#i.     donna troy     /     ft.  dick grayson.
r1z3n · 4 months
First, we must establish some things:
Because this is comic worlds therefore we have to at least establish canon and not canon, and much like comic artists and writers of the everyday past and present we gonna cherry pick what we like, and leave everything else behind. So Canon Divergent warnings apply.
READ MORE BELOW: (trying to be considerate to people's dashboards cause this got away on me lol)
There is the Justice League which members are Currently:
Superman - Clark Kent
Batman - Bruce Wayne
Aquaman - Arthur Curry
The Flash - Barry Allen or Wally West (You need to ask for the Flash you need, the Forensic [Barry] or the engineer [Wally])
Wonder Woman - Diana (Toria [Donna] will Alternate with WW but turned down a permeant position)
Captain Marvel - Billy Batson
Green Lantern - Hal Jordan (Again much like The Flash depends on who is need though)
the Martian Manhunter- J'onn J'onzz/ John Jones
Green Arrow - Oliver Queen
Cyborg - Victor Stone
Nightwing - Dick Grayson
--- This is where we really get into cherry picking ---
Then I think of loose canon of the Teen Titans and Young Justice meshing, making it more of what I've taken to calling
the First Titans:
Nightwing/Robin I - Dick Grayson
Flash/Kid Flash I - Wally West
Aqualad I -Kaldur'ahm (Retired)
Toria/Wonder Girl I - Donna Troy
Arsenal/Speedy I - Roy Harper
Starfire - Koriand’r
Miss Martian - M'gann M'orzz / Megan Morse
Superboy I - Conner Kent
It is important that we establish that in my world there was a divide for operations and code of conduct and charter writing which is the foundation for many non-for-profits which both operate as.
This did not get fixed or amended until well after Jason's death, meaning you know what happened if you ever survived a merger or simply existed in a space that restructured you know not everyone has actually read the updated documents.
Young Just Us is still a thing:
Red Robin/Robin III - Tim Drake
Wonder Girl II - Cassandra Sansmark
Superboy I - Conner Kent
Kid Flash II - Bart Allen
Arrowette - Cissie King-Jones (Retired)
Secret - Greta Heyes (Retired)
Empress - Anita Fite
The Outlaws: [as of right now the Outlaws are outside the oversight of JL and therefore outside being able to readily use JL or FT resources like medical easily without a lot of flexibility that they can do but why would they]
Red Hood - Jason Todd
Starfire - Koriand’r
Arsenal - Roy Harper
Artemis - Artemis of Bana-Mighdall
So those are the established teams, I am running with right now. There are likely auxiliary teams in the future I will make when the story suits. (hats off for how much canon I have to choose from)
On that note Batfamily:
Important Ages to Note:
Alfred Pennyworth (-Wayne) - Pretty sure has beef with Ra about giving immortals a bad name, and I will not be taking critique on this.
Bruce Wayne - 26 (when he became Batman),
Dick Grayson - 10 (Robin I), 18 (Nightwing)
Cassandra Cain - 8 (when she ran away from her father), 17 (Batgirl II)
Jason Todd - 12 (Robin II), 15 (when he died), 18 (Red Hood)
Stephanie Brown - 15 (when she became Spoiler), 17 (when she was Robin IV), 18 (Batgirl III)
Tim Drake - 13 (Robin III), 17 (Red Robin)
Duke Thomas - 17 (Signal)
Damian Wayne - 11 (Robin V) Current Ages:
Bruce Wayne - 42
Dick Grayson - 26
Cassandra Cain - 21
Jason Todd - 21
Stephanie Brown - 20
Tim Drake - 19
Duke Thomas - 18
Damian Wayne - 13
Also because I worked hard on it: BEHOLD THE BAT SUCCESSION
Dick Grayson, Robin I, Nightwing I, Batman II (Defunct)
Barbara Gordon, Batgirl I, Oracle
Cassandra Cain, Batgirl II, The Orphan, Batman III.
Jason Todd, Robin II, Red Hood, Batman IV.
Tim Drake, Robin III, Red Robin, Nightwing II.
Duke Thomas, Signal I, Red Robin II, Batman V
Stephanie Brown, Robin IV, Spoiler, Batgirl III
Damian Wayne, Robin V, Nightwing III, Batman IV.
Also it is important that I make this clear:
Bruce is not winning any dad of the year awards in my sandbox. He has his good moments, but he also has his bad. He is imperfect that in different time and perspectives is either refusing to change or has decided to be be better. So there will be what many call 'bad dad bruce', but there will also be 'good dad bruce' cause the batfurry is complex like that. I like playing with characters like that. So you are forewarned.
Tags to Watch if you want more of this:
#No one but a Robin gets to decide Robin
#riz's bat family canon
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boreddcposts · 4 years
DC extreme capture the flag
This post is open for contribution, whether it be characters, teams, rules or funny scenarios that you can think of
The Bats (black flag): - Bruce Wayne - Dick Grayson - Barbara Gordon - Jason Todd - Tim Drake - Damian Wayne - Duke Thomas - Cassandra Cain - Stephanie Brown
The Supers (blue flag): - Clark Kent - Lois Lane - Lucy Lane - Conner Kent - Jon Kent - Kara Danvers - Bizarro - Karen Starr - Lar Gand
The Amazons (yellow flag): (let’s face it. This team would win. Hands down) - Diana Prince - Steve Trevor - Donna Troy - Cassie Sandsmark - Artemis - Nubia - Grace Choi - Queen Hippolyta - Etta Candy
The Atlanteans (orange flag): - King Arthur - Queen Mera - Garth - Tula - Kaldur’ahm - Dolphin - Lorena Marquez - Koryak - Arthur Jr.
The Speedsters (red flag): - Barry Allen - Iris West - Wally West - Wallace West - Bart Allen - Thaddeus Thawne  - Jesse Chambers - Avery Ho - Max Mercury
The Arrows (green flag): - Oliver Queen - Dinah Lance - Roy Harper - Lian Harper - Emiko Queen - Mia Dearden - Connor Hawke - Cissie King-Jones - John Diggle
- THERE ARE NO RULES. - Kidding. Of course there are rules. This is Capture the Flag: Extreme Edition. This means war. And even war has rules. - There are six teams. Six flags. Usually, this game only has two teams and two flags, but this is the Extreme Edition so the rules will be tweaked a little.  - One rule remains the same: your flag must be visible. You cannot hide it. The other teams must be able to spot your flag from ten feet (10 ft) away. - There are six territories for the six teams. Five of them are on land, while the Atlanteans’ is in the water, because not all of them are high-born and they need water to survive. Plus it makes the game really interesting. - A circle must be drawn around your flag, one that your team cannot enter. This circle must be ten feet (10 ft) in diameter. No one is allowed to stand directly in front of their flag.  - Because there are six flags, the way to win is a little different. I’ll explain it like this: if team ‘Bats’ captures the flag of team ‘Speedsters’, then team ‘Speedsters’ is forced to join forces with team ‘Bats’. They become one team. This system goes on until there are only two teams. Whichever team can steal the other’s flags, wins. Game over. - You cannot join forces if your flags aren’t joined. No team affiliation unless flags have been captured. Team affiliation is illegal. Unless flags are captured. - Once a flag has been captured and forces are joined, those forces can only be broken through one way. Let’s return to the previous example. Teams ‘Bats’ and ‘Speedsters’ are now one team. If team ‘Arrows’ were to steal the ‘Speedsters’ flag, this does not mean that ‘Speedsters’ now joins ‘Arrows’. they stay joined with ‘Bats’. However, if ‘Arrows’ were to also steal ‘Bats’ flag, then both ‘Speedsters’ and ‘Bats’ must join forces with ‘Arrows’. However, However. Let’s say team ‘Amazons’ were to then steal the ‘Bats’ flag, what happens then? Simple! The two teams must then split. ‘Speedsters’ join with ‘Arrows’, ‘Bats’ join with ‘Amazons’. This is the only way to break forces.  - There are jails! Team members can be tagged and captured by opposite team members. Captured members will be taken to a jail that is in another team’s neutral spot. Captured members can be freed by their own team, if they can get past the guards. The tagger must escort the captured to their jail, if they don’t then the captured has permission to run for it. The ‘Atlanteans’ jail is on land. - NO POWERS. The game is to be set on an equal ground. No speed. No super strength. No water manipulation. Nothing. If powers are used, this will result in an automatic disqualification and your team becomes spectators (they can just chill around the territories and watch the game). - Surprises are allowed. When I say surprises, I mean that you are allowed to bring in brand new teammates to join your team. The only team that knows this are the ‘Bats’, since they were the ones to come up with this idea, once when they were really really bored. Once this is common knowledge, the other teams are allowed to call in their own surprises. This includes pets. 
(hey, listen. I just want to put this out there. At this point in the post, I will be using some of my ships in these shenanigans. This does not mean that that ship is the default one in this headcannon. For example, I ship birdflash and will write some shenanigans involving them. But if you want to place Linda Park in this and have Wally cheering on his badass wife as she tackles other players to the ground, then you go ahead and do that! I ship batcat, but if you want to write out Bruce successfully distracting Clark while Dick and Jason steal the ‘Supers’ flag, that’s fine! Use whatever ships you want! Have fun with it! However, pedophilic, abusive, and incestuous ships are not welcomed here. Let’s just make that clear.)
Immediately, they had to start a second round. Because a minute into the first one, Bizarro had used his powers to get to the black flag and demand that Jason join forces with him. It resulted in laughing fits and Jason having to sit Bizarro down to explain the rules to him again. -- Dick, guarding the jail: Wally I swear to fucking god you even try to free them, I will not have sex with you for the next month! Wally: What!? Barry, in jail: No! Dick, how could you!? Don’t free us, Wally! Bart, also in jail: Don’t you dare do that to us, Dick! He’s going to stay over at our house and mope and eat all the chocolate and watch romantic movies and his eyes are going to tear up whenever the characters kiss! Wally: What!? I don’t do that! Dick, fully knowing that was the reaction he was going to get and now struggling to hold back laughter: You really do. It’s kind of flattering, actually -- Lois, before the match begins: Hey, Bruce, is Selina not joining us? I was kinda hoping to introduce her to Iris  Bruce, thinking about how Selina is their trump card and is going to join halfway through the game and win it for them: No, she’s busy. Sorry. -- Diana, after learning that Lian Harper successfully entered their territory and stole their flag: How. Queen Hippolyta, close to tears: Her eyes are so big. She reminded me of you when you were that age. She’s going to make a great warrior one day. -- Kara, guarding the flag: Why does it feel so cold? Conner, also guarding the flag: I feel cold, too Kara and Conner: ... Tim, suddenly directly behind them: That flag is mine. Kara and Conner: *scream* -- Jason: Kory!? Kory: Hello, Jason Roy, standing atop a hill with Lian in his arms: Hahaha!! You’ve brought in your surprise, I’ve brought in mine! Behold! The great Koriand’r from the planet Tamaran! Lian: She’s gonna kick your ass! Roy: Whoa! hey, where’d you get that word from!? -- Garth and Donna: *wrestling on the floor and screaming at each other* Dick, close to tears because this is the fifth time this has happened this match: Would you two please stop fighting!? This was meant to be a fun game of capture the flag, not war between atlanteans and amazons!!! -- Arthur Jr., guarding the jail after he captured Bart: You play videogames? Bart: Dude, of course! I’m trying to beat Warriors VS Assassins 5 at the moment, but the levels are really hard this time Arthur Jr., sadly: I can’t play videogames, I live in the water Bart: That sucks Thaddeus, sprinting out of the trees with an unholy shriek: RELEASE BART RIGHT NOW!!! Arthur Jr.: *screams* Bart: THAD NO! -- Oliver: Your kids had a great idea with this, Bats. It’s nice to have something where everyone can just take a break from crime and have fun. Dinah’s having a great time. I think this game might also be bringing Roy and I closer together-  Bruce, to Jason, as Oliver’s still talking: Did you have to capture their flag? Jason, holding Lian in one arm, the other wrapped around Roy’s waist: Yeah. Yeah, I did. -- Wally, having just encountered Dick as he’s trying to capture the black flag: Ooh, what are you gonna do, Officer Grayson? You gonna arrest me? Dick: I am going to murder you Wally: Sounds sexy- ACK *gets tackled to the ground*  -- Barry, attempting to sneak into the Amazon territory: Artemis, spotting him: The Flash is trying to capture our flag! Queen Hippolyta, instantly: GET HIM! Barry, running away from five Amazons who are all on his tail: OH MY GOD WHY DID I EVEN ATTEMPT THIS I AM SO SCARED RIGHT NOW
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clarkimagines · 4 years
Titans Drabbles:
Dick Grayson
Don’t Say Yes: Based on Speak Now by Taylor Swift. 
A Thousand Ways to Love: Based on Inside My Heart by Florent Dorin. 
What a Shame: (villain!reader)  Based on Kids In The Dark by All Time Low. 
My Lucifer is Lonely: Based on all the good girls go to hell by Billie Eilish. 
Anything for You: (fem!reader)   Y/n and Dick Grayson are both vigilantes. They’ve fallen in love once before, and now they finally have a chance to make their relationship work. Deathstroke kidnaps Dick’s girlfriend just before she has the chance to reveal some exciting news.
My Enemy’s Enemy: Written with the prompt “look, I hate you, but I hate him more. Can we call a truce, just for this?”
Valentine’s Day Drabble 1: Written with the prompt “does going undercover together count as a date?”
Valentine’s Day Drabble 2: Written with the prompt “we’re at the fanciest Valentine’s Day party in the city. Live a little.”
Valentine’s Day Drabble 3: Written with the prompts “can I kiss you?” “Does going undercover together count as a date?” and “Date night is ruined!”
Practice Makes Perfect:  Dick Grayson’s partner lives with him and his team but tends to stay away from vigilante work. They decide they’d like to learn how to fight. Dick trains them while the rest of the Titans are away on a mission.
Donna Troy
Black and Blue: Based on Grenade by Bruno Mars. 
Valentine’s Day Drabble: Written with the prompts  "can I kiss you?" and "I miss you so much."
Garfield Logan
Sweater Weather: Based on Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood. 
Don’t Wanna Hide: x
Might’ve Been a Nightmare: Based on everything i wanted by Billie Eilish. 
The Night Watch: Written with the prompt “maybe someone should stay up here... keep watch.” 
A Sweet Surprise: Written with the prompts “this is a disaster,” and “just go ahead, say ‘I told you so.’”
Jason Todd
Alone at Midnight: Based on I Think I’m OKAY by Machine Gun Kelly ft. YUNGBLUD.
Praying for the Day That You’ll Be Mine: Based on All I Have To Give by Backstreet Boys. 
Jericho Wilson
An Introduction: Dick Grayson decides to introduce two of his fellow vigilantes. Jericho, the body-jumper, was the newest member of the Titans. Y/n was a slightly more experienced (and blind) crime-fighter with the power to sense people’s souls. Needless to say, the two hit it off.
Til the Sun Rises: Based on Play Me Like A Violin by Stephen. 
Rachel Roth
If I Make it Through: (platonic)  Based on Si Je M’en Sors by Julie Zenatti.
Guardian Angel: (platonic)  You were a guardian angel, tasked with protecting Rachel from anything and everything that might harm her. You kept your purpose a secret until Rachel’s father appeared. 
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dickie-gayson · 8 years
i was tagged by @martemartinelli (like 3 days ago sorry! but thank you!!)
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
nicknames: Vick, Vicky, Tori, etc. an odd one I’ve picked up was Ringpop (my friend likes food and nicknaming people after food lmfao) 
star sign: Sagittarius also!
height: 5'3″
time right now: 1:16 am
last thing you googled: jcink vs proboards (trying to see which i’d rather use lmao)
favourite music artist: oooh i have a lot. ones i didn’t mention last time would be: Nicki Minaj, Frank Sinatra, In This Moment, Five Finger Death Punch
song stuck in my head: Despacito - Luis Fonsi ft Daddy Yankee (it was an ad on youtube and it’s actually catchy and i like it lmao)
last movie i watched: I can’t remember which was the last because I binge watched a couple movies, so it was either Under the Red Hood, Bad Blood, ooor Flashpoint Paradox (i think???)
last tv show i watched:  ngl i think it was Paw Patrol when I was watching my niece and nephew lmfao
what i’m wearing right now: hot pink shorts and a white tank top
when i created this blog:  sometime in 2013, apparently (holy shit i dont remember that lmfao)
the kind of stuff i post: mainly DC stuff, tho I occasionally post video game stuff and Rooster Teeth
do i get asks regularly: every once in a while, but not regularly
why did i chose my url: Dick Grayson is my baby and i like making fun of him bcus i love him
gender: cisfemale
hogwarts house: Ravenclaw (neeeerd)
pokemon team: never played the newer stuff ):
favourite colour: blue and purple, definitely
average hours of sleep:   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
lucky number: 9
favourite characters: Dick Grayson, really the entirety of the Batfam, Kaldur’ahm, Donna Troy, Doctor Fate, Mar’i Grayson (what a cute bean give her to me DC), Kori, Johnathan Crane, Zsasz, Arthur Curry, Mera, Kon, Rose Wilson, Johnny Gat, Matt Miller, Garrus Vakarian, Thane Krios, Kal’Reegar, Zevran Arainai, Fenris, Carver Hawke, Ezio Auditore, Leonard Church, Agent North, Pyrrha Nikos, Roman Torchwick, Lie Ren, Butch Deloria, Harkness, Craig Boone, Nick Valentine
number of blankets i sleep with: two when it’s cold, one regularly
following: 976
tagging: (srry totally not tagging 20 this time lmfao) @deadsrobinscircle  @serendipitoustranquility @clorbag @thedameofspades @statuesofbees @fandomexplorer @camsthisky @tumdrake & whoever else wants to do it!
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