#ian u sweet little baby
missusmiller · 2 years
my warrior // n.s x gn! human reader
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pairing: neteyam x gn! human reader
contains: blood, cheating scene, fight scene, lots of aggression from reader, fluff, neteyam being awesome n sweet, angst if you squint and turn your head at a 75° angle then do a backflip, reader being scared of being seen, shitty writing
3.2k words
@marsconer @blueingsfairy @joalslibrary
notes: i just watched the movie and i didn’t know how the scientist compounds work exactly so lets pretend theres one in the hallelujah mountains and one on the ground a little far away from the first compound. reader lived on the one on the ground. also for plot convenience, reader was blessed by eywa as a baby to be able to breathe pandora air. she gave u na’vi lungs in the womb n shit bc ur parents loved her so much😻😻😻😻. yes. that makes sense yes.
summary/prompt: “i see you.”
“close your eyes then.”
“Are you fucking for real?”
Your latest boyfriend, Ian, and a girl you knew as Jasmine snapped their heads towards your menacing presence in the doorway. The looks on their faces showed pure horror as they could basically feel the anger dripping out of every pore in your body. You had just caught them tonguing eachother down in the large cleaning supply closet in the compound that all humans on Pandora lived in.
“I’m sorry, Y/N! I’m really sorry! You know I love you!” Ian sobbed out, knowing that all attempts to make excuses were futile with you.
His apologies meant nothing. You grabbed the nearest thing to you, which happened to be an empty mop bucket, and slammed it against his head with as much force as you could muster. If he wants to cheat, he can get beat the fuck up. Simply how it works.
Ian plunged to the ground with a yelp of pain. Taking this opportunity, you got on top of him and started delivering strikes after strikes to his once pretty face. Since you were stronger than him, Ian had no chance of getting out of the position you had him in. His cries for help echoed through the supply closet.
Jasmine begged you to stop, insisting that it was her fault and not his. In all honesty you didn’t blame her completely since it was Ian’s choice to cheat but god was her voice getting annoying.
It wasn’t until she grabbed your hair, pulling you off of Ian, that you actually touched her.
Hair pulling was foul so if she wanted to fight dirty, so could you.
You grabbed her admittedly beautiful hair and used it as a rope to slam her repeatedly against the one empty wall in the room.
But suddenly, multiple hands ripped you away from her. Many panicked voices surrounded the scene and before you knew it, you were told you had to have your shit packed to get sent away on an ikran to live with the Omaticaya people in a few days until further notice. The scientists told you it was just a temporary arrangement for you to learn morals and self control.
Then almost a week later, you were gone from the compound.
Not all was lost, though. It hadn’t been like you were totally new to the Na’vi people. Jake used to come around the compound with his children and they’d play with the human kids. You had been especially close to the eldest of the Sully kids. Y’all were like two peas in a pod. At least until age restricted the freedom to spend time together as you two got older and responsibilities became heavier.
In all honesty, you missed your friend. Which was mostly the reason why your heart felt like it was about to leap out of your chest in excitement and nervousness when the ikran landed on the edge of one of the mountains that had been home to many Na’vi and other scientists. The other reason for your anxiety was the amount of curious and cautious eyes on you.
Inak, your ikran uber driver, slid off of the large animal and helped you get down. He was a Na’vi man so it took no effort to pick you up and plop you on the ground. Jake greeted you and Inak and they conversed in Na’vi but you didn’t know enough words to fully understand.
While they talked, you truly took in your surroundings. The sky within your fingertips and the beautiful colors everywhere just took your breath away. In the compound, you didn’t see the mountains like this.
“Y/N, go with Jake now. I’ll see you in a bit, alright kiddo?” Inak said, rubbing your back for comfort with a comforting dorky smile smeared on his face. You nodded in understanding and with that he turned around and left. Inak was a pretty awesome dude. Scientist turned Na’vi through the consciousness transfer ritual.
Jake talked you through the tour of the home of the Omatikaya clan. You had trouble listening to everything he was saying because of the growing anxiety in your chest as you two came closer to a familiar group of rowdy kids.
“Kids! Look what the cat dragged in!” He exclaimed which got the attention of them all.
It took no time for you to have been almost tackled to the dirt by Tuktirey with her excitedly shouting, “It’s Y/N! Guys it’s my favorite human, they’re here! They’re here!”
She had gotten so much bigger since you last saw her which was around seven months ago. Too close to your height for sure.
You laughed heartily and embraced the girl back and said, “My wonderful Tuktuk! You’re so grown up now!”
Two more tall blue bodies joined the hug and your heart soared. Kiri and Lo’ak spat utter bullshit about who missed you more. There was nowhere to go in this group hug of death. But good death. Sure, you couldn’t breathe but these people are your loved ones so it sounds like a wonderful way to go out.
Suddenly, all three kids were tugged off of you and strong arms lifted you into an intense bear hug. Your legs dangled freely in the air due to the height difference.
“Neteyam.” You breathed, returning the hug with just as much vigor. He may have changed in the time you haven’t seen each other but you will forever recognize his hugs.
“I missed you, skxawng. Did you get a new best friend and forget about me?” He jokes as he puts you back on your feet.
You rolled your eyes, “Never. I hate everyone at that place. I’m actually here because I beat up my ex for cheating on me so the adults sent me here to learn restraint or whatever.”
His yellow eyes flickered over your face and body with an exasperated expression. The last time he saw you, you were timid and shy. You let people pick on you. Often times, Neteyam would have to come to your rescue. That person he was friends with was definitely not capable of having ‘ex’s let alone pummeling one to the point of your knuckles splitting.
Speaking of that, you definitely needed to get cleaned up and patched up.
“Let’s get your hands fixed up and you can tell me all about it, little warrior.” Neteyam insisted and I laughed before following him to his family’s home.
“She pulled your hair? What an ‘eveng. Can’t even fight properly.”
“Right? Then I grabbed her hair right back and slammed her head into the wall. Like girl, be so fucking for real.” You explained, using hand motions during your story with your hand that wasn’t being treated at the time. In your mind, it helped you get the point across.
Neteyam softly laughed at your antics. He never truly understood your human phrases or slang but he always saved them in the back of his mind to ask about later. The boy learned what ‘musty’ meant a while ago because of this.
The both of you told life stories of what had been going on during the time away from eachother. Neteyam had been growing into a mature boy more each time you saw him, mostly due to the overwhelming pressure of being the golden oldest child. Living up to Jake’s standards seemed absolutely impossible yet Neteyam did it. You on the other hand became tougher and rougher. Sadder as well. You dated around constantly and never seemed to be able to keep a relationship for more than a month. All this just to make yourself feel better. It was absolutely a downfall from your once beaming and sensitive self.
Neteyam couldn’t help but to blame himself yet again for your change. If he came around more, you wouldn’t have needed to toughen up to protect yourself from the fuckers at your ‘home.’
You crawled behind his sitting body, wrapping your legs around his waist and hugging his torso. Trying to comfort the boy, you said, “Teytey. Stop being emo bro because it’s not your fault. I couldn’t stay a little bitch forever you know? I just changed around them but I’m still the same person you knew only a few months ago. Just less…snotty and cry-y.”
His laugh vibrated through your body and you smiled against his back. “Cry-y isn’t even a word, Y/N.”
“It is now!” You said and swung your body around to tackle him to the ground. Then as you hovered over him, you took the liberty to give him a real nasty wet willy.
Neteyam gasped and cursed in shock and disgust before reaching his hands up your sides, tickling the sensitive skin.
You fell to the ground and laughed out profanities that were barely audible due to the lack of air in your lungs. Neteyam now loomed over you, continuing his attack. Your best friend only stopped when you declared him the winner of the squabble through breathless laughter.
He dropped next to you and you both laid in comfortable silence as you calmed down and wiped stray tears from your face.
The silence was quickly destroyed when the entire Sully family came into the home. You departed from Neteyam to talk to Kiri about the small insect in her hand that she was completely enraptured by.
“What is it?” You asked, laying your head on her shoulder comfortably to look at the fluorescent bug.
Kiri didn’t take her eyes off of it when she said, “I have no idea but look at it dance! It’s so cute.”
The bug was indeed dancing. It used the two back legs to lift it’s yellow rump in the air side to side.
You and Kiri laughed at the cute thing for a few more moments before she eventually let it go free.
It was coming to be about dinner time and whatever Neytiri was cooking smelled bomb as fuck. Neytiri never came around when Jake and the kids visited you. From your knowledge, she didn’t take to humans too fondly but you would never hold a grudge against her for that. If you were her you’d probably do the same.
Seeing her for the first time today was scary, though. She looked at you with this indescribable expression as you greeted her. When she did not greet you back, Lo’ak told you not to take it personally. You didn’t. You were more interested in how much Neteyam took after her. She was just so beautiful. The Sully family has some good genes for sure!
Once dinner was ready, Neteyam pulled you over to him. Basically not giving you a choice but to be next to him to eat. He slang a heavy arm over your shoulder to ensure any attempts to escape would not be successful. You rolled your eyes at his clinginess but secretly you adored it.
The family talked amongst eachother but you stayed silent, trying to ignore Neytiri’s eyes on you. The food was so damn good but you couldn’t even focus on it because it felt like she was trying to burn holes in your head with her eyes. Once you finished eating, you excused yourself and quickly walked out.
The air seemed fresher outside without the pressuring glare of their gorgeous mother. With your hands on your knees, you deeply inhaled and exhaled to try to calm your pounding heart.
Neteyam followed you out of the home, rubbing your back for comfort as you caught your breath. “She is intense but she doesn’t dislike you. She’s weary is all.”
You nodded in understanding which was all you could seem to do in the moment.
He paused his back rubbing sesh, thinking for a moment before saying, “Come on. I have something to show you.”
Like an obedient dog you followed him. Honestly, you’d follow him to the edge of the earth if he wanted you to but that’s besides the point.
Neteyam guided you to his ikran where he mounted the willing creature. A rush of excitement passed through you as you realized what was happening. He swooped you up by your waist and plopped you down behind him.
“I’ve been meaning to give you this for so long when I finally got my ikran but my duties got in the way. Here you go.” Neteyam said with a slightly sad tone as he reached into his side pouch and pulled out a small pair of flying glasses. They matched the ones that were sitting on top of his head.
You beamed with joy as you took them, thanking him a million times over. They fit perfectly.
For Neteyam, it felt like a dream. He was finally about to ride with you, something he’s dreamt about doing since the day that you two made it official that you were best friends. He loved you, truly. And now that you were finally within his grasp again he promised himself that he’d never let go no matter what his duties were or how busy he was.
Neteyam warned you to hold on tight before the ikran dipped down into the sky between the mountains. You gripped onto his waist like he was going to disappear in your arms. He noticed this and reached a hand back to grip onto your thigh to give you a better sense of security. The innocent act made electricity shoot up your spine. Your face burned despite the cool air whipping against it.
It’s not like you were stupid, though. Your intense crush on your best friend has lasted for years so no doubt his touch made you react that way. Your heart beat like crazy but so did Neteyam’s. The hard thumping in his chest was just from excitement, right?
As he did flips and harsh dips, laughs escaped your mouth, both from fear and excitement.
“Oh my god,” Your voice was airy as you yelled, “I’m gonna fucking die!”
You couldn’t see his face but you were sure he rolled his eyes when he replied with, “So dramatic!”
Suddenly, he started ululating as we soared through the sky.
He sounded so happy it made your heart throb with joy.
“C’mon, Y/N! Do it with me!” He insisted.
“Teytey, I don’t know how!” You yelled over the loud sound of wind blowing in your ear.
Neteyam patted your thigh before he gripped it again and said, “Feel the energy in you! Use your tongue!”
You laughed outwardly at his sentence but nonetheless followed his instructions. A cry of absolute adrenaline left your mouth. It felt so powerful as you let all of your energy out.
“That’s my warrior!”
The praise alone made you feel like you were about to explode.
Eventually the ride had to come to a stop as eclipse was quickly pproaching. But, Neteyam still had one more thing to show you so if that meant he would break curfew then so be it.
He swooped the ikran up to the top of one of the Hallelujah mountains. The darkness of the oncoming night made the nature around you so bright. You two climbed off of the ikran, him helping you of course, and he led you to a particular spot on the floating rock. It was a grassy area that had pretty fluorescent flowers surrounding it.
His demeanor seemed to become nervous as he sat down and motioned for you to follow suit.
“Tey? What’s wrong?” You immediately noticed the change and put your right hand against his face, the left on his knee.
He sighed and leaned into your touch. “Y/N. I promised myself I would never leave you lonely like I did before. Now that you’re within my reach I never want to let you go.”
His eyes were too intense in this moment to look at. Instead you focused on his white freckles as you said, “Neteyam, you’re acting as if we haven’t seen eachother in years.”
“Even a month without you is too much for me to bear. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”
Neteyam’s hands took yours off of his body so that he could hold them. His hands fully engulfed yours.
Rolling your eyes in disbelief you said, “Dude, this is starting to sound really romantic. You don’t think of me that way don’t play with me please. I can’t do shitty jokes like this right now.”
He forced you to meet his beautiful eyes. They were full of emotion and complete adoration as he whispered, “I see you, Y/N L/N.”
Alarms were going off in your head. It all seemed too good to be true so it must not be true. You tried to change his mind by saying, “Close your eyes then because I can tell you now that I am not the one you want.”
But that did not deter him.
Neteyam felt like crying. He only ever wanted to be yours so why were you being so difficult? Neteyam spoke after a long silence, “Why do you not believe me, Y/N? I’ve chosen you since the day we met. We were eight. You strayed away from your home and got lost in the forest. I found you playing with a baby viperwolf. No fear in your heart. So don’t have fear now.”
Your heart beat painfully hard as you realized this was actually happening. The boy you loved for years has loved you too.
“Many Na’vi want you. I want you as well, Tey, more than anything. But, your future is going to be affected by you being with a human. Neytiri would disapprove of us with her whole chest. I’m sure she’d probably throw me off the mountain if she could.” A small chuckle left your mouth at the thought of that woman chucking you to your death. Your chuckle died quickly at the thought of Neteyam being with anyone else other than you. It hurt to think about. Like physically hurt your heart and brain.
You felt sick.
“I don’t care about what my mother thinks of my love life. She’s going to have to get used to it because I only want you, not anybody else. So please, take me as yours forever.” Neteyam begged, looking up through his lashes. His tail swung anxiously. God was he beautiful. The unpleasant feelings slowly melted away.
You sat as tall as you could and grabbed his face, leaning in and planting your soft lips upon his. The sound of his tail hitting the ground wildly made you smile against his lips.
He was utterly in love. Neteyam felt drunk as your mouth moved against his so gently. His arms wrapped around you and pulled you into his lap as he sat up. Everything felt like it was on fire. So many dreams of this and now it finally happened.
When you came up for air, you saw the lovestruck look in his face and you knew that he was yours forever. All worries seemed to dissipate in that moment when you looked in his eyes.
“I see you, Neteyam. And I love you.”
“I love you too, skxawng.”
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bunny584 · 7 months
who are ur celeb crushes or any other crushes from other fandoms
(love the words u put out on the internet xoxo)
Ooo, I love little Get-To-Know-You anons. Thanks for asking sweet thing. Okay, here goes:
3D Crushes: Ian Somerhalder, Paul Walker, Blake Lively, Wentworth Miller, Nina Dobrev, both Isaiah and Denzel Washington
2D Crushes: Levi Ackerman (hello??? convinced all his height went somewhere else) Ponytail Eren, Giyuu Tomioka, Howl, Zuko when he’s all grown up, omg Tuxedo Mask from Sailor moon 😅
Love you for reading the words i put on the internet baby!
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juniperhillpatient · 10 months
thank you for tagging me @kiki-strike !! <33
10 characters 10 fandoms 10 (ish) tags!
1. Azula ATLA - she's a girlboss. she's a pathetic poor little meow meow. she's a manipulative mastermind. she's a socially awkward wreck. she's a child soldier whose mother left her & who's father treated her like a weapon. she's the most formidable villain the heroes have ever faced. i love her
2. Ashley Graves TCOAAL - a controversial pick MAYBE but I love to see a demon-worshipping cannibal queen winning (committing unspeakable acts but it's ok because her mom didn't love her & also she is baby have u considered that?) i think ashley should be allowed to commit all the atrocities she wants as a treat on the grounds that her parents were so awful they left her to starve to death & before that, pretended not to notice when she & her brother accidentally killed a girl in middle school
3. Natalie Scatorcio, Yellowjackets - 2 cannibal queens in a row I must have a type <3 I love a tragic hero who is also a violent, dangerous & unstable individual. forgiveness is a nice idea but my poor doomed antler queen will never live to see it... she was a gentle soul (ignore the atrocities) who never got to see a single moment of peace or gentleness in her life
4. Sam Carpenter, Scream - it was nearly impossible for me to pick between my best girls Sidney, Emma, & Sam for this list but I have to go Sam. she's the daughter of a serial killer. she enjoys stabbing people. she sees visions of her dead dad telling her to kill but she loves her friends & her sister more than anything. i adore my dangerous & violent but also oh so sweet babygirl
5. Faith Lehane Buffy the Vampire Slayer - listen, Buffy is the obvious choice for the best character in Buffy OFC. but have you considered. faith is broken & hurt & a little crazy with jealousy & obsession with buffy. she's the dark slayer. she has a dynamic with the wacky evil demonic town mayor that mirrors buffy's relationship with her wholesome (mostly. sometimes demon rebelly) librarian mentor as the dark side of the coin. she's never had anyone pick her first & it kills her but she pretends she doesn't care. i'd die for her
6. Baby Firefly - this time not a confirmed cannibal but my girl is into corpse desecration & necrophilia so I think this is a great list that proves I have excellent taste in fictional characters. "there is no wrong. if someone needs to be killed you kill 'em! that's the way :)"
7. Beth Salinger, Hostel 2 - fave final girl my bestie had a hot lesbian enemies to almost lovers to beheading you & playing soccer with the head dynamic with an evil secret society member who tried to lure her to her death. she also cut off the penis of the man who dared to fuck with her & fed it to a dog so like what more can you even want from a character <3
8. Dennis Reynolds IASIP - having dennis as my fave is soo embarrassing he's such a basic fave but genuinely he's SO fucking pathetic & sad beneath the layers of fake manipulative suave cool rich kid that he thinks he conveys (he doesn't). he's literally just a sad little girl who falls apart & curls up on he ground crying when things get overwhelming. everyone who doesn't understand him thinks he's a mastermind serial killer but they are FALLING FOR HIS ACT
9. Katherine Pierce TVD - THEY HATE TO SEE A GIRLBOSS WINNINGGGGGGG (I don't know Scarlet Witch but I think it's funny to steal the description for #9 for Katherine from the person who tagged me in this hehe) anyway it's funny for me to pick Katherine when I named my cat damon & I have a ginormous shirtless poster of ian somerhalder literally over my bed I'm looking at it right now BUT hear me out. Katherine is my real fave. unforgivable villain who always chooses herself first & also mirrors the protagonist & also she was just a girl once too, a pregnant, scared young girl. if the writers cared about me specifically at all we would've gotten a spin off of Katherine & her daughter instead of what we got
10. Annie Edison Community - much like with buffy the vampire slayer & buffy summers, there is a correct answer to which community character is objectively the best & it's obviously abed. BUT my subjective fave that I latch onto is annie. she's just so babygirl. she had a nervous breakdown in high school because she was always too perfect. she's just out of rehab for adderall when we meet her but it's mostly only referenced or flashed back to as a joke. we never meet her parents but the quotes she references from them are deeply disturbing if you turn off the laugh track & pay attention. she has a fucked up relationship with her good older male friend because #daddy issues. she is obsessed with true crime. there's a monkey named after her boobs. she's the ONLY member of the study group who could've EVER lived with troy & abed & incorporated herself into their dynamic the way she does in episodes like foosball & nocturnal vigilantism. my girl is so silly & a little crazy <3
thank u for the tag i love rambling about my fave characters!!
I tag: @missjessefantastico, @theowritesfiction @dont-leafmealone, @peony-pearl, @stalker-among-the-stars @bearsandbeansart @chasingfictions @hello-nichya-here, @lunaintheskyforever, @gathering0gloom, @jctko, @jet-apologistmybadhomies, @745voiceofthepeople, @prodogg, @matchamarshmallow
ok if you wanted to be tagged please just say I tagged you also no pressure to the people I tagged it's just for fun if u want :)
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hi i was wondering if you know any extremely cliche gallavich fics, almost disney like, preferably multi-chaps but i'd appreciate one shots as well if you guys know great ones. im a sucker for cliche storylines lmao
Hi! ^^ It's a hard question to answer, since for some people clichee is not exactly a compliment and we were worried some authors might be upset if they see themselves on this list. So, we simply chose fics with sweet, Hallmark-y, maybe "love at the first sight" or as you said disney-like kind of storylines. All the listed fics by no means lack quality because they're trope-y!
Something 'bout the Snow - A Christmas story. Single dad Mickey meets his new duplex-neighbour Ian.
Just another Christmas story - Christmas fake dating AU.
coup de foudre - Photographer Ian meets model Mickey. Pretty much love at the first sight.
all comes down to you - Mickey would do anything to be in his kid’s life, even if that means faking a relationship with the one person he wants nothing to do with.
Fascination Street - AU: Mickey develops an inclination toward his co-worker, Ian. Ian had never really thought about Mickey before, but after one fine day together, he undertakes the difficult task of trying to figure him out.
The Tension & The Spark - Mickey is left alone with baby Yev. His electricity supply is cut off. Life isn’t going well for him. Enter Ian: perfect stranger, call center worker and the guardian angel Mickey needs.
and i hope there's someone - Mickey and Mandy move across the country to NYC and open a coffee shop on Bleecker Street.
story in the fog - Fake dating Hogwarts AU plus friends to lovers on the side.
Give Me Love - Mickey is an artist and Ian is a model and they do this weird thing where they fall in love super hard without all the shitty darkness of south side still being held over their heads.
Lego House - Mickey was a single dad living paycheck to paycheck. Ian is the co-owner of a company that he started with Lip.
Flower U-Up - Florist Mickey and EMT Ian who likes buying flowers for his patients.
Sweet Talk - Ian doesn't like candy hearts. They're chalky and gross and Mickey Milkovich keeps throwing them at his head.
Drop Your Guard - Ian and Mickey are partners on the Chicago police force. And maybe something a little bit more than that.
I hope we understood your request correctly! If anyone has something to add, leave a note :)
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thecoveys · 2 years
Hey hey! thank you for giving my questions a go! 14, Secret cute pet name for each other? (:
gallavich headcanon questions
Hey! of course! thank you for compiling them!!!
14. Secret cute pet name for each other?
They both use pet names for each other a lot more than I think they even realize. They're always like "wtf no we don't use pet names" and everyone around them is like "yeah u do, idiots".
In public, Ian favours calling Mickey "baby" while Mickey calls Ian "babe".
In secret though, the names get a bit more personal and sweet. Ian still calls Mickey "baby" a lot of the time, but he also likes calling him "sweetheart" when he's feeling extra affectionate and he'll even throw in the occasional "princess". Mickey pretends to despise it, but he never outright tells Ian to stop calling him that, which tells Ian that his husband actually really likes the pet names.
In private, Mickey still overwhelmingly calls Ian "babe", but every once in a while he'll call him "my love" or just "love". It's rare, but Ian's heart swells every time he hears those pet names. If Mickey's feeling like a little shit, which he often does, he'll call Ian "Romeo" or "Casanova". Especially if Ian is being extra sweet and affectionate. I also think Mickey calls Ian "sugar" a lot more than he realizes.
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kurokrisps · 2 years
What songs do you associate with your ocs?
May is pretty much my primary OC at the moment and my thoughts are plagued by her daily so ima just do hers.
May Davis (SDJ)
Marceline - Lil God Dan
Boot - Tamar-kali
Sweet November - SZA
Miss Negativity - Night Club
Minerva - Deftones
Do You Think I'm A Whore? - Kittie
Just Like You - Falling in Reverse
Sonne - Rammstein
Black No. 1 (Little Miss Scare All) - Type O Negative
And ima add songs I associate with her ships just bc.
Jack x May
Gingerbread Man - Melanie Martinez
Always Forever - Cults
Me And My Husband - Mitski
Slipping Away - Angel J. Nelson
Stargirl Interlude - The Weeknd ft. Lana Del Rey
Dark Red - Steve Lacy
Don't You Want Me - The Human League
Using You - Mars Argo
Ian x May
Norman F*cking Rockwell - Lana Del Rey
You're Not Here - Silent Hill OST/Akira Yamaoka
I don't smoke - Mitski
Highschool Sweethearts - Melanie Martinez
Training Wheels - Melanie Martinez
Sweet Jane - Cowboy Junkies
I Hate U - SZA
Boys Like You - Tanerelle
Shaun x May
Bad Habits - Steve Lacy
Sure Thing - Miguel
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
Brooklyn Baby - Lana Del Rey
Unholy - Sam Smith ft. Kim Petras
505 - Arctic Monkeys
A New Kind of Love - Frou Frou
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citybops · 2 years
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1. mana -a gothic manwha. zion is a girl who forms a contract with a ghost and starts a business as a shaman. we follow her through different paranormal situations, learning a little bit about korean culture and superstition. the art is really good, the characters are very likeable and the little hunting adventures are ok, but... it feels very amateurish, the direction it wants to take isn't clear and the end is way too rushed. still, is a good fast reading and the fashion is serving and slaying absolute penis. 6/10
2. alichino -a gothic fantasy manga. alichinos are supernatural beings that feeds on human souls in order to become strong in exchange for a wish. tsugiri hates them, he's a "bond" (the purest soul above all) so he's been chased by humans and alichinos alike throughout all his life. the prettiest art I've ever seen like literally there's not a single bad panel or a sloppy silly drawing... the story is intriguing and it has lots of potential in exploring concepts or good and evil, loneliness and isolation BUT i only has three volumes and it's been discontinued so fuck our silly baka lives i guess. 9/10
3. fairy cube -gothic fantasy manga. this one is about the world of humans and the world of fairies and monsters and ravens and etc etc everything u mind can imagine. ian is a kid that can see fairies but no one ever believes him, he also can see another him, an ian with blue eyes and green hair that is focused on making his life miserable. it has 18 chapters, the lore is not complicated and it has various twist and turns that keep u entertained, so it is a very easy read... nothing too much. 6/10
4. vampire girl - well, this is a gorhic-ish manga abt vampires what do u expected. wana has fallen in love with this mysterious guy she often sees in the streets and after some time ahe musters up the courage to talk to him the next time she sees him. trigger warnings for blood, death and sexual assault. i liked this one a lot, the pacing and writing is really good, it doesn't feel heavy or boring and it flows nicely. as expected from this author, the art is also really pretty. i dont wanna spoil too much so this review is kinda vague, but this is because i really want u to read it and then come and complain to me abt the absolute mindfuck that is the ending. 9/10
5. R.i.p -a gothic-ish lolita manga. transylvanian rose (lmfao) is an angel bored of being in heaven so she travels down below where she encounters a boy commiting suicide. she finds him extremely cute so she rips off one of her wings and gives it to him in order to save him from eternal damnation. this one is short, funny, sweet and very fashionable. recommended for times when you're bored out of your mind and don't know what to do. also, god is a hot vkei man. 7/10
6. dokuhime -a gothic-ish lolita fantasy manga. poison princesses are made by taking a baby and feeding her poison little by little so they grew used to it. these girls are the kingdom's greatest weapons, a kiss, a tear, or even living in close proximity with them, will slowly kill you. this one was really intriguing, the plot is interesting and it builds anticipation and suspence nicely, the art, once again, is splendid like these bitches are serving looks after looks. HOWEVER.... this manga's fatal flaw is the depiction of this one tribal desert based kingdom. it is pretty bad and distasteful. 6/10
7. akusaga -kind of gothic-ish mystery manga. zen is the most wanted criminal of the country; he's cruel, has superhuman abilities and doesn't hesitate to kill and destroy everything that's gets in his way. this rebellious quality of his seems to attract all kinds of people, so he gets stuck with some companions along the way. ok... zen is saurrr pretty, that's why all bitches want him. this manga is very short, only 8 chapters, but thats enough to to flesh out his, and only his, story and character so you're left wishing the author had developed some other points, etc, etc. this one talk about war and class so u can expect some fucked up things that needed more exploring and questioning. 6/10
8. innocent -a gothic historical manga. this is the story of two siblings of the sanson family, a family of executioners, years prior to the french revolution. this manga is on the lengthier side with around 90 chapters, but it is still an easy read as the story has a pretty good flow. the art here is soooo pretty and the characters so intriguing !!! the story is a serious one so it hooks you up pretty easily but it still has its what the hell moments that helps break the tension here and there. it isn't a read for the faint of heart though as it is pretty guresome... but what we expected this is a story abt a man who killed around 3000 convicts. there's some moments where the author handles class, gender and race issues rather poorly though. this manga has a sequel but tbh it's not worth it so i recommend just reading this one. 8/10
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gardenerian · 3 years
Hello lovey!!! Have we thought about what was going through Mickey's head watching the fight scene at the bar?? Like can you imagine his thought process???
"what's Byron talking abo- shit, wait, he's talking about me, fuck, fuck, fu- Ian? Nonono Ian can't hear this, he'll agree with- Ian's talking to him, red alert, get over there I gotta intervene- WHAT THE FUUUUCK- okay who does this Cole guy think he is, this is very hot, Ian's gonna get arrested, this is VERY hot, shut the fuck UP Twinklord- IS HE DOING THIS RIGHT NOW???"
Meanwhile, Ian's train of thought:
"is he talking about Mickey???? Is he??? Talking about MY Mickey??? My future mister Gallagher??? My sweet darling baby face sweetheart tomato??? How dare, puncha u 😡. Oh shit Mickey's here, okay, make it good."
GAHHH i think about this scene all the dang time! i don't think mickey would worry about ian agreeing with byron - i think at this point, he knows most of ian's hangups have to do with himself really. but GOD i love that moment when he looks to ian after punching cole (which, rude, justice for cole, etc.). there's just this little pause before he goes to stop him. i love it! he's like oh god, gotta stop this fucking idiot from getting arrested again i love him more than anything 🙄 like i feel like he must know that this is it. maybe not that ian will propose, but i think he knows he's gonna scoop ian up and bring him home, like he always will 🥺
and ian???? does he know what he's gonna do? or does he just find himself already kneeling and decide this is the moment? he's on the ground surrounded by color and mickey's RIGHT THERE and he has to take this chance RIGHT NOW??? god. GODDDD. he can't wait another second! i do wish there was more space for them to work stuff out before they got married, but i do love that. whew! i am overcome with love for them. happy belated anniversary, you crazy kids!
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y0itsbri · 3 years
hi bri! 📱 and/or 🫂?
hi mel! 💛💛💛 family content was calling to me today sorry 'bout it lol
📱 text message/phone call headcanon
mickey was such a little shit for the one week that ian had a job at the amazon warehouse while he stayed at home on his honeymoon. their days apart looked something like this.
mickey (8:37am): might go back to bed while my husband is hard at work 🖤
mickey (8:56am): ur pillow is cold fuckin finally
mickey (9:42am): u think judge judy is gettin sum on the regular?
mickey (10:04am): *image attachment*
ian (11:23am): mickey is that really just u smoking in ur underwear
mickey (11:26am): 😏😏😏 see something u like?
ian (11:27am): go away
mickey (12:38pm): picked lil red up from preschool. im definitely winning the favorite uncle competition in case u were wondering
ian (1:34pm): i wasn't. send me a picture of fran so i know she's still alive with ur dumbass
mickey (1:47pm): made sum mac&cheese
mickey (1:56pm): *image attachment*
mickey (1:57pm): *image attachment*
ian (3:31pm): *liked an image*
ian (3:32pm): how did u force her to dress up like u?
mickey (3:35pm): dont act like u dont know she didnt beg to. the matching sunglasses was her idea
mickey (4:23pm): debbie picked her up now. had to practically pry the crying kid away from me
ian (4:45pm): sure i totally believe that
mickey (4:52pm): why would i lie to u loverboy
mickey (5:03pm): lip wants us to come over 2nite btw
mickey (5:04pm): should i tell him to fuck off
mickey (5:06pm): maybe i'll turn tami against him to. that could be fun
ian (5:32pm): jesus christ mickey chill out i'll be home soon
mickey (5:34pm): better hurry the fuck up 😏
🫂 hug headcanon
it's no secret that mickey wasn't as free with his physical affection as teddy-bear ian gallagher was. franny was the only exception for awhile. she hadn't known any other version of mickey than her fun-loving uncle mickey. he had too much of a soft spot for little red -- the girl practically throwing herself at him whatever chance she got. what was he supposed to do? tell her no? not that he wanted to, either. he loved the little bugger, even if her mom could be a pain in the ass sometimes.
what came as more of a surprise was liam. liam had always been the baby, but he also knew how to read a room and when to keep his distance.
one night, liam had come home late after an evening of frank shenanigans, and begun his homework at the kitchen table. ian was already passed out upstairs, and mickey came down for a late night snack.
he unscrewed the lid to the jar of processed yellow cheese, dipping round tortilla chips straight into it -- crunching loudly.
"whatcha workin' on?"
"gotta study for my math test tomorrow. frank kept me out most of the night."
"oh, i could help you with math if you wanted."
"i thought you dropped out of high school?"
"don't need a high school degree to do 4th grade math, nerd. 'sides, i practically ran my house and family businesses -- i could do this shit in my sleep."
"yeah, kid, whatchu got?"
they studied together, eating almost the entire jar of cheese and bag of chips between the two of them, until liam was yawning so much he was making mickey tired.
"go get some sleep, man, i'll clean up."
liam nodded sleepily before trudging up the steps.
the next evening, mickey was standing in the kitchen, sipping on a beer and watching ian and lip argue about the stupidest shit when the front door flew open.
"mickey, mickey! i got 100% on my math test!" liam nearly knocked mickey over with the speed that he hurdled into him, hugging him tightly for a moment before his eyes widened. "oh, shit, sorry mick!" he began to pull away until mickey wrapped his arm around the kid.
"hey! good job, einstein, 'm proud of ya," mickey smiled down at the boy.
"thanks," liam said sheepishly as he ran upstairs to discard of his backpack.
the following week, they were having a movie night. it was some war movie shit that ian likes but liam would hate. the kid wanted to watch anyways. mickey plopped down on his corner of the couch while ian was digging through the cupboards to find his secret stash of twizzlers. liam sat on the cushion directly next to mickey, a plate of tortilla chips with cheese in hand.
"we can share these if you want," he murmured quietly, unsure.
"oh, sweet! that sounds fuckin' great," mickey shoved a chip in his mouth.
ian stood in the doorway frowning at the kid that took his spot on the couch next to his husband. mickey just nodded his head to the empty cushion on the other side of liam. ian sat and reached over the back of the couch to poke mickey's neck with a twizzler, just to be annoying.
about halfway through the movie, plate of chips now empty save for a couple crumbs, liam began drifting off, bobbing his head. mickey pushed the kid a little bit so he was more comfortable leaning against mickey's shoulder.
ian silently 'awwww-ed' and mickey just proceeded to flip him off. but it felt good to have kids around that actually liked him.
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heymacy · 2 years
Good morning, Macy my sweet! I'm here to torment you more about high school sweethearts Ian & Mickey. Mostly I really just want to hear your thoughts/incoherent flailing/potential sobbing because I'm sort of having a meltdown over here and I'd love to have some company if you wouldn't mind. I mean, they fell in love as teenagers? Literal children? Went through so much together and now they're married to each other? Happy Sunday Sob Day baby, they are literally soulmates and I am NOT well 💛💛💛
jessie i am ✨u n w e l l✨ on this fine Sunday Sob Day and that’s all thanks to you and @gallawitchxx —and you call yourselves my friends??? the auDACITY of it all 😭😭😭
listen……they were literally just kids when they fell in love. CHILDREN. bound by the confines of circumstance, seemingly doomed to a lifetime of loneliness, or affection that only came with strings attached, or reluctant touches behind closed doors, shrouded in shameful whispers. all they wanted was to be loved and to be SEEN — seen for all that they are and loved not in spite of it, but because of it!!
and then suddenly, this freckle-faced, wide-eyed boy is flat on his back, pinned to the mattress, and he sees him — sees Mickey, our dirty little sewer rat s1 Mickey, who hides behind his grime and anger and reputation to keep the world away, and in that moment, everything changed. and mickey looks down at him, at this eager and enthusiastic redhead that isn’t afraid to confront him, to push back against his many barriers and find out what makes him tick, and he sees him. and the rest….well, good for them 👏🏼
they’ve been through everything together. literally everything. the loss of their youth and their innocence. the torment of growing up, and growing into yourself whether you want to or not. distance, heartache, reunions, suffering, growth, failure, and finally — happiness, comfort, the joy of realizing you made it out alive, and you’re free, and you’ve got your person by your side for the rest of eternity. that’s their person. their love. their life!! and if i cry about it until the stars burn out?? then i cry 🥹
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sovvannight · 2 years
80s Love Playlist
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The next fic I’m going to publish is called “The Playlists,” and in it, Alex creates two playlists of songs.  The second is “80s Love,” a playlist with most hopeful songs than his first playlist.
Both my Spotify and YouTube accounts have my real name attached to them, and I’ve looked around but haven’t found a good option to publish playlists anonymously.  So I’m just going to type out the list below and you can listen on your music platform of choice if you’re so inclined.
80s Love
Depeche Mode - Just Can’t Get Enough
David Bowie - Let’s Dance
Debbie Gibson - Lost in Your Eyes
REO Speedwagon - Can’t Fight this Feeling
Belinda Carlisle - Mad About You
Bad English - When I see You Smile
Alphaville - Forever Young
Tiffany - I Saw Him Standing There
Ian Mcculloch - Faith & Healing (7″ Remix)
Peter Cetera - Glory of Love
Culture Club - Time (Clock of the Heart)
INXS - Never Tear Us Apart
The Psychadelic Furs - The Ghost in You
Anita Baker - Sweet Love
Def Leppard - Hysteria
Belinda Carlisle - Heaven is a Place on Earth
Icehouse - Electric Blue
Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody
Pet Shop Boys - Love Comes Quickly
Eurythmics - There Must Be an Angel (Playing With My Heart)
Queen - Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Phil Collins - A Groovy Kind of Love
Pretty Poison - Catch Me
Madonna - Crazy For You
Jesus and Mary Chain - Head On
Terence Trent D’arby - Sign Your Name
Frankie Goes to Hollywood - The Power of Love
Robin Gibb - Boys Do Fall in Love
Violent Femmes - Good Feeling
Tears For Fears - Shout
Prince & the Revolution - I Would Die 4 U
Thompson Twins - Doctor! Doctor!
Fleetwood Mac - Seven Wonders
Human League - (Keep Feeling) Fascination
Bon Jovi - Born to Be my Baby
Chicago - Will You Still Love Me
The Smiths - There is a Light That Never Goes Out
Tears for Fears - Head Over Heels
Sting - We’ll Be Together
Whitney Houston - How Will I Know
The Ocean Blue - Love Song
Thompson Twins - Lay Your Hands on Me
Bangles - Eternal Flame
Prince & the Revolution - Take Me With You
Bon Jovi - I’d Die for You
Fleetwood Mac - Hold Me
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yeah-all-of-it · 3 years
A little drabble that took me far too long to write. Goes along with the head canon turned fic I wrote last week. There’s not really a plot, it’s mostly just soft husbands/dads being soft for the sake of softness. Enjoy!
A Life Changing Gift:
First Week Home
Ian wakes and immediately senses the emptiness beside him, reaches an arm across the bed to be sure. He glances at the clock, 3am. He leans up and peeks into the bassinet on Mickey’s side of the bed and it’s empty, too. It’s then that he hears the quiet voice coming from the other bedroom.
Ian pads out into the hallway, stops just before reaching the open nursery door and listens. He hears his husband’s voice softly singing, “we were just kids when we fell in love, not knowing what it was, I will not give you up this time…” He smiles to himself before stepping through the doorway.
Mickey is in the rocking chair, no shirt, with Maggie in only a diaper, belly down on his chest, little legs tucked underneath her. A yellow blanket with white bunnies is lightly draped over her squishy pink body. Mickey stops singing when he sees Ian, but smiles, knowing he’s been caught.
“Hey, Mick,” Ian whispers, leaning against the doorframe. “Maggie having trouble sleeping?”
“Yeah, man,” Mickey whispers back. “She was fussy and I didn’t want to wake you so I brought her in here. Read that babies love skin to skin contact so we’re tryin’ that.”
Maggie starts worming around and Mickey gently rubs a hand on her back, U-UP prominently on display. The irony is not lost on Ian; hands once used for fighting and threatening now cradle and sooth their infant daughter. Ian loves all the facets of Mickey; the tough guy with the foul mouth that takes no shit and the adoring father who sings their wedding song to their fussy baby at 3am.
“Maybe she’s wet? Or getting hungry?” Ian suggests.
Mickey picks up the notebook on the little white table beside the rocker, the one he uses to track feedings, diaper changes, things they’re running low on, and anything else he deems important enough to write down.
“I just changed her. It says here she ate almost 2oz at midnight. What time is it?” Mickey asks.
“Just after 3,” Ian answers.
“Yeah, she’s probably gettin’ hungry,” Mickey confirms.
“I’ll go make her a bottle-,” Ian begins.
“Nah, man. I’ll do it. Here, you snuggle her for a few minutes,” Mickey offers, standing and placing Maggie in Ian’s arms. Their eyes meet and Ian can’t help but lean in and give Mickey a tender kiss, pulling away with a smile. They’re dads. Together. It still seems surreal. Mickey heads out the door toward the kitchen, glances back over his shoulder with a grin.
They’ve had her home for almost a week now and are starting to get the hang of things. Mickey worked out a schedule where they’re supposed to take turns getting up with her, but neither of them want to miss anything so they usually both get up anyway.
Business has been booming; they’ve been able to buy another rig and hire two more guys. This thankfully gives them the flexibility to take a little time off. Once they start back to work again in a couple weeks, Ian swears they’ll stick with the nighttime schedule Mickey wrote up, making sure they’re both able to get a little rest.
Maggie is a little fussy waiting for her bottle so Ian bounces gently while walking around the room with her, continuing where his husband left off, “darlin’ just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own, and in your eyes you’re holding mine…” He looks down at her tiny round face. Her perfectly straight little button nose and full lips, just like Mickey’s. Her head full of coppery red hair, just like his own. She is Milkovich and she is Gallagher, through and through. Ian’s already convinced she’s going to have piercing blue eyes when she’s bigger.
“Hey, sweet face, let’s go see what Dada’s doing, okay?” he coos to her, and they bouncy walk toward the kitchen.
Mickey is just pulling the bottle out of the warmer when Ian and Maggie walk into the room.
“Just in time, baby girl,” Mickey says sweetly, then redirects his gaze to Ian. “Wanna go to the couch?”
Ian carries her over and sits down by the arm rest so he can prop up the elbow that’s holding her head. Kicks his feet up on the coffee table. Mickey joins them, sidling up against Ian’s right side, handing him the warm bottle which Ian promptly sticks into Maggie’s already open and searching mouth. Mickey wraps an arm around Ian’s shoulders. They sit and listen to her suckles and satisfied grunts and groans. All those precious little newborn baby sounds.
“Hey, you ever think back in the day, this is where we’d be?” Ian asks.
“In a swanky-ass Westside two bedroom, married, successful legal business, living well above the poverty line, and a beautiful newborn daughter?” Mickey answers, kinda chuckles. “Nah, never in a million fuckin’ years.”
Ian removes the bottle from Maggie’s mouth and lifts her to his shoulder, patting her back to burp her.
“It’s even better than I ever dreamed, Ian,” Mickey adds, seriously this time.
“Yeah?” Ian questions.
“Oh, yeah,” Mickey replies, leaning over and pressing a kiss to Ian’s temple. “Thought I was fucked for life, man, remember?”
“Yeah… I remember,” Ian replies softly, memories of difficult years washing over him. “Thought I was doomed to be a piece of shit like Monica.”
Neither of them say anything for several minutes, they just stare at Maggie drifting off to sleep after finishing her bottle, grateful for her. For each other. For this life they’ve built together that far exceeds anything they ever could have imagined.
“I’m glad we were both wrong,” Mickey says, breaking the silence.
“Me too, Mick,” Ian agrees, smiling. “Me, too.” Ian stands up, cradling Maggie in his left arm, reaches for Mickey’s hand with his right. “C’mon, let’s go back to bed. This little one will be waking us again in a couple hours.”
And they wouldn’t have it any other way.
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crossovereddie · 4 years
Thoughts on S11xE2
It’s 2am. I just finished nursing Giddy. I cant sleep. Let’s get this episode watched and this recap uploaded.
I really hate Carl being a c*p
Oh gosh that shakey cam was making me sick
Franny is so cute
I want a daughter now :(
Ugh sandy pls be my son’s step mom
Omg Mickey’s robe is perfect
Withholding sex when your husband looks like THAT?! Good luck ian
Oh shit I forgot about Kermit and tommy
Lip talking to Fred and talking for Fred. I feel that
Oh gosh is ian doesn’t lick that jam off mickeys chest
A whole Mickey only scene just for me????
“Why don’t you mind your own fucking business Jerome” PLEASE
Fuck that guy working with ian
I might start skipping Carl scenes and I hate that for me
Aaaaaand I’m back to watching that Mickey scene
Okay back on track
I’m stressing out over frank kev and Vee them not wearing their masks
Okay sandy I love you but put your mask on baby
You too Tami wtf you have a baby
Maybe stop spending so much fucking money on coffee every morning
Okay I’ll stop
I just can’t stand her guy and everything she does annoys me
Mickeys resume 😂😂😂
Hi sweet baby boy could you please put your mask on precious? Thank you so much my love
Please cover your whittle nosey before I boop it
“Oh I’m not into that shit anymore I got married” STOP LMAO
The interviewer is smitten. Me too
“I really wanna make it work here”
“Fuck you fuck you and especially fuck you” IM DEADDDD
He really tried im so sad
I just want the best for him
Dang now I’m craving brownies not weed brownies regular brownies
Is it too late to make some?
I love him 😭😭😭😭😭
Lip is so cute
I want sandy to call me babe 😭😭😭
Omg I’m obsessed with that bounce house
Quick little Mickey
Mickey backing up into the parking space....that’s hot
He’s such a little business man I’m so proud
That girl with Carl is so hot
I’m so bi 😩
I’m so sleepy right now
Frank is right tho kev and vee didn’t do shit
Everyone wearing crowns is so cute
This party is weird as hell
Mickey is an uncle 😭😭😭
“Yay guns!”
“Let’s play” “you got it kid” IM REALLY NOT GONNA SURVIVE
“Uncle Mickey”
I wish Mickey wore a crown too
King of shameless
I’m so in love with Sandy Milkovich
“I don’t do normal”
“Suck that dick Benjamin Franklin” STOP LMAO
“You can fuck off George Washington you cheap as motherfucker”
Ian’s self control is incredible
I actually really enjoyed this episode and that hasn’t happened in a while. It was so fun! I’ll be back next week hopefully. Now I gotta go get some sleep because I already know I’m gonna regret staying up in the morning.
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diamcndgirl · 3 years
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have you ever thought to yourself, “hmm, i love one direction and i love waltrp... i wonder what would happen if we gave every taken character a one direction song that reminds me of them??” well, don’t worry because even if it never crossed your mind because it did for me. i’m back once again with another silly little #waltmeme for you with songs by one direction or their solo albums that remind me of your characters. the choices can have something to do with a certain lyric, the title, or just the all around vibe it gives me that makes me think of them. don’t worry everything is under ‘read more’ and in alphabetical order-- or whatever order the taken list is in. p.s. not everyone has a blurb. but i still had a reason for everyone. if you really wanna know why just dm me and i'll give an explanation. love u mean it.
“you stole my heart with just one look” alejandro, my love, my heart. it’s clear the reason i chose this song is because it talks about having something stolen. but, you and your band of misfit criminal friends can steal my heart any day.
“i can’t let these little things slip out of my mouth” aurora you may be thinking.. this song talks about all my imperfections why would you pick such a thing? oh no! it’s not because i think you’re imperfect at all. it’s because i’m totally in love with all the little things that make you who you are.. and not to mention i couldn’t not give you a ballad. 
“hey angel do you ever try to come to the other side?” this whole song has anna vibes. anna, you’re an angel.. did you know that? well, angel… when you aren’t busy trying to fix your sisterly connection come to the other side and hang out with me.
“i want your number tattooed on my arm in ink i swear.” the song, the lyrics, the vibe all just fits beckham’s personality very well. 
“sweet creature running through the garden oh where nothing bothered us.”  sweet, soft, and lovely bennet.. sweet creature is one of my favorite songs in the world and it reminds me so much of you. i couldn’t pick a character better than you to give it to. 
“i keep thinking back to a time under the canyon moon.” lyrically this song doesn’t fit you, barley. not truly. but, aesthetically it reminds me of you very much. you’re adventurous and a little out there just like this harry styles tune. the bridge especially gives me a vibe of riding around in guinevere out on an adventure.
“tall stories on the page, short glories on the fade.” cassandra reminds me of strength and being brave (wink wink). and this song just reminds me of you, cass. though short it gives me a feeling like i can kick some ass. 
“oh i will carry you over fire and water for your love and i will hold you closer hope your heart is strong enough.” i love dani.. like really really love your sweet soul. she’s the cutest truly. just the sound and lyrics remind me so much of her and her heart to help the ones she cares about. 
“i wanna see the way you move for me, baby” clearly this song isn’t anything to write home about lyrically. but, when i hear this song i get all excited and ready to go take on the world. something about it makes me feel like i’m the hottest girl in the room and it should go to the hottest girl in the room.. which is you, daphne.
“i hope you can see, the shape that I’m in while he’s touching your skin.” hi elizabeth.. this song is just hot. you’re just hot.. i really am jealous of monty and would take his place at any given moment if you let me.
“don’t you let it kill you even when it hurts like hell. oh, whatever tears you apart don’t let it break your heart.” elsa, you’re truly the strongest girl i know. this song just radiates that energy of getting over what you’ve been through and not letting it break you down. 
“in the clouds where the angels sing. in your eyes, where i wanna be and her smile is all i see….. i need someone to love me blue.” emily is a goddess okay.. like she’s so beautiful and kindhearted. this song is so beautiful and then also the ‘love me blue’. reminds me of her origin and how she waited for love until she passed and turned blue. 
“and when the lights are all out.. i’ll follow your bus downtown.” oh horace.. this whole song just fits you so well.. the teenage kicks mashup with the joan jett classic. it just embodies you so well. i don’t think i could’ve picked a better song for you. 
“come on, jump out at me. come on, bring everything. is it too much to ask for something great? the script was written and i could not change a thing. i want to rip it all to shreds and start again.” there isn’t a real lyrical reason i picked this song for you, francis. just something about it made me think of you. just gave me a feeling that it was theatrical enough for you, dear.
“i just can’t get enough of you the pedal’s down, my eyes are closed. no control” did i pick this song because you’re a race car driver and it made me giggle… yes, and because i haven an uncontrollable crush on you, fran. 
“i, i wanna save you. wanna save your heart tonight. he’ll only break ya. leave you torn apart inside.” fredzilla, my absolute favorite hero. i dedicate this to you. simple but effective.
this is my favorite one direction song, gracie and i’m giving it to you. so take care of it and understand that it’s upbeat sound reminds me of you and your cute behind.
you steal people. but if you stole me.. i’d fall in love. that’s all really.
get it because you’re strong? hehe.
i’m sorry but i’m not sorry i chose this song for you, jack. feel free to hate me forever. 
“i’m feeling something deep inside. hotter than a jet stream burning up.” i’d only want to be fireproof for you, mael. there is just something about you that wins my heart. i’d walk through fire for you.
“hit the pedal heavy metal, show me you care.” not only do i want you to rock me, monty. the only reason i chose this song is because i have a nascar inspired shirt for this and it reminds me of you. 
orion, are we sure you’ve never had a woman accuse you of being her baby daddy? either way, this songs vibe just makes sense for you, dear.
“she floats through the room on a big balloon. some say she’s such a fake that her love is made up.” penny, you are aware you’re the literal coolest girl in the world this song just proves it more. 
“sunflower my eyes want you more than a melody.” reagan, besides the fact you’re a literal walking and talking sunflower there is just a sweet feeling i get when i hear this song and its the same feeling i get when i think of you. 
“tell me that i’m wrong but i do what i please.” vitani, if anyone in elias is gonna say fuck you i’m doing what i want.. it’s you. 
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hi! do you know any fics of the boys just being very in love and physically affectionate with each other and/or using pet names? (little love by andchaos ruined me i can’t get enough). i know “baby” is a bit ooc for them but the concept of ian calling mickey baby and just loving on him is something so personal to me it’s what he deserves. and mickey doing the same because he knows how much it means to ian?? yes. thank u!!
I can’t say I’m into pet names with them, but sometimes it works ^^ Little Love is just...so fluffy you want more :D For guys being affectionate, I suggest reading other fics by andchaos, especially from head to toe and dans la nuit (but also pretty much everything ^^). Other recs that I have:
You Like Me Ian and Mickey are insecure doofuses, but they love each other a lot.
The Tension & The Spark AU where Mickey is left alone with baby Yev, his electricity supply is cut off, and Ian is a call center worker that helps him. (They’re both pretty generous with pet names here).
Like Real People Do Mickey is socially anxious. Ian is a frustratingly lovable escort working through an app. Mickey downloads said app. The rest is history.
I'm Not Here to Eat Your Fuckin' Baked Goods It's a Christmas fic. Just a lot of sweetness and affection here.
You're Somethin' Else, Man Mickey had definitely been right about himself. He does like them sweet. He likes them sweet with a filthy mouth.
Honey, I Wanna Break You This is really nice smut with a lot of affection and some pet names.
Obvious Things (We Don’t Tell Each Other) They usually don’t say things like that out loud. Mickey realizes that there’s immense pleasure to be found in the moments when they do.
your love, burning constellations There's that one perfect summer day. Ian and Mickey, against all odds, get to have it.
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dislocatedskeleton · 3 years
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99. Jesse Markin - NOIR
98. Olivia Rodrigo - SOUR
97. St. Wave - Radiation
96. Agnes - Magic Still Exists
95. oddCouple - Reflections
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91. Still Woozy - If This Isn’t Nice, IDK What Is
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89. Kowloon - Come Over
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63. 454 - 4 REAL
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60. Silk Sonic - An Evening With Silk Sonic
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57. Trevor Something - Love Me and Leave Me
56. Tinashe - 333
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53. Lil Nas X - MONTERO
52. Claud - Super Monster
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50. L’Rain - Fatigue
49. Leon Bridges - Gold-Diggers Sound
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45. Joy Crookes - Skin
44. Isaiah Rashad - The House Is Burning
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42. Giveon - When It's All Said And Done.. Take Time
41. The Jungle Giants - Love Signs
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39. Small Black - Cheap Dreams
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33. Boys Noize - +/-
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30. Nas - King’s Disease II
29. Hiatus Kaiyote - Mood Valiant
27. Cleo Sol - Mother
26. Porter Robinson - Nurture
25. Magdalena Bay - Mercurial World
24. Rostam - Changephobia
23. IAN SWEET - Show Me How You Disappear
22. Madlib - Sound Ancestors
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10. Tyler, The Creator - CALL ME IF U GET LOST
9. Declaime + Madlib - In The Beginning Vol. 1
8. Doja Cat - Planet Her
7. Mick Jenkins - Elephant In The Room
6. Summer Walker - Still Over It
5. BADBADNOTGOOD - Talk Memory
4. Polo & Pan - Cyclorama
3. Eyedress - Mulholland Drive
2. Fred again.. - Actual Life (April 14 - December 17 2020)
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