journal, Botany in the World of Magic: A Complete and Comprehensive Guide. Within a week it was a bestseller. You had also sent Professor Sprout and Professor Dumbledore a signed copy, each with personal notes thanking them. And just for the hell of it, you sent a copy to Professor Snape, signed of course.
You hadn't really expected to hear anything back knowing that the beginning of the school year was right around the corner but much to your surprise you hear an owl arrive in the morning on an August day. The owl you don't recognize but the letter is addressed to you. The letter invited you to Hogwarts for a meeting and tea with Professor Sprout the following day. 
The next day you apparate to Hogwarts near midday and even after all these years, you can't forget which way to go. The school confused you for a long time when you first arrived, a giant labyrinth. For weeks you would show up late to class along with the first years, it was embarrassing. You were thankful now to know that you hadn't forgotten.
“Professor Sprout?” you ask into the greenhouse with a knock at the door frame. A second later you see her pop up from behind a row of planters. 
“Oh, my dear you are here!” she says, “You look so much older even after just a few years.”
“Well it has been over half a decade,” you tell her laughing, walking into your old classroom and over to Professor Sprout to pull her in for a hug, “How have you been?”
“Wonderful,” she tells you, squeezing you a bit harder before letting go, “Especially since I received your book.”
“Oh, I'm so glad you liked it,” you tell her smiling.
“Liked it?” she asks you, “No, I loved it. So much so that I asked Professor Dumbledore to include it in the school's curriculum.”
“No way,” you exclaim, “What did he say?”
“I'll show you,” she says leading you over to a cabinet to which she pulls open the doors. Each of the shelves is lined with your book. You could honestly say that you had never felt so accomplished. 
“This is why I invited you here.” she says, “Me and Albus, sorry, Professor Dumbledore were curious if you would want to give a few guest lectures during the year.”
“Oh Merlin, I would love to,” you tell her smiling.
During that year you had the pleasure of meeting Harry Potter, as well as his friends. Hermione Granger was your favorite though, not that you would ever admit that to any of them of course. Ron Wesley had also caught your attention, not for any good reason, unfortunately. But for his affinity for killing plants quickly. After your first few lectures, you fell in love with teaching. Each week you ended up at Hogwarts at least once. Even though many times, Professor Sprout cautioned you away after students became petrified. At the end of the year though you were proud to have been a part of the cure for the students. 
After saying goodbye to the students for the year on the last day of classes Professor Sprout pulls you into her office for a final cup of tea. You both reminisce about the year of chaos, thankful to have a break for a few months before it starts all over again. Nearing the end of your cup you can't help but wonder. 
“Professor Sprout, I was wondering if I can come back again next year?” you ask, “I really enjoyed it, I would be here every day if I could.”
“Ah yes well I have been thinking,” she tells you, “I have been teaching here for a long while and I think it's time for me to move on.”
“Oh, do you think that the new professor would mind me coming in?” you ask her.
“Do you not enjoy your own company?” she asks you.
“What?” you ask her, confused.
“Dumbledore asked me who I thought was a good replacement and we both agreed you were the only person for the job,” she tells you smiling.
“Are you serious?” you ask her.
“If you want the job,” she says, “It’s yours.”
Which led you to now, sitting on a train full of students, old and new. You had seen Harry, Hermione, and Ron on the platform before getting on, waving to them before boarding the train. Searching for a cabin that wasn't full of students was difficult before landing on one with a man who looked asleep with no one else. You decided to continue reading your book until three students happened upon your cabin. 
“Hello, you three.” you greet them with a smile.
“Do you mind if we join you?” Hermione asks you, “There are no other empty ones.”
“Oh, not at all.” you tell them, “I was lucky to find this one that's only a bit occupied.”
Each brings in their bags and puts them on the baggage carrier above your head. Ron is holding a rat, which is a bit weird.
“Miss, what are you doing here?” Ron asks you, which earns him a slap from Hermione on the arm. 
“Ronald, don't be rude.” she scolds him.
“No it's fine,” you tell her, “If you must know Mr. Wesley I am the new professor of herbology at Hogwarts.”
“Oh, congratulations miss, I mean Professor,” Ron says to you.
“Thank you,” you tell him, “I am excited to start. Although I am not excited to see Professor Snape every day, let me tell you. When I was at Hogwarts he hated me, being a Gryffindor and all that. He might have hated me because I am from America but I don't know.”
After a while, they began to talk amongst themselves and you began reading your book again. It felt like being on the train as a teen once again until the train stopped. You look up confused, the train shouldn't be stopping for another hour or so and when you look outside you are in the middle of a field, definitely not Hogwarts. The kids look just as confused as you are and you take out your wand. Readying yourself to protect them if need be, over the summer you had read the articles about the escaped prisoner from Azkaban, Sirius Black. The kids had also been talking about the dangerous fugitive.
Last year it was a giant snake and this year it was an escaped-crazed criminal who was intent on making everyone's lives hell. You had read about what Sirius Black had done to Harry's parents, it made you angry. No one should ever have to go through what he did and you knew his pain well, even though you never knew who your father was. You swore to protect them all but especially Harry. 
“Kids get behind me,” you tell them standing in front of them and the door. You knew what this was, a dementor. The three of them sit as far away from the door as possible when a shadow appears on the glass. Your heart is beating fast as the door opens revealing what you had correctly assumed is a dementor. The creature begins feeding on Harry, to which you lift your wand to get rid of it but before you can another light comes from beyond your shoulder. 
The man, who was once passed out, is now fully alert. When the dementor is banished with the bright light your first thought is of the children. Ron and Hermione look scared but the more important issue is Harry, who is now passed out in the seat.
The man had stayed after the kerfuffle making sure you would all be okay following the attack. You took note of him, slightly recognizing him, his face had old scars scraping across and he stood quite tall. Everyone's attention was on Harry though seeing as how he was the one attacked. The train started moving soon after the attack and you continued on your way to Hogwarts. You felt guilty about not being fast enough to protect them but it all worked out fine in the end with Harry waking only a few minutes later, being comforted by his friends. 
“Harry,” Hermione calls to him softly, which wakes him, “Harry, are you alright?”
She hands him back his glasses to which she receives a small, “Thank you.”
“How are you feeling?” you ask him to which he does not respond.
“Here, eat this,” the man says, “It’ll help. It’s all right. It’s chocolate.”
“Wha- what was that thing that came?” Harry asks after taking the chocolate bar from him.
“It was a dementor, one of the guards of Azkaban.” he explains, “It’s gone now. It was searching the train for Sirius Black.”
“Do they think he's coming after Harry?” you ask.
“I have no idea,” he says, “If you’ll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver.”
He stands to leave the cabin and turns back smiling at Harry, “Eat you will feel better.” Then he leaves and shuts the door. Luckily the rest of the trip is undisturbed and you soon make it to Hogwarts. Rain is pouring from the sky when you arrive making you rush to the cover of the carriages. 
When you finally arrive at Hogwarts you quickly make your way to the Great Hall which as usual is filled with lit candles and tables full of food. Looking at all of the staff on the platform you realize that you are the last one to arrive, it makes you realize just how out of place you are here. These people are much older than you and have much more experience. 
“Professor Figg, running a bit behind?” Dumbledore asks you, catching Remus’ attention.
“Sorry,” you tell him, making your way up the steps to the long table, the only seat left open was the one next to the man from the train, “Won't happen again.”
Soon enough students began coming into the Great Hall and you see none other than your three favorite students among them. Once all of the older students are sat at their respective tables the first years come in, each of them sorted into a house. This was one thing that you had wished to experience while you were at Hogwarts, the cheering of each house as a new student was brought into each house was a stark contrast to the silence of the statues at Ilvermormy. 
Before the students were allowed to start their feast the school choir performed a song, you couldn’t help but observe that the man sitting next to you was constantly sneaking glances at you. It was strange, maybe you did know him from somewhere then, but it made no sense to you. ‘Why wouldn't he just say something?’ you wondered. After the song concludes you watch as Dumbledore stands and walks to the podium. 
“Welcome! Welcome!” he starts, “To another year at Hogwarts. Now I would like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast. First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Good luck to you, Professor.”
The man beside you stands and makes short bows of appreciation towards the applause. While his face is familiar his name rings a bell, you had once seen a picture of him, but you had no idea where.
“I would also like to welcome back y/n Figg who has taken up the position of teaching Herbology. Professor Sprout sends her well wishes as she has decided to travel the world.” Dumbledore says, “We have a final addition to the staff as some of you may know, Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher for many years, has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce that his place will be filled by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid!”
Hagrid stands up but unfortunately bumps the table causing a few things to fall. But you can’t seem to focus on anything besides where you know the man next to you from. At the end of the feast, you make your way to your quarters, where all of your things are waiting for you. Unpacking is a slow process, putting away all of your things you stumble upon an old photo album that your aunt gave you. 
All of the pictures were enchanted, at the beginning, it was pictures of your aunt and her older sister, some with their parents, you flip through the pages watching each of them age. You had never met your aunt's sister, only seeing pictures of her when they were younger, up until Sylvia left and moved to the States. The only picture after that of her was one that she had sent many years ago, it was tucked in the back of the book. You flip to the back of the book and gently pull out the picture, in it you find a very familiar face belonging to Remus Lupin.
Turning the photo over you read the list of names including Harry’s parents, Nevilles’s parents, Hagrid, Dumbledore, Remus Lupin, and Arabella Figg, your aunt's sister. There was also a name on that list that made your blood run cold, Sirius Black. 
“This doesn’t make any sense,” you tell yourself, confused. All you knew about your aunt's older sister was that she was unable to use magic, a squib. That night you fall asleep with your last thoughts wondering what was going on. With each day that passes you settle into teaching well, but the anxiety in your stomach grows more. 
Next Part>
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