#i'm not responsible for your reading experience or online experience or whatever the fuck
therealjammy · 1 year
This should go without saying but I'm saying it now: Any transphobic comments on my work will automatically be deleted. If you don't like my work or my interpretations/portrayals of characters, then stay the fuck off my page and out of my comments and find a better way to spend your time. I write these works for myself, an author who just so happens to be trans, and for others like me and for my crowd of regular readers.
That's all.
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is-the-fire-real · 8 months
When I was last on tumblr, it was ten years ago and one of the biggest faux pas you could commit was incorrect tagging.
It was Literally Colonialism to use a tag that was For Certain Oppressed Groups. The actually-autistic tag was created because allistics "took over" the autism tag, and this/other tags became heavily policed by users to make sure they remained a "safe space".
I remember seeing countless posts about how autistics would never be safe if we didn't have a bubble to protect us from interacting with allistics. The same went for tags about transliness and queerness. The going approach used militarized and hyperbolic language to characterize and other folks who weren't in the community: autistics (the group I had the most direct experience with) were attacked by allistic invaders who violated and conquered autistic tagging systems.
The "Literally Colonialism" isn't a joke. I saw plenty of suggestions that to even use a tag which was perceived as being "not yours" was colonization of ideas and thoughts. To be allistic, have an opinion on autism, and tag it as "autism" was held up as being exactly the same as the behavior of empires and nation-states.
Obviously, I don't entirely agree, and don't think this particular hyperbolization is helpful for advocacy or for dialogue. But I do find it interesting how, in the decade since I was last here, it seems to (mostly) still be true that you should only use certain tags if you have a particular identity...
... unless you're not Jewish, in which case feel free to use any and all Judaism-related tags and break the system's meager functionality for Jewish people.
As someone who is using Tumblr to connect to online Judaism, it's daunting to see how many posts under "judaism" are by non-Jews screeching about Israel. Seeing non-Jews openly talk about they tag their posts with gore, rape denial, Holocaust denial, October 7 denial, and other deliberately-triggering material with Jewish-themed tags specifically to make Jewish users of Tumblr feel unsafe. Reading them telling each other about how this is advocacy, this will absolutely win the war for Gazans, and how anybody who blocks them (in order to make sure the tags can actually work as intended) is a genocidal coward. Using that self-same militaristic language to describe their activities, only instead of criticizing, they're bragging.
It's, uh, kind of fucked up.
Imagine going to the actually-autistic tag and finding nothing but a wall of allistics claiming that they've victoriously conquered the tag from those inhuman monsters pretending to have problems when other Real People are the ones who are suffering. I think we would all intuitively understand that this would be Wrong. Even if there was some supposed outward justification for being mad at certain autistics, we would understand that holding all autistics everywhere responsible for it is wrong. That breaking a community's ability to talk to each other is wrong. That trying to trigger people and then telling them to commit suicide is wrong.
And we'd also understand, or come to, that the very action of going "This community I'm not part of doesn't deserve to have this tag, I'mma take it back, or at least ruin it so no one else can have it" is an expression of privilege. It is wrong, and it is immature, and it is cowardice.
These smug, self-involved, active attempts at causing harm make no sense at all if seen as advocacy; they help no one, advance no cause, stop no Zionists (whatever that means) from expressing themselves online.
They only make sense when seen as Jew-hate.
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nekropsii · 4 months
what do you see in equius ?? genuine question i don't mean to sound rude but to me she's just really offputting. she gives me such creep vibes that i can't seem to get over and every time i read a page with her it just gets worse..... like when i first read nep & eq's chats i was sitting there wondering if this was outright abuse or at least bullying of some kind??? it felt like it idk.......
but honestly i do wanna see an equius liker's opinion on him because i can't understand it like at all and i'm probably just missing something that all the equius likers saw and i didnt LMAO
Well, considering I’m an Alpha Trolls Enthusiast and have been for, like, a decade, as well as having Horror as a Special Interest since age… What, 3? I’d say I personally have a pretty strong stomach for Weird and Offputting in fiction, lol. Stronger than most. Equius isn’t a very palatable character at all, I’ll be the first to admit that - a lot of the characters I enjoy the most in Homestuck aren’t very palatable… But I find ‘em real interesting, personally. The fact that they aren’t palatable adds to the intrigue for me, and poor execution tends to be a total weakness of mine. Again, Alpha Trolls Enthusiast for a decade straight.
I have a post here that talks a bit about my reading of Equius, I’d recommend giving it a read. I see Eridan and Equius as being very similar characters - not necessarily due to their shared hemoloyalty, but because they’re both teens falling down online pipelines. They’re very prevalent Kinds Of Guy that no one wants to talk about.
But people talk about Eridan plenty even to this day - he was even a fandom favorite for a while, being the fandom’s first Prettyboy Sad Gay Anime Prince long before Dirk… So he doesn’t reel in as much interest for me as the chronically overlooked Equius.
If there’s anything to know about me, it’s that I love a good underdog.
Equius-Likers, from my experience, are very aware of his issues. It’s part of the draw. Enjoyment of him tends to be an analytical fixation. I haven’t met a single Equius-Liker that hasn’t had some very complex thoughts on him. They’re just kinda quiet about it. Fitting.
Unfortunately, I’m Aranea But Real, so. No quietness here.
Your response to Equius is valid. It’s also intended, I feel. To specifically address the bits about concerns of his relationship with Nepeta not being healthy… I mean, it’s not abusive, but it’s definitely more complicated than fan art would lead you to believe, as always. “Complicated” is to be expected from a Moirallegiance - remember what they exist for?
Nepeta is very much so in control of the things going on, and their relationship is pretty equal, all things considered, so I wouldn’t be worrying too much about that. She very distinctly does not lack agency here - Nepeta is the one who has a leash on Equius, not the other way around. Equius is mean, because that’s the way she is to… Everyone, more or less, but she’s not of any danger to Nepeta. They have a fine Moirallegiance. 1,000% more functional than whatever the fuck Karkat and Gamzee had going on.
Anyway. I think Equius is neat, and has both missed and oft overlooked potential. One of the very few characters I’d be 100% down to have seen more content of in the comic.
Once again, check out this post. I still think it’s decent. Maybe you will, too.
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butch-reidentified · 1 year
do you think it’s possible for a lesbian to be somewhat attracted to a trans woman (who passes well) if the only place she sees the tw is online/in videos/in pictures? i’m gender critical and i believe attraction is based on sex, but if somebody strongly resembles the same sex and you’re only seeing them from a physical distance, wouldn’t it make sense for somebody attracted to that sex to be able to find them attractive? (not referring to pursuing a relationship with them)
its almost 4am at the end of a long work week, and I'm still recovering from covid, so I hope this is coherent lmao
ik this will be controversial but I urge people to really mull over this before reacting in anger, though I really do understand the impulse:
honestly, as a (former) neuroscience researcher and someone still deeply passionate about neuroscience who likes to read neuroscience journal articles in her spare time... I think it's fucking complicated and there's a bit of intellectual dishonesty on both sides. the TRA side claims you can (only!) be attracted to someone's internal identity or ~gender feelings~ while the gc side claims that there is NO circumstance in which a person could pass well enough as the opposite sex to be perceived as attractive by someone whose orientation includes that "passing" sex.
and yet, I've had the experience of being at an lgbt bar or club and seeing someone I thought was a cute masc woman initially, only to realize it was an androgynous or slightly effeminate-appearing gay man - and many many lesbians I've told this to have shared similar experiences with me. I know a male transitioner online who is really cool and calls himself a eunuch rather than a woman or anything, and while I don't find him attractive, I have to admit that in the ~100ish photos I've seen of him (incl many candid full body ones taken by other people), I've not been able to "clock" any distinct male characteristics. maybe that would be different in person, but we live on totally different continents so idk.
I've known a TON of trans people irl, likely far more than most people on radblr or anywhere. this is partly because Florida has the second highest # of trans people in the country, and partly bc of where I went to college, and partly because my life is just strange like that. but I'll admit I've known a couple mt"f"-transitioned folks who I truly had no idea were male for quite some time - physically or behaviorally.
the reality is that your brain only knows what it perceives, and if it perceives a male as a female without your knowledge, and your orientation includes females, then it could be possible to feel attraction. however, I'm preeetty damn sure that would not persist beyond learning that person's sex is male, at which point you'd probably suddenly start noticing whatever male traits you were able to overlook initially. but I don't think it makes rational sense to claim that it's never possible to experience "mistaken" attraction for a period of time. there are known cases of historical women who lived as men who were flirted with by straight women who believed them to be male, for instance.
this is one of those situations where the truth (what I've said above) could be twisted and deliberately misinterpreted by the opposing party, which I believe to be why so few, if any, are willing to acknowledge this. but it's a question I've pondered a lot and this is the only logical conclusion I've reached. and it simply is not rational for anyone to act like anything I've said here implies that homosexuals can/should be open to dating/sleeping with the opposite sex. anyone who could come to that conclusion from this response needs a seriously intensive review of reading comprehension.
like I said I'm not fully awake so I'm sure I could have made my points here more clearly and I'm sure I'll get retaliation from people who want to nitpick my wording or whatever, like usual, but o well.
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lexosaurus · 2 years
Ok I'm making this its own post because I don't want it to clog up the intended lighthearted post I made yesterday.
But as my friends in the phandom and I have now entered our mid/late 20's and early 30's, and are now entering serious, long term relationships, the conversation of "do we tell our partners we like Danny Phantom/make content for Danny Phantom?" are turning into rather serious and interesting discussions. And from talking to people, it's interesting to see the mix of responses.
Some people I've talked to, especially people who date other creatives, have seemingly no problem opening up about their DP hobby with their partner. Others, myself included, are much more protective of their hobby.
But one trend I've found really interesting, and again this is ENTIRELY anecdotal, is that of the people I've talked to, it seems to be that the writers of the phandom, especially those who have written angst/dissection fics, are especially hesitant to tell their partners that they 1. like Danny Phantom and are into phandom stuff, and 2. that they write fanfiction. On the other hand—again, this is anecdotal—the artists of the phandom that I've spoken to tend to lean more on the side of "yeah my partner knows I draw DP fan art idgaf."
THIS IS JUST MY PERSONAL OPINION, but as a writer who is in a serious adult relationship who also has written some horrific angst and is dating a Straight Dude™️ who when I jokingly said "there was only one bed" looked at me like I had grown two heads, I think that the hesitancy comes from really a place of fear that if your partner ever found your fanfiction, they would think you are deeply mentally disturbed and need therapy.
Because, especially for those who do not write or read, a lot of people don't really associate grimdark or angst or whump or whatever the fuck terminology it is, with purely creative entertainment. They can watch a show like Game of Thrones and see people get tortured, raped, and gutted on screen and not think the writers or directors of that show are weird because it's a TV show, it's just entertainment for the public. But when someone does the same thing but posts it online for free under fanfiction—aka is not making money off of it and is showcasing their personal hobby—then people tend to worry about that writer's mental health because why else would they want to write this dark shit if they weren't mentally ill? It couldn't POSSIBLY be for the same reason I like watching GOT, there MUST be something wrong with them.
So when a dp writer has to explain why they personally enjoy Danny Phantom, it can be really hard to admit because those fears sort of swirl around your brain. Whereas for visual media, admitting you like drawing glowy ghost art for an old cartoon appears to be a bit easier.
Again, this is just my personal anecdotal observation there will always be exceptions to this I am NOT speaking on behalf of everyone thank you 🙏
Also I'm really curious from both writers and artists in the phandom to hear your experiences with this and whether or not you've told partners that you do fan art/write fanfiction for DP.
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darknesswillfall · 10 months
Fuck you Jaysteph haters on tiktok and why
So, I was peacefully scrolling tiktok a while ago and my page and I saw a video about ships etc, you know, normal stuff. I check the comments and people are going on how shipping Jason and Stephanie is bad? Weird? Considered batcest of all things?
And I was fucking baffled. Taken to ancestral tree, slapped by my great-great-great-great-grandmother and came back.
Because what the fuck?
I don't ship them per say, because #Jayroy is one of my favourite ships of this fandom, but you know, different tastes and all. If I see a good Jaysteph fic I'll read it, because it's fun and interesting and usually well written. And that's fine.
But when I saw some of those takes - mind you a couple of weeks ago - they just forced itself into my memory. So I'm gonna go one by one and tell you why the fuck this is wrong. I wish I could find the original tiktok, because god I wanna say this to the face of those people.
I saw a comment that Jason is way too old for Steph. And ym, no?
There is 3/4 years difference, depending when and which canon you're going for. It doesn't help that Jason was dead for more than 6 months, but hey, lets settle on 4. I know we don't like to talk about ages in Batfam and how nobody is really ever questioned here, but if Jason is 26ish that would put Steph at 22ish. In the worst case scenario.
Really they're more of a 2 year age gap , since most people put Tim at Jason at 3 years and Steph is 1 year older than Tim.
Another thing - one of the most popular ships for Steph is her and Cassandra Cain, who is THE SAME FUCKING AGE as Jason. Or even older in some runs. If you don't have problem with StephCass , but do have one with JaySteph and say it's because of age difference I would check if you're not infantalizing WlW relationship or Cass, for whatever reason.
The other one said "but they're like siblings"
Fuck you too, random internet commenter on tiktok.
You have 2 options here.
Either 1. Treat StephCass also as Batcest, move on with your life and shut up.
You acknowledge that Steph was never adopted by Bruce, she is not his daugther and other people seeing her more like a big sister is not an indicator that she is their sister. Tim sees Barbara as his older sister, but does that mean that Dickbabs is inherently incestual? No.
They are not siblings, therefore it is not incest.
I get that you can just don't like the ship. That's okay. Go see the content for the ship you like.
But going on and on how a ship is bad for moral reasons and being wrong at that?
I'll buy you a one way ticket to hell and personally call Satan to tell him that you're being a little bitch on the internet.
That's actually my main two points. Anyway, I need to go to work and be a productive human being who doesn't hate on totally normal ships on tiktok.
And remember friends and my sworn enemies - you are responsible for your online experience. Don't like, don't read - amen.
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prince-liest · 7 months
This may be an odd question, but I believe you mentioned you got into writing because of rp(or at least into fanfiction?) And I was wondering how you transitioned into writing solo? Most of my writing is/was with a partner, but I've been trying to write on my own, and I've found it incredibly difficult. I'm told that what I write is still good regardless, but I've a hard time both finding enthusiasm for it without a partner to bounce off of or finishing whatever I'm working on.
This might just be a me thing and more to do with being self-critical, but if you have any advice, I'd really appreciate it. I just want to figure out how to enjoy writing again without jumping through weird hoops for motivation.
(You may have already been comfortable writing even before rp and if that's the case, feel free to disregard this question.)
I'd tried to write a bit of fanfic before my RP days with limited success motivating myself, so it really was very much RP that got me the skills and ability to be able to write full-form fics!
But more than mechanical skill, mostly I think the issue you face is very similar to what I struggled with for a while when swapping to writing fanfic, which is that a lot of the reason RP is so easy and rewarding is because it's such a profoundly social activity. You write a few paragraphs and then you get social feedback immediately from your RP partner in the form of chatting about it and/or the RP response you get! With fanfiction, you have to write a whole damn piece or chapter, post it, and then hope that you get comments if you want engagement - and then those comments are inevitably going to be a little bit less personal if, like me, you RP OCs that you put a lot of yourself into rather than pre-existing characters!
The problem with doing things for the sake of extrinsic motivation is that it kills your intrinsic motivation to do those things. This isn't a moral flaw, it's a documented psychological effect! Nowadays I write primarily because I want to see the things I put into the world, but that's fucking easy for me to say when I also have a large reader base and really enthusiastic commentors, isn't it? And it took me a hot minute to figure out how to transition to motivating myself that way rather than because I wanted interaction.
My suggestion is, honestly, to find folks that hype you up! I kinda crested that barrier by getting possessed by writing demons and pounding out like 60k words of insane Hawks-centric character study in one month during the 2020 quarantine, and I was lucky enough that people really liked it and immediately flooded my notifications with the kind of really lovely, long-form comments that my writing style encourages, which isn't really a typical experience. Those folks that hype you up, it is LOVELY if they are your friends, but sometimes what you really need to do is find the small social circle of freaks that are really into whatever niche thing it is that you are writing, and infiltrate their Discord. Ship-specific groups are really good for this! (Especially for rarepairs.)
But a lot of it is really going to be finding the balance of finding supportive people who will feed into your excitement, and also finding that part of yourself that finds the process of writing to be fun. Social activity is still 100% just a necessary part of the human experience, and I myself post snippets of my writing online and on Discord all the time for the little dopamine hit of "Yay! We're enjoying this together!" but it's become something I do because I want to share the joy I already get from writing, not because I'm writing to share it!
Which also means that you should write things that you enjoy writing. ;) Write things you are actually excited about - not just things you want to read, but things you think would be fun to write, and if there are boring parts that you're getting stuck on? Fucking skip them! I am not kidding! You think anybody thought it was a loss that I literally never even mentioned how radiostatic got together for the first time in 666? If they did, nobody's mentioned it, because it wasn't necessary to the story I actually wanted to tell. Literally so goddamn many of my fics start with cold opens because I don't like to bother with exposition until things have already gotten rolling. Fanfiction especially is GREAT for this because people are already familiar with the world you're writing in!
You are writing to entertain yourself! If it's not entertaining, don't fucking write it! Or figure out what about it is boring you, and then write it differently. This will have the splendid side effect of teaching you how to write transitions and also making a fic that is more fun to read. >:)
Anyway, this has gotten quite long, so: I'm sorry that I wasn't able to offer a great deal of advice, because I relate deeply to what you're experiencing but I basically got to speedrun the transition phase. I hope that it was at least a little bit helpful!
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tasmanianstripes · 8 months
I'm gonna make an original post because I am not a discourse blog nor am I looking for a fight or, God forbid, for somebody to harass the OP or me over this. I am just a disabled person who's really fucking tired with how people treat accessibility features and I need to vent out my frustration
(As a disclaimer, idk if the OP of that post is disabled or mentally ill or anything, nor do I care. It genuienly doesn't matter. Being disabled or mentally ill or having any kind of disorder doesn't prevent you from being ableist. You can't hide behind "I'm disabled/have PTSD/whatever".)
But I saw some garbage take about trigger warnings today, that basically boiled down to that fanfic writers and artists don't need to use trigger warnings, that it's a fairly new thing and the standard for fiction was not using them for many years, and anything more than what the site requires is just a courtesy, but what ticked me off was these two ending points
Tumblr media
(Image ID: A tumblr text post that reads "➡️ It is your responsibility to protect yourself and close a book, or hit the back button if you find something in fiction that you're reading that upsets you. ➡️ You are responsible for protecting yourself from fiction that causes you discomfort." End ID.)
Which I absolutely agree with, which is why it's so frustrating.
Because how can somebody protect themself if the author chooses not to disclose potentially triggering and dangerous content they're posting?
Is it a standard? Yeah. Does it mean it's a good standard and shouldn't be changed? Hell no.
Yeah it is within your right to refuse to trigger tag something, but it doesn't mean it's the moral choice nor that it doesn't make you an asshole. Like not giving up your seat on a transit for a person in need is within your rights and you nobody can stop you from not doing that, but you are being a prick.
I'm all for people controlling their own online experience, they shouldn't demand somebody not post something and instead learn to block and filter their own experience, but they can't feasibly do that if somebody chooses not to use warnings. Just because something is the standard or law or a policy doesn't mean it's a moral choice. AO3's "Creator chose not to use archive warnings" is a good compromise, it can keep the creator from spoilering their story while warning the readers that they're clicking on their own risk. But to post something with absolutely ZERO warning? Yeah, full offence, you're just a cunt.
Call me crazy but it's not "courtesy" when it's about accessibility and people's health and safety, it's the bare minimum you should do to avoid dangerous situations. It's not just about comfort for many people, posting something triggering without any warnings can be genuienly dangerous. If you genuienly think everyone can just click away from a fanfic like that and be only uncomfortable at most then you're naive and sheltered, a lot of people need these warnings, fandom spaces are hostile to disabled people as is. If you want people to protect themselves from fiction that causes them discomfort or worse then you need to give them the tools to do so, you can't just wash your hands off any responsibility and absolutely refuse to meet anyone half-way.
It seems that when some people say "you need to control your own online experience" don't genuienly mean it, because if they did they would understand it's a two way street. No, they just want an easy guilt-free way out to shooting down people who criticise them for posting uncensored, not warned about triggering content.
I swear to god, when people pull out "Well it's the standard!" when talking about accessibility features for disabled people it makes my blood boil. Well it SHOULDN'T be!
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banavalope · 2 years
Thanks for replying. Not trying to be confrontational, I asked because I cultivate my online presence very specifically and want to nip that shit in the bud whenever I see it. Don’t really have the patience to deal with the intricacies of that or whatever, again why I asked straight to the point. And I can’t really read your about from mobile, don’t have any way to see that beforehand.
Completely understandable; I actually hadn't considered the accessibility of my blog on mobile so that's good information. I need to revamp it anyway.
And yeah I get that! I don't know you, absolutely zero concept as to what your life is like or even your age, but regardless I feel that everyone should carefully curate their online experience. We live in a fucking hellscape where there are no safe spaces for specifically adults to be away from minors, and vice versa, so you're being left with no choice.
The issue I take with trying to put people into boxes like "proship" and "anti" is just that though, I feel like it puts all the responsibility on art and chooses to end the conversation there. The least of my concerns are the kind of art people draw or the ships they have, what I'm concerned about is if they're entering fandom spaces with the specific intent of preying on anyone - in this case minors, but it can be anybody. Some people will do that, some people even go the extra mile and weaponize the parasocial relationships they form with their fans. It's not a tried and true formula, though.
No one should have to doubt my intentions solely by art or interest - of which are all very banal and far separated from what online defines as being proship, I guess I should note that in here to ensure my words aren't misconstrued. I shouldn't have to explain that to anyone based on a single reblogged post; I shouldn't have to detail out my history working in child care, dealing with victims of child abuse, and that being the cause of my having to quit because it was starting to make me so angry and hateful that there was nothing I could do, just to ensure people KNOW despite everything that I'm not a secret stealth threat, but online spaces have been curated in such a way by capitalism and influencer culture, the exposure of so many beloved creators as having abused their child audiences, what else can you do? What else are we left to do? I would think more than we're currently doing, or we'll be running in circles.
But those nuances are my responsibility to think about, I'm 31 after all.
I appreciate you being cordial. You allowed room for a conversation on the matter at the very least, and I appreciate that.
To whoever the anon was in my inbox that called me a cunt tho, lol.
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dark-side-blog3 · 1 year
I saw that other anon about DoL and I fucking LOVE that game so I’m here to talk about it
The reason you haven’t watched any play throughs is because there. Aren’t any. It’s a very text heavy RPG, with lots of stat management elements to it. Not to say its bad or tedious, it just takes some getting used to if you don’t play those kinds of games.
So rlly the best way to experience it is to play it yourself. It’s free online and if you have an android device the app isn’t very large so it’s easy to play. I always use cheat mode bc I’m not one for actually playing the game so much as I like running around and doing whatever I want.
I LOVE the lvl of character customization and the fact that you can even customize the player’s love interests to an extent. They’re all gender neutral and have no little to no appearance descriptions so you can imagine them however you want.
The character anon was talking about might have been Kylar or Eden. Kylar the loner is a character that becomes obsessed with the MC and eventually kidnaps them, and Eden the hunter kidnaps the MC and keeps them in their canon in the middle of the woods as a little housewife/husband.
Personally my favorite is Whitney the bully just bc even when you do have them as a love interest in the game, they’re still a jerk, and I love to get pushed around. They’re so mean to MC 🥰
- Jojo
I have to actually play the game? I can't just watch other people playthorugh it..? I'm not a real gamer, I can't play videogames! 0A0;
I've decided to read up a little on the wiki (which is what I do with all the videogames I play anyways), because my wifi has been shitting itself all day and would completely fail if I tried to download a game rn, and... Well the wiki does have me excited. I kinda do want to play this-- there are so many routes, there are so many choices, and the gameplay branches and can feel organic! That sounds like a bot response lol, so specifically I started with Edens page.
Eden does sound like my type <333 It's like Rook but without the preteniousness. And more likely to use a gun or an automatic crossbow than a manual bow and arrow. I think Edens more my type because I love the idea of having to fight for your survival, almost like a death game trope where you need to strategize to escape. And to keep it interesting, Eden is actually smart enough to counter my plans, ad we could keep going until one of us gets bored and either 1. Eden kills me, or 2. I submit to stockholm. My perfect yandere <3
I've got another anon who said I might like Kylar? For some reason? What exactly is my vibe that says I want a boy who's got the constituion of a cotton ball? I need someone who can hold their own against me-- Kylar is described as super short! I love a short king, don't get me wrong, but usually said short king isn't also quiet, submissive, and a prime target for bullying. I'd accidentally kill Kylar like those panda moms who don't notice their cub and accidentally crush it.
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voxofthevoid · 8 months
Hi Vox! Is me, werewolf anon. How you been? Hopefully feeling better from your sickness?
I took your advice and started reading "The way it follows you home" and so far it's been a fun ride! Past Gojo being jealous of Future Gojo over Future Yuji is adorable lol. Also your "Itadori sensei" seems so much more responsible than Gojo ever was! But I must admit my favorite part was Future Yuji giving the watch to Past Nanami. Even though for this Yuji, Nanami has been dead a thousand years, he still misses him so much. I thought you wrote that wistful nostalgia and pain really beautifully and I'm glad that Past Nanami understood how significant this gesture was. Good job! I'm looking forward to you finishing the rest!
And I usually don't wade into ship discourse because I find it exhausting but I read you've been getting some negativity and I'm so sorry to hear that. I truly don't understand why people want to invest that much time and energy into shitting on other people's likes when they can just focus on what they like. The tags are RIGHT THERE. The back button is RIGHT THERE. It's the reader's responsibility to set their own boundaries. The whole point of AO3 caters to that.
Also I really appreciate how THOROUGHLY you tag. You even expand on the author notes. So these haters literally have no excuse! For example, I tend to stay away Noncon and am selective about dubcon. I'm really grateful the care you put into first warning the readers because then I can make my own choice if I am in a headspace to read it.
And I want to emphasize that I think you should write whatever the hell you want because it's YOUR space. Just like it's MY job to create the online experience I want.
THAT BEING SAID...you are definitely the author I go: "Hmm...I usually don't read fics with this tag but I'll try it because it's Vox." 😂 Like the captured mermaid Bucky fic. Oooh yeah I definitely did a thousand yard stare after to process that one lol! But I love how your fics help me get out of my comfort zone and explore in the safety of fiction. And no surprise, I've loved every single one.
So what I'm trying to say is, you do you. I think there's many readers who are grateful for all your hard work.
Here's a token of my appreciation. It's not much but hopefully it puts a smile on your face. Once again cursing Tumblr for being unable to attach an image file on anon asks! Take care!
Hello there!
Ahh, I’m glad you’re liking that fic so far! It’s close to the end. Penultimate chapter will go up in a few hours, and the final chapter will be out in Feb, the cosmos willing. Gojou reacting to his own self entertains me endlessly, so I keep writing it. Two versions of that…very loud personality existing at the same time in each other’s vicinity would have one hell of a blast radius, and putting Yuuji squarely in it is one of my favorite things to do in JJK. And I do write Yuuji as a more responsible teacher than Gojou, true! But you can guess that his decency and restraint rarely last.
Not over Nanami’s death yet, huh? Mood though 🍻 It’s great to know that was your favorite scene! And I'm glad the emotional elements came through well.
Stay safely out of ship discourse, my friend. It ain’t worth it. It tends to come find me, but ah well. In JJK, it’s not even ship discourse that keeps haunting me; it’s fucking top–bottom discourse. I haven’t run into anyone pissy about my choice of Le Problematique ships yet (and I sure hope it stays that way). And top/bottom is one of the few things I don’t tag, solely because several instances of hypocrisy in general fandom pissed me off and I’m spiteful on a good day, but it’s also not something that’s hard to figure out. Those familiar with me know I stick to a single dynamic, and others will learn. Otherwise, there’s trusty CTRL+F. That all aside, I’m glad you like my tagging practices! I try to make it so that those who want spoilers/warnings will be able to access them, while those who don’t can hide the additional tags and ignore my drop-down warnings.
I did do a double-take when you said you tend to avoid noncon and then name-dropped the captive mer!Bucky fic—but in a good way! I can’t tell you how wonderful—that’s not a strong enough word, really—it is to know my fics can be that kind of a safe exploration for you. That’s hands-down one of the greatest compliments I’ll ever hear about my stories 💗
And don’t worry, I’ve mostly found very lovely people in fandom. JJK is a little more obnoxious about certain things than I’m used to, but the vast majority of my readers and fellow fans are kind, supportive, and delightful. I’m prone to getting pretty pissed off when assholes pop up in my inbox, but it usually leaves me ten times as determined to keep doing my thing.
I LOVE THAT YUUJI! Holy shit, he’s adorable. I want to pinch his cheeks and also eat him 🥺
I've saved that to my fanart folder for future pick-me-ups. Thank you so much! You’re a sweetheart 💗
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cl0ckworkqueerness · 9 months
pinned post 📌
hi my name is jordan or robin, i don't really have a preference but i typically go by jordan offline and robin online
my pronouns are he/him ONLY, and please only use typically masculine-based terms (i.e. "man", "guy", etc) for me. you do not need to know the details of my transition or my body.
i am a transgender man, and although i do have a condition that some view as under the intersex umbrella (PCOS), i don't consider myself intersex personally-- although if you have it and you do, that's totally fine with me, as your experience is probably different from mine
I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL THEORIST OBVIOUSLY i'm just some guy in his early 20's who's throwing his hat into the ring so please don't blindly accept my opinions as fact. or anyone's opinions, for that matter. but especially that of a guy who's just now learning things and sitting solidly upon Mount Stupid of the Dunning-Kruger graph
i'm here to learn more about and give my thoughts on gender studies, as well as develop my own hypotheses, theories, and opinions. i would love people's input on their experiences, especially if they don't match mine. i want to learn as many sides as i possibly can to get a big-picture grasp on the concepts of gender, sex, and everything else that may be discussed here
this blog will be entirely focused on subjects relating to sex, gender, gender discrimination, trans people and issues, intersex people and issues, queerness, and occasionally sexual and romantic orientation. any other subject matter will be addressed as it relates to any of these topics (for example, how black trans people face intersectionality of transphobia and racism, or how neurodivergent people often do not have their gender taken seriously)
i am not going to critically engage with bad-faith arguments. if i am going to engage with them at all, then it is going to be public mockery or using a bad-faith argument as an opportunity to learn or speak about something related to it. if you step into my ask box, especially if you're going anon, you agree to whatever i may say in response to it being posted publicly even if that means making fun of you. if you do not want this, do not send an ask
i will NOT tolerate, under any circumstance, any kind of prejudice, e.g. transphobia (including, but not limited to, transmisogyny AND transandrophobia), interphobia/intersexism, or any other kind of prejudice, even if it is not relating to gender. yes, this includes androphobia, which very often comes with gender essentialism. i am NOT an anti-feminist MRA, so fuck off if you want to strawman me and say that i am
i will primarily be talking about my own firsthand experiences, which may include more mentions of transandrophobia than transmisogyny. i will do my best, though, to emphasize the equality of these struggles, because neither are worse than the other and they are both severe problems that must be addressed with serious attention, especially if either are coming from inside the trans community itself
under the cut are a few of my general beliefs. if you don't want to read through the rest, that's totally fine and i understand, this post is long enough already lmao
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first of all, any of these beliefs may shift or alter over time. if that is the case i will regularly check this and make sure no edits need to be made, and if something conflicts with a post i made, please refer to the original post rather than this list
and also, all of these are opinions that i hold. if you disagree with anything, we can talk about it
with that in mind, let's begin!
to me, gender has no categories or boxes to fit everyone into. rather, gender is sort of an internal perspective of the self, which may or may not change over time, and is different for everyone, much like an internal fingerprint. you cannot tell someone's exact gender by their self-expression, nor simple descriptive words like "non-binary" or "man" or "woman". there is nothing prescriptive or inherent about any of these labels, and these labels are not and can never be "categories", and thus by nature are difficult to define. the closest i've gotten is describing a sort of "core" of a person which these words can describe, but everything connected to it can be of any nature so long as it supports and upholds the core. but this idea is very underdeveloped as of right now and i'll need to think about it
the presence or lack of gender dysphoria in someone has no bearing on someone's transness. that is to say, you don't need it to be trans, and you don't need to be trans if you have it. gender euphoria is an experience most powerfully felt by trans people, so if i were to explain what makes someone trans in very simple terms, it would be "experiencing intense gender euphoria with certain words, phrases, aspects of presentation, activities, or other stimuli". i believe there's more to it than this-- the idea that cis people may experience some form of gender euphoria is on my list of ideas to flesh out-- but generally speaking this is the belief i hold. this also means transmeds get fucked lmfao
bioessentialism (assigning inherent attributes based on sex) and gender essentialism (assigning inherent attributes based on gender) are always bad no matter for what purpose(s) they're used. no exceptions. this means i will not be seeing eye-to-eye with most radfems-- yes, even trans-inclusive ones-- unless they can actively challenge the notion of anyone having any inherent traits because of their manhood, womanhood, femininity, masculinity, or anything of the sort
sex, much like gender, is not binary. there are multiple different characteristics that don't just come down to chromosomes, and to define sex as purely chromosomal is beyond stupid because human bodies are more complex than that
gender as most see it in western society today is a social construct, however to me, gender is tied to one's sense of self that is built upon social interactions and culturally-constructed ideas, concepts, etc. that is to say, gender is who "you" are, constructed by how you interact with society
gender as most see it in western society today should be deconstructed and replaced with the idea that, basically, you can be whoever you want forever. anyone should be able to incorporate anything into their gender that makes sense for them, yes, even "weird" or unconventional things, including any and all pronouns that you use
everyone regardless of gender is hurt by discrimination based on sex, gender, etc. which means yes, men are hurt by misogyny too and the only way to eliminate systemic and social misogyny is to eliminate all systemic and social sex and gender discrimination
cant believe i have to say this. transandrophobia is a real thing. androphobia is a real thing. men can suffer in ways different than women but those ways are still very real. discrimination, prejudice, even bigotry are not exclusive to one, "most oppressed" group. it is not the fucking oppression olympics, get your head all the way out of your ass. baeddelists can fuck right off
all ideas that borrow from gender critical theory, gender essentialism, bioessentialism, or any other ideology that is exclusionary towards one or more types of trans people should NOT be portrayed as "progressive", nor should they be adopted by anyone who actually gives a damn about making a change for a better and more inclusive future. basically, do not sit at the TERF table if you don't wanna get called a TERF
people should be believed for the labels they define themselves with, because even if they're liars, what good does it bring to risk gatekeeping a real person with real experiences. this goes for sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, so on and so forth. this also applies to everything else in my mind but for here i'll mainly be talking about it in relation to these things
some people's definitions of themselves might not make sense to you, and that's okay. there are some things that don't even make sense to me yet. but i choose to live and let live, and i think pretty much everyone would benefit from others doing the same. sometimes, what people say about themselves isn't really supposed to make sense to anyone but themselves. the human experience is a complicated mess in every other regard, so why is this any different
i'll probably end up adding more as i continue to think and process my own ideas. until then, that's basically everything i can think of right now
good-faith debates and challenges are welcome, although i might not respond to everything. i will try my best to keep on top of education and information, but i promise i will get some things wrong. in those cases, i wish to be better informed so that i don't perpetuate misinformation or poorly-supported ideas
and finally, in case you haven't seen my banner:
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i believe that's everything! thanks for reading all this way, and i look forward to this experience
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earth-scented · 11 months
I am of the opinion that Cody and Satori are extremely sus and I would like more debunking before I will believe they are real. If they are not frauds they should be willing to do more experiments, so I guess we will see. I think the next move is on them tbh, they are being called out, now we wait and see what they do and how they respond, the way they do both these things will give us an answer I think.
However I do not believe Sam and Colby are in on it at all, their reactions are too genuine for me to believe that so if Cody and Satori are scam artists/fakers then in my eyes SnC got played just as much as their audience.
Also in relation to your comments about 'deleted messages' the disappearing comments that you speak of have been explained as certain algorithms that come with certain sites, especially youtube any posts with links in for example, the youtube algorithm will automatically delete as ironically youtube has measures to protect against bots posting scams and things like that, often posts with links or certain words the site automatically erases.
Plus we know SnC don't really read the comments on youtube videos anymore (especially Colby) as they have stated as such in interviews they've gotten to the point where they just can't do it anymore which is actually really sad. So any deletions on that platform not related to the algorithm have probably been done by a member of their team whose job is likely to manage their youtube socials and keep it positive so will erase anything too negative.
The one place I've seen them interacting with comments about the series regularly has been on Instagram, everywhere else they appear online for a very limited amount of time and maybe reply to one thing each. I've not seen disappearing comments on these other platforms myself but feel free to tell me I'm wrong.
I will say I suspect they probably ignore a lot of the comments calling Cody and Satori out because a lot of them go about it in a very negative and unfriendly way which a person can only take so much of. So maybe we'd get more of a response from them on this topic if we were not so aggressive on the topic, and approached it more as a friendly debate I dunno.
But yeah, my two cents after seeing your last anon reply which seemed to imply you thought SnC were in on it all.
If they weren't in on it then, they certainly are now.
Like i said, they're choosing to push the whole "this is a life-changing thing" narrative, knowing very well it's a fraud. First episode was released in theaters, they got huge sponsorship moneys plus the entire series gives off "the new & improved conjuring house management" advert. Anyone with two brain cells can see this is a business deal involving a lot of money and legal documentation and nobody's gonna give statements, address anything or explain themselves unless it's prearranged and benefits both sides.
Satori's dad is well known for faking evidence on Ghost Hunters, she was literally raised into industry. Cody has been clicking his whatever for years on camera, before they met. Them claiming they don't take money for it is simply a lie because they run a website, a traveling museum, sell merch and get paid as the CH employees so what the fuck do everyone think that is, if not taking money and making profits? Which is fine! Just don't lie about it.
Comments are censored either by youtube settings or their production team. They're not some kids running around with a camera anymore, they have people paid to do stuff. It's their business and livelihood. I don't understand why are people so blatantly oblivious to that.
When money, fame and relevance are involved, integrity often goes out the window.
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starrbar · 1 year
Dude, asp3rgers is literally named after Hans Apserger, a Nazi. Just use Google my guy, you're using Nazi terminology, dickhead.
Imagine blaming someone for the name of their PROFESSIONAL DIAGNOSIS, my guy.
Like, does it occur to you that this is the most far removed you could ever get from "activism".
What made you wake up in the morning and come to me specifically, by the way? Have you been sending this to everyone else in the world who was told by a fucking doctor that they have a mental disorder called Asperger's that has done been a thing probably their whole lives, and telling them THEY are perpetuating bigotry by going on with their damn life and accepting the word they've been given for their condition?
Whaddaya want? Ya want me to frantically scurry to my Carrd to change the label? Would that make me less of a direct contributor to anti-Semitism?
Ehehehehehehe, here I was bitching about anti-kink fuckers when the internet has people like you misfiring their righteous anger so hard that you're mad at random mentally ill people for being oh... so, so ignorant to the catastrophic harm they're causing for not suspecting that the label they were given might be a Nazi term~!
You are the most self-important asshole I have ever seen, and that's saying a lot considering the shit I've witnessed online. I hope you're as miserable a person as this makes you sound, because my god, this is pathetic.
I did look it up btw, for anyone who is curious. It looks like anon is indeed correct about the origins of the name.
I still don't give a single pebble of my oddly blue shit because I am not fucking responsible for any of this.
Yes, my shit is blue right now because I ate some heavily-dyed cake yesterday. Yes, I loved adding that to my response to this person and their worthless take. Enjoy reading about my bowel status before I cast you into obscurity, as your next messages will be ignored unless you have the balls to come off anon about it.
Go fuck yourself. 💖
For everyone else:
Do I need to explain btw that if someone came to me in GOOD FAITH to inform me of the fact that a label I'm using may bring up terrible feelings for people because of its origins, I'd legit listen and go change it?
I probably will change it anyway because I identify more with "autism" (because I get to say "I have awootism" and that's hilarious—also I can just say "I'm autistic", but there doesn't seem to be a grammatical equivalent for Asperger's).
But this is not how you have a fucking conversation.
This is not how you inform innocent people of a dark history behind something they grew up with.
This person is not AT ALL concerned with me becoming a better person or being more sensitive to others or learning a lesson. This person JUST wants to take their own self-hatred out on some rando online, to make me feel guilty for shit I was unaware of, and to make themself feel superior in whatever desperate way they can.
I see right through this garbage because I witness it daily.
My brother and my closest high school friend were both diagnosed with Asperger's YEARS before I ever was. I grew up with this. I grew up proud to be this, because I recognized that it made me different from my peers in a way that would gain me discrimination and bullying, but that I could also have solidarity with the other kids who understood what it was like.
I will change the name for MYSELF, because of MY new experiences and information from my doctors.
And I will not rush to do so because I have better things to do with my time than sweat and panic over what some little insect thinks about my Carrd. I have a game to work on, a dog to let out, a job to go to, and a husband to cuddle. Oh, and of course, I gotta finish my replay of BotW so I can jump on TotK when my husband is done playing it! Priorities, hello! xP
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strainedgeek · 4 months
insane to me the whole shit recently with people getting so mad over their art being reposted and used by AI like.. i get that having someone use your art without your consent is nasty and having AI be able to create shit with your style is fucked up personally, i think it's really funny having something i make be replicated in a way an spread everywhere like a plague ohh noo something i was originally responsible for creating is now being used to manufacture content and everyone online is forced to look at it nooo - c'mon, tell me that doesn't sound just a tad little bit funny "fuck man i saw shit in narc's style on my fucking feed again while browsing a store i cannot escape this content" yes i feel like having my shit force fed to people online like i'm some vet shoving down pills down a cat's throat is funny as shit and that does in no way impair my own ability to enjoy making or posting my content, sorry you're chronically online but i'm built different edit after speaking over it with my fiancé, @sicklydollboy : if a commissioner wants to try to make money off my artstyle good luck that is still as funny to me and my point stands: i don't care i hope the economy crumbles and if someone else has managed to copy my style to make money off it by metaphorically having my cock shoved into some robot (AI) like i'm breeding the bitch so they can sell our children to the masses props to them, i'm sorry but i'm not the kinda hypocrite to bitch about anyone else stealing shit that quite literally does not affect me in any way other than emotional since i steal online media all of the time lol i understand each person has a difference life experience, and i am not trying to invalidate anyone's own views on this shit by what i'm saying, i'm simply stating my own thoughts on the matter because we all, as humans, have a right of saying whatever we want, because of free speech, - as long as it does absolutely not affect anyone else negatively, emotional or otherwise, i.e calling anyone derogatory terms - especially on (reading notes) some online website
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lucky-dyse · 1 year
I don't know what I did wrong again, and I wish I did. I'm sorry to see you go, and I only wish you had DMed me and said "hey, can you not [thing]", "could you please tag for (x) so I can blacklist it?", or "hey that [post or ask response I made] really upset me" and given me a chance to correct whatever it was and/or explain any misunderstanding. Because you may not be the only one with that issue, and if I don't know about it, I can't do anything to make it better for you or anyone else. I don't want to be upsetting to people, and I try not to be, but I'm not perfect.
I'm not coming to you trying to get unblocked this time. I just wanted my own feelings to be known. I only hope that should someone else do.....whatever I did, that you tell them and give them a chance to correct it before hard blocking them. Because it was a shock, and I had no idea there was even anything wrong, else I would've taken action.
If you have read this far, then thank you for doing me that courtesy. I don't expect a response, here or elsewhere. That is up to you, but I'll leave this account here so you have somewhere to put it if you do choose to.
I am sorry for whatever I did, and I am sorry to lose you.
But thank you for taking the time to read this.
I told you that the only reason I unblocked you was that I was too stressed to deal with you literally harassing me.
Let me say that again
I only unblocked you because you threatened to harass me if I didn't
Also, I don't need to give you a reason for blocking you. I am curating my online experience. I only wish I had posted the previous five asks you sent me publicly so there was more context. But alas, I didn't.
Leave me alone.
What you did was threaten me. What you did was not give me a fucking choice and then play the "ohhh you didn't give me a chance" card.
The only reason I didn't block you earlier was, as I said, because I had exams and general stressors. You say you want your feelings to be known, and then ignored my boundaries.
This also may come to a shock, but the world doesn't revolve around you. No one needs to tell you why they're blocking you. The only reason I did was because you literally used a sixteen year old who had nothing to do with what was going on as a messenger between us. They were beyond stressed and you didn't stop until you spammed my inbox. I did not want that to happen again, so I messaged you first.
And I did DM you. I extended to you a kindness, because a part of me still cared. It's extremely aggravating that even after I told you not to use a burner account to contact me, you still did.
Oh, and to whomever is reading this, I extend to you the context:
A while back, I had sent the user behind this message multiple (polite, I may add) anons that their blog had a slur in big lettering on their title. They didn't answer me, so I sent another a few months later. Then I sent another to their main, thinking they just didn't see it.
So I reported them, and informed them of it. They only posted the anon of me informing them of reporting them and acted like I had been harassing them.
This extended into me forming a throwaway account and sending this message
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They responded thusly
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After this is when they realized I blocked them and used a minor to play messenger. After that they threatened to harass me if I didn't unblock them.
I kept this quiet because I was stressed out of my mind and trying to graduate. But now I can finally post it. I am thoroughly pissed off right now.
You told me "it is your responsibility to curate your own experience" so let me fucking do so.
Do not contact me again.
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