#i'm starving
sunnysorcerer · 2 months
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me opening this app every 3 seconds to check for veilguard news
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darkfluffydragon · 3 months
THEORY: PEACH BLOSSOM COOKIE and Dark Cacao's relation to Journey to the West
Okay okay, so hear me out. Peach Blossom Cookie is based on the Chinese Goddess Xiwangmu.
I'll start by how I got to this conclusion. The entirety of the Dark Cacao storyline so far has had a lot of Journey to the West elements to it.
Stormbringer Cookie's legendary costume: Splitter of the Seas for example. Inside the video trailer advertising the costume, there is a scene showing the Heaven Splitter glowing underwater. This is a scene highly reminiscent of the Golden-banded staff Ruyi Jingu Bang, a treasure of Ao Guang, the dragon king of the Eastern Seas.  The staff would eventually come under the ownership of Sun Wukong, and upon finding its true master, the staff would flow. This can be seen happening in the image below.
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Not only that, but Stormbringer's costume also has a dragon scale-like texture on it referencing Ao Guang, and she also wears a golden headband much like Sun Wukong.
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Continuing on with this theme of Journey to the West, the mountain in the Beastraid parallels Wuxing Mountain, which is the mountain Buddha traps Sun Wukong underneath. The Mountain is also known as the Five Elements Mountain or the Five Finger Mountain, another piece of evidence pointing to the similarities between Journey to the West and Buddha since the Beastraid attacks mainly using hands.
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With the connection to the mountain and Journey to the West secured, I can move on to Peach Blossom Cookie. The first hints of Peach Blossom Cookie's inspiration were the peach tree and the peach tree surrounding him. In Journey to the West, there is one type of peach that is heavily involved in the story, called the Peaches of Immortality.
In Chinese Taoist folklore, the Goddess Xiwangmu lived in her palace on the mythological Mount Kunlun, where she was said to have grown an orchard of peach trees that bore peaches every three thousand years. The peaches, once ripened, would bestow immortality and longevity on any human who ate them. The third type especially has a striking similarity to Dark Cacao and Mystic Flour's SoulJams. "The third variety is the most extraordinary. These Peaches of Immortality have purple streaks and their stones are a pale yellow. They ripen only every 9,000 years and whoever eats them lives eternally and enjoys a rank equal to that of the Sun and the Moon (which are actual living beings in Chinese mythology)."
In the story of Journey to the West, Sun Wukong was asked to guard the immortal peaches. Instead, he ate them all himself and continued to create chaos. As punishment, he was imprisoned for 500 years under the Five Finger Mountain. This helps connect the peach trees on the Beastraid mountain with the story. Peach Blossom's skill is also called "Heavenly Fruit", again suggesting the similarities.
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Now to focus on the Goddess Xiwangmu herself. She was the one in charge of the Immortal Peaches and was known as the Queen Mother of the West. Coincidentally enough, The Flour Peak of Transcendence is also located at the bottom west of Beastyeast.
In multiple old artworks of the Goddess Xiwangmu, she is depicted to share a very close semblance to Peach Blossom Cookie. Such as the colouring, and even the hair bun, which has been replaced by a literal peach.
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Another feature that suggests that Peach Blossom may be of divine nature is the floating ribbon he wears, which is called a Pibo, or Pei. These were most commonly worn by women and are often used in media to showcase that a character has a high amount of spiritual energy. Stormbringer, Mystic Flour, and one of the five characters shown playing Go (A Chinese strategy board game for two players in which the aim is to capture more territory than the opponent by fencing off empty space) all wear a pibo showcasing their powerful status.
(Also, since I'm talking about them, they are likely the Wufang Shangdi, the "Five Regions' Highest Deities" or "Highest Deities of the Five Regions". They can also be known as the "Five Colour Deities", as each is known for a specific colour representing them. The Bluegreen Deity, The Yellow Deity, The Black Deity, The Red Deity and The White Deity. Each has an animal form that is the dragon corresponding to their colour.)
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The Goddess Xiwangmu was also the only deity in the Chinese Pantheon with the ability to talk directly to humans, using her peach tree as a link between Earth and Heaven. However, she did not speak to just any human.
She would speak exclusively to Chinese Emperors in order to give them the Mandate of Heaven and teach them the secrets of immortality. The Mandate of Heaven was considered the emperor’s divine right to rule. The first emperor to claim the Mandate of Heaven was Emperor Shun of Shanxi, and it is said that on the day he was crowned, five planets had aligned. Though in most of her interactions with the mortal kings, they would always fail her tests and remain mortal.
This can be seen within the newest Cookierun Trailer where Dark Cacao encounters Peach Blossom Cookie at the peach tree and he offers him a place to sate his hunger.
It should also be noted that Xiwangmu lives at Mount Kunlun, which is one of the longest mountain chains in Asia and extends more than 3,000 kilometres. Dark Cacao wonders about "How many steps" he has climbed and is shown to be exhausted, which suggests that he has walked a very long way.
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Taking another close look at the scene, there are three birds settled around the small pond. The twelfth chapter of the famous Chinese text Shanhai Jing, or the "Classic of Mountain and Seas", describe Xiwangmu with three birds:
'She is the controller of the Grindstone and the Five Shards constellations of the heavens. Xiwangmu rests on a stool and wears an ornament on her head. She holds a staff. In the south, there are three birds from which Xiwangmu takes her nourishment. They are found to the north of the Kunlun mountains.'
However, Xiwangmu was also thought to have been a demonic figure who caused disease, floods, and other major disasters. The opinion of her began to change around the time of the Tang Dynasty, and following this shift, she was seen as a repentant, benevolent goddess. Whether or not Devsis will include this aspect of her in Peach Blossom Cookie is unclear, especially with the interactions between Cloud Haetae Cookie and the Pale Ailment.
(And here's an image of Emperor Shun, doesn't that hat look familiar?)
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Dark Cacao's newly awakened title as the "Dragon Lord" is interesting too, as it ties back to Stormbringer and the origin of the Ruyi Jingu Bang (which parallels the Heaven Splitter which had been used to split the Black and White dragon into two. The two dragons are now apparently helping Dark Cacao.)
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birdofmay · 10 days
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innocentpeach777 · 5 months
hi i am a young disabled native american with no income and i'm broke and starving and need money to buy food and clothes
please donate to my cashapp or dm me if you'll buy me a pizza.
cashtag: $cheriespit777
please. i'm begging you. im desperate and in pain.
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spiderbirdo · 6 months
Maybe I am just sqq brained but I... Find it hard to care about other characters outside of sqq and lbh like if in a fic the pov switches to someone else I'm just sitting there waiting for sqq to come back
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hypersonicfanxd · 5 months
Since the Sonic fandom is growing once more, might this be a good time to suggest a Team Chaotix detective show?
It'd be so nice
So cool
*Hoping someone sees this pitch and runs with it*
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ajstuf · 1 year
Please please please please PLEASE
Make slashers x male reader pleaseee or just male reader in general pleaseeeeeee
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nombitenary · 3 months
@ any prey on this website:
send me a reference picture of your sona (Micros/tinies only, please! Or characters that you don't mind having shrunk <3) and if i think one of my ocs would eat them, i'll draw them in a belly <3
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bg-brainrot · 9 months
I have an Astarion confession to make...
I don't actually let him bite my Tavs very often.
I know, basically unforgivable. My only real excuse is: I genuinely forget until I'm partway through combat and go, ooo bite!
My dumb ADHD ass can't keep my poor vampire boyfriend fed, much like it can't keep me fed...
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gumdropmodels · 2 years
I FINALLY got some starving belly growls on recording~!!
I could reeeeeaaaallly use a big, greasy cheeseburger right now...or twelve--
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bugsonpluto · 3 months
trolls fanfic writers COME BACK I MISS MY BBG PLEADEEEEE
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angels444yuri · 3 months
on my hands and knees BEGGINGGGG ley soul to release another song or ten 😭
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airinn · 1 year
I made the gay elf like you said are you proud of me
I am but you're telling me you got a gay elf you're not SHOWING me?
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apath3t1c-pr1nc3 · 6 months
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i currently do not have the physical or mental energy to correct my mistakes or go all out on this but at least he made it into my gallery
i ignored the fact the choir boys have badges on their caps and not crosses but I combined them lmao.
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sigurism · 1 year
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I miss this man.
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I miss.
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seregura · 8 months
Pokémon artists I have a challenge for you 👍 Draw them falling in LOVE-
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Estoy bromeando, pero finjamos que no.
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