#i'm not sure if i really got andrew down right but i'm very happy with it. i wrote it in first-person which is rare for me
akuma-tenshi · 5 months
does anyone want some writing i just rediscovered?? it's some older coa6 writing abt andrew questioning his faith (w/ a tiny connection to the other coa6 fic void and i are writing)
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
Mommy you kept us fed yesterday!!!! 
I die at anything involving their first little baby feelings for each other. It’s truly the only bit of lore/timeline we can’t piece together from evidence. 
ICEYYYY! And KK crumbs. I’m so happy you had Ice as a Wings player, but also sad for ice that she’s gonna be alone in Texas now😂 I hope she gets a new man on the Mavs or something to keep her occupied/happy. I feel like Ice needs to get laid 😂
OLIVIA! Ok I knew she was going to be some form of media person! I am just going to assume it’s canon that she looks like Malika Andrews and that I was right about her pussy made of legos 
But for real I think the press conference aftermath was my favourite part. Sooo many clues/undertones and insight. Of course Paige kept her new gf a secret to spare Azzi even after they broke up messily/had some kind of failed proposal. She will never not be a simp for her princess even WHILE she’s got a new gf. Olivia must have been down bad to not go running for the hills from the get go 😂😂😂
Stephie pooooo! She loves Paige so much it makes me lactate. 
I loved seeing Azzi get on edge at the mention of Olivia’s behaviour at the press conference. Those two absolutely fucking hate each other- you’re a genius for how you involved Olivia… cause I’m sure in the past and future Azzi has had/will have to play nice at pressers when they play Dallas. Imagine having to cordially answer questions your exes new wife is asking you? Dagger
The end scene - I can’t. I love how you bookended the chapter with FaceTiming. Mommy Paige makes me melt. 
Rhetorical statements to subliminally influence you: 
At first I thought Paige getting married would be a rash impulsive decision based off finding out Azzi is pregnant …. I’m now thinking it’s a switcheroo and Azzi getting pregnant is the result of an impulsive/drunk one night stand after Paige tells her about Olivia. In some twisted way Paige is the catalyst for Stephie coming into existence isn’t that beautiful 😂😂😭😭
At some point I’m wondering if Stephie is going to switch up her name for Paige. Miss Buecks is kind of formal - is she gonna switch it up to Paigey at some point or just switch right to MOMMY cause why delay the inevitable 🙃🙃🙃🙃
Now kisssssss Paige and Azzi. Very least a boob caress. Ass grab. We’re Horny over here Nivi! 
Love you 🤱🤱🤱🤱
This mommy thing is gonna stick huh? 😭
Lowkey us not knowing a lot of lore is what makes it more fun to write cause I'm just going off of vibes, no accuracy needed
LMFAO maybe I'll put in a throwaway line about Ice's hot as fuck man who's giving her all she needs
I lowkey died when you made the Malika Andrews comment because I already knew Olivia was gonna be a reporter. There actually was a hint of sorts about it in the last chapter but I don't really think anybody got that.
SKSKSKS not makes you lactate, bro where do you come up with these?
Hate is a strong word but let's just say Azzi and Olivia have not had the most pleasant of interactions in the past and they won't be having friendly greetings in the future either.
Mommy Paige definitely does things to me
You might be the first person who's actually on the same wavelength as me in terms of timeline!
I'm like lowkey really attached to her calling Paige Miss Buecks but it will eventually switch, I'm just not sure to what.
BOOB CARESS and ASS GRAB always so horny lmao
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wiypt-writes · 2 years
Consciousness Of Guilt Ch 24
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Summary: It’s the countdown to Christmas, and you and Andy have a very excited almost 3 year old…and a pain in the ass Elf to contend with.
Warnings: Language, adult themes, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar the reader and any other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer. I do not consent to my work being translated or posted elsewhere. If you see this fiction on any site other than Tumblr it has been taken without permission.
W/C: 7.3k
A/N: Thanks to my beta @spectre-posts
Consciousness Of Guilt Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 23
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According to Ferris Bueller, “life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Well, you certainly could relate.
Within what felt like such a short amount of time; Lucy was growing, life was rapidly changing and there was no slowing down. You had gone back to work and while that was an adjustment in and of itself, you enjoyed the opportunity to work from home as well when necessary. Lucy was attending a daycare in the lobby of the building, and it gave you (and Andy) a chance to check in on her. Although you weren’t sure it were a good idea in the beginning as you knew Andy was down there “watching” or “checking in” far more than you were. Ron even would joke that if one couldn’t find Andrew Barber in his office then his calls should be 
“forwarded to the nursery in the lobby.”
And speaking of Ron, the end of the year was fast approaching and so was his retirement. The founding partner had given the news to yourself, Andy and the board with their spouses present at a dinner party they’d hosted at autumn’s start. He had declared that he would be stepping down at the end of February the following year. That meant many changes were coming including adding much more to Andy’s desk. Because, with Ron’s announcement, came another vote to seat Andy as the second head of the firm.
Simply put, it was as if you and Andy had merely blinked, and here you were. Your baby girl now almost three, and another year about to draw to a close.
You woke and stretched, leaning over to give Andy a quick peck on the cheek good morning. He stirred, and smiled, his arm moving to slip round your back.
“Morning, Angel.”
“Good morning, BB.” You smiled as your lips brushed his. “Happy first of December.”
Andy snorted, “whoopee…” You playfully slapped his chest and he laughed. “Seriously, what’s to get excited about? You’ve already put the tree up…it went up the day before Thanksgiving.”
You knew he was only half-serious. Whilst he’d grumbled it was far too early, when he’d seen how excited his little girl at the boxes of decorations, he’d got stuck right in to help.
“Listen, Mr Grinch…have you forgotten what’s waiting downstairs?”
At that, Andy grinned. This was the first year that Lucy had really appreciated and understood what Christmas was and her excitement was infectious.
“I can’t wait for her to see it.”
The two of you laid quietly talking for a few minutes, until Andy’s alarm obnoxiously signaled it was time to get up.
"Hit snooze," you suggested.
Andy sighed, “I’d love to, but I have a lot of prep today.”
You groaned, "alright. I'm working from home today. I'll keep Looby with me."
Andy groaned as he stretched. “I know it’s only a DUI and possession but whilst he’s pleading guilty for the DUI, on the rest he claims he’s been stitched up…”
You rolled to your side, facing his side of the bed, "well, I know it's been tough so far, but I’m sure it's going to work out."
“It feels like an awful amount of prep for something so minor, but there’s huge implications here that go behind the verdict.”
“Bent cops.” Andy wrinkled his nose. 
“Yeah,” Andy shrugged a little, before his arm which lay under your neck threaded into the hair at the back of your head. “Busy couple of weeks before the holidays.”
You nodded and leaned up for a kiss. "You best get up, or I'll kidnap you."
“Isn’t kidnapping when it’s done against your…” he trailed off, the joke dying on his lips. “Fahk, Angel…that was…”
Your eyes grew soft, "Hey....," you cupped his face, "Andy no, it's okay. I'm okay."
He took a deep breath and accepted the soft kiss you gave him. “I know, I still don’t like the…the jokes, you know?”
Before you could reply, a little voice called out echoing down the landing and through the monitor on the bedside table.
“Daddy! Mommy! Isss awakes!” 
“Well, that's a new record," you snorted. "That’s your fault for reminding her last night she’s got her advent calendars to open.”
"Me? I did no such thing, that was Penny sending that fahkin' ugly bright box of which, no doubt, is full of shit prizes and candy."
“Oh hush!” You giggled, “you know full well she’s more excited about that glittery card dinosaur one you managed to find!”
Andy chuckled as you moved so he could climb out of bed, his bare torso flexing a little as he headed out of the room, Grant following. He opened the baby gate into Lucy’s room to find her sat up, the early light from the sunrise illuminating her slightly.
“Good morning Looby-Saurus.” He beamed.
“Hi Daddy Wex!” She giggled as Grant hopped up onto her toddler bed and stuck his nose into her face. “Gwant!”
“Stupid dog…” Andy grumbled, rolling his eyes.
“Daddy nos calls Gwant!” Lucy admonished as she stared up at him and Andy couldn’t help but snort at the expression she wore, so like you.
“Okay, okay.” He grinned and swooped her up in his big arms. She still sometimes looked so small in them to him, his precious girl. "Do you want to come snuggle Mommy so I can get ready for work?"
“Yup yup yups!” She hugged him round his neck and then she gasped. “Oh…iss a-vent day?”
He groans a little, "yep, it's advent day."
She squealed. “We goes?”
"Yes, but after I get dressed for work."
"I'll be quick, promise." He kissed her cheek as he walked them into his room.
“Mommy!” Looby grinned as she saw you sat up in the large bed.
"Good morning, Looby Loo!"
“Iss assvent!”
"I know! Are you excited?"
In the corner of your eye, you saw Andy trying not to laugh at the unfortunate mispronunciation of the word.
“I so esscited!”
Andy headed into the bathroom, and you smiled at Lucy.
"I tell you what. Let’s go grab your robe and your slippers, make sure you’re warm when we go down, yeah?”
"Does it snows wast night?"
“I think so.” You grinned, “shall we see?”
"Outs dare?" She pointed to the French doors on your balcony.
"Yep, go see!"
She hopped down from your bed and ran to the long curtains, pulling them apart as she pushed her face through. “Mommy! More snows!”
"Oh my! Well, we'll just have to go out in it, won't we?" You laugh. “Make a snowman!”
“Wike Olaf!” Looby grinned as you climbed out of bed and grabbed Andy’s sweater from the vanity chair.
"Yes!" You pulled it on over your sleep cami.
That was when Andy threw open the bathroom door and rushed out in only a towel. "Sorry, two minutes." he quickly said and grabbed his underwear and undershirt, running back in.
“Daddy siwwy.”
"Yes, he is!" You carried her back to her room to get her robe and slippers. Andy met you two in the hall, his tie hanging around his neck and his jacket fisted in his hand. The smell of his shower gel, aftershave and the linger of toothpaste was a particularly heady mix that morning.
"Okay, let's get your advent!” He swooped up Lucy as she grinned and clapped. 
You followed and smiled at Andy as you opened the door to the huge open plan loving area of your old farmhouse. Andy set your daughter down and she immediately squealed.
“Oh. Wow!” You gasped as Andy took a dramatic inhale, “what on Earth…”
"Wassat, Wassat?!"
“It looks…it looks like an elf!” Andy grinned as Lucy ran to the little elf doll on the sofa. The Elf was sat holding a balloon.
"Das 'L' for Lucy!" She bounced on the spot, pointing at the balloon.
“You’re right.” Andy nodded. “That’s what it says. Hi, Lucy!”
Jumping up and down with pure glee, she took the sign and handed it to you.
You gasped, "Bunny, I think it's... It's a note, look!
“Issat?” Her eyes widened.
"Hang on, I need to make sure it's real...." Andy took the note from you and squinted as he inspected the teeny writing on the page. “Miss Lucy Jo Barber, Sheephill Cottage!” He read with an astonished tone. “It is real!”
"Reads it, Dadd-wex, peas!"
“Okay…” Andy took a deep breath and opened the letter. “Hi Lucy! I’m your special elf! I’m new, from the North Pole, and Santa sent me to your home especially so we can play together!” He paused as Lucy gasped.
You could help the grin that matched your daughter's as Andy read. This was definitely going to be the best part of the season.
“Like all new elves, I don’t have a name. So, the first thing we can do together is pick one. Anything you want, as long as it isn’t a rude word like…” Andy gasped and playfully looked at Lucy, “like fart or butt…”
She giggled and covered her grin with her small hands.
“You can play with me all day, but at night you have to leave me under the tree so that I can report back to Santa through the special Red bauble…”
"I can do it, I can do it!"
“I can’t wait to play and have lots of adventures. With love, from your Elf!” Andy finished. “Well, how awesome is that?!”
"I so esscited! I has to name hims! Don't goes!"
Andy chuckled, “I have to get to work soon, Bunny but…okay, a couple of minutes.”
"Think really hard, Lucy... A name is special." You encouraged.
Andy snorted, “what?"
Andy was about to ask why, but his phone rang. It was Ron. "Angel... I..."
“Yeah, okay…go. See you tonight.”
"I love you," he bent and kissed you. Then he kneeled down, "I gotta go, Bunny, come gimme a kiss then you and 'Pickles' can play."
“Bye daddy!” She ran to him and kissed his bearded cheek. “I wobes you.”
"I love you, too." He stood and kissed you again before rushing out.
"So," you clapped your hands together and smirked, "what are we going to do with Pickles?"
And that was how it started.
You quickly realized the Elf couldn’t be left “under” the tree as Grant took a liking to him, and on the first night, Andy spent a good five minutes trying to retrieve him from your dog’s jaws. 
Then, each and every day you had to remind yourself or Andy to move the damn elf, that fast became an annoying and obnoxious chore. But seeing Lucy’s reaction each morning was so worth it. It was in the kitchen hanging off the fridge, it was in the bathroom Lucy used being naughty using the sink as a tub. It scuba dived in Grant’s water bowl, pulled all the cushions off the couch, left a trail of marshmallow footprints all over the kitchen counters….When it was Andy's turn to move it, you'd learned to double check the setup, for the first time he was in charge there was a very precarious pose your husband had put it in. So, you had to fix it. And that was how every turn Andy had went, so you had to scold him each time as you fixed it before Lucy saw.
But one Tuesday evening, a few weeks after his 46th birthday, Andy outdid himself.
You’d arranged Pickles on the coffee table with one of Lucy’s Barbie Dolls, and a few of her dinosaurs around a little table of their own along with a sign that informed everyone that this was a “tea-rex” party. You’d left to go grab a drink from the kitchen and come back to find Pickles’ head was now between Barbie’s legs and Andy was bent over the scene, giggling like a naughty schoolboy.
"What?” He spun to face you.
“You absolute child!”
“Hey, Picks has to try Barbie at least once in his life!"
“You are the…” you slapped the back of his head, causing him to yelp, “absolute worst!”
"Oh c'mahn!" He drawled in his Boston baroque as you moved to fix the toy porn scene in front of you. “I mean I'm naht a Barbie man myself, but..." he  wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling your neck.
“You’re not?”
"Nope...." he kissed your skin. "I like wings."
"I have my moments," he snorted.
“Hmmm…” you moved in his arms, turning to face him.
"It's just a little fun, Angel," he smirked and kissed the tip of your nose. "You laughed, something you haven't done for a week."
You sighed. "I know, it's been busy. With both Amber and Eva already gone, and now the nursery closed for the holidays, I've been overloaded. And I'm still not feeling well."
“No?” He frowned. “I thought you said you were yesterday?”
"I just still feel tired and run down," you sighed. "Honestly, it's just the full plate but now that I'm working from home, it'll get easier. Especially with you and Ron buttoning up this case. I didn't want to say much because you're so stressed and putting in the hours."
Andy took a deep breath, “well, we have the closing arguments tomorrow so…that’s it. If no verdict by 5pm, it’s deferred until new year. I’ll be finished tomorrow evening regardless.”
"Good," your hands ran up his cotton tee covered chest and sighed. "You wanna light that fire now? We can turn the lights out and leave the tree on?"
“Mmmm get comfy, huh?” He smiled and leaned down to kiss you. “Any of that red we opened at dinner left?”
"A bit. Maybe a glass each."
“Just enough.” He smiled, “the Christmas order from the Wine club should be arriving tomorrow or the day after. I stuck a few bottles of the cheap stuff in so we can make mulled wine.”
"My favorite," you slipped from his arms and padded back toward the kitchen.
When you came back a small fire was just starting to pick up. Andy tossed on more kindling before, once satisfied it was going to take, he chucked on a log.
You passed off his glass and he took it with a soft smile, but not without kissing you gently in the glow. His free hand rest against the small of your back.
You loved the night times. Andy always made time for Lucy when he came home, playing, bathing, and reading her a story. But once she was tucked in, and it was just the two of you, he relaxed even more.
"I love you," you bumped your nose against his.
“I love you too.” He smiled, his lips brushing yours.
"What now, counselor?"
“Movie? Sit on the rug and talk?
"Rug sounds good to me,” you winked.
You both settled down, you sat between his legs, your back settled in against his chest as he leaned against the oak coffee table. One of his long legs was extended flat along the floor, the other bent at the knee.
The two of you drank your wine and talked, in the easy way you’d always been able to. Andy’s hands would rub up and down your forearms and sometimes his lips would kiss your neck. Your hands would move up and down the top part of his shin or fingers would draw lines and swirls over his thigh.
It was peaceful, intimate, and in the comfortable moments of silence, the crackle of the fire filled the room making it feel even more homely and cozy. 
As the flames started to die down, you checked your watch.
"It's late, Andy," you spoke with a softness almost as if any louder you might disturb the silent night. "You don't want to be late in the morning."
“Ten more minutes.” He whispered, his lips kissing the back of your shoulder.
"Alright," you sighed in appreciation.
His lips didn’t move far from your skin. His beard tickled you as it gently rubbed against the crook of your shoulder.
You reached back to curl your hand around his neck. Your fingers ran down the length of his neck.
He hummed in appreciation, as his lips found the hinge of your jaw. You responded the same. But you leaned your body into him more as your fingers scratched at the shorter hairs along the back of his head and a hand pressed further into his thigh.
As he nuzzled into you, one hand moved, splaying across your belly as the other arm wrapped across your chest. Your hum turned into breathy grunt and sigh.
The hand that was splayed on your belly slid further down, fingers softly brushing the inside of your right thigh through your sleep pants. The other softly traced the swell of your breast. A gentle moan left your throat at the feel of his hands on you like that. Your body easily responding to your husband’s touch with a delicate yet elevated sensitivity.
Andy sighed, his lips now at your chin as his fingers danced over your nipple, which was peaked through the soft material of your sleep shirt. “Oh, Angel…so responsive for me…”
You whimpered at his voice and touch, "Mmm, yeah.” You tilted your hips back against him. His lips met yours as you felt the hand on your thigh slipping beneath the waistband of your pants.
You gasped into his mouth, the tickle of his fingers passing your mound was pleasurable. Your own fingers curled into his hair. His mouth hovered over yours, his eyes twinkling as he slowly circled your clit with his fingers, the other hand now slipping into the neckline of your top.
The twist of your body against his chest gave you a better angle to feel his hot breath against your lips. Your hips tilted forward just a pinch to practically fall into that finger circling you. You jutted your chin just a fraction outward to capture a kiss as his hand now cupped your breast.
He gave a squeeze and his thumb rubbed over your nipple now with the pad of his thumb against your skin. It was slow, delicate, like a strum to a guitar string.
"Mmm," you hummed against his lips.
“Good?” His voice was a grunt as his tipped his hips forward, his hardness pressing into the dip of your back.
"Yeah," you whispered. "S'good...."
“Can I fuck you like this?” he rasped.
Your belly knotted as your chest fluttered, "ah, fuck, yes...."
You didn’t wait, your hands moved, and you pulled off your top and then tipped your head back round to Andy. 
“Lose yours.”
His hand came away from your sleep pants, your clit missing his touch, as he took that very hand to single handedly pull that collar of his sleep shirt over his head.
You moved as he did so, slipping your sleep pants down and you heard Andy groan a little behind you.
"Good?" You smirked.
He chuckled as you felt him shuffle, hands on your hips as you knelt up. He eased you back over him, one hand letting go to grip at his dick. As you moved yourself backwards, you felt his head brushing through your folds, and you moaned. 
“That feels good…”
Andy sighed pleasurably as you rocked over his cock. His head tickled your clit and a delightful whimper sounded from your lips at the feel. His hands remained at your hips, not pushing, or pulling, simply resting as you dictated your speed.
It all felt so good. His hands on you, your hands bracing yourself at his thighs as you rubbed along his shaft. You felt a stir inside and changed tactic, wanting him inside you.
You stopped and shifted backwards, Andy immediately obliging. His tip slipped in with ease and you slowly sank down on him. The remnants of the burning embers and fire, now near gone, still warmed you and  the Christmas lights around you casted a romantic glow across your bodies.
You leaned back against his chest as he tipped his hips upwards, both of you sighing as he filled you.
After a minute, your hips rolled as you snaked that hand and arm back and up around his neck and nape. His lips nipped at your shoulder, hands sliding up your rib cage until they cupped both of your breasts.
"Yes," you hissed. You splayed your fingers over the back of his head as the heel of your hand cradled the base.
His hips were slow, thrusts deep as his palms squeezed your mounds before his fingers pinched your nipples.
"Fuck, Andy," you squirmed.
His hands continued, teasing you as his rolls were measured. His lips brushed up your neck.
Your skin felt like it was on fire and not from the dying flames, but from Andy's touch and his deep thrusts. He filled your still tight insides with a stretch you'd grown accustomed to, desired most days and begged for at times. The way his soft hands were gentle always at first but demanding when begged for.
“Feel so good, Angel.”
"Yeah, it does," you replied with a whine. "Jesus, Andy, it's real good."
His fingers continued their massaging and plucking, your nipples so sensitive as his rolls and thrusts picked up pace ever so slightly.
Your delicate walls began to flutter against his shaft as it rubbed along your ridges. The hooded edge of his tip kissed your spongy surface as the slow drag of his thrusts slipped through you.
He kept that same, steady pace to the end, and you came with a soft whimper as his teeth nipped your shoulder.
Your weight settled with a welcome slouch against his lap as you became pliant to his touch. Your orgasm had your whole body tingling and every sense was intensified. You could feel the fibers of his hair on his thighs, the grooves of his teeth on your skin. Even the prints of his fingers and thumbs felt like imprints on your nipple and breasts.
“Oh, baby…” he cooed, “there we go…”
"Fuck, Andy...."
Andy could feel you, squeezing him as you trembled in his lap.
"Jesus, Angel...."
You could only whimper as your body kept going. It was as if a shorter, weaker, second orgasm was trickling through. An aftershock of sorts.
You were that caught up, you didn’t feel Andy as he came, but you heard his little grunt in your ear.
The room was silent bar your heavy breaths mixing with his. There was a peppering sound of soft kisses, but it were only for your ears.
"That was good, Angel."
He lightly chuckled with a rasp to his voice but made no attempt to move you, and the two of you remained there for a bit longer.
Neither of you wanted to get up the next morning, but Andy knew the end was in sight. He was up, showered, downstairs and waiting with coffee before you and Lucy appeared.
He could hear the two of you in her room, giggling in excitement at what Pickles could have been up to overnight. He smirked with a flick of his brows knowing damn well what the little shit had been up to.
Soon after, the door opened and Looby ran into the room and squealed, “looks!”
"Oh my, he's had a party with your other friends!" You grinned and your eyes moved over to Andy. 
He smirked at you over his mug. “Yeah, said friends look really happy. Bet Barbie had a great time last night.
You blushed, "Angel did."
He said nothing, merely arched a brow and you knew he was smug as fuck.
Breakfast was the usual affair and at 8:15 you kissed him goodbye so he could make the half hour drive to Denver.
As he went through security, he placed his case in the conveyor belt and walked through the scanner. As Andy replaced his belt and watch, stuck his phone back in his pocket, the guy at the X-ray machine peered carefully at the screen before he chuckled to himself and looked Andy.
“Merry Christmas, Mr Barber.”
"Merry Christmas, Jack," he smirked. "Have a good one."
He grabbed his case and jacket and headed through. A few moments later he entered the courtroom as spectators did but slipped through the bailiff to sit at the Defense table. He placed his case down on the desk in front of his seat, an empty one to the left where his client would sit and turned to Ron as he clicked the clasps on his case open.
“Good evening?” Ron smiled.
"Great evening,"
“Dare I ask?” Ron snorted.
Andy just smugly grinned, "Nope."
Ron chuckled as Andy opened the case and stopped dead.
“What the…” his boisterous laugh filled the room as those around took a glare at him.
“I don’t…how the hell…” he chuckled as he turned his open case to Ron. There, on top of his files, led Pickles.
Now, it was Ron's turn to join in on the laughter.
“Is that the famous Pickles?” He reached for the elf.
"That it is," Andy shook his head.
Ron grinned as he sat the Elf doll on the edge of the desk.
“Shit, Ron! You can’t…” but Andy’s attention was jerked away as the Bailiff called for order and their client was led in.
"All rise...." the spiel went on and as the judge sat down then told everyone to do the same, his eyes shot up at the defendants side.
"Barber, what the hell is that?"
Ron snorted as clearly Andy was head seat and was taking the ticking off from His Honor.
“A new witness.” Ron quipped.
“No, I…it’s… Ron!” Andy hissed.
“It’s a little unbecoming to try and enter a new witness at such a late stage,” the Judge’s mouth twitched a little. Various titters rang round the court room.
“I’m sorry, your Honor. My daughter…she must have snuck it into my bag…” Andy grabbed the doll and pinched the bridge of his nose, “I can only apologize.”
"I'm a grandfather to twelve Barber, I get it. They’ve all had these damned Elf On A Shelf things each year for ages. But the merry little shits are annoying as hell, so put...."
"Pickles, Your Honor..." Ron interjected to more laughter.
"Pickles," the judge snorted, "back in the case until recess, huh?"
“Yes, sir…it’ll stay in there, believe me.” Andy tossed the doll into his case and closed it with a snap. “More than my life is worth to lose him.”
He glared at Ron as he sat back down, the soon retiring senior partner grinning like a fool back at him.
Thankfully, the rest of the proceedings went according to plan. The summing up was completed and then before lunch the jury were sent to consider their verdict. To Andy’s surprise, they were called by the clerk less than three hours later as the verdict was in.
Andy bit his lip and exhaled with relief as the verdict came back not guilty. The Judge nodded, and then following the sentencing for the DUI and a final consultation with their client, Andy and Ron left the courthouse. As they were leaving, the DA pulled them both to one side, informing them that she would be sanctioning an investigation into the allegations of corruption.
After Andy promised the firm would help in any way they could, they headed out into the cold air, buoyed by both the result and the fact it was now officially over in time for Christmas.
“Well,” Ron turned to Andy as he paused at his Mercedes, “not a bad one to bow out on.” He smirked as he opened his car door. “Maybe you should thank the elf…”
"You know, you're still my boss, or I'd say fahk you," he snorted.
“Only for another 2 months.” Ron grinned, “hit me with your worst!”
"Man, just 2 months left. I can’t believe you’re bowing out, you bastard!" Andy chuckled.
"Oh yes, yes I am," Ron touted. "I've put in my time. I'm seventy, and I’m done."
Andy had the door open to his Audi coupe, "I'm heading back for a few hours before going home.”
“What? Why? Fuck that! It’s back past your house to go to the office and you’ve done enough. We tied everything up, so go home. That’s an order, and as I’m still your boss…”
“Fahking fahk you!” Andy snorted, as Ron shot him a look. “Okay, okay, I’ll go home!”
“Good! I’ll check.”
“Don’t I know it. Hey, are you and Giselle coming by for dinner still?"
“Absolutely, be with you at seven-ish. Unfortunately, I’m driving as the boys, wives, and grandkids land early tomorrow morning so…”
“Yeah, you mentioned. Don’t worry, Y/N’s made mulled cider, not wine. Coupla beers if you fancy. Lucy will no doubt have us up at the crack of dawn, so we won’t have much either. Save it for tomorrow.”
“Speaking of my little pal, will she still be up tonight when we arrive or…”
“Well, she goes down around seven but she’s not in nursery, sure we can let her stay up a little longer. You never know, she may lay in tomorrow, I can pray for a Christmas miracle.” Andy winked.
"Good," Ron winked, "I'd hate to miss spoiling my God daughter on Christmas Eve Eve!" Ron chuckled and slipped into his Mercedes. He rolled down the window and shouted over the loud dual muffler. "See you at seven!"
With a smirk, Andy climbed into his car and pulled out of the lot, dialing his secretary’s number just to check in. By the time he was home, he was satisfied all his loose ends for the years were tied up and he was absolutely ready for the ten or so days break he would get.
The moment he stepped inside the house, he could smell the spirit of Christmas. Clearly, you'd been busy. And the motley crew of decorated cookies who seen better days proved so as they sat on the counter.
"Looby-saurus!" Andy kneeled down and dropped his case and jacket to his feet as he caught her little body.
“We medz cookies!” She grinned as she wrapped her little arms round his neck.
"I can see that! Did you decorate them?" He picked one up and offered her a bite before taking one himself.
“Yups!” She nodded. “Mama says Uncle Won and Aunti Zel will wike dem!”
"Oh, I bet they will, they're gonna be here later," he kissed her cheek. Then he turned to his right and kissed you tenderly. 
"How'd it go?" Your hands pressed into his chest. 
"Standard sentence for the DUI: fine and costs plus community service and a driving ban, no custodial or probation. But we expected that as it’s his first offense. Main thing is, not guilty for the possession," he said softly with a smile. “Which means we just ripped open an IA on the department.”
"Well, congrats BB, it all worked out. And judging by the early arrival, you're home for good now?"
“Yup.” He grinned and jiggled Lucy a little. “I’m done now until the 6th of January!”
You grinned, "Did you hear that, Lucy? Daddy-Rex is home for a lot of days!"
“Yay!” She cheered.
“So,” Andy set Lucy on the kitchen counter, “what else did my girls do today?”
"We cleaned up, made our cookies, had a Snowball fight!" You smiled.
"I gots Gwant. Den, he pushed me."
“He pushed you?” Andy gasped, as he reached to unwrap his scarf, “well  that’s just put him right on Santas naughty list!”
"Das what I says!" Lucy opened her hands up like she was saying 'I don't know.'
"Lucy, hop down and go wash so you can help me, okay?" You offered.
Andy gently dropped her to her feet, and she ran off with excitement towards the bathroom by the laundry room.
He took off his coat, dropped it over the back of one of the tall stools which sat under the breakfast counter and loosened his tie.
He snorted as he lifted his case to set it in the same stool, remembering what was inside, "the fahkin' elf."
"What was that?" You looked up at him.
Andy moved his case to the counter and looked at you, “open it…”
You dried your hands from your work and walked around to the stool. You clicked the locks on the top and opened the case. Then, you sputtered a loud snort that turned into a chuckle. "How...I swear I did NOT do that!"
“Well, if it wasn’t you, it was either that spotty little Asshole or Lucy.”
Knowing full well it wasn't Grant, you simply smirked and titled your chin as your eyes humorously looked at your husband.
“Ron sat the damned thing on the desk, in court. Then told the judge it was a new witness.”
Your jaw dropped as you tried to cover it, "oh no...." you started chuckling again.
“Thankfully, the judge saw the funny side.” Andy snorted.
"I'd hope! It's Callahan, right? Guy's got a crap load of kids and grandkids." You remembered the judge from Andy having had a trial previously with him.
“That’s the one.” He nodded, then spun round as Lucy came back into the room.
"Looby…." you smirked, "where's Pickles? He was here this morning..."
“Erms…” instantly she adopted the same guilty expression Andy wore when he’d been caught out and Andy grinned.
“Pickles has been in court!”
"I knows!" She giggled and put her chubby little hands over her grinning face. "He goes!"
“Did you put him in my briefcase?” Andy gasped, “I thought he climbed in!”
"I halps!"
“Well, he got to see the judge. Uncle Ron sat him on the table.”
“He did?” She squealed, “was you in tempt?”
Andy chuckled, "almost!"
You blinked, not quite sure how your nearly three year old knew what that was, let alone how to use it in the right context. But then again, she was bright as a button. Her vocabulary and self-awareness already streets ahead of what you’d expect of a child her age.
"Alright, Smart Bunny," you shook your head with a smirk, "I need your help with the snacks while Daddy goes and changes for Ron and Giselle."
“Otay…oh, I puts Pickles back first?”
"Yes," Andy thrust him in her direction, "He needs to think about what to tell Santa tonight about his day!"
As she took the elf, Grant sidled over, his tail wagging.
“No, Gwant!” Looby sternly told him. “Daddy, you ups so I reaches?”
“Absolutely.” Andy picked her up and crossed the dining area to the living space where the larger tree sat.
She reached and set the elf right on what Lucy had deemed the 'homes' branch next to a red bauble. Grant sat looking up, licking his lips.
"NO GWANT! Bad dog!" Lucy shook her finger at him. "No eats!"
“He can’t reach, baby.” Andy kissed her head, “don’t worry.”
You snorted as you heard, "I wouldn't trust that. He got all the way to the back of the counter this morning."
“He what?” Andy wheeled round.
"Yep," you popped your 'p'. "This," you indicated to the chicken and mushroom pasta bake waiting to go into the oven, "is the second one. Lucy and I had to go back to the market after nap." You glared at the dalmatian.
“Fur coat…” Andy grumbled.
"Today, I'd agree." You snorted.
Andy headed up with a shake of his head to change and decompress from the day before Ron and Giselle were to arrive. It felt damn good to keep the laptop closed for at least a week and ignore important emails for just as long. He hung his tie and shirt, ready for the cleaners as well as his suit pieces. He slipped into dark jeans and a thin sweater, keeping his undershirt from the day on. 
You heard his boots thud along the stairs as he came back down to join you and Lucy.
The three of you prepared the rest of the snacks and the accompanying sides to the pasta bake. Lucy then had her dinner, and Andy took her upstairs for a bath and to change into her pajamas ready for the evening. 
"No bed," she argued as he slipped her snowmen sleep shirt over her head.
“No, not yet. You can stay up and see Uncle Ron first. Maybe open the presents they’re bringing if mama says you can.”
"Oh... Can I seep wif Daddy Wex and Mommy?"
“I tell you what, you can go to sleep in our bed with the tv on and then I’ll move you later on, okay?”
"Otay, Gwant comes?”
“Yeah, Grant can sleep with you.”
She grinned, "Ups, peas, we goes!"
Andy chuckled, “want me to carry you or you wanna ride on my back?”
“Alright, robe and slippers on first.”
"'tay," she slid off her bed, feet first with her belly to the duvet.
She slipped her little feet into her Rudolph slippers that Pickles had bought one morning and then Andy held out her little dinosaur robe.
"Danks, Daddy Wex." Then Lucy gasped, "Daddy!"
"What, Bunny?"
"Oh nos! I forgot!"
Andy crouched down, "hey... Lucy what is it?"
"I fogots my assdent!"
Andy tried not to laugh, “that’s okay, we’ll open it now.”
“Now…” Andy swiveled round, “hop on…”
He grunted as she did, then stood and tossed her a bit so he could settle her evenly, causing her to giggle. At the same time, he thanked whomever that she was still tiny, or he'd be fucked with his old man back.
“Lessgo Daddy-wex!”
With a roar, Andy jogged out of her room, causing her to shriek and giggle. You heard their laughs and giggles before his feet touched the stairs to come down and just as they hit the first floor, there was a knock on the door. Grant barking to make sure they were all well aware.
"Deys here! Dems here!"
“Well let’s go let them in!” Andy exclaimed back, bouncing to the door.
He opened the inside door to the porch first, Lucy still on his back and then he swung the heavy oak outside one inwards.
"Uncle Won! Auntie Zel!”
“Well, hi!” Ron beamed, as Lucy bounced on Andy’s back.
“Come on in outta the cold!” Andy chuckled, stepping back. He crouched so Lucy could slide off his back.
“Lemme get inside, pipsqueak!” Ron chuckled, “get these bags down so I can give you a hug!”
The greetings were spread between all and once the excitement died down and Lucy showed Giselle everything, she had in her advent for the fifth time, they'd settled in the living room by the fire.
“Bunny, did you open your advent for today now or did you forget again?” Andy asked.
"Aun Zelle halped! Penny gots me dis!" She held up a toy so close to his eye that he needed to lean back to see it.
“Another dinosaur!” Andy grinned.
"Issa di.... Di..." 
“Diplodocus…” Andy said, pronouncing it carefully so Lucy could copy.
“That’s it. Hi five!” Andy grinned.
Ron found the mispronunciation hilarious while and Giselle rolled your eyes.
"Alright, Looby Loo, you get to open your gifts from us, and then I heard Pickles say it was bedtime," Ron sighed.
Lucy opened her mouth to argue but a look from Andy stopped her impending protest dead.
“Remember what we agreed upstairs, bunny.” He spoke softly but firmly.
"Yes," she sighs a bit.
“Come on…it’s Christmas Eve tomorrow, we got a big day!”
"What's we do?"
“Well, we got breakfast and the last Advent day, then we’re gonna take Grant for a walk by the creek, build a snowman. Then we’re gonna help Mommy get things ready, before we go to Patti’s for dinner and watch the Carol singers. Then it’s home, and we make sure Pickles is ready to go back to the North Pole with Santa!”
"Santa! I sees him near Patti's," Lucy grinned as she took an outstretched gift from her Godfather. "Fanks!"
She flopped down as she started to unwrap the first present, but then paused halfway through ripping off the first bit of paper
“How’s comes dese presents here?”
“Well, you see, Santa brings some presents, but friends and family, well they buy each other things too.” You smiled, running your hand over her head. “So, Uncle Ron and Auntie Giselle bought these for you. And in a minute, you can give them their gifts from us.”
"Oh...." she drew out.
She continued and squealed as she unwrapped her gifts, which formed a set of new art supplies, complete with a wooden box with her name on to keep them in.
"I wuv dems! Fank you!"
“You’re very welcome, honey.” Giselle caught her hug before she then ran to Ron.
“Merry Christmas, my little squish monster!” Ron hugged her tight.
After exchanging the adult gifts, Looby was ushered round to say goodnight before Andy carried her upstairs.
That gave you the chance to invite Ron and Giselle to the dining area to take their seats so you could eat.
The hour was late by the time things were consumed and cleaned up. Giselle helped you, despite Andy's protests that he and Ron should be doing it. Even Giselle told Andy to piss off as she found it to be the perfect point in time for 'the two of you to have your cigars and scotch'. 
She stirred the mulled cider and inhaled the aromatic scent that made one's heart warm and fill with a delightful holiday spirit. "So, what'd you get Andy for Christmas?"
“A long weekend in Vermont, towards the end of January.” you smiled. “Ron helped me, said he’d wangle the diaries. Booked us a cabin. Lucy’s going to my parents.”
"Oh, how lovely! You two deserve a trip like that. A log cabin, big fire, skiing! Ugh, we haven't done that since Ronnie's hip replacement. Old fart seizes up as soon as it hits forty*.”
You chuckled, “you know I’ve never been skiing. Andy has, not for a while.” You smiled, “and, then from Lucy…” you grinned, “I booked them one of the experience days at the museum, you know where they do the special dinosaur days and tours?”
Giselle grinned and opened her mouth to answer you, but you suddenly felt extremely warm and a little bit funny.
“I’m fine just…it’s a little warm, that’s all.” You waved Giselle away, “been feeling off for a few days.”
"Well, here, sit," she guided you to one of your bar stools. "I'll finish these." She grabbed you a glass of water.
“Thanks…” you sat down, glancing over to where Andy and Ron were sat. Neither seemed to have noticed. 
After a few sips of water, you felt better and were thankfully able to participate in the rest of the night.
But something was niggling in the back of your mind, and you couldn’t quite figure out what.
Christmas Eve morning had you slowly starting the morning. And that was despite Andy's plans of a big busy day.
But no worries, it was a lazy breakfast, more brunch really, and then you set off for a walk. Andy made good on his promise, you built a snowman the three of you before heading home and warming up with hot chocolate and a snack.
Then, you loaded into your jeep and headed back into Boulder. You let Lucy give Patti the small gift you’d bought for her, and in exchange she was very happy with the dinosaur book Patti gave her. 
Then, after your burgers and fries you went out onto the square full of little Christmas market stalls, to wait for the Carol service.
Lucy and Andy were busy examining something at one of the stalls when you glanced around, and it suddenly hit you. What that nagging feeling had been.
You moved towards Andy and gently stood on your toes.
“One last thing I need to pick up, won’t be long…”
“Alright…” he leaned down, giving you a quick kiss.
You shot off across the square, slipped into the shop in question, leaving less than five minute late with your purchase stuck in your inside pocket. You needed another quick pit stop, before you returned ten minutes after you had left.
“Looks, Mommy!” Lucy excitedly waved a little wooden tree ornament at you as you reached her and Andy. “Is a daddy wex!”
“Oh, wow!” You beamed. “That’s amazing!”
“We got three!” Andy grinned. “A daddy rex, a mommy rex and a Looby saurus.”
“Hmmm, that’s great.” You beamed, “but…well, you might need to add another.”
"What?" Andy looked as if he hadn't entirely heard you.
You reached into your pocket, dipping your chin into your scarf a little and pulled out the test you’d just done. Thankfully, Lucy was too busy looking at the Carol singers who were now walking into the square with their lanterns to hear Andy’s exclamation.
“Holy fahking shit!”
You grinned. It was all you could do.
His nose was redder than seconds ago his eyes definitely not stinging from the winter air. He had no words, but you could see it on his face.
You'd just given him the third best gift of his life with you.
And pulled his hands from his pockets and quickly grabbed your face. His beard poked then tickled your cheeks as he kissed you, hard.
Lucy giggled, “kissy!” and you spluttered a bit as he pulled away.
“I know….we hadn’t planned another after Lucy, and…we’re gonna be a bit older than we both probably wanna be but…oh, Andy!” You couldn’t help the tears of happiness that pricked your eyes, “another baby!”
He grinned and pulled your face to his again. "I love you, fahk, I fahking love you much, baby."
You spluttered, allowing him to kiss you again before a yell of protest came from Lucy.
You broke apart quickly with a wet laugh from you both. Andy spoke first his voice able to carry over the growing crowd.
"What's the matter?"
“I no sees ” She looked up at you both, pointing to the singers who were now stood ready to start on the small makeshift stage in the middle. Her woolly hat slipped down over her eyes and Andy chuckled. He lifted her up into his arms, righted her hat and gave her cheek a huge kiss. 
“Shoulders, peez!”
He grinned and tossed your daughter in her rightful place. Once she was settled, and her holding on, Andy looked down at you again.
His free hand cupped your jaw while his fingers carted through your hair and around the base of your head. "Here we go again," he grinned and bent as far as he could without losing Lucy.
You pressed up on your toes and met him the rest of the way, a final searing kiss to your lips as the opening carol played.
"Angels we have heard on high
Sweetly singing o'er the plains
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their joyous strains...."
"Thanks, Santa," Andy whispered as he pulled away
Chapter 25
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enchanted-keys · 7 months
You've probably answered this lots before, but: do you have a fairly clear hierarchy of favourites among the Royal Ballet principals? And your favourite role or two for each? :-) Also: of the recent retirees, who would you most like to see guesting?
Also a) thank you so much for obtaining the info that it'll be Nela and Ball for that "Winter's Tale" stream! Partner and I have got our tickets booked to see it at the Cineworld in Aberdeen. <3 It's the ballet that got me properly back into ballet, when I watched it during lockdown, and just: yay. :-)
And b) your blog has just been so lovely and helpful in growing my ballet knowledge! And your gifs are superb, and your Matthew Ball love is validating. :D
Also also: do you have any favourites among the Scottish Ballet dancers? I was lucky enough to see "Cinders" on tour, and I was so impressed with both Bruno Micchiardi (as Cinders) and Jessica Fyfe (as Princess Louise), but I am no expert.
I think someone asked me for a ranking of all the principals some time ago, but I can't even find the post anymore; I don't mind one bit answering this again! <3
If I have to talk strictly about my faves, it goes like this:
Nunez (eheh!): if have to narrow down her most iconic roles I have to give you at least three (please bear with me, I'm doing my best), which are O/O, Kitri and Aurora.
Takada: Titania and O/O. I'm just so very sorry that she's been more injured than not lately. I miss her.
Hayward: Juliet and any Ashton role I can think of (rhapsody, enigma variations, those bits of Titania we got, etc.). I also think she makes one of the best Claras out there.
Kaneko: O/O (saw her live in the BS pdd and the White Adagio with Vadim and it was life changing, bye). Also her Gypsy girl in the two pigeons is iconic. Special mention for her Aurora.
Lamb: Manon. Signature role. Was born to play it. I also really love her Mary Vetsera and her Aurora.
I'm a bit uncertain if I should include Anna Rose or not...sometimes I really love her, but overall I'd like her to be more consistent. But I'll say she was born to play Juliet.
Muntagirov: he's more versatile than people give him credit for, and really has the whole package, but I'd say his best roles are Siegfried and De Grieux.
Ball: he's such an outstanding actor that it's hard to choose, but I'm going with Romeo and Albrecht.
Bracewell: another wonderful Romeo right here, and I was blown away by his Hamlet in the Ashton insights.
Mcrae: Oberon and Rudolph for sure.
Sambè: sorry to repeat myself but we have another great Romeo right here. From what I've seen he makes also a great Colas.
As for retirees, the one that I really wish was still performing is Roberta Marquez, though maybe she isn't exactly a recent one. Out of the most recent ones I only miss Federico Bonelli because he always brought something special to his performances, although I have to say that the struggles and limitations that come with age were very visible in the last couple of years (his Siegfried variation in the SL cinema relay with Takada comes to mind).
As for the winter's tale I'm really happy to see someone who appreciates it as much as I do! I think it's a truly lovely ballet, one of the few modern classics that really stuck with me. You're very welcome for the info and I hope you'll have a great time at the theatre...unfortunately I found out that it won't be streamed in my country, so I'm going to miss out on it 😤
Thanks for all your lovely compliments they're more appreciated than I can say! 😭🩵🙏
Scottish Ballet is one of those companies that I wish had more footage available, because bits I do get to see are really impressive. I'm kind of familiar with Constance Devernay, Bethany kingsley-garner and Andrew Peasgood because I've seen them in the recordings of The Fairy's Kiss and The Snow Queen, and I seriously enjoyed those performances!
I wish there was a full recording of Cinders because both the trailer and the rehearsal look amazing! Jessica Fyfe is a really delicate and expressive dancer from the clips I've seen of her, and both her and Micchiardi impressed me in the rehearsal poste on YT, cause the intentions and mannerisms in their dancing were so clear: I immediately caught up on the reversal of Cinders gender and that she was the princess even though I hadn't read about the novelty introduced by this production beforehand, but everything was immediately clear thanks to their attention to detail.
The little I've seen from this company makes me wish for more!
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hrodvitnon · 7 months
The gang is playing 'never have I ever'.
Maia: Oh, I got one! Never have I ever been someone else's first time.
Basically all the Titans put one finger down.
Ling: Jeez, really? Pretty intense for a first time.
Goji: I know right??
Ling: You say that like it's happened multiple times.
Goji: Understatement of the century. Especially with guys, shockingly.
Mothra: Can you blame them? I know I can't.
Maia: But like- practically speaking...
Goji: This again? If I didn't know better, Miss Simmons, I'd think you really like talking about my-
Ilene Chen: Here I thought we were going to aspire to be normal for at least an hour...
Whilst they argue about what constitutes as normal on Infant Island, Vivienne takes note of a certain firebird tapping his fingers quickly in regards to this subject and being very uncharacteristically silent. She gets a devilish idea when it's her turn.
Vivienne: Never have I ever had my backdoor virginity taken by Godzilla.
She says this while looking directly at Rodan. He looks like he wants to rip her throat out in that moment.
Godzilla: Hah, good one. Happened to more people here than you'd think...
Rodan: Fuckin dirty move, Viv.
Vivienne: I expect to hear everything you can remember about this later.
Rodan puts down one of his last two fingers so the only one up is his middle finger. Mothra and Shimo put one down as well. Then, Kong tries to sneak down one without anyone noticing. Andrews does, however.
Andrews: No way. When??
Kong: Three days ago...
Goji: Mhm~
Goji winks at Kong while the ape avoids eye contact.
Ling: Who's turn next?
Goji: Oooh, no. Someone's lying...
He stares directly into Ghidorah. The hydra glares daggers and snarls back.
Maia & Vivienne: No fucking way.
Goji: Put it down, Ichi.
Ghidorah: Fuckin assholes.
Goji: Yes, yes I did.
Ichi: You know, it wouldn't be nearly the literal pain in the ass it is if it wasn't for that fucking knot!
Goji, faux shock: Gasp. That's not what I heard when it happened.
Maia, snuggling up to San: If it's any consolation, you're braver than I am. And it gave me good reason to pamper you after the fact!
San, happy purring: It did~
[Rodan and Kong cuddle with their respective mates, seeing as something similar happened with them. Ichi and Ni scowl at the lack of cuddling they get, look at the Chen sisters.]
Ilene: No.
Ling: You're both hot, but...
Ni: Grrr... okay, here's one. Never have I ever gotten pegged by a human!
Rodan, lowers finger: Heheheh...
Ichi: ...why are you looking at me like that?
Rodan: First off, because it feels REALLY good, so I ain't about to complain. Secondly, give it a try. I'm sure it'll make things much friendlier if you bend over for the Bone Doctor, if she's willing. Be careful though. She bites.
[Rodan proudly shows off the claiming bite marks on his neck. Ichi and Ni stare at Vivienne in vague fear. Vivi stares at them, unblinking, sipping her tea.]
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marnz · 5 months
I watched tsn last year because my memory suddenly remember that i used to see photos and gifs of it in 2016 and i read someone blog analyzing the relationship of mark and eduardo (in 2016) but didn't know it was a fb film, so i decided to watch it, to be honest my brain is pretty damage from working corporate job and seeing how nasty capitalism is, so my first thought watching it wasn't really wow gay, eduardo was in love!!! but was more like wow mark is such a jerk, i didn't see anything gay that people were screaming about 🙃 and being reminded that this is zuckerberg and his old friend irl did not help, and i also read the story of what actually happened irl and understand how eduardo was also a jerk too so i just jumped into ao3 to read fanfic, i actually wish i watched it during highschool or college time more because i truly can't consume queerbait series or films that aren't obvious anymore, normal queer film/tv series is fine tho. This is just my own experience i'm sure there are many tsn new fans who watched it and also enjoy how "gay" it is like you guys in 2010 too :) i just have damaged brain i think
oh no friend I’m so sorry about your job! Let’s get you a better one. I don’t think your reaction is wrong at all, like I said, it was a different time and you had to be there. I got into it in college and exited the fandom in the mid 2010s; I would never in my life get into it now. I think you are right…it’s 2024.
However I have been thinking about this since I got your message and I also think the constant analysis and the fanfic contributed pretty heavily to the atmosphere, plus like I said the Andrew Garfield of it all. Honestly I think the fandom boils down to a couple things:
1) the film has homoerotic subtext mostly evidenced by Eduardo. There’s a lot of time spent on Eduardo’s feelings about Mark, like even during the bathroom blowjob scene the camera takes a moment to remind us that Eduardo is thinking about Mark in the next stall. There is almost no time spent on Mark’s feelings about Eduardo. So this subtext is like, there are feelings and they are unreciprocated. Isn’t this so tragic when 0.03% happens? Mark certainly talks a lot about his feelings for Eduardo, but words do not matter. Action matters. Contrast this with a more classic queerbait like Sterek where 1) there was queerbaiting market and 2) there was reciprocal homoerotic subtext that could never be acted upon.
2) I don’t think fandom is super good at dealing with an unlikeable or unsympathetic yet compelling protagonist! Which means this protagonist is rendered much more sympathetically in fic and people watch or read the media source with rose colored glasses. “He would not fucking say that” x1000.
3) I’m not that much older than you I think but…there was this period in tv where there were canon gays who were as interesting and dynamic as a pool noodle and, meanwhile, in subtext and/or queerbait land, there were relationships that consistently got a lot of time and attention and so were sooooooo compelling. And those are the relationships that I, and fandom, tend to gravitate towards. Plus growing up there weren’t a ton of happy gay stories so instead it was like, you have Brokeback Mountain, you have Dead Poets Society, you have What Happened to Lani Granger? You have, for some reason, Glee (boring except for faberry and Santana). Thank god we are not there anymore.
4) I have bad taste <3
Anyway sorry for rambling here, your asks got me thinking because it very much was like hmm well yeah it IS completely inexplicable huh but I think a lot of fandom is like that.
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thecurseoflife · 7 months
CHAPTER 20 : Planning the Rebellion
Camalia woke up feeling rested and refreshed. Yesterday was a big step for her, and it seems that the night settled her doubts and confirmed her path.
Unaware of the change, she jumped on her feet, put the blanket and pillow away, settled her guitare on her shoulders and left for the kitchen. Since they were in a castle, it was huge. There was food scattered everywhere, testimony of the panic the cooks must have felt. Clementine and Andrew were already there, obviously not even trying to tidy up the place, having only cleaned up one side of the table they were eating on.
They barely even lifted their eyes to greet her, and Camalia did the same. If they actually left all the food on the floor, it might rot faster and the room would become paved with some weird goo and filled with a horrible smell. She picked eveything up and carefully put them back to their place, going as far as even dusting the place.
Once she was happy with it, she sat to eat as well, the two Saporians long gone by now. The girl was starting to feel a bit lonely when a merry, and very loud group of people entered.
Camalia turned around to greet Varian, followed closely by Juniper that was busy messing with him. Behind them, Maisie and Kai were quietly laughing at some inside joke they made.
The music mage was kind of surprised to see that her friend was still in his torn clothes, and not the shiny, new, better-then-hers ones he promised. Catching her curious look, the alchemist immediatly defended himself.
-It isn't ready yet. After all, such a masterpiece, it takes some time to be made, heh. What about you ? I don't see any new fabric on you either.
-Well, uh... It isn't ready either ! What do you think ? Mine is, hum... really cool too !
Varian gave her a look of disbelief and smiled.
-Mmh, yeah you don't sound very convinced. Good ! Not that I feared that your clothing would be better than my gorgeous, manly one, but hey ! Nice to know.
Camalia mumbled something under her breath, red with both embarrassment and irritation, before stuffing her face with some salad. The boy chuckled and sat beside her, Juniper, Maisie and Kai, that had followed the interraction with much interest, sitting on the other side of the table. They all had their breakfast as a noisy, happy mess before splitting up to finish the clothes.
Juniper stopped in her track, turning to Camalia that hadn't moved yet.
-What are you doing, princess ? Don't you want to win the bet ?
The girl stretched and grinned.
-Of course I do ! But I would really like to take a walk first. I never could in my cell, but I've always dreamed of just taking a morning walk after some good breakfast !
What a weird dream to have. But Juniper couldn't care less and shrugged before leaving the kitchen.
-Alright, do what you want. But I'm not doing it in your place, I'll be waiting in the princess' room when you're done.
She wasn't lying when she said she dreamed about it. Taking a walk. It was such a futile thing. A thing she could've so easily done with her key. And she wasn't lying when she said she really felt like taking a walk right after eating. She didn't lie, that's for sure. So, Camalia left the kitchen and did exactly as she said. She strolled around the castle, literally, around it. She took a quick glance out of every single window. If she met anyone, she would slow down her track and gaze outside for longer, as if she was lost in thought and something had caught her eyes. The person would look too, but seeing nothing, would shrug and pass.
It took a little while, but she finally saw it. It was really discreet, still in the shadows of the morning, hidden to those that don't search for it. A quick glance was all it took. It was written with water, and would be gone by midday, evaporated by the sun. 6PM, uh ? Well. She had time to win her bet.
She finished her walk, more peacefully, truly letting her mind wander and calm itself. Camalia got to the princess' room feeling fresh and ready to work. She opened it and was greeted by Juniper, that closed her book and they resumed the sewing process.
2 hours later, and the clothes were done ! Once Juniper was out of the room, Camalia stripped and changed to the new clothes. It was made of a light red scarf with some spikes, matching with a darker red open on the sides dress. From the same fabrix, there were gloves that went up to her elbow. She was wearing some tight black shorts under the dress, for obvious reasons. To complete it all, she had found a bunch of jewels that clashed with the red. One golden belt that was surprisingly confortable to wear, two gold bracelets, 4 anklets, two on each foot, and some weird skull shapped hairclip. She swirled around, admiring herself in the mirror. It was the first time she had been wearing anything other than her cell clothes since she was a kid.
Juniper knocked lightly, checking if the kid was done.
-Come in !
-Oh, well look at that ! Fit you like a glove ! We really did a good job on that.
The woman looked up and down, appreciating their hardwork, and her eyes fell on Camalia's bare feet. She pointed at them, intrigued.
-What about that ? I don't know how to make shoes. I guess we could steal some from-
-No no no ! No need ! I actually feel really comfortable like this, it's fine.
Juniper rose an eyebrow.
-Are you sure, princess ? You could cut yourself and get an infection or something like that. Shoes are not just there to be pretty.
Camalia smiled and nodded. It just felt right. Per usual, Juniper brushed it off and inspected her hair instead. She suggested changing the style, as it wasn't really fitting with the three hairclips pressed against eachother in her single braid. She muttered about how her hair was remarkably strong, and may not need protective hairstyle.
-Say, how long does it take you to wash your hair ?
-What ? I-I don't know ? It's uh... I don't know ! It depends, I guess !
-You don't have to give me a precise time, just guess.
-I-I would say, hum... Between 1 and 2 hours ? I suppose ? I don't know. I feel stupid saying that. It's probably less.
Juniper nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer. She shuffled the kid's hair a bit, while still muttering.
-Mmh, and do you straighten it ?
-No ? Why would I do that ?
Juniper made the "I don't know" sound and kept feeling her hair for a bit before nodding.
-Your hair is completely different from mine, I don't think a more traditional way would suit you anyway. Or would actually hold your hair in place for a while.
Camalia stayed silence, letting the Saporian's thoughts unfold. And mostly because she had no idea what the woman was saying, so it was better to just, let her talk.
-I'm thinking a hairstyle a bit like your braid, but maybe cut in half, and braided on the side ? What do you think ?
Oh no she had to answer. But she had still no idea what was going on. What's braided on the side ? What do you mean cut in half ? She couldn't visualize it, so didn't really had any opinion.
-Oh, hum, yeah, that sounds... cool !
Juniper made a satisfied huff and took her own comb out of one of her pockets. Then her own brush. And her own products, if you could even call it that. She took out an absurd amount of hair ustensiles and put it on the table.
-Couldn't you just use... these ?
Camalia was pointing at the princess' own absurd amount of hair product, resting on another shelf. The Saporian quickly glanced at it and groaned.
-Yeah, no, I don't think so. Do you have 7 feet long silky shiny blond hair ? No ? Great, we're on the same page. Let's go.
She sat Camalia on a chair and spun it around, making the girl face the gigantic mirror while she was behind, tons of unidentified, very sharp and scary objects in hand.
-W-wait Juniper, I don't think that's necesser-
-Don't be stupid. Now shut it and let me work.
Feeling she didn't understand enough to have some convincing argument, Camalia did exactly that for 1 gruesome, very painful hour. Usually, it was either Masha or herself that did her hair, and it was always very gentle and sweet. Boy did she not expect so much brutality from just hairstyling. She didn't complain, having had to deal with way worse, but still, not a very pleasant experience. Especially when she went to look after all that pain and there was barely a difference. Juniper explained how she nourished the hair and helped it's volume, and how she relaxed it, and a bunch of other fancy words to say how good of a job she did.
Camalia politely thanked her and they split ways, Juniper leaving for the library to finish her book, and the music mage excitedly going towards Kai's and Maisie's room, where they were finishing Varian's own ouftit.
She still kept an eye on the clock, but it wasn't even lunch time. She had plenty of time.
She was surprised to pass Kai and Maisie in the hallway, and learned that they had just finished the ouftit and Varian was currently putting it on. Not kin on watching her best friend naked, Camalia decided to wait by the door. There was no way he wasn't going to get out of the room gloating, ready to rub his victory in her face. Little did he know, SHE was going to win. Her ouftit was simple, but perfect. There was no flaws, from the idea to it's execution. Of course, Juniper did say Kai taught her everything she knew about sewing... But still, she definitely had the upper hand. Creativity and crafting was always her thing. She was so going to win this.
Well, he sure was taking his sweet time. Camalia didn't really feel like playing, so she let her thoughts wander a bit more instead. How would the meeting go, tonight ? She feared Stan and Pete would ask her something she wouldn't do, like poison the Saporians. She knew they were in the wrong, but still related to them. Plus, most of them were just really hurt nice people. And even if they weren't, even if they were all like that Andrew jerk and the glyphs mage, neither she or anyone else should decide who should die and who should live. It was simply wrong. On the other hand, maybe they would ask something she could do, but could be pretty dangerous. It didn't scare her as much as the other option. It was kind of exciting to be honest. But she still had to be careful.
... It was weird. Being able to think freely like that. No walls, no insinuating voices piercing her brain. She was alone in her own mind. It was weird, yes. But not unwelcomed. It was calming. Soothing. Relaxing. Nice. Yes, it was nice.
She wondered where was Ruddiger. If he was okay. She hoped so. It was wrong of them to put him in the middle of all that. Once they find him, she will give him so many seeds and apples ! She will spoil him like there's no tomorrow.
And on that note, the door slammed open to reveal Varian, gloating as planned, in a brand new ouftit. There was so many layers to it she wondered how he could be walking around without sweating. It was the polar opposite of her's. Although, they did have a similar bandana. Even is his was currently over his nose.
His white pants and boots reminded her of Andrew's, and made her a bit nauseous. He had a long black coat with red accents, a pair of huge red gloves with... things on it. A surprising amount of belts around his waist and one going across his chest. She couldn't she clearly through the forest of belts but he had a grey-ish shirt under that. Of course, his famous goggles on top of his head as well. It looked good on him, no doubt in that. Maybe they will have to call it a tie in the end...
The alchemist finally noticed her and put his bandana down to talk. He probably said something along the line of "hey, what are you doing here ?" or, "woah you're done too ?". But Camalia didn't hear that. Her eyes and mind were entirely focused on a fake goatee, clearly drawn with a pen, on her friend's face. It looked. So. Stupid.
She probably should've suck it up. Well, she tried. She tried really hard to make a poker face. Camalia burst out laughing in the middle of the corridor, seconds after Varian put his bandana down. Varian blushed, slightly embarrassed.
-It's the belts isn't it ? I told Kai it was too much. Maybe a few less ?
The music mage could barely breathe, even more so that her friend thought it was the belts. The belts ? Seriously ? Have you not looked in the mirror ? It took her a moment to catch her breath, then pointed at the ridiculous lines on his chin.
-Oh this ? Doesn't it look neat ? Makes me older, don't you think ?
He really seemed to like it. And it did make a him a little bit more confident. She still thought it was and looked dumb as hell, but it's not because she wouldn't do it that he shouldn't. If this is one of the pieces that would help him get back together, then so be it. She sighed and let her arm down.
-No, you look stupid and it make it seems as if you're playing dress up. So, in a way... it actually makes you younger.
Camalia promised she wouldn't lie to him anymore. And she wasn't. Stung to the core, Varian violently blushed and hid his face with his arm. He mumbled something under his breath. Suddenly he was feeling really stupid and silly. All his layers seemed really heavy and unecessary, but also a protection, a shell toward the outside world.
-But, if you think it looks neat, then it does. If you think it makes you feel older, then it does.
The alchemist lowered his arm a little, curious to see where she was going with this.
-I mean, Clementine can pull her look off, so honestly, if this goes, anything goes. The whole thing is about confidence. Maybe you won't need it tomorrow, but for now, you are comfortable with it, and that's what's important.
He put his arm down, the layers back on his shoulder where it made sense for him, and his confidence renewed. He offered her a grateful smile and finally took the time to check what her clothing looked like. The first thing that hit him was how different it was from his. There were barely any layers, and a lot of her skin was uncovered, especially the arms and legs. Her accents were gold on red, whereas his was red on black. They still had the red to link them both. He liked how her hair looked different, a bit more... lively ? In a way. Ah, they had similar bandanas. It was like frienship bracelets ! Even if they weren't really back to this stage yet...
Varian had to admit, it was pretty ! And it did look good on her. He didn't really thought much of the bet anymore. They both looked cool in different ways. It might have been a bit silly of them to act like that. Still, it was fun. And the competition spirit they got into was fun too !
-Camalia... I wanted to say...
He took a deep breath.
-I'm sorry. About what I said, before we start the plan. I-I mean after the breakout but before the... the thing, you know ! With the wand. Of Oblivium. I shouldn't have said that, and I realize it now. It was crossing a line. I'm really sorry.
This took the music mage by surprise. It didn't change her objective at all, but she was still glad he acknowledged it. Before she could accept the apology, Varian started talking again, about the bet this time. It was a tie, like she thought, and it was probably for the best.
They went to the kitchen for lunch, and then they all went to do their own things. The plan was still going, but the aftershock of losing all their memories were still very present on the king and queen, so they had to let them rest for now.
As planned, Camalia discreetly left the castle around 6pm and went to meet Stan and Pete at the rendez-vous point. What a surprise it was to find Masha there too.
The music mage immediate reaction was to ask her to leave. This wasn't like in the castle, this wasn't safe, and she shouldn't be there. Of course, Masha's immediate reaction was to scold her, reminding her that she was a responsible adult that knew of the danger and decided to come by themself. If it bothered the kid, she could go and fry herself an egg.
-And what are those clothes ?! What happened to your shirt and your pants ? You're going to get cold running around like that.
-No, no ! Don't worry. I just wanted to change since the other ones were a bit... dated.
Masha didn't seem really convinced, and gestured vaguely.
-Yes, well, it does not do at all. Why so much red ? I thought you liked orange better. Did these ruffians force you to wear this ? Were you molested ?
-Masha please, interrupted Stan, you promised you wouldn't intervene with our work.
-Have you seen this girl ? How can I not intervene ?! Don't worry, sweetie. I'm going to make you some much better clothing, that'll fit you like a glove. Unlike these... things.
-Ah, don't bother Masha, I don't want to-
-Nonsense ! You are not going to walk around in these forever, are you ? Don't answer, I don't want to hear it. Have you been eating well, too ? Where have you been sleeping ?
-Oh well, I felt a bit uncomfortable taking someone else's room so I just kind of... slept on the floor.
Masha let out a shocked gasp.
-Dear ! That is quite unhealthy, especially now that no one is cleaning it ! Tell you what : you can take my room. I don't mind at all, and you will even be able to keep it organized so I don't come back to a mess !
-Yes, yes, I'll stop. But that won't stop me from coming next time, Pete !
The captains sighed in perfect sync, followed by Camalia's giggle. She made the report of the day, which was pretty quick, since there wasn't much to say about it yet. They explained that a lot of the citizens are just going on with their daily lives. Of course, they're worried, but since there isn't much they can do about it, they just ignore it altogether. Some decided to go against the Saporians, and created a rebellion. The people included the captains, Masha, one guard, Xavier the blacksmith, Mrs. Crowley, and a few other Camalia didn't need to know about. They took Xavier's forge as their base, and are talking strategy there.
The music mage explained again that Varian was soon supposed to start making a replica of the wand of oblivium, on a larger scale. They needed the rulers to recover first so they could make them believe they gave the order. Other than that, they didn't have much more of a plan.
-Ah, yes ! I almost forgot ! A huge balloon escaped the night the Saporians took over. They asked me to shoot it down but I managed to purposefuly miss.
-A balloon ? How do you escape with that ?
-A hot hair balloon, Masha.
The handmaid blushed and pretended she knew all along.
-Did you see who was on board ?
-Sadly, no. It was way too high up. But we probably can guess.
-Mmh, you're right, we'll look into it.
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ardentlytess · 2 years
✨the tag game✨
tagged by: @talays-portkey thank you so much!!<3
THREE SHIPS 🚢 i have so many, but the top three that live in my brain rent free most often would have to be: puentalay from vice versa, wangxian from mdzs/the untamed, & sangwoo/jaeyoung from semantic error (with akktheo from enchanté as a close close close fourth)!
FIRST SHIP 🚢 i'm honestly pretty sure the first ship i was every properly invested in was percabeth from percy jackson & the olympians, followed by peeta & katniss from the hunger games, closely followed by suki from avatar: the last airbender & myself. what can i say. past me had taste.
LAST SONG 🎧 it was one step closer by intersection (AKA, fruits basket's second ending theme)! i tend to listen to a lot of anime openings/endings while studying in particular so i'm cycling through one of my usual playlists right now!
LAST MOVIE 🍿 i actually very rarely watch movies so i had to think a bit for this one, but i'm relatively certain that it was your name engraved herein. very heartbreaking. very beautiful. very very very real. the ending broke me as a human being, especially paired with the quote the director gave about the reality of missing the "train of happiness."
CURRENTLY READING 📖 i am currently reading girls of paper & fire by natasha ngan! to be honest, it's been a pretty difficult read for me emotionally given the subject matter, but it's a sapphic fantasy novel set in an asian-inspired, caste-based fantasy world that follows a young girl who's abducted & forced to become a concubine to the king, only to find herself falling for a fellow courtesan while juggling her own goals of survival, justice, & revenge. i'm just about to finish this one, though, so after i do, i'm probably going to pick up either hell followed with us by andrew joseph white (a queer sci-fi/dystopian novel that follows a trans mc who's slowly mutating into a deadly monster— also has autistic rep) or godslayers by zoe hana mikuta (the second book in a sapphic sci-fi/dystopian series about mechas carrying out the will of a tyrannical capital city & gearbreakers who are the only ones willing to bring them down)!
CURRENTLY WATCHING 👀 i've been in a weird kind of slump lately, so of everything currently airing i'm only really keeping up with my school president, moonlight chicken, & bokura no micro na shuumatsu— & even with these, i'm very rarely watching them on the days they actually come out, even though i'm enjoying all of them so far! i am, however, also doing an impromptu, completely unofficial vice versa rewatch that was definitely not supposed to be a full rewatch & was just supposed to be a quick little flip through to get some quotes for a set i'm working on but turned into a full rewatch because i simply couldn't resist. 10/10. highly recommend. puentalay will never not transcend a slump for me.
CURRENTLY CONSUMING 👄 this one's maybe slightly strange but strawberries dipped in ice water!! ice water just makes strawberries (& every fruit, honestly) taste so much better. also trying (& failing) to focus on a pchem lecture. considering i'm writing this up instead, i'd say it's not going too swimmingly. 
CURRENTLY CRAVING 🫦 hmmmmm honestly i've been craving milk tea for weeks now & tteokbokki even longer! will hopefully be treating myself with one or the other once this round of midterms is over & done with!
ONWARD TAGS 🏷️ i'm tagging: @i-got-the-feels @pannakorn @puentalay @oswlld @icouldhyperfixatehim @stormyoceans @chinzhilla @chinzillas @gooseras @hidden-joy @laowen @intolove & anyone else who'd like to do it! i'm not entirely sure who has/hasn't been tagged yet &/or who's interested so definitely don't feel obligated! just sending lots of good vibes & love to you all<3
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clover-mittens · 2 years
Pedro Pascal x f!OC
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Credits to gif maker!
Summary: Shane Andrews, a young woman from Georgia now living on her own in the center of the universe -- New York. Being on her own Shane suddenly feels more lonely than ever; that slowly starts to change, as she realizes she was never as alone as she had thought.
Words: 1.4k
next chapter ⎸ master list
All About Pedro
part two: The return.
Pedro never did come back. The next day when I'd come in to work, he wasn't sitting in his usual booth, which had made me worry a little, yet it wasn't a big deal -- he never showed up, and that's when it became a big deal. He had me waiting excitedly the whole day just to disappoint me.
That was three months ago. To be honest, I had almost forgotten about him when I got to work today -- almost. That was until I heard the bell above the door to the diner ring. As I turn to greet the visitor my eyes land on a familiar face. Instead of my usual greeting, I just turn right back to the family I was about to serve.
I know I have no reason to be mad at Pedro; after all, he is just a familiar stranger -- I'm not, I am, however just a little disappointed that he never came to say goodbye or anything, especially after he said he'd come back the very next day. "I'll have that right out for you.", I say in a smiley voice, walking off behind the counter to give Greg the order I wrote on a note.
"Big actor guy is here.", Greg announces as if I hadn't already noticed. I nod knowingly before turning away from the kitchen, picking up a pot of coffee and an empty mug, and going to Pedro's table.
Pedro was deeply focused on his iPad, or so I thought until I was standing right next to his table, making him look up at me in an instant. "Shane.", he says my name with a smile on his lips.
I place the mug in front of him before filling it up and taking a seat opposite him. "Pedro.", Pedro looks challenging at me, licking his plump lips. "Long time no see.", it comes out sounding more like a question than anything.
The man nods sighing quickly before saying anything. "I'm sorry. I know I said I'd come back, I guess I just got my days mixed up. I got a call from my PA when I got home asking if I was ready for my flight the next day. It was an accident, I'd never knowingly lie to you, Shane."
Staying mad at that man isn't easy, my serious expression quickly turns into a smile as I am just really happy to see him again. Pedro is a very interesting guy and I really want to hear more of his stories. "So tell me, how was it? Are you done filming?"
Pedro shakes his head. "Not yet, we're going to Italy next. I just had some time off so I decided to come home for a bit.", Italy -- I've always wanted to go to Italy, it looks so beautiful in pictures. "The time we spent filming in England was great though, the rest of the cast and crew are really nice.", this prompts me to ask a different question, one I ain't sure if he can answer.
"Who else is in the movie? Anyone I might know?", Pedro's head tilts to the side as a coy smile spreads on his lips. Either he doesn't want to tell me or he isn't allowed to tell me. This just further proves to me that this movie might be a pretty big deal. "Okay, fine. I get it.", I raise my hands up in front of me.
"Shane, you're on the clock!", I hear Greg yell from the kitchen as he rings his bell, letting me know that the food for the family is ready. I quietly excuse myself, my cheeks bright red.
I quickly pick up the plates of food for the family, apologizing to them which they just shrug off with a laugh. My eyes scan over the diner, checking for customers who need help or dirty plates, it's pretty late and we close soon so the diner is emptier than usual. There are a few dirty dishes on one of the tables that I pick up before wiping down the table and bringing the dishes to the back. "Sorry, Greg."
He shrugs as he's taking off his apron. "As a more formal apology, you can close up on your own.", I raise a brow, keeping my eyes on him as he gathers his stuff, getting himself ready to leave. It wouldn't be the first time that I close the diner alone, but it usually doesn't happen without reason. "What?"
"Who is she?"
Greg tries to hide it, but my question had made him blush -- hard. "Shut up.", he hushes me and then throws me the bundle of keys to the diner.
When I get back out of the kitchen I find Pedro sitting at the counter chairs instead of at his usual table. I guess a lot can change in three months. "Thought I'd come closer so you can do your job while I tell my stories.", he says with a grin on his face before taking a sip of his coffee. I scan the shop again checking if I'm in the clear, then I lean myself against the counter, getting ready to listen. "Right, hm... I don't know how much I'm allowed to spill, but I can tell you a bit about my whip training.", my eyes widen, glowing. "My character has this cool whip. Everyone else has these futuristic spy weapons and such, so a whip doesn't really sound too cool in comparison. Trust me though, one day when the movie comes out you'll see just how awesome it is.", Pedro's right; a whip doesn't exactly sound cool, like at all.
I look intensely at him, making it very obvious on purpose. "Hmm... I'm not sure if anyone can make a whip look cool.", I say, jokingly doubting him. In reality, if anyone had to make a whip look hot it would be Pedro -- he just has that cowboy vibe with his mustache.
Pedro's hand flies to his chest, acting hurt over what I'd just said. "Manners, Shane. Can't be talking to your elders in that way.", he pretends to be offended, making me chuckle.
As I'm laughing at Pedro the father of the family comes up to the counter, taking my attention away from Pedro. I look at the clock above the door realizing it's closing time and that the man is up here ready to pay. He hands me his card to pay before putting a tenner in the tip jar. "Thank you, sir. Have a great night.", I tell him as I hand him his card back. He gives me a gentle smile before he and his family leave.
Pedro looks down at his watch surprised. "Oh shit, I'm sorry. I guess I didn't realize how late it is. I went straight here after getting off my flight, guess I'm a little confused and jetlagged.", he admits.
"No, no, don't worry. You can stay and finish your coffee while I close up if you want.", not just for him, but for me as well -- mostly, actually. My offer makes him smile which I take as him accepting it.
"What have you been up to?"
I'm surprised he's even asking me when he's the one doing the interesting stuff. "Every day looks the same for me. Wake up, work, eat, sleep -- oh, and playing with Tucker."
Pedro's eyes follow me as I go to lock the front entrance, his brows furrowed. "Tucker? I didn't realize you were a mom-"
This makes me chuckle. "Do I look like a mother to you?", he shrugs making me gasp. "Seriously, I'm twenty-one, definitely not! Tucker's my dog."
"I love dogs.", he says in awe. "My dog's name is Edgar, he's gonna be so sad when I tell him I went to see you before picking him up from his dog-sitter.", I can't help but laugh, Tucker would have been a bit annoyed as well. "We should take our dogs for a walk in the park one day before I leave."
The simple thought of that idea makes my cheeks a bit red, which reminds me to go turn on the dishwasher. "Yeah. I think Tucker would love meeting other dogs.", I yell from the kitchen as I fill a few dirty dishes in the washer, trying to make it seem as if I didn't think the idea was for the two of us, and instead the for dogs.
"I'd like it too.", he admits. I look over my shoulder, seeing him leaning in the kitchen doorway with his now empty mug in his hand. "Here.", Pedro puts the mug down on the kitchen island before sliding it toward me, just close enough for me to grab it but far enough away that it doesn't fall off the edge.
I quickly put the mug in the dishwasher before starting it. "Come on. I'll just grab my things then I'm done."
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missguomeiyun · 1 year
happy hr @ Shojo Izakaya
Came here just about a month ago with Tina & Andrew.
Located in the same 'building' as Wilfreds, this place called Shojo Izakaya has been open for several yrs. TBH, I am quite surprised it survived the pandemic!
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Unlike Wilfred's, the izakaya is located in the basement level; you go down a flight of stairs on the south side of the building. These semi below ground level aren't common here in Edm & I remember how amazed I was when I saw so many of these in Asia (particularly Korea!). I find them cute & mysterious at the same time.
BTW, not sure if I've told you but I'm going to Korea soon! Like. .. next week haha exciting!
Anyway, let's continue with the izakaya.
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The 3 of us got seated in a booth near the back of the restaurant, close to the washroom hallway. This was our view from our table. The izakaya has a mix of patio, regular table, bar, & booth seating. I really liked the variety. I would have liked a regular table but booth was alright too.
I'm not an izakaya regular. .. but are the serving bowls/dishes normally like that?? Just. .. open to air?
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Since we came during happy hour time, we ordered drinks & happy hour items instead of from their regular menu. The above was the spicy salmon & spicy tuna cone.
I had the spicy tuna one & . .. the taste was alright; the rice was hard (not the sushi short grain rice) ... however, the problem for me was the nori (seaweed). Eeeeeee.. . it was . .. "hard"? Not sure if that's the right term but it wasn't crisp. It's also dry as it should be but it was almost like a choking hazard bcos you literally can't break it apart =/
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We max'd out our salmon sashimi order for happy hr (ie: 5 pieces/customer). I am not a fan of sashimi so I had 2 pieces. It was meh. .. I don't really care for it. Andrew, who's a pro, found blood clot in more than 1 piece. ..
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Yaki udon - udon noodles with cabbage, carrots, & scallion in a sweet soy sauce.
2 words:
2 more words:
Don't recommend.
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Here were our drinks starting from the left: yuzu soda, Baby K, & Luna (all were non-alcoholic)
The Baby K contains "peach bitters, rose water, grapefruit, lemon, simple syrup & soda". My Luna has "espresso, house made pandan syrup, & peach bitters". Can't say much about the others but the Luna. .. just didn't work. I was very excited to dry this drink bcos for one, it's coffee-based. I had a white peach latte in Jeonju before & it worked so well so I was like hmm... espresso with peach .. . it was rather gross. I don't know what to say about it. It just didn't work! It felt like I was trying an experimental project rather than something from an actual printed menu.
Overall, .. . =( .. no.......
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hey everyone, I'm still alive! and! I have a writing update!
I haven't done any writing.
okok that's not totally true, I've done bits and pieces since I published 'i still talk to you' (link here, I had fun with that one) but I'm nowhere close to having anything ready to publish. Still, I figured I'd give y'all a (totally sober, for once) update on where I'm at in the stories I've promised.
So, okay, the big one first: TMHYHM. I've got about 3k of chapter 9 done, so we're about halfway through it. I'm starting school again in a few days (senior year, woohoo) and I always seem to write better at school, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that it'll get done in the next few weeks. About ten days from now is the one year anniversary of me 1: starting my AO3 account and 2: publishing chapter one of TMHYHM which is.... both exciting and a little sad? Genuinely didn't expect this story to take so long, but here we are.
A lovely commenter pointed out that I must put a lot into each chapter, and I honestly hadn't really thought much about it but they're right. I'm not gonna ramble about it for much longer, but every chapter takes a lot of time and energy. There was the re-read I did to write down the main plot points I wanted to hit every chapter, and then scouring the internet for quotes to put in once I decided I wanted to go that direction, and then I re-read each individual chapter twice; the first time to get more specific with what happens each chapter, finding places to put extra scenes etc. and a second time to figure out a chapter title. Actually writing the chapters is a lot too. I put a lot of myself and my experience into my interpretation of Andrew, and I feel like it fleshes him out more, but it also makes these chapters so much more mentally draining to write. Anyway, all that to say: happy early birthday to TMHYHM and thank you all for your patience.
Okay anyway, some of you may remember that I started teasing a hospital/amnesia fic (here, here, and here) a month ago during the AO3 outage, and I've almost got three chapters finished (halfway done !) I decided a few months ago that I wasn't going to post multi-part fics until after they're finished from now on, so as soon as I finish the whole thing it'll be up. I took a break from it for a little while, but when I came back and read through it today I genuinely cried a little? I'm evil guys why do I write these things??
Third: the minyard triplets. I'm going to be so honest here, I have not made any progress since last time I updated yall. Looking back at the story, I'm honestly kinda starting to hate it? I don't know, I still like parts of it but it just doesn't feel anywhere close to being my best work. I'll keep working on it and hopefully finish it soon, but I don't know when it'll be done. I had thought about turning it into a series, but I'm just not sure how attainable that is anymore.
Also, you may or may not have read my last fic, but if you did: I'm working on an alternate ending!!! I can't say much (cause spoilers) but I'm working very hard on it so keep an eye out for that one. Not sure if it'll be a separate fic or just a second chapter, but it's coming.
ok uhhhhhh.... i think that's it? TLDR: I don't have a lot of answers for y'all, but I'm working on things.
Oh, also? I'm writing a book. So fics might go on the backburner for a little bit lol. Let me know if that's something you'd like to hear more about though, I'm super excited.
Thank you for all your love and support <3
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captainaikus · 2 years
Hi belle! Im so sorry for a late reply I was not online so much because I am so busy with all the activities in school😭. I’ve not really taken a rest yet but I’m fine! I try to take in between breaks when I do my activities so I’m hanging in there! And anyways I kinda have an Imagine with Oliver. So I am currently obsessed with Marvel right now, me and my family watched it in timeline order and I loved it so much!! So imagine watching all the movies and series with Oliver and the both of you are just simping for the characters and the actors😂 so yeah thats it hehe
How about you belle? Have you watched any marvel movies/series?
Don't worry abt it Blue! ( ∩´͈ ᐜ `͈∩) take your time and reply when you feel like it okay? no pressure ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
And same, my writing time has been cut down due to assignments and papers that i have to work on- so i'm taking it easy ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა its okay to not keep up with timelines (cause i have fomow both here and irl- so i'm working on that)
Marvel movies! I actually wanted to say this for halloween- Aiku in a spiderman suit. but since he is obsessed with cowboy hats- he's just gonna wear that a pair of boots since it suits his very 'laid back personality'.
As for watching Marvel movies... I have seen a few- and on an unpopular opinion, Toby Maguire will always be my fav spider man (like ik tom holland and andrew garfield are cute- but just... nah. Toby is my childhood ૮꒰⸝⸝> <⸝⸝꒱), apart from that i've seen avengers, winter soldier and yeah that's it. I don't watch a lot of marvel movies tbh... my friends and roommates are maniacs tho (and they're telling me to watch the boys- i'm not sure if its marvel tho) i'm more of a DC girl- and the latest series i watched... its just romantic killer (anime) and i'm waiting for Ragnarok season 2 to come in...
Small Oliver Drabble - angsty fluffy cause i couldn't help it and he's my fav ૮꒰/ฅ//ฅ//꒱ა :
Oh yea if there was a marvel movie marathon ik he's gonna go with the popular opinion and like black widow- and banter with you, even if he doesn't mean it.
"You know if I weren't stuck with you, i'd totally trade you with Natasha Romanov." he said, grabbing popcorn and putting them into his mouth.
"Mhm hm... pretty sure you can do that now, since you have a football career and the world hasn't run out of red heads who speak Russian and latin- any girl would kill to have Aiku Oliver as a boyfriend." you replied humorlessly, resting into the sofa.
"You wouldn't?"
"Hm... not when you have Thor, Loki, Tony Stark, Peter parker, Steve Rogers and Bucky to entertain you. Its a different feeling when you want someone you can't have yet you're satisfied with it." you ranted, shrugging your shoulders, taking some popcorn into your hand and eating it.
"So you'd rather have characters portrayed by people on screen who don't even know you rather than me?" he contested, his voice sounding more serious rather than the tinge of amusement he got into friendly arguments.
It fueled your desire to tease him, your mind curious and the want to entice a reaction out of him.
"I mean..." you drawled out, a smirk making its way on your face. "I might not bag them in real life, but I am pretty happy with the view I'm getting. I did this before my first relationship and I also did the same thing before I met you. A girl can dream you know?"
"Even if you have me?" "Even if I have you."
"I'm gonna go get some water." he said, rolling his eyes and getting up from the sofa. Letting a few minutes pass you set the bowl of popcorn on the table, pausing the movie to follow him.
Standing at the door of the kitchen you watched as he stared at the counter, clutching a glass of water. Walking behind him, you circled your arms around his torso, nuzzling your nose into his back, hugging him close to you.
"You know that i was only teasing right?"
"Mhm." "Is Oliver upset with me?" "..." "Did I make my Oliver angry?"
"You know that I didn't mean it." you pouted, feeling him sigh.
"You're lucky you have me. I don't think Bucky and gang would be able to put up with your annoying ass." he said with a scoff.
"You brat." you laughed, biting into his back, making him yelp. Turning around he caressed your face, placing a lingering kiss on your head, his heterochromatic eyes staring into yours as he rubbed his thumb against your cheek.
"Jeg elsker deg." he murmured. "Jeg elsker too deg."
He chuckled.
"Let's go back. I get to pick a movie this time." [Jeg elsker deg is Norwegian, but Swedish and Norwegian sound really similar even if the spellings are different and Oliver can speak both.]
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jimmys-zeppelin · 2 years
chapter thirty-one — part two
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(table of contents)
*nsfw ahead!*
april 3, 1977
Finding themselves back onto the dance floor later that evening along with some of their ensemble, Ellie and Roger decided to go for more drinks at the bar. Having just come back from a Bee Gees number she couldn't remember the name of, Ellie ordered her drink.
"You enjoying yourself?" Roger asked, his finger playing at the ring on her pinky.
She peered over at his hand touching hers, looking back up at him, "Very much so. I'm so glad to see everyone. Especially Andrew and Linda again."
"I didn't know you knew Linda," he said letting his hand rest over hers.
"Yeah, we met at the Troubadour when I had just moved to LA. She and her friends kinda took me under their wing. They got me my first gig at Whisky A Go-Go after I was at the Troubadour. She's one of the few friends I have left from the early days. Besides Andrew, obviously."
"And what about Andrew? I've always wondered where you found a character like him," Roger laughed, thanking the bartender as their drinks were handed to them.
Ellie smiled, "He's a character for sure. But I love him so much. We met at a homeless shelter after I got a ticket for sleeping in my car outside of Hollywood in '69. Our cots were right next to each other and he just kept pestering me to play him something on my guitar. Then he tricked me into being friends with him," she said, falsely rolling her eyes before laughing.
"Much like myself," Roger teased, nudging her shoulder with a chuckle.
Nudging him back, she disagreed, "I mean you were persistent," she giggled, "but it made me wanna get to know you more."
"Yeah, don't let your ego into it, though. Can't have you getting arrogant on me," she could feel the sweat on her palms coming back.
"Gah, too late," Roger said, putting his hands up in defeat.
A silence fell between them then. Sipping at their drinks, then Ellie asked, "How about you? Enjoying Paris so far?"
"Loving it. Been here tons of times with the guys, but not so much on leisure. Always business. So it's good to relax for a while."
"I am just dragging you all over Europe aren't I? Throwing in a few free shows," Ellie chuckled,
"I deserve it. Plus the shows are a pleasure. I love how intimate you make it feel with the audience when you do your acoustic songs."
"Yeah? Those bits always make me the most nervous."
"You hide it well," Roger admitted, his knee touching hers beneath the bar top. Pretending not to notice, Ellie sipped at her drink, hiding a humble smile behind the glass.
"It's what women are most talented at," she shrugged in faux pretension.
"For my sake, I won't prod any further," he smiled before the two began laughing.
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Clad in a towel wrapped loosely around her body, Ellie finally got a chance to look at the gifts piled up on her bed. There were enough to count, but they'd only really been from the friends who joined her at the club just hours beforehand.
Still coming down from the drinks and blow she'd absorbed into her bloodstream throughout the night—happy birthday to her right?—Ellie plopped herself down, reaching for a small, pink bag from Linda.
To Ellie,
Who else but you to help me remember our 1,001 Troubadourian Nights?
Smiling at the note, she set it aside to peer into the bag; inside of which held a small leather-bound book. Opening it up, she took note of the blank pages, save for the first one.
Let your emotions flow freely here. Whether it be lyrical or epistolary. — Lin
Ellie figured perhaps she'd use the new notebook as a songbook, as hers was running short on pages, but overflowing with material. The gift couldn't have come at a better time, what with having received the news that (previous) morning that Atlantic had greenlit her for another album, due for release later that year. Her heart beat a little faster at the mere thought of the deadline before her.
So far she'd only had a title for it. Conditions of the Heart.
Moving onto her next gift, it was an envelope with Ellie's name written in scraggly handwriting she could only identify as belonging to Andrew.
Inside, there was a card. A watercolor of a French bakery on the front, Boulangerie written atop the facade and a small brown dog sitting just outside. The card contained twenty dollars and a short note.
Didn't know gifts were a necessity this year...here's $20 to show my love and appreciation for my favorite singer. Go buy yourself something nice babe.
Ellie couldn't help but laugh out loud, especially at the crudely drawn winky face beside the end of his note. She put it away, her eyes finally landing on Roger's gift. It gave her anxiety just looking at the thin box before her. The card was still taped on. She decided to look that first.
Not knowing if she was looking at it through rose-colored glasses or if it was reality, but his handwriting appeared more attractive to her than anyone else's font she'd ever seen. The card was chock-full of sentiments. Both sides of it.
Her eyes caught glimpses of words like appreciate, love, and prosperity. Letting fear got the best of her, and heart nearly going into cardiac arrest at the sheer length of the card, she couldn't bring herself to read it. Not tonight anyway.
Skipping to the box, which made her hands tremble even harder upon seeing the white paperboard debossed in gold lettering, she tried to calm down. The brand was unmistakable, its showmanship making the unboxing difficult to keep any sort of ambiguity. Removing the red leather box from its paperboard case, Ellie's fingers traced the hide, armed with the vague notion of what would be inside the thin case.
Ripping off the bandaid, she cracked it open, her eyes catching the brand name once again before falling to the simple gold chain bracelet resting inside. Her jaw fell agape.
He'd gotten her a Cartier bracelet.
It wasn't a flashy piece by any means, just a simple gold chain link, but she'd never had anyone buy her such an expensive gift before. Especially someone who she'd barely even shared a kiss with; someone she considered as close a friend as Roger. Despite how she felt about him.
Ellie found herself frozen for a beat, merely staring down at the bracelet before her. Looking around the room, she finally remembered to breathe. Centering herself, she shut the box and stood up, walking over to the bathroom and shaking the towel from her hair.
Staring at herself in the mirror, Ellie still couldn't quite believe it. Before she knew it, she found herself at the door of his room, incessantly knocking until he opened it.
Sleep was prevalent in his eyes despite the fact he hadn't changed out of his clothes—save for his leather jacket. He sobered up slightly at the sight of her in her towel, furrowing his brow. "Hey, El, what—"
"You got me a Cartier bracelet, why did you get me a Cartier bracelet?" Ellie asked, half dazed, still seeing it in front of her despite having left it in her room.
"I—" Roger stammered, "It wasn't—I—are you upset?"
"No!" she paused, "Yes!" she reverted, "Why did you spend all that money on a gift for me?" She asked, finally looked at him instead of through him, coming, once again, back to reality.
Roger stared back at her, his eyes briefly darting down the hallway in case anyone was walking their way. "Ellie, come inside," he said, ushering her into the room.
"Why?" she asked, bleary eyed as she stared at him.
"Darling, you're practically naked," he said quite frankly.
Looking down at herself, she realized he was right and followed him into his room.
"Did you read the card?"
Ellie was the one stammering this time, "Not yet."
He turned white as a sheet, clearing his throat, "Oh."
"Should I go read it?" She asked, recalling the absolute length of his card, wondering just how he could fit so much sentiment into two small pages. Roger nodded in response to her question, opening the door for her to go as well as mumbling something about putting some shoes on.
Shuffling back into the hall, Ellie found herself shoving any and all emotions she felt down into the deepest pits of her soul. Daringly, she stomped back into her room, finding the folded card just beside the bracelet's box and flipping it open; forcing herself to read the words on the thick paper.
I'm not sure where to begin here, but let me start by saying I'm impressed at how you're not completely sick of me yet. At first I thought you'd only said yes to allowing me to join you on the tour because you felt bad and wanted to give me something to do on my time off. I appreciate you including me, especially knowing exactly how I feel about you now. Over the last few weeks, you've captivated me more than I thought possible. I've grown positively enamored with you and I don't know when or if I'll be able to see another woman as I've seen you. Your humour and intoxicating personality have me undeniably under your spell, whether or not that was your intention.
And I know you're not perfect, but neither am I, so how horrible could we be as a pair? I hope you don't think this is a cowardly way of expressing how I feel about you (and that your gift wasn't a complete oversight of our relationship). On another note, I do hope you like your gift. And if you try to give it back I'll weld it to your wrist! You deserve good things Ellie, and I'll repeat it to you as many times as is necessary until you believe it, love. Wishing you heaps and bounds of joy and prosperity for your 27th year.
Roger xx
P.S. if the bracelet isn't up to snuff for your tastes, I can gladly exchange it for you
Again, Ellie's hands were trembling, the gargantuan lump in her throat resulting in a stifling gasp before she felt a pair of tears roll down her cheeks.
"Ellie?" Came his voice gently, he had a knuckle to the door she'd left open, just about to knock when she turned around.
"It's my birthday," Ellie said, blinking away the tears from her watery eyes, letting them fall again, staining her cheeks.
"It's my birthday, Roger," she repeated, stepping closer to him, card still in hand.
"Well, not anymore," he replied calmly, taking a glance at his watch, taking a mirroring step into the room as he closed the door behind him.
"You declare your feelings with a Cartier bracelet and a card? On my birthday?"
The rise and fall of Roger's chest became more evident as she stepped closer to him. Nervousness radiated off his face, though his eyes never left hers.
"Ellie, it's well past midnight—"
"Shut up," Ellie interrupted, tossing the card to the floor, grabbing at his collar, and crashing her lips into his, practically letting out a cry when she could finally taste him.
His hands were quick to wrap around her waist, careful not to let her towel drop to the floor. Pulling her in closer to him, Roger was quick to slip his tongue past her lips, cupping the left side of her face in his palm. Ellie's arms found their way around his neck, her fingers delving into his recently shortened locks.
Upon unwillingly pulling away from one another, Roger leaned his forehead onto hers, unable to wipe the smile off his face. Their eyes bore into each other as they regained their breath, both smiles seemingly permament in the wake of the moment.
"So, erm, did you like the bracelet?" Roger asked, breaking the heaving silence between them.
"I love it," Ellie answered with a laugh, brushing the teardrops from her eyes and leaning into him again. This time, she felt him slowly, her fingertips feeling the soft landscape of his cheek, the slight beginnings of stubble forming on his shaven face.
She could only begin to imagine how long she'd fantasized about this moment for. Probably longer than she would've liked to admit, really. Having him there, in front of her, kissing her, was all she needed right then.
"Do you really think my personality is intoxicating?" Ellie asked. There was a hint of humor in her voice, almost unbelieving of his well-meant words towards her.
"To be fair, I was drinking rather heavily when I wrote that. Wouldn't have had the courage to do it otherwise," Roger answered sheepishly, a rouge tinge rising to his cheeks.
"So you don't think my personality is intoxicating?"
"You are intoxicating, my dear. You're..." he trailed off, looking at the state of her, trying to place his thoughts.
"A mess," Ellie chuckled, "let me get dressed. Take a seat," she said, grabbing for a small pile of clothes that lay on her bed before disappearing into the bathroom.
Upon her return, the tangles in her hair had been tamed, and her frame was draped in a rather revealing set of teal satin pajamas. Roger had found a corner of the bed to relax on, his head resting on the wall as he awaited her return. He looked almost asleep when Ellie began clearing the bed of her gifs, putting them aside.
Curling up beside him, Ellie looked up at him almost expectantly before he delivered wordlessly; a soft kiss to her lips. Resting her head on his chest, he let his hand touch her bare thigh, caressing her soft skin.
"Did you fall asleep in your clothes? Before, I mean." she asked, tracing the veins over the back of his palm.
"Wanted to sleep off the alcohol as best I could before catching the train for tomorrow....this morning. Figured I'd shower before we left. Then I just laid down, thought for a little bit and just drifted off."
"Thinking about what?"
"You. Mainly. Almost thought I'd stay up because I was so worried about you reading the card," He answered, peering over to find the card still discarded on the floor.
"I'll put it away for safekeeping, I promise," Ellie said, almost feeling his gaze wander over to it. Picking up his left hand where it lay on her thigh, she pressed a delicate kiss to it, feeling at his fingers with her own. The sheer difference in size was enough to make her squirm.
"I may've been drunk when I wrote that, El, but every word of it is true."
"I know," she replied. "Thank you. For saying those things about me."
"Sometimes you have to be reminded of how wonderful you are," Roger said, taking back control of his hand and using it to turn her cheek towards him. "Your eyes are beautiful, did you know that?"
"I haven't heard that in quite a while," Ellie said, amusement clear in her tone despite the statement having been true.
"Glad I could remind you," he said softly, a smile beginning to form as he kissed her again. Languidly, he pressed short and long kisses to her lips like he was trying to convey morse code to her. In the midst of his message, Ellie found herself sandwiched between Roger and the mattress; not that she minded at all. She took him by the back of the head, pressing him deeper into her, prolonging their time together. They'd spent too much of it apart.
"Spend the night with me," Ellie said breathlessly, touching at his cheeks, almost desperately trying to remember the way they felt against her fingertips in case he was momentarily going to vanish from her presence forever.
"I will," he said simply, letting his fingers trace over the outline of her collarbone, following their natural curve down to the hem of her top; only being held up by a flimsy little strap. His eyes followed suit, only imagining what could be found below the satin material.
As she breathed, the rise and fall of her chest led the way for the distinct outline of her nipple to slowly appear through the material. She could only imagine what could be running through his mind. Ellie knew how she felt, though. The dull, throbbing ache between her legs said everything it needed to.
"Take it off," Ellie whispered, letting her fingers guide his in slipping the dainty material off her shoulder. He kissed at her porcelain skin, pulling gently at her top until her breast was exposed to him. Glancing up at her quickly as if to ask for permission, Roger put his mouth to her almost as soon as she'd nodded to him.
With her soft inhale, he kneaded her breast in his hand as his lips remained, tugging softly at her nipple until he drew a whine from her.
"Fuck, Roger," Ellie mumbled as he pinched her other nipple through the thin material. Then, decidedly marking his territory, Roger sucked a spot right in the valley of her chest, the area quickly turning a bright shade of red once he'd removed the suction of his lips.
"I'd put it on your neck, but I gather that wouldn't be the best place to have it on display?"
Ellie hummed in agreement, unable to utter a single word as he focused his attention to her opposite side, mirroring his lowering of the left strap until her top was lazily hung around her waist.
This time she moaned as he nipped at her, her hips doing the job in moving things along, basically dry humping him in anticipation. She could feel the slick practially dripping between her thighs, almost embarrassed at how virginal she seemed to have become in the months since she'd had any proper attention.
She didn't let the embarrassment get too into her head, though, as she could feel Roger's erection through his pants. Letting her hands fall lower down his torso, she was almost frantic to touch him; lightly palming him through his jeans. Ellie knew she was in the right place when he let out a quiet, yet frustrated groan.
As Roger began to feel his way up her thigh, he reached just past the hem of her shorts, his brow furrowing upon feeling only her bare skin beneath the satin.
"No underwear?" he asked.
"I forgot to grab a pair out of my suitcase, give me a break," Ellie said sheepishly, feeling her cheeks grow hot. As he felt his way lower between her legs, she parted them for him so as to allow for easier access. While she continued to let her palm glide up and down over his cock, his thumb delved between her folds, becoming soaked the instant he made contact. She felt him twitch in his pants in time with the sharp inhale he took.
"You're fucking soaked, El," Roger murmured, almost surprised at the predicament as she began to unbuckle his belt. Locking eyes with him, she nodded while pulling at his jeans, nearly yanking them off.
Getting up, Roger fully undressed before her, combing his fingers through his hair before coming back over her again, planting kisses onto her neck seemingly as an apology for being away.
As their lips found each other once again, Roger's hands were hastily reaching for her bottoms, mumbling "up," for her to lift her hips as he pulled them off her body.
Caressing her thigh, he kneaded her up the length of it, reaching her waist before giving her a squeeze. Holding her hand out in front of him, Ellie instructed him to spit in it. Without a hint of hesitation, Roger did so, spilling some of his salvia into the palm of her hand.
Reaching between them, Ellie began stroking him. As she felt him tense up, she caught his lips, warm and wet against hers in a way that could only drive her up a wall and beg for more.
In a moment of parting, he mumbled her name, pushing his fingers between sweet, saccharine folds, pumping into her slowly and methodically. Ellie couldn't help but whine at his touch, gasping softly when his tongue entered her mouth.
"God," Roger sighed, his thumb brushing against her clit again as he positioned himself before her, "So easy to just—" he started, barely able to finish his thought before he was inside her. The two let out matching cries, with no concern to anyone who would be unfortunate enough in sharing a wall with them.
Ellie's legs wrapped around his waist, the heels of her feet holding him in closer to her. He grunted as he rutted into her, the coarse grit of his voice only making her melt more beneath him as he began to thrust into her.
In the split second where she was able to get her thoughts together, Ellie couldn't help but notice the blissed out expression on Roger's face. Pulling him in by his cheeks, she kissed him, almost consuming his lips with her own while the two let out the sounds that had they'd been longing to hear from one another.
"So good," Ellie breathed against him, wishing more eloquent words could equate just how he felt inside her.
Roger's hand groped at her chest, muttering about how good she felt in return, "Dunno how long I've wanted this for El."
"Me, too," she sighed, her hand touching his on her chest, guiding him into kneading the soft flesh.
"No, seriously—fuck," he groaned, going at her with his hips so hard the bedframe began squeaking. "You have no idea."
"Really?" Ellie asked shortly, her mind was nearly mush when the knot in her stomach quickly started becoming tighter.
"Kissing you, fucking you," Roger stopped, a soft whine interrupting his speech, "You."
With a hazy look in her eyes, Ellie gazed up at him with a soft smile on her face. He smiled back at her, in that time his thighs trembled against her. Something in his movement shifted then, signaled by the groan he let out as he nestled his face into her neck. Kissing at the warm skin, he moaned, "'m gonna cum."
Holding his neck closer to hers, Ellie could only find herself concentrating on not finishing too soon herself—and utterly failing. His fingers gripped tight onto her waist, nearly holding her hip bone in his hand. "Cum inside me," She mumbled, angling her hips higher to meet his, her own muscles squeezing around him prematurely before she finished.
With one last swear, Roger emptied himself into her, his hips stuttering as he climaxed. Muffled against her neck, he groaned once again, pushing the rest of his load deep inside as he tried regaining his breath.
While Ellie did the same, she brushed her fingers through his hair as he finally looked back up at her. A smile broke out on his face, still breathless when he kissed her. His lips parted against hers, his tongue taking up any space it could in her mouth. Sighing into him, she raised her hips up against his, still sensitive from her own orgasm. Roger couldn't help but whine either, thrusting into her one last time.
The sad, empty feeling filled her once again he pulled out, but she sat up nonetheless. With a deep breath, Ellie pulled the straps of her top back up to her shoulders and bent over to pick her shorts up off the floor.
"Don't put them away," Roger said, his voice hoarse, a smug smile on his face as he watched her make her way to the bathroom.
Returning to the bed, she crawled over his utterly spent body, guiding his hand beneath her top and letting him squeeze her as he pleased. "They're all yours," she murmured, pecking at his lips, "whenever you want."
"Is it too soon to say I love you?" he joked, a smile on his face as he pinched at her.
"I'm gonna get cleaned up," she replied, smiling as she bit her lower lip.
Padding back into the room, Ellie reached for the bracelet box on the nightstand, plopping herself back onto the bed beside Roger. He'd put his underwear back on in the meantime and was quick to reach out and touch her, his hand brushing up the side of her thigh as she straddled his lap.
Opening the box again, Ellie touched softly at the gold chains, chewing the inside of her lip before looking up at Roger. "Put this on me?" she asked gently, turning the box toward him.
With as much care as he could muster, Roger picked it up out of its packaging. Clasping the bracelet to her wrist, he angled it properly, turning her hand so he could kiss the back of it.
"Stop it," Ellie said, a child-like grin spreading across her face as he leaned forward, pecking at her cheek, taking a closer look at how the bracelet looked on her.
"It's perfect. Just like I thought it would be," Roger said, looking up at Ellie, "Perfect like you."
Placing a finger beneath her chin, he pulled her in for another kiss, soft as the clouds in the sky and gentle as if she were a porcelain doll. She touched her forehead to his, the taste of him so present on her lips she wanted it like a permanent lip gloss.
"Can we just stay like this all night?" Ellie asked, sparsely kissing at his nose, cheeks, and lips.
Glancing quickly at his watch, Roger groaned, "it's nearly four."
"Are you tired?" she asked, trailing her kisses down to his jaw, resting her head on his shoulder and taking in the warmth of his neck.
"Exhausted," he replied, pinching at the bridge of his nose.
"Stay, we'll check you out of the other room in the morning."
"What time is the train to Saint...wherever it is," he asked, his hand finding its way to her back beneath her top, lightly ghosting his fingers up and down across her skin.
"Seven. We have to be there at six-thirty and checkout's at," she paused, realizing just how little time they had, "five-thirty."
"You're joking," Roger said, letting his head fall back on the wall behind him.
"I wish I was. That way I could stay up all night with you," she said, tracing absent lines on his chest.
"Tomorrow night—" Roger started.
"We can share my room, cut the costs for you."
"What about Carolyn? And your band? They'll know."
"You don't want people to know?" Ellie asked, amused.
"Let's keep it to ourselves for a little bit, hm?" Roger chuckled.
"I guess so," Ellie chuckled in return. Then she paused for a beat, "You said before I had no idea how badly you wanted me."
"Yeah," he answered, internally laughing at his desperation.
"Enlighten me, then...how long have I possessed you for?"
"Probably since the second I laid my eyes on you," Roger answered, drawing a laugh from Ellie, "And then when I figured out you were Page's girlfriend," he made a sound which made her laugh even harder. Somewhere between a grunt and a growl.
"Jealous?" she asked.
"Disgustingly so."
"Well, you'll be glad to know you had nothing to be jealous about, really. As much as I loved him, I think we were starting to grow apart from each other then."
"Fuck, if I'd have swept you off your feet when we met then we wouldn't be in this position right now."
"Please, I nearly jumped ship when you bumped into me at the party."
Again, he laughed, continuing on stroking her back as he hesitated over his next words, "I don't know if you know this," Roger started, "But the Fourth of July party last year..."
"What happened?" she asked, her voice going hollow as soon as the words left his lips.
"You kissed me," Roger stated simply, "But you were so drunk—and still with Jimmy—that when you clearly couldn't remember the next morning, I let it go." Ellie hummed in response, prompting Roger to look down at her, "what is it?"
"I knew something happened," she smiled, "I just felt...I don't know, different after that night. Like it finally clicked in my head that," she paused, her eyes locking with his, "you were the one I really wanted."
Leaning into her, his lips caught hers with a fervor she didn't know he could muster. Each time their lips met it was like the first time all over again. The butterflies invading her stomach never found their calm when his mouth was on her. And when his hands snuck beneath the satin material of her bedclothes, it was as if she became putty in his hands. Over and over again.
"If we keep making out, we'll barely get a minute's rest," Ellie laughed.
"Dunno which I want more, honestly," Roger replied, engulfing her again and again and again.
masterlist | playlist
Taglist: @diaryofafan17 @keepcalmandcarryfire @witchesdust @jonesyjonesyjonesy @paginate54 @hejustsatisfiess @salixfragilis @modernloverss @reincarnated70sbaby @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @kyunisixx @blackberryblossom @jimmypages @foreverandadaydarling if you want to be added to the list let me know!
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honeybeecomebuzzingme · 11 months
It's still very good that I haven't had a meltdown in weeks now. But I still feel guilty that the only times I have ever panicked or had any meltdowns was in relation to N. Dreams or nightmares?
It's a lot of things to process.
Big change. It takes a while to shift my mindset. But I still see him as a friend.
I try really hard to be a good person.
A good friend. But right now I'm not sure.
I'm still processing the break up, I'm back into writing as if how much stress it caused me to have meltdowns so often was causing me to get depressed and lose interest in things. I got writers block.
I feel so much better now.
It's sad that I couldn't be this productive and motivated before. Ambitious.
I wish I could have been able to accept that I can do things for myself. Be free.
I feel safer now I guess?
My decision to get a female driving instructor is comforting. Hopeful.
I feel like without the anxiety and stress that I had before I'll get on better than I did before. I need to keep up with the plans.
My goals are to write and practice guitar every day. Eventually I will post things on YouTube and I want to learn the Nick Cave song off by heart at least.
My love and trust for N might be evolving, as it is always unconditional yet has grown platonic, I take with me the lessons he taught me through all my denial and doubt over how I could possibly do things without anyone telling me I was doing it wrong somehow. At least now I trust him more as a friend. I'm glad for that.
As my best friend he will always be remembered most of all. Nakama.
My anxiety seems to be a lot better recently and that makes me happy.
I need to process other things too.
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I think I might be gay? I'm an egg.
I'm not sure yet, I told N I think I might be.
I told him I've been questioning everything and honestly I had a lot of dysphoria.
I question so much eventually I'm going to question and overthink the first question.
"Was I meant to be born a boy?"
"I identify with Andy/Angie more than my birth name so maybe I want to be a guy?"
"I do love to be called my gender neutral name and gender neutral pronouns"
"I would have been called Andrew"
And then I think about how I was scared I'd lost my attraction to N before and I felt that wishing for not having anything.
I don't want to be touched down there.
I don't want to have any surgery there.
I feel weird and confusing to sex.
The last thing I want is to make N think he's turned me gay. But also I never felt like I could be my true self with him.
There was always that wall in the way.
Sides of the wall were transparent but it was never as accessible as the way things were back when I used to blog about it on here back in the day. I loved him directly.
Fireworks in all that. Intense emotional outbursts and meltdowns aside. He was a good egg and a humble person. My muse.
He's still my muse. N is like JW a lot.
JW now he'll eventually outgrow Mel too.
Or would that be a misdirection? Who is to say. But generally I want to focus on me.
Writing this helps me a lot. To process.
I'm so tired too. I must try sleep.
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hard-core-super-star · 11 months
good morning! I was so tired yesterday that I forgot most of what I wrote so it will be a surprise for me to read it all again 😶 ALSO, EXCUSE ME??? I wake up and see that you posted a fic, I was expecting something cute (it was cute) and I got punched in the middle of the face!! I love parker!reader because I wanted to be spider-man sooooo bad, but I'm halfway there because I'm miles morales coded, it's more than enough to make this girl here happy 🙏
not even with a second star...? Hjdkaajk I would like to know how I make this easy, would you tell me? 👀
to preserve myself I will neither confirm nor deny this. you have a point there, but by the way the carriage is going your star won't arrive anytime soon. I won't be waiting. oh that's good, because I don't like doing that either and it's not like I wasn't climbing the walls with that last fic you posted. since we're not talking about alpha!Kate, will there be more of this, like a part 2 or something like that? asking a friend-
c'mon, I'm trying but you're not helping at all! I could easily say aww and laugh at the same paragraph again because I definitely see an opening. why financial compensation?? I just laughed! OH- you're threatening me with the sad eyes emoji?? again!?!?!?
thanks. i am still learning. YOU- JDHKSAKAK It's always a phrase that matches the context, how is that possible 😭
yeah? why does portuguese scare you? 🤔 there's definitely a lot to add, but in a way you kind of left the idea complete??? she knows what that feeling is like and not wanting anyone else to go through the same thing and not wanting to drag people down with her is so- this makes me think that she hates being alone but thinks that maybe it's the best thing just so she doesn't bring someone into this mess that she is (I'm pretty sure I said exactly what you said). anyway she just needs a hug damn ☹️
– 🌟
good morning! i''ve been awake for a while but i have a feeling my responses will still be messy af 😶 at least i only have one class today and then i'm free to freak out over my assignments. i love being unpredictable like that :) but yeah, i tried to make it cute to counteract the sadness. i honestly feel that, i liked tobey's version of spiderman a lot but andrew's is...i honestly can't decide if i want to be him or with him [and i'm gay af lmao] miles morales coded, you say? interesting.
hmm, i might be convinced with a second star but idk. it kinda sounds like you'd be willing to bribe me 👀 i could tell you but then i'd have to delete my blog so, these thoughts will stay in my mind.
hmmm, i think that just proves my point further but sure. well, considering you were offering me another star to get me to admit you were right, i'm not too worried about my second star not arriving. good 'cause it's not like that's what i'm going to do later today. i'm so glad we're both on the same page about this 'cause it'd be awful if you kept doing it. i'm definitely not very excited that you're not asking about a part 2 to alpha!kate. and because you're not asking and i'm not excited i won't tell you that i really, really, want to do a part 2 but idk what i want the plot to be. i could just suck it up and do like...multiple fics in one, like a look-through of the relationship starting from when alpha!kate rescues R. but idk. i certainly wouldn't like to hear your thoughts on this.
how is it my fault that you're laughing at me??? you could just say aw and move on, you don't have to laugh 😑 you don't think that requires financial compensation? i'm out here being vulnerable and you're laughing. i'm one sentence away from spamming the sad eyes emoji.
like i said, you're doing great, i might have to pull out my handy emily dickinson poetry book and really test you. i honestly don't know how i do it either, i just associate a lot of words with things so when i see an opening i drop a reference.
i don't know, it just feels like a lot to tackle which is, again, ironic since you could argue all the other languages i've chosen are difficult af to learn. i think it just scrambles my brain when i hear it spoken out loud 'cause i can catch some words while others sound very different. my ideas are anything but complete lmao. that's exactly what i mean. although i do wonder how much of it is just me projecting lmao. it's just striking that someone so talkative and excitable has like...zero friends. that we see anyway. and considering how loyal she is, you'd imagine there'd be at least one reference to her friends. which definitely adds to why she instantly attaches herself to clint. like yes, she's trying to prove herself but also, she doesn't really have anyone else. i definitely agree that being alone is sort of a defense mechanism for her and that's probably why i love her sort-of friendship with yelena. they compliment each other in a way they both so desperately need, even if they won't admit it. hard agree with that last point, see all my headcanons about kate being touchstarved af.
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A Tale of Rumors
Ah, are you already here? It is somewhat early, don't you think? Anyway, I know what you are here for. You want to listen. 
Take a seat. I don't like being rude to guests. Bad publicity has never been my thing, but you already know that, correct?
Nobody really likes to have bad publicity. It tampers with your perception of socializing with your surroundings. You don't think it isn't already hard enough to know what people think? Now you have to deal with people potentially putting on a front when you are around.
There was this man - let's call him Andrew - who thought so as well. Andrew was a young, but bitter, store clerk. People could irritate him easily, and it's not like he hid his own disdain for "inconveniences" when they showed up. He may have not meant to be this way, maybe he had a very troublesome life at home that left him too stressed to be cheerful at work, but he never told me about that.
Regardless, he was a good worker. His boss was always happy with his performance, and offered a good salary and working conditions. I bet you wish you had that too. 
I went to that store twice. I met Andrew there, as well. He was well-mannered, but had a short fuse. Oh, those kids. The first time I was there, two kids entered in a rush. They did not even see the shelf around the corner, and one slip on the floor had them knock it down, throwing all its contents out in the open. I stood in a corner while Andrew got up from his seat and chased the kids out of the store, mumbling to himself and dilligently picking up everything from the floor. Nothing was broken, fortunately.
Why did I not help? You know it's not my thing to intervene. 
Andrew set everything right again and apologized for the disturbance. He had a deep and powerful voice that, no doubt, must have terrified those kids. 
He didn't even look at me as I paid for my things. Maybe he was still clenching his teeth at the situation, so I let him be. As I walked out, he did nothing but stare at his hands in silence.
Some other people told me he was always like that. That his soul always left him after a problem, and he became this hollow, dark-looking husk of a man for an hour after that. I wonder if that was really true? I only saw him once by then, after all. 
Maybe the talk about this hollow man is what drove a robber to the store in a Thursday night. You hear "hollow" and picture a depressed, empty person who has lost the will to move and feel. An easy target, if we put ourselves in the mind of a criminal.
You know where this is going? I am glad you do. I'm quite sure that other people also did at the time. Maybe not in the exact way things unfolded that night, but most people expected the reserved, organized man to snap one day.
This was about two weeks after I visited the store. By the time my curiosity brought me to the sirens and lights, the place was being secured by the police. I let myself in, just to see what had happened with Andrew. He was behind the locked storeroom door with an officer, while forensics investigated the scene.
They talked about all sorts of things. Not many of them were relevant to our story, unfortunately. Andrew was cold, but he wasn't the soulless husk people expected after a situation like that. He had clarity in his eyes. Determination in his voice. Pride in his posture. And the poor officer could barely believe this was the same man described by the witnesses.
Eventually, he asked Andrew how it happened. Andrew just signaled at where the security monitors were, knowing well that it was pointless to narrate the scene. It would have been quite self-explanatory to just take a look at the state of the store. The counter was covered in the criminal's blood, and the multiple broken ribs, crushed organs, ripped muscles, gouged eyes and snapped spine told the rest of the story just as well as any high-definition camera could have. 
The officer was not in danger, of course. Andrew was calm. They were called by the rest of the policemen, despite Andrew's petition to clean up the store before leaving. 
Do you think he is a changed man in prison now? Do you think he crossed his event horizon? Do you think post-crime Andrew is happier than he was before? There are things I would like to ask him in jail. But the thing I find the most ironic is that now none of the rumors about his persona are accurate to the man he is, and how it may have not happened if not for that bad publicity being heard by the wrong person.
Ah, you still want to know how the events in the store happened? Why he changed? How could he gain the upper hand in a robbery and kill his attacker in such a brutal way?
You tell me. What do you think is his story?
After all, he is not present to hear us speak about him.
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