#i've never written on a cake before. so we don't need to talk about it okay? 😂
squidyyy23 ¡ 1 year
gallacrafts: big fic energy 🎂
okay, so i actually had a non-baking idea for this month's @gallacrafts at first but then @auds-and-evens jogged my memory about the M8TE cake! and how could i resist bringing the best pal lyle's cake to life???
so, congratulations to mickey's now-plundered hole, congratulations to M8TE's celebratory milestone, and congratulations to the wildly genius, out-of-this-world amazing, cherished soul that is @gallawitchxx for creating it all!
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The candles flicker yellow and gold like Ian’s rut-aroused stare, which Mickey can still see as clearly in his mind’s eye as the sheet cake in front of him. Blue icing reads, Congrats! You got fucked! "To Mickey,” Lyle announces, dressed in head to toe leather and holding up a bulbous stemmed glass, scarlet wine sloshing about, “who finally let someone get their dick wet”—he pauses, really playing up the emotions—“inside of his tight, previously unplundered hole." -- M8TE by @gallawitchxx
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bridgertonandchocolate ¡ 12 days
Finally putting together a list of things I want to see in season 3 part 2. I hope it's not all delusional. This is pretty much strictly a Polin wish list. Maybe with a touch of Benny slipped in there.
Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Wishes/Hopes/Dreams:
We already had Colin on his knees which was definitely needed, but now I need him to use his arms to lift his woman. I don't really care how it happens if it's him carrying her out of the printer shop over his shoulder, bridal style or any other way. What I'd really love is for him to pick her up and push her against a wall, but obviously all our hopes and dreams won't become reality and if it happens it's probably not going to be that, but again hopes and dreams.
I really want Pen to come clean about LW and that Colin does know about it before the Cressida bombshell. My hope is that Pen and Colin have a come to Jesus moment and she ends up telling him what she told Eloise in season 2 that she is giving it up (even though we don't really want her to because we love a fierce independent Pen). And then the Cressida bombshell, Pen starts writing again and that's when Colin finds out she's writing again. I don't think my version is happening, but I really hope it does because it's going to be so painful with happy Polin doing all their Polin things and he doesn't know everything about her first.
The Rings. If you've seen some of the part 2 stills it looks like Penelope wears Violet's betrothal ring ... which is going to be one of my favorite things. I always thought that Polin was very like Edmund and Violet and that Colin is very much like Edmund in his devotion. We know that Edmund wore a wedding ring and here's me hoping with all hope that Colin will also wear Edmund's wedding ring! I want this so bad.
I cannot wait to see Colin telling Portia (and hopefully the sisters) off. It's going to be amazing. I think this is just going to be one of a few different moments of Colin verbalizing his love for Pen and it's going to make us melt more than we already have.
The broken furniture. They have talked about this so much and played it up so much that if it isn't in part 2 I might revolt. If we never see or figure out what this piece of furniture is ... I will lose my mind.
Food. We know Colin and Pen are both foodies. They love their cake and treats and biscuits. I really want them to incorporate food into some foreplay and erotic moments. Because really why not? What are we doing? It's a missed opportunity in my opinion.
Benedict to actually have a storyline. Dear God please. I've rewatched this season pretty consistently and I don't really have any idea what's going on with Benny. All I know is he met a widow and he's sleeping with her. Don't really know anything about her other than her name and she was interested in the balloon. I do NOT understand why they couldn't have written more of his struggles being the Viscount while Anthony extends his honeymoon for forever. The first season Violet mentions to Anthony that his younger brothers do more of the job than he does. But we know that Benedict desperately wants nothing to do with it. Come to think of it they should've never sent Kate and Anthony away. I feel like they could have played more a role in the first part than many of the other characters and side plots they've forced this season. Now back to Polin.
Polin enters the baby race. I haven't decided if I really want Penelope to want her child to be Lord Featherington or not. I feel like she's worked so hard to separate herself that that's her focus and she wouldn't really care so much about carrying on her own family name, but who knows. I just feel like they've really pushed the baby thing heavily and hinted that Polin is going to have the first Featherington boy. I feel like by end of season there's a good chance Pen will be pregnant. But what do I know? I still kinda want to see it.
My favorite line from the book. When Colin gives his big speech to Pen about loving her for their past present and future gives me so much life and I think we NEED this in the show. I've already loved the dialogue they have included and I'm hoping to see a few more of those directly from the book in part 2.
Penelope in some actual danger. Whether or her own making or someone else's. Even though I feel like Colin needs to get over his hero complex, I still love for it. I do love me a little damsel in distress. And even though I know Penelope is fully capable of handling herself, I love seeing Colin feral about her safety and security.
This is it for now. Stay tuned for maybe a spicier version soon.
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imdead770 ¡ 5 months
Saw you needed some requests!
How about childhood friends to lovers with Steve! (Randle) I love him so much and I don't think I've ever seen this promt for him thank you!! 💜
Steve Randle x Reader - Childhood Friends
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Authors Note - I've never written anything like this, but here goes nothing. Enjoy.
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• So, Steve's not the smartest, but he knows when he likes someone.
• He knew he liked you ever since you gave him a blue crayon in first grade.
• You two met in elementary school, and somehow you managed to put up with him throughout the years
• Somehow your personalities just clicked
• You two are practically joined at the hip
• Like your friends would ask to meet up and Steve would just be there
" Hey, you wanna go hang out?"
"Yeah, that sounds fu-"
"I'm comin' too!"
"How the fuck did you even get here!?"
• There was one moment when Steve realized he was attracted to you like that
• He always knew he liked you, but there was one moment where he was like "Oh shit, she's hot."
• That's whenever they had a pool party for all the freshmen.
• So he came with most of the gang, you came with your friends
• And whenever he saw you in your bikini, his jaw dropped
• When the fuck did that happen??
• Last time he checked you were in the kiddy pool with floaties on your arms
• Sure you had always been pretty, but holy shit
• The first time you realized you were smitten with him was whenever he came to you after a rumble
• His nose was busted, he had a black eye, he looked like shit.
• But for some reason, that's when it clicked.
• You were just cleaning up the blood when your brain suddenly realized
'holy shit I like this dumbass-'
• Yet neither one of you ever said anything.
• Literally everyone thinks you two would be a great couple
• I mean, it's obvious he's head over heels for you
• Only problem is that neither of you want to ruin this perfect, amazing friendship
• I mean you two have literally done everything together
• You learned to ride a bike together, you learned to read together, all of it.
• You practically share parents at this point.
• So Steve's over here like
"I dunno man, she's way out of my league"
• And you're over here all
"It's not like he likes likes me, he talks to me about all these other girls.."
• Both of your friend groups are trying to slap some sense into the two of you
• Like Steve has literally punched a guy for you??
• And you pulled a clump of hair off a girl's head for him once??
• So why are you both so fucking stupid?? It's right there??
• Eventually someone finally convinced Steve
• Probably Sodapop.
"I'm tellin' ya' Steve, she likes ya'."
"Fine, fine, I'll ask 'er."
• He had to hype himself up for a good week or two.
• Eventually he decided to tell you.
• So here you two were, hanging out and watching some romance movie that he strategically put on
"I thought you hated romance?"
"I dunno, it was in clearance."
• And since Steve is super smart, during a make-out scene he decides
'Yeah, she'd love that.'
• He thinks it's the smoothest thing ever.
"Y'know, we could be kissin' like that right now.."
• He's internally patting himself on the back, damn he was smooth.
• You look at him, thinking he's joking
• I mean you two jokingly flirt all the time, how's this any different
• But he's dead serious.
• As serious as Steve can be, at least.
"You wanna?"
• His jaw dropped right then and there.
• Yeah, he thought it was smooth, but he didn't think it was that smooth.
• He thought you'd slap him or something.
• And before he knows it, you're kissing him.
• Holy shitttttttt
• The only time he was this happy was when his boss brought chocolate cake to his night shift at DX
• You're over here screaming inside
• Because 'holy shit I'm kissing him, holy shit, holy shit-"
• Whenever you both pull away, Steve's smiling like a dumbass
• You're smiling right back at him
"Ya' got a boyfriend?"
• You just snicker, shaking your head
"Ya' want one?"
• The rest is history.
• Whenever he told the gang the story they all just shrugged
"You ain't happy for me or nothin'?"
"I mean yea, we are, but it was kinda obvious"
"We all knew you were gonna get 'er eventually, Steve."
• Once you started dating your relationship basically stayed the same
• Except you make out way more
• And now he can check you out without having to be all discreet
• Sodapop still brags that he's the reason you two are together
"I should be a matchmaker or somethin'.."
"I was gonna tell her without ya', Soda"
"You ain't gotta lie to me, Stevie. This is a safe space."
• All in all, you two are perfect together
• Like I said, somehow you two get along seamlessly.
• That movie you two watched 100% became Steve's favorite movie, by the way.
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Eat me, drink me, love me
Riddle Rosehearts my beloved
(Not proofread!!)
Warning(s): drugging, you are fully aware you're being drugged, yandere Riddle, Riddle talks about doing something to you that is left ambiguous, mentions of past drugging
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Riddle pulls the carrot cake out of the oven, and spreads the cream cheese frosting across the top. Using the tube of icing, he writes in cursive the words "Eat me" on a very specific slice.
He pours the drink he made into a vial with a cork plugging it. He writes down on a small label the words "Drink me", then ties the string attached to the label around the vial. The string is tied in a cute bow.
It's perfect. You won't suspect a thing.
You walked into the tea garden, to see an entire party set up just for you.
"(Y/N), thank you for coming." Riddle said to you. "I've made a cake for us."
"Oh, did you?" You asked. "How nice."
You sit down at the table, opposite to Riddle. The slice of cake on your plate read "Eat me", written in blue icing. For your drink, you bad a vial with a cork in it, with a small label that read "Drink me".
"(Y/N)... do you realize how much you matter to me...?" Riddle asked. He sipped his tea, almost as if telling you to drink... whatever it is he gave you. "You don't, do you?"
You ate some of your cake as Riddle spoke to you. The flavour spread throughout your mouth, it was sweet and it left a strange burning aftertaste in your throat. It was delicious, but... something was clearly wrong about it.
You knew the cake was tainted with something.
You knew you shouldn't eat it.
But you knew that if you didn't, Riddle would force you to finish eating it.
"(Y/N), why don't you... w-why don't you realize I'm perfect for you? I would be the perfect boyfriend, the perfect husband! Why don't you understand?"
You nervously continued eating your cake.
You knew how Riddle felt about you, you've known the whole time, but you've never had the guts to actually reject him.
Now, you're being forced to say something on the matter.
"Why don't you understand, (Y/N)...?"
You looked at the vial.
The clear liquid inside probably tastes like strawberries. Or maybe cherries, or raspberries.
You know what it is.
You know what that drink truly is.
It's a potion. A love potion. Once you drink it, your entire view of the world will change. You'll be artificially in love with Riddle.
You popped off the cork, and brought the bottle to your lips.
"No matter how many times we go through this, when it wears off, the same thing always happens." Riddle lamented. "You go back to... not loving me. So maybe you just need me to do something while you're under the effect. Maybe that'll carry over to your normal mental state. If I do that to you... would you love me for it...?"
"Riddle. Do you want me to be honest?" You asked. He nodded his head. "I won't love you for it. In fact, I'll hate you if you do that to me. But knowing you, you aren't going to accept that as an answer. Whatever you're planning on doing, you'll do it regardless of my feelings. You'll convince yourself that this is what's best for both of us. You'll justify what you're doing in any way you can. And then, when I come to my senses and don't actually love you... you'll do all of this again."
Riddle was silent. He knew you were right, but he would never admit it.
He knew you didn't love him. He knew you never would.
But maybe.
Just maybe.
Somehow... you will.
No matter what he has to do, he'll make you fall in love. Not the false love you feel whenever he gives you the potion, but true love.
"Riddle... I hate you." You said, before drinking the love potion. You were right, it tasted like strawberries. It was viscous, it coated the inside of your mouth with it's sweet taste. That horrible, sweet taste.
And then, your thoughts altered. Everything was wrong.
Riddle sadly smiled when he saw you drink the potion.
"Maybe this time..."
Riddle got up from his seat and grabbed your hands.
"This time, (Y/N), please..."
"Please love me."
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razberrypuck ¡ 9 months
an assortment of various fionna and cake finale thoughts :)
to start off: I did enjoy it a lot! it was a little bit underwhelming I will admit (I think just because it was way overhyped as this super ultra sad thing) and it did feel a little (lot) rushed towards the end but honestly I don't really blame them for that? they only had 10 episodes to work with and plenty of things to tie up, and overall I did enjoy the ending, even if it left some things VERY open.
THE NIGHTMARE SEQUENCE IN FIONNA WORLD HELLO??? that shit was genuinely unsettling I LOVE it
I enjoyed golbetty, I loved how intimidating they made her, but I wish we got more of betty as herself.
I liked seeing shermy and beth again. I like the nod to the audience that hey, this isn't an alternate reality betty sent simon to. this is their ooo, this book was written by this simon -- perhaps so he wouldn't forget what betty taught him. perhaps to cope, to explore what their lives could've been like, if he hadn't let betty sacrifice so much. I also did thoroughly enjoy the segments of casper and nova.
fionna should've lost her arm during the fight with the scarab I think. she's GOING to lose it one way or another. I feel like it would've been a nice way to make the scarab more of a threat towards the people living in fionna world and not just. idk. buildings.
ALSO THEY SHOULD'VE ELABORATED ON THE WHOLE ANTI-MAGIC TOUCH THING. it felt like that was building to something and then it just Didn't. it was not a factor in either of these episodes and that sucks a little bit.
I've seen a few people bring up "show, don't tell" in response to some of the episodes and I absolutely get where that's coming from. from a storytelling standpoint yeah, they could've shown more than they told -- but also, from a characterization standpoint, it feels like simon isn't the type to RESPOND to indirect approaches. if he was not told, directly, that casper and nova's relationship was horribly flawed despite the love they had for each other, the message wouldn't have gotten through his head. if he didn't keep talking about it, it wouldn't have stuck. look at his behavior jumping through dimensions; nearly every world they visited, the behavior of that world's simon was the inciting incident. farmworld simon died preventing the mushroom war from ever happening. winter king regained his sanity only by inflicting the madness on another. vampire world simon was killed before he found and raised marcy. in the case of farmworld and vampire world, it's like the universe is trying to tell him look at what happens when you die early. look at how much you matter. and in the winter kingdom, that there is no secret "middle ground" with the crown. you'll be stuck between forcing another to carry the curse or being ice king until the sun blows up. but he doesn't pick up on these lessons. he wasn't forced to look at the dead bodies of farmworld or vampire world's simons. he brushed the winter king off as just being a fucked up simon, and proceeding to say he could be cursed "the right way," as if there's any winning with that crown. hell, this even applies to his and betty's relationship! he never thought much about how much betty was sacrificing because it seems like she never brought it up. that obviously isn't an excuse, but my point is: simon is a man that NEEDS to be told things, not shown. he needs to talk about things to process them (also see his video logs of his descent into madness). also pointing loudly at casper's design he has bandages covering his eyes he CAN'T see. he CAN'T see the things that might seem obvious to other people. he CAN'T see how much nova is sacrificing. this bullet point got a lot longer than I meant it to be but that's my take on a lot of the "show don't tell" stuff in the finale, outside of, again, the episode feeling a bit too rushed.
the detail of the betty statue in fionna and cake's world turning into one of golbetty is one that I really like. it feels like. idk. acceptance, on simon's end. that's still the love of his life, now as she's chosen to be, rather than how he remembered her.
I feel like the open-endedness of a lot of the stuff we've seen is because the crew has said they're interested in making more spinoffs, but holy shit I wish we actually got to see how simon going missing EFFECTED people in ooo. I wish we got to see people, even just randoms that frequented his museum-house, growing increasingly concerned for the 20th century man that never missed a day of work. I wish we got to see finn, who knew simon was in an awful place the day he disappeared, maybe stop by to visit, only to find him gone. or marceline showing up because he wasn't answering her calls (he ALWAYS answers her calls) and being worried about him. I wish we got to see people looking for him, or assuming the worst, or finding the golb shrine he'd hidden away in his closet, or finding choose goose's fried corpse on the floor of his home. I wish we got to see the confrontation that came afterwards, or him going out of his way to find and apologize to astrid. but whatever. I guess.
scrabby being reduced to prismo's assistant bc prismo STILL put in a good word for him after everything. he really is everyone's friend. scrabby is legally mandated to chill the fuck out Or Else and prismo isn't even trying to get on his nerves he's a better man than me. not only did he "put in a good word" he GAVE scrabby what he WANTED, to some extent. he is a wishmaster (or rather, could become one) like??? prismo is the guy ever you could do anything and he could still chill with you.
the bittersweet ending to petrigrof has left a hole in my heart <3 they are everything to me and everything to each other but finally learning that it's okay to let go and move on despite the pain is the best ending their story could've gotten, in canon.
there's probably more in my brain that I could write about but its 6 am and I havent gone to bed yet so end of post <3
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the-sun-is-also-a-star ¡ 8 months
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"For someone who loved words as much as I did, it was amazing how often they failed me."
-- If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio
“Because freedom, I am told, is nothing but the distance between the hunter and its prey.”
-- On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
and as for poetry, i like to talk about "Written in my Dreams by W. C. Williams" by Allen Ginsberg with other people because it's short and rolls over the tongue nicely and i like to come back to it, puts a smile on my face, you know?
i'll also never forget "A Carcass" by Charles Baudelaire from when we read it at school years ago and then again in high school and i have now chosen Les Fleurs du mal as one of the books for my oral school leaving exam, so it's definitely one of those authors i read once and was never able to get out of my head
and last but not least, Louise GlĂźck (may she rest in peace) and her "Theory of Memory" which includes the ending "Right now you are a child holding hands with a fortune-teller. All the rest is hypothesis and dream." and i simply don't have a choice but to love this one
i have so many more favourites, but these are the ones i can think of right now hehe <33
what r ur favourite poems and quotes??
those are brilliant actually
mine are quite, different to what one may think but i like finding meaning in things that other people think are only surface level :
思い出なんか いらん - we don't need memories
this is from the anime haikyuu LMAO which is a fucking volleyball anime and it is the team motto of one of the teams. It is quite honestly my life motto at this point. I used to live in the past, excused people for thing they do now because they were different in the past. they were different in my memories. I was so focused on the past i forgot to enjoy my present. I am done doing that. My memories hold me back. I am tired of it.
"to love and lose and still be kind" - warsan shire
this is pretty self explanatory. i dont think I've had a hard life. but i certainly haven't had an easy one. i have a habit of giving too much of myself to people. I'm working on rectifying that whilst still being kind.
"but i cut people out like tags on my clothing" - conan gray
I LOVE people watching its one of my favourite songs. but this line is really important to me. I've cut the tags off of my clothing for as long as I can remember. ever since i was a kid. I also have a habit of cutting out people the second they break my trust. as easy as cutting off tags from my clothing. I don't think its a good habit or a bad habit. it just. is.
"It's always the ones who are quietest who often have the greatest things to say" - TJ Klune, Wolfsong
This is from one of my favourite books of all time. I was a quiet child for a while. I never got excited for anything and after a while my parents suspected I had childhood depression, we still don't know for sure if I did. It makes a lot of sense though. It took me a while to become confident in my own voice and my own opinions. this quote is really important to me.
"Men don't cry. My daddy taught me that. Men don't cry because they don't have time to cry.
I must not have been a man yet because I cried. I bowed my head and cried." - TJ Klune, Wolfsong
This isn't personal to me in anyway, I just really, really love this part of the book and these two lines in particular.
"I'll be your hands." "I'll be your sanity." - TJ Klune, Ravensong
love has always been something I've read about. but this quote takes the damn cake.
as for poems,
At a Funeral by Dennis Brutus
I analyzed this poem for an English Lit class and the story behind why it was written really stuck with me. It was written after the death of Valencia Majombozi who was shot on the day of her graduation from nursing school. Its a protest poem and it just hits really fucking hard.
Death of a Naturalist by Seamus Heaney
This was the first poem that i ever took inspiration from. I had of course written before, but I really enjoyed Heaney's writing style so it strongly influenced my poem Quietude, which I am planning to submit to the empty inkwell publication...hopefully lol
Identity Card by Mahmoud Darwish
This poem is written as a form of protest poetry as well. Mahmoud Darwish was a Palestinian poet, for those of you who do not know and he wrote this poem about being asked for his identity card by Israeli Officers. Its really, really good.
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blueathens ¡ 2 years
Ocean’s 9-1-1 - AGAPE SERIES
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                     ACT TWO, CHAPTER 6
SONG: Stranger Things by Chase Atlantic QUOTE: “Man, this is why I could never rob a bank, I’m clearly not smart enough for it.”
A/N: Not proofread or edited.
A/N 2: This chapter is quite bad in my opinion due to me not having many ideas for what to do for it.
A/N 3: Also for the investigation scenes, the 118 dialogues are written on the right side in italics and labelled with who's speaking as they obviously all came in one by one, but in the show it combined them all together - i don't really know how to describe it...but I just thought maybe this be a better way to write this scene.
Previous || Next
Masterlist//Main Masterlist//Agape Masterlist
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"Hello?" Kasey groggy voice answers the phone, not taking a single look at who was ringing her in the early morning. She slowly sits herself up in her car where she once was sleeping, and very tiredly rubs her right eye with the bottom of her palm.
"Did you know there was so many types of flour? There's self-raising, plain, wholemeal and– " Kasey yawned as Eddie's voice welcomes her on the other side. "Have you only just woken up?"
"Good morning Eds, how are you today? I was doing amazingly until this crazy man rang me to inform me on all the different types of flour instead of confessing his undying love for me."
"My undying love?" Eddie laughs as he picks up another bag of flour, spinning it around in his hand as he tried to read the uses of this type of flour. "It's seven in the morning, Kas, how have you just woken up?"
"Quite easily actually," Kasey sarcastically responded. "I opened my eyes and–"
"Do you think I can use cake flour to make pancakes?" Eddie questions, interrupting Kasey before she fell into an entire sarcastic rant, brows furrowing as he looked at the flour in his hand before shifting his gaze to the multiple bags of flour in front of him. "I was going to make pancakes but realised I had no flour."
"And you thought to call me to ask questions on cooking?" Kasey would have let out a loud laugh if her body wasn't still trying to wake up. "I'm flattered but I do think you should have called Bobby instead."
"Would he be up?"
"I wasn't," Kasey said flatly.
"I thought you would have been," Eddie responded. "You usually are."
"So is Bobby," Kasey mutters, "I think he's also at work already."
"Huh," Eddie nods. "Anyways, what flour?"
"I don't know," Kasey rubs her eyes again whilst Eddie purses his lips to stop the stupid smile that was playing at his lips from hearing Kasey's voice. "Wait until you get to the sugars," Kasey laughs slightly. "But we don't need to talk about that until baking a cake or something."
Eddie lets out a small sigh of relief as he allows his body to relax after hearing he doesn't have to worry about the different varieties of sugars.
"Anyways," Kasey yarns again, sitting herself up more against the window, "I'm pretty certain Bobby uses plain flour for pancakes."
"You sure?"
Kasey hums in confirmation and that was enough for Eddie to pick up the plain flour and toss it into his basket.
"Pancakes are easy to make, right?" Eddie questioned over the phone, and Kasey shot an eyebrow up at the next sudden question about cooking.
"I like this Kasey Strand you have pictured in your mind," she teases, "sounds like she's a pretty amazing cook."
"Shut up," mumbles Eddie.
"I think you'll make some pretty good pancakes," Kasey reassures him before she pulls the phone away from her ear to check the time. "I've got to get ready for work, Eds. You're coming in at 9 aren't you?"
Eddie nods before realising Kasey can't see him, "Er, yeah, yeah I am."
"Alright cool," Kasey smiles. "I'll see you in a bit! Good luck on those pancakes"
"Hey! Hey!" A muffled voice said over the sound of slams against a window grabbed both Buck's and Kasey attention, both stopping and turning on their heel to stand by the drivers window, ready to aid the man slamming his window in desperation. "Can you tell me what's happening?"
Buck and Kasey gave a quick glance at one another before turning back to face the man. Buck licks his lip in thought, "Ugh, don't know, sir. We just got here."
"I can see that," the man lowers his face to the small gap that was in the off centre of his van door, but he stayed looking at the two young firefighters. "Do you know what the call was?"
"Two people down in the bank."
"Down? Like dead down? Injured down? Depressed down?"
"No," Kasey rolled her eyes and Buck snapped his neck to look at her, eyes squeezing shut as he listens to the next words that fell from his best friend's lips. "Their getting it down."
"You was called in for a dance party?"
Kasey stares at the man blankly. "Yes, we're the strippers that they hired."
"Oh," the man gives a form of a smile that was a mixture of gladness and slight excitement. "In that case–"
"She's not being serious," Buck sighs.
The drivers eyes widen, and the smile fell of his face. "M-my partner's in there."
Buck gives Kasey a look that she seriously shouldn't have made that joke, but Kasey's eyes moved to look down at her boots.
"Was your partner exhibiting any kind of symptoms of anything before entering the bank?" Buck called out loudly so he could be heard through the window.
"What?" The drivers face scrunches up. "No."
"Does he have any allergies or medical conditions?"
"No!" He states loudly. "He eats better than I do. He's-he's a pescatarian."
Buck holds his hand up in front of him. "Okay, well, uh, you just," he looks at Kasey, but she was still awkwardly staring down at her boots. "Sit tight!"
Buck pulls Kasey away with him in a rush, not listening to the last words of the driver as he was already onto scolding Kasey for the jokes she has been making recently, stating that there was a time and place for that.
"You're better than that," Buck states, hands waving all over the place. "It's bad when I'm the one telling you off."
"You're always telling me off." She rolls her eyes.
"Clearly I'm the only one who's been using our shared braincell recently," Buck shakes his head with a slight smirk. "At the moment it's like you're my child, call me daddy...I–" the two pauses at what Buck just said. "Never mind, that sounds wrong."
Kasey turns to look at him, horror was across her face as she stares at him. "Never," she emphasises strongly. "And I mean, never, say that again. That was horrible."
Buck nods, "we'll never bring this back up again."
"My therapist is going to hear about this." Kasey walks off into the bank.
"Therapist?" Buck calls.
"Yes," Kasey pauses as she keeps the door open whilst she looks over her shoulder. "Someone you talk to, not someone you sleep with."
"That was one time!"
"All right. Get him started on O2. Ten litres." Bobby instructs, hands placed firmly on his hips whilst both Buck and Kasey came to stand on either side of him, pulling up their blue gloves. Bobby then turns his head to look at the woman that worked within the bank. "You said there's a second patient?"
Bobby, Hen, and Bobby wondered into the vault of the bank, a man was on the ground, twitching and gurgling.
"Same as the courier out front." States Hen as she takes a look at the man that had the same white foam bubbling in his mouth like the last guy.
She kneels down next to him, medical bag by her as she places a hand on the ground right by his head and a hand on his cheek. "Exhibiting extreme muscle spasms. Cap, pupils are dilated."
Eddie walks in and stands next to Kasey to also take a look at the man.
"I don't know what we're looking at here."
Eddie leans forwards slightly before shaking his head.
"Could be a nerve agent." Kasey looks up from the man to stare at the back of Eddie's head. She crosses her hands, body falling slightly stiff as she chews on her bottom lip.
"You've seen that before."
"Been trained for it," Eddie looks over his shoulder at Kasey, brows scrunching as he takes in her body language, he then turns his head back forwards to gesture a handout to the man. "Symptoms all line up. The fact that we have multiple people down. I can't say for sure until we run some tests."
"Hen you need to move," Kasey said, voice slightly strained and quiet. Eddie takes a step back, shoulder brushing Kasey's as they watch Hen move away from the man.
"You okay?" Eddie whispers.
"We had something like this in the field." Kasey mutters before giving a half shrug. "I don't really know, our medic apparently gave one of our guys some form of poison, but we didn't know until much later on though. She refused to help him...she then died a minute later cause another guy shot her dead." Kasey purses her lips with slight raised brows as she recalls an event from her path. "She ended up being a spy who needed to kill my team."
Eddie looked at Kasey with a screwed-up face and Kasey shrugs.
"Luckily we caught on quickly as we only had her that day, and, er, I honestly had no idea what was going on as I wasn't in the best of conditions."
Eddie understood that Kasey wouldn't want to talk about it any longer as he turns and leaves the vault, Kasey shortly followed, she knew she wasn't the one who needed to be in a rush. She only did a bit of medic training, nothing compared to what Eddie had to do, she was more in the combat not the medic side.
But something in Kasey felt off, like this was going to end up being what happened to her team, that they believed it was something else, but it ended up being something worst. She gives Hen a wary look, seeing if she was going to follow behind, and Kasey presumed she was as she was now standing up and moving away from the man.
"Step away. Step away." Kasey heard Bobby say as she walked out the vault, catching up to the two patching men who was being followed out by the blonde woman. "I need everybody's attention. We are now preparing for a possible chemical exposure incident. That means nobody in, nobody out."
There's a click.
"We can't risk spreading whatever may be present here."
Hen hears the beeping and turns around.
She runs in.
"Cap," Eddie says, the team turning around to see her rushing in. Eddie moved first. "Hen! Hen!"
"Hen! Hen!"
She falls to her knees behind the man's head, but his hands grabs her face.
"Wait...No. Stay calm, sir. Stay calm!" She attempts to pull his hands off from her face. "I'm with the LAFD. We got to get you out of here!"
The vault door was a second away from closing.
"No!" She screams as she pushes herself up, rushing towards the heavy metallic door, whilst both Bobby and Eddie tries to pull the bars of the front of it, trying to keep it open; but failed to.
The vault door was closed shut.
Bobby presses the side button of his radio, "Hen, do you copy?"
Hen pants, "I'm here, Cap. Making myself comfortable."
"Not too comfortable."
"How do we open this?" Bobby points his thumb behind him at the closed vault as he questions the woman.
"Uh, we don't. The vault operates on a time lock. It wont reopen until the start of business tomorrow."
"What if it's an emergency." Bobby asks.
"There is a number for the vault company on Mr Prentiss' desk."
"Show me."
"I feel like a minion." Kasey mutters to her friends that were with her as they tried to open the vault in a various of different ways. Kasey turns to look at Eddie. "Look at Eds, Buck! He looks like a depressed minion, and you look like what's-his-name? Kevin!"
"Kas, what did I say about the jokes?"
"Just trying to defuse the tension," Kasey sighs as she slams her hand against the small screen of numbers. "I'm just nervous."
"We know," both Eddie and Buck voiced.
Bobby walks towards the trio, slight regret in his stomach that he told the three of them to work together on the vault.
This trio is a trio that should never work together, or it would be disastrous, but Bobby felt that them working together to attempt to open the vault – it couldn't go as bad as it already has.
"Not even a scratch," Buck alerts as he turns around to look at Bobby who was also in the same suit as the three of them.
Bobby walks towards the computer screen on the desk behind Eddie and Kasey.
"Okay, two people, 72 breaths a minute, we need to drill into that vault and get some air flowing."
"Doors are wired, Cap." Eddie waves his hand at the vault. "Running hot."
"We need to cut the power."
All the lights were switched off, only the torches attached to everyone's suits were on.
"You know the man in the van," Buck begins as he talks to Kasey who was standing next to him. "I think he was commenting on our minion suits."
Kasey turns to where Buck was standing, not seeing each other clearly due to the dark, but both had two different smiles on their faces.
"Really?!" Kasey bounced in excitement. "What he say?"
"I couldn't really hear him, but I think he liked them!" Buck switches on his torch when he noticed he was one of the ones who didn't have their torch on. "I said okay to him and knew I had to come and find you."
"Wicked!" Kasey whispers to herself.
Eddie begins to drill into the vault and the duo turned to watch.
"How are you and Jamie?" Buck questioned his friend as the two of them haven't been giving any instructions for this part except hold torches to help Eddie to see.
"We're alright."
"You happy with him?" Buck tried, side eyeing his friend as her eyes stay on Eddie.
"I suppose," she shrugs. "We've only been going out for a few weeks."
"But you would know if you were happy with him, I knew I was happy with Abbie immediately."
Kasey furrows her brows. "What are you trying to say."
Buck stumbles on his words as his looks around the dark room as if it would give him some form of answer, "just, er, I'm just making sure you're happy."
"Sure," Kasey drags out.
"We're through!" Eddie yells as he pulls out the end of the drill to look at the hole he made before someone pushes a tube through it.
"Okay, Chim, power us back up." Bobby says in his radio. "Buck, crank the O2."
He turns to the oxygen tanks, twisting the dial, before letting go and turning round to face Bobby.
"We're wide open, Cap." The four of them look at the computer screen to see the two bodies on the ground of the vault. "Okay, now what?"
"Now we get in there."
"How are we gonna do that?"
"We're gonna crack this safe."
"Chim and I are clearly the cool ones here," Kasey mutters as her and her team stand behind Bobby as he bends down. Her mask was in her right hand whilst her left hand pressed against her hip. "We're the only ones in our wicked minion suits."
She eyes the others in their usual uniforms.
"No idea why but–"
"Okay, we start drilling here," Bobby points to the blank wall that was surrounding the outside of the vault.
"Creating a crumple zone."
"Then what?" A confused Buck asks.
"Then, I have an idea. But we got to soften it up first."
"Soften up a foot of concrete?" Chimney questions.
"Yeah, it beats three layers of tempered steel." Buck looks at Kasey with a grin. "Told you I'm the one using the braincell between us." He places both hands on the hammer that was once resting against his shoulder in one hand. "Let's do it."
The drill goes in first to make a few small holes in various of places of the area Bobby pointed out. Afterwards it was the hammer that was then used to smash against the holes that were created, using them as a marker to where to break down the wall.
"Okay, Chim, I need you back inside," Bobby demands, "eyes on the vault cam. If we're compromising their safety in any way, you got to let me know."
"Copy that, Cap."
"All right."
"How does Chim look adorable in this minion suit?" Kasey asks, ignoring the concerned looks Bobby and Eddie was giving her.
"Kasey," Bobby says, and she turns to look at him with a small frown. "Get into the fire truck."
"Aye, aye, Captain."
Kasey climbs into the driver seat of the fire truck, driving it forth until Bobby halted her with a signal of his hand. The three guys connect the line in front of the truck into the small hole made into the wall.
Eddie rushes forwards after a listening to the sound of rattling for a few seconds. "The wrench isn't going to do it, Cap!"
Bobby held his finger up, gesturing to Eddie to give him a second whilst he went on his phone. Meanwhile, Kasey was drumming her fingers against the steering wheel, humming a song that was stuck in her head whilst she awaited for her next instructions.
Buck jumped into the passenger seat of the fire truck. "Reverse the truck, someone just died."
"What?" Kasey snaps her head to look at him whilst she begins to reverse the truck.
"Keep on reversing."
"What do you think I'm doing, Buck?" At those words the area of wall they wanted to break, came out onto the wrench. Bobby and Eddie runs towards the hole, followed closely behind by Kasey and Buck who looked over Eddie and Bobby's shoulder only to see Chimney standing on the other side.
The vault door was now open.
"Hey, guys."
"Fucking hell!"
The four of them looked between each other before watching Chimney walk into the vault, mask now on his face.
"Hen! Can you hear me?"
There's a groan.
"Chim?" Hen dryly asks.
"300,000 dollars."
"Tucked away on the 118 ladder truck. Any idea how it got there?"
HEN: "No, why would I?"
"You're with the 118. And you were at the bank when it was stolen."
KASEY: "Great observation, Captain Obvious."
HEN: "If by 'at the bank' you mean that I was unconscious and I was locked away in a vault, yeah. And I wasn't alone. "
MR PRENTISS: "Um...I'm sorry, this is so embarrassing. The doctors say I'm fine."
"Still feeling the aftereffects?"
"Do you have any idea what happened?"
MADDIE: "The call came in a little after 5:00."
KASEY: "I was in this minion suit for most of the time and for some reason Chimney looked freaking adorable in the suit! Yellow is his colour, just saying."
"I don't see how that's relevant."
KASEY: "Not to your question, no, but it's needs to be said. Anyways, we thought it was a nerve agent at first."
"On this report it says you've seen it before? When you was-"
KASEY: "I don't know much. A spy supposedly poisoned someone on my team and it looked a lot like what happened today."
"So you could've poisoned those people to help the 118 rob a bank?"
EDDIE: "That's a bold accusation."
"Looks like our money trouble is over. That's the text your sister sent you right after she took the 911 call. You care to explain."
BUCK: "Her landlord finally agreed to let her out of her lease and refund her security deposit. He'd been giving her some grief about it."
"You expect us to believe you just happened to take this call? And you just happened to dispatch  your brother's squad to the scene?"
MADDIE: "It happens more than you think."
CHIMNEY: "We're like a family."
KASEY: "The 118 is my family. So why would we purposely put Hen in danger?"
"That's what we're asking you."
KASEY: "Would you purposely put your own family in danger? No. I don't think so, so that question is-"
CHIMNEY: "I mean, a big, messy, extended family, but we take care of each other, we support each other. You know, we have each other's backs."
BOBBY: "Conspire?"
"Conspire. You conspired with your fiancee's ex-husband to steal the blueprints to that bank."
MICHAEL: "Not stolen."
ATHENA: "You think they did what now?"
MICHAEL: "People request building plans all the time. Architects, contractors..."
KASEY: "You really think we have time to plan and attempt a robbery? Dude we save lives nearly every-day, and do you think we do this job for the money, because if we did, then we wouldn't still be working here, would we? Cause let's be honest, we don't get paid enough to risk our lives every day, but we do our job because we care about people, we care and want this world to be more safe."
KASEY: "No wonder why people don't like you guys if you're throwing the word 'terrorists' around as if it's the same as 'I love you.'"
EDDIE: "Don't think I ever said the word 'terrorists."
"But you were the first to suggest it might be a nerve agent."
"And everyone figured  you knew what you were talking about. Coming from the military and all."
EDDIE: "It was part of my training. How to spot it. How to respond."
BOBBY: "We had to improvise."
"You do that a lot - improvise?"
BOBBY: "It's part of the job. See the problem, solve the problem."
KASEY: "Er, yeah, I suppose you're right. I do improve a lot, but what do you want us to do, have a cup of tea and a biscuit, so we can discuss a plan whilst someone dies right next to us. Yes, we be with you in a moment Jimmy, just got to decide what water pressure is needed to put out that fire."
MICHAEL: "I was trying to help a friend."
"Your ex's new squeeze is your friend?"
MICHAEL: "Hen is my friend. I mean, yes, Bobby's a friend, too. Hell, they're all my friends."
EDDIE: "I don't really know him."
HEN: "Someone said I seemed stressed? Who?"
BUCK: "Cranky. I said she was a little cranky that morning."
KASEY: "Buck and Eddie was hanging up a banner and I was blowing up balloons, Bobby was with Marty - he was someone checking our fire trucks - and Chimney was on his way to work for the first time since the incident."
"Did she seem stressed?"
KASEY: "Hen? I wouldn't blame her if she was stressed from talking to Buck. But we love Buck and-"
"That's not very professional."
EDDIE: "Who said we was in a relationship?"
KASEY: "What do you have against the 118 poly relationship?"
"It must be hard. Your wife losing her job at JPL."
EDDIE: "Yeah. Kids in general are expensive. But they're worth it, right?"
KASEY: "What you asking me about kids for? I haven't got any...right?"
EDDIE: "Y-yeah, okay, maybe I picked up a few extra shifts here and there, but it's not a big deal. Kasey and I are the ones who usually pick up the extra shifts."
KASEY: "I literally have no life so yeah I pick up extra shifts."
"300 grand does solve a lot of problems."
EDDIE: "I've got two full-time jobs: firefighter and dad. I don't have time to plan a robbery."
KASEY: "Why are you so curious on my sex life? Who said I slept with Eddie? We're both in relationships with other people. But how is that relevant?"
CHIMNEY: "I never said they slept together. But I'm not denying that the 118 has a bet going on to see when they'll get together. I've bet they would be together by next year."
BUCK: "My answer has changed about five times now due to their blindness...how long does a divorce take?"
BOBBY: "There is not a bet going on, that's unprofessional, and for those two members of my team? They are not together and will not be together as they are very happy with who they are already with."
"Six weeks at home,  guy like you, what you do for living,  you must've been climbing the walls."
CHIMNEY: "Well, more like redecorating them."
"Sounds like you had a lot of time on your hands. To think. To plan?"
CHIMNEY: "You mean to plot? Who did I plot with?"
EDDIE: "Yes, Kasey and I are together a lot, but that doesn't mean we're plotting to rob a bank."
"You rang her this morning to-"
EDDIE: "-To ask her about flour as I was making pancakes."
KASEY: "I was joking when I said I had no life. I'm not that sad of a human being. Jeez."
BOBBY: "No one on my team would do this. I am sure of it."
KASEY: "I was like ten when I stole that lollipop and I'm beginning to be creeped out on how you know that."
"We rang your family as we believe they could have been involved too."
KASEY: "How much longer of these pointless questions? I've got a dog waiting for his dinner."
"You moved here two, three years go. Minnesota, right?"
BOBBY: "Mm-hmm."
"Left there under a bit of a cloud, didn't you, Captain?"
"Truth is, you don't know the people you work with, and they don't know you. Do they, Captain Nash?"
"We have hardly any reports on you Strand, don't you think that's suspicious?"
KASEY: "No, cause they did that before and after the military for my own safety."
BUCK: "But i trust them. Kasey is my best friend, my sister, I - and Bobby? I trust him and I trust his gut. So when he said we needed to get into that vault, yeah, I believed him."
KASEY: "So, Bobby and I are now your top suspects or something? Might as well throw my dog into that list too."
"Captain Nash said you're aware of his past."
KASEY: "And? What has- hey! Cross 'Kasey's dog' off of that notebook of yours."
"You chose to run into that vault, Firefighter Wilson, believing that there was a nerve agent present. Why would you do that?"
HEN: "Because it's my job."
"Or maybe you were providing a distraction so one of your friends can do a different kind of job."
SAM: "I don't know what happened. I just did what the firefighter said."
BUCK: "The armored car driver."
KASEY: "He said he liked our minion suits."
SAM: "Those yellow suits that they were wearing was horrendous."
BUCK: "I thought he couldn't leave the truck."
SAM: "Then he said I was in danger. I had to get decontaminated. Look, I was scared, I did not know they were gonna rob the truck."
CHIMNEY: "Wait, so the money came from the armored car?"
MICHAEL: "Not the vault?"
HEN: "But I was in the vault the whole time. There's no way that's me."
"No you were the distraction. Getting everyone to look over there, so no one is noticing the man emptying the armoured car."
"So who's your partner?"
BUCK: "I'm so confused. Can you start over?"
Kasey sat anxiously in her apartment.
It was the second time she's been here since the incident. Bear was sat next to her on her coach whilst she leaned her head back to stare at the ceiling, not wanting to take a look at the rest of her apartment.
The ceiling was something she was okay with, it wasn't in her eyesight much since her incident, so it didn't bring her back any memories. But being in her apartment was odd, it didn't make her feel safe, so she was sat there taking deep breaths as she tried not to break down or have a panic attack.
She fiddled with her fingers as she anxiously waited for her lovely surprise to arrive, having already been warned by Athena that she should go in her apartment as the detective and officers will be round with a warrant.
Jamie, her boyfriend, was in her apartment too. He was in the kitchen making coffee for both of them, completely obvious to his anxious girlfriend or what was about to happen.
The second Kasey heard a fist pounding against her door, she jumped up and rushed to open it, Bear following closely behind.
And there they were, the detective and officers with a warrant before they all shoved their way into the house. Jamie leaned back to look at what the commotion was, only for his eyes to widen to see the herd of officers barging their way into his girlfriend's apartment.
Kasey closed the door after the last one entered, she looked down at Bear and shook her head before commanding him to heal at her feet whilst she leaned against the wall, trying to breath as she stared up at the ceiling once again.
She was in the hallway...she was in the hallway...she was in the hallway...
Jamie walked up to her, two mugs in his hands and handed one over to Kasey who quickly took it to keep her mind occupied.
"Did you know about this?" He whispers to her as he watches them from the hallway.
"I'm not allowed to say." She blows the top of her mug to cool down her drink.
"Do you think I should offer them a drink."
"No, they won't be here for long as there is nothing for them to find." Kasey takes a small sip of coffee, her other hand that wasn't holding her drunk was behind her, clutching the radiator. "No one else but me and Athena knows about this. They'll take stuff like my laptop, but I'll get that back in a few days when they discover this is all a false accusation."
"Where are they looking?"
"All of our houses. They even got warrants in Texas for my family down there. The firehouse and their firehouse. It's all bullshit really."
"We're going to your place afterwards, Doctor," one of the officers states. "You can get in our car with us."
"Can't wait." Jamie rolls his eyes.
"I can't wait to get out of this hell of an apartment. Probably should start looking for a new place." Kasey sighs as she looks at her dog before looking blankly at the wall in front of her. She was struggling a lot by being in this apartment and she needed these officers to hurry up so she can just leave.
Kasey even made sure to take out all her stuff from her car and move it back into this apartment so it didn't look like she was sleeping in her car, or they would use that against her and say she was struggling with money. Which she wasn't, not really, she was just struggling in being in this apartment.
And the real reason she hasn't tried to look for a new apartment was because then she would have to go back into this one anyways and get all of her stuff and clean it up for people to look to rent it out.
"Should've put vodka in this coffee, think we're gonna need it."
“Hey, Marty, thanks for coming.” Chimney says as he opens the fire trucks door as he sat in the inside of it.
“Hey. Yeah, I heard you guys were having trouble with the ladder. Was starting to think you guys, uh, don’t know how to use it.”
Another truck door opens, and Eddie leans out of the open window with a cloth in his hand.
“Well, you know how we operate. All our procedures and protocols.”
Buck and Kasey walk towards Marty.
“But maybe you could show us some tricks.”
“Yeah, you seem to know more about these trucks than we do,” states Bobby.
“Like where to hide 300,000 dollars of cash,” Kasey says as she crosses her arms and leans against the truck that Eddie was in.
Marty awkwardly laughs, “what are you guys talking about?”
Hen walks around the front of the trucks and appeared behind Marty.
“How are your hands, Marty? That alternative medicine still working?”
Marty looks round and all the fed-up firefighters before he dropped his toolbox, tools scattering everywhere, and making a dash for it, but he was stopped by the detectives that investigated every single one of them.
“Marty Collins,” the male detective spins Marty around by a hand on his shoulder. “You’re under arrest for bank robbery and murder.”
“Murder?” Marty questions as the handcuffs are put on him. “Who’d I kill?”
Kasey looks down at her phone as a message comes through.
Dad: No more of those unfriendly people are going to come to our homes, right?
Kasey: Suspect has just been arrested; we should all be good now.
“So,” Buck says as he sits himself down as they all moved upstairs to have their dinner. “Let me get this right. The fake nerve agent attack was a distraction for the armoured car robbery. Which was a distraction for the diamond heist. Crime is hard.”
Kasey laughs before she leans against Eddie to quietly talk to him, “do you think that soldier died from a nerve agent? Or was he poisoned by the spy or–”
“What happened to you on that day? As it sounds like it was your team giving you loads of different stories.”
“I was shot,” Kasey licked her lips, “and er, I was trying to sort myself out whilst my team went through those few minutes of hell. It was all quick and sudden…it’s just…if it was a nerve agent then someone else could have helped…couldn’t they?”
“I’m not sure, Kasey, is there a way for you to ask someone on your team about that day?”
Kasey shakes her head, “they all died within that week, we had another spy in the team, but I survived because I got called out to go into this other team where a medic could look at my wound. I came back and they were all dead, except the other spy who got away.”
Eddie gave her a sympathetic look; he knew how hard it was being out there.
“But they all died the same way, they all died like they were having a nerve agent attack…but that can’t be a coincidence…right?”
Eddie shakes his head, “maybe it was poison, and you were the only lucky one to get away.”
“Yeah, guess I should be glad I was shot.” Kasey purses her lips in thought. “It was a crazy week and I never really thought about it until now…think I kind of just blanked it out of my memory until now…until seeing something so similar to it.”
“I don’t think this will be something that will ever be answered, Kas.”
“I know…it’s just crazy.”
“It is…how old were you.”
“I was eighteen and it was my first week out in the field. They gave me a medal for that week too, for spotting the spies. I did nothing though, it – I don’t deserve those medals.”
Kasey shuffled back into her seat, not wanting to think about it any longer as she listens to Hen as she digs into her food.
“Franklin knew the bank and Marty knew us.”
“But how did they knew each other?” Eddie questioned with a mouthful of food.
“Brothers-in-law. Well, ex-brothers-in-law. Franklin had been married to Marty’s crazy sister. And when they ran into each other again, a plan formed. Franklin was the inside man. His job was to create a medical emergency in the bank. The kind that would trigger a hazmat response because Marty knew that we’d have to seal the perimeter to execute the Big Bird protocol. He gets the driver to leave the truck and empty all of his pockets. And while the driver gets clean, Marty gets rich. Except, how’s he gonna get all that money out of there? Can’t just walk it off the scene. He needed a mule. Or a team of mules. Us.”
“Not a bad plan,” Bobby says, “I mean, it’s crazy, but it could’ve worked. We bring the money back here and all he has to do is wait for the right moment to sneak in, access the ladder truck and retrieve the money. Except there want any because the police had already beaten him to the punch.”
“But how’d the police know exactly where to find the money?” Buck questions.
“Cause there was one variable that Marty didn’t count on,” Chimney tells them, “the double cross. See, Marty may have known everything there is to know about the LAFD protocol, but Franklin knew about the bank. He knew what was in that vault. He could steal those diamonds with his eyes closed. See, Marty’s plan was simple, but Franklin’s was more time-sensitive, so he told Marty the best day to rob the armoured car would be his last day. He knew there’d be a party at the end of day at the close of business. He’d start with Marty’s plan, then he’d improvise. Franklin made sure he collapsed inside the vault. He knew what our result would be. Then all he had to do was wait for the vault to automatically close and time-seal for the night. Then he’d have hours alone inside that vault while we ran our rescue protocols. It was a meticulous plan. But there was an unexpected complication.”
“Me,” Hen continues. “He was supposed to be in there alone. So me running in to save his sorry arse? A complication. He had to take me out, too. But now he’s playing ‘beat the clock.’ Soon as the cameras couldn’t see, Franklin swiped six million in stones and waited to be saved. All he needed was a clean gate away. He sends the police after us. So, while the police are investigating us…he could flee the country. New name, new passport, new life.”
“He just wasn’t fast enough,” informed Bobby.
“Marty knew he’d been double-crossed.” Said Eddie.
“He goes to confront Franklin.”
“So Marty killed Franklin,” Buck says proudly in the way that he was finally understanding the story.
“Man, this is why I could never rob a bank, I’m clearly not smart enough for it.” Laughs Kasey.
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hailsatanacab ¡ 2 years
I Like You, And I Love Him, We Could All Be The Best Kind Of Friends
(Here I am shamelessly asking for some everlasting trio content because this ship has a death grip on me. Yes this is from the In The Middle song by dodie what abaut it?)
I Like You, And I Love Him, We Could All Be The Best Kind Of Friends
Ahhhhh I've never really written nor read any everlasting trio before, so let's see how this goes 😅 I'm trying from Tucker's POV
Danny's confused.
Luckily, Tucker isn't.
Sam's a little in denial, but that's just because she's a goth and she's convinced herself that goths don't have mushy feelings like this. Sure, she likes them both, doesn't go a day without talking to them and she always goes quiet whenever they bring up colleges and the possibility of having to split up the group, but that's just normal! She doesn't need to look any closer at any of these feelings, because she's a goth and all she needs is darkness and misery and maybe like her combat boots or something.
Luckily, Tucker can see through Sam pretty well by now, too.
He's never really thought of himself as the emotional center of the group, that's always been Danny in his mind. Danny's more empathetic, more protective of others—which only increased ever since he became Phantom (which Tucker is not at all jealous about, not any more, no thank you)���but these days...
These days, Tucker is having some doubts about where the real emotional maturity lies.
For all that he loves him (and he really does love him), Danny can be dense.
We're talking Grandma's chocolate cake levels of dense where it's a struggle to swallow around it, but it's sweet and tastes so much of home and comfort that you can't help but crave it constantly.
It's all:
"Aw, thanks bro, yeah, I love you too!"
"Yeah, you’re right, we would make a good couple! Bromance for the ages!"
"Yes, Tucker, you're dead gorgeous, too, now throw me the thermos!"
It's enough to make Tucker despair.
And if anything, Sam's worse!
The second you try to bring up feelings with her at all, she's making a snarky comment with her arms crossed and her nose up in the air. If she's in a particularly bad mood, she'll steal his beret and run off which happens so much that Tucker's taken to carrying a spare with him. There's no way you're going to make him run.
With Sam, it's more:
"The only thing I'm going to crush is you, Tucker!"
"Like-like? Tucker, I barely like anyone, let alone like-like."
"No, Tuck, it didn't hurt when I fell from Heaven—but I did chip a fingernail when I crawled my way up from Hell just to kick your ass, come here!"
So, talks are going well.
Who would have thought, who could have ever fucking dreamed that it would be Dash "Dumb as a Bag of Rocks and Just as Mean" Baxter to actually get the ball rolling?
There they are, sitting at their lunch table, Tucker with his head in his hands after another failed attempt while Sam and Danny argue over the best MAY song (it's 'My Parents Reek', but he doesn't have the strength to even begin with how they're wrong), when Dash passes by with Kwan in tow.
"Trouble in paradise? Guess even freaks of a feather don't stay together! You should kiss and make up, no one else is ever going to do it—not with your ugly face, Fen-toenail!" They walk away without waiting for an answer, their laughter echoing through the hall, and honestly that's about the best it could have gone. No one got hurt and Tucker can work with this!
"What a jerk, as if we're the ones that are going to end up alone," Sam scowls at his back.
"That's what I've been trying to say!" Tucker exclaims, throwing his hands in the air because he's kind of losing it right now, there are only so many hints one man can drop! "I like you, and I like him. You like him and I'm pretty sure you like me. Danny—"
"I like you both!"
Tucker sighs and puts his head back in his hands. It was too much to hope for. Poor, sweet, chocolate-y Danny.
"Danny, I like-like you..." His voice is muffled by his hands but that's fine, it’s not like this is going to get through to him anyhow. "You know, romantic styles."
"Oh... uh, romantic styles? I mean, I, uh..." Danny's face is beet red and he's rubbing the back of his neck like he always does when he's embarrassed. It would be cute if this wasn't the farthest Tucker's gotten in his confession for months. "Yeah, uh, tee moo. No, I mean, me too. Romantic styles, I mean... yeah. Both... of you. Too."
They both turn to look at Sam, who appears to have stopped working.
Her eyes are wide and the tofu wrap she's been eating slowly unravels and drips that gross tofu water down her arm.
Tucker knows it's love because he doesn't even mind that it's tofu. (Well, he does, but just a little bit, it's tofu! Have some integrity!)
The first thing that Sam whispers doesn’t fill him with confidence. "But you have such bad taste... You think 'Teachers Suck but the Government Sucks More' is the better MAY song, when it's obviously 'Screw Rent Screw Taxes (SEOBC)'."
Tucker wouldn't have put money on Danny being the first to fully understand his feelings, but he probably should have seen this coming.
"And you," she says, turning to Tucker, "eat meat and wear berets."
His gasp is as shocked and scandalised as those old ladies in the British costume shows his mom watches. "How dare you!Berets are classy and timeless and I will hear nothing against them. It's okay baby," he plucks the beret off his head to coo to it, "she didn't mean it, I promise."
"I can't believe I like you, too. Both of you." She sighs and fixes her wrap, licking up the tofu juice. "And your beret."
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mountainashfae ¡ 5 months
Word Search Game
Tagged by @outeremissary! This was a very funny way to spend my work day because we know I am Not a writer so I was digging deep to see what I could find. Dug up some very cool rambles and unfinished pieces from ages past.
The words I was given were TIME, HAND, and DARK.
TIME - This isn't really a WIP so much as an unpublished character backstory, written from the character's PoV. My Dragon Heist players will start to recognize him, but this is a specifically DnD5e version of Alec rather than the PF1e version they're acquainted with.
Take that gear. Grab that gold. Get a weapo–why are you picking up the bow? The voice continued to echo in his head to lead him to safety. Something about it filled him with dread. It was sophisticated, it was princely, it was like a whispering wind, and it was intense in its guidance to lead him out. It wasn’t until he was riding away on the back of a horse—did he always know how to do this?—that he began to wonder what was happening. He’d glanced at a mirror in his escape; at his dirt-caked hair, at his four horns whose count felt wrong, at his mismatched pair of eyes. What was he doing in that building? Why did it burn so suddenly? Who was he? Don’t think too hard. We aren’t safe yet. It’ll come back to you. The voice in his head wasn’t very comforting. But it was right, bits and pieces began to come back to him. His name, Alec, glimpses of his home, vague memories of loved ones. But whose voices were speaking to him? Whose gentle hands was he longing to hold him? He couldn’t remember, and it pained him. The pieces of memory came to him in the middle of the night as he tossed and turned for even a moment of sleep. It went on for hours, he would lay down in his stolen bedroll to sleep, but sleep never found him. After a week he finally accepted that he would never sleep. In fact, it appeared he didn’t need it anymore. That’s useful, more time to get work done if you never sleep. Alec found himself disagreeing with the voice more often than not.
HAND - This is from my current WotR WIP titled Accepting a Fey's Gift, which has been in limbo for months now as I try to figure out how to tie together all the disconnected sections.
"Forget the gift, let's talk. Just the two of us." Rotgut began to object from Aurien's shoulder before they gave him a stern look. Without missing a beat, the parrot nipped at their ear and flew off. "I don't know why you still keep that oglin around,” Ulbrig shook his head, checking on their now-bleeding ear. “I got lonely, especially after the shipwreck. He managed to survive it with me, so, it seemed a good idea at the time.” They reached to touch Ulbrig’s hand, but pulled back at the last second. The ice was too cold, he was making an effort to come this close as it was. “Still seem like a good idea?” “Well even if I’d known about a certain griffon sleeping in a statue in Kenabres, I doubt he would have woken up some 10 years ago…” Aurien stopped themself, catching the distraction in the conversation. “Let’s not change the subject. We need to talk about this.” Ulbrig sighed, gently pulling his hand away. “Then let’s talk.”
DARK - Okay. Okay so. It turns out in all these years I can only find one fic, wip or not, that uses this word??? Somehow?? Anyways my biggest regret in 2020 while I was in the Fate fandom was never finishing this fic. It's from the PoV of Perseus during the unwritten scene and fight against Caster. I came up with so much stuff for this. I had the entire fic planned out and it would've been the longest thing I've ever written. I made a whole fanservant for this. Mopsis my weird little guy.
He blinked. That’s how fast the change happened. One second, they were in fourth period. It was English. Sajyou-san sat two rows down from him, next to the window. She’d seemed distracted with something that day and wasn’t paying attention to the lecture. The next second, the familiar classroom was replaced with an alien landscape. All his classmates had disappeared. That left two options; either he was the only one in this space, or his classmates were all elsewhere. The landscape was alien in all sense of the word, but held a strange familiarity to it that he couldn’t place. There was no sun, only the dark expanse of space. Hundreds of glowing lights illuminated the ground as if they were stars. Everywhere he looked was gray. It was a desolate, barren land. As he walked down the path beneath his feet, he could get a better grasp on where he was. No typical laws of physics seemed to apply. Paths and rocks floated in the air as if in a three-dimensional maze, the “landscape” expanded for as far as he could see in all directions. No matter how far he looked, there was no sign of life. No plants, no people either. He seemed to be completely alone in the foreign remnants of a once prosperous society. That was fine, he could find his way out of this. He had faced plenty in his time, this was nothing more than one more adventure to his list. With a deep breath, the situation became clearer. The air was tinged with magic, like the Age of Gods. If this was the case, all he had to do was… “Isemi-kun!” A voice called out, disrupting his thoughts.
A shame some of my other older writing couldn't make it. The Cei fic or the Cay monologue could've been fun.
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amazing-spiderling ¡ 3 months
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
🍭why did you start writing?
I played a little process of elimination here. Could I read (and even enjoy?) a story with less than ideal plot, worldbuilding, grammar, and language? Yes, I think so- even though those all enhance the experience for me. I can think of specific times I've had to stop reading and just *sit* with a perfect and unique metaphor- when an author described something and I realize that if I had a hundred years to come up with a million different ways to describe the same thing, I never would have imagined it the same way they did. And there are times I've read fanfic and thought the plot was so engaging, the worldbuilding so rich that even if it wasn't about a fandom I was in, I would still enjoy it. (Sometimes I throw those recommendations to my friends, just as a sample of excellent writing.)
But the characters. Oh. I am very sensitive to what the kids call, "he would not fucking say that" syndrome. Even in actual mainstream media- I will suffer through absolute *dreck* if there is even one character I really like, who is written very well. I need those characters that ping for me to become invested in a story. After that- everything else is just fruit, frosting and sprinkles. Welcome, for sure. But I'm here for the cake.
hrghhhh ummmm... I'm not even particularly proud of it, but I'm also not really one to delete fics, but after Infinity War came out, I (along with most MCU fans at the time) was sitting there going, "wait, now what?" I remember watching (and rewatching) that movie and trying to piece together where the story might go from there- and all the fan theories flying around, some of which were much more interesting (and grounded in the established universe?) than what we got. At the time there was a lot of talk about all the "snapped" people possibly ending up in a pocket universe (which were the fashion at the time lol) perhaps in the soul stone or similar. I didn't want to delve into that too deeply, but I took a little bit of that idea along with the (eventually walked back) reveal that May Parker didn't get snapped and tried to write a little fic about Tony and May having a conversation as the, ah... "dust settled", so to speak.
I picked apart Peter's famous parting words, the "I don't want to go" part specifically, and had Tony realize that the "going" was more literal than he realized, with all the vanished going to the soul gem realm etc. He then realized that was the problem he needed to tackle, with May's stone faced encouragement.
It's not the most compelling thing I ever wrote, and obviously it's not canon-adherent, but I think it just kinda flailed around and flopped (as I imagined) because it was short, gen, and maybe a little too vague in the language. But, meh. I got it out there and out of my system.
I'm trying to think back to my first (non-schoolwork) attempts at writing. There were silly little comics, of course, and these sort of... hybrid story/art/joke notebooks. I think high school is the first time I really remember sitting down and writing actual fanfiction of any kind. The thing that all of those experiences (and much of my writing these days) have in common is a communal aspect. I drew comics on notecards to share back and forth with my friends. We swapped the notebooks, each contributing to different pages as we tried to make each other laugh. In high school, we wrote about series and movies we'd seen, working in inside jokes and discussing what people now call "headcanons" before putting them in a story.
"Back in my day" fandom specific forums were still a thing, so when I tried my hand at writing X-Men and Sailor Moon fanfic, there were forums to share things on, and even if there wasn't a built in comment system, there was still the feeling of community and sharing.
This is all to say that for me, writing (and all forms of creating) have always been about sharing and connecting with other people. Whether they were my classmates, best frieends, or people I happened to meet online- writing is another way to express myself, share my thoughts and develop ideas in the hopes of building something, whether it's giggles at the lunch table or an online community. It's not just why i started writing, but the reason I still do. :)
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writtengalaxies ¡ 2 years
A Confession At Knife-point
Cup God Chronicles :: Part 4
Characters: God of Night, GN!Reader
Word Count: 730
Spicy Rating: Our dear reader has a foul mouth, so expect a lot of f-bombs y'all!
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You stare across the table at him.
The God of Night has his hands folded in front of him, trying to keep his eyes anywhere but on the glow-in-the-dark plastic cup you're sipping juice from, the book open to that last ritual, and your face. Finally, you sigh, putting the cup down, folding your hands in front of your face. Sure, you feel a bit like an anime villain, but...the man made you a promise.
"I didn't die. So start talking. What's so ooky-spooky about this ritual that makes you so skittish?"
"How much do you understand of what's written here?"
You shrug, pointing out the sections. "This basically reads like it's a spell for a messy break up, but I can't read most of the page."
He sighs, honest to gods (ha) sighs, like a melodramatic teenager. "It's...more complicated than that."
"Explain it to me, then."
"I...I would rather not-"
"You made a deal, dude. What's in the damn book."
"...I don't have many followers. You're...you're honestly my only one any more, even by technicality. I exist because I am Night, and--"
"I don't care about your tragic backstory right now. Why's this spell freaking you out so bad. Just means I get my privacy back, right?
"It..." He sighs again, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes. "It...it isn't just severing the connection between us. It...it takes from you."
"Like, what? I'll get dizzy, or--"
"Emotionally. It cuts out part of your emotional range as payment. It's not meant to make it...easy. You lose part of yourself. Based on what I've seen in the past, your particular witticisms, your sarcasm, your....you-ness...You might be a strange, weird little mortal, but you're my strange, weird little mortal--" He takes a breath, his hand covering the part of his face you can see, like he's embarrassed about saying that. "If you truly want me gone, I'll...I'll find a different way to sever our connection, I swear. I promise. But just...I..." He swallows, a motion you're not really certain he needs to do, before he speaks again. "I...I'm fond of you, in a way I haven't been in a very long time...and...I would be...put out if you lost your...spark, starlight." 
You blink. He's never called you anything but 'mortal' before. Not your name, and certainly not what could best be described as a pet name.
You sigh, shoving to your feet to go process things, get a slice of cake. You bought it as a treat to yourself, and by fucking god, did you need it now. The last thought, that last word really lingered, however, and you turned, brandishing the knife as you started talking.
"Wait a fucking second. Why did you call me starlight? What kind of--Are you blushing?" The god shifted to turn away from you, leaving you to follow him around the table, trying to catch his attention. "You are! Why are you--oh my fuck. Do you have a crush on me?" He continued to look away, leaving you laughing almost hysterically as you headed back to the cake, gesturing as you spoke. "This is how I find out. Fucking figures! First time someone does in forever, and it's a god with a problem with personal space--"
"Please, starlight, can we talk about this--will you please put the knife down before I actually tell you--" He squawked, staring at you, then over his shoulder, where the the object you just threw rolled to a stop. "Did you just throw a cup at my head?!"
"I dunno, did you just decide to call me sweet things like we're already lovers?"
"...Fair point, but...perhaps...perhaps I am fond of you in that way as well. I just...you're interesting in many ways, and everything I learn about you I carry with me through each night..."
You stare at him for a long time, then sigh. "Do it properly."
"...Sorry, what?"
"If you're going to try to flirt with me, do it properly. Woo me, motherfucker. Flowers. Dates...I don't know if gods do dates, but I'm not just gonna say 'oh boy! Time for deific dalliances!', you gotta work for this."
"...You're...not opposed. To..."
"We'll see. I'm not a cheap date."
You give him a smirk, not unlike the ones he's used to giving you.
It's worth it to see the small, truly happy smile come to life on his face.
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mayonnaisetoffees ¡ 1 year
Oversharing on the Internet
Tagged by: @mistmarauder 🧡 (I can respond to these in a timely manner! Who knew? Though I always say waaaaay too much hence the readmore)
ONE: Are you named after anyone? My middle name was for my mum's great-nana I think? Maybe great-grandma and I only think great-nana because we only had a great-nana. But not my first name, no. But fun fact: My parents ONLY had one name for a girl. If my younger sibling had been born a girl they'd have been fuuuucked. (Also part of why I keep my name despite it being v much female-coded because like I earnt this. Also, like... it's my name. It fits me, thought I more often than not get confused seeing it written down because like that's my verbal name, Mayo is my written name.)
TWO: When was the last time you cried? Last week? Little sleep + stress of moving = lots of tears at random times.
THREE: Do you have kids? Nope! Don't have pets either. I wanna foster/adopt/support (probably older kids/teenagers) at some point but not for a few years and I absolutely do not want bio kids. Pregnancy freaks me the fuck out.
FOUR: Do you use sarcasm a lot? Fairly often? I can't even tell anymore tbh like I just talk, even I'm barely paying attention to what I'm saying half the time! Less so online I think (this is where people are like nah mate you do that here too) because it's definitely been misunderstood before - sometimes making me look very daft and I'm like I don't know you people well enough to say that that was what is called a joke
FIVE: What sports have you played/do you play? I never found one I liked apart from, like, bench-ball. The fact that there aren't (that I've found at least) casual places to play bench ball as an adult is a fucking travesty.
SIX: What's the first thing you notice about people? Their smile/laugh/sense of humour? I'm really bad with faces, but if someone laughs or makes a joke pretty soon after I meet them, I remember them a lot more easily. Online it's definitely like the quirks of their writing style.
SEVEN: What's your eye colour? Brown! Pretty dark brown too so like none of the "ooh it's got XYZ in it in the light" it has brown with hints of brown
EIGHT: Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings - I am the biggest wimp with scary films. I was part of the "let's go hang in the kitchen with the leftover pizza/snacks" gang if horror films came on at a sleepover!
NINE: Any special talents? I'm not the biggest fan of cake, but by god will I make the best cake you've tasted. I can also do a good mix CD (less good at specific playlists because playlists it's just a big mess of great songs) and I can flick through to the right page in a book for a quote pretty easily - drove some people mad in English because people would be trying to find it for like five minutes and I'd just be like drrrrrrrr (idk how to write the noise for fanning through the pages) There!
TEN: Where were you born? At home, south of England (I'm very much Northern, being there for like two memories max one of which was falling asleep indoors doesn't count 😂). I can't remember if it was me or my older brother this happened for, but my mum went into labour in the middle of the night and woke my dad up and was like "The baby is coming" and my dear father went "If you still think so in half an hour, wake me up again" and rolled back over. Needless to say, he was not, in fact, allowed to go back to sleep. He also hates that story so we tell it as often as possible 😇
ELEVEN: What are your hobbies? Uhh I watch a lot of TV? 😂 I need to get more hobbies that get me outside tbh. But I podfic, I knit sometimes when I'm watching stuff and I play games when I watch stuff, I cook a lot, I bake, I like long walks on the beach actually I like reasonable length walks by rivers/green areas or along the promenade if I'm at the beach because sand (Anakin Skywalker was right and he should say it).
TWELVE: Do you have any pets? Nope! Just moved, but I used to help look after my friends' dog every so often - she's a black cockapoo called Luna and I love her dearly but she also made me realise if I do get a dog, I don't want a puppy. They are a lot of work. Which makes sense because they are literally baby
THIRTEEN: How tall are you? 5'7", please don't ask me for the metric - I haven't had to be measured in a while so I only know it in imperial. I wanna say like 167cm maybe? Does that sound right???
FOURTEEN: Favourite subject in school? English (Language over Lit) or French 100%. I always say that my optional GCSEs were all basically an extension of my skills in English (AKA bullshitting): Religious Studies (taught tbh as Christianity + a few other examples), French, Spanish (both still bullshitting just in another language), and Drama (absolutely bullshitting and also in my case scaring the shit out of an examiner because the plate smashed into lots of pieces that flew everywhere rather than just a few in a controlled space like it had in rehearsal)
FIFTEEN: Dream job? God I miss working in a cafe/events. But they don't pay the bills as well! Also like I would ideally want to do my current job 3 days a week and a manual job 2 but like without having to work lots of extra hours to keep on top of both, yk?
Tagging: @glaftwlet @emryses @snapshotmaestro @idyllic-idioms @alloverthegaf and idk anyone else who wants to do it! Brain empty can't remember usernames
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anulithots ¡ 9 months
The Prayer Plant. Episode four - "The littles"
HELLLLOOOO non-plant beings. It has been a bit. So here's some news about Dottie's story... three parts to the ending. <3 I couldn't really figure out how to end this properly, and I guess that's the point of the tumblr houseplant series - growth, decay, but never an end, not really.
A tumblr houseplant story from @awleeofficial
The seed post is here
Episode one - "Inspiration"
Episode two - "Desperation"
Episode three - "Rose"
Note - this is still a first draft, any feedback would be much appreciated. <3
Also also, a picture of the littles' plants <3
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The first step is Pancake's. The second step is Cream's and the last one is Fuzzy's.
We don't talk about the third step.
"Dottie? You're being LOUD."
Dottie glanced to cream. Fae rested faer head on the pot rim and blinked faer half-lidded eyes.
Dottie cooed, faer head was fuzzy. "But this means we will be very clean"
"And we like clean."
"Yes." Dottie bit back a snap... and recoiled at the very thought of snapping at Cream. Why was fae so-
"But what's the point? Now you're all dusty."
Dottie looked to faer paws. "I'm all.... dusty."
The dust fae spend the past few... hours apprently, cleaning had caked onto faer paws and faer leaves and... eyes and nose and mouth.
Dottie wanted to nap.
Cream tumbled out of the pot to Dottie's feet. "I'll have to clean you now"
Dottie nodded.
Cream was in the open.
The others would see.
They would see and they would want Cream gone because fae didn't have a plant. None of them had plants and it was all Dottie's fault and fae couldn't even take care of faer own plant or dust it properly. Fae was getting worse and worse and cleaning was faer best trait and -
Why did fae think fae was good enough for this? Before the others knew exactly how to break up fights and not bore the littles and show them everything they needed to know. Here every plant grew fine and never showed any signs of distress, ever.
And Dottie?
Dottie found all of that - what was normal and easy for them - so incredibly difficult.
So here fae was, covered with dust, leaves wilting, littles exposed.
Dottie failed everything, everyon-
Cream patted Dottie's paw. "It's okay, it's okay, you don't need to cry."
Dottie was crying? When did that-
Faer breath hitched. Tears wiped away the layers of dust.
Dottie was crying.
Cream murmured, snuggling faer head against Dottie's paw.
Fuzzy came nest, followed by Pancake.
Fuzzy booped Dottie's nose and made silly faces. Pancake sat next to Dottie and leaned against faer side, a silent comfort.
It broke Dottie.
Fae collapsed into sobs, getting tears and dust all over the littles, crying all of it away.
Perhaps the others before were better at taking care of the littles. Perhaps they were better at keeping everything clean and healthy. Perhaps they were better at never making mistakes or needing time to rest.
Dottie tried faer best.
And Dottie had the sweetest littles ever. The others would agree, and if they didn't - if they wouldn't want plant-less pollywiggins - then Dottie would bite them. Fae would protect faer littles and give them as much love as fae could.
Dottie hugged Cream and Fuzzy - who were arguing on whether tickles would cheer Dottie up or annoy faer - and whispered 'thank you.' Fuzzy nuzzled into the hug and Pancake - who didn't like hugs - patted Dottie on the head.
And Dottie?
Dottie took a nap.
Okay. So I had written this a while ago, but the perfectionism came up and I was wondering if I should rewrite the whole ending because... well I had written better before and there were others who wrote a lot better than me... but wow, look. Tumblr houseplant series. Looking back on it now, it's probably my favorite things I've ever written.
Two more mini episodes - more of wrap-up ones - to go <3
if you don't mind the little self-promo: reblog this with one kind statement to "water" Dottie, let's spread some wonder to this convoluted place <3
And spread the word to anyone else who would like to add their houseplant to the garden, perhaps we can fill tumblr with houseplants.
[next episode- "Cream, Fuzzy, Pancake"]
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bite-sized-devil ¡ 2 years
My list of songs that remind me of obey me characters.
I am up for debate on these, convince me with an essay discussing in detail why your song is better. 🌻
Inspired by this post made by @delphi-dreamin
Lucifer: Down The Line by Alison Wonderland
Ok, this needs some explanation. This goes really well (I think) with @sassykattery "Dissolution of the Fire" Series. The song suits what i think Lucifer would be feeling at the end.
"I've been hiding in my work
Keepin' busy 'cause it hurts
Couldn't answer all your calls
Thought you'd get it but you don't"
"In this house, now just feels lonely
'Cause I'm so fucking lonely"
Mammon: Money by Cardi B
I've said it before, this is 100% Mammon's Anthem. You can't change my mind. My boy would love it.
"I was born to flex (Yes)
Diamonds on my neck
I like boardin' jets, I like mornin' sex (Woo)
But nothing in this world that I like more than checks (Money)"
Leviathan: Number One Fan By MUNA
The entire song screams Levi. Seriously, was it actually written about him? I'd believe it if it was. (Side note: I'll be your number one fan Levi!)
"Oh my God, like, I'm your number one fan
So iconic, like big, like stan, like
I would give my life just to hold your hand
I'm your number one fan
I'm your number one, number one fan"
Satan: Talk Deep by East
Purely because I would love to talk deep all night in bed with Satan. We both read, I'd love to here his opinions/thoughts/feelings on certain books. Also he might benefit from smoking some pot I think, might chill him out about.
"Something about you makes me feel hectic
We're in your room, it's so electric
I'm really glad we left the party
I'm really glad you wanna keep talking
I don't want sleep, I wanna talk deep all night
You're looking at me and I can't believe my eyes"
Asmodeus: Her By Megan Thee Stallion & First Class Bitch by Confidence Man
I couldn't decide between the two for my darling Asmo. Both suit him very well. I have a saved draft about Asmo and the song Her.
"Just the other day, I heard a ho say
Matter of fact, what could a ho say?
With a face like this and a bitch this paid
Shit, what could a ho say?"
"Baby, I'm a first class bitch (First class)
Baby, I'm a first class bitch
Baby, I'm a first class bitch (First class)
And I know you love it" (Its true I fucking love it!)
Beelzebub: Chocolate Cake by Ali Barter
Its pretty self explanatory, I think he would dig it. (Can I smash some cake in his mouth? Please?)
"Cake cake cake
Chocolate cake cake cake
Straight to my face face face
I'll eat it all day day day"
Also Need To Know by Doja Cat just because I gotta know how that dick be.
"I heard from a friend of a friend
That that dick was a ten out of ten
I can't stand it, just one night me
Clink with the drink, gimme a sip
Tell me what's your kink, gimme the dick"
Belphegor: Don't Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith
It works ok. He's got to be so worried at missing out on everything while he sleeps. Even more so now he's obsessed with a mortal. Also this song actually slaps. Would definitely scream sing it at karaoke.
"Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing"
Diavolo: Am I Ever Going To See Your Face Again by The Angels
Works really well for this fic by @delphi-dreamin
It's all in the lyrics 😂
"Am I ever gonna see your face again (no way, get fucked, fuck off!)"
Also see (this one is purely my opinion, Delphi wouldn't agree) WAP by Cardi B & Megan The Stallion
"Extra large, and extra hard
Put this pussy right in yo' face
Swipe your nose like a credit card
Hop on top, I want a ride"
Barbatos: Tea For Two by Ella Fitzgerald & Count Basie
Old timey, and a little cute just like Barb 💕 (don't PICTURE me on your knee, I am ON your knee)
"Picture you upon my knee,
Just tea for two and two for tea,
Just me for you
And you for me alone."
Simeon: Take Me To Church by Hozier
Please, as if Simeon wouldn't worship your body like it isn't the closest thing to heaven he can find in the devildom. (Fucking get it Simeon)
"Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life"
Solomon: The Wizard by Black Sabbath
Of course I think of Solomon when this song comes on. He'd be a fan, this song also slaps.
"Without warning, a wizard walks by
Casting his shadow, weaving his spell"
"Demons worry when the wizard is near
He turns tears into joy"
Luke: Mean by Taylor Swift
He likes it because everyone (looking at you stupidmammon) is mean to him & he can relate. (My inner child also loves this song, I feel you Luke)
"You, with your switching sides
And your wildfire lies and your humiliation
You have pointed out my flaws again
As if I don't already see them
I walk with my head down
Trying to block you out, 'cause I'll never impress you
I just wanna feel okay again"
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dojae-huh ¡ 2 years
I've written before several posts on JaeDo compatibility, what attracts them to each other (in my opinion of an outsider, naturally), etc. Today I'll add a bit to the topic.
I've been thinking the other day about pre-debut Doyoung. You see, today's Doyoung is an above average for k-pop singer/tv actor/musical actor/model/variety host/MC of big music festivals. A man for grabs.
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3 months shy of 9 years ago Jaehyun met a spaz who dressed like a church oppa.
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And, well, sure, he looked like a gay teen dream, but he was one of many good looking trainees and sunbae-nims. Jaehyun also went to SOPA with idol-wannabees.
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Moreover, after the negative result of the confession Jaehyun started to host NCT's Night Night in 2017 where he met a plethora of idols of all ages and where he was often flirted with. Yet, he stayed loyal to his unrequated crush.
One of the reason would be Jaehyun himself and him liking to be in love. There are people who fall in love for the sake of being in love, for the thrill, the hormones, the emotions, etc. And looking at Jae, he likes living the romance and all its stages. You know, the pining, the flirty letters, the memorisation of all the trivia about the crush, the "I will wait for when you are ready", "Doyoung-ie-hyung likes burgers, too", "Doyoung-ie-hyung is great at taking selcas", let me tell you how Doyoung-ie-hyung takes the shower, etc. What I want to say is that Jaehyun isn't a person to easily fall out of love, he is one to mope and enjoy the heartbreak, to hold on.
But back to Rookies Doyoung. Even if Jaehyun was at the age of leaving the nest, living on his own, and looking for romance, his crush still needed to answer certain criteria to hook him so well.
And I don't think its Doyoung's affinity to taking care of people. For the simple reason of Taeyong being the original "mom", who in the end never managed to make a home in Jae's heart. And Taeyong tried.
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There was also Hansol, who let Jae cling to him. And idol hyungs (I chose Sehun and Suho at random (I googled the names, don't suppose I recognise them, heh), I don't know who was doting on Jae the most back then).
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In short, there was no lack of people taking care of maknae Jaehyun. There was no lack of people to make Jaehyun blush as well.
With Lu Han.
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It's not like Jaehyun was choosing a crush only among gay trainees either. He didn't know Doyoung's orientation for sure.
On EnNaNa Jaehyun once said that he would throw eraser dust on a *girl* if he liked *her* in elementary (?) school. Jaehyun's understanding of courting is relentless teasing. For the teasing to work and bring positive fruits, the recepient of the pranks should response in a funny and positive way. You know, not to punch in the face in retaliation.
Doyoung is THE one to tease. Name a 127 Neo who doesn't do it like sport (even Mark came in the middle of the night to make Do put his own face in a cake).
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Another thing we know is that JaeDo argued a lot back in 2014-2015. Just for the sake of arguing. And Jae evidently enjoyed it. So I think Do's readiness for dispute, his ability to meet Jae's brat side helped. JaeDo planned stuff together as well.
A small side note for comparison, but notice how Mark or Johnny have a hard time with Taeyong in his hyper playful mode. They humour him, but try to leave and avoid. You'd think the prankster Johnny would be glad to be stupid with Taeyong, but Tae's silliness is not too compatible with him.
Jae used to talk a lot about Doyoung being smart. It impressed him. So I think it's safe to list it as a trait that attracted trainee Jae. His own father is a University professor and mother is a teacher, he is close to his father and comes to him for advice, Jae is ought to respect intelligence. His father taught him to like jazz, for example, and polite manners. Jaehyun was enamored with the clean Church oppa look.
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I think Tende helped a lot. Learning all the songs made space for two (+1), attentiveness and patience needed to practice harmony, the romantic side of all of it. When Jaehyun joined SM he wanted to sing, he hadn't dreamt of being a rapper in particular.
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I said earlier I don't think Doyoung's care was something unique to fall for, but one thing he can do like no other: give you his full attention, make you feel seen and exeptional. He breaks the ice, provides openings, listens well, touches first. It should have been very comfortable for a shy introvert like Jaehyun to communicate with a person like Doyoung, when the other party did all the socialisation work.
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forabeatofadrum ¡ 11 months
Okay for real this time: 6, 10, and 29
Hi Jenna. What do you mean "for real"? This is totally, definitely the first time I am seeing this combination of numbers!!!
6. Do you prefer writing shorter, standalone fics or longer, multi-chapter stories?
We actually talked about this in the Carry On Discord a while ago (shoutout to them) and there I said that it really depends on the ✨vibe✨of the fic. As in, what is the story I am trying to tell? Does it work as one overlapping arch, or is it better to tell it in episodes? I mentioned two Snowbaz fics that I wrote that have a similar word count. Time After Time is a multichapter fic because there is intentional build-up towards a later chapter and also the story itself calls for chapters, since there's a 20 year time jump between every chapter (it makes sense if you've read the books) (Jenna, have you read the books?). Meanwhile, make a fire out of this flame is one chapter since it shows how these two fuckers gradually get together.
I mean, sometimes I do wonder if I should cut it in pieces. I actually had that thought with the Quinn companion piece, since it's almost 10K as well, but I kept it as one chapter since it sort of rushes through all of Ljubim te, up until chapter 22, from Quinn's perspective and there are some additions, so if I were to break it up, then the chapters would be too short. Get it?
10. What's your favorite part about the fic writing process?
The bullshit. As in, the extra stuff that I don't really need to flesh out, but I do anyway. I tend to think about the world that I am creating, even when I am not writing and I like that. I like having something to think about.
And I also like putting my good ole blorbos in different situations. There's this post that says that Tumblr plays with JPEGs like dolls, but the original dolls were the blorbos.
29. Are there any characters, relationships, or general character dynamics you've never written about but would like to try?
Me, through gritted teeth: One day I will finish the story of Roderick and Kitty.
Also, I think I've mentioned it before, but I like to try writing well-known tropes while giving a spin to it. I already did it with amnesia (Myosotis) and secret identity (Mendacious) and I hope to give a spin to soulmate AUs, but my mind is still blanking on how to bend that. I feel like messing with that trope has already become a trope of its own, aka when the characters refuse to believe in soulmates because they want "true love", and sure I am an avid fan of the two cakes principle, but I hope to find another way to mess it up.
Merci, merci!
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