#i'm pretty excited about this verse too so!!
humanitydiscarded · 3 years
Coming back to this blog after 6 months of inactivity more like IT’S TIME FOR A NEW VERSE FELLAS-
So this verse is essentially about a time travelling, Shiki!Toshio. Specifically, ten years after the events of Shiki, Toshio made a deal with some creature (haven’t decided who or what yet) that let him travel back in time to before the Kirishiki’s moved to Sotoba.
However... as the price, he has to become a Shiki himself. He was fine with this, since he planned on killing himself after killing the Kirishiki’s anyway. What he wasn’t told, though, is that he was made into a different type of Shiki - one that can’t die through any means apart from starvation. That means that even if he were to drive a stake through his own heart, he’d still regenerate.
Obviously, he’s horrified when he realizes that that’s what’s happened. But he decides that, fine, he’ll simply starve himself until he dies - he has no intention of inflicting the curse of the Shiki onto Sotoba again. But after finding himself unable to resist the urge to feed once the starvation reaches his peak, Toshio realizes that he needs to find a new solution to the Shiki problem... and fast.
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sithroyal · 4 years
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mysteryshoptls · 3 years
SSR Rook Hunt Union Birthday Personal Story: Part 1
"Happy Birthday"
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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[Pomefiore Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Rook: Fufu, “The presenter who was chosen by the Magical Birthday Dice will bless you with good fortune.”
Rook: What a genuinely exciting concept. Now, I wonder who was chosen for my presenter.
???: …My bad! Did I make you wait?
Rook: Oya, this voice is…
Rook: If it isn't Kalim-kun!
Kalim: Yo! Happy Birthday, Rook! Let's have fun today.
Rook: A grandiose smile and a word of congratulations… I've received such a wonderful gift already.
Kalim: …About that, I wasn't able to prepare the gift I wanted to give you, Rook.
Rook: Is that so?
Kalim: Don't you think it would have been great to have a private museum filled with famous works of art, or a private performance by a theater troupe?
Kalim: But all of that would take too much time to get ready, and I was told it wouldn't be possible in the given budget anyway…
Rook: Oh, Kalim-kun…!
Rook: For you to put so much thought into my present… That thought alone brings me such joy.
Kalim: It's not just my thoughts! It ended up being something different than what I planned, but I did get you a different gift.
Kalim: Here you go!
Rook: Merci! Well, then I shall open it right away.
Rook: Beauté!!! Absolutely beautiful!! This stunning feather… it must be from a rather large bird.
Rook: Not only does it have such a beautiful luster, but every time I look at it from a different angle, the color shifts…
Rook: This is a captivating gift that can be enjoyed from all angles. Aaah, how splendid! Trés bien!
Kalim: I'm glad you like it! You're always wearing a hat, right?
Kalim: Even now, you're wearing a cap. That's why I thought it might be good to get you an accessory that would suit any one of your hats, and so,
Kalim: I contacted some merchants that I have contacts with and had them prepare various accessories that could go well with a hat.
Kalim: There were also things like brooches with gemstones or gold filigree, but…
Kalim: That feather looked like it would suit you best, Rook. I had them turn it into a proper feather accessory.
Kalim: Let me know when it gets worn out! I'll get you a new one right away.
Rook: Thank you for your thoughtful consideration, Roi d'Or. But there is no reason to worry.
Rook: Nothing compares to natural items. This feather is haute couture, no? Also…
Rook: The fact that this is a gift that you gave to me today of all days is essential. That is why I will not need a replacement.
Rook: Aah, I feel as though I am overflowing with such emotive words. I believe I could write so many poems fueled only by these happy feelings.
Kalim: Turning happy feelings into poems… huh. That kind of thing sounds pretty neat!
Kalim: …Ah.
Kalim: Hey, Rook. Teach me how to write a poem.
Kalim: I want to give you my feelings of "congratulations!" in the form of a poem.
Rook: Oya, oya, are you looking to increase my joy even further?
Kalim: Cause it's my friend's birthday, right? Let me celebrate you in a grand fashion.
Rook: Fufu, it feels as though today will be one to remember thanks to you, Kalim-kun. Let us compose our poetic verse together.
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Requested by @raven-at-the-writing-desk.
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First time requesting to you, I don't think I'm breaking any rule 🕴🏻 Hajime, Gundham, Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi with an S/O whose the Ultimate Necromancer. Thank you for your answer, don't forget to take care of yourself and drink water <33
Hello! No worries, you aren’t breaking any rule ^^ I hope you like what I have written! You remember to drink some water as well :) Take care! Have a wonderful day.
-Mod Kirumi
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Hajime, Gundham, Fuyuhiko, and Kazuichi with an S/o who is the Ultimate Necromancer!
Hajime Hinata
•Hajime was quite intrigued in your Ultimate— he’s rather fascinated with the fact that you communicate with spirits! It must be quite an experience
•He’ll listen to you talk about your rituals/experiences anytime— he’s more than happy to hear about how things went!
•If you’d like to explain to him things like candle meanings and the steps you would take to complete a certain necromancy, no promises he’ll remember everything, but he loves hearing you talk about it!
•The look in your eyes when you get excited about something you do is something he just adores seeing, and you mean the world to him!
•Why wouldn’t he want to listen to something that means so much to you?
•If you were ever studying for something, too, he’d like staying in your presence, if that wouldn’t interfere with anything
•He’ll be reading a book while you practice, or touch up on specific knowledge you need to know
•So— Overall, Hajime’s just a really sweet boyfriend
•He loves seeing you talk about the things you enjoy, and is more than happy to listen to it!
Gundham Tanaka
•Gundham’s quite well versed in these types of things too, so you bet that you two will have something in common to talk about!
•You’ll often find yourselves sharing experiences or discussing techniques— trying to find what worked and what others you should avoid
•He even told you about the time his hamsters helped him carry a sacred ritual out! It was quite interesting and worked very well for him
•...I mean, whatever works for him, right?
•When you two go out, you’re both pretty excited to stock up on things like candles, or decorative items
•If you needed to go get something that you couldn’t purchase from your everyday local stores, you bet Gundham would be more than happy to help you look for it!
•Your talent is quite of his interest... he’d be more than happy to learn with you by his side!
•Take care, though, okay? He’d hate for anything to happen to you
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
•Fuyuhiko knew the basis of Necromancy, but when he met you, he was careful to research exactly what was done and how particular things needed to be carried out
•He probably won’t have a lot of face to face conversations with you about it, but don’t take it the wrong way! He appreciates and loves your talent just as much as anyone else
•Fuyuhiko just doesn’t always have something he can input into the conversation— but if you ever brought it up, he’d be happy to listen to you talk about it!
•He would ask questions to make sure that he understood everything correctly, or even when he just was curious about something
•Fuyuhiko would buy you things like books on Necromancy! Since he isn’t too knowledgable on the topic, he tries to get books that have fairly good reviews, or ones that he’s sure the information is correct
•He’d hate to give you something that isn’t factual!
•So— Fuyuhiko is quite intrigued with your talent— and if you ever needed anything for it, just let him know!
•He’s not too good with Necromancy, but he knows it’s important to you, so he’ll do all he can to improve his knowledge about it!
Kazuichi Soda
•To be quite honest— Kazuichi was a bit intimidated by your talent at first... Not because of you! He just wasn’t ever all that keen with spirits and ghosts or anything of the such
•But, with you around, he definitely warms up to the idea a lot more, and gets pretty educated on the topic!
•He’ll be fixing a car, and you’ll be talking to him about what you do and other facts that you’ve picked up
•He’ll happily listen!! He doesn’t mind understanding it better— especially since it’s something so important to you
•Kazuichi would be interested in your experiences, though— he’ll ask what questions you’ll commonly ask, or about a weirder experience
•He thinks it’s kind of cool that you communicate with spirits! He just doesn’t think he could do it himself, which is why he respects your work so much, in a way
•So— Kazuichi is fairly interested in what you do! He likes seeing all that you have accomplished and how excited you get about it
•Your talent’s pretty cool, if he does say so himself!
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No one writes for Sly Cooper. I even offered it when I had time to write and no one asked for it since I'm guessing no one thought anyone wrote for it. Its nice to see from someone else. Can I request something for it? Can I get the cooper gang and Carmelita reacting to meeting a human? Maybe the human will be their s/o in the future or at least good friends? thanks. :)
It can be hard to find fellow fans but never be disheartened! They are out there!
Meeting a human (Sly Cooper)
The thief has seen a lot of people. A lot of places too, with varying body shapes and fur and feathers and claws and beaks and jaws, but he has never seen a human and he's never seen you. Consider his curiosity piqued.
"Never seen a shaved orangutan before. Or are you a chimp?" Disrespectful as always, Sly is trying to use humor as a coping mechanism here. To him, the closest thing he's seen to a human is anyone with an ape inclination, and neither one of those are missing this much fur.
Teasing aside, Sly is fascinated by their... everything. Everything about them is so...squishy. The most calloused human hand still has more squish to it than scales or fur-covered muscled. It's a strange texture, but he finds himself liking it.
Will do the "kiss the back of the palm" gesture he likes so much, both as a way to show interest and to have an excuse to play with their squishy fingers. They're so different!
Whichever human has the misfortune of coming across Bentley, my deepest apologies. Unless this human is particularly well-versed in anatomy, culture, economics, physiology and has a thorough understanding of human history in which case, my deepest apologies to Sly and Murray. They will not know peace for quite some time.
If Sly has seen a lot of people, Bentley has learned and researched about even more. A human, a whole sale new group, is astounding to him. The implications! This has to go into his notes, right away! Ah- if they would be comfortable sharing, of course.
Be prepared for deep, late-night talks comparing world experiences and cultures. Bentley is riddled with questions and just wants to know everything. Plus, it lets him get to know the new person on the team, for strictly professional reasons, Sly.
If they are comfortable with it Bentley could spend several hours just playing with their hair.
A human? What's that? Why is there hair only on some really specific parts? He saw them bite into a salad earlier which makes sense their teeth look pretty flat but then they also bit into a donut and he could have sworn he saw a sharp tooth or two- somebody tell him what they can eat safely, he doesn't want to accidentally poison the human.
Them being human is interesting and exciting, but Murray's more interested in what they can or can't do rather than what they are, if that makes sense. So they have no claws. Alright, cool - can they reach the top shelf or should he put stuff for them on the same shelf height he keeps stuff for Bentley, what are the rules here?
People forget that Sly is the thief, Bentley is the brains and Murray is the reason they still have a pulse - those two would and have forgotten meals, hydration and worse when their brains get going too hard. When it comes to the new human, as interested as he is in them, he's super fascinated by how they care for themselves.
I'm not saying he is the type who would be thrilled if they let him do their hair but-
Oh this poor human. She's not sure how but this is Sly's fault somehow, she just knows it. Carmelita when she's not dealing with Sly is different from what we typically might think. Yes, she's still a dedicated person, but she is also fiercely kind and caring for others around her. If she can help, she can.
There are a few things about them being human she can't comprehend no matter how many times they explain it to her. Noses. Okay, they come in different sizes and shapes so they should all have different smelling abilities, kind of like how Sly is the one to smell out any traps long before Bentley does. What do you mean "that's not how that works."
Carmelita doesn't interrogate them much on anatomy but she does have interest in their culture and their traditions. They have a Paris in their world too? Fascinating. Art is still a big love for her and if they have an interest in that she is in love.
Carmelita will not admit to finding anyone cute but their ears. They're so... different and feel so odd and they are adorable in a weird kind of way. If their ears wiggle she dies then and there.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
*steeples fingers* would you mind telling me more about either the encanto asoue au or the jack and the cuckoo clock heart au (or both? i’m fascinated! you’ve got such good ideas here)
I'll do both! I'm so glad you love the ideas :))
A Series of Unfortunate Events AU:
The Madrigal Orphans. I altered their ages a bit but I digress. No Gifts, but skilled in a certain area.
Isabela, The Botanist: Well versed in Botany, can also put together on site medical cures with the right supplies.
Dolores, the Sound Engineer: Able to use/invent Sound based objects to her advantage.
Luisa, the Athlete: Naturally Strong and athletic, quick on her feet. Can carry Camilo, Mirabel and Antonio at once.
Camilo, the Chef and Disguiser: Good at disguises, the best at cooking out of all of them, can make meals from very little food.
Mirabel, the Seamstress: Able to sew with unnatural speed and talent, she can invent things on the spot. (She's the one who embroidered her own dress and everyone's clothes.)
Antonio: Able to read an animal's body language and use them to his advantage, good at building.
So the children were on the beach, and they were going around, exploring on the gloomy day. Same as before Mr. Poe tells them Casita was on fire and their parents and abuela died in the fire. (Bruno wasn’t there but he’s important later.) So they do go to live with Count Olaf (still deciding whether I should change his name or not.)
The Justice Strauss of this AU is Bruno! He disappeared off the map for a while and no one knows what happened. It's not until later do they figure out that they are genuinely related to him and it's a race against their entire situation of them trying to convince Mr. Poe that Bruno's their uncle. The Quagmire of this AU is: Mariano! I decided to make it just him though, no triplets or twins or anything.
Also, Isabela isn't mean to Mirabel, they are quite close. They are all actually pretty close. Each orphan is an expert in their interests (listed above.) I also made Camilo the cook too, I just think he spent a lot of time in the kitchen. Also, Antonio can speak, but not very well. When he does make remarks, much like Sunny, they're usually very salty/sarcastic. Difference is he speaks it in Spanish, so no one except the orphans, Bruno, and the Hooked-Handed Man can understand him.
All the events keep going the same, with them figuring out the VFD, the sugar bowl etc. This AU is still pretty new so I don't have much, but I hope you're happy with the info I've got now!
Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart AU:
So Antonio was caught up in a really bad snowstorm from Pepa. Julieta can't heal him amd the other doctors say he'll be gone by the end of the night. Mirabel is NOT down with that. So when no one is looking, she takes him to the clockwork woman; the only other person in the encanto with some kind of medical knowledge.
The clockwork woman replaces Antonio's heart and tells both her and Antonio the 3 rules. This leads to problems with the family. They're happy he's back (if not a little mad at Mirabel for taking him away). Mirabel tells them the rules but they seem to brush them off at first. This leads him almost dying on several occasions.
Abuela is constantly trying to touch his clock, trying to figure out how it works and if he'll ever be normal again. Julieta and Agustin are too busy to be around him. Pepa and Felix produce too much electricity, which can stop his heart, so he can't be around them for long. Isabela's plants get too close to his hands. Luisa is just scared she'll accidently crush him, so she avoids him. Camilo gets him too excited with his stories and it overworks his clock hands and gears, causing him to smoke.
The only ones who he consistently sees is Mirabel and Dolores. Dolores finds the "tick tock" of his heart is calming. Mirabel is his primary and pretty much sole caretaker. She watches over him and keeps him in check. All of his time is spent with her, usually playing with the kids, Mirabel as a supervisor. She also custom makes his clothes to fit around his heart. She teaches him everything and generally is just a mother to him.
His heart doesn't stop cause he fell in love romantically. It stopped because his bond with Mirabel is so strong, that it caused him to spin out of control. (But that's for another ask...)
Feel free to ask more about these ask more about these AU's, Mamabel, Papatonio, Housebroken or any other AU's you find on this blog!
I also take art suggestions for these AU's (+Cocooned!)
You can also suggest an AU idea and I'll write for it best I can :)
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tinysushimark · 3 years
Best Part (MK)
Fluff, 1.3k words
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"You were cute." You giggled as you turned the page to the album.
"What do you mean were?"  Mark scoffed at you. "You're hot now."
You giggled, a small blush spread across his face and he looked away. "Don't say that." He said and took out another photo album from the drawer near his bedside.
You looked through his baby pictures and smiled. "Your brother was cute too." You said cooing at the pictures. "I definitely would've played with you if i met you as a baby."
"You're younger than me though." Mark looked at you, eyes wide. "Can you just let me have it?" He nodded his head and stared down at the pictures too.
"This one is my first day at kindergarten, and this is my first time at church." Mark pointed at pictures and smiled.
The first time you had visited Canada two years ago, he didn't let you meet his parents. He was with you the entire time and he took you out to see tourist spots in Vancouver. You thought he wasn't ready to tell his parents about your Relationship, so you didn't push it either, he'd take you to them when he wanted to, willingly.
This time round he was totally different when he got to know that you'll go to Vancouver. He was excited because even he had gotten a break and he really wanted to see his parents.
"My mom makes the best food." His eyes sparkled when he told you about his childhood bedroom, the church he used to visit, the small vegetable garden his mom had behind the kitchen and many more things that you could listen to for hours. He talked about his childhood for the first time in the so many years that you had known him. Of course you knew the basics of his childhood, where he grew up, small anecdotes which he'd tell you time to time, but he had never spoken about how he grew up in such detail before.
He was telling you about the first time he read a verse in church and then stopped in between, "It's boring, isn't it?"
"No baby, it's interesting." He looked into your eyes again for clarification. "All Passengers boarding to Vancouver, Boarding starts." The voice boomed through the speaker and Mark looked at you, "Then i fell from the stairs while walking down after reading it."
You laughed in his face, "You what?"
"Yeah, i fell." He said and laughed with you.
You laid down on his childhood bed, soaking all the wood in, his family was probably obsessed with wood, there was a wooden flooring and even the wall against Mark's bed somehow seemed to be made out of wood.
"What are you looking at?" Mark laid down next to you.
"You have those little glowy things on the roof." You said pointing to the roof, "You can't sleep with pillows, but there's a bunch of pillows." You said pulling the pillow he had under his head to yourself.
"There's a lot of wood in your home." You turned to him and he shrugged.
"Dad likes wood works."
You nodded slowly, letting it all sink in.
"You grew up here?"
"Uh huh."
"What's your mom making?"
"I dont really know, probably all my favourites."
He smiled at you.
"Mark, what if your mom hates me already?"
"You just said hi and i took you upstairs to see my room, what is there to hate?"
A sigh escaped your lips, you knew you were overthinking, Mark's mom was pretty welcoming and she had smiled at you a very warm smile, asking how the flight was and then going on about how much she hates the turbulence before telling Mark to show you around.
"The fact that i stole her son even though he's always with me anyways?"
Mark sighed, "I'm here for another month. Plus i told her a lot about you."
"I think we should help her in the kitchen." You sat up and looked at him, his face scrunched.
"She doesn't like anyone in her kitchen, just like you. Here, look at my baby pictures." Mark handed you the album which was placed on his bedside.
"What did you want to do when you came back to your childhood bedroom?" You asked him, he was still looking down at the album and he smiled ear to ear at a picture before he processed what you asked.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Like, something you wanna show me here or something you wanna do?"
"I wanna make out with you in my childhood bedroom." He said eyes boring into yours and unwilling you slapped him. "You dirty minded boy. Your parents are downstairs and i can see the cross to your childhood church from here." You snickered at him and a smirk broke across his face. "I wasn't joking."
"Yeah, shut up."
"Ok but in all seriousness, i want you to see this." He went inside his closet and got a guitar case and your eyes sparkled, "Is this your first guitar?"
"Yes." He pulled it out of it's cover and placed it own his lap, the strings seemed like they had been changed recently and he smiled, "Mom takes care of my guitar." He played some chords and then played a song you both sung together.
click here💖 💫
You don't know, babe
When you hold me
And kiss me slowly
It's the sweetest thing
And it don't change
If I had it my way
You would know that you are
You sung, your eyes closing, the guitar was definitely old. You could feel it's age through the way its tune came out so raw and clear. It moulded into his arms like the guitar was made just for him to hold and you couldn't help but smile when he sang with you. His eyes were closed too, letting himself get lost in the music.
You're my water when I'm stuck in the desert
You're the Tylenol I take when my head hurts
You're the sunshine on my life
I just wanna see how beautiful you are
You know that I see it
I know you're a star
Where you go I follow
No matter how far
If life is a movie
Then you're the best part, oh oh oh
You're the best part, oh oh oh
Best part
You both were so lost in the tunes that you didn't notice when Mark's mom came and leaned against the door frame watching you two sing. When the song ended Mark's eyes searched for yours. "I love you." He said  staring deeply into your eyes.
"I love you too." You smiled at him. He meant it, everytime he said it, he meant it and more so from the last time he uttered those words.
You were reassured that he loves you everytime he said he loves you, a satisfaction spread across your chest, knowing that he'll fight for you and your happiness. His smiles healed you through and through, and you could watch his eyes crinkle and sparkle each day and you'd still be as fond as you were the moment your eyes fell upon him.
His mother coughed to make her presence known. She walked in slowly, hands wiping at her apron, she sat down on Mark's bed and smiled. You could see where he got his infamous smile from.
"I see you've found your guitar." Mark nodded and smiled back at her.
"That was beautiful, i didn't want you two to stop but lunch is ready."
When Mark's mom asked him to go ahead and set the plates, Mark couldnt say no. She sat where Mark first sat and her hands slowly held yours.
"I believe I can trust only you with my boy's heart." She smiled at you and caressed your hand.
"I've never heard him sing in such a beautiful harmony before."
Her smile grew wider and she caressed your cheek. "You've been in this house for one hour and I have already seen my son smile the most he has in the past 5 years."
"Welcome to the family." She smiled and held your hand leading you down to the kitchen.
Read More: Masterlist
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look at this picture of mark when he was a baby ㅠ.ㅠ
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moonarchvs · 3 years
The Avengers (Nyx Verse 1)
Synopsis- The untold story of the youngest Avenger right from the beginning of the epic Avengers saga.
Warnings- violence(?) none other ig
Word count -1.2k
divider by @firefly-graphics
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Nyx Verse Masterlist
You were smart.
Like, REALLY smart.
In nursery you could take out squares and square roots and till 1st grade you were ready to replace teachers.
So school was boring for you and you decided to do something more interesting.
Which led to you discovering the SHIELD security system.
You were small and naïve when you started delving into computers and all, so it was just fun to tab anyone's phone through their network and see what they were doing. You didn't even know you were hacking.
Fury was furious (😭✋) partly, because even Tony fucking Stark had never managed to hack into their mainframe but someone named iloveunicornslmao could.
The whole Headquarters went ballistic in trying to find out who the intruder was while you ate cheetos and watched an army of adults look for you.
It took months for Fury to find you and when he got to know who you were, the first thing he did was put your name in the Avengers Initiative.
Then Loki happened and he needed a brain like yours.
He wanted to meet you and decided to go for a straight approach.
So naturally, he barged into your room at midnight and shot your parents with tranquilizer darts when they heard your scream.
Very natural.
He was speechless when he saw you.
You were only 9.
For the longest time he just stood there speechless looking at you and you had to shake him once or twice to make sure he was alive.
He debated his options and decided to take you along but keep you away from the battle.
Reaching the Helicarrier was a dream. 
Computers, machines, agents, GUNS.
You were in awe.
Bruce, Natasha and Steve were shocked to see you, to say the least.
You were SO excited to see Bruce fucking Banner, like.
"Oh my god sir I'm such a fan! I've read everything about your research on Gamma radiation"
"Aren't you like 2?"
He was very scared to be around you because he wasn't good with kids and was extremely scared to lose control around you.
Steve thought this might be normal in the 21st century 
But he argued about you with Fury for pretty long
Your conversations with him were very easygoing and relatively more enjoyable
"So what exactly does the serum do to you? Do you have increased metabolism? What's the ratio of efficiency between you and a normal human being and did you have to change anything about your diet?"
"I don't know, kid."
"Can you eat 15 cheeseburgers in one go?"
"......I don't mind trying."
You filmed him doing that and got like 100k followers the same day on your youtube channel.
Natasha kept your interactions curt and short
"Can I-"
"Are you-"
"May I-"
She reminded you of your mom and you always clung to her when you were hungry or sad and she reluctantly helped you every time.
Fury then briefed you about the situation and you were sent with Bruce in the lab to monitor the Tesseract's location.
You two surprisingly got along very well.
He was impressed with your knowledge and the ability to remain calm in tense situations.
He appreciated your sense of humor too, however immature it may be.
You weren't allowed to go to Stuttgart to capture Loki.
You weren't keen to go either feeling too scared.
You never admitted it to anyone but you found Loki very handsome.
And you blushed when he smirked at you while being taken to his cell.
Which resulted in Bruce giving him a death glare.
Which resulted in you feeling somewhat ashamed.
Then you saw HIM.
You saw Tony Stark in person.
You had your mouth agape for a very long time and before anything started you asked him for a picture.
Tony's eyes were wide as saucers when he noticed you.
Natasha and Steve looked like embarrassed parents while Bruce was giving you a thumbs up.
"I'm sorry I didn't know this was a daycare." -Tony.
"I'm sorry I didn't know this was an old age home." -You.
That's when he decided he liked you.
He liked you even more when he got to know what you had done to get recruited.
Your smarts were another reason he grew fond of you.
The way your eyes twinkled when you asked a million questions about his suit and his new inventions.
You were also the only one except for Bruce who could contribute to the information about the Tesseract and its properties.
In short you were the OG Tony Stark Apprentice™
Thor thought you were the most fragile thing to grace midgard
You were so little!
Whenever he touched you he would freak out and pull away.
"Did I break you little Midgardian?"
"No Mr. God you didn't"
You tried lifting his hammer.
When you couldn't he told only adults could and you agreed to wait till you were 18.
You spent your time trying to locate the Tesseract with Tony and Bruce who had become very fond of you in a short span of time.
You sometimes did not understand the severity of the issue like when Tony and Steve had an argument 
"In two minutes I will know every dirty secret SHIELD has ever tried to hide. Blueberry?"
"Oooh for example how Mr. Coulson likes Mr. Rogers?" 
They all looked at you like "like not the time" as you ate a blueberry.
You did not like it when they were having the argument .
Especially when you saw the Tesseract being located and tried to warn them but they were too caught up amongst each other.
Then the explosion happened and you were thrown under the Lab equipment along with Natasha.
You saw Bruce turning into the Hulk.
You were terrified.
Natasha's top priority (along with Tony's, Steve's and Thor's as they screamed in the intercoms) was to get you to safety.
Aftet barely escaping from Hulk who Thor battled, Natasha got you to the only working level of thr Helicarrier and told the doctors to tend to you while she took care of Clint.
You were bandaged along with several other injured agents when you got the news of Phil Coulson's demise.
You did not know him that well but he was a great person. 
You shed a lot of tears for him
The team then went into the city to fight the Chitauri.
And they didn't invite you.
I hope you understood that reference.
You stayed on the comms on the Helicarrier,  brainstorming to get an idea to close the portal.
And then you saw Selvig and Loki on the Stark Tower.
Which made sense because they needed clean sustainable energy to start the cube.
Then you told JARVIS (yes Tony let you use him) to run a scan for properties of the force field surrounding the cube.
You figured it out then, 
"You need the scepter to close the portal guys, I repeat you need the scepter."
You spoke in your earpiece and only relaxed when Natasha's voice came from the other side.
A few minutes later you heard cheers from the control room and knew you won.
After the battle you were invited for Shwarma with the team.
Thor insisted to feed you which you liked hated
Then you saw Thor and Loki off who went back to Asgard.
Steve offered you to stay with him and took it upon himself to give you training for future battles.
Your parents could not refuse when Captain America showed up on their doorstep.
And they were very proud of you, you were an Avenger after all.
Captain America : The Winter Soldier
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tutubola-moved-on · 2 years
Why I Don't Like The Encanto Soundtrack
I'm latino, I'm a musician, and from my point of view it is not deserving its hype. I also think it's funny how, when I brought it up on instagram, most people who got mad at me were gringo, while lots of latinos agreed. But these are just my two cents, because I think someone has to burst the bubble, so so with it what you must.
And just a disclaimer: I completely understand why people like the soundtrack, and people are 100% allowed to enjoy things!!! But unfortunately liking something doesn't automatically make it good quality. I myself am guilty of liking "bad" songs and disliking really good quality songs, we all are!! Music isn't just about quality
Family Madrigal: This song is supposed to be the exposition, when all the pieces are put onto the table, and especially for a movie like Encanto where there are 11 main characters that are hinted at an eventual development it's so important that they do it right---but they didn't. Having Mirabel sing the entire song on her own, in the same repetitive melody, was a wasted opportunity at introducing the characters. It's so important to have characters introduce themselves in musicals; we can get so much information from the way they sing and which instruments accompany them and what they say. Mirabel drops one sentence about each of them and leaves it be. From that very point the movie already promised rushed and sloppy character arcs, and they really went through with it.
And it did Colombian music so dirty with that lazy accordion/percussion and lack of background vocals. Music is so deeply engrained in latino culture and our music is revered worldwide for its richness and complexity and I'm seriously concerned if gringos think this is as good as it gets. The musicians had all the pieces for an amazing opening number, but they didn't use them, or at least not wisely.
Waiting on a Miracle: This song had so much potential and I was really excited as to where it would go with the slow build up, but I think my main issue with it was the eventual lack of climax. "I want" songs like Let it Go, Reflection and Part of Your World allow the protagonist (and actor) to show raw emotion, which is only truly possible if the instruments and vocals come to a pivotal point where they're being used to the extent of their abilities. In Waiting on a Miracle, you get a single, honestly failed belt, and the music comes down. The build up is there, but the singer unfortunately really can't keep up with it, and by the time it gets to the belt it's underwhelming, ends quickly, and the song finishes so soft it erases the build up without ever getting to the peak.
I'm also so disappointed by the lyrics about how she "can't move the mountains" but "would move the mountains" like yeah we can tell. Mirabel's story is supposed to be so beautiful and could have lead to such beautiful lyrics but they stuck to blunt repetitions instead. Not to mention "hurricane or a summer rain" completely breaks the mood; it's too quick paced compared to the verse before and after it, but would've done wonders if they had used it as a hook for a more powerful or quicker section.
Instead we have the all i need is change/all i need is a chance section, and it's pretty and all and adds more suspense that can only really be released if we get that climax we were waiting for since the hurricane part. And the "open your eyes" part is so so great, it builds up and builds up and you're expecting a burst of instruments and vocals and whatnot, but it never comes. We stay on the ground with the return to the first theme, as much as it was modulated, and never get the satisfaction of a powerful belt.
Surface Pressure: I don't think I need to go too deep on why "I am the strong one I'm not nervous" are...... not great lyrics. We already know she is the strong one and she can say that without having to break into song. Music is supposed to take over when words cannot, so these blunt lyrics that just repeat what has already been said kinda misses that purpose: and this is an issue throughout the soundtrack. The song itself could be cut out and replaced by a conversation and it would feel complete; the song is not eased in with dialogue, it doesn't ease into dialogue, and would do better as an extra released independent from the movie.
We Don't Talk About Bruno: Ah yes. The one and only. I actually liked this song at the start and it was really fun to figure out structurally, but once that was out of the way there was nothing else to be enjoyed. "Oh but the fun part was the structure" is not an excuse, because Lin Manuel Miranda composed Non-Stop with the same structure but used technically demanding parts and theme developments to make it interesting past the structure. We Don't Talk About Bruno is easy enough for teenagers on TikTok to sing through all the parts, and underdeveloped enough that the characters sing the same verses over and over again. Like Waiting on a Miracle, it had a lot of potential, and it really is a fun songs when you first listen to it, but there's nothing too outstanding about it. It sounds more like a demo than a full song, and could've easily been expanded into a grand act one finale.
I was especially upset about Pepa and Dolores; their parts had a really strong start and their actors did an amazing job but then they got put into the background and we don't really hear from them again. Dolores especially never got her time to shine, and I really liked her voice and wished they had used it more.
What Else Can I Do: I think it had the same issue as Surface Pressure. Independently, it would've been a great song. But in the movie they kind of break into it out of the blue and end it of the blue. It felt like I was watching a children's show, like Backyardigans or something, where they're singing for the audience's attention and not to move the plot forward. Not to mention the eventual hug was....... underwhelming. They were encountered by the problem and solved it in the span of 10 minutes (Mirabel needed to hug Isabella to save the plot but they didn't have a good relationship, and then they just sing it out and hug). And the song itself felt so disconnected because it was sung by Isabella talking about how Mirabel was pushing Isabella to be herself.....? It would've been stronger if it were sung by Mirabel, or if she had a more dominant part in it, because the way it was done makes it seem as if Isabella just simply changed without any of Mirabel's influence.
Dos Oruguitas: Now this is a good song. The lyrics are beautiful, the voice is beautiful, the harmonies are beautiful. This song deserves the hype, and it shows the beginning of how far they could've gone with the soundtrack if only they had put more everything into it. The way it comes off is that they composed a soundtrack that scratched the surface of Colombian music while still pleasing gringos and their musical preferences, which is really sad and I sure hope it's not the actual case; I'm a strong believer that music evolves from cultural exchanges, and we can't stump so gringos will be comfortable, and it definitely felt like that for me.
All Of You: I really don't have the patience for this sorry and my issue with this song is really plot-related so unless you guys really want me to talk about it I'll spare myself
I don't think the soundtrack is inherently bad. I just don't think it's Disney level (or latino level) and just because the movie had great representation doesn't make it perfect. I think Encanto was supposed to be enjoyed not as a Disney Magnum Opus but just as a fun little movie. This is not where latino representation should end.
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ingrid-marie · 2 years
My eurovision 2022 ranking
Because I have nothing better to do and I love making lists 😌 💅🏻
I have sorted them in the categories: bad, ok, good, great and the best.
40. LITHUANIA: This just so boring to me. A strong contender for the perfect bathroom break song.
39. BULGARIA: Just very very mediocre and boring. I just feel very indifferent towards it. They do have a cool guitar solo though, I'll give them that.
38. SAN MARINO: Not my thing. I think the verses are okay but the chorus falls completely flat and feels very unoriginal.
37. MOLDOVA: I usually love fun and easy-going songs but the difference with this song is that it's just not... good. It's a bit too all over the place.
36. DENMARK: Very forgettable and doesn't stand out, I feel like I've heard a song like this before.
35. FINLAND: I don't find it very original and just like Denmark, I feel like I've heard a song like this before. And the singer makes me a bit uncomfortable, ngl.
34. AZERBAIJAN: Also very forgettable. The chorus is decent but other than that it's just pretty bad.
33. ISRAEL: James Charles (derogatory) vibes.
32. BELGIUM: He has a good voice but other than that... There's nothing wrong with the song, it's just not for me.
31. AUSTRALIA: So sooo boring. The bridge (the one part where something actually happens) is good but otherwise I just don't like it.
30. ROMANIA: It's very repetitive but it feels like something you'd find at eurovision in like 2002, which is a good thing for me because I love nostalgic stuff. But the song feels very flat otherwise.
29. NORTH MACEDONIA: This is very forgettable, but still better than many of the other (plenty) forgettable songs this year.
28. GREECE: I don't like that the instrumentals doesn't kick in until like halfway into the song, because that is when the song is actually good. And I don't love the lyrics, I don't find the song as romantic as I think it is intended to be interpreted.
27. MONTENEGRO: In my head this song is called "Unforgivable". I think the song is alright, but as many other songs this year, I find it forgettable. I think the music video is really cool though, even though I have no idea what's happening (Broken faces? Flying books? Ballet?).
26. ARMENIA: I usually like this type of music, but I can't get into this song for some reason. It's just pretty boring.
25. SLOVENIA: I find them so adorable, and I like the vibes! This is the type of song I would listen to while cooking and jamming in the kitchen.
24. SERBIA: I was very skeptical (and still is in some ways) when this song was first released and put it last straight away. But after some more listening I have warmed up towards it. The chorus is really catchy, but I'm not completely sold yet. I'm excited to see what she will do live!
23. UNITED KINGDOM: This is good to be the UK tbh. At least it's memorable, in comparison with the last few entries (I can't remember a single entry in the last five years while writing this). It's fun! But not something I listen to a lot.
22. ESTONIA: I like the cowboy aesthetic just as much as anyone else, but I am still on the fence about the song (and I don't quite get how it can be connected to cowboys). But he has a really great voice.
21. ALBANIA: This song is a lot, and contains like five different genres. That means that it doesn't get boring, but it doesn't make it great either.
20. CYPRUS: I love the chorus, the verses not so much. I would prefer it if it was entirely in greek, the english ruins the ethereal feeling a bit.
19. AUSTRIA: As an half Austrian I love that they are sending an unexpected song like this, and that it is so well perceived! I think the song is good but nothing I listen to a lot.
18. SWITZERLAND: I like the old school Disney vibes I get from this and I think it will be beautiful live. But it's not something I listen to much.
17. MALTA: I think I'm the only one who prefers this song over the other one. Yes, it's very generic but that doesn't always have to be a bad thing!
16. IRELAND: It's a little bit silly and cringey, but also pretty good!
15. PORTUGAL: This is beautiful and the overall mood is great. Sometimes feels a little bit boring though, but I'm sure it will grow on me.
14. FRANCE: I did not like this at first, but it has been a grower! I think it's really exciting and the chorus is so good. I also appreciate France sending something different than what they usually send!
13. GERMANY: This is really good but at the same time it's not. It reminds me of 21 Pilots (derogatory) which is very nostalgic (affectionate). 16 year old me would love this, which is why I have a soft spot for it.
12. UKRAINE: I think the song is amazing, except for the rap parts, which sucks because that's like half of the song. If it weren't for the rap this would easily be in my top 5. But it's still a really good song and I like their performance, it feels very natural and just like them hanging out and having fun. Hopefully they will bring the same energy to eurovision.
11. ICELAND: God I want to be the fourth sister so bad. They remind me of HAIM. I think the song is so cozy and I want to listen to it on a roadtrip in the evening when everyone else in the car have fallen asleep.
10. SPAIN: This feels a little too down with the kids/TikTok inspired, but I can't deny that it's a catchy song.
9. NORWAY: I love jokey songs and I don't care who knows it. For me that is what eurovision is about and what I love most about this show. This song is fun! It's weird! It makes me want to dance! What more can you ask for?
8. GEORGIA: Unpopular opinion but this song has the best chorus this year. It's like drugs to my brain. It feels timeless in some way? I can't explain what this song does to me. I'm so excited to see what they are going to do live!
7. POLAND: I love every song that is about wanting to float down a river (because I want to do that too). His voice is stunning, and even though I don't love the chorus (it doesn't feel as ethereal and magical as the other parts) it's one of the strongest songs this year.
6. ITALY: I didn't like this at first and compared it to Soldi (which I think is a stronger song). But after listening more I have realized that it's not fair to compare this to Soldi since they are two completely different songs. I just like the atmosphere the song brings, I feel like I should sit on a rooftop watching the sunset while listening to it.
5. CROATIA: Am I the only one to have this in my top 5? Probably. It just gets me in a good mood, and it's really catchy. I hope she brings a similar performance from the national final to eurovision.
4. CZECH REPUBLIC: This was one of the first songs released and I knew right away that it would probably be one of my favourite songs this years. I just love her voice and it makes me want to go out on a run (and I hate running).
3. LATVIA: Again, I love jokey songs. I love this song completely unironically. I know that is is a super sexual song masked as an environmentally conscious song, but that doesn't make it bad. And I think we should have more songs about going down on people.
2. THE NETHERLANDS: This songgg...... I cannot get enough. It just hits the spot. I love how it goes from being a bit slow in the verses to gaining so much power in the chorus. The OOOO-AAAAH parts makes me scream and I can’t help but singalong to the entire song even though I don’t speak Dutch. Everything about the song just makes sense. This is pretty much tied as my number one. But I'm scared that it will be hard to stage.
1. SWEDEN: Listen, I am not one that usually roots for my own country. I do think that Sweden has an unfair advantage and our entries usually gets points just for being Swedish. But this song is actually good! And Melodifestivalen was so crap this year so I'm so happy that one of the few (if not only) good songs won. I always get chills when the first chorus hits, and if I were in the middle of a breakup I know that I would not be able to listen to this because it would feel too real lol. Just the perfect, emotional, song I never knew I needed.
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
Pairing: Alive! Luke Patterson x Fem Reader
Summary: Inspired by Nickelodeon’s Spectacular! Luke Patterson needs the money for his bands demo, and miraculously, that same night he gets an offer to fix his problem. The catch? Rockstar boy has to join his school’s show choir and put up with their fearless Female Lead Singer. (don’t come here searching for accuracy remember it’s inspired by a movie)
Note: I had a lot of fun with this one, hope you like it! Oh and it’s a little long so keep it in mind +8k👀💜
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Say this is not her scene would be to fall short, but she has to make sacrifices to find greatness. The first thing she notices when she walks into the little club, is that it's packed. The people look excited and somewhat desperate and she doesn't blame them. The pamphlet marked they were supposed to start at 8:00 p.m. and it's already 8:40. She makes her way carefully until she finds a perfect place in the middle of the room.
The musicians take the stage visibly anxious, especially Alex who cannot stop moving his hands trying to probably calm himself down. Reggie and the rhythm guitarist take their positions. They look at each other one last time before beginning to play the enveloping sound of the pop-rock song. The bass line sounds insane and she hasn't heard Alex play drums in years, he’s exceptional. They could both play without their singer all night and she wouldn't mind.
The space in the center of the stage that belongs to who she came to see today, completely empty. The bassist seems about to take the first verse when Sunset Curve lead guitarist and vocalist Luke Patterson appears on stage.
She has seen him multiple times in the hallways laughing with her childhood best friend, Alex Mercer and her lab partner, Reggie Peters, but she has never spoken directly to him. Still, it's hard not to notice how handsome he is and how much of a charismatic personality he has.
“I'm living my life just the way I like, they say I get a little too loud. Try to push me in a box, over analyze. But I'm never gunna turn it down”
His voice is enchanting and mesmerizing, a sound that immediately reminds her of the best rockers in history and his movements and energy are electrifying. In seconds the entire audience is jumping and dancing to the beat.
“They say never and I say right now!” Y/N analyzes him excitedly. The passion with which he sings and plays his guitar reminds her of when she is on stage, although the two of them dedicate themselves to totally different things, their love for music is the same. She definitely has a lot of work to do to polish him and make him the perfect performer she needs, but if there's anyone who can accomplish the impossible, it's her.
“No one's gonna stop me tonight! Thank you, we are Sunset Curve, tell your friends!” The presentation ends and Sunset Curve leaves the stage. The girl moves quickly to catch up with them at the back of the club, but when she finally arrives, screams can be heard from two of the members of the band.
“I know you don’t like me, Bobby. But trying to sabotage the show by giving me the wrong time is just the most stupidest thing you've ever done!” The guitarist looks furious, his muscles are really tense and Y/N can't help staring at his biceps way more than she probably should.
"This fight of egos between the two of you has to stop, we can no longer continue to be in the middle." The bassist cries out, tired of all the bickering.
“You no longer have to, Reggie. It’s time to decide. The lousy rocker or me. Remember that the money for the demo is mine before choosing... I'm not sure Patterson's lyrics can compete without the money to record them.”
The guitarist looks down at the ground, a mixture of anger and sadness on his face. Alex and Reggie turn to see each other for a second and then position themselves on either side of Luke, no sign of doubt on their faces.
“We’ll find a way without you. Let’s see If you find one without us.” Reggie declared with a little smirk. Bobby grabs his stuff and gets into his truck without looking back, completely furious.
"Some things Bobby was angry about are true and you have to improve them. You are not a solo artist, you are part of a band." Alex points to Luke as soon as the truck is out of sight, but before he can respond the blonde intercepts the girl at the door.
“Y/N?” The three of them turn to see her, Reggie smiles at her while Luke looks pissed off.
“Hey guys, I came to talk to Luke.” Luke frowns in surprise while the other two gape for a few seconds.
"Really?” Y/N turns with a murderous face towards her friend, who puts his hands in his pockets and begins to walk. “...Okay. Meanwhile Reg and I are going to figure out how to get the drums in Luke's car."
"If you come for an autograph please be quick, I don't feel like socializing." The guitarist declares to the wind, not wanting to pay attention to the stranger who approaches him in the middle of the alley, no matter how cute she looks.
“I’m not a fan.” She confesses in a firm voice, trying to measure the situation.
"Oh, then I'll go. See you later beautiful." He's about to leave when her voice stops him.
“Patterson, come back here!” There's something about her tone that makes Luke suddenly interested. He turns to see her carefully, her chin is up, her shoulders back. Her lips are press together and her eyes look determined and he can't help but admit that the confidence she projects is really doing something to him.
“2 minutes, firecracker.”
“I’m Y/N Y/L.” Faced with no comment from the guitarist, she decides to continue. “I need a male lead singer for my group and I think you might be the perfect fit, after I'm done with you, of course."
He’s unable to believe what he hears. “A band? I think you know pretty well I'm already in one.”
“It’s not a band, it’s a group. THE group If I can say so myself. Spectacular!” She affirms with the first smile he sees her that night, and he can't believe it is possible that she can look even more beautiful.
"Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit with the spectacular thing? At least tell me the name or what kind of band is." She rolls her eyes and he chuckles in response, thinking it was adorable and hot at the same time.
“I already told you, Spectacular! It’s a show choir.”
“Is this a joke? Did Bobby sent you?”
“No and no. I know it’s not really your style, but I’m telling you I can make it work. I heard a bit of the conversation you had with the band, the prize of Nationals is 10,000 dollars. I'm willing to give you half for the demo, if we win, obviously. And I can assure you we will if you accept and do absolutely everything I say.”
“Firecracker, are you trying to tell me that all I have to do to raise the money is put on some stupid cowboy or tiger-print outfit and humiliate myself in front of an entire audience with my best jazz hands? Wow, sounds like a dream!” Maybe he got a bit too sarcastic, but meh, as pretty as she is, she's still a stranger.
“My name is Y/N, and I'm not appreciating your tone of voice.” By this moment the girl seems tired of the musician, who feels the frustration in her and tries to be more gentle.
“I- I’m sorry. Thanks for the offer, but I don't feel as desperate yet as to end my reputation in that way. I hope you find what you are looking for, but that’s just not me. I'm just a guitarist.” She nods, entwining her arms against her chest. He admires her for a few more seconds and turns to his car, where his friends are already waiting for him to help with the drums.
Before getting behind the wheel he turns to her one last time, but she is nowhere to be seen.
Fights between Luke and Bobby weren't new to the band. The big-headed attitude of both collided practically all the time and things had been getting worse in recent months with the more overconfident attitude of the guitarist, but they never imagined that they would end up in this situation.
The days go by and the boys are running out of time. They have to deliver the demo to the Orpheum offices in two months so that they can be taken into account for the great concert they will hold at the end of the year presenting the best new talents in the city. All they've heard from Bobby is that he's trying to build his own band but without much success. Still, he doesn’t fold his hands and continues to try on his own.
The three remaining members of Sunset Curve are in Alex's room lying on the floor with their instruments around trying to think of solutions, when Y/N's voice coming from outside refreshes the blonde's memory. “What did Y/N want to talk to you the other day?”
“Who?” Luke narrows his eyes in confusion.
“Y/N? The captain of the school’s show choir? She went to talk to you after Bobby left the band. Small, fire in her eyes, a lot of attitude.”
“OH, Firecracker! So that group is our school's choir? that's even worse. She tried to recruit me, even offered me the money for the demo if we win the competition in which they will participate.”
“What? She wants you in Spectacular? What did you said?” Alex heard that his friend's ex-boyfriend broke up with her and joined last year's national champions, but he never imagined that she would try to replace him with someone like Luke. Luke is distracted by a melody and doesn’t answer his friend's question.
"Why does your mom always leave her music on when she leaves to work?" The music is definitely not his style, they are always usually pop songs or even songs from musicals, but the singer's voice is one of the most beautiful he has ever heard so it never bothers him.
“It’s not her music, is Y/N.” Alex responds, wondering what the young woman is up to since she is never usually home at this hour.
“Who?” Alex's eyes widen, not able to believe his friend.
“Really? I already told you!” The guitarist tilts his head and shrugs. “Firecracker?”
“What does firecracker have to do with this?” Alex opens his balcony curtains and the silhouette of a young woman singing and dancing through her transparent pink ones comes to their visions.
“She’s so good bro, I thought it was a record too.” Reggie looks at her with a big smile as Alex rolls his eyes at Luke.
As soon as he sees her, the musician is in a trance, admiring the grace and energy with which she moves, wanting with all his might to remove the pink curtain that does not allow him to see her properly.
The song ends and a well-known melody begins to play with prominent bass and drums. “Guys, shut up! I’m trying to hear her sing.”
“It’s not us, man.” Reggie answers almost screaming with how loud the girl’s music is.
“What do you-” Luke turns around and sees his friends with their hands raised, the cables finally connecting in his brain. "She is listening our song?"
"Not just listening, she's also destroying your career, her vocals are amazing." The black-haired boy adds, smirking and running to connect his bass.
Luke excitedly opens the balcony window and sings the pre-chorus as loud as he can to get the singer's attention. “Call me in the morning to apologize, every little lie gives me butterflies.” She immediately turns around and smiles at the guitarist's cocky smile. She opens the curtain and the window and her sunset curve t-shirt is the first thing the band notices.
“Something in the way you're looking through my eyes, don't know if I'm gonna make it out alive.” Luke sings seductively towards her, each word fully dedicated to the woman in front of him.
Reggie accompanies them with his bass while Alex looks at his friends incredulously, an "Are you fucking kidding me." Comes out of the blonde almost like a whisper when he identifies the shirt that the girl wears as his.
Both sing the chorus together and the chemistry is unquestionable. Alex had never thought of this two together because at first glance they seem completely different, but thinking about it a little more deeply they couldn't be more similar. They are both passionate, headstrong, live for the stage, and are ridiculously talented and confident.
“Fight so dirty, but you love so sweet. Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth. Late night devil, put your hands on me. And never, never, never ever let go.”
The performance between the duo is playful, driving, sexy and intense and Alex and Reggie can't help but feel like they're interrupting a private moment. As soon as the song ends, the girl moves closer to the window, blows them a kiss and closes it.
"Where did that woman come from?" Luke whispers as he tries to catch his breath. Nobody had enchanted him so much just by singing, well, nobody had enchanted him, period. But she’s definitely something.
“She has been my neighbor since we were 6 years old, we used to be best friends but we both drifted apart when we entered high school. She’s amazing, the best performer in the city.” Alex informs him and then Reggie adds his own piece of valuable information. “She’s my lab partner. Fun, smart, beautiful, the whole deal. A true gem.”
“Answering your question, I said no to her offer. But I guess the group of someone this rad can't be that bad. And we really need the money." The drummer purses his lips and nods. His friend definitely took the hook.
"Honestly, I always wanted to audition, I guess the three of us could try in, to support you obviously."
“Of course man, she sounded desperate when she asked, and if the shirt and song is any indication she is definitely a huge Sunset Curve fan. She tried to fool me by saying she wasn't a groupie, as if that was possible after seeing us perform.”
His friends leave the house and Alex plays on the drums the secret signal he had with the girl when they were younger, a minute later the girl appears in her window with an amusing smile, dressed in her classic blue pajamas.
“Really?” The drummer chuckled and his friend’s smile grows even bigger, a little laugh leaving her lips. “The shirt was a nice touch. A little much, but that idiot must have fallen for it completely. I want it back by the way.”
“You can see right through me. You know the invitation is open, right? I would love nothing more than to have you there.” He has known her his whole life, and realized early on that she was just trying to get his friend's attention to reconsider her offer by raising his ego, and he honestly doesn't mind. It's about time Luke met someone of his caliber. Perhaps her influence could do him good.
“I- thank you. I guess we’ll see. See you tomorrow.” She blows him a kiss and closes the window. Tomorrow sure is going to be an interesting day, Sunset Curve joins Spectacular.
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Having to face Spectacular! And telling them they still don't have a male lead singer who can compete against Damian was not easy. Her options are running out and she honestly doesn't know what to do to save them.
Damian on stage is the best, it pains her to admit that she has never seen anyone like him. At first she thought she could continue without him, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious that he is just impossible to replace.
Everyone continues to practice the routine, clearly discouraged after her bad news and it honestly breaks her heart. She knows how much the group means to everyone for different and personal reasons and she can't let them lose this. So whatever she has to do, she’ll do it so they can have the leader they deserve.
“I thought the children in the choir would have more energy, this is just sad, firecracker.” She hides her wide smile before turning to the owner of the voice, who is entering the auditorium with his best friends. Money really talks, otherwise she can't explain what would make him appear here.
“Dude, can you please play nice? This is important!” Reggie looks flustered and scolds Luke probably louder than he planned. The guitarist just ignores him and winks shamelessly at her. Seems her little plan from yesterday was successful, now she just has to play the situation in her favor.
“Mercer, Peters... Patterson. Can we help you with something?” The performer shows a perfect poker face, Spectacular continues to practice but they can't help but turn their attention to the rock band.
“I came to accept your proposal, but only If we can include Reggie and Alex in the deal. I guess as long as I’m in whatever I ask shouldn't be a problem." He crosses his arms and gives her a confident smile.
“I could actually do with a few more members, specially as talented as Reg and Alex. As for you, you've already turned down my offer Lucas, but if for some reason you don't graduate this year, make sure you audition the next one. Now, let’s start boys." Y/N moves within inches of Luke to gently close his open mouth with her index finger, and gives him a small wink before turning and taking the other two musicians each on each arm and pulling them closer to where the group is still practicing.
“Y/N, you can’t be serious.” The skilled singer continues to ignore him as she explains to her new members something Luke can't quite hear.
The musician frustrates and walks until he is directly in front of her. “Y/N” He groans.
“I'm not firecracker anymore? That is just sad.” Luke looks upset, but she's determined to not let him have what he wants after what he said at the club, so if he wants the money that bad he's going to have to prove it.
“I’m going to explain you something quickly so you can go and stop wasting my time. I’ve seen your band play, I know how good these two are at singing, which means I don't need you anymore, nor do I have to put up with your rockstar wannabee attitude. I need someone that I can connect with and have the chemistry that leaves everyone forgetting how to breathe, and after yesterday, I just don't think that's you.” Right now she is grateful to be such a good actress because yesterday's act melted her legs, even though they were separated by the balconies. This man is unreal, totally unfair.
"I do, I wouldn't be surprised if they kissed at any moment." The bassist whispers as Alex looks at him with an incredulous face, he just slowly shakes his head from side to side and continues to see the leader of their band and their new leader in a starting contest, is kind of an amusing sight since Luke is definitely not used to having to face someone like him.
“It’s like you said, you are just a guitarist. Thinking you could handle something like this was ridiculous of me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a group to direct."
Y/N hopes she hasn't pushed the rockstar too much, but remains firm in her tactics and turns to the others to continue with the rehearsal. She signals them to put the most similar song to the Sunset Curve sound that she can remember at the moment to make Alex and Reggie feel more calm and to see if she finishes catching Luke’s interest, who still doesn’t move from where he is with his eyes fixed on her, which she takes as as a good sign.
The moment the song start, both sunset curve members smile, and Luke's voice is heard from behind. “So you're the girl, I heard the rumor.” He sounds powerful and captivating and immediately sets everyone's eyes on him. She doesn’t give him the luxury of turning to see him, but he is not going to give up and in a quick and agile movement he turns her by the hand.
“Why don't you break my heart, make it hurt so bad. Come on give it your best, nothing less, I insist, I want it just like that.” The girl should have thought more about her choice before asking for a song like this. Every word that comes out of the musician's mouth is addressed directly to her with an intensity in his eyes and movements that should be illegal.
She tries to get out of his way but he makes it pretty clear that he's not singing to prove himself to the group, he's doing it to prove something to her. Specifically, to prove her wrong.
“Stare me down, intimidate me. Oh baby please you'll never break me.” He comes dangerously close to her, basically inches apart, his eyes fixed on her lips and smiling flirtatiously as he sings, his eyes glinting mischievously.
She enters the song so as not to make him feel like she’s defeated and starts dancing with him to the rhythm, their movements matching effortlessly as they move across the stage.
She pulls herself back as far as she can, but Luke surprises everyone by doing a body roll on the floor, his arms looking more gorgeous than ever in that sleeveless shirt as they take the full weight of his body without any problem, his eyes never losing contact with hers. All the girls start to do small screams while Y/N's cheeks turn red at her thoughts. He slides on his knees towards her and gets up as he puts his foot on her to make her lose balance and catch her right at the end of the song.
“Why don’t you break my heart.” They've been in a trance since the song started and it's like it's just the two of them in the auditorium. Their lips are almost touching, neither willing to give up eye contact or move from their current position, until the applause and shouts of excitement bring them back to reality.
“I have chemistry with everybody that I sing with, firecracker.” He whispers to her lips before shifting the girl's full weight to his right arm to raise his left one to her face and carefully close her mouth with his finger, winking with a cocky smile before lifting her up.
Immediately everyone begins to advocate for him with all kinds of arguments that ranged from how sensual he was to how much of a presence he had on stage. Her best friend’s comment is the one that catches his attention the most. "You have even more chemistry with him than Damian, I didn't think it was possible." That definitely sounds interesting.
Y/N pretends to listen to her teammates before saying Luke can enter the group. The truth is that she knew from the first moment she saw him perform with Sunset Curve that he was a star, but this facet without the guitar and irradiating passion from his pores was something that left her speechless.
Still, she knew all the work that would go into preparing the band and it really was exhausting. For them to understand that they couldn't just sing like they do at the club, that there are rules to follow, dance steps they have to learn, facial expressions they have to master, notes they have to hit perfectly, wasn’t easy but they succeeded.
Along the way, she regained her bond with Alexander, her friendship with Reggie grew stronger, and each day she felt closer to Luke. She has been practicing a duet with him for weeks now, and the chemistry that they have set to burn the stage more than once. It was hard for her to ignore how the guitarist's hands feel on her thighs as he lifts her or the way he wraps himself around her, breathing softly down her neck or brushing his lips teasingly over her cheekbone. Both are very physical to show affection so small contacts such as hugs or caresses, as well as small kisses on the cheek or hand were very recurrent. They had also gone out multiple times alone and with their friends, from the cinema, the park, to see them play, to small parties at home, to midnight talks.
Reggie was the one who had her alone the most because they were lab partners, but no matter how hard the bassist tried to get information from the girl, he never succeeded. The truth is that not even she knows what is happening with the guitarist, she is for the first time in her life letting herself be carried away and enjoying the moment, and she’s loving it.
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Luke and Alex are in detention after the brown haired boy made a mess in the classroom by putting together a little concert with the help of the blonde, and as they die of boredom, his mind can’t help to go to her for the 14th time of the day. "How did she end up in the show choir?"
Alex is blank for a few seconds but analyzes the question and realizes who they are talking about. “Spectacular used to be the most important show choir in the country, led by her mother, may she rest in peace. Y/N always wanted to be a part of it and when she lost her, it became a goal. She suffered a lot to get to the perfect star we see today, especially because her father is rarely there since he works outside the country. She has practically had to face alone auditions, injuries, she had to learn to sew, comb her hair and put on makeup for the show, sing for hours her solos with no one to encourage her, without mention that the current director could not care less about the group and practically leaves all the work to her. That’s why she’s so be fearless, she kind of has to."
“I didn’t know.” The sight of Y/N as happy as ever with his mother when he took her home for lunch the week before appears in his memory. She looked radiant as she ate his mother's famous stew and listened to stories of little Luke as he gently stroked her thigh while songwriting with his other hand. When was the last time she got to experience something as homelike as that? Luke probably doesn’t want to know.
Alex's sad voice brings him back to the conversation.“I was supposed to be there, you know? At first I was. We were going to audition for Spectacular together, but that summer I met you and Sunset Curve was born, and I didn’t have the time anymore so I abandoned her. I knew how important it was for her to have me there, and I didn't even go to her audition. And do you know how many times she has reproached me? Not even one.”
Luke knows that Alex would never hurt her on purpose and that the situation was probably much more complicated than he expresses it, so he reassures him and lets him know that she loves him and is proud that he took his own path. As soon as the blonde calms down, he begins to tell him multiple stories about when he and the girl were kids, the songwriter takes out his journal and begins to add lyrics to the song he has been working on, more inspired than ever.
“You are falling so deeply for her, man. I’m happy for you both.” His friend comments to him while reading the verses written on the paper. He totally is.
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“Bowling, nice. I'm going to finish you off, Patterson.”
“As sexy as your confidence sounds, I'm not going to let you win.”
“I'm pretty sure you've never gone bowling.” Alex adds with furrowed eyebrows.
“Your point is, Mercer?” She wrinkles her nose and sticks out her tongue. Reggie chuckles amused.
"How can you be so sure that you are going to win?"
“Oh, my dear cute blonde. I’m good at everything.” She makes a slight remark on everything with her eyes fixed on the guitarist, who chokes while blushing.
She smiles cheekily at him and confidently steps into the room, Sunset Curve behind as Alex and Reggie tease Luke for being completely whipped.
Happiness doesn't last long when the first thing they see inside is Damian Miller along with a couple of his new teammates. The moment their eyes meet, Y/N seems to melt, but not in the good way.
Her firm and perfect posture now all bent as she embraces herself with her arms and tries with the strength that has left to hold her gaze at the person who took everything from her without much more than an empty sorry.
When she feels the guitarist at her side again, she unconsciously stretches her hand to intertwine her fingers with him, who tilts his head to see their hands together and then to see her face.
She is not doing it to make Damian jealous, but to feel supported. And when Luke realizes it, he can't help not feeling angry at the boy in from of them. In the month that he has been with her, he has never seen her doubt, fear, or believe anything less than that she is unstoppable. And today for the first time ever he sees her intimidaded, and the fact that it's because of a jerk like this makes it even worse.
He rubbs her hand to make her feel less anxious and when she turns to meet his eyes, he brings his index finger to her chin and winks at her, hoping she gets the message. She seems to do it because she immediately smiles playfully and begins to look more relaxed.
The guitarist is aware that Damian was his firecracker's first boyfriend, and he also knows how much he betrayed her love and trust. No matter how strong the woman is, her reaction is completely normal and valid, and that she has the confidence to be vulnerable and let him be there for her means a lot to him.
“Princess.” Damian whispers as he moves closer to her, his eyes fixed on Y/N and Luke's clasped hands.
“I’m not your princess, Y/L is just fine. Listen, Damian. I could pretend this is not uncomfortable and boring but, I don't want to. So yeah, excuse us.”
She pulls the hand that joins her to Luke to make him walk and Alex and Reggie follow behind them, looking at her ex boyfriend with little smiles of pride. Alex knows how much Damian turned off Y/N’s spark and seeing her put him in his place makes him feel so proud.
"So someone is going to teach me bowling or what?"
“I’ll do it baby, but another day. Today we came here with a different purpose.” Luke points to the large Rock the World machine located in a comfortable corner space.
“Of course, is always about music with you, eh Patterson?” She smirks, getting a little closer to him.
“Pretty much, but I can tell that attracts you, Y/L.” He wrinkles his nose, his lips parting slightly.
“Hell yeah it does.” he smirks, not at all expecting her to admit it so openly but he definitely should have seen it coming.
“Good thing I’m into dominant firecrackers then.”
“Could you stop flirting for a second and start playing? I have plans to destroy Alex and your daily session of sexual tension is not going to ruin it.”
Both smile at Reggie while Y/N takes the games microphone and Luke the guitar. The song that Y/N chooses is She’s so gone by Naomi Scott, and it goes without saying that the boys have never played it in their lives but they love a challenge.
The mastery with which the girl interprets the song makes a good number of people come to see the round, including her ex-boyfriend and his new friends.
“Here I am, this is me, and I'm stronger than you ever thought I'd be. Are you shocked? Are you mad? That you're missing out on who I really am.”
The singer sings the verse directly towards Damian, as his friends start pointing out and teasing him. Reggie goes over to tell Luke he thought he would join her, but the guitarist only replies, "I want to see her shine."
She gets carried away with the music and draws Luke to her, jumping and twirling to the beat of the music. The guitarist hyping her up every single second og the song. At the end the night was incredible, the four of them spent it singing, dancing and even bowling, which Y/N ended up dominating from the second round.
Luke thought that there would be no better time than that night to show her what he had been working on, so after saying goodbye to her he went to Alex’s where he had left his journal.
Before he can say goodbye to the blond, screams are heard from the house next door. “I wasn't trying to embarrass you, Damian!”
“No? So what were you doing shaking your hips against the rock boy?”
“I don't have to explain anything to you, but I think it's pretty obvious why I wanted to be against that body, have you seen it?” She says it playfully with her eyes fixed on the guitarist, who is walking with the blonde to her door, her eyes glinting wickedly in the dark. He chuckles, knowing it's the girl's way of reassure him and she smiles as she sees his expressions relax.
“Everything alright, firecracker?” Luke does not stand in front of her like a brave prince, he stops a meter from both of them and asks before intervening, and that makes her heart melt. Because he wants to hear her first, he trusts that she can take care of it and has the confidence to tell him if she needs help, which is also completely valid. And it's something she has to work on, know that there are also times when it's okay to trust someone. That you don't always have to carry the weight alone.
“Go away, punk. My girl and I are in the middle of something.” The three of them start laughing at the ex-boyfriend's intimidation attempt, who seems to get angrier with every laugh that comes out of their mouths.
“I’m fine baby, but you guys could show him the way out? I’m tired of his bullshit.” She asks the boy with a cute smile, and he would disintegrate over the nickname if her horrible ex-boyfriend and her best friend weren't there.
"Don't touch me, I’ll go. Right now the numbers are not working in my favor so we will fix this where it really matters, on stage. Let's see if this attempt at a singer can save you from total humiliation, because let's be honest Y/N, you are nothing without me."
The faces of both members of Sunset Curve begin to tense, Luke's fists completely white from how much he's clenching them. For her part, the singer, who is already used to that type of comments from her ex-boyfriend, only tells him "yes, yes, you're right. It was a pleasure Dami, never come back." while pushing him to the other side to make him go away.
The nickname comes off her tongue in the most natural way in the world, she doesn't even seem to notice it and Luke feels some annoyance hearing it. As if someone had hit him in the stomach. But immediately the discomfort goes away when the girl turns to them again with a big smile and runs to hug them excitedly.
“Thanks for coming to check me out, guys. Things can sometimes get out of control with him.”
"We will always be there for you when you need us, okay? I actually went into Alex's house to get something I wanted to show you but it's late, I’ll come back tomorrow." The blonde turns from his friend to the other, a tired smile appears on his lips as he passes Luke his journal to place his arm on his childhood friend and lean on her.
"No, don't go please. Damian was pretty mad and... I don't want to be alone." She can be very dramatic at times but the fear in her voice sounds sincere, and remembering the scream that brought them outside in the first place Alex imagines how scared she really was before seeing them show up and his heart clenches at the thought.
“O- Okay, sure.” He sounds nervous but the excitement is evident in the way his left leg keeps moving, just like when he's on stage.
“I do have to go in, you already know mom. Will you be alright with just Luke?” He already knows the answer from the girl's radiant gaze but it doesn't hurt to confirm. She hugs him tightly with her arms around his neck and whispers a "Yes, I love you but go away already." which makes the drummer laugh out loud while high-fiving his other friend goodbye.
The third wheel enters his house and finally they are alone. She smiles and takes him by the hand to enter the house. Luke takes a moment to admire it, everything is in place but there are several instruments throughout the living room. A keyboard on the couch, a guitar next to the TV, even a tambourine on the table.
"May l?" He walks over to the guitar and turns to see the girl nodding and pointing up the stairs for him to follow. Her room is quite similar to her style, white is the predominant color but there are many details in pink and gold, as well as multiple yellow lights giving a romantic tone to the room at midnight.
“Do you want to show me now?” she asks eagearly, with joined hands, closed eyes and pursed lips.
“Y- yeah... of course.” He sits on the rug and puts the guitar aside, then puts his notebook between his legs and when he finds the sheet he is looking for, he carefully tears it off. The girl looks at him adoringly, the happiness of having him with her making her heart beat louder in her chest. She sits across from him making sure to brush his legs and waits for him to speak.
“Here.” He looks nervous, his cheeks totally flushed as he avoids eye contact for the first time since they met.
Y/N takes the sheet in his hands and a huge warm smile appears on her face when he sees the guitarist's terrible lyrics. BRIGHT written and highlighted several times in the title.
“It’s for you.” Luke whispers while bringing his face closer to hers, making her shiver.
“You wrote me a song?” She doesn't know what to say. Since her mom, no one had done anything so beautiful, considerate, and selfless for her. Something so vulnerable and full of love.
“Don’t be mad, but Alex told me a little about how you ended up in show choir, your friendship with him, your mom.” He turns to see her looking for her reaction, she just nods to tell him it’s okay to continue. “A sweet story about a little girl with the voice of an angel who loved to sing love songs. And you know what was in my head all that night? That even though I've never written one, I would write millions of love songs for you.”
Some tears fall from the girl's face, she carefully places the lyrics on the guitar and throws herself on the guitarist, who falls in surprise against the carpet, making sure to grab her by the waist so that she falls safely on his chest. She rests her arms on either side of his head and brings her lips against Luke's, brushing them gently.
Luke doesn't move a muscle, not wanting to do something to make her uncomfortable, when he suddenly hears her talk. “And what about teeth? I mean is not the sweetest love story ever told but-”
The boy chuckles, Y/N's curious eyes a few inches away. “Alex wrote that one after his first breakup, Reggie and I did the melody.”
“Good. Guess we’ll have to start making some experiences to help you write all that songs.” At that moment she finally pushes her lips against his, both in a moment of euphoria at the taste of each other. She presses her body against him and he bites lightly with his teeth on her lower lip to shove his tongue against her mouth in response. Her little hands pulling his hair hard as his hands go down her butt. Both of them enjoying what they had been dreaming of for so long.
When the two finally separate they fall in a comfortable silence, she starts to admire his facial features, delicately running her fingers through his nose, his mouth, his cheekbones, until he interrumpts her. “I knew you want me from the beginning, I could see the lust in your eyes. Everything about the choir was a complex plan to get me under you.” Luke affirms with his best poker face, and sees clearly how her eyes fill with light while a pure laugh escapes from her now swollen lips.
“And as always, I achieved the goal. The hot local rockstar is sleeping on my bed tonight.” No matter how hard he tries, he can never catch her off guard and he always ends up being the one blushing. She kisses him softly before getting up and taking the song lyrics back. “Luke, do you mind if I sing a bit of the song?”
“Of course not, it's yours. I will accompany you with the guitar, from the pre-choir?”
She nods and begins to sing the words he wrote for her. “Life is a risk but I will take it, close my eyes and jump. Together I think that we can make it, come on, let's run.”
She is reading the choir as she sings and the urge to cry reappears. He's basically telling her that she no longer has to go on living life alone, that she can lean on him, she can trust him to fight by her side. That it can be us instead of I.
“And rise through the night, you and I, we will fight to shine together. Bright forever.”
As soon as they finish singing Luke puts the guitar aside and goes over to wipe the tears from the girl's face. “I know that at first glance it doesn't seem like a love song, but..."
“But it is. It’s perfect, thank you Luke.” She didn't know that someone other than her could make her feel so special, but he proved her wrong, again.
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The night before was like a dream. Y/N sleeping with his shirt while he wrapped her completely in his arms, singing softly in her ear and leaving little kisses on her neck every few verses until she fell asleep. At this point there is no way to deny how completely in love he is with her.
“Man, we need to talk.” His blonde friend wakes him up from his daydream and starts pulling him down the hall to an empty table in the cafeteria, where Reggie is already waiting for them.
They both sit down and Alex takes a deep breath as he plays with his fingers, trying to form coherent sentences with the words in his head. “Bobby called last night.” Luke's gaze instantly shifted to disgust, while Reggie looks quite shocked.
“So? What did he want?” Luke whispers, trying to sound disinterested.
“He sent some of our videos to an important person at Destiny Management and they are interested in the band. He said that if we comply with certain requests he will give the money for us to record the demo this Friday so that it’s ready for the appointment."
“And I guess you told him we don't need him or his money. What did he answer you? He cried?" the guitarist asks with an amused face, but his friends just look at each other.
“Don't you think we should think more about it? What happens if we don't win nationals? We’ll have lost something as sure as Bobby's deal for nothing."
“She’s my friend and I love her but I have to agree, Luke. As difficult as it is, our priority has to be Sunset Curve, not Spectacular"
“They are right, Luke.” All three look at the girl, as pale as If they had seen a ghost. “Spectacular is my dream, And I know I'd do anything for it. It would be unfair of me to get angry because you’re fighting for yours. Don't hesitate, if anyone can find a way out of this it's me.”
“But, the duet...”
“I’ll just have to be the melody and the words. I’ll be fine, and honestly I'm so proud of you guys, I know you will be rock legends one day.” All three feel guilty but don't know what to say or do to make it right. She goes over to hug the drummer and the bassist who take her in their arms with all their strength, a “I’m so sorry” from the blonde accompanied by an “I know” from the girl can be heard. Then she stands in front of the guitarist and kisses his lips intensely, but breaking away painfully fast. The guys leave lovers alone for a moment of privacy.
“I believe in you, baby. You are destined to be a star, forget everything else, even me. Take the moment and knock them off their feet.” She kisses him lightly on the lips and walks a few steps back. “This month was the happiest of my life in a long time, thank you. Guess I’ll see you guys around.”
“Why do you sound like you are saying goodbye? And a horrible one? I thought you were good at everything.” Luke walks over to her again and places his hands on her cheeks, rubbing them gently. His voice is shaky and his eyes are glassy, she snorts at his sudden taunt, a little smile covered with the tears.
“Once everyone gets back to their own business, do you think you'll still have time for me? Alex is my damn neighbor, and we couldn't keep in touch.” And Luke gets it. She is used to being alone, to people not being permanent in her life. Neither her parents, nor her best friend, nor her boyfriend, nor anyone else has stayed. So this time to protect herself she decided that he too was going to leave, that it would be foolish to think that he of all possible people would stay.
“I‘m not letting you go baby, you're the only one I would let to boss me around.” The girl laughs when she remembers the millions of times she had to correct him and how he always ended up making her blush in some way, especially when they danced. She can't remember telling him but dancing with him has been the most special thing she has ever experienced. She danced with Damian for years and it never felt like the first time Luke put her long, strong hands on her waist and pulled her close to him. She can only hope to feel that way again one day.
“You are my one and only, firecracker. We’ll find a way, neither of us is a quitter.”
They say that actions are worth a thousand words, and Luke had definitely missed his first chance to show Y/N that he was serious about them by not getting in time to wish her good luck before she left with the group to the city of the competition, a few hours from there. He couldn't help but feel more miserable when he returned to the studio and found a small yellow sheet in his journal.
“You got this, rockstar. I have so much faith in you, so go make me proud. And I don’t want you feeling guilty, okay? I always want to see you shine, baby, no matter what. Your firecracker, Y/N.” Luke laughs softly, dazzled by her attempt to be sweet. If she trusts him so much, why doesn't he return the favor? She assured him they could win and when she says something, she follows through.
Why ruin his life with all of Bobby's ridiculous demands while ditching his girl in the process when he can go sing with her and do band things their way, without selling their soul to the devil. He sits on the couch thinking about what to say to the boys when they both rush in and pick him up, one from his feet and the other from his arms.
“What the hell are you two planning this time?” Luke sounds annoyed but does nothing to stop them from moving him, they throw him into the back of the car and he hits his head, getting him to kick them before they close the door.
"I'm not going to let her down again, I can’t."
"Yeah, and surely we can win, the number is spectacular... do you understand what I did there?”
Alex rolls his eyes and Luke smiles. They drive at full speed to Luke’s for him to take all his things and when he returns to the car, stands thoughtfully by the window.
“What are you doing?!” Alex is not having it, looks like a vein is going to burst from stress any second now.
“Do you think we’ll make it?” Questioned the guitarist, clearly nervous.
“If you stop asking stupid as fuck questions and get in the car, maybe.” Luke pouts but listens and finishes loading everything in the trunk.
The road is full of music to try to calm all the nerves, there was also plenty of time to rehearse the number over and over again, Luke analyzing in his mind every move he had to make, from time to time his bossy girl correcting him in his head. The only difficult thing was probably changing into the costumes, especially for Alex.
They arrive directly to register and the band turns pale when they hear the powerful and breathtaking voice of the singer who is playing her solo right now, a heavenly version of 'Never enough’. By the time they are ready to go, the main number has already started, the imposing woman in the very center of the stage with one of the boys of the group, who although does not have the voice of the guitarist, is making a good effort. Damian is on the other side, staring at her with a superiority smirk and Luke can't help but want to punch him.
“I never realized how anyone could make everything so right, I was so sad, you brought me back.” Alex quickly indicates to him how to enter the stage from the back, and Luke prepares to jump in time for the chorus, taking care of not being seen as he climbs the platform. The song is an old pop-rock song from the 80s, specifically chosen to make the guitarist's voice shine. He and his firecracker sat listening to music for hours until they finally found it, the girl's eyes shining with excitement as she imagined all she could do with the potential of the melody.
“You give me something to believe in, after all that we've been through.” He appears on the platform just in time, the lights and smoke coming out right in his grand entrance. Y/N turns immediately upon hearing her voice and he dances his way towards her.
“The love you give, it all comes back to you. You give me something to believe in, you can see the real me. And here with you is where I'm meant to be.” both singing together the remainder of the chorus and dancing to the beat. The biggest smile he has seen in his girl since he met her on her beautiful face. With that he feels satisfied with his decision, whatever happens, win or lose, it was worth it.
“And here we are together side by side, and nothing seems impossible tonight.” the duet between them is electrifying as always, he puts his hands on her thighs and lifts her with ease, both of them moving and enjoying themselves as if they were the only ones in the place. The dance ends as the first time they danced in the auditorium when he showed her that he was the right option, he holds her with one arm, their lips inches from touching but holding the magnetism back for a few more seconds until finally leave the stage.
As soon as they are backstage Y/N throws herself at Luke, wrapping her legs around his hips and devouring his lips with hers. “Someone missed me.” Luke whispers catching his breath.
"I can't believe you guys did this for me." Expressed the girl as she turns to see her other two friends, still wrapped around Luke who has her tightly held with his huge arms around her butt.
“We trust you as much as you trust us. We know that you will win, you worked like nobody for this moment.” Affirmed the blonde, giving her a small kiss on the forehead.
“I feel like I won already.” And she did. She won the trophy, the money for the demo, friends, and a ridiculously gorgeous rockstar who drove her crazy in more ways than one. All this years working hard were finally worth it... and Damian throwing a tantrum in the middle of the stage felt good too, not gonna lie.
“When are you going to ask me to be your boyfriend? As much as I love you more than anything, a man has to have some pride, you know? We've been together for like 5 months and I'm getting desperate.” They are both lying together on the girl's bed, their legs intertwined as he makes little circles with his fingers on his girl's stomach.
She raises her head resting her hand on his bare chest, her thoughts impossible to read. What are you talking about? I'm waiting for you to ask me!” He chuckles, prepared to tease her. “Bu-”she interrumpts him, pushing the hand that is resting on him to sit down. “Ba-”
“Wait a second, Lucas!” He bites his lip, he never liked being called by his name but for some reason it sounds incredibly sensual when she says it. “Yeah, baby?”
“D- did you say you love me?”
“I did, and I do. Everybody knows you've got me trapped in your claws.” He jokes to make her laugh, and he succeeds.
“I love you too, so much.”
“I know baby.” He winks teasingly at her. “Returning to the topic, you are the most bossy and confident person I have ever met, and you want to tell me that you were waiting for me to take the first step? Doesn’t sound like my firecracker. You literally pretended to be a sunset curve super fan to get my attention.”
"I totally did, I was awesome, first thing next day you were at the auditorium.” She says proud while Luke rolls his eyes with a smile. “But if it makes you feel better, I'm 100% a fan now, and...You are completely right, for once.”
She takes a deep breath, intertwining her fingers with his. “Lucas Patterson, I want you, if we're being honest, probably from the first time I saw you at that Sunset Curve gig we met at. You are annoying, cocky, passionate, and I love you with all my heart. Be my boyfriend... please.”
“There it is, that’s my girlfriend.” His eyes full of lust after hearing that she wanted him from the first night, he draws her closer to him to push his lips against hers, his girlfriend's tongue quickly dancing with his.
"Oh my god, we already talked about this, close the damn window, I don't want to hear it!” The blonde cries from his balcony, the couple can't help but laugh before joining their lips again.
Thank you for reading ✨
Taglist: @writerinlearning, @ghostofmgg @strangerthanfanfiction713 @thebloodthirstyvampress, @kinda-really-lost, @kcd15, @magnet-girl, @aliandthephantoms, @stxrkspidey, @pinkrockstar19, @s0uz4s, @shycupcakealissa @cookiebuba, @fangirlangioma, @sageellsworth05, @twist3dtinkerbell, @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve, @caitsymichelle13, @ifilwtmfc @luckylouiebug, @bibliophilewednesday, @totomoshi, @siennanoelle01, @lunashadow6955, @bookfrog247, @morganayennefertyrell, @kiss-themoongoodbye, @rachelle3musicals, @imsydneywalker, @really-dont-forget-it @agentstarkid @talksoprettyjjx @kaitieskidmore1 @lukeys-giggle @katie-navarro @crybabyddl @cocopuffs0211 @marvel-ousnesss @txrii @tuttigunner @dpaccione @justalittleweirdoo @mrstodorooki @averyharrypotterlife
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mozukumi · 3 years
this ask is SO sweet though i'm so excited. ask and you Shall Receive. For context, this is referencing art I did of Itaru and Masumi in the mAnkAi swAp AU , where ages get shuffled around.
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This got Really Long, so I'll place my explainations under the cut.
I'll start with the 27 year olds, because first and foremost I need to explain...
Juza Hyodo - This entire AU was started from one conversation: going off of how Sakyo saw a lot of his younger self in Juza, what would the reverse be like? What if Juza was the older yakuza, and Sakyo was the gruff teen
The whole deal with Kumon and his baseball team happens as in canon. However, in this verse, some members of the team get really pissed that Kumon 'made them lose' the championship, and attacked him in revenge.
Kumon needed expensive surgery to recover from his injuries - and the Hyodo family didn't have that kind of money. So Juza decided to join the yakuza to make that money, after a meeting with the chairman (the original one, not Azami).
Ever since joining the yakuza, Juza hasn't contacted his family, too ashamed by what he does, and too worried that it's come back to haunt them. Instead, he just sends them money every month - they realize he's alive, but they just can't find him.
His relationship with Sakoda (who remains the same age in this AU) is a lot more gentle and brotherly then the one Sakyo has with him - partially because Sakoda's youthful energy reminds him of Kumon.
Banri Settsu - The three people who made this AU are Juban and Sakyoizu shippers. So obviously, when we swapped out Juza for Sakyo, we had the realization that this would make Banri the director. And then the yeast really started to form in our minds.
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Desperate, he finds a help wanted listing for the Director of the MANKAI Company - a formerly prosperous company that’s now dead after its former director left a year ago. So he said fuck it, despite not having any experience in theater, because he just wanted anything - anything to make him feel passionate.
As a director, he’s definitely more lax then Izumi - where she would tell a kid to go to school if she saw them skipping, he’d just say “lmao you’ve made sure you have enough absences right kiddo”. He still definitely cares about all of the company, though. He is going to win at being the director of a theater company, something which is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
Sakuya Sakuma - Already a member of the company before Banri arrives, Sakuya is a freeter who was moved by 16 year old Matsukawa’s impassionate plea for actors, and decided to join the company because he realized he didn’t feel fulfilled in his life. His general vibe is still the same - it’s his hope to make everybody smile through his acting - but now he has Dad energy instead of Son energy.
And for the 17 year olds:
Itaru Chigasaki - The whole deal with his sister telling him to become a sickly prince and his subsequent friendship/fallout with Tonooka remain as in canon. We pick up his story right after he’s been exposed as being a fraud. So he’s in a pretty bad place: everybody in the school has turned against him, he’s back to having no friends, and he’s having to grapple with the horrifying prospect of keeping up this act his entire life. People began to hate him immediately after he showed his true self, just like his sister said. Was he going to have to play the prince forever? Was this his destiny?
When his gaming rival, NEO, made his ranking description “come audition @ mankai company” in on of the gacha games he played, Itaru decided to go. He was already at his lowest social standing. Even becoming a theater kid couldn’t bring him any lower. At least this way, he’d get out of the house.
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this is what I mean by “ranking description”, idk if that’s the right name for them.
Itaru’s conflict is about a) learning to abandon his princely character and b) learning that he doesn’t have to fear growing up. In Banri, he gets to see an adult who is unabashedly interested in video games and is still regarded as ‘responsible’. And um, having Banri as your role model probably isn’t the best idea? But like, he’s vibing.
Tasuku Takato and Tsumugi Tsukioka - I’m placing them together bc Do Not Seperate and also it’s easier to talk about the changes to their story with them together lol.
So, there’s no GOD-za seperation here - so no divorce arc. Instead, they’re still childhood best friends, and their main conflict is about getting into university. They’re both pushing themselves way too hard studying, because they want to go to the same fancy arts school - but they both have their own worries about what will happen if one of them gets rejected. 
Thank you so much for asking this, and thank you so much for reading this far. I am constantly thinking about this and it means a lot that somebody out there would care!
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ooh can you write a drabble about daya? literally anything about daya i love her sm
YESSSSS!!!! Thank you for requesting this I am literally in love with Daya so bad <3
+ + +
Okay! Daya told herself, tapping her fingers against the electric guitar slung around her shoulder This was going to go perfectly!
After all, her mission was simple. It was a three step process. Easy. Peasy. Lemon Squeezy.
Step One : Wait Until Jasmine Walked In
Step Two : Shred the Guitar
Step Three : Girlfriend???
Admittedly Daya felt like she had omitted a few steps between 'Shred the Guitar' and 'Girlfriend???' but she hadn't been able to think of anything beyond 'pretty girl watch me play guitar and will kiss me?' sooooooooooo...
In her defence, Jasmine was really pretty. It was hard to think of literally anything else outside of the blonde's perfect hair and dazzling smile and cute laugh and-
"Oh! Hi Daya!"
Oh fuck. Jasmine was here.
Was it too late to run away and move to Brazil?
"Hi Jasmine!" Daya squeaked out, feeling her voice jump several octaves as she nervously strummed a few strings on her guitar, "I'm glad you could make it!"
Jasmine seemed oblivious to Daya's nerves, nodding earnestly as she moved closer, eyes bright and excited, "Of course silly! You invited me here after all. Wasn't gonna miss it for the world. What's up though? You gonna play me a song? Serenade me?" She wiggled her eyebrows, likely just joking around but well...
"Uh yeah actually. I wanted to play you a song I've been working on. If that's alright...?"
Jasmine looked Daya up and down, studying her, before nodding. Sitting on the floor with little hesitation, "That's more than alright! Serenade away! I'll make sure to give you my fullest attention."
Oh good. Her fullest attention. Daya felt her face heat up. This was either the best thing ever or the worst thing ever. But it was a thing that was happening alright, and Daya just had to deal with it.
So, she cleared her throat, took a deep breath, and then began singing...
"Hey hey - you you - I don't like your girlfriend. No way - no way - I think you need a new one. Hey hey - you you - I could be your girlfriend..."
Jasmine seemed transfixed, a dopey smile on her face as she swayed to the music, which gave Daya the confidence to belt louder - jumping around the room as she played - anything to grab the blonde's attention and really get it in her head.
"Hey hey - Jasmine - I could be your girlfriend..."
That gorgeous smile was aimed at her, and it made Daya a bit lightheaded as she finished her song. Panting and feeling more than a little shaky on her feet she took a playful bow as Jasmine rushed to her feet, pulling her into a tight hug within seconds.
"Uh... I'm guessing you liked it?"
Jasmine nodded, "I loved it."
"Cool cool..." Oh god. What was Daya supposed to do now? She'd shredded the guitar. The next step was girlfriend - but how the fuck was she supposed to get from point A to point B? Goddamn her for being so bad at planning.
"Actually," Jasmine suddenly said with a smirk, interrupting Daya's internal panic, "I was curious if I could sing you a verse? Would that be alright?"
Daya nodded, "More than. Uh... want me to play the tune for you?"
Jasmine shook her head, leaning closer to Daya with that same playful smirk, "Nah. I can sing it acapella."
"Oh. Okay."
Was it hot in here or was it just Daya? Or was it just Jasmine and her radiant splendorous crazy awesome beauty?
Probably both.
Jasmine started singing, voice a bit less than ideal, but still the most beautiful thing Daya had ever heard as she echoed Daya's song (Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne) but with revised lyrics, "Hey hey - Daya - I could be your girlfriend - I really - really really like you - but uh well yeah that's not quite a secret - hey hey- you you - I wanna be your girlfriend..."
And then - AND THEN - Jasmine was somehow even closer. Close enough that Daya felt her heart rate spike to dangerous levels, and her face must have been hot enough to start a fire.
Jasmine giggled, "So? How'd you like my song?"
"Good." Daya managed to say after her brain rebooted, "Very girlfriend. I mean good. I mean me like you. I mean- You? Girlfriend? Me? Uh- be my girlfriend?"
The smile that stretched across Jasmine's face was mesmerizing. Daya really could not imagine a more beautiful sight in her entire life.
"I'd love that." Then Jasmine swooped in, kissed Daya lightly on the cheek, and turned around, nearly sprinting out the door with a gleeful, "I'll see you later babe! I have to go tell Bosco you finally asked me out! She'll freak!" and then she was gone.
Daya's plan had somehow succeeded.
Who would've guessed?
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zephyr-thedragon · 3 years
AAAAAAAHHHHHHH ITS KAIDER WEEK, I was so hyped for all of August but then school started and all my energy just went right out the window jhfgjg. But I am so excited to share this duet with you all-
SO- The reason this is coming before the wolflet duet is because I already had like half of this song written about a month ago and all I needed to do was finish it, but the wolflet duet is still coming I promise. So this song takes place when Cinder and Kai are still on the Rampion in between Cress and Winter. Kai is about to go back to Earth and they both acknowledge the fact that they need to get their plan moving and in order to do that he needs to leave and all of that good angsty stuff. I'm pretty sure I included all of the prompts for this week? Besides maybe change the universe? But I realllyyyy love this song and it's my favorite that I've written for TLC so far, tysm for reading!!!! I hope you all enjoy <333
So the system for reading this one is pretty self-explanatory hrghjf, there aren't any overlapping lines or anything and you can use the same four chords throughout the whole song, but feel free to improvise and just sort do whatever! I had a lot of fun just playing round with different chords and tunes so- yeah :) just have fun!
In Another Life - Cinder and Kai
An original Kaider duet
(Piano chords at the bottom cause they're kind of complicated fjgh)
[Kai] - Verse 1
The journey of us is unrelenting
Cause we can’t see past the world ending
But I hope on the other side it’s a
Little less expending‎
Don’t know if I can live this way much longer
But you’ve always made me stronger
If we just wait it out we’ll conquer
The world and start avenging
I try
To be the person that you want
I try
To do my best but I can’t when I’m gone
I wish
We could see past all the flaws, and the wrongs, and the cracks in the walls
But if it's not too much to ask
Would you mind joining me in the past
In my daydreams, my nightmares
My fantasies and fatal scares,
If we could pretend for the night
[Both] - Chorus
In another life
We could’ve been fighting off crime
The modern Bonnie and Clyde
We could’ve been rulers of the divine
An Imperial husband and wife
We could’ve left this curse behind
We could’ve been intertwined
By fate
And destiny
But instead, I take flight
With the wings you gave me
And the promises you made
In hopes that someday
We can live that way
As if in another life
In another life
(Life, Life)
(Ohh, Ohh)
(Life, Life)
(Ohh, Ohh)
[Cinder] - Verse 2
The journey of us has barely taken shape
But I can’t escape
The metal walls around me
I like it up here in space
Its an oasis
From the chaos on the ground but I feel like I’m
The world can’t wait much longer
I need to leave but I love her
There's no stopping this black hole
Forming in between us and our end goal
I know
You know
That it’s time to let it go
But I can’t leave you
I can’t wait to see you
[Both] - Chorus
In another life
We could’ve been fighting off crime
The modern Bonnie and Clyde
We could’ve been rulers of the divine
An Imperial husband and wife
We could’ve left this curse behind
We could’ve been intertwined
By fate
And destiny
But instead, I take flight
With the wings you gave me
And the promises you made
In hopes that someday
We can live that way
As if in another life
In another life
‎[Cinder] - Bridge(?)
With time comes change
There’s no more waiting
I hate to listen
To what they’re saying
I’m afraid
The game we’re playing
Will fracture the bond
We’ve spent so much maintaining
When I’m away
I won’t be very far
Just sit in silence
And listen to your heart
And find a way
To ignite that spark
And remember the mountains we’ve climbed so far
We’ve climbed so far
‎[Kai] - Pre-Chorus/Build up
In another life
I’d be wherever you are
In another life
It wouldn’t be this bizarre
In another life, I’d choose not to be a star
In another life, I could live without this scar
[Both] - Chorus
In another life
In another life
In another life
We could’ve been fighting off crime
The modern Bonnie and Clyde
We could’ve been rulers of the divine
An Imperial husband and wife
We could’ve left this curse behind
We could’ve been intertwined
By fate
And destiny
But instead, I take flight
With the wings you gave me
And the promises you made
In hopes that someday
We can live that way
As if in another life
In another life
(Life, Life)
(Ohh, Ohh)
(Life, Life)
In another life
(Life, Life)
(Ohh, Ohh)
(Life, Life)
(Fade out)
‎Piano Chords:
ok so for the first chord, I have yet to find a name for it but basically it's Fsus4 but put your third finger on the D key instead of the C key it should look like this:
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And then it's just F major, Dm, C major :)
okay thats all, if you made it to the end hiiiiii!!! I hope you enjoyed thank you for reading!
tag list: @sexy-dumpster-fire @cerenoya @just2bubbly@nightmare-not-neophyte @gingerale2017 @winterrhayle @salt-warrior @cindersassasin @cinderswrench @shelbylmkaider @razzmooncake @greasicookies @healing-winston-pratt @f-r-o-p @miss-casually-cruel @of-stars-and-ships @strawberry-seraph @thestarryeyedsapphic @genyasafingf @starry-tea-party @im-just-your-problem @novannna @sapphiccitra
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remmammie · 2 years
Wind Gliding lesson hcs with Amber?
Aw, Amber, such a sweetie! I remember wanting to main Amber when I first started Genshin...didn't work out for us- Still, she has a special place in my heart! Hope you enjoy!
Amber giving Reader gliding lessons HCs
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What a great teacher Amber is! She's very experienced in...pretty much everything because of the amount of tasks she has to complete being the Knights' only Outrider, and she's been to a lot of places too! Amber's very well-versed in the working of the world inside and outside of Mondstadt.
When you approach Amber to ask for gliding lessons, she pretends not to be excited, but she's practically screaming inside. She loves teaching people about her talents and generally adores sharing the knowledge she has that she's so proud of.
She catches herself before she lets her giddiness show, coughing lightly into her hand to collect herself before putting both hands on her hips.
"Gliding is a serious mode of transportation! It's as dangerous as it is fun so I'm glad you came to me for lessons instead of being wrangled by the Knights for flying without a licence. Wait...you didn't know you needed a licence? Oh, Archons..."
She knows she in for a long few sessions and plans everything out accordingly on a cute piece of paper with pencil. It's a full timetable! You can definitely tell she's done this before and is pretty knowledgeable about gliding because she has every lesson planned down to specific detail in prettily-written bullet points.
After briefly informing the Knights that gliding lessons will be taking place - they don't really have a choice in the matter because they're too engrossed in how happy Amber is - she shyly gives you a pair of gliding wings that don't seem very-well put together or new, but seem to be made from pretty sturdy materials.
"These...these were my first pair of gliding wings. They were reliable for me so I hope they will help you to; be sure to bring them back to me." she explains, flushing a little. She tries not to pour her heart out, but you can see it glistening in her eyes.
She starts you with rather low relief ground, starting closer to the gorgeous beaches of Mondstadt before making your way up to the top of the Cathedral, flying all the way to gate, scaring the pigeons in the process.
Amber is very calm for the first few lessons, guiding you with reading and writing theory first with a soft voice. When you get out into the field, Amber becomes a lot more like her usual hyper self, giving encouraging remarks and bright smiles whenever you need them.
Every time you look back at Amber whilst you're gliding, whether she's gliding beside you or watching from afar, Amber is either biting her lip and fiddling with her hands nervously, or clasping her hands with a huge smile, bouncing on the balls of her feet and cheering: she does this more the further you get into the course of lessons.
At the end of your final lesson, Amber lands beside you and wraps you in the biggest hug she could muster, squealing like an excited little girl, and bouncing up and down - she's so proud of you!
If you turn the compliments back on her, tell her she's the only reason you passed and she's "just a good teacher," Amber pouts and flushes, turning away. She wants to tell you how proud she is! But she won't refute the compliments~
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bard-llama · 2 years
Red is the Rose is great, I missed that 'verse!!🌹Can we have 80? Thank you!
(Btw, I must say I'll never forget the way Roche gave Iorveth that Rose of Remembrance 🔥 🥵)
Aww, thank you! I'm glad you remember it fondly :) I mostly remember it as "hey, I finished something!" lol. But no honestly, I loved that one, it was a lot of fun and kind of cool bc I kinda just woke up one day and decided I was going to finish it and knocked out the last 2-3 chapters and boom, it was done (and grew a sequel, of course).
Send me a title and I'll share a rorveth snip
80. Sequel to Red is the Rose
There were several great things about traveling to Kaer Morhen to aid in the impending battle. First, Geralt had asked him, and Roche would do just about anything for Geralt, just as Geralt had done for him. Secondly, the impending fight was to protect Geralt’s daughter, who he’d heard much about but had never met. He was excited to finally get to do so, to meet the one woman the Wolf Witchers had made an exception for and trained.
Thirdly, and perhaps most selfishly, it gave Roche an opportunity to be alone with Iorveth, which they hadn’t managed since they’d first gotten together about a month ago. While in the loyalist camp, they’d been pretty careful not to seem… well, too close. Sure, everyone knew that Iorveth shared his bunk, but the last thing either of them wanted was to be overheard when getting up to more… intimate activities.
Not that they’d done much. It was entirely too difficult to find time alone together and frankly, kissing Iorveth was so intoxicating that he could hardly imagine how much more amazing everything else would be as well.
Roche licked his lips, imagining that he could still taste Iorveth on them. Gods, what he wouldn’t give for just a moment’s break to kiss Iorveth again.
But they’d only just started on the road an hour ago and it was too soon to stop for a break. Plus, Iorveth was still grumpy and brooding from his parting argument with Ves. Roche could understand why she was irritated at being left behind, but the way she’d deliberately dug under Iorveth’s skin and flayed it open was uncalled for.
Unfortunately, Roche had learned after their first big argument not to get involved when Ves and Iorveth butted heads. Siding with either one of them could only end badly for him, and they usually fought over stupid things anyway.
This time, it wasn’t exactly stupid. Ves accepted Roche’s logic in the choice of who to accompany him, but that didn’t mean she liked it. And she definitely didn’t like Iorveth. And Iorveth, Roche was discovering, expected people to hate him and yet, was still hurt when they did. It was heartbreaking to watch, and Roche was truly grateful that they could have this journey alone together.
Feeling daring, he brushed the backs of their hands together, waiting to see what Iorveth’s response would be.
Iorveth darted a glance at him out of the side of his eye, but he bit his lip and tangled their fingers together.
Roche rolled his lips together, trying to fight down his ridiculously bright smile, and clasped Iorveth’s hand tightly.
Yeah, he was glad he got to have this journey with Iorveth to give them a chance to really be together. Especially since they were going to go fight the Wild Hunt which… look, Roche was experienced with war, but war against spectral figures that apparently brought ice and frost with them? Well… they’d do their best, of course. But war was unpredictable and who knew what might happen?
He squeezed Iorveth’s hand and shifted his pack on his shoulders. They had brought Evall with them, but Roche hadn’t been willing to spare a second horse, so their progress was pretty much walking speed. Still, they were able to fill Evall’s saddlebags with all the weapons they could find, and a few more surprises. And a decent quality bedroll that Roche may have splurged on.
But since they were storing so much stuff on the horse, things like their actual clothing and basic hygienic needs had to be carried. Which was fine, Roche didn’t really care that much.
“Seriously?” Roche frowned, staring at Iorveth’s open pack as the elf dug for something.
He’d been distracted when Iorveth had packed up his bags, so he hadn’t seen the way Iorveth had packed them. AKA things thrown inside willy nilly with no sense of organization or order.
It drove Roche just a little bit nuts. His fingers itched to repack all of Iorveth’s bags, but he was pretty sure Iorveth would take offense at that. But seriously, who just threw their clothes together and tied off the bag without folding and stacking them!?
“What?” Iorveth asked, blinking up at him.
“I – how can you even find anything in that mess?”
Iorveth shrugged. “I have a system.”
“Of course you do,” Roche sighed, staring up at the sky. “Sun’s starting to set, so we may as well make camp for the night. Was hoping to make it a bit further today, but oh well. We got a late start, anyway.” Because of Ves and Iorveth’s argument, he carefully didn’t say.
Iorveth grunted. “Guess we get to try out the bedroll you bought.”
The words made Roche grin and he turned to Evall to help unpacking. “I hope it lives up to what the merchant claimed.”
“Better than the forest floor,” Iorveth said easily, “or the swamp.”
“Ugh, yeah. You wanna hunt for dinner? I can set up the camp.”
Iorveth agreed and headed further into the tree cover, bow in hand.
Roche stared at his back for far too long until Evall nickered and he jerked back to present. Fortunately, there was no one but the horse to see his blush.
He cleared his throat and got to work, setting up a fire pit and the tent, then brushing down Evall, who tolerated his ministrations with ill grace.
His belly quivered with excitement the whole time, nerves and excitement and arousal twisting together. This would be the first night they would spend alone since they’d gotten together. This would be the first time they could be assured of their privacy in the night, if they should choose to – well. Whatever they should choose to do.
He started the fire, sitting back and waiting for Iorveth to return. He didn’t have to wait long – Iorveth came trudging back through the forest carrying several rabbits. They set the hares to roast in silence, sitting next to one another.
Roche fidgetted, wishing he could just turn and pull Iorveth into him already. His mouth watered, not for the rabbit, but for the taste of Iorveth, and he felt like a starving man being denied a luxurious meal.
He licked his lips, shifting closer to Iorveth on the log they were using as a bench. Iorveth didn’t seem to notice, staring into the fire, so Roche tried moving closer.
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