#ice pheonix?
rwby-encrusted-blog · 8 months
Tai: I'm an Expert at Identifying Birds!
Willow: Really? what are those two over there?
Tai: ... Raven! Qrow! Stop Spying on me on my date!
Qrow: *Bolts*
Raven: CAW!
Raven: *Transforms* I CAME BACK!
Willow: I wouldn't mind if she joined us.
Tai: J'Accuse?
Raven: ... I'm Sorry, what?
Willow: Well, I am on the market, and if Tai is willing to give you another chance, well ...
Willow: *Lifts Raven's chin* I think you're a rather Pretty bird~
Raven: ... *Blushes, Hyperventilates*
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rayfishandchips · 2 months
Use wRIGHT memes
has this been done before
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I didn't have any character reference so this is all from memory. I'm not sorry for mistakes I just want memes (in my defense I was on a sleepless, turbulent 14 hour flight and extremely bored)
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missdurianne · 2 years
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6 of Cups: Nostalgia, innocence, comfort, memories
Pheonix, Larry, and Miles as kids for @aatarotdeck! Leftover sales end in two days, so check out the current 15% off sale now! 
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thesketcharchivist · 8 months
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Dnd Au of my lockhart Legacies characters 💚🩵💛
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demon-blood-youths · 10 months
The Misadventures of The Pheonix and The Shadow Chimera Sorcrers Part 3 - A Fated Rival || Drabble
Hi everyone! This is part 3 involving Megumi and Daichi for my firend ( @the-silver-peahen-residence ) If you haven't read previous parts, here they are.
Part 1
Part 2
------- Warning ---
Grammatical errors.
----- Summary -----
The Tokyo Jujutsu first-year gang is on a mission to deal with a curse user. Megumi and Daichi find out that the curse user is using one of Daichi's cursed charms to cause panic and chaos. Who is this curse user? What are their goals? Also would Megumi, Daichi and friends be able to stop it?
The team was given a mission. The mission consists of Megumi, Yuji, Nobara, Taz, and Daichi. Gojo-sensei said it requires them to investigate since the town has problems. A curse is sighted by a fellow shaman. An ice golem that has cursed energy. Plus he heard that cursed objects are being used to stir up more trouble. Someone is using them. A curse user. It was photographed as it is sitting on top of the ice golem while carrying one of the cursed objects in hand.
The cursed object in question is Daichi's own cursed charms.
On their way to their location, the four noticed that Daichi was oddly quiet. Eito lets out a worried hoot as Daichi looks out the window.
"Um...." Taz doesn't know what to say. Daichi never looks so upset and serious. He only gets upset when his friends are in endanger like Eito and Miko for example. So seeing him like this. Daichi must of felt upset at him because someone use his cursed charms as a weapon.
"Daichi...don't get upset!" Taz said, cheering him up. Yuji nods, "Yeah! Nobody would know that the charms you made were used for bad stuff."
Though it's a matter of time. Sukuna scoff. Yuji frowns at him. Not helping, Sukuna.
"Thanks guys. But...um...still.." Daichi said.
"Daichi. If you feel that upset, then let's track down the curse user responsible." Megumi said. "I know you don't need to be told this but this is one of the main examples of why you can't use jujutsu sorcery carelessly." He tells him firmly.
"Fushigoro..." Yuji said as Taz looks sad.
"Jeez. No need to beat a dead horse, Megumi.." Nobara muttered.
"No. It's fine, guys. Megumi is right." Daichi said, "This is the worst thing I wish that it wouldn't happen. I made the charms to protect people not to hurt people. Seeing someone using them to hurt people...it made me feel so stupid and made me wish I shouldn't made them in the first place." He said. "That's why I want to go on this mission and confront the asshole who's doing this."
"It's my way of owning up at least." He said.
Hearing that Megumi sighed, "Then think about that on your mind."
"Alright, we're here!" Ichji stated.
After investigating the sightings, the curse user left cryptic messages in graffiti for them to find. Such as...
'The fire will never melt the frozen tundra.'
'I am the one who brings the everlasting winter!'
'Winter is coming.'
'The cold will never let you go not now and ever.'
'I am still here. I WILL HAVE MY VENGEANCE'
"Jeez....this guy likes to double down on this ice thing. He makes it obvious to everyone what his curse technique is." Nobara grumbled.
"He sounds scary." Taz said while being petted by Yuji.
"That's because he's confident that no one will stop him." Megumi sighed.
Not only that, they found that the curse user was terrorizing this town by destroying their rice crops, vandalizing their stores, freezing cars, and such.
Megumi sees Daichi rarely so angry before. As for the cursed charms, the curse user is using them to have them terrorize the locals and threaten them it by putting a curse on them.
"I won't let him get away with this. " Daichi vowed making everyone except Megumi nervous. Megumi knew this kind of thing made him angry.
Along the way, they were attacked by ice golems. They were surrounding them but they were no match for Daichi's fire and Yuji's fists. Nobara helps but by piercing the weak points of the golems making them fall apart with her nails. Taz then found a scent of cursed energy. Wintergreen and salt. Taz tells the others that she found a scent and leads the way.
The first-year class found the culprit behind the attacks on the town. The ice curse user.
"Stop right there!" Megumi shouted at him.
"Guys. That's him." Taz said, tracking down the scent. Daichi glares at the man responsible for using his charms. He won't let this person get away with this. The curse user responsible looks at the group. This person looks about their age. Probably younger.
He has blue hair with white strands on it. He has a look. He has horns on top of his head, wearing a fur jacket cape, and wearing fingerless gloves. He has tight jeans and boots. "So you have found me...."
"That's right! We're here to stop you!" Yuji said. The gang looked ready to fight.
"Ha! You think you can defeat me, you mere mortals!" Said the man. "My power is beyond your comprehension!"
"What are you doing this?!" Taz asked, trying to find a reason for this.
"Why you ask?!" Said the man. "Because I'm here to challenge the strongest there it is! You all fall for it!"
The sorcerers stiffened. The group knew who this sorcerer was talking about. Gojo Saturo because he is the strongest sorcerer there is. So the town was bait.
"You're doing this so you can fight Gojo?" Megumi asked but the next words that came out of this teen's mouth were unexpected.
"Gojo?" The youth blinked at them. "I don't know any Gojo! I'm here to challenge the Dark Phoenix!" This got everyone blinked. Wait what?
"Wait...what?" Daichi blinked, wondering if he heard that right. The man points at him, Daichi. "You! I challenge you to a mortal combat, Daichi Pheon-X. You with the Flames of the Dark Phoenix against me with my Everlasting Winter of the Ice Kirin!"
Taz sees a cursed spirit behind the man. A floating seahorse?
"Uhhhhh....Daichi....do you know this guy?" Nobara asked. Everyone looks at him. Daichi shakes his head with his hands up, "No. Never! I had never seen him before! Not once in my life.!" He explained.
"Okay, so why does he want to fight you?" Yuji asked.
"Look! I'm just as confused as you guys are!" Daichi asked.
"So let's ask him." Taz said. Daichi nods, "Right." He clears his throat, "Why do you want to fight me?" He asked the curse user in question.
"Ha! It seems like you don't get it!" He snaps his fingers, "I'm your mortal archnemesis. My name is Rioto Kir-IN! I serve the Future Great Demon Lord Oda! I carry the great power that is Everlasting Winter of Dark Kirin! YOU AND YOUR ENTOURAGE SHALL REMEMBER THAT! My sole reason is bringing you in this despised town to fight you in a duel!" Rioto laughs evilly with his hands raised.
"Rioto Kirin? Kir-IN?" Daichi blinks. Wait....is that a mythological creature? A Kirin? Wait..so he did this just to bring him out here.?!
"But why?!"
"To see who is stronger, of course!" He points at Daichi, "I want to demonstrate my great power and malice from my frozen heart! I made use of your cursed charms to get your attention. My plan has finally paid off!" Rioto laughs evilly while standing on top of his ice golem while holding his hands in a rock-n-roll gesture. Devil horns.
Megumi begins to think what the purpose of this man, Rioto Kir-IN wanting to fight Daichi and the purpose of attacking this town. Revenge? Archnemisis. But then he sees the other strike poses as he laughs evilly and those weird clothes. Then it clicks.
Megumi twitched an eye. "You have got to be kidding me." He rubs his temple. "As if one isn't enough!" He groans, facepalmming.
"Huh?" The others look at Megumi while Rioto keeps on laughing. Yuji cocks his head, "What do you mean, Fushigoro?"
"Guys. Look at him. Who does he remind you of?" Megumi points at Rioto as he is laughing his head off. The sorcerers tilted their heads at Rioto. They tilted their head to the side and then to another slide. Soon it clicked as everyone but Daichi went 'Oooooohhhh....'
Nobara, Yuji and Taz understood.
"Yeah...I see it." Nobara said.
"Me too." Taz nods.
"Same!" Yuji nodded slowly. Sukuna and Kinie did too if not already.
"Guys! I don't get it! What do you guys see?" Daichi said, not understanding what's going on.
"Daichi, this guy is like you!" Nobara exclaimed.
"Like me???" Daichi blinked, confsued.
"Yeah...I mean...the poses and that laugh. Uhh..he's kinda like your evil twin." Yuji explained. Daichi looked incredulously. "Wait what?! Come on, I'm nothing like that guy! I mean..." Daichi looks at Rioto for one second before making a face.
"See?" Megumi points out.
Great. One delusion idiot isn't enough. Sukuna commented in Yuji's head. The pink-haired youth is confused which got the King of Curses groans. 'The dumb brat playing villain up there is the same as our birdbrain hero sorcerer, Daichi.'
Indeed. Kinie is in agreement. 'It's like seeing a dark half but more annoying.'
"Okay, so what now?" Yuji asked.
"If this keeps on going, the town is in big trouble!" Taz added. "What he's doing is bad!"
"I will fight him, that's what!" Daichi vowed, "If he wants me then I will fight-"
"No, we all fight him," Megumi corrects Daichi.
"Look, Daichi. No, Kisho." He said his real name, "We're all in this together." Megumi tells him. "This mission is bigger than you even if you're the target. You don't need to take on this alone." Megumi tells him.
"Megumi..." Daichi said.
"Besides, we got your back," Megumi said it. Daichi...Kisho...widens his brown eyes at him. Got his back. He looks at his friends. Everyone nodded. Daichi is about to cry while Eito is chirping non-stop.
"FOOLS! I am only here to challenge Daichi Pheon-X! Daichi only! Not you peons!" Rioto overheard them as he said this angrily.
"Too bad." Megumi retorted which got Rioto really upset. "You think you get what you wanted because your plan worked?"
"Guess you didn't expect us, didn't you?" Yuji said.
"Yeah...your ice golems isn't going to stop us!" Nobara said.
"We're going to bring you down!" Taz said. Rioto grits his teeth and tries to think. Then he had an idea.
"Fine!" Rioto smirks, "Then I make sure to blow all the houses up using the cursed charms!" This got everyone tense. Rioto sees their expression and grins, "That's right! My town is my hostage! Shouldn't you know that?!"
"If you listen to my demands, I will spare the town! My only demand is Daichi Pheon-X! After all...those cursed charms of the Pheonix really serve as good explosions. I have the ability to blow them up if I want to! They're all over the town!" Rioto said. "So you still think you will refuse my demands!??"
The Jujutsu sorcerers are now angry but Daichi steps forward. "It's fine, guys. Thanks. But like you said, Megumi. This mission is bigger than me. You guys need to find the cursed charms while I handle Rioto."
"Erm..." Megumi looks conflicted.
"It's okay, guys! I got this!" Daichi gives them his best smile.
"You heard him. Let's go!" Megumi said. For once, Daichi and Megumi aren't fighting and agree on something.
"I will stay here and watch the fight from here," Nobara said.
"Ha! Good to know that you listened to the words of me!" Rioto laughed. Daichi glares at him. "Watch, Rioto Kir-IN! I will bring you down. In the name of the Dark Phoenix, I will vanquish you."
"So cringe..." Megumi and Nobara thought.
So cool. Taz beamed, giggling.
Yuji had to admit, it's pretty cool even if it's cringing.
The battle started between the Kirin and the Phoenix.
---- Minutes later ----
They search the town all over for the cursed charms but they aren't here. All the cursed charms they found were already used. The only thing they can do is exorcise the curses along the way.
"I can't find them! It's like they aren't here!" Taz said with panic in her voice.
"Did we got tricked?!" Yuji asked.
"If it was, it's working!" Megumi gritted his teeth. Damn, that evil Chunibyo.
They came back as they heard a huge explosion where the fight between Daichi and Rioto was. They all came back and saw Daichi keeping up, firing fire arrows at Rioto's icy spears. Rioto is laughing as he summons a huge torrent of blizzard.
Daichi slams his two palms together, creating a fire torrent, both attacks cancel each other out, creating a mist on contact. Rioto closes the distance as he summons an ice lance. Daichi quickly brings out his fire sword, Giant Demon Slayer. Yuji and Taz are in awe at the sight while Nobara is glued to the fight. All three were amazed by this.
Megumi is watching this. He never seen Daichi so focused and holding down his own.
"Alright! How about this! My familiars will not forgive even after they fall in battle." Rioto quickly summons his shikigami. They are made of snow, have three large-sized snowballs that makes up the body, and have a carrot for a nose! Well..more like an icicle!
"Are those snowmen?" Taz asked.
"Wow! They are!" Yuji said.
'Huh..they don't look so scary." Said Nobara.
Rioto snaps as he hear their comments, "THEY'RE NOT SNOWMEN, THEY'RE SNOW SAMURAI, DAMN YOU!" He yelled at them comically. "THEY HAVE SWORDS! LOOK AT THEM!" Rioto stomps on his foot as the snowmen have ice katanas and the ice helmets on their heads.
"Sure they are." Megumi made a face crossing his arms, not impressed by Rioto's shikigami.
"QUIET YOU PEON WITH AN SEA URCHIN FOR A HAIR! AFTER I FINISHED WITH DAICHI, YOU'RE ALL NEXT!" Rioto shouted with a popped vein. Megumi twitched an eye and slowly went to make a gesture with his hands. Yuji stops him, putting his hands on his.
"Fushiguro! Megumi, Megumi! Don't get angry! Think happy thoughts! THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS!" Yuji tried to calm him down.
"Yeah! Daichi is about to whoop him!" Nobara added. "HEY DAICHI! We WON'T FORGIVE YOU IF YOU LOST!" Nobara yelled at him. "YOU GOT THAT?!"
"HA! NO WORRIES! NOBARA, TAZ AND YUJI! I, DAICHI PHEONIX WILL PREVAIL!" Daichi grinned as Eito squawked with confidence.
"Don't encourage this!" Megumi yelled at Nobara and Yuji. Is he the only one taking this seriously!
"Sorry Fushiguro, can't help it! Watching this is like being at the movies!" Yuji said, looking excited.
Taz nods. "Yeah! Look how happy they are!"
"Yeah! Don't you want Daichi to win?!" Nobara asked.
Happy?! Megumi made a face. He looks at the fighters and they seem to be enjoying themselves as they fight each other like it's a movie.
Kinie pops up from her head in quoll form, "I tend to agree, this is very entertaining." Then Sukuna gives his two cents when he opens an eye and conjures a mouth on Yuji's cheek. "Yes! It's not every day to see sorcerers battle each other. It reminds me of the old days back when I was human."
"You guys..." Megumi made a deadpan face.
"My bet is on the birdbrain," Sukuna said.
"I betting on the ice kirin!" Kinie said.
Oh my god, Kinie and Sukuna are making bets now?! Megumi stared in disbelief.
How is that helping?! Megumi thought.
"Heh." Daichi quickly made his sword hotter as he went through the snowman shikigami with ease. The training pays off thanks to Jujutsu High. Rioto growls and goes to summon an ice sculpture. A horse with horns. It was charging towards Daichi.
Daichi summons a fireball and fires, blasting the ice sculpture. Rioto sneers and yells, "I WILL CURSE YOU WITH ULTRA DARK BLIZZARD!" He summons a blizzard towards Daichi. It was a snow avalanche. It topples over Daichi.
"Daichi!" Taz, Nobara and Yuji yelled.
But Daichi activates his triangular barrier. 'Dark Great Pheonix's Plumage!" It melts away all the snow. Megumi can't help but smile a bit as Daichi deactivates his barrier. This got Rioto twitching an eye but he smirked.
"Not bad! Then let's see how you handle my ice golem! This ice golem has hatred against the flames such as yours! It knows no bounds! It will not stop!" He summons his ice golem. A golem with icy horns. The golem slams its fists upon the ground and goes after Daichi. The flame sorcerer immediately evades the incoming punches. He went through the arms. "Flaming SLASH!"
He jumps into the air and fires off a huge fire arrow, blasting the golem into two. It falls down on Rioto.
"Ha! As the great Dark Phoenix inside me, I will never falter in the face of evil!" Daichi said as he keeps firing upon Rioto and his evil snowmen samurai.
"HA?! Is that right?! Then let me show my ultimate power! Once I defeat you, I claim your party as mine!"
"Party?" Nobara frowns.
"I think he's talking about us." Yuji said.
"So if Daichi loses, we will join his party?" Taz asked.
"Ugh...." Megumi groaned. I swear to God. Should I call Gojo-sensei and end this? No. He would find this entertaining and join the peanut gallery. Still...I hope Daichi will win this.
The fight keeps on going between ice and fire. But it seems Daichi has the upper hand in this fight. If he hadn't enrolled at Jujutsu High, he would been beaten.
"Enough of this! It's time to get serious! I will summon my ultimate attack!" Rioto creates multiple ice shards in the air while his seahorse is flying around. He brings them down to which Daichi quickly swings his sword, unleashing the flames upwards.
"I LIED!" Rioto laughs and summons another ice golem, this time; a mythological creature. A kirin! He has him charging him. Daichi looks at the attack and unleashes his attack. "RED HAWK!" He said. He conjured a flaming bird, striking true through the icy kirin and at Rioto. An explosion and wind breezed everyone's clothes, and all the students held up their arms to protect themself from the snow.
Smoke fills the area before it clears.
Daichi is sitting on his butt, panting while Rioto laying there unconscious.
Daichi has won.
Eito goes to him followed by his other friends.
"You did it, Daichi!" Yuji smiled.
"Good job!" Nobara nodded.
"Yeah! You were amazing!" Taz said. Daichi smiles. "Thanks guys! Thank you for believing in me. That was a tough fight." He said after being help up by his friends. Megumi gives him a nod, "Good job."
"Thanks Fushiguro!" Daichi grins making Megumi look to the side with a hmph.
"FOOLS!" Everyone turned to Rioto as he is still standing having slight burns. "Daichi Pheon-X! You may have defeated me but you didn't win the war! I, Rioto Kir-IN! I still have the power of Winter and Kiri-In at my side! I will come back to take my revenge!"
As Rioto continues to talk, he goes to summon an ice golem to retreat. But something tackles him to the ground. A huge wolf. Rioto yelps, "What the hell?! Someone get this overgrown dog off me!" He yelled.
Totality growls and picks him up by the scruff of his fangs, tossing him onto the ground at someone's feet. "Ow!" Rioto looks up to see Megumi looking down at him. Rioto doesn't like this so he stands up.
"Huh? Who are you? I am talking to Daichi Pheon-X-"
A smack is heard, echoing throughout the mountains. The Jujutsu Sorcerers were in shock as Rioto was made silent by Megumi's hand. A handprint is there on his cheek. Rioto widens his blue eyes and grits his teeth, holding his cheek. He looks at Megumi in disbelief. "How dare you?! Do you have any idea who I am--"
Another smack.
"What the hell?! I haven't finished my sentence, you bastar-"
Followed by another smack, this time backhand. Then Rioto's collar is grabbed by Megumi who proceeds to smack him more.
"OW! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Daichi, Yuji, Nobara, and Taz stared in shock and fear watching Megumi smacking the shit out of Rioto. Sukuna whistled while Kinie blows a raspberry.
Well damn. Fushigouo Megumi is really giving it to him now.
Daichi can't bear to watch this. "Megumi!" Daichi got up and went to stop him, grabbing his arm. "What are you doing?! The fight's over!"
"Is it?" Megumi asked. "Do you have any idea how much damage this idiot caused? He destroyed the rice crops, terrorized the people, and all that." He jerks the collar of Rioto whose face is now bruised and streaming with tears from his eyes. "This guy used your charms to attack this town and for what? Just to fight you? He could send you messages online but he didn't! He just wants to be an idiot and do all this for attention!"
"I did not! I wasn't-" However, Rioto shuts up when Megumi glares at him. "What was that?" The shadow sorcerer replied.
"N-nothing..." The ice curse user sniffles and sinks back cowardly in fur-lined collar. Megumi didn't let go of him but jerked him forward. "If he didn't cause any major damage, he will be executed on the spot. He's lucky that nobody died." Megumi said coldly. Daichi understood, he didn't argue with that point.
"Did you find the charms?" Daichi asked.
"No, we haven't." Megumi answered. Daichi sighs and looks at Rioto.
"Rioto. Where did you hide the cursed charms?" Daichi asked him seriously with a firm tone.
"I-I....already used them up," Rioto answered.
"What about the ones you threaten to blow the town up with?" Daichi asked, frowning.
"Oh...uh...I lied." Rioto admitted.
No surprise there. Sukuna commented inside Yuji's head.
"I did that because I really want to fight Daichi...and nobody else," Rioto said.
"Is it because of my charms? Is this revenge? Look whatever I did to you, I'm sorry and don't know what else to make it up to you. But the rest of the town doesn't have to suffer for this. " Daichi said as he wanted to own up to the cause of his cursed charms. But everyone is not prepared for the next words to come out of Rioto's mouth.
"Huh?" Rioto looks confused, "What are you talking about? I have nothing against you, dude! I was just doing this because...well...you're famous and I want to fight ya because...um...just for kicks and just to prove something...." Rioto confessed.
"For kicks???" Megumi repeated, wondering what the hell is he talking about.
"But didn't you say that Daichi is your archnemsis?" Nobara put her hands on her hips with a scowl.
"Yeah. It sounds like you have a bone to pick with him after saying that. What's up with that?" Yuji added to which Taz nodded.
"I...I...was....uh..." Rioto looks to the side, looking embarrassed, and says, "I was in character, okay??? I was just...doing my thing. It's a moment."
'"What?" Megumi said, narrowing his eyes to silts. Daichi blinked stupidly.
"In character?" Taz trying to understand. "Like...cosplaying? So all these things you said during the fight with Daichi weren't true. You were just saying things because you're in character?"
"Yeah...something like that. It was the moment! I was getting into it you know?!." Rioto said." I was having fun because it was cool. Fire vs Ice, you know? Like in anime! I mean...it's cooler than in my head. A heat of the moment. I just wanna have fun." Rioto added while his shinigami seahorse lets out small neigh.
Megumi popped a vein and Daichi looked stunned. So it wasn't for revenge or anything like that against Daichi. Upon realizing what Rioto just said to them, Taz, Yuji, and Nobara fall over themselves comically and slowly get back up as they can't believe what they just heard. Sukuna and Kinie were choking on laughter at the absurdity of this. My goodness...
This curse user, Rioto Kir-IN is a bigger idiot than Daichi PheonX.
Then the ice curse user receives a smack upside the head. "OW!" One of his ice horns is broken upon impact. "MY HORN!" Rioto cried.
"YOU IDIOT!" Megumi yelled, and he continued his punishment, shaking him and smacking him around. "YOU DID ALL THIS BECAUSE YOU WANT A FIGHT WITH DAICHI BECAUSE IT'S COOL!?! THIS ISN'T SOME CARTOON, YOU GODDAMN MORON! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! GROW THE FUCK UP!!" Megumi keeps on smacking him over the head.
"I'M SORRY! I'm SORRY! SORRIE!" Rioto cried.
"Megumi Fushiguro, chill!" Daichi yelled. trying to calm him down. "ITADORI! YUJI! HELP! STOP HIM!"
"R-right! Coming!" Yuji Itadori goes to intervene to break them up leaving a stunned Taz and Nobara, processing this.
"Huh...it sounds like Rioto looks at Daichi as his rival." Taz said making Nobara. "Huh?" She looks completely dumbfounded.
"Oh! Sorry. It sounds like Rioto looks at Daichi as his rival so that's why he did all this."
"A rival? But...why?"
"I know because it happened with my friend Ink and her rival, Kali. This is like the almost same thing." Taz said.
"Really?" Nobara said, amused by this. Taz nods. She sighs. "Right. So how are we going to explain to Gojo-sensei?"
"I can write down the report," Taz said. Nobara nods. "I will help you with that."
"DUMBASS!" Megumi shouted while Yuji and Daichi tried to separate a crying Rioto and an angry Megumi.
And so, the mission was completed. The curse user; Rioto Kir-IN is now in custody and he was sent to Kyoto sister school as a student given his abilities in order to atone for his crimes.
When Gojo-sensei hears about this as he read the report, the teacher is laughing so hard that Megumi sighs exasperated while Daichi aka now Kisho exhales tiredly.
"Wow Daichi! Didn't know you had a fan!" Gojo laughed while Daichi aka Kisho in his normal attire sweatdropped. "It isn't funny...." Kisho muttered.
"Still it was great that you took on that curse user on your own like that. But why did you vouch for this guy?"
"I mean...well...um..." Kisho sighs, "Ugh...he wasn't a bad guy. After my fight with him. He's just angry but happy to see me. He was taking out his anger on the town because.....in a way...I see him in myself. He did this because he got bullied because nobody believed him and he was shunned so he became Rioto." He sighed. "Sure...he caused trouble but he wants to prove to someone that he's right and he isn't weak. All he did was destroy stuff, not kill people. He did say sorry and wants to make it up for it after me and Megumi told him what he did. There were a few bullies but the whole town didn't deserve that."
"Is that how you see it?" Gojo hums.
"That's how I see it." Kisho nods.
"Megumi. Do you agree?"
"Unforunately...I'm on the same opinion as Kisho." Said Megumi. "Rioto just told us...that he did because to show off his power and wants to prove that he's the strongest. . "
"Oh?" Gojo is amused by this.
"Apparently....we all thought he was talking about you when we confronted him but he means Daichi because like you said. He's a fan." Megumi rolled his shoulders as Kisho slumped his shoulders.
"Man! He sounds like fun. I should meet him! Nanami tells me he's a handful." Gojo laughed.
"Also...as he was being dragged across the town after apprehending him. He told us that he didn't think what he had done was that bad because nobody believed him and he was bullied so he took his anger out onto the town. I had to tell him what he did was serious and Kisho showed him what he did. Like the rice crops for example. So far, All he did was vandalism and scaring others."
Kisho nods. "It would be good to have him on our side given his curse technique. If we punish him, he would become worse." He said.
"I see. Well...I hear Kyoto is in need of new students, so I will send him there and let Utahime know about it. She knows what to do with him!" Gojo said. "We already have one Chunibyo here. So whyn not Kyoto have one of their own."
Megumi sighs. He pities the students in Kyoto. They're going to have Chunibyo as a student.
"Anyway! Thanks for the report. You're dismissed."
The two left the teachers' lounge. As they walked through the hallway, Kisho spoke, "So...uh...Megumi. Thanks for saying stuff back at the mission."
"For having my back," Kisho said, scratching my neck. "That meant a lot to me."
"It's fine," Megumi said shrugging. "You're my friend and classmate. You were about to take on Rioto. You already have enough on your plate as it is."
"Is that right?" Kisho said.
"Yeah," Megumi said. As they continue to walk, Kisho asks, "So want to be part-"
"No. I'm not going to be part of your videos, Kisho." Megumi groaned making Kisho slump, "Fine." He sighed. The two walked together back to their student lounge to meet up with the rest of the group.
So far, the mission is completed. They hope the next mission will be smoother.
To be continued???
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 4 months
𝕴𝖓 𝕭𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕸𝖚𝖘𝖊 bold what applies - italicise sometimes.
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Daichi PheonX
fights honorably /fights dirty
prefers close - quarters / prefers range
chats during / goes silent
low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts / attacks steadily
goes for the kill / aims to disarm / fights defensively /strikes first
is provoked easily /provokes their opponent / teases
gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking
uses strategy / focuses on the battle/experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly / tries to read their opponent before engaging / fights wildly / fights calmly / fights apathetically /fights with anger /fights with excitement
fights because they have to / fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds /runs away when (heavily) wounded / hides wounds / takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade / prefers a gun / prefers hand-to-hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalised weapon /prefers magic alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle /fights as they appear
relies on strength / doubts their strength /relies on speed
uses everything they have / proceeds with caution / hides their full potential
exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles abilities
uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength
avoids civilians / strikes down civilians
damages surroundings / avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill-set / learning their skill - set
messy fighter / elegant fighter
accepts defeat / refuses defeat / begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements /moves efficiently / barely moves
prefers to dodge/ prefers to block
defends their blindside / has no blindside / leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / strictly uses one main method
plays around / holds back /fights ruthlessly / shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when opponent isn’t ready
fears death / fears pain / fears killing
has ptsd / avoids fighting
has lost a fight / has won a fight
has killed / refuses to kill
wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
tagged by: stolen from @fallesto
tagging: @the-silver-peahen-residence ( Megumi Fushiguro ) @gyofukuki ( Shoko Ieiri or Edward Elric ) @gyoukukens @guavabcy @ofcursedenergy (Nanami or Yuji ) @elysian-noctuary ( Adrian Hanagaki ) @aonokumura @insurged ( Gojo ) @illjigoku ( hiroko keisuke ) @mangher ( Itadori Yuuji ) @2xcursekissed @hazawatsugu @chainedbystories ( Any ) @starsinthesworld @clown-demon ( Nikolai Gogol)
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viktuurishipper96 · 2 years
Have a sundae with Phoenix Wright
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A commission that I did via kofi and it came out great!!!
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alexandraxsuoh · 1 year
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“I trust you.”
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“Your heartbeat’s really loud.”
It was one the day that she was walking out from school to meet someone who was waiting for her. Grinning, she walked toward Max before poking him, not going to let him out of her teases. Teasing aside, she only wanted to know something but only got her confirmation.
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"If you didn't trust me, you wouldn't be here waiting for me after work."
The Knights Lady didn't ask more, only walking toward her place since she proposed to hang out there instead of being out. Yet surprised when he heard her hearbeat, but mostly too close for her own good.
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"Maybe because I'm excited and nervous! But still.. Can it wait until we got home, Max?"
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“All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed."-
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||Horror Book Chapter 3: How to Be Evil: Scared Straight Beyond Prank Part 2||
Hello hello sweeties! Peahen mom here with another part of the Horror book. This is part two from part one. The first one was written by my partner and friend @demon-blood-youths
If you wish to read where we are, here is the chapters.
~~Book chapters~~
Horror book one: Bloody game of Hide and seek
Horror book two: Darkness of one self
Horror book three: How to Be Evil: Scared Straight Beyond Prank Part 1
((Your reading book three, part 2 right now))
~Will have horror in the drabble
~Blood and maybe gore will be seen in this
~Scary themes will be also seen as well
----- Drabble Summary -----
After Taz tells them her idea, she and the others decided to put her plan to action. She even got some help with this in order for it to work. Now they were waiting to meet them with Daichi's help. What will happen during this night? Read to find out.
||Muses in the drabble||
My muses
Yuji Itadori, Ryomen Sukuna, Megumi Fushigoro, Nobara Kugisaki, and Gojo Saturo is from and belongs to the anime and manga Jujutsu Kaisen. Also to me due to rping as them as muses.
Demon mun's muses
Her OCs: Taz Hellion, Kinie Ger and Daichi PheoniX
((Just a heads up: Grammar is not good and their will be heavy mistakes but this was written for fun so please enjoy. ))
After hearing the plan from Taz, it seems that she indeed had a evil scary plan. Now it was the time of putting it together to see this in action. The pranksters that did that much harm will be stopped tonight.
They were in a hidden area away from the city but lucky for them, Gojo knew a old house that was still pretty good and standing. Maybe that would work for the plan. He saw his students working on the plan with Taz who was getting help with her friends and Sukuna and Kinie.
For now, the plan was in motion. Daichi was waiting for the pranksters to show up after he sent a message to them from one of their videos wanting to do a collab with him. He was waiting near the gates of the place before he heard something coming to look.
"Holy shit, it's true! It's him!" One of the boys said pointing to Daichi who had his arms crossed looking to them. He remains cool but he wanted to see this plan work.
"No way, it's not him! It can't be!" Another boy said but Daichi grins to laugh.
"Believe me my friends, it is I! Daichi PheoniX! The protector and fighter against cursed spirits! I take it your the three that was pulling those pretty cool pranks?" he asked to see the ringleader nod proud of himself.
"Yep! That's us! It's cool that we are doing this collab with you! I wasn't sure if it was a spam user or something thinking they were you but damn your the real deal." He grins with Daichi laughing.
"Yeah, most try to tell they are me but theirs only one true Daichi." He said but deep down, he hated these three for what they were doing. He really wanted to join in to get at them but he was not allowed so this works.
"Anyway, I'm glad you three came. I think you can join me in this hidden secret scouting mission to see if anything lurks in this old house. So what do ya say?" He saw the three think about it before the ringleader smiled. Maybe they can get good content in this!
"Sure, why not? Please lead the way!" he said but Daichi nod, going to lead them through the gates and leads them to the house. The walk was not too long, even through the quiet trees that show by the side of this place. The three pranksters were curious about this place but they didn't question it yet.
However, inside that same house, eyes were watching the soon to be trapped souls coming into the house. Daichi was doing well on his part but it was now time.
'Alright you guys, remember the plan. Just be sure you get to your positions and..heh, have fun. I'm going to enjoy this." Sukuna said from Yuji's cheek. He knew they all got their plan and was ready to go but they would be sure it worked.
"Good..just be sure you get to where you need to be...now lets go." Yuji and them goes to their spots in this house now ready when hearing Daichi coming inside with the three boys.
~~Downstairs/Main room~~
The boys were shocked seeing how big this place was but beautiful due to the candle light.
"Wow, this place is huge! How are you sure theirs anything still in here?" One of the boys asked.
"Well, I had to look up some information to be sure but it's been said of something rare here or at least that's what I'm told." Daichi said looking to them. "Anyway, I think what ever is in this place is still here. Maybe if we look around we can find something." Daichi said seeing the three agree.
"Sure, just lead the way." The second one said as they follow Daichi through the hallway through a door. This place was not bad and it was pretty nice even with being old. They walk through a dim lit hallway but still follows Daichi. After a bit, they get to another area or another door that Daichi opens showing a larger like room and it seems to be pretty old.
"Woah...." The three said in shock.
"Well, seems we might be on a luck streak here. I think if we look about we can try to find something.." He said but the boys agree as they begin to look around. For the time being, it seems nothing was found in this place. Just old items, artifacts, some books coated in dust, broken windows so a light breeze was blowing inside. So far, nothing else but within the dark, the pair of glowing eyes watches them but they disappear after. Within 2 hours, nothing else was found to the boys looking tired.
"Hmmm, no luck for me. What about you guys?" Daichi asked seeing the three boys tired.
"Nope. Nothing. This place must be bone dry if we found nothing. Maybe we need to check another location?" He asked thinking about it while the other two wonder the same.
"He could be right. Do we know any other locations in this place?" The first boy asked with the second agreeing. They been looking for hours and nothing worked. Daichi thinks about it then remembers.
"Maybe upstairs. I saw a pair of stairs so that might work. Come on." He begins leading the way to the stairs so the other three can keep up. They got to the door ready to go through when the area turns dark suddenly. They couldn't see but only had some flashlights to look around.
"What happened?" The ringleader said.
"I don't know. Did you think the power fuse went out?" The first boy asked nervous but the second was unsure.
"Maybe...Good think we got these flashlights." they were look about ready to leave the room but Daichi turns the door knob to see it was locked.
"What's up?" the ringleader asked.
"The door. It's locked? That's strange. I didn't even lock the door." Daichi said but he knew it was part of the plan as he pretends to try opening the door but the other two looked nervous.
"Maybe we should head back to the other door. We can get out that way."
"True. Lets go." The boys turn to get to the door they entered in. "Alright, the door should be over....here?" The ringleader was confused to see the door was...gone?!?
"Huh? But the door was right here. What happened to it?" He begins feeling for the door or looking with the flashlight but nothing was seen. Just the door on the other side and the other things in the room.
"Huh? What do you mean the door is missing?" Daichi asked to look and see the door was gone. It was just here!! What did he go!? Again, he was faking it knowing it was thanks to the cursed energy his friend Megumi was doing using his shadows to make it seem like the door disappeared.
"Alright, lets calm down. I'm sure we can find another way out." Daichi saw the three looking worried but the ringleader coughs pretending he's fine.
"Yeah, sure. Lets just head to the door we were just at. Maybe we can leave." The boys turn to head the other way now and see the door still there thankfully but when Daichi tries to open it, the door was unlocked. Strange. He blinks to turn the handle and open the door. The boys saw a really old hallway with spider webs, broken items, and other things as they slowly walk through the door. Their flashlights looking around in hopes of seeing a end of this hall way but as they go through the door, it suddenly slams shut relocking.
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" the two boys turns to try opening the door but it was locked and good too. Now it seems they were trapped in this hallway. Okay that was weird but maybe it's due to how old this place was? Even so, he keeps going ahead to lead the way for them. the hallway was quiet but rather old, the shadows were hiding a lot of everything in this place that the ringleader could have sworn he saw something moving but keeps it to himself. The other two were scared but follows Daichi close. Daichi kept walking but he was following directions. Eito was hidden but he was also waiting for him while leaving a trail for him to follow with the three boys.
After a moment, Daichi came to the door that had the trap as he opens the door slowly seeing a wide hallway. "Come on guys." He opens the door but goes in with the three following him. The area was pretty big and it looks to be a ballroom? They walk in wondering what is going on but when Daichi leaves the door open so Megumi who was hiding can slam the door shut when seeing their first little scare.
"Well, at least we can somewhat see than in that hallway." One of the boys said but the other two agreeing. They keep on walking through the ball room in hopes of finding another way out of this weird place but as they get to the middle; someone was standing there under a light.
"Who is that?"
"I don't know. I thought no one else was in this place." The three boys looks to Daichi to see him pretending to look scared.
"That's what I was told. This place should be empty." He said but as he takes a step...A slam of a door was heard from behind as the four boys look growing worried but slowly faces the masked figure wearing a black cloak but they saw her black hair as it covers her upper face.
"W..who is that? What is going on?" The ringleader asked Daichi but he looks worried but Daichi knew who this was. It's Taz! Sukuna had given her a few tips and a slight appearance change with Nobara's help. Taz was unknown thanks to the hood and her hair out of it's ponytail loose to hide her golden glowing eyes.
"Who are you?! What are you doing in this place?" The ringleader asked but the figure (Taz) said nothing before she slowly lifts her head up looking ahead.
"....W..who are you all? Why have you come to this place. You dare cross 'his territory?'" she asked but was holding something in her arms. It was Kinie in her quoll form but she was pretending to be a cursed spirit that was hissing at them. The boys tense seeing that but Daichi looks.
"Easy now, we don't get it. What do you mean 'his' territory?" he asked.
"...The one that owes this mansion. He hates intruders..so I suggest you leave...before he comes." Taz said in a cold tone but for pretending, she was doing really good. "Or better; maybe I'll eat you three so he won't take another meal from me."
"What are you talking about!? Who is 'him'!?" The ringleader asked before he looks annoyed.
"Wait, what did she mean b..by meal?"
As he was about to take a step towards Taz, the area begins to shake as the walls creek and groan like something was here. The boys got scared looking around as Taz pretends to look scared but she knew it was Yuji making the walls and area shake like something was here or coming.
"O..Oh no, he knows your here. I always warn many poor souls that come to this place to leave and yet..he did warn you before mr. Daichi." she said pointing but Daichi tense in his act like he was unsure. Good acting huh?
"But I thought you were just a voice! Even so, I'll be sure to beat you before he finds us!" Daichi looks to the figure (Taz) but all the boys saw her do was look down hugging Kinie or the 'doll' that was her.
"I know he warned you many times...but now....you'll suffer for it." with a snap of her fingers, the shadows came around Daichi as it begins to show hidden figures wrapping around him as he gasped struggling.
"Hey let me go!" he said struggling but again, it was pretend. The hidden figures were Megumi's shinigami that was hidden with some help. So the boys think it was shadow hands attacking as they were pulling him down into the shadow. In the next area, Megumi was waiting for him so they can regroup for the next part of the plan. The boys tried to help Daichi but the 'hands' slam them away as they crash back. Wincing, the look seeing Daichi pulled down as he struggles.
"Good bye Mr. Daichi. Maybe now you'll learn your lesson by joining us." Taz giggled as Daichi struggles that he screams out as he sinks down into the darkness and it was gone.
"NOOO!" The three looks seeing he was gone but looks up seeing Taz who was walking over as they back up scared a bit. All Taz did was walk over to them but they got up to look at her. She looked creepy with her black hair moving slowly (thanks to her using her cursed energy to make it look like that)
"Stay back! Look we didn't know this place was off bounds. come on, were trying to find a way out!" he said but Taz looks to them but that's when she tilts her head.
"Too bad...'he' hates unwelcome visitors.." she said but felt the building shaking again as the boys looks to her but she steps forward to look at them.
"So..unless you want to be spared....Run." she hissed but that's when shadow figures showed up. The boys back up seeing them as they twitched making clicking noises with their eyes glowing. They got nervous backing up from them. The figures were Kinie's shikigami in the form of the fellow shadowy quoll man monsters. The boys back up but Taz slowly lifts one arm up but one of her eyes show looking scary but a bit crazy.
"Go.." she said but Kinie said this at the same time. "Kinfolk; hunt." when saying this, they quickly begins charging at them. The boys got scared to turn and run, screaming as they were being chased. Taz saw them running but she looks down to Kinie as the two goes to see a door appear and show Nobara waving for her. They hurry to the door and Nobara closes it before the door was hidden. They will follow but in a different path.
"What the hell are those things!?" One boy shouted as the three run hearing the disturbing shouting and noises from the shadow figures. More of the shaking was heard but some of the walls were cracking up as the boys kept on running.
"Don't know! Just run!" the ringleader said as they make it to another room as he opens the door and sees them go in before slamming the door. Now it seems they were in another room. They keep on running to try loosing them but saw the door get smashed down seeing a few white eyes peeking inside.
"Shit shit shit!"
"Boss, what do we do?!?" The two boys were panicking before the ringleader looks.
"Come on, in here!" he said showing another door as the three go in hearing more of the door being broken down. The three got into a hidden space but as soon as they did, they turn seeing someone else there. It was a male who was looking at them. The three wonders what he was doing here.
"..Uhhhh, who are you? Is their more people in this-"
"Get. Out." Was the only two words the male hidden in the shadows said. It was Megumi playing a part while his shinigami was hidden making scary noises in the walls as the three got close looking nervous.
"H..Hey wait a second, we are not trying to cause trouble. We just-"
"GET OUT!! GET OUT OF THIS DAMN HOUSE OR YOU'LL SUFFER LIKE THE OTHER FOOLS THAT CAME HERE!" now Megumi was playing his part well that the shadows begins taking over this area but his face was hidden showing (fake) blood on him. He even had 'bodies' showing around the room but the bodies were armor found in the mansion to shape like dead humans. The boys gasped getting scared backing up.
"W..wait a moment! We can talk about this!"
"Get out...get out...get out get out get out get out GET OUT!!!" he commanded his shinigami to begins chasing them. The three scream to quickly turn back trying to get out one at a time before falling on the ground. They get up running to the right in another door with Megumi's shinigami chasing them as he follows. The boys were panicking as they run but now they were running from a crazy chick that wants to eat them and a guy who was trying to murder them!! How worse can this get!? As they run through the hallway, a sudden trap activated showing a hidden door as the three fall screaming. They were heading down to Yuji's part when it slams shut. Both Taz and Megumi saw the trap activated but they both smile to give a fist pump and goes to their next spot.
~~In a hidden cellar~~
The screaming of the three kept going till they crash landed in old piles of sacks. They coughed from the dust that the ringleader pushes his two friends off. "Ughhhh damn it. Where are we?" he grumbles looking around seeing the cellar. The other two got scared more but sees it was a big cellar.
"So what do we do now?! Were in the bottom area of this crazy house! Maybe we can find a way out from here?" One said with the other nodding as they both tried to find a door. When they look around, they did see a door but when getting close to it, the door would disappear in thin air. This made them jump back scared.
"Oh calm down! This has to be some prank! I'm sure the door is there!" The ringleader said but he begins feeling for the door but felt it was just the wall. Even if he can see curses or something related to it, nothing was there to make him silent.
"Uhhhhhhh you okay?" they asked him
"......" 'What the hell is going on?! how is this even happening!! No wait, this has to be some joke or a prank right!? This can't be happening?!' he was shouting in his head but goes to only tries to break free when something stabs into the wall but heard a shout. The other two looks seeing nails?!? They look hearing insane giggling and someone standing in the corner but she was coated in blood and having a twisted look on her face.
"Oh? Do I have new toys to play with!? Finally, I been growing bored down here in this damn place!" The two boys that was free got nervous seeing Nobara who looked crazy but that was also with some help. She looked like she was insane giggling even more.
"OH you have got to be kidding me!!!" The second boy said with the first one pinned by her nails. He was crying trying to get free as the other two was worried.
"First of all, we are not your toys! Second, who the fuck are you?!" the ringleader said but Nobara smiled showing her hammer.
"I'm a lost crazed person that was stupid enough to come in this place..but now? I'm stuck here because of 'him' He won't let me leave or go back home. I've been stuck here for years now all alone.." she steps towards them as the boys sweatdrop growing scared as she smiled.
"But now..I have new friends...I'm sure you guys can stay and play with me right?! You'll stay with me...RIGHT!?!" she said giggling to laugh then dashes to attack! The two got dodges from the swing of her hammer as she cracks the wall by the one that was pinned. He was crying and shaking but he even was scared to piss his pants.
The other two was scared as she pulls her hammer out the wall but glares at them. "Why are you running away!? Stay still and play with me!" she roars swinging to hit them but she was seeing them dodging as she breaks things and smashes things. Nobara was strong but she was pretty scary when pretending. She keeps swinging her hammer faster and harder before the ring leader and the other boy gets to their friend who was screaming scared to rip him trying to rip him off but the two was scared to see her laughing more.
"Fuck, just leave him!" he said turning with the other as they ran. The third boy was shocked.
"Guys!? NO! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME HERE WITH HER!! PLEASE DON'T!" he saw them running through a door leaving him as his eyes widen in tears. "G..guys!? Guys come back!!"
"Awwwwww too bad. They left you.." he tenses slowly facing Nobara who smiled resting against the wall by him. "That means I finally have a new toy.....a new toy to play with!" she laughed before the two heard his ear splitting scream. But she will knock him out and have him tied up to wait outside.
The two kept running down the hallway scared when getting back to the mansion but that's when they get to another room panting to the first boy shaking.
"I can't believe we left him back there! We gotta go back for him-"
"And get killed by that witch!? No way! We can go and find help! He will be fine!" the ringleader said as the other was crying scared before they look around.
"Now come on, we gotta keep moving.." he said turning to run with the other before the two stop. They saw someone there to show it was Taz again! She looks up but this time, she had a knife this time. She twitched only to look ahead.
"...Oh shit."
That's when Taz dashes towards them swinging the blade but ducks while she was hissing at them while trying to trap them here. No worries, the blade was fake but it was able to put one to sleep if it touches them. The two were dodging and running by her as she screams chasing them.
"Come back! Let me eat you! Let me devour your flesh and eat your organs! You'll make a great feast for my friends!" she laughed but the two kept running down the hallway but as the two run down the hallway, the shadows still try to catch them. They were just still coming with Taz's insane laughter echoing in the hallway.
"COME BACK!! LET ME DINE ON YOUR ORGANS!!!!! LET ME EAT YOU FOR MY MEAL!" she laughs still running before the two get to a dead end.
"Oh no!"
"Fuck!" He looks around trying to find another way out but heard giggling knowing she's coming! The two had to think fast but as the ringleader was thinking he saw a door! A way out! He looks seeing Taz giggling as she slowly walks over but he looks to his friend who was scared.
"What do we do?! Were trapped!"he said but before thinking, the ringleader was scared to do something again. He shoves his friend forward to see the boy trip as he winces. "Ow! Hey! what are you doing!?" he said only for the ringleader to run away and leave him! The other boys eyes widen as he tries to get up but the door disappears.
"Hey, don't leave me!! HEYYYYYYY!!" He shouted but that's when something pins him to see the same nails again. He struggles but it only leaves him scared when seeing Taz and that witch Nobara again. The two giggle at the same time looking at him before he screams out afraid. Now it's down to one more as the ringleader was running but he ran upstairs to get to the main hallway. He panted sweating now like he was going to pass out but he had to get out. "Gotta get out. Gotta get out.." he said but as he was looking he looks to a door thinking it was freedom. He rushes over to it about to open the door but when he got close, the wall suddenly came crashing down!
He winces to fall on the side coughing from the dust. However, he slowly lowers his arms with eyes widening. Someone was standing there but had red glowing eyes while a sick grin shows. "......."
"Well, well, well, I have a new guest......or to say, a new sacrifice. You humans just don't get it do you?" he said to show it's Sukuna but he took over with Yuji's agreeing. The ringleader backs up scared till the hallway goes up in flames now seeing Sukuna who was walking towards him.
"Oh? Why? Your in my home meaning you belong to me. I'm sure I can find some use for you. Maybe using you as a table..or your head as a dart board. I always loved to see the poor idiots coming here just for me to eat up. But I do have two more that joined so that leaves one more." He grined evil like that he flexed his fingers ready to rip him apart! He dashes towards him as the ringleader screams to begin running away down the burning hallway. Sukuna was laughing chasing him.
"RUN RUN RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!! YOU'LL NEVER GET AWAY FROM ME! NO ONE HAS EVER GOTTEN OUT AND ALL SUFFER WHEN STEPPING INSIDE!" he roars shaking the windows with the ringleader running faster in a panic. This was a nightmare. It's not real! Not real! He keeps on running seeing door after door disappearing in the shadows. He wanted to get out! He hated being in this damn house! He keeps on running but when reaching for a door, it disappears, gets stuck with nails, shadows wrapping around the door, etc. He keeps running faster and faster till something trips him to him crashing on his face. He groans in pain feeling the sting when he tenses up seeing familiar feet. He looks up seeing Taz who was looking at him smiling.
"Found yooouuuuu.." she sees him crawl back but bumps into another. He looks seeing Megumi who was glaring as he yelps moving away. He bumps into Nobara who screams to scare him. He crashes against the wall in a corner to see the four now surrounding him.
"Please!! Please just back off! Leave me alone!" he screams.
"But why? Don't you wanna stay here with us?" Taz asked.
"Yeah...stay with us. Lets live here together in this hellish world.." Nobara said smiling.
"You'll suffer like the rest of us.." Megumi said as the three looks to him but Sukuna walks over to grip the ringleader holding him up. He was scared indeed struggling.
"Don't fight it...You'll join your friends soon...just relax ,It'll be over soon." He laughed now going insane as the three laughed together while looking at him.
"Don't worry, you'll be part of the family...so welcome to your new hell.." Sukuna laughed.
His screams echoed in the house before everything goes black for him.
~~~~Hours later~~~~
"!!!!!!" The ringleader snaps away panting quickly as he looks left and right seeing he was outside? Huh, what the hell?!? He tries to move but couldn't due to being tied up by ropes. "What the hell!? What is this!?" he said but looks seeing his two friends who was awake but had headaches.
"Finally your awake." The ringleader looks to see Megumi, Yuji, Nobara, Daichi, and Taz. They were still wearing the outfits but they were looking at them.
"W...what the hell? You..you four are-"
"Yes, we were in the house with you...but it's not funny is it?" Megumi asked seeing him confused.
"The fuck are you talking about-"
"The pranks you three been doing on other innocent people. We saw your so called 'prank videos' and we will tell you, we are not pleased." Megumi said but the ringleader looks at him.
"Wait, was this just a prank!? Hey, that's not cool man!"
"Oh now you say it's not!? How do you think those poor people feel when you three did that to them! You three did horrible pranks when having other cursed dangerous spirits doing that! You could have got someone really hurt or worse!" Nobara said jabbing the ringleader's chest mad.
"You three did some terrible horrible pranks and you should be lucky you won't get in trouble for it!" she said but Taz agrees.
"She's right. Someone would have gotten seriously hurt but your pranks were taking it too far."
"What's it to you! It's just harmful pranks! That's it!-"
"No you three listen here! Your pranks have mentally scared and hurt a lot of people. From what you did, you three could be charged a felony because of it. But as my friend said, it's not so funny when you go through a prank that could have killed you is it!?" He glares at the three who was nervous.
"The use of Jujutsu Sorcery is no joke. It's a dangerous technique that can be used for good. But you three misused it to make it being used for bad. It's not a joke when you could have taken someone's life with your stupid pranks." Megumi said.
"Seriously?!? That's stupid! Jujutsu is nothing but a joke! What makes you think it's a dangerous use!? We been using it for pranks all the time! What makes you think we'll fucking listen to you-" As soon as he said that, a loud smack was heard three times that shocked Yuji, Nobara, Taz, Sukuna, and Kinie. Megumi back slapped the ringleader and his two friends who was shocked to slowly look back at him. They felt their faces go pale seeing his angry look.
"Don't. You fucking dare. Disrespect what we do. Being able to use Jujutsu sorcery in such a manner is an insult to sorcerers that deal with real life threatening things here. We do our part to insure people are safe..even idiots like you too. You should be happy because if you didn't have control over the curses you three used..." Megumi bends down but his eyes were really cold and scary.
"You three would be fucking dead."
They gulp scared to show them crying shaking.
"Now....from now on, no more pranks of any kind or else you'll really pay for it. You are lucky that one would come and just eat you three up for using it that way. You wouldn't wanna die that way...would you?" he growls that the three shook their heads no.
".......Good. You three will stop the pranks and never do it again...or else. am I understood?" he warns seeing them slowly nod scared. He stood up to look at them but sighed. "Good. We'll take you three back but you are to do something to appologize to the people you hurt..Got it!?"
"Y..Yes sir!" they squeaked.
"Good.....now.....GET OUT OF OUR SIGHT!"
With that, the three got up scared to scream, running off with one tripping. Megumi saw that but the others sigh to follow after them
A few moments later, the group were heading back to town towards the school seeing Gojo waiting for them. He saw their looks but can tell Taz's plan must have worked.
"Welcome back you guys. I take it the plan worked?" he asked smiling as the five nod.
"Yeah, it worked. Those idiots were scared to the point they will stop with the pranks. Serves them right though. "Nobara said while sitting down to clean the make up off of her and helping Taz.
"With the prank they will not pull another one ever again. But after the ringleader left his two friends, they might not trust him again because of it." Megumi said thinking about it.
"I see. Well, at least you three cleared the mission and good job. Those three will learn and did." Gojo smiled with Kinie showing up on Taz's head.
"Well, the pup did a good job. I knew she could be a good hunter and she was." Taz blinks but hid her blush from the comment.
"That goes for the brats too. Not bad you all.." Sukuna said from a mouth on Yuji's cheek.
"Well, I'm just glad that was over and done with. We won't see that happen anymore thanks to that. I hope those three learned their lesson." Megumi said as the group relaxed knowing it was taken care of.
From that day, the three indeed kept to their word to never do any more pranks. They even apologize on a new video but they made sure everyone knew about it but for now, things were alright. That just goes to show, never pull a prank that will do harm or it will come biting back.
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science-lings · 5 months
For once in my life I wish I knew math bc I kinda want to calculate exactly how dead Phoenix should be
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muskanpatel · 2 years
Phoenix – The Mars Lander
The main goals of the Phoenix Mars Lander were to study the history of water in the Martian arctic, search for evidence of a habitable zone and assess the biological potential of the ice-soil boundary. Phoenix studied the Martian soil with a chemistry lab, TEGA, a microscope, a conductivity probe and cameras. In August 2008, Phoenix completed its three-month mission studying Martian ice, soil and atmosphere. The lander worked for two additional months before reduced sunlight caused energy to become insufficient to keep the lander functioning.
What I wrote above is mentioned on all NASA and internet websites. But there are still some questions that are yet to be answered. Why Mars and not any other planet? Why a lander was used instead of a rover? How was Phoenix – a successful Mars Mission?
Peter Smith – the principal investigator of NASA’s Phoenix Mars Mission & Senior Research Scientist at university of Arizona answered all above-mentioned questions in a podcast. Peter who has worked on multiple NASA mission & his first space mission being calibration of instrument to be landed on surface of Venus – Pioneer Venus Mission (1978).
Despite working on Venus Mission, He still choose to work on Mars over Venus because Venus is a very hot planet, has high pressure (90 times on earth) and its difficult to put lander on Venus as compared to Mars. But why Mars and How did this mission start? Since there were other countries working on Venus, NASA wanted to research on Mars and told its scientists to come up with best project plans. Peter who had already worked and designed camera for Mar’s Path finder mission, came up with a plan to make Mars mission low cost and good science. He decided to use a previous 2001 space craft to reduce cost and as for good science (*reason to go on mars), he said he just wanted to go out there & search if life could exist on Mars.
And just like that, Phoenix Mars Mission came to life. In pursuits of water on Mars, water ice was discovered in polar regions. During the three-month mission, Phoenix dug into ice layers and checked samples of soil and ice for evidence about whether the site was ever hospitable to life.
Phoenix didn’t stop there. Phoenix made more discoveries & documented weather on Mars e.g., snow falling from the clouds. It found concentrations of salt that could be nutrients for life, and identified a mineral in the ice called calcium carbonate, suggesting the occasional presence of thawed water.
But what’s so special about discovery of water ice matters? Well, it’s all about finding the organic materials and building blocks for life. With this type of information, we can learn about history of Mars & how it became a desert wasteland. Phoenix ended up exceeding its intended 90-day mission, studying the planet a total of five months. In 2010, NASA lost contact with the lander completely, but the data it collected continued to be studied for years after.
This is how Phoenix – Mars Lander successfully completed its mission on MARS.
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sir-fluffbutts · 6 months
How do bird Anthros behave in the world physically wise? Like do they have wings on their backs or are their wings their arms?
+both options actually!!!
some have wing-arms
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while others have bird claws for arms and wings seperativly, or no wings at all!
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SOMETIMES, there are characters who can do both cause their "mythical animal" heritage do partial shapeshifting (for example, parial is a member of a pheonix family and thus can also use elemental magic, although he's the only one that wields ice not fire)
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demon-blood-youths · 10 months
The Misadventures of The Pheonix and The Shadow Chimera Sorcerers Part 5 - Finger Food || Drabble
Hi everyone. This is part 5 of stories involving Daichi and Megumi dealing with shingenans. This is for my rper and good friend, @the-silver-peahen-residence. This drabble is inspired by a youtuber, RG33 and this video of his!
---- Parts ---
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
----- Warning ---
----- Summary -----
Megumi, and Daichi have a mission to retrieve one of Sukuna's fingers with Yuji and Nobara. Along the way, they fought curse users and cursed spirits to obtain it and secure it. However...a tragedy happened after the chase was concluded?!
The first-year students received a mission from Gojo regarding Sukuna's finger. Daichi is brought on board and is brought up to speed that Sukuna must not be taken or consumed by any curse spirit.
Daichi knows what Sukuna is capable of. Like slapping him for the sake of discipline. Daichi makes sure to help out as best as he can. The location of the finger is a shrine near a zoo and a fair.
But the place there is unguarded making Daichi wonder why they're no guards there as they got there. They came to an answer when a group of curse users tried to ambush them. They belong to some cult.
Daichi, Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara combated the curse users while making sure the finger is out of their hands. Not only curse users but cursed spirits as well. Megumi and Nobara were playing hot potato with their fingers away from the curse users while Yuji keeps getting in the way by beating them up. The curse users were being outdone by the students.
"Daichi!" Megumi yelled as he had Totality and Nue combating the curse users. "Right!" Daichi quickly grabs the case and runs away. Daichi ran so fast while creating flame walls to hinder the curse users from chasing him while shooting fire arrows at any curse spirits. Eito makes sure to keep him thinking on his feet as he signals with a siren whenever any cursed spirit or curse user is nearby.
Daichi enters the fair. So far, the fair is closed at this time so this is fine. He uses the amusement rides to throw the curse users off their game. He even went into the house of mirrors before getting out of there. He is in the zoo and he can tell he's in the zoo due to the smell and the growling noises.
If there's anything he knows about animals. Animals are sensitive to anything of the supernatural. He decides to climb through the trees, passing the monkey exhibit, the panda bear, and the llamas. And then he got shot in the back, making him fall into one of the zoo enclosures. Shit.
He hits the ground, making him groan, and Eito tweets worriedly. Daichi slowly comes to and sees a punk-like curse user holding a blade above him.
"Die! You Jujutsu Sorcerer scum!" He laughed. "MMAAAA!" A huge bleat is heard as the curse user is pushed into a ditch by a horned friend. Daichi blinks to see a goat in front of him, hearing a cowbell as the goat looks at him.
"What the hell?!" A curse user is getting back to the surface but Daichi fires off a fireball hitting the enemy directly and sending him back to the ditch, beaten, burned, and unconscious.
"Whew. Thought I was a goner!" Daichi said as Eito tweeted happily. He smiles and looks at the goat, he pets it. "Thanks, man! I owe you!" He goes to pet the goat. There is a name tag around his neck.
"Wilson, huh? That's a cool name!"
The goat bleats happily, nuzzling against the stroking of this sorcerer.
"Okay! Shoot! Where's the finger?!" Daichi looks around and sees the case on the ground. "Nice! Got it!" He got the case and got out of the goat enclosure. "Thanks for the help!"
"DAICHI!" He sees his friends come over to him.
"Guys! Hey! Not to worry, I'm good! How about you guys!"
"We beat those losers!" Nobara said proudly. "They weren't a match for us!"
"Yep!" Yuji said in agreement.
"The curse users are defeated," Megumi said. Daichi nods.
"Do you have the finger?" Megumi asked. Daichi nods as he has the case. "Sure do!" He smiles. Megumi nods, "Good. Give it here."
"Alright! Looks like we beat up that cultist and got Sukuna's finger. Good work, man!" Yuji congrulates Daichi to which the sorcerer blushes a little. "Thanks man...but it's thanks to that goat, Wilson! He help save me from that curse user!"
"For reals?" Yuji asked, blinking as he looked at the goat while a curse user is still unconscious and still twitching in the ditch. Daichi nods. "Right?"
"Thanks Wilson!" Yuji laughed to which the goat bleat loudly. Nobara laughs and looks excited, "Let's head to the hot springs!" Nobara grinned.
"Yeah!" Said the three. But Megumi blinks when opening the case to make sure, "Daichi...."
"It's not here," Megumi said. The three froze.
"Wait what?"
"The finger." Megumi frowns. Daichi looks confused and checks the case, his eyes widen as the case has nothing in it. No finger. "But it was inside, I swear. It didn't open!"
"Relax. Don't panic." Megumi replied. "Did you drop the box when fleeing from those curse users?" He asked. Daichi begins to think hard. Really hard. "Well they blasted me from behind and I fell into one of the animal enclosures. It had a goat named Wilson. A petting zoo. Like I said, I was almost done for until Wilson headbutted him into the ditch and I took the guy out."
"Then that...would mean...??" Megumi trails off.
Everyone looked at the zoo exhibition where the goat is. Nobara blinked at this. "Uhhh...guys..." She points and all three boys widen their eyes to see the goat is holding something in its mouth. Sukuna's finger.
'Oh no!!' Yuji started.
"Maaa!" the goat bleated.
Don't you stand there, brats!" A mouth forms on Yuji's cheek, "DO SOMETHING! THE GOAT IS GOING TO EAT THE FUCKING FINGER! YOU CANNOT LET THAT THING EAT MY FINGER!' There is panic in Sukuna's voice that startles Yuji. This is a first.
"Totality!" Megumi summoned his divine dog but it was too late. The goat is now munching on the finger to everyone's horror as everyone had their jaws dropped and stupified expressions as they watched the goat eat the finger. Even Sukuna watched this with pure horror.
"WILSOOON! NOOOOOOOO." Yuji yelled as the goat named Wilson swallowed the finger. Daichi drops to his knees while Yuji can't believe what he's seeing. He doesn't know if he should laugh or cry. After the goat consumes the finger nothing happens as a moment passes. Nothing happened much to everyone's surprise.
"I guess it doesn't affect animals?" Daichi chuckled nervously.
Then cursed marks on the goat appeared before he bleated loudly, beating his hooves against the ground.
"Oh you have to got to be kidding me," Megumi groaned, facepalmming. And then the students felt it. A wave of rage from an ancient cursed spirit. But it wasn't from the goat.
The voice sends chills down the three students' spines. The overwhelmingly evil mixed with anger. Daichi slowly looks over to Yuji who has now cursed marks on his face and a lower pair of red eyes opens. Except this wasn't Yuji. It's Sukuna, the King of Curses.
And he is pissed off.
Hearing his real full name uttered from the King of Curses's lips and seeing the popped viens, Daichi knew what was coming so he booked it out of there. He ran as fast as he could for dear life with Eito in his arms. Sukuna is on his ass immediately.
Good thing Taz isn't here. Her cursed spirit; Kinie would have joined in the fun. "We need to contain this," Megumi said. "We have to call Gojo-sensei!"
"Huh?! For one goat? Even with one Sukuna's finger, it can't be that bad." Nobara said. The goat bleats loudly, and a rock is slashed into pieces. Yeah... bad is an understatement. More like a disaster.
"Yeah...let's call the sensei," Nobara said, sweatdropped.
Then they see Sukuna come back, dragging Daichi with a bump on his head and imaginary swirls in his eyes. The flame sorcerer repeats his apologies as he is stunned and dizzy.
"Okay! Time for your punishment." Sukuna goes to pick up Daichi and throws him into the enclosure with the goat. "Hup!"
Nobara and Megumi were stunned. Eito squawked angrily and started to peck Sukuna, but he was thrown into the enclosure as well.
"Sukuna! What the hell?!" Megumi yelled.
"He would be fine! It's just one finger." Sukuna cleaned his ear. "Hey, you brat! If you don't want to die! Kill the goat!"
"HUH?!" Daichi gasped, "You want me to kill Wilson?!" Daichi asked now horrified. Sukuna laughs. "That's how you get the finger, dumbass!"
"B-but...I can't kill an innocent animal."
"Too bad! It's your fault for not checking!" Sukuna tells him. Daichi starts to cry.
"Tick..tock...Kisho." Sukuna grinned so wickedly as the goat now saw him and beat evilly, walking towards him. Megumi walks to the railings and says, "Daichi! It's okay! Just do it!" Megumi tells him.
"JUST DO IT!" Megumi shouted.
Daichi cries, shedding tears as he fires off a huge fire arrow at Wilson.
----- 15 minutes later -----
Daichi is mourning the death of Wilson the Goat with tears in his eyes. Yuji Itadori, now taken back control of his body from Sukuna, comforts the chunbiyo sorcerer. They got the finger after Daichi exorcised Wilson.
"There, there, there. " Yuji tells him. "No need to be so hard on yourself, Daichi. You tried your best."
"But..but...I killed Wilson, Yuji. I am a horrible person." Daichi sniffles. Eito coos him by nuzzling against his cheek.
"If it makes you feel any better. I swallow the Sukuna's finger to save Fushigoro. It was kind of my fault because I took the case for my occult club back at my former school." The pink-haired teen explained with a chuckle. Daichi sniffles. Megumi came forward, "If it is any consolidation, I followed Yuji and only have the case and not the finger. To be fair, the elders aren't good at hiding the fingers in secure places. This is one of these places." He sighed.
"Oh okay..."
"Anyway..." Megumi sighed. "Let's go back."
"But...but....we need to hold a funeral!" Daichi sniffled making everyone pause.
"Daichi...it's just a goat," Nobara tells Daichi.
"It's not just a goat! I have known Wilson for my entire life. He saved my life and sacrificed himself for the mission!"
Sukuna can't resist rolling his eyes inside Yuji's head. Is he serious?! Oh brother!
"Daichi...you have known this goat for.... five minutes." Megumi stared at him like he lost his mind. Yuji shakes his head, "What are you talking about, Megumi! We gotta hold a funeral for Wilson. Wilson didn't have a proper death. He should at least have a proper burial!"
Oh my god. Megumi groans. "Fine!"
Wgen they return to the campus, Gojo asks what happened and looks worried to see Daichi looks grief-stricken while being comforted by Yuji and Nobara. Megumi explains what happened.
"Oh Kisho...no need to be hard on yourself, my boy! You did the right thing to alleviate the suffering of an animal! If it makes you feel any better! I fed a chicken fry to a goat once back in my student days." Said Gojo patting him on the shoulder.
"What happened to it?" Nobara said.
"Frank died," Gojo stated. "Exploded. Apparently, the chicken fry from Burger Queen is really dangerous to animals and curses. Who knew!"
Daichi cried even more.
"Gojo-sensei!" Yuji yelled as he couldn't believe what he heard while hugging a crying Daichi and rubbing his back like a big brother would. Gojo hands his hands up, "Sorry, sorry! Not a good comparison!"
"And now Daichi and Yuji want to hold a funeral for it," Nobara said. Sukuna groans as his mouth forms on Yuji's hand, 'It's just a damn goat, what the hell is wrong with you?"
"Yeah! Wilson died for you, Sukuna! Have some heart, would you?" Yuji is in agreement before Sukuna growls,"Screw this! I'm going to sleep!" Then the mouth disappears on Yuji's cheek.
Megumi rubs his temples. 'Why me...' Just why me!
And so...they held a funeral for a goat named Wilson. Gojo helped out in doing an eulogy for him much to Megumi's dismay while the class attended including Taz who is completely confused but goes along with it and offers her condolences.
Sure...an animal has died but was it really needed?! For Daichi's mental state, sure. He hopes the next mission isn't that much bad.
Megumi hopes!
R.I.P Wilson.
To be continued??
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radiance1 · 10 months
Master List
King of the Blob Ghosts - Mostly flavor text where Danny is the only king of the Blob ghosts. Au not tied in with Ghost King or Ghost Prince hc unless specified.
Goo Dragon - An au where Danny is a goo dragon made entirely of ectoplasm!
Blind King - Danny is blinded by the portal incident, gets adopted by blob ghosts, and then falls into DC and ices over an entire section of a city.
Infinity Prince and the Dark Escapee - Where Danny gets prince training and then has to hunt down Dark Danny because he escaped.(Small thanks to @starlightcat04 and @lauwftzee3542 for ze name)
Cat Familia - Where Danny gets turned into a cat by pissing off a wizard, and accidentally adopts various cats in Gotham!
Tempest - Danny owns a ship called Tempest that he created that he uses to sail through time. Then he accidentally jumps timestreams.
Moth - Where Danny is de-aged and is a moth boy.
Moth - But with Killer Moth.
Eastern Dragon - Danny is the ghost prince and can turn into an eastern dragon.
Cuddly Apocalypse - Teddy Bear Danny au meets one Dark Danny.
Interdimensional Mini Occult Detective - De-aged Tucker gets thrown to another dimension after getting caught lacking by the magical government branch he was looking into.
Herald of Seasons - Danny obtains the ability to guide the seasons when he was split off from .Phantom while still having Vortex's powers
Vortex's lil guy - Soulless Danny gets taken by Vortex and is his little guy.
??? - Phantom causes a ruckus in DC after getting into it and him and Danny fight or something.
Sold to the devil? Nah, sold to the bear - Constantine sells his soul to the Ghost Prince, and is then turned into a baby sitter by the Ghost King.
Demon and Wraith - Demon twins au where both of them are dancers.
Sun and Moon - Based on an older au where Danny and Vlad were deities.
Successor in training - Ghost King Danny except he isn't and Pariah is his mentor.
Just Monika - DDLC is installed on Tucker's PDA somehow and he dates Monika.
Subject M-0001 - Monika hacks into Mount Justice.
Subject Omega - Danny's most perfect clone protects the ruins of Amity Park.
Medic - Danny be a doctor in Gotham.
??? - Pariah Dark just disappears and it's left to Danny and Vlad to find him.
Eastern Dragon and Phoenix au - Mostly a cosmetic au, where Danny is an Eastern Dragon and Vlad is a Pheonix.
Ghost King/Ghost Prince and Duke of the Ghost Zone - Mostly just flavor text really, Danny is usually more Ghost Prince than King and Vlad is the Duke.
Phoenix King Vlad - Exactly as it says, Vlad is either one of or the king of phoenixes
Kawmi? - Where Vlad and Danny get transformed into magical jewelry that allows others to use their powers.
Fountain Dragon - Danny drops in the Wayne Manor Fountain.
Will of the Wisp - Where Danny gets turned into a tiny whisp because of one of his parents inventions.
??? - Jack gets thrown to the DC dimension alongside Danny and made a coffin for Danny to sleep in during ze day.
??? - The Ghost King gets summoned to DC and wages war, but the Ghost Prince stops said war and gets a date out of it.
Teddy Bear Danny - Another cosmetic au where Danny get turned into a stuffed teddy bear in his accident, he was holding onto one before it happened. He's also in ranges of 5-10 here.
Ghost King at birth, Farmer at heart - Mostly cosmetic au where Pariah Dark, if he weren't the ghost king, would be a farmer and he has an intense love for horses.
Farmer with quite the ghostly (and kingly) secret - Pariah Dark disguises himself as a human and moves into Smallville, has a hard time interacting with humans and humaning as a whole.
Life hanging by tape and sheer will - Where Tucker gets yeeted to the DC dimension.
Dream pals? Dream pals! - Younger Danny and pre-Batman Bruce meet each other through a dream, unfortunately when Danny experienced his accident that connection was shut down.
Bakery and a masquerading demon? - Vlad owns a bakery, Constantine is a regular who holds suspicions that Vlad may or may not be a demon.
Gift in the arms of tragedy - Danny becomes Vlad's ward after the Nasty Burger explosion, only to then become adopted when he was turned into an eight-year-old not even a week later.
??? - Danny and Vlad get turned into kids by Clockwork and placed in the DC dimension because Clockwork thought it was funny. Danny decides to use Vlad to not get adopted.
The key(s) to Doomsday - Danny gets de-aged by Clockwork when going to visit Pariah in the human world, gets summoned, and meets Raven.
Alicorn parole - Pariah gets released from his eternal rest with the sole condition that he's to be watched over by Clockwork. The Ancient of War then decides to combine two mythical beasts and shaped himself into an alicorn, Clockwork followed and then they met Billy Batson.
Ferret Danny - Danny is a ferret. That's it.
Witch - Sam is a witch.
Dead eyed Doctor - Danny, the son of Talia Al Ghul and Jack Fenton, trained under Vlad Masters and became a doctor.
Shadow Twin? Shadow Twin. - Danny dies and reincarnates as the son of Talia Al Ghul, the younger brother and twin of Damian Wayne and son of Batman. Only to then be killed immediately after because he was born with a birth defect, thus becoming a shadow creature that follows Damian around.
Match and Danny - Danny reincarnates into the body of a clone of Superman and Wonder Woman, steals Match and then becomes Metropolis cryptids. Also check out this fic it's great!!!!!
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Multiple Characters x Reader...
main masterlist📌
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*·˚Don’t forget to reblog, follow, like, and comment on the authors’ or artists’ pages. Show them some love!
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Works by @miniwheat77
Sizes. 141+Alejandro x Reader: Who has the biggest dick?
By Nature, She’s Naughty: Y/n was a wild one
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Works by @mistydeyes
Hunk-o-mania Pt.1: The boys thought wrong, now they’re performing
Playboy Bunny Pheonix Edition Pt.2: The boys are very pleased with the solution
Opposite Occupations Pt.1: They realize that all the long hours are worth it
Take A Walk In My Shoes Pt.2: A day in your life
Almost Military Wives GC Pt.3: What goes on when the boys are deployed
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Works by @sprout-fics
Afterburn: Just 6 dudes taking care of their girl
Poly 141 x Reader: It takes weeks, month for you all to put the place in order, and by the end of it all, you’re exhausted
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Works by @loveindefinitely
Need To Listen To Me: that was a flaw. A genuine character fault, and Price was cementing that fact in this very room
Lust for Life: You’re suddenly all too desperate to get back at your father and experiment a thing or two
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Works by @the-californicationist
They Help You Practice: You smiled to yourself, eager to push more of their buttons. 
The Window, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7:
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Works by @charliemwrites
From SpecGru With Love
Men at Work
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Works by @tojisun
Nosy Neighbours
Sugar, Spice, Everything on Ice
Keeping Him Quiet
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141 + König First Word Reactions by @starstruckmiraclekitty: Reactions to their babies’ first words
Be Gentle Man Pt.1 and Be Gentle Man Pt.2 by @rileyslibrary: Etiquette training
Breeding Team by @sirenmoth: AU where reader is an omega who took suppressants
Strip Poker Pt.1 by @catsnkooks: Soap’s CO brought out some cards
Cachorrita Pt.1 and Cachorrita Pt.2 Los Vaqueros x Reader by @lxstfathier: Caught in the middle of narco violence, you are taken in
Four Big Guys by @antigonusyuki: And oh, all the blood rushes to John’s cock
Civillian Asset by @cuckoo-on-a-string: There’s blood under your nails and a threat to your life
Price’s wife = the wife of 141 by @ghosts-cyphera: and you managed. of course you managed. you were price’s good little wife
Sparrow by @diejager: Their tense shoulders slouched, finally knowing where you went
Mafia!141 by @groguspicklejar:
With Them, Who Swallowed a Star by @vellichor-of-the-solivagant: Now, he made music out of you
Home is Where You Are by @1-ker0sene-1: "Taking good care of our boys John…You always do…Making sure you all come home to me again”
Cook!reader x 141 and The Assistant by @bookbrokelibrarian:
Lift Me Off My Feet by @lovifie:
Cherry Bomb by @swordsandholly
FFS Riley Collection by @dozeydaisy
Dad!141 x Mama!Reader by @baduzzxy
Mafia!141 AU, Ext. by @ghouljams
Suite 141 by @mangowafflesss
Contractors!141 by @kyletogaz
Down the Hatch by @syoddeye
Frozen Hearts Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4, Pt.5, Pt.6, Pt.7 by @lushrve
Can’t Stop Thinking About Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4, Pt.5, Pt.6, Pt.7, Pt.8, Pt.9, Pt.10 by @a-b-riddle
Free Use by @bzurk
Really Good Neighbours by @dragonnarrative-writes
Whole Other Notebook by @auspicioustidings
Retired!141 x Rancher!Reader by @purple-moonbeam
Lifeline by @indigosunsetao3
Ranking by @gardenthatneversleeps
You’re Only Sixteen by @siddyyyyyyyy
On The Run by @devil-in-hiding
Hair Series by @kyletogaz
Secret Baby by @gloomwitchwrites
The Office AU by @flowerfreya
Loop by @eevee-of-eternity
Restaurant Pt.1 and Pt.2 by @disgustingtwitches
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
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