#i'm sorry but maybe reading a story on that topic is something you shouldn't do? idk
endwersed · 4 months
13 fics to me that is crazy. Can I say I truly enjoyed Striking Out. I really don't understand the hate you got for it. Understand not liking what a character is doing but in the end its truly just a story that the author is creating don't read if you don't like. It's tagged angst with a happy ending. There is going to be parts that make you feel sad or mad but it will get better. Sorry I just really loved what you have written for the story.
It's crazy to me too, anon 😁
Thank you, that's very sweet of you to say - and I do agree with you, when I read a story tagged with angst, I'm expecting angst! Over time, I've come to think that maybe some people took the actions of the characters in that story a little too personally, and that's why the reaction was as... intense as it was.
Either way, as much as I have gotten some negative and demotivating comments on that fic, I have also had some truly lovely ones that have been a joy to read - stuff a lot like this 💖
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blind date l Frankie “Catfish” Morales
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Summary:  you were supposed to spend a quiet evening, but someone sat down at your table
Warnings:  just fluff, some kissing, a little bit of alcohol, misunderstanding
A/N: aaaaaahhhhh, I know I shouldn't do this! this platform is full of beautiful stories about Frankie, but I had one thought in my head and I had to do something with it since I had some free time. your feedback is very important to me and I thank you for all the reblogs, comments and likes. 🖤 sorry for all the mistakes
You were never a big fan of your birthday. When you read about the "birthday blues" somewhere a while ago, you were already sure that it was all about you. Going out with friends, loud parties and drinking until dawn - that wasn't your thing. This time, you decided to do it all differently.
You put on a nice dress, the one that made you feel really good and pretty. You put on light makeup and used your favorite perfume. All of that just to go alone to one of the local bars, order a drink and spend this time in your own company. And everything was going well until a certain moment.
You were just browsing the late-night repertoire at the nearby cinema on your phone when someone unexpectedly sat down at your table. You looked up, a little surprised.
"I'm sorry I'm late. I have no excuse for that. Have you been waiting long?"
"I..." you couldn't get any more out of yourself, because the man glanced at your almost empty drink.
"I'll order you a new one. Wait a minute."
He stood up and walked over to the bar, and you tried to understand what had just happened. You looked back at this strange man. 
He was tall, with broad shoulders and a rather narrow waist. Curly hair peeked out from under his baseball cap. You were sure you definitely didn't know him, because you would have remembered those wonderful brown eyes.
After a moment, he returned to the table carrying a new drink for you and a beer for himself. He sat down and smiled uncertainly at you.
"So..." he began, then extended his hand to you, "I'm Frankie."
You shook his hand, giving him your name. You saw him frown for a moment, as if a thought had appeared in his head, but it quickly disappeared.
He rested his arms on the table, his shirt stretching pleasantly on his body.
"I never thought I'd be on a blind date." he mumbled, smiling "But that seems pretty nice. Especially when the company is so lovely."
"Don't worry, I didn't plan on taking part in something like that either." You replied, pleasantly flattered by his compliment. "But maybe we should just see where it takes us."
"Yeah, sure. So... How do you know Benny?"
What Benny? You didn't know any man by that name. But Frankie was faster than you again.
"You probably met after one of his fights." he stated, adjusting his cap. "Silly question, sorry. I haven't done this in a while."
"What do you mean?” you asked, taking a sip of your drink, the sweet cherry flavor filling your mouth.
"I didn't go on dates." Frankie rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "You know. I've been working a lot lately."
"Where do you work?"
"I'm a pilot."
"A helicopter pilot, I do assignments for different companies." he explained "I was in the military before. What about you?"
"I don't fly and I didn't fight." You replied and he laughed. His smile was really cute.
You told him what you did, and he - it was true - he really listened to you. He asked some simple and polite questions about your job, but he didn't try to let it dominate your conversation.
You felt comfortable and really good around Frankie, so when you finished your drinks and he suggested that you should go out and eat something, you gladly agreed.
You walked side by side through the quiet town, it was a warm and peaceful evening. The conversation revolved around topics that were safe for you, and you were more and more charmed by this man.
You didn't object when he put his hand on your back when you stopped at some takeaway. You even smiled a little embarrassed when the nice salesman asked Frankie:
"And what for your lady?"
"And what does my lady want?" he asked, winking at you.
You placed your order and soon you sat down outside to eat. You could feel Frankie's gaze on you almost the entire evening.
"Sorry, but this is the first time I've seen a girl that looks so hot eating takeout in a place like this." he laughed when you asked what was so funny to him.
"You're unfair!" you replied, holding back a laugh and aiming a fry at him. "I don't dress like this every day."
"So this is for me? Thank you."
You nervously bit the inside of your cheek. You felt a pang of guilt. Frankie was charming, funny and handsome, but he was supposed to meet someone else that night. Maybe you just deprived him of the opportunity to meet a really great woman?
Suddenly, his large, warm hand squeezed your knee and it brought you back to reality.
"C'mon, sweetie. I'd love to spend the whole night with you, but I have to drop you home." he said, smiling. "I have an early flight tomorrow."
"I can call a cab. You don't have to..."
"Please." His eyes were like those of a cute puppy. "Give me a few more minutes with you."
So you agreed. Frankie drove you home, his hand lazily stroking your knee. You liked that.
You wondered for a moment whether to tell him that you lived even further away, because the ride was really nice, but soon the car stopped in front of the building you lived in.
"We're here," he said. "Listen... It was a really nice evening. I understand if you didn't want to meet up with me again, but..."
"I had a great time too." you replied quickly, and seeing how his face lit up you added. "Maybe I'll give you my number? In case you want to meet up again, or... talk?"
"Yeah, sure!"
He pulled his phone out of his pocket, and you quickly typed in your number. There was nothing left.
"I think I'll go now. I wouldn't want you to oversleep at work because of me."
"I wouldn't mind, but I guess you're right."
You had already opened the door and was about to get out when a thought crossed your mind. If you had been going with the flow all evening, why would you stop now? 
You saw a small surprise in Frankie's eyes, but after a moment he smiled when you moved closer to him, placing your hand on his cheek. You felt his stubble tickle your skin. 
And then you kissed him. Just like that. Frankie kissed you back, sliding one hand into your hair and the other squeezing your waist. He pulled you even closer, sliding his tongue between your lips.
He was a gentle kisser, or at least that was the first impression he gave. His lips were soft and lightly returned the next kisses. You smiled as you moved away from him.
"Good night, Frankie." You whispered and quickly got out of the car.
Frankie [04:56] Morning. I hope I don't wake you up, but I thought you'd like to see this.
You looked at the message and smiled at the picture of the sunrise he sent you.
Y/N [06:38] Beautiful. Thank you for thinking of me.
Frankie [06:41] I couldn't stop doing this. I'd love to see you again soon.
Y/N [06:44] Good, because I'd like that too ;)
Benny [07:21] Catfish, you idiot!
He showed up at your door in the evening when you were already considering taking a bath and going to bed. When you opened the door, you knew immediately that something was wrong.
"Hi. I wasn't expecting you." you greeted, but he just nodded nervously.
"Can we... Can we talk?" he asked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
"Yeah, sure. Come in."
He walked inside and looked around your place. It was cozy and nice, with a big couch perfect for relaxing.
"Listen..." he started as you approached him "I don't know how to say this."
"Just say it, Frankie." you saw he was struggling with something.
He nodded shifting from foot to foot.
"I talked to Benny today."
"Oh." you already knew what he was getting at.
"It's funny, you know. It turns out that yesterday... Fuck! I'm sorry. When I walked into that bar and I saw you, you were so pretty and so lost in your thoughts that I thought maybe I was finally lucky. I didn't think you were waiting for someone else..."
"Frankie, I wasn't waiting for anyone." you replied nervously biting your lip "I had my birthday yesterday and I wanted to spend the evening somehow...differently. You showed up and I jumped on that train."
His dark eyes stared at you completely surprised. You would have given a lot to know what was going on in his head. So you decided to continue the conversation, giving him time to gather his thoughts.
"You surprised me, but you were so sweet and charming." You felt warmth creeping up your neck. "I knew right away that you were wrong, but... I don't know. I'm sorry! I should have said something. That girl was definitely waiting for you, and I thought I could spend a really nice evening with a nice guy. I'm so selfish! Say something, Frankie. Say you don't want to know me anymore and let's end this before I degrade myself even more."
His lips were slightly parted. Your legs were like cotton and you already regretted everything you had done, and even having this little pleasure for yourself.
"Wow." were the first words that fell from his lips "Jesus! I thought... When Benny told me that girl called me an asshole because I didn't show up, I didn't know what was going on. We spent the whole evening together, we kissed and then we texted..."
"I'm sorry..." you groaned, wrapping your arms around yourself "I should have said something..."
"That's not it, babe" he sighed "It's just... I wouldn't have approached you if I knew you weren't the one waiting for me. Because I immediately thought you were out of my league. And when we started talking I believed I was damn lucky. Such a beautiful, funny and sweet girl wanted to spend the evening with someone like me."
You felt your throat tighten painfully and tears welled up in your eyes.
"I've been thinking about it all day." Frankie walked up to you, his hands caressing your arms tenderly "Maybe I was lucky? You could have backed out at any moment, but..."
"I stayed." You finished for him "I really wanted to stay."
"That's good." He nodded, smiling "Because I wanted to take you out to dinner. Did you really have a birthday yesterday?"
His hands rested gently on your hips, squeezing them lightly every now and then. You could see that he was thinking deeply about something.
"I think we could celebrate a little today." He finally said "I know a really good place, I think you'll like it."
"You don't have to, Frankie."
"But I want to do it!" He laughed "I'm a lucky bastard, I'm going out to dinner with an amazing girl. Don't take that away from me now."
"Okay, I won't!" Now you laughed too. "Just give me a few minutes, I need to change."
You slid out of his arms, but didn't get far because his fingers tightened around yours. Before you could say anything Frankie walked up to you, his warm hand brushing your cheek and gently grabbing your chin.
"What are you doing?" you asked quietly, trying to hide your embarrassment.
"I'm checking if I'm still lucky." he replied, his lips gently brushing yours, "And I think I am."
You shook your head in disbelief, but smiled. Everything would have to wait, both of you had to test his luck once more.
Thank you for your time.
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mint-yooxgi · 9 months
{5} - Fight or Flight - Yandere!Redcap!Mingi X Tall!Chubby!Reader
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Fae!AU & Yandere!AU - Part of the CoDN Thrill of the Hunt Collab
Genre: Fantasy, Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Pairing: Mingi X Reader
Words: 7,445
Rating: Mature - 18+ MDNI
Warnings: Please read the warnings carefully, as this is a very heavy story dealing with many dark topics. This is also all of the warnings for this fic as it is one long one shot that I had to split into multiple parts, and I'm too tired right now to individually categorize all of these warnings to their respective parts. 8 ft tall Mingi. Slow burn. Violence: depiction of a massacre, a deer being slaughtered, as well as physical, verbal, sexual, and emotional, both alluded to and not. Blood and gore. Abuse: physical, emotional, verbal, and sexual, both alluded to and implied. Assault: physical, and sexual, both alluded to, implied, and attempted. OC has a really rough past, really this isn't for the faint of heart. Whipping, both alluded to, and done. Mentions of branding. Heavy themes of possession and ownership. Deception. Arson. Really, there's a lot of dark subject matter. Mingi falls hard and fast, thus, he simps a lot for the OC, but it's not a story written by me if Mingi doesn't simp for the OC. The reader is mentioned to be both tall and chubby, but it is not mentioned often, so it shouldn't disrupt the flow of the story when ready if you are not tall and/or chubby. I think that's everything, but if I missed something, please let me know! Smut: Biting/marking, outdoor sex, fingering (fem. rec), oral (fem. rec), hand job (male rec), come eating, overstimulation, Mingi has a dig bick, sex in a spring, really, it's very soft in comparison to the subject matter. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
P.S. If there are any spelling or grammatical errors, please ignore them. I did my best through many rounds of editing, but some are liable to still slip through.
A/n: I am SO sorry this took me LITERALLY forever to complete. I meant to have this out so much earlier, and actually posted on time, but it turned out much, much longer than I ever anticipated it being. I'm really proud of how this story turned out, and I didn't want to split it into multiple parts because I felt it would take away from the story as a whole. I'm super excited for you all to read this one, as I had a tremendous amount of fun writing it, and I really hope you all love Mingi's and OC's journey as much as I do. Huge shoutout and thanks to @anyamaris and @kwanisms for listening to me ramble and rave about this story both before and during the writing process, and for always encouraging me while writing! Also, huge thank you to @sanjoongie for being so patient and understanding with me as I write this all out in full. I hope you all enjoy! As always feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
Summary: Out of one horrible situation and into another, the cycle of abuse never stops. You've lived with monsters your whole life. So, what's one more?
P.P.S. Please don't let this flop guys. If you enjoyed it, please reblog!!!
Mini Masterlist - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four
“Mingi?” the soft call of his name from you catches his attention two days later.
Clouds cover the vast expanse of the sky as far as the eye can see, casting a muted hue over the surrounding forest. The day is dreary, and it almost looks as if it might rain.
The redcap hums in response, turning his head in your direction as you walk side by side through the woods.
“I have a question.” Your voice is a bit meek, hands fiddling with the hem of your sleeves almost nervously.
Mingi thinks it subconscious on your part, but your limp is a bit more prominent today than it has been before. That, or maybe it’s just the weather.
“You know you can ask me anything, Blossom,” he smiles encouragingly at you. 
At your hesitance, he pauses mid-step. Turning fully to you, he notices how you seemed to have stopped walking for a brief moment, so he’s quick to close the distance between you.
Slight worry tugs at his features as he sees how uncertain you seem to be. “Don’t be shy, Blossom. Ask away.”
“What’s-“ you begin to say, only to catch yourself. Your mouth opens and closes, a slight furrow to your brow. Then, you’re taking a small breath in, eyes squeezing shut as you rush out, “What’s a claim?”
Mingi’s breath hitches, caught off guard by the type of question you ask. He would have never expected it from you. At least, not yet. The only time claims have been mentioned around you, as far as he knows, was when-
“I was thinking about things, and I remember those other fae from the tavern mentioning something about it-“
“Those fae would have died if they ever tried to force something like that upon you.” His tone is suddenly harsh, a scowl pulling at his features.
Your eyes widen in surprise, not having expected him to react this way. A fact which only serves to make you more confused and unsure of things than you already are.
You shrink back into yourself, picking intently at the sleeve of your shirt. “I’m sorry if I upset you.”
“No, Blossom,” Immediately, he’s kneeling before you, taking your face into his hands gently. “Please don’t misunderstand. A claim is meant to be reserved for those that share the deepest of feelings for one another. It’s a way to say that we belong to each other, and bond us together. What they wanted to do to you-“ his voice catches, and his fingers press a little firmer into your skin, but not enough to hurt, “They would have defiled you, and made you into their possession with a mark like that. You- you would have been marked for ownership, not what these claims are actually intended for.”
“What are claims for?” The words are but a soft inquiry upon your lips, blinking at him mildly. There’s a creeping sense of unease that builds within you from his words, worry gnawing at your stomach.
Your ankle begins to throb.
Mingi takes a shaky breath in as he stares deeply into your eyes. “Love.”
His response catches you off guard. “Love?”
“In this realm, we fae bite each other to display our emotions. It is meant to showcase a deep connection between the recipient and the giver, and each mark is unique to the bite of the fae giving it.” He explains softly. “The mark protects the bearer by stating that they belong to the fae that gives them the bite.”
Your heart drops heavily into your stomach. “Belongs?”
“Unfortunately, fae aren’t the only recipients of such marks.” Mingi frowns, looking to the side as if getting lost in his own thoughts. “Where humans are involved, many fae use these marks to designate a mortal being their property. Once marked, no other fae can harm or touch a human recipient of the bond. It’s the same for marked fae: it goes against the code of a claim.”
“Property?” Your voice rises in pitch, tears springing to your eyes at the implications.
Those fae were going to… No, you shouldn’t think like that. However, that is much more easier said than done.
“Normally, a claim is shared by all parties involved, but those unlucky enough to be claimed by another fae in such a way never get a choice in the matter.” He continues, his hands sliding from your cheeks and down to your shoulders. “The marks are always displayed on the neck. That’s the only way to tell if one has been claimed or not.”
The way his fingers caress the side of your throat has you shuddering beneath his touch, that sense of dread sitting like a rock in your chest. You can hardly hear him over the sound of your racing heart, skin prickling as your mind screams at you to get away from him. To get away from the now imminent threat.
Instinct kicks in, and you are forced to stand there, frozen to your spot as you feel your body shutting down. Once again, you prepare for the inevitable to come.
“Marking someone like this is meant to be a sacred bond between lovers,” his eyes hood over, staring intently at the way his fingers caress the skin of your neck. “I…” His tongue darts out to wet his lips, and you catch a glimpse of those razor sharp fangs lining the inside of his mouth.  “I wish to claim you with a mark of my own someday.”
Time stills around you as you stop breathing. You can feel your skin heating beneath his touch, and suddenly, it’s as if he’s burning you wherever his fingers rest upon your skin. Your throat closes, and tears spring to your eyes, body beginning to tremble uncontrollably beneath his touch.
“No!” Your voice is shrill as you shove him away, scrambling backwards frantically to put some much needed distance between the both of you.
To say Mingi is shocked would be an understatement. Though you physically do not move him, the way you push him away causes his heart to squeeze painfully in his chest.
The worst part is, he doesn’t understand why. He would never force a claim on you. On anybody for that matter.
“Not again!” Your eyes shine with terror as you fall backwards, landing with a harsh thud on the ground. “I’m not your property!”
Mingi’s heart drops, his expression falling as pained disbelief pulls at his features. 
He reaches for you. “No, Blossom, that’s not-“
“You can’t own me again!” Your visage is akin to a frightened animal, scrambling desperately away from him as he stands back to his full height. “I- I- I won’t let you!”
“I don’t want to own you, Blossom-“
Again, Mingi tries to speak, but right now, you’re inconsolable. Each step he takes towards you only makes you sob harder, and he is once more reminded of the way you attempted to flee him after he killed that deer.
His chest tightens, heart aching within.
“I thought you were different,” you’re passed the point of listening, too caught up in your own sense of panic to understand any reason. A harsh sob wracks your body. “I believed you could be different.”
“Blossom, what’s-“
“You’re no different than my husband.” The simple phrase you hiss out freezes Mingi right in his tracks.
Thoughts race through his head at the speed of light, connecting every little instance he’s had with you together. Is this why you’re so guarded? Is this why you flinch whenever there’s a loud noise? Is this why you cowered away from him, why you’re currently cowering away from him?
Mingi swears his heart has stopped. An immense anger begins to flood his veins at the thought of anyone bringing you harm, let alone someone who is supposed to care for you. He may not know a lot about humans, but he knows enough to understand what marriage is supposed to mean. He’s always equated a proper claim in this realm to marriage in your own, so to learn that someone has already taken advantage of you in such a way makes him see red.
Still, he tells himself to calm down. To control himself, so as to not scare you any more that you already are. He promised never to hurt you, to protect and care for you in any and every way he can, and he intends to do just that.
Right now, you need him, and that is far more important than any blinding rage he could ever feel. He needs to get a reign on his emotions, lest he do something that he will come to regret.
Your next words knock the wind right out of him.
“You men are all the same.”
In the blink of an eye, Mingi has you pinned to a tree by your throat. His lips are pulled back in a snarl, his gaze sharp as his dark eyes nearly bore a hole through your skull.
“I am not a man.” His gaze is absolutely wild, claws pricking at the skin of your neck as his chest heaves. 
Your hands come up to grasp at his own around your throat, eyes wide as your heart thunders in your chest.
The idea that you could so much as imply he is anything like the man that could treat you in such a way sends Mingi spiralling. Rage bubbles beneath the surface of his skin, and he subconsciously tightens his grip around your neck. Gone is the fae who was attempting to make you understand, and calm you down. Right now, all that stands before you is the fearsome, ruthless general that everyone makes him out to be. 
“Do it.” Your eyes are wide, desperately pleading with him as you stare into his own.
His nose crinkles, and he bares his teeth in disgust.
“You humans get turned on by the weirdest of things.” He spits the words out, shoving himself off of you and purposely taking a few steps back.
You expression falls, more tears gracing the skin of your cheeks as you collapse onto your knees. “Coward.”
You were this close. This close to finally escaping the hell you’ve been living in all your life, and he’s went and taken that away from you, too.
Mingi’s nostrils flare, eyes sharpening as he stares down at your form crumpled at the base of that tree. His lungs burn, chest heaving with each breath he takes as he clenches his hands into fists at his sides to keep them from shaking.
You swallow, lifting a shaking hand to your throat. “I guess fae can lie.”
Devastated doesn’t even begin to describe the state of Mingi’s heart as he hears you utter those words. His expression falls, the anger simmering to a low boil as he takes a step towards you.
You notice, but your scent surprisingly doesn’t spike in fear. No. All Mingi can sense from you is pain.
“You should be scared of me.” The comment is stated so softly, so casually, that is causes you to blink in shock. “I should terrify you.”
You remain silent, pursing your lips in response.
“I could break every single bone in your body.” He states, taking a tentative step forward while keeping a gentle tone. “I could tear you limb from limb without even batting an eye.”
Your eyes stare blankly at the ground, shoulders curling in on yourself as your hands support your weight. Almost subconsciously, your nails dig into the dirt beneath your fingertips, throat working as you sit there, as still as stone.
“I would have been delighted to skin you alive,” he continues, stopping just short of where you rest upon the ground. “To feast on your flesh as I did so, and make you watch as I carved my victory into your skin.”
A blink, and more tears spill from your eyes onto your cheeks. Your eyes are vacant, the shine that had been growing over the past few days completely gone. You barely even register Mingi coming to kneel before you. It’s only when he gently tilts your chin upwards using the tips of his fingers that you notice just how close he’s gotten to you once more.
“I could have killed you, that much is true.” His tone is soft. Possibly the softest he’s ever used while speaking with you. “But, I don’t want to. I cannot bring myself to want to harm you. Not anymore.”
Though your gaze is locked on his, there is no light behind your eyes. No spark of recognition, either. You don’t even register his words, your entire body going numb as your mind shuts down.
This is the end. You’ll make damn sure of it.
“Are you listening to me, Blossom?” He shifts closer, and he notices how you begin to shake violently. “I-“
“But yet, you want to own me.” Your voice is harsh, spitting the words out like venom on your tongue.
“No, Blossom, I-“
“Why can’t you just kill me?” Your hands ball into fists, nails leaving indents in the dirt as they scrape across the ground. There is a pain held within your gaze, swirling together with the anger that begins radiating off of you in waves. “You said there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for me. So, just kill me.”
Mingi’s eyes go wide, lips parting as he stares at you in shock. His heart feels as if it’s being suffocated in his chest, and the fingers he uses to support your chin with begin to tremble.
“Go ahead, General!” The title you spit out only serves to mock him. “Tear me to pieces! Render my flesh from my bones, and bathe your band in my blood! Carve my heart out of my chest after breaking every single bone in my body! Hurry up, and get it over with, and then just fucking kill me!”
His fingers fall from your skin, hands hanging limply at his sides as a single tear begins to trail a path down his cheek.
“You want to know why I’m not scared of you, General?” You’re hysterical at this point, shrill voice shrieking through the emptiness of the woods around you. “You want to know why I don’t fear you?”
Mingi blinks, and another tear spills down his cheek. His whole body shakes violently as you continue to scream in his face.
“I’ve already suffered through hell every single fucking day of my life ever since I was brought into this world. So, what’s one more?” Tears stream uncontrollably down your cheeks, and you inhale a stuttering gasp. “All I want is for this stupid fucking cycle to end, but you won’t even grant me that! I guess I should be fucking used to it by now. I never get what I want. Always- always, always, always, I’ve only ever lived to serve other people. A stupid means to a stupid fucking end.”
Your voice is harsh as you spit the words out, and all Mingi can do is watch as you fall apart right before his very eyes.
“You really are no different than my husband.” Bitterness coats every inch of your tone. That is, until a humourless laugh is falling from your lips. “No, actually, he was much worse. Because instead of just baseless threats, he would actually put some action behind them.”
The growl that tears from Mingi’s throat is pure animalistic. His gaze hardens as his hands clench into fists in his lap, chest heaving as the rage boils beneath the surface of his skin once more.
“You want to know why I’m not scared of you, General?” You repeat your question from earlier, gaze sharp as you look towards him through narrowed eyes. “It’s because I’ve already survived much worse than you.”
Mingi can feel the familiar prick of his nails digging into his palms, blood beginning to drip through his clenched fingers and onto the earth between the two of you.
“There is nothing for me here, except pain and servitude.” Your voice trembles with the weight of your words, and you furiously wipe at your cheeks. The dirt from your hands smudges against your skin, but you don’t even seem to notice. “So, hurry up, and get it over with. I don’t have anything to live for, anyways.”
His heart stops, and a numbing sense violence begins to course through his veins. His skin feels like it’s on fire, something deep within him roaring to be set free upon the pathetic excuse of a man that ever dared to call himself your husband. The need to crush this man, to tear him apart so that naught remains but chunks of flesh rendered in a bloody heap is so strong, Mingi nearly marches to the closest portal between realms to find this bastard right then and there.
“What did he do to you?” Mingi’s voice is deadly calm, the darkest look you’ve ever seen in your life residing in his eyes as he stares deeply into your own.
His question catches you off guard, blinking at him in shock at how intensely he seems to be reacting. You never thought he would care this much.
“It doesn’t matter-“
“It matters to me!” His booming voice echoes around the area, causing you to flinch in surprise. “What. Did. He. Do to you?”
You avert your gaze to the side, bitterness pulling at your features. “Why do you care?”
Without missing a beat, without any sort of hesitance, Mingi speaks, “Because, I love you.”
Instantly, your gaze darts over to his own. Your breath catches slightly in your throat, shock causing your eyes to widen ever so slightly. That is, until your expression falls.
“Yeah,” you scoff, but it comes out as more of a choked sob. “That’s what he used to say, too.”
“You don’t have to believe me,” he reaches a trembling hand out to you, caressing the side of your face gently to get you to look at him. 
As much as it pains him to see you like this, as much as he wants to go storming off to tear this man apart to satiate some of that burning rage festering deep inside of him, he cannot. You need him here, and that is what is most important right now. 
“But, I want you to know that I am.” He swallows the sudden dryness in his throat. “I am inexplicably, and irrevocably in love with you.” 
A moment of silence as his words settle over your very being.
“Desperately at that.” He adds gently, his eyes holding every bit of truth behind his words.
You turn away, suddenly looking more pained than you ever have before.
“You shouldn’t be.” Your voice is barely above a whisper. “I’m more trouble than I’m worth.”
Mingi’s expression falls at your words. His hand moves back to cradle your chin in his fingers, turning your head to face him once more. “You are worth everything to me.”
Your gaze darts up to meet his own, eyes shining with unshed tears. You know that he can hear the way you inhale sharply, your eyebrows drooping as another sob wracks your entire being.
It is then that you notice his own tears, silently streaming down his face as his fingers tremble against your skin.
“I don’t want to own you, Blossom,” he continues softly, cautiously shifting closer to you. “I have never once thought of you as my property, and I never will.”
A hand comes up to cover your mouth as you choke on another sob, shoulders shaking with the weight of your emotions.
“I am truly sorry I upset you. I should have been more careful with my words.” His thumb gently begins to brush your tears away. “I won’t lie and say that I don’t want you to become mine, but not in the way that I own you. You belong to yourself, as I belong to myself. I would never force something like that onto you.”
Your heart skips a beat involuntarily in your chest, and slowly, with every word he speaks, you begin to relax. Your shoulders are the first to lose the tension they’ve been holding onto, the rest of your body following soon after.
“I want to call you mine in the same ways I want you to call me yours.” He adds lowly, tenderly brushing the tips of his fingers over the skin of your one cheek. “We belong with each other. Together. If we are to belong to one another, then it will be mutually. Never one without the other. Never one being the other’s possession.”
Slowly, you lower the hand you have resting over your mouth. A stuttering breath wracks your chest, but with every second that passes, you continue to calm down. Your tears begin to slow, and you feel him delicately wipe away the final ones that cling to your skin.
“I will never let someone treat you like their property ever again.” His voice is a little firmer as he says this, wrapping you in his arms as he pulls you into his chest. “I will tear them apart before they can so much as even try.”
Before you can stop yourself, another sob escapes you. This time, though, you find yourself clinging onto his shirt for dear life, curling into him as he holds you close.
Gently, his one hand strokes over the top of your head, cradling you to his chest. He sits with you on the ground, rocking you softly in his arms as you rest in his lap. A place solely and purely reserved for you. Always, and forever, you.
“I only want your happiness,” his grip tightens ever so subtly around you. “You are so important to me, that I never want to risk losing you. I never wish to damage, nor taint what we have. I will not kill you. I will not dull your light that has brought me so much joy since the very first moment I saw you shine. I will, however, do everything in my power to protect you, to show you just how much value your life has. I will destroy anyone or anything that even remotely implies otherwise. You do not deserve to be fed those lies any longer.”
Your hand tightens over the material of his shirt, crying into his chest. Never before have such words been uttered to you, and you find your heart close to bursting at the sincerity you can hear in his voice alone. The fact that you can still feel his own teardrops hitting the top of your head as he speaks only serves to add to the intensity of your own emotions surrounding you in this moment.
You underestimated just how much he meant to you, how much he means to you. His words, just as his arms do, wrap around you in a comforting embrace. One which you gladly lose yourself to, finally feeling like you have everything you’ve ever needed tucked within the solace of his touch.
“I’m here,” he coos gently, cradling you so tenderly in his arms. Still, he continues to rock you back and forth as you curl up in his lap, his chin coming to rest on the top of your head. “I’m not going anywhere. Not without you by my side.”
The words that remain unspoken by him echo loud and clear through your mind.
He will not abandon you. He will not let you go where he cannot follow. Always, he is with you, and always he will care for you. Nothing is ever going to change that.
Ever so slowly, you wrap your own arms around his figure, holding onto him just as tightly as he holds onto you. In fact, you go so far as to curl around him even tighter, allowing yourself to feel everything you never have, or have been too afraid to properly acknowledge before now.
For the next hour, you allow him to hold you in his arms. The two of you cling onto one another beneath the light of the setting sun, basking in the comfort you find in the other’s embrace.
It’s soft, and tender. The only noise soon becoming the gentle hum you can feel reverberating from deep within Mingi’s chest. Such a comfort begins to calm you completely, the steady sound of his heart lulling you into a deeper feeling of total relaxation.
Never before have you felt safer, or more cared for than you do in this moment. He’s proved to you time and time again that he isn’t all that he seems to be, and for that, you couldn’t be more grateful. There is no one like Mingi to you, for he is in a league all his own.
You’re pretty sure that if you asked, he’d say that he feels the exact same about you.
Your eyes remain closed, but you do not sleep. Your thoughts continuously drift back over everything that’s just happened this evening, going over every little detail meticulously to try and find something wrong with the scene playing out before you. There must be some kind of trick, some final twist to all of this. It’s all just too good to be true. 
Either that, or you’re dreaming of a life that is all your own, again.
After a few more minutes of thorough examination, you find no fault in Mingi’s words. There is no final trick, nor sly slip of his tongue, only truth. A truth that makes your heart swell with an unfamiliar, yet pleasant warmth. A feeling that you wish to get lost in for as long as you both shall live.
Blinking your eyes open, you stare at the opposite side of the woods. There’s a slight furrow to your brows as you stare down at your lap, beginning to fiddle with your hands as Mingi rests with you against a tree.
Taking a small breath in, you steady your nerves.
“Mingi?” The call of his name is soft, barely above a whisper, yet he still hears you loud and clear.
A hum reverberates within his chest in response, his hand raising to cup the side of your face gingerly. His gaze is nothing but tender as he meets your own, thumb stroking lightly over the skin of your cheek.
“I’m sorry.” You avert your eyes to the side, shame washing over you as you recall the harsh words you spoke to him earlier in the evening. “I should have never compared you to my husband. You could never come close to being like the monster that haunts my every waking nightmare.”
Almost instantly, he shakes his head, concern marring his features.
“You have nothing to apologize for, Blossom.” He speaks evenly, keeping his voice steady; tender, but firm. “I regret ever making you believe I could even remotely do the same disgusting and vile things to you that he did. I promised to protect you, but I couldn’t even protect you from myself in such an instant.”
Now, it’s your turn to shake your head.
“I spent almost all of my life longing for death so I could escape the pain of my everyday life,” you breathe, staring intently down at your hands. “But, I don’t think I ever actually wanted to die.”
Mingi says nothing in response. Instead, he opts to take your hands into his own, bringing them up to press his lips tenderly against your skin. 
His eyes fall shut as he holds you to him, his heart aching for you. That he couldn’t do something sooner to help you is his only regret. Right now, though, he can be here for you, and then, he vows to make every day from here on out better than the last.
“I’ve been close to death so many times, I’ve lost count.” You admit lowly, your throat working as you keep your gaze locked on your hands held in his own. “Never dead. Always dying.”
Carefully, you pull your hands out of his grip, and Mingi blinks his eyes open to see you turning around slowly so that your back is now facing him. 
You kneel between his legs, sitting a bit rigidly before him. Your heart is racing erratically inside of your chest, and your palms begin to sweat. There is a sudden nervous air about you as you prepare yourself for what you’re about to do.
Taking a deep breath in, you take another terrifying leap. You know that Mingi will be right there to catch you with open arms as you begin to fall. 
With trembling hands, you pull up the back of your shirt.
Mingi’s reaction is immediate. Not only does he stiffen behind you, but a sharp inhale can be heard as his eyes fixate on your back. His hands clench into fists in his lap, seeing red once more.
Scar upon scar rests upon your flesh, the raised mounds of skin covering what once was pure. Not a single inch of you hasn’t been mutilated in some way, shape, or form, and the moment his gaze lands on a particularly large piece of marred flesh, a snarl tears from his throat.
“He branded you.”
Mingi can smell the salt from your tears as they cascade down your cheeks for the nth time this night, and he realizes that he hates the smell. He hates it when you cry, and he hates knowing that it’s because of this bastard.
“The village doctor came to know me quite well.” You smile through the pain. “As to be expected, they were friends.”
“How did…“ His voice is deep, gravelly in the way he attempts to control his anger for the moment.
“My parents sold me to him when I was sixteen. I was told I was going to have a better life.” Your hands shake as you cling to the bunched material of your shirt. “All they wanted was status, and he gave it to them at a price. They never cared about me. They only brought me here to this realm to dispose of me. If I could serve them like a slave, I could serve my husband perfectly well. I could serve them a purpose. If I can’t do that, I’m completely useless.”
Mingi purses his lips, shaking violently behind you.
“The moment I stepped through that door, I was his.” Another snarl fills the air around you, and you wrap your arms tighter around your front. “I always had too much of an attitude, and he had to discipline me for it. His favourite were the whips, but never in places people could see what damage had been done.”
All those times you flinched after snapping back at him fill his mind. The way you never complained, never fought back, never tried to run… The only time you begged for mercy was when he killed that deer. Only, now, Mingi has a strong suspicion it wasn’t actually him you were pleading with to spare you.
“I lived to serve him, to please him, and him alone.” There’s a bitter resentment lingering on the edge of your words as you spit them out harshly. A resentment that Mingi unquestionably, and undoubtably, shares. “It didn’t matter what I wanted. I had nothing. I was nothing. If I wasn’t valuable to him, I was useless, pathetic… something to satiate his boredom with whenever he desired.”
“Everything I did soon became wrong. If I brought him meals, it wasn’t served fast enough. The food I prepared wasn’t the right kind, nor was it ever good enough. If I didn’t dress a certain way he liked, he would tear my clothing and humiliate me in public. I was too fat. Too tall. If I talked back, or out of turn, I was told that I was lucky to still have my tongue.” A scowl tugs at your features as hot, angry tears spill from your eyes. “He only let me keep it so that I could please him.”
Mingi swears he stops breathing. The rage swirling within comes to a boiling point, and he cannot prevent the way his lips curl over his fangs. His claws tear into the material of his pants, the sound of shredding fabric echoing throughout the woods as he tries to maintain a grip on his control.
“I was a toy given to him to play with. A pretty little ‘Doll’ sent to obey his every command.” Your whole body shakes violently, eyes squeezing shut so as to block out the memories that threaten to drown you at any second. “He would-“ you choke on a breath. “He would-“ your chest stutters. “He would let his friends watch, then let them take turns until they were all satisfied.”
Those three fae from the tavern flit through your mind, and you are reminded once again how close you came to reliving those awful memories.
“I never had a choice,” you release the grip you have on your shirt, letting it fall gently back over your skin. It doesn’t completely cover you, for a sliver of skin still peaks out, and all Mingi can do is focus on the edge of that horrid brand still visible on your back. “Anything I tried to do for myself was met with punishment. If I overslept, I was forced to stay awake for days, cleaning the entire house to make up for lost time. If I made a meal for myself unsupervised, or if I got myself something extra from the kitchen, I was starved. The only solace I had was escaping to that field in the middle of the night to sit amongst the flowers.”
Mingi’s breath hitches in his throat as you turn to glance back at him from over your shoulder. The most devastatingly heartbroken look rests on your features as you take a shaky breath in.
“He burnt that, too.”
Another low growl slips passed Mingi’s lips as his claws dig harshly into his thighs. He cannot even begin to fathom the pain that you’ve been through, yet he uses his own in this moment to ground himself. 
He can wait. 
He will wait. 
This bastard is not living passed tonight, anyways.
“Didn’t-“ Mingi’s voice is rough, strained from the barely contained fury lingering beneath the surface. “Didn’t anyone in the village notice? Did no one try to help you?”
You let out a laugh at this, but it’s dry and anything from joyous. It sends a chill coursing straight down Mingi’s spine.
“Oh, they noticed.” Your breath stutters on a choked scoff. “Whispers. There were always whispers about what was going on, but never any action. Whispers about my situation, and how horrible it must be. I knew they all knew, but no one ever came to my aid. It’s not like they couldn’t hear my screams, I could see their looks of pity every time I walked passed them on the street. They were all complacent, and all because he was a fucking lord.”
“No one wanted to cross him.” You continue bitterly. “That, or they were already his friends. It was a small town. Besides, who would want to give up such a wonderful opportunity? It’s not like anyone would reprimand them, or care for that matter.”
A moment of silence as you sit up off of your knees to rest fully on the ground. Stretching your legs out before you, you flex your feet, a frown marring your features.
“You asked me once about my ankle,” you stare down at the limb in question, rolling it gently. “I tried to run away, once. It was in the early days, back when I still had some defiance left in me. He ensured I could never do something so stupid again.”
You can audibly hear his breathing deepen, jagged pants escaping him. Every exhale is lined with an animalistic snarl, and you notice his legs have stopped shaking on either side of you.
“That was one of the first nights he almost killed me,” you go on to say, eyes fixated on your right ankle. “He even brought a shovel with him. That’s how he broke it. I’m pretty sure he was ready to bury me alive, too.” 
You blink, your foot stilling as you rest your hands in your lap. 
“By the time he was done, he was bathed in blood. My blood.” Your eyes flutter shut, taking a shaky breath inwards. “I will never be free of him. He is the shadow I see out of the corner of my eyes. He is the figure lurking around every corner, waiting to drag me back into that hellhole any and every chance he gets. He is, and always will be, the monster that haunts my every dream.”
“So, no, Mingi, you are not a monster.” Your pained gaze shifts to look at him from over your shoulder once more. “You could never be what truly terrifies me, because I learned a long time ago that only humans have the capacity and will to be truly monstrous. They will hide in plain sight, and lure you in with a false sense of security. When you have the capability to do good, but choose not to. When you only think of yourself and your own personal gain instead of helping others when they need it. When the power you have is used to hurt others… That is what truly makes someone a monster.”
Your final words linger in the air, an unnatural silence stretching on around you. Intently, you stare down at your lap, blinking away more tears that fall with every breath.
A trembling hand placed upon your shoulder causes you to jump, and you turn your head to see Mingi leaning over you. Slowly, he leans in to press his lips against your forehead, holding himself there as you feel him trembling violently against you.
“Close your eyes, Beloved,” his voice is low as he mumbles the words against your skin. Though he tries, he barely manages to contain the burning rage lingering in his tone. “I do not wish for you to see who I’m about to become.”
For a brief moment when he pulls away, your eyes search his gaze. You can see the anger he holds within, a fury burning as brightly as the stars in the night sky. Yet, within the pits of that fire which blazes in your honour, you can still see that same tenderness he always looks at you with. 
It’s an expression which you immediately understand.
Always, your safety and well-being comes first. He will never do anything to scare you, or jeopardize the way you see him.
So, you do exactly as told. You close your eyes.
Almost instantly, you feel his presence leave your side. You can hear some soft shuffling as he crosses the short distance to the opposite side of the clearing you’ve stopped in, and it feels as if the entire world goes still.
Not even a moment later, a tremendous roar echoes throughout the forest. The sound is full of rage, and anguish, bouncing off of the surrounding trees and causing your ears to ring as you hear a flock of birds take off in the distance. You can hear trees shattering, their root groaning as they are torn violently from the ground. 
Still, you keep your eyes closed.
Snarls fill the air as branch after branch is snapped apart in his fury. Every resounding crash causes your heart to jump within your chest, but you can only find comfort in his complete desolation of the woods.
Finally, someone is fighting for you. Someone is filled with enough rage at your situation that they are actively lashing out due to the mistreatment and abuse you’ve faced. Someone who cannot fathom you ever being treated so horribly by the people who were meant to protect you.
It takes half an hour for Mingi to return to you. You can still hear his breath heaving as he fills his lungs with air, but the sounds of his destruction have long since quieted to a subtle breeze against your skin.
“You can open your eyes now, Blossom.” He says gently.
Blinking your gaze open, you rub at your eyes. Your vision is a bit foggy in the corners, but the moment it comes back into focus, you see Mingi kneeling before you. His shirt is torn in multiple spots, his hair completely disheveled. Dirt is smeared over his skin from head to toe, and you can see a few stray leaves sticking out of his blond locks.
Almost instinctively, you sit up straighter, reaching forward to tug the foliage out of his hair.
His gaze follows you the whole time, shining with adoration despite the worry on his features as he takes your hands gently into his own.
“I’m sorry you had to hear all of that,” he brings your hands up to his lips, placing a tender kiss onto the skin of your knuckles.
Cautiously, you peek around his shoulder, and a small gasp escapes you. Your wide eyes blink in shock as you see that he’s completely levelled a portion of the forest. 
Trees have been uprooted and completely decimated, splinters of wood littered across the ground. Leaves are torn asunder, branches thrown in every direction except towards where you had been sitting. There are even a few sections of earth completely bare, the dirt ripped up and scattered across the wreckage that litters the ground.
“Don’t pay any mind to that, Blossom,” he smiles assuringly at you, helping you stand to your feet. “Let’s go get cleaned up, and then I’ll find us some food.”
True to his word, Mingi leads you to a small spring. He is nothing but gentle as he guides you into the water, bathing you softly as the stars shine overhead. He doesn’t let his gaze linger, nor does it wander, and for that, you’re grateful. He treats you like a person, which is more than you can say about how you’ve always been treated by your own kind.
With him, there are no expectations. You are free to just be.
He truly is the most respectful creature you have ever met, and when he catches you staring at his chest for a little longer than you should, he doesn’t comment on it. Instead, all that greets your ears is a soft chuckle and a fond smile.
A little while later, he’s helping you out of the spring, and back into your clothes. He seems to have somehow gotten a completely new set, along with your own, but when you ask him about it, he simply smiles in response.
“Rest here, Beloved,” he places a tender kiss to your forehead. “I will be back shortly with some food.”
Like always, Mingi is true to his word. It takes him no time at all to return with various fruits and nuts, feeding you eagerly as you sit in his arms. He even managed to find you another stem of red spider lilies to replace the last one that you lost earlier in the day.
He doesn’t seem to eat as much tonight, but he brushes off your worry when you comment on it. You, of course, don’t push, figuring it might be a fae thing, or possibly something about his emotions affecting his appetite.
What he does do, however, is brew you a special tea. It’s made from a specific flower that you vaguely recall hearing about back in your hometown. Besides, you trust him, and it’s not like he’s going to abandon you, or poison you. He already said he would do neither, and you believe him.
“Drink this, My Blossom,” he hands you the canteen carefully, making sure not to spill its contents over your lap. “It’ll help you sleep. I want you to rest thoroughly after the day you’ve had.”
Once the tea is finished, and the food is all gone, you end up curling into his side just like the night before. The embers of the dying fire glow beneath the darkness of the night sky, and you feel completely safe wrapped in Mingi’s arms. No chill settles in your bones, nor discomfort at laying on the ground, either. 
It’s been quite a long time since you’ve been this content, this relaxed.
Surrounded by the warmth of Mingi’s embrace, you fall asleep, and for the first time in forever, no monsters haunt your dreams.
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iwriteasfotini · 27 days
A query about AO3 ratings and opinions about underage consensual sex in fanfiction.
My series begins in first year, so the rating will start teen and then progress as the kids age. My understanding is mature content shouldn't contain ANY sort of semi-graphic sexual content. But I also am writing two versions of the more descriptive sex scenes, one being what I consider explicit, even though it definitely isn't as hard core as it can go. And the other being... Well, I suppose less explicit...? I'm planning to rate the book explicit, and still offer the more descriptive chapters in a different location. As far as I remember, AO3 uses an honor system in declaring whether you are old enough to read explicit content.
Why bother, you may ask. And my answer is, it's underage consensual sex, which I feel might be a sticky topic (hmmm, yeah there's a pun there) for some people. Here's the thing. Sex is human, sexual development is a process which takes place during the teen years and beyond. And I feel to leave it out is inauthentic to these characters lives. I saw a fabulous post about how sex is often misrepresented in fanfiction. I'll just go ahead and say this is the case in all fiction people (anybody read ACOTAR?)! Duh, no one wants to read the reality of messy, awkward, not as mind blowing as you wished it was sex. We all get plenty of that in real life.
So, I wanted to write scenes which are still good (we are still in fantasy land after all), but show the characters learning about themselves, each other, consent, etc. And because I start they story when they are eleven, we watch them learn and adjust their attitudes over years before any of them actually start having sex. We get to see how each person/pair approaches it differently. The whole point of this post is I feel conflicted about the explicit rating because I wonder if it will exclude the exact audience I'm writing for. I'm writing for myself as a teen, what I wish I could have had access to through fiction. Something really enticing but also REAL. Like here's an often overlooked reality... Sex is always a bit messy no matter your anatomy/methods, and some sex isn't as messy as you think it might be. Why is this rarely included in published fiction and in fanfiction?
Anyways, I've tried to make my sex scenes as mild as possible without completely leaving it out. Really hard to do btw. And then my true explicit scenes are also not pornographic, because they are teens!!! Am I right in using an explicit rating for both situations? Better safe than sorry?
On a related note, is there a certain number of f-bombs you can drop in a story at various ratings? Have you ever hung out by a skatepark? Every other word those kids (and yes I meant kids, maybe tweens...) speak is a swear word, I feel like I'm actually using it in my writing very sparsely!
Reblogs are welcome to try and glean more opinions! Cheers
*If you think underage sex doesn't happen or have a place in fanfiction, we will just have to agree to disagree. I'm a parent and I will be far more focused on being the type of parent my child can come to with questions and curiosities about something they may have read or come across, than trying to keep that content away from them. Once a kid gets unsupervised internet access, you cannot pretend you are limiting what they are exposed to.
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ahoppingmagician · 8 months
Alright, Viv just stop this train wreck, pull the plug, change your name and move to a mountain in the middle of nowhere. his woman is fully grown and I won't coddle her like the rest of the world.
Warnings: SA and Racism(If you aren't in the right head space please don't read these sections or this post)
Alright, let's start with sexual assault. It shouldn't be treated like a joke or erotic because it's not. What else can I say to get it through people's skulls that SA isn't funny or sexy? If you truly need a post to understand why it's not acceptable, you are dangerous or too young to watch this show. This 30-something-year-old knows it's serious, but chooses when it should be taken seriously depending on her twink of the day. (You don't pick or choose when a topic is serious Viv, but go off)
Also, she needs to give things warnings, like I did for this post, for people to be
Is it more hassle for you? Not at all. Will it be mentally damaging for the viewers? Yes, because you didn't warn them like a responsible creator about something they might have lived or have similar experiences with being shown on screen.
Goofy Rant
Now I'll brighten the mood by being a hateful bitch.
What is this plot? seriously how did we start with a hotel and then get to a threat of war between heaven and hell in like six episodes. That alone is two seasons, never mind every character's trauma, and other people that want the hotel cast dead, oh yeah and backstories for most of our cast...im six episodes.
If you have to cram every major plotline into your story then you failed. What she should of done is trim the fat off this burnt peice of bacon. Get rid of the Vees because they are pointless to the other plots or maybe the angel demon war because why would this show need it, or all the unfunny jokes.
Characters are shit adjacent but is that a surprise to literal any...wait her rabid fans. If your a fan of this series for god knows why then good for you...unless your a FAN fan. I have many words to say to them but that's for another day.
Edit: (Didn't even fucking know I posted this today, so sorry, onto racism)
Now I am as Caucasian as can be so maybe I shouldn't speak on this, POC let me know if I can or if I should just shut up and let you do it.
I don't know much about voodoo/voodou, but I do know that it is a practiced religion, not a vibe VIV. You can't add a different religion to this show because it's a CHRISTIAN show, it explores the faults of God's judgement, heaven, and hell. Also, voodoo/voodou shouldn't be used as "evil" magic because we aren't in the 1900s to early 2000s anymore VIV. Also, you know it's a heavily if not completely black religion.
Alastor, Husk, Velvette, Emily, and Sera(Millie from HB aswell) don't look black. Now maybe I'm an asshole for this or even racist but where is the textured hair, like box braids, dreadlocks, afros, afro puffs, or just curlier hair in general. Why aren't you exploring the trauma that Alastor definitely went through because he was a biracial man in the early 1900s which could easily explain (not excuse) his behaviour, you could have a nurture versus nature theme.
Nifty feels...weird to me. First of all an Asian woman in the 50s who seems to have been raised or travelled to the USA, again racist trauma and all that being completely ignored. She feels like a stereotype, between the constant cleaning, obsessive behaviour, and her erratic behaviour. It feels like the crazy Asian woman stereotype.
Alright, that's it for right now, Have a wonderful day or night and wear whatever because it's all about your comfort because the world if making my own sanity crumble.
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watercolor-hearts · 3 months
for the ship ask thingy- loscar if you don't mind :)
have a lovely day/night 💕
I don't mind answering them with Loscar but please keep in mind that I don't know that much about them, I've only read a few stories about them as they're not one of the ships I focus on. So I'm just gonna go based on vibes or so, so there can be completely false things, sorry about that. :D
Have a lovely day/night. 😊❤
who hogs the duvet
I think Logan. He seems like the type that'd snuggle the duvet because Oscar turned to his other side at night and he isn't cuddling Logan anymore and Logan needs someone/something to hold/hug.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
Oscar, most of the time.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
I think they're both pretty creative when it comes to giving gifts to each other.
who gets up first in the morning
I have a feeling they wake up around the same time, pretty early.
who suggests new things in bed
Now this is a good question because I don't really know anything about their dynamics when it comes to this topic. 😃 I almost replied with something like "nobody because they're asexual." But yeah, honestly, I'm not really sure.
who cries at movies
Maybe Logan. But he tries to hide it.
who gives unprompted massages
Mostly Oscar, during the day, but in the evening/in the bed after showering it's Logan, so yeah, they massage each other sometimes.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
Both of them. Oscar cuddles Logan to make him feel better, Logan gets Oscar medicine or food or or something cold if he has a fever.
who gets jealous easiest
I don't think any of them gets jealous.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
I don't know anything about their taste in music.
who collects something unusual
Logan. I don't know what but I think he has a secret hobby and collects something.
who takes the longest to get ready
I think both of them gets ready pretty quickly.
who is the most tidy and organised
Logan. Based on one single fic I've read that mentions Logan's hotel room being tidy and organized while Oscar's isn't. 😃
who gets most excited about the holidays
I think they both get excited about it because they love spending time with each other without having to go to the factories, do sponsor meetings and things like that.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
100% Logan is the little spoon and Oscar is the big spoon.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
I think they're both pretty competitive, but maybe Logan a bit more.
who starts the most arguments
I can see them arguing every once in a while if they're stressed or something and the other says something they shouldn't say, but I think there isn't one that starts more arguments than the other.
who suggests that they buy a pet
what couple traditions they have
I'm tired of this question because I can't really answer it for most pairings, let alone ones I don't even know that well.
what tv shows they watch together
I don't know, I'm not good at tv shows.
what other couple they hang out with
I think other F1 couples if they go to play paddle with them or something like that.
how they spend time together as a couple
Same goes to here as to the "what couple traditions they have" question.
who made the first move
I don't know anything about their early days but I think it was Logan who made the first move.
who brings flowers home
Oscar brings them to Logan. ❤ (But when Logan finds out Oscar likes them, too, he starts bringing him flowers sometimes.)
who is the best cook
I don't know if they're the type that'd burn down the kitchen or they can actually cook. 😃
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esther-dot · 10 months
Sorry this is about an old topic you've already been through but I'm gonna say something controversial-
Even if MMD purposely killed Rhaego, she still doesn't deserve what happened to her, and D*ny is still in the wrong.
How many babies died when the Lamb People were attacked?? We see in detail about a young boy being attacked and toyed with before dying brutally. How many children were slaughtered?? And for what? To help D*ny's conquest for Westeros. She purposely looked away and 'toughened up her heart' and said it was the 'price' for the Iron Throne. It's not a 'price' when YOU'RE not the one sufferinf for it, D*ny.
And then theres the prophecy of Rhaego being The Stallion that Mounts the World, which is NOT a good thing.
MMD definitely was not responsible for his death or even Drogo's, but even if she was then I say good job for gettinf revenge on the two people who ruined her life and demolished her home filled with people who had lives before, and for killing what looked like a future warlord
(Drogo post, Rhaego post)
That moment when Dany thinks it's the price of the Iron Throne is so damning. Can't believe that wasn't a "maybe she shouldn't be on this quest" alert to the fandom.
As for the rest....
I read your ask and thought, sure, I can agree with that. But then I wondered, wait, does Martin agree? Is that what we’re “supposed” to think?
In AGOT we’re presented with the idea of killing Dany because she might be a potential threat, and I think Ned's reaction is the one we're meant to see as the moral decision. Fight the threat at hand, don't go killing kids. Perhaps Ned would have thought differently if he could peer into the future, but my impression was that Martin was against it. He is very anti violence.
We also have the fact that believing Rhaego was the threat and killing him wouldn't have changed things because it is Dany who will fuck the world. This seems to reaffirm a Ned-like stance on the issue. We can rationalize any action, but I wonder if perhaps Martin’s idea is that you can’t actually have certainty when it comes to the future so you must be willing to take risks in the name of doing what’s right. Sometimes in the story, that risk, the decision to try to save a child, the child of an enemy, means you die and your daughter is taken hostage and your first born and wife are killed. Of course, sometimes that means you raise the child of an enemy as your own, a boy who loves your children and will help win back their home, who will protect your children and play a role in saving Westeros.
I’m going to assume that’s the conclusion Martin wants us to reach. That there is no guarantee of a reward for doing the right thing, but you shouldn’t compromise certain values, no matter how you can justify it in the moment. Especially with how he views revenge and refuses to allow it to end well, I’m guessing that’s where he’d fall.
I enjoyed thinking about this, anon, and never worry about talking about old posts/convos. I am very bad about responding to asks in a timely manner and have found some truly ancient ones buried in my drafts and I've still responded. I have no shame. 😂
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takami-takami · 2 months
Fuck if I know how to tag this lmao. I am safe!
Don't worry about this! I am simply doing an exercise in being open and honest like a journal, so do not feel obligated in any which way whatsoever to read or not read this or anything of any sort. 👍
I want to write coherent stories like the comforts i used to write. I wish I could. I want so desperately to be able to. I remember how it helped me. I'm sorry for editing this post.
But i picture the setting, and describing it. How am I supposed to write a comfort now in which the walls aren't melting? In which there are no analogies? It's all analogies. I don't know, I'm trying really hard to make this post make sense and maybe I can clarify it later.
But. I try writing about sitting on a couch, and the couch is so painfully, achingly red. It is velvet with gold tassels and as I say this, I remember my (I shouldn't be editing this. Do not touch this. Do not touch this. Why did you correct the typo.) grandmother's throw pillows looked like that. I traced a child's fingertip along the divots, I remember, royal patterns in gold, an ancient trinket bought from dusty flea markets by my grandmother. Eyes open, laid back, on days I was able to go to the living room, rare days.
And the more I look at it, I see that the analogies aren't analogous at all. They're secrets, woven in how my fingers type automatically and even this is difficult. I hope you understand how much care I am placing into you (scratch back, delete into you. Another analogous trigger reflecting something deep. What I meant to say was how hard I am trying to type what I "mean" rather than what comes natural.)
What I am trying to say is. I can write, it just won't make sense. I won't write. I can't stay focused on the topic, which I recognize is because in states like this I am unable to detach from the malignant mass that sustains me and my lucidity regarding trauma. Like, those masses that tree trunks get. If you tethered a child to it, and connected them to it via wires like the matrix.
I promise I am not trying to sound cryptic on purpose. I just literally cannot write anything at all right now. I don't really feel tethered to characters anyway.
I tried reading one of my fics I wrote and my eyes glazed over and none of the contents existed unfortunately. So I tried writing another one and it didn't work out, it just ended up like This clusterfuck of a post (I am masking! Look at me trying to appear clear and to my "actual" point!).
Anyway. I'm traumatized. This happens whenever I get retraumatized. Don't worry about it. I was going to say my brain is like an egg salad before remembering you don't fry the eggs for an egg salad, so.
This is the closest i can get. You can fill in the blank, if you'd like.
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hibernationsuit-remade · 11 months
Starry or field for the mirco story asks? 👉👈
starry Max decides to ask the Captain about his reaction to one task on Gorgon.
i love how this has nothing to do with the word itself kfkfkfkfkf i promise it's there tho
can u see i'm super uncomfortable writing anything related to emotions btw :)
Captain's Quarters were colder and darker than the rest of the ship. Not the most suitable place for reading or working, and clearly not the default mode of the room. Though, maybe the Captain dimmed the lights for a reason.
He was sitting by his desk, half laying on it. Was he sleeping? Just resting? Max has seen someone write while sitting like that.
He cleared his throat. "Captain, can we talk?"
The man half jumped off his chair, spooked by the sudden question. Yep, he was sleeping. "I- wha-", he looked around and spotted the vicar. "Max? Yeah, sure, everything alright?"
"I'm fine, thank you."
"Good. That's good," he said quietly. "Sorry, I, um, must've fallen asleep while reading something."
"I have to admit, that doesn't sound normal, Captain. Are you alright?"
"Yes." An answer said too quickly, as if it's always ready to be used in conversations like this. He was clearly not alright, but would definitely do his best to hide it.
"It's just-", Max paused, looking for the right words, "You seem to, well, take miss Leonora's task more seriously than you usually do."
"She lost her husband, surely we should help her find some peace by finding his flask."
"There's something else, I can see it's bothering you." The man tried to keep his face as blank from any sign of emotions, but Max could easily see through him. Captain might have had different problems than his old 'flock' had, but he was still a human who needed help, too. Maybe even more than ever before during their travels. "Opening up may help."
"You sound like my therapist back on Earth."
"You had a therapist?"
"I-" he shook his head. "Forget I said anything about that."
"If you had one, then you surely know talking to someone would help."
"It's nothing, really, don't worry about it." He turned away to face the window and took a deep breath, assuming Max would stop at that. Was he staring at the starry sky behind the glass, or at his own, barely visible reflection, showing how sadness was slowly showing itself on his face.
"You can trust me."
"Law, you won't quit, will you?"
Max smirked. "No, I don't think I will."
He sighed and sat on the desk. "Fine. You win."
"It's for your own good."
"Yeah, yeah. Um." He paused for a moment, wondering where to begin. "Remember back in the beginning, you asked why I've decided to help Phineas instead of turning him in, and I replied that it's because I have...family on Hope?"
Max nodded. "I must admit, I thought you were joking back then. Not that I think so now."
"Don't worry, I'm not surprised..."
"Please, continue."
"Yeah, well. Um." Tobias covered his face. "Sorry, I...It's hard to talk about this, I haven't really um, mentioned this before. Not that I don't trust anyone, it's just that I..."
"...don't want to bother anyone even if it's something important? It shows."
"Smart ass. Though, that's why you're cool. You know that, right?"
"Stop trying to switch the topic, Tobias."
"Fine, fine. Ugh." He closed his eyes. "I took it too personally because it reminded me of how my wife is still back on Hope." His voice cracked, hands cletching into fists to hide their trembling, as he continued. "It felt like a punch in the gut, that I'm here and Klara's...not." He wiped a tear off his cheek and added quietly, "I miss her so much."
"I'm so sorry. I-" Max looked at him. Seeing him like this, sobbing and trembling, curled up like a sad teacup canid, wasn't something he had expected to see. Thank Law I closed the door... He walked to the desk and gave him a hug. "I shouldn't have brought this up. I'm so sorry."
"It's fine, it's..." he sniffed, "I um...think it helped a bit. Maybe even feel better now..."
"Can you stop lying about your feelings for one moment?"
"No...maybe..." Tobias muttered. "Phineas called yesterday and complained about how I still haven't made up my mind about skipping the Hope. It's not that I don't want to, it's that- well, I'm afraid of what I'll find there."
"Did you ask Phineas about her?"
"After we left Edgewater, yes. He said that according to the ship logs, everything's fine. She's fine." He took a deep breath to calm down a bit, and to stop thinking about all that could've gone wrong. "But still, I'm...I don't think I'm ready..."
"Then we'll go when you're ready."
"Thank you, Max. You're an amazing friend."
"You're welcome."
"You, um, think we could...well. Talk like this more often? I think it made me feel better, honest."
"Of course," Max smiled, "Now sit here while I get you some water."
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lily-thesuriel · 9 months
Some Thoughts post ACOSF and pre HOFAS
I have just finished my re-reading of the Acotar saga and I come to make a "brainstorming" of data and ideas that I want to put down in writing before HOFAS
there is a lot of repetition of the dates "more than 10000 years ago" and especially in Acosf "since 15000 years ago" I suppose that they will be to match the dates of the world of Acotar with the world of CC, although there are certain things that do not fit at the moment.
There are several data that change from ACOWAR to ACOSF , why ? Because I believe that they will be relevant in the future, these data are (that I have seen) 1 that in ACOWAR Lucien does not arrive until the lake of koschei but in ACOSF it is said that yes he has arrived / 2 the recap of what happened in Sangravah / 3 the subject of Illyria and the difference between the teaser of ACOFAS and the first chapter of ACOSF
to this day I still don't understand Rhys's "you-always-have-a-choice" behavior in ACOSF, sorry I don't
The secret winged baby and Renesme 2.0 plot continues to be horrible.
I do not understand how people do not shipe Vassa and Jurian, simply with the phrase "do not call her queen that goes to her head" (not the literal phrase, I'm writing from memory do not eat me) I'm already sold, I can understand the ship of Jurian-Vassa-Lucien, I do not share it but I understand it but leave out the banter that has Vassa with Jurian? No,sorry
I don't want Rhys as High king, and I don't know why I think that because of the decline of Tamlin that it will happen.
Bryaxis hello ??? Where is he? He appeared in ACOFAS and then was never heard from again , and who or what was he before he was Bryaxis ???? Fionn??
I need to know the full story of Eris, I need to know what she hides, right now you tell me that ACOTAR5 is from her POV and I'll be happy to read it (very unlikely I know).
Why the carved beasts of hewn city are the same as the "beast form " of Rhys and at the same time are the same as the Hounds of the Great Hunt ?? And why is no one talking about this? I need answers
Narben, where are you ??? (maybe it is Danikq's sword ???)
Nesta can still use the 3 trove ???? Yes ? No? Will Elain use them ? Will Bryce use them ?(I think so ) what will happen when the 4 troves are united ????
The shipons and invoke stones work with firstlight, that "pure" and raw magic that the Illyrian have is actually firstlight, are they a failed experiment of the Daglan/Asteri ? Yes
Daglan= Asteri
Enalius died in a battle against the Daglan trying to protect Ramiel's black stone (or monolith), what is that???? Whyyy?
Ramiel is hollow (and has the Daglan palace??)
Touching Ramiel's stone when winning the great rite heals all the wounds of the one who touches it, Emerie's wings are healed ???? Will she fly again? I hope she will be healed (by Ramiel stome or by Thesan) because she said she was in pain from time to time.
The only thing this fandom agrees on is that Mor and Emerie are going to end up together and they haven't even spoken to each other (that we have seen) just because Emerie called Mor beautiful.
Controversial topic, I understand partly the Elriels. Does Azriel like Elain? Yes, in Acosf that is clear, in Acofas it is intuited although he still likes Mor. Does Elain like Azriel ? Yes, she does. Now I think they will end up together ? No. Why? Because of the scene in Acosf where Az says that the troves have a darkness that Elain shouldn't get close to and Cas responds but Nesta should ? (Not literal phrases, I'm writing without looking at the book ) sorry but what I like about the Maas guys is that they give you options, do you want to do something dangerous ? I don't really like it but if you do I support and help you , the ultimate example of this is Rhys. If you take away that possibility of choice for me that couple loses all appeal (that's why I haven't put up with Rhys half of Acosf) now well if the book ends up being Elriel ?(Which I don't think so and as of today I don't want to ) congrats to them, sure Mass makes me fall in love with their story too. (But at the level of the overall plot if what was said in 2021 is maintained, that the two remaining books of acotar were to be narrated each by a couple, it makes no sense that acotar5 is Elriel because then the trilogy closing ? Whose is it? Lucien's and Vassa's ? And you spend the last book (confirmed for the moment) without any POV of the IC, sorry but it does not attract me at all)
Elain, I really want Elain Book i need her Pov, I still think that Elain is going to end up with his mate ? Yes, that Elain doesn't want anything to do with Lucien ? Yes too. Why do I think they will end up together ( and that their story will be a sort of marriage of convenience / force proximity ) because when Cassian reveals his mate bond to Nesta, Nesta resents the word Mate because it would mean giving up the last of her humanity, Nesta. Now imagine the trauma of Elain who not only didn't want to be Fae but was also engaged and the first thing she learns is that she has become FAE (and therefore goodbye to her life as a human ) and that she has mate (which takes her away from her engagement ). To me Elain doesn't reject Lucien because of her persona, but because Lucien means accepting 100% that she is FAE and I think that's something Elain has not yet done.
Maas highlights interactions where Gwyn and Az appear and does not highlight any interaction between Az and Emerie (compare the two scenes when they go to cut the ribbon) why does she do that ? Well, let everyone draw their own conclusions
ACOTAR 5 : Azriel +gwyn
ACOTAR 6: Elain + Lucien ( koschei dies here , in charge of killing him Elain and Vassa )
Characters that I think are going to die in this saga: 1 Helion (sorry I love you but you have all the ballots to die ) 2 Amrem and Varian, I explain myself, I think the IC is not going to survive whole again, I think Azriel and Cassian are not going to die, Mor has a story to tell (from what is sensed in Acofas and Acosf) and the novella I think will be hers, so the options to die are Feyre and Rhys (who could because they already have an heir, but Mass loves Rhys so I doubt it) and finally Amrem who I think is the one who will die (this time for real) and Varían will also die because separating lovers is very cruel.
Sorry for any mistakes english is not my first language
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hp-confessions · 2 months
For those concerned about fictional age gaps and how it affects morals. First of all, it's not. Fiction is a healthy way to explore your thoughts, emotions, trauma or simply entertainment without hurting anyone. If something is written in fiction, it doesn’t automatically mean it's morally correct to do the same in real life. No one says that, ever. Please, exercise critical thinking. People take from fiction what they take, they don't use it as their gospel to blindly justify something in reality. If they do, they are wrong and should be judged by the acts actually committed, not by the cloud in their head that is basically a playground.
Second of all, half of the characters in darker "problematic" ships are also murderers and otherwise criminals, how does none of it is confusing, but their preferred romance is? Oh, maybe because you actually understand people don't condone murder in real life or are secret serial killers if they write about those topics? At least, I would hope so. The same distinction applies to everything else.
As for the age gap and the appeal of it. Personally, it's never the main reason for me to like the ship, but just a factor. I see characters and their dynamic, not the age they're assigned in a story. But also, characters aren't perpetual children, they can age too and become adults. The age gap in itself is not the issue most of the time.
Besides, when someone is immortal such trivialities as age transcend time. The trope of 100 year old vampire and a teenage girl has been around for centuries. It even has popular modern examples somehow widely accepted. Tripping over imaginary age gaps is so unnecessary. So what if there are decades between characters? Can they interact in an interesting way? Let them interact and just have fun!
As for reading romance about literal kids, I already somewhat answered it with a passage about other crimes. You can draw the parallels. Most of the time, such stories exist simply because they can. Exploration of taboo topics will always have its appeal in one way or another.
I can't say for everyone, but for me mostly, it's about the scenarios characters are put through, not the fact itself they're children. If they happen to be young, so what? As long as it works for the story to highlight or explore something in that exact period of time in character's life, so be it.
And you can't just label everything as problematic just because it has some problems. Sometimes, that's the point. Fiction has always been a way to highlight problems in society, to bring attention to them, to let readers draw their own conclusions. It's never been a free pass for moral justification that people nowadays try to make out of it. Sometimes, it's the opposite, and the story would tell you how those things are wrong. But it's for the reader to decide, not for the author to spoon feed them. I'm sorry, but if someone uses books to copy everything they read without any careful or critical thought, they probably shouldn't be reading books at all.
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spacebeyonce · 1 year
Sorry for dumping in your inbox again haha, but anyways-- just rn I came across a post on my dash about how it's the reader's duty to check tags, and that you shouldn't attack fanfic authors for "writing stuff you don't like" (ie proship nonsense lol), and while I do agree that it's always important to check tags thoroughly; I kept thinking about how many times I came across disturbing content, that WASNT tagged, and it was making me think, "if this wasn't tagged, don't I have the right to be upset about it being included?"
For example, my special interest is specifically Kaeya, an Indian character from genshin impact. On the rare occasions that I read fanfic, it's usually one shots of them-- however SO many fanfics end up describing kaeya in the most racist or fetishy way imaginable, or have characters say or do racist things towards them! And look-- I can handle kaeya fics involving racism (hell, I even write some for my friends and I to discuss!!!), however those fics are usually exploring racism as a THEME, and how it impacts the character! Most fanfics though? Absolutely don't do that!! And the racism is literally NEVER tagged!! There's no warning of kaeya being called a fucking "caramel twink" or have their brother say racist shit to them! There's none of that! Idk...
TL;DR ppl don't understand that you can't trust authors to tag everything/not to be pieces of shit, and that it shouldn't be reader's fault for stumbling across untagged shit that upset them + genshin fans suck ass lol
oh don't apologize! I enjoy talking to new people!
but yes most fic writers are fucking atrocious when it comes to tagging, and oh how they bristle when you ask them to tag something more appropriately. it's why the 'creator chose not to warn' tag is so....pointless to me??? that shit is my enemy. like warning readers about a topic or theme that might trigger them is common courtesy imo. and if your story can't stand without you making the triggering content be a surprise then like...that's a skill issue I fear. it's always 'fic writers don't owe you anything' and all this attitude but then that attitude is gone when our hard work isn't recognized the way we want.
like I can understand being like 'fic writers don't owe you anything' when it's someone that's telling you the direction your story should go, or constantly demanding updates and not like....idfk interacting with this thing you're making as it comes. I get that! but this is kinda supposed to be a community, and communities build each other up and call us in when needed...so maybe we should be open to more than just blind uncritical praise. but what do I know!
but yes, they are never, ever going to tag for racism like that. when it's how you write it, in EXPLORATION AS A THEME then hell yeah it'll be tagged. but when it's racial fetishization, or an irrational bashing fic towards a character of color...no, no. that'll never get tagged. you can certainly bring up why it's hurtful to the author, but chances are high that won't go suuuper well. 'cause I mean...the last few weeks have really reminded me that when it comes to racism fandom is just stupid as hell about it so what else can we expect lmao.
but yeah I feel your pain so hard. every time I hear about the genshin fandom it's when they're doing something racist so. I'm sending a prayer up for your strength lmao. I hope you've got a good community of color around you there because man it sure helps you feel less fucking insane.
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divinerivals · 10 months
I would love to hear your thoughts on Silver Flames!
Buckle up babes long ass response coming in.
*this gets ranty and I'm sorry!!. Excuse any typos or errors. I don't have my glasses on lol.*
So my controversial hot take about acosf, is that thanks to fan works (headcanons, theories, fanfic,etc) we all get these notions in our heads of how characters should be. When in actual reality they're just not like that. Everyone believed Nesta would be this all powerful bad bitch lady death. When in truth she never wanted power. Ever. All she wanted was to make the Cauldron pay. She never wanted magic in the first place. Even when she had it. She didnt care for it. Didnt care for what it did and how it took her over. In the end losing her magic didn't really matter. It's not like Aelin who loved her fire and missed it when it was gone. Nesta felt like her magic was a burden. And was grateful it was gone. I do think fmcs who love their powers should keep not lose them. But when they don't want it. When it scares them, they don't care for it whatever the case maybe then they should lose it. Nesta just wants cake, books, and sex no suffering magic required honestly good for her.
The same can be said for Cassian. Thanks to all the fan works we all believed he'd go to bat (pun intended) for her against Rhys and the IC and it rarely happened. Whenever it did, it barely lasted. I was waiting when Rhys told him to get Nesta out of Velaris or he'd kill her. I was waiting for Cassian to do something. What'd he do? Force Nesta to go on hike. Sir that's your mate. DEFEND HER. Tell Rhys for her sake you will but the next he threatens Nesta over something he shouldn't hide from Feyre will be the last. Get Nesta out and talk with her. Don't be dick cause Rhys says so.
Speaking of Rhys. Alot of people were unhappy with how he was portrayed in acosf. I wasn't. Doesn't mean he didn't piss me off. But I think for Manu the rose colored glasses came off. Acotar- acofas we view Rhys through the Feyre lens. So yeah especially acomaf and acowar we see him in a loving, caring sense. In Feyres eyes once she falls for him Rhys can literally do no wrong. As readers we believe it. It's why so many fell for Tam in book 1. But now in acosf we get him. The real un mate side of Rhys. We see the High Lord version. We see him through Cassian and Nesta’s eyes and it's not the best look.
The other issue I've noticed with Acotar fans and the hate is how slow and lore based it is. Yes, I agree that there's some parts of the book that are. So. Fucking. Slow. I just wanted to those parts to be done with it. The other side, the lore. For readers looking for smut and a little plot acotar is great. You don't have to think to much on the world and the lore it's only a sprinkle to move the story along. Nothing like tog or cc. Now with the crossover we needed a book with all this information to make it fit and have it make sense. And acosf became that book. For anyone who wasn't anticipating a heavy book this was a huge surprise. And kind of a snoozefest. Even when I first read it I was so happy to have this information but given what he know of acotar why Is it needed? Then hosab came out and it made sense.
Personally, I didn't think it was bad. I enjoyed myself while reading. I was disappointed we didn't get all those bodily fluids that Sarah claimed we'd get. Yeah, there was a little, but idk she made it seem like a lot more.
The intervention in the beginning pissed me off. The only people that should've been there were Feyre, Elain, and maybe Cassian. I know as someone who cares about her and is her mate he should he but in the same breath the topic of Cassian is very touchy to Nesta in that moment. So I think where he's considered it's a eh thing. Rhys would be the only other exception because it's his money she's been spending. But he should stfu and let Feyre handle it.
I don't like Mor. She pissed me off entirely throughout the book. Same as Amren. I use to like Amren alot. But this book made me turn off of her. Despite all of the growing Nesta does the only way she accepts and forgives Nesta is when Nesta grovels and kisses her hand??? Fuck right off.
Generally I loved all the lore, loved/hated seeing Rhys from a different pov, adored Nesta’s journey even her giving up her magic. I loved seeing Nesta form her bonds with Gwyn, Emerie and Azriel. Just wished Cassian stepped it up in the defending Nesta Archeron department.
I honestly think what I love about it. People hated lmao.
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
SOO omg omg omg i don't know what to say. '5 crisis between us' is absolutely beautiful!!
1) i wasn't able to cry. i just had a huge grin from ear to ear bc OMG you're so sweet😭 i'm really honored. i hope you enjoyed writing it and not just felt pressed/ suffocated by the ideas. will you do something with the other ones, though? just interested.
(if you're ever interested my pronouns are she/her (but you can call me wife SORRY))
2) i'm in LOVE with your daemon and mom!reader. their dynamic! their relationship! i can die seeing them. yes they're toothachingly sweet so they need to go through crisises🥰 suffering is the key
3) the miscarriage crisis... maybe it was bc i didn't have any details and expectations about it in my head but it was strong. it is strong. this helplessness and this loving sweetness- no words. for me it felt more loving than the whole '5 moments between us' (don't get me wrong it is stunning, just my own impression. this is the climax of pure devotion to my eyes).
4) most likely it's just me knowing these ideas i've send but i had a minor feeling of rush? (yeah prob gust me bc i haven't had this feeling reading 1 and 5 paragraphs) like it IS long but this little incompleteness? (don't get me wrong it is great! i love the way you write and the way you think! just this small-small feeling like there is an opportunity to say more? you should know i work with a lot of texts and analysing them is going to be my like? job (i hope) so yes. i always overthink this)
no intention to offend you my love! you and your sexy brain have done absolutely great!
5) just me. i'd really like to learn more about relationship between mom!reader and alyssa. it feels like a great topic to think about. i'd like to see this, on the one hand, rivalry (i know it's toxic, maybe i am a bad person) and daemon's reaction, and family bond and mother's wisdom (bc alyssa is her child she obviously shouldn't feel like it's a rivalry), on the other hand. back to children's disgust of their parents' interactions. i kinda feel like alyssa should be really jealous? but is her mother as jealous when she's hust born? it's a really big topic for me (having mommy issues and always seeking attention💀)
In conclusion, is is TALENTED, BRILLIANT, INCREDIBLE, AMAZING, SHOW-STOPPING, SPECTACULAR, NEVER THE SAME, TOTALLY UNIQUE! and i really appreciate its dedication🥺 i strongly believe you and your au are going to become a legend! thank you so much for your work!
- ❄️
i'm so glad you liked it, you don't know how much your support means to me 🥹💓
i probably won't use the other plots bc the ideas i have in mind to work with before i finish the series don't really have angst or crisis vibes, just pure joy before we end our journey.
and i get what you mean about the loving parts and the difference between "5 moments between us" and this one. i think this one feels more personal and less domestic than the first one. the pain brought them together and made them stronger, while the other one are just silly little scenarios of they spending time with each other.
oh, and it's okay!! i know some of the scenarios are a little incomplete or don't have more to it (like the second depression one) but i didn't wanted to make a long ass sad story, i just wanted to share some moments they lived and got through it, without making it too appealing.
and before we end the series we definitely gonna have more of alyssa and her mom. i'm thinking about making them bond over a danger situation just to add a little bit of drama lol
but again, thank u so much for your support, darling 💓
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vadersaber · 1 year
I think what kinda bothers me is.. I get that people write noncon themes as a way to cope with their traumas. And if they wanna do that, that’s totally up to them. But when they post this on a very public website, and sometimes not even tagged correctly, they are hurting and triggering other people. I have noncon blocked too but somehow, I still see these kind of stories.
Like you say, Joel is generally a very safe character. He’s the protector. So going into his tags, you just wouldn’t expect that kinda stuff because it’s so completely the opposite of who Joel is.
Like I said, he’s one of my comfort characters and has been for years. And now I feel uncomfortable going into his x reader tag because I’m actually scared of what people are posting.
Also I agree, if someone loves Joel, why would they read something about him doing that to you/someone?
Thanks for not just ignoring the asks because I know it’s a sensitive topic and I definitely don’t want you to get any shit for this but I’m glad I got to talk to someone about this 💕💕
I completely understand and share your opinion. that's just the thing, people will have different opinions and preferences, and if those writers want to dwelve into Joel's character this way, that is their business. it does become a problem, however, as you said, when fics aren't properly tagged. even if you blacklist a word and they still appear, maybe something's amiss. and again, warnings aren't a must, they're usually given as a "by the way, here's what this includes" but in my opinion, if we're talkin about sensitive topics such as mental health or in this case SA/dub-con etc., these things always should be tagged.
and again I reiterate, this is just my - and your - personal opinion, not telling anyone what or how to do things. it's just very concerning that unproper tagging and some of the ideas some people have can cause someone to be genuinely afraid to go into the tags for their comfort character. I'm really sorry you feel this way darling. it shouldn't be this way. and certainly not with a character as comforting and pretty heroic as Joel, who is probably one of the most protective and kind-hearted characters ever.
but as I said before, I aim to have this blog as a safe and open space! I hope you find some comfort in the fics I reblog here because yes, some are smut, but you won't ever find triggering topics here (hopefully) ❤️
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sitpwgs · 8 months
Hi! I'm glad you're feeling better. I know I didn't reply..its been kinda tough lately and I would appreciate some support or good vibes lol. Thanks for putting under the cut as I feel kinda weird when my messages are so long. I hope no one reads them haha. I totally get that about your reading goals cuz I'm also trying to read more books I own this year. I think I told you that before but mostly it will be one I wanna read with one I already own per month...at least. Hopefully I reach my goal of 24..cuz it's 2024 lol but maybe more as well. It's not looking good for January so far for me but hopefully that will change. Haha idk why it stuck out to me but I really don't care about the ratings..I just like reading your tags/commentary. I guess I just generally wanna know if a book is good or not. I was also thinking of getting on goodreads/story graph soon so I can track my reading too but I'll have to see. Everything i never told you always interested me I think so tell me if it's worth checking out. Your goal overall makes sense..you shouldn't pressure yourself to read more than you want or something you're not enjoying. I will update you whenever I get back to it.
Well I wanted to see it this weekend if I can or maybe until Tuesday. If not, then I won't have time really. So I will let you know. Usually I see all musicals in theaters and that's the only movies I go to theaters for but it's just a blah time right now and they were all close together. What did your friend think? I'm sure Broadway is better so not expecting much. Things have been pretty mixed overall and I saw you listened to the soundtrack anyway and hated it lol. Those are all good musicals, but I haven't listened to Shucked yet. I've heard independently owned and watched the Tony performance though. I'm not sure I would like it as much as other musicals honestly based on the music.
What are your favorite songs from This is Why? After Laughter is good but has a few skips for me compared to This is Why, but it could be that This is Why is only ten songs. Haha that's funny that your friends guessed that but ya it definitely is a more poppy sound if you like that style. It's also really good and can't choose favorites. I actually saw your post first cuz it was before I checked anything! I always think it's so interesting when other bands cover or reimagine a tribute album. This happened with Switchfoot last year when Top covered a song and I heard the original for the first time then the cover album. So I will probably do the same for this! I'm familiar with Burning down the house of course so I'm excited to see Hayley slay vocals and her take on it. I remember watching the pro shot of American Utopia but barely remember it. Anyway Tegan and Sara also did that with the anniversary of their album The Con and Hayley sang my fav song by them called Nineteen, another age song lol. I love her cover and also the original. I'm not sure if you are familiar with them or not..but they are twin sisters and I've loved them for years. They are also friends with Taylor and sang as a guest on the Red tour. You probably have..they had some popular songs around that time. They also have a memoir and show based on it I've been meaning to read/watch. Apparently they weren't as close as teens..lol. But I totally recommend their music if you haven't..the Con and they had an album in 2022 I enjoyed. So that was a little off topic..sorry, but Paramore also did this with their own album This is Why a few months ago! They asked artists to remix or sing their version of one of their songs. The only one I really enjoy is Remi Wolfs cover of You First honestly but I think it's a cool thing to do. She changed the vibes a bit but I still like the original more. They also had an extra song on there that was basically a vault song from After Laughter called Sanity so I think you would like it and give it a listen. I definitely connect You First and Karma as a pair, which shocked me when I first heard it since it mentioned karma, but one is more happy and one is more angry.
She has worn a few more green outfits since I last replied to you which makes me happy. The snake boots seemed like a hint even if I don't always like reading into her clothing so much but we mostly knew it was next anyway. I definitely know how you feel with Taylor and I have felt a little bit of the same but I'm hoping my mood will change when tour starts again or rep comes out. I still think there will be a documentary for all of that hopefully and it could be similar to the long pond one or just cover several different things, including the tour, rerecordings and this era of her career. I think After Laughter does kinda share the same sound of the 1975 too but that's also cuz they all had albums around the same time in 2014 so it could be the popular sound from that time but it's a cool comparison since I like them all. I'm glad you enjoy my comparisons..I'm wondering if they only make sense to me so I hope it makes sense to you too if you start listening. Another thing is their early albums focus on faith and religion as a theme but it's not necessary to interpret it that way if it bothers you. I also wanted to ask if you've heard any songs by them or are familiar with them at all cuz they were also popular in 2015 lol. I hope you're having a good weekend too and I'll try to reply soon!
hi friend!! please don't feel bad about not replying, or taking care of yourself!! 🤍 i'm sending you all the love and support and good vibes, and am always here if you want to chat or need anything!! giving you a big virtual hug if you like hugs and putting the rest of this under the cut!!
yay for reading books from your physical tbr! i've been trying to do the same — the bulk of my physical tbr is mostly gifted reads that i just ... never got around to, but there's still a fair amount of books /i/ bought and haven't read, so i'm trying to do a few of those every month! you're always welcome to ask me about my thoughts on books, even if i don't post a rating on here!! you should definitely join me over on goodreads/storygraph! i am a lot more active on goodreads than i am storygraph, though! i really, really loved everything i never told you — it's the first book that's made me cry this year and i really think it's going to be a book i'll be thinking about forever. i already want to reread + annotate it (despite how long annotation projects take me). here are the content warnings: death, death by drowning, emotional abuse, sexism, sexual assault (briefly mentioned), hitting & punching, and racism, infidelity.
most of my friends who have seen the mean girls musical movie were like 😵‍💫 ... well ... it wasn't as bad as i expected ... but i did readjust my expectations after listening to the soundtrack. i think the consensus is that the girl who plays cady is simply miscast / the weakest link, like she's just vocally not ... as good ... and i really am just ... not to be a Snob ... but why did they cast her if she can't sing!!!! my entire tiktok FYP right now is criticizing her stupid with love :( i don't have anything against the actress, i just don't think she was right for the role / that they could've gotten someone who can act + sing. i also don't love the new song, but maybe it'll work better in the movie? curious to know your thoughts when you see it (no rush!).
i really liked liar, big man, little dignity, and the news, although i've had this is why stuck in my head today so maybe i have to add that song to my favorites list too! i really am a pop girlie at heart, so i think that's why after laughter is my favorite! i know of teagan and sara, but haven't done a deep dive! i did see the remix and i thought that was cool! if you could pick one of taylor's albums to be ~ remixed ~ and sung by other artists, which album would you pick? and do you have any artists in particular you'd want on it?
she's been wearing a lot of green lately! i wonder if reputation really will be announced in february (going back to the karma MV hint). and yes! i think after laughter and the 1975's stuff both have this like, upbeat music but talks about more serious/heavier topics? which is why i also connected the two! i think a few of my friends listened to twenty one pilots back in the day / sometimes i see them on airbuds, but i don't think i know a single song! but maybe something will jump out at me once i actually listen!!
hope you're taking some time for yourself and doing okay 🤍 sending love!
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