#i'm on issue 9 and two. TWO. in-universe days have passed
bobbinalong · 7 months
i just cannot stand the way bendis writes. if 40% of the page is covered in speech bubbles, maybe cut down the fucking dialogue, dear god
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garbinge · 4 months
Early Morning
Carmy Berzatto & Platonic!F!Reader Richie Jerimovich x F!Reader
30 Day Fic Challenge
Word Count: 3.3k A/N: This little universe of slice of life stories is my favorite, and i'm so glad so many of you have been enjoying it. <3
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Other fics from this universe The Bear Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @quixscentsposts @dadbodfanatic-x @adorable-punk-superheroes @lodeddiperrodrick @isalver @captainweasleybarnes @musicwithteeth @fancyvoidtragedy @shinebright2000 @knight4xmas @gills-lounge @navs-bhat @cosmicak
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You grabbed the pack of cigarettes from Richie’s jacket that was tossed across your kitchen island and stepped through the window that led to your fire escape. It was early, the sun just starting to rise creating golden hues across Chicago on this beautiful Friday morning. In your hand besides the cigarettes was a large blanket from your couch, just because the sun was out didn’t mean the Chicago air was forgiving. 
Sitting on your firescape with a cigarette wrapped in your blanket was something you found yourself doing often since all the issues with your dad began popping back up again. It offered you peace, an escape from reality almost. Inside, although just as quiet and peaceful most times,  you felt trapped. Stepping outside felt freeing, like the air was easier to breath and your thoughts were easier to fade away in the wind. 
You took the time to watch the hustle and bustle of the streets in the morning, people going to work, the people coming home from their night shifts, those coming home from other night time activities, the construction workers start their work, and everyone in between. 
Where your apartment sat, you were able to see so much of the Chicago streets, below you sat some of your favorite bakeries and delis. If you looked far enough, you could see the street sign where your job was located, but where your eyes sat now was on the small corner that was about 8 blocks away where The Beef, or what was formerly known as The Beef sat. 
It was then, as your gaze passed it that you saw someone in a white t-shirt pacing back and forth on the sidewalk next to the restaurant. Your face fell to a frown and you smirked a little before pulling your phone out of your pocket and calling the person who was pacing, Carmy. 
You saw him look at the phone, but you were too far to really see his expression. It was that moment that you realized there was a high chance he didn’t answer and you’d see it happen right in front of you. With how things had been going lately between you, it was a real possibility he wouldn’t answer and come up with some excuse, that you would know was just a blatant lie. 
But all of those thoughts went to the wayside when you heard his voice and saw him still pacing with the phone to his ear. 
“Why are you up?” Was the first thing out of his mouth when he answered. 
“Why are you up?” You said the same thing back to him. 
“My head’s too busy I just needed to get out.” You saw him bring his hand up behind his head to run his fingers through his hair. 
“Yea, same.” You laughed, it was always so hilarious to you how similar the two of you were despite being so different. “Why are you at the restaurant?” 
“There’s just a million things to do and I gotta meet the fire suppression guy at 9.” He answered you, still pacing until he suddenly stopped, realizing he hadn’t mentioned being at the restaurant. You saw his head raise, and he immediately turned around and began searching in the sky. “Are you?” His eyes were trying to find your building. “Are you fucking watching me, creep?” The smile on his face wasn’t clear to you visually but you could hear it in his voice. You raised your hand and waved which he did back and laughed in the phone. “What are you doing?”
“I just needed some air.” You shrugged and lowered your hand back down. 
“What’s on your mind?” He was still looking up at you. 
“What’s not.” You laughed and shook your head. 
“Do uh, you remember when we were kids, like I don’t know fifth grade of some shit.  And it was like the day of the science fair, we were waiting for your dad to pick us up and you had this huge volcano or something in your hands.” 
“Yea it was Vesuvius.” You remembered it clearly. 
“You kept talking about it as we sat there and I just was staring at the group of kids who were obviously about to come over and be fuckin’ assholes, right.” 
You laughed, remembering how oblivious you were to it all. “They came over and slapped my project out of my hands.” 
“And I just sat there.” Carmy’s voice got stressed. “I feel like I’m always just sitting by watching shit happen.” 
“You actually saved it.” You corrected him. “When it got tossed to the ground it, it started to explode again and you put dish soap on it to stop it.” 
“Where the fuck did I get dish soap?” He scratched his head trying to think. 
“Your science project about germs.” 
“I don’t remember that.” He laughed a little. 
“Of course you don’t, you remember feeling out of control, you always remember feeling out of control.” You said it so obvious. 
“I remember Mikey being the one to pick us up and scaring the piss out of those kids.” 
You wanted to point out that that was another moment where he felt out of control but you dropped it and continued with your version of the memory. 
“That was the night Mikey told me I wasn’t going home for a bit, because he found my dad passed out in the bathroom at whatever fuckin’ dive bar, but he told me he was away on business.” 
“You, uh, talk to your dad lately?” 
That was a weighted question and you felt the anxiety manifest itself as bile in your throat. 
“You wanna talk about lack of control.” You brushed off the comment with a light laugh. “Let’s talk about what we can control, what’s on the agenda today?” Carmy laughed and shook his head. “Not really a qualifying topic.” He sniffled and adjusted his coat slightly before coming up with a new topic to talk to you about. “Oh, I uh, tried your coffee last night.” 
That shocked you, not exactly sure how or when he would have done that. Your silence on the other end gave him the clue that must’ve been what you were thinking and he answered your internal questions. 
“You uh, left some of the containers in the fridge, labeled, I was here late and went to grab a redbull when I saw them and thought—“
“Two birds, one stone.” You nodded, understanding. 
“I mean I guess, but I really thought how I haven’t had a chance to try and you must be kind of moving ahead there, but I could give you my thoughts if you wanted?” 
It was exactly what you wanted, but that didn’t stop you from giving him shit about it. 
“Well if it isn’t going to take you away from your busy morning pacing up and down the sidewalk.” 
Carmy laughed and took the phone away from his ear, starting to scroll around and pull up his notes app before bringing the phone up to his ear again. 
“I just sent it to you.” He was staring back up at your building. 
You did the same thing as him, but putting him on speaker as you went to your messages. Quickly you breezed through his notes, clocking the positive comments along with the few ideas he had as well. 
“You know these weren’t fresh, some of these are better fresh.” You said still reading through the list. 
“Read my… third to last note.” Carmy thought of where the comment he remembered writing sat. 
Blend #3, better in the fridge for 48h, assuming these have been here for 24, so double it, it’s getting richer.
The rest brew fresh. You can taste the stale flavor slightly right now if you know to look for it. 
“Which one’s your favorite?” You finished reading through his comments and brought the phone back up to your ear. “You didn’t write down your favorite.” 
“1.” He didn’t hesitate to answer, he knew it off the top of his head. 
“The Chicago Blend.” You nodded with a smile knowing it was the signature one. 
“That’s good, play on the windy city right? Cause of it’s airy-ness?” 
You smiled from ear to ear and nodded. “Exactly that.” 
“So you got a name for the brand at all?” He was moving to lean against the building now, taking out a cigarette of his own. 
“Uh, yea, you actually gave me some inspiration around it the other day, I think I’m gonna call it Best Blends or something.” 
“I gave you inspo?” Carmy laughed but it was followed by a serious tone. “I like it, like–like the flavors compliment each other.” His voice had a little hesitancy in it. 
“You hate it.” You let out a laugh and covered your eyes with your free hand. 
“No–no I don’t hate it.” He said also laughing a little bit, you could see him running his hand through his curls when you looked back up. 
“It’s corny.” You were nodding, your hand covering your mouth now waiting for his response. 
“No–no it’s not corny.” 
You cut him off quickly. “It’s corny, Carmy, I know you, I can tell you hate it.” 
“It’s–it’s…” He trailed off for a minute before hearing your laugh on the other side and agreeing. “Okay yea, it’s–it’s a little corny, but I don’t hate it.” 
“I just got swept up in the nostalgia of it all and tried to make it punny.” You were still laughing. “I told people this name, how embarrassing.” 
“I think it’s reparable.” He was still laughing slightly. 
“Reparable, huh?” You brought your legs to your chest and you thought for a minute. “I’m coming up blank.” 
“What if you drop best?” He said already having the answer. 
“Blends?” You frowned, thinking about it. 
“The Blend.” Carmy shrugged. 
“Sounds like a band name.” You didn’t laugh this time, because you kind of liked the sound of it. 
“Band names aren’t corny.” He said it like he was trying to prove a point. 
“No, they aren’t.” You nodded. “The Blend.” You said it in a whisper, your way of settling into it. “Sounds like The Bear.” You wanted to mention the similarity of it all. 
“Guess I got a type.” He laughed slightly.
Before the conversation with the name could continue, you felt something warm next to your shoulder and turned to see a coffee mug. You followed the arm up to see who was holding it and saw a sleepy Richie holding it out for you. A smile grew on your face and as you went to grab it you heard Carmy on the other end. 
“Who is that? Is that Richie?” 
“No, it's Leonardo DiCaprio. Yes it’s Richie.” You teased. 
“Alright, look, it’s still weird, alright.” He lifted his hand up in innocence. 
Normally Richie would have had something smart to say but all he did was lift his hand up and give Carmy the finger before leaning down and placing a kiss on your head. 
“Oh yea, real nice, okay, even nicer.” Carmy turned around when he saw Richie lean down to leave a kiss on your head. 
“Thanks for the coffee, there’s a day-old breakfast sandwich in the fridge with your name on it.” You looked up at Richie who just grunted in acknowledgement and stepped back out the window. 
There was silence on the phone while Carmy worked through his awkwardness and you took a few sips of the coffee. 
“Hey, uh, are you happy?” Carmy was clearly still working through the awkwardness. 
You looked through the window to see Richie falling asleep at the table, you knew he was tired because he was up all night with you watching funny clips of Family Feud because he knew how much it made you laugh. 
“Yea, Carm, I am.” You were smiling from ear to ear. 
He didn’t respond verbally, but he did nod and that’s when you looked back at him and realized what he was asking. 
“I know it probably kills you to hear it, but I’m the happiest I’ve been in a while.” 
“Doesn’t kill me, shocks me a little, grosses me out for sure, you’re like my sister, you know. But after everything–” He stopped talking like it was hard for him to even think about what happened. “After everything you’ve been through, I want you to be happy, you deserve to be happy.” 
“You deserve that too, Carm.” You fell back into the side of your apartment as you said it. 
“Yea, well, thanks for making my morning not completely suck.” He laughed awkwardly. 
“Anytime, you are now free to go back to pacing the sidewalk and panicking about your to-do list. But when you’re done, text me like 5 things on the list that you want to delegate to me and Richie and we’ll take it off your hands.” 
“I think that might send me back into my panic.” He joked and shook his head. “No, yea, I’ll – I’ll do that.” 
“You better. Alright, love you, talk to you later.” 
“Yea, l–, me too.” It was a struggle to come out of his mouth, but you appreciated it even more because of that.
You hung up the phone and stood up before lifting your own hand up to give him the finger which he happily reciprocated. As you crawled back into your apartment, you placed the blanket over Richie which caused him to wake up. 
“What time is it?” He asked, wiping his eyes. 
“7:13.” Your hand was opening the fridge so you could grab the breakfast sandwich for him. 
“Shit, I gotta go.” With one more wipe of his eyes, he was standing up, coffee mug in hand. 
“You're dropping off Eva today?” You asked him, moving towards the door. 
“Yea, this week I got switched around to Friday. Tiff had a work thing.” Richie was suddenly feeling off and began fiddling with his jacket. 
“You know you don’t have to explain your kid stuff to me, I just was asking because I’d come for the ride with you if you wanted.” A shrug left your shoulders and you held the sandwich out to him. 
He stared at you with a slight smile before leaning over and grabbing your coat from the rack. “You hold the sandwich, let’s go.” He was tossing your coat over your shoulders and then swinging his keys around his finger as you both made your way to the elevator in your building. 
The car ride wasn’t exactly peaceful, between Richie’s complaints against traffic which were anything but subtle, the beeps and business of the streets on the way to get Eva, and then the blast of Taylor Swift through the speakers as you made your way to the school. 
“Favorite album?” You turned around, Richie’s cold breakfast sandwich in your hand with a huge bite, or five, taken out of it from yourself and turned to look at the little girl in the backseat. 
“Speak Now. Taylor’s Version.” She said it so firmly. 
“Oh TV all the way, girl.” You held out the sandwich for her to take a bite. 
“Dad never shares his breakfast sandwiches.” She smirked and grabbed the biscuit from your hand. 
Your gaze turned to Richie with a frown, not expecting him to be the granola type of father. 
“It’s because your mom likes to give you fruit and sh–stuff, for a balanced breakfast.” He looked in the rearview mirror. 
You looked at Richie, your eyes a little wide since she was two bites into the thing already and he just scrunched his face up and shook his head. “It’s fine, it’s half eaten already. Not by me, I might add.” 
“I’ll buy you a new one, you told me to hold onto it, I got hungry, okay?” You rolled your eyes and turned back to the girl in the back seat. 
“What’s on the agenda at school today, kiddo?”
“Math, which isn’t my favorite.” She used her hand to wipe her hair back and got biscuit flakes caught in the strands of her hair. 
“I don’t know many people where math is their favorite. It’s definitely not my favorite.” You leaned over and picked them out of her hair, using the opportunity to make her laugh by blowing on her face to make the flakes shift from her hair to the floor of the car. 
Her laugh was contagious, you were giggling and Richie was chuckling as well just from hearing it. 
“My dad says you like coffee.” She was handing back the sandwich to you. 
“I do.” You nodded, “that’s super nice of you to remember.” 
“My dad remembered, he’s the one who told me.” She pointed to him. 
“Yea, well, your Dad is super nice, too.” With your right hand you squeezed Richie’s arm. 
“He also says coffee makes you crazy.” 
You let out a snort followed by a laugh. “I’m gonna need to hang out with you more, Eva.” 
“I’d like that. We can listen to Taylor Swift.” She was kicking her feet from excitement. 
“Alright kiddo, we’re at school.” Richie was putting the car in park and moving out of the car to grab her and get her on her way. 
After Richie walked Eva to school and got back in the car, he raised his eyebrows and started fiddling with the keys dangling from the slot before turning the ignition. 
“You know you’re really great with her.” 
“She’s a great kid.” You said it like it’d be impossible not to be great with her because of that. 
Richie was about to say something when you unknowingly cut him off, “Wow he actually sent me the list.” You were scrolling on your phone. “The list?” Richie was confused as he began driving. 
“Yea, I told him to send us stuff to do.” You weren’t fully paying attention to him and were locked into your phone reading the things on the list. 
“I got stuff to do I'm going to work at that new place tomorrow, staging or whatever the fuck.” His hand was in the air. 
“Oh that's tomorrow?” You turned to him, not realizing how fast it came up. “But that means we have today. We can divide and conquer.” 
Richie let out an audible groan and slammed his head back against the headrest of the car as you pulled up to the red light. “If you’re gonna make me do this shit at least come with me, make it partially enjoyable.”
“Wow you like my company?” Your smile was growing and you looked at him, faking a shocked look and starting to tease him by poking him with your fingers.
“Alright, don't get all worked up over it.” He was embarrassed and let you push him teasingly. 
“You like my company.” It was said so singsongy as you continued to poke him and shake him. 
“Yea I do, and you're not bad to look at either, okay?” He swatted your hand lightly. “What’s on the list, cmon.” 
It was your cue to stop the teasing, so as you fell back into your seat you looked at him and smiled, resting your head similarly to how he had his. For a few seconds the two of you stared at each other but not for long before the people behind you laid on the horn. 
“Hey! I’m having a fuckin’ moment here, you jagoff, take a breather for fucks sake! The light’s been green for half a millisecond.” 
You started to read the first thing on the list to Richie as he kept mouthing off to the guy in the car behind, taking the seconds in between yelling to tell you where he could pick up the first few things on the list, and where you’d be able to get the linens for a decent price. 
All you could do is look at him, as he kept going on and on and just think back to what Carmy asked you earlier. It was funny how this moment of chaos fully described just how happy you were. Maybe that’s what the key to happiness was, finding it even in the chaos.
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thankssteveditko · 1 year
About Marvel's timeline
Here's something else important to keep in mind as I made my way through these comics: the way Marvel handles its timeline.
Marvel's comics have always been set in a fictionalized version of the present day real world that just so happens to also have superheroes and aliens and magic and whatnot. They've never been shy about referencing real world events or pop culture to ground the comics in our reality. The first ever Spider-Man story mentioned that he should go on The Ed Sullivan Show. Iron Man's classic origin story involves the Vietnam War. In the far, far future, I'm gonna have to cover the infamous 9/11 issue of Spider-Man where Marvel's heroes AND villains mourn at Ground Zero.
Marvel's main universe has also never had a true full-on reboot. They'll do their big dumb crossover events that Change Everything Forever™, sure. (God, I am not looking forward to having to worry about crossover events.) But, like... the stuff that came before still happened, for the most part.
So, combine these two facts, and you've got 60+ years of comics referencing then-current events that are basically all still in continuity... but the characters haven't aged 60 years. Things operate on a floating timeline - or a "sliding timescale," as Marvel seems to prefer. But unlike, say, The Simpsons, where the characters never age, some time HAS passed for Marvel's cast! Spider-Man isn't 17 forever, he's grown up over the course of the series. There's of course some timey-wimey nonsense that was invented decades later to explain this bizarre chronology, but basically, the characters get a year older about once every four real world years.
So, long story short: those 60+ years of comics get compressed to about, say, 15 years of in-universe history.
What of all the topical references, then? Just... don't think about it too hard. Marvel continuity supernerds will tell you those aren't supposed to be literal, and most get retconned out with enough time. (A few years back they invented a fictional all-purpose southeast Asian war that can perpetually be pulled forward with the sliding timescale, to replace outdated references to the Vietnam War and the Korean War.) If you go on the Marvel wiki and try to edit references to real world history into a character's biography they'll bust your fuckin' kneecaps.
On the other hand: it's funnier if you take them literally. So as we go through these early Spider-Man comics where characters reference things like twist music, just remember that - at the time of writing this in 2023 - the events of those comics are now considered to be set in about 2008 or 2009.
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myimaginedcorner · 1 year
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Hello again, my dearest readers! It hasn't been too long, this time. As promised, here I am with a new update, one that I hoped to make quick and small, but that resulted to be, as usual, a standard chapter. Oh well, these are better news for you: Chapter 8 is now available to play!! With it, we officially set ourselves to see the finish line, for Chapter 9 will be the next and LAST chapter in this book. One final push, one final battle, and everything will move to clear and clarify. Will you prevail, will you fight back to back, or will you see the cracks grow wider under your feet? The time of answers nears us - choose wisely.
I'm also noticing a new pattern in my update schedule, where I'm becoming awfully good at releasing chapters on a Monday... which isn't the brightest of my ideas. I only have another try, but I'll attempt to make it more reasonable.
As usual, I welcome any feedback, specially now that my beta-tester is quite occupied with her MSc (still a strong woman in STEM, still a prisoner to her project and her university. We shall remember her dearly). If you have any issues, recommendations, or comments in general about my work, feel free to text me here or make a post in CoG forum, where I will be answering you to the best of my capabilities. I tried my best to bring this update quickly - I checked for bugs, but I'm always very grateful for any help!
Dine with Silver Demon, a man who's taken an odd interest in you.
Prepare to rest, and share the last moments of the passing day with someone... or with yourself.
Softlock available for TWO of the romance routes, and hardlock available for ONE of them. Will you choose to involve yourself in games of heart?
Number of saves increased from 3 to 5 slots.
Chapter 5 clothing options expanded - now, more choices are available to suit you best.
Chapter 8 is 63k words long. Some Sleepover scene routes might feel shorter than others, but all of them have overall around 8-10k worth of words between all choices. Replayability and length of playthrough vary from route to route!
Sometimes, the image for Chapter 5's title doesn't appear at the beggining of the chapter. I'm unsure why, and thus the bug still persists.
Scales of Justice is a fantasy game situated in another world, far away from Earth. There are plenty of species living together in harmony, but the human race is currently split in two civilisations: the one known as Hero kingdom, which is ruled by ‘heroes’, and the one named Vannais kingdom, controled by ‘villains’. Both nations hate each other and the fight between ‘heroes’ and ‘villains’ here is something that happens on a national level. The game is focused on lore, on character development and your own perception of the world: perhaps, your MC just wants to live a peaceful life... or maybe wants to save the world.
Or even rule it, if you’re into such things.
If you want to know a little more about this project and read 8 chapters, I'll leave the link to the game here -> https://dashingdon.com/play/myimaginedcorner/scales-of-justice/mygame/
If you want to discuss anything on CoG's forum, I'll leave the link for SoJ here -> https://forum.choiceofgames.com/t/wip-scales-of-justice-new-project-announcement-and-demo-release/101088/16
If you want to send me a more extensive feedback, here's my email -> [email protected]
Any mistakes, concerns or questions you have, feel free to contact me through Tumblr! I am very excited to share this story with all of you, and I want to make it as good as possible with your help!
Shoren/Seile -> Heir to the throne in Hero kingdom, where your journey starts. Also, your old friend who is very attached to you. Likes to read and practices magic, enjoys adventure and heroic deeds. A recognised “Hero”, with blonde curly hair, pale skin and a pair of beautiful blue eyes.
Robert/Reina -> Order's Paladin, defender of Hero and Knight of Fate itself. Brave and honourable, determined to protect the people of the kingdom. Very loyal to friends and very dangerous as an enemy. Has short brown hair, tanned skin and an athletic build.
Valerius/Venis -> An Outworlder, who was caught by cultists from the Wicked Woods. Gracious, elegant and charismatic. Has long dark brown hair with a silver streak, olive skin and golden eyes.
Arion/Aria -> Leader of Vannais, a recognised “Villain” who escaped from Hero and now rules the enemy kingdom. Serious, reserved and temperamental. Doesn’t like to stay behind hiding in the castle, thus always personally appears in battlefields and negotiations. Has short blonde hair, pale skin and greenish eyes.
Be careful! These characters have their thoughts and opinions on the world and your actions: if you want them to support you, convince them or take their side… or neither. That is your choice after all!
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koffeinvergiftung · 6 months
Tips for studying as a struggling adult
I often see tips for studying and building routines, but they often help me for only a day or two, but never long run. Most of them are also oriented towards students, and the schedule won't work if you have a full time job while studying.
Note: I am neurodivergent (AuDHD), and have been struggling with mental and physical health for most of my student years, to the point where I had to drop out of University to focus on myself. These tips will be a mixture of what has helped me in high school, and what helps me now.
1. Having a routine is good, but missing your 'checklist' is not the end of the world
Having a full time job means there is a 'must do' every day, no matter what other plans I might have. What I usually do is try to work my study plans around my work schedule.
Morning shift: I come home around 1.30, so at around 3 I will start with revision, or new lecture (depending on the day). During revision, I will take a break after every 'section' (for example: vocab practice - break - sentence practice - break - revision review). If I'm starting a new lecture, I will usually take a break every 45 minutes, to mimic the classroom schedule I had when I was in school. Usually I will do my Duolingo lecture on the to, during my break, or before bed.
Afternoon shift: I try to wake up around 9, and I do my Duolingo practice while having breakfast. After that I do my revision/new lecture, and I try to study until at least 11-11.30. After work I will do some more revision, and get ready for bed.
I always spend my evenings on call with my partner, so I will also use that time to ask for help with grammar or pronunciation.
This routine helps me, BUT, there will always be days when I don't feel like doing anything, especially is work has been extra tiring that day. Then I will just do my Duolingo daily quests, and if I'm feeling like it, some vocab review.
It's okay to not be okay, if you feel like you need a break, please take some time for yourself. There is always tomorrow, or even next week. Go easy on yourself ♡
2. Make your free time count
With work and studying, it's easy to forget about your hobbies and social life. To avoid the burnout, try to fine some time every day to do what you enjoy (drawing, reading, gaming etc.) Even if you spend more time on your hobbies than studying, that's okay.
Another thing I do is take a few minutes every say to tidy up around my room. Somehow ( no idea how), trash such as papers quickly acclimate in my room, so if I don't deal with trash on a daily basis, it eventually turns into a depression room. And those are nearly impossible to deal with for me.
Make sure to keep in touch with your friends, too! I try to go out at least once a week, and sometimes turn that coffee into a study session. Those often help me stay focused, and we also talk about the material while studying.
3. Mental health matters more than your studies
I often see posts that romanticise 'working until you drop', sleep deprivation, caffeine overdose and similar. Please, please, PLEASE, take care of yourself! I used to be that way in high school, and sure, passing my classes with an A, felt amazing, but you know what didn't? Suffering a complete burnout, mental breakdown, and major issues with physical health, all withing less than six months. All due to overworking myself in highschool, all due to not taking care of myself. Remember, you can always retake the exam, or redo a year; you cannot redo your life.
When I'm feeling a burnout coming, I make sure to take a day or two just for myself; no studying, to revision, just me and myself. On those days you can do whatever makes you feel happy, relaxed and content. I usually watch a few episodes of a show, spend some time playing video games, and spend some time outside. Especially if it's a nice day outside, try to catch a few rays of sunshine every day, and especially if you're not feeling well (don't forget to wear sun protection!)
These are the tips that help me now, but most of these I couldn't really implement while I was in high school. I will do another post on how I studied before (over 5 years ago 🫣), and how I raised my grades. I'm also planning on writing (and maybe illustrating) about the way I study now, including taking notes and revising.
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bluejaybytes · 6 months
@snowshinobi Hiiiii :3 I'm responding to your tags on a new post and not the original since the original was already somewhat lengthy, and I plan on being LONG and RAMBLY, but I have sooo many thoughts on what you said and I'm going to say them. Also my browser crashed TWICE (TWO TIMES. 2) when trying to write this post so I'm really fighting for my life out here to get my silly little OC posts done. Also it's under the cut because it's looooong as hell LMAO
Firstly, you're so nice to me forever <3 Secondly, I think you've basically hit the nail on the head. The majority of the issues Maggie has coming back from death and her 9 years gone are really tied almost exclusively to her close family, because she... never really had anyone else. While in-universe it's only 9 years, realistically the jump in technology and culture is around ~20-30 years (Maggie died in the 90s/early 2000s essentially, and wakes up in a just barely futuristic city), but... the most jarring thing to her in terms of what she missed out on is just. Flipphones are no longer popular. Other than her family, she's only close with one other person... who just so happens to be a ghost, and therefore both 1. Wouldn't change much over the timespan due to how long she's been a ghost and 2. Unlike her family, was aware that something happened, since she could see the ghost-of-a-ghost Maggie left behind (The ghosts name is Opal, she positions herself as a sort of "guardian angel" figure, though she's not actually, and serves as just another parental figure for Maggie while also getting after the ghosts that constantly harass her to pass on messages to the living). Maggie has no real relationships outside of her family, and while her relationships with her family are massively impacted by her unknowing death, other than that... the timeskip itself doesn't weigh on her because she had no one regardless. Her struggle to adjust to everything thats happened would've happened regardless of the timeskip for her, because she was such an isolated shut-in that it's the same whether it happened the next day, or nearly a full decade later
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So another very interesting thing is that you've actually completely seen where I was going with everything, in spite of everything I said being very surface level and not actually delving into the plot at all. I completely skimmed over Jenna (She's very important to the plot, but she's by in large a regular person as opposed to Maggie's... everything), but for some additional context, Jenna has a horrendously shitty homelife, so her moving in with Maggie is both a gradual process (It goes from spending time there, to spending nights, to eventually just never going back home and moving in fully), and also serves as an escape for her. Part of that is also, so vitally, the food aspect. For some additional additional context, souls essentially serve as a persons lifeforce, practically every bodily function is improved by a soul that's stronger, though the "strength" of a soul is essentially entirely random, and not dependent on the individuals actions of any kind. Maggie had a generally weird soul before (Seeing ghosts inherently means she has to have something going on with her soul), but when she wakes up after her death, her soul is now even weirder, and part of that is that it essentially lets her get away with bad habits she absolutely should be seeing more consequences for. She barely eats, and when she does, it's basically exclusively crackers and whatever other safe foods she has around the house, because actually making food is a level of care and effort she just... doesn't give to herself in the slightest. Part of Jenna staying with her is that Jenna, without really discussing it, entirely takes up the mantle of caretaker of the apartment, with the biggest task being food prep, Jenna sees Maggie's unwillingness to take care of herself and silently steps up and starts making her actual meals so she's eating properly.
The problem is is that this also kinda... just straight up sucks? Jenna doesn't think much of it, it's something that needed to be done so she's doing it, she wants Maggie to be well fed even if she won't do it herself, and she's already been responsible for making all of her own meals for years prior anyways, so it's just another thing she does. Except that's shitty! Maggie's seen firsthand how terrible her homelife is, and it really weighs on her how even in her escape from that, Jenna's still being put in a position where she feels like she must care for her or else she just won't eat properly. So food is such a massively important thing to both of them, it's this symbol of love for both of them, it's love on the part of Jenna, for stepping in and taking care of Maggie when she can't do it herself, and it's love on the part of Maggie, for realizing how her own bad habits impact the people she cares about and wanting to lift that weight by taking care of herself better. It's also very vital for Maggie because she just... doesn't... have hobbies. Learning how to cook becomes really her only hobby and she puts all of her love and care into it, because for the first time in a long while she's actually passionate about something! ...Unfortunately she also is very very bad at it. She's inventing new dishes like "Burnt Salad" and "Please Help I Fucked Up Kraft Mac N Cheese" and still having to have Jenna come in and help her. But it's the thought that counts, and it'll only be a matter of time before she can make something vaguely edible.
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And finally, the stuff about names! I didn't post it here, but while idly talking about her in a Discord server I'm in, I definitely think that had I made Maggie like even a few months later than I would've done she would've been nonbinary. As it stands right now though, I'm saying she's probably some form of genderweird but too busy trying not to die to think about it <3 Growing up knowing that ghosts are real and routinely being shut down by authority figures in her life about it has made her very aware of how bullshit a lot of things are and how the people who claim to be knowledgeable tend to not know what they're talking about (Beyond just the "people don't think ghosts are real", she's also got ghosts willing to tell her when people are lying because they've got nothing better to do than just gossip) , so if she spent even just a moment thinking about gender as a social construct she'd instantly recognize that and probably take up some form of genderweird label, but as it stands she's just too stressed with Being The Protagonist to think about that
Now, the thing with Margaret. I'm not even going to lie to you, I think you made a better connection to how a name connects with community in terms of the narrative themes than I did. The thing with Margaret denying the name "Maggie" existed for two reasons, the in-universe explanation is that, with the little scrap of soul Margaret has leftover from Maggie, it's essentially working overtime just to keep her vitals working, it can't dedicate time and energy to making her an individual with preferences and a personality, so part of that is that she doesn't respond to "Maggie" because ultimately, that is not her name. Her name is Margaret and she's not going to respond to "Maggie" because "Maggie" isn't her name. Of course, out of universe the reasoning is that I wanted an easy way to distinguish between Maggie as she is the protagonist, and the version of her that lived in the years she was gone, so different names makes the most sense.
I think your connection to how name relates to community genuinely works on a level I hadn't fully pieced together myself yet and I really love that because I think that absolutely works with everything. One of the main conflicts of the plot is how Maggie is entirely disconnected from her family thanks to the years she was gone, with Margaret having no priorities beyond "survive", she basically never spoke with her parents or brother for years. While her family tried to reach out to her repeatedly (Especially given that, while they're unaware the truth of what happened the night Maggie was murdered, they do know something happened, and they believe that whatever it was severely traumatized her, and that's where the sudden and drastic shift in personality came from), there's a point where they just... gave up. She wasn't trying to talk with them or contact them in the slightest, so around a year or two after Margaret moved out, her parents gave up on her. Her brother would still be there a bit, but he also didn't really... try... anymore.
When Maggie wakes up, she tries to call her parents... and they don't pick up. They'd grown resentful over the years, and now that Maggie wants to talk to them, they don't forgive her for the years of not speaking to them, and aren't interested in whatever she has to say after nearly a decade of trying to reconnect with her and being met with nothing. It's her insistence that she wants to be called Maggie that actually gets her brother to realize she's telling the truth and that something happened. She shows up at his door, already something that Margaret wouldn't have done, and that combined with her being visibly upset when he calls her Margaret and tells him that's not her and that she's Maggie, it signals to him that whatever's going on is real (...though he would've figured this out eventually, given that she also literally 17 again and not in her mid-20s, and has a giant glowing stab wound in her chest). I think it works absolutely perfectly as being a symbol of community, her disconnect from her community is what led to her being called Margaret, and her desperation to be returned to that community is when she's Maggie again. So uh. Congrats on getting the themes of my OCs better than I did <3
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And uhhhh closing thoughts! I honestly did still skim over the majority of the plot (Literally never even mentioned Eli or what's going on with her stab wound </3), but I think you reeeeally hit the nail on the head with everything I'm kinda getting at with these OCs, which is... frankly wild given how little main plot I actually got at. Basically everything I mentioned in my original post was the setup, not the main plot. But waaaaugh thank you for being so niceys to me and also giving me another excuse to ramble endlessly <3
#my OCs#uhhh MAGGIE FUN FACTS:#Animals can tell when a soul is weird so she has a colony of stray cats that hang around her apartment door#she doesnt even LIKE animals that much (She barely takes care of HERSELF shes not taking care of any animals.)#but they all like her weirdass soul and keep hanging around because of it#When the plot ends she gives one of the stray cats to her parents as a 'sorry i died' gift#The cats name is Marge- named by Jenna and also specifically its 'Marge' said in a Simpsons impression. any Simpson#It's Jennas FAVORITE cat out of the strays bc she says she looks like Maggie. also Marge is a male cat#Neither Jenna nor Maggie know how to tell the difference between a male and female cat reliably so they assume Marge is female- hes not#Also Eli's the closest to the 'main antagonist' the story gets. hes an old coworker of Margarets and basically her only friend#and Maggie's too scared with her whole 'is actively dying' thing and doesnt know how to tell him 'hey im not your friend- she died'#ELI thinks that Margaret is essentially have some sort of extreme mental breakdown and is trying to get her help bc he cares about her-#-unaware that Maggie is essentially a different person and doesnt know him#anyways uhhhh Maggie attempts to beat him to death with her laptop once. sorry Eli. luckily shes 17 and scrawny as fuck-#-so he's able to throw her off of him but its still. BAD#Maggie's got INSANE insomnia for a large variety of reasons- and falls asleep on the floor one night while on her laptop#Eli- having gotten off work late and going to check on Margaret- who hasnt shown up to work in weeks and isnt answering her phone#-spots Maggie passed out on the floor and assumes shes having some sort of medical emergency#Margaret had left her spare keys at work which he'd grabbed- so he lets himself in to get her to a hospital#Only for Maggie to wake up. With a strange man in her apartment in the middle of the night. Wuh Oh !#THIS time however- when she's home alone (shes not alone Jenna's asleep in the other room) and she spots a stranger in her house-#-she ends up with a fight reaction and NOT freeze <3#also her full name is Margaret Elisabeth Newell and her brothers name is Hawke#one of the very few times i will give my OC a full name- and entirely bc my friend suggested her last name LMAO#also she believes in bigfoot. GHOSTS are real and theyre WAY less believable than 'big ape' so she fully believes it#Opal keeps trying to tell her no that ones ACTUALLY not real and shes like uh huh. sure. ill believe it when i see it
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jerzwriter · 7 months
6 and 2 for Tobias and Casey and 3 and 7 for Trystan and Carolina.
Hey Nonny! Thanks so much for the asks! From this generator.
Tobias x Casey:
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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂OMFG Not me DYING that THESE TWO got this question! LOL OK - there is something to this thing! LMAO OK - on a scale of 1-10? They're both like a 43. What causes it to go up? Waking up? Go down? Passing out after sex. lol Like, seriously, one of the things that is incredible about them is their sexual compatibility - and the fact that they are freaking insane for each other 24/7 makes it all that much better. It doesn't take much for them to be ready. What makes it go down? Being very sick (not a little sick), being extremely exhausted (not a little exhausted), and a serious family issue/tragedy (not a minor one). lol I'm still cackling that I got this question for them! lol
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Hmm. Good one. OK, Tobias TOTALLY has. I'm sure he did it in high school and college - probably to go make out (or more) or hang out with friends. He probably got in trouble, but he used his charm and that irresistible smile to get his way out of it - and it worked 9/10 times.
Casey? In high school? NEVER. She was a GOOD GIRL. In college? Maybe, on occasion, if it was for what she considered a valid reason. For Casey? That would likely mean attending a protest, or she scored tickets for an impossible-to-get Broadway show. I doubt she ever got into trouble, because it was done so infrequently and she was such an exceptional student otherwise.
Trystan x Carolina:
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Ooooh. This is an interesting one for them. I think Trystan was likely tutored, and honestly, they just wanted to make sure he knew the things he had to know to be king. Academic excellence was not the goal. I think he's naturally intelligent, so he picked up on what he needed to know quickly and then used his charisma to get out of the rest. How did it impact him? Hard to say because he's led a life that is so extraordinarily different from the average person, but like most of his early life, it robbed him of the ability to find out who he truly was and what he really enjoyed. I think he only begins finding himself around the time he gets involved in the Hand of Mahra case.
I think Carolina was an excellent student, even though she didn't attend the best of schools. Understandably, her grades took a dive after the death of her father. This had a negative impact on her ability to qualify for scholarships, and as a result, she ended up attending Hostos Community College in the Bronx. That wasn't a bad thing, though; she truly applied herself there and ended up at John Jay College (part of the City University of NY). It may be a public institution, but it is one of the best criminal justice programs in the world, and that's where she attained her bachelor's degree. Like much of her life, adversity helped pave the way for future success for Carolina.
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Oh, Trystan broke many, many hearts. Between the many in his homeland who had his posters on their walls growing up and the many people he dated during his playboy days who never stood a chance. I have not really worked out their relationship history (but I plan to do that soon), but I imagine there were at least one or two people who got their hopes up, never truly having a chance, while he was in New York. And I think he even breaks a heart, albeit inadvertently, after he's with Carolina. 👀👀👀More to come.
Carolina also broke some hearts but in different ways. She is very flirtatious and enjoys sexual relationships, but she's demiro and does not have romantic feelings for anyone unless she feels a very strong emotional connection to them. Throw in her fear of loss...she doesn't really want to allow herself to develop those emotional connections. She can be and is an extremely loyal friend. She did friends with benefits wonderfully, but neve had a desire to take it beyond that. The problem is she is also freaking incredible. Smart, witty, sexy as hell, so many of her dalliances hoped for more with her, and they never really stood a chance. So yes, there are broken hearts in her past, too.
Thanks so much for the asks, nonny!
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thebluntstudent · 4 months
a little introductory .☆•°. chaos babble #1
(Will be doing a few different types of blog posts and content here- when I want to vent current study progress for my own motivation in an informal rambling drabble, you can expect a chaotic babble. When I finally set up my blog theme, I'll create a little directory for post tags)
honestly this is an alt blog to give me some motivation to get my academic sh*t together once again so I can become the philosophy queenie I always wanted to be ~ so a little academic context (if you want more personal info then go stalk my main blog and excuse the fallout thirst):
For a whole load of reasons and context I don't need to provide, by the time I finished my first year of university at 20 in 2022, my mental health was at an all time low and a variety of family issues present at the time caused me to decide to take an interruption year.
I had for the first time in my academic history outright failed an exam despite revising for hours on the topic due to constantly feeling overwhelmed and not looking after myself physically due to over-commitment to societies and hall committee roles; I had also for the first time gotten to a point where I had missed handing in an essay completely- which for somebody who's self-worth had for my entire life been centred around my grades and academic abilities was a hefty blow to my self-efficacy.
I was intending to work on my mental health and begin to resolve my trauma on my interruption year, and up until April 2023 this was going quite well; I had begun volunteering at a group for adults with disabilities that my older brother attended, I was keeping up with my academic studies by exploring areas of philosophy I hadn't yet had the chance to without the time pressure or expectations an educational institute mandates, and was preparing eagerly for resits and deferrals from the end of my first year.
Between April 2023 and August 2023, I lost my last remaining grandparents, and one of the two cats I had grown up with. The grief also worsened existing family circumstances that had begun to heal slowly over the prior few years, and due to failing an exam that summer for a second time, once again having to defer an essay, and visiting a doctor about my anxiety a month before I was due to return to university only to be told 'well not much I can do when you're going to be 120 miles away in a few weeks'- I wasn't quite prepared to return in 2023 either.
As of writing this it is May 2024. I did a lot of mental healing through winter- and despite the fact I had to cope with a lot of chaos the first few months of this year, and despite the fact my hormones have been protesting agaimst me for the last two months in what so far is looking to be PCOS, I handed in my last remaining essay from year one and have one last exam to do, in seven days from now.
It is the only module I have failed to pass an exam for. It is the only thing left (well aside from the potential PCOS, and finding a place to live in London in this economy as a working class lass, sigh) between me and finally returning to my dream degree at a university I took an extra year at college to make sure I would get into- between me and breaking a chain, and defying a stereotype about broken homes and council estates. I have to remind myself of my motivations, so that when I am hopeless I remember what got me this far, and what I have left to prove. That is what this is all about.
where I am at right now, in this moment:
The topic is intermediate logic, and I hate that for me. I signed up without realising that however fabulous it is to be able to understand inductive reasoning through the power of symbols, this is essentially maths in disguise. It is for me the chocolate-covered sprout of the modules I chose: sweet on the surface, definitely good for you, but a stinky experience for the senses when you actually get into the thick of it.
I'm 2 out of 9 topics down in terms of reviewing content with active recall, and tonight I'm going to keep going for a couple of hours- I've not been able to sleep much more than 6 hours recently, so thankfully a couple late night study sessions are honestly a distraction from the general nuisance my body is hurling my way at the minute.
Plan for the next session is to get through at least one more topic review, two at a push depending on how long the first takes (so many formulas. so many.) and also to create a little reminder on my break for me and anyone out there in the void of ways to compromise study and self-care in less than ideal conditions <3
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elijahkelly · 1 year
I have been thinking a lot about death lately. But before I get into that, I need to do a brief update of everything that has happened in the last ~month since I posted on here last.
We passed one month since Brennan died last week. It has gotten easier, but I don't go a day without thinking about him. Today the school did a student suicide statistics display in the drill field, where they laid a backpack out for every student who has committed suicide within some timespan. They do the demonstration every year, but it never hit as hard to me as it did today.
My food poisoning graduated into a long-term gastrointestinal issue. I was getting intense nausea randomly, throwing up, the whole nine yards. I was losing motivation, my mental health was declining (not to mention I couldn't keep my Prozac down so I was essentially being forced to quit cold turkey until I felt better). It was miserable and the closest I ever got to suicidal thoughts in a long long time. The campus doctor told me it could be Hep A, but after some testing they thankfully concluded that it wasn't. The issue lies in the fact that they found NOTHING wrong with me. So that remains a mystery to this day.
I have been having internal conflicts regarding where I stand with my friends, particularly Trent and Ozzy. It is no secret that they have quickly become my best friends, but I find myself having insecurities about the possibility of them liking each other more than they like me. I shouldn't care, because the fact remains that they love me and I love them and we all love each other, but I can't help but pick up on things between them that allude to them being closer to each other than I am to either of them. A small part of me thinks that they are on the verge of or secretly engaged in a relationship of some kind, which is wonderful, but if that is the case then why wouldn't they tell me? In all truthfulness, I think I would be a little bothered if they started dating. I understand why I shouldn't be bothered, because frankly its none of my business, but I feel like there would be that irrepressible feeling of resentment towards the two of them if that were to happen. Jealousy maybe? Not at their relationship as it exists romantically, because I have Dylan, but at the fact that their relationship is able to reach a level that I can never reach with them? I'm not sure, and to be honest trying to verbalize it is really confusing. All I know is I have some messed up biz going on that I need to figure out. I need to start utilizing the free counseling that my university offers because damn talk about emotional baggage.
I found the engagement ring. Well, let me be more specific. I found the box for the engagement ring. I didn't touch it or open it. That much I refuse to do. But I know where it is. I know it exists. I know Dylan has a plan. Holy shit. It doesn't feel real.
Anyways that's been the main stuff. If I remember anything I'll throw it in or mention it later. Now on to what I was saying earlier about death.
It feels like I have been bombarded by a series of ridiculous and difficult issues the last few months. Brennan's death, knocking my side mirror off my car, conflicts within my organization, my stomach issues, my mental health drastically declining, the list goes on and on. One thing just keeps coming up, though, and that's death.
Brennan's death was sorta a catalyst for all of this. I have never been struck more heavily by the uncertainty of life than his death. I haven't been able to go a day without paranoia that something's going to do me in at any given moment. To the extent that I have been planning my last rites. I worry that I'm going to die with nothing laid out for my people to follow.
I don't have as much privacy as I would like to be writing this.
Bye for now.
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ineedtherapist · 3 years
after like a week of inactivity i am going to bombard your ask with random things that are totally out of context i love gingers and i have an oc who is a ginger, and there's this boy at my school who looks just like him and everytime i see him i'm like that wojak meme who has his mouth opened and is pointing at something in the distance, and that boy doesn't know i am referring to him as my oc's name when i'm talking with my friends and he will never know.
once upon a time i woke up with a terrible stomach pain, like it was so painful i almost shed a tear, and i rarely cry. so i ran up to the bathroom and i passed out. when i gained conciousness i looked at myself in the mirror and i was pale as a ghost's butt cheeks. i left the bathroom and my mom is like "what happened" and i told her "eh, nothing much, just passed out" my dog was looking at me and i tried not to laugh, bcuz he has a dumb little face. so anyway, that day i stayed at home
when i was in preschool i had a crush on a boy who punched me in the guts, and my headcanon is that jotaro did the same when he liked someone when he was young
i was once writing a kny rp in which i totally lost my mind; so i live in poland, right? and me and my friends transformed bucci gang into a pathological polish family (i know it's about kny, but wait) and abbacchio was a king of the district and just a hobo in general. so i took him and just rammed him into demon slayer's universe and he was like... an alcoholic demon sage who helped the entire gang defeat astro-people, who were mostly based on teachers at my school and a few problematic people. you know, just for giggles. abbacchio's (we were calling him "boadicea" back then) power was to create an alcohol barrier and everything was just like... what the frick's happening
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u really can't take abba seriously can you 💀
but ngl it fits him a lot.
WDYM 'eh nothing much I just passed out' like bro?? why?? how?? spill the tea homie. 😋
I'm counter attacking urs out of context with mine now cuz LMAO THIS IS SO FUN TO READ
Back when I was 15 I used to make a whole verse of psychological horror AU based on my teachers n bestie.
my teachers are like.. in their 40's/50's💀
So I was like well- why don't we make a spinoff of that. So we got like the whole verse set up. character development, angst, fluff, horror you name it. We even make headcannons and ship. mind you, I haven't discover tumblr yet and doesn't even realize what I'm doing lol.
It's basically just me making ocs and lores to indulge my bestie in her endless crushing for dilf till now
One of me and my bestie pretty close friend are one of the main cast but she never know and we never tell her to this day 👍
spoiler : she die in s1
Ever since I was 13, I'm actually subconsciously fixated on blondie 💀
fictional-wise that is.
it's either cuz they're too hot for no reason or they just fit into my preferences a lil bit too much.
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There are a few more blond I use to like but those are the dark times, we don't talk about it. 💀
Back when I was 9 I almost lose my thumb and index finger cuz my dumb ass of a kid think I'm old enough to cut sugar canes with my gramps machete without being supervised by adults. cry a lot.
When I was 10, me and my cousin pretend we're forming a band. We're sitting at my gramp self-build resting hut (??) with self-made slide 😎
So as I was guitaring the broom on top of a fcking ladder in the hut with my cousin whose sitting on the floor, I cutely fell off the ladder and twist my wrist. doesn't cry but it hurt af bro 🌚
I used to have 3 cats, one die. been 6 years since that day. pick up a new one 2/3 years ago. they fight a lot lol cuz the other two are sibs and the new bb kinda invading their territory. doesn't fight as much nowadays tho. still remember my bb girl from 6 years ago a lot cuz she's the sweetest out of all 4 and she isn't here anymore :)
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prinxlyart · 4 years
Beforehand, I'm sorry for not giving you a rest xDU -.-U: So, you mentioned begorr that Emira and Viney considered having children but Emira was reluctant because of her (not-redeemed) parents. I would like know their point of view then AND after the Blight parents redeemed themselves
Ooof this is a toughie. Hmmmmm let’s see
I think the question was first brought up on accident, yknow, by like a complete stranger trying to make nice conversation in all the wrong ways. Like, maybe Amity still, after all these years, loves to read to kids at the library. She’s good at it, the kids love her, and she doesn’t have to worry about anything except making sure those kids have a good time.
And maybe it’s during one of those reading sessions that Emira and Viney also happen to be in the library researching something when they pass by the Kiddie Corner and see Amity reading to those kids and they both hide behind a bookcase and just coo at how adorable the sight is. After a minute they start to get comfortable watching Amity read to the kids and they both have warm goofy smiles on their faces until suddenly someone comes up next to them and whispers “they’re so cute, aren’t they?” And they see what looks like one of the kid’s parents next to them also watching the story telling. Emira and Viney agree, it’s probably the cutest thing in all of the Boiling Isles (certainly the most wholesome). Then this parent whispers again, “which one’s yours? Mine’s the little guy with the horns.” And Viney and Emira just freeze because oops, they’ve been mistaken as parents. They both blush and stammer for a bit and explain they’re actually just related to the story-teller and the parent apologizes and they day continues. But that interaction is on both of their minds for the entire rest of the day.
Viney’s never considered kids seriously before; she has her beasts to take care of and those usually aren’t kid-friendly. But she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t thought about teaching children about how to handle different kinds of creatures. Besides, she’s also a Healing witch, (most) any damage can be patched up with a quick spell. But teaching kids and actually raising one are two totally different things. And the interaction from the library had left her feeling strangely warm all the rest of the day. Would she be okay with actually having kids with Emira? Maybe. That answer by itself is already scary enough - they’ve only been married for less than a year, but that doesn’t stop the misunderstanding from the library from making her feel warm and fuzzy and a little bit giddy.
In the meantime, Emira’s having a silent meltdown within her own head. All alarms are going off like a Shale Hail storm was rampaging through her mind. Her, a mother? She’d spent her entire life trying to get away from her own mother; she couldn’t even begin to imagine herself in that role. Her thoughts were racing the entire day following the library incident and it left a gross feeling in her chest and a queasiness in her stomach. She didn’t even know if she really liked kids let alone liking them enough to want one of her own. And what if she fucks it up just like her parents did??? She and Viney are just getting their Service Creature business off the ground - she is not about to be an absent mother like her own to focus on her work. That thought alone is enough to keep her feeling slightly off-kilter the entire rest of the day.
I think they talk about it that night in great length; their fears, their concerns, their dream-scenarios, Emira’s parents. That’s when the convo gets especially hard as Emira’s stutter starts making it more difficult for her to articulate herself before she just breaks down entirely. Viney reassured her that they don’t have to make any decisions right that instant, it’s just a thought they’d both been plagued by all day. They could have that conversation again when they felt they might be ready for it.
Of course the following year and a half is a whirlwind of helping Amity get hitched to her girls and messy makeups with the Blight parents. And even after that giant wedding is over, Alador and Odalia are still learning how to make amends and it puts Emira in a weird headspace. Not to mention she’s concerned about her twin brother living alone. He hates being alone. He was the one that insisted he move into a single-room apartment but that doesn’t stop Emira from worrying over her twin. She still had a hard time wrapping her head around the whole aromantic thing, especially since she knew Edric thrived off being around other people.
She was especially worried now that they’ve been trying to repair their severely broken relationship with their parents; they’ve both been a little emotionally turbulent. They took Camilia’s suggestion of seeking out a therapist (as a human healer she doesn’t need to worry about the magic side of things and they consider her quite practical as a result. Also, she’s Luz’s mom and is basically the best woman in the world, of course they’d take her advice).
I think it takes several years of the Blights all working hard to fix their family relationship before Viney brings up how one of their clients had asked about a kids class; maybe a single session where they go over the basics of different creatures and how to approach them (if you should even approach them at all) before allowing them to try on one of the more docile creatures they have. I think she tries to bring it up as casually as possible; I think ever since that first conversation they had, Viney’s kinda tiptoed around the concept of kids in general around Emira.
They’d talked about her fears and what caused her to meltdown during that first conversation of course, and they talk about how therapy has been working for Emira and her family. But Viney hasn’t brought up them having their own kids since that first conversation, even though she’s been feeling a hint of longing in the depths of her heart recently as she watches parents interact with their own kids (of course sometimes that’s exactly what also stifles that longing - there are some parents that look dead on their feet with their screaming child throwing a tantrum on the ground).
But they discuss the idea of hosting a weekly or monthly class for kids without issue and Viney just waits....I think until maybe the following night to bring up the idea of being parents themselves again. And I think it still scares Emira absolutely shitless. She doesn’t break down the way she did the first time but she does start going into brief panic spirals before Viney pulls her out of them. Viney reassured her that again, they don’t need to decide anything right then and there, it’s just something she’s been thinking about recently.
I think Emira takes the thought to therapy with her and she and her therapist really work through what’s bothering her about the concept of her being a mother. And it takes a while. Like, several months. But in that time, Emira’s slowly warming herself up to the idea of being a parent. She constantly reminds herself that she isn’t going to behave like her parents had. She’s not going to get too tired of them and wave them away or push expectations onto any child of hers by the time they’re 6. She’s going to love whatever child they might have with her entire heart. She’s still scared.
I think her actual breakthrough is with a conversation with Camila and Eda. They’re both Luz’s moms (kind of? Mostly? In everything but like, legal documents? Like Eda’s 9/10’s of the way there so she’s basically Luz’s mom) and Emira’s witnessed how much they both love Luz over the years that she’s known them. She wants to learn how to love any potential future kids like they love Luz. Hearing this actually shocks Camila and Eda; they’ve watched Emira grow up into an incredibly kind and caring witch - of course she’d be an amazing mother. But then they listen to her fears of falling back on her own parents’ shitty parenting tactics just because that’s what she grew up with and they reassure her that she’s not her parents.
Camila and Eda make their own points from their own perspectives. Camila describes how it felt like the universe was crashing around her when she found out she was pregnant with Luz. How she was frightened beyond anything that had happened in her life up to that point. She was a medical student!!! She didn’t have time to take care of a baby! But then she also couldn’t bring herself to terminate the pregnancy. She didn’t know why, but she was already deeply in love and attached to the little bundle of cells rapidly dividing in her uterus. The thought of being a part of such an impossible thing as creating an entirely new person was overwhelming and exciting. She somehow convinced herself that she could handle it. She’s a hard-working woman with probably too much pride to admit that she bit off more than she could chew, but she felt like she had something to prove.
Camila explains how emotionally tumultuous she’d been in the following....probably 5 years? There were times when she could turn her thoughts off and just focus on what was important: making sure the baby was taken care of and making sure she got all her homework done on time. But then there would be moments of peace and tranquillity where her only concern was making sure Luz didn’t hurt herself while she played where her emotions would take over like a tsunami. Ironically enough, Luz would always notice, even as a baby, and motion for her mom to pick her up so she could snuggle into her mom’s neck in her version of a hug. Camila would try to hold back her tears in those moments, but whenever Luz raised her arms up at her with a frown on her face, her heart would warm up so much it felt like it was nearly on fire and those tears would just start flowing freely. Luz loved her and she loved Luz and that was enough for Camila to know she’d made the right choice for her life and to keep pressing forward.
She worried every single step of the way that she was doing something wrong (whether or not she had a partner/family members/friends helping her) and nothing rocked her world more than being introduced to the Demon Realm after thinking her daughter had been somewhere else entirely for a whole summer.
She had wrestled with that for months afterwards; the guilt that she hadn’t done more to help Luz thrive in her own home the way she did on the Boiling Isles. That somehow it was her fault for not being able to magically make everything work in her daughter’s favor. That she maybe could’ve somehow singlehandedly change the entire system to benefit Luz the way it did the other kids so she wouldn’t have felt so lost and alone that she needed to go to the Demon Realm to feel like she belonged somewhere.
It had taken several talks with Eda (after they stopped hating each other) for her to accept that she had done everything she could with what she had. None of it was solely her fault, but she probably could’ve listened to Luz’s unspoken/misunderstood needs more carefully.
She emphasizes to Emira that the most important thing to take away from all of that is that no matter what happens, she just needs to love and provide for her child as much as she possibly can. And to always listen to them; they won’t always know how to articulate their needs so it’s up to the parent to help them figure it out. Love and patience, which she notes that Emira has plenty of.
Eda’s perspective is vastly different because she didn’t even consider being a mother for the large majority of her life until suddenly there was a teenager camping out in a spare room in her house that she used for miscellaneous storage. And it wasn’t something that happened overnight either; she didn’t just wake up one day and think “today’s the day I’m going to start loving Luz as if she was my own daughter”, like, that thought literally never crossed her mind. It really didn’t hit her just how much Luz meant to her until the first instance with Belos; Luz being kidnapped by Eda’s own sister and nearly dying kinda makes you really think about how important a person is to you. She didn’t realize how much Luz being in her life made her feel like she was part of a family until Luz said so just before she was sent to be petrified. It took Luz saying it point blank to her face with tears in her eyes while Eda was essentially on death row for it to click in her head that she loved Luz like a daughter. That she would do anything to keep her safe and happy.
And as un-versed as she is in being an actual mom, she was relatively well-versed in how to handle Luz as a teenager because she saw so much of herself in her. She didn’t have the previous 14 years of Luz’s life coloring her opinions and expectations of her; all she saw was a young, weird girl that wanted nothing more than to learn magic even though all odds were stacked against her. Eda emphasizes that as kids become teenagers, it’s important to treat them with respect and to let them know their voices are heard.
A parent may want to hide them away so they can be safe from the world, but then they’ll never grow. She idly comments how she just treated Luz how she would’ve wanted to be treated at her age: like an equal. Eda emphasizes to Emira that respecting children is a huge part of being an effective parent, at least in her experience.
Emira takes all of this in stride; thanks to her siblings and their friends, she’s learned a lot over the years about how to be a kind and compassionate witch. She returns to Viney that day feeling infinitely better about the concept. Now it’s just a matter of discussing whether or not they’re ready in every other aspect besides emotionally.
Eventually they get there. It takes some encouragement from Edric and Amity (and by extension, Luz and Willow) as well as Jerbo and Barcus (between them, Edric and Gus? This kid will have the coolest uncle-squad ever), but Emira and Viney do find a point in their lives where they’re excited and ready about having kids.
Again, I’m not one for coming up with fan kids. Far too many possibilities. Last time I made fan kids was maybe ten years ago so I’m super rusty anyway. But I know for a fact that any children they have had essentially a small army of adults ready to love them. How would they get those kids? Again, far too many possibilities. Maybe one or both of them are trans and capable of biological reproduction! Maybe they decide to go the Magic Route! Maybe they adopt! I truly don’t know. All I know is that once they are ready to have kids, they’re so fuckin hyped it’s all they can think or talk about for months until they finally have one. And they will love that child so fiercely, that child will never feel for even a moment that they’re unloved.
(All grandparents involved are over the moon; the Blight grandparents actually cry for like an hour straight the first time they meet their first grand baby and spoil them like nothing else; Viney’s parent(s) don’t cry as much as the Blights, but they do cry a lot and are the kind of grandparent(s) that secretly try to give that kid their first sip of (boiling isles equivalent) soda, candy, etc., just to give Viney and Emira a hard time. Eda and Camila [and Willow’s dads] are honorary grandparents that also love and adore this kid.)
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quirkdotcom · 4 years
Hey everyone !! I am super excited to post this as part of a collab with my fellow members of BNHA Sanctuary! The prompt was " _____ is concerned bc (y/n) isn't sleeping." I chose Izuku Midoriya as my character because he needs a little more love ! So I hope everyone enjoys! Don't forget to check out the other collab writers fics too !!
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Technically, Midoriya wasn't supposed to have anyone over in his dorm, even in college he had tried to follow that rule knowing that if he didn't, Iida would probably find out and scold him, but as he flipped over and looked just above your shoulder, his All Might themed alarm clock read out "4:12AM" with red numbers, and he gave a small sigh.
Tonight was one of the first nights that you had been able to sleep before 5am, but the reason was unknown. Midoriya had asked you plenty of times, each time you resulted in you shaking your head vigorously and eyes watering until he just hugged you tightly, saying that you would find another time to talk about it. 
Slowly, scooted closer to you, wrapping an arm around your side, pulling you closer to him.  
The movement, which Izuku had thought he was being slow with, actually woke you up. You blinked a few times before turning and nuzzling into his chest, quietly mumbling, "Are you awake Izu?"
"I'm definitely sleeping…are you awake (Y/n)?" 
You hummed, starting to wake up more now, "A little bit," Yet despite your words, you didn't make any effort to move, "What time is it?"
"4:14 in the morning," he responded, pulling back a little so he could look at you
Slowly you sat up, pulling yourself free from his grasp, suddenly wide awake. 
"Baby?" He sat up next, eyeing you slightly as growing concern seeped in. 
You looked back to him, offering up a smile, "Don't worry Izu, I'm still tired enough to sleep," 
He seemed to relax some, the tension slowly leaving his body, "I'm glad then, because I think it's too early to get up for the day, and that's coming from me of all people,"  he then proceeded to lay back down, hugging the comforter to his chest
You laughed lightly, then paused, letting out a heavy breath, "Hey Izuku, I owe you an explanation, I shouldn't make you worry all the time and have to have me over in your dorm like this," 
Again, he sat up, scooting closer to where you were sitting, "Whatever the reason is, I'd be happy to help you over and over again, okay?" 
You nodded, leaning against him, glad to have that reassurance of support. 
"Well...my quirk has some nasty side effects…" You paused, closing your eyes and allowing the shadow like mass begin to rise from your body. 
It was a lot like Tokoyami's dark shadow in the sense that it was almost another being but attached to you. It could take a multitude of shapes, and most items couldn't pass through it, rather instead would get stuck to it. 
Most of the time you used it to create a large beast of sorts, and it only grew stronger from the fear or unease of your opponents. 
However it's main and personal drawback was arguably the worst. 
"When I don't use my quirk enough, it turns on me in my dreams…well nightmares. The Mass as I call it, separates from me and chases me down. In the end it envelops me and...well I start to suffocate. So I've been staying up late to try and put off the dreams as long as I can," 
In the dark of the room, your quirk was even more unsettling. It looked to be wriggling around, crawling amongst the edges of the room. But the one area it wouldn't go near, was the spot where Midoriya sat. 
Instinctively he wrapped his arms around you, feeling your trembles.  He thought for some time about what you had said until finally, he knew what the root of this issue was. 
"(Y/n) my love, don't let it feed off you," 
You turned at his comment, looking up to him, his oddly calm demeanor throwing you off guard. Normally, most people tended to draw back from you and your quirk, but Midoriya never did.  
"You said that your quirk grows stronger when people are scared or uneasy, and I think that it applies to you as well. It's easily taken over the whole room by now. " 
As you looked to the room, watching as the Mass would slink around the room, at times catching a ray of moonlight, seemingly drowning the light in itself. 
The longer you looked, the more it started to grow, your heart raced, you couldn't find a spot for your eyes to stop, they just kept looking. No one spot in the room was safe from it's grasp. 
Before you could fall further into its depths, two arms circled around your waist, pulling you close, "(Y/n)...you're safe…" 
All at once, the mass receded, leaving the room as it was before. 
With that, you laid down, pulling Izuku with you. While you didn't fall asleep very fast, you still knew that you'd be able to come back tomorrow to try again. 
And you did. You continued to do so for about a week, every night repeating as it had been the first night of that week. 
You still got hardly any sleep, and were starting to fall behind in both your classes and your training. In fact, there would be times where he would catch you fighting the urge to doze off while just hanging out with friends. 
Midoriya found himself asking for the help of your best and closest friend.
"Hey, Tanako, can I ask you something?" 
The water vortex hero-in-training looked up, as she was currently focusing on a book, "First, Midoriya, you can call me by my first name by now, but what's up?" 
"Ah sorry Katsumi…" he gave a sheepish smile and took a seat across from the brunette, "You know how (Y/n) stays up all the time? I've been trying to help them but...nothing is working," 
Katsumi dog eared a corner to her book, closing it as she hummed, "Well, when we were younger, we used to sleep in forts, and had lights strung up so that it wasn't so dark," she met brown eyes to his green ones, "I'm not sure if it would work now...but I think it's worth a shot. " 
Izuku nodded, standing back up, "I'll need to get some lights then..and figure out a good setup for a fort, Thanks Katsumi ! Have fun reading!" 
He started to walk away but didn't get too far before your friend called back out to him.
"Oh and Midoriya, thank you. We've all gotten pretty worried for (Y/n)," 
He nodded, turning back and going over his plan in his head. 
His first stop would be the store, finding some fairy  lights to hang up. He also decided to buy a few extra blankets, and another pillow. 
With that being done, he headed back to the university dorms, making his way to his own and luckily for him, he had some time before you were supposed to come over. 
He started to move things around, pulling the bed over towards the window, and his desk to the other wall. From there, Izuku started to round up all his extra blankets, grabbing extra tacks to hold them up. 
What took up the most of his time was the fact that he couldn't settle on a good way to have the blankets and the overall shape of the fort, after all he only had so much room to work with. 
In fact, he was still working on putting up the blankets by the time you had let yourself into his dorm. 
Midoriya jumped lightly, and turned around to face you, a blush spreading across his face as he realized he had been caught, "Uh..surprise?" 
You took a moment to look around his dorm, noticing the changes in where your bed was, and where he was currently sitting, blankets in hand. 
"Are you...building a fort?" 
Despite all the evidence you had already seen, he quickly glanced around and hid the blanket behind his back, smiling embarrassedly, "I uh...I was..I mean yeah but…" 
But to his surprise, you barked out a laugh, letting your bag slide off your shoulders and to the floor as you made your way over to him, "That's cute ! Let me help!" 
And so, together you both figured out the best set up, easily hanging up the blankets and lights, then using the rest of the blankets to create a comfy space on the floor underneath the fort. Midoriya pulled out his laptop, playing your favorite movie and starting it as you grabbed a few snacks. 
Once fully settled in, he wrapped his arms around you, and let you rest your head against his body. 
In his arms was perhaps the safest spot for you to be. He was warm, comfortable and you knew that you wouldn't have any troubles as long as he held onto you. In fact, you could hardly keep your eyes open in the moment. 
Within the next ten minutes you fell fast asleep. Izuku flicked his eyes to the clock in the corner of his laptop, smiling as he read that it was only around 9:38pm. H3 let out a small and content sigh, holding you a little tighter and closed his own eyes, getting ready to sleep, letting the movie play out in the background.
"I love you, (Y/n)..." he murmured, though you couldn't hear him, he was sure that you knew...and you did. 
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apassionateman · 5 years
Man Secrets for Women...
Here are a few tips...
1. There's a big difference between "toss" "throw" "pass" and "hand" us something. Pay attention, when we say "toss"... we mean "toss"!
2. Don't worry, we know how to pinch, grab, squeeze and knead your ass... and when to do each.
3. Speaking plainly gets you MORE points than "hinting". Use your words and articulate what you want. Playful flirting gives at least two thoughts to us... "Are you actually into me?" and "your personality just winked, what the hell?"
4. Hugs are universal... we like them too.
5. So you think we "stare" at you... Did you know there's a spider on the wall behind you and we wonder if you'll feel it when it lands?
6. After a long night shift of my job years ago, I went over and worked on a girl's motorcycle once and when finished I was covered in oil and grease. She giggled and said I could shower and sleep over. I said "No thank you! I didn't have spare clothes and didn't want to get her white sheets all dirty." Somehow at the time, I think I missed the point of her offer.
7. Some guys lean on walls, chair backs, door frames... We just do off things at times for no apparent reason. Yeah, we're like that.
8. When we have a blank expression and you ask, what we are thinking... Why do you wonder if we are thinking anything... Sometimes we are cleaning out the cobwebs, don't underestimate our ability to NOT think about things at times.
9. Crying, now here's a subject of confusion... We are natural "doers" and "fixers" which is our first priority and inclination. Tell us you want to vent, scream have a listening ear or whatever the case may be BEFORE we misread and start trying to "fix" the situation.
10. Men like compliments too. These get you points and will stick with us for a long time. They don't have to be elaborate, simple ones do quite well... "You're kind" "You're a hard worker" Get MORE points when you can make us FEEL the value of your sincerity too. "I like when you...."
11. Each time I watch Avatar, I dream I'm Toruk Makto [rider of last shadow]... Last time I did this I also worked on my tractor and had a hot waitress wait on me at lunch that day... Talk about laughing out loud about dream mashing. What a wild ride. Lol.  Men really aren't mysterious - sometimes we just have a great adventure running through our mind.
12. Direct communication is far superior to beating around any bush. You want something from us. TELL US with details!
13. When you take a sincere interest of any quirky silly side of us... You've just scored MASSIVE points. We know you might like to go sit with one of your books, so when you take an active and sincere interest in our goofy side, it makes a big difference.
14. Many men have issues with depression, anxiety, body issues and yes even the aging issues. Please recognize these for what they are. We DESPISE living in a "Politically Correct" society where talking about a subject is socially unacceptable and sometimes forbidden for us to do so. [Some men voice their opinions quite well on some subjects while others struggle]  
15. When we say we like your tousled hair in the morning... We mean it! When we say we think one color dress looks better than another... We mean it! Many guys actually give sincere compliments on your appearance. Real men will overlook the physical attributes and talk to the girl of a woman hiding inside. We know our bodies aren't sculpted perfect like some bronzed god and photo-shopped to a stereotyped 6-pack toting image in your mind.
16. IMPORTANT... Men, sometimes really want to be alone as in nobody.  It doesn't mean we don't want to be with you... Sometimes it just means we need to be alone to decompress in our own maleness, nothing more.
17. ALSO important... Men also need to hang out with our buddies, just to hang out. Again, it doesn't mean we don't want to be with you... Sometimes it just means we need to be alone to decompress in our own maleness, nothing more.
18. When we accomplish a tedious goal of lashing, tying, netting and bungee cording which takes considerable effort, we like to pat ourselves on the back with a hearty... That's not going anywhere anytime soon! Knowing it will take us just as long untying as it did tying.
19. When we get home from work we all need some down time to escape the grueling routine. NO, the car ride home doesn't count as it often adds to the chaos in our mind. Give us 20 maybe 30 minutes before you unload on us. We want to know about your day, give us an opportunity to simply be still.
20. If you want something to happen between us... You need to make an effort to meet us halfway.  If you sense we're not making a move and there's interest... Guess what? We simply don't want to mess it up.
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
(Vol. XX)
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Ask for Help
Hello dear Fandom!! How are you? This is another chronicle from my Destiel Chronicles.
I will talk in this meta, about how Bobby was foreshadowing the whole Castiel's POV in episode 6x21.
First of all, I want you to picture Bobby as Cas here, and everything will be easy to read.
I want to give thanks to my dearest friend @agusvedder , she made the gifs exclusively for this meta. Thank you beautiful 😘💖.
Ok, are you ready? Let's start with this...
Castiel asked for help
Coming back to episode 6x03, we have Edlund writing this scene...
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Castiel... Asking for help to the WINCHESTERS brothers, and Soulless Sam mocking bc he was asking for help to him one entire year and Castiel didn't appear. But, remember I wrote about time being different in Heaven, times passes faster there. So a year could be days... IDK.
The important thing here is CASTIEL ACTUALLY ASKING FOR HELP. Edlund wrote it. And that's a fact. But not the help we needed him to ask for... Isn't? Well. *Sobbing*
Bobby foreshadowing the whole situation with Castiel
Ok... let's start now with episode 6x04 "Weekend at Bobby's" if you watch this episode, you'll be saying "poor Bobby" for sure. He has a tough life. He has to do so many things. He doesn't even have time for love, or eating some cake, and besides the boys call him all the time and they don't even listen t Bobby's problems... Well... If you carve a little more... You will find Cas in Bobby...
Let's start with the first phone call Dean made to Bobby... He was busy, ofc... Trying to find out how to break the deal with Crowley, and... Dean tells him... This particular line...
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Writers choose the word FALL maybe to remind us about Castiel's fall. And the mocking tone in Dean's voice denote he's mad bc Bobby took his time to answer him. The same with Castiel. The continuous demand coming from Dean to Castiel for help him and his brother. Like a claim. "Why you are not HERE right away IN THE MOMENT I NEED YOU? We saw in the previous Chronicles how Dean was demanding Castiel for his lack of attention to Dean's prayers and problems. Well... Here we have a big foreshadow for that.
But this isn't finished yet... The demand from Dean continued...
DEAN (over the phone): This thing is on a rampage. Call us as soon as you dig something up.
Bobby looks anxious.
BOBBY: Dean, I'm a little busy.
"I'm busy" says Bobby, and is the same excuse Castiel's says everytime Dean is demanding from him attention "I'm at war." Castiel is busy too.
And this one here...
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Wow, now Dean is piss, what is more important than me or my brother? Is the same situation and reclaim he made to Cas: "What is more important than me, and my brother without soul, Cas???"
DEAN (over the phone): Hello?
BOBBY: I – I hear you, son. I – it just ain’t a good time.
DEAN (over the phone): Yeah, okay. You know what – Forget it. I mean I'm baring my soul like a freaking girl here and, uh –And you've got stuff to do. So that is – that's fine...That's fine but, seriously, a little selfish.
Bobby, as Castiel, hears Sam and Dean's problems/prayers, but ain't a good time.
Bobby is so done with this childish behavior here, that he decides to talk with him and with Sam.
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Now... Please pay attention to Bobby's words here... Remember... He's Castiel's mirror...
BOBBY: I'm selfish? Me? I do everything for you! Everything! You need some lores scrounged up...
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BOBBY: You need someone to bitch to about each other...
Sam looks at Dean, puzzled.
BOBBY (over the phone): You call me and I come through – Every damn time! And what do I get for it!? Jack with a side of squat!
Aaaaand dejá vu my friends... "I did everything for you..." So Cas... That time when he kicked Dean's ass... And now the foreshadow... "I always come when you call." With those lamb's eyes I can't handle... Excuse me... *runs and cries*
But specially the line in the gif... Mentioning the fire (Hell), Castiel saved Dean and Sam both from PERDITION, so that's another clue for us to make think about Bobby being here a blantant Cas mirror.
But how this whole mess ends? Like this...
BOBBY (over the phone): Now look. I know you've got issues. God knows I know. But I got a news flash for you. You ain't the center of the universe! Now, it may have slipped your mind… that Crowley owns my soul! And the meter is running! And I will be damned if I'm going to sit around and be damned! So how about you two sack up and help me for once?
What I marked in red... Yeap, pathological codependency... Loved by Gamble 😒
And then...
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The boys decided to help Bobby, right away when he asked him for help... This will be the difference with Castiel.
Castiel using the same line with Dean
And if you have doubts yet, in episode 6x07 "Family Matters" we had this exchange of words between Dean and Cas...
CASTIEL: Sam, Dean... I have to get back.
DEAN: You're leaving?
CASTIEL: I'm in the middle of a civil war.
(The excuse again.)
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This again, Sassy Castiel calling Dean selfish. But as always... Dean is blind with his issues and his brother's issues too... Repeat with me... Pathological codependency.
To Conclude
Bobby was in episode 6x04 a Castiel mirror and a foreshadow of the future situation between Dean and Cas.
He even quoted some classic Destiel phrases.
The pathologic codependency is everywhere when Sam was soulless, and Dean couldn't think in other problem than that. Thank you Sera. 😒
I hope you liked this, I'll see you in the next Chronicles. 😘💕
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfatmydoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @xsghn @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel
If you want to be tagged, please let me know.
If you want to read the previous season 6 Destiel Chronicles, here you have the links...
Buenos Aires, July 17th 2019 9:03 PM
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dukereviewsmovies · 5 years
Duke Reviews: Iron Man 3
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where We Continue Looking At The Marvel Cinematic Universe...
And With Phase One Now Behind Us We Move Now Onto The Start Phase Two, With The First Movie Of Phase 2, Iron Man 3...
This Film Sees Tony Stark Attempting To Deal With The Events That Happened In The Avengers While Also Dealing With Terrorist Attacks From A New Enemy Called The Mandarin, Will Tony Succeed In Stopping This New Threat While Facing His Own Issues?
Lets Find Out As We Watch Iron Man 3...
The Film Starts With An Intro From Tony Stark (Played Again By Robert Downey Jr) Before The Film Actually Begins With A Flashback On New Year's Eve In 1999 In Switzerland, Where Tony Is With A Girl Named Maya Hansen (Played By Rebecca Hall) And Happy (Played By The Person Who Should Have Directed This Movie, Jon Favreau) At A Conference Where Tony Actually Met Yinsen Before They Were Captured By The 10 Rings...
On His Way Up To His Room With Maya And Happy, Tony Meets A Fanboy Named Aldrich Killian (Played By Guy Pearce) Who Attempts To Get Tony To Join His Team At Advanced Idea Mechanics (Otherwise Known In Marvel As A.I.M.) Seemingly Interested, Tony Tells Killian That He'll Meet Him On The Roof In 5 Minutes...
But Being An Asshole Back Then Tony Doesn't Show And Instead Spends His Night With Hansen Only To Ditch Her The Next Day...
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But Eventually Growing Out Of His Asshole Phase, We Come To Now As Tony Works On A New Mark 42 Armor...
Mark 42?!? We Were On Mark 7 How The Hell Did We Get To 42?
Well Turns Out That Ever Since The Battle With The Chitauri, Tony Has Been Without Sleep And Has Been Making Suits Like Crazy, Some That Are Just Plain Iron Man Suits And Others That Serve A Certain Purpose (Space Travel, Underwater Capabilities, Heavy Lifting Etc..) And This... Is Just Another Iron Man Suit...
(Start At 0:51, End At 3:04)
The Next Day, A Broadcast From A Terrorist Criminal Known As The Mandarin Goes Over The Airwaves And In Response To This New Threat, President Ellis (Played By The Bad Guy From Die Hard 2) Rebrands Rhodey As The Iron Patriot As The Name War Machine Did Not Test Well With Focus Groups...
War Machine Did Not Test Well With Focus Groups...
What Was The Age Preference For These Groups? Ages 2 To 3 Years Old?
Asking What's Going On With The Mandarin, Rhodey Tells Tony (Despite It Being Classified Information) That There Have Been 9 Bombings Despite The Public Knowing About 8 And There Have Been No Evidence Of Bombs Whatsoever...
Interrupted By Two Kids Asking For An Autograph, Tony Gives It But When One Asks About His Experience With A Black Hole In The Avengers It Causes Tony To Have An Anxiety Attack. Going To His Suit Outside, Tony Leaves...
Meanwhile At Stark Industries, Pepper Potts (Played By The Queen Of Goop, Gwyneth Paltrow) Has A Meeting With Aldrich Killian, Who Looks Less Geeky And More Suave And Debonair...
Anyway, Killian Is There To Show Pepper, A.I.M.'S Latest Project Called Extremis Which Hacks Into The Hard Drive Of A Living Organism And Recode It's DNA But With Pepper Believing That Killian's Project Is Dangerous, She Takes A Pass On It To Killian's Displeasure...
Returning To Tony's Mansion, Pepper Finds What She Believes To Be Tony Inside Of His Latest Iron Man Suit, Wanting A Kiss From Tony, Pepper Goes To The Lab To Get A Crowbar Only To Discover That Tony's Not Inside The Suit And That It's Just His Voice Coming From It....
Believing Their Date Night To Be Ruined, Pepper Decides To Go To Bed But Tony Stops Her When He Decides To Tell Her The Truth That Ever Since The Battle With The Chitauri, He's Been A Piping Hot Mess And That He Can't Sleep And The Only Reason He's Not In The Looney Bin Is Because Of Her...
Later That Night In Bed, Tony Has A Nightmare Accidentally Calls The Mark 42 Where It Attacks Pepper. Waking From His Nightmare, Tony Powers Down The Suit But Still Pissed Off Tony's Suit Almost Decapitated Her, Pepper Goes To Sleep On The Couch...
Meanwhile At The Chinese Theatre, Happy Follows Killian's Right Hand Man To There As He Looked Suspicious The Entire Time Killian Was Talking With Pepper And Boy, Was Happy Right, As He Seems To Be Selling Drugs To Someone...
(Start At 0:52, End At 3:10)
The Next Day A New Video From The Mandarin Is Released, As Tony Goes To See Happy In The Hospital Only To Do The Dumbest Thing In The World When Being Interviewed By The Press, He Gives Out His Home Address For The Mandarin To Come Face Him...
How Crazy Do Have To Be To Realize That This Is A Bad Idea?!?
So, Getting All Forms Of Information On The Mandarin From Everywhere And Even Recreating The Crime Scene In Virtual Reality, Tony Manages To Get A Look At The Dog Tags That Were Near Happy After The Explosion...
But He's Interrupted When He Gets A Visit From Maya Hansen...
Passing Out After Surviving That Attack, J.A.R.V.I.S. Eventually Wakes Up Tony When The Suit Reaches 5% Power And They're About To Crash Land In A Small Town In Tennessee, Letting Tony Out Of The Suit As The Power And J.A.R.V.I.S. Goes Out, Tony Drags The Suit Into The Workshop Of A Young Kid Named Harley Keener (Played By One Of The Kids From Jurassic World) Who Tony Recruits To Help Him Get His Suit Back On-Line...
Receiving A Call From Tony To Let Her Know That He's All Right, Pepper Ends Up Going With Maya Hansen, Who Believes That Her Boss, Aldrich Killian, Is Working With The Mandarin, Meanwhile Back In Tennessee, Harley Takes Tony To A Site Where A Former Military Solider Blew Himself Up, Killing 6 People In The Process...
But Tony Doesn't Buy It As There Are Only 5 Shadows On The Wall...
After Another Anxiety Attack When Harley Mentions The Avengers, They Get Back To Buisness By Talking To The Bomber's Mother Who Gives Him A File On Everything Only To Be Confronted By One Of Killian's Goons (And A Hot One At That, Despite The Scar On Her Face) Who Kills A Sheriff When Things Don't Go Her Way...
(Start At 2:52)
But When Killian's Right Hand Man Takes Harley Captive, He Uses A Device That Tony Gave Him Earlier Before Tony Blasts Him With A Handheld Repulsor Meant For One Time Use...
Stealing The Man's Car Keys Off Of Him, Tony Says Goodbye To Harley And Takes Off To Go Stop The Mandarin...
However As That Happens Another Message From The Mandarin Comes On The Screen, Stating That If The President Doesn't Call Him Within The Next Half Minute, He Will Kill The Accountant For The Roxxon Corporation, However, When The President Calls Him, He Shoots The Guy Anyway!....
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Pissed Off About This, The President Tells His Vice President To Tell Rhodey To Find This Lunatic Now...
Looking Over The Files In His Car, Tony Realizes That A.I.M. Is Behind This, So, He Contacts Rhodey To Get His A.I.M. Account Name And Password As They Upgraded His Suit. Eventually Getting It, He Goes To A News Truck (Which Is Covering A Miss America Like Pagent Where Stan Lee Is Judging!)...
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Stan Lee Cameo!
To Use Their Satellite To Encrypt Some Data Files But Only Problem Is Their Connection Is Slow To Say The Least, But Wouldn't You Know It The Guy Who Is Handling The Van Is A Tony Stark Fanboy...
So, He Speeds Up The Internet By About 40% So Tony Can Get His Files Which Reveal That Extremis Is What Is Causing People To Blow Up...
Pepper Talks With Maya At A Hotel Only For When Hears A Knock On The Door To Be Confronted By Killian Who Kidnaps Pepper As We Discover That Maya Is Actually Working With The Mandarin...
Meanwhile, Half Way Across The World, Rhodey Continues His Search For The Mandarin Only To Get Kidnapped Himself By...The Wicked Witch Of The West From Once Upon A Time...
Contacting Harley Back In Tennessee (Who Is Trying To Get The Suit Back On-Line) He Manages To Get Tony In Contact With J.A.R.V.I.S. Who Is Back On-Line And That After Factoring In A.I.M.'s Headquarters Around The World, Their Location Is In Miami...
That However, Is The Good News...
The Suit Is Charging But It Won't Be Enough Power To Revitalize The Mark 42. Having Another Anxiety Attack Without Harley Even Mentioning The Avengers Or New York, Harley Suggests That Since Tony Is A Mechanic That He Should Just Build Something...
So, Taking Harley's Advice To Heart Tony Does Build Weapons Before Driving To Miami..
Only For Tony And Us To Discover The Biggest F-You Moment Of The Entire Movie...
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And That's That The Mandarin Is Not The Mandarin But An Actor Named Trevor Slattery...
What The Hell!?!
Why Did They Do This!?! Why Did They Think That We Would Be Shocked By This Huge Middle Finger Pointed At Us?
The Mandarin Is Supposed To Be A Genius Scientist And A Superhuman Martial Artist Whose Sources Of Power Come From Ten Rings That Adapted From Alien Technology From A Crashed Spaceship While Here You've Made Him An Actor Who Only Took The Job To Support His Drug Usage...
Screw You, Marvel, Screw You For Screwing Up A Good Character...
Knocked Out By Killian's Right Hand Guy, Tony Wakes Up Only To Be Confronted By Maya Who Asks Him To Help Her Fix Extremis, But Saying Go To Hell, Tony Is Then Confronted By Aldrich Who Tell Him Why He's Doing This Which Is Basically The Same Reason Syndrome Became A Villain In The Incredibles...
Yes, Everyone, Shane Black Is Stealing From Brad Bird's Closet...
Wanting To Repay Tony By Making Him As Desperate As He Was Killian Shows Tony That He Is Injecting Extremis Into Pepper, Not Liking This Maya Turns On Killian And Tells Him To Let Tony Go Or Else She'll Kill Herself By Injecting Extremis Into Her But Instead, Killian Decides To Leave Out The Middle Man And Just Shoot Her...
With Tony Calling Killian A Maniac, Killian Exits So He Can Attempt To Get Rhodey Out Of His Iron Patriot Armor By Burning Through It, Eventually Getting Rhodey Out, Killian's Right Hand Guy Knocks Him Out...
Guarded By 2 Guards, An Alarm Goes Off On Tony's Dora The Explorer Watch Which Gives Him The Go Ahead To Call The Mark 42 From Harley's In Tennessee...
With Pieces Of The Suit Coming One At A Time, Tony Takes Out The Guards. Going Outside, Tony Sees Killian Take Off In An Army Helicopter While His Second In Command Commanders The Iron Patriot Suit...
With Rhodey Coming To, He Takes Out Some Guards Before Contacting Tony Who Introduces Him To Trevor, Who Doesn't Tell Them Much About Killian's Plan Except That It's Happening On A Big Boat Off The Coast And It May Involve The Vice President...
Contacting The Vice President, He Tells Tony That He's Surrounded By Secret Service And He Doubts Anyone Will Attack And With The President Safe On Air Force One With Rhodey On-Board He Honestly Has Nothing To Say To Tony But When Rhodey Gets On The Phone Explaining Everything To The Vice President, He Tells Them That He'll Lock It Down And If Need Be, Have F-22's On Stand By...
However, It's Somewhat Implied By The Vice President's Crippled Daughter That He's Working With Killian...
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With The President And "Iron Patriot" On-Board Air Force One, With The Plane Taking Off, Killian's Right Hand Man Locks 2 Security Guards In The Bathroom Before Taking Out The Security Guards That Are Guarding The President...
Placing The President Inside Of The Iron Patriot Suit, Killian's Right Hand Guy Is Preparing To Jump Ship, However, Tony May Have Something To Say About That....
(Start At 0:36, End At 3:56)
Tony Activates The House Party Protocol, While The President Arrives In The Iron Patriot On Killian's Ship, Asking What Killian Wants, He Tells The President Nothing Only Stating That With His Death The Vice President Will Have His Job...
Sneaking On-Board Killian's Freighter With Rhodey, They See The President Inside Of The Iron Patriot Suit Strung Up Like Jesus To The Cross, Only To Be Spotted By Killian's Men And Women Who Serve Him Who Start Shooting At Them...
(Start At 0:59)
With Pepper Alive, She Finishes Off Killian By Blowing Him Up Again...
What The Hell, If You Don't Succeed Killing A Guy With Explosions Once Then Try Try Again...
Understanding Now Why Tony Doesn't Want To Give Up Being Iron Man, Tony Promises Pepper To Find A Cure For Extremis By Limiting His Job As Iron Man Ten Fold By Activating The Clean Slate Protocol, Destroying All Of His Suits...
You Know, When I Saw This In Theatres I Thought This Was The End Of Iron Man, Tony's Suits Are Destroyed, His Arc Reactor Is Taken Out And Some Guy Who Yinsen Knew Takes Out The Remaining Shrapnel That Was In His Heart So There's No Way To Power His Suits So The Question Remained And Still Remains, How Could Tony Be Iron Man Without The Arc Reactor?
But Aside From That Lingering Question, The Vice President And Trevor Slattery Are Arrested, Tony And Pepper Spend Christmas In Some Continent, It Looks Like Happy Will Survive To See Spider Man Homecoming And Harley Gets A Laboratory Upgrade From Tony As A Thank You While Tony Tosses His Arc Reactor Into The Ocean As It's It Appears That He's Leaving Iron Man In The Past (Despite Us Knowing That We'll See Tony Again In Age Of Ultron)
After The Credits Roll We Get An End Credit Scene, Which Shows Us That The Person Tony Has Been Talking To All This Time Was Bruce Banner (Played Again By Mark Ruffalo) Who Fell Asleep While Listening To Tony Talk...
Before I Say What I Thought About The Movie I Think I Should Briefly Mention The Marvel One-Shot Entitled All Hail The King, (SPOILERS) Which Shows What Happened To Trevor Slatttery After The End Of Iron Man 3 As A Documentary Filmmaker Named Jackson Norriss Who Goes To Ask Trevor Some Questions About The Mandarin Incident...
Only For Us To Discover Later That Jackson Actually Is There To Break Trevor Out Of Prison So He Can Meet The Real Mandarin Who Wants Trevor To Pay For Impersonating Him On TV...
And Recently It's Been Revealed That We Will Meet The Real Mandarin In Shang Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings, There's Only One Problem That I Have With This And That's That It's Not Iron Man Who's Going To Be Fighting Him But Shang Chi!
The Mandarin Is Iron Man's Bad Guy Not Shang Chi's And Now That (Again, Spoilers!) Iron Man Is Dead, We Can't, And They Think It's Just Okay To Place Him With Another Superhero?
Well, It's Not, You Had Your Chance At The Mandarin And You Blew It, So Move On To Another Supervillain That Doesn't Belong To Another Superhero! Because I'll Tell You When This Film Comes Out I Have No Intention Of Seeing It Unless They Somehow Resurrect Tony For This One Movie Or Have Someone That Is Connected With Tony In Someway (Like Rhodey) In It To Make Up For The Mistakes In This Movie!
But Enough Of This Rant And Onto What I Thought About This Movie...
It's Okay, The Action Scenes Are Good And Robert Downey Jr. Is Good As Tony As Always But The Rest Of The Film Is A Jumbled Mess, From The Story To The Villain This Movie Is Horrible Everyone Says That The Problem With The First 2 Iron Man Movies Is That The Villain Is Just A Guy In Another Iron Man Suit, Well, No Offense I Would Rather Have A Guy In An Iron Man Suit As A Bad Guy Than Getting What We Got Here...
Also I'm A Little Upset That They Kinda Killed The Best Character Of These Iron Man Movies....DUM-E!!!! NO!!!!!! But Of Course I Kid, As We See Tony With DUM-E's Remains At The End Of The Movie, Either Way, This Movie Is One Hot Mess And I Say Skip It And Just Wait Until Age Of Ultron To Get Your Iron Man Fix...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
3 notes · View notes
lexi-bloom · 5 years
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Age: 0 years
I was born a female in Tokyo, Japan. I was a planned pregnancy.
My birthday is August 30. I am a Virgo.
My name is Lexi Bloom.
My father is Ichiro Bloom, a real estate agent (age 40).
My mother is Yui Bloom, an Army enlistee (age 26).
Age: 1 year
I banged on a xylophone that I found in my crib.
Age: 2 years
My mother has been promoted to Staff Sergeant.
I threw a tantrum when my mother took me to the doctor's office to get vaccinated.
Age: 3 years
I'm starting to think that naptime is the worst time of the day.
I let another child play with my favorite toy.
Age: 4 years
My mother has been promoted to Sergeant First Class.
Residents of Uruguay have largely converted to hempseed-based protein as their main source of nutrients.
Age: 5 years
I went home with my head hung low after I peed myself in front of the other kids at the park.
Age: 6 years
My mother has been promoted to Master Sergeant.
I have been enrolled in elementary school at Yuki Kishimoto Elementary School.
I learned how to tie my shoes.
Age: 7 years
I was appreciative to my parents for taking me on a road trip to visit relatives in Kyoto, Japan.
Age: 8 years
I'm starting to think my dad may be a superhero.
I admitted to my parents that I broke their mailbox.
Age: 9 years
My classmate, Hideki, acted up in Mrs. Kaneko's class. I laughed at his antics.
I was sent to the headmaster's office for encouraging a misbehaving classmate.
I argued with the headmaster, Mr. Huang.
I received a warning from the headmaster.
Age: 10 years
My mother has been promoted to Sergeant Major.
I told some of the girls in my neighborhood I wasn't interested in going to see "Beam Me Up Ryuki" with them.
Age: 11 years
My classmate, Satoru, asked me out.
I am now going out with Satoru Fukuda.
Age: 12 years
Satoru started lower secondary school.
My mother and my father had a baby boy named Takeshi, my new brother. He was an accidental pregnancy.
I started lower secondary school at Hana Fujita Lower Secondary School.
Satoru broke up with me.
I lunged at Satoru!
I impaled his nose.
He lunged at me!
He busted my jugular.
Age: 13 years
I have stepped in gum 74 times this year and it's only April.
Age 13: l have stepped in gum 74 times this year and it's only April.
I have been diagnosed with depression.
I got my first period.
Age: 14 years
My mother and my father had a baby boy named Rento, my new brother. He was conceived after my father's condom broke.
My classmate, Akari, asked me to help her cheat in Mrs. Ikeda's class.
I visited the headmaster's office and reported my classmate, Akari, for for trying to get me to help her cheat.
The headmaster, Mr. Kato, said he would look into it.
Age: 15 years
I started upper secondary school at Yu Tanaka Upper Secondary School.
I decided to see what extracurricular activities were available at my new upper secondary school.
Age: 16 years
Iraq has enforced an asset freeze on Puerto Rico.
I am cured of depression.
I am heterosexual.
Age: 17 years
I think my teacher may be experiencing gas issues.
I was cut from the cross country team for performance reasons.
Age: 18 years
My little brother, Takeshi, started elementary school.
I graduated from upper secondary school.
I've been wondering how many people have actually had seizures watching "Stranger Things".
I applied to university and was accepted.
My parents refused to pay my university tuition.
My application for a scholarship to university was rejected.
I took out a student loan to pay for my university tuition.
I started a university program in music.
Age: 19 years
I've been thinking a lot lately about what it would be like if I had a doppelgänger out there somewhere, and also wondering what my hypothetical lookalike is doing right now.
I passed my driving test and got a driving license.
Age: 20 years
My little brother, Rento, started elementary school.
My ex-boyfriend, Satoru, asked to get back together with me. I agreed to get back together with him.
Age: 21 years
I witnessed a Soundcloud rapper drinking and driving. She saw me call the police!
The Soundcloud rapper charged me!
She grappled my mouth.
I ran away from her.
Age: 22 years
My father retired.
I graduated from university with an undergraduate degree in music.
I have to start paying back my student loan for university.
I think my neighbor may be distributing marijuana.
Age: 22 years
My father retired.
I graduated from university with an undergraduate degree in music.
I have to start paying back my student loan for university.
I think my neighbor may be distributing marijuana.
I applied to medical school but my application was rejected.
I applied to graduate school and was accepted.
My parents refused to pay my graduate school tuition.
My application for a scholarship to graduate school was rejected.
I took out a student loan to pay for my graduate school tuition.
I started graduate school.
Age: 23 years
I refused to skip school with my classmate, Prija.
Age: 24 years
My little brother, Takeshi, started lower secondary school.
I completed graduate school.
I have to start paying back my student loan for graduate school.
I got an interview at The City of Tokyo for their Archaeologist opening.
I was hired for the position of Archaeologist for The City of Tokyo with a salary of $28,704.
Age: 25 years
Religious feuds fester between Spain and Cuba.
I decided to have a one night stand with Haruma Nakajima.
I practiced safe sex.
Age: 26 years
My little brother, Rento, started lower secondary school.
I have been given a raise of 4.8%. My salary is now $30,074.
I refused to join social media.
I called Satoru the life of the party.
I made love to Satoru.
I'm pregnant with Satoru's baby!
Satoru did not feel like making love to me.
I called Satoru enlightened.
Age: 27 years
My little brother, Takeshi, started upper secondary school.
The City of Tokyo promoted me to Sr. Archaeologist with a salary of $36,231.
A woman approached me and told me if my forehead was any bigger it would be a "fivehead".
I gave birth to a baby girl! I named her Sayaka Bloom.
Satoru argued with me because I didn't use his surname for the baby. I promised him I wouldn't do it again.
Satoru broke up with me. I called him a lamebrain.
Age: 28 years
I've been thinking a lot lately about whose computer I would hack into if I could choose just one person.
I was feeling very tired one afternoon, so I drank a lot of water to rehydrate my body.
Age: 29 years
My little brother, Rento, started upper secondary
My little brother, Rento, started upper secondary school.
I finally got a new pair of running shoes.
I chose to vaccinate my daughter, Sayaka.
Age: 30 years
My little brother, Takeshi, graduated from upper secondary school.
While walking downtown, I noticed some creepy old guys checking me out with binoculars from an office in a nearby building.
My daughter, Sayaka, wrote on the walls with a permanent marker. I had a heart-to-heart talk with her about her behavior.
Age: 31 years
My little brother, Takeshi, enlisted in the Navy.
I fully paid off my student loan for university.
My baby daddy, Satoru, sent me a pic of a bottle of wine, two glasses, and a condom. I forwarded it to all of my friends.
Age: 32 years
My little brother, Takeshi, has fathered a girl named Reina Bloom. My little brother, Takeshi, has been promoted to Seaman Apprentice.
My little brother, Rento, graduated from upper secondary school.
My parents tried to arrange a marriage between me and a Japanese guy named Takumi Takeuchi.
I agreed to marry him.
I married Takumi Takeuchi.
Following the wedding, I decided to keep my last name, Bloom.
Takumi decided to keep his name.
Age: 33 years
My daughter, Sayaka, started elementary school.
My little brother, Takeshi, married Haruka Yamashita, a 26-year old restaurant worker.
My little brother, Rento, started a new position as Receptionist for Peacock Systems.
I fully paid off my student loan for graduate school.
I spent some time relaxing by enjoying a sunrise.
Takumi didn't want to have a conversation with me.
I liked every photo that my baby daddy, Satoru, has ever posted on Instagram.
He confronted me! He begged me to leave him alone.
I made a fake Snapchat account and followed my ex-fling, Haruma.
Age: 34 years
My little brother, Takeshi, has been promoted to Seaman.
I found a satchel full of cocaine. I turned it in.
I texted my baby daddy, Satoru, to ask him for a pair of his dirty underwear.
He confronted me! He begged me to leave him alone.
Takumi does not want to have a threesome.
I berated Takumi for not wanting to have a threesome.
I prowled the streets.
I stole a Toyota RAV4!
Age: 35 years
My daughter, Sayaka, loves riding around in my Toyota RAV4.
I secretly kept a large diamond I found while working at an excavation site.
Age: 36 years
My little brother, Takeshi, and his wife, Haruka, had a baby boy named Soma Bloom. My little brother, Takeshi, has been promoted to Petty Officer Third Class.
My mother has retired from the Army.
I took Takumi to the theater to see "Who's Inside Me?".
Age: 37 years
My little brother, Takeshi, and his wife, Haruka, had a baby boy named Yusei Bloom.
My little brother, Rento, moved out.
I somehow managed to kill a desktop cactus.
I was released from my job as Sr. Archaeologist for The City of Tokyo.
I called my supervisor a douchelord on my way out.
Age: 38 years
My niece, Reina, started elementary school.
My little brother, Takeshi, has been promoted to Petty Officer Second Class.
Takumi and I had a threesome with Gabriela Miura.
Takumi left me for Gabriela Miura.
The judge made me pay Takumi Takeuchi $17,247 to settle the divorce.
I had dark thoughts.
I electrocuted my ex's husband, Yuki, by throwing a toaster into his bath! He died.
I had dark thoughts.
I electrocuted my ex, Takumi, by throwing a toaster into his bath! He died.
I had dark thoughts.
I electrocuted my ex, Gabriela, by throwing a toaster into her bath! She died.
I had dark thoughts.
I electrocuted my ex, Haruma, by throwing a toaster into his bath! He died.
I had dark thoughts.
I hit my ex, Satoru, over his head with a stick that I found! He died.
I have been convicted of murder and sentenced to death by hanging!
They sent me to Tokyo Federal Penitentiary, a maximum security prison.
I hired Honda & Associates to appeal my sentence.
My sentence was overturned!
I have been freed from prison.
I had eyelid surgery performed by Dr. Taiga Yamazaki.
I had a nose job performed by Dr. Taiga Yamazaki.
I decided to have a one night stand with Manato Tanaka.
I practiced safe sex.
Age: 39 years
My daughter, Sayaka, started lower secondary school.
A friend of my friend offered to set me up with a job as Jr. Marine Biologist for Mr. Falcon.
I was hired for the position of Jr. Marine Biologist for Mr. Falcon with a salary of $21,226.
Age: 40 years
My little brother, Takeshi, and his wife, Haruka, had a baby boy named Yuma Bloom. My little brother, Takeshi, has been promoted to Petty Officer First Class.
I said no to anabolic steroids.
Age: 41 years
I have been given a raise of 10.4%. My salary is now $23,425.
I looked at some butts.
I pickpocketed an old geezer! He had $56 in his wallet.
I decided to have a one night stand with Haruki Harada.
I changed my mind since there was no condom available.
I told my daughter, Sayaka, that she's the bee's knees.
I asked Keisuke Kobayashi on a date and he rejected me.
I am now dating Shinsuke Ikeda.
Age: 42 years
My daughter, Sayaka, started upper secondary school.
My nephew, Soma, started elementary school.
My little brother, Takeshi, has been promoted to Chief Petty Officer.
Mr. Falcon promoted me to Marine Biologist with a salary of $33,324.
My boyfriend, Shinsuke, likes to drive my Toyota RAV4 even more than I do.
Age: 43 years
My nephew, Yusei, started elementary school.
Itook guitar lessons and learned how to play "Freebird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
I called Shinsuke fascinating.
Shinsuke and I made love.
I'm pregnant with Shinsuke's baby!
I made a fake Facebook account and friend requested my ex-fling, Manato.
Age: 44 years
My niece, Reina, started lower secondary school.
My little brother, Takeshi, has been promoted to Senior Chief Petty Officer.
I have been given a raise of 6.6%. My salary is now $35,523.
My father died of complications from old age.
I paid my respects at his funeral.
I gave birth to a baby boy! I named him Riku Ikeda.
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