#i'm sorry this is so late ahhhhh
nanukthebleb · 4 months
Oh no! The stranger in front of you dropped a mysteriously glowing gem. ✨💎 You picked it up to give it back but they're already so far away, walking quickly away from you! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️
What do you do now? 👀
Are you running after them? Keep the gem for yourself or giving it away to someone in the @ ?🤔 There's a lot of things one could do with such a magical object...
I inspect it. What color is it? How big is it? Does it have an uncommon or special cut?
But after a quick inspection I wrap it in a piece of cloth and put it safely in my pocket. I don't need any unwanted attention.
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certainwill · 3 months
Satoko has found herself feeling strange as of late.
It's not necessarily an unpleasant feeling. Sometimes, she feels like she's not really truly here, or like she's forgetting something important. It took her a while to come to identify those feelings for what they were, in fact, but even more than that - she's sure there's still something else she's feeling that she can't quite put her finger on.
And yes, it's frustrating. But at the same time, things are really better than ever at the moment. Rika has been happier than Satoko's ever seen her, and while Shion-san has been acting strangely, she seems to be in a cheerful mood, too... and when Satoko lets herself get swept away in their joy, it's such a wonderful feeling that she never wants it to end. But at other times, when she stops to reflect... that unidentifiable sensation comes back like it had never left.
Maybe she still hasn't quite processed everything that happened in June? The fight for Rika's life, and everything she learned back then...
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"Rena-san, haven't you noticed it too?" Satoko finds herself asking Rena one day, in a spare moment under the heat of the sun. "Shion-san has been coming by so regularly, and she's always in such a strange mood! Honestly, I felt quite sure it couldn't be a coincidence, but she insists that there's nothing going on... she hasn't confided in you, has she?"
@schxdenfreude ( starter for rena! )
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cryptid-crusader · 1 year
Bro I am just so grumpy tonight. :/
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ever-winter · 1 year
@forgedxhearts continued from [X]
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Oh, she didn't much care about his own levels of comfort, only that she could keep an eye on those who worked under her and make sure that they weren't taking too long. Now that she had her prize, she wanted to get back home and receive the praise that was rightfully hers. She'd worked hard for this entire plan to go the way it had - even if she had allowed for Childe to run around doing all the busy work. At the other's question, a small sip was taken from the wine she'd ordered, Signora sitting back in her seat as she studied the man before her a little more closely, almost as though she'd only just really saw him for the first time. Of all the direction in which this conversation could have taken, she hadn't expected this. And that pleased her - made her a little more willing to actually pay attention to what was being said.
"The overlord of the vortex...oh, you mean that little water show? Well, that had nothing to do with me, I'm afraid. You'd need to ask another Harbinger if that's what you're curious of...though the situation was handled...so why bother about the details?"
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strayslost · 2 years
The whole time Chuuya has been talking, Verlaine has felt frozen in place, unable to say a thing. His hand, still supporting Chuuya, tightens in its hold as an unfamiliar emotion wells up inside him. Verlaine has never much felt sorrow for another person, and he had believed it would always be that way... but right now, it's like there's a lump in his chest, and the anger he feels on behalf of his little brother is so strong that it's overpowering.
What a strange feeling... As Chuuya talks about the punishments Mori would put Dazai and himself through, he grits his teeth. The Mafia Boss clearly holds no care for Chuuya - there's not an ounce of humanity or worth to be found in him - but even so, Chuuya still wants to protect him? Verlaine can't understand it at all. The city Chuuya holds so dear... Verlaine wishes he could understand what it was like to want to protect it. To care about humans at all. He feels bitterly jealous, yet deeply sympathetic, though he's aware that right now that care that Chuuya feels is acting more like a noose around his neck than a blessing.
He doesn't know what to say. Because he can't promise Chuuya that he'll never leave. He can't see the future, and he doesn't trust himself to try. But he has to say something.
"I'm here, Chuuya. I'm not going anywhere." While it's not a promise, he finds that as he speaks, he truly means what he's saying. And in that moment, Verlaine realizes that he hadn't truly admitted to himself how much he still cares about his brother until now. Even with the differences between them, the jealousy... momentarily, Verlaine remembers Rimbaud, and for a second, his breath is taken away from him entirely.
He didn't appreciate Rimbaud while he was there, and then he was gone. But Chuuya... is still here.
"I don't understand you, you know. Why you're so loyal to Mori, and to Yokohama. But... whatever you want me to do, I'll do it. So please, at least know that I'm here with you.
He holds Chuuya tightly, and curses himself for not being able to do more.
@chaosbled ( continued from here! )
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queenofbaws · 2 years
Hello! ♡ How are you? Thank you so much for your previous post, I loved it! ^^ Your writing is adorable and no amount of delay will make me love it less! Also, thanks for your attention, I'm going to celebrate Halloween at Disneyland paris! I'm really looking forward to it, and I hope you'll have fun tonight too, no matter how you celebrate Halloween! ♡
And I know it's not really the weekend anymore but I still have a little request for you! I'm pretty upset that Josh didn't get his birthday in October! Our prince of horror deserves better than that. -_- So how about writing our favorite little ghost hunters organizing him a surprise party? ♡ (bonus point if Alan and Edgar make a fun appearance)
As far as birthday parties went, this one was, Josh had to admit, pretty choice - what with the food, the card games, the presents, the ice cream cake that was only mostly still a frozen brick - he just had one question about the whole shebang: “You invited my fucking therapist?”
“Our therapist,” Sam corrected him, playfully nudging her present along the conference room’s table to be closer to his arm, “And no, I didn’t invite him...that sort of seems like a, uh, breach of contract or something.”
A mouthful of ice cream didn’t stop Ashley from correcting her, “Conflict of interest, actually, and uh...I didn’t invite him either, sooo...”
“This will shock you all I’m sure,” Alan sighed, pointedly looking anywhere but them as he filled a flimsy paper plate with party food, “But I’m simply here because it was brought to my attention there was cake of which I was invited to partake.”
“So Edgar invited you,” Josh said, just as Chris whipped around, a terrified expression on his face as he asked, “Wait, do you know how to text?!”
From out in the library proper, Edgar sighed a flat, “Of course not - I sent word by way of carrier pigeon and simply hoped for the best...it’s how I proposed, too, were you wondering.”
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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hello lovie🫶🏻 as of the past mmm three days I’ve been coming back to your account and reading your tan fics, they’re just SO good!! I couldn’t help but maybe put in a request?? I’m not quite sure if you’ve done one of these before, but would it be too much trouble to do a sort of hurt/comfort type fic, where tan comes back from a mission absolutely tattered and beaten and reader instantly helps mend his wounds?? Idk what it is but I’m an absolute WHORE for these kind of fics. omg and reader uses rubbing alcohol on his cuts and stuff and he starts wincing and she goes “sorry, it’ll hurt” and he retorts with “really?? hadn’t noticed” or something like that HSJSKSN and throughout this WHOLEEE thing he’s just staring at her so lovingly and eventually they both lean in to kiss SJJWW IM SORRY BUT HES JUST SO AHHHHH😭🫶🏻🫶🏻lysm girlie, your writing makes me literally kick my feet, giggle and twirl my hair🫶🏻🫶🏻
hii omg omg thank you cutie!!!🤍 done a fair few of these but I love the wound cleaning trope ESPECIALLY with tan! thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
tangerine x reader (gn) — fluff
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word count. 790
!! blood mentions
No matter how late it would be when Tangerine returns home, you'd still wake to the sound of the front door softly closing - the sluggish footsteps of your lover creeping inside. And without fail, you would find yourself stepping down those stairs to greet him with a sweet, welcoming smile.
Though tonight —well, extremely early morning— when you heard him come through the front door, instead of hearing his usual exasperated sighs, you heard groans - like he was in pain. And without missing a beat, you followed that noise, feet cascading down the steps to check he was okay.
You find him in the kitchen, leaning over the island - dampening a cloth in the sink. 
"What happened to you?" you ask, voice quiet as you look over his face - taking note of the cuts, bruises and the crusted, dried-bloody state of a nose. "You okay?" 
"In fuckin' agony," he mumbles, wincing when he places the cloth to his forehead. 
You walk around to meet him behind the island and reach into the cupboard under the sink, picking up one of the many med-kits around the house. Collecting a bag of frozen peas, you nod Tangerine over to the kitchen table, gesturing for him to sit in front while you lay the kit and bag on the surface.
He follows suit - taking a seat and scooching the chair closer to you, placing the bag of peas over his knuckles.
"Do you want to talk about it?" you ask, trying to ease him. You look up at him, turning your eyes away from the contents in the first aid kit - trying to gauge his response. "You don't have to... but it might help though."
He shakes his head faintly, sniffling in his usual mannish way. "No, I'm good, love," he dismisses.
You only nod, accepting that he'll come to you when he's ready. You slip on a pair of medical gloves and tear open an antiseptic wipe, hesitantly reaching for the cut on his forehead. "You ready?" you ask, pushing back a messy, unkempt curl with your free hand.
"Not particularly."
His apparent unease about the wound cleaning was almost endearing - it was oddly humanising to see the vulnerability in his usual cold assassin shell. Or the bravado he often puts on around others.
"I'll be gentle," you say, voice almost distracted as you carefully run the point of the cloth around the cut - cleaning it. 
His face grimaces, his features pulling together uncomfortably. 
"Sorry, this bit hurts," you try to comfort him, eyes glued on his forehead. 
He hums shortly, the noise like an unamused 'humph.' "Ya'think? Hadn't noticed— fuck."
"You moved, I'm sorry. Keep still." 
He exhales harshly, attempting to pull himself together. He prods the bag of peas with his other hand, trying to use it as a distraction as you finish up with his cut. 
"Nearly done," you say, laying a plaster flat over his wound - soothing the sticky edges over his skin. You press a kiss into your finger and stamp it onto the covered dressing. "There we go."
Without thinking otherwise, you move on and attend to the other mild injuries - his knuckles up next. You remove the peas, placing them on the table while you slip your hand under his beaten one, holding his palm in your hand. 
"Looks like you got a few licks in," you joke, nodding to his bruised, cut-up fist. 
"Just a few," he jests, mindlessly grazing his fingers over the back of your hand - caressing you. 
You laugh faintly, the sound amused. You run the damp cloth over his knuckles, cleaning up the residual flecks of red he tried to clean earlier.
Unbeknownst to you —your attention solely on his hand— he's looking at you, his expression like that of admiration. Half-lidded eyes scan you attentively, watching the way you care for him. 
"Thank you," he says, words gentle. 
You hum, peering up from his hand to look at him. 
"I mean it," he emphasises, holding onto your gaze when you try to glance back down. 
You squeeze his hand gently and press a kiss to his knuckles. Lips against his skin as you whisper. "I know."
And just as you're about to release his hand, his other moves to cup the side of your face - his grip light and tender as he pulls you in for a kiss. He lingers longer than necessary —longer than usual— as if to soak in the feeling of being back home and safe. 
You pull away first, resting your forehead against his brow bone. "I missed you."
He thumbs over your cheek, his hold still faint on your face. "Missed you."
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the-laughing-lunatic · 4 months
hii! hope it’s not too much trouble, but maybe reader x scout, reader x engie, and reader x sniper - (established relationships with the mercs and reader) the reader doesn’t seem to be very happy lately - something bad that happened earlier in the week must’ve reminded reader of their past. (i really like your posts btw, you’re genuinely a really good writer)
(ahhhhh thx sm! I tried to make it as vague as possible so I hope you like it. Thx for requesting! p.s. I'm workin thru the rest of rqs soon bc school is wrapping up, so rqs may be back open soon :3)  
Scout, Engie, and Sniper w/ a reader who was reminded of their past (ROMANTIC)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
He feels like something’s off, but doesn’t know what
He wants to try to talk to you about it, ask if you’re alright and everything but he’s never been one for initiating that kind of emotional talk
When he finds you crying in your room though, he feels his heart break that he didn’t help you before
He scoops you up in his arms. “H- hey, doll, why’re you cryin’? Was it something I said?”
(He can’t help but still be a little insecure, you’re the first person he’s dated after all and he wants to do everything right for you)
If you don’t want to talk about it he’ll hold you and go on about how much he loves you so you don’t have to deal with silence
“You’re so perfect, doll, it kills me to see you like this, y’know, watchin’ tears roll down that pretty face of yours. Wish ya never felt the need to cry baby, I love you so goddamn much-”
Yeah he’s crying too, he can’t help it
If you do tell him he’d listen intently
He’d try to make you laugh so you’d stop crying, humor is his coping mechanism and he kinda projects it on you, sorry if that’s not your thing :/
He’ll make sure to give you plenty more affection a while after, youre getting spoiled as hell
He’s not the best with emotions and all that jazz (he has the autism)
But when he finds you crying outside it hits him that something’s wrong
He sits next to you and places his hand on your shaking figure. 
“You okay darl?”
“Would you like a hug dear?”
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you tight to him, barely any space between the two of you.
He rubs circles into your back until your crying has settled down. “...you wanna talk about it now, love?”
If you don’t he’ll stay with you and idly trace shapes into your hand, letting you cry it out
If you do tell him he’ll nod empathetically “Oh, love,” he sighs, tilting your chin up to look at the night sky above you two
“Think ‘bout it this way. All those stars up there? The light we see from em’ now is from ages ago, but the actual bloody stars have completely different light.  And jus’ because we can see the light, don’t actually mean that it’s here anymore. Bugger, I’m shit at metaphors. Point is, that’s in the past, an’ even though you might think ‘bout it sometimes its still in the past. And I love ya.”
Notices something’s off immediately, he’s a smart guy after all
Once you two are alone he’ll place a hand on your shoulder and ask you “Are you alright?” in that sweet voice that just makes you burst out into tears
Pats your back and hugs you as you cry “Shh, it’s alright sugar, it’s alright. You wanna talk about it?”
If you don’t want to he’ll scoop you up in his arms (but I’m taller than- yes. He can pick you up too) and get you some warm food
“Y’know, my momma said that a good hot meal is the best after bawlin’ your eyes out. We don’t exactly got anything you’d call a meal right now, but I can fix you up some toast with cinnamon if you'd like, honeybee.”
If you do tell him he’ll reassure you that everything okay
“Honey, I know the past ain’t really ever somethin’ that leaves, but you gotta remember things are alright right now. Stuff from back then can’t getcha, sure it hurts sometimes but you gotta remember things are good right now. And I’m here for you.”
Gives you so many kisses
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
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badomensgoodomens · 25 days
Just Pretend
noah sebastian x reader (fluff)
( request stories/scenarios in my asks!!!!)
Noah had spent hours trying to get over you. you were his best friend, he didn't want to taint that.
he was slowly reaching breaking point, almost angry at the fact you were consuming his every being.
he released his anger on songs, and punching bags, however it quickly turned to sorrow.
the reasoning behind that, was these dates you were going on. they left you heartbroken and in despair by the end of the night. the whole band lived together, including your manager, and the walls weren't exactly thick enough to drown out your anguished cries.
it was after a very specific evening, he lost it.
your date had hurt you, a nasty bruise on your upper arm.
folio, whom he'd confided in multiple times, had to send him out, concerned he'd do something violent.
he came back, late at night, knocking softly on your door. you wipe your tears with your sleeve, your eyes puffy.
"come in.."
the door clicks open, he walks in.
he looks..
he shuts the door behind him, taking a deep breath in.
"are you okay?"
his voice is quiet, almost scared to hear the answer. you sniffle,
he crosses the room, pulling you into a tight hug. "i'm sorry."
you shake your head, looking up at him.
"why are you saying sorry...?"
he looks down at you fondly, wiping your tears with the pads of his thumb.
"nobody is treating you the way you deserve, y/n."
you sniffle,
"i uhm..."
he clears his throat.
"i have a song to show you."
you wipe your tears, looking up at him with raised eyebrows. he takes your hand, leading you to his room. he sits you down in his chair, placing his headphones on your head. you watch as he presses play on an audio file labelled 'Just Pretend'
its a rough, acoustic version. something in earlier production. you take in his somber voice, and the lyrics.
you look up at him, wide confused eyes.
"is this.... who is this about?"
he goes a little shy, biting his cheeks anxiously.
"uhhh.... you..?" he answers, a little hesitant.
your eyes well up with tears.
"you wrote a song about me..?" you ask, affection racing through your veins, but you were also terrified.
"its you. its always been you." he whispers, taking your hands. he closes his eyes. you panic, why was he acting like this?
"youre all i fucking think about, its pathetic.I can't pretend i dont love you anymore. i tried not to indulge these thoughts, i tried to leave you alone. you're my bestfriend. i don't ever want that to change. and if i can't have you, id like to atleast let nick know i tried." his words are desperate, he clings to you like a lifeline.
your eyes are wide.
noah loves you.
noah loves YOU
NOAH loves you
noah LOVES you.
you swear your heart stops beating for a second. his words echo continuously through your mind. you almost didn't believe it.
"you love me..?"
your voice is timid and shy, a testament to the immense emotions playing through your head.
he pulls your head closer to his, resting his forehead against yours. his touch so gentle. he cares for you, more than hed like to admit.
"ofcourse i fuckin do, i fucking love you and its killing me."
you gulp. was this real?
"i-... uh..."
he cringes. almost flinching back.
"if you don't like me back we can pretend this never happene-"
panic courses through you, your only response is to pull him in for a tight hug. he hesitates, unsure of what this means.
"youre kidding.. tell me you're joking." you mutter.
he relaxes within seconds, squeezing you extra tight.
you pray he says the words you've been begging to hear for the past 4 years of friendship.
"im in love with you, and if you'll have me, id like to treat you the way you deserve."
that is how you find yourself squealing in nicks room.
"oh my god nick!!!! ahhhhH!!! he asked me out!!!!"
nick laughs, noticing how oblivious you are to noah, whos leaning against the door frame, arms crossed.
eventually he chuckles, which makes you yelp. you throw a pillow in his direction, incredibly embarassed.
he chuckles again, crossing the room. he pulls you into his arms, his fingers digging into your side. you throw your head back in giggles, squirming. he hugs you tightly, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"you're so sweet, baby."
you flush, not used to a nickname.
nick groans, regretting his endorsement of noahs confession.
gang im trynna make these longer but my fingers are crampingggg
i wrote this in 20 minutes (i do this for all my drafts HAHA)
im not gonna edit this cause im lazy but enjoy cuties!!
give me ur feedback (but don't be mean im sensitive HAHA)
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currentfications · 11 months
Halloween Special | 🧛🏻‍♀️
Pairing: Vampire!Bada Lee x Nurse!Reader
Warning: blood, suggestive content, 18+
Synopsis: Vampire!Bada is running low on blood stock on Halloween night
AN: the pathology lab lost my blood samples AGAIN, and I’m inclined to believe that they have secret dealings with vampires. That or the blood collectors have beef with me :( this was originally supposed to be a smut but it’s getting really late, sorry for the lack of proof reading >_< anyhoo thank you heaps for reading~
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You were closing up the blood bank when the beam of headlights shone through the glass door. Squinting up at the parked car, you beamed as you recognised its driver. You waved a hand at the figure before quickly shuffling towards the back door, where the security camera have long since broken.
“You’re early,” you crooked a smirk at the tall girl approaching you, her cap concealing half her face. Still standing at the door frame, you held up a small cooler box. “You’re lucky I even have something for you.”
Bada flashed a cheeky grin at you, biting down on her lower lip as she does (y’all know what I’m talking about that one that smile that makes my heart goes-). “You’re lucky you had something for me,” she looked over you as she leaned on the door frame propped up by one hand, her oversized black crew shirt lifting ever so slightly from her posture. “Would be terrible if I run out-” she paused as she looked down at you through her lower lashes, “and have to resort to little innocent nurses again.”
Knowing that her threat is mostly empty, you still instinctively took a step back from the entrance as you covered your neck with one hand. “Nuh-uh,” you tutted back, “I have a Halloween party tonight. Don’t you dare ruin my costume.”
Raising an eyebrow, Bada looked at you up and down, checking out your outfit - a pink nurse costume with frilly skirt, white thigh high stockings secured by garter belts. Your matching pink wig and headband sits on the bench, waiting to be secured after the cooler-hand-off. “You’re going out in this?” Bada’s eyes darkened at the sight, “I think you have more to worry about than vampires.”
“I know it’s cheesy,” you defended, oblivious to the underlying message she was trying to suggest, “but I thought it would be fun to get out of the scrubs once in a while - show off some curves - y’know?”
She knows. In fact she knows very well, and is actively trying her hardest not to lose her self control over that strip of flesh between the hem of your skirt and the top of your stockings.
Your cheeks flushed as she continued to ogle at you in silence, completely forgetting about the reason of her visit. “Here you go,” you decided to remind her by waving the cooler in front of you. “I would love to hang around any other day but I have a bus to catch.”
“Let me in.”
“Absolutely not,” you shook your head as soon as she asked. “The last time I let you near me before you feed I ended up with a neck wound that lasted for days,” you grimaced at the memory of having to wear turtlenecks for almost a whole week during summer, “my coworkers still haven’t let me live that down when they found out about it.”
Bada sighed, reaching her hand out for the box. “Fine, give me the box. I’ll have a drink before driving you. You’re not taking public transport in that-” she trailed off as she gestured at your nurse outfit.
This is about the only time you condone drinking and driving. You held up the cooler.
Before you can register what happened, Bada pulled you forward by your wrist. Her other hand caught your stumble and hoisted you out the door onto the porch by your shoulder.
“AhhHhh! What the heck?!” You shrieked as she caught you (literally) off guard.
“That’s for not inviting me in,” her face was inches away from you, and you could feel the hot breath on your forehead. Slowly glancing up at the towering figure above you, you gulped as you realised how close you are to the beautiful - albeit dangerous - creature.
Her midnight blue hair glistened in the moonlight, streaks of blonde poking through as the breeze blows by. Something in her eyes sent chills down your spine - and butterflies in your stomach. Averting her gaze as you felt heat rising to your cheeks, you quickly looked away before she could catch on.
“W-what are you doing?” Your voice quivered, but you didn’t pull away.
“Hmm-” Bada tilted her head ever so slightly, feigning to be deep in thoughts, “-maybe I don’t want packaged food tonight after all, you look too delicious.”
The chuckle lacing her laugh sent the butterflies in your stomach further down south. You tried to recall what it was that you were going to attend, but your mind was drawing blank.
You looked back up at Bada, her gaze now filled with hunger and lust. You traced a finger over her plumped peach lips. Pressing your thumb against her top lip, you gently grazed her teeth, feeling the sharp bones against your skin. You nodded as you tipped toed to meet her slightly parted lips.
Her hand slid down from your shoulder to pull you tighter against her, deepening the kiss as she does. Her tongue easily took over as you handed over dominance, letting her have her way with you. You melted into her arms as she took her time sucking on your bottom lip, gently nipping with her teeth when it’s all red and puffy.
Breaking the kiss to catch a breath, you led the taller girl back towards the wide open door. “Welcome,” you gestured, and Bada finally took a step into your workplace.
Once entered, she wasted no time locating the nearest collection booth, propping you down on the cushion. You leaned back on the reclining seat and placed an arm on the arm rest out of habit.
Bada chuckled at the sight, “I don’t think I’m qualified to draw blood that way.”
“You’re right,” you withdrew your arm, wrapping it around her neck, “I wouldn’t trust you with a huge needle anywhere near me.”
Bada leaned towards your neck, nudging your loose hair away with her nose before hovering at the base. You giggled at the hot breath tickling your skin. “You’d trust me with this?” You can feel the vibration of her voice from how close she is to you.
You nodded, “try not to leave a massive bruise this time. You’d make a horrible histology tech.”
Bada hummed in agreement before sinking her teeth into the soft skin on your neck. You whimpered at the initial nip, gripping her hair to stop your arms from flailing around.
The pain was soon dulled by the dizziness creeping over you, your grip loosening as you feel the familiar tingle at the tip of your fingers. Bada’s jaw unclenched as you do. “Keep going,” you cooed, relishing in the lightheadedness a little longer.
“You’re spoiling me, nurse.” Bada muttered as she finished, licking circles around the bite mark. She had tried her best to keep the damage minimal, but you’d probably still have to wear a scarf for the next few days. Luckily the weather is suitable for it.
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frownyalfred · 23 days
I realized that I wasn't terribly articulate in my last ask (capslocks screaming about dickbabs lol) and figured I'd rectify that.
So, first I just want to say how cool it was you wrote that. Again, it's way too rare to see disabled babs smut (which I get why but a girl can wish rip). I know you said you were worried about toeing the line between Babs disability being a focus and the smut, but to be frank? You killed it.
Unfortunately, when you're disabled (at least, this has been my experience) your relationship with your own body changes, and that includes pleasure. It was honestly really surprising to see someone write about that, the frustration of wanting something you once could have so easily only for it too to be another thing your body is refusing to do. I really related to babs so much in the fic.
It just felt very very real, in a way I rarely see anywhere when it comes to being disabled. It's honestly made my week. This, I don't know how, has so far been the most representative piece of media I've ever seen about the struggle of dealing having a body that won't work how you want and trying anyways. I'm not joking, I wish I was. Idk, I don't know how to say how amazing seeing and reading this was.
Anyways, I'm sorry for rambling so long in your inbox, but I just wanted to make sure you knew how amazing your fic is, and how happy you made at least one person.
(I should talk about Dick and how he not only desired babs and treated her as an equal, but also making sure it was accessible to her (and also very hot) and not diminishing her in anyways and ahhhhh. Sorry I could scream about this for ages!! But since I've already written way too much, I'll refrain. )
Thank you again. I really hope you have a fucking amazing day ♡♡♡
Thank you so so much for continuing your thoughts! I really appreciate the feedback. I’m glad it all worked and felt sexy for both Barbara and Dick 💜 that was the goal haha. Other than sneaking into her bedroom late at night, Dick really came through here as a gentleman.
Pinning her to the bed so she didn’t have to think about moving/not moving her legs made a lot of sense to me, so I’m glad that landed well! Being flexible in bed (heh) is a very good quality to have.
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perfectlysunny02 · 28 days
WIP Wednesday Thursday
sorry i’m late, im a college freshman (AHHHHH im having such a good time) and that’s why you’ll get angst from me. sorry.
"And Adi has her dance recital on the fifth two months from now, and I think-" "Tommy-" "You'll definitly be better by then enough to go, she's really excited about it-" "Tommy-" "We'll have to get her a new-" "Baby!" Buck snaps, and Tommy immediately draws his shoulder up to his ears as if to ward off what Buck's about to say. "Evan, s-sweetheart, please don't-" "I think we both know I'm not making it to Adaleide's recital that night, baby." "No," Tommy snaps, and Buck's heart breaks at how the sadness emanating from his husband. "You are, Evan. You have too, I can't... I can't do this without you, baby. Please, oh my god, please don't make me." "I'm so sorry baby. I'm so sorry."
tagging: @theotherbuckley @runicnotation @tiltingheartand @whatisreggieshortfor @actuallyitsellie
@bidisasterevankinard @diazsdimples @kinardsevan @girlwonder-writes @30somethingautisticteacher
@thatmexisaurusrex @thehighqueenofnarnia @raethethey @letty-writes @pluvio-lj
@ciinnddinn @wikiangela @wilchildkyo @cinderellarhea @whentheresidentsareevil
@judymarch15 @desert--moonchild @rdng1230 @mintedwitcher @dreamforrest
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changbinsboiledegg · 11 months
Hey can I request reader on a trip with bf! Hyunjin and the boys and he gets motion sick and they all help take care of him? I need some comfort fluff in my life rn 😙
Hell yeah, I love comfort fluff and fluff in general. We all need fluff. Thank you for your request! 🫶
GN! reader X Hyunjin, FT. SKZ.
Warnings: Motion sickness + the symptoms. Hyunjin throws up so if you have emetophobia, I'm so sorry.
Note: Ahhhhh I'm sorry if this is bad! I tried to include every member for an even amount but mostly tried to keep the reader involved more yk? That doesn't make sense. I hope this is the comfort fluff you hoped for 🥹🫶 As always, if no one told you today, ILY.
The trip was something you were looking forward to. You, your boyfriend, and his friends. It was finally the first day of the week-long trip and there you were, lying on your stomach in your bed and looking through old polaroid photos you found while attempting to pack.
Hyunjin was helping you pack, up until he got a call from Chan— probably asking if you were ready.
“Uh,” Hyunjin glanced over at you, shuffling through the photos. “Yeah, almost ready. When are we supposed to leave again?”
You were still looking at the photos. Mostly of you and Hyunjin together. All were about a year or so old.
“Oh, five minutes.” Hyunjin repeated louder and looking at you. You finally glanced up at him, raising an eyebrow as he hung up.
“I’ve been packed since last night.”
Hyunjin’s face dropped. “So you didn’t need help packing?”
“I just wanted to see you before we left.” You admitted. Hyunjin sighed deeply, rubbing his eyes.
“You know we’d see each other the entire week.” Hyunjin sat on your bed beside you and leaned down to kiss the top of your head.
“I know.” You pushed yourself up and off the bed, walking towards your closet. “Is it cold outside?”
“It will be.” Hyunjin answered. You looked through your closet for your hoodie, then in various places around your room as Hyunjin watched in slight confusion.
“How is it that when I don’t need a sweater, they are there, but when I do, they packed up and left?” You murmured, grabbing a long-sleeved shirt. Hyunjin slid off his own sweater and held it out to you.
“No, then you’ll be cold.” You refused, but Hyunjin didn’t back down, smiling at you sweetly without a word.
“Two minutes late.” Chan smiled at you and Hyunjin when you arrived to the meetup location. Hyunjin gently squeezed your hand before briefly letting go to take out his passport.
“My fault. I couldn’t find any of my sweaters, jackets, or hoodies.” You sheepishly apologized. Chan glanced down at the one you wore— Hyunjin’s. Then he looked at Hyunjin, who had no form of protection against the cold.
“It’s fine. The plane hasn’t left yet, but I’d prefer not to be in the back of the line when boarding.” Chan reached into his backpack and pulled out his sweater to lend to Hyunjin.
“Thank you.” Hyunjin accepted it and put it on over his head. Changbin yawned, joining the three of you. ”It’s time to go.” Changbin stated, putting an arm around Chan’s shoulders to steer him in the direction of the gate. Hyunjin took your hand and followed them.
Midway through the flight, Hyunjin felt waves of nausea and dizziness. He pulled down the visor to cover the window from his field of vision, but couldn’t avoid the uncovered windows beside the people in front of him.
Hyunjin swallowed harshly to avoid needing to make an emergency trip to the bathroom. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes, unable to shake the feeling.
In the seat beside him, you were absentmindedly scrolling through movies to watch in order to pass time, unaware of your boyfriend’s discomfort.
Hyunjin opened his eyes, immediately met with an even harsher wave of nausea.
“I will be… right back.” Hyunjin forced himself to open his mouth and shimmied through the isle and quickly towards the bathroom on the plane.
He crashed to his knees, expelling the contents of his stomach for a few very long seconds. He panted, still feeling the nausea and dizziness.
There was a knock on the door, followed by the sound of your voice. “Jinnie?”
Hyunjin reached up to unlock the door, still on his knees. You entered, your worried expression only intensified.
“Oh no, are you okay?” You lowered yourself to your knees beside him. Hyunjin let out a groan as another wave of nausea coursed through his body.
“Motion sick.” Hyunjin squeezed his eyes shut. You frowned, “let me sit by the window. We have about thirty more minutes until we land. Do you think you can—” ”Is he okay?” Felix asked from behind you. You pressed a hand gently against Hyunjin’s forehead.
“He got motion sick.” You answered. Felix gave an understanding nod. Hyunjin lifted himself to his feet and you helped him make his way back to your seats, this time you sat by the window and gave Hyunjin an eye mask to help him relax until the plane landed.
By the time the plane landed and everyone got off, everyone knew how Hyunjin had fallen victim to motion sickness.
Seungmin had googled how to get rid of motion sickness as soon as they met up in the airport after retrieving their bags.
“Stay hydrated…” Seungmin read off, “take motion sickness medicine… Eat ginger or ginger candy?”
“I think we should lower our voices around Hyunjin. Just in case that triggers his senses.” Changbin spoke in an almost quiet voice.
You and Hyunjin exchanged a look. While you felt grateful that they were trying to help, them being quiet wouldn’t help Hyunjin much in the noisy airport they were in.
“Ah, alright. Let’s wait a bit before getting on the bus. Let’s let Hyunjin rest.” Chan motioned for everyone to find a seat in the airport. Hyunjin held onto your hand as you helped him sit.
“I’m okay, guys. I just need a while to get some air.” Hyunjin reassured them, but Jeongin, Felix, and Minho had already gone off towards the shops to look for anything that could help.
Seungmin continued to scroll through his phone before getting up and running after Jeongin, Felix and Minho saying, “chewing gum could help!”
Hyunjin groaned, not wanting anything in his mouth. You rubbed your thumb on the back of his hand, hating that he was feeling nauseous on a trip that was meant to be fun.
Then again, you still had all week.
“Peppermint could help too.” You spoke softly, taking Changbin’s theory into consideration.
“I’m not just saying that because you threw up.” You added. Jisung overheard this and laughed a little, even though it was clear he was just as concerned as everyone else.
“Peppermint could help you in that situation too. No one likes vomit breath.” Jisung humored, hoping Hyunjin would laugh or smile.
“Haha.” Hyunjin forced a smile. Jisung pretended to cover his nose, “would you rather be ‘vomit breath’ or ‘peppermint breath’?”
“Ugh, neither— fine, let’s get peppermint.” Hyunjin laughed— genuinely laughed, for a moment before attempting to stand.
“Ah, ah, ah. Sit back down.” Minho stopped him. Your hand was still holding Hyunjin’s and even if Minho hadn’t shown up when he did, you’d have stopped him.
Minho gave Hyunjin a water bottle after opening it for him. “Drink. Or as Seungmin said, stay hydrated.”
Hyunjin took slow sips of the water, feeling the nausea subside with each sip, but not completely.
Chan looked at his phone, humming to himself. “We can go to the amusement park tomorrow. Yeah?”
Luckily, everyone in the immediate area agreed. You couldn’t wait to get Hyunjin to the hotel and make him rest— another thing Seungmin had mentioned would help the motion sickness go away.
When Jeongin and Felix came back, they had bags of different things ranging from snacks, drinks, candy— even a bag of peppermint.
You took the bag of peppermints and opened it, handing one to Hyunjin. Hyunjin took it with slight hesitation and popped it into his mouth.
“I ordered motion sickness medicine for pickup down the street while we waited in line to pay.” Jeongin pulled up the order on his phone and showed Hyunjin.
“They are tablets that you’re supposed to let dissolve in your mouth.” Jeongin explained. Felix sat on the floor of the airport and separated everything before giving one of the bags to you.
“These are Hyunjin safe,” Felix nodded towards the bag you held. He then nodded towards the other bag, “and those aren’t Hyunjin safe.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his assessment of the bags. You turned to Hyunjin and opened the bag but Hyunjin shook his head and pointed at the peppermint in his mouth.
“Are you guys okay with letting Hyunjin choose where we eat tonight?” Chan asked, putting his phone away.
Again, they agreed, not wanting to make Hyunjin feel worse if they chose a restaurant that was too much.
Hyunjin took a deep breath, sucking on the peppermint in his mouth.
“Thank you all, so much. But please, don’t let me ruin the trip for everyone.”
Everyone looked at him, slightly confused. You smiled at him and carefully put your arm around him.
“You didn’t ruin anything. It happens.”
“Yeah.” Seungmin said, pulling up google again. “Your senses just got overwhelmed. You didn’t know you’d get motion sickness.”
Hyunjin frowned a little, still feeling an ounce of guilt. Chan huddled around you and Hyunjin.
“Are you okay to get on the bus? Promise we’re going to the hotel for a while to rest and plan out the day.” Chan smiled. Hyunjin nodded, standing up.
“Oh! The medicine is available to pick up!” Jeongin spoke up. Changbin quickly shushed him.
You chuckled, helping Hyunjin stand as the dizziness still lingered. Minho and Jisung went to stand beside Jeongin.
“We’re going to pick up the medicine. We’ll catch the next bus to the hotel.” Minho announced, putting his hands on the shoulders of Jeongin and Jisung as he steered them towards the exit.
You gently squeezed Hyunjin’s hand, earning a small smile from him and a squeeze back.
“Are you okay to ride the bus?” You asked, wondering if maybe you two should tag along with Minho, Jisung, and Jeongin so that he could take the medicine before getting in any vehicle.
Hyunjin closed his eyes and tilted his head back, the nausea hitting him again. You sucked your teeth and looked at Chan.
“Hyunjin and I will join you guys on the next bus with Minho, Jisung, and Jeongin.”
No one argued, not even Hyunjin, who walked with you in an attempt to catch up to the three on their way to the store down the street.
Once the five of you arrived to the hotel, you and Hyunjin immediately went to your reserved room where you made Hyunjin lay down, even if he was going to do just that in the first place.
You sat on the other side of the bed as Hyunjin started to feel better with the combination of rest and the motion sickness tablet Jeongin bought for him.
After a few minutes, Hyunjin laughed. You looked over at him with a confused but curious look, laying down on your side now.
“What?” You asked. Hyunjin turned his head to look at you.
“I get motion sick once and you guys act like I’m on my death bed.” Hyunjin laughed. You laughed too, but not as much as he did.
“We weren’t trying to act that way, we just didn’t want you to suffer on our getaway.” You used your fingers to brush back the strands of hair on his face.
Hyunjin’s laughter died down into a smile.
“I love you.” He sighed, contentedly. You smiled, feeling your heart flutter at his words.
“I love you too. Do you feel better?”
“Yeah.” Hyunjin slowly turned on his side, facing you fully. You were about to continue the conversation but Hyunjin spoke up again.
“Don’t tell the others though. I still want to pick dinner tonight.”
Note 2: If you saw any typos or grammar errors, just report me LMAO. I'm fed up with myself too, lovelies.
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quinnyundertow · 6 months
Ahhhhh the commission I ordered for “When I catch you Gege” Chapter 6 was just completed! So excited! Yuta and Junpei ❤️❤️ Art done by the amazing @elsartzz
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Excerpt from Chapter 6
It took every fiber of your being to not follow him the last twenty feet to the shed. You doubled over gasping heavily trying to catch your breath from the long sprint. You could hear the sounds of Junpei being beaten as the door to the shed was ripped from the sliding track it was on. Your eyes were wide in shock as the metal doorway was thrown through the air like a scrap of paper in the wind. The weight of it only showed when it crashed to the ground and impaled itself into the mud of the grass field.
Various yells of surprise were heard at the dramatic opening of the supply building before the sheer chaos of hell itself devolved in front of you. Hellish screams escaped through the now gaping maw of the open entry. Pure unbridled fear escaped the men who had beat Junpei as Rika laughed hysterically. You heard the crunch of bones and the squelch of flesh being pounded into the ground. One of the men tried to make a break for it. He appeared from the shed in an attempt to escape retribution. He had almost made it into the light of the outside world when a massive white hand reached out of the dark and clasped itself around the man's leg. Black nails punctured into the fat of the bully’s calves as the special grade curse Rika dragged him back into the interior darkness screaming. His face twisted in terror as his hands scrabbled against the dirt uselessly before he disappeared back into the shed.
A moment later, from the darkness emerged another form. Junpei came flying out of the pitch black, his outfit damaged and his face bloodied from the beat down the bullies had given him before Rika and Yuta emerged into the dark. Upon seeing him you started crying, calling out his name. His eyes met yours as he startled at you being here. You rushed into him throwing your arms around his neck before burying your face into his shoulder. He looked down at you. The fear he felt mixing with new concern and confusion, “Y/n? What are you doing here?! We need to get out of here!”
Junpei’s arms wrapped tight around you as you sobbed into him, “It’s okay Junpei, that’s my friend Yuta. I’m so sorry we were late, I almost failed you again.” Junpei froze his face in an expression of awe as he looked back towards the small shack.
Only silence was heard from the shed now. It was broken by Yuta in a cold and remorseless tone, “If you or anyone else so much as looks at Junpei the wrong way again you won’t escape with your lives.” There were some noises of understanding in the form of moans before Yuta emerged from the shed back into the light. A smattering of blood was on his white school shirt and on his cheek, his clothing only slightly ruffled.
Junpei stared wide eyed at the newcomer as you turned your crying face from where it hid in Junpei’s shoulder to look where Yuta stood. “That’s…your friend?” Junpei asked speechlessly.
You nodded into his chest, your arms letting go from around his neck to wrap around Junpei’s middle tightly. “Junpei, are you okay? I was so scared, did they hurt you badly?”
You and Junpei had your eyes on Yuta who stood somewhat awkwardly in the background. Yuta tried to make his expression disarming with a small smile, his eyes closed. It didn’t really work considering the blood covering him and Rika’s ominous presence; but Yuta couldn’t look more beautiful to you than he did in this moment.
Junpei returned his gaze to your tear stained face. He flushed hard at the concern for him he saw there. A heat went through him as your body pressed tightly up against his own. “Y/n, listen, don’t cry, I'm okay. They’ve done way worse before. Besides, your friend made sure that won’t happen again…”
You nodded, sniffling, letting Junpei go reluctantly before you moved towards where Yuta stood. Rika lurked behind him a wide grin on her face as she examined her claws sprayed with blood. You looked at Rika first knowing she had done the brute force of the job, “Thank you Rika.” You bowed to her in gratitude. You turned to Yuta now, fresh tears starting to fall at his kind expression, “Thank you Yuta.”
He smiled down at you before putting a hand on the top of your head, “Hey, everything is okay now. Please don’t cry.” He lifted his other hand to your cheek to use his thumb to wipe the remaining tears off your face. “You did a great job Y/n we made it just in time.” the hand on your head stroked your hair lightly in reassurance.
You nodded, turning slightly to include Junpei, “Junpei this is Yuta, the friend I wanted you to meet.”
Junpei nodded behind you before bowing in gratitude as well, “Thanks..”, the fear from earlier was no longer in his expression, just a deep curiosity. This shouldn’t surprise you given Junpei had a similar reaction to Mahito killing his bullies in the theater in a much more violent way. Junpei looked down at his feet before continuing, “Can you teach me how to do that?”
Yuta blinked in surprise, shocked that the new boy wasn’t terrified of him. He barked out a laugh in response before saying, “No clue, but I guess we can find out together.”
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brittscafe · 11 months
Kinktober Day 22
ahhhhh, I am so sorry for being sooo behind on Kinktober. College is a bitch 😭
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Kinktober Day 21: Praise kink, Shunsui Kyoraku x female reader.
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Recovering after the invasion of Yhwach and his army of Quinces has been nothing, but straight hell. Shunsui has bene stuck in his office, being the captain of the 13 court guard squads, taking over old man Yamamoto's spot since his death.
You've missed him dearly and have been lonely since. Your needs and wants haven't been satisfied.
You walk inside Shunsui's quiet office, closing the door behind you. You gaze at Shunsui, his straw hat sitting on the desk with papers piling up to his chest.
Shunsui perks his head up from the sound of the door clicking shut and his eyes meet yours, widening.
"Hello, my dear. What a lovely surprise," Shunsui exclaims, his face lighting up with excitement. He stands up from his desk, walking over to you and wrapping his arms around you.
The warmth and safety of Shunsui's touch makes your heart skip a beat. You nuzzle your head into his broad chest and close your eyes as his hand glides over your hair.
"I've missed you, Shunsui," you sigh out, pulling away just enough to look up and see his face. His eyes study your face, seeing how lustful and needy you are.
"I'm sorry, my petal. I haven't been paying attention to you lately, let me make it up to you," Shunsui coos out, a playfully smirk dancing along his face.
His large hand cups your face, thumb running over your jawline and tilting your head. Shunsui presses his lips to yours, tongue sliding in between your lips.
You moan into the kiss and latch onto Shunsui, fingers digging into his uniform. His warm lips feel so familiar, it hurts your heart. His muscles tense as you let yourself sink into his embrace, his hands flattening against your spine.
You can't help the forming burning sensation in between your thighs and you squeeze them together. Your lips become puffy and red as Shunsui lets out a sigh of pleasure.
His hands slip off your belt, making your uniform loose and open. He pulls away from your puffy lips, planting kisses along your jawline as his hands tug your uniform down your shoulders.
His warm lips graze along your bare shoulders and you lean your back, moaning quietly. Your skin flushes as Shunsui sucks on your shoulders.
"You've been so good, waiting for me," Shunsui comments, fingertips tracing over your breasts peaking out from your bra. You slide your arms out from your top, the silky fabric dropping onto the ground.
"We've been so busy trying to rebuild the Soul Society and our life," you sigh out as Shunsui's hand reaches up and unclips your bra. He slowly pulls the straps down your shoulders, revealing your bare breasts.
Shunsui's eyes glisten at the sight of your breasts, feeling his erection poke inside his pants.
"I know, my petal, but I will always have time for you," Shunsui reassures you, a soft smile along his face. He dips his head down to your chest, his beard tickling your skin.
Shunsui runs his warm tongue your soft nipple and your mouth gapes open, soft breathes leaving. His lips wrap around your nipple, gently nibbling and tugging until it becomes hard in his mouth.
The heat of your bodies fill the room, the sounds of Shunsui's lips meshing with your skin filling the room. You practically jump when Shunsui's hand slides into your pants, rubbing circles on your clothed clit.
"Shunsui," you call out, tugging on his dark hair. Shunsui groans, sending vibrations to your nipple. He steps back, pinning you against the desk.
Your legs tingle and Shunsui pulls away from your chest, letting out a tiny chuckle. He's never seen you so jumpy before, he starts to realize just how badly you've been wanting this.
Shunsui clears his throat, removing his pink kimono and discarding it on the floorboards.
"Pretty girl, let me take care of you," Shunsui coos out, hands pulling down your pants. He tugs them off your ankles and his eyes lock onto the large wet spot on your underwear.
"Please," you beg Shunsui as his hands grab ahold your hips and lift you up onto the desk. You land softly on the desk and Shunsui climbs down onto his knees.
HIs fingers toy around your underwear before pulling it down and off your ankles.
You buck your hips forward and Shunsui smirks. He wraps his lips around your clit, sucking needly. A breathless moan leaves your lips as his fingers run up and down your folds.
His thick fingers become coated in your arousal as your body becomes tingly. His finger traces around your hole, teasing you. His fingers enter you, earning a whimper from you.
You spread your legs wider as Shunsui's knuckles curl up against your sweet spot. His eyes flicker up to your face, scrunched in extreme pleasure.
"You're so good for me," Shunsui comments, sliding his fingers back out over and over again, each time harder and deeper. A series of whimpers and moans leave your lips.
His tongue pressing against your clit and it overwhelms you along with the movement of his fingers. Your fingers comb through his wavy hair, tugging on it slightly.
Your thighs start to tremble as the hotness pools down from your stomach to your core. Your breaths become heavy and your moans become louder.
"Shun, a-ah, I'm going to cum," you warn him, stuttering and whimpering.
You squeeze your thighs around Shunsui's face and he groans, sending vibrations to your clit.
"That’s it, just let go. Let yourself feel good," Shunsui speaks gently, as you let out a cry of pleasure, cum squirting out from your hole.
Your juices coat Shunsui's fingers and his beard. He presses a soft kiss to your clit, watching as your breasts heave with each panted breath you inhale and exhale.
His warm tongue glides over your dripping hole, fingers sliding out. Your eyes are stuck on Shunsui, watching his fingers disappear in between his lips, tongue swirling around and swallowing your juices.
Shunsui places his hands on your thighs, fingers squeezing your fat flesh. Your thighs are sticky from the cum and Shunsui stands up, towering above you.
You watch, your mouth watering as he removes his uniform, only to be left in his boxers. Your eyes travel down his happy trail to his boxers where his bulge is sticking out.
Your core throbs as Shunsui pulls down his boxers, his thick cock springing out and slapping his stomach. Your eyes fill with a deep hungry at the sight of his hairy base.
"I've been waiting all day to put my cock inside of you," Shunsui groans out, stroking his length. Shunsui runs his hand up your stomach and presses you down onto the desk.
Shunsui hand plants your thigh down on the desk, spreading your legs apart. Shunsui drags the red, raging head of his cock, already spurting out pre-cum, along your folds.
You squirm against Shunsui, but he holds you in place. You grip onto his shoulders, guiding him on top of you. A moan escapes your throat as Shunsui slides the head inside of your pussy.
"O-oh, please keep going," you beg him and Shunsui shoots you a warm smile. Shunsui slides the rest of his length inside of you, letting out a groan as he bottoms out.
The two of you pant heavily, relishing in the moment before he starts to move his hips. He moves mindlessly, stretching your insides out and the skin of his skin slapping against yours filling the office.
The sounds you make turn insanely beautiful, sinful to listen to.
"Look at you, such a pretty petal," Shunsui comments, tucking your hair behind your ear. His gentle words send a chill down your spine, butterflies filling your stomach.
Shunsui brushes soft kisses across your collarbones, thrusting in and out of you. His chest is pressed against yours, hands pinned on each side of your head, holding himself up.
His muscles bulge and flex as he drags his cock in and out of your leaking hole. The room grows hot and sticky, filling up with your whiny moans and Shunsui's occasional grunts.
He clenches his jaw, feeling your walls clench around his cock. His wavy brown hair is messy, his long bangs escaping from his low ponytail.
Shunsui dips his head down, wrapping his lips around yours. He nibbles and tugs on your bottom lip. You circle your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
Each time Shunsui's cock slides in and out, wet squelching sounds leave your pussy. You pull away from his lips, releasing a cry of pleasure. The office becomes filled with hot, sinful moans, echoing in Shunsui's eardrums.
The knots in your stomach start to come undone and you gaze into Shunsui's eyes.
"Shunsui? Can I cum, please?" you ask, whimpering. Shunsui's lips curl up into a tiny grin and he places his fingers underneath your chin, tilting your head up. Your face flusters from being trapped under Shunsui's strong, lustful gaze.
"You've waited so patiently, y/n. How could I say no to my sweet girl?” Shunsui comments, a playfully smirk tugging on his face.
He swiftly thrusts into you, your insides exploding and cum leaking out from your hole with a series of moans. Your blunt fingernails dig into his shoulders, thighs trembling.
Your cum sprays onto Shunsui's cock and starts leaking out. It gets caught in the thick hair on the base of his cock and Shunsui groans heavily, continuing to thrust in and out of your hole.
His cock starts to twitch inside of you, close to his release. You clamp down around his cock and Shunsui pants heavily, skin flustering.
"F-fuck, you feel so good," Shunsui groans out, letting his head hang low. His eyes watch as his cock sinks in and out of you, his muscles throbbing.
Shunsui lets out a breathy groan, warm cum filling up your hole. It starts to leak out, making your thighs sticky than ever. He pants heavily, your breasts pressing against his hairy chest.
Shunsui cups your face and studies your face, making sure that you're okay.
"You did so well for me, my good girl," Shunsui presses a soft kiss to your forehead, slowly pulling out from you. He wraps an arm around your waist, helping you sit up on the desk.
He stands up, his soft cock handing in between his thighs as he walks around his desk, opening a drawer. He walks back to you and start dragging the soft cloth along your thighs, cleaning you up.
You watch in awe, seeing the gentle and carefulness behind Shunsui's actions. He presses soft, wet kisses along your thighs and then meets your eyes.
"Thank you," you mumble out and Shunsui smiles. He wraps his arms around you, lifting you off the desk and onto your weak feet. You curl up against his body and his fingers comb through your hair.
"Thank you for being such a good girl," Shunsui speaks tenderly and your cheeks fluster.
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Tags: @stygianoir@noyaistall
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
I saw you wrote for threesomes and was wondering if you could do Sub!Reader, Switch!Tighnari, and Dom!Cyno?
Feel free to get creative with the details ;) anything’s good.
a/n: I've been wanting to write something more with Tighnari lately, so it's like you read my mind with this ask. Subbing for Switch! Tighnari and Dom!Cyno just makes me go 😳😳 yes, please. I think I got a little carried away with Cyno's parts.
Smut. Threesome.
Dom!Cyno x sub!reader x Switch!Tighnari
"That's it, good girl," Cyno murmured, praising you. You bucked your hips into his fingers, spreading your legs so that Cyno's skilled fingers could work themselves through your slick. "Fuck yourself on my fingers, but don't you dare take your eyes off of me."
You mewled, his smoldering gaze making you release coat after coat of arousal on his fingers. You did well to keep your e/c eyes on Cyno. He hooked his fingers up behind your clit, wanting to watch your pupils blow out at the sudden stimulation to your sweetest spots.
The way you were whining was beginning to send Tighnari into a frenzy. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling your back flush against his chest. Being the switch that he was, he'd waited patiently for Cyno to start having his way with you first.
But now that he has you against him, he was rutting his cock against your ass, growling as he kissed your neck. You yelped, only for moment before breathing out a shaky sigh of pleasure as Tighnari grinded his teeth against a fold of skin. "Mmm~, keep being vocal like that," Tighnari murmured, holding one of your legs open for Cyno, pinching one of your nipples with his free hand.
"One of your Masters has addressed you, slut," Cyno said, pinching your clit harshly to reprimand you. You threw your head back, choking out a whine, causing Tighnari to bite harder, possessive.
"I-I'm sorry, Master-ahhhhh," you were cut off, screaming in pleasure, your gummy walls stretching apart for Cyno's fingers as he pistoned them ruthlessly in your cunt.
Tighnari chuckles, muffled against your neck. "That's what I want to hear," he rewarded you by rubbing your clit, giving the fold of skin in his mouth one final suck before pressing his lips against your's. It was a long, deep kiss, one that had you trembling, breathless, your orgasm building up.
When Cyno felt your walls clenching, your thrusts into his fingers turning feverish, he cruelly ripped his fingers from your abused, dripping hole. "Did you really think we were going to let you cum so soon, Cyno taunted, his cock hardening when he heard the desperate moan that Tighnari swallowed on his tongue.
"Ugh, please, I'm begging you," you pleaded. Prying yourself away from them both, you submissively positioned yourself on your hands and knees, rubbing your own fingers against your clit to show your desperation for them. You desired the same thing as they did, after all. "make me cum." For your holes to be used for their personal pleasure.
Tighnari and Cyno glanced at each, exchanging a smirk. They were pleased with how you were submitting yourself shamelessly to them. "You are such a needy slut, but you like to be for us, don't you, rubbing yourself in front of us." You couldn't get enough of Cyno's harsh degradation.
"I enjoy the sight, though," Tighnari added, "y/n is like a breedable bitch in heat." He wiped his mouth as it watered at the sight of you. He squeezed his cock, jacking himself off, his brows furrowed, deciding with hole of yours would bring him the most pleasure. He was starting to lose himself with how feral your lewd display was making him feel.
However, it was Cyno who decided for him. "Tighnari!" He barked, cold and commanding. Cyno glared at Tighnari, a look to remind him who was really in control. The switch inside Tighnari flipped on, his ears dropping in submission. "Use her mouth," he heard Cyno order.
Tighnari obeyed, crawling in front of you. You opened your mouth for him to feed his cock into. He groaned, starting to pant when you flattening your tongue against the veins bulging to the surface of his length. Stroking your hair before gripping it tightly, waiting, growly with impatience while you braced your hands on his hips for leverage. "Fuck, her throat feels so warm, Cyno," he babbled somewhat incoherently, feeling drunk, pumping his cock into your mouth when you started bobbing your head. You were sucking him off so well, sloppily just like he liked.
Cyno pressed a hand down on the middle of your back as he yanked your ass towards him. Before he lined his cock up with your entrance, he placed a hand on the back of your head, forcing your nose against Tighnari's pelvis.
Tighnari trembled with pleasure, nearly cumming instantly, your throat spasming around his cock in a way that had him seeing stars.
You could do nothing but gurgle whines of pleasure around Tighnari's cock as Cyno pounded into your pussy. Your orgasm was close, oh so close. Now you didn't mind waiting for your climax. Your only purpose in this moment was to please them until they were sated. You were their good girl after all.
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