#i've (slowly) become more confident in my headcanons so i now have to put it to words. oh god. oh goooooood let's fucking gooooooo
hunkydorkling · 2 years
After much thought, I think I'm gonna continue The Long Way Home. I was jailed by my insecurity over writing longfic for lawrusso that it just feels like a waste to not update a fic I genuinely loved the premise of, knowing that it was pretty much all I ever fantasized day in and out in 2021.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Sayori, Monika, Tamaki Suoh, Sunny, Hero, Shouko Nishimiya, how do react when the reader says theys are the love of your life?
Reader calls them the love of their life
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Sayori, Monika, Tamaki, Sunny, Hero, Shouko ]
[ Doki Doki Literature Club ] [ Ouran High School Host Club ] [ Omori ] [ A silent voice ]
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Any time i fall in love with a new character i call them the love of my life, i had say it so many times that that if i had a coin for every time I've said it right now i'd be rich
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It doesn't take long for Sayori to take a liking on people and become pretty clingy and affectionate, but to fully trust them as to show her real self it actually tooks a long time, so even when she openly shows her love sometimes is more motivated for the anxiety
However, whenever you show her affection and love is something special for her, even the small gestures is a little reminder that you actually care and appreciate her, specially if is after she finally open up to you more with her problems
Even when she is clingy Sayori can be pretty shy, specially to express her love directly with words, so it take a lot from her to say that she loves you even when she is completely sure of her feelings, and if you say it to her she gets wrapped in a overwhelming feel of love
When you tell her that she is the love of your life Sayori stops whatever she is doing for the shock but even so she isn't able to see you at the face, she tries to but is scare to see in your face a mocking expression, somehow she manage to slowly see a glimse of you, it doesn't matter if you seem shy or confident, even a small and sweet smile is enough for her to win the courage she needs to fully see you in the face, at least for a moment
She tries really hard to say something, or even do something but in her mind are racing a lot of different thoughts, between the anxiety and the overwhelming feeling of love, at the end she will just throw herself into your arms before start crying, she even clings to you as if his life depends on it
The thing is that Sayori tend to doubt herself and be overwhelmed for the fear, she even is a pleseant person but you telling her that she is the love of your life gives her a big sense of security as well a feeling of love, that is why she started crying but she will apologize for it later
Sayori grows a little more clingy and affectionate afterwards since that beautiful feeling still wander her chest and she wants to make you feel that way too, she may even try to write you something about it (but since she normally just write about the feelings she can't speak of it will be a little difficult for her)
If you do it as a way to confess your feelings for her her reaction won't be too different, it would be pretty overwhelming for her and she will end up crying in your arms, but in this case she will be more hesitant even asking you if you actually mean what you had say
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Even when Monika seems and act confidence deep down she is a little insecure and perfeccionist, so even when she doesn't have much troubles with expressing her love she wonder if she is "doing it right"
Although she isn't too estrict when it comes to you (or at least tries no to), she just bask in whatever show of affection and love you give to her, small or big gestures she apreciate them nonetheless, also there are moments where she put others before her a little so your affection comfort her
Love is a really beautiful and special word for Monika, she kinda has a big expective of what is love and she is willing to work in making that ilusion come true, mainly for her perfeccionism, but she tries to don't let that side of her affect you or your relasionship. Whenever you express you love for her it fills her with excitment
Even when Monika seems more serious and mature she loves romantic stuff, and even when she finds cheesy stuff a little overstated she still like it, so when you call her the love of your life her heart skip a beat, she looks at you wondering if this isn't just a dream while slowly gets flustered and flattered
Monika knows she loves you with all her being and she can even dare to say that you are all she wanted, but even she didn't thought that you would think so dearly of her, but those simple words show her that you love her a lot too (maybe even with the same intensity), and since she isn't exactly shy she won't have much troubles to say something so cute and special back, although she isn't satisfied with her own answer so she will be thinking for a while in a way to show how much she loves you too
And for a long time the only memory of you saying those words make her feel like in heaven for how much you love her, always bringing a smile and a tiny blush to her cheeks, also it may or may not lead her to be more confidence and start to be more affectionate and teasing
Although if you had say it to confess your feelings her reaction won't be as calm as if you two were already in a relationship, Monika is sure that she loves you and she had tried to read you to try to find out if you feel the same, but you coming and saying such cheesy stuff out of the blue really had taked her by surprise (specially if you aren't usually open or affectionate)
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Tamaki Suoh
Tamaki isn't shy at all, he is always so open with his love and isn't afraid to tell anyone how much he loves you (well, not until he finally realice his feelings for you), he could be pretty dramatic with his affection but he always do it from the bottom of his heart
Also, even when he is open with his love whenever you are affectionate towards him it makes him feel all flustered and fuzzy, even the small gestures are special to him and bring happines to his day, to all his life (or that is what he always says)
Tamaki never has problem to directly say that he loves you, although he prefers to express it in other ways, with a lot of affection, besides he doesn't want to admit it but he is pretty shy when it comes to say it (specially when he had just realice his feelings for you). If and when you say it to him he gets a little more serious but is still fuzzy and can't stop giggling
Although, saying that he is the love of your life is different, is more direct but still express a lot of love, also an expression like that is more likely to heard it from him and is probably that he had even already thought of it, but hearing it from you is surprising
It totally surprise him and there are chances for him to ask you to repeat yourself in case he missheard you, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like it in fact he loves that you love him and appreciate him so much to even consider him the love of your life, and not even in a egoist way, is just that before founding the club he is used to be alone and with all his problems with his family he wasn't too apreciate either so knowing that you love him as much as he loves you it melt his heart
His reaction could be either really dramatic, exploding with excitment and love but saying that that that title suits you better because you are the the love of his life, or more serious but still with a sweet smile in his face hugging you and giving you sweet kisses, even expressing that he loves you a lot too
Although if you do it to confess he won't be able to react in a calm manner, he is shocked but slowly get incredibly flustered, he barely will be able to answer you properly
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Sunny doesn't really think much of himself but he doesn't have much troubles with it neither, just when he compare himself to others, still that doesn't influence in his love for you
Also, he doesn't show his love by words he is more of actions (like getting more clingy to you), although whenever you show affection to him, either by words or actions, it flustered him and he even gets a little shy, even when you two are already dating it still flustered him
Love is a word with a lot of weight and even when Sunny is sure that he is in love with you he has a lot of troubles to say it and anytime he heards you say it to him he feels like the rest of the world disappears, flattered for how even just a simple word hold and inmense feeling
But saying that he is the love of your life is an expression with even more intensity, the world is big and your life haven't even reached the half and still you call him the love of your life, the inmense love he is feeling practically shoot him down, his heart is racing, his cheeks are burning and his mind is a complete mess
Don't expect a proper answer because Sunny won't be able to say it back, heck he isn't able to even formulate a response, even if he tries to he can't, is probably that he end up hidding, either hide his face in with his hands or in your arms. Also, he will be like this for a while and even when he manage to calm down a little the blush of his cheeks aren't going to go away for a long time, as well the fuzzy feeling that fill his chest (it may even stay like that for some days)
Also you could notice that Sunny grows a little more clingy and affectionate but shy too after what you had say, is just that he feels so loved and appreciate that he can't describe it, he wants to make you feel so loved too but he still has troubles to put it in words
Although, if you had say it in a way to confess your feelings is even more shocking for him because it would be the first time you express so much directly to him (even if you are already affectionate)
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Hero isn't really shy nor insecure so he doesn't has much troubles to express his love for you, still he isn't going everywhere screaming his love, he doesn't see a point on doing it, you knowing that he loves you is enough for him
He doesn't have any problem with showing his love by words and actions, he isn't shy, although when you show your love for him it flustered him a a little (it depends in what you do too)
He has no problem with saying that he loves you directly, but he prefers to not to rush himself, if he is going to say it he wants to be 100% sure he is in love with you, as well whenever you directly express that you love him he tries to say it back or correspond it (still a little flustered)
Even so the moment that you tell him that he is the love of your life he is truly surprised, say that you love him is something but calling him the love of your life is even deeper, with even more weight, just by hearing you is pretty surprised and immediatly look at you at the face, like trying to comfirm that you had say what he had hear
It take him a moment to fully process what you had said but when he does he gets all flustered and flattered, his cheeks quickly get covered by the blush and a big smile, he may not be able to say the same for how flustered he is but he tries to say something equivalent, and even if he doesn't manage to say something he will make sure to do something that will express how much he loves you
He will be blushy and with a fuzzy feeling in his chest for a while, as well and unable to stop smiling, your words defenitively make his day way better and he won't be able to stop thinking on it for the rest of the day, and even so he still remember it sometimes the next days and always make him feel all flustered again
However, if you had done it to confess your feelings for him he will be even more shocked, because even if you were already affectionate saying that he is the love of your life is still saying much, in that case he will be even more flustered
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Shouko Nishimiya
Shouko is really shy and even insecure, so she has a lot of troubles to express her love for you, when she does it she mainly does it with small and discreet gestures, but little by little she start to win more confidence and tries to be more open with her affection
Also, it goes the same when it comes to accept your affectionate, she is shy and that bring her some troubles to accept your gestures of love, specially when she feels like a bother
Shouko express her love by discreet ways because she can't show it directly, her shyness and anxiety stop her from doing it, as well when you directly say that you love her she gets really flustered and doesn't know how to respond nor even what to do
The moment you tell her that she is the love of your life she is completely in shock, this is saying even more than when you express that you love her, and that already is really significant, but this holds even more importance and love, she immediatly looks at you surprise and still fearing that you are just trying to mess with her, but once she understand that you actually mean it Shouko even start crying, she is just feeling so much that is overwhelming, but is for sure that it isn't for sadness (she will apologize later for doing it though)
Shouko feels like her only existance is a bother for others but you calling her the love of your life is like saying to her that you are happy that she exist and she doesn't know how to react to that, but is sure that she feels really happy and loved
She will never forget what you had say to her, even when she fears that you didn't mean it or even scold herself for be so excited for it she can't help but hold the memory close to her heart and she remember it anytime she feels bad about herself. Also, just as she feels really loved just by you saying it she wants to do something in return, she actually feels like she has to, that is only fair, so she will try to come up with a plan to thank you for making her so happy
However if you had say it in a way to confess your feelings for her Shouko will be even more shocked and hesitant to accept that what you had say is for real, she feels anxious and fear that this is too good to be real, but at the end she will at least accept it and when she does it she will start crying too
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twisting-echo · 7 months
So ¿what in your opinion are Danny fenton's top 5 cutest crossover ships? In both het and slash.
So ¿two top 5's? I don't know.
Well, this is going to be fun because I have more than just 5 hehehe 😼
1) Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Manny Rivera/El Tigre (TigerGhost/TigerSpirit) I just fell in love with their dynamic, thanks to @/nicktoonsunite
I love Danny and Manny because Danny tends to be a little more serious and easily stressed out than Manny. And Manny's laid-back and fun loving personality helps balance that out for Danny. But the main draw for me is that they both understand what it's like to have separate identities that clash with their lives and the responsibility of protecting others. Even though they may feel like their powers get in the way of their normal lives sometimes, they will always put aside their own needs to do what's right.
2) Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x SpongeBob SquarePants (SpongeBoo) because of @/nicktoonsunite (and because I remember playing Nicktoons Volcano Island on my old GameCube and Nicktoons Globs of Doom on my old PS2). 
Danny and SpongeBob are just cute, queerplatonic partners, and their personalities mesh well together. I love how close and comforting they are in @/nicktoonsunite's universe. If there was something that was bothering them both, they would be the first people they chose to confide in. 
3) Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom and Octavia Goetia (Spectral Owl) because of you and how cute they are. I honestly love the idea of Danny and Via healthily trauma bonding over the upbringings they had in their family homes. I love how shy and awkward they would be with each other.
I imagine Octavia helping Danny ghost hunt with her magic and knowledge of the supernatural, but I think what I love most is how slowly and gently Danny gets Octavia to put her walls down and trust him. They would be absolutely good for each other as a couple, and I headcanon that Danny will grow to be 6′ 1″ and Octavia will be 6′ 7″. Danny and Octavia will be a tall and adorable king and queen couple one day. (He will always nickname her Spooky.)
4) Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Betty Barrett/Atomic Betty (Galactic Ghost) Now I was a huge Atomic Betty and Danny Phantom fan in my childhood (still am) so that's how this ship came to be.
I ship Betty and Danny for the same reasons I ship Danny and Manny but Danny becomes a galactic guardian and Betty becomes a ghost buster lol.
5) Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Little Cato (Spectral Space/Spooky Cat/Ghostly Hellions) (I need more ship names for these two).
I'm a huge Little Cato fan, and this is one of my favorite ships that I've come up with for him. I like to imagine that Little Cato gets his first intense crush on Danny, and Danny is completely oblivious (for awhile) about it. Little Cato just thinks that Danny is the coolest person he's ever met, and laughs at all of his silly jokes. Danny can't help but think how cute Little Cato is and finds himself enjoying every moment that they spend together. That's all I'm going to say about this ship because I plan to make a post about them in the future.
Honorable Mentions:
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Jenny Wakeman/XJ-9
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Billy Joe Cobra
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Lydia Deetz (Because Lydia is sweet and kind and everything Sam isn't)
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Spencer Wright
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Verosika Mayday
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Loona the hellhound 
 There's probably more that I like but can't think of any more right now.
Thanks for the ask @amethystoceandespiser
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madlad-sadgal · 1 year
Goldenheart debate
So, I've seen this going on about Goldenheart which is if Ballister is a bottom or a top. Most people seem to say bottom, but I have to debate this.
(Also, please note that this is my own opinion and I do not wish to offend anyone)
Spoiler warning!
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So, first off, at the beginning of the movie, before all of it, I totally agree that Ballister is a bottom. Like, this sad and wet cat man with puppy dog eyes is a complete and total bottom. Ambrosius could ask him to do anything and he would be on his knees doing it without a second thought. But, we have to remember that Bal evolves a lot all throughout the movie, mainly, he becomes more confident.
I saw another post that I sadly can't find, but credits to them, that stated that we slowly see Bal get more and more comfortable and confident, that there seems to be this lack of tenseness in him that we didn't really see before, even when he was with Ambrosius, and I totally agree!
Nimona makes him a lot more confident and he sees her as someone he can be himself around. Sure, Ambrosius was that someone, but we can clearly see that Bal is quite different because of the Institute, going to the lengths of literally trespassing on Institute grounds as a child to being afraid to break the rules, even as a wanted supposed villain. So sure, he was himself with Ambrosius, but he still put limits to himself that the Institute forced him to have.
Now with Nimona, there aren't really any rules, the only one being basically "Don't be an asshole" but other than that, he is free to be reckless when he wants. Nimona even pushes him to be more reckless so their energy match. The moment I feel he really gets into it and we see it is when they're fighting the knights and Ambrosius at the castle after trying to show the proof for the first time.
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He goes from begging Ambrosius to trust him to goofing a little with Nimona in a moment of pause during the fight, and he just seems so much more loose. Which, to me, shows he is much more confident and doesn't forcefully restricts his fun side as much.
Also, when he and Ambrosius are getting nachos;
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Ballister isn't afraid to show that he's mad at him, pushing him away, and even acting a little snarky. I feel like he wouldn't have done that at the beginning. Nimona made him more confident, and I think it shows.
Now, confidence shows in many parts of your life, including sex. If you're not confident in yourself and your abilities, you might just subconsciously take on a more submissive role, the opposite going if you're confident.
So, at the beginning, not-that-confident Ballister is a bottom yes. But towards the end? Sure, when he and Am started getting frisky again, he took on a submissive role by reflex, but I can just image then making out one day and something flipping in Ballister's head before he just flips them over, surprising Ambrosius.
He is probably just a power bottom at first, but I can easily imagine a conversation going like;
Bal: Can I try toping?
Confused Am: ...Sure?
And after that I am positive they just became switches.
Anyways, this is mostly just my headcanon for what happened, might share more if y'all like this, but all that to say that I adore this movie and I am obsessed with with these gay knights and their gremlin child! <3
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knightinink · 1 year
2, 3, 5, 15 Damien and Pip
Ooh I get several! I'm excited, lets get into it!
(ask game here!)
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
Damien: I know I've talked about this a couple times here, but I will never concede when it comes to discussing Damien's behavior & why he does the things he does & acts the way he does. My main argument: He does evil because he has to, not because he wants to. What do I mean by this? I'm talking about how this mean & evil antichrist is merely a front he puts on to protect himself, because underneath it all, who he truly is, is a very insecure little kid, who never got the chance to really make lasting friendships & develop his social skills, so he puts up walls of anger to protect this vulnerable part of himself that he doesn't want others to see, because he doesn't know what will happen if they do. He is afraid. Very afraid. (Obviously the only one to see past this mean & evil persona is Pip, & everything is okay when he does).
Pip: His burn scars & his insecurities surrounding them. (They range from his face, down his arms & fingertips, & down his torso, with some even on his legs, but they're barely noticeable there). Once he was healed-up enough, he tried everything he could to cover them up, ranging from clothing to makeup, but there wasn't a long-term solution to covering them up & he was not willing to accept that. It took him a long time to get comfortable with them, & even into adulthood, while it doesn't affect him as often, he still has days where he doesn't want to leave the house. Damien feels awful about making Pip feel this way, because it's his fault in the first place that Pip now looks the way he does, & tries his best everyday to build the Brit's confidence & make him see himself the way Damien does.
3. Obscure headcanon
Damien: Horns!!! As he grows & matures, his horns follow suit. They start off as just small little black nubs that barely poke out through his hair, & he couldn't be more excited to show them off to everyone. As he gets a little older they start to grow longer, & eventually take on a golden hue, similar to his father's. He was absolutely terrified however, the first time they fell off. He couldn't have been older than ten when he burst into his father's room one morning, holding onto them as blood slowly dripped down his face, alongside his tears. Satan quickly calmed him & explained that his horns will shed, & that they will grow back bigger & brighter than the ones before them.
Pip: The Pirrip family has a weak immune system, explaining why all of Pip’s family died but him. Pip's is still weak, & he even brushed fingers with death one time when he was still living in England, where he caught scarlet fever & just barely survived. He didn't come away from it unscathed, however, as he has some minor respiratory issues that causes him to have lower-than-average stamina for an eight year old.
5. Best personality trait
Damien: He's not too sure he has a good personality trait, which causes him to become even more insecure & guarded. Pip tells him that it is his ability to read others very easily & very accurately, & can understand where people are coming from. It's not empathy or sympathy, but some kind of unknown allows him to just get other people, even if he doesn't realize it or understand it himself. Ironic, considering he can do this for nearly anybody & everybody except himself. He's charismatic in a way that doesn't make sense on the surface, but there is a lot about him that is shrouded in mystery, even to himself.
Pip: This kid has the patience of a saint, & will wait as long as he needs to. Perhaps, some think, this is why he's stayed with Damien for song long, as he's the only one that seems to be able to handle the antichrist & his outbursts. Patience is eventually rewarded, however, & Pip was rewarded with getting to know the real Damien Thorn.
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
Damien: He nearly started an apocalypse. He had just turned eighteen, & had officially taken his father's place (or more accurately, his father's advisor's place) for the throne as the King Of Hell. This official transfer of power came with a lot of literal power, which caused his body & mind to go into an overload, causing him to take on this beastial demon form that was stories tall & towered over everyone. He went on a rampage & eventually broke free to the surface, where he caused dozens of casualties in the town of South Park. The only one able to bring him out of this state was Pip, who Damien nearly killed in the process. Damien remembers none of this, other than the terrified look on the Brit's face when he started to come-to.
Pip: Killing Miss Havisham & setting the rest of The Satis House ablaze. Despite having rescued Estella, the old woman's screams & wails as she burned alive still haunt him to this day, & he still sometimes has nightmares about it, hearing the woman in the back of his mind. He felt even worse when he broke things off with Estella once he left for the States, as she had nowhere to live, & no family to go to. He had killed her "mother" & made her an orphan, just like himself; a fate he wouldn't wish upon anyone.
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levisgirll · 3 years
Oh can I request a scenario? I've read that some people headcanon Levi as person who isn't really into marriage. And that got me thinking about this. A scenario in where Levi and his s/o mutually break things off because she always wanted to be a wife and have a lovely wedding and to have her husband's last name and he didn't want any of that causing her to think there was no future with him . So they become distant friends and she does get married years later and he is invited. And it's bittersweet since he feels like he might have missed out on a future with her but seeing her so happy he's content with her living her dreams even if it wasn't with him.
I'm here for some bittersweet love ❣️
𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
➧text: hello there!! oh my god this is such a unique request I got and I love your ideas in this request?! aHH WELL HERE WE GO! but oml- we do need some drama/angst and some bittersweet love with Levi and Y/N so I will happily write this request out for you (was lowkey wanting to do one) so I hope you enjoy this request and I hope its not that bad!! 😭 but once again, thank you so much for sending me your request and for supporting my blog 🥺❤️❤️ I am so sorry this took a while as I got this request while I was starting my new job and it was hard to balance out my personal life and work life! but I am kind of getting the hang of it so feel free to send another request, I really do love your ideas! <3
synopsis: after a long time being in a relationship together, with Levi. Things start to slowly drift apart and shatter. Levi although, tries to keep it stable, but it has eventually been called and broken off by Y/N, as you were not able to handle the situation anymore, thinking there would be no future with Levi had made you upset and making you want to get out of the relationship. Y/N ends up finding the one, and marrying them. How does Levi react and feel? His one and only love taken away by a stranger leaves him devastated. What does Levi do? What does Levi say to Y/N.
angst, sad/happy love, modern au world, headcanon fanfic ♡ —
After the war, and everything they have been throughout the years, Y/N and Levi decided to move and live together outside Paradis and start a new life there.
It has been a year, and Levi and Y/N have been dating for rather a pretty long time. Things have been pretty good in their relationship, both were happy and living their lives.
Y/N has been thinking a lot lately about marriage though, and especially with her one and only, Levi. Y/N would get lost in her thoughts of how they would officially live together as a married couple, how she would finally be Levi’s wife instead of his girlfriend. She would also wonder and think how lovely and special their wedding would be, how Levi would propose to his girl, and for Y/N at long last have her husband’s last name, being called Mrs. Ackerman would get her all blushed up.
Levi noticed for a while how his girlfriend would zone out, thinking about something and he would wonder what it is that is making his girlfriend so happy and squeal. Y/N was on the coach, while hugging around the coach pillow so tightly and then giggle.
“What’s making you smile like a cute idiot?” He said with a small smile and ruffed his girlfriends hair as he sat beside her on the coach and Levi put his arm around her waist, bringing his lovely girlfriend closer to him.
Levi would not complain though, seeing his girlfriend in this mood, made him think of nothing else but her, and it made him so happy too. He just wanted to cuddle her up and smooch her whole face up as she laughs.
Y/N then wondered and though, ‘Maybe, maybe it’s the time now!’ Y/N then thought of brining and slipping in the topic of marriage into their conversation. 
She said turning her face around to face Levi’s handsome looking face and she said in a cheerful tone, “Welll, I was thinking about the future lately.” Levi then frowned, indicating with his expression that he was confused as to what his girlfriend meant by future.
“What do you mean love?” Levi was direct and straight-forward, he wanted to know what his lover meant by what she said. Was she going to leave him? Did she had other plans for the future? He was starting to overthink.
“Y-You know!” Y/N said all blushed up, and as she was about to get up, he held on her wrist. “Nope, you are not going till you tell me love.” Levi was determined to know, and that lead to Y/N sighing and finally speaking her thoughts. She started to then throw him a marriage hint at him.
“I just, want us to be more serious about our relationship.”
“And, that is?”
“Like...I was thinking, of how great of a family we would make. Along with one day if I will take your last name!” Y/N said all in a cheerful and shy tone, his girlfriend was clearly all happy and her smile doesn’t seem like it would go away on her pretty face. She then was excited to hear his response, about how instantly he would prepare marrying Y/N.
But...Levi picked it up right away what she meant, and stayed quiet. Y/N’s confidence and love towards Levi showed that you were ready for a married life with him, and having his last name, clearly indicated this was the kind of a serious relationship she meant.
Y/N took in with the way how he did not respond and thought of him being worried, “D-Don't worry! I am sure you will be a great Father, I mean you are such a great boyfriend to me and-”
But Levi got up and put both of his hands on her shoulder which made her jolt, this made Y/N have a sinking feeling in her stomach, something felt wrong, the mood and vibe wasn't right and she started to feel anxious. “I, don’t think I can.”
Now, she felt as if her heart skipped a beat, her eyes widen and she gasped and was now speechless. She couldn’t believe it, and now her whole expression, happy vibe and her cheerful mood she was at a while ago, disappeared dramatically.
“I’m not into.....marriage.” Levi finally spoke, not thinking straight of what he just said, and of how sudden this topic was. Levi said this as he did not want to make her feel distressed, in fact himself feeling distressed. But, he had no idea how those words, completely shattered the Y/N he knew that was once cheerful, lovely and happy, gone.
She wanted to be with the man she first loved in her life, ever since she met him, and be his wife. But, she was lost and confused, didn’t Levi want her by his side too?
“Levi, Is that what you really think?....Don't you want me too? I though I meant something to you.” All her spirit was now gone, she looked down and had a very sad expression, her eyes soon to tear up.
Levi again, was speechless, he did not know what to say to her for once. He was caught off guard. That’s cause, he never really talked about this topic with anyone actually, unlike other people who have close friends or families who may have talked about marriage, Levi did not and it was just Y/N in his life he trusted and shared many things to.
So, when this was brought up in the conversation, this caught him really off guard and he just...stayed quiet, not sure what to say.
But to Y/N, that was an answer to her already, and without giving Levi any more time or in fact, not wasting his time, she slightly pushed his arms off her shoulders and walked away from him, going to the bathroom.
Y/N took this as a way he never wants to marry her and that shattered and broke her heart.
After a couple of weeks, both Y/N and Levi’s relationship kept falling apart, and as Levi tried his best to keep the relationship stable. Y/N, could not keep up with it, with her overwhelming mixed feelings of shame and sadness. This lead to Y/N having her feelings hurt.
One day, Levi enters their shared flat after coming back from a grocery store. He decided to cook dinner for his girlfriend tonight and have a romantic dinner with her, he wanted her spirit back, her love back, and after some time thinking, sorting out his emotions, Levi then knew that he would be willing to do anything for her happiness.
But, as he entered the living room, he saw Y/N with a suitcase and her backpack.
“What...” Levi said with a gasp, and his eyes widen, he stood there being shocked. Surely he was misunderstanding the situation...right?
“I am leaving, I can’t do this anymore.”
Levi dropped the bags he was carrying, on the ground, and he felt his heart skipped a beat. Did he hear it right? Did she actually say that?
“No, No. No!” He approached his girlfriend and held on her shoulders.
“Babe, we can fix this. Please stay with me, You don’t need to leave...I-I can’t lose you too.” He started to tremble slightly. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing!
“Stay with me, my love?” Levi then said once again, looking at her face who was now emotionless and she slightly pushed him away and that was the last time he ever saw her again.
Levi and his S/O mutually break things off because Y/N has always wanted to be Levi’s wife, having a lovely wedding and making a great family with him. But Levi didn’t seem to want any of that as he never spoke to her after that time and that caused his girlfriend, well now, ex-girlfriend, to thinking he didn’t want any of that and thinking there was no future after all with him.
Levi did not expect any of this, his ex leaving him after what he told her, and this leaves Levi all heart broken and being emotionally damaged. An emotional rejection from Y/N that damaged his mood and self-esteem. But, he still moved on and continued on with his life. He took most of the blame because he had to let her know sooner that, he would actually do anything for her happiness and love again, but he was apparently too late.
He would still be in their same shared flat, he cleaned it everyday and still kept two plates whenever he had breakfast or dinner, thinking one day he might see her. “She will come back to me...right?” He would mutter sometimes as he sat on the same coach they once shared and cuddled on, alone as the evening was approaching.
After what felt like forever, Levi was on his way to this well-known café that was mentioned by Hanji and he decided to check it out. But, to his surprise, he saw you, sitting inside the café, all alone drinking some tea. His heart fluttered, and his cheeks went red. Is it her?! Is it actually my Y/N?
After such a long time, he finally found her, and as soon as he wanted to approach Y/N, and thinking today is the day he will tell you how much an effect you had in his life and when you weren’t by his side, how he never realized that it took him long to figure it out that he would absolutely do anything to win you, your love and happiness back. He wanted to tell you all that, anything you wanted he was willing to give it to you now that he has finally found you. And explain to you also how, during the time you both lived together, he was actually trying to figure out with that time to make everything work out for you.
But, Levi stopped.
His heart sinking once again, that feeling he felt after such a long time.
He saw a guy, approaching you instead and....you were with him? Y/N’s face then brightened up, and she looked much happier, you smiled even more. Y/N got up from her seat and the man hugged her so tightly while caressing her back, and she was chuckling. And the man himself, seemed to be also deeply in love with you.
He then, noticed their rings, were they perhaps engaged, in their honeymoon, or perhaps they weren’t married and it was just matching rings...right? Levi wondered, begging that what he was thinking was true.
He then saw, his and Y/N’s old friends entering the café, and greeting both of them, one of them was Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie and Historia. He overhear how they were saying that they were such a happy couple and they loved and shipped them a lot. Happy for Y/N finding happiness once again. 
“I am out of time.” Levi muttered, now reality hitting him. He never had time to begin with, he knew ever since she left him. Time was lost and didn’t wait for him.
"What is this feeling?" it felt like as if someone clenched into his chest, his heart is being pulled out of his chest, his stomach having a sinking feeling. Now, he really did lose her.
But wait....maybe he has a chance? he decided to just wait, just maybe it was all a misunderstanding? Having that small hope, that everything was just an assumption, and jumping into conclusions.
After what felt like forever, he waited for them to get out of the café and approached them, to Y/N.
Her eyes widen, she couldn't believe she was seeing Levi after all these years. “Could I speak to Y/N alone, please?” Levi said sadly, and was looking at Y/N instead of the guy. 
The guy seemed to have read the mood and he let Y/N to talk to him in private, to sort out whatever was going on.
“How...have you been?” He finally said, after breaking the silence between them. Y/N nodded and looked back inside the café, “Do you wanna talk and perhaps, catch up?” Y/N uttered, and open the door to the café, she was still the friendly woman he loved and she still looked absolutely even more beautiful to his eyes, he just didn’t want this moment to end.
They then, started to catchup, how things were going for both of them, how they both were and then Levi asked if she was alright. Y/N finally told him that she has been engaged and she would be getting married soon, she let all their friends know about it and to be invited, and she said she would be happy if he would be able to come too, inviting him to her wedding. Levi was now having mixed of emotions, sad but also happy that she was not in a terrible state, and not sad after what has happened. She has picked herself up and lived her life, and finally her dream becoming true and a nice man who loved her, also wanting to marry her too.
They decided to be distant but in good-terms friends, and she was hoping that one day he could meet her fiancée properly. Levi just sat there, smiling. Smiling because he was actually happy to know that there was someone out there to love her, and not treat her bad, and give her what she wanted, which he could have done if he had done it earlier. But of course, it was Y/N, who wouldn’t love her?
He was actually happy for her, seeing her smile, and happy, and she had grown and matured to be such a beautiful woman. “You...will be such a great Mother.” He finally, said with a smile, and that warmed Y/N’s heart. Hearing that, especially from him, made her so happy and glad to hear that since she always wanted to be, but afraid she wouldn’t be. She looked down, at her teacup and tears were running down her cheeks, she was crying happy tears. Y/N never knew how his words would actually be heart warming for her, and he was ready to even support her anytime.
On the day, finally the wedding day, it was filled with love and laughter form everyone, and everyone congratulating them, all their friends crying and cheering for Y/N and the man she was gonna marry.
Levi of course came, and sat at the back, away from the crowd, and he was feeling heart-warmed seeing Y/N being happy once again and her smile and her sight was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, he found it breathtaking, capturing every moment.
“That....could have been us.” He uttered to himself and got up, leaving the wedding as it almost came to an end, he thought his presence wouldn’t really matter to him much now and he left the wedding. 
“Hm, where is Levi? I still haven’t thanked him properly.” Y/N said looking around, and her husband held on her hand and gave her a sweet smile, “Don't worry, I am sure we will see him soon. But he left this for you.” Her husband, handed to her a bag filled with gifts, and a card saying ‘Congratulations, Wishing you a long and happy marriage Y/N.’
After a long day, Levi finally got back home. When Levi goes back to his flat now, no longer calling it ‘our flat’, he still had Y/N’s stuff that she left behind and haven’t thrown them away or moved its position. Y/N really did have a big impact in his life.
He looked through their old memories, gifts she gave him, pictures they took together, letters she wrote for him that was all placed inside a box and he was taking them out one by one. Smiling at them, as how great of a person she was to him.
But, he did really just wanted to grab your hand one last time, say that he always loved you, kiss you one last time, and have you by his side in the flat one last time, looking at your sleepy face and waking up to see your lovely face and sight every morning. He missed it and those days would warm his heart, Y/N did made Levi feel so special before and he was grateful to even be her boyfriend for that period of time. She showed him and gave him love which he thought he would never get, but because of her, he did.
Levi really thought from now, he won’t be able to find that kind of love anymore that he had with Y/N. But, he was very thankful to even have it in the first place. Because to him, Y/N was his everything and he did still care for her. Levi felt convinced though when he met Y/N, it was her and the last relationship he will have and he would be proud to say that she was once his lover and girlfriend.
He stayed still, sitting on the coach and laying down, looking at the ceiling. Levi was smiling, but his eyes then started to tear up slowly. “I promised her that, whenever she is happy....I should be happy too. So why am I like this? Fuck, I am terrible.”
Levi deep down just wanted to know, and he thought to himself saying, ‘Does Y/N even remember our past relationship, Did I have an impact in her life? Did I mean something in her life? Did she forget all our memories and moments together?’
After questioning himself this, he then realized that...when he said to Y/N he was not into marriage. It was a lie. He was actually lowkey scared and in that moment, it was said out of fear. Fear of how he might not be a great father or husband and might fuck things up, and he wanted to be ready and prepared he was the man for you, the one and only for you. He then, whimpered silently to himself in the dark, letting out all of his bottled up emotions.
It’s their bittersweet love, and it’s bittersweet since whenever he thought of the past, it would involve a feeling of happiness and sadness at the same time. But, he finally was at peace now, after seeing you for such a long time, and now knowing you are doing well and great, being taking care of by a great man. He does feel like he has missed out that future Y/N was talking about before, but seeing her cheerful and joyful, he was now content with Y/N and satisfied with her living her dreams, even if it was not with him, he would still support her with all his heart.
okay I did not expect to make this fanfic so sad but a little heart warming at the same time??! I definitely did not tear up while writing this- ANYWAYS! This is my first time to write something like this so please, let me know what you think of this and I hope you somehow liked the bittersweet love between Levi and Y/N!
If you enjoyed and liked this hc fanfic, please let me know by leaving a like, reblog or a message! I love you all and thank you for the support <3
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writing-blog-iguess · 3 years
Do you have any headcanons about the insecurities fic you wrote about? I can't help but headcanon a lot, like:
both Harley & Ivy enjoys watching reader finishing her food, they also call her their mom since reader has been making them food since their first meet (Harley loves her egg sandwich, while Ivy was the baked potatoes bread)
Alfred always bakes matcha swiss roll with red bean paste or pastries that's easy too shallow with reader (so that she could shallow without feeling like choking and needs to drink a lot of water) whenever she stops by and keeps giving him hugs which he gladly return it everytime, the Alferd&Y/N's hug, is what everyone comments it
Dicks showing pictures he took of seven years old (a journey of Y/N's growing he calls) and then reader to all his teammates and the league as soon as he learnt the engagement's finally announce 'Look at this! Can't you imagine?! She's my little sister! This is when she seven years old! It's very heartwarming right blah blah blah... " and that's how the other superheros and older Teen Titans and Barbara knows how much Dick adore his future little sister-in-law who's s cinnamon roll
Sassy and baddass way to talk for so people won't dare mess up with her confidence (Jason help her built up, after he met her and quick into adoption of her, siblings!) Not that he would ever admit, Jason will sent glares to whoever who diss Y/N's like to children picture books (for example, The Guardians of Childhood aka inspiration of Rise of the Guardians movie) come on, his little sister had great taste in books!
Tim forbid her drinking coffee when they first met and even after (since he nearly caused a seven-years-old gone missing in the manor after the reader can't fall asleep decided to have a exploration situation) but will make it for her sometimes later after she used to it, made account for art websites she wants to register that so she can admire arts but underage back when childhoods, so he used it under his own only name (defiantly annoymus, and no, it's not illegal website) and every then and how
Makeover and dress-up with Barbara, Stephanie and Cassandra after they learnt of her (which they give Damian few lessons of 'how to treat the girl you like' with Dick who's extremely enjoy it, Jason and Tim who's enjoy the show all day), in the end, all heads to movie since it's sister bond time and apparently, the ideas of XL caramel popcorns and coke are the best choice!
Bruce pat or ruffle her hair softly everytime they met, a habit since the day he had ten years ago when she's seven, a touch of 'my daughter is growing up' feel will seldom appears in his heart
Damian from straightly ingored to slowly falls in love with reader after everytime he saw her sincere smile whenever she enjoyed Alfred's food heartily (like this, but a more faintly heartwarming one haha, at the very last pic, not sure if you could see it, so here's another link you could try out☺☺ )
Innocent, 'naive girl playing tough' charm whenever she and Damian together alone (first kiss, cuddling, hair massaging, teasing, which he finds not annoying because it's how really she is, and he enjoys keep on trailing and turn on her wildness)
How reader slowly felt left out though it didn't really occur me, just the thought of Batfam night activity and how we're isolating from each other slowly and inoccasionally when growing up just made me feel that way, you know, the feelings of it's not the same like it used to anymore😞😞
And once again, thank you so much for accepting my request at the beginning, I've been having this thought in my mind but I just couldn't write it, I'm so glad you accepted it and it's totally the way I want☺☺ (And about part 2 Talia which you accepted it too, I hope my words didn't scare you out lol... I'm too exciting that day...) Hope you have a very good day ahead, author!
Tumblr really needs to let me know when I have something in my inbox, I swear.
Of course! I loved writing it, and I’m glad you enjoyed it. No, your words didn’t scare me lol, I’m just outlining part 2 and I hope you love it just as much. With that said, and you don’t mind the wait, send in your ideas! I love reading them.
Okay, onto the headcanons! I love these! I put mine under the readmore, there's a bit;
Y/N didn’t have the best home life. Like I’m not saying abusive, just her parents neglected her a little. And it didn’t help that her whole life was planned for. So when she met Harley and Ivy, they basically went, you’re mine now no take backsies. And y/n just rolls with it, because through them, she finds out what it feels to be loved by someone who cares about you. This of course, she keeps from her parents and the day she turned eighteen, she moved out and it was a lot easier to hang out with those two.
Ever since knowing Harley and Ivy, y/n’s been slowly getting out of her shell. When she starts to hang out with Jason, she becomes more confident. She has Jason wrapped around her finger without even knowing
The girls love her, everyone loves her and Damian’s just, why
She loves cooking, and she even swaps recipes with Alfred. (even from the beginning of the whole arrangement) she became fast friends with Alfred first before everyone else.
y/n has known Damian since his first day of school. But I’m not going to lie, y/n was kind of scared Damian.
She got so offended when Tim took away her coffee when she wanted to try it. And when she became a regular coffee drinker, they would talk about different coffees they had tried and compare notes.
When the arranged marriage was first brought up in conversation, there was a lot of protests. Especially from Dick and Damian, but Bruce just shrugged saying that it was a good match. And if they don’t get married in the end, than that’s fine. Everyone was very confused but stopped bringing it up
They have theories though about the whole thing, the most popular one in the manor is that Bruce is looking for the next Robin when Damian hangs up the Robin cape to be someone else
When Bruce announced that, everyone did their own research about y/n. Everyone but Damian agreed but she must be protected, though it kind of blows up when they kind of cast her aside when she started hanging out with them at the manor, (but that’s not until later)
She and Damian have lunch together everyday at school, much to Damian’s displeasure. And he’s mean to her at the beginning, ignoring her and whatnot. She doesn’t do anything cuz she hates this setup just as much
But slowly, she starts to catch feels but keeps it to herself.
As you said, Damian takes longer to fall in love with her. And its one of those moments when she looks at peace within his family and it just hits him like ‘oh. Oh no I’m in love and I can’t tell anyone this’ and he doesn’t. So up until they confess to each other, their just pinning after each other and people who aren’t family sees that their in love but no know says anything
However, they do get more cuddly when they’re alone. Like, they don’t kiss or anything. But when they have movie nights, y/n’s curled up on the end of the couch with Damian’s head on her lap. And she’s always plays with his hair, of runs her fingers through it and Damian has discovered that it feels nice and helps him to de-stress
She knows when he’s stressed about something, so her just pats her lap and he grumbles about it but is secretly happy (they have been caught on multiple occasions by his brothers and they chooses to ignore them
She’s been so use to feeling alone, that being with people who care feels foreign to her
When she starts to feel like she’s alone again, she doesn’t see it until it’s too late
It starts off slowly, the fam is to busy with missions and saving the world that they kind of forget they she doesn’t know, and when she comes over, their not there or just brushes her off when she is. And she’s tried to talk to them, cuz she’s spend years being a part of their family but then one day it stopped.
But they just brush her off and she’s reminded about her parents so she stops pushing and then altogether stops going to the manor.
No one really realizes at first, only Alfred, and when they do, y/n had already broken off the engagement.
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chocolate-parfait · 4 years
I've never sent an ask before so I apologize if I'm doing something wrong, but could I maybe request some more Gen Z mc headcanons? I just love the idea of mc having a platonic younger/older sibling dynamic especially with Napoleon and Jean 🥺👉👈
dw, dw! here it is✨
Gen Z!MC (pt. 2) - ikevamp headcanons (Napoleon & Jean)
You and Napoleon get along amazingly from the start. Sure, there is a generational gap and many of the things you do or laugh at cannot be explained, but believe me when I say that his charisma and open mindedness make up for it, a lot.
Being the naturally caring person he is, he immediately takes you under his wing (he basically adopts you, like he did with Jean and Isaac). No one is allowed to lay a hand on you for the whole month, else they'd have to catch his hands and sword. Related to this, no matter how much you tell him that you can fight on your own, he will NOT let you. First, he will have you join on his sparring sessions with Jean and teach you the basics, maybe even tell you a thing or two on how to throw a punch, but he'd rather have you safe and sound than covered in bruises and bloody scars.
This may paint him in a slightly overprotective light, but you probably won't even notice it unless you're throwing yourself headfirst into danger. A creep is harassing a woman in the street? Napoleon will deal with it before you can move another step. He was a soldier and an emperor, he has fought for a future of peace and equality, and you, the fruit of his hard work, should avoid any kind of bloodshed.
On the other hand, if the fight is verbal, he will 100% support you and cheer you on. He absolutely adores it whenever he sees the eloquence and unwavering confidence with which you defend your ideals, and he wonders whether a father would be feeling the same way.
Another thing he appreciates about you, is your humor. Although sometimes it kinda upsets him and makes him think about the type of society you must be coming from (self deprecating jokes, mostly), he cannot help but get a good laugh or two whenever he sees you laughing at the most nonsensical things.
One day, he, you and Arthur were talking about your life in the 21st century, when you happened to mention a friend of yours. "..oh yeah! This actually reminds me of my friend, Joe. Though it's too bad that he died of ligma" "I'm so sorry to heart that... what's... what's ligma though? A new illness?" "🕴 L I G M A B A L L S 🕴" im sorry this joke is overused but its 1AM and i saw it on a jujutsu kaisen tiktok pls beare with me
(+ you and Arthur falling to the ground, tears in your eyes and the most horrible whale noises filling up the whole room)
Other times you come up with the most original and unusual phrases that don't match your usual speech at all. "MC, what were you doing before coming here?" "I had sworn an oath of solitude 'till the blight was purged from mine lands" "What..?" "I was in quarantine because of a global pandemic" Oh.
When the time comes for you to say goodbye, he will, of course, feel a heavy dagger in his heart, but he'll gladly let you return to your peaceful time, the place where you belong to the most. Knowing you, you'll surely be fine, after all.
He's confused at first. You're young, somewhere near his age back when he was alive, and according to what you told the others you come from a """relatively""" peaceful time. without considering police brutality, discriminations, wars in certain countries, and a pandemic. Let's just say that many of us can lead a life without going to war and such But why, why are you so cursed?
Saying that he's taken aback would be an understatement. He simply cannot get more than half of what you talk about, he's not a social butterfly and he struggles with being open with others; you, however, don't seem to mind it too much. You approach him, fearlessly and with genuinely good intentions only. He resists and tries putting distance between you, but there's something, something that makes him want to talk to you, laugh with you and understand you more.
Your arrival shows him that which he could not be. A simple teenager. An innocent person who peacefully lives without having to worry about traitors, incoming battles and the sight of dead comrades in a puddle of their down blood. You look so carefree in whatever you do, even when nervous and hesitant, and yet you do not lack depth. He has seen you defending your principles, the fire in your eyes and spirit wholly concentrated on your interlocutors. Could he have been like that, too, if he had been given the chance?
Ever since meeting you, he's become more and more determined to learn the basics which he had completely missed during a time of war. Reading and writing, for example. He's not as naive as to completely let go of all his sins, but the untainted side of him, which had survived so many years of slaughter and had tied the adjectives "saint" and "pure" to his name, pushed him to work hard for those simple yet rewarding goals.
He's utterly at a loss for words when you propose to help him out though, and even more when he sees the lack of judgmental sneer in your eyes. Could you really be so innocent? Or perhaps it's a sign of your maturity and benevolence? Maybe you two are not so different, after all. Sure, you may be one hell of an oddball, but he surely isn't that normal, either
Whether he likes it or not, Jean subconsciously starts considering you as a younger sibling, and he feels the need to protect you by sacrificing himself; he's the only one with stained hands, you should remain the way you are. Pure and childlike, like he used to be. This will bring you to butt heads every now and then, because yours is not a kindness that stems from ignorance, but from open mindedness and awareness. In the end, you're both mutually taking care of each other, and it's so wholesome that someone's younger brother might feel a bit jealous of your bond.
Teach him some modern songs and some slangs (Jean to the other residents: wassup, my fellow homies!), tell him about popular blockbusters and bestseller stories, do some popular challenges with him, like the chubby bunny one but using macarons instead. Jean will naturally develop a smile, and his usual dark aura will slowly dissipate, like a clear sky after a thunderstorm.
After the month passes by, he gets more and more nervous as the day of your departure gets closer. He's used to saying goodbyes before heading into battle, prepared not to come back alive anymore, but to do it with someone who will be alive, even if years and years after your present time? That's definitely a first for him. Nevertheless, knowing the time where you'll be going back to, he feels reassured, and is finally able, perhaps for the first time in his turbulent life, to say "goodbye" with a smile on his face
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ignisnocturnalia · 4 years
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I think I've figured out how I want to write these (Exposition/mini story, when relationship is established HCs actually start) based on a previous statement I made, also ANOTHER REQUEST! All headcanons are placed at the back of the story part. Let's get this ball rolling!
Crow x Reader
"Now, if he ever flies too far from the nest?" Spider leans forward, "Boom." Your stomach made a flip at the kingpin's explanation, and you've never been more uncomfortable to have your Ghost out in the open. Some part of your mind is saying 'Who cares? That's the man that killed Cayde', but another half is saying 'He has no idea. It isn't fair to judge him for something he can't remember'.
That meeting had happened an hour ago and you couldn't get his dumb gray face out of your head. He looked so.. sad. Regardless, having a Ghost rigged with explosives did not sit right with you at all. Spider wanted you to help him with his Wrathborn problem? Sure, alright. When all of this was over, you knew exactly what you wanted your payment to be.
One large change about the new light that you've found impossible to ignore is diminutive he is. His commentary after successful hunts and small chats after a lure upgrade is administered are curt. Even more surprising is his willingness to present mercy to the corrupted Fallen. He is nothing like Uldren.
Acknowledging this division between his past and present self is when you start to realize that you like working with him. A lot. Probably more than just work, but will you admit it? No. Besides, you tell yourself, he really doesn't look like he's searching for a relationship while figuring himself out.
Petra often asks why you've taken to visiting the Tangled Shore so frequently now, and everytime you scramble to spit out an answer, something stupid like "Spider has a good deal running right now". In some part, it's true, since when you're not hunting Wrathborn you're showing Crow how to do Guardian stuff and explaining Last City life to him. His calm and curious demeanor is extremely cute, and the velvet sound of his voice does not help.
When Spider has both of you run point on a mission you always look to the rafters of the building to try and see him or listen for his steps. He's annoyingly good at stealth. The only time you ever had to be stealthy was in the Gorgon's lair and the Pleasure Gardens. You wish you could speak to him unfiltered; if Spider ever discovered your crush he wouldn't let you hear or see the end of it.
As the months dragged on and you came closer to catching the High Celebrant, you caught yourself anxiously wondering what lie at the end of it all. What if Spider didn't let you take him? And if he did, would Crow stay with you or do his own thing? Greedy little thoughts ran through your head as you thought of all the times you shared together, both of you visibly happy in your eyes.
As much as you'd like to live a runaway life with him and hope he felt the same, you knew it was wrong. He'd get restless, and you'd start fighting. Whatever he chose to do, is what you would let him do. Osiris has taken notice of your feelings, and the knowing glances he gives when no one else is looking sets your face on fire, acting like he doesn't have a thing for Saint always writing those letters when he's on death's doorstep; dramatic is what you say.
Soon enough, all of your close friends can tell you like someone, but they simply can't figure out who. Ironically, the day you work up enough courage to ask him to be your partner is the same day he pins the location of the High Celebrant. The morning is tense, and just getting ready for the big fight is sending energy through your body. Crow, on the other hand, seems much more grim. It makes sense, really; you're the one who's been slaying gods over the years.
You're guard is quickly brought up when Spider summons you for a talk in the main room. You listen to his next words with a fierce intensity.
"Do not let him so close, or spoil him with pretty dreams. Kill the High Celebrant. Break Xivu Arath's hold over my Shore, and you can claim any prise in my lair as your reward. You'll have earned it."
Hiding a smile, you nod and make your way to disembark on your mission; looks like you won't have to ask.
The Dreaming City was as mystical as ever, and you vaguely wondered if Petra had seen you come in. Making quick work of the scarce Hive, you found yourself in Harbinger's Seclude. The massive Cryptolith was impossible to miss, and a full body shiver racked you as you approached it. This was it.
Stabbing the lure into the roots, Crow's voice filled your comm channel.
"Ha! Tagged it! It's bleeding energy and on its way back to you." Your heart jumped at his excited tone. Nobody had any business being that cute. The trademark screech of a Hive portal drowned out all noise, and your next big fight ensued.
The next period of time was spent chasing the Celebrant through realms, until, that is, it sealed the last portal. Osiris had given weak condolences, but you weren't going to give up on Crow. Not today! The blight high above you twinkled teasingly as frustrated tears swam over your eyes as you attempted scrambling up the large Awoken statue, just barely missing the hand and falling back to the ground uselessly.
The silence was becoming overwhelming, deafening, even. Osiris continued to tell you to return to fight another day, but he was too important for you to just leave behind.
"Maybe there's enough Hive magic left in the lure to find another way through!" For once, your Ghost didn't parrot the obvious; you almost wanted to kiss him. Turning around with a new fire, you thrusted your lure into the crystalline floor over the last trace of the High Celebrant's blood. Sure enough, platforms much like those of the Dreadnaught revealed themselves over the edge of the bridge.
You wasted no time, racing over every gap and closing in on the blight. Palpitations overtook your heart when Crow's voice returned to the feed, spewing some kind of death message. Death wouldn't take him. Especially not if you had anything to say about it.
Jumping through the portal, you recognize the bitter feelings of anguish. This is exactly how you felt when Sundance's light washed over the Prison of Elders. Not again.
By the time you see the High Celebrant, all you're seeing is red. Faintly, you remember how Drifter said the Hive in the system were scared of you; good. They should be.
Bullets fly and the ether sings with each corrupted Fallen whose head flies by your gun. If you weren't so pressed for time, you would've strangled the Wizard that had your sought after stolen Light. Standing in the pool of green magic, you turn a furious glare on to the Celebrant and unload your heavy straight into its bony head. Something inside of you lurched in desperation to finish the kill when it summons a portal, trying to make for a retreat and trapping you at the center of the room.
"Crow! The portal!"
"I see it! Now finish it!" Just as he says those words, the trap falls and the portal across the room implodes, sending the High Celebrant to its knees. Your body erupts with power as you descend upon the Hive that killed Sagira and nearly killed Crow, sending it off with your super into the abyss.
Heaving a sigh, your brain finally has a chance to clear with no more present danger. In fact, your chest swells with affection as your Ghost confidently speaks of his trust in Crow followed by his reply.
"It's been an honor, Guardian."
Finally leaving the location, Celebrant head included, you decide to sleep on your short trip back. Your Ghost wakes you up before you land, and when you transmat your eyes immediately fall on Crow, who is safe and sound. Behind your helmet, you smile wearily at the former prince.
The moment you step into the Spider's lair, the air is thick with tension. You can tell the kingpin is pleased to have the Shore cleansed of Hive corruption, but also upset that he has to give up one of his prizes.
"It's done." You say firmly.
"So it is... so it is," he leans forward in his seat with a leer, "All right, Guardian. As promised, you can have a prized bauble from my lair as compensation for your... heroics." The last word rolls off his tongue with a quiet distaste, and you have no problem returning the feeling.
"I want... him." Jerking your head in Crow's direction, you can feel the energy crack through the room.
"Cute. Real funny." Your brows crease in impatience at his dismissive snicker.
"You said anything in the room." You do your best to keep your eyes off of Crow; a distraction now could be bad news. Spider lets out a terrible laugh as his guards step forward, readying their spears.
"Oh... You really want my little bird," he puts an uncomfortable amount of importance on the words "really want", "Fine. You can have him." The large Fallen turns his gaze to Crow, mockingly waving his arm upward.
"Fly away," he looks back down at you, "and get the hell out of my lair."
No further instruction is needed as you and Crow make your leave. As you exit the safehouse, both Glint and your Ghost come out.
"Now what?" Glint looks to Crow for an answer. The reality of the event settles on the Awoken, and he looks at you in a way he hasn't before.
"Why would you do this for us?"
As a formality, you've never taken off your helmet around Crow. He'd never seen, or even had an idea about your face, until... now. The tear streaks from the mission are still on your face, slightly visible in the dim light. Walking over to him, you slowly bring your eyes up to his. He doesn't move away, but you do notice with a flash of hope that a blush is starting to grace his cheeks at your proximity. Clenching your eyes shut, you close the gap between you two and press a kiss to his lips.
He freezes for a moment before placing his hands on your shoulders, and you pull back afraid that you've just made the wrong move.
"I... uh." His eyes dart here and there before settling back on yours. His face straightens out, and then he hesitantly leans forward into your range again. This time, he's the one kissing you.
Both of you leave the Tangled Shore together.
Relationship HCs
He never fails to pick you up during your special brand of greeting, which is running straight at him and jumping into his arms. You even do the little spin around like those movie couples
He's okay with subtle PDA like handholding, but nothing too extreme such as kissing in front of others; he prefers to keep more intimate moments between you and him
Surprisingly eager for cuddles with you at the end of the day
He will let you indulge yourself by doing stupid things every once in a while, like seeing how much whipped cream you can put in his mouth before he can't take anymore
There are times when you just talk about random stuff because he knows you like the sound of his voice
He usually has to calm you down whenever another Guardian stares too long. You see it as a threat, and you're ready to defend your glowing boyfriend with your life
When you're not busy with Vanguard tasks, you're bringing him to the planets that weren't swallowed by the Darkness and showing him the layout, along with whatever endemic life is present
He becomes enamored with Earth's crows, which you had expected
Whenever he has visions of his past, he'll tell you and you do your best to fill in with rudimentary details such as location or time; you hope he never remembers the moment when you had to kill him
You especially love playing with his hair, it's nearly softer than silk and you are intrigued by the white streaks at the front of his cut
Both of you will decide to sit down every once in a while and just touch each other's face; you prefer running your hands along his jawline and cheekbones while he'll brush just under your eyes and along your temples
Dates can range from a quiet, romantic dinner to hunting down large and difficult quarry
Whenever you find a Golden Age waltz piece, you bring it to him and give it a listen; these sessions always end with you two dancing and swaying with each other
Truly, a couple of many talents
NSFW 👁👄👁
The first time you get anywhere close to the act he's so unsure of himself you both stop and instead explore each other at the surface level
No matter how many times he sees you nude his face is a blushing mess everytime
The first few times you take the lead, but once you both get over the fact that you've exchanged pleasantries he's the one who figures out he likes to be dominant in bed
He's vocal to an extent, mostly heavy breathing/moaning and grunts to let you know exactly how good you feel
He's super into bondage (who would've known?) whenever you're the one tying him up
He always prefers the ability to see your face, and whether it's because he can see your face contort in pleasure or because he can lock with you in a heated kiss, you can't tell
His sides are usually ticklish, but they act more like erogenous zones when both of you are deep into it
He starts out rough since he isn't used to this kind of activity at all, but over time he finds a balance between being gentle and absolutely blowing your back out
He's likely to caress your arms and waist the whole time to add another sensitive layer to your already overstimulated body
He also likes draping his body over yours, and with how hot his chest is and the press of his lower body? You're not arguing
Once you finish, he either goes straight to sleep while huddling against you or you convince him to get up so you can shower together
I have 2 asks for Drifter HCs, but I'm implementing a personal/request system so I can keep my monsterfucker train going. The next HCs I'm releasing are for Nokris, then I'll do Drifter HCs, and for now my last personal writing will be for Ghaul
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starsmuserainbow · 4 years
(I've never done this before but...) All symbols for that Munday meme? XD
Monday Malarkey 
[[Thanks for sending! And wow guess that means this post will be quite a size xD!]]
☯ : Do you prefer to wing it or to plot things out first when it comes to longer threads? 
I think that always depends - but in general, I assume it tends to be good to at the very least have a starting point, so I guess that means plotting (to a degree, and not completely counting when stuff comes from memes because usually that takes care of a rough starting-point)? But when we do have a general ‘what we want to happen’, I think it’s nice to just let things happen as they do?
So, I guess a mix of both!
✎ : What is your favorite genre to write for in roleplay? 
I don’t know, actually! I’m absolutely incapable of putting stuff into genres, so I don’t know! I like when, somewhere in threads, people actually open up to one another, like, talk about past happenings or the likes. And I think a lot of my threads would go into the ‘casual’ or ‘fluff’ category so maybe that? But I have a lot of other threads I like or liked a lot too, so I don’t think I really have a favourite genre.
✉ : What’s your favorite genre to read in roleplay? 
I don’t really read that much specifically because of it being in a genre - if at all, I read RPs because they appear on my dash by being done by one of my mutuals with someone else!
✘ : Are there any genres you refuse to write for? 
Smut would be the first thing I can name here, since I simply don’t write that stuff. Outside of that, uh, I can’t think of anything immediately!
✪ : Do you use roleplay as a method to better your writing in some way? If so, what are you trying to improve on? 
I don’t actively think that I’m using it to better my writing, but I think upon repeating something again and again - which basically any RPer existing longer than a week does - it’s pretty much automatic that it also helps one to get better at it, so I sure hope that RPing does better my writing!
I can’t name anything in particular that I’m currently working on improving - I can say that I’m definitely interested in dash talk and all that stuff (you know, these fast-paced things that usually go back and forth quickly and die after a few hours or so) though I can’t quite see me actually trying to participate in it.
🎭 : Is roleplaying/writing a way to cope when things get rough irl? 
I like to live in the world of my RPs, of my characters, so yes in a way - but I don’t really think I’m coping with stuff. It’s just that I like to think myself into a different world, and yeah. I guess I’m just mostly ignoring RL as much as I can anyway, so there isn’t really much to cope?
⌘ : How much importance do you place real experience into the things you write/rp? 
Pfft, right, I could barely write about anything at all, then!
So, to actually answer this: Very little importance. I think as long as one can write it well, or imagine it, it isn’t important if they actually have experience in the area or not.
⚡ : What typically leads to inspiration for you when it comes to writing? 
Nothing in particular! Like, there was at least once recently a dream that inspired my for a wishlist thing on Moonshot (which I still wanna write some day, and I’m considering to make my next open on him be about the situation even if that doesn’t really mean it’s any more likely for me to be able to explore the situation but still), and movies or stories or pictures do inspire me for things too, but mostly I think it’s just my imagination and what ‘letting my characters run freely’ there brings up. Hard to explain!
✿ : What’s your stance on self-inserts? 
It feels a bit like a weird thing to me, and I don’t know if I quite entirely know all the specifics to the term. I’m not a fan of RPing with ‘real’ people anyway - be it from actual history, or politics or maybe stars or bands or whatever else exists as people RPing them - so I don’t think having someone put a FC around it changes that much?
If it’s a character they can simply connect to a lot, and maybe have some headcanons here and there that would also fit to themselves, that’s a totally different thing I think?
⌚ : When in the day do you feel you do your best writing? 
There isn’t really any specific time of day! I usually do most writing during the afternoon and evening, but that’s because it’s how my day is scheduled and not because I can write there best or anything.
♟ : Do you do any research when you roleplay? 
Number one - a lot of looking up of english words. There’s a reason why I basically always have a tab of a dictionary open.
And of course, if I’m to write like a poisoning or a certain area being wounded or a specific type of sickness, and if I haven’t researched anything to it or something similar before, I will try to look up a few things. It helps to get a better image of it, I think.
♞ : Which do you prefer, shorter or longer roleplay posts? 
I can’t really work with one-liners much, they often feel like no effort had been made, so, longer than that would be good. Outside of that, as long as there’s something I can work with, I think I don’t have much preference towards how long or short is it. Well, I mean, maybe a full-on novel or something would be a bit much as reply xD, but I assume that’s rather unlikely to happen anyway with how RP works.
Or if this is about the length of posts, I can only try to appeal to people again, to please cut their posts, and remove and ask from a continued thread. But I don’t think that that’s what the question is about, so I won’t say more on that here.
♥ : What kinds of characters are the most fun for you to write for? 
If you look at my muses, I guess the only answer I can give is: Aliens!
I don’t know, maybe that has to do with confidence. I have other characters too, but when considering to write them I tend to feel uncertain of if I can do certain things or if they work or would be interesting for others, so, I think that’s why my roster so far only exists of tamaraneans.
In general though, I think I tend to enjoy writing characters in a certain ‘good against evil’, or call it maybe action if you want, setting more than casual, everyday life ones, if that makes sense.
💔 : What kinds of characters do you have the most trouble writing for? 
First thing that comes to mind here, is ‘sexy’. Like, take Blackfire for example, if I wasn’t as much myself as I am, I bet I’d have her do or say a lot more ‘dirty’ or suggestive stuff. I just can’t write that, and that’s one of the reasons why every now and then I feel like I don’t do Blackfire justice at all.
➳ : When creating OCs, what do you typically start with first? (i.e. appearance, name, a theme, etc.) 
I think usually the rough ‘who’ comes first, as in what they do or are for? Like, that was the case with both Moonshot and Starlight, and, though I don’t think anyone actually knows of her since I only made like one post about her ever or so, Kahmlur. Also with most other (= non-tamaranean) OCs I’ve ever made I think. Usually first comes the rough idea, like said, and then I’ll work on details some more, like how I imagine their personality or behaviour. And usually by then already a image starts to form in my mind for their looks, which will then be the next thing to do. An actual detailed backstory usually only comes when I actually want to, like, write them on something public like here I think. Or when I happen to just be bored enough to write one.
Though of course, sometimes it can also happen that I play around in some character creator, and the result inspires me to do an OC out of that look.
♚ : What’s something you just can’t stand and will unfollow someone over? 
If it happens too much and too often, a dozen, especially when non-RP, posts almost at all the same time. I get it, they’re online at that moment and want to share stuff or something, but it’s just too much and frustrating to see other stuff through. So yes, if that happens too often, I might end up unfollowing.
🌟 : How do you usually like to start an interaction with someone new, or do you prefer to have them approach you? 
When I followed someone first, and they follow me back, I usually take an effort to make myself go to their IMs soon-ish (or asks or whatever if like their rules say they don’t want IMs, or the likes) and just greet them in some way. I try to lead that talk then towards something more, maybe plotting or a random starter or whatever, or at least to asking for how they prefer to start things.
As with those following me first, well, usually I kinda subconsciously wait for them to come to me first. Which… not always happens, and I think I should change that thinking anyway since I should just approach even if they were the first to follow if I want to interact with them too, but uh, that’s just what I do there without actually thinking much about it.
(And as for those I never become mutuals with - I usually don’t reach out there. I’m not confident enough to do that, so if I’m not ending up mutuals with someone, I’ll in 90% of the cases unfollow again once I realize it won’t happen, and the other 10% I’ll keep on my dash because I really like their content, even if it makes me sad that I won’t ever interact with them. And those that I never follow back, I hope I’m having it stated where I can clear enough that I’m still open to them approaching, though of course I have a right to say no in occasions.)
💕 : When it comes to shipping do you prefer to draw things out and let them develop slowly, or do you prefer to jump right into them and skip the developmental stage?
I love the interactions, the deepening of a connection, the admitting of secrets or talking about heavy topics of the past! Not that I have ever had those to write much, but I still love the idea, and so I think I can with rather good certainty say that I prefer the slow developing.
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I've been having a really rough couple days mental health-wise. If you could I would love to see some headcanons about how Ben would comfort you when things got too hard. It would really mean a lot
Dear Anon,
first of I’m very sorry this took so long but apart from writing very slowly I had a lot of other requests I had to take care of first. I thought about pushing this to the top of the list but it really isn’t fair for the other people waiting. However, even though this took very long to type out and edit I hope you are in a better place right now (mentally) and I hope whatever had you in a bad cycle is out of your system now. This turned out to be a bit tricky since no mental health is the same and I had to reread and rewrite this a bit so I don’t project my own behavior and/or fear and thoughts into this too much. 
Benny or not, you’ll get through this week and I’m hope you keep on fighting 💜
Benny and You and the Mental
Mental health, as most things in life, turn out to be much more complicated than one might think. Benny is no stranger to the topic - having served for as long as he did he saw a lot of people breaking under the mental pressure that comes with being enrolled in the army and he’s had a fair share of ptsd induced panic attacks as well. Though, or maybe because of this, he’s very careful the first time the a rough episode starts to hit you. 
He’s not shying away from it, as much as he wants to give you the space you might need, not really sure in the beginning how much you can handle or actually want him around and it takes a while for you two to find the right balance. Though he doesn’t alway guess right, he’s sure to correct course if needed and talking about your emotions certainly helps a lot, although it takes some time for your to open up to him. As your relationship progresses, so does your willingness to articulate your feelings and Benny as well tries to pick up as much information about you in those days as possible. He’s trained to read a person or a room in seconds and though it’s nothing compared to a professional psychologist it does help that he can fairly quick catches if your mood is shifting.
Though Benny’s very sensitive when it comes to his own feelings he’s not exactly and empathic person as much as Will is. Ben knows that there are parts he will probably never see or never fully relate to, though he tries his hardest and he’s accepted that. He’s never pushing you to share something with him you’re not comfortable about but he does ask questions to get a better understand as to what’s going on in your head and that might give him a better grip on the situation. However, this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t think you’re thoughts and feelings aren’t legit. He believes very much that what you’re feeling is real - he sees when you get into you’re headspace, he knows the feeling when you start to become distant and it’s hard for him to watch you drift away slowly, but surely. It breaks it heart every time but he never doubts the seriousness of your situation. 
For Benny, taking care of you and helping you through becomes a priority then. It consist of creating the best and least stressful environment he can think of, trying his hardest not to add to the stress in your system and getting things out of the way that could trigger the episode to get worse. It took him some time to realize that it’s better if your shared living space is clean and welcoming. He’s cooking much more then, too, making sure that both of you eat as often together as possible. It’s nothing fancy but at least it’s a whole meal, he even threw in some of your favorite vegetables to “spice it up” which is kind of ironic since he still needs some help with the seasoning but you appreciate the effort very much.
He also makes sure to find the right balance between keeping you company and letting you breathe. Benny doesn’t want to hover over you because he himself hates when people do that as he practically feels their worry seep into him and he doesn’t want to give you that feeling but he also wants to check up on you whenever he’s out all day. When he comes home he strides through the apartment, casually of course, and usually finds you either curled up at the window, on the couch or in bed under a lot of blankets. You’re much more distant than, responding in much shorter answers and it’s evident that something’s weighing you down.
He knows that you often need a bit of careful asking of how you’re feeling and finding the right words is hard, the question almost often seeming silly to him but inevitably giving you the chance to blurt out your feelings if you want to. He’s listening then and even though Ben usually has an opinion on everything, he holds back his advice and first words that come into his mind because this is your time to talk now.
He tries to gives you space, physical contact not always wanted as you need to just sit and think for a minute. Other times you seem to gravitate around him, seeking his presence to calm you down and though you don’t always interact with him of course Benny doesn’t mind being in the room with you and doing completely separate things. Though Benny would like to know what’s going on inside your head, he never forces you to articulate something you’re not comfortable with, respecting you and your feelings too much for that.
He tries a couple of things then when the rough patch happens again. Bubble baths, going out do something fun, taking you out for a quick boxing session when every other person has already left the gym but nothing really works and anything that involves physical activity seems to make you even worse which puzzles him and Benny has a hard time coming to terms that just because those are things that make him feel better they might not apply to you. So, Ben changes tactics. 
He leaves a couple of shirts for you that he wore for a day (they’re not his gym shirts, he promises), they smell like him and you can wear them whenever he’s not around, since the smell of him tends to calm you down. They serve as a reminder that he is with you wherever you go and that you are not alone.
Ben leaves you a lot of messages or sends you funny pictures throughout the day, the little notes he writes anyways a bit more thought out than usual and happen to find their way to you more often than usually. Sometimes they’re stuck on small lunch boxes he prepared for you before going to work, sometimes they’re on your laptop, telling you how much he looks forward to seeing you tonight. It varies but they’re always filled with love and warm thoughts.
It obviously takes a while but he gets better with every episode, figuring out what’s helping and what’s stressing you out more and more. Communication is key to separating helpful actions from the one’s that make it worse and since those sometimes tend to change within a day it is essential that you try to talk about what’s working and what’s not for you at the moment. It’s a tricky path between asking or not asking, doing something for you or doing too much and sometimes he fails but never intentionally. It’s a draining time for both of you and it certainly worries you that it might be too much for him but he assures you that he’s here to stay (”Backing out was never an option with you.”) Of course he’d have an easier time if it were something physical and, honestly, so were you but you can’t always choose your battles.
Benny makes sure to give you a lot of physical contact - if you allow it. He’s always very delicate with you, slowly getting closer and trying to read your body language as well as possible and if you don’t seem to mind he will wrap you up in his arms on those days where you feel so far away.
It’s little touches throughout the day to make sure that you know he’s right beside you, that he is in the room and whenever you become too distant he likes to press a soft kiss to the crone of your head. Sometimes it helps to bring you back, sometimes it’s too much and sometimes it makes you break, which Benny never intended to trigger but is glad that it happened when he was there. He holds you then, really pressing you into his body while he rubs your back soothingly. Ben lets you cry as long as you need to, never saying it’s going to be okay at the moment but showing you that it will, word’s usually failing him and even though his own heart breaks at the sight of you he is confident you’ll make it out of the dark parts of your mind and back into the presence. He’ll hold you extra tight at night, his arms wrapped around you, stroking your hair and making sure that you fall asleep before him, which is rare but he really does not find peace until he knows you’ve drifted off to sleep and you breathing is slow and steady.
Benny wouldn’t love you less. to him this is just something he admires more about you, the strength you put into doing better and fighting a battle that might be the hardest of them all. He says everyone can handle a broken bone but a troubled mind is something that’s testing you on a whole other level and the fact that you’ve come back from so much pain again and again is something he will always have respect for. At the end of the day you’re his person and couldn’t imagine his world without you, he doesn’t even wanna try. 
He’ll want you to get help though, if you don’t already have it. This is a especially tricky part because he really doesn’t want to overstep so as he brings it up one day when he thinks it might be a good time, he’s been turning the words in his head over and over again, speaking very hesitant about the idea of maybe going and seeing a professional. He assures you that he doesn’t want to hand you and the responsibility over to someone else but Benny, at the end of the day, is just Benny. He’s not a real a therapist and he sure as hell he doesn’t know half as much as them, even though he tries twice as hard. As much as he likes to, he can only help you so far and you, who he’s certain has enough strength to make it out of this, can only can come so far, without professional help.
“This is the part where I won’t let go.”
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freyawrites-archive · 8 years
Yo, what's up, how you doing? I love your blog and was hoping you could do a hc about the Chocobros with a little sister that's in like her early teens. I've just been thinking about it to much and it's just to cute, it may get kill me. Well anyways, keep up the good work! See ya! Bye!
EEEP! That sounds so cute!!! Let’s do it~
[Please excuse my inability to figure out which formatting I like for my headcanons ahahahaha /sob]
Also, Warning: Spoilers (particularly in Prompto’s section)
Noctis -
Noctis is a super overprotective big brother. Little sister just became a teenager and is starting to go through puberty and is no longer an awkward little squirt? Nope nope nope nope nope.
Okay, maybe not to that degree… but he’s certainly perfected the “If you so much as even look at her wrong, I will end your life.”
Little sister LOVES her big brother Noctis. She probably will never be able to date or get married because no man will ever be able to meet up to her high expectations in men. She doesn’t want a man unless he’s as amazing and kind and caring and nurturing and etc. etc. etc. as Noctis.
Even now being a teenager and Noctis being an adult, little sister loves to have Noctis read her stories before bed. Lately, the stories have become more oriented toward their family ancestry and all the kings and queens who left behind their ancient weapons in deep tombs. Just as Regis relayed these stories to Noctis as a kid, Noctis loves to relay these stories to his little sister now that she’s old enough to appreciate them.
I could probably keep going for, like… ever… But let’s finish this up with a little scenario:
She pouted and Noctis brought his hand up to rub the back of his neck.
“I just don’t think it’s fair. Wouldn’t you think that Luna would want me to be there as a bridesmaid, or at least a flower girl???” she begged.
Noctis sighed and put a hand atop his sister’s head. “Believe me, if I could take you along with me, I would… But Dad really wants you in Lestallum for the women’s festival. You’re an idol to women out there, being princess and all.” It was lame, but it was something.
She sighed. “I know… I just hate that I’m gonna miss my big brother getting married…” She sounded so defeated.
Noctis stepped forward and wrapped his arms around the girl, resting his chin on top of her head.
“We’ll make sure to have a big, grand party when we get back… And you can say a speech and everything.”
She sighed and hugged her brother tighter. “…Promise?”
“I promise, princess.”
Prompto -
Prompto’s little sister is actually the daughter of the family that adopted him. Even though they’re not related by blood, Prompto and Little Sister are actually very very close because they’re all that each other has ever had. Mom and Dad are always off being busy, leaving the two to mostly fend for themselves. Prompto was almost more of a parent to Little Sister than anything else, and she absolutely loves her big brother.
Prompto always makes sure Little Sister has everything she needs and makes sure she eats healthy. He doesn’t want to see her follow the same road he did, with all the depression and weight gain he’d seen when he was younger. He’s also been a biiiig promoter of loving oneself and he works hard to teach Little Sister to love herself and to love her body.
Now that she’s a teen, Prompto is nervous because now she’s the age that boys will start noticing her. While he’d glad that she’s a confident young woman who loves herself, it still makes him nervous that a boy out there might try to bring her down by convincing her otherwise… But he also knows he plans to be there for her whenever possible.
Scenario time:
Prompto rushed through the door and paused as he looked around the house. The door slowly shut behind him, closing with a soft click. The house was dead silent and Prompto could feel the disappointment bubbling in his stomach, threatening to come up into his throat. Moisture filled his eyes.
He was dressed in his Crownsguard uniform he’d received that morning in preparation for escorting Prince Noctis to Altissa. He’d never imagined he’d get this sort of opportunity in his lifetime. Hell, he was even surprised that he had earned the friendship of the prince to begin with… But here he stood, dressed in the formal attire and so proud of himself…
And his parents were, once again, completely absent.
His head shot up. His little sister stood at the foot of the stairs, looking as if she’d just come down. She was still dressed in her pjs, likely lazing about since there wasn’t any school that day. She stepped out a few feet before pausing to look her brother up and down. Her eyes widened as she realized what he was wearing.
“Oh my god, is that a Crownsguard uniform?” she asked. The pure amazement in her eyes made Prompto’s heart flutter with pride and he stood tall, giving her a pose.
“Why yes, yes it is, dearest little sister,” he said before he crossed over to her. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tightly.
She reached her arms up to hug him back just as tight. “That means you’re leaving soon, huh…?”
“Yeah, chickadee… But hey…” He drew her away so he could look down at her, looking her right in the eyes. “It really means alot to me that you are here… and that I actually get to say goodbye to you and let you know I’ll be home as soon as possible.”
And she knew what he meant by all of that. So she just hugged him tight and tried not to cry.
Gladio -
So Gladio’s had a little bit of experience in this field since he’s got Iris, though he is, by no means, actually ready for the time that his second younger sister hits puberty and starts to look freaking adorable.
This little sister is much more into the kinds of things Gladio is into. She’s always looked up to her big siblings, but she’s been more taken with action and adventure than the simple girl life that Iris has set herself to. Not to say that she doesn’t love her big sister or spending time with her… but Little Sister likes to throw a couple punches.
Gladio is proud to be able to teach her self defense, especially because it’ll help ease his worries should a guy get too handsy with her. They bond a lot from sparring and from her learning how to fight. Gladio’s especially proud when Little Sister throws a punch and it actually hurts a little.
“I can’t believe you’re just leaving me here all alone!” she shouted as she threw another punch.
Gladio reached up to grab her hand and twisted it behind her back until she tapped his leg with her free hand.
“You won’t be alone, drama queen,” Gladio replied as he released her, allowing her to prep herself. “You’ll have Iris.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, but Iris doesn’t like sparring,” she replied as she shifted into another fighting stance. She waited for Gladio to reciprocate before they started into a series of punching and kicking drills.
“Then maybe this will be a good opportunity for you to learn what other girls like to do. You know, start getting closer to your sister?” he chastised.
Little Sister winced and took a step back. “Hey, you make it sound like I don’t spend any time with her.”
Gladio stood straight, crossing his arms over his chest. “All I’m saying is that you can survive a few weeks spending time with Iris and learning from her while I’m gone.”
She looked down at the ground and Gladio sighed, crossing over to her. He grabbed her in a big bear hug, squeezing her tight.
“I’ll be back before you know it, kiddo.”
“I know,” she mumbled against his shirt. “I’m just really going to miss you…”
“I know, kiddo, I know,” he replied, squeezing her tighter.
Ignis -
Ignis and his little sister are like two peas in a pod. When he started getting interested in cooking, Little Sister was always the taste tester. This taught her to both appreciate good food as well as have a taste for it. By the time she got old enough, she was helping him out in the kitchen. When she was little, it was mostly cleanup duty and licking things of spoons. By the time she’s a teen, she’s helping him with prep work, cooking, baking, etc.
While Ignis is more of a cook, Little Sister LOVES baking. Her dream is to one day open up a cafe where Ignis is the head chef and she’s the head baker. She knows that it’s more likely for her to open a bake shop… but she loves the idea of running a business with her big brother.
At first, Ignis doesn’t realize the implications behind his darling little sister becoming a teenager until she comes home one day and starts getting right into baking something. When asked what she’s doing, she admits (with a blush) that she’s making some cookies for a boy in her class. From then on, Ignis plays the protective older brother. Let’s just hope the boy Little Sister likes doesn’t ever find himself alone with Ignis for longer than a few seconds.
“So… Tomorrow’s the big day, huh?”
Ignis looked up from chopping veggies to look at his younger sister. She’d come to his apartment after she’d gotten off school and Ignis had started into making her something to eat. When she spoke up, he paused to look at her.
“The day you leave…” she clarified when he didn’t say anything at first.
He nodded. “Yes, you are correct,” he replied, his tone gentle. He could see the shift in her eyes, the sadness that filled them, as she looked down at the counter again. Her fingers fiddled with a random object she’d found on the counter.
Ignis was quiet for a moment, unsure if there was even anything he could say to make her feel better. Instead, he turned to a cupboard and opened it up, reaching in to grab something.
He set a bag of flour down in front of his sister. She looked up, raising an eyebrow.
“The ingredients for those cupcakes you like… they’re in the fridge.”
A small smile touched her lips as she stood up and went to gather said ingredients. Ignis continued to cook while his sister gathered her baking needs and started into her own work. The two worked quickly and quietly together.
Soon, a full meal and frosted cupcakes sat on the counter in front of them. Instead of reaching out for a plate, though, Little Sister turned to wrap her arms around her brother’s middle. Ignis’s arms immediately wrapped back around the girl, squeezing her tight.
“We won’t be gone long… So I trust you will make sure to eat healthy in my absence… And I look forward to your world famous cheesecake when I get back.”
A warm smile came to her lips even as the tears filled her eyes and she squeezed her brother just as tight.
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