#iceburg imagine
jakkenpoy · 7 months
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oprarepairweek · 28 days
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Buckle up everybody because the (un)official One Piece Rarepair Week is sailing your way! 🎉
Posting begins June 17th, 2024 and will continue through June 23rd. If you're late, that's okay! Content will be reblogged long after the week ends, so take your time and have fun with it!
Please use either the #oprarepairweek or #oprarepairweek2024 tags so that we can find your post! You can also directly tag this blog (@oprarepairweek) as well.
All forms of media (art, writing, videos, etc.) are welcomed! (AI generated media is EXCLUDED.)
Sensitive content (i.e. NSFW, gore, violence, etc.) is allowed as long as it is tagged/censored appropriately.
This event is only being hosted on tumblr and AO3, but feel free to share your work on any platform!
AO3 users may add their works to the official collection.
Please note that this event is for rarepairs only. See the list under the cut for examples of ships.
Day 1: First Meeting | First Kiss
Day 2: Laughter | Tears
Day 3: Dancing | Sleeping
Day 4: AU | Clothing Swap
Day 5: Season | Festival
Day 6: Flirting | Jealousy
Day 7: Future | Free Day
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! The askbox is open 24/7 💖
As mentioned previously, this is an event for rarepairs only, so please try to avoid creating content for the more popular/well known ships in the fandom if you can! Below is a list of some of those ships to give you a general idea of what should be excluded from the event.
Guidelines for what is considered a rarepair and what isn't is very loose, so don't worry too much about it if you aren't sure (and again, you can always ask!) If you happen to make something for a more "popular" ship I promise you won't get in trouble. We're just taking out the really obvious ships in order to let the less popular ones get their chance to shine ✨
And as for some of those less popular ships...if you need examples, here's a whole bunch!
...And tons more! This list doesn't even include any poly ships, so just use your imagination and go wild ;)
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Imagine meeting Rob Lucci again on Egghead Island
Warning: Contains spoilers! If you aren't caught up in the Egghead arc and don't want spoilers, don't read.
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Rob: [tied up and unconscious on the floor of Vegapunk's lab]
You: [glaring at him from the other side of the room]
Stussy: Oh my, that's quite a scary look. It's almost like you know him.
You: I do know him, or at least I thought I did... A little over two years ago I lived on Water 7 where I worked for an engineering firm, and had a life, and a boyfriend.
Stussy: {looks shocked and points at Rob] Was he your boyfriend?
You: Yup, but I got transferred here shortly before he tried to kill Iceberg, who is my adoptive father. We used to exchange letters, and then one day they just stopped, and then three weeks later I got a letter from Iceberg that explained everything.
Stussy: That must have come as quite a shock.
Kaku: [wakes up] what the? [looks around, before cringing away when he notices you] oh dear.
You: [glares] Is that all you have to say to me?
Kaku: Listen, it was just a job, it wasn't personal.
You: Really? Because trying to murder members of my family feels really personal to me, buddy.
Kaku: [Nods to Robin] Technically, she shot Iceberg.
Robin: I shot him the first time, and I didn't feel I had another choice because you were threatening my friends and I didn't know what to do.
You: The second time was Blueno, and then you and Rob beat Paulie, and then left both Iceburg and Paulie tied up inside a burning building!
Kaku: we did do that, didn't we...
You: not to mention Rob played with my feelings by pretending to be a loving boyfriend.
Kaku: I swear that wasn't pretended Lucci really does love~
Rob: That's enough, Kaku.
You: You can talk! Why am I surprised, everything was a lie, wasn't it?
Rob: .... not everything [looks up at you, clearly pouting that he's being admonished]
You: I don't believe you.
Rob: ... can we discuss this in private, please?
You: no, we can't, I do not want to be alone with the World Noble's attack dog.
Rob: I'm a cat.
You: Excuse me?
Rob: I am a Zoan-type devil fruit user, the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard, specifically.
You: I don't care, because then you're just plain bad at being a cat.
Rob: Bad at being a cat!
You: yes, because if you knew a damn thing about cats, then you'd know you don't ever actually own a cat, you just live with one. They don't listen, they don't obey, and they most certainly don't respect you. So, I suppose, you were good at being a cat when it came to me, but bad when it comes to the world nobles.
Rob: That's not true...
You: save it, I don't want to hear your excuses.
Rob: [Takes a deep breath] They're not excuses, it's true I got close to you in the first place because of Iceberg, but I grew genuine feelings for you once I got to know you. I know I hurt you, it's why I stopped writing you after what happened in Water 7.
Nami: And because his ego was bruised because our captain whooped his ass.
Kaku: He was also in a coma for like a week afterward.
Rob: I figured by then you would have already had word from Water 7 of what happened, so I didn't want to rub salt into the wounds by trying to stay in your life, and that a clean cut was best for you.
You: [remembering that Iceberg had said he wouldn't be upset with you if you elected to stay with Rob] ... Where is Hattori?
Rob: what?
You: Where is Hattori?
Rob: He flew away when Stussy attacked.
You: I'll go get him...
Rob: [smirks[ thank you, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again. Although he might not recognize you, you've glowed up since your Water 7 days. [winks]
You: [rolls your eyes] I know single life suits me, so save your smooth talk tough guy, it doesn't work on me [lying].
Rob: uh huh
You: [feels your cheeks heat up as your heart flutters, and you avoid eye contact with Lucci] Whatever, I'll go look for your bloody bird.
Rob: [eagerly watches the door slide shut behind you] It's still there
Stussy: What's still there?
Rob: I believe most people call it, "a spark between us'.
Nami: [dramatically gags]
Kaku: Dude, they always liked Hattori more than you, don't go getting a head of yourself.
Rob: [kicks him] zip it.
Stussy: [sighs] men are so stupid.
Robin: [nods in agreement]
Shaka: [judges in silence]
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kikokus · 20 days
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So. This panel. Even though Kaku’s barely said anything over the past couple of chapters, his expressions have been incredibly telling. To begin with, I can imagine that he…doesn’t get told very oftenーif everーthat his personal well-being is important enough to someone else that they’d actively want to keep him safe just because he’s a friend. Yes, Lucci cares about him (chapter 1111 proved that pretty effectively), but do we think Lucci has ever directly told him that? Probably not, so I’d imagine this isn’t something he hears a lot.
And more than that, Stussy is in much the same situation here that Kaku was in Water 7 and not only are her feelings being validated, but Edison is assuring her that those conflicting emotions are part of what makes her human. Kaku was the only one to ever show remorse for what happened with Iceburg and Paulie and even then he couldn’t really…be open about it around the other CP9 members, so the only time it ever came up was with Zoro at the end of their fight. For Kaku to finally have someone outright say having to choose one side over the other while still feeling guilty about that decision is not only okay but a perfectly normal reaction is big, and you can tell it’s affecting him and I’m fairly sure will play into whatever choices he makes past this point.
I’m very interested to see where this will lead.
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assiraphales · 6 months
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i imagine iceburg to be a stray that tom took in just like franky. but unlike franky, who was rambunctious and a lil angry and unruly, who kept testing them all to see if they’d throw him away like his parents before them, iceburg’s response to whatever trauma he was born from is opposite to that. he’s stoic and closed off and respectful and dutifully follows every rule he can think of. he could never do anything to truly angry tom, but just in case. just in case. he’s hard and harsh. but then came franky. some how his annoyance came from not understanding why he wouldn’t just fall in line….? but I think, no matter how much more chaotic their home became, tom and kokoro were happy to see franky n iceburg fight like cats and dogs. yell and throw food and tackle each other. because franky evoked something in iceburg. broke through his frigid exterior and evoked emotions, no matter how hard he tried to train himself into motionless steel.
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professionaldrider · 7 months
“Y/N!!!” Someone yelled out, startling a young woman who was sleeping right on her desk. Was she supposed to be writing a paper? Yes. Was she doing that? No- but Y/n couldn't help it! It was just so boring. Though, it was the only job that would accept her due to, well, utterly embarrassing herself and messing up every single job that she ever had. There wasn't a place in Water 7 that she didn't work at that she didn't already get fired from in less than a day. So this job- working as a journalist was her last shot, and sleeping on the job wasn't really helping her.
Y/n got up hurriedly to where the voice called out from- Her boss's office. Y/n hesitantly opened the door to see a stern face.
“Y/n. I have a job for you, and you better do it or you're fired.” He spoke, and he sure was quick to the point. Y/n nodded hastily, a look of nervousness painted bee face.
“Yes boss!”
“Your job is to interview Rob Lucci, I'm sure you've heard of him- he's quite popular among you girls. Anyways, he already agreed to answer any question you ask, and I've prepared some for you, most of these were sent in through the mail by some fans, so you better get them answered.” He demands, “But some more info that you'll be needing to do…” he trails off as Y/n mind wanders elsewhere.
Ah yes, y/n, a young and aspiring journalist, was sent by the Mizu Mizu Newspaper Company to spend a day at the Galley-La shipwright company to interview some of the shipwrights about their job and other burning questions sent in by many fangirls and boys.
“And your tour guide is none other than..”
“Rob Lucci?!” Y/n blurts out as her boss just explained her job to her. Most of her questions were for him anyways so wouldn't it make sense for him to be her tour guide, right? Well, it wouldn't be as bad if she didn't have to ask questions like “Are you single”, “Are you a virgin?” Which were the most popular questions sent in by the people of water 7, had they no shame?! Now Y/n had to go on her way to invade the privacy of Rob Lucci, who could easily get her fired for asking such weird questions!
Y/n had to do it, or she's living on the streets!
“Fine…” Y/n said in defeat, and her boss handed her a notepad with pre written questions on them like a fill in the blank Q&A sheet, and the questions were a lot worse than she could imagine.
Her boss smiles at her as she accepted the job, “Well? Go on now! They're expecting you in about…” her boss looks to the clock “Ten minutes at Dock 1!”
“TEN MINUTES?!” Y/n yelled, turning on her heel and sprinting out of her boss's office in a hurry- it was a 20 minute walk if she wanted to be there in time!!
Everyone in the office had their heads turned at the sight of little ol’ Y/n running at such a pace. Murmurs filled the room until their boss yelled, “GET BACK TO WORK!”
Y/n didn't have any time to lose! Her high heels were clicking like a ticking time bomb that goes faster and faster per second as she ran, pushing past people with a pen and notepad in hand. She raced up the paths as fast as her legs would take her and in 8 minutes, she made it to Dock 1.
Y/n found herself in the bustling workplace, surrounded by the sights and smells of sawdust, wood glue, and freshly sawn timber. until a voice called out, “HEY! What the hell are you doing here?!” A blonde man with slicked back hair yells, pointing in the direction of Y/N and then he stopped to get a good look at her- “A tight pair of shorts, a crop top.. A LOW CUT SHIRT?!” the blonde yells, “YOU TEMPTRESS! GET OUT OF HERE!” He continues, until a familiar blue haired man walks out with an attractive black haired male. It was Mayor Iceburg and… And Rob Lucci!
Sweat trickled down the shipwrights' noses, as they labored under the glaring sun, their brows and clothing damp with perspiration. Their limbs were sturdy and their hands deft, as they hammered, sawed, and nailed the ship's timbers together. Their faces were lined with determination as they worked in unison to complete parts of different ships in a timely manner. The only sound that broke the silence was the sound of their tools striking the ship's lumber.
Y/n stays silent in surprise, unsure of what to do until-
“You must be Y/n!” A high pitched voice says, making Y/n look around in confusion at where the voice came from.
“You know her, Lucci?” The blonde asks, a cigar clenched in between his teeth.
“Lucci?” Y/n thinks to herself, “there's no way that that high pitched voice came from him!!”
Y/n looked to Lucci and the voice spoke again, “She's the journalist who was sent to interview me” but wait..Lucci’s mouth didn't move… was it the..
“THE BIRD TALKS?!” Y/n exclaims in surprise
“My name is Hattori! And yes I talk!” It spoke again.
“God that's actually scary” Y/n said to herself
Iceburg stays silent then turns around and walks back into the building awkwardly, mumbling to himself on the way.
“Alright, I'll give you a tour while we speak” Hattori continued as Lucci motioned Y/n to come forth.
Lucci led the way, as Y/n followed like a duckling. Lucci pointed at different places while Hattori spoke about what the place was and what the shipwrights did there.
As they walked, they eventually made it to an area where no one else was around and Hattori spoke up, breaking the silence, “Are you going to ask any questions? I don't think it's your job to stay silent while you get free tours..don't take this into any offense though” Lucci cocked a brow as if he was the on speaking and Y/n just looked down and sighed and finally mustered up the courage to open her notepad and speak up.
“are..are you single..?” She hesitated to speak, but she had to ask these stupid, stupid questions!
Lucci stopped walking and snapped his head to her.
“What?” Hattori said, flapping his wings like arms. Both Lucci and Hattori we're caught off guard.
Then, it went silent.
After about 30 seconds Lucci then finally spoke,“I am. Are these questions written down or..” Lucci bends down to meet Y/n face as he smirks, “or do you have an interest in me?” He said in his oh so handsome voice, it was enough to make any girl swoon from a single word of his alone. Though, Y/n did pick up a hint of cockiness in his tone.. Did he like this?
“they're written down but…What If I did have an interest in you?” Y/n replied in a flirty tone, which was so unlike her, but it just slipped out!
“Now, why would a newspaper have such personal questions to ask? Are you sure these aren't written directly from your desires, Y/n?” Lucci continues, standing up right again. He was tall. Much taller than the average person, standing at around 7 feet.
His voice was low and attractive and the way he purred your name made your blush instantly, he was like a tiger with a roar that rumbles far and wide, making stomachs drop, but it made your stomach feel..different.. As if butterflies were in them.
Lucci looked around to make sure no one was near, then he looks down to Y/n and presses his lips against hers, catching the poor woman off guard. As he pulled away, a trail of saliva connected their lips while Y/n's heart started to beat into her throat.
“Got any more questions?” Lucci asks, causing Y/n to fumble with her note pad to get a better look at it…
‘Are you a virgin?’
Y/n stayed silent for a few seconds, trying to ease her anxiety, “Are you…a virgin?” she whispers the last part in embarrassment and Lucci cocks a brow. He moved his hand to lightly cusp Y/n’s chin with his index finger, his pointer, and his thumb. He leaned in close and whispered, “Maybe not, but if you are, I can change that..”
Oh my god..
Y/n's face turned redder than a strawberry and couldn't even speak.
“Well, Y/n?” Lucci smirks and cups her face, “If you let me, I will. We're all alone..” He added on and Y/n nodded profusely.
The enthusiasm really turned Lucci on.
Lucci hurriedly picked her up with her crotch pressed against his. Y/n could feel his dick hardening at the contact, so she wrapped her legs around him to press against him more. Lucci let out a small groan and slammed her against the nearest wall. It was broad daylight, so anyone could walk on the two of them participating in such shenanigans.
At this point, they both were breathing shallow and faster than they were before. Y/n was a hot mess, clinging onto Lucci like an animal, and while it turned Lucci on more- they both needed to hurry up and fast.
Lucci slammed his lips onto Y/n, making out with her messily, his hands roaming her body. His dick was bulging from his pants and it was very apparent.
“Let me down.” Y/n moaned out from in between kisses and Lucci did as she said. As Y/n got down from being pinned to the wall, she instantly fell to her knees and looked up to Lucci.
“May I…?” Y/n begs, looking up to Lucci with puppy dog eyes. Lucci nods with a slight smirk, “You may”
Y/n slid down Lucci's pants to reveal black boxers with “GALLEY LA” printed all over it. Y/n let's out a small giggle as she also slides the boxers down- revealing Lucci's 8 inch cock, which slightly curved up with a brownish base. He had pubes, but they were closely shaved like his goatee. The size intimidated Y/n but she wrapped her lips around the tip and started taking small bits of his dick inside her warm mouth while her wet tongue cushioned his large and thin cock. Lucci placed his hand on Y/n's head grabbing a handful of hair to slightly tug on as she went down on him.
Y/n began to start bobbing her head a little faster on his dick as seconds passed. She could only take a both 5 inches of him until Lucci started to slowly push her head down as she sucked him off, but not enough to make her gag or get her hurt (barely).
“Y/n..are you taking notes, surely this will answer some of your questions…” Lucci said getting closer and closer to his climax.
“Y/n I'm getting close..” Lucci added on and just then he released his semen onto her throat, and she swallowed every last drop.
“Oh my..i forgot to take notes..maybe we might have to redo everything so I can finally write it down?” Y/n said playfully
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jintaka-hane · 2 months
Put the goggles on
(Paulie x f!reader)
Headcanons of two idiots who don't dare to make the move
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🥽 Paulie and you have been dating for three months.
🥽 A year ago, you were hired by Galley-La Company as an accountant to assist Iceburg in financial management. As part of your professional responsibilities, you had to meet with different foremen every 15 days to evaluate the procured materials, their expenses, and how they influenced the company's financial performance.
🥽 The accounts with Paulie never added up, so you found yourself forced to see him more often, which allowed you to get to know each other better. Every time you met with him, he would have a stupid grin on his face, and everyone around you noticed.
🥽Two bets were made behind your backs at the company. The first, that Paulie would fall in love with you and ask you out within a year. The second, that you would turn him down. 
🥽They got the first one right, but missed on the second.
🥽 Long before he even gathered the courage to invite you on a date, you could sense his interest in you from his nervous demeanor whenever you were near and the awkward way he expressed himself. You found his shyness endearing, but you were determined that if he wanted something with you, he had to gather the determination to ask for it himself.
🥽 When he finally gathered the nerve to ask you out, it was a bit of a disaster - stumbling over his words and blushing like a teenager. You thought he was incredibly cute, and knowing he's a good guy, you decided to give him a chance. You had already had enough with superficial and egotistical men.
🥽 Now, you are in a sort of relationship.
🥽 Your dates are innocent, going for walks, dinner, or to the movies, him always treating you with respect and never crossing the line. At most, you've managed to hold hands without him fainting from the embarrassment. He's so in love with you that aside from the ropes he carries hidden in his clothes, he always reserves one for you, just in case you ever need his protection.
🥽 You've never had any problems with showing your body, but knowing him, you try to take it slow, always opting for simple clothes like long jeans, and T-shirts that cover your belly. You're confident that over time, he won't get so nervous.
🥽 He believes you're not dressing like this for him, but that it's truly your style, and he respects you a lot for it, thinking he's found his ideal woman.
🥽 The problem will come later...
🥽 The first kiss comes. You decide to take the step because you know if you don't, it'll never happen. At your doorstep, just before saying goodbye, you grab him by the jacket and press your lips against his. He turns completely red, his ears burning, and his goggles fogging up, but to your surprise, he responds quite well and goes along with you. However, he keeps his hands in his pockets to avoid touching you while you're kissing.
🥽 As the days go by, the kisses become more frequent and linger a bit longer, but he never touches you more than, perhaps, caressing your cheeks. He wants to respect you as you deserve.
🥽 The problem is that you don't want him to respect you anymore...
🥽 This situation begins to frustrate him as well, and unconsciously, his mind starts to conjure scenarios he's ashamed of, situations where you do embarrassing things to him and vice versa... sometimes involving his ropes. He feels deeply guilty for his imagination, and in an exaggerated sense of extreme loyalty, he decides to save himself for you for when the time comes, refraining from... pleasuring himself. If you're a chaste goddess, he wants to be worthy of you.
🥽 You're not a chaste goddess and you're starting to grow impatient.
🥽 Days pass, and the man is like a damn pressure cooker about to explode. He's always tense and in need of relief as soon as possible, but he won't do it. For love, he won't do it.
🥽 You know him well enough to notice that he's under a lot of tension, especially evident in his increasingly frequent rough behavior with others (never with you). You decide to take a step to address it, and one night, before he leaves after the goodbye kiss at your doorstep, you invite him in. The invitation catches him by surprise; it's late, and it might not be socially acceptable for a man to enter a woman's house at that hour, but eventually, he accepts.
🥽 Entering the living room, you invite him to sit down while you prepare some beverages in the kitchen, giving him some time to get used to the surroundings. When you return with the drinks, you see that he has taken off his goggles and has seated himself at the far end of the sofa. You sigh and sit down on the other side. For a few seconds, you both look at each other.
🥽 He's deeply ashamed to even entertain such thoughts, but he feels an overwhelming desire to suddenly grab you, tear your clothes off, and take you on the couch. Yet, he's terrified that you'll see it as disrespectful towards you. He's convinced that if you're with him, it's because of how he behaves with you, and he fears that if he acts on his impulses, you'll think of him as nothing but a damn pervert. He doesn't want to lose you.
🥽 You're consumed by the desire for him to suddenly grab you, lay you down on the couch, and take you right there, but you're terrified of hinting at it and having him think you're easy, risking losing his interest. You don't want to lose him.
🥽 You both remain seated on the sofa, maintaining a safe distance, talking about uninteresting topics, without anything happening, in an awkward and uncomfortable situation.
🥽 In a moment of tension, he stands up under the pretext of going to smoke on the balcony, stepping out into the cold night with the hope that it will clear his head and provide him with some idea of how to approach you without scaring you.
🥽 You remain seated on the sofa, watching his silhouette in the balcony window, pondering how you can get closer to him without scaring him. And suddenly... an idea strikes you. Perhaps with him, instead of removing clothing, adding more might work! Determined, you grab his goggles from the table and put them on.
🥽 He prepares to enter the living room with a downcast expression, thinking he hasn't a clue how to approach you and fearing you'll become frustrated and leave him for someone more assertive. As soon as he steps into the room and catches sight of you, he freezes in place.
🥽  He stands there, gazing at you without moving for a few seconds, until gradually, a blush appears on his cheeks. A shy smile begins to form on his lips, slowly widening until it transforms into a hearty laugh. You find yourself laughing too, pleased that your ice-breaking idea has worked. Then, rushing towards you, he sweeps you up in his arms embracing you tightly, and kisses you passionately.
🥽  You're standing on the table, smiling broadly, with both hands on your hips. Looking at him, you say cheekily: "Look at me! I'm a foreman at Dock One! Specialized in rigging, knots, and masts. What do you need, sir?"
🥽  You return the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck as you feel his hands slide down your back beneath your shirt, caressing your skin. "At last!" you think to yourself.
🥽  With a determined move, he scoops you up in a bridal carry position as you gasp in surprise. "Where's the bedroom?" he asks, unable to separate his lips from yours.
🥽  "At the end of the hallway," you respond instantly, reaching for the goggles to remove them.
🥽 He swiftly grasps your hands to prevent you. "No, please..." he says with a mischievous grin on his face, "keep them on".
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mstrickster · 5 months
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I can not imagine them ever doing something so romantic. This is how I think it would go. @thedynamicworm
Lucifer looked around the boat unimpressed. “You told Charlie we were going to see the giant duck.”
“I lied,” Alastor replied flippantly, “She wants use to bond, I want us to enjoy it.”
“By going on the titanic?” Lucifer asked incredulously.
“They hit the iceburg any moment now,” Alastor replied, “Truly magnificent.”
Lucifer rolled his eyes. He preferred the Ducks. He sighed and racked his brain for a way to pass the time.
“There was a movie about this ship,” Lucifer noted.
Alastor huffed at the mention of television, “I’m sure it is lackluster.”
“There’s one scene, they stand on right here,” Lucifer said positioning himself at the bow , “The man stands behind the woman and she talks about flying.”
“That’s stupid,” Alastor replied.
“You’re fucking stupid,” Lucifer snapped, “If we did that I would push you off.”
“Ha Ha,” Alastor laughed dryly, “Like you could.”
“Ha, Ha, I’m the king of hell,” Lucifer replied.
“Ha, ha, fuck you!” Alastor replied, he was only half paying attention to Luci. His eyes were trained on the horizon.
“It’s almost time,” Alastor shook with glee.
“Ugh, next time I pick the destination,” Lucifer groaned.
“Hush, I’m watching,” Alastor commended.
Luci had to resist the urge to push him into the water.
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count-alucard-tepes · 8 months
I couldn’t help but imagine my OP hotties getting into my skin/hair care collection…and it being chaos😭🔥
Kizaru, Ryokugyu, Fujitora, Gecko and Akainu: *having face masks and cucumbers over their eyes while napping*
Me: *puts the steamer on for them* “…it’s gonna help moisturize, guys…trust me”
Doflamingo, Katakuri, Eustass and Cora-San: *eating my mango lip butter* “we thought it was really mango!?”
Me: *cries* “…guys, my friend gifted me that omg…I can’t”
Crocodile, Who’s Who and Killer: *calls out from the shower* “…hey come here and wash my hair…I like the smell of this one”
Me: “…you should try the body scrub too…I can help rub your body😜”
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Benn, Queen, Rob, Dragon, Oven and Kaido: *has under eye masks while having a drink* “…I need to do this more often”
Izou, King, Buggy, Marco, Gild and Iceburg: *using ice rollers, guasha massages*
Me: “…how are you guys so good at this!?
Them: “…we literally do this all the time…self care is necessary”
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jakkenpoy · 2 years
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onepiece-polls · 2 months
One Piece Crack Ship War - Round 1 Side D
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Propaganda under the cut.
Tyrannosaurus’s two dads: Iceberg needs a stern presence to act as a solid second father figure for his mouse child named after a dinosaur. Drake might be a different dino, but he can still be a responsible parent.
Big Tom: I imagine she uses her soul soul powers on the sea train and they create Thomas and Friends. Their child is even named “Charlotte Ringo”.
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So Lil��� Lucky is a kid, we know this. What do kids do when they’re upset? They run away. So how do the Strawhats react when they realize that Lucky ran off somewhere and they can’t find her?
And I don’t want to ask too much, but I also wondered how the Whitebeard pirates would react to it. Like in that story where they take Lucky and say they won’t give her back to the Strawhats, what if she didn’t want to stay with them, wanted to go back to the Merry/Sunny, and she managed to sneak away when they docked at an island? I imagine that Marco, Ace, and Thatch are freaking out the most, though Marco is able to not visibly break down completely, and Whitebeard is also worried to his core but he’s able to keep his composure.
I don’t know what Lucky would be doing if she ran away from the Strawhats, but with the Whitebeard pirates I think she’d be sneaking around trying to find out where she is and how to find her way to somewhere safe, probably Water 7, as that was the last nice place where the people liked her crew. Sabaody ended badly and Thriller Bark is too scary for her… and now that I think about it I can only imagine how worried everyone at Water 7 would be if she managed to call Iceburg or Paulie to ask for help.
Lil' Lucky isn't all that prone to running away from the Straw Hats because she does genuinely love them and doesn't see anything wrong with what they're doing. At most she might hide somewhere on the ship as a little game/prank, which will have everyone ripping the ship apart trying to locate her. Namely Sanji and Nami, who are the fastest to panic about not being able to find her.
If she did ever run away (would become more likely as she gets older and more independent), she doesn't make it far. The Straw Hats are extremely difficult to give the slip to, she would be fortunate to even make it off the ship. She'll get scolded for the attempt and "grounded", but that really just equates to extra bonding time with everyone. Luffy really tries to meet her half way because he understands that she's craving freedom and independence, he just needs her to understand that this world is a dangerous place and that she needs to have at least one of them with her, even if they're at a distance.
If you thought escaping the Straw Hats was difficult, it's even harder to pull off on the Moby Dick. There more eyes from people with even more experience with children, so getting away from them is virtually impossible. On top of that, Lil' Lucky is always being followed around by Kotatsu, who would simply grab her by the back of her shirt like he's carrying a kitten by the scruff and drag her away from the escape attempt.
The Whitebeard Pirates handle a run away efficiently. Whitebeard himself really doesn't panic or worry too much. Look at how many kids he has, he has dealt with an angsty run away at least a few times in his life. He just calmly tells everyone to check places that have transponder snails because Lil' Lucky is more than likely trying to contact the Straw Hats. Marco is also pretty chill about it, he's flying over the town, using the aerial view to scope her out faster. Ace is the one freaking the fuck out about it. He suggested for her to stay with them because he was worried about her safety, and now he's lost her! He's a horrible uncle!
Similar to the Straw Hats, she gets scolded for doing something dangerous. Getting scolded by Whitebeard would be a humbling experience for even a grown adult, Lucky won't be trying to pull that stunt again after this. That, and Ace is now holding onto her like an emotional support plushie every time they dock at an island.
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flowery-king · 2 years
Two questions about the AU (calling it “Phil Fails Upward” in my head)
Was Hunter the only Grimwalker that Phillip made, or are there just less of them than in canon?
And after Phillip resolves to at least try to fix some of his mess, does finding / combining glyph magic become easier, or does it stay exactly the same?
Okay so yes, there were far less grimwalkers in this AU because Philip refuses to kill them. Their deaths are usually resulted by trying to seek out a remedies or knowledge for Philip's curse, so over time he stopped telling the grimwalkers about it. Hunter and two before him were the only three he's tried hiding the curse from.
The reason he makes the grimwalkers is more of an escapism, he doesn't accept the fact that his brother is gone and that it was his fault, so he constantly tries to bring him back. Dude's like the king of denial lol.
Now the glyph magic, that's something I'm still thinking of, but here's what i got now:
I like the idea that Philip still hasn't discovered each and every combination yet because yes he's been stuck on the boiling isles for 300 years, but also it's very scary and new and so far he's the only one (he knows of anyway) that's been using glyph magic, so new combinations take time. He does have a bunch written down, don't get me wrong, but they're only the tip of the iceburg. I don't necessarily think finding new glyph combinations would be easier per say, but i do think Philip's more openess to 'wild magic' could help getting new leads faster for glyph users.
I do like to imagine the chaotic duo Luz and Philip would make if they were to ever sit down together and figure out glyph patterns and structures. Philip is so careful and precise and Luz just slaps two together and brace for impact. It'd be great.
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heta-micronomics · 5 months
May I ask about your KugSea thoughts? I'm starting to get interested in the pairing and want to talk about them..
The post about Peter running away from Kug (we should find a human name for him...) after Kug tried to kiss him was the blueprint for me. Now, I'm imagining Kug and Peter trying to figure out romantic gestures.. except it's more silly than it is "cute" because they're both merely creatures.
I usually use the name Fritz for Kugelmugel. It's my special brand of sad irony. He looks like dollar store Prussia and shares the name of one of Prussia's most fondly-remembered humans. Funny to me, lol.
In all honesty, I'm not sure what first made me first start shipping them. They kinda just popped up one day. In the past I've shipped MolSea, IceSea, SeaChelles, HongSea, AeriSea, toxic yaoi AmeSea in that one 2P AU... but ngl, none of them have hit me like these two.
For one, they're both founded on pretty similar principles: the preservation of art. Kugelmugel is literally art, and Sealand was founded by radio pirates fighting British censorship. I imagine they both like pushing boundaries and seeing just how far they can take things.
How far is too far? Who will stop them? Who can stop them?
For reference, I write Peter as being instinctively obedient. He was born into the military. He was bred to serve and taught to obey. But "Sealand" was a radical change, and the premise went against everything he had learned prior. Now, he tries to take up a leadership role. He's one of the better-known micros and wants to create something substantial, and for the most part, he loves it. He loves being a little bastard. But that gets exhausting. It's against his basal nature.
Kugel, on the other hand? His energy stems from disobeying. Experimentation and radical ideas fuel his creative process, and that's what keeps him going. He makes his own rules and enforces them, just like Austria. Peter let's him take the lead sometimes, and it's a relief.
For Fritz, he admires Peter so, so much. I imagine that given Austria's more classical art tastes, he'd have a lot of exposure to religious imagery and tends to subconsciously superimpose that onto a lot of things (autism). Peter is older than him, more powerful, and more well known. They're both prone to obsession, and Fritz's adoration borders on worship. Peter's his muse, his living art piece. He's an angel/Madonna/Christ figure/etc to Fritz. There's almost an air of idolatry/objectification, though it's accidental.
Peter matches him obsession-wise. He latches onto anyone who gives him affection or attention, and Fritz sure does that. Unfortunately, he takes after England in that he gets protective and possessive of him. I compare him to a dog a lot because it's true. Peter will resource guard Fritz out of fear of him leaving or being taken away.
How healthy they are for each other is debatable. But they DO make some crazy shit lmao.
Fritz gives art expertise while Peter handles engineering and building. They're rambunctious and unpredictable. I like to think they try to recreate all those weird "internet iceburg" vids like Soup. Avi. No real reason except they can and they want to freak some people out.
Also, I'm pretty sure Austria would not like Peter lmao.
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assiraphales · 6 months
You've reached water 7 yaay! Would love to hear your thoughts about all the galley la crew! Their dynamic is so interesting and i love their introduction at the start of the arc
I know this ask was about galley la but here's a collection of a few of my thoughts on water 7 in general!
-starting off with galley la. UMMM!!!! I will say that is one of the twists that genuinely shocked me so far in the series. the fact that half the town gathered to watch them work n fangirl over how strong they all are was so funny, and they seemed like such a tight knit group. I can't imagine working with them for five years as close friends and then finding out they were evil government workers
-lucci was a lot more fun when he was a ventriloquist who made his pet pigeon talk for him lmaooo
-the aesthetics of the water 7 amazes me! I love the design so much! i'm optimistically hoping there will be enough live action seasons that they make it here, and i've been thinking about how they'll put it off especially considering practical effects are so important to them. i'm thinking they'll build small parts of town like the shipyard, franky's house, and a main drag. and perhaps a model like they did in lotr for shots of the city ?
-usopp honey boo boo...................I get where his insecurities come from, and why the merry is so important of him (a piece of his home town) but he really brought the drama huh
-sanji is always more tolerable when he didn't have as much time to fawn over women. he did what he did best -- looking Cool smoking cigs and kicking ass. he's always so much cooler when he's on his solo missions and as soon as he's back with the crew the Dumbass gene takes over. I also DID think it was funny when he left the love note for nami in paint on the wall
-luffy getting stuck in a wall TWICE!!!!!!!! and being so in sync with zoro. naps at the same time. breaking into places at the same time. their little tag team move on the train.
-i've already talked about them in another post but franky n iceburg have one of the most interesting dynamics i've seen in the series. they make me ill. shipbuilder and ship demolitioner. mayor and criminal. they can never be friends but they'll always be brothers. etc
-franky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was on the fence for like 2 seconds but the blue haired hawaiian shirt wearing freak of nature won me over. he's so silly. he has a cola cooler in his stomach. he runs around in a speedo causing mischief. I love him. new little bug i'm shaking in a jar
-the two train station workers are two of my fave minor characters. they're eavesdroppers who live for gossip. they're making up love triangles and shipping strangers. good for them. good for them.
-nami literally cares for her crew so much. begging luffy to talk to usopp. crying / collapsing with joy when she found out robin didn't hate them. running into the path of a tsunami for luffy.
-luffy always gets this little :o face when he sees someone cry or hears their story. and he uses them as a power up. like yah he was angry but now he's REALLY!!! angry
-sanji's relationship w usopp. this arc revealed sanji ARGUABLY knows him the best
-oh tom :/
-the people of water 7 are v kind and live as a giant community which I think may have come from their struggles before the sea train came to town. the man who gave usopp the lumber and food. franky and co protecting the city. the shipbuilders / paulie helping nami luffy zoro n chopper. the townspeople rallyiing around iceburg and willing to risk their lives for him.
-the going merry :( I knew i'd eventually have to say goodbye to her but when I heard galley la say she was damaged beyond repair I was like no!!!!! NO!!! it's too soon!!!!!!!
-the found family of it all
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frobin · 6 months
How many kids would Franky and Robin have of their own?
How would they be as parents?
What do they do for fun for family time? You may list EVERYTHING! 💙♥️💜
We all know the drill, sorry that it took so long!
Okay, this is how I see it. I can't really decide if I see them with adopted children, their own or none at all.
I think they can be all of that.
Both of them being orphans and considering what is happening inOP there will always be a lot of orphans, so them adopting is not unlikely.
But to be honest I rather see Nami as one who would open an orphanage.
With Franky and Robin, if they don't have any children themselves they will be the favroite uncle and aunt. They will gift the best (and most dangerous) toys to all the other children. The biological and/or adopted children to all the other Strawhats and of course for the whole orphanage.
Now, now matter if they adopt or have children of their own, they will love them all equally. They will support them in their dreams and ambitions and they will see them always as their children.
They will teach their children about history and science and give them a loving home.
Of course I am a huge fan of them naming the children Olivia and Tom. Because come on! If they have a second daughter it will be Kokoro and if they have another boy I have no idea what they would call him. But I imagine either Iceburg, Brook or Clover.
So I think they would have 1-4 children, really depending. Maybe a mix of by birth or through adoption.
Spoiler for Chapter 1066: If not for the fact that he is alive, I would also have suggested Saul.
But also, if (young) people come to them to learn, they will be "adopted" too. They just become part of the family.
Franky already once had a family made of people who had no other place to go. Franky and Robin would welcome everyone.
But try to screw them over and you'll feel their rage.
Family fun time!
They would have regular barbeques/parties with everyone.
They would also have calm evenings with playing games, having puzzles, maybe making music. We know Franky can play the guitar and we can assume that Robin can play an instrument.
Brook is a regular at their place so he will teach music.
They will create art. Robin still loves to draw and paint and the children will join her.
Franky is an artist too, using wood and metal to create things and if the children are up to it they are allowed to experiement and create as much as they want (even weapons, no matter how much Robin dislikes it.)
Of course also reading is a big part of their family life. They have regular cuddle parties. In the beginning Robin is reading stories, later the kids are allowed to read their favorite stories.
They do have a big garden and the childre will also help Robin with her flowers but also help their father to build a whole playground and a treehouse and a small cabin and all kinds of things.
Of course they have a small pond but the children all learned swimming in the sea.
Franky wanted them to learn swimming and later - if they ever had the chance and wanted to - they can snack on a devil fruit.
Talking about devil fruits. Having Robin as their mother, the children have learned to be sneaky. Of course they trust their parents but they also want their little secrets and while Robin really is trying to not be too noisy and to let the children have secrets... the kids get a special thrill out of it if they manage to hide something from their all-knowing mother.
That is all I can think about right now for the moment...
But as always I invite others to join in with their headcanons and ideas!
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