#i'm so drained i couldn't think of a better title
http-paprika · 4 months
BLUE / simon riley
my very, very late submission for @glitterypirateduck simon "ghost" riley challenge. this was heavily inspired by the new billie eilish song of the same title because I thought it fit him so well. i used the prompts "face touching", "the heat goes out and it's freezing", and "a confession is made"
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simon ghost riley x female reader / 1106 words / contains angst, alcohol, and smoking
WITH every patron that hurried into the bar, cold and snow blew in with them—leaving those even in the darkest corners of the bar chilled and draining down more liquor. The drink spilled through her veins, warm and potent as she waited another hour, shrunk away in the shadows with her cost pulled tight. Simon wasn't coming, she knew better than to keep waiting for him. 
 Finishing her glass of whiskey, she lets it sting her throat the same way the tears in her eyes did. With remorse, she sets the glass down and rises from her chair. Through the crowded bar of happy couples and friends, someone's celebrating a birthday, another girl is sobbing in the corner with her friends trying their best to comfort her. The whole room pulses with life, feelings, love, and hate and she can't seem to find herself amongst the crush of emotions. Dull, apathetic, and removed as she slinks out of the door and into the blue moon night. 
 Winter still holds a fierce grip over Manchester, spilling white flurries in the air as she walks down the quiet streets with a cigarette to warm her from the cold. If he were there, they'd be sharing the smoke and she'd be warmed by the blushed haze that always befell her when their hands brushed exchanging the cigarette. 
 Her hand fumbles with her phone, the bright, blue light warning her of how late it was. But even with the early shift she had in the morning, she loiters along her route imagining he’ll be waiting by her flat like Simon would sometimes do. Giving her the delusion that he cared enough to come looking for her, even if he couldn't be bothered to grab drinks with her. 
 Despite all logic telling her not to bother with a call, she finds the number that she's left a hundred voicemails for. Sounding desperate and pathetic with every call as she tries to convince him into calling her back. 
 “Hi, Simon. It's me… again. I'm just calling to check in, I haven't heard from you in a week and I just want to make sure you're alright. Okay, I'm going to go, I'm at my flat. Call me, please.” The sound of the voicemail being replayed causes her to cringe, maybe he'd never hear it like he never hears the rest. Maybe he's got a new number, that was the type of thing someone as shifty as Simon would do. But she can't find reason in his sudden absence, no foreseen notice of a deployment or mission. No text to tell her he'd be unavailable. Nothing. 
 When she rounds the gate into her apartment complex, she can see in the low light of the second-floor walk, the lone figure waiting in front of her door even though he had the keys. Burly hands shoved into the worn pockets of his jacket with head tilted down as she climbed the stairs to join him. 
 She didn't need to see Simon’s face to know that he was thinking. Always thinking about the past he refused to tell her about. One that she could only dream up, trying to picture what had happened to turn him into the man he was. The man who she desperately tried to get over, but couldn't move on from. 
“I waited for you. It's the third Wednesday of the month, or did you just forget?” She asks, stubbing out the cigarette on the melt railing. The frame creaks as her fist tightens around it in frustration. “Simon?” 
 “Was busy with work, forgot to call.” He shrugs, pushing his hood back and shaking out his dark blond curls. A rough, wartorn face that she'd memorized like the back of her hand. It was so enticing to her, mesmerizing with his pale lashes and dark haunted eyes. The type of man that kept her safe at the bar and kept her up at night in stress. 
 “You're always busy.” She holds back a scoff, knowing arguing never got anywhere with Simon. He'd go silent with every accusation she'd throw, leaving her intimidated and guilty for yelling. Even if she knew he deserved it. 
 “It can't be helped. Times are tough.” Simon responds, his eyes trailing over her as she moves to unlock the flat. Fumbling with the lock like she did with the phone until his hand reached out and steadied her grasp. He leads her into the apartment like it was his own, with an empty place on the coat rack for his jacket, and a spot next to all of her shoes for his boots. An indent left throughout her home for whenever he'd find it in him to return.
 “Would you like a drink?” She asks, still feeling the need to play hostess as if he were a stranger visiting for the first time. At the edge of her seat waiting expectantly for a response and reaction. 
 “Sure.” He shrugs, pulling off the cloth mask as she shuffles into the small kitchen. Tiny enough that when he joins her there's tension as she tries not to bump into him. Pretending like she wasn't up the night before craving the warmth he gave, the firm touch of his hands, when her space heater died. 
 “I am sorry, love. I'll be there next time, I promise.” Simon apologizes, watching as avoids his presence like the plague. She chewed the inside of her cheek, knowing that she'd accept this apology like she'd done before. Knowing full well he never changed, and she’d never ask him to. 
 He reached out, sensing her indifference, and cupped her cheek in his calloused hands. That touch always turned her into mush, clay for him to mold to his will and whims. She knew it was pathetic how easily she swayed for him, knew that her friends always criticized her for being so weak-willed. But how could she possibly say no to him when he always came back, even if it was days late? Wasn’t she better off with him than trying to find someone else to love, wasn’t the heartache worth it? 
“You could do so much better than me, sweet girl. Sometimes I wish you would.” Simon confesses, his voice low and full of regrets. He turns his head down towards her, wrapping her close in his arms, taking the glass of water out of her hand, and setting it down. 
Her mouth opens to speak, but no words form when she realizes she’s just as guilty as him. She’d never change, he’d never change. Together, they’d stay unmoving, frozen in the longest, blue winter.
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violetmuses · 12 hours
Walk Like This - A. Aretas ❤️‍🩹
Title: Walk Like This - A. Aretas ❤️‍🩹
Fandom: “Bad Boys” Film Universe
Character: Armando Aretas
Pairing: Armando Aretas + Female Reader
Main Storyline: You've crossed the unexpected patient.
Tag List: @nelo0wesker @yassbishimvintage @nobodygetsza @peaxhygirl @superstar-t20 @adoresmiles @klssngss @deja-r @hyper-trash-panda @amethyst-loves-bucky @planetblaque @sweettea-and-honeybutter @lovedlover @xjjawsomex 🏷
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Designated to work somewhere in Miami this time around, you've hustled throughout various placements after joining that large-scale facility.
While trying to sleep on one rare day off, this unknown number reached this cell phone.
“Hello?” You've hardly woken up by this point and still feel exhausted.
“Rook, I need a big favor.” Cutting your nickname, Detective Mike Lowrey called out of nowhere!
“Mike, what the hell?” You somehow pull thoughts together and sit up in bed, unsure of what's going on.
“Trouble. One of our guys is wounded. I really can't bring him to the hospital, though.” Mike explained.
“Damn. Where are you?” Your heart dropped with each passing moment.
“We're on the porch, but I'm barely holding him up right now.” Mike struggled.
“Hold on!” You ended that conversation and hustled downstairs, genuinely nervous.
The stranger's lifeline just counted down more and more.
When you open the front door, Armando Aretas nearly dropped from Mike's hold.
“Shit!” Knowing so much better, you aid this moment despite holding back questions. “C'mon, Mike. Help me bring him to the couch.”
“Okay.” Mike agreed to help without thinking twice.
With James McGrath dead, Miami's AMMO squad returned home, but Aretas couldn't risk public sight while known as this dangerous criminal.
After facing many questions or encountering secrets over time, even Mike took responsibility and now stood as Armando's biological father.
Using First-Aid and grounding other essentials, you knew that Armando's injuries could've worsened if Mike hadn't signaled right away.
“What else do you need, Mike? I can't babysit your son.” Telling the truth, you glared at Lowrey.
“Please look out for him. I can't book hotels for recovery, either.” Mike shook his head.
“Y'all can't go home afterwards? Christine is a physical therapist, too.” You say. Mike married this remarkable person named Christine as well.
“I know, but Armando is better off hiding near strangers.” Mike continued. “Right now, if I stayed in public with him, someone would call…”
“I'm harboring a fugitive and could lose everything.” You gritted anger.
“I'll figure this shit out.” Mike held your shoulders with gloved hands. “You won't get in trouble, all right? I promise.”
“Mike…” You trailed off this response when Armando grumbled from the sofa.
Clenching through pain, Armando woke up this time and sat up while shirtless. Bandages helped the wounds.
“Hey. Take it easy, man. We got this.” Lowrey cautioned his son.
“Who's that?” Revealing slightly accented English, Aretas looked at you, drained.
“One of my friends helped out.” Mike introduced you during terrible circumstances.
“Hi.” Lifting your hand, you offered kindness while greeting Armando. “We've patched you up.”
“Thank you.” Aretas expressed gratitude despite everything.
“Of course.” You still checked this stranger regardless.
Lingering grief and exhaustion pooled his deep brown eyes.
No matter what happens next, you just wanted this man to heal.
Sometime later, you've returned home from work and discovered that several cars parked in the driveway.
Even Detective Lowrey's classic Porsche beamed past moonlight, and your thoughts jumbled.
Entering the garage, you opened this following door but almost hopped within seconds:
“Surprise!” Mike Lowrey brightened the kitchen lights, and this AMMO squad cheered to celebrate your birthday.
This adorable cake towered as weapons expert Kelly stood beside tech genius Dorn.
“Thank you, everyone!” You smiled. Even Mike's partner and best friend Marcus Burnett chuckled over dessert.
“Make a wish!” Marcus would offer the plan every year.
Closing your eyes, you kept thoughts private and leaned forward, blowing out candles.
Once you turned around, Armando stood in perfect health wearing this random cap.
“Take off the hat, Armando!” Mike laughed this time, and everyone cheered even louder.
Aretas left the barbershop with this buzz cut and held flowers, opening both arms to embrace you.
Happy endings became real.
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nestasgalpal · 11 months
Can't think straight when we are together Pt. 2 [Nessian smut]
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4
Nesta’s Gal Pal masterlist | AO3
A/N: Don't mind me, I'm just posting a second part to this a year after because I think I know what I want to do with this fic. It's been a year, so if you want to be removed or added to the tagging list, let me know, I just copied the one I had.
He had played well enough to celebrate the victory and mean it. It had been a great game. Tense, to say the least, but in a good way. The type of tense that pushed Cassian to do better. He was not the captain of the football team, Rhy was, but Cassian had been named MVP of the college league the last two seasons, and he planned on keeping the title this year as well now that graduation time was approaching and the draft peaked on the horizon. Preassure to give his all on the field was always welcomed. And if a certain pretty brunette showed up to watch, even if she was accompanied by some other dude, then his teammates could count on Cassian pushing himself to the limit.
Cassian slurred each syllable when he spoke, even if he wasn't drunk yet. "It's too hot in here, I need some air." Az only nodded. Not that the music being blasted through the speakers would have allowed him to be heard anyway. 
The crowd dancing in Feyre's basement, drinking and making out in the darkest corners of the room, forced him to use his elbows to push people in reaching for the stairs. Circumventing these college students proved as challenging as dodging some of his rivals hours earlier. Cassian tightly secured his red cup as he made his way up. Although Feyre's house was not their most frequent meetup place, Cassian had been in there enough times to know where each room was. To know the basement had a door to the garden behind the house, but if he instead used the stairs, he would find himself in the entry hall at the top.
So he went up, and just as he emerged in the predicted space, the front door was being opened by one of his best friends. Mor gave a squeak and jumped to hug him. "Congrats on the win, big boy!" Cassian hugged her back, and she had to go on her tiptoes so her arms could reach around his neck. He thanked her with a shit-eating grin. Both knew this had been one of his best games this season.
"Where were you? I was starting to think I would have to drain the keg all by myself." He joked, momentarily postponing his planned trip for this quick chat. 
"The cheer team had a pre-party I couldn't miss." Mor explained. Cassian didn't believed her, though, as most of the cheer team had arrived before him at the party.
"Excuse me." The soft voice behind them was followed by an even softer touch as Gwyneth Berdara slightly pushed his arm.
Only then did Cassian realize Mor and he were blocking the front door. He quickly let go of his friend's waist and took a step back, leaving enough room between the blond cheerleader and himself for Gwyneth to walk out. She did so without a word or a second look at them. The sudden panic taking over Cassian was enough to block the shame he should have felt instead. He saw the redhead reach for her phone as soon as she stepped outside, right before the door closed behind her. His widen his eyes went back to his friend, who seemed oblivious to the gravity of what had just happened. Only then did he notice who the varsity jacket Mor was wearing belonged to. A siren went off inside his head. Shit. Cassian hadn't noticed she was wearing his name and number. He had assumed it belonged to whatever player she had been screwing before coming to the party.
Surely Gwyn had noticed as well.
"It that my jacket?" Obviously, it was. 
"Oh, yeah, sorry, I was cold and kept it. Do you want it back?" She offered it, but didn't take it off. She pouted, knowing he would let her keep it. It would be useless to ask for it now, anyway.
"I thought you gave it to Nesta. Like I asked you to." 
How tight had he and Mor been hugging when Gwyn appeared out of thin air? He wasn't sure. He tried to remember if his name on the back of the jacket had been visible to the girl, but soon discovered that he couldn't. A message had probably been sent from Gwyn's phone to Nesta's describing what she thought she had seen. She would be wrong in her assumption, but it kind of made his planned trip to the second floor redundant now, nevertheless.
"She didn't want it, Cass. I promise I offered it to her, and she said she already had a jacket. Now, I don't know if she meant hers or the jacket that guy besides her was wearing."
Cassian closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Shit Mor, you should have told me. I thought she had taken it."
"Hey, don't be upset with me. It's not my fault." She protested, her pouting lips now more exaggerated. "To be honest, I think this was for the best. Please, Cass, I am begging you to put two and two together and realize that she didn't want your name on her back because she simply doesn't want you. Or else, she wouldn't have gone to the game with a date."
His head snapped at that. "So it was a date? How would you know?" Cassian had always trusted Mor's intuition in this area. She understood girls' behavior way better than he did.
Taking the red cup from his hand and sipping from it, Mor rolled her eyes. "Listen, I don't want to hurt your feelings, especially not tonight, but Nesta Archeron doesn't give a fuck about football, so if her pretty ass was there, it had to be that guy's idea. And she must like him a lot to agree to the plan. Did she tell you she would be there?" He said no with his head. "And why is that? Because she..." Mor pushed a finger against his chest. "Doesn't. Care. About. You."
Cassian just stood there, unconvinced. He wished Mor had insisted more.
"But I still went up there to their seats and offered, like you asked me to, because I do care about you." She kept going. "As does Rhys. Do you think he would like to find out you are trying to get into Nesta's pants?" She arched an eyebrow. "You know he is not precisely fond of her."
The silence, Cassian hoped, let Mor know he was not in the mood to get deeper into that conversation right now. "Yeah, you are right." He considered taking his cup back, but decided not to. Mor could keep his cup and take it downstairs with her advice and opinions. He had to go up, he was now determined. "Az was asking for you down there." The cheerleader's face lightened when he changed the subject, suddenly reminded that there was, in fact, a party waiting for her in the basement.
"Shall we go?" She offered.
"I was actually looking for a bathroom." Cassian excused himself. "I don't trust the one downstairs." He joked. She didn't push it, she simply gave him another quick hug and headed towards the music.
He gave himself a second to clear his head. To mentally curse himself, Mor and this night that had seemed so full of potential until five minutes ago. The stairs to the second floor of the Archeron's house were right there. I should go to her room, Cassian told himself. To explain myself. And so, with the confidence only a guy like him could have, he resumed his original route towards Nesta Archeron's bedroom.
Unknown territory.
It would be easy for him to pitch himself tonight. Pitching both of them, actually, presents Nesta with the idea of what they could become. In a perfect scenario, Nesta would listen. In the case that Gwyneth had misinformed her of what she thought she had seen in the hall, it might require a little more convincing. But Cassian made his way up, truly believing this would be the night he told Nesta what he wanted.
Loud and clear.
The hallway he ended up in was silent, as if there was no party happening in the basement at that very moment. It was pitch dark, and wanting to be as sneaky as possible, instead of turning on the lights, Cassian used his phone's flashlight to find Nesta's bedroom door. A decorative piece of wood in the shape of a perfect "N" hang from the door. Knowing all the residents of the house except Feyre —downstairs— and Nesta herself —at the other side of the wooden panel— were away, he knocked, not allowing his confidence to slip away.
Yes, Nesta had refused to take his jacket when Mor offered it in his name, but not once had she said no to fucking him. If she knew he was on the other side of the door, she would open it for him. When she didn't answer, Cassian knocked again. "Nes, it's me." He had to wait again, but this time he heard the muffled footsteps getting closer. Then, the door opened, and Cassian's grin returned to his face. "Hey." He leaned on the door, knowing from experience that women found the way his muscles flexed to be sexy.
Nesta's half-closed eyes didn't really react, though. "What do you want?" She asked bluntly.
"Were you sleeping?" The question was a courtesy. He could smell in the thick air of the room what she had been up to, despite the open window by the bed. The red eyes were proof as well.
"Yes." She lied. "Did you get lost?" Her sexy lack of patience was amusing and just what he had wanted to be greeted by.
There was soft music playing from her phone on the bed. "I'm almost where I want to be, actually." Cassian said, his eyes wandering through the room behind his girl.
The eye contact that followed was intense. Cassian wouldn't break it, he could stare at her annoyed frown for ages and never get tired. And Nesta wouldn't either, as she simply couldn't stand to lose. She had her hair up in a ponytail that had been perfectly neat maybe an hour ago and now struggled to contain a few pieces of hair that were too short in the front and framed her face. Although Cassian was sure there were a pair of shorts on her legs, they weren't visible under the big t-shirt she used as pajamas. The band logo was unrecognizable after so many trips to the washing machine over the years.
Knowing very few people were allowed to see the perfect Nesta Archeron looking this disheveled, but he was, only filled his chest with excitement. Because not only was he allowed to see it, he was also allowed to take her out of those clothes and make an even bigger mess of her.
"Are you going to stand there forever?"
"Until you invite me in." He retorted.
She rolled her eyes, but stepped to the side and opened the door enough for him to enter. He walked to the middle of the room and heard the door close behind him. "I don't think I've ever seen your bedroom." She didn't answer, nor did she address his presence when she walked back to her bed and jumped in. Cassian just stood there, taking in the empty white walls, the blue stripes of her sheets, and the fluffy rug in the middle of the room.
"I hate shoes inside the house." Cassian needn't be told twice. His socks were stark white, and Nesta took notice. Hers were as well. "Matching," she mumbled distractedly.
The only light came from a round lamp by her bed. It was warm and threw yellowy shades across the walls, the bed and her face. She looked relaxed, and Cassian wondered if he had ever seen her like this. So calm and comfortable. He absolutely hadn't. He would remember. Like he remembered the first and only time he had made her laugh out loud —and actually chuckle. Cassian felt like he should have, though. Hadn't he made her feel good in his arms? He had. Six times, no less.
But Nesta hadn't looked this at ease. Almost the opposite, he realized. She had wanted to get out of his embrace as soon as they were done. She always ran from him.
Well, not anymore. Tonight, he would demand she give him more —at least a chance—, or else they would be done forever.
Please, prove them wrong, he begged her. Prove you do care about me.
From the bed, Nesta stretched her arm to open a drawer. "Do you want some?" An untouched joint was offered to him.
"I've been told I am insufferable when I am drunk and high." He joked. Nesta's lips curled up, remembering the moment she spoke those words.
"You really are." She scouted to the side, leaving room for him on the bed. "But you are not drunk, though."
Absolutely not. He needed his mind to be clear for this. Nesta's parted lips were distracting enough. Her smell. The skin of her thigh hot against the back of his hand when he sat down. Their eyes met, and Cassian cursed himself for accepting the silent offer and getting in her bed. This was not what he had come up here for.
Had she not leaned in, Cassian might had found in him the strength to get up again. But she did lean in, and his body followed suit. She kissed him. He kissed her back, and Nesta was quick to make it deeper, to make it hungry and needy. His hand cupping her face was meant to steady them, as surely were Nesta's on his hair. And his arm finding its place around her waist, or her legs now straddling him.
Yes, when his hand left her pretty face and met its double on Nesta's other hip, his goal was to make sure she was comfortably sitting on top of him. The grinding it caused was collateral damage. The seam of his jeans rubbed the right inch on her body, and soon Nesta was moaning in his mouth.
Hadn't she leaned in, Cassian would be standing on the fluffy carpet, pouring his heart out for her. But she did. And so he was now stripping her of her t-shirt and delighting himself in the realization that Nesta had not been wearing any kind of shorts under it. Just some lovely black panties he was quick to pull aside.
"Fuck!" She let out when his fingers pushed inside her. She was soaking wet just from making out.
There was no excuse for that.
"Tell me what you want." He demanded.
With her mouth open in a silent exclamation, Nesta rode his hand like she should be riding his cock. He curled his two fingers inside her, making her tremble. To keep her balance, Nesta's palms came to rest on his chest, supporting her weight. With her arms at her sides and her back arched, Nesta's tits were pushed right to his face. Not wanting to disrespect his host, Cassian's mouth was on them in an instant.
Hadn't she leaned in...
Nesta tried her best to contain her whimpers, and he did his best to steal new ones from her lips. "Tell me what you want." He repeated, now that Nesta was approaching her climax.
"I just want to come." She pleaded. Her gray eyes found his and gave him that look that almost had him coming in his pants. "Please, Cassian, make me come."
"And what do I get?" He teased, freeing her nipples from the pleasure and torture of his tongue on them. She shuddered, probably feeling the cold now that they were wet with his saliva.
Nesta didn't answer, so he had to be tougher on her. She was lost in her thoughts, bouncing on his hand and enjoying the feeling of his thumb on her clit. With his left hand, Cassian halted her movement just so he could slip his right from under her. Nesta whimpered again, but this time it was unsatisfaction what lingered on her pouting lips. An unexpected swat across her butcheeks made her jump slightly. It had taken her by surprise, although it shouldn't have. She knew what would come when she didn't answer him the first time. "What do I get, Nes?" Cassian was getting tired of repeating himself. She knew better. He spanked her again, just because he wanted to see her tits bounce in his face when she felt it and reacted.
Like a cat, Nesta stretched her body and rested it flat on top of his, gaining access to his neck and covering it in kisses. It was Cassian's turn to groan, more so when she nibbled his earlobe, and he practically melted when Nesta's plump lips sought his again. She was such a smooth kisser, so good at it, Cassian almost forgot she was the one supposed to be begging for his touch, not the other way around. He rolled over, pressing her against the bed now, and grabbed her tits with perhaps more force than needed. Not that Nesta ever complained about sex getting a bit rough. He kneaded them and pulled her nipples to his will, enjoying how hard they got against his palms and how she arched her back for more. When her tongue entered his mouth, Cassian knew she was desperate.
"Anything you want." She promised, thinking she knew exactly what he would take as compensation. "You can have me any way you want, but please," A pause to let out a moan right by his ear, "please, make me come."
Cassian was quick enough in taking down his jeans that Nesta didn't complain about his warm body leaving hers. He wasn't quick enough to put on the condom she handed him from the bedside table, though, so Nesta got on her knees in front of him, matching his pose, and started kissing him again whilst he opened the silver square and wrapped himself in the rubber. When he was done, Cassian wasn't able to tell who was hornier. He only knew one second his hands were in Nesta's ass, taking her in the air, so she could wrap her legs around him, and the next he had slammed their bodies against the mattress again and was fucking her for all he was worth.
It would have been great to say she came quickly and repaid the favor by sucking him, but after all that grinding, Cassian was as close to coming as she was. She squeezed him so tightly he stood no chance, and soon they were both panting, Cassian all the way in and Nesta holding on to him like her life depended on it, needing him even closer. When the climax ran through them, Cassian didn't pull out, nor did she urge him to. Instead, her fingertips started dancing through his back. Making circles at first, then more complicated shapes. Something like triangles, then curves, and more sharp angles right after.
Cassian thanked his past self for staying sober tonight, so he was conscious enough to understand the meaning of the lines she drew.
"Come on a date with me." He whispered against her ear.
"No." Her answer came immediately. Not harshly, at least not with the intention to be harsh. She said the wordas a matter of fact. Empty of feeling.
He closed his eyes. Why? Wasn't this what she wanted? For him to be blunt with his expectations? "You said anything I wanted." Cassian reminded her. He didn't move. Their bodies were still tangled over her bed: him inside her, her legs caging his waist, and her arms hugging his neck. How could Nesta reject him while holding him with such care? 
As if she had read his mind, Nesta let go of him completely, and he had no choice but to sit up. Somehow quicker than Cassian had been when he took them out, Nesta gave him his underwear and jeans back for him to put them on. "I meant something like a blowjob and to swallow." Her coarse words hurt his ego more than his feelings. He didn't answer.
Cassian got up and pulled up his pants, then seated himself again and stared at her, a question in his eyes. She could read it—she in fact did—, but didn't answer. Cassian wondered, had she not leaned in, would he have been brave enough to ask her out with the words he had carried from the football field? Would the result have been the same, or was the fact that they always fucked first, talked later what made them go in circles?
"It was a good game. You did good." Her suddenly bringing that up only made things more awkward. 
"Yeah." Cassian would rather leave now than sit through the silence that followed. He stayed, though, waiting for who knows what to happen and fix the atmosphere, to turn it into... what, exactly? She must have felt it too —the lack of appropriate words to end this night.
Cassian ran a hand through his hair. Nesta fixed it, her touch a ghost. He looked at her and demanded an explanation with just a stare. Nesta didn't give him that either.
"You should go down." She told him. There was no sharpness in her tone, and maybe that was her way of saying she was sorry.
Accepting his fate and just wanting to leave on a good note, Cassian raised a teasing eyebrow and eyed what was between her legs.
"Not that." There it was: the eye rolling, the cute annoyance. "I meant downstairs, to the party. They are probably looking for you."
"You are saying a lot of things you don't mean tonight, Nes. It's kind of confusing."
The accusation finally woke her up from the post-orgasm haze. She jumped out of bed, leaving her t-shirt behind, and going for the door. "You are confusing." Her voice told Cassian she meant it.
"I think I've made myself pretty clear, though. Haven't I?" He took his shoes in one hand and followed her.
"Haven't I?" She retorted, turning around to face him. The defiance in her eyes burned bright, giving her an intimidating glow that compensated her lack of a top. Cassian didn't even look at her tits.
She opened the door for him. He closed it before the gap was wide enough for him to go through.
"Would it kill you to give me a chance?" He finally spat. 
"A chance for what, Cassian? What exactly do you expect? To continue with the fucking, but once a week, grab dinner together?" 
"Well, yeah." Cassian still couldn't understand what was so awful about spending time with him outside their bedroom, a small bathroom or an empty classroom. Be seen out in the open, grab her hand and kiss it just because he feels like it. For Nesta to wear his jersey to his games and celebrate with him and his friends afterward. Grab dinner when their schedules allow, and then go home together.
Nesta held his stare, and this time he couldn't read it. Which could only mean she didn't want him to. Cassian sighed.
"Okay, so whatever I want?" He brought up Nesta's sex-induced promise again. "Just give me a reason I can understand." When she opened her mouth, Cassian's finger sealed it again. "If you want a guy to get you drinks at a party, why can't it be me? If you want to hang out with a guy on a Friday night and go watch a game together,  why won't you let it be me? And don't give me an I don't like you, because you clearly do. What is so awful about me that you don't want to even try?"
When she closed her eyes, unable to look into his, Cassian's heart sank, understanding that there was a reason after all.
"I've tried." She confessed. "I've seen what spending time with you is like, and I don't want it." Not only didn't Cassian interrupt her, but he urged her to keep going, curious to see where she was going. "I've been in a room with you and your friends and remember what was said to me for even looking in your direction a little too long." She started counting with her fingers. "I've spent the afternoon with you guys and been completely ignored by every single one, including you, although I was invited to be there. We've had lunch, I've been trapped at one of your dinner parties and on Feyre's birthday, and there is nothing you can possibly offer me in a relationship to make up for how awful I've been treated every single time and how you did nothing to stop it from happening. How stupid do you think I am to sign up for that again?"
Cassian was equal parts offended on his friend's behalf and his own. Had it been anyone else in front of him, he wouldn't have bitten his tongue at the insult to his friends. They had never spoken ill of her to her face or purposefully tried to exclude her. She simply didn't fit in with the group, and that was okay. They could spend time alone.
"If that is what I'm getting myself into..." She corrected herself, saying, "If that is what you can offer me, then I don't want it."
"Don't you think a relationship is a little more complicated than liking my friends or not?"
"I am in Pre-Med, Cassian, I don't have the time for complicated. I want easy. This..." She signaled between the two, "This is easy. And I like it a lot."
It was his time to be cold. "Sorry, but this won't do it for me." Cassian took a step back, putting much-needed physical space between them. "Obviously, I can't be with someone who thinks that about my friends."
She agreed and stepped to the side, making room to open the door for him. "And I can't be with someone who would let their friends say exactly the same things about me." It was the brief silence as the words sank in what pushed her to keep going. "To be honest, and I am not saying this to be hurtful, you don't deserve more."
Cassian only nodded, not necessarily in agreement, not fully differing either. He understood.
"Have a good life, Nes." He just walked away.
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gemini-magic17 · 11 months
Entanglement Chapter Seven
Waking up in the morning after the night of the celebration left me feeling happy almost excited about what today would bring. Even though Kit was standoffish to me at first I think after the talk we had yesterday everything would turn around for the better. Pulling back the covers I start to get ready for the day. Finishing up what I was doing I walked towards the door about to leave when there was a knock.
"Excuse me, Princess Y/n are you in there", recognizing the voice I opened to met with the face of Prince Airk.
"Hello, I was just about to head out. Is there anything I can do for you", I asked.
"I just wanted to formally introduce myself since we didn't get a chance to talk last night."
"I'm sorry about that. I was preoccupied but that is no excuse for not interacting with you Prince Airk", I said.
"No worries and please you are to be my sister-in-law call me Airk. Titles seem so formal and impersonal don't you think"?
"Yes, I do in fact", smiling at his remark.
"I came to tell you that Kit wanted to go horseback riding with you", he said with sincerity.
"Really, she said that", sounding too eager.
"Yes, she has been looking for you but she couldn't find you. She came to the conclusion that you must still be sleeping from the festivities."
"What can I say about the party it drained me", I laughed and so did he.
"Where did she want me to meet her"?
"Kit wants you to meet her at the entrance of the castle. She said she will already have the horses ready to go."
"Great, thank you", right before I was about to leave I decided to ask Airk the impending question that has been on my mind for a while now.
"Airk, do you mind if I ask you a question? You don't have to answer it if you don't want to", I said nervously looking him in the eye. He seemed a little put off by what I could possibly ask him.
"Who is that girl that Kit is always with", trying not to sound jealous.
"Oh, that's Jade she's been assigned to protect Kit, and have been friends for a long time", he said.
"Oh, ok."
"Why do you ask"?
"It's just that if we are to be married I should know the important people in her life", it wasn't a total lie but most of it was out of asking because of the close relationship those two seem to have.
"Yeah, I guess you are right", looking me up and down as if he knew that its not the real reason for me asking. Changing the subject I told him I better get going.
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"I will see you later then Y/n."
"It was nice to meet you Airk", turning to walk off I stopped to ask one more question.
"Hey, Airk."
"Yeah, what is it", he turned around.
"Why did Kit send you to come find me", I asked genuinely curious.
"She didn't I volunteered", He winked at me giving me his signature smile and proceeded to walk off.
From what he just said it's almost as if he was flirting with me but that can't be I am meant to marry his sister. I mean right he wouldn't do that. Remembering that I have to meet Kit I rush to the courtyard and push that interaction with Airk out of my head.
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Waiting around for this girl is starting to irritate me. I looked all over for her and she was nowhere to be found. It's almost noon if she is still asleep she is worse than Airk when he was a child. I wish she would just show up already the sooner we do this the sooner it can be over. As if on cue she comes running up to me out of breath.
"I'm sorry I hope didn't keep you waiting long."
"No, not at all Y/n", I said gritting through my teeth.
"I assume my brother found you as he can find anyone in this god forsaken kingdom."
"Yes, he did", she said.
"So, what do you think of him be honest because I know how much of a pain in the ass he can be", I said genuinely curious about what kind of impression Airk left on her especially since I see the way he looks at her.
"He's nice almost cocky and too sure of himself. Your brother and mine would get along just fine", she laughed.
"That sounds like Airk for you."
Making our way to the horses I saddle on Chief, an auburn, strong, and well-trained horse. Y/n saddled the most stubborn horse in the kingdom known as Shadowwing who was as white as the given snow. The name given to her didn't much make sense but Airk did name her when he was a kid so I guess that explains it.
Taking off in the direction of the forest the horses sped up basically making it a competition. Now this could turn out very badly considering Shadowwing does not like to lose EVER. Picking up their speed you could tell that these horses had no intention of stopping soon. Looking over at Y/n she didn't seem to be scared on the contrary, she was all smiles having the time of her life.
Reaching a spot in the forest we stopped without trouble from Shadowwing. It's amazing how Y/n got that horse to do what she wanted. Nobody has been able to do that before and if they tried it would usually follow up with a kick from the horse. Dismounting from our horses we sat down on the ground looking at the world around us. She looked in awe almost as if she was seeing something like this for the first time.
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"So, Y/n what is it like in Zemira", I asked trying to make conversation.
"It's beautiful there. The people are gracious, accepting, and caring throughout the Kingdom. It is filled with art, history, and music making it so lively. Then there are our training yards throughout Zemira. If you were to come I am sure you would love it. My brother has trained with only the best knights since he was an itty bitty thing."
"Is that so? Do you train"?
"Well, I used to but there was an accident that caused me to stop", she said twiddling with her thumbs.
"Accidents happen all the time that is what happens when you train. You just brush it off and get back out here."
"Let's just say this particular accident forced my mother's hand into banning me from training again. Plus if I ever did pick up a sword again she would know. She has eyes and ears everywhere in Zemira especially when it comes to her children."
"You can't let that stop you. If I did everything my mother said no to I wouldn't be who I am today", I said not accepting what she had relayed to me.
"I just can't ok. Can you just drop it", she said rather harshly.
"Yeah, sorry didn't mean to upset", damn what the hell happened to make her snap like that.
"It's fine I just don't like talking about it."
The awkward silence filling the air was too much to bear. Then out of nowhere Y/n asked a question I didn't expect for her to ask.
"Kit, what's Jade like", she said.
"I'm sorry what", taken aback.
"It's just you two seem to be attached at the hip and since your brother told me that she is practically your best friend I just wanted to know what she is like that's all."
"Uhh, Jade is great. She is brave, courageous, and strong. The situations we have been in where we have almost been killed and she saved us is something that makes her extraordinary. I have met a lot of people in my life but not someone like Jade", I said smiling.
** Y/n's POV
After her answer, I should've known not to ask that question. It's like people always say don't ask questions you don't want the answer to. I can tell that she cares for her deeply for her which is something that is never going to change. After a while of just sitting and conversing about random things from favorite books to what is the craziest thing you have ever done we decided to head back. Mounting our horses we made quick way to the castle. Not taking long, perhaps fifteen maybe twenty minutes we arrived. Dismounting from Shadowwing I wrapped the handle around a stall door handle and Kit did the same with Chief.
Turning to her I told her that I enjoyed it and that we should do it again.
"Yeah, sounds like fun", she said smiling. I headed back to my room because I was in desperate need of a bath with me smelling like a horse.
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The running water filling the tub with almost scorching hot water is what I needed. I started to undress and before I could get the chance to set foot in the water I saw my reflection. Staring back at me were the scars from that horrific day with James even though it was not intentional. Two big scars across my back forever never to be gone. Sinking into the water the sensation of the heat helped with any ache that presented itself. Looking back at what happened I wish to never even think about it. Thinking about the day when I almost died at my brother's hand is something I can't stomach.
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britt-kageryuu · 4 months
Donnie just ended a stream, and was going over the stats for said stream, when his phone set off the group chat notification sound, it was April. She was asking if she could come to the studio to ask about something, specifically with Donnie. She was given the go ahead, and Donnie asked his drone children to help straighten things up.
April showed up a few minutes later. She greeted the drones who went back to playing their games. They're seated in the inflatable chairs that are just always left on the set.
"So April, what can I help you with in our studio today?" Donnie asks while leaning back with a slight squeak.
April lets out a annoyed sigh, "Okay, so even with my stellar resume and Degrees, those jerks at the News wouldn't even give me an Internship! They said they didn't take degrees of my level without a recommendation from 1 or more these 5 random sounding tabloid-y magazines!" She was slowly raising her voice as she talks, while griping something imaginary probably the neck of the person who told her she couldn't work for them.
Donnie just quirks an eyebrow, but doesn't question it. She did also have a long list of being fired for the most random reasons.
"So, what kinda of help do you want? Blackmail on the staff, hacking the channel, draining the guys investments? I can go on." Donnie lists off with a slightly sinister smile.
"As tempting as that is, no." April shakes her head in amusement, she's sure he's just listing this to make her laugh, maybe. "No, I wanted to see if you had anything you can have me do with your companies. Like maybe as a 'Manager' or something?"
Donnie thinks it over for a second, "Well if we made you a manager, it would just be just a title, you wouldn't really be doing anything, plus you want to go into journalism, and acting as a manager won't look that great on your, probably highly edited, resume." He pauses to look over something on his tablet. "I have two possible options for you, one is media management for Genius Built, and Four Turtles Production, it's basically putting together the news we want to release to the public about them, along with helping with event stuff, and two basically option 1, but you do it as a Newscaster in videos that we will upload onto our social media sites. If you want you could use a model to mask your identity, if you don't want to be called the 'PR Girl'."
April looks a bit confused, before thinking it over for a few seconds, "So I either, just edit posts and videos that will be put on the GB and FTP socials, or I do it in mainly a video format like I'm reporting the news, maybe with one of your custom models?"
"Yes, either way it's up to you. These are just the options that I believe would look better for your resume, if you ever want to look for another job." Donnie stats, he hands April the tablet, "Here will be your benefits, though remember that all medical problems will lead you to Leon, therapy to Angelo, you get a personal trainer with Rafa, and I become your financial advisor."
April looks it over the benefits, and figures that agreeing to work for Donnie will be better than one of the other jerks that she could possibly work for. "Alright, let's see how this works out. Better than trying to find work around top side anyway. Do the Dragons get the same benefits?"
"Why, of course! They were a bit weirded out by needed to go to Leon for medical, and got freaked out at Angelo, but not Rafa. I don't know why." He looks like he's contemplating this, but he probably knows why.
"So, you already have a model for me right?"
"About 20 at least, we didn't want to assume which one you want so we made a variety you can choose from, and we can make changes from there!"
"Can I help with Cass and CJs models, or are they already done?"
I don't think I will actually write posts from April, but after watching a Vtuber news reporter, I couldn't stop thinking "this is how they drag April into what is becoming the family business!" and it fits kinda.
Also writing April was a bit weird, but then again writing any of these guys is weird.
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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title -> antes de morirme pair -> ex!chan x gn!reader genre -> aaaaangst to fluff + non idol!au plot -> one lonely night for two dumb lovers words -> 1881 warnings -> smoking + drinking + drugs mentioned once + cursing lowercase intended
vámonos de aquí para no volver y si volvemos, que sea solo pa' hacerlo llover vámonos de aquí, no quiero esperar el cielo está en algún otro lugar
antes de morirme / c.tangana & rosalia
what was i doing here? i don't know.
i lost track of time when i was being dragged by my friends to this club. i didn't know how to manage my feet as i just kept on walking towards nowhere and expecting to find myself somewhere. i wanted to get out of my house so bad that when jisung brought up this solution, i just put on my shoes and ran with it. now i'm beginning to regret it, i never was the biggest fan of the smell of alcohol or the sweat in people's foreheads as they bumped into each other 'cause this clearly wasn't dancing. everything felt heavy, like there was no air going through my lungs and i felt myself get lost in the place, managing to lose every friend that i brought with me.
i could only hear mumbling, the beat of a track that went on & on but headed nowhere in the background. i kept getting glances of interest approaching my way but none of them were of interest to me. it's like i couldn't even think straight 'cause my mind always went to one person only, the one i was trying so hard to forget. i wanted to head towards the exit as soon as i entered the building but it's like i couldn't find it anymore. i was meant to loose up, i was supposed to have a good time (i wasn't). 
i'm also not the biggest fan of drinking but my feet took me to bar and i started ordering drink after drink. to the point where i had to cut myself off as i checked my phone's time and it was heading towards midnight and i could not stop. felt like an eternity just sitting there and watching people, not even talking to the bartender. in the crowd i counted couples making out, dudes that were drunk as fuck doing embarrassing shit, people smoking inside, all kinds of drugs splattered on the tables and chairs and more crazy shit that i did not dare to look up on google as soon as the night was over, i was better not knowing.
through the smoke and mirrors i found your shadow teasing me. i'm either really drunk or insane if i knew exactly that the shape that was made was you. the worst part is that i was right and i could not stop looking at you. you were insanely gorgeous, all dressed up like it was your party and all fresh & clean, looking your best while i was dying at my worst. 
you didn't look happy though, there was this one dude tugging at your arm. he looked insanely drunk and i was insanely confident in the fact that you did not like him one bit. all the alcohol was drained out of me as soon as i heard you mumble "let go" and it was over. somehow i found jisung & minho staring at me (like i wasn't looking for them all night long) and i just shook my head and pushed everyone out of the way just to head towards you. it was harder than i expected even though i saw you, i could not find it easy to go through so many fucking people. but i managed to do it and the look on your face was telling me that you did not expect me to be here. the guy tried to grab you again, harsher this time and this is when i lost all my self control as i grabbed his arm, pushing it away and giving him a punch in the face. i did not regret it one bit, no is no, not caring if it was too much. he was unconscious on the floor, maybe because of the punch or a mix of the alcohol or whatever, i could not give a single fuck. my focus was on you again and your shocked expression.
"chan what the fuck? i-." no words were coming out of you so i just grabbed your hand and through the crowd, the smell, the fogginess and the sickness of it all, i got you out. maybe i needed to escape the place more than you did since i did cause an absolute scene with horrified looks my way but again i did not give a single shit. "i don't know why you did that but... thank you".
"no problem, he was a douchebag and he deserved it." i said as i remembered that horrified look on you and that was enough to get me mad. the tension was growing again like i did the last time i saw you where all hell broke loose. i did not expect this to be easy, for a conversation to just flow so i just grabbed my pack of cigarettes from my pocket and looked for the lighter. "ah fuck, can't believe i forgot it."
"your lighter? how does this always happen to you?" you said as you chuckled at my clumsiness and reached in your pocket to find your lighter, using it to light up my cig. as soon as you did, you looked me in the eye and grabbed my hand like i did just before. "let's go somewhere else before someone from security finds you dumbass".
i didn't even think about that as we started to walk away, the night still young as i blew the smoke to the cold air. you were tangling your hand with mine and god did it feel so right. i couldn't explain the feeling of being this close again with you but i didn't want anything else right at this moment. it was so wrong to savor the moment while i could right? i knew we wouldn't be together after tonight. you would go home and i would go "home" as i did not like calling it that anymore 'cause you weren't there anymore.
"what have you been up to?" i ask like i don't stalk your social media every day and hope that you come back like a fool. 
"just the usual, tried to get away from the busy college life to end up here." you said sighing and stealing my cigarette, if it was anybody else i would've been mad but if it's you i would give you everything i own. "i hope you've been good, did you finish your album?"
right the one that now is all break up songs 'cause the lovey-dovey ones feel to happy and i'm not content with my life at all. that album...
"i think i'll wait a bit to release it, i'm working on a mixtape to let all my thoughts and feelings out." i said honestly and sadly. man the last thing that i wanted was pity but you could see how miserable i was just by seeing me from a far view. you just nodded and we kept on walking through the park we used to go, you tried to read your books and i played guitar for you to concentrate. it was our own little world and our way to go around things. god remembering hurt but seeing you by my side, it's like you numbed the pain away. "i missed you."
why the fuck did i say that? why did you laugh? it wasn't your usual laugh though, it sounded like a little broken chuckle that you couldn't control. 
"i would be lying if i said that i didn't miss you channie." you said, giving me a tiny smile and for the first time in months, i genuinely smiled back. "it's been really hard without you and i can't say i'm doing super well."
"honestly same." i said as i sat down in a bench and looked up. many city lights flowing but none of them compared to the stars above in the sky. and then again none of them shined as bright as (y/n). you sat down next to me as i looked up and then you did the same. laying your head on my shoulder as we once again held each other's hand. nothing could be better than this even if i became the biggest artist on earth, nothing would compare to the feeling that it is to be with you. "i just... i wish i could go back in time sometimes."
"what would you do?" you asked curiously and i just shrugged like it was obvious. "come on! i wanna hear it chris and maybe i'll let you know if i would do the same."
"i would spend more time with you than ever and appreciate that i had you, that there's nothing better than being with you and knowing that you're mine. i would want to cherish you, love you, accept who you are and not make you feel like the things you're doing or feeling are invalid. i wish i could go back just to say i love you once more and that i could not live without you because it's true, i have not been functioning without you by my side. i wanted to go out and forget you, yet here i am once again being reminded that falling in love with you is the best thing that ever happened to me." 
no words were spoken but the silence was comforting. i needed to let my emotions out, to let you know how i actually feel and not the angry words that i used that night against you. i wanted you to know this for the longest time and here we are once again.
"i could never hate you or forget you even if i tried to. even if i wanted to just do that, my heart will always belong to you and seeing you again, saving me from that creep as cliche as it is, made me realize that you're always gonna be the one to have my back, to defend me, to save me. i don't wanna be without you channie, i love you more than words can describe." you said slowly and softly, every word hitting me and making me realize that we both been fools when we decided to drift apart. trying to get back on my feet when all i needed was you and all you needed was me just makes me know that this is the moment and we should take it.
again the silence was there but this time i leaned in closer and so did you. i cut it off with a simple and light kiss but it suddenly turned desperate as the night shined and we both lost ourselves in the moment. i did not want to drift away from you, i did not want to let you go again but you broke the kiss immediately as you looked at me and laughed, i couldn't help but smile again genuinely.
"take me back?" you asked and i just shook my head because i should be the one asking you that, not you. "i know you wanted to be the one to ask but i did things wrong too channie and i broke us off."
"(y/n)... there's nothing i want more than to have you back."
and then i sealed it again with another kiss.
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Some like a monkey pilot lore/behind-the-scenes no one asked for because there's a lot and I love this fic with my whole heart...
It's first title was a supersonic man (Don't Stop Me Now by Queen obviously) but I've used this song as Ice's ringtone for Mav in slow down (in a future chapter 6) and it just seemed to suit Mav better
Second title option was (I am) the man in the making, from Number One by Chaz Jankel - Number one is a hard time in the making / Number two is the one plane I'm not taking and I am (I am) / The man in the making / I'll stake (I'll stake) / My claim (my claim) / I'll make (I'll make) / My name (my name) / My love (my love) / My game, my vocation. In the end, I thought it might sound too literal and cliche.
The story was originally supposed to be about Rooster transitioning but without the running away from Jake bit - so sort of like a small AU of this fic - where Jake would still be very dense about stuff and a lot of the breakdowns and emotions would still be in place, but Rooster stayed in Lemoore with Jake and they got married while he was in transition. Jake still had a hard time adjusting even if he personally thought he was adjusting very well - at some point when Jake was on deployment, Bradley's state got bad enough that he still landed in the hospital and Mav and Ice were called and he moved in with them. It's part of life for many trans people (family and loved ones thinking they're supportive while not really and getting better at it only when drastic stuff happen) and it is something that hit me a bit too hard and emotionally, it'd be difficult to write so the story was changed.
First Jake POV deleted scene from earlier chapters (1 or 2?) was him and Coyote talking about the topgun winner with some squad buddies and Jake hearing 'Bradshaw' and going a bit crazy only to get all depressed when he hears it was a dude (in 2016, about a year before the recall), missing finding out about Bradley by a minimal chance
Another deleted scene that was never finished because I emotionally couldn't write it was the bar scene but in Jake's POV, when he meets Bradley for the first time. He and Coyote actually leave the Hard Deck when Bradley starts playing the piano and have a talk about how Jake feels about all this new info. While I get finding out your loved one is trans can be a lot, I personally never would have cared even a bit so it was just emotionally draining to try to express Jake's thought process
There is also a deleted scene of Ice talking to Slider and Sarah (who are married in this fic) about Bradley's hospitalization and the start of his transition (from Ice's POV) -- it concentrates on how bad Bradley's mental health is at that moment and how visible it is to them, as well as the guilt Mav and Ice have for not intervening early. And a scene when they get the call from the hospital (from Mav's POV). Both are not finished and stuck as mostly dialogue.
So far there are also two more deleted scenes: Mav and Ice being at Bradley's first T-shot appointment while he's being taught how to do the injections and a scene where Bradley is at Ice's doc appointment when he finds out about cancer
Chapters 9-15 are post-canon and a bit Jake's POV heavier. He's going to be such a dumbass in them.
This fic might or might not have a sequel about reintroducing Bradley back into the Seresin family. Some readers hopefully realized that Jake's mom wasn't Bradley's fan when he was still female-presenting and certainly isn't after he transitioned. There's a whole lot of drama in that sequel involved, especially about her -- Jake's the youngest sibling (a miracle baby born a few years after his last sister) and has always been babied a bit by his mom and never experienced how bad she could be the same way his sibling had and he'll have to face it along with her awful behavior toward Bradley.
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kichimiangra · 11 months
Life update and happy Halloween
So it's been a week of me completely self isolating so I figure it's about time I crawl out of the woodwork to vent about where I've been to make me feel better.
My sibs and I went to a Game con with my brother. Didn't really have fun. apparently it was the year of fucking tall shovey nerds who had no problem shoving my 5'3" ass around like a kick ball but who fucking cares. Immediately had company over for like 4 days after and whether it's good company or not company in general just drains my battery.
As soon as company left my brother threw out his back. It was so bad we almost called an ambulance. While he was down for the count my older sister had already had plans for a vacation to go to NYC Comic Con with her friend and would be gone all week, which left just me and my 90lb mother to handle all the chores of the farm for the week.
During this week my mom went through a bout of depression and insisted she needed more animals to fix it, as she does, so a few new friends were added to the farm family and I participated with my fam in the baton pass relay of walking a pony home 6 miles, and then company came of AGAIN to help out because we couldn't handle it all alone.
In fairness, as stressful as that time was I would do this all again for the next event to have never happened. One week ago from today my goat, my son, Muh Buhbee, Vincent Van Goat passed away...
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I don't know how to explain this better... To some people he would be a pet... and to different people that word means different things. To me, Vinny was my son. I was handed this dying baby boy, rejected by his mother and left out in a field in the rain for 2 hours after his birth on a surprisingly chilly June day... The man of the house managed to get him to drink some pasteurized cows milk from his fridge, which he could not digest and immediately had violent diarrhea... He was two hours old... and I took him and held him and woke up every two hours to feed him and begged him to live. And he did. This was my son and all the feelings and attachment that goes with that title. Unfortunately he was a meat goat. A breed only bred to get fat and be slaughtered after a year, not bred and screened for potential health problems later down the line. The vet said that by the time he had shown symptoms it would have been too late and that he was in considerable pain and having minor seizures. The vet assisted him in passing away last Tuesday. I have been emotionally fucked ever since. And when I'm fucked I self isolate. I'm trying to be normal again. Trying to be okay. I'm tired of being sad. But I still am. Before the loss of Vinny some new friends came to live at the farm.
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Frida is spicy. Lovey and great with humans. Unfortunately she is telling the other goats that she is the new boss with Vinny gone.
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Lily isn't fighting her on that but Daisy is not having it. I think Frida is probably going to win the right to be the new barn boss though.
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Despite being good with humans, Frida has completely rejected her own son, Rembrandt and won't let him hang out with the other goats. He has his own group now with the twins
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Terra and Luna. Both are sweet girls but Luna is more sociable than Terra. I'm going to try and get back to being the usual freak I am, because self isolating longer than a week is probably not healthy for me. but I'm still sad. I'm still tired. And I still wake up and for a split second fel normal because for that moment I forget that I lost Muh Buhbee.
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asterjennifer · 2 years
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@puwey on Tumblr
Mystictober 2022 | Day 10 - Camera
Summary: After a storm comes a rainbow; it fits them both very well.
Together they learn to appreciate their hobbies in new light.
They're still getting used to the functions that the new cameras brought with them; it's bizarre for Saeran to watch the one being professional in photography sturggle with some settings.
“Is it hard, V?” He wondered as he titled his head, soft bleached hair falling over his forehead more.
The older guardian raised his left hand to angel the camera's display better. “Ah, I wouldn't say hard,” A click filled the open air. “It's just.. I have to admit the touchscreen is something I haven't worked with yet.”
He mumbled, sunlight coloring his minty hair slightly more blueish in Saeran's eyes. Scanning his own camera between his hands, he let the stare wander over the sea of buttons and wheels. He couldn't deny it's overwhelming to hold more than his phone in order to capture the nature around them up in their secret place.
It had been Saeran's idea, although it came off more shy than desired. However, V immediately overflew with excitement when happiness crossed his facial features. Up there, with only the two of them after such draining events; it's surreal to the younger twin most of the time. But his friend never failed proving reality either way.
So when they stood in a wild field, overgrown by many apple trees and the sea of daisies under their feet, this doubt followed even as the white blossoms brushed his ankles. Luckily for him; V's right there next to him. Struggling with the camera just as much and he already felt better.
“Alright!” V smiled relieved. “I figured it out. You want me to show you?” Saeran's eyes blinked once the other looked over.
Why did it take so long to live such a trivial life? How come they all needed pure destruction before becoming aware what really mattered in the end? He's not better than them; neither are they supreme to him. It's giving and taking that went beyond everyone's control and left him, specifically, with a mark on his body.
The waving hand in front of his face pulled him back into reality. “Saeran? Are you okay?” He stared at him a moment longer, a smile following.
“Yes, sorry.” And also a little bit of blush crept over his cheeks when reaching out the camera to V. “Just spaced out. Please, show me what I have to do exactly.”
After a few steps; V started pointing to the different buttons on the left side. “This is for filters,” He explained depsite Saeran's silence responding. Could he tell by now it didn't explicitly meant confusion? How time passed by.
The young man focused on the explanations well and V held it back out. “Was it understable? Not too fast?”
Saeran shook his head in appreciation. “Not at all, I think I got the hang of it. Thanks.” V found himself chuckling, remembering that outstanding talent of the twins to learn faster than any other person he'd ever met.
“I'm glad then.” He lifted his own to the right eye, focusing through the lense and watching this enormous filed of nature the way he's used to.
Saeran initiated him somewhat; instead of just going for it though, he kneeled down. Thinking what the first thing should be to capture with his brand new device. The sky because it's his favorite? The flowers to perhaps make a book of flower languages one day? Or one of the tress in order to learn setting the focus correctly?
Attention drifted and he ended up gazing at V again; already observed in his element. It then sparkled the idea in the corner of Saeran's mind; had anyone ever taken a photo of V in his times where he's working out his job? He couldn't remember that to be the case.
V could feel something nagging at his bones soon enough. It made him look around to see if his paranoia's simply another leftover of the past. But no, it surprised him finding the lense of Saeran's camera being pointed at no other than him.
“What are you doing?” He wheezed out of breath and the young man peeked a quick glimpse over before hiding behind the screen again. “Capturing your commitment.”
Was his offer. “It would be a great reminder for me to know who you really are.” V's bright eyed widened, his heart pounding lightly due to the wamrth inside of it. How grateful he was.. could Saeran truly capture that?
Paying it no more mind, V also kneeled down to get his camera on his height. “Then let me return the favor.” It caught Saeran off guard and therefore the picture ended up showing his bright blush as he rose back up.
When V came over to show Saeran, they both couldn't help but laugh about his facial expression. So, so red. The younger twin showed his own photo and V's obviously impressed which boosted his confidence immensely. “I like this, V.”
Saeran chimed amazed, having the older one place one hand onto his shoulder. “If you find joy in taking photos, then what more is there to be happy about? I'm glad you like it. And thank you for trying it out with me, Saeran.”
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unikron-kitten-kat · 1 year
Since my Slender's are part demon....
Note:: some of these demon attributes are based off a book my mom read. The immortal, human vessels of demons in that book had to do/couldn't do one thing that corresponded to the demon's title. For example, the vessel to the Demon of Lies could never speak truth, lest they experience excruciating pain; the vessel to the demon of lust had to have sex at least once a day, and it could not be with the same person. I forget the side effect. I'm pretty sure it was also pain.
Demon of Lust ;; Sexual Offenderman
Has to have sex at least once a day, as he feeds off the specifc euphoria gained from the activity, otherwise suffers from extreme stomach cramps and feels very hungover
Can create a sort of hypnotic gas from gills along his neck, and spots on his tail
Can manipulate his voice, often filling the room with his rumbly and deep voice
Can hiss
Has bat-appearing wings, and a snake-like tail that is prehensile
Has claws, cuz thats hot
Saliva can drain a person of energy, so bites his victims before dragging them off somewhere, often leading victims and their known ones thinking it was a vampire who took them
Can alter memories, read minds, and telepathically communicate
Can use fire magik, flames being of a purpley-velvet colour, and can manipulate the temperatures, using this to brand his claims
Demon of Vengence ;; Slenderman
Feeds off of vengence, and has to for sustenance
Recruits vengeful spirits or otherwise living creatures to not only feed him, but hunt for more vengeful spirits, often using his recruits to make more
Can use void magik, using the void to mark his recruits with marks to avoid them being taken by other entities
Can manipulate memories to the extreme, able to make targets forget up to a year of time
Can telepathically communicate, his mouth closed up due to not needing to feed of solid foods, but is still useable
Slender Sickness derives from effects his presence has on victims; being that he causes headaches, can manipulate electronic waves, and manipulate one's perception to an extent, causing hallucinations
Negative energies energize him, and he often agrivates his own recruits, albiet discreetly.
Demon of Joy ;; Splendorman
Feeds off the feeling of euphoria or related effects
Uses children to feed, using his many tricks, and even his fair grounds to bring them joy.
Being in the presence of an upset child makes his stomach hurl, making him as though he'd puke. So, he lightens the child's mood.
Effects of his feeding range from feeling very tired to being downright sick.
Has to feed completely twice a day, otherwise becomes angry, rrsulting in more damage than wanted.
Often drawn to depressed teenagers, taking them in to better them and his source of food.
Can create a "laughing gas", doing as uts name suggests, subjects victims to the gas to extreme bouts of joy and laughter
Can manipulate dreams, often turning nightmares into dreams, or morphing blank eyelids into such joyful landscapes
Can use Molten magik, such magik taking on the form of molten light, or "Liquid Sun", if you will. Like it's brothers, he uses the magik to brand 'favorites'
Demon of Ambitons ;; Trenderman
Feeds off ambition, or related emotions
Often feeds off fashion designers or other artists, finding they have more ambition than any humans he has personally come across
Uses ambition and creativity eaten to create its own projects, finding itself drawn to careers and hobbies on the 'harder' side to maintain and explore
Can use Sœ-Deyn magik [Soh - Deen], a rarer magik taking on the form of whispy clouds or violent sparks. Such magik is sought after, often times forcefully.
Sœ-Deyn magik can be used to manipulate one's surroundings to a limited degree, the degree of whicb being reliant on the potency of the individual's magik, and how efficient the wielder is
Uses Sœ-Deyn magik to brand the more ambitious humans it finds, often returning to those few individuals to occasionally feed
Both this one and the Joy Demon are skinnier than their two brethren, evidence of their uneagerness to eat; whether by choice or not is unclear
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farfromhome97 · 2 years
Born Cursed : The Beginning
Warnings: fighting-blood & 18+
Yukai: The Forest Of Curses & Thieves
I'm going to die if I don't make it out of here, Was all I could think. My legs felt like noodles and my heart would burst at any moment. I had to get away, anywhere but here.
The sound of branches breaking and footsteps, many of them, made me stop causing my eyes to dart among the trees.
"Looks like this wild one is gonna give us troubles, huh boys?"
6 men all clad in raider gear came out of their hiding place among the trees, smirking at me as they closed in.
"If you favor your life, you'll leave me be." I tried my best to make my voice stern, but in the end I still sounded scared.
Barking laughter met my ears making me cringe, the sound like nails on a chalkboard, the men forming a circle around me. Letting my shadows dance in the trees I waited for the man that spoke to come closer.
"Oh yeah boys, we're gonna have lots of fun with this one."
Sighing, I shook my head and cracked my knuckles.
"I warned you."
In an instant the mans head was rolling on the ground, blood splurging from his neck that was completely revealed, the smell of blood making me cringe.
"You bitch! Get her!"
As the men flanked me, I felt another energy, much stronger than these men, noting that when I finished this I would need to run away immediately, not wanting to find out who or what this energy belonged to.
In a matter of minutes, I was covered in blood and flesh, all six men around me beheaded, guts strewn among the grass, limbs hanging from branches in the trees, grimacing as I withdrew my shadows.
Turning to run, a deep voice stopped me.
"That was quite impressive, for a mortal."
Whipping my head in the direction of the voice as I backed up slowly, hoping to distance myself from whatever it was.
What resembled a man, only with 4 arms, 4 eyes, a mask covering half of his face and standing at least 7 feet tall came out of the trees, two hands clasping a dagger and a staff not taking my eyes from them as I backed up.
"If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done so already."
Knowing this to be true, I was still cautious, a wolf in sheep's clothing was still a wolf.
"What do you want?"
I followed his figure as he sat down on a fallen tree, my vision blurry but I was still unmoving, watching as a flame came from his hand to light the ground.
"Eat with me, you're going to die if you don't."
As if on cue, I felt my legs give out, collapsing to the forest floor, my vision growing darker as I stared at the unusual man as he heated what looked like stew.
Handing it to me, I drank feeling my energy come back slowly.
Cursed energy in some ways drained you, for me it was the way my body converted food into energy, meaning the more cursed energy I used, the more I needed to eat and vice versa.
With the moments of silence, I stared at the curse in front of me, he was obviously no human, but he was powerful, something I wanted to be.
"I have a proposal. Fight for me. I will help you hone your abilities, keep you fed and sheltered. Better than dying out here, no?"
I took the mans words in, understanding that he was truly right, this forest wasn't kind as I had already found out, and getting out of it was my main priority, and with the promise of food and shelter, I was really in no position to deny his request.
"That is all you wish from me in return is for me to...fight?"
Watching as a smirk grew on the mans handsome face, he crossed his free arms in front of him.
"Yes. That is all. Your cursed technique will be quite useful. I am Ryomen Sukuna, King of Curses. You are?"
Hearing the title, my breath caught in my throat. The King?! Of Curses?!
It was a surprise that he hadn't killed me on the spot for even looking at him.
I really couldn't deny him now.
"I am Y/N L/N. Mortal."
Another bark of laughter came my way before hearing Sukuna stand. Walking over to me he held a hand in front of my face.
"Stand, let us go to my home, you will rest there until you are back to health. After, we will begin your training."
Taking his hand, I let him lift me. Standing on shakey legs, I followed the large curse through the forest, letting him take me to my new home.
*One Month Later*
"Yes! Just like that!"
The sound of metal clanking and the smell of smoke filled the air as I sent whip after whip of cursed energy at Sukuna, watching as he blocked them with ease, either using his spear or the fire from his hands.
Either way it was amazing to witness.
After he blocked the last shadow, he stood straight and clapped his hands together, signaling the end of the spar.
"You're getting stronger, Y/N."
Bowing, I thanked him. His praises meant more to me than he probably knew, understanding he was one of few words. When he did speak, it came from a place of truth and authority. As I rose, I was startled to see him standing in front of me, almost taking a step back but stopping myself short.
"I'm going to bathe, My Lord, if you'll excuse me."
I peaked up at the curse, waiting for him to speak again.
"Join me for dinner after you're finished. It's best to have a good meal after a fight."
Giving my promise to be there, I made my way from the dojo to the long corridors of the shrine, taking 3 turns and going down a small flight of steps to a small set of sliding doors, going through them to the bath house, making the bath to my liking, letting the warmth of the water overtake me.
A/N: Ik we've already been here but I figured this was the best place to start!
Tag list: @m0ch1nut
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littlelambdrgnfly · 9 months
Ok since you reblogged that one post I hope you know I reread The Sum of Them for the 3rd time, maybe like a month ago, up until the last chapter and i never finished it cause i didnt want to experience it ending again (if that makes sense), i wish it never ended. I wish they could play baby games forever but its so important it does end because the ending is soo beautiful but so devastating, and it's beautiful because its so devastating, and my heart cant take experiencing that again :'-(
i already sent a message on here saying that your fic was the first fic to make me cry, possibly the first piece of LITERATURE in general to make me cry (i could be wrong but i cant remember any piece before that), and it made me cry 2 times when reading it for the first time. It is truly my favorite piece of McLennon fanfiction, but the only reason i dont fully consider it mine is that if someone were to ask me, it'd be too taboo/freaky to say but its truly one of the most heartfelt and complex ways ive ever seen anyone portray John and Paul while also feeling completely accurate and realistic. My god. And i love so many of your other fics too but The Sum of Them really means so much to me and I cant even say that enough. i wish you could just live as me and be inside my mind to fully grasp how much of an affect it had on me, I dont think i will ever be able to explain it sadly </3. But just know out of every McLennon fic ive ever read (and ive read many), THAT one is my very favorite out of like 100+. The way you characterize them is just so completely different from any other fic ive read and its so intimate and raw and holy shit i dont even have the words. Sorry i know im rambling at this point but I just think about it a lot! Also your fics are the only fics i enjoy anymore, (recent) beatles fics have gone down the drain in my opinion and yours are the only ones i can be satisfied with because, as far as im concerned, anything you write is automatically in-character for them after reading The Sum of Them lol x) thank you so SO much for writing cause it's truly exposed so many of my own desires and hidden , sensitive parts of myself that couldn't be excavated any other way without your work 💖
Dude... this is legitimately one of the best comments I've ever gotten. I wish I could memorize all of this and replay it for myself whenever I'm feeling blue. Thank you so so much, it means the world to me! I think all writers insert their own thoughts and emotions into their work, and I definitely do that in all of mine, but especially The Sum of Them. This fic is basically my wishlist of things I would do with a partner, as well as coming to better terms with my own kinks, so I'm glad it's been able to resonate with people. I'm also glad that I managed to keep John and Paul in character, even if John is crying every other paragraph lmao! I totally get what you're saying about wishing I could experience what you did, I wish I could too. Sometimes I reread my fics with the mindset of someone reading it for the first time, but it's just not the same. I'd give my left tit for more writers on my level or higher who wrote bottom!John or even ABDL fics, I swear. I don't read a lot of fics these days, but I'm usually disappointed whenever I check the Beatles tab. I'm also really really bad at remembering titles and author names, so I never remember what fics that I like! Thank God for bookmarks. I definitely understand not wanting to tell people that this is your favorite fic though, lol! I've been writing Beatles fics for a long time, but I created a new account on AO3 when I started writing these fics. I'm comfortable talking about this stuff, but only with the help of an alternate profile. I'm really really happy to help people explore this side of themselves though-- too often fics like mine are just really gross over-the-top and completely unrealistic portrayals in my opinion, and I guess I wanted to bring something sweeter and more realistic to the table. <3
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quack-and-yellow · 7 years
Lost in Translation – Roman Bürki One Shot
Warning: nsfw
For the anons requesting Roman Bürki smut. This is my first so please be gentle. Pun intended. :))))
Huge thanks to @nosequeurlusar for the Spanish translation! :)
It felt like walking into a dream – and it wasn’t even his wedding. Roman didn’t know how else to describe it. The scene before his eyes was just mesmerizing. All he had to do was take one look, and everything clicked in its right place. A slow song started playing. Fireworks lit up the horizon. A cool evening breeze blew by. His gaze landing on the beautiful woman walking past him. He didn’t notice her at the ceremony earlier or at the pre-wedding party last night. He would have noticed her without a doubt. Ah, but fuck it. It’s not like he should just approach anyone he finds beautiful, right? Some of them should just be admired from afar. But just in case he sees her again…
He nudged Gonzo who was walking beside him with his wife, Jasmin. Julian and Erik followed them. “How do you say, ‘Hello, my name is Roman’ in Spanish?”
“Sorry?” Gonzo said, raising his voice above the pops of the fireworks. 
“The playboy is on the move,” Julian teased, and Erik almost spat out his drink.
Roman ignored the two and repeated the question to Gonzo.
“Hola, me llamo Roman,” Gonzo said promptly.
“Who is she? Where is she?” Erik insisted, his voice louder than Roman would have wanted.
“Shut up,” Roman hissed.
“We’re the only ones speaking German here,” the blond pointed out.
Roman ignored him and kept walking towards their reception table. He suddenly stopped in his tracks, causing Julian to bump right into his hard, broad shoulders.
“What the hell?” Julian said, rubbing his arm.
“T-There’s someone at our table,” Roman said cautiously.
“So? We must be sharing it with someone,” Julian said exasperatedly. “What the hell is wrong with you?” 
“Is that her? The brunette in the green dress?” Erik asked, moving his head to get a better view. “I think I’ve seen her before.”
“Oh come on, you always say that about pretty girls,” Julian said.
“Can you give me a second?” Roman told them, and he started dragging his feet towards the table. He stopped as the brunette looked up.
“Hola, me llamo Roman.” The rush of blood in his ears was so loud, he couldn’t even hear himself speak. He was praying he said it correctly.
“Hola, Roman. Soy Isabel. Gusto en conocerte.” Isabel’s nude pink lips spread into a smile.
“Uhh…” Did she say nice to meet you? How do I respond to it? “Sí.” Shit, that doesn’t sound right.
“¿Encantadora ceremonia, cierto? Marc y Melissa forman una pareja muy hermosa. Estoy honrada de haber sido invitada, a pesar de no conocer a nadie más aquí. ¿Dónde están tus compañeros? ¿Es esta tu mesa también?*” Isabel was speaking quite fast and smiling, and Roman’s brain was going haywire from taking in so much of her all at the same time. Her voice. Her smile. Her striking blue eyes. Her tanned skin that perfectly compliments her aqua-colored dress. Her rich brown hair tucked into a low bun, with a few strands framing her face.
Isabel chuckled and squeezed his arm lightly. “I can speak German and English too. And Italian and French. Whichever you prefer.”
Roman laughed, relieved. “S-Sorry… I… That was rude of me.” He sat down beside her and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.
“Not at all,” Isabel said politely with a shake of her head. She actually found it charming that he tried.
He felt a smack on his back, making him cringe. He knew he looked stupid and his teammates will give him hell for it.
“Hola,” Julian greeted cheerfully. Beside him, Erik echoed the greeting but in a shy tone. Both of them sat down across Isabel.
“Hola.” Isabel beamed at them. “It seems all from Dortmund are sharing a table. At least I’m no longer alone.”
“You are from Dortmund?” Roman asked, his eyes widening.
“I’m Marc’s and Melissa’s instructor in German. And Mikel’s too.”
“I knew you looked familiar! Mikel showed me your… picture… before…” Erik said, and his voice started to lower when all eyes went to him.
Isabel was surprised but she composed herself and smiled instead. “He did? I didn’t know he have one of me.”
Erik laughed nervously, and Roman glared at him for embarrassing Isabel. An awkward silence took over the table.
“Oh I remember now,” Gonzo spoke up. “Marc mentioned getting an instructor when he moved to Dortmund. He was serious to learn German.”
Isabel nodded, her eyes twinkling. “That’s true! I was quite new to Dortmund that time as well. First, free tickets to home games, and now this.” She motioned at the place with a sigh, followed by a shy laugh. “They are a very nice couple.”
The rest of the table murmured in agreement. Roman loved the dreamy look in her eyes, as if she couldn’t believe her luck finding herself rubbing elbows with famous people. If only she knew that he’s the one who couldn’t believe his luck meeting her here.
Roman stuck by Isabel’s side as the evening unfolded, while the rest of his teammates were… he couldn’t care less. He lost them after having their photos taken at the photo booth. He was still wearing his cat ears.
“I don’t get drunk,” she said proudly, downing her eighth glass of margarita. “Back in uni, I won a drinking contest, and all of the other contestants were guys.”
Roman laughed louder than he intended. He was already lightheaded from his own alcohol consumption. “With margarita, sure.”
Isabel walked up to him and leaned closer. “You don’t believe me?”
He felt his breath hitch in his throat. Her smug look was so hot that it shut him up quickly. And that pout was unforgivable.
Isabel took the cat ears he was wearing and put it on her head. She grinned widely like the Cheshire cat. “I like cats.”
“Me too,” he said, even if he doesn’t. He has Cliff. Sorry, Cliff.
She burst out laughing. “I’m not making any sense. Do you want to get some fresh air?”
“I thought you don’t get drunk,” Roman teased.
“I don’t, but Roman Bürki giving me that look is too much for me,” she teased back and Roman, for the second time that evening, didn’t know how to respond. Thankfully she dragged him across the room without waiting for a response.
The evening was pleasantly warm and quiet. The garden up front was empty except for a few guests smoking and chatting. They walked a bit further from them until they reached the side of the building.
“That’s better,” she said, closing her eyes in satisfaction.
Roman watched her eyelids flutter and her chest move as she took a deep breath. Her loose curls swayed slightly, teasing his fingers to run through it. She looked cute and sexy wearing those cat ears.
“How come you know so many languages?” he blurted out, forcing a few unwarranted thoughts into the back of his head.
Isabel laughed at the randomness of his question. “I grew up here in Barcelona and studied in Germany, where my mother is from. I was already in love with languages so I learned them at an early age. But it also helped that I worked a couple of years in France and Italy. Now I’m a translator and an instructor.” 
“Wow,” Roman said. “So what language do you think in?”
She giggled. “German. Sometimes Spanish.”
“I should probably learn Spanish.”
“Oh yeah? Why?”
Roman took a step closer, locking her in his gaze. “So I would understand what you’re thinking.”
Isabel raised an eyebrow. “Can you read minds?”
“I can.” He brought a hand up to her face and brushed his thumb across her cheek.
She responded to his touch by biting her bottom lip. “So what am I thinking right now?”
“That I’m attractive,” he answered. “And hot.”
Isabel burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, but I wasn’t thinking that.”
He pouted, giving her a wounded look. “Are you sure? Because I –“
The rest of his sentence was muffled as she pressed her lips against his and wrapped her arms around his neck. Roman grabbed her waist and pushed her against the wall, kissing her back and forcing a tongue into her sweet, warm mouth. When their tongues touched for the first time, Isabel thought her eyes were about to roll back in her head. She gave him a gentle push on the chest. Roman pulled back and looked down at her with hooded eyes.
“Guess you didn’t see that coming,” she whispered with a cocky smile.
Roman smiled back. “You win.”
It didn’t take long before they were at her hotel room, still kissing and only breaking apart to struggle out of their clothes. Roman quickly stripped off his khaki pants, white button down shirt and boxers and tossed his black bowtie somewhere. Isabel was secretly hoping he would keep it on because he looked sexy and funny. Before she could admire his naked body, he spun her around and shoved her against the door, making her gasp. His arms slipped around her waist as he pushed his erection against her ass. He buried his face in her neck while fumbling with the zipper of her A-line dress. His ragged breath was hot against her ear, and she could feel her core getting wet. He tore off her dress finally, leaving her in her lingerie.
Roman spun her again to face him – gently this time – as he unhooked her bra and lowered her panties while kissing every inch of skin being revealed. He pulled back to take off her hairpins and he watched as her curls cascade down to her chest. The sight of her nipples peeking out of her curls made him swallow hard.
Isabel liked the look on Roman’s face as his gaze trailed over her body, but more than that was the heady sight of his nakedness, all hers tonight.
“So are you going to just stand there?” she said boldly.
Roman smirked as he carried her and kissed her all the way to the bed. He was still kissing her when he lowered her to the bed and whispered, “Let me hear you curse in different languages as I fuck you.”
He licked and sucked one nipple after the other and began kissing his way down her body. Isabel moaned as she ran her hands through his hair. He dragged his mouth across her navel, his beard leaving a prickly trail on her skin that was making her toes curl. He parted her legs and let his mouth slide up her thigh, finally landing on her wet folds.
“Oh god!” Isabel screamed as an intense sensation shot up from that spot. She was holding fistfuls of Roman’s hair as he lapped and licked at her clit.
When he was satisfied, Roman climbed back up her body and pressed his lips against hers. He gripped her hips with both hands and took her unapologetically in one swift thrust. She gasped into his mouth, feeling her muscles tighten around him. He brazenly locked eyes with her as he pushed harder and faster, watching her face contort in ecstasy as she came. He buried his face against her neck as he started to tense, and Isabel tightened her legs around him. He groaned with one final shove, and his body jerked with his release. Roman kept groaning as he stilled himself on top of her. After a few minutes, he slowly pulled out of her and crashed on the bed breathless and wordless.
Isabel pulled the sheets to cover herself and rolled to face Roman. Every curve of his muscle was glistening with sweat and his hair was disheveled. He looked hot even when spent. When he noticed her staring at him, he propped himself up on his elbow to see her better.
“What are you thinking?” His other hand caressed her cheek tenderly.
“Tell me.”
“Read my mind.”
He grinned cheekily. “Well… It was the best sex you’ve ever had.”
Isabel laughed and rolled to the other direction. “I was thinking in Spanish. And you’re wrong.” But she was lying.
*Translation: Lovely ceremony, right? Marc and Melissa are a very beautiful couple and I’m honored to be invited, even if I don’t know anyone else here. Where are your teammates? Is this your table too?
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valentine-writes · 3 years
Ok ok so new night time employee goes into the daycare, it’s dark and moon attempts to scare them, they jump because jump scare, but just smile at him and start gushing over how cute he is, boops his nose, just soft fluffy first meeting!
i still get a little -ˏˋ starstruck ˊˎ-
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↳ ft. moondrop/moon
「 gn! reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
author's note: title inspired by starstruck by the scary jokes today!!! :] this is SO SWEET aawuagh.... im not Too Used 2 writing 4 moon but i will 100% do this for u!!!!! ALSO fun little au headcanons coming up soon (੭˃̵ᴗ˂̵)੭ SO EXCITED 2 SHOW U ALL THAT ONE TOO <3 anyways!!! here we go!!!!! again, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors might b here sorry </3 a lot of reader dialogue too, IM SO SORRY IF ITZ TOO MANY SPECIFIC WORDZ!!! i usually keep dialogue up to interpretation and open since we don't all talk the same- but i felt like this one needed more- so like. again. vv sorry </3
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▸ "the pay better be worth it..." you mumbled to yourself, stepping into the pizzaplex. the last room to check around was the daycare- and while every other location had the lights on, this one didn't
▸ kind of weird. though, this was your first day on the job, something felt wrong. this whole place- it wasn't so bad- but you couldn't help but find that there was a certain feeling that lingered with you as you explored
▸ too dark to see, your hands gripped your flashlight. scanning the area, squinting at your surroundings (and turning with every slight movement that you think you might've spotted in the shadows) you decided that that was enough of this place
▸ that was it. over. now that this was off the list, you could continue patrolling the area outside of the daycare and the other rooms again and-
▸ your flashlight flickers, once- twice- and then turns off. leaving you in complete and total darkness
▸ you smacked the side of your flashlight. it didn't help. you tried pressing its power button, holding it, clicking it repeatedly- also didn't help. real lucky for your flashlight to be so near death- did they never change the batteries in these things? you had barely used it prior to visiting the daycare. when was the last time it was charged?
▸ as you stared down at your flashlight and tried everything that came to mind to get it to turn on, a noise caught your ear. the soft jingling of bells
▸ at first, you considered that maybe, you were hearing things. until you heard it coming even closer. behind you. it was behind you.
▸ you spun around, hitting your flashlight button and lifting it up, only to remember that it was drained. its light flickers pathetically, to the likeness of a sputtering cough, before dying out. you caught only a glimpse of movement before being consumed again into the pitch black
▸ still, that told you enough. you could sense that the thing was quicker. and it was still behind you- you swore you saw it. you knew.
▸ but before anything could be done, or you could say a word, cold metal fingers dug into your shoulders
▸ freezing in place, you slowly looked over. red eyes stared back at you.
▸ startled, you shoved it away, jumping a foot in the air- before blinking at the animatronic curiously.
▸ you had seen this one- rather a poster of a similar looking one. this, decidedly, looked a lot less peaceful and cute. and a lot more creepy.
▸ but maybe it was just the dark? it moved closer, and instead of fending the animatronic off, you neared it too.
▸ "hey. wait." taking the sides of it's faceplate in your hands gently, you squinted at it. the animatronic, in turn, gripped your forearms, as if about to pry you off- but stopped too. silence.
▸ "you're that moon thing... i think." you made out what you could. it was holding surprisingly still, despite the tight grip that continued to hold onto you. your eye caught the tiny hat atop its round head-
▸ and you laughed. you couldn't help it. it had erupted out like you had been holding it forever, and a smile rose on your face. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry-" you gasped through little bits of stifled giggles. "it even has a little bell attached to it-" you gushed, pulling the moon animatronic's face closer to get a good look
▸ he did not seem very pleased by this. rough words crackled in his voicebox. "leave."
▸ "oh- oh no, wait, i'm-" you couldn't exactly find what to say (admittedly, the little hat was still in your head, the thought threatening to make you giggle again-) so instead, you pried yourself free of his grip, and gestured to your nametag. "this is my job. and it's kinda weird, because no one informed me that the moon animatronic was in the daycare- or that one was even really here."
▸ his head tilted, confused. at this point, he'd probably drag you out the daycare, but you continued. and he- just. listened.
▸ "your design is so cute! nothing like the posters- ...no offence- but still!! so- cute- here, i'll get a closer look if i can just make it to the light switch and-"
▸ "no."
▸ well. that settled that. decidedly, you wouldn't push it. he seemed a little bit aggressive about it. before you could open your mouth to speak again, you watched as the animatronic started floating
▸ oh. well. not without assistance. a wire lifted him up, carrying him into the air.
▸ you called out suddenly, squinting through the dark. "wait, hey- where are you going?" nothing. silence. though, before you turned away, you could hear his voice
▸ "it's past your bedtime..."
▸ moon was weird. did you annoy it? could animatronics be annoyed? what was with the general unfriendliness? you didn't bother asking. besides- your shift was almost over.
▸ the next few times you go to work and check the daycare, its (mostly) lit up. and moon is nowhere to be found
▸ on the days where the lights are off, and it's quieter than usual however. expect company to come sneaking up behind you again, or simply watch you in the darkness with his piercing red eyes.
▸ even if you thought you were alone in the dark of the pizzaplex, moon was always, always waiting for you to come back again.
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tired-teacher-blog · 3 years
just because I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently. I wanted to request headcanons for the golden trio, meeting their girlfriends parents for the first time. If you can? if not that’s totally okay too <3 ! I hope you’re well :) !
I hope you're well too sweetie 😘 and of course I'll do it for you so here you go
Title : Meeting your parents
Characters : Izuku/ Shouto/ Katsuki
Genre : fluff/ headcanons
Bakugo :
He was filled with confidence and was sure he would empress them.
You on the other hand, was extremely nervous about introducing him to your parents. You love him so much and you know for a fact that he's an amazing person, but Katsuki has never been a people person so you had no idea how things would go.
As soon as you introduced him to your family, you noticed an uneasiness in his expressions, he was trying his hardest to be involved in the conversation and to answer their questions as calmly as possible, but he was clearly uncomfortable.
It was so sweet to see him trying for you, so you had to do something for him as well.
You casually slipped your hand in his, and intertwined your fingers giving him a reassuring squeeze.
That seemed to do the trick. You felt him relaxing under your touch and he immediately started tracing his thumb over your skin.
You were so proud of him and you wanted to tell him that. So as soon as you two entered your appartement, you jumped in his strong hold and kissed his cheek: " You did really well Katsuki, I'm so happy."
He smiled and nuzzled your neck before answering: "Anything for my sweetheart."
Shouto :
You regretted your suggestion for him to meet your parents as soon as the words left your mouth.
It completely slipped your mind that his relationship with his family isn't the best, so naturally, he wouldn't be comfortable meeting yours.
You apologized instantly and hugged him, but his reaction was so unexpected. "I'm grateful you want to introduce me to your family, that would make me really happy." Was what he responded with.
You couldn't tell his true emotions when he greeted your parents for the first time. He had no visible expressions on his face so you had to keep an eye on him in case he started feeling uncomfortable.
Luckily there were no signs of discomfort. On the contrary, he was having fun and talking to them casually.
Seeing that gave you mixed emotions: on the one hand you were ecstatic to see him getting along with them, but on the other hand you felt really bad since you realize he has never had that warmth and closeness with his own family, which is probably why he got along well with yours, as he must've been craving for anything that can give him the illusion of being surrounded by a normal family.
When you were finally by yourselves, you instantly cupped his cheeks and pecked his lips murmuring against them: "I love you Shouto you are my best friend, my soulmate and my family."
He beamed hearing your words and kissed your nose before answering: "You are my everything."
Izuku :
Seeing him search the internet for "How to look cool in front of your girlfriend's parents" was the cutest thing ever.
You wanted to tell him that he didn't have to do all that, but seeing him try in his own way was precious and you couldn't help but gaze at him taking notes and memorizing them.
It was even more endearing when all of it went down the drain as soon as he was standing face to face with your parents.
To say he was nervous would be an understatement, as he was sweating, shaking and unable to utter a clear sentence.
You had to do something to help him relax a bit, so you placed your hand on his shaky leg and stroked it gently while giving him a reassuring smile.
He took your hand between his own and squeezed it hard as if asking you not to retrieve it.
Things got a lot better after that, he could finally talk and smile calmly. But your hand never left his the whole evening, and you had no problem leaving it in his clutch.
The whole way home was him analysing his first meeting with your family, pointing out what he did right and what he did wrong so he would avoid making the same mistakes next time he sees them.
You could barely control yourself from jumping on him and kissing him all over. But as soon as you two entered your appartement, that was exactly what you did. You kissed his forehead, his nose, his cheeks, his lips, and everywhere you could reach causing him to giggle and to drag you closer, locking your lips in a passionate kiss.
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takamishinko · 3 years
footprints and doubts
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this is the longest piece we’ve written so far and it drained the living crap out of us :,D but hope u guys enjoy !
pronouns: gender neutral 
warnings: nothing really other than jealousy, angst, and crying, self thought cheating
a/n: r/n is region name btw
honestly you found it hard to believe that little ol’ you from r/n could befriend let alone become someone important to ajax. the great tartaglia, 11th of the fatui harbingers, his name itself could strike fear into anyone. yet here you were, standing next to him with your hands intertwined with his at the lantern rite festival. you would give the world to him if you could, you loved him so much. he was so different from your last significant other who had been unfaithful towards you. 
‘you’re just too boring.’ they had told you apathetically. you frown thinking about it.
you felt ajax gave your hand a small tug, "hey y/n why don't we go over there? looks like chef mao is cooking up something good." he spoke with a cheery grin on his face.
you snap back into reality as you felt his hand pull you out of your thoughts. you gave him a terse nod and the two of you made your way to wanmin restaurant.
after waiting a while in line, the two of you were next. chef mao looked up and practically shat himself at the sight of the male next to you. 
“hello y/n! i hope you’ve been enjoying the festival, " chef mao spoke nervously, his eyes gliding to the male next to you, “y...you too sir childe.” he sputtered out. right, ajax was the one who tried to destroy liyue not too long ago after all. you shook your head, right now you were with ajax, not childe.
"woah woah woah. calm down chef, you know that’s history now. besides, i’m just here to enjoy the festival with y/n." ajax assured, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.
you gave the chef a slight smile and spoke,"don’t worry chef. i��m sure he doesn’t have plans other than being with me tonight." you teased. 
the chef sighed in poorly concealed relief and returned to his usual self as he took your order. ajax ordered the specialty for today, the crystal shrimp. after a small wait, the two of you waved chef mao goodbye after he gave you two your food. the warm dish let out puffs of steam and glistened under all the light of the lanterns due to it's crystal clear skin, there were 4 in total, the wrapping for each was folded into the shape of a flower. they were so pretty, you almost felt bad for eating them. 
sitting down on a nearby bench, the two of you enjoyed the crystal shrimp while making small talk. the crystal shrimps were delicious themselves but it felt better to enjoy them with someone you loved. 
after finishing the food, you and ajax had a great time. you guys played a few rounds of theatre mechanics, ruijin was pleased at how skilled the two of you were and rewarded both of you with hefty prizes. upon bumping into zhongli, the three of you decided to enjoy some tea with him. after bidding farewell to the funeral consultant, the two of you released some xiao lanterns and watched as they floated into the night sky. 
feeling a bit tired, the two of you then decided to relax and take a walk instead of participating in games. as you and your boyfriend were strolling around the harbour, something, or someone caught his gaze. you look over to where his eyes were trailing to.
a beautiful young lady dressed in a white dress with a cecilia tucked into her golden blonde hair and a puffy companion floating by her side waved at ajax. her smile brighter than the sun and her movement as graceful as the moon. her honey glazed eyes shone with familiarity and glee at the sight of him.
of course you recognized this girl. she was none other than the otherworldly traveler, lumine. she fought alongside the liyue qixing and even the adepti to defeat the great osial. the people of liyue spoke about her often, everyone knew how she had also earned the title of honorary knight in mondstadt and defeated one of the four winds despite her young age. 
you were once again brought back into reality when ajax spoke, "hey babe ill be right back okay? i wanna catch up with lumine real quick." 
you felt his hand leave yours, the warmth dissipated with it. you felt an uncomfortable feeling bubble up as you watched your boyfriend run to someone else, leaving you alone by yourself to stand in the sea of lanterns and people. 
it didn't feel right.
you stayed in place with a dejected look for a while waiting for ajax to return but he was taking a while so you decided to go check what was going on with him.
"-but then teucer decided to do it anyway!” you hear ajax’s boyish voice ring out with amusement.
as the blond and the redhead laughed together. you couldn't help but think about the two looked enchanting with each other.
you shook your head and decided to make your presence known. "ajax-" 
ajax perked up, "oh! babe sorry to keep you waiting let me introduce you. lumine this is my partner y/n!" ajax exclaimed with a cute grin.
you gave lumine a small wave and spoke with a polite smile, "it's a pleasure to meet you lumine." 
"it’s nice to meet you too y/n.” lumine replied cheerfully.
now that you’ve got a better look at the blonde, she's so much more beautiful than you could have ever imagined. 
her velvety blonde hair fell gracefully, her porcelain skin was practically glowing without a single visible blemish, her golden eyes shone with beauty that rivaled cor lapis. to wrap it up, her short stature was presented with grace and poise. all in all, everything about the blonde was nothing less than perfection.
everyone loved her and you could understand the reason behind it very well. gorgeous, kind, and righteous, the hero of every region everyone respected. you couldn’t help but wish you were like her instead of your boring self, without a vision, without any standing out achievements either…
you started to space out while the two started up a conversation again, thinking about the feelings you were currently having. why were you feeling like this?
"hey babe we should get going! it's getting late." the voice of your lover broke you out of your thinking.
you were overthinking a lot today huh. "oh. we probably should get going then." 
"bye ajax! bye y/n! it was really nice meeting you." lumine said with a pearly smile gracing her features. she then walked off to find her floating companion who was near a food stall inhaling dish after dish of food.
ajax..? he wasn’t childe or tartaglia to her, but ajax. you didn't know how to feel upon hearing the real name of your boyfriend slip out of the blonde. you knew how secretive ajax could be when it came to his family and personal life so the fact that lumine knew his real name put a feeling of unease within you.
the way home was pretty quiet, you didn't want ajax to notice that you were feeling off. you felt so guilty for having these feelings about him and lumine but you couldn’t help it. your last relationship had practically trampled on your ability to trust others, you could never tell if someone was lying to you or being truthful. you contemplated telling him how you felt but you decided against it, you’ve never been great at expressing your feelings after all. however, after a while of him blabbing about random topics, you couldn’t curb your curiosity any longer and realized you wanted to know more about your lover's relationship between him and lumine.
after a while of peaceful silence, you let out a small breath, "hey ajax?"
“yes y/n?" 
"who is lumine… to you?"
ajax perked up at the sound of the blonde's name, "lumine? she's a good friend and a formidable opponent of course. it's been a while since i’ve fought with someone who could keep up with me on the battlefield!" ajax spoke with enthusiasm.
you felt a twinge of pain shoot into your heart at the tone that your lover used when speaking about the blonde. did he speak like that when he was talking about you? 
"oh… i see. she must be a very powerful person then." you replied with feigned glee.
ajax noticed that you were in low spirits, "why? is something wrong?" he questioned with slight worry.
"no! i'm alright. i was just curious because you two seemed… close." you lied. you weren't ok, but you didn't know how to tell him. probably because you didn't even know why you felt such-
that was what you were feeling. not petty jealousy or sadness, you were envious. envious of lumine. her beauty, her strength, her personality, everything. the feeling consumed every inch of your body and dyed you green. your insecurities swallowed you up and spit you out, rendering you vulnerable against the little demons that poked at your thoughts.
when the two of you got home and freshened up, ajax practically passed out the second he lied in bed with you. on the other hand, you stayed wide awake, stuck thinking about the way lumine and ajax interacted. the smiles, the laughter, the fond looks they gave each other plagued your mind, rendering you unable to sleep. after a while of staring blankly at the ceiling, you groaned and carefully lifted the sheets to not wake your lover and got out of bed to make yourself a cup of tea. you used the tea leaves you bought from pops kai, the calming properties of the tea always helped you when you felt down. 
"they're just friends, don't overthink it, just friends, just friends." you whispered to yourself, trying to give yourself a sense of reassurance. after finishing the tea you got back into bed,  it was hard but you eventually fell asleep next to your lover.
next morning, you were woken by the sound of your boyfriend walking around in the living room doing something. it was only around 7am so you were wondering why up so early as he usually woke up at 8. you groggily walked out of the bedroom.
ajax noticed you and smiled fondly at the cute sight of you rubbing your eyes. "good morning babe, did i wake you up? sorry about that, i was just getting ready to go train."
"oh. by yourself?" somehow, you had a feeling of where this conversation was headed.
"no, with lumine, we made a deal yesterday to go to yaoguang shore today to fight some ruin guards and hunters for materials!" he chuckled.
lumine. lumine
the name echoed in your mind like a mantra. you were aware of his weekly spars with the blonde but today would be the second day he went out with her this week. a part of your heart told you to stop him, another part told you to let him go. in this internal battle, you chose the latter and let him go. after all, who were you to stop him? it's not like you could be the one to satisfy his thirst for battle, only someone like lumine could.
you were having a day off due to the lantern rite festival, but to be honest it's not like you needed the money. with the amount of money ajax had he could probably support you and your next 4 generations. with your spare day, you decided to clean up the house because it was a bit messy due to teucer playing around the day before. 
while cleaning up you found a spare xiao lantern that teucer was supposed to release when he came over. since you had spare time you decided to set another lantern yourself, it would be a waste to not use it after all. as people say, during the lantern rites, put your wish into a lantern and set it into the sky for it to become true. 
"i wish to stay with ajax, till death does us apart." 
you only hoped he felt the same way about you.
you put the note in the xiao lantern and set it off into the sky, you watched with sentiment as it floated away towards the clear blue sky.
you had a hard time focusing on the task you were doing for the rest of your day so you decided to take your mind off things and go take a look around liyue harbour to see if there was anything worth checking out, or buying. 
liyue harbour contained the usual, the fragrance of grilled tiger fish wafting from the stand next to where you would usually buy your groceries, the kids messing around near the boats, and you even met xiangling who tried to offer you her new recipe of jade parcels but you kindly refused. 
after that you went to give the adorable little pharmacist, qiqi, a visit. she was under the  cashier stand like usual, you gave her a little pat on the head and asked for the usual medicine you buy for ajax. 
you then bumped into zhongli, who was also strolling around. the two of you chattered about the festival and other shenanigans before bidding each other farewell. the amount of history about liyue and its traditions the man was familiar with would never fail to surprise you.
there wasn’t really anything left for you to do in the harbour so you started to head back home. not far away from the liuli pavilion you saw a familiar redhead talking to the owner of mingxing jewelry with a shorter figure standing beside him. 
upon closer inspection, you noticed it was ajax with someone else at a jewelry shop looking at the items. it was none other than lumine standing next to him. you watched as lumine picked out a piece of jewelry from the stand that would look so well on her. the gem glowed it’s colour under her smile and looked more fitting than ever. weren’t they supposed to be at yaoguang shore?
without second thought ajax bought the jewelry in lumines hand and put it in a gift bag with a look of tenderness. your heart dropped to the pits of your stomach, you felt as if the world was crashing down on you. your breathing quickened and your heart palpitated at alarming rates. every little insecurity that was planted in you had finally finished blooming. was this really going to happen to you a second time? was once not enough for the entertainment of the gods?
that was when he saw you, standing only a little bit away from him holding the items you purchased for him and the fresh groceries you were going to use to cook dinner for him.
ajax’s eyes widened in surprise upon seeing you, “y/n!? why are you he-” he was tense, you noticed, just like your ex-lover when they were caught.
you tried to regulate your breathing and spoke, “stop.” you managed to say, cutting off ajax before he could finish his sentence. he flinched at your dull tone.
“y/n! i know what you’re thinking but i promise we were just-” ajax hurriedly tries to explain.
“don’t. i think i've seen enough childe.” he frowned at the use of his moniker. 
your lips trembled, water collecting at the bottom of your eyes. ‘don’t cry. don’t cry, don’t cry.’ you repeated in your head, you didn’t want to appear weak in front of the two. your ajax who you loved so much, who you cared for so much, who you were planning to spend the rest of your life with, is now buying jewelry for someone else after lying to you.
“i was foolish this entire time, of course. instead of someone like me, a visionless nobody you would choose her over me. you’re just like-” your voice cracked as you forced the words out of your tightened throat. 
“y/n it’s not like that! please just let me explain!” ajax pleaded urgently. he hated that you were talking bad about yourself.
after gaining a smidge of composure you decided you couldn’t be near the two, “no need childe, i understand. now if you’ll excuse me, i'll be on my way.” you muttered and brushed past the two. 
“wait y/n!-” he reached out to grab your arm before the blonde next to him stopped him.
lumine sighed and spoke up after staying silent, “let them go for now. leave them alone for a bit, they need some time to think. it’s understandable why someone would be upset if they saw their lover with someone else like this.” she comforted before patting him on the back.
“yeah. i guess you’re right...” ajax murmured with a crestfallen look. he regretted not communicating with you, otherwise this wouldn’t have happened. he should’ve cleared up any suspicions you had and reassured you. he knew about how you weren’t confident due to your last relationship. gods, he felt like he was worse than your dirtbag of an ex.
you walked towards your home slowly trying to process what just happened. your tears already ran dry and you didn’t think more were able to escape from your eyes. the fading sunset seemed so blurry yet peaceful. somehow, instead of walking home, you ended up near yaoguang shore which happened to be the spot you and ajax would go to often. his name brought bitter feelings back as you remember the events that just happened but you took a deep breath and sat on the sand across from the shore. you listened to the sound of the ocean, the waves dousing the sand it touched. you took notice of the starconches laying on the sand. 
feelings of melancholy welled up inside you. these are ajax’s favourites. the blue shells reminded you of his eyes. his lovely eyes were the blue of the waves of the sea, they crashed into you and pulled you into them. you could spend all day swimming in the infinite hues until you drowned.
you buried your head onto your knees and let out a pained cry you’ve been holding in. here, where no one can find you, where no one can hear you. only the ocean will hear your troubles and worries, you hoped it could wash them away and you could forget about them forever. you sat there in peace by yourself for what felt like hours.
you sighed and decided that you should get going, but to where? you didn’t want to see ajax if he’s even going to be there at all. maybe you could crash at zhongli’s place…
 just as you were about to leave you heard a familiar voice behind your back. “y/n!” it was the man you loved, ajax, sprinting to you with the same gift bag he was holding in his hands at mingxing jewelry. 
you turned around to look at him. your hair was flowing in the wind with the sunset behind your back. to ajax it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen in his life. 
“i knew you’d be here.” ajax spoke with relief.
you looked away from him not knowing how to feel right now about your “lover” and stayed silent.
“y/n. i swear it wasn’t what it looked like, i would never do that to you. lumine and i really don’t have anything going on in between us, i chose you as my partner and i plan on keeping it that way for the rest of my life. in fact,” ajax murmured while opening up the gift bag he was holding. it was a bracelet with a fine piece of noctilucous jade in the middle with cor lapis fragments decorating the border of the blue gem. the jewelry wafted with fragrances, the morning dew smell from a qingxin, the classical smell of the harbour from a silk flower and lastly the everlasting aroma of violet grass.  
“do you like it? lumine and i picked it out for you at mingxing jewelry for our upcoming anniversary. i just wanted her opinion on what to choose for you. this was one of the most beautiful pieces that they had. i heard it took a super long time to make, oh! the jade in the middle will also make the bracelet glow in the dark! pretty cool huh?” ajax smiled as he lifted your wrist to put it on you.
at a loss of words, you lifted your head up at the male and gave him a soft smile, “thank you ajax… i love it, it’s perfect in every way possible.”
“just like you.” the redhead spoke fondly with a grin on his face while softly stroking your hair.
“oh shut up you flirt.” you tried to hide your smile as you both giggled on the beach with the sunset dripping behind you two. 
after a while of being engulfed in ajax’s arms you spoke, “ajax, i want to apologize for jumping to conclusions about you and lumine. i..you know about how i find it hard to trust people sometimes but it was unfair for me to do that to you, i know you would never cheat on me.” you spoke, hugging him tighter as if he would leave if you get go. 
“y/n. don’t you dare think for a second that i’ll leave you for someone else ok? you’re the only one in this world that i want and it’s staying that way. i don’t care if you’re visionless, or if you don’t have any achievements whatsoever. i still love you so so much.” ajax exclaimed as he buried his head into the crook of your neck.
you felt a certain warmth as your face flushed. how did you end up with someone as perfect as ajax. you lifted his face with your hands and pressed your lips against his. he deepens the kiss and your heart melts.
“thank you ajax. i’ll always be by your side too, no matter what happens. my love for you has no ends.” you speak with pure affection as you nuzzled your face into ajax’s soft yet firm chest. 
ajax feels his face heat up and he quickly speaks, “c’mon now, let’s go home, i can’t wait to taste your cooking after running around all day today.”
the two of you walked together on the beach, hand in hand, leaving footprints and doubts in the sand.
special msg from my dear editor: hey lol - @kamihara​ , my works wouldn’t be nearly as good if it weren’t for them so go give them a follow please :)!
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