#i'm so chuffed i got these shots
ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
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I accidentally timed this perfectly. I wasn't trying to get the cop car in the background but I ain't mad about it. Goofing around pays off sometimes! (I'll post the rest of the photos when I get a chance to go through them. Got some more dynamic angles.)
I don't know what V did to piss off the po-po... But give me your best guesses.
Also, I wish I could keep this bike! It color coordinates with her, but alas. Stolen vehicle.
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My redneck neighbor Doug's interpretations on various 'Bad Batch' characters: Side Character Edition!
I'm chuffed that everyone thinks my neighbor Doug is funny: he really is a gem. I had no idea we'd bond over Star Wars and crappy weather, but here we are.
Naturally, I had to bother him about other characters that showed up on The Bad Batch, so, here we go!
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Phee Genoa: Ah-ha, that there’s Church Lady. You know her, she’s got a big square in her pocketbook and you don’t know if it’s pound cake or a brick, because the Lord saves but He can’t help you in the alley when you’re in Treme and the streetlights just turned on. She has two ex-husbands who are both preachers and they turned to Jesus because they are so scared of Church Lady in court. 
(So I guess he’s saying Phee has raw WHO DAT energy, for my Saints fans out there)
Cid: Looking at this fat lizard bitch makes me hungry. I call that one Houma-BBQ because I’m guessing we could feed a whole parish fire station based on the size of her tail. I wish she’d shut up, she reminds me of my mother-in-law. 
Cad Bane: Homeboy looks like a Sesame Street character who teaches Big Bird about concealed carry laws. I call him Gun Safety Muppet. I don’t like him because he shot my Wife and I’s Boyfriend on the other show and his robot needs to be tossed into a wood chipper. 
(“I’m not gay, but Jenny and I…well, we would make an exception to that man. You ever see ‘Deadwood’? Man is fine. I’m not GAY.”)
Fennec Shand: That’s The Chick that’s in Everything. She was on ER and Boba Fett and I think a Marvel show too? I like her. Hope she kills Gun Safety Muppet and hurls his blue ass into a dumpster. 
Howzer: That’s my niece’s boyfriend, Jorge. We all love Jorge, nice guy, owns an auto repair shop and always remembers plates and napkins for the cookouts after church.
Gregor: Jorge’s cousin, Manny. Met him once at Christmas in Miami, nice guy, only drinks brown liquor and insists everyone arm wrestle him. But he’s got a good job as a PE teacher, we respect education, come on now. 
The Martez Sisters: Aw, man, it’s Jorge’s Unemployed Sisters. I hate it when they show up for Christmas and get into fights with my momma. 
(“Doug, you know they’re not related to the clones at all, right?” “Says who?” “The PLOT?” “Eh, they’ll change it, just watch.”)
Mayday: Aw, I liked this guy so much! That’s Sassy Park Ranger, he’s the type that gives you your camping permits, warns you about the bears, and then is all disappointed when you don’t properly stow your food and the bears destroy the campsite. I need to go back to Little River Canyon, that place was pretty. 
Lt. Nolan: THAT STUPID BLOND JACKASS. (Doug was so enraged by the guy he had nothing else to add. Damn.)
Senator Chuchi: Why does this lady make me want a blue slushie? I’ll call her the Sonic Special. They need more Sonics here in the north, they really do. 
Cody: That’s Obi-Wan’s Boyfriend, he’s sad all the time. We know why. (Confirmed that Doug is a Codywan shipper and I don’t know what to do about that)
Royce Hemlock: Is that Jimmy Neutron after he grew up and became one of those guys that’s on the internet all the time writing creepy things? It’s Jimmy-the-Scientist. He looks like the type of person dogs get weird around.
Rex: That's Rex. He's a king. Respect him.
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asheurbanipal · 6 days
'Cause I don't want to leave the comfort of this place
on Ao3
sequel to "Alone in the dark but now you've come along"
As their relationship moves forward, Logan and Wade start to see what being together actually looks like. Wade has a brain that doesn't work correctly. Logan is still dealing with the trauma of his previous existence. And in the middle is something new that neither quite know what to do with.
Words: 8629
One-shot in series
Content: angst, talk of memory loss, baby in danger!, hand stuff, hand stuff while driving, dad vibes, sex jokes
"Wade, how can I put this delicately…" 
"Why the hell are you here for breakfast, again?" 
Logan choked on his bite of eggs. Hank's attempts at the aforementioned delicacy were completely obliterated by Scott's irritation. He tried to swallow faster to answer.
"Man needs a hearty meal after getting ruthlessly fucked all night," Wade answered. From beside him, Wade reached his foot over and wove it around Logan's ankle. 
"Please don't be so crass in the manor," Hank admonished, returning to his toast. Scott rolled his eyes behind his glasses. They had sense enough to not take Wade at literal face value and snap at the bait, but he wasn't exactly lying. Logan wasn't quite sure where their perception of his and Wade's relationship had landed. No one talked about that kind of shit like adults in this goddamn place. He hadn't realized how annoying that was until he had some distance from it.
"We were running drills in the Danger Room." Logan tapped his fork to his plate nonchalantly. "We run it hard, and it's two hours back to his place. I didn't think it was a big deal for him to crash in my room, instead." 
Another technical truth. Between the Void and that stupid robot thing upstate, he could feel the way his body had slowed down from disuse. If he was going to keep up in this timeline, he needed to get back in fighting shape. He had finally just taken up the offer of private simulation time. Throwing Deadpool into the mix just made it more interesting and upped the difficulty. 
What the simulation computer data logs wouldn't show, though, is that after a couple hours of nighttime training, they were both so amped up the only way to reign it in was to go back to Logan's room and put their dicks in each other in various fashions. They almost didn't make it back to Logan's room one time before he remembered the simulation chamber had very good cameras. 
"If it's a matter of food stock…" Logan offered vaguely.
"No, it's fine." Scott waved him off, but he was still agitated.
"What's up, Cy-boy? Did-wait-" Wade leaned over. He didn't have to come far, his chair already practically touching Logan's.
"What's the Jean situation, right now?" he whispered way too fucking loud.
 "It's complicated," Logan responded with a small nod.
 "Then I'll check the Wiki before I come back to that one. Don't want to insult a grieving maybe-widower."
"I admire your restraint," Scott chuffed then pushed back from the table, standing. "Don't let him out of your sight while he's in the manor." He sauntered through the arch toward the parlor. 
"I hadn't planned on it." Logan lifted his eyebrows at the space where Scott had just been. 
"If you're really in that much need, I'm happy to train with you, Logan." Storm had been quiet, holding her coffee mug with two hands as she sipped it. She kept looking at him softly. From his Storm it would have been affection. From this one it felt like pity.
Logan shook his head, dipping it back to his plate as casually as he could.
"No, I've been overdoing it. Wade already got on me last night about it."
"Multiple times," Wade added. His foot was still hooked around Logan's, and he pulled it a little closer under the table. He was in slippers, so it wasn't exactly a graceful action.
"If you want me to be able to do more cohesive teamwork, I am going to need to start being pulled for team training. Otherwise I'm not gonna be any good to you." Logan tapped very sharply on the plate. 
"Let me talk to everyone about it," Storm said softly, nodding. They'd been doing that. Saying they'd all "talk" about it, meanwhile no one would talk to him directly.
"Can I borrow one of the cars again? To take Wade back. He's got a job to prep for." Logan lifted Wade's foot where it rested on top of his, ignoring the way the rest of the table briefly flicked away from mention of Wade's return to his old vocation. Not like he could work at CarMax, anymore, and if he was going to wear the suit again, might as well slip back into the merc life. 
"Let me see what's available," Hank nodded. Which was code for "what we're willing to part with on the chance that something goes horrifically wrong." They'd all heard about the mini-van incident. Somehow…
He glanced at Wade. 
"Thanks," he said.
"When are you gonna be back?" Laura appeared in the same arch of doorway that Scott had left through, eating an apple off one of her claws. The kid had settled in quickly, blending with the younger cohort. Some of them knew her story, some of them didn't. Either way, she had gone through the standard new student fare. Get through the initial hazing, then she was part of the crowd. 
She was certainly more at home than he was. 
His first week back in the mansion, he had hovered at a distance, unexpected fatherly affection pulling him into a wide orbit around her. He also didn't know this younger generation of mutants. They were their own people to him, not sickly mirrors of the people he once knew. That made them easier to be around.
But he was an old man, and Laura needed the space. Deserved the space. Deserved to be just a kid. 
She continued to wait for his answer as he considered his day. He half-glanced at Wade, but he was focusing intensely on his bagel with strawberry cream cheese. 
"If not by dinner, then right after. Take Wade back. Run a couple errands. Then back here." The errands were making sure Wade had food in the fridge, Althea hadn't OD'd, and filling up the coin jar with quarters for the laundromat. Maybe vacuum and mop. Take Puppins for a walk and check her treat stash. They must have functioned before he showed up, but he wasn't sure how.
If there was time, there'd also be some making out on the couch at minimum. How much farther that got would depend on Wade's timeframe. 
"You askin' for a specific reason?" Logan raised an eyebrow at her. 
"Because I also need to do some training, and you're the only one I can go all out on, right now. But you've been...busy." The next bit of apple crunched loudly. The first emotion the broiled up was anger. He didn't know where it came from and it wasn't useful, so he breathed through it. That's what the on-staff therapist recommended. 
"I apologize for not being available. But in the future, please tell me if there's something you need from me. Open communication and…stuff." Logan replayed the words in his head to make sure he had crafted them okay. Good enough. He was getting a little better at it.
"Now that is some beautiful therapy speak. You should weaponize that, kitten whiskers." Wade poked him in the cheek. 
"If you actually went to your appointments…"
"Uh-unh, that's not an 'I feel' statement." 
"I feel like I'm gonna kick your ass in a minute." Logan kicked Wade's foot under the table with a grin. 
 "I feel you use violence to mask your overwhelming urge to suck my cock."
"WADE, THIS IS A PLACE OF LEARNING!" Hank interjected. 
"I feel like you're both stupid as fuck," Laura finished. "But I guess that just means you're made for each other." She took another bite of apple. "I'll see you tonight, Logan."
"Bye, kid." But she was already turning the corner of the wall. 
Everything was light and bright and fluffy and yellow colored. He couldn't remember the last time he felt good . Genuinely. Whatever memory that might have been was now just a fuzzy gray space. He hated when that happened. 
Cold as fuck down here, Christ. Which is me, I guess. I wonder if that's blasphemy. 
"You were quieter than usual at breakfast." Logan tapped his fingers to Wade's palm as they moved through one of the basement hallways toward the motor pool. "Fucking weird, honestly." Wade dipped his hand into Logan's and curled their fingers together.
"I was just thinking about stuff."
"Thinking? Dangerous." 
"Surprise myself with that sometimes, too." Wade swung their arms in the space between them dramatically. "Just…I don't know…thinking about the job tonight, I guess? Then some other stuff."
"Something you need to talk about? Work through your feelings?"
"Ew no. Gross. It's more like…hm…" 
Keep being told to think before I speak, and the first time I do it, it doesn't work. I spent all of breakfast putting the words together, and now they're all garbled. Shoulda written it down. Wish I could write. 
"You ever feel lost?" Wade asked. Logan stopped cold in the hallway. 
"Babe," Logan  murmured. Then he did this thing that Wade knew was going in the spank bank immediately. He slammed Wade back against the wall, metal cold on his spine. Logan pressed up tight against him, hip to hip, giving him an immediate hard-on. Logan's hands slipped around his waist. 
"My life is just one long sequence of feeling lost with short periods of knowing what I'm doing. So…kind of an expert." Logan pressed his lips to Wade, and Wade dragged him in in response, deepening the kiss. 
I love this.
I hate this.
I hate that I love this.
Fuck these fucking stupid fuck-ass emotions.  
Falling in love with Vanessa had been from before The Cancer. Before The Healing Factor. Wade knew how to do all that shit, knew how to put his boyish charm and adult-ish mouth to work. From what he had learned since coming back from the Void, other versions of Deadpool had mixed but overall successful amorous experiences, too. This particular Deadpool was drowning.  
Logan pulled away but not before pressing a few small kisses along Wade's jaw and cheek. 
"Anything I can do to help?" Logan squeezed him around the waist a little tighter, dropping his hands a little lower to rest on the top of his hips. 
"Make me an X-Man so I have a salaried position?" Wade offered.
"You're not a full-on mutant. Also…I don't have control over that even if you were." The words went up at the end like a question. It was so fucking cute. 
"Alright then maybe just this, for now." Wade leaned down, pressed his face into Logan's chest, then motorboated the shit out of his pecs for about forty-five seconds. He stayed there, pressing his nose into Logan's shirt and breathing him in. 
Oh yeah, that's a thousand times better, already. 
"You're lucky you're cute." Logan kissed Wade on the top of the head and brought his arms around Wade's back, squeezing him tighter. 
"Logan." The voice came from down the hallway. Logan snapped back, his whole body releasing Wade at once and very literally jumping halfway across the width of the hall. 
Well that doesn't feel great, but I sort of get it. 
At least the fucker looked contrite, doing that fist squeeze thing with this hands that he did when he was every so slightly nervous. Scott sauntered down the hallway, stopping short to toss a set of keys that Logan caught mid-air. 
"Civic's gassed up." He glanced at Wade. "Take as much time as you need."
Logan squeezed the steering wheel hard enough the shape of his claws became visible under his skin. The radio was doing a best of the nineties hour, and he'd already sat through a who's who of pop diva and boy bands of the era. Multiple times he'd considered changing it, but Wade was a little too invested in singing along. He didn't want to take that from him.
It was also, dare he say it, kind of fun?    
When the opening riff of a smooth rock song started, Wade scrambled to change it, his chatter breaking off into something about "blow jobs" and "Kid Rock." They ended up on a talk radio station that was a little less nerve-wracking. He leaned back into the seat as Wade provided a parallel commentary with the show host.
He lifted his hand from the wheel and placed it palm up across the center console. Wade took the opening and dropped his hand into Logan's.
"I'm sorry about the thing in the hallway outside the motor pool," Logan said, chewing the words in embarrassment. 
"Whatchu talkin' 'bout?" 
Logan considered for a moment whether Wade was deflecting or he genuinely didn't catch it. They were both equally likely. 
"When Scott showed up?" He hinted. 
"OH! Oh that. No biggie, sugar bean." He squeezed Logan's hand tight enough to break a hand made of regular bone. "No grab-ass in the mansion. I get it." 
"Well, yeah that." Logan ran his thumb over the back of Wade's hand. "I don't know what their Logan was like, but I used to…uh…get around a little bit."
"You slut!" Wade gasped. Logan certainly wasn't going to deny it.
"Charles used to get on my ass about it-"
"In the sexy way, I hope."
"-'we have to be models of decency for the students' he'd remind me. He never threatened to kick me out, or anything." 
"He was probably waiting for his turn." 
"I'm on thin ice, here, though. They only invited me back on the team as a courtesy, and they don't know how to feel about you, yet."
"Oh, no, they hate me," Wade said.
"I was trying to be nicer about it." Logan glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. Wade was staring out the window, watching the landscape. "I haven't really done the physical affection thing in awhile, either. So I'm gun-shy, but I want to work on it. Just go a little slow with me."
"I'm not exactly the touchy feely type, either, peanut, so don't stress over it."
"You slap my ass basically every chance you get." 
"That's a totally different thing. I don't know how anyone in that house keeps their hands off those rosy peaches." He smirked and winked. There was something glinting dark underneath, though. Maybe that meant Wade would spend his time thinking instead of filling up the car with noise. 
Wade pulled Logan's hand further over the console. He heard a zip, then his hand was curled around the warmth of Wade's half-hard cock. 
"Are we really doing this?" Logan didn't dare drop his eyes from the road for too long, but he took half a chance to verify that what he thought was happening was actually happening. 
"When I tried to give you head the last time, you stabbed me in the ribs."
"Because I didn't want to drive us into a fucking tree, and that was the only way to get you to stop."
"Yeah, so that's why I'm doing this instead. Just let me do all the work." 
"You're deflecting from something. You need to start using your words to communicate, not your dick."
"Ngh, I'll work on it." Wade was already grunting, tiny little moans as he pressed Logan's hand around his dick and stroked himself. It was a shoddy and fast thing, Wade getting hard quickly and tensing toward completion just as fast. Wade orgasmed with barely a trickle of cum, shoulders rolling against the passenger seat as he arched his back. His voice was tight in his throat, squeaking. Soft words tumbled out between the other sounds, though, and Logan honed in tighter with his hearing. 
It was his name. 
Wade was whispering "Logan" over and over and over again just under his breath. 
That was new. 
Wade panted as he came down from his finish, licked his own semen from Logan's hand because he was simply a freak like that, then zipped up. 
"Ooh, there's an IHOP up here. We should get pancakes for lunch." Wade made that weird little self-satisfied smile of his, and dropped his hands between his legs.
"Whatever you want, babe," Logan sighed, keeping his hand off the wheel as he turned into the parking lot of the strip mall. 
You have to tell him.
No you don't. Keep that shit bottled up. 
He's already figured out something's going on with you. Just get it over with, and you can work through it. 
Fucking FINE. OKAY. 
don't yell at me. 
"Shut up."
"I didn't say anything." 
Logan stared at him across the table, pouring "this ain't real fuckin' maple syrup" over his fat stack of pancakes, already through his sausage and eggs and ham and potatoes. Wade looked down at his own pancakes, a smiley face made with chocolate chips and bananas. A piece was already cut out that he didn't remember eating. He didn't remember the eggs and bacon, either, but they were devoured, too. 
No. You just weren't paying attention, that's all. It's not the other thing.
I think.
He stabbed his fork down through the middle of the pancakes in frustration. 
"You good?" Logan stopped, fork midway between the plate and his mouth. He set it down to focus that laser attention on Wade. The gaze that made him either turn to jelly or grow a few more bones depending on context.  
Wade re-sorted his thoughts. It was just so hard.
"The constant cellular regeneration. It fucks my memory. Sometimes I just never form them. Sometimes I lose stuff. Sometimes it's nothing. Sometimes it's something really fucking important. But I can't predict it. I'll be looking for this specific little red Fiat in the back lot to sell to some douchebag, and it's not there when I remember it was there that morning. And turns out it's actually been four days." Wade sliced down into the pancakes and took a bite.
"Freaks me the fuck out." He chewed a few times, then spit it into his napkin with a gag. "Why did I fucking get this? I hate this." 
"Were those the deep thoughts in the car? The ones that made you whip your dick out?" Logan tapped his fork to the plate, and it was so…it was so annoying when he did that. That high-pitched sound. And there was this look. This pitying look. 
"Don't make fun of me." Wade's eyebrows creased hard, and he felt a scrim of tears well up.
God, this fucking sucks. Fuck this. Fuck this.
Logan paused on his own words, then snapped his jaw shut.
"Sorry. I misread the room. I'm just trying to understand. Same with some of the other stuff you do. Like when you freak out when you don't see me for a day."
I'm not nearly as smooth as I thought I was, shit. I didn't realize he noticed that.
"I feel like it's all connected." Logan dropped his fork and leaned his forearms on the table. "I just want to understand, Wade." 
"I'm terrified of losing you. Losing parts of you. Memories. The thing that I'm usually able to hang on to is the muscle memory shit. I've never forgotten how to fight or fuck, so I'd like specifically, not forget you how to fuck you. Specifically. So I keep thinking if I just-" He lifted his hands and made a squeezing motion in front of Logan's chest "-then I won't lose it as easily."
"And that makes sense to you?"
"Bitch-ass, what did I say about making fun of me?" 
"I'm not…" He craned his neck, pressing his fingertips to his forehead. "I'm not a stranger to amnesia. I know how scary it is. I'm just trying to understand your logic because it doesn't make sense to me. I don't get it."
"You don't get me," Wade snapped. 
"I don't. Not in this." 
"Cool. Awesome." Wade got up from the table. He made it to the door, then paused. He returned and dropped down into the booth, arms crossed over his chest. 
Logan has the car keys. 
Wade let Logan rest his hand on his thigh, so that was something, at least. He wasn't getting frozen out. He'd been through that before, and it wasn't pleasant. 
Wade was silent, though, and that was scary. He had only seen it a handful of times over the last few months. Wade was thinking and thinking hard, focusing so he could properly turn everything over. Something was going to come out the other side of this that was important. So far it had been mostly positive, but there had to be a moment when the tide turned. 
"Logan, stop. Pull over." Wade was sitting up, eyes focused on something out his window. He obeyed immediately, trying to find what had grabbed Wade's attention. 
They were approaching a river. Along the perpendicular road, the one that connected to the main highway, two cars had pulled over to take care of what looked like a minor front-end crash. The car wasn't even stopped before Wade was tumbling out and running toward the scene of the crash.
"Wade, what're you doing?" Logan slid across the hood to keep up. "It's just a car wreck." They were approaching quickly, the two people exchanging insurance looking up in a panic. Logan tried to assure them from a distance. 
Then a loud whoosh went up, and one of the cars was overtaken by flames. 
The 2010 -2016 Kia Soul was among a group of cars known to catch on fire after collision. 2.3 million of them had been recalled for it. 
That Kia, in particular, was starting to smoke under the hood. 
And now I'm running across the grass, and I'm not sure how I got here. But I'm not freaked out about it, yet. That's just adrenaline.
The fire went up just as he reached the car. A woman screamed behind him, but he knew Logan was there. Logan would take care of them. He had seen the baby in the back seat. The flames were hot on his skin as he went digging for the switchblade in his back pocket. The butt of the knife handle had a knob, and he slammed it into the corner of the back window. 
That's the weakest part of the window.
He dived through the now broken window, crunching up into the back seat. He sliced through the seatbelt and carseat anchor, but the fucker was in one of those fuck-ass bases. Whatever. He took off his shirt, threw it over the carseat, then kicked everything he had into the door. It broke off the hinges. 
"Wolverine, catch!" Then he threw the carseat clear of the vehicle.
Shit shit shit I just threw a fucking baby. Wait, the car seat should absorb the shock, oh, wait, Logan caught it.
A sizzling sound meant the fire was moving up the engine block through the wiring. Smoke started seeping through the cabin, but the missing door should have been enough to…to…
Hm. Something's wrong. 
"Wade, you idiot." Logan's voice. The SHNK of claws through the door behind him, then he was being scruffed around the neck. 
He lost some minutes in the confusion of his body being manhandled by familiar arms. 
"I swear to God, why don't you think ? You're going to kill me if you die."
Wade snapped back as the water hit him, Logan's arms wrapped around him tightly. 
"I got you," Logan murmured in his ear as they resurfaced. They kneeled together in the shallow water. The flames crawling up the car hit the gas tank, and the fire shifted color and increased intensity.
"Why am I in the water?" Wade asked. 
"You were literally on fire," Logan growled. "Full on human torch."
"Oh, is that what that was?" Wade settled back into the plane of Logan's chest. Fire was tricky. It would keep eating through cells as long as they regenerated. Surprisingly draining to heal from.
"How is it that you can fight endless mobs of yourself without breaking a sweat, but doing a basic smash and grab rescue you look like a drunk frat boy with a hernia." Logan was also a little out of breath, though. They both knew that these little on the spot jobs were the hardest. With a full on mission, you were ready. You warmed up. Zero-to-hero took a little more out of you. It was more personal. More up close. Bunch of people die during a dab of super-villainy, sure. If someone kicked it right in front of you because you couldn't pull them off the subway tracks in time, that sucked a syphilitic dick.
And I don't exactly randomly rescue people. Not before this. Waste of cardio.
What have you done to me, my dearest darling? Heart of my heart.
"I didn't have the suit on," Wade replied as a way to wrap up all those thoughts. Logan kissed the back of his head. 
"If I tell you to communicate better, will you remember?" Logan sighed. "I'm being extremely serious. You might forget things, but I remember. And I remember well when I'm at full mental capabilities. Got a lot of trauma up there, so there's not a lot of room left." He squeezed Wade even tighter, the breath puffing out of him. "And I can't manage both our impulse control issues." 
"No promises, honey badger. This brain doesn't always connect to this body." 
"I…okay. That I might understand."
They slinked through the door into Wade and Althea's apartment, clothes still dripping wet. Logan didn't smell anyone, so Althea was out and had taken Puppins. Reasonable. Wade loved that damn dog, but he wasn't home consistently enough, right now, to take care of her in full. Wade had been chattering endlessly about car recalls and leaking gas tank valves, but he fell instantly silent once they passed the threshold.  
"I don't like being here alone," he said flatly. 
"I'm here."
"But you're going to go back to the mansion later."
"Yeah, but you're gonna be working. I can stay until you leave. If Scott gets shitty about the car, then whatever."
"Yeah, but-" 
"Wade. Babe." 
Wade spun around in the middle of the living space, arms flopping.
"Why did you decide on 'babe?'" Wade pouted.
"You call me whatever new thing you think of at the moment, but I'm more of a find a pet name and stick to it kinda guy." Logan rested his hands on his hips, trying to decide where this was going.
"You called me 'daarrrlin' the first time." The impression was pretty spot on. "Then it was 'honey.' Then it was 'sweetness.' But now you've landed on 'babe,' and you stayed there. I want to know why. Show your work."
Logan blinked at him a few times. He wasn't sure he could actually explain it. 
"I went to call you 'bub' one time in front of the others, and it came out 'babe.' And I just…liked it. So I kept it. It…fit."
"You've called me, 'babe' in front of the others?"
"Yeah, probably a few times. I'm not really counting."
"Do they know we're together?"
"I haven't been keeping it a secret, so yeah, probably. They're not stupid, and we're not exactly discreet. Last week you asked Scott if there was any flavored lube in the next delivery because, and I quote, 'when I eat Logan's ass later, I want to make sure I pair it with the right wine.'" 
"Witty banter. I didn't know they were imagining us fucking night and day all over the house."
"Night and day, sure, technically. I think 'my room' isn't really 'all over the house.'"
"There was that one time in that empty classroom." 
"That doesn't count," Logan choked. 
"Mmmhmm." Wade clucked, popping his tongue loudly against the floor of his mouth. "So, to be clear, the entirety of the X-Men know that I've been all up in this." He made a waving motion that circled all of Logan's body with special attention on the crotch region.
"Again, yes. Probably." 
"That's extremely embarrassing for you," Wade smirked. 
"I'd like to go back to the ass-slapping."
"I told you. Those cheeks are irresistible. I cannot be contained." He moved forward a few steps and wrapped his hand around Logan's wrist. "Let's change. You can wear my sweats."
"Please don't give me one of the blow-job shirts," Logan said as he was pulled across the room to the set of hampers where Wade kept his mishmash of clothes. 
"Now you're getting the cum slut booty shorts." 
Wade started to strip, his body moving with slow, awkward, weirdly normal movements. It was the second degree burns and smoke inhalation. On the surface they looked like they healed quickly, just a little knitting of flesh. But they hurt underneath a lot longer than other injuries. That was probably why he still seemed off. But there was also…
"Wade." Logan waited for Wade to turn around. His flannel was now sitting wet and balled up in the back of the Civic. Instead, he pulled up the bottom of his t-shirt slowly, tantalizing, letting it whip over his head with a stretch of his body. "So you can remember better." He held out his arms, canted slightly into a soft U-shape. He turned slowly, trying to give Wade some kind of show. He wasn't exactly good at this sort of thing, but something about it made sense.
Oh, you sweet sweet idiot. 
Logan was just standing there, back to him, triceps fucking rippling. 
Do you have a license? For those guns?!?
"You stupid slut," Wade whispered. He moved to Logan, and whipped his arms around his waist from behind. He had been stopped with his wet boxes halfway down his hips, and he just let them fall the rest of the way.
He needed Logan to be naked, too. Not anything more than that, surprisingly. Just naked. He struggled with his belt buckle, but the damp leather had swollen in the metal loop. Logan cut through it with the tip of one of his ever so slightly extended claws. He retracted then turned in the circle of Wade's arms, breaking the loop with his taught ass. 
Wade pulled the broken belt free, then somehow managed to fumble down the zipper and top button of his jeans. But the slim cut of the pants was clinging to his glutes and thighs. Wade yanked on them, and they wouldn't budge. 
Oh, god, I'm going to cry over pants. 
"I can't get them off." He already knew he was mumbling, the rattle of his thoughts only slipping out in little breathy whispers. 
"What was that?" Logan asked gently, leaning in and up to Wade's ear. 
Logan didn't question the zero to one hundred reaction, just slid his pants down himself, taking his boxer briefs with him, then stepping out of them. Wade slammed himself into Logan's body, wrapping his arm around him again, digging his nails into his spine and shoulder blades. Logan's arms came up from below to hug him back, tight, pulling their chests and stomachs and hips together.
Wade attacked him with his mouth. That was the only word for it. He wanted to bite and chomp at Logan's face. To rip the flesh from his immaculate cheeks. The only thing holding him back from going full animal was how tired he was. 
"Pick me up," he whined into Logan's neck, then jumped until his knees were locked around his hips. Logan made a little oomph sound, but snagged him around the waist and under his ass. 
He dropped them both on the couch. It was only just big enough to hold them, but not nearly long enough. Logan ended up with one leg up on the back of the couch, bent at the knee, shoulders propped on the arm. Wade settled into the shape his body made, curling one ankle underneath Logan's other leg. They were immediately intertwined. 
Their lips fell against each other, desperate and stupid from adrenaline. Familiar, though. It should be. They'd been doing this very thing almost every day for months. 
The end of this honeymoon phase was going to be a bitch .
Can you get That Good Dick DTs?
That feels insensitive…
They were getting hard against each other as they kissed, the weight of Wade's body pressing him deeper into Logan. 
Then that asshole pulled away.
"Probably shouldn't get too caught up in this. You've got your job tonight." 
Wade groaned, stretching a little. 
"There's no jooooob. There never was one." 
Logan's hands went extremely tight on Wade's skin. The very very very tippy tips of Logan's claws pierced his flesh, and he shivered in the pain-pleasure-pain. 
"If you say the words 'educated wish'..." His warning delivered, he retracted his claws again. 
Wade rolled his forehead across Logan's chest. 
"I started talking to my old merc contacts when we got back from the Void. I started picking up small jobs when you moved out. Real easy security shit. Made it easier to deal with you not being here. But then after the robot thing the jobs felt…boring. And any time I had to choose between working or spending time with you, I chose you. So I started getting picky."
"How are you paying your half of the rent?"
"That's the weird advantage of the merc work/shithole apartment combo. Couple good jobs and you're covered for the month. Not dressing in Givenchy, but you make it work." 
Logan sat up, forcing Wade to do a weird little half curl just to keep himself wrapped around his body.
"But why lie about it? I don't like you lying to me." His voice was sharp. Angry. Wade rolled back over his thighs to sit up on the couch. He brought a pillow over his half-hard cock to not distract himself then shoved one over Logan's for the same reason. 
"I don't know. I was embarrassed? Maybe? Worried you'd get tired of me, but also worried if I said I needed space you'd think I was tired of you . Problem solved in both directions if I have to go to a job. But I hate not being around you. It physically hurts when I don't get to see you for some reason. 
"Well not for some reason. There's a reason. It's because I still can't seem to remember what you smell like when you're not around. And you can smell me; you know what I smell like. You know I'm coming. I actually stole one of your shirts, and I sniff it when we're not together. And I'm like 'mmhmm, yep, that's Logan.' My boner certainly recognizes you. So why can't I smell you from a distance? Clearly that means I can't remember what you smell like. Then obviously there's other things I'm probably forgetting too, and I don't even realize it. 
"But what kind of needy-ass bitch tells someone 'hey, I have to sew my face to your ass Human Centipede style because I'm worried I'll forget what it tastes like.' Listen to how insane that sounds." 
"I do agree that you sound completely unhinged," Logan nodded. 
"Thank you for validating my emotions. I appreciate it." He leaned back on the couch. 
I'm actually completely serious; why does that sound so sarcastic?
Logan traced the hunched curve of Wade's body as he curled up on himself. That was the thing that no one understood about Wade. The thing that he had to keep reminding himself when he told Wade to slow down and think. Wade did think. It was just too quick and frenzied, ideas cycling as fast as his brain regenerated new neurons. 
So when those thoughts emerged they sounded like madness.
"Wade." Logan stopped. Careful. Gentle. Breathe. "I can smell you because I have super senses. Other people can't smell each other from down the hallway. I need to be sure that you understand that before you spiral." 
"I want to be able to smell you," Wade replied blankly. 
"What if I wore a very specific cologne that you pick? Then you'll be able to smell me from farther away."
"But then you wouldn't smell like you anymore."
"So, see, you do know what I smell like."
Wade attempted to retort, then stopped, pursing his lips on his objection. Logan leaned over and rested his forehead on Wade's shoulder. Careful. Gentle. Breathe. 
"Don't lie to me, again." It was a bark, immediately losing the pattern of his mantra. "I can't do this if you lie to me." Wade's body tensed. 
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"I'm saying I love you. But love's not enough if you're going to keep big things from me. We're fine, still. It's okay. But it's not something I can ignore." Logan pressed his palms together and squeezed. Too much shit happened to his brain that he couldn't control. He didn't need additional complications.
Wade's hands crawled into the square of Logan's forearms and gripped them tight at the crook of his elbows. 
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please don't end us when we just started. I love you." He pushed his body into Logan's forcing them back into the position they were in before. "I'll show you. What do you want? Just tell me what to put where."
"Babe, shut up." Logan clapped his hand around the back of Wade's head and pressed it to his chest. "If you don't have to rush off somewhere, then just lay here with me. There's too little of that in my life." He dragged his fingers up and down Wade's spine. He had been too intense, let the trauma do too much of the talking.
The half-lie that made him follow Wade in the beginning had turned out all right. It was a falsehood he could understand the desperation of in hindsight. A little white lie about a gig from a man who literally didn't understand how his own brain worked wasn't the kind of thing to blow up a whole relationship for. And Wade understood. He wasn't ignoring him or disregarding his feelings on the matter.
Wade would remember this.
"You don't have to solve everything with sex or violence," Logan said. 
"What about sex and violence?"
"Sure. Okay. But only if they're at exactly the same time in equal amounts. "
"I love it when you pull out the quips. It's so sexy." Wade dragged his teeth down Logan's chest and kissed his nipple, running his tongue over it in little flicks.
"What did I just say about using sex to solve your problems?" But they'd also just had an incredibly serious conversation while both completely naked, so maybe Wade deserved at least a little credit. 
"My dick is shaking hands with yours, right now. Where did you think this was going?" 
Wade's arm snaked down into the space between them. His large hand came around both of them, pressing their shafts together. Just a little bit of movement, and the friction of his rough palm started Logan on the long, spiraling draw toward pleasure. He met his own hand with Wade's between them, wrapping around the other side of their paired lengths. Logan ran his other hand up the back of Wade's neck, pressing his fingers into the back of his skull. 
"That feels so goddamn good," Logan growled. 
"And you said not to use my cock to communicate." Wade ran a few kisses along Logan's jaw before nibbling on his skin. 
"Why do you use your teeth so much?" Logan asked between little kissing pecks across his lips.
"Because I'm a freak. Do you want me to stop?"
"Fuck no."
Wade nipped at Logan's chin harder.
"Why don't you use yours?" Wade asked. "Bring more of that mustelid energy to the bedroom."
"I have no idea what that means, but if that's what you want…" 
Logan's teeth sunk hard into his shoulder where it met his neck and-
-fuck shit if I was closer I would have come a fountain. 
Logan's jaws locked into place, and he dropped the hand that had been on the back of Wade's head to around the small of his back. His hand tilted to grip around the shape of his ass, and their lower bodies pressed together tighter. Logan's hand grappled with his until he couldn't be sure who was stroking who, everything a mass of sensation on the back of that quick, hot buildup.
Slowly, the thoughts dripped out of his head until there was nothing left but need . Raw. Nerve endings that normally fired in pain instead trilling with pleasure.
Sex and violence. 
He pumped faster, trying to focus on the man underneath him at the same time. How Logan's skin felt against his. The scratch of Logan's body hair on his stomach and beard on his cheek. The sting of Logan's teeth in his muscles and the way his body kept trying to heal around them. The sloppy weep of Logan's precum dripping over his hand. The steam of Logan's sweat as it curled around their bodies. 
Tobacco and orange peel and leather and a jar of nickels. That's what Logan smells like. I know what Logan smells like. 
Logan fucked up into his hand from below, their heels and toes tangling together as they both tried to push against the couch for leverage. Logan's whole body tensed, hips thrusting up to lift them both. He released his mouth from Wade's shoulder and howled as he erupted over their hands. 
Wade crushed his mouth against Logan's as Logan brought him the rest of the way.
"Fuck," he whispered into Logan's mouth as the spring broke and his own cum spread out between their stomachs. He tried to dig for something else to say. Some little jokey joke to break the tension. He couldn't find anything, his brain flaring back to life with a gasp and a scream, full of nothing but Logan. 
Logan flicked over Wade's shirt with a half-extended claw and caught it in his fist.
"Sit up," he murmured into Wade's ear. 
"Dun wanna." Wade tucked his arms under Logan's shoulders in protest. He stabbed Wade in the ass a little with the still out claw, and that startled him into rolling off just enough. "Love it when you use the claws to push me around."
"Do you actually?" He wiped them both down and threw the shirt on the floor. Wade rolled back, resting his head on Logan's chest. "Because I spend a lot of energy attempting to not spear people I care about through the stomach. If you're into it, though, I could be convinced to reconsider."
"Our safeword can be Graymalkin. Because I'm one of…Cable's ships…that…that one didn't come together." 
He was too tired to rise to the bait of whatever Wade was talking about and rested his hands gently on Wade's back instead. The TV across the room flicked on. 
"Found the remote. It was between the cushions." Wade flicked through some channels then stopped with a soft "oooh."
"What the fuck is this?"
"Say Yes to the Dress. Wedding dress shopping, but each one costs three month's rent."
"Shit, weddings are expensive." He watched the movement on the TV for a careful few minutes. "Okay, that dress looks great on her. Why is her mom being a bitch about it?"
Logan woke at the sound of someone at the door. They had fallen asleep on the couch and it had grown dark in the interim. He pulled an arm out from under Wade's weight, shook the pins and needles out, and prepped his claws to spring free. Whoever it was slid a key into the lock. He relaxed. Althea. She had caught them in worse, and at least she wouldn't see they were currently naked on her couch. Logan shook Wade awake a little. 
"Althea's home. We should maybe pretend we're decent people."
"We're absolutely not, though," Wade said sleepily but moved to sit up. He half pulled the blanket off the back of the couch, but was still waking up and moving slowly. 
The lock clicked and the door cracked. 
"Hey, you old slut," Wade yawned. Then the door finished opening. 
"Oh my god. I'm gonna gouge my own eyes out." Laura pushed Colossus in front of her and used his body to block her view. For his part, he lifted his hand to shield his eyes and turned away. 
"I said to knock when entering a man's private home." His deep Russian accent was caught between admonishment and embarrassment. 
Logan snatched the blanket and threw it over both of them. 
"If you don't want to see my ass, then hand me some pants," Logan barked, gesturing toward the clothes hampers. 
Colossus volunteered himself for the task, still keeping his back to them as he grabbed a set of shorts and a pair of sweats and threw them across the room. Logan gave Wade the shorts and shimmied into the sweat pants. 
"Laura, what the fuck are you doing here?" He stood, moving away from the couch. She gave half a glance over her shoulder then turned when she could confirm he was half-dressed. 
"You said you were going to train with me tonight, but you didn't come back." 
"Shit." Logan pressed his palms to his forehead. "I'm so sorry, kid. Wade's job…got canceled-" the lie came easy and he hated himself a little for it "-and I lost track of time."
"Yeah, I can see that," she tsked. 
"You didn't need to come all the way here."
"That idiot throwing a baby out of a car is getting memed on TikTok, right now." Laura gestured to Wade. 
"Oooh, I've never been viral before. Well, not on the internet. Been viral a few other ways." Wade had propped himself up on the arm of the couch. 
"So I called your phone to check on you. When you didn't answer, I got worried. Colossus offered to drive me over, and Yukio gave me her emergency key."
"My phone…" Logan lifted his hand to his chest where his shirt pocket would have been. The shirt that was currently curled up in the back of the Civic. "Shit."
Logan dropped on the arm of the couch, scooting Wade over a few inches. 
"Okay, how do I fix this?" Logan asked.
"I don't know. You're not dead, so I get to be mad at you. But you're not dead, so I'm also relieved." Laura spread her hands in a weird half-shrug.
"You could set up a training schedule," Colossus tried to mediate. 
"Wait, that's actually a really good idea." Wade hung half-off the couch. "Because I'll fight you. Like, I'll kick your fucking ass as hard as you want."
"I could go for that," Laura replied. 
"Your level of enthusiasm worries me," Logan said. 
"It's your DNA," Wade reminded him. He pressed his eyes shut in annoyance, realizing he was right, and that was really fucking weird the more he thought about it. 
"Let's set that up, okay? Book us into the Danger Room. We'll make it a standing date."
"Yeah," Laura said quietly. She bit her lip and took several hard breaths. He recognized that coping mechanism. "Come here a sec." She moved into the corner of the kitchen part of the space. Not a lot of room from the other two but they had a vague sense of privacy if Logan created a body-wall. She lowered her voice. 
"You're not my dad," she started.
"I…am, though…"
"You know what I mean," she sighed. "You were the closest thing I ever had to a real parent who actually loved me. But our time together was so short. And we kicked ass in the Void. But you're also dead. I mourned you. But now you're here."
"And I'm not your Logan. No, I get it." He crossed his arms over his chest, hyper aware of being shirtless, still. 
"I'd like you to be one of my Logans, though. But I'm not totally sure what that looks like or how to do that. And as much as it annoys me, I'm also dealing with the fact that I have to share you."
Logan glanced down, looking for Wade out of the corner of his eye. Wade was watching them over the top of the couch, peeking up just the top of his head.
"I already had this conversation with him, but I haven't really been part of a family in awhile. So if I fuck it up…"
"Hey." She punched him in the arm. "If I end up living as long as you do, we got time to figure it out, right?"
"Those smarts aren't my DNA."
"Nurture vs nature?" She patted her hands on her thighs. "Well, you're alive. So I'll go. Forgive me if I don't hug you goodbye."
"Yeah." He reached out and patted her on the side of the arm. "Thank you for giving a shit about me, kid. And Wade, even though he's an idiot."
"You're both easy to give a shit about it." She paused. "Also, your pants say Big Booty Goddess on the back. Thought you should know."
Easy to give a shit about. 
Ringing endorsement, honestly. 
They had finally found the note that Al left them about a long weekend in Atlantic City. Logan had already decided to stay that night, but that secured it. Didn't mean he didn't freak out a little when the other half of the fold out sofa was empty an hour after they had gone to bed.  
Logan had only gone as far as the dining table, though, talking on the cellphone he had finally retrieved from the car and working through the last few swallows of a floral juice glass of Jack Daniels. Wade watched him with his chin on the back of the couch.
"Okay so she's in her room…Okay…Thanks, Hank…She was supposed to text me when she got back, but…No I recognize the hypocrisy doesn't mean I didn't want to check on her." Logan chuckled darkly. "Um, I was going to talk to you about this tomorrow, but since I have you I figured I'd give you a heads up. Not blind side you. If there's a place for me on the X-Men, I don't want to lose it, but I want to live with my boyfriend. Maybe be available for freelance. Only if that's doable, though."
boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend
"Can we talk about what that might look like? Yeah…Okay… Yeah. I'll be back in the morning…Yes I'll talk to Scott….yeah. Okay. Thanks again, Hank." He set the phone down gently, considered the opposite wall for a minute, then stood.
He noticed Wade watching, but didn't say anything before crawling back into bed. He opened his arms and made a gesture that Wade should settle in. He didn't hesitate, curling up against Logan's chest.
"Boyfriend?" Wade asked.
"Are you not?"
"No I…I am…" Wade pressed a hand to Logan's chest. "Can I be serious with you?"
"God, please do." 
"Don't give up being an X-Men just because I'm a wreck. Don't pick me over them."
Logan kissed him on the forehead. 
"Not off the team, yet. And even if that's how things work out, it wouldn't be picking you. It'd be picking me. Picking a life I built myself that wants you in it."
Wade pressed tighter to Logan's body. Scent. Sight. Touch. Taste. He wanted to take it all in, to capture this exact moment in time. 
I'm not fucking forgetting this.
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greenhorn-art · 1 year
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Keep Your Head Up to the Sky (As Your Day Unfolds) by alphera [Twitter]
Illustrated by Shirou_UOHS @shirou-oh-sakura
Fandom: 全职高手 | The King's Avatar
Rating: General Audiences
Category: M/M
Words: 9 270
Time is rarely kind, and impossible to escape. At the ripe old age of 30, Han Wenqing retires from the Glory Professional Alliance and moves forward the only way he knows how: fearlessly and without hesitation.
About the Book
FONTS: Coelacanth, Segoe UI Emoji
IMAGES: Illustrations by Shirou; pastel sky ID: 7007221 from Rawpixel; dark blue sky ID: 7044483 from Rawpixel; Han Wenqing & Desert Dust image from The King's Avatar Wikia; Ye Xiu & Lord Grim image also from TKA Wikia; Glory card png also made by Shirou via Discord
MATERIALS: regular ol' printer paper (8.5"x11", 20lb, 96 bright); ~1.5mm chipboard; Neenah cardstock (8.5"x11", 65lb, bright white); Iris bookcloth (Madeira colour); paper from Gilded Ink paper pad by Recollections; waxed linen thread (30/3 size, white); wheat paste (1:4 flour:water)
PROGRAMS USED: typeset in Affinity Publisher 2; endpapers designed with Affinity Designer 2 and Affinity Photo 2; imposed with Renegade's Community Imposer (settings: Quarto, snug against binding edge, signatures of 2 sheets).
Text & QR codes printed with colour laser printer (duplex, flip long edge), images printed with inkjet printer (HP Envy 5055; one sheet at a time, single sided, place facedown in tray)
BINDING: quarto (quarter-letter) size, sewn board binding with french link stitch and breakaway spine.
Absolutely LOVED this story! I've reread this one a number of times, and keep going back for more. Alphera's writing is so good! Ye Xiu is the series protagonist so things usually follow him, which makes it refreshing to see a story through Han Wenqing's eyes. And the author does it SO WELL! AHHH!
It's been a while since my first read-through, but I'm pretty sure this was the first TKA fic that I actually downloaded and started typesetting. Absolutely chuffed to have it finished! (Love me some growth-- the typeset looks a LOT better than my earlier attempts!)
Another sewn board binding and breakaway spine! Since this isn't my first go at it, the construction of the book was considerably faster and smoother than my last one. It's just as well, because I ran into a speed bump that stretched out how long it took to typeset and print.
The culprit: (very pretty) illustrations. My laser's colour printing capabilities are shot to hell, so I used my inkjet for the artwork. This involved creating 3 copies of my typeset: 1) the completed typeset; 2) just the text, images hidden; 3) just the images, text hidden/white. Then I ran them through the imposer and printed the text version. The real issue was figuring out how to feed the sheets through my inkjet printer to print the images where I want them. Had to go one page at a time, single-sided. (Just need to place sheet facedown in the tray. So flip along vertical axis.) It took a while, but I got there in the end. And the results were SO worth it! 😊
For the scene breaks I left them as written. I had tried inserting images of the Glory Logo and account card, or using crossed swords emojis ⚔️, but nothing I tried worked as well as what the author did. (It's really neat! Different characters were used to indicate the direction of the timeskip: >>>> for a jump forward in time; <<<< for a flash into the past; and ==== for regular scene breaks, a 'next' rather than 'before' or 'later/after'.)
The cover and endpapers were based off of Shirou's fantastic cover illustration of HQW and YX walking hand-in-hand down a beach at sunset. The art itself is phenomenal so I had it stand alone as a frontispiece and didn't do anything fancy with the title page. For the covers, I looked through my decorative paper stash for something red or black to represent HWQ or Team Tyranny. What I found was paper with pinks, oranges, and purples similar to that illustration -- and that was that. I liked how the colours matched the art, and the gold splashed across it. (Gold for victory, gold for wedding rings and a happy golden future together.)
(Sidenote: I love how the beginning of the end of HWQ's career as an e-sports player "starts with a tingle in his ring finger", leading him and YX to taking the next steps in their relationship and eventually getting married 💍🖐)
I went with a red bookcloth for the spine because it's a common team colour for Tyranny, Excellent Era, and Happy. It also represents good fortune, courage, passion, and love -- things that come to mind when I think about YX, HWQ, and HanYe. The particular shade of red I used is Madeira. It's darker than Ruby Red and leans a little cooler, which suits the decorative paper more.
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The endpapers use two background images (overlayed, adjusted, using multiple blending modes) and some images of HWQ and YX from The King's Avatar Wikia.
The background images are from Rawpixel -- I was just minding my own business looking for images of clouds and maybe some mountains to represent overcoming challenges/glory/looking up to the sky, when I found some clouds with the same sunset colours of Shirou's art. Figured it was too perfect, and if I'm going to lean into that design-wise, I might as well go whole hog and full-ass it. Then I found a starry night sky to add some darker blues and stars to it to match. After that it was a matter of overlapping them and positioning them to fit. I also grabbed some images of HWQ and YX from the King's Avatar Wikia and added them to it because HanYe. (After removing the backgrounds).
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kuroo-hitsuji · 5 months
Maybe Levi and Beel with purring, if you don't mind?
Absolutely :) apologies in advance if any of this is incoherent, i wrote most of it out half asleep and did my best to fix it but my brain skips over things when i reread so it could go either way 💀
Context, i headcanon purring (positively or negatively charged) in demon society to be the kind of emotional display most people avoid doing publicly for the most part, like crying and etc in a lot of human society, often being tied to vulnerability
Levi - absolute master of silent purring. A lot of his emotions are really strong and happiness/excitement is no exception, especially when it comes to his interests; he's gotten good at purring silently as a matter of necessity, his social anxiety would vaporize him on the spot if purring about his blorbos drew attention to him in public, but he can't just not go to limited addition merch events and etc, and he also feels like he'll explode if he doesn't channel his excitement somehow, so he does it Silently (and feels very sneaky and prides himself on this ability lol. Some people do actually notice occasionally but at that point he is usually so engrossed with whatever is causing it in the first place to actually notice. As far as he's aware he's got a spotless record agsjsdg). In the privacy of his home (more realistically just his room, but not exclusively) he doesn't bother as much with keeping quiet. If MC is present its about a 50/50 shot between loud or silent purring, mostly depending on if its from general contentment or from shock and nerves at something cute MC did lmao.
When his purr is audible its very consistent and kind of crunchy? That's the best word i can find rn but its not exactly what i mean djdhshhd like. You know the kind of purr that lowkey sounds similar to crushing a paper bag or something? (But like, more even and consistent and purr-sounding lmao i have no idea what I'm saying anymore-). If he's really flustered by whatever caused the purring it gets weird and choppy because it cuts out when he forgets to breath properly lol
Beel - Literally a chainsaw. He is so large (lots of space to make loud and deep sound) and simply does not care that much about social norms jfzjfz He does tend to catch himself quickly when it happens (usually about getting a snack he's particularly excited about, in which case his stomach growling also tends to mask the short sound to begin with lmao), cutting the purring short in a way that kind of sounds like a tiger chuffing, but it's mostly just because he's been taught to do so and generally does do his best to follow rules ("rules") when he's aware of them. He's mostly the same in public and at home, just a bit less careful about it at home, and will generally drop the effort the most around Belphie and ofc MC. He found it to be a surprisingly useful comfort tool when they first fell as well, for himself but especially for Belphie (who was insistent that it was not actually helpful, not wanting to accept such a bizarre change, as if he could actually lie to his twin about something like this. Even without the twin telepathy the positive effects of it were visible).
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nuri148 · 6 months
Hi, new mutual, I've recently been getting more into Rivamika, and I was wondering if you had any fic recommendations, preferably angst :) I actually recently started reading your fic, Clarity, so you'll probs be seeing a comment from me soon-ish on AO3, haha. I'm really loving it thus far!
Hi! And welcome to our lovely ship! Rivamika tends to get an unfair amount of hate so we are a very supportive community and take care of our own like Levi would.
Idk about angst (I enjoy it but It's not something I actively search) but either angsty, fluffy, smutty and/or funny, I'm proud to say we have a lot of wonderful writers around us! l can personally vouch for anything by our queen chaosisbeauty23; also onigiridorkk has lovely fics, esp. Microcosmos, The Perfect Brew and 104th's Top Cadet; MoraLeeWright is like the Shakepeare of Rivamika. My fave by her is Just until the Storm is Gone, and The Song Remains the Same is one of the most original rm fics I've read. Alienheartattack has a plethora of one-shots, my fave being To You, 20 Years From Now (and To All Of Us, From 2000 Years Ago, but that's not rivamika).
If I may interest you in some ongoing fics, hrarby's For You is definitely in the angsty side. She's got a beautiful prose, too. Also angsty is Byhimawari's Languishing. Agentwarbarbie's The Shadow of the Prince is a great royalty AU that'll have you holding your breath.
The Broken Doll is a masterpiece of platonic Levi/Mikasa; last but not least, if you really wanna bawl, Beloved Mother is a heart-gutting Levi centric, non-ship fic.
Last but not least, I'm absolutely chuffed you're enjoying Clarity! You can check the tag #clarity tea house for all the meta that I posted while I was still writing, as well as extras and related stuff.
Thank you SO much for this ask! You made my day! 🥰
PS- ETA: I totally forgot one of my favourites, Surviving Peace by die-forllex!
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spikedsoul · 1 year
maid's worst nightmare - ch 40
i'm trying not to take ages between chapters anymore! still haven't seen the movie due to life circumstances but i'm really hopin to see it soon... anyway. here!
previous chapters
Bowser’s mind was still reeling even as he held you against him and let his chin rest on your shoulder. He almost wasn’t sure what to do with all of the trust you were giving him. Ordinarily, the first thing he would do would be to accidentally self sabotage, but those days were supposed to be over. He had to actively, consciously try to show you he wanted to keep you around. He loved you, damn it, and he knew if he lost you, he’d probably snap.
Surely he could keep himself together? Surely if he did slip up, you wouldn’t immediately break things off and go running back to the safety of Peach’s castle?
Fuck, these thoughts were unwanted right now.
“So,” he rumbled, shifting his head so that his lips were against your soft skin, “how are you likin’ the race so far?” Dumb. Dumb question. Stupid, horrible question.
“Honestly, it’s a lot more exciting than I imagined! I thought it would just be like regular racing, no items or anything,” you giggled softly. “It does make me a little anxious, but I’m trying to remember the kids aren’t getting hurt.”
Bowser’s eyes closed for a moment as he let that statement sink in; hardly a week in, and you were so loving and accepting to him and his kids. No wonder his doting adoptive father was already asking for another grandkid. But that was definitely going too quickly, even if the physical attraction ended up winning out just earlier.
He placed a few gentle kisses against your neck, another rumble slipping out. You tilted your head to the side slightly, allowing him more room - and he absolutely took the advantage to place more kisses.
The shiver that shook your shoulders had him nipping the shell of your ear.
“Bowser, please,” you breathed, goosebumps rising over your skin. “We’re supposed to be watching your kids…”
Bowser chuffed against you as his eye flicked to the screen. By now, Junior and Morton had pulled a fair way ahead of Ludwig, with Junior still in the lead. He wasn’t surprised to see his youngest using the favorite method of serpentining in front of Morton to keep him from being able to pull ahead. He could see from the camera angles that the straggling Ludwig had a wicked smile on his face - the kind of smile that suggested he was about to unleash the best item they had.
No doubt you’d be highly alarmed, so in preparation, the king tightened his hold on you. No sooner had he done that than Ludwig released the blue shell.
You immediately tensed up as the homing missile shot toward the two younger koopas. Although he did feel slightly guilty about it, he didn’t remind you that they’d be okay; he rather liked watching you squirm in concern for his kids’ safety.
He wasn’t so cruel as to ignore you when the inevitable happened, though.
The blue shell struck Junior (and Morton by proxy), exploding with a powerful force. You cried out in surprise at the violent nature of it, struggling a little in his lap to try and get up, but he held you fast to his chest.
“Easy, baby, easy,” he rumbled, “look, they okay. See? Just a setback. Kids are fine.”
Sure enough, like Ludwig had been flipped by the shell earlier, the apparent explosion and all that smoke cleared to reveal Junior and Morton looking just fine, if a little discombobulated. Ludwig had pulled ahead, of course, since he’d been far enough away not to get caught in the explosion, and the two younger boys slowly got back into it as their visions cleared.
“Fuck,” you breathed in relief, physically relaxing against him as he was proven right. The kids were perfectly fine. After a moment of watching the two younger boys struggle to catch up again, you shifted to shoot him a little glare. “You couldn’t have warned me?” Well, he couldn’t just up and admit he wanted to see that endearing concern over his kids, now could he? But he also didn’t want to make a habit of lying to her like he was about to.
“I guess I’m so used to it I didn’t think about it… sorry, sweetheart. Anythin’ that happens on these tracks may look scary, but it’s not actually dangerous. If it was I wouldn’t be lettin’ my kids race.” Bowser placed a few featherlight kisses to your face in apology.
You eyed him a little suspiciously, but sighed, gently stroking his muzzle. “Alright… alright. Is that the worst of it? Anything else I should be warned about?” you mumbled.
He couldn’t help a little grin as he shrugged at your question.
“Technically? Yeah. That’s the most powerful item there is in a race, so anythin’ else you see ain’t gonna be nearly as bad,” he did his best to soothe. When you didn’t seem entirely convinced, he rumbled deeply, hugging you close.
You sighed heavily but ultimately let your shoulders slump. “If I didn’t know better, I’d suggest you purposefully let me get a little riled up, since you know I haven’t witnessed a race before,” you murmured.
Bowser grinned a little; you were pretty sharp.
“Now, why I’d go and do that, sweetheart?” He did his best to sound as innocent as he could, but neither he, nor you, ultimately bought it, based on your little smirk.
“Because you’re kind of a dick.”
His jaw fell open in shock. It was true, yes, but this was the first time anyone had come and outright said it to his face like that… and it was you, of all people, the sweet little maid who was routinely proving to be much bolder than anyone could’ve guessed. He should’ve been irritated, mad, something, but he wasn’t.
That insult paired with that cheeky grin you were now giving him was making his heart race.
He was a king, he was a giant koopa, he could breathe fire and annihilate you, and yet you continued to show him how you were being honest about being comfortable with you. You were a fucking handmaid, treating a king like he was your equal… and his heart was growing impossibly fonder for it.
“You okay, big guy?” Your voice forced him to blink a few times and tune back into the moment.
His mouth flapped uselessly for a moment before he dumbly asked, “Did you just insult me?”
You giggled softly, a sweet sound despite those undertones of anxiety he could detect, and tucked your head against him as you settled to watch the end of the second lap. So far, it was still a close race; items would probably make all the difference.
“I sure did,” you sighed, your smile evident in your voice. You even gently patted his tummy. “Out of affection… obviously it didn’t upset you too much, though. ….Right?”
That last word was spoken so quietly he almost didn’t hear it, but it shot a painful arrow straight through his heart as he suddenly remembered all the trauma you’d suffered before finding him. You were comfortable, yeah, but it didn’t mean it was without that hidden baggage, and he’d have to remember that.
“Right. Right, baby girl, I ain’t upset.” He took hold of your hand and kissed your knuckles gently.
You nodded, rubbing his tummy gently; that anxiety scent faded quickly. “Okay, good. If I thought it would really offend you, I wouldn’t have said it…”
He smirked. “Actually, I got caught up thinkin’ how attractive it was. Don’t think I ever had someone insult me to my face before, not since I became a king…” You gasped, and pulled your hand back to inevitably hide your face even though he couldn’t even see it. He laughed, gently rubbing his chin on the top of your head to help ease your embarrassment. “Easy, sweetheart. I love that you forgot. Now, we got a final lap to watch, huh?”
Morton was now currently in the lead, but Ludwig and Junior were just barely behind him as the third lap got started.
Bowser grinned as he felt you nod after a moment, but you didn’t say anything else, and he didn’t push it.
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gentleeclipsey · 4 months
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It was too cute I couldn't not fuckin do it
A tidbit about this scene, I'm writing this for pure self indulgence because I can't bring myself to put it anywhere else:
The warrioress had spent days lost in the snowy wasteland. The blizzard had struck during the battle, viability vanished within moments, and when she felled her opponent Gnasha found herself alone amongst the dead. She scavenged for any scrap of scent she could of her tribe, and hesitantly followed the one trail she caught wind of, however, it was a dead end.
Wandering, she had no markers to track, and with the blizzard overtaking such a foreign place, she was utterly lost. The cold and hunger had begun to eat at her, the first few nights she did her best to hide amongst and beneath the pine boughs but they weren't much help against the wind before the snow would accumulate but even then the chill was eating through her hide.
Eventually, she'd stumbled upon the cave by pure happenstance. The entrance was tight, however as she slipped deeper she found the wind unable to reach her. Finally, in her moments of relief, she collapsed into a withered heap and slept.
How long she had slept was a mystery, however, the gentle prickle against her cheek awoke her slowly. It nearly felt like the footsteps of a spring beetle. Her dark eyes warily opened, nearly expecting spring, but instead Gnasha was face to face with the strangest creature she'd ever laid eyes on. Adrenaline thundered into her chest and she shot up, the plump, fluffy beast jumping back and tucking it's tail between its legs.
Her eyes adjusted slowly, and finally she was beginning to wake up properly. She wasn't staring down a creature, it was a plump little she-troll, furred and plush as the finest nest of royalty! Gnasha felt a pang of guilt, the little troll looked absolutely terrified to be in her presence, which was only natural. The false crest was made to be intimidating, and the armor was entirely recognizable to just about any troll within the area and beyond that had witnessed the wrath of her chieftain.
"I'm sorry," Gnasha spoke gently, lowering down onto her knuckles before standing on all fours, gently chuffing a soft submission, "I'm not from these lands, I've been lost for days..." a soft squeak mildly startled the warrior, it seemed to come from the stranger's nose. "Can you understand my tongues?" There was a hesitant nod, though no vocal conformation. "Can you speak?" There wasn't an answer, but the little troll began to approach.
In the dim light filtered from beyond the rocks, Gnasha could grasp more of the little stranger. She had paws, a grabbing toe on all four, and a tail just a bit longer than her body that seemed to be all muscle, and fat at the moment. Her mane was thick, curly, a bright metallic coppery red against a sandy flecked coat. Her fur was thick, nearly luxurious, no doubt to help with the winter.
As she approached slowly Gnasha could feel warmth permeating the air, and the fog of her breath began to vanish. The warrior offered her hand gently, causing the little stranger to step back for only a moment before she got close enough Gnasha could feel her whiskers again.
The little nose wiggled, sniffing quickly, "You look so sweet," Gnasha cooed, "Are you friendly? I won't hurt you-"
She jumped, feeling overgrown paws latch onto her hand faster than she could blink, but all in the same moment a cacophony of purrs erupted from the tiny frame as she smiled, aggressively nuzzling Gnasha's hand and beginning to lick the leather.
The seasoned murderess couldn't help but laugh, "Oh! Oh you're just a big soft sweetheart!" Gnasha couldn't help but return the purrs as the she-troll began to scent her hand, "Your paws are so warm." A smile split her face, a genuine one she hadn't felt in a very long time.
"You're cold," her voice was soft, sleepy, "My den's back here." Before Gnasha could object, she was beging dragged deeper into the cave, "Uh, what's your name? I'm Gnasha."
"Jackie, and don't worry, I'll feed you plenty."
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insipid-drivel · 2 months
A porcupine got into the fenced run for our dogs yesterday.
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(shitty motion-capture camera shot)
The poor little fella is a juvenile and barely had any quills to speak of. We feed our local wildlife regularly as part of restoring the natural ecosystem to our area after it was pretty much wiped out by neglectful prior homeowners that even shot at larger animals that they'd see coming into the yard. When we first moved in, there were barely even any birds around.
Now, we have a doe with 3 fawns (2 from this year, and a yearling), with two boyfriends that come multiple times a day to snack on chopped carrots, apples, seeds, and corn we initially left out to attract omnivorous birds like corvids. We feed squirrels, birds, and now apparently this little teenaged goofball.
We're still not sure how he got into the dogs' run, but the poor guy couldn't figure out how to get out when we saw him pacing the fence and trying to figure out how to get to where the food was. My mom was a bit perplexed on how to handle the situation, and I taught her a trick I learned growing up feral in these here woods:
Most wild animals expect humans to behave in specific ways, just like we expect wild animals to behave in certain ways. When you don't behave in a way they understand, they hesitate.
So I taught my mom to talk to wild animals, including our new porcupine neighbor, like they're an old pal showing up for the first time in a long time. "Hey! How's it going? You're looking well. Do you need any help?" In a soft, assuring, welcoming tone.
Of course, the porcupine reacted by presenting his not-very-quilly butt and twerking like a little backstage dancer. He chuffed mightily at us, but my mom kept talking gently to him - saying things like, "I'm sorry you got lost! The exit's this way. See? See? Over here. Look here, buddy," while making a show of slowly and deliberately opening the gate to the pen.
The porcupine was bewildered, and immediately looked back at his own ass like "Why isn't it working?!" before he chuffed one last time, like a defeated, "Fine," and begrudgingly waddled out of the gate without getting to test out his wiry little quills at all.
I hope he figures out the route to the peanuts eventually, but until then, we'll keep an eye out for him and sweet-talk him out of getting stuck in the dogs' pen again. Maybe his butt will be more frightful and deadly next time.
When recounting this story on discord, I completely forgot the word "porcupine" and wound up saying, "spicy raccoon" instead. I will never live this down.
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randomsquirrel · 9 months
Asks for a Fic Writer! 🔆
Well! I've been tagged by the very nifty @eemamminy-art, so how can I refuse? Thanks, mate! <3
1. how many works do you have on AO3? Only 41. It feels like more, but that's because I've got a couple of works that are obscenely long. Like, two series that are (so far) over half a million words, each
2. what's your total AO3 word count? ...1,524,864. That...is intimidating o_O
3. what fandoms do you write for? At the moment, just Stardew Valley and Final Fantasy XIV. I'd like to write for a couple more fandoms (like Baldur's Gate 3, as I am having a blast), but I just don't have the time as it is to work on the current series I have going D:
4. what are your top five fics by kudos? I don't have a lot of kudos on my fics because most of my works are long series with lots of chapters, so while they get quite a few hits and many return readers, only one kudos per visitor @_@ Friends With Benefics (FFXIV, NSFW), a spicy Thancred/Urianger one-shot that I really wanna revisit and turn into a mini-series :3c Sunshine on a Cloudy Day (SDV, SFW), a soft Sam/Sebastian work, one of my first ones, dealing with depression, and how it's hard to get people around you to understand that. Fortunately, Sam does :) Tales of Loss and Fire and...Love (FFXIV, SFW), a fluffy piece, just Thancred and Estinien being bros, having some drinks and bonding, before the Scions leave for Sharlayan. They have a lot in common, like shared trauma that they can finally talk about :( Formality and Debauchery (FFXIV, NSFW), the second of my Estimeric Week works, the prompt was "gala," so I decided that Aymeric had to figure out a way to get Estinien to join him at a high-society event, and did so creatively ;) Rose & Sunflower: The NSFW Chapters (SDV, NSFW), as my first Stardew fic series (Rose & Sunflower 1: The Music Within) was initially being posted to the SDV forums, before being cross-posted to AO3 several months later, I decided that any spicy scenes would have to have their own work so that I could keep posting on the forums. Thus, the NSFW Chapters are all of the naughty parts that couldn't make it into the "main" story. ...And gave me the chance to try a few "what if" ideas, too, that aren't "canon" to the rest of the story but are a lot of fun >:3c 5. do you respond to comments? Absolutely! Comments make my entire hecking day, and I love being able to interact with my readers, I'm just all, THANK YOU FOR EATING MY FOOD, I HOPE IT WAS DELICIOUS <3
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? An End to Hope (FFXIV, SFW), just for the challenge, for the second Estimeric Week event, I decided to see if I could actually do a "bad ending" fic. So this is what might have happened if Aymeric had been possessed by Nidhogg's eyes instead of Estinien >:D 7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I want to say the first book in my Rose & Sunflower series, since I was so chuffed to have completed a project I wasn't sure I could follow through on. But I had been going through a bad patch for a while when writing book 3 (A Different Perspective), and almost didn't finish it, as I lost the drive and physical ability to write for over half a year. So it was both a happy ending for both the characters and myself to see the entire trilogy completed ;_;
8. do you get hate on fics? Thankfully, no. So far I have been so fortunate to only have had positive and constructive feedback, and I treasure every person who has left those remarks :D
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind? Of my 41 works, *checks and does math*, 16 or 17 are smut/nsfw in some fashion, and is a lower number than I'd have expected. But again, I am prone to lengthy works, so while the number of dirty fics is relatively low, the lewd content per word is very high. All of it is m/m (so far), mostly 'cause the characters I'm working with just work that way. It's also diverse; some of it is normal pr0n, often there's poly/multiple partners, a bit of BDSM, and a few light kinks here and there. Heck, I forgot all I've done, 'cause now and then I go and backread things to check something and go "wait, I don't remember writing that! ...Hot" XD
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written? I enjoy writing crossovers, but don't do them that often. The best/craziest one is Ishguardians- The Factions of Coerthas, which, yeah, isn't so much a "crossover" as it is "Ghost in the Shell meets FFXIV," but it's more than just a futuristic AU. It was basically one lengthy excuse to flex with several of my personal knowledge sets, and was a heck of a challenge to get so many "moving parts" working smoothly, and I'm quite proud of it \o/
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? Not yet, to my knowledge, and I'm hoping it stays that way. Hooray, I'm too unimportant! :P
12. have you ever had a fic translated? I haven't had that, either. While my work is interesting, there's just not been enough interest in getting it translated/localized
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? Yet again, nope. I've got a few RPs with a couple of people, but as far as fics go, I've always been working on my own
14. what's your all-time favourite ship? OOF, that's a hard one. I've got a lot that make my brain go brrrr, but... Funny as it is, Elliott (SDV) and my OC (Lysander). I played Elliott's romance route the first time I played SDV because he looked like a sweetie (and an aspiring writer? Heck yes!), and was floored at how closely our respective stories/motivations/desires paralleled. I'd been wanting to pursue a writing career for ages as well, but never had the courage, so after completing his story and seeing him find success with his novel after we helped him get there, I smashed down my fear and gave writing fic a go, at the same time fully developing and fleshing out an OC I'd had a hard time properly giving life. And the success with that series gave me the confidence and experience to keep doing more fics, and eventually my own original works. I just got a second original short story accepted for publication last year, so yeah, those two will forever be precious to me <3
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Probably "Rose and Sunflower 4." I've got a few ideas (technically, I have ideas for both a fourth AND a fifth book), but with work and life just being loopy, and lacking proper meds for ADHD and other things, I just don't have the spell slots at the moment. I'm also neck-deep in my FFXIV OC's lore, doing a crazy long series that follows his own version of the story, and that's taking up pretty much all of my writing time not devoted to specific projects for exchanges or events or the like :-\
16. what are your writing strengths? Action sequences, and character-driven dialogue. Again, "Ishguardians" was the opportunity to write an action film, more or less, and I have a surprising knack for not only snappy one-liners and comebacks, but also some deeply raw and heartfelt moments. I've got range :D
17. what are your writing weaknesses? I am shit at creating conflict. It's why I've not been able to get a writing career completely off the ground. I'm an engineer, a gamer, and a soldier; I solve problems on purpose! So deliberately creating situations that drive the plot and characters that doesn't feel contrived or "but this shouldn't actually be a problem/a thing" is genuinely difficult for me
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Done right, it can add to the work. I've done it myself, as while my OCs aren't necessarily multilingual, they have picked up a few phrases and the like, so now and then that gets used to convey something specific in a scene. My personal rule is that if I haven't taken at least Level 1 in a language myself, I don't use it. Because while I can use Google Translate or the like to get my result, I still want to check it myself to make sure it's got the right context/grammar/whatever, which can sometimes be lost with automatic translation. ...But, since I've done level 1 with about six or seven languages so far, I've got a decent range to work with ;P
19. first fandom you wrote for? Stardew Valley. I had tried to write for something else in the past, like, in the 90s, but I don't remember what it was, and I crumpled it all up/deleted it before I could post it anywhere, so it's all been (thankfully) memory holed and lost to time. SDV was my first true foray into fics and creative writing. Well, creative writing that I actually enjoyed >_>
20. favourite fic you've written? Again, oof, that's tough. It's a tie between R&S1 and "A Song of Memories," as both are my OC's stories in SDV and FFXIV respectively, but R&S was where I finally took the terrifying plunge into fics, and therefore started my career as an author. Conversely, ASoM is a goddamn epic, and all of my strengths as a writer, storyteller, and worldbuilder are on full display. The R&S series still holds up, and you can definitely see what the characters would "evolve" into in ASoM, as well as looking back and seeing just how much of R&S influenced them :)
Okay! Time to tag some d00ds so they can have their turn! @yaminohere, @burgiethewriter, @nateharmonica, and @nanasamantha, feel free to have at it! I had wanted to tag a few more people, but apparently I don't follow that many writers after all, and several of them haven't updated their blogs in a few years o_O
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dumb-dino-7 · 2 years
@thatguyfield concept arts
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I spent much of last year ( and some of this one!) working on the brillant new Don't Huge Me I'm Scared TV series which has just finished airing on Channel 4 in the UK.
I worked a concept artist helping figure out shots and design puppets, props and sets, as well as making assets for animation within the show itself including fun segments whit @andy_d_baker and another with @jacclinch . I also have a ver tiny acting role in 1 episode lol
It's tricky to show what i did as i was very much behind-the-scenes often working quickly doing really rough scribbles to help figure stuff out on fly, but i've gathered some bits here you can swip ➡️ trough that show some of the process we went trough, and even a few bits that didn't make the cut!
It as very special to work on this show which i have watched right from the beginning over a decade ago sitting in my mouldy uni bedroom. To now where i got to work sitting in on a huge fancy film set amongst a very talented + friendly team of makers! Fake blood and coloured felt everywhere. It was so good to do it all within a big lovely team especially coming out of pandemic when i'd been working aloen for so long, it was a time i won't forget and i am absolutely chuffed to be a part of this show
Big props to the directors @becky.sloan @jeseph.pelling @drchipbushman and the team @blinkindustries @charliehperkins
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pico-digital-studios · 5 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: Operation Containment
After his tango with Shalian in More than One Universe, OMT!Tails was warped into a factory-life environment where Shalian and CR!Corrupt banged on glass chambers, wanting out.
OMT!Tails: Alright, you two! Calm down!
He yelped as OMT!Robotnik touched his shoulder, not at all chuffed.
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OMT!Robotnik: Be careful what you wish for, Tails.
Shalian: Let me out of here!
OMT!Tails: Can you please explain to me what's going on?
OMT!Robotnik: That little device you botched where you wanted to open gateways to every known sadistic evil, well, it started pulling every sadistic evil that had conflicts to anyone related to Mobius, from EVERY universe, into this one.
OMT!Tails: From every universe? (offended) Also, how is the whole evil thing MY fault?!
Shalian: What's the idea, omelette-breath?! Where are we?!
OMT!Robotnik: I think it's better not to engage with them because frankly, the multiverse, NOT just other Mobiuses, is a concept of the world in which we know FRIGHTENINGLY little of... This shouldn't even be possible...
OMT!Tails: I thought you turned off your device before it blew up.
OMT!Robotnik: I didn't turn it off. I contained what's inside it, but apparently, a few of them squeaked through. After you left, my radar detected an otherworldly presence, so I got myself into a cave where I found (pointing to CR!Corrupt) THAT... dark hedgehog looking son of an egg...
Shalian: Device? Like, a portal-creator? What is this, a birthday party for bad guys? What is this madness?!
OMT!Robotnik: Watch this. (to Shalian) Do you know an Eggman from your universe?
Shalian: Yes.
OMT!Robotnik: Did he look like this?
Shalian: Er, no.
OMT!Robotnik: See?
Tails scratched his head, trying to figure this out.
OMT!Robotnik: Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do. I don’t know how many of these… visitors we’ve got-.
OMT!Tails: I saw another one back at the bridge. He was like a... like a flying green haired man.
OMT!Robotnik: Well, he sounds jolly! Why don't we start with him? Now, I need you to capture them while I figure out how to send them back, before they destroy the fabric of the multiverse, or worse, someone else finds out...
OMT!Tails: Uhh... Doctor Robotnik?
OMT!Robotnik: What?
OMT!Tails: Me and Cream just got a second shot at getting into a science graduation, but if Bumper High School sees me fighting these... crazy monsters-!
Shalian: Hey, watch it, kiddo!
OMT!Tails: Sorry.
OMT!Robotnik: Seriously? Still thinking about the science class?
He charged up a device on his wrist.
OMT!Tails: Hey, what did you just do?
OMT!Robotnik: This!
He warped Tails into one of the chambers as a demonstration.
Shalian: How did you do that?
OMT!Robotnik: Lots of birthday parties...
He opened Tails's chamber before passing him the device.
OMT!Robotnik: One shot, send them here, move on, you’re welcome, now get to work…
OMT!Tails: Uh... sir?
OMT!Robotnik (slightly annoyed): Urgh... NOW what?
OMT!Tails: I know I have part of the responsibility in this mess, and I swear to you I'll get it fixed, but I'm gonna need a good amount of help to get it done! And not just from my friends here... you know what I mean, right?
A few minutes later, OMT!Mina and Mini Sonic came through, each wearing multidimensional watches now.
Mini Sonic: Woah! I can’t believe we’re at your Dr. Robotnik’s Gimme Shelter!
OMT!Robotnik: Me neither...
OMT!Mina: Tails! Hey!
She and Tails shared a hug.
OMT!Tails: It's so good to see you! I'm sorry for dragging you in this. You just gotta help me track down these guys...
Mini Sonic: So how did these guys you talked about get here?
OMT!Robotnik: Your little friend screwed up my device whilst trying to get himself and his sister into science class-.
OMT!Tails: No, that was afterwards. Let's just focus on the good news, okay?
OMT!Robotnik: No, let's just focus on the bad news! So far, you have detected ZERO multiversal trespassers, so... pack up your phones, scour on the internet and... Scooby-Doo this crap!
OMT!Mina: Hehe, you know, you're telling us what to do even though it was your device that got screwed up, so all of this is kinda your mess. I know a couple of magic words myself starting with the word, please~.
OMT!Robotnik: ... Please... Scooby-Doo this crap.
OMT!Tails: That's better. (Gosh, he's no fun...)
OMT!Robotnik: You can work inside my abandoned Wing Fortress.
OMT!Tails: You guys go ahead. I'll contact Knuckles and the others to get there, and I've got something else to get too.
Mini Sonic: Let’s catch some multiverse men!
Inside the fortress, the lights went on. Shalian and CR!Corrupt were also stuck there. Tails soon arrived with the others, holding something behind his back.
OMT!Tails: Guys, listen. About the whole device thing-.
OMT!Mina: No, it’s fine.
OMT!Tails: Wait, really?
OMT!Mina: Yeah, since you've gotten badly sick and other problematic stuff, you were just trying to fix things. But maybe just… run it by us next time, whenever you're gonna do something that could… break the universe, you know.
OMT!Tails: Heh, deal.
Mina noticed Tails’s position.
OMT!Mina: What’s up with your arm, Tails?
OMT!Tails: Oh, I…
He held out the bouquet he wanted to give her.
OMT!Tails: I, well... got these for you for when you happened to return.
OMT!Mina (happy): Aww, thanks! I'll gladly keep them with me! S-So, anyway, you zap them, Dr. Robotnik will send them back, and we will be having more fun together! Eating donuts, making devices... my treat!
OMT!Tails: A-Also. Y-Yeah, I developed a bit of a crush on you since we met.
Tails blushed shyly, and Mina did the same after hearing his confession.
OMT!Mina: G-Gosh, Tails… I, uh-
Mini Sonic: I said it once, I’ll say it again! Let’s catch some multiverse men!
The two captured villains were nearby.
Shalian: Hey! Who are those two with you?!
OMT!Tails: Oh, these are my other-worldly friends, Mina and Mini Sonic.
Mini Sonic: Hello.
OMT!Tails: I’m sorry, what was your name again?
Shalian: Name's Toxinfect, kid.
The three couldn't help but giggle in amusement at the name.
OMT!Tails: T-Toxiwhat?!
Mini Sonic: T-That's just d-dumb! Hahaha!
Shalian: Excuse me?
OMT!Tails: No seriously, what's your actual name?
Mini Sonic: Hey! What’s that black hedgehog-looking guy?
CR!Corrupt looked at them but didn’t respond, looking unamused. Some scenes play out with the gang getting ready to go find the rogue evils. While Tails is washing a top, he’s also on the phone with Sally at the same time.
OMT!Sally (on the other end): If the paint won’t come off, bring it to the shelter and I’ll get it out.
OMT!Tails: No, no, not yet, Sally. We’ve still gotta round up those otherworldly evils.
He lifted the shirt out, still covered in paint handprints.
OMT!Sally: Well, finish what you need to with the others and then come on by.
Mini Sonic: Guys, look!
OMT!Tails: Oh, sorry! Gotta go!
OMT!Sally: Okay! Love you, little bro! Bye!
Mina and Tails went to Mini Sonic, who had news to share.
OMT!Tails: What did you find?
Mini Sonic: The press had found reports of a few school deaths, most of which were school bullies, but a few were innocents… A survivor claims she saw a monster flying around the scene.
OMT!Tails: That's gotta be the guy I saw back at the bridge, right?
Shalian: That’s impossible.
Tails went closer to Shalian’s chamber.
OMT!Tails: You know him, don't you? On the bridge, you said his name.
Shalian: Richard Ambersilve. Brilliant young kid, well known for having the highest PHD, vengeful spirit after death. But the bullies that killed him weren't enough. He even killed innocents… even his own girlfriend. He was too hateful… blind… misguided…
OMT!Tails: What happened to him?
OMT!Tails: O-Okay… Alright, where do we go?
Shalian: It can't be him…
The group looked at him.
OMT!Tails: W-Why…?
Shalian: Because Richard truly died years ago. So either we saw someone else, or you're flying out into the darkness, to fight a ghost…
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laurasimonsdaughter · 2 years
I recently found your podcast and I love it so, so dearly!
Just finished your one shot of Coffee and Faerie Cakes. You mentioned that there might be a chance for you to turn it into a full audiobook. Did you ever do that? If so, where could I find it?
Also, I have to hold back from gushing about your stories to you (because that would be very long :D) but please know that I love how you write conflict. Makes me smile every time :3
Oh I'm so glad it's bringing you joy! :D
I did want to record a full audiobook for Coffee and Faerie Cakes, but then I got pregnant and it turns that isn't and ideal circumstance for recording... But it's still on my wishlist of projects! When I get around to it I will probably upload them one chapter at the time on my podcast. And maybe I'll put the full thing in one file up on my ko-fi?
Meanwhile you can get Coffee and Faerie Cakes as an ebook, on my website. (And the mentioned recorded one shot can be found here.)
I'm chuffed my writing makes you smile and extremely amused that it's the conflict in them that you like, because conflict is one of the things I find hardest to write! As my poor sister and beta can attest to, since she has to listen to me whine almost every time that I have to write any :P
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thatmomwitchfriend · 2 years
A story about what would have happened if it wasn’t Tom that got killed, but will.
This made me so sad 🥺 But, here you go. It's short. I'm sorry!
What if?
What if it were Will that had gotten shot in the Andes and not Tom?
TW for mentions of blood, grief, death of family with family present
Cold. This cold was absolute bullshit, Ben though to himself as he shivered next to his war buddies. They had already burnt down some of their money, and that had warmed them for the time being, the adrenaline for burning cash money like that keeping them warm for a bit after; but, soon enough the cold set back in. He could feel it cutting right through to his bones as his teeth chattered. He stole a cautious glance over at his brother, Will, checking to see if maybe he had fallen asleep yet. 
“What’s on your mind, Benny?” Will sniffed out, huddling his jacket in closer to his chest. Ben only shook his head, then he thought about it.
“It’s stupid how closely we all follow one man, yet a different one is our commander.” He chuffed, breath forming a cloud in front of his face that hovered for a moment before rising to the dark and starry sky above them. Will only nodded, knowing there was more to be said by the younger Miller. Benny turned to his other side to check the other men in their merry band. All were snoring away softly, save for Santiago, the bear himself. “I mean, I know obviously that Pope is the reason we all got into this profession, but seriously he isn’t our boss. Tom gave us instructions.”
“Benny, Tom is the one that broke his own instruction. But, like he said, he gave extra time to account for any situation to arise. You have to remember that.” Ben only huffed again, hating that his brother was right. Pope was the reason Will had been shot, and they all knew it. His lust for vengeance was palpable,  and it was indeed vengeance he had wanted. There was no need to shoot the man so many times, but like he said the last time Ben had asked about it.
Ben only scoffed, shifting to lean against his brother to at least try gaining a few winks before morning light crept over the ridge. Before he could count to ten, his brother was snoring next to him, head falling to land softly on his shoulder. He couldn’t help a small smile. “Sleep well, Miller. I love you.” Was all there was to be heard in the soft silence of the mountain air before he, too, was fast asleep.
The next morning, the troupe was well at work moving bags and bags of money. Even with all they had burnt the night before, they would still all be sitting pretty for a nice long while. They all seemed in a bit better mood as they paused to catch their breath from the physical labor. Pope sat with Tom, chatting quietly while Fish and Will did the same. Benny carried on with the last load, dropping it heavily to the pile before taking a deep breath. He sat briefly, for just a moment, before a shot rang out through the crags around them. Instinct took over, and the men scattered. Each finding a crevice to tuck their lithe forms into, guns trained toward the peak the shots had come from. Shadows danced across the downward slope as the assailants moved from one hide to the next. 
Orders were communicated, received, and moved upon. Ben and Tom, searching for a higher point to find the shooters from. Pope and Fish flanked either side while Will snuck through the rocks straight ahead. A few more shots rang out, the troupe ducked, not sure on where they had come from quite yet. The flank advanced for a brief moment, and a single shot rang out followed by a heavy thud. The world went still as Ben watched his brother fall to his knees, suspended by time for a single moment, before falling to his front. The shots that followed were muted by a dull ring in the Miller boys ears as he dropped his gun and rushed to his brothers side. 
Blood was seeping down the older mans forehead from a single bullet hole, his eyes dull already. The younger shrank into himself as he let a gut wrenching yell pierce the air. His whole body felt it as he collapsed over his brothers chest. He knew he was gone. There was no getting around that. Will Miller was dead. But, Ben would be damned if he wouldn’t make it home. The other three rushed to his aid, but stopped short at the scene they beheld. Ben had never cried in front of any of them, save for his brother. Yet, here he was; tears mixed with his brothers blood from where he had rested his cheek to the wound streamed down his face, eyes swollen and dark. 
“Yeah, Benny?”
“Tell me you got the fucker.” He wasn’t sure how he knew, but somewhere in his soul he just knew that Santiago had been the one to deliver the final shot.
“Yeah. I got him.”
“Good.” A beat went by where the three men held their breath, waiting for his next words. “He makes it home. No questions.” 
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yautja-lover · 2 years
Survivors - Angst / Fluff / Smut One Shot
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Crucified! Predator x Female! Reader
Summary:You are the last remaining survivor of your group against the Super Predators on the Game Preserves Planet in 2010 teaming up with the Crucified Predator to take down the last remaining Super Predators, Berserker after unting the Crucified Predator by using one of his equipment.
Sexual Content:Dry-humping,gentle penetration and alien sex.
Game Preserves Planet - 2018
Your not sure, how you got here or how long you've been here?... but what you do know, is that you need to find a way to get the... HELL!.. off of this alien planet! Why the hell did those crab things bring you here of all places, you didn't do anything wrong to deserve this type of torture by those sexy reptilian... wait, what am I saying you thought to yourself. Those things are trying to kill you, just like they slaughtered your group and now your next.. then, again your own kind abandoned you just because 'she's too small' or 'she's too weak, she'll only slow us down' they said.
"Well, guess what?.. you dumb piece of shit- heads! I'm still alive, so.. Ha ha ha ha hah!!" you exclaimed out, to no one in particular before covering your mouth remembering that your being hunted.. as you scanned the area with your eyes, but relaxed once you realized that you are alone. Now back to the important matter at hand here, how to get off this DAMN planet?! Hmmm... now let me see.. jerkia, I've got it! I can fly away in one of those things ships, yeah that'll work.. now, if I were a crab-faced alien where would I hide my beloved spacecraft?.. you thought to yourself while marching-off to god knows where.
Then it dawned on you, that your plan wouldn't work at all.. you don't know a single thing about piloting a plane, let alone a spaceship! "Well, FUCK ME!!" you exclaimed, covering your mouth again. Well back to the old drawing board you thought, as you stood there while tapping your head in thought "C'mon brain think of somethin'.." then you remembered that there is a fourth one that's all tied-up. Of course!!.. why didn't you think of it before?! "Don't you worry sexy beast, help is on the way!" you shouted while heading towards your ticket home.
°•☆°•☆°•☆°•☆•°Time Skip°•☆°•☆°•☆•°
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"Uhh, excuse me.. Mr. Sexy Beast, hello?"you called out, softly while gently poking the tied-up reptile-like humanoid causing the Crucified Predator to wake up with a startled roar. "Easy there, big guy. I'm not here to hurt ya." you said calmly, as he stares at you "Perhaps we can make some sort of arrangement?" you questioned earning a head tilt from him. "I'm sure you want down and get back at the others for what they did, yes?.." you questioned earning a growl from him, taking it as a yes.. so you continued on ".. and I want off of this, whatever this is." you said hoping that he gets what your saying then, added  "The enemy of my enemy, is my friend."
You looked around the campsite to see what you could use to cut him loose from the totem pole until, you spot a bone axe 'that could work' you thought to yourself as you walked over to pick it up.. or at least, try to pick it up while falling backwards from lifting it up, earning a scolded grunt from the Crucified Predator. "I am being careful!..." you exclaimed with a huff of frustration, as if you could understand what he's saying and he just chuffed at you in response ".. it's not as easy, as it looks." you responded back, as you tried again sounding like an old married couple. "Alright... now, I've got it!" you exclaimed while lifting the bone axe up and stumbling a bit, as he gives you the look of uncertainty.
Crucified Predator's P. O. V.
He heard someone spoke in a very faint voice but, couldn't tell who it was or what they were saying.. until whoever it was started poking him,  jointing the male awake causing him to roar who he thought were his captors. But paused once he noticed that it was a oomani-di trying to get his attention, staring at the pyode wei-ghe'h in confusion as she spoke "Perhaps we can make some sort of arrangement?" tilting his head to the side in curiosity. She continued on "I'm sure you want down and get back at the others for what they did, yes?" , "Sei-i" he said with a growl "..and I want off of this, whatever this is." she said then,  added before looking around his enemies campsite "The enemy of my enemy, is my friend." The oomani-di makes an attempt to pick up a bone axe but fails stumbling backwards, in the process. "Be careful with that.." he warned with a grunt "I am being careful!.." she protested with a huff and he just chuffed at the wei-ghe'h in response "... it's not as easy, as it  looks." Then trys again "Alright... now, I've got it!" having trouble standing while lifting it up, 'Paya this oomani-di is trying to mar'ct me' he thought to himself.
After I released the Crucified Predator from his bonds on the totem pole causing him to fall with a loud thud "Oops.." I said while tossing the bone axe to the side, to check up on him. As soon, as he got back on his feet and grips me by the throat.. I couldn't help but feel aroused by the size difference between us then, he started sniffing the air and moved closer to sniff me. 'Umm... what the fuck?' I thought to myself, don't tell me he can sme- until he finally shook his head and let go of me.. I'm not gonna lie I felt slightly disappointed once he released his hold on my throat. The Crucified Predator puts on one of those shiny metal mask things, but this one has a small crack on the right side of the mask showing off one of his orange eyes.
He then starts typing something on his wristband, showing a hologram of earth and then I could hear the sound of an engine of some kind. When I noticed that this sexy beast was staring at me with his head cocked to the side, it dawned on me that he must've programmed his ship to take me home.
"Oh, thank you sexy beast..." he tilt his head at you, when you said 'sexy beast' "... thank you, thank you!!" you exclaimed, as he nods his head at you and a very angry roar erupted coming from the other predator with red and black dreadlocks.. causing you to scream in surprise, as the Crucified steps in front of you with a roar of his own. He then pushed at you slightly to leave of course, you just stood there unmoving completely stunned.. until he pushed you again with a low growl which, seemed to wake you from your trance and ran off in the direction of his ship. You couldn't shake the feeling but something was telling you to turn back around to help him, so that's what you did once you got there..
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...you noticed that the red and black one had your sexy beast cornered and getting ready to decapitate hi- wait, a minute when did he become yours? You shook your head at the thought and quickly climb up a tree that's near by while forming a plan, luckily your a pro at climbing trees with no problem. Once you found a sturdy enough branch to stand on and grabbed for a vine, bracing yourself and channeling your inner spirit character as Michelangelo before shouting out "COWWW-AAAA-BUN-GA!!" as you swung right between the two, capturing both their attention.. as your action back-fired on you, cause you manage to tie yourself to another tree "Dang it! This wasn't part of the plan." you said the last part with a whine.
You heard a rapid clicking of tusks coming from Mr. Black, who seems highly too amused at your result of action while your sexy beast looks completely exasperated.. plus, you seemed to capture the Super Predator's attention a little too well. Cause now he turned away from the Crucified Predator and coming after you instead, well shit... "Aye, big guy. Nice night, ain't it?" you asked with a nervous laugh, as he growls while flaring his mandibles at you "sheesh.. there's nothing itsy bitsy about you, is there?"you questioned, meekly. Mr. Black growled at you again, offensively as he stalks closer and raises his arm to strike you causing you to close your eyes waiting for the expected blow.. but, opened one eye when nothing happened.
Then slowly opened your other eye to find that the Crucified Predator blocked the Super Predator's attack and the two started fighting each other again while you remain strapped to the tree kicking your feet, squirming and cheering on your sexy beast "Get 'em, Mr. Sexy Beast!... give 'em a left and a right!" Finally the fight between the two ended, as soon as Mr. Black spun around and shouted at you "SHUT THE PAUK UP, LOU-DTE KALE!!" your jaw dropped and your eyes grew wide as saucers.. not at all aware what he just said to you, but by the way your sexy beast reacted it must have not been very nice. It all happened so quickly, a mighty roar was loud as a thunderstorm eruppted from his chest before charging at the Super Predator tackling him to the ground. Green blood gushing everywhere, as he beat him up into submission until Mr. Black was no longer moving.. breathing heavily, as he stood over the lifeless body of his tormentor. Orange eyes staring right in front of you, as a 'swish' sound is heard and cuts through the vine releasing you.. instead of landing on the ground with a 'thud' like he did, when you released him. He caught you instead, carrying you while purring as he picks up his metal mask and puts it back on leaving the campsite to who knows where.
°•☆°•☆°•☆°•☆•° Time Skip °•☆°•☆°•☆•°
"Oh, Mr. Sexy Beast?..." you called out while entering y'alls campsite with your little surprised friend trailing behind you ".. I'm back.. and I found a new friend, can I keep him?" you announced with a question- at least, I think it's a 'he' when you didn't get any type of response from Cruci so you figured he was still out on his hunt. Well I guess that just means you'll be by yourself for a bit and gives you time to name your new friend, who's currently sniffing around the campsite.. 'he's gonna need a name' you thought to yourself, "What am I gonna name you?"you questioned the four-legged green thing with spikes, who's now tilting his head at you like a curious puppy.
Crucified Predator's P. O. V.
Just finished up with his hunt for food.. plus, a gift for his little ooman, along with some fruit to make her s'pke for dinner. As much, as he loves to hunt.. he can't wait to get back to their campsite with his oomani-di and present his wei-ghe'h with a courting gift, being called her 'Sexy Beast' like she always does he can't help but puff out his chest with pride. He just hopes that she didn't try to bring back another dangerous creature, as a pet like last time.. he shook his head at the thought and chuffed, as he moves faster. Once he reached the campsite to find his oomani-di, unexpectedly curled up fast asleep next to a... a Hell-Hound?
'PAYA?! How the pauk did a ooman manage to tame a Hell-Hound¿' he thought, as he stood there completely baffled and slightly jealous of the pup getting all of her attention. Shaking his head then starts preparing for dinner while the two sleep, granted the hound isn't fully grown yet.. which means he can train the pup to watch and protect his ooman when he isn't around, since it already seems attached to the pyode wei-ghe'h. Chopping away on the fruits that he found, as he swore an oath to Paya 'This is my ooman and no one hurts my oomani-di, this is my life now.'
You stir from your nap hearing a bunch of growling and clicking sounds "What the hell is going on?.." you asked sleepily while rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, as you sit up to look. "Fluffy, nooo!.. don't attack, my sexy beast! Stop!.. SIT!!..heal!.." babbling out commands while getting up, completely awake now.. as your little reptilian, canine-like friend keeps Cruci away from you standing in a warning and protective stance. While the Crucified Predator just gives you a questionable look, as the Predator hound tilts his head at the sound of your voice before running over to you and stand by your side "What?"you asked casuing Cruci to shake his head before turning around to fill up two bowls.
After you two were finished eating the s'pke and while Fluffy is currently chewing on one of the meats that Cruci killed from his hunt, he started fidgeting in his seat nervously "..everything, alright?" you asked while grasping one of his clawed-hands causing him to flare his mandibles in surprise. The color on his face flushed.. like he's blushing as he looks at you with his warm, bright orange eyes before he slowly nods his head with a reassuring click that transfers into a purr "Your purring again." you said stating the obvious causing the purring to stop. Much to your disappointment, he got up and walked away but came back holding something in his hand delicately that's wrapped in some type of cloth. When he stopped infront of you with his head down staring at the gift, for a moment before lifting his head up while casting his eyes down in submission as he handed you the wrapped item.
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Cruci let out a pleased, trilled-pur when you accepted his gift then picked you up earning a squeak from you, as he carried you bridal-style before plopping down in the nest with him laying on top of you. He started rubbing himself all over you while purring, as if he's trying to mark you with his scent.. you couldn't help exploring his body with your hands, his muscles rippling and flexing from your touch, as the black quills on his chest and face shivered. Your hands then traveled towards his tresses, lightly tugging on the rubbery appendages earning grunts and growls from your sexy beast while he would occasionally buck his hips dry-humping you in response, as he trilled and bristles.
One of your hands traveled down to his lower region fumbling with his belt while the other remains stroking his predlocks "..remove.." you voiced out with a needy whine, tugging on with what little clothing he's got on. Which he happily obliged removing his belt and loincloth, you only caught a quick glimpse of his cock that's fully slipped out of it's sheath and ready for action. Cruci then starts removing your clothing, quickly but surprisingly without ruining them purring as he did so and tossing them to the side. What surprised you even more, was when he sat up and stared at you while slightly tilting his head.. silently waiting on what to do next. "Fuck me, please. " you whispered and he purred in response before grasping your waist and raised your hips up to his length then, leaned himself over you as he slipped inside of your tight heat and started pumping his cock in and out of you at a steady pace. Pressing the crest of his head against your forehead while pressing himself closer to you, as he pumps his hips faster making you a moaning mess and you continue to pull on his tresses getting him even more excited causing the purring to get louder by the second. You could feel yourself getting close, tittering to the end "come on Cruci.. my big sexy beast... come with me.."you said breathlessly and he trilled in response while snapping his hips faster. "Come with me now!" you shouted, as you tugged on one of his tresses a little harder, causing him to throw his head back with a roar while slamming back into you as the two of you came together.
While the two of you come down from your highs, he rolled over on his back held you close to his warm and sweating chest.. Fluffy who has now lost interest in his meal and turned his attention to you, checking to make sure that your alright. Crucified chuffed at the Hell-Hound pup before rolling over to his side, so that the canine-like pup could see you while still keeping you close to his chest. Once the pred-hound was content that you were indeed alright, he then walked around in circle.. like a normal dog would before laying down with his back facing the two of you, sleep soon consumed you feeling protected by your two alien boys.
°•☆°•☆°•☆°•☆•°Time Skip°•☆°•☆°•☆°•☆•°
The three of you were strolling through the Game Preserves Planet and then, all of a sudden you noticed Cruci's mood change.. he seemed really tense, almost cautious like something or someone was following us. Even Fluffy seemed more alerted than usual, occasionally growling at nothing or so you thought... then out of nowhere, another Predator that was green and yellow with brown specs. It had black tresses with green hair woven-in it and stood at least eight feet tall, both Cruci and Fluffy stood in front of you getting in protective stance while growling in warning.
The eight foot Predator only clicked softly in response before removing it's mask, revealing that it has two different eye colors.. one hazel and the other one is yellow, then what surprised the three of you the most was when transformed. It... or at least, she changed into a human female that now only stood, at least seven feet tall? "Relax, we're not here to harm either of you. " the strange female spoke, Cruci and you looked at each other both of you wearing a look of uncertainty "I'm sorry, but.. did you just say "we're " as in 'we' ?" you questioned. She nodded her head before speaking "Sei-i my mei'hsweis and I." she responded, as two more appeared "This is Yeyinde.. "she said while gesturing her clawed-hand towards the tan one with black specs ".. and this is Bakuub." she added gesturing towards the green and yellow one with black specs, both of them had black dreadlocks with red eyes. Lastly, she gestured towards herself as she spoke "I am Guan-thwei."
Yautja Language - English Translation:
oomani-di- human woman
pyode - soft
wei-ghe'h - female (not an insult)
sei-i - yes
Paya - Yautja, God of Life
mar'ct - kill
pauk - fuck
lou-dte kale - childmaker (insult)
ooman - human
s'pke - Yautja fruit stew
mei'hswei - brother
Yeyinde - Brave One
Bakuub - Straight Spear
Guan-thwei - Nightblood
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mickmundy · 1 year
Medic and Sniper in an arcade, what’re they playing? (x)
OMG THIS IS CUTE... i think sniper would excel at those huge hunting games that you step inside and shoot... medic would love playing those with sniper because he'd be like "hoo! watch this! i can beat you! ^_^" and sniper's like "PAH! like hell you can!" and medic's like >:3c and every time sniper goes to shoot medic reaches and pinches his butt and sniper yelps and shoots WAY off target and medic's like "u__u sniper that virtual stag got away from you! very sad! no points for you!" and when it's medic's turn medic just pumps it full of shrapnel and gets more points even though he's not as good of a shot as sniper AS:DFKASDF:LAKS:DFLKASDF and medic wins the round bc sniper didn't get any points... LOL. and sniper's like "=__= absolutely bloody awful form. come on" and medic's like "hmmm are you just being a sore loser my darling? uUu... seems like it to me! hoo!"
air hockey would be fun too... i think they'd both REALLY love that. like they'd start out playful and jovial and then they'd both start getting Into It... same with skee ball. medic would be the first to play dirty but sniper will play dirty back. when they go bowling (which i think they both are really good at!) medic will (cockily) be like "kiss for good luck spatzchen? uVu something sweet before i Destroy you? <3" sniper hums and trots up to where medic is and gives medic a little peck and medic takes his Position and sniper reaches forward and hooks his finger in the back of medic's pants so medic slips and is like HOOH! and throws it Right into the gutter and sniper's snickering and is like "hmm? what was that? somethin' about destroying me? with a throw like that? heh... looks like i'll be havin' that victory prize 'fore i know it!" >:)" KASFKAKSDFKASD
OR if they go to a carnival (i'm literally never not thinking this. never.), sniper Loves winning carnival games for medic... dart throwing, shooting contests, etc... sniper standing there looking chuffed while medic's bouncing in place and clapping like "YIPPEEEEE THATS MY KROKODIL!! HEE HEE!! ^__^" sniper being like "u//u heh.. yeah yeah... (dragging the toe of his boot in the gravel)(loves the attention but trying to be modest) pick out your prize, plover-darling... <3" and medic looks at the other mercs who don't have any prizes or have smaller ones and medic's carrying around a big plush nearly as tall as him and is like "HOO! AWW, well my friends, it's not a contest!" and the other mercs are like -__- "yeah no-" (shit) and medic interrupts them and is like "CERTAINLY NOT A CLOSE ONE! PFFAHAHAH!!!" and they all roll their eyes and medic's like "Come along spatzchen we have more prizes to win! ^v^" HEHHE... <3 and its a win win because sniper loves playing the shooting games and medic loves bragging about sniper and getting fun new trinkets... <3 KSDFKSKD
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