#i'm paranoid of what she's gonna do
hamartia-grander · 6 months
Jesus fucking christ I hate the US south
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angelsdean · 7 months
i am like. at my limit with interacting w/ ppl bc *gestures vaguely* holidays. and now my old boss, who's also a long time family friend, is texting me out of the blue asking what i've been doing? if i'm working? etc and like. i Cannot talk to u rn (this was yesterday) and then i wake up (8AM) to 2 recent missed calls from her like. i cannot talk to you rn!!! i hate ppl who expect you to always be available / able to respond immediately.
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sudokuplayer · 11 months
#boris was attacked by my neighbor's dog and i've been crying so much. i'm so scared#it's 9pm so my sister is driving him to a vet 1 hour away cause the vets near close at 7pm#idk why bad things keep happening to him i'm so heartbroken idk what i'll do if he dies#my neighbor is a cruel bitch cause this happened around 1 pm and she didn't tell us. she hid him in a room#she was gonna let him die like that#my sister was supposed to take me somewhere tomorrow so she came home one day earlier#i'd been crying all afternoon and i told her to please ask around and then they (w mom and brother) went to my neighbor's house#they brought him back and he looked very weak and with blood all over#my sister called a friend of hers who's a vet and she came to see him and adviced to take him to a vet clinic#cause he was bloated and there was air(?) and her face was worried when she said that cause.. where does air come from#plus he was breathing weird#i had the worst panic attack the whole time since they brought him from the neighbor's house until they left with him#i couldn't even speak cause i couldn't stop crying#now i'm calm but i'm so worried#if my sister hadn't come home today boris would be still hurt and locked in my bitch neighbor's house#cause my mom thought i was being paranoid :( she wasn't going to ask around#cause she thought boris would come back since he's been missing before#also my sister's the only one who can drive#:(#i'm so angry cause that bitch next door heard me calling boris name all afternoon and didn't say shit#i hate her. not only bc of this but she's suck a snake in general. she's always gossiping shit about everyone#she didn't do anything and locked him in a room for like 7 hours. maybe those hours were crucial#idk. if boris dies i'm gonna do some crazy shit to this bitch so she'll have a reason to call me crazy
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ilikedetectives · 8 months
At first I was worried Larian is gonna make Minthara recruitable on a good path, but then I realize we're 4 months into release and she's still buggy with the lil existing content she has (for some she's even buggier after Patch 4 and I still get no party banter), so I can rest easy now.
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expressionless-fr · 6 months
hate hate hate how she gets away with everything she does.
don't read tags if you're sensitive they contain a lot of bullshit and I ain't sugarcoating it ty
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babiexiao · 1 year
do you ever scroll through your docs and find random pieces of works that you were so excited to write but never did hahahhaha
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david-watts · 2 years
I’m actually so pissed off at that like. it started when I was a kid because I would get anxious and have nausea as a physical symptom so I’d mention feeling sick whenever something potentially anxiety-inducing came up but never actually threw up and that got labelled me a hypochondriac. at age four. and at age seven I’d do shit for attention. I suspected I had asthma and was overdramatic about it and I was RIGHT to think so but I got labelled a liar. and a hypochondriac. I’d be in pain? I’d feel sick on a near-constant basis because I was developing severe mental illness and also there was someone, possibly through actual government instructions, though partially because she was a total cunt of a human being, literally persecuting me (and others) on a near-daily basis. so I’d often feel ill. that was of course considered ‘hypochondria’ even though literally what was that meant to be? fuck’s sake. and then when I like. started going ‘hey I think there’s something wrong with my body’ I’d get told to stop overreacting. and then! I started actually getting problems noticed and like. I’d get told to push through it. how do I push through a spine injury that left me bedridden for days? if I’m not given the time of day to figure out what’s wrong with me of course I’m gonna try searching online for solutions and inevitably be wrong the first couple of times! oh, what’s that? you definitely have ptsd and adhd? oh that’s what those symptoms are! wait, what, you’re saying that I can’t possibly have those problems...? despite having the exact same symptoms as you? considering that these are the same people that insist every winter that I have reynauld’s never checking that I wasn’t experiencing literal frostbite because my grandpa had it I ought not to be surprised... it’s the default reaction. way to ignore everything. just call the problem a liar and have done with it knowing you’ve done ‘all you can’
#it's not reynauld's because it looked felt and reacted exactly like frostbite and let me tell you NEVER jump directly into#a hot bath or anything the frostbitten area will feel like it's dunked into boiling water and it hurts so badly#I wasn't even LOOKING for frostbite symptoms I was trying to prove a point that if I were paying rent this temperature would be illegal#and I went 'what temperature must it be for extremities to go numb and red/purple' and I accidentally discovered it was frostbite.#they still wanted to take my only heat source away because it gets a bit chilly in one corner of the room#because they didn't put the heat pump in the right place#how do I explain to them that no matter how much I strengthen the muscles in my back they're still gonna hurt and get overworked#trying to straighten my spine?#because. uh. if playing hockey didn't help much#if I try and do exercises to help buff them up so to speak that's just gonna push them towards 'overworked' faster#from EXPERIENCE!#I just have to bitch about this. this definitely didn't have an actual effect on me developing actual hypochondriac tendencies!!#that was sarcasm I think it definitely did#I used to think that I'd damaged my nerves somehow that time I ran away because my fingers were difficult to control and numb#but never thought it could be. y'know. frostbite. especially when stripped out of my covers in near freezing temperatures#still paranoid she'll start doing that again if she decides that we Must Follow Her Routine She Never Communicates#the frostbite thing is. forefront of my mind because it's been cold lately#I'm mad. I'm really mad. I feel like my body's failing me and I can't even SAY that because of how I get treated.
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albatris · 2 years
no camp nano update today...... I am still behind but tomorrow I'll be with friends for our monthly laze around on the couch and be lazy day and I always get some good writing done there while we're watching movies and lazing and being lazy......
I did get a bit of writing done today though
a very confusing phone conversation between nat and yvonne about the current situation (yvonne has impulsively beaten her manager to death with a shovel and now needs help disposing of a body) and how to handle it, where they both for entirely different reasons are trying extremely hard not to actually name the situation out loud (that yvonne has impulsively beaten her manager to death with a shovel and now needs help disposing of a body) in the fear that someone will overhear and be like um????? this conversation sounds an awful lot like someone has impulsively beaten their manager to death with a shovel and now needs help disposing of a body???
so they are talking in Metaphors that are just getting increasingly out of hand
#look.#yvonne murders her piece of shit manager with a shovel then is like oh Fuck did i just do that#(yes and youre so valid)#then after having a panic attack she's just like...... what the fuck am i supposed to do now???#(call your vampire friend)#(he is the cause of a lot of dead bodies)#(surely he knows how to handle this?)#while being so paranoid that someone is gonna walk by the construction site and be like. hey what the fuck#nothing shady going on here!#just a suspicious body shape under a piece of tarp and a lady with blood all over her clothes hiding next to the site office#mumbling about definitely not how she just beat her manager to death with a shovel to someone on the phone#also keeping in mind Yvonne's been taking a selfcare vacation away from the chaos of the plot while she#figures out what kinds of healthy boundaries she wants to put in place#so her re-entry to the story from Nat's perspective is just like#''hey i know we still have a whole lot of nonsense to sort out and I'm soooo keen to do that but rn i need help hiding a body#because i just killed someone haha oh no''#nat just like!!! oh yvonne is calling me!!! maybe she wants to catch up and we can talk about how to make her feel more comfortable#and what i can do to give her more control and also not get her involved in any scary stuff she doesnt wanna deal with!''#aka its time to establish the boundaries of a healthy friendship! :D#then yvonne is just like HEY HOW DO YOU USUALLY DEAL WITH YOUR VICTIMS' DEAD BODIES#dw they do sort their shit out lmao#gotta deal w the dead body first though 😕
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qcomicsy · 1 year
Random convo I bet happen between civilians and vigilantes
Civilian: What hair product do you use man?? My man's hair is shiiiiining
Nightwing, chuckling: I just let it dry (lying)
Civilian: Naaaah, man I see you jumping from rooftop to rooftop everyday, tell me your secrets–
Gothamite: And who's gonna pay for this scratch on my car?!!!
Robin (Tim), trying damn hard to stay stealth: Don't you have insurance?
Gothamite, don't giving a fuck: No!
Robin: You should have–
Gothamite: You know what? HEY TWO-FACE–
Robin: No, no, no– Hold on–
Gothamite: HE'S RIGHT HE–
Gothamite: Okay- Cannabis is very much legal in L.A.
Batman: We're not in L.A.
Gothamite: Yeah that's funny because– *runs*
Batman: *Runs after him.*
Gothamite: See I don't hate you
Signal: Always good to hear that–
Gothamite: You doing a pretty good job.
Signal: I–
Gothamite, also a bus driver: But you gotta stop being thrown at my window–
Signal: I don't control where villains throw me.
Gothamite: Yeah bro– But you better start, otherwise there's gonna be one more out there–
Gothamite, also a security guard on his phone at 3 am: Yeah, no honey it's literally desert here–
Gothamite: HOLY SHIT
Gothamite: Fucking warn a guy, mY GOD–
Gothamite: I thought you were taller.
Nightwing: I heard that a lot.
Gothamite: How do you see on that thing?
Batgirl (Cassandra):
Batgirl: I don't.
Gothamite, terrified: Oh okay–
Batman: Shouldn't you be at home?
Gothamite, who's also a teenager very much snicking out at four am: Shouldn't you mind you business?
After being forcefully driven to home on the batmobile
Gothamite That was really unecessary–
Gothamite: Are you alone??? Where'd your dad? Where's Batman?
Robin (Tim Drake, early days): Batman's not my dad.
Gothamite: See now I'm concerned.
Robin: Oh no–
Gothamite: What's is this a internship...? A job...?
Robin: You know what? Yeah, Pretty much.
Gothamite: Really? Oh okay, okay. I'm less concerned– Because–
Robin: Yeah I can see–
Gothamite: Like "is he kidnaping those children"?
Robin, chuckling: No, no–
Gothamite: You get paid?
Robin: Not really.
Gothamite: I'm back at being concerned–
Gothamite, from her window: Have you eaten yet?
Robin (Dick): No– (lying)
Gothamite: Oh, the poor child– Oh shame on you
Gothamite: The poor kid– You're dragging him alone with you to fight crime on a empty stomach?
Batman: I–
Gothamite: Unbelievable. I expected more on you– Hold on sweety I'll see If I have some cookies here to give you.
Dick: :)
Robin (Damian): Do I look like a fucking child?
Gothamite: Do you want me to answer that?
Old Gothamite being around the city since Batman year 1: You sound different.
Batman (Dick Grayson): No I don't.
Gothamite: Yes you do–
Gothamite: She looks different.
Gothamite: Mark is the same girl.
Gothamite: No honey, she looks different, she's was taller
Gothamite: Honey you're being paranoid.
Gothamite: She was a red-head!
Gothamite: Oh, Mark. Now the girl can't even dye her hair? Just because she's a Super-hero? Por girl can't even reinvent herself and people on this city start saying she's a different person?! Let her be! Her life must've be hard enough–
Gothamite: Jennet I swear to God that's not the same girl–
Batgirl (Stephanie), just trying to get some information:
Gothamite: You never notice when I change my hair–
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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Yeah, Temperance is barely even an issue when you have a bizarre idol in your inventory -- isn’t that right, Victor? I just plopped that down in front of her, and she cowered and exited the lot as Victor cleaned the chicken coop and did a little recycling. XD Though it did inspire me to look at Victor and Alice’s aspiration point totals, and to buy them both the Brave trait from the reward store. I think they’ve both earned it, living in this place as long as they have!
With that sorted, and Alice having finished another lovely painting, the pair went upstairs to catch up on their snooze time while Smiler busied themselves with new yoga poses (getting up to Wellness 6) and identifying the fireleaf still sitting around in their inventory so I could put it away (getting up to herbalism 2). They’re doing quite well in their skilling, as you can see! And getting quite flexible, damn. I’m sure Victor likes that. ;)
And then -- it was pet-bonding time! Yeah, upon seeing Shadow hanging out with Guidry outside while he gathered daisies from the wild bush that grew in the wake of the Flower Bunny’s visit, I realized that Victor and Alice hadn’t spent a lot of time with their pets lately and decided to fix that. Victor went and played with Shadow, before taking her inside to try and teach her how to lie down, while Alice summoned Kelly from her off-lot adventures and gave her some general cuddles and loving. :) They do love their animals, even if they’re often busy with other things!
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brainfullofbees · 2 years
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xoluvx · 30 days
billie's hidden folder pt. 2
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𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝, pt. 1
Let's recap. Billie has a hidden secret folder on her phone. A folder so secret she had to stop letting people use her phone because the last time she forgot to put a very explicit video of the two of you in said folder and she made that person swear they would never bring it up. Ever.
Thankfully that person kept their promise, but it also made Billie paranoid. She triple checked her phone was locked, especially when you were exchanging texts while she was working. In particular, texts where you'd unexpectedly sent her an explicit selfie ... or two.
Her breath hitched as she stared at the photos. The first one was of the lower half of your body, sweats hanging low. Thong clinging for dear life, hugging your hips so perfectly. She turned her head to make sure no one was around, not suspicious at all, then she scrolled to see the next one. This one of your cleavage, phone angled high so your eyes bore into hers and your lips sent her a kiss. Yeah, that was going in the folder.
𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚎'𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚛
Video: "Do you like it?" you could hear Billie's voice in the video, but the phone laid flat on her bed and all you could see was the ceiling. It didn't take long for her to come into view. She forgot she was recording. She'd missed the most important part. She was just too excited.
The video was meant to capture your reaction to her gift. A pretty transparent pink dildo.
"Pretty," you grinned as you came into view. Billie's mischievous laugh was audible. She handed you the toy; you held it in your hands stroking it like a cat on your lap. "What am I suppose to do with this?" you asked playfully and Billie scoffed.
This time, she plopped onto the bed next to you, the two of you in frame now. "Oh, I've seen what you can do with that," she smirked biting her lip ever so slightly watching you through the screen. You turned to her, hand on her jaw turning her face towards yours. Billie growled leaning her lips closer to your lips, but you pulled away slightly, hand still on her jaw.
"I want to see what you can do with it," you whispered feeling the heat between your legs. You let her kiss you after that comment. She kissed you hard, still in frame. When she gasped for air, you moved your hand from her jaw to the nape of her neck pulling gently at her hair.
"Are you gonna show me?" you cooed bringing your lips to her neck. Your tongue ran up her throat, where you could feel her swallowing. Her lids fluttered and she nodded, caving.
We'll come back to that video later. Let's talk about the texts. The texts were so dirty, she had to delete them. But not before taking a quick screenshot and saving it to the folder.
Text: i miss you. wanna be home already. i'm waiting for you. i'm bored. what are you wearing? you perv. i need to imagine it. ur fucking me in ur head? i'll fuck u irl. how? strap? or tongue. both. ur gonna make me cum. only if you beg. u want me to shout ur name. while i pull your hair and u cum on my tongue. are you touching yourself? are you thinking of me?
Photo: You went skinny dipping and Billie had the proof. Of course she was going to capture it. The picture was only of the back of you; your arms were raised and your butt fully exposed to the camera. Once she'd taken the photo she tossed the phone near her own clothes and laughed pulling you towards the water.
You both fell into the pool with a loud splash and you giggled coming up from the water. Her hair clung to her face and you swum towards her pulling the sticky strands of hair back. Her smile was big as she held your hips.
You wrapped your arms her shoulders pulling her in for a kiss. It was gentle, wet, and cold but oh so sweet. You held your bodies close, her arms weaved around your back, one hand trailing down to your ass before giving it a firm squeeze you smiled into the kiss before pulling away and playfully swimming away.
Billie followed. You saw her pretty ass hauling out of the water and you tilted your head. She returned with her phone shivering.
Video: She held the phone above your heads. You held on to her shoulders smiling at the camera. You could hardly see your naked bodies in the dim pool lights, but you could see you were both clearly naked. Billie pulled away turning the camera to you. She stepped back a little to show half of your body.
"You look so hot," she groaned.
She brought her hand to grab your tit and you moaned. The sensation of her cold hand, the cold water, and your throbbing pussy made you weak. She pinched your nipple softly.
Now let's come back to that video. The one you all want to know about.
Video: Billie laid in bed. She watched the camera carefully holding up the dildo. Playfully she licked it before wiggling it around causing you to giggle a little.
"Stop playing, Eilish. Show me what you can do with it," you demanded. Billie pulled down her pants, you angled the camera so you could see her pretty lacy thong. She ran the dildo along her thigh. She was doing it on purpose. She wanted to make you squirm and she wished the camera could see how desperate you looked.
A hand reached into view, your hand. You ran a finger up the fabric that covered her pussy. She was seeping though the fabric.
"Do you need my help?" your voice was low and the camera shook as you held the phone shakily.
"No," Billie replied in a similar tone before making the dildo disappear between her legs.
"Fuck," you hummed. You wanted to stop recording because you wanted to help her, but you were so captivated by the way her hand moved steadily and the way the translucent toy glided in her pussy.
That wasn't the only dildo the two of you had. And definitely not the only time they were captured on camera, but that's a story for another time.
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everyone thank billie for her contribution
𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚎'𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟹?
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reysdriver · 14 days
Hey darlin'! I just saw your one-shots and i REALLY love them!! I need morr about Eddie with Hopper!Reader <33 Please!! A fluff or a smut where the Reader have to deal with her father. Hope you can answer. Have a nice day!! ✨️
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You and Eddie try to have a chill night in, but it's difficult when you have the world's most paranoid chief of police as a father — eddie x fem!hopper!reader fluff
warnings: none
words: 1.2k
a/n: thanks for submitting a request! I'm sorry it took so long, I've been so busy lately, and I'm sorry I couldn't figure out how to end it lmao but I really hope you like this fic!!
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Even though your dad knew about you and Eddie dating, he was definitely not as okay with it as you would have hoped, but honestly more than you had expected. 
He had met Eddie a few times since he found out you were in romantic cahoots with the familiar criminal, and despite your fears, they had gotten along quite well despite their history and their differences. But no matter how many things they actually had in common, no father would fully trust Eddie Munson to be alone with his little girl. 
“Door open three inches!” Your dad called from the couch. “You know the rules!”
You rolled your eyes, standing up from the bed to open the door to Hopper’s liking. 
The door was open three inches, and you swore that it was the draft causing the door to move slightly, but you knew your dad would never believe you. 
“Seriously, Dad?” You asked him. 
“Rules are rules.” He confirmed. “If you don’t like it, then the boyfriend can go.”
You let out a heavy, dramatic sigh before returning to your boyfriend, who was currently sketching out a Dungeons and Dragons character based on you for his new campaign. 
Eddie looked up from his paper when you sat back down next to him. “You can do a lot with three inches, you know?”
You put a finger over his mouth—which he playfully tried to bite—and you shushed him while holding back a laugh at his incredibly stupid, albeit funny, joke. 
“He’s gonna hear you, and he’s gonna drag you out of here. Keep drawing.”
He put the finishing touches on his design, then let out a sound of satisfaction over it before turning the notebook so you could see it better. 
“I think I did pretty good.” Your boyfriend proclaimed. “She’s almost as pretty as you.”
Oh, how you lucked out with this mysterious dork. You thanked him by pressing a quick kiss on his cheek before your dad became suspicious of you two once again. 
“You think I should get it as some ink?” Eddie asked you. 
“Like, you want to get it tattooed?”
Eddie nodded, eyes going back and forth between you and the cartoon version of you that he just made. 
“Absolutely not.” You replied. 
“What? Why not? Do you not love me enough to let me tattoo you on me?”
He was ridiculous, staring at you with big, fake puppy dog eyes and a pleading lip. 
“Of course I love you, but as your girlfriend, I also need to stop you from doing stupid things.”
“What if I keep your tattoo separate from the creepy skulls and spiders?”
Well, that was an offer you almost couldn’t refuse. Even though it was tempting, you would never let him know that he can get to you like that, so you played it cool.
“Ask me again in a year.”
His face erupted into a devilish smile and he held his hands to his chest like a cartoon character in love. 
“I’m getting a tramp stamp of my girlfriend in a year!”
Before you could protest his proclamation, he pulled you into his arms in what you hoped was just a teasing gesture rather than a genuine expression of excitement for something you were certainly not going to let happen. 
Just a second later, your dad cleared his throat very pointedly, which practically frightened you out of your boyfriend’s arms. 
“El wants to watch a movie.” He announced. “Come watch with us.”
You sat up and shook your head lightly. “Um, no thanks, Dad. We’ll pass on that.”
Your dad raised an eyebrow and looked at Eddie’s arm around your waist. “You have something better to do?”
It was at that point that you knew him telling you about your sister and the movie was an order, not an invitation. You bit the inside of your cheek and luckily, Eddie spoke up before you could say something snarky. 
“A movie sounds great, chief. Count us in.”
“Good.” Hopper said curtly before turning around to the living room. 
Eddie stood up and started teasingly pulling you off the bed. You laid down and let out an annoyed groan, resisting his attempts to move you. 
“C’mon, babe, movie time.” Eddie encouraged. 
“It’s just gonna be The Wild Bunch. That’s one of their favourite movies and I know El’s been wanting to see it again lately.” You mumbled. “I’d much rather stay here with you.”
“Well, your dad might never let me back in your house if he thinks I’m trying anything with his daughter in the other room, so we have to. Plus, I like The Wild Bunch too.”
Your face formed an exaggerated frown as you finally got up off the bed. 
Eddie smiled and escorted you to the living room. And although you had just started to build up excitement within you for this movie night, it already got worse. 
El was in her favourite recliner—the VHS case for The Wild Bunch was on her lap, you called it—but your dad had plopped himself down in the exact middle of the couch. Not only did you have to watch a movie with your family instead of chilling with your boyfriend, but you couldn’t even sit next to him because your dad hates the idea of you having fun. 
Before you knew it, you were in a full on stare-down with the Hawkins chief of police. 
“Take a seat.” He said passive aggressively. 
“I want to sit next to Eddie, Dad. Could you move over?”
He shook his head. “I’m not falling for any of your tricks. I was a teenager once.”
“Yeah, like a thousand years ago.” You mumbled. 
The comment was quiet but your dad still heard it. 
“Careful, any attitude and I’ll assume it came from the moron and he won’t be allowed back in the house.”
You looked over at Eddie with a defeated expression on your face. He looked back at you, sympathetic and willing to comply—the latter was a complete switch from his normal mood.
Your boyfriend understood completely why your dad was worried about you and Eddie dating, but that didn’t mean he was happy about it. Of course, Eddie was willing to do whatever he could to seem like the boyfriend every parent would want for their daughter—he really was, some people just couldn’t look past the exterior shell to see it—so he held his tongue and went along with anything. 
The two of you sat down on opposite sides of the couch, separated by your relentless father. 
“Alright, El, play the movie.” Hopper said. 
He then leaned back and kept his eyes on the television in front of you all. 
Eddie soon caught your gaze from across the couch, and he stretched his arm behind his head, oh so conveniently placing it a few inches from your shoulder.
You grinned at him, keeping it subtle, and took his hand in yours. 
The two of you watched the rest of the film like that, holding hands in that slightly uncomfortable way, and the night wasn’t as insufferable as it seemed like it was going to be. All thanks to Eddie, of course.
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jadeddangel · 3 months
Hello! How about arcane charaters reaction to the reader wearing a pretty dress/outfit?
Please and Thank you
Arcane reacting to the reader in a pretty outfit
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Whistles, like straight up
She'll stop whatever she's doing to give you all of her attention and I mean all of it
It's funny that you think that your walking away walking
If your a girl or a trans fem? She's got a strap in her workbench drawer ready for the occasion
You wanna top her? She's alright with that go straight ahead
Your male or trans masc? She will ride you until your shaking or give you head whatever you want
Your either passing out or crawling out of her workshop
"Oh! Hi bab- *whistles* well damn your a pretty thing!" Jinx giggled out excitedly,"cmere cmere! I wanna love on you!" Jinx insisted
"Ok ok ok what's up?" You said walking closer.
And then Jinx pulled you closer, whispering in your ear while letting out little laughs "yknow~ you look so pretty, but what if we just take it off?"
Your neck will be marked and hell she might even get you a collar with her name on it, just for a good precaution yknow?
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You're now not allowed to go anywhere without her
Your gonna go shopping and it's topside? She's got a hoodie on
You have to go to work? She's staying right where she can see you
Your working for silco? She knows how to follow and be undetected
She marks you, not even in a sexual way, she's just possessive
It's either your getting marked and she's going with you
Or your staying home and changing
"Little mouse? Oh, oh my..where do you think you're going?" Vi asked, leaning her side against the doorway
"Huh? Oh, I was gonna go shopping up topside and wanted to look nice. Why? Do I not look good?" You asked paranoid
"No, you just look a little too good, little mouse." Vi moved closer
Yea, on the other hand, if she decides you look too good, she'll just take it off herself
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He doesn't care
Like genuinely
He always has someone watching over you to make sure your safe
You insist you can take care of yourself? He'll agree with you(and send sevika after you)
He's borderline asexual and doesn't particularly feel the need to make sure your marked by him or anything
He knows he's feared in the underground, so there's nothing to worry about
You knocked on silco's door carefully hearing a muffled "come in" from behind it
Silco took a moment to glance up from his papers when he heard you walk through the door. "Ah good morning, my dear. I hope you slept well," silco said, setting his pen down
You nodded "yea I was gonna go out, so I was just letting you know "
Silco nodded. "ok dear, have a good time." Silco waited five minutes after you left to call sevika into his office. "Follow them," he ordered sevika
And this is the routine every time
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You think your leaving your shared room like that? Hahaha no.
He will lock you in your bedroom till you change or will change you himself
After the day is done he'll insist you put it back on so he can admire you properly
Intimate moments were rather rare due to him running the firelights
So he definitely took advange of this
Those clothes aren't lasting through the night and neither is the grease paint on his face
"Morning firefl- no. Get back in that room now. " Ekko cut himself off, setting his coffee cup down on the counter and pushing you into the room gently
"Ekko nooo! Cmon, I look adorable!" You insisted
"Yea I know and I don't wanna have to deal with certain problems of my own and keep people from looking at you in the way only I'm allowed to, so change" Ekko finished before locking you in the bedroom and standing there until you were done
He loves you so much if you can't tell
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sturnioloskyline · 4 months
This one’s for matheeeeewww🙃
After the Sam and Colby video reader is paranoid and makes Matt stand outside the bathroom while she uses it because she scared to do anything alone..
watch guard
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pairing: matt x fem!reader
warnings: paranormal activity, paranoia, anxiety, language, kissing, extremely fluffy, not proofread
summary: while ghost-hunting with the triplets and sam & colby, you get scared and need someone to look out for you.
thank u for the request, anon! 🤗
you, matt, nick, and chris had been looking forward to this moment for a while. today, the four of you were collaborating with sam & colby in the driskill hotel, famous for being haunted by many spirits.
although you were very excited to make content with sam & colby, you couldn't help but feel a little uneasy about the ghost-hunting aspect. you always believed in ghosts and spirits, and paranormal activities just seemed risky. the last thing you ever wanted to do was piss off a ghost.
the six of you stood in the lobby of the hotel, planning out the next portion of the video. you were going to split up into groups to use different methods all around the hotel.
“okay, here's how we're gonna split up,” colby told the group, glancing around at each of us. sam stood next to him, recording the interaction on his camera. "sam and nick, y/n and matt, and me and chris."
everyone looked to each other and nodded. you silently celebrated being paired with matt. you were already nervous, and matt was the one person who could possibly ease your nerves at the moment. the two of you were sent to the fifth floor, the most haunted floor in the hotel. sam and colby gave the two of you equipment and a camera, and sent you off.
you and matt entered the elevator, waving goodbye to the rest of the group as the door slowly moved shut. matt leaned over and hit the fifth floor button, stepping back and taking a deep breath the calm his own nerves before looking at you.
you were staring at the ground, zoned out. you chewed on the skin of your thumb while bouncing lightly on the balls of your feet, both telltale signs of your anxiety. matt eyes immediately softened when he saw the way your eyebrows were furrowed in worry, his own fears dissipating so that he could focus on you.
"baby," matt stepped over to you, tucking a few loose strands of your hair out of your face. you snapped out of your trance to look at him, relaxing solely at the feeling of his fingertips brushing against your cheek. "what's wrong?"
you bit the inside of your cheek, shuffling closer to matt. matt let his arms wrap around you, resting his chin atop your head.
"matt, i'm scared," you admitted, blushing lightly out of embarrassent. matt chuckled and pulled away, kissing your forehead.
"i know, i get it," matt affirmed, grazing his fingers up and down the side of your arm. "all of this ghost shit is creepy. but i'll be by your side the whole time, baby. you have nothing to worry about."
you smiled at matt's sweetness, causing him to grin back. you stepped up on your tiptoes, closing your eyes and puckering your lips expectantly. matt's grin grew as he closed the gap in between you, sealing your lips with a sweet kiss.
suddenly, the elevator dinged, opening to the fifth floor. matt took your hand in his, interlocking your fingers for security. he led the two of you out into the hall, walking around and keeping an eye out for anything interesting.
the longer you explored the floor with matt, the more you began to feel the two drinks you had with dinner weighing on your bladder. you didn't want to inconvenience the group while you used the bathroom, so you decided that you'd better go now.
"matt?" you asked softly, lightly tugging on his hand. he stopped and turned to look at you, waiting to listen to whatever you had to say. you squirmed sheepishly under his gaze. "i need to go to the bathroom."
"oh, okay," matt kept hold of your hand while looking for any indication of a restroom nearby. however, the two of you were only surrounded by rows of hotel rooms. matt walked over to one, opening the door and holding it. "here, just go in here."
your fear immediately came rushing back. for some reason, the idea of using one of the hotel rooms was frightening. you had no idea what spirits were roaming around, and whether or not these rooms were connected to them. matt caught on to your reluctance, squeezing your hand to silently encourage you to tell him what's on your mind.
"what if the bathroom is haunted?" you shyly asked matt, chewing on your lip. matt smiled softly, not being able to help himself from finding your fear cute.
"i don't think anyone's gonna get mad at you for using the bathroom, y/n," matt reassured, chuckling. "but i'll be right there with you, if you want."
"please?" you smiled, causing matt's heart to swell. he pushed the door open for you, letting you enter the room before him. you walked over to the bathroom, turning to face matt. "okay, can you just stay by the door?"
"mhm!" matt nodded. you sighed, pushing the bathroom door closed. your heartbeat quickened at the feeling of being alone. but as if reading your mind, matt's muffled voice travelled through the door. "i'm right here, not going anywhere."
the small reassurance made blood rush to your cheeks, and the reminder of how much you loved matt made you forget about the potential spirits around you. you finished up in the bathroom, opening the door to find matt right outside the door, just like he said he would be.
you couldn't help yourself, sticking out your arms and wrapping them around matt's neck. matt's arms snaked around your waist, pulling you flush against his body. he smiled into your hair, placing a kiss to the top of your head. the two of you swayed softly in silence, enjoying each other's company, before matt slowly pulled away with a content sigh.
"should we go back to the lobby now?" you asked matt. he checked the time on his phone and nodded, taking your hand in his own and leading the two of you back.
"did we even get anything?" you giggled at matt, suddenly remembering the reason you had gone to the floor in the first place.
"just some random clips of us walking around," matt chuckled, shaking his head. "it's okay though, i had a good time."
you and matt looked at each other with love, enjoying the last few moments you had alone with each other in comfortable silence. matt kept hold of your hand, occasionally squeezing it to signal his affection.
"i love you," he whispered when you two were in the elevator.
"i love you too, matt."
author's note: no one asked but i just want to let you know that i write by splitting my screen between tumblr and cody ko
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sttm99 · 7 months
PART 2 of Bakugo falling for a 'popular' girl
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Bakugo likes to think he's fine with all the boys that are constantly vying for your attention. Mostly because he assumed their desperation would reduce now that you'd been seen more frequently around him.
It didn't. It only got worse, because now getting a date with you didn't seem like some far-fetched dream. It was attainable.
'If Bakugo could do it, why couldn't they?'
The blonde boy almost punched someone for saying that in the hallway.
And now he was becoming paranoid. You guys weren't dating. Sure, you'd gone on, like, three dates. And you let him sit next to you during lunch, and let him walk you to your classes. But there was no sort of exclusivity between you two. You could still go on other dates with other guys. You could still flirt.
He even assumed that was what you were doing now, as he sat in the cafeteria with Kirishima and the others, watching you intently as you conversed with some boy in your class. He was way too close to you, way too smiley, way too flirty.
"Dude, stare any harder and you're gonna burn holes in the back of his head." Kirishima said, pushing at Bakugo's shoulders.
"Yeah dude," Kaminari joined in. "She's not talking to anyone else. Calm down a bit."
He scoffed, rolling his eyes and still watching. You leaned closer to the boy, your hands coming forward to touch the boy's hair. And it was too affectionate, you were smiling too much, your body language too soft.
And before he knew it, Bakugo was harshly pushing his seat back and stalking out of the cafeteria despite his friends' calls.
"Seriously?" You scoffed as you looked down at him sitting on the stairs, your arms folded over your chest. "Kaminari said you stormed out cause I was flirting with someone else."
Bakugo rolled his eyes, his arms tensing as he made a mental note to kill Kaminari later. "He's an idiot. Don't believe shit he says."
You rolled your eyes. "So why did you walk out like that? There were practically sparks flying out your hands."
"What? Keeping tabs on me now? I can't just leave a place when I want to?" It came out harsher than he intended. And he was immediately looking up at you and stuttering, backtracking, trying to rectify it.
"You're being insecure and jealous," you spat out at him before he could take back his words. "Don't take it out on me. We're not gonna do that, you hear me?"
He sighed out, frowning. "Yeah... I'm sorry." He mumbled, his head hung.
"And besides," you took a seat next to him, your thighs even touching. "I'm not interested in him."
"So why were you touching him like that?"
"I touch you like that, don't I?" You chuckled.
Bakugo whipped his head around, eyes locked on you. "Are you trying to say you're not interested in me?"
His shock and frustration made you laugh, leaning forward and holding your sides. "I'm joking. I'm joking, Bakugo."
He hummed, allowing a calm silence fall over you two.
"So..." He mumbled. "You're gonna keep- you're gonna continue flirting with other boys like that? Playing around?"
You shrugged. "I'm not taken, am I?"
"But-" He let out a sharp breath. "I just- I don't want you to... I want us to be-"
"To be exclusive?" You completed, looking at him. "You want us to be together? To date."
He nodded after a while, slowly, tentatively. "Yeah."
You paused, still looking at him. "I think we should get to know each other a bit more, as friends."
His face fell, and you quickly took note of that.
"I don't mean I'm friendzoning you, Bakugo." You chuckled. "I just mean that we should attain a certain level of friendship before dating. I'm obviously not interested in being just friends with you."
He hummed and nodded, his cheeks turning a faint pink. And then he began shifting a bit closer, turning his upper body so he was facing you a bit more.
"What about being exclusive? I don't want others thinking they have a chance." He said firmly.
And you smiled. "Nobody else has a chance with me. Just you."
"So this means you're mine?" He asked, his voice several octaves lower, head leaning into yours and eyes focused on your lips.
"Yeah. 'M all yours," you mumbled right before he kissed you.
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