whumpthisway · 1 year
just wanted to send you a huge huge encourage regarding writing again (cause i also have taken a long long break from it and wanna get back into it, yay)!!! and i wanted to say that i absolutely LOVE your idea of bbu but it’s werewolves??? that’s so cool and creative & if you wrote anything with that idea, i would be first onboard the train 😍😍😍😈😈😈 i know the anxiety is hell when trying to write again, so i just wanted to send a encouragement and reminder that it doesn’t have to be perfect , it just has to get started! (all those ideas sound AWESOME) 💖💖💖 - newbornwhumperfly
hey, hi Raye *heart eyes* Thank you so much <3 (ahhh twinsies, we can do this!!)
ooooh you like??? :D yayyy <3 i will have a poke at that one first, then! i have been feeling like doing some original fic lately, so it's cool you picked one of those! also i love werewolves, the angst potential is so much :3
and thank you again ^-^ i so appreciate the encouragement! and same back to you too, we've both just gotta try get our weird lil stories out of our heads lol.
and i wanted to say, thanks so much for all your happy tags on the stuff i reblog <3 it so encourages me to carry on the blog when i see you and others enjoying the posts. even though obviously they're not my posts, i still do my best to find good whump so seeing your excited tags is so lovely and makes it so worth putting time into the whump blog <3 (sorry being soppy lol)
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whumptober · 2 years
hello! i am sending an ask because i never got a whumptober participant thing even though i posted for whumptober? i was wondering if those get sent to blogs that have participated or if i am mistaken! anyway, thank you, just wanted to enquire about that! ❤️ - newbornwhumperfly
if you're referring to participation badges, they can be found in this post:
You unfortunately have to download them yourself. Due to the sheer amount of participants we can't send them individually.
Please let me know if you meant something else 😊
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maracujatangerine · 6 months
83. On the phone 6
CW: institutionalised slavery, dehumanisation, box boy universe, pet whump
”I’ve managed to arrange it. It wasn’t easy, but I have finally found a friend who is willing to help us.”
“Really? Oh my god, Indira, you are amazing!”
“I aim to please.” Lydia could hear the smile in the doctor’s voice. “But we will have to be careful. Have you talked with him about it yet?”
“Not yet, I didn’t want to worry him, or give him any false hopes.”
“You are worried about how he will react.” It was a statement, not a question.
“I am.” Lydia admitted. “But he deserves the chance. I will ask him soon.”
”That’s good. This has been going on for far too long.”
“I know.” Lydia sighed. “But WRU seemed to be the only option, and I would never put Coriander through that.”
“Agreed.” Indira paused, listening to some indistinct loudspeaker announcement in the background. “I got to go. Keep me posted.”
“I will. Thank you again. You are the best!”
Tag List Part 1: @cupcakes-and-pain @whump-em @whumpzone @wh-wh-whu @neuro-whump @carnagecardinal @cowboy-anon @whump-me-all-night-long @redwingedwhump @myst-in-the-mirror @haro-whumps @eatyourdamnpears @bloodsweatandpotato @pinkraindropsfell @whumptywhumpdump @theydy-cringeworthy @whump-in-progress @whumpsy-daisy @nicolepascaline @whumpcreations @briars7 @shiningstarofwinter @whumppsychology @alex-ember @miss-kitty-whumptastic @whumpy-writings @in-patient-princess @youtube-fandoms-bands @goblinchildindabog @mazeish @distinctlywhumpthing @inpainandsuffering @canniboylism @icannotweave @incoherent-introspection @kim-poce @broken-typewriter @the-monarch-whumperfly @whumpers-inc @grizzlie70 @lil-whumper @writingbackwards-blog @sunflower1000 @wingedwhump @thecitythatdoesntsleep @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @onlybadendings @rabass @wolfeyedwitch @melancholy-in-the-morning
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my fine eye for loveliness is the reason why I never get tired of you @icannotweave
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pugszler · 2 years
re fanfic ask game: ✏️, 📬, 🎡, 🪜
thank you blake!!! <3
✏️ The first fanfiction you ever wrote? (doesn’t have to be a posted fic)
hmm well technically i did start out in middle school writing crack/humor fic for kingdom hearts (albeit they were in the form of screenplays). i had a huge ass fucking binder of them and there were A LOT, all hand written on wide ruled paper. i never technically uploaded them online (sometimes i shared mini ones in comment sections on a fan site i used to troll on... 😬) but i did have an audience at school! i had two friends (who i prob bugged relentlessly) to read my stupid stories but i honestly think they liked them and were always super nice to me about them and gave me praise. one of my friends even drew fanart for some of them :')
📬 The best comment you ever recieved?
aaaah omg i can't remember specific ones off the top of my head but i Know that the best comments i've ever received on my fics were from both @icannotweave and @artiemisiaa!
raye, you've left enormous essay-length comments on multiple fics of mine and you rlly made it clear to me that you loved what you read and each part that you liked the most and just. gosh i'll always remember just how much interest you showed in my dumb self-insert fic w kohei despite never having interacted w the canon material. your comments were basically love letters to my writing and i'll never forget your kindness and enthusiasm :'))) <3
artie, i know it's been a long while since i last updated domino effect, long enough that Both of us have kind of lost most of our interest in bnha, but i just want to say that your chapter-to-chapter comments Really helped me keep writing through the bulk of that fic! it was SO NICE to know that someone was enthusiastically following along w each update i uploaded and that you were having fun while reading! you also praised my ideas and characterizations a lot and that was... incredibly validating for me :') i worried A Lot during my time writing domino bc i was afraid of how well i was writing my favorite characters, but you assured me multiple times that i was doing them justice. you're my favorite type of commenter, thank you again <3
🎡 Your favorite scene to write in -insert fic-?
aw blake, buddy, dude, my pal... "-insert fic-" means you gotta specify one of the fics i've written before lmao ah well don't worry i'll pick one for ya :P hmm i think my favorite scenes to write in Any fic are funny ones (i like to pretend that i Am actually a comedy genius sometimes lmao). i remember one of the scenes i loved writing the most was from "gradual shift" (aka the fic where shouto gets turned into a cat) and izuku attempts to hide cat shouto in his hoodie while he sneaks him into the dorms but then he runs into shinsou at the elevators who is absolutely delighted to meet a new feline friend and izuku is just freaking tf out and shouto is just like "mrow" (mrow meaning hi)
🪜 Tell us a random fact about any fic!
by some miracle (i.e. prior to 2015 when my mental illnesses started to wreak havoc) prob half of the fics i wrote at first were basically All written within the course of a 24 hour period. several of them had actual deadlines (like for events and exchanges) so that really got me into that last minute panic kind of productiveness (which makes sense since i was attending college just around/before this time period so i was Very familiar with this method of getting important projects done lmao). i pulled full all-nighters for Many of them and honestly... it was a blast. prob one of the best experiences in my life lmao. writing entire ass fics over the course of a single evening until the sun rises is a wild experience. felt really fucking good once you finish.
(link to ask game)
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amidalis · 2 years
extremely important question but when did you first fall in love with your husband? (i am speaking of course of anakin aka daddy vader) 😍😍😍
OMG.... when I was like 13 years old LMFAO! 😂
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whumpster-dumpster · 4 years
i’m really sorry people are being shitty in your inbox about your medical posts - they’ve been of huge interest to me & super helpful cause I’m not very good at finding the results i need/want on searches & get frustrated looking for answers. your blog always provides succinct, clearly explained info & you don’t even have to! you do it all voluntarily, and that’s so sweet of you to do. thanks so much for being so helpful & i hope you don’t get discouraged by mean people 💖💖💖 happy new year!
I should probably just start putting disclaimers on them: 
NOT professionally trained, just trying to point in a direction 
DON’T expect perfect answers
JUST for fun 
NOT asking for critique or ‘grading’ asjkfjskfs
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haro-whumps · 4 years
HAPPY BIRTHING DAY, HARO FRIEND!!!! 💖🎂💐🎉💖🎂💖🎉💐🎂💖 - newbornwhumperfly
Thank you darling!!! <3 @newbornwhumperfly
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hey there!!! 💖 i’m a Huge Fan of your delicious prompts & your lux stories, you’re incredibly talented 👌👌👌 idk if you still answer asks but i wondered if i could pick your brain for advice!!! my whumper secretly whumps the whumpee (a former slave-soldier who defected from bad guys & joined whumper’s lovely team): whumpee thinks punishment is normal so doesn’t question it. how can i maximum hurt my whumpee in ways that won’t be obvious for my sneaky whumper?? 💖 - newbornwhumperfly
gotta love some secret sneaky whumping! gotta LOVE a former slave-soldier! fucky whumpees are my favorite. there are lots of ways to hurt the whumpee in an inconspicuous way!
tws: mentions of behavior paralleling abuse, gaslighting, abuse of power
- inflicting pain like electric shocks, strained muscles, etc that don’t leave bruising or scars
- leaving sore, raised welts or light bruising in places that are always covered by clothing; these injuries could easily be from harsh training, so even if they are spotted, it’s likely that they’ll be ignored or explained away
- pointing out the whumpee’s failures and insisting they need more training, and training with them one on one; they push the whumpee too hard, don’t give them time to recover from blows, don’t let them rest until they get the exercises perfect (they’re never good enough)
- orchestrated “accidents” like a car crash, a power tool backfiring, a nearby fight/murder that results in the whumpee being caught in the crossfire, a fire that tears through their home while they’re sleeping so they’re not able to get out without injuries (and when they bring up what happened, the whumper dismissing it as looking for sympathy/making excuses to get sympathy)
- going to the whumpee’s room at night, waking them up, and hurting them with the assurance that this is normal, this is done with every team member to keep them on their toes, make sure their pain tolerance is sufficient even in the middle of the night when a civilian would be prone to crying out and begging; it’s critical, the leader says, that everyone on the team is tough, can’t they be a team player and take this?
- mindfuckery/gaslighting: adjusting clocks so they tell the wrong time, cancelling/ruining plans/relationships/routines that the whumpee’s built as they tried to be independent, spreading gossip so the whumpee’s friends turn on them and all believe different things, sneaking in and moving their possessions/lying on their bed so the pillows smell like them/stealing a something treasured and then returning it days later in an obvious spot that it should have easily been found in
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hanchewie · 3 years
hey this is a bit random but i just wanted to say i’ve been following you for a while (starting with your star wars stuff) and got so so excited about finding another penderwicks fan in the world!!! anyway, i just wanted to say i always enjoy your content, it’s a soothing blog & i love it & you seem really nice 💖💖💖 (sorry if this was too random lmao i just felt like sending this messsge cause your blog is so lovely).
Oh gosh this is so sweet, thank you! <3 I know I'm on here much more sporadically than I used to be (and I've definitely descended into more... niche fandoms in the last few years, haha) so it's lovely to hear that you still enjoy this blog after so long! And ahh gosh I always love finding more Penderwicks fans!! We're such a tiny fandom on tumblr, but everyone here is so sweet and it's always a joy to ramble about this good good family <3
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last year, i miraculously got accepted into my dream grad program & also discovered/embraced being non-binary & i made a best friend in someone i met on tumblr 😭💖😭 in many ways, 2020 was a lot of healing for my heart, i feel so blessed to be able to say that. thx for being such a patient, reliable internet person & your makeup hell screed has made me so much more comfortable being bareface 🥰🥰🥰
wow congrats on the EVERYTHING!!
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maracujatangerine · 1 year
77. Safety
CW: institutionalised slavery, dehumanisation, box boy universe, pet whump
White planes sped up on the tarmac outside the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, faster and faster until they rose up into the cerulean sky.
Brutus ignored them. If one of the pilots would lose control his Master might die, but that was a threat that was beyond his control. Focus on the threat that you can affect.
Instead, he let his dark eyes sweep over the crowd inside the airport. Walking half a step behind his Master’s left shoulder, Brutus saw passers-by swerve to avoid crossing their path, idle glances snagging on his collar in curiosity or apprehension.
This was normal, the way that young, bespectacled father pulled his small daughter aside, the way the two elderly ladies in hijabs took a few steps back, the wave of attention rippling through the crowd as they passed. This was, in a way, what his Master had paid the WRU for.
What Brutus was looking for was something out of the ordinary, someone moving with unexpected purpose, someone running or throwing or standing still in just the wrong way. The state of hypervigilance felt almost like meditation, a singular focus that absorbed all thought.
This time, it was not needed. No threat appeared. After an uneventful taxi ride through bustling streets they arrived at a double suite on the fifteenth floor. After taking a quick shower, the pet’s Master told the guard dog to stay.
“I won’t be needing you tonight.” Wayland Jones said, as he walked out the door.
Brutus did his exercise routine, sit-ups and push-ups and stretches. He also had a shower, in the second, smaller bathroom.
With his still damp hair curling around his face, Brutus sat down at the ebony desk and disassembled and cleaned his handgun with smooth, well-practiced precision.
A guard dog should be like a gun, his handler’s voice echoed in his mind, collected, calm, unmoving as long as the safety is on, but capable of tremendous violence if your owner releases the catch.
Reassembling the weapon, Brutus laid it to the side. He did feel twinges of concern at his Master being out and about alone, but Wayland Jones had ordered him to stay. Master knows best. Brutus tried to reassure himself.
The guard dog straightened out the room and drank some water in the bathroom to make his rumbling stomach quiet down. Then, finally, he turned off the lights and sat down in front of the large windows.
The night in the foreign city was filled with neon coloured signs for shops, restaurants and nightclubs. Dark shapes of trees swayed in the breeze. Windows in the buildings around left binary messages of alternating warm yellow or deep dark rectangles. Cars, motorbikes and buses crawled back and forth with their red and white lamps painting streaks of light.
Work was over. There was nothing more to be done. Brutus sat in the quiet, cool and dark hotel room and enjoyed the view.
This post is a part of the 2023 BBU Community Days organised by @bbu-on-the-side. This is my entry for day 13: Safety.
Tag List Part 1: @cupcakes-and-pain @whump-em @whumpzone @wh-wh-whu @neuro-whump @carnagecardinal @cowboy-anon @whump-me-all-night-long @redwingedwhump @myst-in-the-mirror @haro-whumps @eatyourdamnpears @bloodsweatandpotato @pinkraindropsfell @whumptywhumpdump @theydy-cringeworthy @whump-in-progress @whumpsy-daisy @nicolepascaline @whumpcreations @briars7 @shiningstarofwinter @whumppsychology @alex-ember @miss-kitty-whumptastic @whumpy-writings @in-patient-princess @youtube-fandoms-bands @goblinchildindabog @mazeish @distinctlywhumpthing @inpainandsuffering @canniboylism @icannotweave @incoherent-introspection @kim-poce @broken-typewriter @the-monarch-whumperfly @whumpers-inc @grizzlie70 @lil-whumper @writingbackwards @sunflower1000 @wingedwhump @thecitythatdoesntsleep @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @onlybadendings @rabass @wolfeyedwitch @melancholy-in-the-morning
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*my first conversations with @icannotweave *
hello I am the most seductive animal on earth please flirt back , I have nothing to say
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whumpzone · 4 years
happy birthday!!! not to glorify alcohol, but enjoy your legal champagne!! *clink clink* 💖🥂💖 i hope you get lots of cake on this special day & stay safe and healthy, you’re a fantastic writer & a sweet person 🥰🥰🥰
awwww thank you so much!! in the UK we can drink from 18 but you know what? I can’t turn down an opportunity to have a few drinks :D I really appreciate that, I will have a great day 🥺❤️❤️❤️
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amidalis · 3 years
Matt Reeves really said "batman is a weird little freak who never goes outside" and I love that. this movie slapped so hard, I just saw it tonight 😍😍😍😍
SAME! I'm in love with everything about it!!!
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whumpster-dumpster · 4 years
i don’t know if this message will help or if it’s just a drop in the bucket but after seeing your recent post, i had to say something - your blog always makes my day when you post & your prompts have provided me with SO much inspiration. your kind of a whump legend, honestly, i can’t even visit a whump blog w/to seeing your posts there. your medical info is honestly SO helpful, seriously. you put thought & effort into your stuff & i just wanna say thank you and i appreciate it so much! 💖💖💖
Thank you, that means a lot ❤️
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