#i've started queueing some things in the hopes i can add more by the time the posts start rolling out
mythvoiced · 1 year
-. evil evil thought demons are wondering if i'd like to move Patrick (from @ashbtten) back to this here shitshow and if i should change his live action fc to h.ug.h d.an.cy while i'm at it
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Im not good with asks but please may we have some zombie kin help? I've just been struggling with it grrrr , thank you . -📼
Sorry for the delayed response!
This is my first time doing kin tips so it might be a little hit-or-miss but see if any of these are helpful! I'm assuming this is in the context of ways to combat dysphoria/incorporate your kintype more into your daily life.
Raw Meat Diet: Obviously human flesh and raw meat isn't a viable option here unfortunately. @/forests-creatures created a good list of alternatives: Beef jerky, rare steaks, safe raw salmon & dried fruits. For sweet options, I'd say the red tongue-staining lollipops could work, as well as pink or red chocolate & red popping candy. Please research that what you're eating is safe beforehand! Tumblr is not a reliable resource.
Sunglasses & Sunhats: This tip was inspired by a similar vampires list! I'm not sure if your specific zombie kintype has a sensitivity to sunlight or is associated with the night but if so, incorporating sunglasses or tinted glasses into your day-to-day wardrobe might be an option! Sunhats don't blend in as well in the winter but there are rain & sun hats such as Tilley hats and other alternatives which you could use instead.
SFX Makeup: I used to do a lot of this a few years back! I absolutely encourage you to learn special effects makeup to create wounds or even just look a little more corpse-like. This is definitely not for the day-to-day but it's a fun hobby if you're okay getting a little messy! It can also lead into a potential career path. You can do some pretty effective stuff with some fakeblood, toilet roll, glue & foundation so it doesn't always have to be pricey. It's almost halloween so it should be the best time of year to gather supplies!
Apocalyptic Wardrobe: Ripped jeans are your friend!! I know not everyone loves skinny jeans (I certainly don't) so don't be afraid to find an old/cheap pair of cargos or wide leg trousers and make your own tears with some scissors. I'd recommend arm/leg warmers & fingerless gloves, which shouldn't look out of place now we're coming into autumn. Handkerchiefs can also look a lot like bandages. If you like to present more femininely, then messy ribbons & colourful braids in your hair can give the desired vibe.
Try Meditation: Zombies are sort of known for their head-empty, distant feeling from being undead so a healthy way of manifesting that could be through meditating! It's definitely a challenging skill to build but following a youtube guided meditation is a good place to start. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there were themed ones! (Maybe that's a new business idea for me... horror meditation...)
Go on a walk/hike: This is a common kin tip via the idea of connecting with nature. However, I think it works especially for zombiekin because you can recreate that feeling of solitude from the apocalypse.
Onto the more generic advice! I always recommend making a moodboard for your kin, which you can then use as the cover for a kin spotify playlist. Watching movies of your kintyoe is a common recommendation. In this instance I'd say include other apocalypse films/tv too!
A generic but less common tip is (if it's your sort of thing) make an oc/kinsona for your kintype and play as them in a game or roleplay as them online.
I hope a couple of those ideas were helpful! Let me know if you try any. Also thank you for your other culture-is submission, I'll add it to the queue!
If I have completely misunderstood your ask please send another one and I'll see how I can help!
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manonamora-if · 4 months
June Check-In
My time as a benevolent tropical dictator has ended... time for some resource management retirement.
Bouncing for the summer. ✌️ I may or may not be online during that time. I'm not going in too much details, because it is IRL stuff that doesn't involve just me. I should still have some free time, but not as much as now. You may (probably will) catch random drops on itch.
Onto the usual index:
Recap of last month’s progress
Plan for the next month
The mega to-do-list tm that hasn't really changed.
Still long post under the break. If you want a mini version, head on over to itch.io as usual!
May Progress
Pulling out THE LIST from last month and checking the progress:
Play more games ✅
It's always a check because... there's always a jam we're doing with the @neointeractives, so there's always something to play. Anyways... this month fed be real good. Between the SpringThing (still not done reviewing), the Text Adventure Literacy Jam (have to queue my reviews - I placed third!!), the Dialogue Jam (you can read my thoughts here), the Locus Jam (lookie here), and the REALLY BAD IF jam (it's going to take me a while still)... there was a lot! But also a lot of fun!it also, unfortunately, gave me way too many new ideas...
Oh. It's also been one full year since I started writing reviews! And I've reached the 2nd spot on the IFDB ranking! Over 500 reviews to get there...
Code Chapter 6/Endings❌
MelS is still working on those, chipping away at the pages bit by bit, trying make that last chapter the best final chapter possible. But there are a lot of pages to go through... he's doing his best!
Fixing an older games. ❌
I mean, I bug-fixed my TALP entry, but I don't think that count (and there's some more stuff I could edit too). I've been too busy/all over the place to sit down and go back at it.
Write the next Chapter/Scene of a WIP✅❌
Well, yes and no. I've been revisiting Exquisite Cadaver in the hope of finishing it for real (but I got distracted...), and re-reading it... I've CRINGED SO HARD AT THE WRITING. Like :/ it's so not great.
So before we can make substantial progress in the missing rounds, I will:
re-write the already coded rounds (and fix the insane amount of typos
re-code them (duh)
edit the Interface (the template is a bit all over the place)
fix some other code
other stuff I'm forgetting for sure.
The prologue is completely done, and I've started on the rounds. I think I'll update the game when the re-writes are done. Then do an Interface/code uphaul. Then add more rounds (or switch 1 and 2).
I'm trying to keep this for this summer. That would be good. I think I could even finish it (knock on wood and what not).
What else happened this month????
Well, the organisation of the Locus Jam and the REALLY BAD IF, and setting up Neo-Twiny once again (@neo-twiny-jam). That's... a lot more work than just pressing some buttons 😅
On the writing side, I've written a novel as a Post-Mortem for Jeangille. You can find it here.
More writing... Well, I've mentioned being distracted a few times already this month? That's because... I've gone a bit overboard with tiny stuff. Here's what you may have missed:
the 500 rooms game (RBIF - Inform)
Tomato Tomato (RBVN/bitsy jam - binksi - will be made better)
Cloak of Darkness (porting to multiple IF programs -> source code included to see how an engine works)
So hum... yeah. Not super great on the plan. The more I push it, the less I manage... But also I made fun stuff so...
Maybe on really cool thing coming out of this month is... GETTING THIRD PLACE FOR Lysidice and the Minotaur! With a strong average of 4!!! Which is SO MUCH BETTER THAN LAST YEAR!!!
The PLANtm for June
I won't have Tropico or most of my Steam Library to distract me in the next month. I actually will have a lot of IRL stuff to deal with. Aside from dealing with the Neo-Twiny Jam and Anti-Romance Jam organisation, you will probably not hear much from me.
Still, during down time, I would try to:
Play more games: I need to finish my RBIF thread, and start the Neo-Twiny one (if it's like last year, better start early!). And finish the reviews to the previous comps too.
Code Chapter 6/Endings: Still on MelS. Though I still could do some stuff... I've been putting it off since he's not made as much progress as we'd hoped.
Fixing an older games. Well, I'm re-writing Exquisite Cadaver, if I manage that and the Interface, that goal will be filled. Or the Tomato Tomato one.
Write the next Chapter/Scene of a WIP. And if I could manage to write one more game round for EC, we'll be golden!
Let's have a boring month! For realsies.
I'm also planning on just... logging off from the internet for long periods of time (the IRL stuff).
The 2024 To-Do List:
And now we're back at the start... SIGH
The hopefully maybe easy to handle To-Do:
fix the bugs in EDOC + overall the French version to match (waiting for Adventuron to get the French language)
fix the bugs of TRNT + find a way to add the missing pieces (giving up on the translation)
fixing the interface of LPM and the popups + check animal interactions
figure out the One-Button JavaScrip/jQuery issue...
edit the loading screens of the completed tiny games to include the program/format logo at least.
The 'Need a Bunch of Content to update but it's planned!' To-Do:
Update my website (bunch new title - also I don't think the logo clicky thing work...) + redo my itch page (un-stricking cause I need to update it)
Finish TTATEH (MelS dependent)
Finish Exquisite Cadaver (half-way mark by this summer - manif)
Finish P-Rix - Space Trucker (main path at least)
Update CRWL (it's been almost two years... I'm ashamed)
The Unlikely But it Would be Dope To-Do
Finish The Dinner as it was planned (and translate)
Finish In the Blink of an Eye as it was planned (and retranslate)
Finish The Rye in the Dark City
Fixing TTTT (at least fixing, maybe try adding some storylets)
And finally The 'It's impossible, but one can wish' TO-DO:
Remaster SPS IH (if I managed to start this after completing the rest... I'm going to eat a whole sheet cake).
Start the IFComp project (2025? Might end up being a ST?)
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muffinrecord · 9 months
Updates! YouTube Stuff
Howdy folks! Just a few updates for the youtube channel
Videos Names
Short and quick-- I ended up changing the name of the sprite animation videos into battle animation videos. I was thinking of calling them "Sprite Animations, Magia, and Doppel" but that felt too long.
To be honest, the videos don't get a lot of views or engagement-- which is fine. I think that archiving them is worth it, and I don't think these are the kind of things people will watch over and over? But I do wonder if they're not viewed as much because people might think that they are only sprite attacks and not magia and doppels and stuff. I'm kind of hoping that "Battle Animations" will clear things up, because I don't wanna add the "Magia and Doppels" part to it.
If it doesn't, then I'll leave it as is. It's a little sad if they're lesser viewed but that's fine ultimately.
TO BE CLEAR THIS IS NOT ME BITCHING ABOUT VIEWS, I WOULD STILL DO THIS EVEN IF THEY GOT LIKE 5 VIEWS IN TOTAL. Just, more that I was thinking that maybe I'm not being very clear about what's in them? ANYWAYS
So! I've been trying to finish up my animation project so that I can devote my time and energy to other things~
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This is how much is left to record! Naturally a lot of the collab girls are kind of. Well it's going to be a bit.
Chisato and Haruka are giving me pause. When I started recording about two years ago (and then deleted all the files and started over and then deleted them all gain and started over again), I kinda assumed that Suzune would get a rerun, and I could nab those two and easily record their non max-ascended forms but uh. Not sure if that'll ever happen? I'm wondering if I should just record them regardless and release an updated version if we ever get a banner for them again. Lots to think about.
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Meanwhile, the above is a short screenshot of how many I've completed. Yeah... 194..... This isn't including the girls who still need to be uncapped either. My computer has more space now, it's amazing to move them permanently to the backup now.
These are all the ones that have completed recordings that still need to be edited and uploaded:
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Editing doesn't take too long, it's just that my computer slows down and it starts to take a long time when you have like tens of them to do. But I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel! ...Still need to record a bunch, but I have lots of queue so things should be fine.
I kind of wish I had done some things differently, but oh well. When it comes to my channel, I feel like... well, you don't really get quality, but you do get quantity. Even if that's not technically as good, I think there is still value in it. idk.
My stupid ass was looking at the channel and decided to redo a bunch of thumbs, and hey did you know that there is a 100 limit on how many thumbnails you can upload in a day? Sucks man.
Anyways, the transformation thumbnails are mostly updated and I just have about fifty left to upload now:
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A while ago I started to make the characters' names a few pixels larger than the rest of the text, and it's been bothering me for a while that some vids had the bigger text and other vids didn't, so uhhh. Yeah. I also ended up changing a bunch of thumbs so that they show the end shot. Is that the better choice...? I'm not sure. I think it might make the thumbs more boring, but I think it's also more upfront about the fact that they're transformation videos.
More importantly, I also decided to redo the battle animations thumbs!
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At first it was because I wanted to put "battle animations" in the thumb but I ended up deciding that plain old "animations" looks better. So why am I still changing all of them? Well...
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I'm super honored that my stupid lil channel is getting used for the gallery section for the girls! See here on the fandom wiki. But then I was looking at it and man, that thumbnail sure does look fucking ugly when it's all blown up in your face like that. And if people are gonna use my stuff (🥺), I'd at least like it to look nice on their site...?
So I'm using the sprites from the magireco sprite viewer (rip), although unfortunately it's missing some/doesn't have new stuff/won't be updating anymore. But at least some of the new sprites will look better.
I know how to get some stuff off of Rika.Ren for datamining-ish, but sprites aren't one of them, and tbh I'm kind of not interesting in learning new things atm. So stealing off the Puella Magi Wiki is the best we'll get. But still! Older videos will have better thumbs. And oh man, some of them were ugly as fuck.
...I still need to make uhhh 200 more of them ish but I'll work on that tonight.
Much to my displeasure, the results for the poll I made pointed towards folks deciding that more videos in a playlist is better, so I'm redoing all the playlists I had foolishly trimmed (this is also how I noticed some thumbnail problems and then got obsessively focused on fixing them last night instead of the playlists).
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A couple of playlists still need to be redone-- I basically deleted everything in them, 'cause it's easier to just start over instead of dragging things around (especially when you get past 100, as it'll stutter and boot you to a different place). But I'm slowly getting there, and they should all be back up by tonight? The Madoka one will take the longest I think; that was easily 150+ videos if I recall correctly.
I also put all the battle animation videos currently uploaded into the battle animation videos playlist.
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Originally I was trying to upload the videos in order of release, to make it easier on myself when putting it into the playlist. But that was kind of frustrating, especially when I had already released some out of order and then you factor in holidays... So fuck it! They're all in there now, even if they're private.
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This is what you see when you're not on my channel (and you select to see hidden videos). Woops. Oh well!
But this means I'm more willing to go out of order in the uploads :)
I really wanted to get this all wrapped up so I can start to move on to other things! Like, ya know, my webcomic project. And also liveblogs!
Oh speaking of which... wait maybe I should make it a separate update... hmmmm. Yeah I'll do that.
Anyways, yeah! It'll be nice once I no longer need to upload a video every day, but it's also not too bad. I'm just glad I have a huge amount of queue, which'll give me time to look for some of the older collab characters. I'm not entirely sure how I'll film their little poke animations... Maybe I'll have to ask around, or perhaps use the kyugay sprite site? I have no idea how to record my screen. Ah man.
But I think the channel is heading towards a decent place, and I'm excited to finish everything up :)
Hope y'all aren't too bothered by the spam of videos! It's gonna be a couple more months at least....
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Hi! I'm someone who has been homebrewing for 5e for a while and have recently opened a blog to put my creations, and I plan on also sharing some of my thoughts about the process of homebrewing.
I'm very new to this site in general, so I'm wondering if you have any pointers on how to get started with a blog. My posts also don't seem to be showing up in the public search, and I checked my content sharing settings, so some guidance with that would also be appreciated.
It's nice to see new faces on the scene! Getting to look at new ideas and the thoughts behind them is always fun, and analysis is something that we can't get enough of around these parts.
My advice might be a little scattered, but I hope it helps. If anyone else has thoughts, feel free to add on!
Tumblr can be a little finicky; I've found that posts often don't show up if you have external links. You'll want to make posts directly to tumblr rather than autoposting from elsewhere, and also put any links (i.e. to Homebrewery/DNDBeyond) in a reblog. And then reblog the reblog so that people can find the reblog with the links in the reblogs.
I tend to use a lot of tags for my own posts, both for organization as well as for exposure, but I'll admit I only rarely look at any tags other than the "homebrew" tag. I'm sure other people operate in their own way, though.
In terms of the tumblr homebrew meta, balance and formatting and all are always important. But even more important is PRESENTATION!
(Imagine I'm saying that in a Megamind voice. I don't have the time to find the gif.)
A lot of the time if you just have, like, a link or a readmore to a text dump, people will just gloss over it without giving it a second look regardless of how cool a concept is or how meticulously balanced it is. An evocative picture and image stains for formatting can go a long way in turning heads. You're on a site that loves images; style accordingly.
If you have a lot to say, adding a readmore can help you not flood readers in walls of text. Tumblr does it automatically now, but it's still polite to do it after one or two paragraphs if you're going to be writing much more than that.
Blog maintenance... Posting consistently and frequently is good, if it's relevant to your blog's niche (if I'm following you for homebrew, I'd rather not also get flooded in your love for, say, Superwholock Undertale crossovers; that's what sideblogs are for). That being said, there's diminishing returns; more than 1 post a day and people might miss them entirely just due to scheduling. Having a queue set up for that is helpful.
Combining related things into a compendium is worth considering if you have, say, 10 rogue subclasses that you want to publish at once, but you tend to get more attention if you post them one by one. A compromise could be to post them one by one to build hype and make another post with the compendium. Haven't made enough of those to really say how effective that'd be.
Also remember to keep your followers list clear of bots. It's your tumblr civil duty.
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shieldsurf · 2 years
ok im making non-splatoon (i play that for at least 5hrs a week) gaming to do list so i get my priorities in order
tell me if i should add or remove a thing
also i might stream all of this it depends on if my laptop can handle it
these are all games i've started that hopefully i can marathon finish between 1/31 and 2/17 while i'm working less (order subject to change depending on how im feeling but EotE and spiritfarer are the most important to me rn)
outer wilds EotE
hollow knight
then after that im gonna tackle my queue in roughly this order with dates of when i Hope to have them done
psychonauts 2 (this is highly subject to change depending on how much i loved the first one and if i want to immediately play the sequel or take a break) (2/28)
bugsnax (technically started this game a really long time ago but never finished it due to circumstances) (3/14)
disco elysium (ngl i will probably play this on and off for a really long time)
celeste (3/31)
ultrakill (4/14)
cult of the lamb (5/1)
botw replay in preparation of totk (subject to change depending on how im feeling because botw is really long lol) (5/12)
tears of the kingdom (who fucking knows)
hylics + hylics 2 (it will be summer so Gaming more) (6/7)
aa trilogy (this one will also probably be on and off for a long time)
HL + HL2 (no i have for real never played them) (7/1)
sonic frontiers (7/14)
slime rancher 2 (i might play this one earlier because i really want to play it but it's low priority bc it's still early access, so waiting is a win-win)
at this point i will most likely be back in school so it's yet to be seen how my Gaming time shakes out, i might just fully prioritize splatoon 3 with my likely limited time. i also plan on finishing luigi's mansion 3, crash team racing's campaign, chocobo mystery dungeon every buddy, & hades' true ending at some point. other games i really want to play are noita and carrion, i also want to fit in a dq11 replay but it's extremely low priority. on top of that i want to play some 3ds era zelda and kirby games, but again, theyre low priority.
this list is just kinda a rough idea for me to conceptualize my 2023 Gaming Timeline and so the 0 other people who care have a rough idea of what i'll be playing and when
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ss-trashboat · 2 years
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I posted 1,502 times in 2022
That's 1,171 more posts than 2021!
412 posts created (27%)
1,090 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,449 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#wrasslin - 743 posts
#queue - 610 posts
#my beloved - 387 posts
#trashy yells - 180 posts
#my art - 105 posts
#wrasslin yells - 86 posts
#traditional art - 72 posts
#fan art - 72 posts
#trashy watches tag league - 66 posts
#wrestling fan art - 54 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#ive known salty for close to 12 years now cause i started talking to her cause i loved her art back then and she was so nice
My Top Posts in 2022:
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and here we draw hands and shirts for adam cole bay bay ~
29 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
Wrestleblr Secret Santa
welcome! this is just a fun little thing to spread some serotonin this holiday season. not necessarily holiday related, but something to pick up our spirits this holiday season ~
here is the form to fill out (i hope it works i haven't made one before lol). there's something for everyone here: writers, gif makers, editors, all artists welcome!!
i will be accepting applications for a week so they will close at midnight est on december 4th. then i will start assigning people! will be done through tumblr messenger so if you're not cool with that let me know please.
pieces are due to your partner by the end of the year, december 31st, but you absolutely can post sooner! if something comes up and you're unable to complete, let me know! we will have an option to be a back up artist, and i will also be a back up artist for anyone that's unable to complete on time.
most important, have fun! this is a super casual thing (i've never thrown one of these before so it's a learning process lol) so enjoying yourself is the most important thing. let me know if you have any questions, and share to tell your friends!!
43 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
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happy death before dishonor day, part two. beloved boi yoots, cause ofc i had to get all those emotions out of my system oof
45 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
hey guys
so i wanna put together a fund of sorts to get night back to the states for a con in february. not much has been fleshed out as they're just announcing people, but there's a sentimental one for night and i just really want this to happen. cause who knows when we'll get to do this again. and i just. really miss my best friend
i know this is a long shot, especially before the holidays, but any little bit helps. i'm linking my ko-fi here that has the goal. i have some tiers set up as well as commission options. i'll also add the art i have for sale over time too.
share and tell your friends. let's start 2023 off great for night <33
55 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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babe made me a sheet to make things easier to share, but im taking sketch commissions! these will be on smaller paper, around 5x7 and 7x9, and can be shipped to you! only one person per page tho as they're smaller. will also do non-wrestling. these are for trip funds so please share and tell your friends!!
68 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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learning2fly05 · 3 months
So it's been a good while. I'm better from my surgery and it's been 8 months. I had a follow up appointment with my Dr and that's what I might have left off with on my last post. Everything is still good and I do have scars, but now I got leftover flub there. I'm thinking of working out that area and starting sometime in August or September of this year and doing it for a year. I gotta find the right workout exercises for that.
My sister and nephew came to visit me in December and had a great time. We showed them around, of course, and they looked and felt more relaxed than ever before. I hope they come visit more often now that they see that they can come and see me and actually not need to worry.
Happy New Year by this point and well, work is work. I actually can say that I love my job. I never really could say that before. The only time my mind hates it is when I get placed in a specific queue since a coworker never puts comments of the actions they have done. I always need to read their responses and what they have mentioned to the customers previously and that can take awhile. Even though I started off in this queue and learned the actions I do now in other cases, but comments on the actions you have done are crucial in our department and mainly with the type of cases/accounts we handle. Maybe it will nip it in their butt of not adding comments one day. I also am the only one who is adding or working on a guide for those type of accounts for others and putting my heart or soul in it and nothing from others, yet I'm not included in crucial meetings as well. Hopefully they notice that sooner or later that they should include me in these meetings , but we shall see how that goes and that it will backfire on them one way or another.
Recently I also was told and my coworkers as well, that I was the reason they made a club called the "Hundo Club". Meaning that if someone got 100% on their call grades for the whole month then you're in this club. Yes, I've been on this club since August and quite honestly longer than that. I was the same way in the last department I was in, always getting 100% on my calls/cases. I do with what I got trained with and add any new material as well. It's not that hard and when you see points were deducted that shouldn't have been, then defend yourself to get that back and throw the proof you found of it too. I've done it and got my points back. Now my supervisor is wanting the rest of the team to get into this club. I bid them good luck but that's the pressure they're not used to and shouldn't have been done. With this club and just other things being viewed, I've gotten points accumulating through the months and then for the quarter. This last time of points I almost fainted since our supervisor pushed for each of us to give us the max we could get and that was a lot of points. Lets just say that we were able to afford to get another electric litter box cause of my points, plus some accessories. Thinking of checking into Southwest gift cards or a cruise for us. Something for us to look forward to.
Other than this my husband got let go from his job around the end of January. Since then he's been getting unemployment and also studying to get his certifications up to date and others to get a better job. He has worked his butt off thus far and some job leads, but nothing grasping from the employers. I just pray he gets a job that's worth and sees his worth, time and better pay than his last one. We shall see what he gets soon.
My parents did come to visit and surprised me again. We had the talk of not surprising us cause it just stresses us out with organizing the house for them in less than an hour of being notified. Also what if something happens to them along the way, then what? They understood and they said they won't do it again. Lets also see if that happens.
We are now crazy cat lady and guy. We take care of all the strays in our area of our home. We got a total of 30 cats or over 30 since if you want to include their kids haha. We got 10 kittens roaming our properties and underneath our house, with their monsters of course. We only got 5 cats of our own indoors and 2 dogs, but they all have a spot in my heart and don't mind it at all.
We also decided to go and do Ancestry boxes. We shipped them about a week ago and we will see when we get our results. I just hope I don't get any bad news of half siblings or anything like that. I wouldn't know how to handle that type of news.
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jimmythejiver · 5 months
Warning to anyone following me
Starting June 1st, I have the blog queue set up that goes all the way to November about U.S. Politics and Election 2024 and the importance of voting. I've been collecting these posts for some time for this year and declining to post many of them sooner for many reasons.
Our government has been doing fucked up shit overseas. I know to ask anyone on this website who don't live here or have relatives abroad to read the callousness on which we must pick which evil leader gets to pass the bomb and missile fundings is insensitive and anti-human. I know that my comfortability in living in this still ableist, transphobic, anti body autonomy system doesn't ultimately matter when people outside of the United States are being slaughtered and people within our borders have been stripped of their rights longer than I've been alive. I know that almost 300 years we haven't solved racism, colonialism, Imperialism or any of the ills this country's been found on and that a bloody revolution is supposed to solve this until opportunists and traitors squash that too.
My point and rambling aside is that as my good friend reminded me when I was going off the deep end in room scrolling and doom posting, "we're all suffering." I'd add still some suffer more than others abd that must be acknowledged if we're to dwell on these topics, but it is a weaponized a silencing tactic too.
In a better world I'd solve more if these problems with direct action and keep posting pleasant shit and leave the politics off this site. I'd prefer it. What I'm seeing instead is the deja vu of 2016 and viral misinformation and false facts that are used to keep us in a despair fugue of "fuck it it, nothing matters." I lived through how that turned out.
So once again I'm no one's daddy and I can't tell you what to do and you can stay home or spite vote for the candidate I hate more or go third party. I just hope you (the leftist american voter who is registered and able to vote) is informed of your decision. The rest of you where this does not apply, have a guilt free day.
For anyone who does not want to see this content on your dash, I implore you to blacklist tags like: Politics, Election, Election 2024, Voting.
Otherwise I'll keep trying to reblog art, writers things, animals and other things I find neat and interesting because we all need joy and a breather in these times.
If I ever move into a place where I can get my scanner out and have space for creative outlets, I hope I can get to posting some my art and pick up full time fanfiction writing again.
0 notes
yeowninefive · 9 months
My 2023 Art Retrospective (Part 2)
This is the second part of an already long reflection of my art progress from this year. Click this link to read the first part.
Art output/reception: Not much else to say that was different from 2022, honestly. It's pretty straightforward sequel escalation--I managed to again beat my old records by a pretty significant amount--over eighty unique drawings, which increases to over ninety when including alternate versions...and the count goes even higher (over one-hundreds) when taking another factor into consideration (I'll address it later). I'd also again say that I do get the sentiment of my art being less obscure as it was in the past--I'd say there were a significant boost of interest (in views and/or interactions such as favorites/likes, reblogs/reposts, etc.) with my art in 2023 compared to 2022--with my 2023 art on dA actually showing nearly quadruple the number of favorites and number of views that my art in 2022 received (at least, based on my personal metrics of art with favorites/views above a certain threshold).
This giant amplification of art production is admittedly based on a few real-life scenarios. Overall I can definitely say that certain other hobbies that I like to do (watching films/shows and playing videogames/making Smash Bros. montages) took a major backseat; and that's actually something I'd like to address going into 2024. The question there of course is if I'm at a point where I could keep up my art production without--which is again where my time management comes in. I hope I can make better strides in figuring it out--there have been more than a few times where I've stayed up late working on art that I reasonably could had pushed off for later and went to bed, and spending lots of time on art that I could had spent doing something else. I am of the thought that if push really does come to shove, I'm okay with putting out less art for 2024 if it means I can get back to doing other things.
Another thing I'm thinking about/looking into using more is sticking more towards a fixed/predicting publishing schedule, so I can "stack up/queue" completed artwork and put more time towards other things. Posting art on multiple avenues is also time-consuming (esp. since I like to add tags and descriptions when appropriate), so I'm also thinking about learning how to utilize APIs, if possible, so I can quickly and/or simultaneously post new art to multiple platforms. Speaking of which.
Art platforms: I talked about trying to change strategy with my art platforms with the first-run/second-run approach, I even talking about having tumblr serving as more of a second-run account. Obviously, that didn't really pan out--that much is clear with this site still being the host for my retrospective art rambles, warts and all. I guess I'm just too embedded with this platform to really shift it towards second gear. Maybe I can take steps there by relying more with scheduled art releases.
I talked about expanding my platforms once Twitter started self-immolating under Elon's then-new control, and dA also showing its hand by jumping headfirst into the AI train. (And it goes without saying that tumblr itself, with the contentious choices and decisions taken this year, isn't off the hook with making dumb decisions--though they eventually overextended themselves/shot themselves in the foot and re-adjusted their focus. Which is...some sort of acknowledgement of mistakes, I guess?) I ended up wading into the waters of three new platforms (technically two, one was actually a 2nd take)...and my experience I'd say as a pretty mixed bag, probably leaning more towards negative.
Instagram was the one that I eventually decided to take another stab with, and I'm afraid I didn't get much, if any, value out of it at all. Even when re-entering that platform with my (to-date) most popular works as the focus, I ultimately felt the lack of interest rendered it of minimal value, even as a "second-run" art account; ultimately just having it go dormant. (By the same coin, it doesn't leave me really invested in setting up shop over at Threads--though I feel for anyone looking to swear off Musk-Twitter/X, I would definitely recommend people there as a baseline.) Cohost by the same coin is also pretty empty, but that at least has the argument of being a much smaller platform that is also aiming for a different approach to social media. Nonetheless, I feel like that's a platform I could probably pump the brakes on a bit in terms of use; with few people the wiser. Bluesky to me actually comes out the best out of the new ventures I've tried--namely because it has the most expats from Twitter that I'm familiar with, who I've been able to follow and share their art, and vice-versa. Even with it still lacking features, its growing audience (esp. with it now going public) feels like the ideal "new" platform to keep tabs on.
Between what's now currently five platforms I'm regularly active on (maybe four if I do move cohost towards more of a passive/background role), I don't see myself making any further expansions for 2024. Pillowfort I considered, but hadn't signed up the broad lack of activity, which eventually seemed to come back to haunt the site when they were at risk of shutting down due to lack of profits. They did manage a successful crowdfund, so hopefully that marks a turning point for their fortunes. Newgrounds is also probably the only other platform besides Bluesky that a lot of artists/creatives I follow have set-up shop; though I feel that if I do join Newgrounds, it will be as a replacement for an existing platform I'm already on, and not just another extension (e.g. if Twitter finally collapsed/was shut down/was widely abandoned).
Alternate art label/art blog: So when in art output I talked about an additional factor pushing my art over the triple digits this year? This was the additional factor. Sometime during the summer, I decided to open a new art blog under a new label where I can post art I normally wouldn't post under this label. (Art that to date, isn't explicit --not like I would be able to post such art here anyway-- but is suggestive/mature enough to not be worksafe.) Truth be told, there have are a couple of works on this blog/label that pushed the envelope a bit into that area anyway, and my main blog has historically had such material crop up on an regular--to--irregular basis regardless. In other words, this is a bit of an expected/natural extension.
My current policy is that this blog and my main blog don't really directly draw attention to it outside of a few instances like this one, or even really acknowledge it by name. The most I will say (for anyone curious/looking for it) is that art from that blog occasionally turns up in my main blog, and it (to date) has only featured some of my OCs (and at least one from another creator).
A Decade of Drawing: If you've been following my Twitter account, you may be aware of a long thread I wrote impromptu in response to another creator, with me discussing why I'm not as "big" as a creator that I probably/possible could have been or should had been, which I feel serves as a more self-critical review of my art trajectory over the past ten years. (Long story shortened into bullet points--subject matter, drawing process/frequency, "timing" of when I started drawing, the platforms I posted my art on in question, and commissions/requests. Some of this stuff I've already touched on in this retrospective already.)
However, I would also like to turn things towards more of a positive note by pointing out what I've done then compared to now. I'm still sheepish about stuff like doing art commissions; but I'm still able to occasionally crank out gift art like I do like nobody's business--and I mainly do those purely just for the fun of it. By that coin, although I'm still a (self-prescribed) obscure artist, I know there does exist small group of people on the 'net somewhere (other artists, just online friends, and others) that are honest fans of the stuff I make and continue following my works and ideas, and I don't ever want to lose sight of that.
I feel that I've also really broadened my art direction in trying to replicate multiple art directions and different subjects. I still have yet to really try and reattempt my oldest stuff (environmental artwork/landscapes), but I've also freely bounced around between original character design, fanart, animation, comics, and videogame concepts. Although I've drawn OCs and comics before, I don't really think I've ever really taken seriously writing down ideas for stories/characters and polish/develop them until I started drawing on a regular basis. (This seems a bit premature to boast as an accomplishment, but I really do mean it--it's honestly up to myself to prove it and really start translating the backlog of my concepts.)
I'll finally end things here by putting it into the perspective of this real-life factoid. A lot can change in ten years for the better, and I'd say it's not just my art that has done so. I started this little online art career shortly after I had just graduated from high school, and was getting prepared to start attending college. My first drawing tablet was itself a graduation gift. That was ten years (and an additional extra six-seven months) ago.
At some point in the first month of the new year, my degree (which after an entire decade of trials, tribulations, and setbacks, I was able to finally complete in December) is supposed to arrive in the mail. I'll probably post a little doodle to commemorate the occasion. In a lot of ways, I view 2013 as the end of an age and the dawn of the next; and I feel confident is saying with the end of 2023 and going into 2024, the feelings and sentiments are very much familiar.
I think I have finally covered everything that was on my mind. Again, here's an honest thank you to anyone who has stuck around to read the whole thing (so far), and have a Happy New Year's Eve/New Year's Day and a wonderful 2024.
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atinydise · 2 years
Hello! I'm a new Atiny, became a stan in Jan. 2022. I saw your guide for new Atiny's which was BEAUTIFULLY organized, so I hoped you might be willing to help new Atiny's navigage the fan site/official merch and concert ticket sales? I really want to see them on tour and I just want to make sure I'm going through the right avenues. Thank you for your consideration!
Hongjoong and San Biased, but I genuinely love them all and their dynamic together!
I'm also a Stay, Moa and ARMY.
Hello! Welcome to Atinyland, you will love it! 🦋
Personally, I can't have a bias in Ateez, but I definitively know what you are talking about for Hongjoong and San hehe
And sorry for answering you this late but I will do my best to help you :)
First, tbh I don't have any idea how's working Ateez fan site. I think I've never been there yet. But I'm sure you can find info on Twitter/Google... 😔
But I can definitively help with the merch and the concert ticket sales hehe
Official merch: you can buy some on a lot of websites.
⚠️ Be aware that if you are not living in SK or around the shipping fees are atrocious 💀
KQ Shop: here you can buy everything related to KQ artists such as birthday merch, albums, lightsticks, concert merch, and more.
Ateez EU Store (in partnership with MyMusicTaste): they’re selling a few months after the concert the amount of merch left. If you are leaving in Europe, it’s way more interesting to wait for the website to be updated and then buy here. The shipping fees are waaaay cheaper.
MyMusicTaste: I don’t know if they will still sell merch since they don’t organize concerts anymore (if I understand well), but they were used to selling special merch or good opportunities such as fan-sign, fan-call, and meet-and-greet event.
Official KPOP websites such as: Kpoptown, Ktwon4U (there are interesting sales sometimes).
Tickets concert sales: I won't lie to you lmao this is the stressful thing eveeer! But you can do it :)!
To be fully prepared the sale day:
Be aware of every sale (pre-sale, membership sale, official sale), and just in case sign up for all of them.
Be sure to have at least 2 free hours to get your tickets (if you can ofc). Most of the time tickets will get sold out really quickly, but people are leaving their cart, or the venue can add little by little some seats. So do not give up until you have official news from the venue.
Prepare many devices if you can. Take your phone, laptop, your parents’ phone, roommate's computer, bf/gf’s phone… everything you can!
Ask your friends, parents, family or anyone to help you to get tickets.
Be sure to have a good Internet connection. Sometimes Wifi can be a b*tch so don’t hesitate to use your phone 4G/5G if you can. And it’s way faster.
Create in advance an account on the venue website.
Start to refresh the website 1 hour before.
Do not leave or refresh the queue when you are in. If you consider being too far in the queue then add another device or try in incognito mode.
Have your credit card ready with more than the price of tickets on it.
Stalk social media, especially Twitter. I suggest activating Ateez and the venue account notification so you won’t miss anything.
⚠️ FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH THE VENUE LAYOUT. This is sooo important! You won’t freak out the first time you enter the website, you know what to do.
If you are a minor, be sure to ask your parents or legal guardian the authorization to go to the concert, and be aware that you need an adult with you the D-Day.
Follow fanbases account. They're doing their best to make sure that everything is okay for you and the artist.
If you are going to multiple venues, do the same thing for each of them. Learn how every website works.
⚠️ Depending on the country, buy places from an official reseller.
Play an Ateez playlist in the background to give you the strength to fight for your tickets lmao (personal suggestions: Guerilla, Wonderland, Hala Hala, Say My Name, Wave, Illusion, Not Too Late,...)
Hope it helps you a little bit more 🦋🥺
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absurdthirst · 3 years
To the anon struggling with writing and feeling like they aren't getting results back:
I'm new to writing (just started in November!) And new to Tumblr. I did a little research on how Tumblr works (it doesn't lmao) and I've tried out these techniques and it's what works for me. I saw a definite uptick in interactions and reblogs since then (I am by no means an expert):
Only the first 5 tags show up in search. Add more of you want, but save your tag comments until after those 5
Consequently, make sure those tags are what people are looking for or are more popular. Character name or character name x reader, x you, etc.
Post at the right time of day. When I started, I was posting at noon my time (I'm in EST). Which I think is why I got minimal interaction coupled with being new. I saw others talking about posting between 4pm - 7pm est because they're catching the other time zones here at at a good times (just before or after dinner, getting out of work, etc). I personally do 7pm est.
Then reblog every 2-3 hours or so. After the post goes live, I reschedule with my tags that I've picked and have it go out every 3 hours for about 24 hours or so. This way international time zones have a chance to see it, whether they're on my taglist or not.
Check your analytics. It will show you when people are interacting most with your blog so you can figure out when the best time to post would be.
Back on the tags, sometimes I'll reorganize them on a reblog to see what works and what doesn't. Just because I search for a term a lot doesn't mean it's searched a lot. Play around and see what works.
Reblog your old stuff, especially with the news tags as I said above. I'm guilty of not doing that but when I share my masterlists of a series, especially if it's still active and in about to release a new chapter, I do see a little interaction from it!
I made a masterlist for all of my characters individually. And then once I figured out the tag thing, I went back and added tags. I got a bunch of reblogs and followers just from that and some of them I see interacting with my stuff still!
I'm TERRIBLE at self promotion. Always have been. BUT I make sure to try an interact with other blogs, reblog, network, etc. There's probably a discord or 2 in your fandom if that's your jam. You can promote your works there (just remember that you'll want to vibe with the discord too. Not every channel is for everyone and that's ok!)
Seriously, interaction. When your name is seen more, people tend to go look at your stuff. I'm behind on my reading, but I know I go for those that I know or interact with me the most and check out their stuff simply because I remember the name. Plus it allows me to give back (I known its not required but I like to)
I also try to keep my blog active by using my queue. I'm not sure if that helps but I do it anyway lol
I can't guarantee this will work, but it's worth a try if you haven't! I hope this is ok to address this here, but I just want to pass on what I've learned in case it helps others!
Writing anon!!!!
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 years
New: Bug Report Ticket System
Hi everyone, Zuko here, just stopping in to tell you that I've taken my next step as an indie game developer, which means creating a bug reporting system that makes a lick of damn sense!
Through 100% my own fault, bug reporting for Shepherds of Haven's alpha build and public demos has become something of an absolute chaos pit, for both me and users! I never implemented a proper, dedicated system for bug reporting, partly out of my own arrogance and the apparent lack of necessity: at the game's launch, there were relatively few bugs, everyone's gameplay experience was fairly tight and uniform, and it was easier for me to keep track of and squash bugs on the spot!
But as the game gets bigger (625,000 words, now! More than all three LOTR books combined), of course more bugs and glitches are going to crop up, and in peskier, harder to find places! Add that to the growing community with multiple platforms and me having less time to spend online to actually answer, track, or address bugs immediately, and you get a recipe for one overwhelmed author!
I'll talk a bit more about the issues I've been facing and what necessitated this new system down below (for anyone who's interested), but the long and short of it is, I've created a brand new bug report ticketing system!
Report Bugs Here 🐛
Track Submitted Bugs Here 🔍
How it works:
Use the "report bug" form to submit any bugs or errors that you've noticed while playing ShoH! (Please submit one bug per ticket.)
An automated workflow will immediately plop your ticket into the Trello board (the tracking link above), where you can view all submitted tickets by users, their statuses in my queue, how I've prioritized them, and my responses and explanations about them - all in one place!
This solves basically every issue I was having with bug reports, including having to explain across multiple platforms the same solutions to the same bugs (but in such a fragmented way that users wouldn't see my answers or the progress reports on said bugs)!
Important: From now on, I will only be accepting bug reports through this method. I know this might be a pain in comparison to submitting via any platform, but it will really help me keep everything in one place in an organized, non-overwhelming fashion, and it will definitely improve both the user and author experience in a very vital way!
That said, I know not everyone will see this post at first, so if you submit a bug report through another method, I will be copy-pasting a gentle redirect to this form! Sorry if you get sick of seeing it, and please don't take offense if this happens to you - I truly appreciate the time you all take to help improve the game and submit your feedback! I just need to make it a uniform experience across all platforms for my own sanity, so I'll be minimizing exceptions to this rule as much as I can! 😃
You can, of course, discuss bugs and whatnot elsewhere and with other users (such as on the forums, Discord, etc.), especially if you want to check with others and see if what you're experiencing is actually a bug or brainstorm/roundtable it. Just operate under the strict assumption that I will not see any of it until you actually submit a ticket through the form! I wish I could keep track of every conversation about the game, but at this point, so much flies under my radar that this is actually probably true...
That's all for now: you can read on to see a little bit of my struggles below and how this solution will help, but other than that, I hope you're having a fantastic start to your week! 💖 Remember to eat well, get some sleep, and stay hydrated!
Essentially, the old bug report "system" consisted of me actively encouraging everyone to send me bug reports through any and all platforms they had access to. This meant I was getting bug reports through:
Patreon comments on public posts
Patreon PMs
Tumblr PMs
Tumblr asks
Tumblr comments on public posts
COG forum posts
COG forum PMs
Discord PMs
Discord conversations in channels
What on earth was I thinking lol?
This created numerous problems...
The obvious difficulty in keeping track of all of these bug reports across disparate platforms, leading to things slipping under the radar or stacking up in an overwhelming, confusing way, and duplicates cluttering the queue
Less time online means less time to find and address the bug immediately, leading to more duplicates and growing user confusion the longer it went unaddressed or unacknowledged
No ability to uniformly address the bug across all platforms with context, explanations, or solutions. A user reporting a bug on Tumblr might lead to me replying on Tumblr that it could be fixed by doing XYZ, or was caused by ABC and was not actually a bug at all. However, another user on Patreon or on the forum would not see said explanation/solution, would report the same bug on Patreon or the forum, and would unfairly suffer through me saying "I already answered this!" (but not to them).
Most platforms are not conducive to the back-and-forth required to truly and effectively hunt bugs. If a user sends in an ask on Tumblr about a bug, but I need more context (such as "what choice did you make in Chapter 2?) to find it, I just have to publish their ask with my response and pray they see it and send in another ask! It's just clunky and inefficient!
This new system hopefully addresses all of those problems! By having one method to submit bugs and one repository to see where they all go (including everyone else's tickets and reports), everything is just going to be better! 😊
One of the most important things for me is that the new repository lets everyone see my comments, explanations, and solutions regarding the current bug reports. Please check to see if your bug has already been submitted to the queue if you can, and check out my comments by clicking on any tickets with a speech bubble, such as on the right below!
Tumblr media
Last thing: there are already some tickets in the system that I put there in order to test it, but which are essentially bug reports that I've received in the last week or so, and which I just copy-pasted into the form to have them all in one place! So if you see your bug report under "Anonymous," just know that it was me who put it there and that I appreciate your time and effort in making the report! Thank you!
Your patience and encouragement is much appreciated, and thank you for tolerating my chaos prior to me getting this nice new automated system up and running! Thanks for reading, and I look forward to receiving your tickets! ✨
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
You have so many different writing projects going on right now! Do you prefer to be writing lots of different stories at the same time or to focus only on a couple at once? How do you compartmentalize each set of characters/storylines to keep them all true to your vision? It seems like so many different personalities and dynamics to keep track of!
Oh geez I'm sorry this is so long.
When I was younger I worked on like a million things at once and never finished anything. Then I went through a phase where I just focused on mainly one thing, and anything else I started got abandoned, but that eventually led to burnout, so I did the "write a million things that never finish" thing again. My brain is always so full of ideas, it's really easy to go that path but it doesn't lead to me finishing anything so that's not great.
When I first started posting, I committed to two stories and really just focused on those two --I alternated them and posted a chapter a day for about three months. That was a crazy speed but it was fun! I felt like I could add a few more to the loop then so I started I think 3-4 stories after that , and since then I've settled into this cadence that seems to work best for me now, where I have like 3-5 things in actual progress at any given time and I rotate through them. I find it helps me take a step back and then return with fresh eyes and fresh mind each chapter after I've rotated through updating the other things, but not so much later that I've forgotten everything. I'm learning through trial and error that 5 active writing projects seems to be my sweet spot, so that's why I've paused some things until I finish others.
I do write down other things (story ideas, conversations that come to me for a chapter that isn't my foucs yet, etc.) during that time if they come to me even if my workload is full, so actually most of the things in my queue and planning columns on trello have at least a few paragraphs written. But I only let myself write as much as I feel really compelled to at the moment, make my notes, then resume working on the chapter I'm supposed to. It's like one foot in front of the other, I guess, rather than just chasing and then fizzling out with a too-bright burst of inspiration for one thing. And it creates a sort of nice feedback loop too I think, because every time I finish a chapter I can feel done and accomplished and move back to a fresh thing.
I guess it is a lot to mentally juggle but I actually haven't really struggled to keep them straight! I don't know, I think each story is just so unique and distinct in my mind, even when sometimes my stories are sort of different variations of a theme. The characters are distinct, even when it's multiple versions of JK or something. I do compare/contrast characters a lot against each other, so that might help them feel more like real people and not hazy blobs that can get mixed up. Some of the longer stories though, I do sometimes have to go back and search to confirm details. Occasionally a continuity error sneaks in ;)
Oh and it's uesful to know, I do have tons of planning and resouce docs to help keep things straight too. For every story I usually have some combo of the following:
Notes file: things to cover, important details to remember, links to resources, ideas that don't anywhere yet, questions to answer, etc.
Rough chapter outline
People file
Chronological timeline
Plus more detailed planning in the writing file itself
A posting file where I copy-paste the writing, edit it there, and then post that version
Hope that helps! I never know if it's interesting to know my process haha but I know I like hearing other people talk about theirs, so hopefully this was interesting!
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bonvoyagenoona · 3 years
1. Another Weekend with Noona - Any updates on timeline for this?
12. Kinetic - Hobi?
16. Matchmaker: The Apartment - The last drabble? Will it be about You & Jungkook after Matchmaker happens? (Please?)
Ahhh! Hi, friend!! Let's get it!!
Another Weekend with Noona is a continuation of A Weekend with Noona!
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Another Weekend with Noona will have a similar format, except it takes place after the original events in the story. Essentially, the boys have tracked you down --- in New York. It will be a oneshot and serve as the end to the series. It doesn't have a timeline update, but it's officially in the asks queue!
Kinetic is absolutely a Hobi fic! It's been in my folder for over a year now, and I think I can truly do it justice now that I've spent more time getting to know Hobi! Here's the banner and synopsis!
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Dancer!Hobi knows two things: the prestigious contemporary dance company that has invested in him, and the underground b-boy and hip hop scene where he cut his teeth. You also know two things: he’s recently been in a devastating accident, and he’s sitting in your physical therapy room, hoping you can save him.
Matchmaker: The Apartment is the last planned prologue for the Matchmaker series! No banner yet (because making it will make me cry), but here are some notes!
When I wrote the main story, I got so many questions about You and Yoongi. These prologues are meant to be a deeper dive into how you ended up in the situation that you were in at the start of the main story. How things unfolded with Yoongi over time. It will be about the apartment that you live in at the start of the main story, and I (oooof) really have to (aaaahhh) keep it as a real prologue... Like, I wanted to do this experiment with structure where Hideaway would allow me to do continual epilogues after the events of the main story, and Matchmaker would allow me to round out the main story with backstory... but... if I'm being totally honest... if I keep getting questions about Matchmaker!Jungkook... I dunno... I don't wanna close the door fully... also, there's an idea that's coming up for me that does touch on your story with Jungkook a bit and... Y'ALL I already have way too many ideas as it is! Gaaahhh OK OK we'll see how it goes!!!! Lol.
Check out my other WIP Name Game answers here! Also, you can add yourself to my permanent or fic-specific taglists (all WIPs are now included), or let me know what you’d like to be added to!
Play the WIP Name Game with me!
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Quick links: Ko-Fi l Etsy
To everyone who's ordered a letter for me- Thank you so much! Your support means the world to me. I never thought I would get paid to write so this is a dream come true.
I didn't think my letter commissions would take off like they did, so after thinking for a while, the following is the new price list. Also an exciting surprise- I have an assistant to help me! @the-spiritual-bisexual is going to be my assistant, for now, they're going to help with simple things like packaging and gluing envelopes, taping things down, etc. But since they love to write, I hope soon they'll want to start doing letter commissions too!
I'll be doing two different types of commissions, the first are my letter commissions where you get a handwritten letter from a fictional character of your choice, and the second is writing commissions for this blog. Ah, also I set up a Ko-Fi! Don’t feel pressured to tip at all, it’s just a few people were wanting to tip me for commissions and I didn’t have anything set up ;)
Fandoms I can write for:
DC Comics Marvel Comics Twilight Harry Potter Haikyuu!! My Hero Academia Fruits Basket Danganronpa Jujutsu Kaisen One Piece Anyone from a Voltage Otome Game Certain Webtoons A Series of Unfortunate Events (Platonic only) Lord of the Rings Percy Jackson Ouran High School Host Club Mystic Messenger Greek Mythology Love Letters (Hades in particular)
And more! Just message with what character and I’ll try to work with you!
Letter Commissions
The following are the tiers and what they include, all prices are in USD and shipped, if you are outside of the US add an extra dollar for shipping:
Basic - $7
A One Page/ 200 Word letter
The Envelope has either the flower illustrations I do (Or some other of your choice as long as it's in my capabilities) or the character you chose glued on with washi tape
One in character Extra (Stickers, photograph, etc.)
Mid-Tier - $10
A one page/200 Word letter
The envelope will have both illustration and a character on the envelope
Two in character Extras (Tea, sticker, photograph, etc.)
The Works - Etsy Exclusive
One Page 200 Word letter
Envelope with both illustration and character on the envelope
A Playlist from your character with a bonus page/epilogue of content
Two in character extras (Photgraphs, stickers, etc.)
A bag of tea
Examples are here
Package - Etsy Exclusive
This one is new, I've done a few of these and they're pretty fun, this is a US exclusive (Because of shipping), if you are international, feel free to refer to my Etsy listing for pricing.
This comes with one of my famous Works tier letters
Two Comfort items (Notebook, pens, headband, extra. It's all based on your preference)
Some snacks (Please tell me all allergies and preferences when filling out the form)
Notes from your comfort character on everything
This is a limited item, I'll only be doing maybe 2-3 a week. boxes are upcycled, but to make them pretty I usually draw on them a bit :)
Writing Commissions
I've been thinking of doing this for a while, but I noticed I always have a lot of requests, about 1,000, and most of them don't get written- either because it's not my cup of tea or I just don't have the time. So this will be kind of like, you get to bump your request up to the front of the queue with 100% guarantee it'll be finished. All commissions will be digital and posted on this blog, and you will be cited as the very generous benefactor who paid for it :)
Payment must be through friends and family on Paypal, or via venmo. For right now, I'm only doing one-
Blurb Level - $2.50
This will probably be around anything from 250-500 words
It'll either be a short imagine or a bulleted list
Anything longer than that will be charged the industry rate of $0.01 a word, and you give me a word count. For Example, You want another part of the Damian Wayne School Series, and you want 1,000 words. It would be $10, any words I happen to go over are on me, you don't have to pay me anything more if I happen to write a 2,000 word part.
All requests are at my discretion, and I’m free to reject any commission if I feel like I’m not the right writer for the job. As always, I don’t do ‘dark content’ so any requests consisting of anything that might need a trigger warning will be rejected.
Thank you so much for reading and supporting me! I hope to have more items in my shop and write more good content for you soon!
- Sim
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