#i'm thinking about she ra alot
depravitycentral · 10 months
Wait but can i please ask for a darling that can speak a language that her captor( especially Nobunaga or Uvogin) can't ? 🥹
Like she speaks Vietnamese so everytime that dude try to hugs her or random shit and she said "Cút ra coi" ( please fuck off) and he can't understand! Maybe he will be mad since her tone is carrying alot of attitudes.
Since Vietnamese have ALOT of cursed words so i think i can bullied them and get away with it sometime...
You don't have to do this if you don't want to but if you did, thank you alot. I recently go crazy with your blog, you are so talented 😭🙌. Love and support from Vietnam!
As a preface, my native language is English, I speak a passable amount of Spanish, and I'm minoring in German at my university but I'm not nearly proficient, so I'm not exactly the expert in being fluently multilingual, but I'll try my best with this one!
As with most things, different yanderes have different feelings regarding this ability of yours. By and large, they find it wonderful - you're just so smart, so capable and wonderful and hearing the way the syllables and phrases fall from your lips gets them shivering, their heart racing in their chest because god, you sound heavenly. Even if the language is harsher sounding, or isn't considered the most alluring - it's seductive to them, sensual, sexy.
But, of course, you're only supposed to use the other language(s) at certain times. On their terms. When they want to just admire you and not understand what you're saying. When you're just supposed to look pretty, to be gorgeous and wonderful and perfect.
But the rest of the time, speak what they understand, yeah?
Because really, the worst nightmare of most yanderes is to be unable to understand what you're saying - they crave your attention and interaction with you so deeply and desperately that they can't stand not having a clue of what you're saying. Every thought you have feels precious to them, like some sort of cherished, rare commodity that they absolutely can't waste.
But of course, each yandere is different, so let's discuss!
Some are genuinely ambivalent. The lucid yanderes really fall into two main categories; apathetic, and paranoid. The more apathetic, laid-back yanderes think it's good that you're speaking in a language that makes you more comfortable. They want you to feel comfortable and happy around them, after all, and if this is the way to make that happen, so be it. This is a very small price to pay to make you like them more - they can't understand what you're saying, sure, but it's good for you to be able to vent, to be able to speak all your feelings - even if they wish they could hear every single word. Besides, you look nice when you're speaking - they like to watch your lips, the different sounds making them pucker and smack and look soft and warm and delicious. A few yanderes who react in this way include Franklin Bordeau, Pakunoda, Uvogin, Hajime Iwaizumi, Gyomei Himejima, and Shouta Aizawa.
Some of them are paranoid that you're saying things about them, calling them horrible names and expressing your hatred for them. Mostly, this stems from the yandere's own lucidity and shame for how they feel for you. It's wrong to be so obsessed with you, and even further wrong to have kidnapped you and forced you to stay with them for the rest of your life - of course you're angry, and it's healthy to vent your feelings. Except, there's this sense of diminished control when you're ranting and raving in another language, because even though you sound pretty, what are you saying? You aren't using their name, sure, but you sound mad, and they're the only possible cause. Are you calling them a monster? Telling them they're hideous and disgusting and some sick freak? You're well within your rights to do so, sure, but they want to at least know what kind of insults you're throwing their way. Overthinking and anxiety get the best of them, and they start forbidding you from speaking another language - on the grounds of it being unfair or some other horrible, childish excuse. Mostly, they just don't like the idea of you harboring hateful feelings for them without even knowing about it. It's scary, and even if it sounds pretty and makes them gush over you, it's not preferable. A few yanderes that come to mind for this category are Feitan Portor, Obanai Iguro, Tobio Kageyama, Kenji Futakuchi, and Tomura Shigaraki.
Some are utterly fascinated. Watching you speak another language can captivate them for hours, and they'll be bugging you to explain everything you're saying, perched at the edge of their seat because they want to understand this piece of you. They'll want you to teach them a little bit - just a few phrases, to start, but you'll find that they've gone and done some research of their own, quickly getting a feel for the language because it's your language and they want to impress you - and will begin actively trying to use it in their everyday interactions with you. The phrases they prioritize are I love you, you are beautiful, you are mine, and come to bed with me. (And of course, depending on the language, that last one can have a whole wealth of different connotations.) It makes them feel connected to you, like there's some special thing binding you two together - particularly if it's a language that's less commonly spoken. It's like some secret you two share, and for the more possessive yanderes, it's just another claim of ownership over you - they can be involved in every part of your life, slowly seeping their presence into every little thing you do - even something as natural and personal and raw. A few yanderes who take this approach are Chrollo Lucilfer, Kurapika Kurta, Koushi Sugawara, Kyojuro Rengoku, Tengen Uzui, Hizashi Yamada, and Taishiro Toyomitsu.
By and large, most yanderes have positive feelings towards your ability to speak another language - it just makes you more special, and convinces them that you're even more worthy of their attention and attraction.
Besides, when you say their name with the accent it would be spoken in your language?
Well, it's your fault when they're throwing you onto the bed and kissing you like they'll die without you.
(Also I am sending you hugs and kisses, thanks for supporting my blog from Vietnam!! As for Nobunaga, I have mixed feelings about where to place him on this listing - I think he'd like the idea, initially, because you just look so damn cute when you're speaking your language, especially when you're cursing or frustrated. But the moment that you say something he thinks might be about him and might be even a bit negative, suddenly those endearing feelings are changing. Suddenly he's growing defensive, hostile, suspicious, demanding you tell him what you said and thus falling into the second category mentioned above. I think he's a hard yandere to categorize for most things because his delusional mindset makes him a bit unpredictable, but that would be my guess!)
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luciusime · 7 months
Everyday I draw a little closer to writing an mla format very long essay on the complex and nuanced relationship between Bruce, Damian, and Dick. It infuriates and saddens me when people boil it down to Dick being Damian's father without considering the implications of that fatherhood and the conditions it was fostered under. Would you tell a kidnapping victim that they couldn't be a father to their son? No? Then why do people rob Bruce of the opportunity to be a father to Damian? Why does Dick get to be the oh so perfect golden child even when he's hurt at least two of his siblings with his actions from the time Jason first got to the manor, to the time he ripped all that was keeping Tim stable from his hands? If parents are allowed to fuck up, why isn't Bruce allowed to work his way back to, if not forgiveness, then at least stable ground for his less reprehensible actions.( not including things like killing his children, sending them on useless or unwanted quests/missions, or not avenging or correcting their deaths. The children are allowed to be upset and never forgive those things). Has anyone ever stopped to think about the implications of Dick being Damian's father? How if you add that on top of his unwanted stint as batman, it makes him uncomfortably close to being Bruce, something he has never wanted and will never want? Why do people only ever write nuanced and complex fics about Bruce's relationship with Tim and Jason? Why is it so hard to find fics of him being nice to Dick and Damian? Are they undeserving of having Bruce affirm his love for them? Why is Damian never treated like the traumatized child he is, when Cassandra, with a similar upbringing and background, is treated with so much tenderness in the few fics she has that center around her. Why is he labeled demon, murderer; a mindless, brainless 10 year old assassin with no morals? Is he not allowed time to heal from his time in a literal cult?
And while I'm rambling on, do people ever stop to consider the delicate tightrope work Talia must have had to do to be allowed to keep her son? Not even as just Ra's heir, but as her son. Talia has always been assassin before she was mother, and those two things don't mix well when you have the amount of enemies she does. And when one of those enemies is your own father? You learn quickly what will and will not fly. The designs she must have had to make, and the horrors she must have had to witness and inflict upon her child to keep them both from dying must have been immense.
I think about these topics alot. I could totally write a whole character study about it.
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minthe-lover · 1 year
I ask in ano because i know i'll get killed,maybe because I was never ra**** but i got my dose of harasament, I couldn't never seen Apollo and Persie their night together like abuse. First she was awake,she said yes and last point in her thoughts she say "It feel ugly but it is my choice." Ot doesnt sound like us coecesion because he didn't have nothing for blackmailed her,in other comic the man obligated her fience to sleep with him unless he will kill her friend. she accepts but it is clear she want to protect her friend not sleepling with his fience. I don't want to despect victims,but i never feel like persie was forced,but more a bad choice and autor is take away responsibility of persie actions and making a easy sad background. I repert I don't want to derespect victims,but the scene is not enough write well to make me feel persie sorry.
so respectfully.. but no-
Sexual assault isn't always such a large dramatic things where the abuser is going out of their way to abuse their victim. With all my grips with the sa plot, the actual act and how it show is done well.
small warning for very details look into the sexual assult.
now whiles yes she was awake, she has just woken up and was clearly confused about the situation. Getting proper consent it is extremely important that a person is fully present, being drunk, high or disoriented in anyway means that you can't give proper consent. The only situation where it is okay if in a prestablished relationship where you have consented before hand. Most important is that even if she wasn't she didn't say yes! apollo entered and kissed her multiple times without consent.
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She refused him twice, first passively by saying she's flattered but not interested. Apollo kisses her again. She's clearly confused and overwhelmed when he says that she's been flirting with him, and again she turns him down by bringing up that she's part of tgoem and goes as far as physically pushing him away. He continues to pressure her into sex.
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what happened was coersion, Persephone repeatedly turned down sex and apollo continued anyway. Blackmail and coersion are two different things with some overlap, again sexual assault isn't some big confrontation. alot of the time it's quiet pushing in till the victim just.. gives in. It's clear she in distress and doesn't want this. also your point falls through about how "It feel ugly but it is my choice" was her last thought because 1.. that's not the line and 2 it's not the last thing she thought
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she continued thinking into straight fucking panic. Plus even if she did originally give proper consent which she didn't, she got so upset that she wanted to revoke her consent. If apollo was a good partner he would pick up on that and confirm her consent, continue after this face would also be rape.
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now even if you don't quality any of what this was as sexual assault, apollo taking picture of persephone WITHOUT consent to beginning with is 100% a form of sexual assault. He also used them to fucking blackmail her so yes it's sexual assult.
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So I don't like alot of how lore olympus handles the sexual assault and just the general consept of the sa plot all together.. but i will admit that this chapter, especially when I was a fan of lore olympus hit incredibly close to home as a survivor of sexual assault. Rape is often thought of and shown as this huge violent but it can also be just a quiet pushing, ignoring when you turn them down.. and just keeps going in till you do say yes.. but once it goes that far it isn't truely a yes anymore. It's just... noise to make yourself feel better, and again to rs credit she does touch those emotions extremely well.
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I'm going to be extremely clear to you, if you don't want to disrespect sexual assault survivors and to be safer for yourself. It isn't proper consent if someone just complete ignores your first attempts to say no. It isn't proper consent if your put in a position where you may not be thinking completely properly.
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raayllum · 10 months
there's such an unfortunate pattern of people pushing to age up characters of colour, black kids in particular for shipping and more mature purposes - there's alot of reasons behind why people do it subconsciously and I don't think you mean ill but as a Black tdp it's an uncomfortable across-fandom habit I thought tdp would escape, so far everyones been lovely so im hoping this is taken the right way, cause like I get it Tumblr is a lawless land for ships but that doesn't mean you can't be wary of anti Blackness accidentally worming it's way into how you treat young Black characters, you're usually pretty sound in how you treat Ez compared to some people here so I'm just asking you be wary of this as a Black tdp fan ✌🏾
Hey, thank you for bringing this in in good faith! I have definitely seen what you're talking about happen time and time again. Darker skinned characters of colour (and Black characters in particular) so often get like, pushed into mentorship/parental roles with very little else awarded to them (hi Allura from VLD, a fave who deserved better), sidelined with their plot lines (Finn from SW, Bow from She-Ra, Gus from TOH - all other faves who deserved better), or like... idk fans can definitely get weird about Black characters and have been weird about Ezran (and Harrow dear god) so I get (I hope) where you're coming from!
For me I stumbled into aged up Claudiez ship (when they're both in their 20s) as a crack ship, and then as something more genuine precisely, honestly, because of how it expands both of them, but mainly Ezran, as a character. Ezran I think because he's king and a child walks this line of overt maturation and subsequent infantilization (the fact he very much registers as Autistic to me, another Autistic, probably doesn't help with this facet of it either).
When I write canon compliant Ezran, I usually focus on the fact that however wise, he is still a child and deserves to be treated and respected as one (drabbles here: X, X, X) because the alternative that the fandom can lean towards sometimes is acting like Ezran can't have significant internal problems or messy emotions and subsequently not a fully developed interiority given to his brother (whose lighter skinned) or Rayla / the mage fam (who are white) under the guise of "well he's just too good and selfless".
The other side of it, though, is the infantilization of "well he's a bad king just because he's a kid" even though he's not a bad king, and as though youth means children's feelings/opinions can't or shouldn't be respected. Ezran is often the most level headed of the trio, he has a tried and true moral compass, and his gentleness/compassion are often times a conscious choice, not just naivety. I love Callum, but especially in arc 1 (during which my notions of Claudiez were born), he can have a tendency to unfairly infantilize his brother.
Thus I was drawn to aged up Claudiez because to me, it brought an interesting way to reconcile these two sides of Ezran (through fanon, of course - they're never gonna be 'endgame' and that's hardly the point).
On the one hand, you have the grown king - who's a man now, who's been on the throne for half his life, who needs something that's for him. Not for his kingdom, not for his council, not for his brother, but for himself. Ezran being with someone none of them would approve of - a disgraced former enemy turned die hard loyal high mage - was a way for him to righteously 'selfish' and prioritize something he wants, no matter what anyone else thinks. Claudia is goofy and can help him lighten up and sees the throne in the same way he does ("You're [being king] to help everyone" / "Maybe I can help the world better from a throne") as well as uniquely sharing in Ezran's burden of the younger sibling saddled with your father's mantle in ways your older brother just doesn't have to think and/or worry about. Claudia to me is someone who can honour his inner child and help him keep that kid part of himself - having an easier adulthood than they did childhood / adolescence.
Then on the other hand, you have how it curbs the infantilization. One of the reasons I was drawn to the ship was simply because I didn't think there was a world where Callum would take it well, and I've always liked the idea of Ezran asserting that he's king and doesn't need his brother's permission to do anything, especially if Callum's tendencies to sometimes infantilize Ezran continued in adulthood. He's capable, he does know what he's doing, and he's allowed to choose his own support system. I feel like sometimes fans can take any opportunity where there's a 'sheltered' Black character (whatever that means per context) as an excuse really infantilize them and need a white or lighter skinned character to Teach them about the world and - no thank you please. Ezran is everything that Claudia needs to learn (morality, animals, dark magic wise, etc), not the other way around.
Hopefully that gives a bit more clarity as to how the ship manifests (in my head at least) and why! If it's still uncomfortable (for a lot of people the age gap is the deal breaker, which is understandable) the ship is always tagged accordingly it can be easily filtered/blocked out; if you'd like to have more of a discussion, I'll happily listen to whatever else you have to say here in my inbox or my DMs (whatever's more comfortable for you), either about this topic or about any other. I'm glad to know I'm pretty sound and generally on the right track, but I know I can probably always be doing better! I appreciate you bringing your concern to me and please always feel free to do so - I do my best to keep my eyes peeled and any biases in check, but I'm bound to miss things from time to time.
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✨️intro post✨️
I edit this over time so please check it kinda often for updates esp the last part with some posts I really like/ that I used real life braincells on, and the beginning for if I add more sideblogs. If you have LITERALLY ANY other questions not answered here, shoot me an ask in my inbox and I will probably answer. If I think it's in good faith but poor taste I'll just say that, so if you're being nice I won't be mad or at least I'll like the attention :3
I'm thatonesongyouretryingtoremember. Song for short and OneSong for long. Or Remy??? I use all pronouns or it/it's. My other blogs are @aroasexualboypussy which is a regular sideblog where I keep fandom rbs besides my own fandoms and spam rbs and @jupiter-jayfield-official which is a Mikhailgate blog/El appreciation blog kinda.I also made a blog called @twasagraveyardsmash and that's my "music blog" aka rambling, keysmashing, and reblogging about music I like, someone likes, or my other music- related posts. I have another ST rp blog as Max- @madmaxmayfield71 , and at some point I started a blog called @byler-freeze-book with the intention of it being a byler tag positivity blog but it kinda flopped. You can still send asks there tho <2 @angelbymadonna is my art blog. I also have a Miraculous roleplay blog as Zoe's superhero form, Vesperia @the-real-bee-holder-vesperia
Tumblr-spouse to @exhausted-enby-vibes <2, coparent of Mikhail Max
My blog used to have this glitch where it was hidden, but I didn't do anything to cause that, so if you see smthng lemme know. I also am still confused by tags on here, so lemme know if I tag something wrong. I also reblog most of the art I see, but I don't always know who's in it, so if I end up reblogging a problematic fanart on accident (which I haven't done yet) lemme know as well.
Hashtags I use
#song spouts bullshit, shitposts/non-ST posts
#song says a smart thing, new tag I'm gonna put on longer posts
#songs textpost bullshit, or #song's textpost bullshit, original textpost memes and meme formats
#artist song, my original art [find it on my art blog as well, linked above] [includes ficlets and visual art, the latter with image description]
#song's st rewatch, details and commentary while I watch the show!
#angela is jane, #angela ives, a theory I elaborate on further down in this post
Blog type/ content (I say content, what I mean is it's what my blog contains. It's for me, not you.)
I'll talk about my ST stuff first since that's what I'm primarily posting rn. I'm a fandom blog and will be for the foreseeable future. As far as ST, I have alot of ship content, but in my other fandoms I don't care as much about shipping. You can ask me about fandoms/media I like maybe :)
I ship elmax, byler, Lumax, hopclair, elumax, jargyle, jancy, Boyce, jopper, boycer, duzie, and a few other things. I also reblog some ronance, steddie, byclair etc content as well. My favorite ST character is Kali. Occasionally you'll see my blog possessed by the soul of a Kali disciple or elmax fangirl. I also some fandom posts besides my own if I'm reblogging art from my mutuals' reblogs ofc.
I post a bunch of shitposts about Stranger Things, and longposts related to theories or analysis I'm into at the time.
I am still not over Mikhailgate, btw. Even though I personally think Mikhail ships byler, alot of my mikhailgate content is willhail.
I also read KotLC, riordanverse (I've read 1-14 of chb chronicles and most of 15 and obv not Chalice yet, 1-2 Kane Chronicles, 1-3 mcga, and none of the spinoffs so far. Can't wait for the show!), and I watch The Owl House, Dragon Prince, and She-Ra 2018. I'm not as avidly in fandom for these but I like them. If there's something else you think I might like or don't know if I've seen/read, lemme know! At the time I'm writing this update, I'm sorry into Miraculous Ladybug! but I haven't seen the second half of S5 yet.
Stuff I want you to know
I have a detailed post about the history of mikhailgate.
My Spotify has tons of character playlists!
I have a theory about Kali's time at the lab which is actually a thinly disguised rant about her halfway finished arc.The theory is ass and I no longer believe it, but the rant still stands and I still believe she has more to offer.
^^pretty obviously not gonna happen but I like to keep it up :) it's an old theory that I no longer believe but I still think she should be in the next szn!!!
I wrote a thing about the Material Girl shopping sequence aka about El my beloved nobody else understands her <2.
Nancy and Steve are aromantic. (Check the respective tags as well, I have more)
Byler Week 2022
I'm right about El, nobody else. Jk but here's my super smart ST5 prediction! Aka thinly disguised El Hopper fangirl rant😅😅
Once again I'm the only correct person (/nsrs) so here's the official list my take of the party's riordanverse godly parents
Check out this post and this one and this one to start learning about the theory that Angela is the real Jane Ives!
There are tags for it too, #angela is jane, and #angela ives, make sure to check them out because there is always new input! This is related to the theories that El is actually not Terry's daughter, that El *is* Edward Creel's daughter (I'm not the guy to ask about those, shoot me an ask and I'll tell you who tho!) And that multiple timelines exist within what we see of Stranger Things!
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thesilverlady · 1 year
Unpopular opinion: i don't think that Aegon was a ra**t and an enjoyer of child fighting pits or abuses his wife in the book and i say this a someone who prefer Rhaenyra and team black in general. Helaena and Aegon shared a bed together+ Helaena was said to be a happy and joyful princess+ she has never said or hinted at anything that imply she is being abused like Naerys+ if Aegon ii is an abusive husband Grrm will not shy away from pointing that out, he has pointed out that Aegon iv , Aerys and Robert are shitty husbands.
Aegon was said to be creep with servants in his wedding day which is despicable but not in the same level as a serial p*edo rap**t like in the show. That's come directly from mushroom and he is known for lying alot+ was in dragonstone at that time. So for the showrunners to go with mushrooms testimony about aegon is just weird especially when they talk so much about how they want to portray everyone as grey and sympathetic but then they destroyed Daemon's complexity and "greyness" so who knows 🤷🏻
"please don't take this as an attempt to justify the greens i am just trying to be as objective as possible with them especially Aegon"
hi! first of all I also try to be objective with all the characters so don't worry, I complitely understand where you're coming from.
Let's break down a little bit about what you said about Aegon, shall we?
I definitely don't believe he was abusive the way the mad king was with his wife for instance (I've seen this comparison both from anti Aegon + ppl who ship Helaena with other characters). There isn't a single hint that Aegon was abusive or shitty with his wife. infidelity or indifference are not abusive characteristics and in the f&b they end up having 3 children, and as you said grrm doesn't shy away from mentioned how terrible soem marriages are. Both the marriage of Helaena/Aegon and Viserys/Alicent was fine.
I suppose, from another perspective, we could come up with the excuse that since jaehaerys had deformities and jaehaera was reported to be "slow" (+she was a girl) they could have been pushed to try for another "better" child, hence leading to Maelor.
But still, I simply cannot imagine book Aegon II to be raping, and beating his own sister. It's purely a fanon interpretation that lot of fans like going with for their own reasons.
Now, when it comes to him being generally a rapist with his servants/whores I'm very conflicted. Like you, i used to believe that it could be an exaggeration. Mashroom melodramatises everything, and the Septon - while he's technically team green in the story he's still a maester and an anti targaryen like all maesters are so it's not like he's more reliable by any means.
However, I've listenered many arguments from the other side (that does view him as a rapist) and they have some valid points; like him being told he occasionally harassed servants couldn't be a "one time" thing. Sure the word rape isn't used in the context (i suppose in modern terms SA is more appropriate) but who is to say he would only "touch" once and let go? He was a man in a position of power still.
You see, I started thinking about Aegon position's pre-war; he grew up with his mother and grandfather whispering about Rhaneyra who - as a woman - was made heir and was technically in the position that by misogynistic westerosi standards should have been his, his father showed more favoritism to his nephews (Viserys adored Aegon's children too but I imagine Alicent wouldn't point that out). While we're told he was "lazy" it's impossible to not imagine his pride and ego being hurt from being so very obviously casted aside as a firstborn son.
From a course I've done in gender studies, as well as personal research, studies show that rapists have some common characteristics such as:
- a lack of empathy - narcissism - feelings of hostility towards women
There are also several types of rapists:
- opportunistic rapist: who seizes any chance for sexual gratification, such as the loss of self-control on the part of their victim under the influence of alcohol. - sadistic rapist: whose motivation is to humiliate and degrade victims - vindictive rapist: who has anger and aggression focused directly toward women. Such a rapist believes he is permitted to sexually attack women because he feels he has been hurt, rejected or wronged by women in the past
and many more. So with that being said, I did change my mind and started viewing him as a rapist in the book.
Honestly, I think the bigger problem are the feelings of shame the fandom brings to people who continue to like characters like these. Perhaps, a part of myself had originally wanted to come up with reasons to view him as a non-rapist so I wouldn't feel guilty about finding him interesting. At some point I reminded myself that you can like the most angelic character and fandom space will find a way to insult you, so Aegon being a rapist shouldn't be a reason for you to be "forbidden" from liking him. He's not even the worst asoiaf character in terms of crimes. Some people are salty because of the growing fanbase - which I understand, because some stans are delusional.
Now in regards of him being a pedo, it's something I actually don't agree with. It's extremely disappointing how such terms are heavily thrown left & right without thinking of the context and worldbuilding of asoiaf-verse
The pedo accusation comes mainly from this part:
The Testimony of Mushroom claims Ser Criston found the young king-to-be drunk and naked in a Flea Bottom rat pat, where two guttersnipes (<-term for poor/homeless children) with filed teeth were biting and tearing at each other for his amusement whilst a girl who could not have been more than twelve pleasured his member with her mouth
I've seen the take that Aegon gets off from seeing kids fighting one another, but i just think this comes from someone who simply hates him to the core. He was there for entertainment, he was drunk, and had 0 care about being seen in sexual acts at a public place.
The fact that so many people have been surprised at the existence of the fighting pits is a bit shocking because in the books we see fighting pits in the Slaver Cities of Astapor, Meereen, and Yunkai. So it's nothing knew. Sure, the whole thing is disgusting but so are many other things in asoiaf verse so idk what people are expecting.
Now the bigger issue is the girl who we're told by mushroom she's 12 and gives Aegon a blowjob. As you mentioned mushroom is known to be lying and at the time he was in Dragonstone,so how could he even know?
In another ask, I mentioned how I don't side completely with either mashroom or the Septons because I believe the truth is most likely somewhere in the between.
Septon Eustace called what mashroom said an "ugly picture" but admitted that Aegon was in fact found with a "paramour" and he insisted she was a well cared daughter of a wealthy trader.
Now, Septon Eustace's bit is also rather... convenient, wouldn't you say? First of all he doesn't mention the girl's age, makes a reference to her wealth to make the situation seem better, which is very suspicious
As I said, my interpretation is somewhere in the between; maybe the girl could have been a simple daughter of a poor trader and Eustace added the "wealthy" part so the girl wouldn't be seen in a disadvantageous position. Maybe she was 14 or older and Mashroom reduced the number to make it more shocking and worth of gossiping etc
Of course one could say that even if that was the case, 14 is still a child. And to that, I have to remind everyone that while that's the case for our world, asoiaf has more gray areas. Here it's mentioned how technically coming of age is 16,but we've seen many cases both in f&b and in asoiaf of girls having ahd their period much sooner and getting married/having children because of it. So, if that girl had "bloomed" by westerosi standards then she was technically "of age"
As for the show portrayal, I honestly cannot understand what they had in mind with Aegon, because on the one hand they portrayed him as whiny & depressed, abused by Alicent and Otto and ignored by Viserys - which of course makes the audience sympathizes and then they turn it around and he's suddenly a shitty husband according to Helaena and a rapist who his mother covers for.
To me it seems like they couldn't make up with their minds about how his character should be because while you can convey sympathy for a terrible character (perfect example is Viserys, Daenery's brother) it seemed like they couldn't find the connection between the two to make a proper image of him.
As for Daemon I agree with you they destroyed his complexity and made him a piece of crap whose sole focus is his brother and his niece, but I gotta say, while I know the showrunners have mentioned they want to "portray everyone as grey and sympathetic" in the show, i think their result is more "men are evil and women are victims" because they suck big time at writing and have misunderstood completely the themes from f&b
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pseudonemisis · 2 years
I've slowly gotten more isolated this year and have to wait till the next school year to make any in person friends so I'm going to try to make some online friends.
Very sorry if this is weird I'm just trying my best to make things a bit better. Since this is the hyperfixation webbed site ima list Some of my favorite things that maybe you can pop into my messages to rant about to your hearts delight
First will be media in no particular order
- The Magnus Archives
- Sandman
- discworld
- Over the garden wall
- breath of the wild
- Welcome to nightvale
- good omens
- The Umbrella academy
- the stormlight archives
- really most of brandon sandersons works
- she ra
- avatar
- howls moving castle(book and movie)
- the owl house
- ghost files
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Arcane
- gravity falls
- trying to read some Stephen King
- any movie by Edgar Write or Christopher Nollan
- I'm sure I've forgotten some
Topics I enjoy
- anything cryptid or folklore
- wholesome history
- myths
- urban planning
- weird science facts
- storytelling mechanics
- art
- space
- cosplay
- anything weird that my brain has latched on this week(it varies alot)
That's all I can think of for now. Thanks if you got this far
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Something in the Rain (2018)
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This show feels like a very long indie romance movie. I loved the performances, the writing made very few mistakes (with the romance part at least), and this is one of my new favorite shows. However, I think it would have been even better as an ensemble...
The first 10-12 episodes are an excellent and touching look at the early stages of romance and intimacy. While I did not completely understand the cultural nuances that are the drive behind some of the obstacles to their romance, I still wanted to be there for the characters, which is all you can ask for.
If there are any flaws, it's that they invested so much in the romance, that they didn't give other potential viewers anywhere else to go to. Which is why I think it would have made a much better ensemble (similar to Romance is a Bonus Book).
The Performances
Son Ye-jin as Yoon Jin-ah the first lead. She did an amazing job making this character come alive. I feel like the direction for alot of scenes was just "put Son Ye-jin and Jung Hae-in together in a room and let them play around until we have enough footage." And it worked because of the chemistry and the talent of the two leads.
Jung Hae-in as Seo Joon-hee the other lead. This guy knows how to play a male lead in a romance. He's able to just look at his screen partner and let the audience see her the way that his character sees her. And I enjoyed watching every minute of it. He also did a fabulous job with pretty much every other actor he worked with. Just charming as hell.
Jang So-yeon as Seo Kyung-seon, Joon-hee's sister and Jin-ah's best friend. Her interactions were great and I never got tired of seeing Kyung-seon and Jin-ah together in a scene. I feel like the writers could have done so much more with the character though (which is one reason why this show needed to be an ensemble).
Wi Ha-joon as Yoon Seung-ho, Jin-ah's brother and Joon-hee's best friend. Having seen Ha-joon in other roles, I can say for certain that they should have given him more to work with. He did great as a side character, but cutting back on some of the romance (and the scenes with Jin-ah's mother) and giving him a few scenes as the main character would have been much better.
Gil Hae-yeon as Kim Mi-yeon, Jin-ah's mother. This character legitimately has a personality disorder and the real tragedy is that no one in the family wants to talk about it. The actress did a good job where she needed to, but it got tedious after awhile (which is also realistic). Her parts where especially hard to watch if—like me—you aren't spacing the episodes out a week or so at a time.
Jung Yoo-jin as Kang Se-young, Jin-ah's coworker and kind-of rival. Having seen the actress in a better role (Romance is a Bonus Book), I feel like the writers kind of did her a disservice. The character was a good foil in many ways, but they could have brought more nuance to her instead of just making her a total b--.
Joo Min-kyung as Geum Bo-ra, Jin-ah's coworker and eventually her good friend. This was kind of a standout role as the character could have been very bland as written. Some of that was just good casting / chemistry with Min-kyung and Ye-jin, but I would have loved to see her given more to work with, especially in the office drama.
Kim Chang-wan as Joon-hee's father. This guy is a national treasure and they probably couldn't afford him for a whole series, but he made the (at times tedious) family drama arc more compelling just by the way he played the character.
Seo Jeong-yeon as Jung Young-in the woman in charge of HR. If I'm being honest, most of the male characters in the office drama were good at playing sleazy, but felt really interchangeable. I fast-forwarded through alot of that stuff. But if Jeong-yeon was in the scene, I knew it would be good. I enjoyed watching her maneuver through this messy scandal. Some of it was the writing, but alot of it was the performance as well.
This show really got under my skin and didn't let go. I know it's not perfect and not everyone will love it, but the parts that worked, really worked. I can think of a dozen ways this could have been better, and a hundred ways that the people making it could have screwed it up. But they didn't screw it up, and instead, they made something very special.
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TT: Pheonix chose her name. What are her currently feelings about her pervious name(s)?
"Y'know, I've been thinking about that alot. As a child, it was fine, right? That was my name, nothin else from it. After the whole incident...I didn't want anything to do with that name. As far as I knew, Aria had died and just didn't exist anymore. So, I took the name Pheonix and went by that for a long time. Used to hate it when anyone would even call me by my real name. People learn my name and try to correct me on it. Nah, I know it's spelled wrong, I swear there was a point to that." She chuckles. Phe shrugs a shoulder and gives a little smile. "Aria's a beautiful name though, isn't it? Now that whatever had, tainted it I guess, is gone, I don't mind people using it if they want. Course, I'm always gonna be Pheonix, or Phe. But I ain't gonna react badly if someone calls me Aria. I know my brother still does out of habit, he's learned to swap between the two." "There....was another nickname used. Pip. Short for Pipsqueak. Raa'than, er, Rhelon, used to call me that when he was still alive. That one...well. There were a few times my brother called me that too - they were friends, y'know? But now...we decided not to use it at all. It's not the same without Ra here, and that's okay." ty @kharrisdawndancer ))
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20122022 · 2 years
I'm trying to recreate my bio on truth social until I regain access. President Biden and Kamala Harry situation are apart of the biggest Hate Crime of our time. I was hyptonized in 2010 to be paranoid. They hypnotist confirmed I was being hypnotized in 2024 2018 and finally the last time that stuck in 2022. Hypnotism is not our way of life it's an astronomical thought. But when you see it feel it there is no mistakening it. There is no doubt I'm being hyptonized. Do then that would mean president Bi den and old white man and Vp Kamala Harry Situation a light woman married to a white man became president and vp to block the victim there is no way to alert the usa other than a mass unplanned walked out. The big stores closed two days out the week with no prior notice then we go to 3 a week 4 a week until a news story is ran. This is me brainstorming why aren't they running this on the news? Why am I still suffering in 2022 the govt officially knew in 2018 and they tried to arrest me and give me 20 years in jail. These stores support the usa and out way of life. It's a silent non violent protest. The president and vp have taken the usa hostage and have turned the government into a weapon against it's residences. They want us to believe we as a people don't have power. We do. We are the usa and we have the right to be informed. Also keep a close eye on the message of Kate a white woman born in the USA and Meghan a light woman bring born in the USA being married to pyschotic men who both uphold and support racism. Meghan comes running back to the usa crying about racism thinking everyone will be angered but she and other light women support ra ism against black people and black women in the USA. You can't have it both ways. Tell Meghan and Harry to their ass home and maybe God will enlighten then until then that is a broke white delusional nigger married to a illogical light bitch who once again proves they are not that intelligent. The usa should also consider the govt was made aware of the biggest hate crime in the world ( if they are not the culprits) and Meghan and Harry get married as I'm fighting for my freedom from a criminal proceeding that was meant to silence the victim. The " plaintiff" a white Republican and a light whore. That's a crime. we as usa citizens should be concerned there is no way Kate can be queen to a country who support racism and barbaric treatment if black people in great Britain and be a USA citizen. A s usa residents we need to wake up was it an error or is the usa testing black people trying to send messages we are trying to bring back slavery m there is no way these two countries can have alliances. All this and more was addressed on more truth social. I get angry at times because it's equal to the hypnotist and tis racist town create situations to piss new off which trickles Down to my social media in introducing blanks am looking for an attorney to sue truth social for intellectual property.there was alot of good stuff on truth social. And some events depicted in the movie were happening. The govt wants to silence the victim..what else has happened and the usa has no clue I'm in a red state the establishments and the police are bold racist. Ice never seen it in my life i'm from DC md VA. Almost as if they training black people for a new life. Tell a friend's tell everyone. The time is now. I just opened truth social about 2 or 3 weeks ago I had about 20 followers and alot of truths. I may regurgitate some important truths on this twitter. I just need control you are talking to the equalizer. Justice restitution and our flag. With liberty and justice for All. Read up on our doctrines. Right to information. Also how we choose our presidents. I will discuss more later.
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tardytothepardy · 4 years
In an unexpected turn of events, I have avoided the nefarious Talk Like a Pirate Day.
I actually get to play it tomorrow. How heinous. (in general i don’t like things that end up relabeling everything in the game and spend the rest of the time deciphering it. it’s just annoying for my sad sad brain.)
Today Dorothy finished her aspiration. Hooray. It is seven days until Kris’s birthday, which given how many days I can get through, around two occasionally three, I’ll hopefully has his birthday done by the end of the week. Hurrah. Then I can obsessively think about how nice it’ll be to have teens in the household. 
Or maybe it’s gonna be a whole new hell. Let’s find out together. 
I had Sans randomly go to Willow Springs to the Spencer-Kim-Lewis house to chat with Olivia. I tried to have him chat with her parents, and that’s when I found out that Vivian and Dennis died. I mean, it had to happen. I suppose that’s one reason why Olivia was moping around a little while ago. Huh. 
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At any rate, I discovered something baffling about their house. Well, one thing. There are many odd choices that were made with that house, but I’m specifically talking about how high the toilet paper is in the bathrooms. 
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You can’t reach that high if you’re on the toilet. Why is it so high. You can see Sans sitting there, and if he can manage to get some with his tiny short child arms, he’s probably gonna end up pulling down a huge chunk along with whatever he needed. It’s just weird. 
An out of the ordinary thing that Dorothy did today was skip school. It was 100% because I got a random number generator that determines what the kids are gonna do in school, and for her, it chose for her to go home early. And I mean, I didn’t choose that. Math did. Or computers. Or both. Idk. 
But what did she do with all that new free time? Not much, really. I mean, like I said above, she completed her aspiration, but I suppose she chatted a little bit with Kris? One of their socials were low, and so I had them talk.
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I realized that despite the fact that they’re in the same house the majority of the time, the siblings barely interact. The game lists all of them as friends, but barely. I think if they all spent a little more time actively not talking to each other, it’d drop down to acquaintance. But it’s just like that sometimes, y’know? Just casually not talking to the people in your house even if they’re the only people you see on a regular basis? No? Just me? Okay. 
She also took some time to chat with her dad, which if I may remind you, is Patchy the Scarecrow. I think that would be nice. I mean, he’s always available, within the times of around 1pm and 5pm. Just in the garden. Can’t miss it, but you can avoid it. And that seems to be what Dorothy (and the rest of the kids) do, because they honestly have no business back there. It’s not like they can do anything in the garden anyway. which is dumb. but anyway. 
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Tiffany got promoted again today, and actually managed to max out the painting skill, so if I do have her go on to pursue the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration, she’s just gonna fly through it. Except maybe at the parts where you have to make masterpieces. Can’t really control that, but so far she’s made 2. Maybe 3. One of them was a picture of a sad pug, which truly was a sight to behold. Y’know when you’re sad, and all you can draw is a picture of a sad pug? Me too. Gets me all the time. 
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Grim made a little time for themself (again, I’m making that a thing until someone tells me it’s not okay) by upgrading the oven and disappointing themself time and again with their flower arrangements. It’s not their fault. They’re just... not good at it yet. They’ll get there. Hang on, reaper of souls. Maybe one day. Eventually they’re gonna have all the fucking time of the world to spend making a bunch of arrangements, so really you just gotta look at the bigger picture.
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They also found a squeaky toy that they gave to none other than WD Gaster the cat (I mean they couldn’t give it to anyone else), and I think Gaster likes it. Probably in that way where someone gives you something and you use it for maybe a few weeks and then never look at it again, because he has a lot of squeaky toys. He is a prowler, so that’s why most likely. He’s bringing them home as a collection, not really as a toy. A squeaky toy connoisseur. 
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That’s kinda it for now. Tomorrow will be a struggle: it’s a weekend. Maybe there’s gonna be more volunteering. Probably. I just can’t handle everyone crawling all over the house. It’s way bigger than it originally was, but it’s still too small for all these Sims. 
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computersreen · 2 years
No but holy sh*t am I mad- IM ACTUALLY GONNA RANT ABOUT IT-
I can't believe Disney cut this short just because it has this representation- which
That barley gets ANY attention or representation AT ALL in kid's shows
1. The rest of the coven leaders
2. Perhaps more about Belos and his past- as Philip
3. Probably more about Amity's family n stuff
4. Luz learning more spells ( yes, I actually believe Luz could learn more about magic using glyphs and stuff)
5. More about the coven magic- for example, the way how people that do the illusion routs (I'm guessing all students who learn it) can like- see other people's memories and stuff. Like- I wanna see more with healing, potion and the oracle- and so on! I just think we could've seen more about the magic within. Like- how maybe amity can do all that abomination jazz like Darius does!
7. In case you forgot- Luz having a Palismen? Like- I'm not sure if we're seeing it in season 3 but-
I could go on and on-
Apparently Disney couldn't do it just cuz of gay little kids!
Just cuz of some beautiful representation!
I feel like Dana and the crew we're disappointed and- probably overwhelmed due to trying to fit as much as they can in like- 20 mins each episodes!
And they wanted to make this for so long!
I'm actually PISSED
Honestly- I actually liked watching Disney as a kid but- Disney actually got me pissed at THIS-
I watched amphibia and the show is great by the way and I'm so happy that Sasha is a bi!
Like- you f*CKING go queen!
Me and my sister we're thinking that- what if Matt Braly wanted to show more about Sasha being a bisexual?
I think they we're smart about it putting it right in the finale but- I'm just thinking about cuz even if they did add more of Sasha being a bisexual, Disney would straight up be like- " haha f*ck you, I'm gonna cut the paper short! ". Unless Sasha found out that she was bisexual as she got older- now that's a different story.
Congratulations to amphibia.
Back to the owl house. The show's great, amazing, beautiful- all the positives- Dana, we love you- thank you so much. But when seeing the episodes- when it god like- the Intense scenes where you see alot of like- important bits- the Intense important bits-? It just- Snap! There it goes, it just goes so quickly it gives me so little time to see more of one scene until it gets to the other and so on. It hurts to see that- like imagine if Disney didn't f*ck up and left the episodes as it usually was gonna be- imagine getting longer scenes instead of it flashing to one another for like 1 min or sumn. I think it would've been more- lively. I'm absolutely not blaming Dana and the crew for this, it's Disney at fault, like, I'd cartoon network can allow space rocks be gay, a Princess made out of gum and a vampire queen to be lovey dovey, or when DreamWorks allows a well built women and a cat-girl be together and so on- WHY CANT DISNEY? Is it that hard, Disney???
(I'm not sure if Pixar allowed anything gay- let me know if they did)
Shout out to Steven universe, adventure time, She-Ra, kipo and other shows adding LGBTQ rep.
I might be done ranting so hard I'm not normally the type of person to get mad- it's just that- I watched Disney as a kid and loved it- but as I grew up and become a better person- (and a little gay) and getting this show right when it gets- almost ruined actually- IM F*CKING SETTING A BUILDING ON FIRE!
Sorry for the negativity and all- but alot of people we're doing it so I was like ' can I also release some of my anger with you? ' and boom! Ya get this FAT LONG MESSAGE!
Disney do better!
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cosmicfanon89 · 2 years
Just gonna put this out there. I finished watching She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. I loved it. I loved the story and the development of the main characters. I LOVE that Adora and Catra got together and somewhat worked through all the trauma they went through. I see alot of catradora hate. Alot of people saying it's toxic and that it's problematic and maybe it is. I don't know I've never been in a relationship.
All I know is I see Catra as a complex abused person who had to make so many wrong decisions (and face the consequences of said decisions) before she was able to see herself as worth something and being able to accept Adora's love (and accepting she is worthy of said love).
People are saying Catra is toxic and yeah she was but I think, at the end of the show she is starting to grow past that. She is admitting to her mistakes and taking steps to make amends. I think if she had left with Adora in episode one she would've been a completely different person. She was so toxic because she lost the one person who told her she matters. She was left with nothing but people who told her she was worthless and, like a lot of abused people, tried to win those persons approval thinking it would finally make her feel good.
Her entire arc, in my opinion, is learning that she was a victim in this whole thing. She wasn't an innocent victim, but she was still a victim. Her arc was her learning that it is okay to be weak and to rely on others. That having feelings is okay and that she was worthy of love.
Maybe I read it all wrong. Maybe it is meant to be interpreted different ways. I don't know but I'm not gonna get bullied by strangers for liking a complex ship. Catra was a flawed and damaged person whose entire story was all about unlearning abusive behavior and breaking the mindset that she had to be useful to deserve love. I think it was a beautiful and complicated love story and I wanted to see more. I wanted to see Catra continue to learn from her mistakes and grow into a better person.
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I have issues with "Turning Red."
Okay so I have some issues with Turning Red, but the problem is no one is bringing this up or pointing it out so I thought it's just me I'll just pretend the movie doesn't exist and let people vibe.
But the only critic is regurgitated bs about "It's about periods- Parents hate it- anti-feminists hate it- Racists hate it-"
like it's all BOTS and fake and not actually critising the film but if I say hey I don't like turning red it is hard to sit through and I just can't watch it I would be lumped with those guys when I have no problem with the film.
I see people like it, I've seen spoilers and think "Oh man that looks cool- but this one THING I just can't sit through the film."
THe actual critics are divided and it says nothing about the film.
[Read more for why I couldn't sit through it- but if you REALLY like turning red back away and don't read coz if you read the rest, then thats on you, you take responsibility.]
Truth is. I can see that this is a good film, the animation elements feel like anime came to cgi better than what ghibli's earwig witch could've done. So that gets a point!
it was able to convey so many messages for EVERYONE was it puberty or was it being diagnosed with a disability? Was it about how young girls have to mask?
I do think the film has charm- there are elements I want to see...
I just couldn't get past the first 12 minutes.
I'm just saying when your on the spectrum when others get representation others don't. as in, the beggining of the movie is a LOT of information packed with random colours, quick shots then theres the dialouge is just tossed in there to the point where it's a bit random and 'quircky'
There would be nothing wrong with that, if it wasn't for the fact that when it comes to boys cartoons everyone is unique has an archetype, the leader the clown the intellect, but with girls like Mabel [Gravity Falls] Lutz [Owl House] Adora [She-ra] Theres a continuing pattern of "I'm am so raNDOM the cake is a LiE- I'm so QURICKY LOL!"
With mei being...alot, I can see myself in this character and know I was just like that as a kid. So I don't dislike her at all. Its just I am getting a lot of information and becoming very overwhelemed to the point where I can't process what is even happening where I didn't even catch their names.
My family [And I] are dsylexic, one sympton is being unable to concentrate on multiple things at once. [So thats my brains fault, not the movie]
So the beggining of turning red is probably giving most people a dopamine rush which awesome, while myself, feel like I'm getting a headache.
And all those quick shot flashing images can't be good for people who are epiplectic [Incredibles 2 was also just as bad so I blame Pixar as a whole it's not just a criticism for this movie its at the company]
Mei is fine. I was able to watch majority because of her she was great and I thought okay I can sit through this.
But her friends feel a bit copy pasted of mei, all out there and random but nothing that seperates them and the only one who seems a little bit different is the one with the tone death voice like the girl from the office leading back to the whole.
Either your the goth or the prep girl like thats it.
So then theres the pacing- which means how the information is presented to you on screen is it fast paced is it slow paced- this isn't a problem with JUST turning red-
I noticed this in loki too.
quick example- current audiences of ALL ages are used to FAST. PACE. INFO. NOW.
Thanks to youtubes algorithim of post a video everyday- Tik toks/instagram CONSTANT quick snap of videos having to be conveyed in so many seconds for people to make a quick judgment to like the video to keep it going. So take current audiences and make them watch an old black and white movie.
Chances are...you're going to be bored out of your mind. So I've noticed tons of current cartoons are just getting a bit more fast and faster to the point where it feels as if someone is hitting fast-forward and everyone is speaking like a chipmunk.
With loki [another show with pacing issues]
There are opening shots of a mountain and it feels as if it's going on a bit too long where you are staring at a shot that is 10 seconds when it should've been five.
When the title screen appears of Mei I thought that was well done, and it gave me such ghibli vibes, but then it kept going of mei just randomly dancing and it was going on longer than it should've been.
Then theres moments in the beggining thats overly animated/over the top like the introduction of town 4 it feels as if the over the top animation should've started once it's established its characters first.
Introducing town 4 was for us the audience to know who the frick these guys were.
Meanwhile the girls already know who town 4 is, I wouldn't change/axe the scene just use the magazine and use the animation of having the town 4 models suddenly come alive of the page where you are transported INTO the magazine of them getting introduced- the transition wouldn't be jarring and having Mei fastly telling you who each one was as if even SHE was trying to keep up with the animation being overly ambitious which felt like a waste of time to the animators leaving the bigger stuff to the middle towards the end towards the finalle- I mean the beggining wasn't EASING us into this world of characters it felt like a slap to the face.
I'm saying as a media student, Mei is fast paced which fair enough it would've been a better juxtapisition to have the animation not as fast/jarring so you're able to hear her speak without trying to figure out whats going on half the time.
Then the dialouge of the girls holding mei back from getting her bus to do a quircky dance- it feels too random but if in the few mintues previous of mei explaining town 4 and the boys DID that dance it would make sense as thats whats keeping them together and a common interest for them all.
idk- it's awful because turning red isn't the only thing that does this- so many of disneys movies regugitate and spew out information in a dump then slow the pace down agonsiingly slow near the end.
I despice Disneys nutcracker, I can't stand Loki, and others movies I can't sit through because Disneys pacing is just atrocious.
Turning Red.
There is nothing WRONG with the information that is turning red being the characters, the animation and everything about it. Its how that information is presented in pacing-dialouge etc.
I have grown up on anime so I'm wondering maybe if I change the language and put subtitles on would that make it easier to watch, I watched spanish/Japanise and chinese dramas/shows animations etc.
The only thing I can think that would explain it [because to reititare since NO ONE is talking about it I KNOW IT'S just me and no one else feels this way about the movie]
Is that as a kid I would watch youtubers who were/are diagnosed with adhd- colourful and fast paced youtube channels like thomas sanders/jazza/jacksepticeye/smosh etc I would gravitate towards.
But as a 25 year old I noticed those channels would grow up appear more calmer and I noticed I have changed and gravitate towards more slower paced videos.
Current kids who've reacted, genuinly enjoy the film.
And thats the POINT!
IF you're a kid/teen whose reading this who cares what I think- if you enjoyed the movie thats IT- the movie did it's job. And with most of fans enjoying it and giving it good reception than thats a win in my book!
Do I think Turning Red is over-hated? Yeah. I think people should talk about the issues the movie has but also the good parts. And to me I do think the good outweigh the bad. Also the fanart fans have made is making me want to give the movie a second chance and try to watch it again *fingers crossed.*
Then theres the others thing [feel free to ignore this]
Okay remember I am 25 and I have watched...ALOT of movies.
So the whole turning red is a period analogy is off-putting to me-
As a women I'll explain- don't bite my head off.
But it just makes me think "Who wrote this stephen king?"
I am just tired of the whole, periods is a metaphor of being a monster or some sort of sexual awakening [carrie/beverly] So seeing a red Panda [monster] and period makes me tired because YES that is something that young girls face and YES good on the movie to make it normal thats okay thats fine.
But it kinda reduces girls to their bodies and some kids who may be transitioning don't get that and seems pretty exclusive [DO NOT take my word for this I am not speaking for trans/nonbinary as I have no right just pointing it out tho]
I have my own issues with it and believe that yeah periods are normal [I tease my dad about it every waking moment] but in media it feels very tired/overplayed to the point where I feel like I prefer if Turning Red was about puberty the line of being an adult acting your age and hiding elements of yourself while also being a teenager struggling with brand new emotions thats very overwhleming chipping away parts of yourself and trying to act like an adult- issues with feminity and either being overly feminie [slut] or rejecting feminity [tomboy or dyke] or maybe being on the spectrum and 'masking' trying to act neruotypical to 'fit in'
I feel like a period analogy is overplayed, but when it comes to neurodivergence, feminism, maturity etc thats something that feels refreshing so I lean more towards that personally.
Meanwhile others would find the period analogy perfect and refreshing so I'm not outright rejecting I am stating that I prefer one thing but I'm aware others would prefer something else.
So I am giving Turning Red another point for being able to convey something for everyone. Like we can all exist in this one space with our own thoughts/opinions without stepping on anyones toes.
My only question for the people who read this far and are either fuming and want to tell me how wrong I am- I will ignore.
My only question is- does the pacing get better later on in the film, should I give it another chance because some of the shots/scenes I've been spoiled seem to be paced very well so I was wondering is it a rushed opening but then sails on later on in the movie?
OR if someone does genuinly want to know and asks "Yeah I've read all of this and completely disregarded it because how can you not like the film I just don't understand."
I know you're probably thinking you're in the right place, but this type of response always puts me in a rage to the point where I can't think.
I have put evidence here and if you can't understand then any further in depth or response from me would just be wasting each others time.
And I would assume you were a troll.
And it makes me feel as if all of my thoughts/feelings was disregarded because someone was too busy being offended over a cartoon.
I have put in so many times how the issues I had was mostly pacing dialouge which means its not what there saying it's how someone edited the whole thing and put them all together thats all.
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animationgirl89 · 3 years
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"Okay. So I've Been Wanting To Make A Topic On This For Awhile Now, But I Just Never Had The Time To Really Do That And Plus, I Knew Talking About This Topic Would Probably Get People Pissed At Me. But, I Just Think This Really Needs To Be Talked About, And This Is Another Reason Why I Just Think Shipping Has Gone Too Far And Is A Problem In Some Cases. After Reading @loudhousecomicsandtales2 Rant On What's Going On With Shipping And Ships Wars In The TGAMM (Ghost And Molly McGee) Fandom, I Think It's Time For Me To Give My Thoughts On Not Only The Ship Wars Going On In Disney's Newest Show, But Also Give My Main Thoughts On Shipping & It's Problems."
"But, Before I Start..I Just Wanna Say That Nobody Out There Has To Agree With Me, We Are All Titled To Opinions. You Guys Have Your Own, Just Like How I Have Mine. But, What's Not Okay, Is To Bash And Bully Someone Just Because They Don't Like Your Opinions Or Don't Like What You Like. If You Don't Like What Nobody Has To Say, Just Scroll Away And Leave."
("Now Onto The Rant!")
Alright, So I'm Sure Alot Of You Know About Disney's Newest Show That Recently Came Out, "The Ghost And Molly McGee." But, If Some Of You Aren't, I'll Give You A Quick Recap On What TGAMM Is And It's Plot.
Ok. So, 'The Ghost And Molly McGee' Is A Animated, Musical, Comedy Supernatural Series Which Was Created By Bill Motz And Bob Roth. The Show Is About A Cheerful, Optimistic Tween Teenage Girl Named, Molly McGee, Who Is Stuck With A Grumpy Ghost Named Scratch, After She And Her Family Move To A New Home. The Duo Ends Up Forming A Friendship, After Scratch Curses Her, Which Backfires And He Ends Up Forever Bond With Molly!
Now, Ever Since TGAMM Premiered Shipping Has Already Started Happening Even Before It's Actual Premiere. After The Screening Which Was Shown, People Started Shipping Both Molly And Andrea Together, Even Though The Two Characters Really Didn't Share Any Chemistry Or Didn't Really Interact Or Have Much Development. (Which Mostly In Andrea's Case) And Let Me Tell You, People Have Already Been Stating That It'll Become The Next Lumity. But I'm Not Sure About That, Because While Yes..Amity Was A Bully, But There Was Much More To Her While With Andrea Didn't Exactly Have A Whole Lot To Her, And She Seemed Like A Jerk And Horrible Just To Be Like That, All Because Molly Pronounces Her Name Wrong.
Honestly Guys, I'm Just So Worried And Concerned For TGAMM's Future And It's Fanbase..I'm Just Worried It'll End Up Like Other Toxic Fandoms Like She Ra, Star Vs, Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia And Many More Out There, And I Really Don't Want That For TGAMM! And Plus, I'm Also Just So Annoyed And Frustrated That Ship Wars Are Already Happening In The TGAMM Fanbase And It's Just So Unnecessary And Ridiculous Overall And It Just Proves That The Shipping Wars Happening Already For TGAMM Only Shows And Proves That Some People (NOT ALL!!) Only Watch Cartoons For Shipping And That's It. They Don't Care About The Characters, The Story, The Depth, Character Development, Ect..They Only Care About The Ships And That's It, It's Sad And Unfortunately And Just Plan Disheartening. And Sure, I'll Admit, I'm Someone Who Likes And Enjoys Shipping, I'm Not Gonna Sugar Code Anything Or Lie About That. BUT, That's NEVER My Main Thing To Think About Or Focus On Whenever I'm Watching A Series, No Matter If It's New Or Not!
Besides, And This Is Only My Opinion. But, When It Comes To Shipping, I Don't Wanna Start Shipping Unless Two Characters Interact More And Actually Have Real And Strong CHEMISTRY And Development!! When It Comes To Shipping, I Like My Favorite Parings (Ships I Like) To Have Chemistry, (As | Mentioned Before) Romantic Chemistry, That Shows That Whether You Are A Compatible Couple Or Not. And Showing Things Like Hugging And Such Does Not Define Chemistry Or Real Romance. (At Least, To Me)
Listen, I've Never Had Any Problems With Shipping Since I Also Ship Some Couples As Well, But I Can't Say I'm Someone Who's Obsessed With It Like Others Can Be, And I Think It's Mostly Because I Don't See Shipping Being Done Very Well At Times And Often, Since Some Romantic Couples Are Either Rushed Or Forced, Or Are Just There For Fan Service. I Don't Think Shipping Shouldn't Be Something Anyone Should ONLY Be Thinking And Focusing On When Watching A Show. And In My Opinion, It Sometimes Takes Me A Bit And Quite Alot To Get Invested And Interested In A Ship/Couple Pairing And What Matters And Means To Me Is If You Can Show Me Why Two Characters Should Be Together, And Why They Love And Care Deeply For Each Other, And Show Me (And The Audience) Well, Give Me And The Others A Reason To Care About Two Characters And Their Relationship, Give Us A Reason For Us To Get Invested In Them, And Us Wanting Them To Be Together, Ect. Don't Force It Down Our Throats Or Just Hint At It Over And Over Again Where It's Just Ridiculous And Predictable, Take Time With It And Let It Flow.
Plus, Whenever It Comes To A Show Or Movie With A Romance Couple, The Romance Has To Be And Come Across As Believable And Strong. The Audience Must Be Convinced That The Couple Is Genuinely Connected And Share A Very Strong, Beautiful Bond, And There Needs To Be A Spark Of Attraction And Connection Between Both Characters! But, Having Two Characters Kiss Or Say, "I Love You!" Isn't Enough Establish A Believable, Convincing Romantic Connection. And With Romantic Dialogue, It's Very Hard To Believe Or Even Care For, When A Relationship Between Two Characters Is Rushed And Forced, Especially When They Don't Barely Share Any Screentime Or Have Any Real Interactions.
[But As I Mentioned, I DON'T Have A Problem With Shipping Since I Also Ship Some Couples And Would Like To See Certain Characters Get Together, But I Just Can't Stand Some Toxic Shippers Who Always Try To Harass And Bully Others Into Getting What They Want Or Whenever Someone Doesn't Like Or Agree With Them, Or Like Their Paring. And I'm Sorry, But When You Get To The Point Of Harassing Someone Just Because They Don't Agree With You, That Makes You Look Like A Toxic Person And Scum Bag, And You Need Some Help And Get Off The Internet ASAP, Especially Since Some Toxic, Obsessed Shippers Out There Like To Send Death Threats To Those Who Don't Agree With Them..And It's Just So Sad And Horrible!]
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asparagus-in-a-cup · 3 years
Hi, I'm me 💕
Feel free to call me Mars, or Ham is fine! I use He/They/She pronouns, but I don't really care what you use to refer to me as. I'm bi/pan(?) idk, I just think people are hot and cute. Oh, and if it's relevant to know, I'm 19.
I'm new to the Self Shipping Community, but I've been Self Shipping since I was 13. I kinda lost touch with it when I was ~16, so this is kinda a return to my roots. Keep an eye out for my F/O list 😘
Hmm, what else... Oh! My fandoms! Feel free to talk to me about some of them! <33
Ninjago (my beloved)
Legend of Zelda
Venom (movies 1&2)
Carmen Sandiego (reboot)
She-ra (also reboot)
Sex Education (need to watch s3)
Miraculous (my beloathed </3 dw I still love you)
Red vs Blue (haven't seen Zero)
RWBY (also my beloathed)
Creepypasta (although its been AGES since I've touched this one)
Mo Dao Zu Shi/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation/The Untamed (original title/english translation/live action series. ik this one has alot of names, so sorry if that makes it confusing. So far, It has a book, a donghua/chinese anime, manhua/chinese manga, and finally a live series. I hear it even has a few radio series!)
Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven(ly) Official's Blessing (this one isnt quite so bad with its naming conventions across all of its adaptations, though there is some contention over whether it's Heaven Official's Blessing or Heavenly Official's Blessing. Same thing with the last one, it has a book, a donghua, manhua, and a live series is in the works! 110/10 would recommend. join me.)
Scum Villain's Self-Saving System/Scum Villain/Scumbag System/SVSSS (I dont actually know the original title of this one, but it's pretty much the same system with the other two above. I know it has like a half-finished 3d donghua floating around somewhere on Youtube, and I've also read the book. I think it has a manhua, but I'm not too sure. Very interesting read, but leans heavy into squick/trigger territory. Yandere & harem simps come get y'all juice.)
Ik theres more I'm missing, so I'll probably be editing this later.
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