#i'm obsessed 😔 he's beautiful
stimtfil · 20 days
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thinking about elf kyle too much.... he is the prettiest thing in the whole world i CAN'T be cool about it.... (neither can eric)
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meanbossart · 3 months
aw god dammit all the gorgeous art peeps are making of Best Boy Drow got me inspired to draw my tav twins with hiiiim 😔 my twunk boy eck is totally very secure in his masculinity so he'd get sloshed and start comparing scar stories. em's the "smart" twin so she knows they're both beat 😔 this will not stop her from ogling. she's on her best behavior i swear 😔😔😔
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I'm OBSESSED with all the body language here, you illustrate gesture/movement SO WELL I practically envision this animated, and oh my god the atmosphere 😭your backgrounds are every bit as lively and beautiful as your characters - THE FOLIAGE, THE BLURRY FOREGROUND, SO MUCH DEPTH HERE
Also I love this wall of text on top and not a single bubble connecting back to DU drow, you just know it's been an entire 20 minutes since he last said a non-monosyllabic word. I'M GUESSING ECK DOESN'T MIND, HE'S GOT ENOUGH TO SAY FOR BOTH OF THEM, 10/10 DYNAMIC.
Em I'd question why you're even wasting your time here but we both know why. Anyways I can assure you they're going equal amounts of ogling - Eck how long will it be before you notice your sister's rack is far more interesting than your mephit bite.
Anyways my point is this is fucking incredible. I'm speechless. I must retreat into my cave now and stare at this for the rest of the day.
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evanpeterswhoresblog · 2 months
i'm soooo glad you're back!!! love your writting so much, was thinking about some ghostface¡ tate or shit yk...like everyone who flirts with reader end murdered
i’m sorry this took me so long to do 😔 but i sorta did my own twist on this request, hope you don’t mind… i love it… anyway… :)
Tate Langdon x f!reader
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warnings: murder, smut, stalking, obsession, very toxic, manipulation, very minor talk of drug use… virgins, yeah idk what else it’s just stalker tate being crazy for you
summary: tate’s loved you since the first moment you met, and he would do anything to be with you… anything…
word count: 4.4
You stare at the boy in front of you, a mix of emotions stirring inside you. He’s your age still, you aren’t too surprised at that. You’re more surprised at the fact that he’s in front of you. It’s been so long since the last time you saw him. You remember the pain, the pure fear that paralyzed your body the last time the two of you had an encounter. It still makes you uneasy.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, your voice weak.
He shrugs. “It’s Halloween.”
“There’s been plenty of Halloweens Tate and this is the first time I’ve seen you here. What do you want?” You reply in a harsher tone than.
Tate shrugs again and starts to play with the sleeves of his sweater. You can’t believe this is real. You want to close your eyes and pretend this is all a sick dream, though you haven’t slept in years. After a few seconds, you cross your arms over your chest and take a deep breath. This isn’t going to be easy.
“Tate the fact you even have the balls to try to find me is crazy, what happened? Did you suddenly feel some sense of guilt? Are you finally sorry for what you did to me? I don’t even care if you are sorry, I don’t care about anything except the one question I’ve wondered since the night it happened,” you say.
“What question?” He responds.
“Why?” Your eyes start to burn. “Why did you kill me?”
Tate had never seen any girl as beautiful as you. Never. Not in a movie, not in a magazine, nothing. From the first time he saw you in kindergarten, he knew there was something special about you. Of course, he didn’t know it would grow into what it did until middle school when his hormones took over. His feelings for you quickly transitioned from a pure crush to a sick obsession. And the best and worst part of it all was that you had no idea.
You never really spoke to him. He was out of your league. You were popular, but not braindead popular like the people you surrounded yourself with. Tate had seen you in some of your classes. You were smart, you got the best grades in those classes. You had plans for yourself after high school, unlike your friends. That knowledge only made him admire you more.
The problems began when you started going out with one of the popular boys in your group, David. He was awful for you; Tate didn’t understand why you chose to have such a relationship with someone like that. He’d watch how David would wrap his arms around you in the hallways, leave small kisses on your cheeks, and whisper words in your ears that made your face turn bright red. It made him furious.
What did David have that he didn’t? Why was he so special? Tate knew he could give you more than David ever could. So, why were you with him?
Tate quickly became blinded by rage and jealousy.
At night he’d lie awake, the knowledge that you might’ve been out there opening your legs for another boy making him sick. That’s when the fantasies began. He imagined killing David. How would he do it? Where? In what way would leave the least amount of blood on his clothes? The image of his mutilated body consumed Tate’s thoughts. He liked it.
It was around that time that he had found the mask.
It was a strange mask he found in the basement. It had a long white face with black holes for the eyes and a long mouth. He wondered which resident of his house had left it there for him. He didn’t know, and frankly, he didn’t care. All he knew from the second his eyes fell upon that mask was that bad things were going to happen.
He started going out at night and driving by David’s house. The mask he wore gave him a sense of power he never knew he could feel. At first, it was innocent. He’d simply drive down the other boy's road and look through his window for a few minutes before leaving. But all it took was one second of seeing you inside to blow the whole thing up. He was livid, seeing red. He decided he needed to bring his fantasies to life and get rid of David for good.
Halloween was when the opportunity to kill David became undeniable. By that point, Tate had been stalking the two of you for a month so he knew the basics. Which room was Davids, how to get into his house, and where his parents were most likely going to be. He had it all planned out. So, on Halloween night he put on the mask along with black robes that covered his entire body and ventured to the other boy's house, ready to kill.
He brought a knife, and when the time was just right, he snuck in through one of David’s open windows and started his game. He crept through the empty house, not making a sound. Getting to David’s room only took him a few minutes and what he heard from outside the door made him not regret his choice at all.
“Yeah, I know, listen she’s so close to finally giving it up to me and that’s what I’ve been working for this whole time. Once it happens, I’ll dump her, easy,” David spoke into his phone. His voice was cocky. It made Tate clench his jaw in frustration.
“Because dude, do you know how many girls from school I’ve already got under my belt? Y/N is just gonna be a name on my list. Yeah, whatever, I gotta go anyway I need to shower for the party, maybe I’ll get lucky, and she’ll drink too much. Okay bye.”
Before David could even get up from his chair, Tate kicked the door down and stormed in, too overpowered by his rage to think about anything but slitting the other boy's throat. He pounced on him, stabbing the knife into any part of his body he could reach. David screamed, but Tate quickly silenced him by shoving the knife down his throat. He felt empowered, he felt thrilled at the sight of his dead peer. It was amazing.
Tate didn’t waste much time gawking over his achievement, however. Once he was sure David was dead, he quickly pulled the knife out of the boy and fled out the window and back to his car. As he drove through the small neighborhoods of your guys' town, he wondered how big the news would be. Would you cry? He hoped you wouldn’t. Not over that asshole. You would move on, and Tate would wait however long it took.
The news of David’s death spread faster than wildfire and consumed Westfield High’s drama for weeks. Out of all the kids in the school, you took his death hardest. Seeing you so depressed almost made Tate regret his actions. He couldn’t bear seeing you tear up in class or show up to school two periods late. You weren’t like that.
However, as the days turned into weeks, you started to appear healthier and happier, and soon enough you were back to your normal self. Tate was glad, you were always so much prettier when you paid attention in class. He decided it was time for the second part of his plan to finally act. Though he was incredibly nervous, he knew it was then or never. He couldn’t risk you getting a new boyfriend that he’d have to kill again.
So, one day, he followed you into the library when the two of you coincidently had a study hall during the same period. His heart was beating so loud he could hear it in his ears. There you were. sitting at one of the tables alone studying, and he was going to speak to you. He’d thought up conversation starters all morning along with taking a few extra hits off his bong to help with the anxiety.
He shook the nervous thoughts from his head and grabbed his notebook from his backpack before walking in your direction. Your head was down, your hand moved aggressively across the paper as you wrote your notes. Tate stood at the other side of the table for a few seconds simply admiring you. His hands were shaky, his breathing uneasy. God, you made him lose his composure by existing. It was excruciating.
After he was done staring, he spoke, his voice quiet. “Hey y/n, do you mind maybe helping me with some of that psych homework?”
Your head shot up, your eyes instantly meeting his. He swore he couldn’t breathe. You, y/n, were looking at him on purpose. At that moment he didn’t care about what you were going to say, he didn’t care if you completely rejected him. All he cared about was how good it felt to have your eyes on him. Such innocent, loving eyes.
“Oh, yeah of course Tate that’s actually what I’m working on right now. Just sit, we can do it together. Unless you’re like super behind,” you answered.
“Are- Are you sure?” He couldn’t help the uncertainty. Did you really say yes to him?
“Yeah... should I not be?” You replied with a smile.
“No- sorry.” He sat down across from you. He could smell your perfume; he’d never been this close to you. “I just wasn’t sure if you even knew who I was.”
You chuckled. “How could I not know who you are? We’ve literally been in the same school system together since kindergarten.”
“I don’t know. You’re you know popular and stuff,” he said as he opened his notebook.
“Not really, besides even if I was that wouldn’t automatically make me forget anyone. But anyway, you can use my notes in a second, I’m almost done with the page,” you responded. You looked back down at your work and started writing again.
Tate nodded despite you not paying attention and watched as you wrote. He felt like that whole conversation was another one of his daydreams about you. Was he really sitting across from you? Or was it another mid-class nap? He cracked his knuckles to make sure he wasn’t dreaming and thankfully, he wasn’t. It was all real life.
“Sorry if this comes out as creepy, but I feel like I haven’t seen you around in a while. I mean, when was the last time we even spoke?” You suddenly spoke, your eyes back on his.
“I guess you weren’t looking hard enough to see me,” he said with a shrug. All his confidence was a facade because on the inside he was losing his mind.
He noticed the way your cheeks slightly turned pink before you replied. “Yeah, I guess I wasn’t. But I should have been.”
He knew deep down you were going to be his for so long, but at that point, he knew he had already achieved his goal. You were his.
“What is this place?” You asked as you clutched your cardigan around your body.
Tate smiled and grabbed both of your hands in his. “I told you it’s a surprise. Patience is a virtue.”
“I have patience, but I also have a lower body temperature than usual and it’s bothering me so I would really appreciate it if you’d just take me to the surprise already,” you said, a small smile forming on your lips.
“It’s seventy degrees.”
“Yeah, but it’s also windy at the beach and it’s probably colder than seventy because of the ocean’s temperature.”
Tate sighed and leaned his head down to press a small kiss on your lips, a feeling he still hadn’t gotten over. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Terrible, naughty things I hope,” you replied, kissing him again. “But please lead me to your special surprise beach spot.”
Though he wanted to stand there and kiss you all night, Tate obeyed your request and began to lead you further down the beach. It had been a few months since the two of you started talking, and to say it progressed would be an understatement. Tate had truly underestimated how easy it would be to capture your attention. All you wanted was a sweet, caring, genuine boy and he could be all those things easily.
So, after a month of being friends, he asked you out and you said yes. The relationship grew deeper with each day, and it didn’t disappoint him one bit. He loved everything about you. The way you’d lie on your bed with him and talk for hours, the way you’d make your relationship with him public by holding his hand in the halls, and most importantly the way you never expected or wanted him to change to fit in with your friends. You liked him for who he was, and it melted his heart.
It was your three-month anniversary, and Tate wanted to make it special. Even though he knew before the two of you got together that you were a virgin, he didn’t know to what extent you were. He quickly became aware you had done most things already, just not full sex. At first, he was annoyed at the fact that you weren’t completely his because he had never done anything with a girl before you. But after the first night, you went down on him, he wasn’t that upset anymore.
On this night he planned to take the next step with you. He had it all set up. The blankets, the lights, all of it. As the sight of his setup came into view, he watched your face light up. You squeezed his hand and grinned up at him.
“Is this really for me?” You asked.
“Yeah, do you like it?” He replied.
You nodded and sped up to reach it, dragging him with you. Once you made it you dropped down to sit on the blanket, urging Tate to do the same. “This is so cool. You’re the first boy to ever do something like this for me. I love it.”
“I’m glad, I know how you like sentimental things,” he said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. “And I’ve been wanting to show you this spot for a while. I used to come here a lot as a kid and watch the waves with my dad... before he left. I wanted to make it special with you because you’re not like my dad. Right?”
“No, I’m not. I won’t ever do anything to hurt you like that. I lo- I like you Tate, a lot.”
Tate only stared into your eyes, his heart beating faster than it ever had in his life. You almost said you loved him. He knew then that night was going to be the night you finally gave yourself to him. Something in your eyes made him certain. Your eyes were dark. You stared up at him as if he were the only boy in the world. There was a feeling in the air, one of lust and fear.
“I’ll never want to hurt you either,” he mumbled after a few seconds. “I doubt I ever could.”
You gave him a small smile and placed one of your hands on his cheek. You caressed the skin with your thumb as you slowly started to lean your face toward his. He accepted your lips on him, kissing back instantly. It was the moment he’d been working up to for years. He was finally going to lose his virginity to you, and you to him. Nothing would ever compare.
The sound of Nirvana mixed with skin slapping filled Tate’s room. He couldn’t help the moan that left his lips when he looked down at you. Your back was arched so perfectly, your waist looked impossibly small, and your ass looked incredibly big. The side of your face was smushed against one of Tate’s pillows. You were so red, so loud you had to bite your hand to spare the whole house from hearing. Tate took in a deep breath and slapped your ass, his thrusts not faltering for even a second.
“Fuck baby, you look so pretty right now. You take me so well,” he whispered. He wrapped some of your hair around his hand and yanked you up, making you practically scream. “Yeah, you like that. You like being manhandled y/n?”
You let out another moan but didn’t reply. Tate slapped your ass again and threw you back down to the mattress. He leaned over you, your sweaty body feeling perfect against his. He was close to finishing. He’d already made you cum a few times that day, so he wasn’t too concerned about where you were. All he was concerned about was getting closer to you before he came.
“I love controlling you, you’re so helpless. Fuck I’m so close,” he mumbled in your ear. “You’re mine, all fucking mine forever. I’ll kill anyone who even tries to take you away from me.”
You made a noise and Tate couldn’t hold back any longer. He came inside you, his cock pulsing heavily. You groaned; his cock was hitting your cervix too hard it hurt. He waited a minute or so before finally pulling out and moving to the spot next to you on the bed. He’d never felt anything as amazing as having sex with you. He was breathless.
He was so caught up in his thoughts about what just happened that he didn’t notice your sad expression. When he eventually looked at you, he saw your frown. Immediately he turned to his side and faced you, reaching out one of his hands to brush a few of your hairs behind your ear.
“What’s wrong baby?” He asked.
“Nothing,” you replied.
“It doesn’t look like nothing you look sad; you can tell me whatever it is.”
You sighed and turned your head to meet his gaze. “Why do you like hurting me? Like during sex and stuff. You’re always so rough and I don’t know you’re really mean and sometimes the stuff you say is… scary.”
“How is it scary?” He laughed.
“You said you’d kill anyone who would try to take me away from you,” you said.
“Yeah, I would. I swear I’ve said this shit to you before. I would do anything for you, or to keep you,” he responded.
“Don’t joke about that Tate, you know I’m scared of killers because of what happened.”
“Oh, so this is about David? Why are you even thinking about him y/n he’s been dead for months. Do you miss him, or something is that it?” He questioned; his tone harsher than before.
You scoffed and sat up. “You’re seriously making this about me missing David?”
“Well, is that what this is about?”
“You’re unbelievable,” you muttered before you stood up and started to get dressed.
“Oh, my fucking God y/n I’m sorry for whatever I said wrong while we were fucking. Can we just move on already? I don’t see what the big deal is,” he snapped.
“No, we can’t just move on. You scare me sometimes Tate like genuinely. I know you mean it all in a sweet way but it’s weird. I love you but you don’t hear me saying I’d kill people if they talked to you or looked at you a certain way. That’s not normal.”
Tate sat up. “I wish you would say those things. I wish you loved me as much as I love you. I’d do anything you ask; I would shoot up the fucking school if you wanted me to.”
You looked at him, he could see the terror and fear in your eyes. “Are you serious?”
“Of course, I am. I don’t get why you’re acting so scared. I’d never hurt you I don’t even think I could if I wanted to, you mean more to me than any person alive or dead,” he answered.
“You’re sick,” you mumbled. You grabbed your bag and walked to the door. “I think we need some time apart; you aren’t sane.”
His heart practically stopped. “What?”
“We need to stop seeing each other for a little while, I can’t take this insane shit Tate. I’m sorry. You know I love you, but I need you to get some help before I can be with you.”
Before Tate could reply, you left. All he could do was stare at the door, a million thoughts roaming his head. Did you really just break up with him? Was that it? Did you just throw away everything the two of you had because you felt his love was too strong? It didn’t feel real.
As the night progressed, he tried to call you, dozens of times. But each call was either declined or rang out. His anxiety grew with each ring of the phone. Why weren’t you replying? Who were you seeing? Did he really mean so little to you that you could leave so easily? His mind spun with scenarios, each one worse than the last. By the end of the night, he had convinced himself you were cheating on him, and the following days only worsened his state of madness.
You ignored him completely in school. Every time he tried to talk to you, you either turned away or walked away completely. It hurt him terribly. He couldn’t understand what had changed so fast. He chased you around the halls for days, trying his hardest to get your attention. But it never worked. And so, his love for you began to fade into an awful rage.
He couldn’t let you just walk away from everything the two of you shared. You were his. Only his. He couldn’t let you leave him, not like his dad. He hadn’t spent his entire life chasing you just to end up losing you. No. So, he began to formulate a plan. He’d leave you alone for a few days then calmly ask you to meet him at the beach, in the special spot he once made for you.
He wasn’t surprised that his plan worked. You were predictable.
When the night came, he made sure he was prepared. He snorted a line, packed his bag full of your favorite things, and set off. As he walked down the beach, he made sure the knife he hid was secure in his pocket. It was smaller than the one he’d used on David, but it would do the job just as efficiently.
You arrived a few minutes after him, a sad expression on your pretty face. He fought the urge to run to you with open arms.
“Thank you for coming,” he said. Only a few feet separated your bodies, he wished he could close it. But he needed to be patient.
You took a deep breath, you looked nervous. “Yeah, look Tate I... I’ve thought about it and I... I really think we should stop seeing each other for some time.”
“Why Y/N? I love you, so fucking much. I’m sorry for what I said, I can change, I won’t say shit like that ever again. I’ll be gentle, I swear. Just give me the chance I can be whatever you need me to be,” he replied desperately. He opened his bag and pulled out your favorite candy. “I love you; I really do. Please give me another chance.”
He watched your eyes fill with tears. You wanted to give in, he could see it in your eyes. But you only shook your head and wiped a fallen tear from your cheek.
“No. I’m sorry. Tate, you aren’t gentle, that’s not who you are. And I don’t want you to pretend to be someone you aren’t.”
Tate swallowed hard. “You promised me you’d never leave me; you said you were nothing like my dad. Was it all a lie?”
“Of course not!” You exclaimed and took a step closer to him. “I love you; I really do. That’s why this is so hard.”
“If you love me, why can’t we work this out? Don’t lie to me Y/N.”
He couldn’t stop his eyes from watering, nor could he stop his lips from quivering. He dug the bouquet of your favorite flowers out from his bag and held them out to you.
“Please,” he mumbled. “I need you.”
You caved. You wrapped your arms around his waist and held him tight. He could feel your muffled cries on his chest, it pained him. You were a sensitive sweet girl; it was both your blessing and curse.
“Maybe in a few months, we can try again, I don’t know.” You looked up at him with bloodshot eyes. “We just can’t be together right now. And I mean we’re going to graduate soon, and I might go to a college far away, how would that even work? But I don’t want to hurt you.”
“It’s too late for that Y/N, you’ve already hurt me.” He dropped what he was holding and dug one of his hands into his pocket. He touched your face with his other hand, your tears covering his palm. “You’ve planned on leaving me this whole time. I wanted to give it another try you’ve made up your mind. I guess it just comes down to one thing.”
“What?” You asked.
“If I can’t have you, no one can,” he whispered before he pulled out the knife and plunged it into the side of your neck.
“I killed you because I loved you,” he answers. “Because you were going to leave me and find someone else.”
All you can do is stare at him in silence. You think back to everything that happened. How could you have been so blind? It couldn’t have been your fault though. He would’ve killed you anyway. You think back to all the times Tate made you uneasy, all the times he would say things that creeped you out. Deep down you must’ve known that’s who he is. Maybe you knew all along.
Maybe you loved him because of his darkness.
You exhale a long breath. “We don’t have that long till midnight.”
You shrug. “Wanna hook up?”
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 16 days
Wait the lower one is from me but i don't really remember the whole details of what I've written there 😭😂 lemme dig my brain first 😔 but i remember mentioning something abt TF 141 with good smelled reader and they can't keep themselves from clinging or getting closer to reader (?)
Sharkiee 🥹 I'm lucky enough since you still remember a bit of the request! and actually I was thinking about good smelled reader these days too, but my ass get caught in my job these days 🫨 here's some hcs but I feel like there's still a lot of things I can brainrot, I'll add more to this when I can form them into words asdfghjk, as always tyvm for the ask🫡💖
Price He rarely smokes when you’re aside because it will cover your scent.  Invades your personal space on the helo when you guys are heading back to base so he can bask in your smell. It’s refreshing and unlike those stinky men he says. The sleep-deprived captain got a lavender pillow from you, and he threw his old one immediately, hadn’t been so excited to end the day and sleep after years, because you used the same pillow, and your hair smells literally like it, and he relaxed lot more with it. (when you're both on leave then he will ditch it since he has you instead)
Soap Kick him into the shower before he smears his sweat on you with how much he likes to cling to you and is unable to pry off after missions. Getting called Soap is obviously unrelated to his body wash, the plain 3 in 1 one that makes you just shove your shower gel in his grasp. You know he just wants to steal yours so he can smell like you, but if you buy him the same product he’ll still snatch yours. Makes you wear his shirts so he can get it back and wear your scent like cologne around, he doesn’t care if you yell ew at him, nor he care that others might tease him for getting claimed by you, to be honest, that’s his goal. Everyone should know he’s knee-deep for you.
Gaz He smells good or at least not bad after missions, but still loves to tail after you. Maybe you two share the same perfume, but he insists that it smells different on you (bastard just want to find an excuse to squish himself against you, but the rejections always swallowed by you before they can come out, his beautiful eyes aren’t just decorations, he knows you’re weak when he looks at you with pleading eyes) Personally think that Gaz probably has some weird obsession with your nape, and when you spray your perfume there every morning, it’ll attract him like he’s a pokemon, sneak a chance to sniff and press a kiss there until you scowl at him. You put on lotions after showers to prevent dry skin? He won’t miss the chance to help you. Maybe that’s the secret you always smell so enchantingly, if you shoo him off and say you can do it yourself, he will look at you with sad eyes till you feel guilty and hand him the bottle of body lotion.
Ghost Caught him secretly sniffing around you after a mission and he didn’t talk to you the whole night out of embarrassment. He just sat on the bed and tried to intimidate you with his stare (0 damage when his cheeks were pink whenever you tease him). In the end he just gave in and admitted he loves how well you smell 24/7, and when you’re both on leave, he will drown himself in your bed sheets or the plushie you have. The plushie is his now, don’t expect to have it back unless he feels like your scent on it fades, that’s when you can squeeze it between you and him during sleep.
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Reasons to ship every single version of MegOP
since Very Dumb Discourse™ exists about whether or not certain versions of this ship are valid, this is going to be THE most positive post about all versions of MegOP. refer back to this post for reasons to ship your favorite version of MegOP if anyone gets weird about it with you. now let us begin!!
G1: goofy '80s faction dads fighting each other in a denny's parking lot every week LET'S GOOO, that shit is fun as fuck. orion pax also totally had a celeb crush on megatron before megatron ruined that and shot him and his pals 😔 and there's a lot of angst you can add with megatron becoming galvatron and optimus coming back to life to see how much he's changed!
BW: it's the sheer fucking comedy gold factor of a newly minted college graduate and a terrorist dinosaur IMMEDIATELY singling each other out on a prehistoric rock and deciding to call their daily gang slap-fights the BEAST WARS, what iconic drama queens LMAOOOO. also, megatron made his final body in BM look like optimal optimus SPECIFICALLY to fuck with him, and that's just...incredible
UT: the fact that megatron CANONICALLY acted like a grieving widower over optimus after he died in armada is. amazing. never forget their absolutely insane obsession with each other that they can never EVER give up on played a direct part in unicron nearly ending the world <3
Bayverse: this is the one continuity of all fucking things that gave us the lore about megatron being prime's lord high protector. absolute galaxy brain writing from the tie-in comics. also these two would ABSOLUTELY have the messiest, nastiest, most brutal hate sex imaginable, and that's beautiful. <3
Animated: optimus being a rookie washout underdog and megatron being a super scary much older warlord is a really interesting and underrated fresh take on their dynamic! lots of fun to be had with exploring what their relationship would be like after megatron finally acknowledged him as his archnemesis, lol. also...age AND size difference ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Prime: do i even need to say anything, i'm pretty sure that one flashback still of orion and megatronus being friends is responsible for birthing a million shippers for this pairing alone LMAOOOO. the bitter ex-boyfriends energy was TRULY off the charts in this show, it's a damn shame megatron never appeared in RID15
Cyberverse: same bitter ex-boyfriends energy but this time with dates at maccadams. megatron also dies encouraging optimus to beat the unhinged alternate dimension megs AAHH THE ANGST
IDW1: they're both depressed gay war criminals in this one who CONSTANTLY live in each other's heads rent-free and that's amazing, lmfao. also, megatron becoming an autobot means this is one of the VERY FEW continuities where it's not nigh impossible to figure out a way to give these two a happy ending together in fanon
IDW2: space date space date SPACE DATE. they were falling together and everything. megatron also LITERALLY tells optimus to open himself to him...to give him the matrix...yeah megs my dude i'm sure that's the ONLY thing you wanted from optimus "opening" himself. toootally positive, lol
G1 Marvel: megatron was SUPER fucking pissed and weird as shit about the time optimus died over a video game. it counts
Dreamwave: their first fight had megatron urging optimus to join him AND they disappeared together in a space bridge explosion once which is like, a fanfic-esque setup for them to be alone. also i'm pretty sure this is the continuity where optimus accidentally gave megatron a lobotomy, so...uh...potential for angst is to be had
SG: mirror universe!! evil crazy villain optimus with noble goody-goody hero megatron has so much potential for absolute chaos. bonus if you also bring in the normal versions somehow through multiverse shenanigans <3
KP: the only way this version of prime can redeem himself from the creepy underage human girl bullshit is if he gets a good hard dicking from megatron. next
Prime Wars: huge "ex-husbands go on a road trip with their disgruntled daughter" energy here. megatron also LITERALLY says "oh optimus, if only you could see me now" <3
Earthspark: again...need i say why? they're pals and working together from the get-go, what's not to ship??
Skybound: optimus literally wears megatron's arm. truly beautiful <3
TF One: it's not out yet but give it time. the entire movie is going to be about orion and d-16 being madly in love and tragically breaking up, baby!!
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cryptidghostgirl · 3 months
I'm soooo sorry that I'm requesting something else this just came to me and I needed your storytelling expertise to bring it to life 😢
ALSO ALSO ALSO this one has a trigger warning so please read with the thought that YOURE PERFECT!!!😤(if you write it)
OTAY OTAY soooooooooooo reader has been apart of the hotel for awhile and has developed a crush on Alastor from afar and the small instances they do cross paths but hesitates to approach him on her own because well we're shy and HES THE RADIO DEMON anyway reader doesn't have to worry about distance between them because Alastor is AVOIDING HER ALL ON HIS OWN 😯 AND somehow reader gathers the courage to approach Alastor but sees his relationship with Rosie (they're besties, platonic soulmates definitely) and thinks 'wow, she's so beautiful and...thin' and proceeds to lock herself away from everyone (SOLITUDE) and skips meals (starving herself), Alastor is the first to notice shes missin and pulling away but doesn't know how to approach her without stumbling over his words (i like to think that hes a heartbreaker to other women like his fans but with someone that he likes with real feelings hes fumbling in the dark because he could get rejected instead, i will die on the hill) so so so he hesitates to ask reader whats wrong till he hears her throwing up or she says something awful about herself and Alastor gets angry on her behalf and reader goes silent, only for Alastor to take a breath and tell her that 'shes hurting herself, for a shallow reason such as looks', and reader goes 'i thought you liked to watch others downfalls' and then hes like 'not your downfall, never you' 😔 reader starts to cry and shouts "im not Rosie', confused Alastor finally starts putting the pieces together and grabs reader hands and sincerely says "good, i wouldn't rosie anyhow, or anyone else for that matter', reader continuing to cry tells him to stop lying that this joke isn't funny and Alastor kissies her hand as says "whos joking? I only want you, your perfect" then then then slowly Alastor starts to help reader look at themselves in a more positive light [[fit this in somewhere???????Alastor tells reader why hes so close to rosie (he's clueless about reciprocated love so he goes to Rosie because canon that she knows matters of the heart...right?)]]
A/N as always i am obsessed with your request. Also I 100% agree with the assessment of Alastor's ability to talk to people he actually likes. I am literally so obsessed with this request. Also I am assuming from your previous comments you wanted the same bunny demon character?? Please forgive me if I am wrong but I did it for her (because I love her dearly and she is based of meeeee and I'm egotisticalllllll). Kisses bestie <3 <3
Downfall (Alastor x Chubby!Bunny Demon!Reader)
Paring: Alastor x Reader
Word Count: 4,076 (I got a little carried away)
Warnings: BODY IMAGE ISSUES!!! EDS!!!! I think that's it but they're in all caps for a reason so if you have ED issues maybe don't read this one??? It is hurt//comfort tho so maybe do???? Idk. If you get triggered by ed descriptions, don't. If having a fictional character tell you you're perfect the way you are and beg you to stop destroying yourself because they can't bear to watch would help you, do.
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Alastor Master List
Click here and leave a comment if you want to be added to any taglists or send me an ask about it.
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It had taken months. Months of wondering what he was like, of stolen glances, of furtive daydreams. Months of building up courage, of backing down, months of hoping and dreaming. It had taken endless encouragement from Angel, countless pages in her diary. It had taken a million deep breaths, ten thousand trembles of her hands. Months, it had taken months.
It wasn't like Y/n had never spoken to the man before. That wasn't really the issue. She wasn't scared of him, just scared. The simple idea of being alone with him was an intoxicating mixture of terror and utter bliss. Y/n didn't know how to handle it, she didn't know how to handle him.
Alastor was untouchable, nearly semi-divine in her eyes. Sure, he was fucked up, but they all were. At the end of the day, his facade was as easy to see through as a cheap paper crown from a Christmas cracker. Beneath the wide smile, the sharp teeth, the stories, Alastor was just a man. He cared deeply for the world around him, for the people around him and those in his life. No matter how hard he tried to disguise it, it always shone through to Y/n.
It wasn't like she had never spoken to Alastor before, she had just never spoken to him alone before. Every interaction they had ever had was as a part of the larger group of Hotel residents and staff. On the rare occasion they ran into one another in the hallway or happened to each be in the kitchen at the same time, Y/n froze up. Words turned to stones in her stomach and all she could ever seem to manage was a gentle nod, a shaky smile. It frustrated her to no end.
Finally, she had worked up the courage to talk to him. It was all Angel's idea really, she would never have had the thought to do such a thing on her own but his pushing had been relentless and at last, Y/n had agreed.
And it had taken months, months! This was her third attempt to go up to him. They had even lowered the stakes, Angel saying all she had to do was have a single normal conversation with the man and he would let her off the hook, stop his pestering and teasing. It was just her luck, really just her god damn luck.
Sir Pentious had informed Y/n that Alastor had left the hotel to see a friend, Charlie had given her the address of the cafe he had said he would be at should they need him. Everyone was all smiles, all encouragement. Y/n reminded herself to yell at Angel later for spilling her secret although, she guessed she shouldn't have expected anything else from the hotel's biggest gossip.
Putting on her favorite outfit, her hair all done up and makeup perfect, Y/n had slicked her ears flat against her head in determination and stepped out onto the streets of Pentagram City. It didn't take long for her to find the place, a sweet little cafe on the outskirts of Cannibal Town with white wrought iron chairs and a cheerful pink and purple sign. It hadn't taken her long to spot the bright red of Alastor's suit through the window either, standing out against all the muted purples and dark blacks of the other cannibals enjoying their meals within.
"It's fine. It's totally not weird that you're going up to him in a cafe he's having lunch in with a friend, that you.... oh my god Y/n!! He's gonna think you were stalking him! You should just go back and- no! You promised. Y/n, you can do this."
She took a deep breath, centering herself in that little core, that rod of who she was, that shot down the center of her being. Raising a closed fist to her chest, she shut her eyes.
"You can do this, Bunny." she reaffirmed, "You can do this."
Opening her eyes, she crossed the street. Her hand was inches away from the door's handle, her heart racing but set on what she was about to do, when Y/n noticed exactly who Alastor's 'friend' was.
Across the table from him, sipping delicately on a cup of tea, was the most beautiful demon Y/n thought she had ever laid eyes on. She had long, dainty fingers, thin and spidery, and the most perfectly proportioned body. She was tall, long legs sheltered by her skirt and a tiny waist that threw her hips and chest into contrast. The woman's hair was neat, tucked up beneath a wide brimmed hat. Her clothes were classy, her smile was bright and charming, the black holes of her eyes were... were... were everything. She was everything, everything Y/n wasn't.
Suddenly, the weight of her own body against her bones became all too real. She felt the urge to never be touched again, the same strange sickness of her youth sinking its teeth into the softness of her stomach, her thighs, her arms, all of her. Her hand lowered from the handle, Alastor laughing at something the woman had said to him. He seemed relaxed, more at peace than Y/n had ever seen the man before. If that wasn't love, she didn't know what was.
It took a second for the other residents of the Hazbin Hotel to realize the change. Y/n was good at this, she'd had practice. For years, she had worked to move past it all but the threat of a relapse had always hung over her head. It was her sword of Damocles, her fated demise.
Y/n retreated in to herself, she couldn't get the image of that woman out of her head. Poised, statuesque, thin. God, Y/n had never wanted anything more than she wanted to be thin. She wanted to rip fistfuls of flesh from her body, she wanted to wither away so only something beautiful remained.
Alastor was the first to notice. He had a soft spot for the rabbit demon who always seemed to be full of that soft, discrete joy and unending kindness. She was a more toned down version of Charlie. She was genuine and completely herself, no holds bared. She had such a hope, she had such a goodness, it made him wonder why she hadn't ended up in Heaven instead.
The truth was, behind the bravado and the grin, Alastor was scared of Y/n. He was scared he would touch her and she would rot away or worse, that she would run. She was just so good, so intrinsically wondrous, and he was the opposite. She was a fresh rose and he was the person coming haplessly along with a pair of gardening shears. She was radiant, she was carved fresh from marble, he was down bad.
Women had never been a priority or a problem for Alastor. Living and dead, they flocked to him. He knew his reputation was to blame, not to mention his looks. They could be fun for a while. Alastor saw charming them as a game, a good way to pass the time. This was different, Y/n was different. Alastor didn't know what to do so, he did nothing. He avoided her like the plague and when he couldn't, he practically ignored her, barley spared her a word.
Alastor was untethered, completely in the dark and so, he did what everyone does when they feel like that: he went to talk to his best friend. When he had gotten back to the hotel after his rather illuminating little chat with Rosie, Charlie had asked him if he had seen Y/n. It felt like divine chance, a cruel joke of fate, that the demon Princess would bring up the very source of his problems so soon after having at last pushed past his pride to ask for help.
When he had revealed the truth to the gang, that no, he had not in fact seen Y/n, they seemed deflated. There had been some sighs, some shrugs, shared glances he didn't understand and then everything had gone back to normal except, it wasn't quite normal.
Where Y/n could normally be found causing trouble, making mischief with the people who had so quickly become her friends since she had started her stay at the hotel out in the open, there was now a distinct lack of her jovial presence. She began taking her plates to her room at meals, showing up to group activities less and less, claiming she was tired or had a stomach ache. Alastor noticed every time he did manage to catch a glimpse of the marvelous and strange creature who had captured his affections so, she seemed utterly exhausted. Y/n was always bundled up, even on the warmest of days.
He wanted to go talk to her, wanted to ask her if she was okay. Alastor was worried -- genuinely worried -- about her. The only thing that stopped him from knocking every time he passed her perpetually closed door, was that he knew himself too well. He knew that the minute he entered, he'd lose his courage, that the words would become mush in his mouth.
It was pure chance, right place wrong time, that he heard it. Alastor had been following his normal routine, heading up to his radio tower for a broadcast after a group activity. Today had been Operation Navigation! As Charlie had dubbed it. She and Vaggie had built an obstacle course and everyone had a partner who was blindfolded and had to be guided through. When they got to the other end, the pairs had switched. Miraculously, Y/n had shown up to this event.
Alastor had watched her carefully, noting her sluggish movements and the way it took her a second to fully register what anyone was saying in a given moment. It was out of the ordinary and his worry only grew. He knew he was going to have to do something about it eventually but just didn't know how. Maybe it would require another visit to Rosie.
As he walked past the lobby bathroom, Alastor was pulled from his thoughts. The door was slightly ajar, sending shards of light out into the darkened hallway.
"Why isn't it working!"
Came the hushed yell of defeat. It was Y/n's voice, he'd know it anywhere. Alastor stopped walking.
"Why do I have to be..."
There was a sniff, the sound of something hitting the wall. Alastor realized it had been Y/n at the sound of fabric against the wallpaper. He could see her in his minds eye as she slid down the wall, pulling her knees into her chest.
"Why can't I just be skinny."
Y/n's words were muffled, soft and shaky.
"Why can't I just be pretty. Why do I have to be... to be..." her words were briefly broken by a sob, "why can't I just be good. I can't even fucking starve myself right. I wish..."
Alastor's body reacted before his mind could catch up, he knocked gently on the door. There was a little yelp of surprise from within, a few sniffs and some rustling fabric.
Y/n's voice trembled as she tried to keep the tears at bay.
"May I come in?"
Alastor heard the sharp intake of breath. It was too late to back down now. The silence was thick between them, it felt eternal.
"Okay." Y/n agreed at last, her voice small, and Alastor stepped into the room.
It was exactly how he had imagined it. Y/n was huddled on the floor next to the door, her knees tucked up under her chin and her arms holding her shins tightly. Alastor noticed that the thick, woolen sweater she had been wearing earlier had been tossed to the side, laying haphazardly beside the sink. Y/n sniffed again, trying to smile.
"Everything okay?" she asked and Alastor fixed his eyes back on her.
Y/n's eyes were rimmed with red. Her ears lay limply around her face which was stained with tears. Her skin was covered in goosebumps, she shivered.
"No. It's not."
She seemed a bit taken aback by his answer, not having grasped the reality of the cracked door earlier.
"I don't... what's wrong?"
"You are starving yourself." Alastor replied in a matter-of-fact voice.
Y/n's eyes went wide.
"Fuck... I... fuck!" she buried her face in her knees, "You weren't supposed to hear that."
"Are you trying to die!?" Alastor asked,
He didn't mean to yell, he didn't mean to be this angry. Everything he said seemed to send shockwaves of regret through his body. No matter what he did, he couldn't seem to stop himself.
"Are you... I just... are you stupid?!"
Y/n looked up at him again, her eyes wet with fresh tears.
"You what." Alastor scoffed, "You want to be pretty?"
"You want to be pretty so you lock yourself away? You make your friends watch as you... as you what, as you get thin? As you destroy yourself?"
She was crying now, truly crying. Alastor looked away, a hand to his head. He took a deep breath, everything was going wrong. When he looked at her again, her cheeks were flushed from a mixture of shame and hurt.
"I just..." he took another deep breath, sinking to his knees before her, "Why would you hurt yourself so badly for something as.. as shallow as your looks?"
Y/n sniffled, frantically trying to wipe away her tears.
"What, I thought you liked to watch other people's downfalls." she tried to shoot back at him but her words came out stuttering and broken through the thickly falling tears.
Y/n refused to meet Alastor's gaze. Everything was going wrong. She was horribly embarrassed, she felt like a butterfly and Alastor was the terror who had opened her chrysalis too soon. He wasn't supposed to see her like this, he wasn't supposed to see her now. He was only supposed to get the after. It was all for him, after all, wasn't it?
Except, Y/n knew the truth of the matter. Alastor had been the trigger but, these behaviors were too well engrained. She might not have known it then, but she'd been looking for an excuse all along. It was all for her, every inch of agony.
His heart dropped at her words. Was that what Y/n truly thought of him? It would make sense, it was the face he presented to the world after all. He had just thought... he had hoped... Rosie had said....
Rosie. That was the answer. She had told him to be honest, to be vulnerable no matter how terrifying such a prospect could be. She had said it was the only way they ever had the slightest chance.
Alastor reached a hand out gently, turning Y/n to look at him. Her skin was soft to the touch, the beating of her blood thrumming against his fingertips. With the utmost care he could muster in his clawed and rotten hands, Alastor wiped her tears away. He couldn't meet Y/n's eyes but heard her sniffle, watched as the flow of sorrow slowed.
"Not your downfall." he said, his words like quiet feathers falling through the air, "Never your downfall."
At last he met her trembling gaze, fear coursing hotly through him, mingling with his blood. She took a few short, stuttering breaths before bursting into tears once again. Alastor flinched slightly as her head fell forward onto his shoulder.
"But I'm not that woman!"
"Woman... what woman?"
"The one you were with at the cafe!"
"The one... Rosie?"
Y/n nodded, sniffiling slightly as she tried to calm herself down.
"You saw me with Rosie? How?"
"I went... I'd been working up all this courage and... I just wanted to talk to you and Charlie and Pen said you'd be there and... and... and I'm not Rosie!"
Suddenly, everything clicked into place. He had been right all along, Rosie was the answer. With the air of someone who hadn't had much physical affection given to them in their life, or received any for that matter, Alastor slowly wrapped his hands around Y/n's shaking back.
"What do you mean 'good'? She's so beautiful and she made you laugh and she's just... she's so beautiful and thin!"
"She is beautiful, and a lovely woman but, I don't want Rosie. Or anyone else for that matter."
Y/n's sobs redoubled, she began to struggle against his grip.
"Let me go! Stop lying, Alastor."
Alastor released Y/n from his grasp and she pushed herself back against the wall, utterly mortified and unable to stop. She crossed her arms over her chest, looking away.
"Stop joking, it's... it's not funny."
"Who is joking? I..." Alastor took a deep breath.
Rosie had been right, it was terrifying. He hope she was right on the second part too, that it would be worth it.
"Y/n, have you seen yourself?"
"Yes! Why the fuck do you think I want to be anything else?!"
Alastor got to his feet, holding a hand out to Y/n.
"Come with me."
"No." she mumbled, scooting further away from him if it was possible.
Under another circumstance, he would have chuckled lightly, he would have found her reaction adorable. This was neither the time nor the place and so, summoning his shadows, he transported them both into the darkness of his room.
Y/n looked around, pulling herself to her feet.
"Where... where are we?"
"My room." Alastor sat down on the edge of his bed, "Come here."
Hesitantly, Y/n took a few steps forwards. Once she was in reach, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into his lap. The feeling sent sparks through his body, Alastor tried his best to ignore it. There were more important things than the pleasure of the moment. Y/n struggled against his grasp, the tips of her ears dragging slightly across his arms.
"Alastor! Let me go! I'm too heavy!"
"No, you're quite perfect actually."
"I don't want to be touched! I don't want you to... you're making me want to tear my skin off, please."
"No." his voice was firm.
"Please, just please let go of my waist at least."
To this, he relented, one of his arms falling loosely onto her lap as he held the other up, snapping his fingers. Shadow's flooded into the room, bringing with them a full length mirror. He felt Y/n tense in his grasp.
They came to a stop, setting the mirror on the ground before them. Y/n turned her head away, her eyes shut tight.
"Please stop, Alastor. This really isn't funny."
Y/n, please."
She had never heard him say the word before. Slowly, she opened her eyes, craning her neck to look up at Alastor.
"I want you to see what I see when I look at you."
"You promise you wont be mean?" Y/n asked suspiciously after a moment.
"I pinky promise."
He had seen her do this before, with other residents of the hotel. A simple locking of pinky's was all it ever took to make a promise, to assuage her doubts, to show she cared. Y/n's eyes widened slightly. Slowly, she reached her hand out, locking her pinky with his. They shook their hands once, the way Alastor had seen her do it a thousand times before.
"Wait." Y/n said as he made to move his hand away, looking away bashfully, her cheeks a bright pink and her voice quiet, "Don't let go."
Taking a deep breath, she turned to the mirror. It was terrible, she felt bile rise in her throat.
"Y/n, you are so... every inch of you is perfect." Alastor took a deep breath, the way his voice trembled not escaping Y/n's notice, "You have... amazing legs. I know everyone's all obsessed with Angel's but, he has nothing on you walking around on those sticks. You're... you're all soft curves and lace. If you were made of anything, you would be satin. You are a nymph rising from the lakes, a wild maenad in the woods. Your eyes shine like true stars, not what we have here. Did you know rabbits were always my favorite animal?"
Y/n giggled slightly, her tearstained cheeks flushed pink.
"Well they were. They still are. Your ears are just to die for, dearest."
He felt her ears twitch slightly against his back at the comment and Y/n watched through the mirror as his smile softened at it's harsh edges.
"Your grace is what the Greeks wrote about. You... Y/n, the first time I set eyes on you, I felt like I was drowning." Alastor looked away, unable to meet her eyes even through the glass, "Like you were a siren and I was nothing more than a hapless sailor at your mercy."
"But you never talk to me."
"You never talk to me!"
Y/n laughed again, smiling a gummy smile.
"I don't have to talk to you to see who you are, Y/n." Alastor continued, his hand that was in her lap turning so his palm rested gently on her thigh, "You light up any room you're in. You are charming and clever and constantly on the look out for places you can instill your special breed of controlled chaos."
Trembling, he shifted his hand in Y/n's so he held hers, raising it to his mouth. The heat of his breath on her skin drove Y/n wild, her breath hitched.
"I am glad you're not Rosie, I don't want Rosie. I don't want anyone else except for you."
Alastor planted a soft kiss on the back of her hand and Y/n's smile only grew, her tears long forgotten now as she watched Alastor's reflection.
"You are perfect. Please, don't change yourself, don't hurt yourself, trying to be something else. I'd miss you."
Slowly, he let their still clasped hands fall into Y/n's lap.
"Do you see now?"
Y/n turned back to the mirror, her head tilted slightly to one side as she hummed in consideration.
"No." she admitted, "But I think I might be able to start."
"One step at a time." Alastor rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand in comforting circles, "I'll be with you the whole way, if you'll have me."
He held his breath, waiting for her reply. Y/n met his eyes through the mirror, her brow furrowed.
"That depends."
"On what?"
"Who is Rosie?"
Alastor could have laughed, he nearly did.
"She is a very old and dear friend. I was going to her for advice, that day."
"You? Needing advice?" Y/n paused before shaking her head, "Nah, I don't see it."
She laughed lightly at her own joke and Alastor smiled softly back at her.
"It was advice about you, actually."
Y/n turned herself in his lap, looking up at him with her legs on either side of his own.
"About me?"
He cursed himself internally. Alastor hadn't meant to stutter, she just looked too lovely sitting there and looking up at him with her pretty pink lips slightly parted, her cheeks flushed.
"Well?" she asked expectantly.
"I..." Alastor felt the heat rising in his own cheeks and looked away, "well, I didn't know how to approach you."
"Wait, you were avoiding me this whole time?" Y/n laughed and Alastor nodded, "I thought I was avoiding you!"
"Wait, you were avoiding me?"
His gaze snapped back to hers and she laughed again.
"Yes! I was terrified to speak to you! You're so cool and hot and just... I'm not good at things like this!"
"You think I'm hot?"
"Is that all you got out of what I said?"
They both laughed this time. Alastor's chest felt lighter than it hand in years.
"So," he began once they had both calmed down, "is that a yes?"
"To what?"
"To letting me... be... with you."
Y/n smiled, reaching a hand up to his cheek.
"That's a 'will you be with me?' I think actually."
@willowshadenox @i-love-jafar @elfyeet @reader3 @lazygirlfanfic0-0@kahlan170
A/N Y'all, there were one or two times I almost wrote my name while doing this one. I've been writing x reader fics for eight years, this never happens to me anymore. I think I related a little too hard. I am x reader fic writing too close to the sun.
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done-with-the-shit · 1 year
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->Relationship Headcanons<-
Chuuya x Reader
This is the first time I write headcanons so it may not be very good.. Also English is not my first language, please keep that in mind while reading! Ty and enjoy♡
Anime: Bungou Stray Dogs
Characters: Chuuya Nakahara
Note: GN!Reader
I imagine that after an eternity of denying his feelings, he angrily confessed to you without even realising he did😃
Like you'd be minding your own business and he just randomly comes to you screaming in your face about how he hates the fact that he loves you or something...
After that he will most likely lock himself in his office and regret his life decisions😕
But you will go to him and also confess your undying obsession love for him so it's all fine!
Anyways as for when you two start actually dating he would be such a lovely boyfriend♡
Very romantic for sure~
Like definitely buys you flowers 'cause why not?
He'd also spoil the hell out of you.
He works for the mafia after all so money isn't a problem for him😉
If you are taller than him please don't tease him!! (my man's only 5'3🤭)
After all he is still growing!
Lots of PDA.. that's all I'm gonna say
He enjoys taking you out to fancy dinners, but he also loves spending nights in, just watching TV and maybe drinking some wine with you~
You are the only person who can wear his hat and coat^-^
He secretly likes to see you in his clothing but you didn't hear that from me~
Chuuya is very good at cooking😌 so if you can't cook he will do it for you... he may even teach you if you want!
He also loves all the affection you give him!!
Even if you just hug or kiss him he will be melting in your hands literally
Being his usual self fucking tsundere he won't admit that he likes cuddling with you, but don't be fooled, he very much enjoys being spooned and loved by you!
Chuuya needs to be the little spoon! My boy deserves all the love you can give him!! (Just don't tell Dazai 'cause he won't stop bothering our chibi about it😔)
He's also secretly scared of hurting you with his ability, so he's super careful around you.
All in all he is such a softy with us🥺
Anyways.. let's get to the interesting stuff~~
Let's be honest this boy is a fucking switch😤
So I imagine him as a soft dom and a braty sub (don't ask why though👀)
And he is definitely open to trying all your kinks you nasty whore😒
But who am I kidding I have no right to judge..
Anyways.. I bet he has a knife and bandage kink
I mean just imagine yourself all tied up with this small man on top of you!!
Or the other way around😏
He enjoy biting you.. (that's all I'm gonna say)
I personally think that he only dom's in two occasions..
First being if you had a rough day and he just wants to make you feel better~
Another reason for you to let him dom is when he is angry at something or someone.. yk to help him relieve stress (if he doesn't ask you to fuck him instead😉)
All the other times?
Oh this boy will be begging you to fuck him while explaining how he is still the one in control denial
I mean as a said earlier he is pretty much a tsundere so..
Because of that you'd have to be someone he really, really trusts for him to let you take control
But once you get his trust? Oh boy you are in for it I'm telling you😩😩
He is going to be such a brat and would love to push you to your limit~
But don't worry he is actually pretty easy to handle
Just pin him beneath you and he will shut up..
And if he doesn't just tug at his choker! What else would he wear it for!?
Oh boy do not forget that beautiful hair of his😍
It's just made for pulling~
Do I really need to say more??
Loud? Yes..
His moans are so incredibly loud like he doesn't hold back😩😫
Edging and overstimulation?
He loves hates it.. And will not tell you otherwise
But his favourite part is the aftercare~
Baby is so tired he needs your help!!
Take him to the bathroom and give him a nice warm bath (he deserves it for being such a good boy for you😖)
Loves it when you give him a lots of kisses and cuddles afterwards~
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
helloooooo :)) sliding in with a generic marvel-esque vaguely criminal organization landoscar au with background lestappen because I am nothing if not predictable
Oscar is their resident poison specialist (he makes new poisons, tests them, makes antidotes, etc. for the organization to use). His preference is plant based poisons, like belladonna and nightshade, because he graduated college with a botany degree and therefore has a lot of knowledge about them that he can put for use. He spends most of his time in his greenhouse full of toxic, beautiful plants that he tends too very, very carefully. They’re his babies.
There’s a whole backstory involved with how he came to join the organization that involves him accidentally killing his college roommate
Lando is a former gymnast turned espionage guy who also does theft on the side for funsies that works for the organization. Like vaguely cat woman-y? Obviously he’s super flexible and super good at his job because duh.
His favorite hobby is breaking into Oscar’s greenhouse via the windows and watching him work. Oscar is super fascinating to him, and he’s enamored with how absolutely brilliant this quiet, stoic boy, with maybe five facial expressions total is.
Lando sits there and listens to Oscar ramble about his complex science things. He doesn’t understand most of it ngl, but he loves the way Oscar’s face lights up when he goes on a long tangent about the chemical properties of cyanide and why it’s superior to arsenic.
Also sometimes lando brings Oscar random pretty shiny things that he stole that he thinks Oscar might like and leaves them on his desk, kind of like a crow. Oscar keeps all of them in a box under his bed. He looks at them when he feels down (he doesn’t tell lando that)
Oscar is equally obsessed with lando but this is already wayyyyyy too long so 😭 you just gotta trust me on this one
And then eventually, the rest of the people in the organization pick up on the growing landoscar feelings situation. Alex and George give lando a bunch of (loving and caring) grief about it. A bet between them is born. “$50 lando is too chicken to confess to Oscar by the end of the month”
Yada yada time skip a week or so and lando and Oscar FINALLY do something about the tension between them one night late in Oscar’s greenhouse, lando freshly back from a mission. Boom they kiss and then lando, being the idiot that he is, as soon as they pull apart, goes “lol George and Alex owe me $50 now”
Cue misunderstanding trope. “Oh you only kissed me for a bet?? You don’t actually have feelings for me 😔 I knew it was too good to be true.”
Lando realizes his mistake but Oscar’s already out the door, disappeared into the night.
And then Oscar gets kidnapped by the enemy 🤗 because he’d normally be more aware and vigilant and stuff but his emotions are really going through it so. The ransom note comes through the next day.
Gonna leave it on that because otherwise I will spiral into a full blown fic when I already have too many wips to finish
I'M SO????? HOW DID U JUST RANDOMLY SLIDE IN HERE WITH THIS???? i am so obsessed with these details my god the POISON? CATMAN ESPIONAGEGYMNAST? christ. and then lando leaving him little gifts like a crow. OSCAR ACCIDENTALLY K-WORDING HIS ROOMMATE (and possible guilt)?? the classic misunderstanding thingy "but oscar gets kidnapped" leading to a climactic rescue oh oh oh this is the stuff of dreams.
idk what to do with myself exactly cus this is so gorgeous. anyway have a moodboard for your efforts cus like my goodness this was lovely to read.
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ashesbreadandbutter · 2 months
Now why none of you crusty... I mean loving and beautiful people ain't tell me about that "Thast not my neighbor" game.
Tell me why my heart racing after spending 20 minutes looking at vids and Fanart of him?
The Milkman so fine, now I gotta go look into the game just to write stories 🤭
Like here's one scenario right?:
(keep in mind I haven't seen much of the game but oh lord am I ready)
You run into bros doppelganger and he gets obsessed with you. Takes his time with it and everything, will play the role of actually being human but just greeting you gives him a rush.
It's hard not going right to you but oh it's like edging him. Tempting him in all the worse ways and really bro wants to eat you but there's also a hunger that comes from wanting to get close enough just once.
For some reason the idea that he's so close every time to losing it be getting to me (😔😩) bro definitely plays nice just to see if you'll let em in.
And if you do and he actually manages to get his claws- hands on you bro's gonna definitely do things like taste you, hold you down and all types of unsavory stuff.
It's like you'd purposely had been driving him nuts and bro is mad about it.
Even KNOWING he's a doppelganger and still testing your luck. Imagine something fucked like the electricity goes out and your are the very first target.
It's definitely giving primal and I'm loving it.
I'mma fr write this bruh.. what y'all think? 🫣
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 8 months
First off, love your writing, IT MAKES ME FEEL THINGS😭😭 but…
Can we please get more of yandre emo boy Ashton I JUST READ IT AND IM DROOLING SCREAMING CRYING GIGGLING AMD KICKING MY FEET😭🧎‍♀️🤪🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
THANK YOU❤️❤️🤭🤭🤭
(If not that’s okay, ignore this bae🫶)
Yandere! Stereotypical! Emo and his beloved popular bitch
Ayo, thank you for the compliment! I'm glad my writings made you feel things (I don't know what though LMAO)
Actually, I'm not planning to follow up Ashton, but hey, at least it would break my writer's block (lol it's just laziness) so here ya go!
Sorry that it took days though 😔
Read the yandere emo fic here!
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💌Little Ashton was misunderstood a lot as a child. He never really liked the same things the other children liked, and he had this morbid curiosity with death and occult.
💌Of course, this undoubtedly scared his family, making him out to be some sort of psychopath.
💌This irked Ashton of course. He's just... That. He still loves his parents, and nothing would change that.
💌But the fact that they're so conservative that it's actually bringing Ashton down is what drove him over the edge to find a school far, far away from his family.
💌A small, quaint town, yet filled with teenagers. It was kind of a nightmare when Ashton found out, but he gritted his teeth and thought that maybe, with the current years, maybe they won't judge him. Maybe.
💌So, he indulged more in his Emo lifestyle. He religiously listened to green day, Panic! At the Disco, My Chemical Romance...
💌He even got into writing poems as a way to put out his feelings that he never got to tell other people.
💌 He's actually very sensitive with emotions and feelings. So technically, he should be a great friend candidate, right?
💌But once he got into the school year, that's when he knew, that his life would be living hell. Stereotypes left and right. Mean cheerleaders and jocks that ostracized his choice of clothing, snobby rich students that turn their noses on him just because he's not that rich, geeks and nerds that keeps getting in his way, thinking he's one of them.
💌"Fuck. Get me out of here. Nobody understands me."
💌He didn't realize himself, but he's also slowly being a stereotype. Always alone, writing poems, and being unnecessarily nihilistic.
💌Until of course, one day, you transfered. You, your pink rover, and your slutty little outfit.
💌God, just looking at you and your charming personality made Ashton hard fall for you.
💌He wants you. So bad.
💌So he dabbled back into the occults. He found an old book in an abandoned "witch's hut" that he went on a mad hunt for weeks. Apparently, the witch that lived there was a matchmaker witch, who gave love potions to those really desperate.
💌At first, Ashton didn't believe it. Especially that it involves sampaguita, a flower not native to his town. How did the witch even get the flowers?
💌But there he was, mixing and creating the potion under the moonlight and putting your hair and his in the pot. Creating a love potion that smelled like the sampaguitas he had to smuggle in.
💌He wrote you letters everyday, obsessing and hyper fixating on your allure and beauty. Confessing over and over again on paper that looks old and aged with writing that looks like it came from a fountain pen. With a spritz of the love potion, he would put it in your locker.
💌God, who knew that it would work?
💌Day by day, he watched you read the letters. At first, you were disgusted (much to his dismay) but slowly, you started to read the letters with a neutral face, then a smile, then with a squeal and then a desperate plea for him to come and fuck you already.
💌Maybe putting his... Semen on your love potion got you desperate for him carnally, rather than romantically.
💌But no fretting, he would just make you fall for him.
💌And as you moan and scream out his name as he pounds into your tight hole like the feral, fuck machine he is,
💌He was pleading to the moon to see his bleeding heart and bare soul to make you his.
💌And if the moon won't allow it,
💌Well, it's nothing more love potions won't do.
💌"my beloved, why don't you drink this sweet tea I made? Why is it pink and smells floral? It's a new tea from Japan. Sakura, from what I know. It's glowing? Nonsense, love. It's probably just the lighting."
💌"Now drink up, don't let a drop go to waste."
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yourfavepookiebear · 6 months
can you do a self aware neige x cubby reader and slowly with each interaction he is encouraging her in his way.
(I'm assuming you meant chubby-)
Alright, thanks for the request !! You saved me pookie *gets down on one knee, holds out my hand with a ringbox in it* 💍💐 will you marry me ? Jkjk also I'm gonna make it a gn since you didn't specify the gender hope you like it-
Self aware Neige LeBlanche x chubby reader.
As usual, you were playing twisted wonderland, your favorite game. You were obsessed with it as of late, spending every single remaining penny in your wallet just for it. Little did you know, Neige was, (as always) watching you through the screen.
You didn't interact much with Neige in the game, most of your interactions were in the VDC. (and that's exactly when he fell for you)
He really loves you, like a lot. (A bit too much to be just a crush, I'd say)
But still, he is head-over-heels for you. (Literally and metaphorically)
I don't really think he'd treat you any differently just because of how you look since you're his precious snowflake (idk I don't know any pet names except for pookie, bear with me 😭)
Except when he notices how...low, your self esteem seems to be.
Now now, that WON'T DO. You are HIS precious snowflake, the player, the all-knowing overseer. How could you let something as small as that bring you down ?
(This is during the pomefiore chapter btw)
He will definitely try to maximize your interactions with him, and sneakily add some praising lines (without raising your suspicion)
"Oh my, you look ethereal as always." Or "would you look at that, our precious [name]. Beautiful/ handsome/ attractive as usual, truly outstanding." (I honestly don't know how to word it in a way that would be neige-like but you get the point)
Slowly, but surely, he will praise you more and more, and successfully avoids any suspicion. Although he doesn't add TOO MANY praises, since he knows it could be overwhelming at times (he has second-hand experience as THE Neige LeBlanche)
He will keep doing that until he's sure and certain that you've regained your confidence.
Soon enough, you'll be as confident as ever, without even needing his praise.
I don't see him as the type for fake flattery, and neither do you, and you know 'comfort character' things 🤭
Overall he is really helpful to you, and is literally the opposite of Vil (canonically) if Vil made you feel even the slightest bit humiliated or judged, then Neige will make you feel like a queen.
I hope you enjoyed this I tried my best pookie I didn't really know how to do this tho-i honestly had no idea what to put 😔
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sunflower-emoji · 4 months
hi kaye. i’m here to tell you that i’m rotting on pro/dilf shoto. 😔 mostly about how pretty he is all the ways he’d change and grow as he heals into his own person as he ages. imagining him with subtle playfulness, wicked grins, bright eyes and laugh lines because he deserves it. 🫠
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YES the man is THRIVING as he deserves
Rei's genes mean he's aging like the finest wine, with soft wrinkles and a jawline you could cut yourself on
People are constantly making legolas jokes now that he's grown his hair out and for good reason tbh. I'm talking beautiful intricate braids for galas or messy buns on his days off. And the kids in his life (nieces/nephews, godkids, his own, pick ur fav headcanon) love giving him makeovers/styling it with silly hair clips
He never shakes the princely aura and from far away he still looks icy and untouchable, but his eyes are all softness and warmth and his little smile comes so easily now
(He's got plenty of big smiles too, but those are more private, reserved for the ones he loves most)
Still not the most expressive, but his quiet kindness puts people at ease instantly and assures them they're safe in his care
Kirishima got him into crocs. It's the best and worst thing to ever happen
His sense of humor is extremely impish and dry. Infamous for making sharp quips during boring meetings/interviews/etc and getting whoever is sitting next to him in trouble
Chaotic evil on social media: his feed is weird jokes, sassy clapbacks, and blurry photos. Also retweets thirst tweets about himself and his friends
And some spicier thoughts:
Shoto hasn't had a whole lot of partners but he's a dedicated lover and very fast learner; at this point he knows both what you want and how to give it to you
Old age has made him bold, relishing the moments when he can surprise you or catch you off guard. He's fucked you in the shower, rented cars, public bathrooms, Midoriya's hall closet-nowhere is safe
Loves having his hair pulled and goes a little feral when you do; the low groan he makes is divine
Obsessed with your boobs. His hands (and mouth lets be real) always find a way to your chest no matter what position, and nothing comforts him more than resting his face in them mommy kink ahoy
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seokka0o · 1 year
Asking bestfriend!Matthew to help you with your moaning because you're not sure of how you sound in bed 😔😔
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Seok Matthew ♡ Afab!Reader
🪐 : bestfriend!Matthew ; mutual pining; friends to lovers; non!ídol au
Warning: unprotected sex; Oral; hottie matthew 😔
Author: it's still not my work of thanks to the 200 followers, but what could I say about those hard hours that my dear bestie sent me? I'm obsessed okay? So it turned out that all this thought got out of my control, I hope you like it as much as I liked it
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He's so brazen. he'd accept the offer without a second thought, and you're so eager to figure out your problem that you don't even realize it.  You're best friends, there aren't too many secrets, none that might sound too weird to live together, but Matthew can't deny that sometimes he'd thought about being put in that kind of intimacy with you, for a few seconds he imagined what it might be like to play a little with you and then you're suddenly asking for it?  It's too much, you know.
 His eyes shining in your direction, without even a word being said and you just want his answer that never seems to come out of his mouth to make any comment whatsoever, unravel whatever the problem was that needed to be solved as soon as possible.
 "Is this necessary?" The question doesn't sound like he's not comfortable, or because it seems too unexpected, Matthew just wanted to make sure you're ready to deal with it, even if he felt he weren't. He's scared to death of liking it too much
 "Yes, it's a matter of calamity, come on, Matthew, we don't need to take it so seriously" he looked really confused even more, so when he felt the weight of your body on his, when you shamelessly sat on his lap, making comfortable about it.  Since when did you plan this?  To do without even flinching, when did everything change for you to magically want Matthew to unlock the secret of your beautiful voice.  "I promise not to get attached"
 And damn his word about you.  Only he knew the weight of it, how much it seemed to affect every nervous system.  Matthew felt the neurons burned just with that kind of easy condition that posed that until minutes ago everything seemed perfectly normal.
 "Don't do this to me he" wipers, he had the cold extremity, you felt the cold finger touch your skin under your clothes, making you make simple noises.  The smile crept across his lips in celebration and then your eyes met, twinkling, the splendid sight coming from both of them, as he so reluctantly kissed your lips, extremely respectful, when your breath hitched and you missed a beat before you synchronizing, moving your lips from side to side, sucking each other, tasting the strawberrie lip tint he gave it, the gloss, and any other sweet taste.  Your fingers squeezing his shoulders and arms so hard that he felt like he could break at any moment.
It might not seem like it, but hearts were beating fast as Matthew led the way to remove your shirt, so you did the same with his, where eyes met and you could only laugh as you realized you were in such a situation with your best friend.  It seemed absurd.
 When Matthew kissed your neck gently, leaving wet marks across your skin, you didn't know that someone could remove a bra so quickly, but without realizing you were without them. that's when the first sly whisper came out of your lips, still awkwardly, but in groaning formats, which encouraged Matthew to keep going.  Touching your breasts between chubby fingers, massaging, teasing your nipples until they were hard.  Careful tongue flicks and grunts in response to feeling them hard against the hot tongue. He was already completely out of control, you could feel it, the bulge building beneath you, the shape of your hips fitted tightly together and you took the liberty of moving, rubbing, biting your bottom lip to try not to spoil the fun and moan too soon.
 "I thought the point here was for me to analyze your moan, why aren't you already doing that?"  He seems genuine in the question, but you feel the teasing deep down inside, that twinge, he wants the wrong answer so he can somehow justify it all.
 "Maybe you haven't done enough yet" who would have guessed the kind of person Matthew is?  You being so disrespectful suddenly didn't seem like so much fun to him anymore.  You couldn't help but laugh. now he lays you down on the bed, and you can see the darkened irises, as if he's become a completely different character than you're used to know.
 He hasn't spoken to you since, you still feel his icy edges, squeezing your flesh, cupping your breast so he can snap your nipple to him again, go back to dragging his tongue, sucking, feeling your body rise to make contact with his from him, your sighs began to come out with an already more exclusive air, maybe you weren't ready for what would come next, the way his hand will invade your clothes to touch your wet intimacy, squeeze your spot between his fingers, how he will collect your liquid to be able to feel and spread it everywhere.  Hearing you moan for the first time made him vibrate, his body shook, heated up, he felt his cock throb desperately inside his pants, but he wouldn't take it anywhere else for now.
You felt everything in you shiver, your fingers over the strands of his hair making circles, you were stroking and pulling to relieve yourself, moving up and down your hips looking for more contact. sometimes your leg rises to massage matthew's member, but it was some awkward mention of the act, your eyes closing and you feeling lost in the sensation, letting out some moans and grunts so endearing, you wanted to please him, you knew he was enjoying what he was hearing.
 "Keep singing to me, I want to know what kind of slut you are" you were taken aback for a moment and bit your bottom lip in pleasure.  Nothing lasts too long, Matthew took off the rest of your clothes, as if it were nothing, now you were naked in front of him, not feeling exposed at all, but somehow unable to react, because you weren't dealing with anyone. he didn't give you time, he opened your legs for him to place himself between them, without expecting too much.  Now you leaned over his shoulders, feeling his hot breath touch your pussy.
 Toasting he left, touched all your vulva with his fingers, your skin crawling all over your lips, he pressed a kiss over your clit, delicate, you lost your mind there, moaning involuntarily, sly for him.  Soon after you felt the tongue, going down your lips, circling your perimeter, sucking your juice, stopping over your bud so you could play longer;  your moans made his vibrate at your sensitive spot, making you arch your back in pleasure.
"F-fuck" you sucked in your breath, one hand over your mouth and the other went back to his hair, which you gripped so tightly, pulling closer to your core, you squeezing desperately, the sensation made you dizzy, your eyes closed , all the shivering, he seemed to enjoy it when you closed your legs over his head, there wasn't any protest, just when he thought he needed more space to be able to see you, promiscuous sounds escaping from your lips in now more frequent melodies.
"You're enjoying it too much,was it a trap?"  he asks as he rubs his thumb across your clit.
 "N-no, I promise…" you replied in a certain air of desperation, you couldn't say something like that right?  But Matthew is smart, he knows you too well,you would never be able to hide for so long your wiles.
  Soon he returns between your legs, now removing his own clothes. you are groggy, some moans still escape your lips without he doing nothing, which betrays your need for him as soon as possible and the sight of him in front of you doesn't help too much, no one but you knew the kind of need condition you've been in since the day you considered matthew as an attractant, he's a danger to anyone's sanity and you knew it well, perhaps that was why he was so inescapable.
 "I know you well, don't lie to me,y/n" His hand finds your wrists, which he holds up on the mattress, uses the other to fit his cock over your entrance and then sinks down.  The moans mixed together, you didn't want to have to respond to him, his body took you too well, the way he filled you felt like enough.  Soon his other hand found your wrists and then he laced your fingers together, still on top of your head. in an attempt to maintain a certain emotional closeness with you, even if you hadn't demanded it from him, matthew would like to make it clear that he didn't do that just to use you, it was something that went far beyond that "look at me"
 "S-sorry, it's hard to control myself around you" so you complied, opening your eyes to meet his.  It was the signal he received to start moving, first of all so calm, so slow, not taking his eyes off the way your body moves , how your face contracts, how your moans come out of your lips, this is what you wanted him to see?  A piece of what could be heaven?  Whatever he does you would gladly accept it, and then you welcome him so well it's unfair, makes him lose his mind easily.
he has his fingers laced through yours, Matthew slowly feel lost, the air starting to cut, and then he starts to fuck you for real. Hips moved with precision, he wasn't inexperienced you could tell it, how he kissed your jaw gently as you moaned his name in the most beautiful way, making your skin crawl, he slipped inside in majestic ways , as you lost yourself in this immensity.  Even after he let go of you for precision, now with each hand on each side of your body Matthew was going harder, making wet sounds all over the space, your fingers forcing the flesh of his shoulders again and then you can pull close.  Feeling your sweaty skin all over his, your breasts pressing against his chest making him grunt, thrust hard and then bury his face in the crook of your neck, for your nails to make some reddish paths down his back.
You felt his tongue passing through your skin, then sucking, barely marking you, to guarantee something that wasn't even so right, just like you did with your nails, you were marking each other's presence in the fur.  You moan his name in a way he feels is just for him, it's beautiful, he's never heard anything like it before, it filled him with pleasure, just as it filled you.  The way your whispers come out effortlessly, how you silently over his ear beg for more, or to go harder, how you moan so slyly even though you can't take it anymore, Matthew feels he can become addicted to your voice. , boosting the ego for achieving great achievement and making you moan so beautiful with his fuck.
 Gradually the bodies tensed, the hips moving clumsily, Matthew's hand sometimes taking the liberty of touching his skin, feeling your textures, lovingly exploring, maintaining the frequency of the fuck, when he slipped one of his hands to your neck, as a form of support and then began to play inside at once, you screamed, moaned madly, felt your orgasm come with an absurd force and then your body heat tried to reduce without much success.  Matthew reached the limit soon after, pulling out at the last second to end up cumming on your belly.
 "Fuck…" he said as he fell to the side, a little dizzy and out of breath from the previous effort.  His body trembled, still yearning for his next moves, but without much effort.
 "And then?"  you genuinely asked
 "Hm? I don't know, I didn't pay attention... maybe we should make a new one, so I can be sure" he says cheekily, not even considering how you looked completely destroyed, not knowing if you would have the ability to move through the next few monitors
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canirove · 8 months
Broken Hearts Football Club | Chapter 1
Summary: June Maxwell, football star. Ben Chilwell, ex football player and tv pundit. Life had broken her heart (figuratively) and his (quite literally). But when they were together, their pieces became whole.
Author's note: Finally found the inspiration to write another story with Ben! I was expecting to start posting it while surronded but lots of new content, but his hamstring had other plans 😔 So I hope that at least it helps you miss him a bit less. It is another enemies to lovers story (kind of), I am sucker for those 😅 The character of Vittoria, one of June friends and teammates, is completely made up, but all the other players mentioned are based in real people. Hope you like it, and thank you for reading! 💜
Next chapter
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"I can't believe we are starting another season already. It feels like yesterday when we were playing our last game!"
"This summer has completely flown by. What do you think, June?"
"Uh?" she said.
"You weren't listening to us, were you?" Vittoria laughed.
"She probably was busy texting her hot dj" Lauren smirked. "Where is he now? Ibiza? Las Vegas?"
"He actually is in London."
"What?" both Lauren and Vittoria said at the same time.
"He's visiting his family and wanted to meet, but since we are playing in Liverpool and he is leaving tomorrow…" June shrugged. 
"That's what happens when you date someone famous" Lauren laughed.
"We are not… Son of a bitch!"
"Hey, I'm trying to nap!" one of their teammates complained from the other side of the plane.
"Sorry!" June said. "But I can't believe what I just read."
"What did the dj do?"
"Him? Nothing. It's Mr. Chilwell. He says I don't deserve to be one of the captains!"
"Oh my God, June. Why do you keep paying attention to him?" Vittoria said, rolling her eyes.
"Because I can't understand why he is so obsessed with me."
"I've always thought he is in love with you."
"What?" June laughed.
"I think he is in love with you but has to be mean on camera because if he praises you, people will notice and he will never see the end of it" Lauren explained.
"Ben Chilwell in love with me? Please."
"Think about it. It makes sense" she shrugged.
"No, it doesn't."
"It does for me" Lauren shrugged again. "And you would make such a cute couple... Even your last names rhyme. Maxwell and Chilwell" Lauren smiled.
"You've gone mad."
"Oh, c'mon. I haven't forgotten about the huge crush you had on him when we all were at the academy."
"Every girl had a crush on him, to be honest" Vittoria pointed out.
Benjamin Chilwell, Ben, Chilly. He had been one of Chelsea's most promising players, making it to the first team when he was 18 and becoming one of the captains at 21. But everything ended when he was just 23 and diagnosed with a heart problem. Playing football on a professional level was over for him, but he discovered he could still be part of that world as a pundit. He knew the sport, how to speak, and had the looks to be on tv because he happened to be stupidly handsome. He had been the crush of so many over the years for a reason. 
"Yes, everyone was in love with him. You included. And now you are two hot and successful adults obsessed with the other" Lauren said.
"I'm not obsessed with him. He is with me" June protested.
"Ok, fine. Maybe he is more obsessed with you. But his reviews are the first you always check and the ones that matter the most to you. There must be a reason behind that."
"That I don't get it! Have I done something to him?"
"Being talented, beautiful and simply amazing, which makes it easy to fall in love with you."
"He… urgh. This is the most pointless conversation ever." 
"If you say so…" 
"It is. Ben isn't in love with me, and I'm not in love with him, Lauren" June insisted.
"Then what is it, uh?"
"Maybe he's jealous because you have everything he wanted" Vittoria said.
Like him, June had grown up in Chelsea's academy, and even though she was a couple of years younger, their careers had followed a similar path. She made it to the first team at a very young age, being called by the national team not long after. She had become the star of both teams, winning individual awards right and left, the most important brands being interested in signing her as an ambassador. She was a star. And this season, she would be Chelsea's first captain, which to her was one of the biggest honours.
"See? That makes more sense" June said. "But still…"
"Ok, girls. Let's do this!" June cheered up her teammates before going into the pitch to do their warm-up. As she stepped out, she couldn't help but look to her left, to where the tv set was. To where he was. "Ok, focus" she said to herself. She was there to play football, to win. Not to think about a certain pundit.
"There goes June Maxwell. If she scores this penalty, it'll be a hat-trick for Chelsea's captain. She gets ready… and goal! What an extraordinary penalty by Maxwell." 
"No goalkeeper could have stopped that" Jacob said.
"If the goalkeeper had been better positioned, it would have not been that easy."
"Oh, Chilly" Andrew laughed. "New season but you haven't changed a bit."
"Pretty sure that her 1, 2, 3 and that smile at the camera was directed towards you" Jacob chuckled.
"What she should do is care about playing football, not what I say" Ben replied, his eyes focused on the replay of her celebration and the big smile on her face.
"Lauren, what the fuck?" June said while reading the things her teammates had written on the ball from the game.
"What?" she shrugged.
"May this be the first hat-trick of many this season. Suck it, Chilwell."
"C'mon, June. You were thinking about him when you did the penalty celebration."
"I wasn't."
"You were. It was a beautiful fuck you."
"It… urgh."
"If it bothers you it's because you know it is true!" Lauren laughed.
And she wasn't wrong. June always gave everything on the pitch and tried to play her best, but she had been extra motivated that day. She wanted to show Chilwell how wrong he was about her, that she deserved to be Chelsea's captain, to lead the team. When the ball had gone in after that penalty, her first thought had been for him. And she had the feeling it would not be the last time that season…
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kettlequills · 8 months
so I recently decided to leave my husband of twenty years and have started a beautiful new relationship with a wonderful and compassionate woman who is, honestly, a bit obsessed with me! 💅😍 <3 Unfortunately, my ex 🙄 is possessing my new girlfriend's body (It's how we met ❤😳👀) and I think he might be really mad with me, because I hacked his head off with a nail file and laughed about it the whole time 😎😋. My husband has killed me three times already 😑😑 SOOO, I removed my ex's limbs so he'll find it harder to murder me in my sleep 😴. But now my girlfriend is really mad!! 😢 She keeps saying she wants to torture and kill me 😯😭 for dismembering her. Again, my ex was in there!! And I was saving BOTH our lives because my ex was asking me to kill HER!! (Killing together was sort of our thing 🤐😖😬😬). I even sedated her so she wouldn't feel a thing. AND my girlfriend called me CRAZY and a HOMICIDAL MANIAC in front of a whole courtroom, even?? 😯😱 I don't get why she's so mad?? 😭 I cooked all her meals and got her the prettiest clothes and treated her like a princess 👸 for a whole year 😔😔 and now she's even saying she hated watching my favourite movie with me 😕. She's saying I kept her prisoner, but I gave her everything she needed so she never had to leave!!
I just don't know what to do!! I really love her but it feels like she just doesn't respect any of the sacrifices I'm making for our relationship 😢😢 and she keeps saying I'm TA.
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listen. Trey, you’re my favourite writer now. i have another request about my obsession to mafia fishes..
F!reader sing poor unfortunate soul for the mostro lounge and she gave the villain vibes as she sing — at the part of “before She’s his, she will be MINE” perhaps pointed at the mafia fish..
Damn it Jellzy makes me daydreaming about them a lot 😔 you can either stick or change the lyrics pronouns ig
Awww tyy! \(^_^)/ I'm glad you like my content :3
and Yessss Jellzy's covers are so goood!
GN! Reader (any pronouns)
(Sorry this is a bit shorter than the other ones)
Once again, your voice is absolutely gorgeous, he can't help but smile and sometimes sing along, the high notes you can get are outstanding, and your songs are super cool too, singing a song the Sea Witch herself once sang to the Mermaid Princess to get her to sign the contract.
"Before he will be his he will be MINE!" you sang, your voice reaching a high note, your voice echoing through the room. You pointed your finger at him and winked.
"Hehehe... Shrimpy is so cool...." he says as he watches you enjoying your time, singing to yourself. He sqeezes you from behind.
"Oh- Floyd!" you say as you laugh, he smiles at you and laughs too.
"Hahahaha! Shrimpy's voice is amazing!" he said, still sqeezing you like a little plushie in his arms.
A pretty voice to match his darling's pretty face, strong vocals and a high range, he's sure even the Sea Witch herself would be honored to have such a beautiful singer singing her song, your voice echoing through his mind like it was a jukebox on repeat, he smiled as you enjoyed you time singing for him, your voice strong. No one could ever be as strong as your voice was.
"Before he will be his, he will be MINE!" you sang, hitting the high note perfectly. You pointed your finger at him, indicating he was who you were singing about.
"Your voice is truely beautiful, my dear." he said as he smiled, you stopped your performance to give him a hug.
"Hehehe! Thanks Jade!" you thanked him as he smiled.
Your voice is hypnotizing, stronger than titanium, a vocal range better than any archer's range, when he hears you singing the Sea Witches song, he can't help but join, singing with you. Though his voice can never compare to yours, he still has a good time singing with you, your voices harmonizing almost so perfectly, but you hardly even notice because you both are having too much fun just spinning around and dancing together as you sing.
"before she will be his she will be MINE!" you both sang harmonusly, you voices going together like peanut butter and jam, like as if Azul's voice was a missing piece in the puzzle of your songs until now.
"Well, that was fun! Wasn't it?" you ask him, he nods, blush covering his face as if it were a half transparent face mask, as you smile at him.
(Oh dear oh dear gorgeous)
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