#i..hope you don't mind that i made some hcs for your oc...
sotwk · 2 years
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Thranduilion: Sons of the Woodland King
SotWK commission by super-talented artist hffhifjou
(Please click image to enlarge and appreciate the beautiful details! XD)
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I am pleased to present the first artwork I've commissioned for my OCs, the Princes of Mirkwood, Legolas's older brothers and elder sons of Thranduil Oropherion and his wife, Elvenqueen Maereth (also my OC).
I know many fans aren't on board with Legolas having brothers, but I invite you to enjoy the concept with me for a bit: an entire lineup of brother ellons, all as gorgeous and amazing as Thranduil and Legolas are?? Surely it's a fun imagine to indulge in, even as an AU.
I will gradually start posting more HCs about each Prince of Mirkwood, but here are some headcanons to accompany and explain this artwork:
Legolas is not only the youngest son, but he is actually the smallest of the group--if you could even call 6 feet, 8 inches "small"! But in comparison, Thranduil is 7 feet, 3 inches, while the tallest son, Turhir is a whopping 7 feet, 6 inches.
Turhir is the tank of the family--the tallest one and the best fighter (not counting Thranduil). He is virtually tireless and very difficult to take down or injure.
The eldest brother, Crown Prince Mirion, is physically the strongest, with raw muscle power even greater than Thranduil's. You can see that he is simply built broader and more muscular than the usual elven "slender" physique.
The five princes have varying degrees of fighting ability and different skill sets, but all of them are adept warriors. In this sketch, they are each carrying the weapons they specialize in.
The princes have trained alongside the Greenwood soldiers since they were very young, and they eventually earned places in leadership positions--except for Arvellas, who is more scholar than soldier.
The princes don't wear circlets most of the time; only during formal functions. Wildman Gelir in particular hates having to do this, and dislikes formal "stuffy" clothing in general. The Crown Prince is the only one who wears his crown as regularly as the Elvenking does, to signify his status as heir to the throne.
During warm summers in the Woodland Realm, soldiers do occasionally train shirtless, especially when they do drills around or in bodies of water. In some winters, they also undergo exercises with very little clothing on, to hone their bodies' tolerance for the harshest cold-weather conditions.
One of my HCs about Mirkwood/Silvan elves is that they are much more comfortable with showing skin than their Noldor and Sindar brethren in the west (or even the other races), which can occasionally scandalize and draw criticisms from outside visitors.
I specifically asked for the artist to draw these elves shirtless because a) you know we all enjoy that; b) we rarely get to see it; and c) I did want to highlight the differences in physique between the brothers, and promote my belief that Elves do not have all the same body type.
For anyone interested, I made a separate post about my fancast/face claim choices for these OCs HERE.
I am 100% willing to answer any Asks about any of my OC Thranduilions, including headcanons of Legolas. My OC-loving heart will thank you for your interest!
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Tagging some friends who have been so kind in encouraging me to create more content for my OCs. Thank you so much, and I hope you don't mind this superfluous tag. (It won't be a regular thing, I promise!) @laneynoir @legoriel-fan @quickslvxr @achromaticerebus @tamryniel @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @aduialel @glassgulls @ladyweaslette @tamurilofrivendell @delicatebreadtyphoon @laurfilijames @i-am-pinkie @lathalea @fizzyxcustard @sleepyamygdala @jezzibee @firelightinferno @coopsgirl @heilith
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elvenbeard · 9 months
OC INTERVIEW: Vincent "V" Ezaki
Tagged by: @pinkyjulien @chevvy-yates @wraithsoutlaws and @v-eats-bugs thank you so much!!! <3
I'm gonna steal the idea some of you had and let him answer in character, but I'm gonna put some more context (and/or the truth xD) after Vince's reply where I see fit!
Tagging everyone who sees this and hasn't been tagged yet :3c I think most of you have done this at this point, but do please tag me if you do, I wanna read about your blorbos!!
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■ NICKNAME ■ "Just 'V'."
100% going with the "only people that know me really well can use my real name" canon, because I love that scene and moment so much (and the lil nod to it again in the Tower Ending with Johnny ;_;). In my hc, Jackie gave him the nickname "V" on the day they met. Up until then he had always insisted on the full "Vincent" with everyone, and Jackie was the one to urge him to be careful with whom he shares his full identity. Meanwhile it's the other way around and "Vincent" is reserved for friends only... and "Vince" exclusively for Kerry really xD
■ GENDER ■ "Could say I'm a self-made man." ;)
This highly depends on who is asking the question here, if it's a very casual setting he'd say the above, if it's something to go into a screamsheet or whatnot he'd be more like "well, take a wild fuckin' guess" or just "male". He doesn't hide the fact he's trans, and he's proud of his journey and identity, but it's still not something he'd want to publically discuss with strangers without anything to gain from it.
■ STAR SIGN ■ "Gemini I think, but I gotta say, astrology isn't exactly something I have deep knowledge or opinions about."
He celebrates his birthday June 10th, but his real birthday in in September, so he's actually a Libra xD
■ HEIGHT ■ "5'6."
■ ORIENTATION ■ "Sorry ladies." ;)
Again, highly contextual on who is asking, and depending on that his answer might be more evasive or he'd just decline to answer. The less details about his private life are in the public's eye the better. But if the context is a fun night out with friends and he feels safe, he'd definitely give a more cheeky response and, to not get anyone's hopes up, just straightforward let them know he's gay.
■ NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY■ "Born and raised in Night City and a proud citizen ever since."
He doesn't talk about his family because he's cut ties with them long ago. His mother, Marcella, was also from Night City, your average NUS citizen with mixed European heritage. His father, Kousuke, was Japanese. He and Vince's mother met through work for a certain corporation that wasn't necessarily welcome in NC at the time (but I bet my ass still very much present in one way or another).
■ FAVE FRUIT ■ "When I was a kid, I once had daifuku with real, straight-from-the-ground strawberries. Somewhere way out there on the Japanese countryside, couldn't tell you where exactly anymore. Still got no idea where they even got the strawberries from, but no RealFruit ever matched those."
■ FAVE SEASON ■ "Don't think I have a real preference here, 'specially cause Night City's warm all year round. I like it that way. Could do with less sandstorms though. I like it when it rains now and then, the steam on the asphalt, everything is just... quieter, in a way."
■ FAVE FLOWER ■ "One made from plastic."
Vince doesn't have a green thumb and no mind to care for plants either. He's far from an outdoorsy, nature-loving person XD Do not gift him flowers, he will not know what to do with them. That being said though: he has two big stylized lotus flowers tattooed. The first one he got shortly before he left his home, when he began his transition. The second after his top surgery, when he already worked for Arasaka, as a reminder to stay true to himself on the inside, especially whenever he couldn't outwardly. He just likes the lotus aesthetically, the shapes and symmetry, and that it symbolizes rebirth and transformation.
■ FAVE SCENT ■ "Clean bedsheets and freshly brewed green tea."
And the odd mix of Kerry's overpriced bodywash and favourite cigarettes XD
■ COFFEE, TEA, HOT CHOCOLATE ■ "Yes, in that order please. Coffee with milk and sugar, tea is fine just plain, green or black."
He's definitely more of a coffee than a tea drinker, and whatever it is, it's gotta be a little fancy xD Vince is the kind of person with a long-ass signature order at the coffee shop, and I 100% see him loving bubble tea in any combination and variation in existence. The only time he drinks his coffee black is when he accidentally orders "the same as him" in a moment of distraction at Caliente's with Kerry. But tea he occasionally likes just plain, but then it has to be high quality organic real tea leaves. Hot chocolate is a nice special treat, too.
■ AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP ■ "Even in my line of work a regular sleep schedule is possible - and necessary, to stay sharp. I try to get my 7 hours of sleep in."
The somewhat regular sleep schedule is really something he values and tries to stick to, although the Relic and Johnny's presence really mess it up for a long while. But especially because his lack of sleep while working at Arasaka contributed to him developing a drug addiction to cope with the stress and sleep-deprivation it's something he doesn't want to fall back into.
■ DOG OR CAT PERSON ■ "Defintiely cats."
■ DREAM TRIP ■ "I'd like to return to Japan one day for a short vacation - see if I can find that daifuku shop again, haha. Would also love to visit Europe more extensively than what I've seen of it so far. And, who knows, maybe the Crystal Palace one day."
And the Phillipines with Kerry <3
■ FAVE FICTIONAL CHARACTER ■ "Ooohhh, that's a hard question, let me think for a moment... [insert long analysis of different movie and video game characters and why they're good or bad and why he likes them or not]"
Evading this a little bit because I don't wanna dive into a rabbit hole of seeing what canonical fictional characters there are and why Vince might like them or not xD He is a big nerd and a gamer and knows so much more than I do XD Also, he'd 100% be the kind of person who's rooting for the evil guys, because often their motivations and goals are much more complex and interesting than the "hero's" in his eyes xD and he's fascinated by the concept that they're doomed to lose by the narrative usually (because the good guys usually win), but still fight tooth and nail to achieve their goals and safe their own skin. He can relate to that a lot more than the selfless goodie-two-shoes who just want to save the world and make it a better place.
■ NUMBER OF BLANKETS THEY SLEEP WITH ■ "In this weather one is more than enough. Sometimes none is better."
■ RANDOM FACT ■ "It takes around 7 seconds for someone to form a solid first impression of you in a face-to-face conversation. It takes my Kiroshis' scanners half as long to additionally supply me with all the data on you I need to permanently ruin your life for good."
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thegnomelord · 6 months
I silently make my way to your ask box, after days of reading your content like a lurker I'm. During these days I have made an oc, CoD self insert (With Monster AU variant and today I bombed my unwilling friend with Monster AU Makarov x Self insert brainrot, because I got succumbed to all cute courting hcs etc.) and started impulse One-shot. . Krhm. But in all seriousness. I love your way of writing, In your long fic about the Mage reader, while reading, I was talking to my friend how the picturing of the magic is so good, it's ugly, hard, dirty but damn is it powerful too yet not too op. I mostly returned to the as simple scene as the shower one in chap 2, usage of words and picturing how things tasted an looked like. Being on the edge in chap 1 and even before "the janitor" comes in, something tingles in my writer head "*Something is going to happen, I can feel it.*" That fic was one of the instanses I fell in love on your way of worldbuilding too. I accidentally found your Good dog fic first, as I was trying to find something from the tags for my own unholy projects. I notice the Male reader tag and despite my hope being drained after years, I click on it. And I was so glad I did. (On a note I'm in very bad brainrot train on that man, it took the edge off.) So, out of curiosity, my mind now given water after so long for being dehydreided, I decided to take a peek. And I ended up reading a lot, finding it so refreshing to also have a top reader. And I eventually found the Trans fics. I'm Pre-transition, ftm and the first time ever, a bloody fucking nsfw fic, (besides horny), makes me happy and content *with myself and my future.* And that's most sappy I will go but I told you this that your fics has also truly imbacted in some deeper way. Okay, back to lurking, but I will be going to some recommended blogs too, because I might just go and read all of your fics again. Also about time I remember to follow you. Keep up the good work and good luck on your studies. ✌️
Yessss another one joins to the monsterloving/ monsterfucking cult lol and honestly those impulsive one shorts are some of the best things ppl write lol.
And honestly you're making me grin like a mad man while I'm writing this :Dd Not to toot my own horn but I've had the worldbuilding of the HHABF universe for years lol and I love when magic is this nitty gritty thing that's more harmful than useful if you don't know how to use it lol. It feels great when people like my work but it's even better it impacts ppl in a deeper way than just 'oh yeah fap material' you know?
If you wanna check out some other of my moots there's @lieutnt who was the reason I got into writing myself because his work was so inspiring lol, then there's @rodolfoparras has some monster141 works and his old man Price is scrumptious, @embry-garrick has some trans fics too if I remember correctly and is a talented writer @fortheb0ys did some makarov fics too and they're great lol.
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galedekarios · 7 months
hope you don't mind this completely unsolicited ask but anyway the constant "Gale is mean to sorcerers" discussion drives me nuts too. the Tav i made to romance Gale is a wild magic sorcerer because there are a couple of actually pretty sweet interactions between wild mages and Gale, i wish that was the dynamic people explored more often. my sorcerer thinks of magic as a hassle at best and a curse at worst and their relationship with Gale is what helps them accept it not just as a part of themself but as something to be embraced and celebrated (and helps them learn to control wild magic surges) - while they at the same time help Gale see his value *outside* of magic. i am so sorry for the ramble i just really like sorcerer/Gale stuff i wish so much of it wasn't about trying to "knock Gale down a peg" or whatever.
i don't mind at all, anon!
thank you for your message and i'm sorry it took me a bit to reply. i still don't have the spoons some days, but i'm trying to get back into writing more again (for asks and for meta, for hcs and for ficlets).
i do actually like the dynamic a wild magic sorcerer and gale can have as indicated by the wild magic sorcerer tags and gale's responses to them. i should have added that in my original post.
he's very good-natured, interested in their stories (stephanie the cow) or tries to emphasise with the things that was past their control sometimes (with gale emphasing again, given his own childhood and most recent magical affliction).
i think the dynamic gale and your wild magic sorcerer has sounds very sweet and definitely more based on mutual respect and helping each other.
my "complaints" - i don't even want to call them that because at the end of the day it's just a preference - are more about me being super tired of people taking the sorcerer options outside of the game at face value, not seeing how arrogant, rude and clownish they are, especially when they are aimed at a character like gale, who is leagues above and beyond in terms magical abilities and his very connection to the weave.
which again brings us back to the point where i think the real problem is for people: that a character is more powerful and capable than their oc and them not being able to stomach that at all.
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nukaberries · 2 years
What do you think a relationship with Raul would be like? Can I maybe gets some headcanon on this please? If not that's okay.
Even though I don't use him as a companion as much as I should, I absolutely adore Raul and I think I've only seen him shipped with a courier oc once (even though he deserves all the love) so I'm here to - hopefully - feed all the Raul fans! I kinda wrote this with a courier reader in mind, but it definitely doesn't need to be taken that way! Enjoy!!
Relationship HCs with Raul Tejada
(Raul Tejada x Gender Neutral!Reader)
After spending so long as a ghoul and surviving on his own, Raul would've never expected to actually find someone who'd love him, especially not romantically.
It's not like he's never been in a relationship before, but his life before war was so long ago that he almost feels like it was a different person altogether.
He doesn't seek out a relationship and although he's not sure he's content with it, he's aware he'll probably die alone.
You take him by surprise, throwing a wrench in the plan he'd begrudgingly decide on for himself.
It's a pleasant surprise though, even if he doesn't realise it initially.
Raul isn't sure when he realises he cares about you, it's hard to exactly pinpoint when he begins appreciating travelling with you, rather than following along for the sake of doing something.
He quickly realises there's never a dull moment when he's with you, which - in spite of a few snarky comments - he actually enjoys. It's a nice change of pace for him.
When the romantic feelings he has towards you become present, he won't tell you, not wanting to cross any boundaries.
He'll just hope and pray you feel the same and you pluck up the courage that he couldn't.
If you do, and you're willing to start a relationship with him, he'll put in all the effort that he can to make sure you feel like you made the right decision.
Of course, he isn't entirely sure why you're wasting your time with him, but he decides to just count his blessings.
He'll put in as much effort as he can to the relationship, wanting to keep you around for as long as he possibly can.
If you have a Pip-Boy, he's more than happy to tinker with it and fix it if it ever starts acting up on you.
He'll also appreciate it if you ever find him something like a box of Sugar Bombs or bubble-gum to satiate his sweet tooth.
Raul isn't too big on PDA, but sometimes he does enjoy being close to you without worrying about anyone watching. Usually he'll put an arm around you if you're sat together at a bar or casino.
Although he isn't usually a big fan of talking about life before the war - he's repeated most of his stories far too many times - he'll happily make an exception for you.
Raul knows he has his flaws - who doesn't? - but he'll do anything to make you happy and it's a relief for you to know that, no matter what, he's completely devoted to you.
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kitty-lennon · 1 year
OK since I had some nice returns about the height hc I wanted to share with you some of my other Hc!! (it get a bit long)
- Robbie / Glanni are faes (principaly due to Bound, that fic have been engraved in my soul) and also are two different person
- Robbie took care of the kids before Sportacus was around and have taught them about their special interest (Trixie and pranks/mischief; Pixel and love for gadget/tech and all; Stingy.... Stinginess; Ziggy and finding comfort in sweets, also Robbie made him that super hero suit)
-Latabæ and Lazytown are two different towns, and Latabæ is in iceland
-there is a Jives and Penny counter part in Lazytown but they are older and away to university. They still love to play with the kids
- Latabæ kids gang are teens while Lazytown kids gang is well, kids (/ almost preteen)
- ìþrott is older than Sportacus by a few years, and they aren't related by blood. They still view each other as Brothers tho. Also ìþrott passed down the number 10 title to him (will explain this more if asked)
- Àfram Latabæ Íþróttaálfurinn and Glanni Glæpur Í Latibær Íþróttaálfurinn are the same, he got badly made fun of by Glanni and after fighting the bitch away from Lazytown decided to get a makeover bc he indeed was a bit out of style.... Not that Glanni finds it better (except the abs)
- Glanni is a real menace that's holding back o' taking the world bc like Robbie, he's too much of a softy but won't admit it. (doesn't stop him from being a wanted criminal that have done heinous crimes but he had arguably good reason, as much as a morally gray flamboyant vilain can)
- Robbie and Glanni are distantly related blood wise but Glanni took care of Robbie most of his childhood and make sure he wouldn't take the same road as him in Villainy. (in love with this one, I love secretly soft vilains)
- Robbie is nb/ Agender, just doesn't give a single fuck about pronouns or gender, Glanni is identifying as man but like she/her and dressing either hyper masc or hyper flamboyant, pink and feathers and fur everywhere, glitters in his pockets and strass on his gun
- Sportacus is cis he/him a'd confident enough to wear a dress and make up even if it's rare / for his traditions as an elf (he like it tho bc it's comfy and fun to move around in a dress) Íþróttaálfurinn is the same, and often have his nails painted and likes to help the girls with their hair
That's the most I could think of hard enough to materialise in words!!
(it's 2am when I'm writing this, I'll probably upload it way later wand I'm sure I could come up with more tbh they probably seem too logical to me rn to not be canon)
PLS PLS PLS don't even hesitate to ask me about your headcanons so we can talk about them I love that!! It's more than alright to judge my hc even if I think they are pretty basic, but I don't think I'll change my mind about them (I'll hear you out still tho!)
OK last blorb, if you have ocs you can also message / ask / pm about them and info dump on me I would LOVE to hear about them.
Tbh usually I get in fandoms along with some friends, and I love plotting / playing / drawing [with] our ocs. So tell me if you would be fine with it, it would be immensely fun to populate the towns with our silly characters and watch them interact.
Alright, stole enough of your time now, thank you if you read this far! I really like the community here and hope to interact a bit more with all of you nice people, Have a nice time out there ✨✨
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What is this blog?
The purpose of this blog is to post questions that prompt fans of the ikeseries games to reply with their thoughts. Questions will range from asking your opinions of how your favorites will react to certain scenarios, prompts to consider how your favorite character may feel about certain things (matching pjs, your first home together, his coffee order, etc) , or questions asking your favorite route/event/cg/etc about each game.
It's a fun way to share HCs you've been wanting to talk about, or thoughts about a certain route/cg/etc, or encourage you to consider certain aspects of your favorite that you may not have thought about before. I'm hoping that by posting these, it will help share some positivity and simple fun with others in the fandom.
This blog compiles all the 'daily questions' I came up with for my server, Bloody Simps. I've decided to now make the questions public, scheduled for once a day, so anyone in the cybird fandoms can reply.
Some questions may be NSFW, but it's usually a rare few. Due to this, they will be marked for mature audiences and I ask for minors to not interact with those questions (will block if this happens)
How do I respond to questions?
Reblog the question and write out your response to your heart's content! You can respond as yourself, or as/with your OC**!
Each question posts at 12PM EST, and you're free to respond to it any time after it's posted. I heavily recommend reblogging it, just due to the fact that replies have a character limit. That way you can gush as much as you want about your fave!
*Some questions are made with the player in mind, rather than OCs.
*The questions will ask 'you' for a response, but a lot can easily be taken as a chance for your OC to respond. As in, "what is your favorite letter from your suitor" can be easily turned into your OC sharing which route/event letter was their favorite, how it impacted them, etc, or honestly you can go wild and make up your own letter from the suitor and say its your OCs favorite. Just have fun!!
Can I submit some question suggestions?
Of course! I'll denote any submitted questions that are used with a ☆, and if the suggestion is made off anon, I will tag you in the post concerning it.
Please keep in mind that if the question seems rude towards any MC or character, is offensive in nature, or is too similar to questions already made, then it will not be added to the question pool. These questions may also be used for my server's daily questions as well.
I see that you're posting questions while using tags for X game, what about Y game?
You're free to share your thoughts on the question with any cybird suitor, though some questions may be game specific. I only play some of the ENG released games, and don't play the JP only games at the moment. Please feel free to respond with any ENG or JP cybird game/character, but if it pertains spoilers I would kindly ask you tag as such just for my sake,,,,
I see this is for cybird characters, but I also want to talk about a different character I like
Honestly, I can't control what you do! If the question fits, and you're wanting to discuss other blorbos, as long as its not hateful then I don't really care.
The reason this is centered on cybird games specifically is because questions will be directly geared with those in mind, such as qs about favorite events from the games or CGs/Routes, etc etc, so the differentiation is to lessen confusion for those stumbling onto this blog randomly.
I know Ocs are alright to respond with, but what about suitor/suitor ships or polyships?
If the questions applies (that is up for you to determine), then feel free! If the ship is incestuous in nature, and this is a recurring theme, I will not want to interact with your response and if its too triggering, I may block.
What do you do with the responses?
I read them! At the moment, I do not plan to reblog any responses to this blog, and instead encourage people to look at the notes to see what others have said. At the most, I may reblog them to my blog to share thoughts if I agree with you, but this is mainly just a question/prompt blog.
Who runs this blog?
At the moment, just @scummy-writes ! Since Krys is a mod for my server, and helps out with making questions for there as well, she's given me permission to use the questions she's came up with as well! These questions will be notated with a ♡. You can find her blogs at @krys-loves-otome and @not-krys!
I saw someone respond rather hatefully to a question...
If I notice that someone is consistently character bashing or being rude/offensive towards the questions, I'll likely end up blocking them for my own sanity. I would like this to be positive, even when the questions are asking what your least favorite route may be or similar, and easy discussion.
Disliking a character and explaining why calmly without being harmful towards those who enjoy the character is fine!
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╰❧ Typos may occur, and sometimes I may repost a question not too long after it's been posted originally on accident! Please be patient with me, mistakes happen.
╰❧ Divider by @/saradika-graphics
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oinkinpigprince · 4 months
Hiii, I hope you're having a good day ^^! So, what about James (Smiling Friends) with an OC? It's not a romantic relationship. It's all platonic (i'm not repulsed by borderline romantic tones. Feel free if you think it adds spice!). He starts out more awkward and even kind of aggressive, but this friendship ends up showing (somewhat) good results! If we ignore James low-key latching onto her later on.
I have this tall critter here who is the leader of a band (I like to think James listens to their music hehehe it would be something like Machine Girl) which also kind of is a bike gang. She’s the one who hands James some money and food from time to time so he doesn't starve since nobody really feels safe around him in a proper working place, but she ends up trying to """rehab""" him regardless, eventually just carrying his ass around with the rest of the gang in the process. The other girlies don't understand what really makes him notable for her, but they just assume she knew him when they were younger (and that's right! They got separated after James’ dad murdered his mother when he was 10 or sum).
Last specific thing about them is that James, sooner or later in this situation, would think of or even try to harm her like he did with Charlie, he only doesn't or stops right away because she makes it pretty clear that the other members of her group would torture him cartel style for it.
Also yeah she tries to not remind him of how hard he fumbled with that Charlie thing because she's ass at romantic advice.
Sorry if it's like, so long I ended up letting no room for elaboration, I just wanted to give context to ask for some possible hcs in the “James is starting to get too clingy to her that he starts to resemble a lamprey” stage ^^’
This one’s fascinating to me! Sorry it took me so long to write, thank you for being so descriptive about your OC!! I also got ur other request which I will be answering later :33
James + hammerhead
Wow! James is an interesting guy, hmm. He is violent, rude, demanding, antisocial, everything you’d want in a best friend!
Everyone in James’ building is SHOCKED, that hammerhead somehow befriended him. Let alone just being around the guy, he’s violent and unpredictable.
No one wants to be around James so, hammerhead is literally his only friend. The only person he can stand to be around for five minutes without trying to freak them out
A lot of the stuff he does is due to self entitlement and also he just thinks it’s funny. Ask for a glass a milk even though he hates milk, that’s just his way of joking around. Hammerhead made him learn real quick she does NOT find that shit funny(it’s just a prank bro)
He sighs and obligates, mainly because of the whole childhood friend thing. He also genuinely wants to get better and learn how to socialize
So yeah, because he literally had no one in his life he does cling to Hammerhead which, she doesn’t mind, she just wished he would just try and make other friends.
Kinda follows her around everywhere, if he isn’t alone, he’s with her. Kinda like a silent(very violent) shadow. The other girls don’t, enjoy, his presence. Because his favorite punchline is to literally punch
Kinda wants to control Hammerhead, especially at the beginning. It’s mainly a fear of abandonment but also, he just is high key very selfish. Tries to isolate and manipulate her before she talked some sense into him
He behaves though, after a little talk. Now he just sits and kinda just watches her. James is just quiet, observing people around him. He doesn’t really know how to socialize other than demanding and threats. So he just becomes quiet
Still gets REALLY jealous though, of everyone in hammerhead’s life. Like, crazy jealous. After the talk of course he kinda just festers in his own misery of self doubt and anger. It’s hard for him to open up so hammerhead had to kinda pester him about it
It isn’t all bad, James really does care about hammerhead. It’s very much like a sibling bond. He’s fiercely loyal to her, and very very clingy. He may follow her around but it’s mainly just to protect her
The two are able to confide in each other they wouldn’t be able to if they weren’t, weird besties. It actually comforts James a lot that he’s able to confide in his fears, doubts, and stresses.
Hammerhead takes James out on bike rides which he loves. He loves anything thrilling, exciting. So going to their concerts and going on bike rides is his #1 favorite thing to do
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kronofobia · 4 days
Hello sibling! >:D I have a few questions about Homu, if you don't mind 😏
1. What is his race? (I probably used the wrong word for this, but i hope you know what i mean xD)
2. His favourite animal?
3. His favourite music/songs?
4. Favourite movies/shows?
5. Is he married with Krux? And if not are they planning to get married?
6. What is his sexuality? (You probably wrote this somewhere and i forgot about it xD)
7. Does his name have a meaning?
8. How many languages can he talk?
9. Favourite food?
Why is he so hot??
10. What does he like to read?
11. How did he get the scar on his eye?
12. How did he met Morro? Aaand if he took care of Morro does that mean Morro never met Wu? (Hopefully yes)
I guess that's all (for now xD) I'm so sorry if this is too much. You don't have to answer all of them if you don't want :3 (i'm obssessed with your oc thank you)
Also sorry if some questions are kinda dumb, and you probably already answered them in some of your posts 😭😅 i'm dum and tend to forget stuff easily ;w;
Long post warning lol
1. His race... honestly, I didn't think about it. He's a ninjago oc, his race is up to your interpretation. That's one of the reasons why I usually stick to the lego yellow skin colour when it comes to drawing lego characters. Also, giving him a race AFTER I made him might not be the best choice either. His design and story was based on nothing, but my imagination. I didn't use any references. If I wanted to make a character with a specific race and nationality in mind, I would do as much research as possible BEFORE designing them. I wouldn't want to be disrespectful towards any cultures, even if it's just an accident.
2. FENNEC FENNEC FENNEC!! He absolutely LOVES them! Also, desert rain frogs. Silly tiny squeaky fellas.
3. Ooohhh, he's an absolute sucker for old love songs! "Everybody Loves Somebody" and "The Way You Look Tonight" are probably his favourites. He loves to sing along with the songs while working on his lampwork projects.
4. He doesn't really watch TV. But one thing I can imagine is after Acronix returns from the time vortex and discovers modern technology, he forces Homuko and Krux to watch "How It's Made" with him, because he knows that they would actually like it. (This can also work as a headcanon for the twins, without my oc. This series is literally 32 seasons of autism, of course both of them would love it.)
5. They aren't, but they... pretend to be...?
After losing Acronix to the vortex, they didn't think about officially marrying. Even if they wouldn’t had a typical big ass wedding anyways, without Acronix, they rather not even thought about it altogether. And as for the "pretending" part: having a loving husband fits for the sweet and kind dr. Saunders persona.
"If dreams can't come true, then why not pretend?"
6. Unlabeled/genderblind/doesn't give a damn💪
I honestly don't remember mentioning it anywhere, so fair question xD
7. Uhhhh... *nervous chuckle*
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Aw yeah lack of creativity💪
Fun fact: originally, I wanted to name him Sandy or Sander. Which I quickly discarded of course💀
I really wanted to stick to the sand part lmao
8. Whatever language they speak in Ninjago. And a few Serpentine words due to Krux's obsession with Serpentine culture. (Yes, I hc Krux loving Serpentine culture. And Serpentines in general.)
9. Any type of noodle. But especially spicy ones.
10. Mostly non-fiction, but he would read anything if it's well-written. As long as it's not some cliché romance book. He absolutely hates them. He even mocked Krux when he found out he secretly enjoys romance novels in their late teenage years. But Krux also found out Homuko's appreciation for romance songs, and of course he immediately called him out. What a hypocrite smh
11. I would LOVE to drop this part of his lore here, but I also want to write a whole ass oneshot about it and now I feel conflicted. Let's just say he did everything to protect Morro. He's a cinnamon roll as long as you aren't a threat to his kiddo.
12. Morro did meet Wu and everything that happened in canon, happened in this AU too. Except Morro dying in a cave, of course. Homu and Mo met shortly after the time twins' battle. As a way of coping with losing Acronix, Krux and Homuko decided to mediate. While Krux meditated at home, Homu was drawn to the desert. And after meditating (which also helped him remember some stuff about his early childhood, but that's just more random unimportant lore), Homuko met Morro. In the desert, yes. Morro was still obsessed with proving Wu wrong, they wanted to train themself in the most unforgiving parts of nature. Such as a desert. And when these two met, they were extremely confused (*insert spidermen pointing at each other meme*), because what would bring someone to a desert?
After a bunch of talking and venting (mainly from Mo), Homuko went home and they just followed him. Without him noticing. The next morning, when Homu left the house to go to his workshop, he met Morro again. You can imagine Homuko's dumbfounded face.
"Why would a random kid follow me home?" Because you were the first person who actually understood them and not just pretended. You didn't say "everyone experiences that" or "you're just overexaggerating". Of course they got attached immediately.
So basically it was Morro adopting Homuko as his father, and not the other way around lol
Thank you so much again for your questions and feel free to ask more questions about this silly guy 🥹🫶
Also, don't you dare to apologize. I know where you live °^° /j /lh
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eri-pl · 2 hours
You are a great believer of the only Eru can create true life theory it seems from your posts- what origins of dragons do you subscribe to then in how they were made from something else? How much personhood do you ascribe to individuals among them with variation/free will?
Thank you for the ask! I love asks!
First, maybe I am pedantic on words, but I like to be on the same page, so:
I don't fully agree with the word "believer" in context of a fictional setting, especially given that they are people (I've seen one on YT) who genuinely seem to believe in the Legendarium as mythology/religion/I'm not sure what word to use. I don't.
I respect (or sometimes hype about maybe too much) some of Tolkien's ideas on hot his legendarium ties to the real world, can't internalize some others, but at the end of the day, it is fiction, so the question is less "what is true" and more "what makes sense with the story and world", "what Tolkien intended".
And I do believe (based on things I read and watched on YT) that Tolkien did intend to "evil cannot create true life" and "only Eru can create souls". Does "true life" mean "sentient", or "alive in general"? If "sentient", how is that different from "having a soul"? I have no idea. But anyway yea, "Morgoth can't make things that have free will" is a very safe bet about what tolkien thought of it. And does make sense with the story.
(Still, I will take this wording as a compliment. thank you.)
I don't have a single strong HC about how dragons were made. Made from lizards? From big snakes? From dinosaurs which he somehow stole from Valinor (unlikely because siege)? Probably mutated some big lizards.
Personhood? Hmm. the text is tricky there (even a bit contradictory), but I would go with the "they have bits of Morgoth's will in them, a bit like the Ring had Sauron's". No personhood.
My default assumption about various types of more-or-less monsters is:
deeply corrupted Elves/Men: full personhood, but extreme mental issues due to trauma / generational trauma and probably their free will is, how to say it, imprisoned deep inside their minds, so very unlikely to behave in a good way (think: very strong addiction, some extreme mental ilnesses): all variants of Orcs. (Yes, it makes killing them complicated, I can live with that) (Also I did a post on Orcs and how would I try to make them more metaphysically coherent. TLDR they revert after some generations of not being moderated)
fallen spirits: full personhood, self-inflicted (+ some help from evil superiors) trauma, more effective free will, could get over their bs, yes it is hard but also they aren't willing: Morgoth, Sauron, the Balrogs, some various "demons", I'm not sure about some beings. I like to see Thuringwethil here, even though it's probably not canon.
Elven ghosts who agreed to be bound by Sauron (with coercion!) or Morgoth (if he bothers to do necromancy at all), put into various (animal or engineered from parts) bodies: free will fully bound inside, because of the magic. they can regret but they can't escape: werewolves, vampires, stuff like that, also Thuringwethil
bits of Morgoth's will/mind/whatever put into modies of mutated animals: dragons, I'm not sure what else. As they are various bits, they do have some indyvidual character, something like personality, but they aren't persons. Think: OCs. The dragons are Morgoth's OCs. ;D
They (dragons) could be type 3, but from what I remember the text more suggests 4. Or was it just the musical?
And yes, dragons being active after Morgoth was thrown out doesn't contradict this. Ending of the Quenta Silmarillion says that bits of his will still circulate in the world.
I hope this answers your question.
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prpfz · 2 months
「🎐」 20+ she/him, AFAB
I mirror the length & detail of my partners! Super dead dove friendly—we can more than likely include your deepest darkest wants!
Looking for: an age gap 🕊️🍪 fandomless cis MxM discord rp! Me playing the younger muse. Hoping for more extreme 🍪 under the double digits but I'm open to what's best in someone's comfort level! Romance, smut, and happy ending is a must! (However toxic that may look like to our OCs) 🤭 NB charas welcome!
I'm esp interested in writing a 🍪 sub bottom chara against a sadistic dom top! My muses will be inexperienced but never just moan! Expect some obscene dialogue when they're into it 😳! You'll have plenty to work w during smut.
Plot: a boy neglected by his parents x this sex service worker he ends up calling to his house with a stray card he found. They end up just talking & after that the former just calls him up to hang out sometimes when hes lonely so Worker becomes his only friend. Maybe at some point, Worker is attracted to their inexp/innocence and lays his hands on him.
Kinks of focus: Sadomasochism, teasing, humiliation, degradation, 🍪, lots of dirty talk, dubcon, cnc, and forced orgasm.
I don't have many pre-made OCs so I usually make a new one for each rp. You can literally help me mold my OC to be your type if you want. & just cause my OC is submissive in bed, doesn't mean they'll be a Gary Stu!
Rules :
- a long term 20+ high-energy partner who I can joke and be friends with
- unashamedly enthusiastic about our rp ship (via spamming hcs & memes & other media)
- not afraid of being too much
- decisively contribute ideas to plotting
- comfortable & confident enough to strongly communicate your rp needs and wants
- keep up w my long plotting msgs
- available for back-n-forth rping (NOT rapid fire) some days!
Don't like if you'll just ghost; just say you've changed your mind!
Respect my time and I'll respect yours! Thank you!
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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freuleinanna · 1 year
trials (and errors)
aaaaaah fuck it. so I was having a hard time writing the fic between being dead inside and quitting my job & job hunting. it still isn't finished, and I've been struggling with writing a longer piece in English as well, but whatever, I'll just keep trying.
P.S. I'll be posting by chapters (AO3 too) in hopes of winning myself some time. P.P.S. I've posted excerpts from it here, here, here, and here. P.P.S. Just a note. I didn't want to make Marisa or Asriel specifically likeable. They're young, and youth is often about ugly emotions & being wrong most of the time. Special thanks to @stillgoingstrongforeternity for inciting the idea!
Exiled from the public's eye, young Marisa Coulter is preparing to go and stand trial for adultery. On the other side of Oxford, young lord Asriel Belacqua is preparing to go and stand trial for murder. A lot has been said about how 'as soon as they met, they fell in love'. That is exactly what made the rest of it so hard.
Chapter 1: Creatures.
Animals turn wild in isolation.
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I've sprinkled my own hc's from 3-sentence fics all over this, so if you feel you recognize something, that's cause you probably do.
Please know that I resent the idea of turning Edward Coulter into a monster.
Hilda the Maid is just an OC, don't mind her. She's there for the scene.
The old maid's daemon, a house cat, is peering at the golden monkey from behind his human's legs.
'You're not dressed,' a tone of cold disdain matches the stare, no trace of respect in either. Frankly speaking, Hilda never had much love for her, tolerating Marisa reluctantly for the sake of her adored Edward, but now – well. No room for pretense. The boy she nursed in childhood lies rotting in his grave, yet she who wronged him is alive and well.
With a side-glare equally hostile, Marisa puts the drink aside. It is untouched, she cannot afford drinking before the court, she's not that reckless (is she yet?), but the oaky smell is enticing and her lips are dry with thirst. She licks them slowly. It's a game – a craving she must endure, the taming of the beast. She's become good at that.
'Take them away,' her voice is hoarse with disuse, and Marisa wonders if that croaking would be any similar to her daemon's, should they break silence again. 'I shan't wear 'em.'
On the bed, two dresses are set out: both black, both criminally distasteful. Fitting a widow, Marisa supposes, chosen undoubtedly by Hilda herself. She doesn't bother to mask a grimace looking at baggy silhouettes of plain cloth with mournful ribbons in abundance and humble sleeves that cover the wrists – the humiliation of wearing something so bland, even for theater, turns her insides. She buried a husband, after all, not herself – unless you count the exile.
'Yes, you shall.' The house cat narrows his yellow eyes hissing. 'You shall, if I have to wrestle you into one.'
Marisa turns her head, and even the stuck-up old maid can't deny how much the gesture suits her: the arrogance of it, the will. Light from a window catches her eyes; hellfire burns blue as she leans forward in her chair, elbows on her knees:
'A vermin, that's what you are.'
She blinks, her jaw clenches and unclenches at the words. She sits perfectly still. Predators always do.
'A pest, a parasite from the beginning, and he never knew, no, he was too good a man for that. I told him, but he wouldn't listen. I saw you for what you are, though, you little, rotten–'
'Dear Hilda.'
A pause. Hackles raised on opposite sides of the room.
'You will address me as Madam, or I will personally rip out your foul tongue and send it to whatever beggar family Edward had kept you here to support.'
It’s the longest sentence Marisa has uttered in weeks. Her daemon is baring his teeth instead of her – they always feel a little closer at their worst. How fascinating. The house cat stands rigid, its tail twitching in a half-curl close to the legs. The woman's stance is much the same. With visible restraint, she keeps her hands clasped above the apron as servants learn to do, but disgust dripping from her voice is undiluted and more candid than a knife making the cut.
'You may be a lady of the house by marriage,' she spits, 'but you're nothing more than a greedy, dirty pithole.'
The predator leaps.
Even as it leaps, it agrees with the judgment.
The golden monkey screeches, the cat is yowling – Marisa springs to her feet and makes exactly two furious steps before stopping herself, her robe flying and then settling around her. Hilda does not move. Marisa suspects why. All her life, she, too, has never felt a single reason to fear something she could dissect, and pull apart, and learn its nature. Knowing the nature, that’s the key. Poison rolls over her in waves of sizzling acid, and she could swear the woman sees that right underneath her skin, she is a horror.
It feels weird, though, not having power over someone for a change. Weird and destabilizing. Marisa can't afford that either.
An idea comes not by itself, but conjured from the depths of the sadistic artistry that is her mind now, and her lips twitch in triumph.
'Alright,' she nods, 'I'll wear a dress. A fitting dress to honor our dear Edward.'
Possessed, she flings the wardrobe open – a splash of exuberant colors, rich materials, silks, laces of such intricacy it's like a tapestry of its own, everything she hoarded with dragon-like avarice running from (a greedy, dirty pithole) her girlhood of virtuous restraint. A crimson one she chooses, holding it to herself and turning around.
'What do you think? Does that render all my grief?'
The dress covers the knees, but then it doesn't cover much else. Marisa can still taste the satisfaction of seeing the seamstress look away nearly in shame, pricking her fingers on a needle, as though at that instant, fitting the dress to Marisa's figure, she fully realized her own bleak mediocrity and it marked her for life. Cap sleeves were embracing the tender arc of Marisa's shoulders, and a cleavage, though humbly narrow, was running down her bosom just low enough to hypnotize anyone looking with hints of delicate plumpness as she was breathing.
It was a scandalous dress. The thought of wearing it ached in her lower belly with pleasure of anticipation.
'At least pretend to have some dignity,' – oh, the repugnance in it.
Marisa laughs. She slips out of her robe and throws it sideways – the monkey jumps to catch it, turning his back immediately, eyes averted. Marisa doesn't see, but small black paws clutch at the clothes where it carries the warmth of her body, half-stroking it, half-choking.
Сool crimson clings to her every curve as she releases her hair from under it and turns around.
'Zip it up.'
Poor old maid, her face is wrung with contempt so profound she cannot speak. A useful trait in servants. It stirs something in Marisa, pulls her eyebrows into a frown. Then it comes – Thorold, that reticent man Asriel always had around, his trusted accomplice in every deed; her mind recoils from the danger of pursuing the memories further. Too many things she can’t afford.
A glance over the shoulder; a sharp, imperious snap of fingers.
'Now, Hilda.'
The cat daemon treads forward. Coarse hands jerk the zipper up, shaking Marisa mercilessly in the process. She feels a hard pinch at her back as the maid smoothes the dress over, and bites a giggle down through the wince. It is very, very familiar – that overwhelming need to let cruelty out in little bursts. Oh, Hilda, so righteous. So susceptible to provocations. What fun it would be–
The woman slams the door behind her without saying a word, taking the victory and leaving Marisa alone in the room.
As she regards the empty space, resembling a child that's just been told off by a mother, her fingers tremble. A (greedy, dirty pithole) storm is raging, locked in a ribcage with nobody to lash out on, nobody to stand witness. Her claws dream of a victim to dig into. They only find her own self, and of herself, she’s had enough to make her permanently sick.
The monkey chatters sharply. Marisa glares. Hateful creatures, both of them, she thinks, like broken mirrors only capable of showing the worst parts. Their worst parts have grown wild in isolation, clashing all the time. Following an impulse, she holds his gaze, then sinks to her knees, leans forward – then, after a moment of consideration, growls. Her upper lip curls to show teeth. Vocal cords strain dangerously. A menacing grumble is rolling somewhere so deep in her throat she didn't know a sound like that could be produced.
Her daemon drops to all fours and mirrors the note, prowling toward her. Golden fur on his neck bristles, he even paws at the ground a couple of times as if aiming for a blow. He wouldn't dare, and neither would she, but both feel rabid for wanting to. Snarling, they inch the distance between them. Stare at each other, face to face – repulsive, repulsed, and ugly. Shivering all over. Then, as abruptly as it started, it stops.
Long – silence.
Long, long silence.
Marisa sniffs her nose and rubs it with a bent wrist before getting up. She doesn't give her soul a second look; surely, he knows when his purpose is served.
The actual, normal mirror reflects her as she is: miserable and ridiculously clothed. What was she thinking with that dress. She isn’t going to wear it, not really, not unless she wants to be skinned alive at the hearing. In a fit of irritation, she arches to reach the zipper, pulls it down, then frantically undoes it all the way. The dress is flung to the floor and lies there like a pool of dried blood.
Must have gone mad, her heart. Pounding. She’s no short of heroic trying to catch her breath, but it keeps escaping. She would love to escape too. Instead, she'll have to drag herself in front of the Consistorial Court, and let them dissect her, and pretend to be so very sorry as she’s trying to collect her own intestines afterwards.
That’s not all, though.
Biting on a nail, Marisa struggles to understand where her anxiety comes from. Leaving the house – yes, sure, because at least she knows these walls, albeit hates them; she’s made herself a proper hermit here. Spectators throwing shame, knocking on a glass cage to wake an animal. Losing every chance in life over something she had no control of. That just makes her bitter, not afraid. There’s also facing Asriel.
As soon as she thinks it, her senses are flooded.
Rage on the rocks with two fingers of fear, completely irrational. There’s nothing they can say or do to each other, now that the worst things have already been said and done, and still her head is spinning with thoughts of what she’ll say, what he'll say, how he'll look at her and if he looks at all. To be honest, she can’t lay a finger on what it is exactly that scares her. Maybe, that she'll remember the good things.
And then, there's Lyra. . .
–the reaction is instant and brutal. Her body bursts with phantom loss so excruciating she wants to gnaw her wicked arms off for recalling the sensation of holding a child. She had wished Lyra out of them, but now that she is, her whole body wants her back despite direct orders. It's irrational, too, and she growls again, guttural sounds almost prompting her daemon to look – but she is naked, so he doesn't.
What’s infinitely strange is she has never found any particular fondness in her for Lyra. Why would she? For goodness' sake, she is barely twenty-three, she has no more comprehension of being a mother than of being a panserbjørn, yet the longing, purely physical, is there. Something's changed in her, like her integrity has been compromised. Like she’s been invaded and pillaged, robbed of something she never quite wanted but is barely restraining herself from crawling on her knees after. It’s humiliating.
Is it humiliating to have had a daughter?
Daughter, what an alien word.
Her own body betrayed her when it decided to awaken and be barren no more. It wrote a love story – then branded Marisa with it as punishment for not reciprocating that love. Her breasts are still swollen. There's a soft roundness to her waist and hips, skin marked with tiny scars from stretching. Women with bodies like that are supposed to nurse children, but that's a thought as empty as her womb.
She thinks instead of standing trial for adultery. Of whispers, gossip, judging looks, and whatever comes next. If she is to survive, it’s by molding herself back into a presentable form. By getting clean, cleaner than ever. Even if clean means scraping that sad little love story off her skin with sandpaper.
It doesn’t help that, for the life of her, Marisa cannot un-feel the irreversibility of changes left in her by becoming a mother.
Especially since she hasn’t, really. She gave birth. Those are different.
She can't afford focusing on that now.
In the end, she chooses another dress: elbow-length sleeves, no cleavage. Indigo blue, like the depths of the ocean where the creatures are lurking. The monkey comes to sit at her feet, completing the armor with the last golden piece. Entice, beguile, disarm. Asriel will see through it, so let him. At least the rest won’t see the wounds.
Chapter 2
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facedented · 5 months
GET TO KNOW THE MUN. || respond to the prompts out of character!
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what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have?
uhm well i've been obsessed w/ this band & these characters ( especially 2D ) since i was a wee teenager,,,,,, his muse kinda came out of nowhere after a few years of being quiet & ran me over. he does not have a license.
is there anything you don’t like to write?
well obviously i wont write anything reprehensible or nasty but just like, surface level?? not that i can think of. it depends who / what muses im writing with, too.
is there anything you really enjoy writing?
any opportunity i can get to swim around 2D's head & make him retrospective is always a good time. i love exploring the complex thoughts characters have that we, as an audience, don't really get to see often -- or only catch glimpses of. i like getting messy & philosophical with it. but ofc angst tropes i adore, as well as found family. certain ships with 2D i also wouldnt mind exploring.
how do you come up with headcanons?
a lot of it is lived experience, i think. it'll be like "this character is just like me fr" & then i'll think of ways to make them even MORE like me. it's nice to see yourself represented, even in little ways. but sometimes i'll be inspired by fanfictions, music, tv shows . . . like i listened to an old panic! song & came up with a hc for 2D that way lmao. sometimes i'll just see humans doing human things & relate it to characters. my mind just doesn't shut up tbh
do you write in silence or do you play music?
always music. i feel like i'll pass out if i don't have some kind of sound going on constantly
do you plan your replies or wing them?
9 times out of 10 i'm winging it. sometimes, especially with first time interactions with muses from different fandoms or oc's i do some planning -- just to kind of get a grasp on who the other person is playing & how 2D would interact with them, or how their worlds would intersect. but if i worry too long it just makes me anxious haha so i just try to have fun with it & hope everyone else does, too!
do you enjoy shipping? 
im lowkey kind of reserved with my ships for 2D fjksljflks i only really have two & im not really looking to do shipping rps unless someone mused those characters & felt comfortable, but it's fun to reference his feelings in threads!
what’s your alias/name?
you can call me cal!
24 years young.
september 7th! 5 more months.
favorite color?
probably green!
favorite song?
i love music, it changes all the time.
last movie you watched?
a friend of mine showed me the second avatar movie lol
last show you watched?
'baby reindeer' on netflix. chilling.
last song you listened to?
superfast jellyfish -- gorillaz. ( shocker. )
favorite food?
idk man i love to eat but uh. i am always in the mood for chinese food.
favorite season?
fall, by far.
do you have a tumblr best friend?
not atm! most of the gay ppl in my phone are on discord lmao
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tagged by : shamelessly stole it
tagging ( only if you want to! ) : @rebelpuff , @manaborn , @poeticvocals , @okoden & @moralpuppet. & anyone else who would like to!
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hell yeah you’ve got some based headcanons
curious on your headcanons for dot
THANK YOU!!!! i think about them a lot . penguins in my brain. also i can totally do dot hcs !!! (i was wondering when someone would ask cuz i did have a couple in my mind...)
first of all and i CANNOT stress this enough, trans. she is a trans woman. this is very important!!! RAAHHH
and to add to that i'd like to think that her "design gal" appearance is the product of her finally expressing herself, which is why she's wearing a lot more colorful accessories and trying a new style she usually didn't have prior... and the whole "new passion for fashion" quote is DEFINITELY an indicator of her being more comfortable with herself and her interests, especially branching out to other things that don't have to do with the EPF
dot is fond of giving her fellow agents nicknames! she likes to call rookie "rooks" and (canonically) calls the agent "ace", she also teasingly calls jpg "big guy" just to annoy him
heres some relationship stuff below!
to rookie, she is a very dependable and understanding older sister figure. the two are very close and rookie enjoys going out on missions with her just as much as he enjoys doing so with jpg. dot has always been offering a helping flipper to rookie
to jpg, dot is very sassy and kind of ruthless. she likes to tease him a lot, mostly to see his reaction. but the two do get along, especially when talking about their common interest in fashion. jpg owes a lot to dot's talent and skill, even if he has to take in all of dot's teasing all the time
dot owes a lot to aunt arctic, mostly because of ANOTHER SCENARIO I MADE UP IN MY HEAD but basically it had to do with dot first coming into the island, and more or less being really distant and cold. a lot of that personality really softened when she got recruited into the EPF
occasionally, her old cold-hearted nature can sometimes stick out, especially when she's angry. which is one of the main reasons why jpg never attempts to fight back against her teasing. she is simply too girlboss i fear
i also originally planned for her to be the one who made rookie's hawaiian shirt. i scrapped the headcanon in favor of an oc explanation, but i'll just leave it here :3
dot enjoys scrapbooking and crafts in general! there is a board in her igloo that contains a lot of photos, she is very crafty!
dot's parents are both models, and they taught her how to improvise on fashion when she was younger. that's how she ended up being really good at making disguises out of simple materials.
despite that, dot does not get along well with her family!
dot has crossdressed a lot before, mostly for her disguises, but occasionally she does it for fun.
(semi-canon?) she has a lot of friends around the island, and maybe even moreso in the fashion industry
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her personality has hardened a lot more after the events of operation blackout, she became a lot more focused and just.. a teensy tiny bit more stern
everyone in the EPF means a lot to her, she cares about all of them like family. (and she probably cares more about them than her own family but i digress) just like gary, she'd rather be cryogenically frozen 20 times over than see the EPF get destroyed in front of her
she collects squishmallows. i dont know im adding this in
the inside of her igloo is the most pastel purple-pink mess you can possibly think of. (i also thought of her living in a travel trailer? kind of a funny thought ngl)
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They make a kid? Ehh? (from a post u made last year)
hii!! hehe yeah :3c i assume you're talking about my -adjacent au where Harry is trans and James is Enormous and then they had a baby after getting home from Silent Shenanigans, LOL
in that case.. yes!! :3 they had a baby named Rose, and she is just super fuckin' weird, just like her daddies :3c (especially takes after james, tho - she's even got his green eyes, and good for her!!) (also the name Rose was chosen because i thought those two morons would really like an old, "vintage" name, and i only realized later that the SH-movie protag was a Rose and i was like godDAMMIT it happened again >:( Accidental Name Connection. so yeah, that's the only reason why she's a Rose LOL) (AND TITANIC OBSESSIONS ASIDE, TOO - do NOT LOOK AT ME--)
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in -adjacent, Harry IS older, it's true, i haven't quite hammered out the correct ages vs timelines so that things coincide the way i'd want them to LOL (god if you thought GOOMT's timelines were wonk, jesus CHRIST then no one is ready for -adjacent's, let alone me LOL) but i imagine Harry may have been around 47 or 48 when Rose was actually born. James is a bit younger than him, but hashing that out is not only GOOMT spoilers, but also super confusing for the -adjacent timeline, LOL so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ WHO'S TO SAY
although i know you don't mean any harm or offense by your comment and you mention this all in good faith, i want you to know that i'm not mad, nor upset with you in any way!! we're all cool here, maaann.. we're all just breezin' :3
that said, while i always appreciate the interest in -adjacent, i would rather people not offer diagnostic speculation or suggestion about my OC (Rose). i haven't mentioned anything about any disorders or ailments Rose may have (other than Silent Hill Please Stop Violating The Restraining Order-isitis), and i don't plan to diagnose her with anything either, other than "Local Weirdo, Like Her Dads". (it's a Mason-Sunderland thing.)
i don't hc anyone to be autistic. i'm not diagnosed with autism myself, and because of that, and the complexities of the disorder, i prefer not to encroach, out of respect.
now keep in mind: i DO support autistic hc!! i totally support and respect them, fire away!! but from where my comfort levels are concerned, there are some things i just don't feel i could write the way i'd want to unless i've lived that unique experience myself, and autism is one of those things on that list - which is, again, out of respect.
Rose is Just Weird™️. James is Just Weird™️. Harry is, well.. gestures. Just Like That, I Guess™️. LOL
thank you SOOO much for your asks, i LOVE talking about -adjacent (and about Rose, my sweet lil [REDACTED], that silly lil moss ball of her daddies' eyes :3cc)
hope to hear from u again soon anon!! KISS KISS MMWAAHH
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Hey virtue! Saw that you're doing a new event so i am here to participate. I love making myself as an oc and shipping myself with other characters and since I have been obsessing over Mitsuya Takashi from tokyo revengers, I'm shipping myself with him for this event.
About me: I am short and basically look like a 14 year old boy. I'm smart, honest (brutally), mature, sarcastic, impatient and a good listener with a broken sense of humour and over think alot. I am scared of forming close bonds with people because I feel like I'll end up hurting them in some way, so it takes a great deal of time and patients for me to accept any kind of relationship. I have the personality of a cat honestly.
Mitsuya, as we already know, is responsible, polite, mature and just kind in general. He literally raised two kids so he's definitely a patient person. He's also selfless and always looks out for others. He's just like the warmth of a comfy blanket during a cold night that makes you forget all your worries and makes you sleepy and makes you have one of the best sleep of your life.
Our dynamic:
Mood board
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(Best) Friends to lovers
Opposite attracts
Being vulnerable and comforting with each other
Helping each other in any way we can
Fighting for each other
Holding hands, cuddles and soft kisses
Patching up each other's injury after a gang fight
Reminding each other to take care of themselves and to not overwork themselves
Listening to music together
Helping him out with his sisters, the best i can (I am not very good with kids)
Note: me as an oc is also in toman as a seperate division captain. and if you add anything suggestive can if please be neck kisses, I love absolutely them.
That's it I guess. I hope this is understandable. Take care and stay safe.
◇─◇──◇── @a-nuisance-called-sam x Mitsuya! ──◇──◇─◇
□ At toman exec(?)/division lead meetings as teens i absolutely see Mitsuya drawing you into his lap casually. He doesn't have to be protective of you here, there are no threats, it's just one place that he's fully comfortable amping up the PDA a bit. Plus he knows it pushes Mikey's (single) buttons.
□ Maybe it's meant to tease Mikey, but it also means when he's commenting in stuff going on, his breath tickles your neck. T.T (positive)
□ I think Mitsuya likes to sit back and watch you shoot men down. Where other men might be threatened of possessive, Mitsuya knows you're coming back to him and honestly, it's such a good time seeing his partner so confidently declare you're not free.
□ He really struggles to keep a straight face when you're patching up injuries on his face. Your concentrated expression so close just gives him the giggles and in those moments he realizes he's so so so down bad for you. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
□ I feel like your first kiss was how you defined your relationship...like I just see you staying at his place, maybe helping him hit a deadline for a design contest and he lets you fall asleep in his bed while he stays up late. You wake up greeted with him holding you and a little peck and pet name followed by a calm, "is that okay, can that be okay, can I be yours?"
don't mind me taking a second to gush over how it made my heart feel to see how sweetly you talk about Mitsuya!!!!!! bc my god what a lucky man!!! made me 101 kinds of soft istg T.T
I need to know about your dynamic with both the twin dragons though!! have you ever double dated with draken and emma?
Come make my day, tell me about your self ship, and get some hcs of your own.
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