#i. i did this instead of my assignments. yay!
caramelmochacrow · 10 months
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happy birthday to shano!!! :D
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could i offer you an L in these trying times?
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necromancy-savant · 7 months
Who remembers the time in my first year back at college at a new school when, in my first ever Linguistics class, my professor asked me to research alternative terms for "penis" on Urban Dictionary?
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ghostkennedy · 1 year
Read the camera series, and I had an idea 👀 what about a story where the reader is obsessed with Leon FIRST? Like, she watches him all the time and notices he kind of has an obsessive streak, and she likes him and decides that she wants him obsessed with HER. So she kinda leaves a trail of breadcrumbs to make him start liking her. She's sweet to him, does things for him, and makes notes of his preferences so she can match them perfectly. When he starts stalking her, she's all like "🥰 yay! Bf!"
thank you for your patience with this one <3
Perfect Subject
~Leon Kennedy x gender neutral! Reader~
Word count: 1931
Content warnings: shooting guns in a gun range, obsession, reader is a government agent, stalking, leon goes through your stuff and into your place without permission
Leon Kennedy could never just casually enjoy things. You would never find him just appreciating a thing for what it was and then moving on with his life. Oh no. If he thought a song was good, he would replay the melody over and over again until he didn’t like it anymore. If he liked a movie, instead of him thinking, “wow that was a good movie,” and then watching another, he would replay that movie until he knew every little detail about it. 
This included his work as well. Anything he did, it had to be done perfectly. He crossed all his T’s and dotted all his I’s. When you were first hired on as a government agent, he was assigned to overlook your training. There were specific agents assigned to training fresh recruits, so he wasn’t training you directly, but he would always cut in if he felt your trainer was going too easy on you or wasn’t teaching you properly. 
One day, you were practicing in the gun range and couldn’t seem to improve your accuracy no matter how much instruction your superior gave you. You huffed and threw your head back in frustration when you failed to hit the designated mark again. You were desperate to succeed and be good at your job. You couldn’t focus on anything else in your life. Everything you did, you had to do it well, otherwise it would eat you up inside.
That’s when you felt a strong form firmly press himself into your back, his arms wrapping around yours and guiding your hands to aim the gun properly. He used his heavy boots to kick your feet out into a better, more grounding stance. He slowly adjusts your shoulders and elbows and forces you to tighten your grip on the weapon. He stepped back from you and you felt stronger and more confident in this new position.
You fired the shot and hit the mark exactly in the center. You shook your shoulders, relieving some tension in your neck before getting back into the same position. You fired a second shot and hit the mark again. You spun around with a smile on your face ready to thank your trainer when you were met with pretty blue eyes and a blond fringe. 
You stammered over your words, “Oh, um, hey Agent Kennedy! I didn’t know you were here.” You shifted your gaze up to meet his eyes, “Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.” 
“It’s my job. Thought that would work for your height and stature,” he said simply before walking out of the room. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the sudden emptiness of the room once his overwhelming presence was gone.
And from that point on, you had become obsessed with the man. You wanted to know everything there was to know about Leon Kennedy. Once you discovered he had an obsessive streak that matched yours so well, you knew you had to have him. His face had those soft features, but still had a prominent sense of rugged manliness to it. The messy look of his hair, which you could see the effort put into it to give it that carefree look while still being just the right amount of tidy. 
Don’t even start on the muscles protruding from his body. It’s like he had been sculpted from angels themselves. You could see the outline of every ab through his tight shirts and the way his arms bulged against the fabric of his sleeves. His aura demanded attention and he always commanded whatever room he was in, he didn’t even have to try. You noticed the way everyone else stared at him with admiration as well. You had no right to be jealous, but you were hooked and anything standing in your way would have to be eliminated.
You’d spent a lot of time trying to overhear gossip about the man’s love life, but he was so private that there wasn’t much actual information to go off of. Everything was pure speculation at this point. But what you did know was how many people had struck out with him. He wasn’t easily impressed by the flirtatious gestures, shyness or boldness. He was a case that no one had been able to crack, but you loved a good challenge.
While the other rookies threw themselves at Leon, you had to feign indifference. He genuinely cared about his job and the “greater good.” So you became the best agent you possibly could, rising through the ranks and becoming the perfect success story. You remained as elusive as possible with all of your coworkers. If Leon wanted to know anything about you, he’d have to do the research himself or ask you directly.
You were so relieved when your plan actually started to work. You could feel his stare on you when you weren’t paying attention to him. You never attempted to make small talk either. You discussed your work and would always thank him for any instruction or help he gave you, but that was it. 
A significant moment you remembered was at a mandatory reward dinner. Every single employee was expected to attend, no exceptions. Of course, you had made sure to be sat at the same table as Leon while putting on the front of not caring about the arrangements. You had both remained relatively silent during the conversations about everything and nothing at the same time going on amongst the group at your table. You’d speak and engage when called for, but avoided the small talk and gossiping as usual.
“What about you? No hot date either? What’s up with that?” one of your coworkers nudged your shoulder. You snickered as you took another sip of your wine.
“Quite a few of us at this table don’t have dates either. Maybe we should go around and share all about our personal love lives. John, Sarah, Patrick, Leon? Anybody want to share some misfortunes?” you said nonchalantly and were met with mostly silence, except for Leon who was grinning and trying not to laugh. “Oh wow, the elusive mysteries continue,” you cooed at John who was giving you a dirty look.
“Sorry, I forget you’d rather die than engage in a friendly conversation,” he spoke and huffed out a breath.
“It’d be wise of you to never forget it again, huh?” you nudged him like he had done to you earlier. He rolled his eyes before a laugh slipped from him. 
The following Monday, about an hour before it was time to head home, John pulled you to the side to talk to you.
“Hey, you’re not going to believe this,” he said excitedly.
“Oh?” you raised your eyebrow skeptically. 
He nodded his head eagerly, “Yeah! Leon fucking Kennedy was asking me about you. He wanted to know what I knew about you.” You had to hide your excitement as you continued to stare at John. “I should totally set the two of you up,” he laughed as he grabbed onto your shoulders and shook excitedly. 
You laughed at him, “Wow, agent turned matchmaker? I’m super impressed.” You pulled yourself from his grasp and went to turn and walk around the corner, escaping from the little space John had pulled you into.
You yelped when you ran into a solid object, or solid person rather. Your eyes looked up and came into contact with Leon’s. John came out after you and his eyes widened as he realized Leon was within earshot of the conversation.
John stuttered, “H-hey, buddy. What’s up?” His nervous laughter had you fighting back a smile.
“Buddy?” Leon asked as his arms crossed over his chest. John continued to fumble over his words. Somewhere in the word vomit, there had been an apology. You slipped out while they were both distracted and didn’t stick around to see how their conversation would play out. 
After that encounter, you and Leon had built a bit of a friendship. You two were always joking around and helping each other’s workload as much as you possibly could. You took advantage of every conversation you two had and utilized all the information and observations you had of him. You’d bring him coffee when he started giving his sleepy cues. You knew his favorite places to get lunch and would conveniently eat at them regularly, always ordering too much and giving him the leftovers. He never had to run his own errands around the office, because you always offered to do them for him. You never ran yours either, he always jumped up and did your little tasks as well. 
You noticed him also adjusting himself around your preferences as well. He slowly switched coffee shops to the one you preferred, attempting to keep you from noticing. But of course you noticed everything. You stopped being assigned the work you’d always complain about and tell him how you dreaded doing those meticulous little tasks. He’d drop little references from shows you’d told him you liked occasionally. Always feeding you information on top secret topics you’d shown interest in. 
You were so giddy when you noticed he had upped his game when it came to you. You started to notice things on your desk not being where you had left them. Logging onto your computer and the tab you’d left open not being up on the screen like you had left it. Your heart swooned when you noticed things in your apartment disappearing or being moved without your knowledge. You even noticed him tailing you on your errands, him in his unmarked car staying a reasonable distance as you went to the grocery store or to pay bills. 
You noticed the unmarked car in your apartment complex’s parking lot early one morning. So, of course you went outside and lounged on the balcony in your short shorts and tank top that barely covered your chest. Biting your lip, seemingly lost in thought as you drank coffee and scrolled on your phone.
He started placing himself in your path as well. One Saturday, he coincidentally ran into you at the supermarket and you walked around shopping together. He’d jog past your place, waiting for the day you’d be outside and he could recognize you. You let this go on for a few weeks, before finally deciding to get your mail from the office at the exact time he always jogged past. After talking to him for a few minutes, you invited him for some water and a snack. You spent the morning together, before he finally left to continue his run. 
So far, it’d been a few months of this back and forth. Running into each other, sharing lunches and coffee, spending more time working together, and you both suddenly were showing up to all work events. Neither of you ever rejected the offer to go out for drinks when invited by coworkers. You always stayed near one another, no matter the outing. You longed for the day something would finally happen between you two. You knew he was basically stalking you at this point and you made sure to make this job as easy as possible on him.
The longer the chase, the better the end result right? As long as you kept Leon right where you wanted him, you could keep this up forever. You imagined all of the ways he would finally make his move, finally bridge the gap between you two and mold you together where you belonged. Until then, you’d be his perfect and oblivious subject. 
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neonoddeye · 4 months
A lesson in physics | College! Gojo Satoru x Reader
In these trying times, I will provide: a college au! I actually wrote this as a birthday present for my best friend, but I wanted to post it here as well. It’s also my first chaptered fic, yay! I hope you enjoy :)
CONTENT INCLUDES: AFAB! Reader, cursing, Gojo and reader are both in college and everything is NORMAL and HAPPY, Gojo is a frat boy, enemies to friends to lovers, will be NSFW in later chapter (MINORS DNI)
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Monday, 12:00pm
Working with Satoru Gojo on a class assignment was a horror you only conjured in your nightmares. And as you look at the physics class assignment on your laptop screen, you realize you wouldn’t be waking up from this one any time soon.
“Oh god, him?” Your roommate Shoko joins your gaze of disgust as she glances at your fate. “You’re gonna end up doing the whole thing by yourself!”
“Don’t remind me” you whine, leaning back in your chair and placing a hand on your forehead in dramatic distress. “Can I switch with you?”
“Hell no, I’m securing this A with Nanami” Shoko laughs, patting you on the back as a poor attempt at pity. “But we’ll be praying for you.”
You and Shoko had just left said physics class, the two of you lounging at the library to get a head start on the week’s assignments. You couldn’t help but truly stress over your predicament instead of starting on your homework, however: everyone and their mom knew of Gojo Satoru and his infamous Kappa Alpha frat boy title. Ever since he was on your dorm floor freshman year of college, you’ve harbored a vendetta against him. While you were immune to his mesmerizing blue eyes and undeniable charisma, most of your friends weren’t, and pursued him in droves. With every poor girl’s broken heart that he stomped on, your hatred grew, until you infamously bashed him at his frat’s party that same year. While his reputation was almost impenetrable in the eyes of his male friends, you definitely did a little damage to him from the outside. Two years later, you never thought you’d have to deal with him again- until you both enrolled in the same physics class. Hell, you didn’t even think he had the brain capacity to handle a STEM major. And now, you have to work alongside him; you can’t help but question the universe and wonder what you ever did wrong to deserve this.
“Guess I’ll get his contact info” you sigh, pulling up the list of class emails and scrolling for his name.
“Hey! Y/N, right?” You hear a familiar voice ahead of you. Your lab partner, Gojo Satoru, has already found you in the library. The devil works hard, but Gojo works harder. 
“Hey Gojo” you reply monotonously, barely glancing at him over your laptop screen. He’s dressed like a poster frat boy, wearing a dark blue knitted sweater vest over a crisp white button-up paired with slim khakis. His paper white hair is unkempt yet tamed, and his irritating blue eyes sit behind round gold-rimmed glasses. His trademark smirk is replaced by an awkward smile as he approaches you; it’s good to know your blow at his ego was permanent.
“Uh, long time no see” Gojo continues while messing with his disheveled hair, “did you see we’re working on that project together?”
You can’t help but let out a belated sigh. “I sure did. You have any ideas for it yet?“
“Oh nah, I haven’t really looked at the whole thing yet. Do you wanna start it right now? I have time.”
“Oh uh, I have to leave for class in 15 minutes.” In reality, your next class starts in an hour; you just didn’t feel like talking to him right now. Still, you keep up the act by packing your belongings to head out.
“Oh that’s all good. Here,” Gojo hands you his phone, presenting an empty contact card for you to fill out. “Let’s set up a time to work on it later. We have two weeks, but I wanna get it over with”.
“Well, that’s something we agree on” you mutter, filling out your contact info on his cracked iPhone screen. You then hand his phone back to him and rise from your seat. “I’m usually free after 4pm. Just remember to actually text me back, Gojo. I know you’re not very good at that.”
“I will, I will,” he chuckles, holding up his hands in surrender to your threat. “Promise!” he holds up a pinky and winks at you, to which you roll your eyes and head back towards the door. You’re really hoping these next two weeks aren’t as difficult as you think they’ll be.
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Thankfully, Gojo actually responded, and the two of you agreed to Tuesday evening at the library. You’re currently waiting for your project partner at a cozy corner desk, taking out your notes and laptop to begin the assignment. It’s 5 minutes past the agreed upon time when Gojo saunters up to you; honestly, you thought he’d show up later or forget entirely, so you’re not upset.
“Sorry, club meeting ran a little later than usual,” he says as he slumps into the couch across from you, his legs dangling over the armrest. “I got you this, too,” he adds, sliding a Red Bull over to you. “I don’t know how long we’re working on this tonight, but I thought I’d get us both one, just in case”.
“Oh, thanks. I got something already, though,” you reply, picking up your thermos of espresso and politely pushing back the offering. “What club are you in?” It seems like you’re both attempting to make amends to make the project a little easier.
“I’m in an astrophysics club. It’s nothing much, tho”, he shrugs. We just talk about nerdy shit and occasionally do projects and stuff.”
“I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t expect that from you”, you lean back in your chair, now slightly interested in the man before you.
“Yeah, I actually do more than just party.” Gojo adds while taking out his own supplies. “Believe it or not, I’m not the same guy I was freshman year”.
“You’re gonna have to prove it to me, I’m afraid”, you retort. If he’s trying to charm you, it won’t work. 
Gojo clears his throat. “Anyway, here are some ideas I had for the project”. He slides his notebook closer to you, revealing a page full of bullet points aptly titled “project ideas.” His handwriting is messy, but legible, and as you read his notes you’re reluctantly impressed by his insightfulness and creativity. Gojo reveals that he actually stayed behind at his club to relay his ideas and ask for tips, admitting he was more interested in the material than he thought he’d be. As you lean over the table to point out one particular idea, you catch a hint of cologne from him. You can tell it’s not a cheap scent, with notes of mandarin and cypress above amber and leather. His hair is slightly neater than it was yesterday, and up close you can tell that his skin is flawless. You’re almost annoyed at his effortlessly attractive appearance; no wonder so many people fawn over him. 
An hour passes briskly, with the two of you making ample progress with the project. Surprisingly, the two of you work well together, even getting off topic a few times to discuss frivolous subjects. You learned that he likes watching cartoons and reading, and wants to go into research after college. You can’t help but feel a little guilty for holding a grudge over him for so long; it seems like he really has changed. 
After 30 more minutes, Gojo stands up to stretch. “Alright, we’re done with the outline”, he yawns, taking a sip of his Red Bull. “I don't wanna keep you too long, how about we call it for the night?” 
“Sounds good to me”, you yawn in response, closing your notebook. “It takes me a bit to walk home, anyway”.
“You’re walking home by yourself? At dark?” Gojo questions you with genuine concern in his words. “I can drive you home, if you want”.
“Oh no, I’m fine. I do it all the time”, you shrug.
“It’s no big deal to me”, he flashes a small smile. “I respect having the balls to walk home alone at night, but I’d be a dick to not offer”.
“Sure, why not. I appreciate it”. You smile back, getting up to follow Gojo to his car. As you walk with him to his car, the two of you excitedly discuss a new anime you’ve both been watching. You didn’t take him as the type to be an anime guy either, but he’s surprised you a lot today. When you get to his car, it’s as nice as you expect it to be: a slick silver BMW with a clean interior, accompanied by a new car smell. Of course he has money, too. He’s not a menace to society on the road either, and the low hum of his Spotify playlist accompanies the small talk. 
“By the way”, Gojo pipes up after a moment of silence, “I feel like shit for how I acted to your friends freshman year. You were right to call me out like that”.
“I know”, you reply, with a hint of playfulness in your tone. He chuckles in response. 
“No offense taken. But really, I hope we can be on good terms now. I had a good time, even if we were working on an assignment.”
“Unfortunately, I think I did too”. He’s pulling up to the entrance of your apartment complex, and parks neatly by the door. 
“Next time, how about we work at my place? Only if you want to though, just thought I’d suggest some place quieter”.
“I’m down”, you nod, “I could bring snacks, too”. 
“Sounds like a deal. See you on Thursday, Y/N”. He gives you a short wave as you exit his car, and even makes sure to watch you get inside safely. As you walk to your apartment, you battle with your renewed thoughts of the frat boy you once detested. After being alone with him for an extended period of time, you hate to admit that you can see the appeal; he’s handsome, charming, and seems to have mellowed out over the years. But should you really be giving Satoru Gojo a chance?
Fuck it, you might.
(Stay tuned for part 2!)
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obae-me · 1 year
Hello! I love your writing! Especially your sick fics. Would you be willing to write one with mammon? Possibly just forcing a very sick/stressed reader to rest. Or if you want to go further the fever getting high enough for reader to hallucinate and they keep trying to get up and he's trying to stop her. Either would be very appreciated 😊
Yeeessss, I will always write a good sickfic! It’s one of my favorite tropes, it’s just too good! Thank you for the request, anon! I hope you enjoy!
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Let's Go Home
"...This isn't good..." Whispering, you looked into the mirror, not that you required a reflection to be able to tell. The facts were simple. You were coming down with something. There was a dark corruption stirring and settling inside your body. It felt off, and you could easily assume why. It didn't help that your throat was sore either. A telling sign if there ever was one. Of course you would have the luck to catch something just before a big assignment was due. Now you could spend the next few days being sick and stressed. Yay for you. The dread and anxiousness did little to ease the symptoms that seemed to slowly creep up on you the more you woke up. As much as you'd like to throw yourself back into bed, you couldn't afford to miss these next few days of classes. So, tugging on your uniform with harsh irritated movements, you headed downstairs.
Breakfast was already done for the most part, the sounds of the table being cleared and the last few munches of Beel could be heard from behind the dining room door. You'd given up food this morning for that last little bit of rest. You'd need as much as you could get right now. You could only hope the brothers didn't find your absence suspicious. If they knew you weren't feeling well...you could only imagine the kind of hovering they would do. They meant well, truly, you knew as such, but sometimes they never knew how to let you breathe. Plus, they did have a tendency to overreact, and you didn't need seven different worried voices buzzing through your head when it felt like it was buzzing enough already.
Adjusting your school bag, you twisted the handle to the entrance hall open, ready to make the journey to RAD on your own. That had been the plan, but a demon-shaped wrench was thrown into it. Mammon went through a short series of varying emotions, all of which could be seen plainly on his face as his eyebrows danced up and down. He had been pleased to see you, then confused, then panicked as he looked over his shoulder to ensure none of his brothers were following him out before shutting the door behind him. After that, he seemed rather smug about the fact that it seemed you two were going to head off to school alone together. "Mornin'!" He spoke softer than he normally did, trying to keep this little moment a secret. He slipped out of the main entrance you'd already opened and pulled you outside by the sleeve around your elbow. As the door shut behind you both, he stretched, his arms straight up above his head. He pulled them tightly before his hands dropped back to his sides. "Missed ya at breakfast--I mean, I didn't miss you, I just meant I didn't see ya there," he proclaimed, a little flustered but apparently getting more adjusted to sharing his feelings with you. "Stay up a little too late, huh?"
You remained silent for a moment, focusing on trying to sound as normal as possible. Although, as you attempted to reply, your throat squeaked out the answer. Clearing your throat in an attempt to sound clearer only made the pain in your esophagus worse. Instead, you just nodded your head, hoping that it would suffice.
Suffice it hardly did. Mammon already seemed suspicious, nearly making you sweat under the pressure. Or perhaps that was caused by something else... "You alright? Something seems off with you today.
"Mmhm," you hummed affirmingly, giving him a smile to show that you were fine. With any luck he'd just write off your strange behavior as lack of sleep. Before he could investigate any further, you took rapid steps down the path towards RAD, feeling his eyes track you while you did so. But for now, it seemed you were safe.
Classes at RAD had hardly ever felt so grueling. They were always difficult, seeing as how they were all about subject material you didn't even know existed until you'd been dropped down here. Now that you were sick, focusing almost seemed impossible. But you had to. You had to pay attention. There was a test coming up, and if you got another bad grade... You couldn't stand it, the look on the other's faces whenever you did. With pity. Or even worse, like they expected it. Like you were nothing more than just a human who couldn't hardly be expected to do well. Is that why you had been pushing yourself so hard these last few weeks? Of course you had to fall ill right when all that hard work was supposed to pay off.
The bell for lunch rang cacophonously through the halls. Other demons grabbed their bags and scrambled for freedom. You remained seated till the herd thinned, slinging the bag over your shoulder. Just a little longer...Just a few more classes. You could do this. You would do this. While a demon would've given up already out of temptation, you would show everyone a human's determined spirit!
Outside seemed like a nice place to spend the break. Fresh air might do you good, not to mention it would be quiet. As for lunch...Hm, what would you do? You didn't pack anything this morning...and Devildom food wasn't exactly easy on a sick human's stomach. Maybe you still had some snacks for Beel packed away somewhere in your bag. You stepped through the halls as you rummaged through your things, eyes straining to look into the darker depths for something that might provide you temporary sustenance. If you tried to skip a meal, Beel would know. Somehow he always knew, and a disappointed Beel was ten times worse than a disappointed Lucifer.
"Oi! Watch it!" Two hands quickly grabbed your shoulders, tugging you backwards and slightly off to the side. You raised your head as it happened, able to glance forward at one of RAD's stone pillars that occasionally adorned the walls. You were about to face whoever grabbed you only to be turned around against your will. Mammon's hands lowered, trailing down to your upper arms where he firmly grasped them. "You're kiddin' me, right? Are you really that stupid to be walkin' face-first into the walls?" He sounded astounded. Exasperated. You knew that he had the tendency to sound like that when he was simply just concerned, but somehow the tone still dug into you anyway. You looked away from him, shrugging off his hands and heading down the hall again. "Wait!" Mammon lunged, reaching out and grabbing the nearest part of you. Your hand.
The action had you stop, but you stayed where you were, looking away from him partially out of spite but also because you didn't want your secret to slip. Mammon grasped your hand a little tighter, his palm moving against yours till he seemed to find where his hand fit perfectly. He was warm. Hopefully he would be too distracted by his embarrassment to notice that you were almost warmer. And not from the embarrassment. Perhaps you were worse off than you figured.
"I didn't mean to come off so harsh, You know I didn't mean it that way," he spoke, his voice softer than usual. You still looked away from him, waiting for a real apology. You could hear him shift on his feet, uncomfortable with the silent treatment, although most of it was due to your throat. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice like that." Better, but not all. You tugged a little on his arm to tell him to try again. "And for callin' ya stupid. I know you're not." You sighed, taking the apology and turning to face him once more. "You're weirding me out today. Somethin''s been bothering me all day-- actually, this whole week-- but I didn't know why. What's going on with ya?" He looked deep into your eyes as if he could pull the answer out from there. It was hard to look at him with such a genuinely concerned face. He almost looked wounded that you would work so hard to keep something from him. Maybe somewhere in his mind, he felt as if he did something to deserve your actions.
You sighed, head drooping a little. "I don't...feel great," you whispered, your voice weak, coming out still a little scratchy despite the low volume. "I'll be okay."
"Not great?" He raised an eyebrow, dropping his hold on your hand to raise it up, approaching your forehead. "Like sick or somethin'?" Suddenly his eyes widened. "You're warm! Freakishly warm! I'll go get Lucifer--"
"No! That's not--" You pressed a hand to your throat as you swallowed, the pain making your fingers tremble. You had raised your voice a little too much. "I can make it through the day. Don't bother him."
He shook his head a bit at you, eyes narrowing. "Ya don't look like you can make it that long, we should get some help and go home."
"I can't, Mammon. I have to go to class. I can't let my grades slip lower."
With that, he actually huffed, almost scoffing in a sort of confused laughter. "Screw grades! This is you we're talkin' about!" One hand settled on his hip, the other gesturing as he talked. "Who cares about a few grades?"
"I do!" Your voice raised again, emotions as well as pain brought a few tears to your eyes. "I'm one of the exchange students. Everyone already looks at me like I'm destined for failure, like I'm not cut out for the Devildom, like it's only to be expected because I'm nothing more than a simple human. I'm going to prove them wrong. So if I have to suffer through a few classes while I'm sick, so what?" You stood your ground, mouth a tight frown.
Mammon took a step back, a bit stunned at your tone, but he seemed to understand. Although you could tell he was beating himself up a little on the inside. Had he looked at you like that? Had he made you feel that way? "So you've been stressed, huh? It's worn ya down." You couldn't quite deny that statement. The demon of Greed shook his head a little. "Hey, can you promise me something?"
Exhausted by your small outburst, you pressed the back of your own hand to your head, shoulders sagging. "Depends on what it is."
"Can you forgive me?"
You could only raise an eyebrow at that strange question. "Forgive you for what?"
All the sudden you felt yourself being swept up, body off the ground, your vision a blur of colors. Mammon's arms held you close, preventing you from falling in your small struggle. "Grades might be important to you, but...you're important to me. Let's go home." He watched your head fall against him dejectedly before rushing down the halls.
Your head had felt light the entire way home. Everything was filled with that dreary fuzziness that came with dreams. You didn't pull yourself back together till you felt Mammon follow a familiar path. Sounds of home flooded your ears. The common squeak of the House's hinges. The echoing footsteps against the Entrance Hall's marble floors. The sound of Mammon's comforted sigh that he unconsciously made anytime he entered your bedroom.
You were sat on the side of your mattress, shoes being tugged off you and haphazardly and frustratingly tossed aside like they had been the source of your troubles. With two hands on your shoulders, you were quickly pushed down into a laying position, the covers being pulled over you and tucked around you so tightly it felt like you could hardly breathe. Or maybe that was just due to the sickness constricting your lungs. Everything was warm, every breath a wheeze. But worst of all was the feeling of defeat. Of the shrinking pride of Mammon being right. You were too weak to make it through classes.
"Hey, forget about RAD," Mammon spoke up suddenly, shaking his head at you. Somehow he had those moments where he knew exactly what you were thinking. You had never thought yourself that transparent, but maybe it was a pact thing. More than likely though, Mammon was just good at this sort of thing. "Your grades ain't gonna change the way we all feel about ya."
"You know what Diavolo and Lucifer expect of me. If I let them down, I'm ruining the image of the program. And I'm not like Solomon, or Simeon, or even Luke. I feel like I have to work ten times harder then the rest of them only to just barely pass. I..." You hesitated with your words, not expecting yourself to become so emotionally vulnerable, but here you were. Almost in tears, crushed under the weight of unbelievable expectations. "I can't take much more of this." Your nerves felt like frayed burning wires, the tips of your fingers trembling.
Mammon fell silent for a long while, glancing at some random spot on your floor. Finally, after you had both marinated in the silence, he lifted his chin, looking directly at you, rubbing the warm and pounding spots of your temples with one of his thumbs. "Forget about all that for just a little bit. Thinkin' about all that stressful nonsense won't do nothin' but make you feel worse." He suddenly stood up, rubbing the back of his head in thought. "Lemme get you somethin' to eat." Before you could say anything otherwise, he was gone. You stared up at the ceiling, a few tears leaving your eyes now that you were alone. This...sucked. But at least...you were no longer alone. Crying did nothing but exhaust you further, so by the time Mammon returned with some food, you were convinced you wouldn't even have the energy to eat it. He used one hand to help you sit up while the other placed a plate in your lap. It was a simple meal, but one that would probably help. Just a sandwich he had made with simple sliced meat and veggies. He even cut them into small little squares for you. His eyes were shining, like he was proud of himself, that he was glad at least that he got to do something like this for you. Then he suddenly looked at the watch on his wrist. "Crap, lunch is about over already." His mood tanked, apparently not intending to stay which surprised you a bit. You had assumed he'd give anything for an opportunity to skip classes with you. "Eat as much as you can, and then sleep long enough so it won't even seem like I'm gone, okay?" He tried to flash a signature smile, but it was filled with worry. "Call me if you need me. And make sure you call me and no one else, got it?"
You let out a breathy sigh. Just sleep and forget about it all, huh? Sure. "Okay." It's not like you could do much else. Plus, this demon was giving you some serious puppy eyes, and you had no idea if he was even intending to do so or if it just came naturally. Before he left, you took a few of the finger-sandwich squares and handed it to him, so at least, even if he was leaving, it was like you were having lunch together. He took them gently, that giddy glow that usually formed around him returning. He took a munch of one before running off, giving you one last glance before he shut the door. You looked down at the plate and tried a bite of your own. It was pretty light as to not upset your stomach, but filling enough to stop the slight hunger pains you were already feeling. How precious of him to make you lunch like that. It was a short time before they were all gone, the empty plate resting on your nightstand. Lying back down, you turned over in bed, groaning under your breath as you did so, closing wearily eyelids. With a full stomach and a sore body, sleep seemed to barrel into you like an overdue train. You might've been hearing things, but you could've sworn you heard Mammon's voice muttering something to you before you drifted off to sleep.
The sound of a sharp breath had you open your eyes. You stared at the ceiling of your bedroom blankly. It took you quite a while to realize you were even awake. Slowly turning under your covers, you tried to figure out what or who had woken you up. "Mammon?" You called out, voice weak, throat dry. You knew you felt warm but you couldn't help but shiver anyway. Shaky and weak hands gripped your bedsheets as you pulled yourself out of bed, your head swimming from the movement. You noticed a shadow flash across your eyes. Something moved right outside your door. "Who...is it?" A few trembling steps and you were at the door, swinging it open. You craned your neck to look down the hallway. Nothing was there. Some sort of hum filled your left ear. It was hard to discern what it was, but maybe whoever had been outside your door went in that direction. So, you left your room, turning left to wander down the hall.
How long had you been sleeping? Were you still sleeping? No, everything felt too real to be a dream. And yet, everything in your mind was hazy. Thoughts were hard to keep ahold of, slipping from your brain almost as soon as they were manifested. You were too preoccupied with the pain in your body, and whoever was in the house apparently. You continued to shuffle past windows and doors, trying to keep an ear out for another noise. Something caught in your peripherals. As you turned to look out the window you were standing by, you caught the last bit of a blur running past the frame. It jolted you back, almost causing you to fall, but you stumbled into one of the hall's little dressers.
Now you were irritated. You didn't feel good enough for games. You were going to find who had just scared you and give them a piece of your mind. You marched the rest of the way through the House, ending up in the entrance hall. You only mildly regretted your decision when you opened the door, the cold air outside almost making your teeth rattle. You took a few steps outside anyway, glaring as you scanned your surroundings. There seemed to be nothing out here. Just as you were about to turn around to go back inside, a hand grasped your shoulder. You jumped, smacking the hand that had touched you as you swirled around.
Mammon looked dumbfounded, only to then turn his expression into one frighteningly close to Lucifer's. "What do you think you're doin' being outside like this? You have a death wish? I said to stay in bed!"
The shock rattled your lungs, a few coughs shaking your frame. "What the hell, Mammon? Why would you do that to me? You think skulking around the House is funny? Some caretaker you are!" You pressed your palms to your throbbing temples.
"Whad'dya mean?" His eyes went a little wide, looking wounded, but mostly confused. You straightened your posture, glancing behind him to see the front gate slightly ajar. Had he just gotten here? Then you spotted the papers he was holding under his arm. A large stack of them. "No one should be home but us. Even Levi was dragged to classes today." You raised an eyebrow at him, trying to go over the details in your brain. Before you could try to figure out if you were crazy or not, Mammon took your arm and led you back inside the House, dragging you along till you were back in your room. He was clearly worried, hardly able to stand still on his feet, his heels tapping against the floor as he helped you into bed.
"Where did you go?" You couldn't help but wonder. You didn't want to outwardly say you had wished he stayed here, but...maybe his tsundere nature was rubbing off on you.
He moved to settle the papers he was carrying onto the table in your room before coming back to you. "I had somethin' important to do is all..." He didn't seem to be very forthcoming with information at the moment. Well, when did he ever? You didn't have the energy to press him on anything. His hand suddenly cupped your cheek as he cursed. "You're even warmer than before..." He got on his knees by your bedside so he could be level with you as you rested. "How do I help you feel better?"
"Some water might be nice, and maybe a cool rag," you shrugged a little. There weren't too many remedies for humans easily accessible down here.
He shot up to his feet. "That's easy! I'll be back!" He dashed off, moving so loudly you could hear him move all the way to the kitchen. He came back just as quickly as he left, putting a cup of water on your nightstand and holding the rag in his hands. He suddenly turned a bit sheepish, slowly getting back down to his knees on the floor, glancing away from your gaze. He was fidgeting with the rag in his hands for a moment before briskly placing it on your forehead. "Why'd you have to go and get sick, huh?" He asked in a huff, pressing the cooler parts of his hand against your burning cheeks. "I can't stand the way you look right now. Hurry and get better, dammit..."
"If I could will it away, I would," you assured him. He stayed by you in a bit of silence, looking down at the floor as he fretted, muttering things about 'finding a magical cure' or something of the like. You couldn't help yourself. He looked a bit like a bruised puppy. Your hand found it's way into his hair, causing his head to snap up and stare at you, embarrassed, but clearly not backing away. "Thank you for being here with me. I always feel a little better when you're around."
It was his turn to feel warmth in his face. "Don't say stuff like that! No gushy stuff! 'Cuz then..." He quickly went silent, enjoying the feeling of your fingers in his hair. "I...uh..." The subject was suddenly changed. "I know you've been stressed out about classes and stuff, so I...went to all your classes for ya and took notes." He took a moment to relish your pleased look. You could only imagine the confusion of your professors. "But I'll only give them to you on one condition!" He shook his head firmly, letting your hand fall back to the bed. An accusatory finger pointed sternly in your direction. "You can't get burnt out like this again, okay? I'm serious. Deadly serious." He leaned forward, flipping the rag over on the now-cooler side. "Nothin', and I mean nothin', ever takes priority over you, okay?"
A little hum left your throat, almost cooing over him. A little tease left your lips. "Aww, so you do care for me."
He sighed, looking a little annoyed before his eyebrows softened. "Of course I do, ya dummy. That's why I'm here, right? Me and no one else...I won't let anyone else take care of ya."
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cupidgwk · 10 months
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. . ! oblivious — kim gyuvin
► more friends to lovers !!!!
► synopsis: you and gunwook devised the oh so, full proof plan to get gyuvin to fall for you!!!
► slightly proof read
► p.s gunwook is best wingman
step one — get closer to him (physically)
gunwook laid out the steps for you one by one. first, you’d have to get close to him but in a subtle way!
his bright idea? turning up the a/c. what you didn’t expect was gunwook setting the temperature to a chilling 60 degrees.
“oh it’s pretty cold in here isn’t it.” gunwook ponders.
“yeah, just how cold is it?” you glared at gunwook as your teeth chattered.
“oh don’t worry about it! the air conditioner must be broken.” he shrugged avoiding eye contact.
gyuvin still had his eyes fixated to the tv in full focus in his mario kart race.
“are you cold y/n?” hanbin questioned. “you can wear my sweater if you want!”
“oh thank you hanbin! you shouldn’t have…” your fully slightly pained smile spilling out as you accepted the wrong person’s hoodie.
gunwook physically smacked his hand against his forehead.
spoiler alert: it did leave a mark on his forehead that lasted a good two days.
step one. failed.
step two — make him good ol’ baked home goods
you trusted gunwook with your life after all. well, not after the kitchen fiasco that was.
“uhm, is that supposed to be bubbling?” you questioned in concern watching the “cookies” bake in the oven.
“i don’t think so,” he trailed off in fear. “just how many tea spoons of baking powder did you add?”
“i think, around 3?” you replied.
“that can’t be right, then why is the-“ realization flashed through his eyes.
“oh man..” he started.
“what did i do.”
“well, you may have used table spoons instead of tea spoons.” gunwook stated re-reading the baking instructions.
he pointed his finger to the top of the ingredient list. “also, we used baking powder instead of soda.”
to make the situation even worse, the smell of smoke entered your nostrils.
“there is no way…” you raced to the oven and fished the tray of slightly burned cookies.
of course at the worse timing ever, gyuvin enters the kitchen, clearly looking for whatever he can stuff into his mouth.
“yay cookies!” his eyes lit up. “i love home made ones the best!”
“gyuvin wait!” but you and gunwook were a little too late. as gyuvin munched into the baked good that didn’t even deserve to be called a cookie.
gyuvin’s face went from joy to confusion to pure disgust.
“oh wow guys this is the best thing i’ve ever tasted!” he managed to cough out.
“dude, you can be honest.” gunwook deadpanned.
“i need a moment.” he mumbled making his way toward the bathroom.
in the distance you can hear the faucet running as gyuvin attempted to get any taste of that concoction out of his taste buds.
“great! i gave him food positioning!” you slouched onto the floor in defeat.
step two. failed.
and so the saga continued. gunwook would come up to you every day with a new plan to push gyuvin closer to you. of course, most. well. all of the attempts resulted in failure.
one failed attempt after another felt like a never ending rollercoaster. step 4? yujin beat you to asking gyuvin to share an umbrella on the walk home. step 5? we don’t talk about step 5.
“gunwook, i am one failed attempt away from dropping out and moving across the country. the continent even!” you flailed your arms in annoyance.
gunwook shook his head in disagreement. “no can do!” he shook his finger. “i got this covered y/n, just you wait!”
do not fret. gunwook wasn’t class president for no reason. he devised yet another foolproof plan by adding any steps necessary to ensure by the end of the day you and gyuvin will be a couple.
step ??? — become partners for the upcoming group project
gunwook may or may not have pulled a couple strings to ensure that you and gyuvin would be partners in the newest english assignment.
“hey y/n!” gyuvin greeted pulling up a seat next to you. “what exactly did the teacher say? sorry i think i fell asleep for most of it.”
you laughed at his demeanor before quickly explaining the project requirements and such. surprisingly enough, gyuvin listened intently nodding along to the words spilling from your mouth.
“thanks y/n!” he smiled. “so, when is this due?”
“we have around two weeks or so,” you tapped your pen on your bottom lip as you scanned the instruction sheet once more.
“wanna visit the café across the school so we can sort stuff out?” gyuvin questioned tiling his head.
your face erupted into a smile at his suggestion. “you sure this isn’t just an excuse to try their new season menu?” he pouted at your words lightly shoving your shoulder. “come one! please~”
you rolled your eyes at his antics. “of course gyuvin~” teasing him.
conversations filled the hallway as students rushed to beat rush hour on the train. the two of you continued to converse as you made your way to the train station. of course, gyuvin forgot to reload his train pass resulting in the two of you missing the train.
“i’m so sorry!” gyuvin apologized clasping his hands together. you laughed at his dramatic apology shaking your head playfully. “don’t sweat it, it gives me more time to spend with you.”
“what?” gyuvin questioned. your face immediately burned up as regret filled your mind. before you can even stutter out a response, gyuvin came up with one himself.
“glad to know, my plan worked,” you raised an eyebrow in suspicion. he turns to face you. “why don’t we turn that study session into a real date? you know, to make up for missing the train and everything.”
you rolled your eyes playfully. “of course!” a smile erupted on his face as he suddenly engulfed you in his arms.
“i’ve been waiting so long to do this.”
gunwook’s full proof plan to get you and gyuvin together: SUCCEEDED
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Snow and Dirty Rain (Merlin)
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Richard Silken, "Snow and Dirty Rain" // BBC Merlin
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
it's finally here! the fourth and final part!!!
this one was hard, I had the most trouble with the last three pictures. I really wanted to include Elena and Mithian as well as Geoffrey, but they just... didn't really fit. it was objectively awful. sorry for that. so I reached out to @shana-rosee , and they threw me a few ideas! it was their call to have Geoffrey last - and they might not have realized it, but it turned out great for the symbolism, as I'll point out below. so thank you for that! (/gen) but yeah, today it was just bugging me and I NEEDED to get it done, and I think it turned out pretty good!
so the first image is alluding to part 3, where the line "if this isn't a kingdom, i don't know what is" is assigned to Arthur. for "the hunter's heart" I had the unicorn horn, because it showed that Arthur was pure of heart. for "the hunter's mouth" I had Leon, (yay! Leon!) because he's Arthur's advisor, and speaks for him.
I was DETERMINED to get Leon, Hunith, and Gaius in this one, and I'm so glad I did.
Tristan and Isolde have their line to represent, honestly, what they did in the show - a reflection of Merlin and Arthur, and how their great love (filled with magic, secrets, and war), ends in tragedy.
Hunith and Gaius are there to represent "the space between the trees", as they are Merlin's sanctuary, his parental figures, the ones who know about his magic and love him - not in spite of, but for it. and of course I had to have Gaius casting a spell for the gold line!
for the last three, it got a little complicated, but I figured it out.
for "the words frozen," I did the moment that Arthur and Merlin became officially forever connected - when Uther assigned Merlin as Arthur's servant after he saved his life. the knife in the throne, the speechless moment that followed.
for "the creatures frozen.", I had the most difficult time with. Shana suggested the Lamia, which was a great idea, but I didn't think that it quite fit with the rest. so instead, I did Dragoon at Camlann. that lightning is the moment that even a fraction of Merlin's true power is shown. Dragoon is representative of Merlin being allowed to be his true self, and the consequences that come with it. Merlin can literally freeze creatures using his words - a la spells, or, more fitting, dragonspeak. people also freeze in terror or awe at the very mention of the name Emrys. so yeah, I think it worked out quite well!
and lastly, for "Explaining will get us nowhere." as i said, Shana suggested Geoffrey here, likely because of his love of the library. that reason was actually why I considered putting him under "the words frozen," but I realized putting him last was much better. why?
well, because Geoffrey of Monmouth was a real person. who, you ask, exactly is he? well, just "one of the major figures in the development of British historiography and the popularity of tales of King Arthur." yeah, in case you didn't know, Geoffrey the record keeper in BBC Merlin was an allusion to the man who helped carry Arthur's tale throughout the years.
so, why "explaining will get us nowhere?" well, because, if you accept BBC's Merlin as the true canon, then Geoffrey recorded it wrong! lol.
(in line with this, if you haven't read it already, go read @katherynefromphilly 's We Begin Again series. it's absolutely incredible, well worth the long read, and will leave you wanting more! in a good way, I promise. in it, Merlin in the present day goes out of his way to fix everything history got wrong, and it's incredible. also I distinctly remember there being fish in little pond things indoors, which was a super cute detail.)
so, that's the last of my Snow and Dirty Rain/Merlin series. I went a little overboard explaining things, but it was just so fun finding and linking the symbolism!! I hope you all enjoyed!
(p.s. I'm planning to make more of Snow and Dirty Rain, but with twelveclara/whouffaldi from Doctor Who. if you're interested in that or other things I make, check out my richard siken or original post tags in my blog.)
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g3minimars · 10 months
hii can you do maybe a oneshot or headcanon I don't really mind, cowboy kyle x fem reader :33
like hes dressed in cowboy wear and the reader is soooo over heels for him
Yes of course! There really isn’t much cowboy Kyle fanfics so this should be good. Thank you for requesting.
Genre - Fluff/Slight Smut 🌸🍂
Warnings - Kissing, Sexual Themes, Swearing, Hickeys, Making out, Pet Names, reader is referred to as Y/N, all characters are aged up and have their own apartments.
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All Mine|Cowboy!Kyle Broflovski x fem!reader
“Please Kyle?” You asked for the hundredth time.
Kyle had invited you over to his apartment to work on the group project you guys had been assigned, but you wanted to dress Kyle up instead. Kyle on the other hand, wanted to work on the assignment and get it turned in on time for full credit. “Kyle…please..” You asked with your best puppy eyes. Kyle could never resist your puppy eyes, and you knew that. But that was your little secret. Kyle looked over in defeat, knowing that he had lost. “Shit” he thought in his head. “Fine. But only because I love you.” “Yay!” You exclaimed, before giving Kyle a peck on the lips.
You went to his closet and picked out clothes for him to wear along with the ones you had brought for him. You had also brought a blindfold so it would be a surprise for him. “Here.” You said, handing him the blindfold, along with the clothes you had picked out for him. “Thanks, um what’s the blindfold for?” He asked with confusion. “It’s so it’ll be a surprise. I want to see you wearing it before you do.” “Alright.” He said before you put the blindfold on him. “Okay, now you can go and change.” “Okay, mind leading me to the bathroom though?” “Right, my bad, love.” You said as you lead Kyle to the bathroom.
After a few minutes, Kyle soon came out of the bathroom wearing all the stuff you had picked out for him. “He looks so beautiful.” You thought as you stared at him in awe. He really was beautiful, the hat he was wearing, his beautiful red hair, his li- “Y/N!” Kyle exclaimed, snapping you out of your trance. “Huh?” You quickly asked, looking back up at Kyle. “I asked if I could take the blindfold off?” “Oh, yes sorry.” You replied. You were about to take off the blindfold when an idea sparked in your head. “Actually, you can’t take it off just yet..” “What, wh-“
You quickly cut him off with an open mouthed kiss, taking him by surprise. You guys didn’t normally have open mouthed kisses, but when you did is was like you were in a dream. You then started to trail kisses down his neck, making him softly whimper due to your touch. As you were kissing him, Kyle got an idea of his own. He took off the blindfold, pinning you to the wall. “Thought you could get away with kissing me like that huh? How do you like it when I kiss you? hm?” Kyle said as he started to make out with you. He was normally soft with you, but this time it was a bit more aggressive due to you kissing him in a sexy type of way. You loved how he was making out with you. Sure it was different, but you liked it that way. You guys have always liked trying new things, and this was one if those times. Soon he started to leave a trail of kisses and hickeys down your neck and chest, making you a whimpering mess under his touch.
Eventually, after he had gotten enough whimpers out of you, he pushed you onto the bed, taking you by surprise. “Maybe I should wear this more often if this is what happens.” Kyle said with a smirk, making you blush more than you already were. “You’re all mine.”
You were in for a long night.
Thank you so much for your request! I really love how this one turned out, and I may make an extended version of this with smut in it but that will be up to you guys.
Sorry if this was a bit short, but thank you so much for your request. Bye my luvs. 💗
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honeycrashed · 9 months
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cutting it off here in case u just want the "oooo soccer anime art" stuff. just talking about feelings about my art and stuff
I actually had fun with this one, WE'RE BACK WE'RE SO BACK. I loved every step of making this, I actually sketched it out on impulse during a school seminar and I managed to finish it pretty quickly. I don't know what's been going on lately but I've just been feeling terrible about making art? maybe because I hadn't finished my projects for school that do involve my art, making me think that I'm wasting time (I know that there can be no such thing as that, atleast to me. however I spend my life is however I do it and it's not useless whatsoever.) instead of doing what'll get my grades higher..even if I did make said projects ina11 themed, there's just... something so draining about using my creative skills for school related things? it feels horrible to me... I guess I can just get up and do it which I do, but that doesn't take the feeling away, and it just drains a lot out of me, so when I finally get to draw for myself only I only manage to get sketches out..I guess. I don't know I've been thinking a lot lately. should this be in the vent/journaling tag? eh. anyways pressure of having to use my skills for academics instead of using it for fun/a way to ease my mind from feeling like shit has been draining the hell out of me but I'll be fine soon anyways. is what I thought but I got randomly assigned without being made aware to be one of the people voted to make designs for..like. another competition at school.. I like art competitions but again, school makes it so draining. maybe it's just the school I'm in? I don't really know. anyways yay drawing is fun regained once more!!!
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maltmealo · 2 months
Chapter 7: Doctor Sowa
"Cool! So your like robots!"
"No. We are not 'robots'."
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The swirling green and blue portal cut off your train of thought as you turn to watch military and delivery trucks come through, most of them carrying large amounts of crates or metal scraps.
“Prime! Where is this girl you were talking about?” One of the men who had come out of the lead vehicle shouts, another man following behind him. You feel tempted to shrink back and hide against the wall out of sight of the man but find it easier to shout back at him.
“Up here!”
The man and his companion's head snapped up toward your position, you couldn’t tell from where you were but it looked like you had spooked them a little, a smirk played on your face as you leaned on the railing, looking down at the men.
“Human, this is agent fowler, the liaison your government assigned us,” Optimus says as he holds out his hand for you to step up on. When you step onto his hand he lowers you to the ground as Bulkhead and Cliffjumper come into the room and start to unload the trucks with no difficulty.
“So you’re the portal person.” The chubby man says as he takes a step forward, a deep frown on his face.
“That would be me, nice to meet you, Agent Fowler.” You say, sticking your hand out for a handshake, he gives me a handshake and nods.
“A pleasure, as Prime said, I work as the liaison from the US government, my friend here,” he gestures to the dark-skinned man standing behind him, observing us closely, “Is Dr. Sowa, since we can’t take you to a hospital with your current…” He pauses and looks you over, “Uniqueness, he will be your doctor."
"Right," you say, giving a little wave to the Doctor behind Fowler, he doesn't knowledge you whatsoever.
"Dr. Sowa is mute, which is one of the reasons he was chosen for this position.” Fowler informs you, “He will also be in charge of your well fair while you're at the base and doing weekly checkups.”
Fowler continues to explain what will happen, you can’t leave the base, but the doctor will make sure your necessities are supplied, as well as doing weekly checkups to make sure that you aren’t dying or getting sick, yay. As Agent Fowler leaves to talk to Optimus you turn back to Dr. Sowa. He was a slender man wearing a lab coat with braids pulled back into a ponytail, and a black medical mask covering his lower face.
You take a deep breath and give him a smile, trying to seem as friendly as possible, he doesn’t react, was he shy perhaps? You step towards the doctor and smile again, doing what you did best, language.
‘Hello, doctor.’ you sign.
He seems a bit taken aback by your ability to sign but he quickly regains his composure and signs back.
‘You know sign language?’
“Yes, I was a linguistic major back home.” You chirp, clasping your hands together.
He doesn’t sign back but instead gestures for you to follow him back to the truck he came out of. As you follow you see a doctor's bag seated on the floor of the truck, he picks it up and points at you to sit down on the seat. You sit down and he pulls out the regular doctoring things.
“A check-up already?” you question. Now that you think about it, it made sense, giant robot doctors probably only knew so much, so it's probably best to be checked out by a human doctor.
‘Yes, hold still.’ he signs, beginning the check-up. After a couple of seconds of the usual doctor stuff your mind starts to wander to the hallway, had that been a dream? Who was the person who told you to run? Who was the guy that attacked you? Your mind was racing with the possibilities, maybe they were a god, or maybe related to these cybertronians, but the bigger question present in your mind dwarfed the rest, why were you here?
Snap snap. You jolt out of your daze, sitting straight up as you stare at the man in front of you. He looks up at you from his kneeling position and he taps your arm and then signs.
‘Pull up your sleeve.’ you open your mouth to respond but then decide to sign instead, best way to make friends was to make them feel comfortable, right?
‘I need to draw your blood.’
A frown graces your face, you weren’t big on needles but what needed to be done had to be done. You roll up your sleeve and look away, relaxing your arm as much as possible as you wait. A pinch and a couple of seconds wait and he was done, you turn your head to see him applying the cotton ball and medical tape to your arm, being incredibly careful to make sure you don’t bleed everywhere.
“Thank you.” you flex your finger experimentally, still working. He stands up from his kneeling position and cocks his head.
“For being gentle.” you pull your sleeve back down and hop out of the truck, “Is that all you need from me, Dr. Sowa?”
He doesn’t react, he was putting away the tools from his bag and setting the bag back in the truck.
“Dr. Sowa?”
He turns around and looks at you, something very wrong was about him, but you couldn’t quite place your finger on it.
‘That is it, I will be back next week for another check-up and supply delivery.’ He climbs back in the truck and slams the door in your face, the tinted windows blocking your view from seeing him again. You grimace and turn away, the doctor wasn’t one for ideal chit-chat apparently.
All the trucks had been unloaded and the boxes were laying against the walls in piles, Bulkhead and Cliffjumper standing off to the side and whispering, glancing back at you every once in a while, Optimus was still talking to Fowler, and Ratchet was still hard at work on the giant computer.
Now what were you going to do? You’ve already pondered, you’ve already talking with the doctor, everyone else seemed busy, and this was certainly not the place to have a mental breakdown. As you think, Agent Fowler comes up beside you and gives you a hard pat on the back.
“Alright kid, Dr. Sowa gave you the check-up, you’ve got enough rations to last you until next week, now your going to stay with these bots until we figure out what's wrong with you.” He says, watching towards the car, you couldn’t help but gape at the way he was speaking to you.
You stared at the swirling portal in awe, finally getting a good view of the blue-green light. The trucks drive through it and disappear, leaving you in the room with the metal giants. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding as the portal closed. You continue to stare at the area where they left unsure of what do to.
"Fleshling!" Thudding, angry footsteps alert you to the red giants approaching form. You step back, growing increasingly nervous about his approach.
"Cliffjumper, right?" You ask, slightly panicking as he stops in front of you, looking down.
"Yes, that's my name, good to know you at least know the name of the person you bit!"
"Sorry?" You rub the back of your head, looking up at him, "to be fair, you did pick me up."
He goes quiet, scowling at you intensely as he kneels down.
"Do you usually bite people who pick you up?"
"Nobody usually picks me up."
"I'm not apologizing."
"Then I'm not either."
"You hurt me though."
"You scared me first."
He paused a perplexed and annoyed look on his face as he offered you his hand to step up on. You give him a look and take a step back.
"Optimus assigned me to be your guardian for the time being, so I'm supposed to make sure you're not getting into any trouble, so get on."
You sigh and step on his hand, falling onto your butt as he rises quickly. you could have sworn he laughed as he started to move quickly, leaving you gripping onto his metal fingers for dear life.
"Can you slow down?" you ask, trying not to freak out.
"Why? Don't humans like to go fast?"
"Not 14 feet above the ground!" You shout, closing your eyes, you were going to die again because some robot couldn't slow down!
"Alright, alright, here you go, fleshy." He chuckled, bringing his hand down, which you quickly got off of. The ground felt like it was shaking, was it an earthquake? You pause as you look down, it was you who was shaking.
"have fun?" Cliffjumper grinned crouching down.
god, you just want to go home.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 9 days
Hey Aerie! Did someone really just fucking stole an idea from you??? Wtf I'm mad about this.
If you don't want to talk about the werewolf (!!!!!!) Neil au bc of that I totally understand, but I would also listen if you'd talk about it! (I'm maybe a little bit feral about werewolves... I know you like vampires a lot ;-) but I am a slut for werewolves...)
I hope you are asleep right now but have a great day when you read this!! Love you <3
Unfortunately I was not asleep when I got this last night. Lol. It was 2am and I had just laid down. :') <3333 But I love you! <33 Also omg werewolves were my shit when I was younger, then somehow it swapped to vampires? :'))
Also if you want I'll tell you about the 'fic-stealing incident'. It was really annoying but it all worked out and I will now be writing it for the Paranormal Fic Fest instead. YAY! So nothing truly terrible happened but it was stressful and annoying at the time.
Beware: super long ramble under the cut. Unless you're Cody c-lion you probably don't wanna open that. :'))
The reason I never talked about this on my blog is because I figured somehow people would think I was in the wrong and send me mean shit. :') But what happened was... I signed up for the big bang again this year.
I wasn't going to because last year my artist partner literally disappeared and the mod didn't bother to tell me they dropped until I asked if they could check on them. But I figured I'd try again anyhow. So I came up with two ideas. (One being demon neil, which I submitted for the bang. And the other was werewolf neil, which I am SO insane about.)
I wrote outlines for both and decided to use the demon neil one. Then I got my partner assigned and they... Hardly ever responded. I mean, I answered them within minutes. It would take them several days to reply. Every single time. Then it got to a point where they just didn't answer at all for two whole weeks. I figured they were ghosting me, like last year.
They message me the day before the check-in and ask if the art idea (that I suggested) would be alright. Like. They hadn't started at all. I hadn't either, since they had disappeared. I didn't answer. Instead I told the mod I was dropping. And they said they would have another writer write my fic for me. Like...
Uh... It's the first check-in. The artist hasn't done shit yet. Why on earth would you give my fic to someone else? Like normally, this might not have been a problem. If I had been really vague with my idea. But when I wrote out my prompt I gave a lot of detail. I thought the more the better, so the artists would know what they would be working with. However...
Since I gave so much detail, they would've been writing My Fic. Not just a random au where Neil happens to be a demon. I mean I gave a simplified version of the plot? So. That would've been so suckish. But I explained to the mod that I wanted to keep my idea and they said they'd reassign the artist to a different writer instead.
So everything worked out in the end. But I was very, very upset when it was happening. Like... I had a bit of a panic attack. Which sounds stupid I guess. But I had planned this all out and I was in love with it. You don't kidnap a baby and hand it to some rando? TwT (My writing is all I have. I'm aware that it's sad, but it is true.)
Anyhow! I won't be doing a random partner event ever again because the last two have sucked. :')) (This is no shade to the mods or anything. I get it must be hard to run stuff. But partners disappearing and stuff... Sucks major ass. I don't wanna have to depend on a random stranger for a partnered thing.)
The first bang I ever did was amazing! It was for a different fandom, back in like 2017. But the partner I had for that was awesome and really sweet. We were friends for a while afterwards. So I guess my expectations were too high I guess? :')
But yeah! That was all that went down. Nothing terrible in the end. I just got very autistic-ly upset about my baby almost being snatched. (My friend's dms were... full of me blubbering about it:')) That being said! I will definitely have to come and talk about werewolf neil at some point! (And... maybe... add him to wipw... Eventually...)
If you read this far you're a saint. I love you! <3 Muah.
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abrthephantomq · 25 days
Encoder Zim AU - Ch 2, pt 1
Year: 2004
Dib stared up at the building before him, his grip on the strap to his book bag tightening. His body ached from the all-nighter he’d pulled chasing Zim around the city – he could have just stayed home, like Gaz had told him to. He could have slept. But no – Zim had been up to something, Dib was certain of it, and he couldn’t just – let whatever it was the alien was doing happen. 
But maybe, just maybe, standing in front of the High Skool wouldn’t feel so intimidating if he had stayed home and slept. 
If it weren’t Freshman Orientation day, he wouldn’t even be here, right now. But it was, and he was. Just as he considered maybe skipping today, anyway, his eyes narrowed to slits as a familiar pink and silver “backpack” stuck out among the crowd of students weaving their way into the building. 
He followed that back pack; knowing his luck, he and Zim would be in the same homeroom again this year. Dib had a suspicion that Zim pulled some strings and messed with the school databases to ensure that outcome every single year, ever since he showed up on this planet – because it wasn’t just homeroom. Zim would have all of the same classes as Dib, every single fucking year. 
“Good morning, Dib!”
Dib tensed, glancing in the direction of the voice. “Morning, Gretchen,” he said, offering her a half-hearted wave. 
“What’s your homeroom? Do we have the same one again, this year?” she asked, moving entirely too close to Dib in the process. She didn’t cling to Dib’s arm, but it was a near thing. “I hope we have the same one again, this year. Did you have a good summer? I hope you had a good summer…” 
Sighing, Dib shook his head. “It was… okay,” he said, wanting nothing more than to push the girl away from him. He’d lost sight of Zim’s pak – if it had actually been Zim. Maybe it’d been someone else with a similar backpack. 
“Are you looking for Zim?” Gretchen asked – this time clinging to his arm and pressing far too close to Dib for his liking. 
He shook his head. “Nope, I’m not looking for that asshole.” He rubbed his cheek, thinking back to when Zim had gotten in a good shot at him, a few hours earlier. 
“Good! Because I really don’t think you should keep bothering him – he’s just a regular kid, y’know?” 
Dib held himself back from pinching the bridge of his nose. He bit his lip, doing his best to keep the tirade building in the back of his throat at bay. “....Yeah,” he forced himself to say instead, not looking at Gretchen as he said it. “Just was looking for my homeroom…” 
Which he did manage to spot, just a moment later – it was only a few more doors down in the long, thin hallway, and his body sagged in relief. Maybe, just maybe, he’d get lucky for once and Gretchen wasn’t also in his homeroom. 
Maybe Zim had fucked with her room assignments, too. Especially after it became entirely too obvious that Gretchen more or less was Dib’s only “friend,” wherever he went. Not that he really considered Gretchen a friend – more like someone who didn’t understand that he just…. wasn’t interested in her, that way. 
He wasn’t sure he was interested in anyone that way. 
“Oh, look! That’s my homeroom!” Gretchen said, gesturing to the same room, as if on cue. 
He groaned low in his throat, but still managed to push a strained, “Yay. That’s my homeroom, too,” through his teeth for Gretchen’s sake.
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girl8890 · 2 years
Project Partners | CH 5
Pairing: Loner!Jungkook x Popular!Reader
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Summary: Jungkook has always been a loner. Only having one friend that barely even lets him get a word out. College should be flying by with the type of life he’s living. But every time he sees one girl, in particular, it seems like time slows down. Now that a group project has been assigned, and no one is allowed to pick their partners. What will Jungkook do now that he has to work closely with the girl he’s madly in love with for the next three months?
Warnings: anxiety, class project (ew), first kiss, first hand job, first blow job (for five seconds), cumming in readers mouth, lots of pining, suggestive flirting, just in case you forgot: jk loves reader hard
A/n: hey… um… I know it’s been like a year since I updated this story, and I originally said this story was discontinued, but after reading over this story again I’ve decided to bring it back! Yay! Last year I went through a really bad funk, and stopped writing a lot of projects I was in love with, including this one. I also got a hate comment about this story before it even came out, so that didn’t help my mental health or keep me inspired about writing… BUT I’m okay now, and have been so inspired to write lately. I hope you enjoy this part even though it’s very late! 💜
BTS ML | Index | CH 6
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
Jungkook didn’t know what to wear. What do you wear to meet up with the girl you’re madly in love with, anyway? He met up with you once, he should be able to meet up with you again just fine!
But this was somehow different. You asked him to go to your room after flirting with him! Both of you… alone, again… in your room! You said it was for the project, but Jungkook’s fuzzy brain is saying it’s not just for the project. What if you want to-
He shakes his head, not allowing stupid horny thoughts to cloud his mind right now. Other then you finding him intriguing - whatever the fuck that means - he doesn’t understand how this is happening to him. For one, Jungkook is not intriguing. Other then his smarts in the arts, he’s got nothing. The only good thing about his life was when he snuck glances at you.
Not in a creepy way. More like a, you don’t know he’s staring and you’re just so beautiful he can’t not look at you, way. Okay… maybe a creepy way, but give him a break! He’s in love. In love with the popular, beautiful, sweet, Y/n L/n.
Huhhh… he’s going to suck at this.
Jungkook holds the shirt he picked up from his bed about five times now, and threw it at the bed again. Looking down at the pile of clothing on his bed, he huffs out a breathe, frustrated with himself. If he can’t even pick out an outfit, then how is he going to get through a date with you?!
He decided once he got back from the little coffee meet up you two had, that he was going to change his outfit. The tight blue tank top and short shorts you were wearing did not pair well with his overly baggy red gamer shirt and black sweatpants. A stupid thing for him to wear out in the first place!
Yup! He’s hopeless. Jungkook spins around, and falls back on his bed onto the pile of clothing. He presses the balls of his hands onto his closed eyes, wanting to cry about how overwhelming this all is.
Just when Jungkook is about to chicken out, texting you that he can’t meet with you today because he suddenly became sick only a few hours after seeing and being just fine, Ryan barges through the door. He looks at his helpless friend, then rolls his eyes.
“Seriously! This again, dude! How many times are you going to get depressed about meeting with her? I thought love made sunny days every day or some bullshit thing like that.”
Jungkook takes his hands off of his face, and instead uses them to support his weight as he sits up in the bed.
“I don’t know what to wear!” Jungkook shouts, ignoring everything his friend and roommate just said to him.
“Ugh!” Ryan complains as he jumps onto the bed, not wanting to deal with his shy bean of a friend. “Dude, just wear black.”
Jungkook raises a confused eyebrow at him. He asks in a small voice, “Black?”
“Yes, black. Girls dig a guy in black. Don’t understand it myself, but something about a guy looking like he’s secretly a vampire is hot to girls.”
Jungkook blinks at few times at Ryan, then stands up from his bed to turn and look at his clothing again. He digs around the clothing pile, and finds a few black things he hasn’t worn in while. Although black is his favorite color, last time he went through a faze of just wearing black the school called him into the office to ask if he was suicidal.
Yeah… that went as well as you think.
After putting the clothing on and adjusting himself in the mirror, he turns around to see Ryan is already staring at him. Pushing that aside, he gestures to his outfit. “Well!”
It’s a plain black shirt paired with a black leather jacket on top that has three colorful buttons on the chest pocket. He’s also sporting a pair of black jeans, and black boots. Basically, Jungkook is putting all the goths in this school to shame with his look… and Ryan likes it.
Ryan coughs into his fist, shuffles in his seat because he’s not used to his friend actually looking attractive. Sure, Jungkook has a hot face, but the way he presents himself and the overly baggy clothing he usually wears doesn’t let the world see how good looking he truly is.
“Ugh… you look good, I guess? Is that normal to say to a friend?” Jungkook rolls his eyes at Ryan, not caring for his weirdness at the moment.
He looks back at himself in the mirrors, trying and failing not to clutch at the ends of his jacket cuffs. He’s nervous beyond belief to meet with you. Jungkook’s honestly believe he always will be, but again: this is only for the project.
The amount of times he told himself made it less believable every time. Your conversation from the coffee meet up still swirling around in his head, and the amount of times he almost told you his feelings to your face not failing to dawn on him.
How can someone be so nervous, but at the same time comfortably with someone at the same time? It makes no sense, but yet that’s how Jungkook has been with you lately. He just needs to pull that comfortability to the forefront of his brain right now. That’s how he truly thinks this will go well. 
That’s why after a few more looks into the mirror, and combing his hair to the side so it’s parted to own side for the second time, he grabs onto his cell phone, and project supplies and then leaves the room.
Keeping his head up high as he leaves his dorm to head to yours.
Jungkook gets to your dorm door, and guess what happens? Not him knocking on the door, that’s for sure!
He went to knock, then stopped himself. A minute later he went to knock again, then stopped again. Feeling like a bigger idiot each time he stops his hand from rapping on the only piece of wood that’s separating himself from you. Just when he’s about to knock on the door again, his phone dings in his pocket.
He cringes at the loud bird chirp that comes from his phone, praying you didn’t hear it through the door since his volume was on the highest setting it could be. But since the universe fucking hates him, you did hear it.
“Jungkook, is that you?” You just texted him no more then five seconds ago wondering if he was on his way, then heard a phone ding from the other side of your door. You open the door, and see a highly embarrassed Jungkook standing there, phone in hand now.
“Ugh… Hi, Y/n! Just got your text!” He waves his phone, showing your name and last text light up on the screen. You try your very hardest not to crack a smile at how adorable he is.
“We’re you just standing out here, or did you just arrive?” You ask with a knowing and joking smirk on your face.
Jungkook’s eyes widen, realizing he may have just gotten caught at being the most weirdest person in the universe for not knocking on your door when he first arrived. “N-no! I just got here, seriously.”
Yeah, the seriously does nothing for him. Lucky for Jungkook, though, you find everything about him adorable. Even when he is to shy to answer the door. You’re not sure when it happened, maybe the first day you worked on the project and he offered you his shoulder to cry on, but you kinda have a little crush on the loner of your school.
It’s just then when you were about to gesture for him to come in, that you take in his outfit. You’ll be the first to admit that you love a guy in all black especially if that outfit actually has style to it. Jungkook is wearing everything your brain would usually pounce on in movies. Making you and your friend drool at the character, but right now Jungkook is that character come to life.
Jungkook realizes you’re just now noticing his outfit, and because he’s him and thinks you somehow find it bad, he falsely explains, “I-I thought I would try something… new?”
You look back up at Jungkook, completing your fill of his outfit for the moment, and smirk. Tonight, is going to be so fun!
“You’re really hot, Kookie.”
His eyes widen at your sudden compliment, and he feels the tips of his ears redden from the way your eyes roam his body one more time. He never, ever thought he would live to see the day that you - out of all fricken people - thought he was hot. No one finds him hot. Not even himself!
Jungkook’s jaw is slack, and he doesn’t know what to say since your words are playing on repeat in his head. You giggle at his reaction, feeling your own blush start to come on, but you breathe through it. You then gesture inside you room, move to the side a little, and say to him, “Come on in.”
Five minutes. Jungkook had five minutes of actually working on this project with you before his mind went to woozy town.
You were wearing the same outfit as before, so once you got comfortable on the floor, changing positions and making your breasts squish onto the paper you were both working on, his eyes zeroed in on them. Every time he had the strength to look away, a pencil or something would roll towards you and he was forced to look back at them. To look back at you, and all your sexy glory.
You’re distracted with the project right now, so would it be really bad just to look for a few seconds? No, Jungkook, that’s not right. But… you’re just so beautiful… it will only be a peak. Jungkook swallows down the lump in his throat, and he feels his eyes twitch as he looks back at you, his conscious of how this isn’t a good idea fading into the background as he takes you in.
You’re in full concentration of the project right now, holding a yellow pencil between your teeth as you think. Your lips have always captivated Jungkook, to the point he would stay up at night thinking about how soft that would feel against his own. He let his eyes roam a little lower, to your neck that has the smallest smudge of blue paint on it. He wonders how that blue paint got there, from you pairing in class or do you have a secret painting in your room somewhere?
The slim part of your neck extends as you turn your head to the side to look at the project with a better angle, and he wonders if you would do the same if he kisses you there. If your skin was slaty like most fan fictions describe, or as sweet as your personality. His tongue rolls in his mouth, wanting to jut out and lick you, just thinking about your taste.
Then his eyes get back to what made him admire you in this moment again. Your two breasts being squished on top of the drawing paper the both of you are using for the project. He feels a ting of jealousy for the piece of paper.
You look up from your drawing when Jungkook doesn’t answer your question that involved the project. You realize very quickly that your question fell of deaf ears, and that something was distracting Jungkook. Two things, to be specific.
You raise a pointed eyebrow at him, and feel heat hit your face. You’ve been admired like this before, you just didn’t expect mr nervous to do the same. You snap your fingers in front of his face, making him have to shake his head out of his horny trance. Jungkook’s eyes are blown out wide, and his face becomes redder then a tomato when he realizes you just got caught him staring at your body.
Jungkook sits up suddenly, making all the pencils around him fly in different directions by his fast movements. He backs up to the end of the side of your bed, and feels like his heart is about to give out. He can’t believe what he just did. He can’t believe what he just got caught doing. He’s never been this reckless around you, but now you’ve caught him in the act.
“I-I-I’m so sorry, Y/n. I - Jesus, I…” Jungkook doesn’t know what to say. But, he also doesn’t know why you’re not yelling at him to get out of your room. To leave your room and never speak to him again because you don’t want to be near someone as perverted as him.
The bubble of anxiety that hasn’t been around since this morning is starting to fizzle across his skin. His hands shaking, and the sweater paws he creates that usually calm him are not helping. He’s looking all around your room, frantic to find a point in your room to look at and calm his rapid beating heart. 
Before his anxiety takes over completely, leaving him in a even more embarrassing predicament when he will barely be able to stand when you kick him out of your room, he hears your sweet little giggle fill his ears. He finally looks over at you, seeing you hold your hand over your mouth as you try to calm your laughter.
Jungkook doesn’t understand why your laughing. How is this funny at all? The guy your supposed to be working on a project with, and maybe even close enough to say your friend, was just ogling at your boobs!
“Kookie, it’s okay. Stop freaking out.”
His eyes continue to stay wide, and he feels one of them twitch. “I-it’s okay?”
You nod your head, plastering another smirk on your face while you look at Jungkook calm down from his little freak out. You point a pink manicured finger at Jungkook, “You, my friend, are to cute!”
He hears you giggle again, and then you start to crawl over to Jungkook, and through his anxiety filled brain for a smidgen of a second he compares this moment to one of his nightly imaginations. Imaginations that are always filled with you, and his face in a pillow while he moans into it.
His face gets redder at the thought alone, and he clenches his jaw to stop the thought in its tracks. Once your right in front of Jungkook, you sit up on your knees, making you look taller then him because he’s in such a cuddled up position. Your smirk deflates when you see he’s still shaking, and instead you show him one of your sweet smiles, trying to calm his nerves you even say, “I’m not mad, Kookie.”
Jungkook breathes out a sigh of relief, but that’s doesn’t answer his question of why you suddenly decided to crawl so closely to him or why your not mad, even. He drags his legs up to his chest, cuddling them to his chest with his arms as he tries to be even smaller then he was before.
“Your not?” You shake your head, and he nods his head - anxiety fading away. “T-that’s good, but… um… y/-“
With a singular hand placed on his knee, Jungkook cuts himself off. Anything he was planning to say was wiped clean from his mind once your hand touches him. The heat radiating off your skin and somehow making his entire body shake with it. Jungkook untightens himself, letting go of his legs, but not removing them from his chest.
You’ve touched him before - his hand mostly - but the place your hand is touching now is so intimate. Especially when you rub the bone of his knee with your thumb through his jeans that have suddenly become very tight in certain places.
“Do you like me, Kookie?”
Somehow, not needing an ambulance, Jungkook has a heart attack. Well… not really, but it feels like he’s about to by the way he’s sweating profusely. Out of all the questions in the world you could ask him in that moment, why that one?! Not: why were you staring? Or, are you a freak?
Yes, he likes you! Fuck, he fucking loves you! But why ask now? Why ask after he just utterly embarrassed himself and ogled at you like a creep.
“I’m sorry… w-what?” He must not have heard you right. His anxiety has probably just fogged up his brain, and now his mind is making up silly things.
But it wasn’t in his head. You then slowly push his legs wide apart, and Jungkook is frozen to let you do it. You scoot yourself in between his spread legs, fluttering your eyelashes up at him like the minx that you are.
“I said, do you like me?”
Okay, so you did actually say those words. Jungkook swallows even though his mouth is dryer then a desert, and clenches his fingernails into his hands. Not only did you clarify your personal question, but you’re sitting in between his legs - closer to him now then you ever have before.
All Jungkook needs to do is reach out and he’ll be touching you, your that close. But besides that, even if he doesn’t answer your question, all it will take is for you to look down to know your answer.
Realizing this, Jungkook places his hands on top of his embarrassing erection, and then opens and closes his mouth like a cod fish. Still run speechless.
“Because… if you do like me…” You run your hands down both his legs. “Then I would say the feelings are mutual.” Jungkook swallows, ears burning and brain all over the place. “And I would even… give you a little treat if you answer honestly.”
Your hands stop when there right on the outer edges of his crotch. The tips of your fingers touching his hands that are covering his erection that you clearly saw before.
Jungkook blinks… processes everything… then says, whole heartedly, “I do, Y/n.”
No stutter. No crack in his voice. He says those three words likes he’s breathing out air. There’s a lot about you he doesn’t understand, and one of those things is how in such moments as these he feels like he needs to always tell you the truth. You’re always truthfully to him, so he shouldn’t lie to you anyway, especially after you admitted to something he only ever heard in his wildest of dreams…
You said you liked him.
Even before the concept of a treat came up, he highlighted those words of yours. He must be dreaming. He has to be dreaming. But he’s not, and your bright smile proves that.
“Good,” You whisper in between the two of you.
Then you steal his first kiss.
The first few seconds of it, Jungkook doesn’t react. His mind still floating to Mars and back from you saying you like him. Him unable to wrap his brain around how or why you do, but still feeling gitty about it.
Once his mind has settled a bit, he gasps into your mouth. He finally gets back into his body, the trip to Mars his brain just went on being cut short once he realized your lips were on his. You giggle against his lips, but you don’t pull back from him.
Jungkook is not only inexperienced with kissing, but the fact that his first kiss is with you has him shaking. Then again… you seem to be doing that a lot to him today.
You move your lips against his when you realize he wasn’t going to, and your happy to take the lead, anyway. To many guys thinking just sticking their tongue down your throat is the way to do it makes you a hundred percent okay with taking the lead. You move your lips in such a way, that Jungkook starts to follow you. Wet noises are heard in your quiet room ever time both your lips reattach.
Just like Jungkook predicted, your lips are feather soft. The taste of your cherry lipstick smoothing over his taste buds, and the way your move your lips as his brain short circuiting. If he wasn’t in love with before, he definitely is now. He never tasted something so sweet before, and the love he’s trying to pour back to you is small but will always be there.
If a kiss could blind a soul, then Jungkook is blind to everything but you.
After five minutes of kissing - and heavy breathing from Jungkook - you remove your lips from his. Jungkook is in awe of you. He must be on drugs because suddenly he swears there’s sparkles surrounding your frame. That may just be his happiness clouding his eyes, but either way he’s over the moon.
Not only do you like him, but you just kissed him! You made out with him. Sealing the deal on his heart belonging to you for eternity.
“Y/n- that-… wow,” He’s speechless. How could he not be? He still feels your lips against his own like a ghost, and he moves on hand to touch his lips. When he looks down at his fingers, he sees your light pink lipstick on the tips of his fingers. Your lipstick staining his lips from the intense make out session that’s just happened, and he hopes it never rubs off.
“Wow, indeed,” You say. “But I didn’t give you your treat yet.”
Jungkook raises a pointed eyebrow at you, not understanding-
With one movement of your hand, Jungkook is grunting against closed teeth when your hand smooths over his bulge through his pants. His neglected length getting harder as you two were making out, and Jungkook completely forgetting about it since all of his senses were only directed at you.
He must have slacked his hands off of his lap at some point during the make out session, because now when he looks down through his slowly closing lashes he only sees your hand rubbing at him through his jeans.
You giggle at his hearty reaction, and lean in to kiss his cheek. “Someone get excited quickly.”
Jungkook’s cheeks flush, and his nails rip at the floorboards. Yes, he’s excited! The girl of his dreams is touching him, and not only that’s, he’s a fucking virgin! Any touch from your brings on oversensitivity, so for to touch him there it’s like a super nova has just went off in his body.
He feels like he should tell you the truth. That’s a an inexperienced virgin, and maybe going this far with him right now isn’t a good idea. He should tell you he’s not as experienced as you may think a guy his age should be, but before Jungkook could utter a word to you you’re unbuttoning his pants and smashing your lips back together with his.
Jungkook wants to faint and howl to the night skies all at the same time. This is his deepest wet dream come true, but he still thinks he should-
The second your dainty hand wraps around him, Jungkook is completely done for. He doesn’t cum, but he’s damn well close already. He’s moaning, grunting, and almost fricken crying by the way you’re touching him. It’s literally only been thirty seconds, but those few pumps you have gave to his cock have him melting.
You detach your lips from his at the same time your thumb rubs at his swollen head. Jungkook’s nails dig into the floorboards even harder, and he’s trying his best not to shut his eyes as the pleasure you’re giving him takes over is every body cell.
You lick your lips, glancing at his cock in your hand, “Does that feel good, Kookie?”
“Y/n, oh shit, y/n~” Your name falls from his lips like it has all the times he’s done this to himself. But your words just prove he’s not alone, and he’s not dreaming this up. “Fuck~”
You bite your lip, loving how wild your project partner is - not to mention vocal. You wonder how he would react if you go down on him, and there’s nothing stopping from asking.
“Would you be like it more if I put my mouth on you?”
Jungkook’s eyes widen, and the highest pitched moan leaves him mouth. His cock jumps in your hand, and you take that as a whopping yes!
You lean your head down, readying yourself to take him. “W-wait… y/n I’m-“ He cut off when your mouth surrounds him with one gulp, bobbing up and down once and then twice… and then you’re getting a mouthful of cum and a ear full of moans.
Jungkook’s entire body vibrates as he cums. Your hands had him close already, so once your mouth touched him he knew it would come within a matter of seconds. Three euphoric, amazing, blissed out seconds of your mouth surrounding him. Seeing you bob your head, even if it was only three times, will forever be stained in his mind. No doubt he will be seeing that picture of you in his head for many days to come.
He doesn’t even have the access to feel embarrassed about cumming so fast because he’s so fucked out. He’s breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling quickly with each heave, and he feels continuing jolts of pleasure coarse down his body. Your mouth is still on him, swallowing up ever spurt, and that knowledge alone has him spurting another few times. Your wet mouth consuming him fully, and he still can’t believe how good you feel.
No… he knew you would feel good. Everything about you is already perfect, so of course you were good with this too. Even if he only got to experience this all for a solid minute, he’s smiling at the fact that he did. That he experienced this with you, and how even the deepest part of himself knows he will remember this moment forever. Even if you were to kick him out right now, and run back to your ex, Jungkook would remember this day as the best day of his life.
You slowly remove your mouth from his slowly declining length, and then wipe your mouth. You look up to see Jungkook with the cutest smile on his face, and it is quite adorable, although you feel he forgot to mention one tiny detail about himself before you decided to run him stupid.
You say his name to get his attention, and Jungkook hums back in content - staring at you like you hold the universe in his hands.
“Are you a virgin?”
And… Jungkook is back to freaking out.
CH 6
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degloved · 2 months
we're never getting reputation (taylor's version) and here's why:
1. the color-coding
taylor's discography is very obviously and deliberately color-coded, each album strongly associated with a particular color or shade. although there is some overlap (1989's light blue vs midnights' dark blue), the variations are distinct enough to avoid any confusion between them. in that sense, b&w is an extremely inflexible color assignment, on account of not being... well, not a color. b&w is b&w (not to be confused with folklore's grey; monochrome ≠ b&w), there aren't exactly many (or any, as it were) ways to stretch that palette to the extent it'd successfully take on an identity (album) of its own. which i believe blondie is aware of, and on that basis i believe it was a deliberate choice. and why? it's not as though she'd exhausted all of her options. there are colors she has yet to use, as well as different shades, tones, and tints of already used colors that would've been just as viable. why take this extremely particular and inflexible palette and, essentially, risk shifting that association from one album to another? unless she wasn't risking anything.
2. the pre-ttpd announcement period
as is customary for her, in the weeks before the official announcement of ttpd, all of taylor's social medias began taking on a b&w color scheme. the same had happened with purple and speak now (taylor's version), with light blue and 1989 (taylor's version), so on and so forth. a kind of unique mass-hysteria ensued as all signs pointed to reputation (taylor's version.) as it turned out, every last one of us was wrong in that assumption. if reputation (tv) were to drop, she'd have to go the b&w route again—which, for one, would in this case be predictable (we got bamboozled once, no way is it happening again) and that's very much not her style; and for two... there'd be no novelty. doing the same bit twice, really? not her!
3. the themes of reputation
reputation centered two core concepts: joe & falling out of public favor. a "good" thing and a "bad" thing. this would remain true for several years after the fact, yet no longer is—instead having turned into two "bad" things. i would not blame her if she chose not to return to this notably awful period of her life by way of re-recording, especially given the fact that the thing—person—that was once a shining star in all that proverbial darkness simply blends into the void with the way things are now. and while, yes, she had re-recorded songs about her exes, she'd only done so after a long while has passed. not only was this the longest relationship she's ever had and therefore likely uniquely devastating, the breakup itself is also very recent.
4. the contrast and the timing
and continuing the last point, only last year she'd dropped a couple devastating songs about this relationship on midnights, followed by more than a fair share of them on ttpd. doubtless she's still moving on/healing (judging by ttpd); i simply do not see her delving into an album that'd dredge up all those memories of the good times, the better times—not to mention that ttpd and rep are as antithetical to each other as it gets. if she'd recorded lover any earlier and had no ownership of it, for very similar reasons i wouldn't believe she'd re-record that one either.
4. the ttpd logo (NOT!!! my finding!)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
now i never put much stock into this when i first saw it, as whoever had found it had taken it to mean "yay reputation (tv) soon!" and i simply did not agree. i actually thought it was a really freaky coincidence. bc, c'mon. let's be serious. however, i did realize it sort of fits remarkably well into my "ttpd is replacing rep because ttpd is reputation (taylor's version) in fewer words."
5. thanK you aIMee
kim? we're talking about kim now? who was maybe relevant around the year 2017? around the release of rep? oh. okay. i'm sure that means nothing
but that's just a theory... a game theory.
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the-alice-of-hearts · 11 months
DickTim Week Day 1 Soulmates
Told myself weeks ago that I was only gonna write for day 6... I lied! Here is my entry for day one posted on time for @dicktimweek
Rated T, 1329 words, no archive warnings would apply, it's more of an outline than a fully fleshed-out fic though. Hope y'all like it!
There was a time when soulmates were rare when people might never meet their other half. Then the internet came around, and finding the person in the world who wore the same mark as you was much easier. 
Dick grew up knowing that his chances of finding his soulmate were above average since he was a performer, but still, it wasn’t like he needed his soulmate. He had loving parents and they weren’t soulmates, they were just in love. Then fate played her nasty little trick on him and he wound up flying through the air in a completely different fashion. 
Dick knew that there was a slim chance that his soulmate was within the hero community, and he couldn’t afford to bring someone into the life just because fate decreed them tied to his unlucky self. So Dick made a decision sitting on the top of Titans Tower three days after Jason’s funeral, whoever his soulmate was, he wouldn’t seek them out, he’d hide his mark, and no matter if he ever found them, he’d keep silent and let them live out their life safely. 
Tim was lucky, one of the luckiest kids in the entire freaking world. He knew who his soulmate was since he was six years old. He sat on the knee of ten-year-old Dick Grayson of the Flying Graysons and saw the little bird on his inner elbow. Tim stared at the little matching bird on his shoulder again and gave a soft smile. His soulmate was gonna need a friend, and maybe, just maybe, if Tim went to school then he would get to see that nice boy who had the perfect smile and was so very nice. So he had to keep being good, and he had to keep learning and getting better at school so he could be a big kid. 
Then he found out the best secret. The wonderful amazing secret of Robin! His Robin, his soulmate. So Tim watched and waited and kept an eye on Robin, and by extension Batman. Once he knew though he realized there was one flaw to his plan. It wouldn’t matter how good at school he was, and it wouldn’t matter how much he worked on getting better if he couldn’t keep up with Dick. So he enrolled himself in gymnastics and martial arts classes, learned more languages, and tried his hardest to be worthy of Dick Grayson. 
Then Dick left. And Tim was heartbroken. He just got the hang of actual parkour, and Dick just left and another kid showed up in Bruce’s life and then he was Robin! As though he had a claim on the name, as though he had any right to wear the yellow cape! 
Tim waited and he watched, the way he always did. And then Jason died, and Bruce went off the rails, and Tim assigned himself as a grown-ass man’s emotional support fifteen-year-old… This at least had the benefit of getting to see his soulmate, yay! Unfortunately, this also meant he was subject to a very drunk Dick explaining how he hoped that his soulmate never joined the life because fate owed him that at least… 
Tim cried himself to sleep that night. He had been trying each time Dick visited to find a natural way to broach the subject of their matching soulmarks, but after that night Tim vowed to keep his mark hidden. Dick would be forbidden. 
Tim watches as Dick keeps himself sober because he needs to be a “Good Big Brother™” and god doesn’t that hurt even more. 
Dick started to hate himself, he was a goddamn nineteen-year-old and he was crushing on the fifteen-year-old who for some god known reason came into their lives and was gluing the family back together. So he threw himself into alcohol first, if he could blame the feelings on being drunk then he wasn’t really hurting anyone. But after a night where he almost confessed his feelings and instead went on his rant about soulmates, he realized that wasn’t working. So he stayed sober, and he went all in on being Tim’s brother. If he just kept saying it it would eventually be true. Who cares that Tim has living parents, and that he wasn’t getting adopted by Bruce? Who cares that Dick only wants to press his lips against his skin and see him blush. Fuck all of that, he can be responsible, and he can be good, and he can stop himself from being an idiot. 
Then Jason comes back, and Tim almost bleeds out in the Tower, a sacred place, a place that Dick should have been in to protect him. Tim is bleeding and Dick is carrying him to the med bay and he presses a kiss to the sixteen-year-old's temple and promises himself, if Tim lives then he’ll tell him his feelings. 
Tim wakes up from blood loss in the Cave and realizes two things right away. One, Dick isn’t there, two, he’s not wearing a shirt… He knows that it was Dick’s voice he heard when they transported him from the Tower to the Cave and all he can think is how mad is Dick… 
He waits three days before Alfred and Bruce will let him move upstairs, another two before he braves looking at his phone. It’s two weeks later before he hears from Dick. Hope you feel better soon. A five word text that feels so impersonal compared to their earlier texts. Five words to confirm for Tim that Dick has seen his soulmark, and to know what it means. 
Tim heals, and he gets back out there, but Nightwing doesn’t call him to have Robin join him on patrol. Dick doesn’t send him the memes that he sees and thinks of Tim. There are no brotherly messages about needing more sleep or if he wants to grab ice cream after patrol because Dick happens to be in town. He isn’t even invited to the Tower until a month and a half after the attack, and that’s by Raven and Kon. Tim knows that Dick is icing him out, but he doesn’t know how to fix this one. He should have told Dick years ago, but he just wanted to fix the family. 
His parents die, Jason is rehabilitated, for the most part, Damian shows up and Dick still isn’t close to Tim anymore. Then Bruce disappears. Tim is seventeen and he’s lost everyone, and then his soulmate tells him he can’t wear the Robin colors anymore. He sets out on Brucequest. 
Dick fucked up! He iced Tim out after seeing the little bird on his shoulder. He took so long to come to terms with the fact that the universe took his soulmate and turned him into a weapon then broke him. Jason came back and went insane, and Dick did his fucking best okay! It’s not easy okay! He pushed his fucking soulmate away for so long and he was in his grasp finally and he pushed him away again!
Tim disappeared and Dick was blaming himself. He kept his ear out for any news and had people keeping watch. Every night he would trace the little bird on his inner elbow and make deals with the universe. Bring him back and I’ll never let him forget how much he means to me.
Tim comes back and literally falls into Dick’s arms after being kicked out of a window. 
Dick: How did you know I’d be there to save you? Tim: You’re my soulmate, Dick. You’ll always be there for me.
Dick doesn’t even care that he’s lying. He pulls Tim into a searing kiss. Needing to finally feel his lips against Tim’s and know that he’s alive and okay. They’ll have a proper conversation later, for now though? Dick is holding his soulmate and he couldn’t be more content.
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