#id adopt all the abandoned cats left behind
traumafactory28 · 4 months
If I ever become a detective and see that a victim has a cat, you bet your ass I'm going to check for its DNA/hair at/on crime scenes, cars, people,etc. Because I know that cats hair will be anywhere the victim has been since it's on their clothes almost all the time.
What? This case is cold because you couldn't find the victims dna is a car? Check for cat hair and cross reference with the one the victim has. Boom! Case solved!
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bonefall · 1 year
Oh, does wildfur live?
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[ID: the Better Bones AU version of Wildfur from Warrior Cats. He is a gray tabby with a "vest" mane around his shoulders, silver paws and muzzle, yellow eyes and whiskers, with a board tied to his waist with string.]
Not only does this dude live, he takes on the Great Journey while in that mobility device.
It's really important to me that, this time around, the Clans don't just leave behind every cat too "slow and weak" to make the journey lmao wtf
There is no question that Wildfur and any other elders and disabled cats will be going on the journey; only a discussion of logistics.
(And also ShadowClan's dark sense of humor, Tawnypelt returns telling them about the lake and Blackstar tells a sadistic joke about leaving behind 4 cats captured by humans, the Clan chipping in while suggesting more and more ridiculous cats to leave behind, like the elders, and Wildfur, and the kittens who aren't even big enough to fight yet.)
Wildfur has a very "rockstar" aesthetic and personality, he's pretty vain and prone to outbursts.
I kinda want Wildfur to have kittens; being an honor sire before his injury works, but I also like the thought of him adopting a kitten in the Lake territory.
Maybe a rogue's abandoned kitten, or a loner who was bit by an adder and left kits behind.
Cinderpelt and Littlecloud are responsible for making that mobility device! It's nowhere near as advanced as Briarlight's is. It's Version 1.
They're getting a little side parable at some point as they hatch a treatment plan together, which will include Wildfur getting chest infections from being depressed and sedentary after his injury.
The problem with V1 of the Mobility Device is how it tends to wear down the twine over time, and there's no way for Wildfur to put it on without help. It's also prone to occasionally getting rocks or thorns stuck under it, so he checks himself for unknown injury after an out-of-camp stroll.
It was still lifechanging though, and gave him the confidence to rejoin Clan life.
There are several points during the Great Journey where Wildfur is physically incapable of accomplishing certain feats, like mountain climbing. Blackstar carries him. All the big warriors take turns.
Wildfur has a pretty relaxing life after that. He's just a really interesting background character.
"Is there a reason he's an elder and not on Kitchen Patrol or something similar?" He doesn't have the patience for it, he just likes being an elder and doing whatever he wants. He still helps out here and there though.
Eventually he passes away of a disease at some point before Briarlight has her injury. He's fondly remembered, and Littlecloud explains to ThunderClan what her life will be like.
Unfortunately Millie still really doesn't take this well, she hears, "please be careful of catching any illnesses or sustaining injury to your lower legs and also we'll have to discuss how to keep yourself clean now that your dirtplace habits will be different" and takes it as "EVERYTHING ON EARTH IS A THREAT"
But, anyway, say hello to one of my favorite little background guys. I'm super fond of ShadowClan and their nasty humor and deep love for each other, I want Wildfur to have a ton of that in him. Looks mean, absolutely adores his family.
He's just a neat dude.
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Andrius, Venti, and Dvalin: General HCs [+ unhinged Venti]
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Oh no, not strange at all! I love seeing the art people have done on human Dvalin and Andrius. I’m not entirely sure if you wanted a Venti x Dvalin x Andrius pairing but I’m going to assume so. But just in case, I added a few points of all 4 of your hanging out. How my desk is positioned with my window, the sun is shining directly into my eyes so I have to type in this weird position unless I want my eyeballs to melt.
Also, if any of this is wrong just look away. This took forever because holy crap there is so much lore on these 3. Not sure what exactly you had in mind so I made some general/friendship HCs
Alright, today’s appreciations post is for maagdalen​​. Super lovely person with some lovely emotes. Oh and your english is really good btw^^ and ty for chatting with me 💕💕💕
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@hanniejji​​  @mikeysbike​​ @unionwitch​ @musekala​ @twistedsunnshiii​ @stanzastic​ @akaasea​ @xoneaboveallx​ @adoring-ghost​ @asheseiler​ @childelover​ @dilucsz​
Andrius, Venti, and Dvalin: General HCs
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Andrius, also known as Lupus Boreas, was tasked with protecting the nation of Mondstadt under the request of Barbatos. He had a noble soul and mainly stays in the area of Wolvendom. He was strict, to the point, and never really partakes in whatever “foolish” activities Venti or Dvain get themselves into. But it’s all just a front because as soon as one of them get’s hurt or is in danger, his fangs and teeth are out. Even if it’s a cute hydro slime. Then he’ll take them by the scruff of their neck back to Wolvendom to get their wounds checked. On Venti it works, but with Dvalin’s dragon form. It’s amusing to see a pouting dragon getting dragged off by a wolf that wasn’t even double his size.
Not many Mondstadt citizen’s know but Andrius isn’t actually a wolf. He chooses to take the form of a wolf and should any of the wolves in Wolvendom be threaten, that’s the form he will appear in. But in truth, it was because Venti suggested it. If he was going to stay in Wolvendom and protect wolves then it made sense that his form would be the big bad wolf. Really Andrius just believes that Venti has a secret vendetta against cats and Andrius wouldn’t talk to Venti if he suggested that he take the form a dog.
There is a bit of discourse between Andrius and Venti due to Venti’s human-like appearance since Andrius views human society as a disappointment. Only accepting abandoned infants that have no where to go. But he does respect Barbatos and helped in his efforts to rebuild Mondstadt and protect it as one of the Four Winds.
While he doesn’t completely enjoy Venti’s extravagant personality he’s glad that Barbatos adopted the name and is living his life in freedom. Despite being the anemo archon, he chooses to live as Venti. Having fun in taverns and doing what he loves.
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Venti always brings stories and sings for the two whenever he decides that it’s been too long since he’s seen his friends. He usually brings a bottle of wine even if he’s the only one that ever drinks - which is probably why he brings wine - which leads to Andrius scolding Venti to try and act civilized when he gets drunk and saying “No Dvalin, you cannot have some. The last time we let you drink you cried so much that Springvale still has a waterfall.”
It’s amusing to hear that after the war, the biggest problem Venti has right now is getting constantly ID checked. Dvalin takes this quite literally, since he still isn’t fully aware of taverns rules and regulations, that it takes both Venti and Andrius to hold him down before another Stormterror incident happens.
Venti has always been bold, never afraid to say anything, which was a trait that Dvalin and Andrius liked about the anemo archon. It was what made him the archon of freedom but sometimes Venti is a bit too bold and pretends to play fetch with Andrius wolf form. He is not amused. When he tries it with Dvalin, Dvalin will participate but he get’s confused and ends up just sitting beside Venti when the archon throws the stick. Which causes Venti to make a walk of shame to get the stick back.
When Venti acts as the Wind Archon it’s always a bit of whiplash when he talks in his philosophical state that it reminds Dvalin and Andrius that despite his childlike appearance and attitude, he was still the anemo archon. But it get quickly covered up when he says it’s time to switch back to Venti time.
It’s hard for them all to meet up in the present day. Dvalin stays in his domain while Andrius stays in Wolvendorm, all alone in their own domain. Venti prefers lively places than those quiet and solitude areas so he’s either in the City of Freedom or under the Windrise tree. But on occasions where he feels lonely he’ll swing by Dvalin’s lair and use the winds to carry their conversation to Andrius. Just so he isn’t left out.
If anyone asks where the ballads that Venti sings that are about a strict wolf and a nervous dragon, he’ll just say it was a passing tune he made up.
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Dvalin, same as Andrius, lost his faith in humanity and the city of Mondstadt. He was released as his role as one of the four winds but continued to remain in Mondstadt. Similarly to Andrius he is distrustful around humans after being betrayed by them, chose to avoids human contact but he tries to adopt a more friendly side when Venti visits him.
Dvalin cares about Venti more and isn’t as standoffish in showing that he appreciates Venti compared to Andrius. Venti explained to him and showed him what freedom truly was he felt connected with someone for the first time. He did want to be understood and loved by the humans for who he was and what he wanted to protect. But that’s still a long road ahead.
He’s a curious but clumsy dragon. He’s pure of heart and steadfast in his goals which Venti is full-heartily cheering him on while Andrius disagrees but allows Dvalin to continue on this own path. Even if Andrius is on the other side of Mondstadt, he still tries to keep an eye out for Dvalin should the Abyss Order ever try and take his friend under their control.
However, due to how almost naïve the dragon is, he get’s into rather...interesting situations. While Andrius groans and Venti loses his absolute shit when Dvalin, still in his dragon form, lands and tries to observe the wolves. He only hides behind a thin tree that barely covers even 2% of his entire body and ends up scaring the wolves who run back to Andrius for safety. It takes a lot of consoling from Venti that the wolves didn’t like him, they were just scared and perhaps he should adopt a smaller form?
He’s still a bit sick from the aftermath of the Abyss Order and the poison of Durin so he can’t travel as far as he would like so Venti keeps him company. Telling him what the citizens of Mondstadt have been up to and playing music with his lyre.
I love writing Venti, he’s so much fun. :) I say this but I live for Venti who hides behind this happy persona but is actually unhinged or deluded. I have many thoughts on this but I didn’t want to break the pace of the fic (plus this is getting pretty long anyways). So feel free to skip the rest of this if that makes you uncomfortable. I’m just spit balling right now.
But nervous and shy dragon Dvalin plus mother hen Andrius is canon. You cannot convince me otherwise.
This week has just turned into “what will we awaken today?” In other news, Lisa and Diluc. But it might be a bit late since this took some time to finish. In extra news, solo leveling just updated. Oh and jjk is (hopefully) getting a new episode tmr^^
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Andrius and Dvalin trust Venti to fulfill his archon duties should anything ever happen to Mondstadt. The same way Venti trusts the Four Winds will protect Mondstadt should anything dangerous arise. With the carefree nature of Venti making a sudden appearance after Barbatos’s year long nap, they both got a bit too comfortable with this happy-go-lucky version of their archon.
That is until Venti brings a fourth person into their trio. Someone who knew how to play the lyre and wished to fly and see the birds. Andrius and Dvalin share a quick look of anxious tension and it’s confirmed when Venti makes a small slip of the tongue and calls you by a certain boy’s name. They aren’t sure what to do or if Venti was starting to regress back into Barbatos and what that could mean for this innocent traveler.
“Barbatos defeated the previous ruler and left the city to rest because he didn’t want to become the same tyrant. But an archon is still an archon with responsibilities. Those responsibilities can be warped to the point that they believe they are helping and guiding their followers, but are actually trapping them in their cage. He is an archon that believes in freedom so his cage is just a bit bigger. Big enough that you can’t see the walls. Be careful traveler.”
Venti goes to greet you the next day you see him but his words seem to fade away when he approach's you. He asks if you’ve been talking to Andrius lately. You nod and ask how he knows. He says that you just spell like wolfhooks and that you shouldn’t worry about anything. 
The next day Andrius apologizes to you about his words and that he was mistaken. There was nothing to worry about and to trust Venti. You can see Dvalin a bit off to the side looking away nervously and a bit guilty.
Venti always makes sure that Andrius and Dvalin keep an eye on you, especially Dvalin when you’re in stormterror land. It was a pretty dangerous landscape to trek through. As for Andrius, he doesn’t want you to get hurt during your weekly practice fights. It wouldn’t do you any good if you got hurt and couldn’t explore this vast world with him.
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junipedia · 4 years
Hunting season
Dull. This day feels dull. I mean that’s how Oregon weather usually is, grey thick clouds layered over the sky like a weighted blanket threatening to fall with water at any moment. Heavy underbrush making the already crowded  woods feel even more claustrophobic. Sneakers seeming to sink further into the wet moss with every step like the woods itself was trying to reclaim you. The snap of a twin you'd hear every once and awhile filling your imagination with every reason besides a rational one as to what it could have been. As unsettling as the woods here are, they bring a sense of comfort and peace like even if something was watching you out there it had no fowl intent with you. Night on the other hand was when those vicious creators came out to prowl. Those snaps of trees turning into something that could be hunting you, chasing you. The paths you thought you knew so well turning into a maze of inkyblack darkness that's reaching out for you…
    The snapping sound was louder today than it usually was. My face pointed towards the tops of the dying trees, half expecting to see something looking back at me but just being met with a flock of geese flying overhead. The snapping started up suddenly, whipping my face back down to eye level trying to see through the thick ferns and weeds. It sounded like a bulldozer headed straight for me. “Oh my fucking god, Athena” i let out the heaviest sigh of relife once I saw the fluffy tail zig-zagging around. I stood upright and rubbed my face, someone must have let her out after I had already left. The only way back to the house was the way I had come. Which was a steep forgotten road that always seemed to stay a bit to be taken care of for being abandoned. Athena rushed past me hitting the breaks when she got to the bottom of the hill. She stopped though her always wagging tail stopping and dropping in between her legs. I stopped. She only ever did that if she was scared or was seeing something she didn't like. I just stood and watched her. If there truly was a threat there she would let me know, show some sign that the area was suddenly dangerous. it couldn't have been a person because if that was the case she would have started barking. In less than a minute her tail was back up and she was trotting away like she was only seconds ago.
“That's a big dog” perched between the underbrush a person sat hunched over making intense eye contact with the canine. He dealt with big dogs but he'd usually know about them beforehand. Well, it wasn't like he DIDN'T know about Athena. He'd been out here watching this family for a while now. He didn't have any tv or media so he liked watching the family's he was camped near for however long he was staying. He'd been in these woods for a while playing cat and mouse with the hunting dogs that the people on this hill owned. Watching this family was the only source of entertainment. He thought it was funny how they argued almost exactly how his family would have, the only reason it was different was that instead of these parents holding it against each other they would sweep it under the carpet only to let it bubble over and resurface in later conversations. The oldest was the most fun to watch. Seeing how each day she drove herself into the ground trying to be the best for everyone just to let them down like she had feared. He thought her name was ironic because it held so much truth, she was just a scared little bunny adopted by wolves trying to also just be a wolf. He stared back at the dog waiting for it to do something. He'd actually grown fond of the pooch so it brought a sliver of warmth when she didn't bark or snarl at him.
    “Athena!” I walked to join her, giving her a scratch behind the ears. She wasn't acting strange anymore meaning whatever had spooked her must have left before i could see it.
Walking away I popped my knuckles against the opposing hand.
Pop crackle snap
I stopped, those were cracking joints but. Not my joints. I turned back in the direction id came from. Athena was already long gone from the house so if something was there I'd have to see for myself. I raised my hand up near my face pressing down on one of my fingers until it let out a loud pop. I waited but sure enough a louder crack came from in front of me somewhere. Hesitantly taking steps forward i'd let out a pop only for it to be followed by a louder more aggressive one. I crouched down thinking it could have been in the trees. I brought my hand to my chin and turned it, letting out a chorus of snaps. 
Silence. A slow breath escaped me from relief that is until a grotesque song of crunches and bones grinding together. I turn my heaad my eyes meeting with wide crazed one frantically trying to focus on me but the spastic movemts of its shoulders and neck making it hard to look at one thing. I couldn't even make a noise, i knew there was a homeless camp near my house but i had never actually seen any of them. It grabbed my shoulders so tight it was painful. My back hitting the ground causing the air to slip out of my lungs. Its shoulders were still rapidly moving as it pressed its hand around its jaw covering my mouth. My hands shot up and tried to push at its face and chest. I didn't know what to do. It was on me weighing me to the ground. The hoodie it had on covering its body type hiding how strong it could really be. There was nothing i could do, it was obviously stronger than me. 
Something must have switched in my brain to say “move idiot if you don't you'll probably die in these woods” I opened my mouth as wide as i could, biting down on the top of its hand. Blood seeping into my teeth and gums. The strong taste of iron filled my mouth as I heard the crunch of the bone I had hit. A mixture of saliva and blood pooling out of my mouth all around and down my chin. It didn't move, didn't even flinch.
Bears trap
He panicked. What else was he going to do, his tics had ever reacted that badly before to someone else's. He held her down, his hand almost covered half her face. He tried to tilt his head to look at her but it just came off as more jerks and pulls from his muscles`just like a bunny” he thought, if he moved his hand just right it could break her in just an instinct. Just like that she’d be gone. His thoughts were interrupted by the crunching of his hand. He watched her try and basically chew her way away from him. “The bunni thinks she's a wolf now” he watched her for a second again before taking his other hand and picking up a good sized rock.
    “This is it” I watched him raise the rock, tightly closing my eyes. The only thing I felt was an extreme headache before I just went numb and limp.
      “Why is it so cold” was my first thought when I started coming again. Sitting up the familiar sound of a tent zipper opening caught my attention. I tried to sit up and  got trapped in the thin sleeping bag I had been in.This was the first time I had seen him at least somewhat up right. He was at least a foot taller than me, leaning into the tent like he was the one cautious of me. He crawled into the tent looking at me, his eyes not as crazed as before but still holding a feeling that at any moment this bomb could go off. He didn't speak as he inched closer and closer. He then reached his hand out. His finger shook as I leaned back but was trapped by the tent. A hot pain running through my back as he touched my forehead where the rock must have hit me. The mask covering his mouth hid what emotion he was truly portraying at the moment. The hand he touched my head with was bandaged, reminding me of the bite I had given him. I raised my hand and wiped my mouth, sticky red blood still coming off meaning that it really hadn't been all that long since all that had happened but just long enough to get dark and colder outside. I opened my mouth but didn't even get a chance to speak before he beat me to it “just dont just dont yell” it took me back to hear him. 
This obviously isn't an adult just by the voice. His voice was raspy and almost menacing.  Even if he was my age he was still just a kid. We didn't say anything for a while, just analyzing each other like it was a mutual agreement that we would let each other realize what was actually happening before doing anything rash. Yeah, he may have basically kidnapped me but that didn't mean I had to be a dick to him. I don't know how long we stared at each other, it could have been hours or only minutes but after that he crawled further into the tent and simply laid down. Almost like he was just watching me to see if i would do anything to try and leave or get away from him. The only thing keeping the tent illuminated was a small battery operated lantern that was barely bright enough to light up the small tent. He sat up again and looked at me just to turn the lanter off. I could hear him shifting around, maybe to take his mask off. We just laid in silence for what felt like forever. “Aren't you cold” even though I was staying quiet it sounded like I was yelling in the small tent. There was no answer for a moment just the sound of him moving around again. I thought maybe he was asleep before I heard a deep inhale. “no” there was a long silence again before he spoke ”are y-you cold cold?” i hesitated before answering “yeah….i guess i am pretty cold”.
 Again there was silence before he moved. I felt him come closer to me before feeling one of his arms touch me. This wasn't right. Not even twelve hours ago he had been the one to bash me over the head with a rock to take me to whatever kinda temporary camp this was. He must have read the room because he stopped and waited. I really took a moment to think about what was happening. Everything was happening way too fast but at the same time the little I've seen of him has shown me that even if he is my age he's clearly unstable. If I didn't let him do what he wanted he could blow at any moment and I really don't know what he's capable of.
He waited for another moment before moving towards me again. He stiffly wrapped his arms around me, even though it was awkward and uncomfortable the warmth he gave off was a nice change from the harsh forest cold.my mind must have just fallen unconscious at some point because the next thing i knew the tent was lit with the dull sunlight that was managing to come through the overlay of clouds. He wasn't next to me anymore but the smell of smoke burned my nose as I could hear the sound of fire crackling and snapping outside the tent.I slowly unzipped the front and peaked out. He was sitting with his back to the tent facing the homemade fire pit that he had made.
Toby hated the fire. He hated all the pain that it has caused him but it was something that he simply couldn't avoid. One of the things he liked about the fire now was that he could tame it, control when it grew and when it withered away. He looked down at his bandaged hand. He hadn't slept last night, he was too nervous to make even the slightest movement just in case it would wake her. The warmth she had given off was...new. “Why did you let me hold you?” he spoke down into his hands, the zipper making him turn around to face her.
They both froze like deer in the headlights again.
No mask. He wasn't wearing his mask right now. He looked so normal. He just stared at me for a while and I stared back at him.  Him turning back towards the fire was enough for me to snap back out of it. He poked the fire with a stick, moving a few blackened sticks around to stir up the fire causing embers to rise up into the early overcasted sky. I scurried around him and sat on the opposite side of the fire, watching him through the flames. His eyes shot up at mine like he suddenly felt my eyes on him. His stare was so intense i wouldn't say lifeless no, there was something buried deep behind those eyes doing something to him. I looked back down into the fire, what was there to talk about? Did he even want to talk? I just want to go home.
“Were you cold l-last last night?” I looked at him furrowing my eyebrows together. ‘This man bashes me in the head with a rock but is worried I was too cold?’ I shifted my weight, pulling my legs closer to myself. “I was fine.” There was a long silence after that before either of us even thought to move. He was the first one to move, getting up and grabbing something from the tent. “Where are you going?” he actually seemed shocked that I asked “getting more fire-wood” the moment he said that my eyes snapped back towards the fire. This could be my chance to run.
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vergilboyfriend · 4 years
You should do all of them questions and 90 is true
I love you!!!!
1. Favorite instrument?
I work at a music store u can’t just ask me this. When my coworkers play it’s the saxophone or the flute, when the boys in the repair shop are testing repairs and they harmonize with each other or try to outplay one another it’s the bassoon or the trombone or whatever they’re fixing at the moment. When I hear 🎺 give his lesson on Wednesday afternoons it’s the trumpet, and when I think about middle school it’s the clarinet, the flute, the French horn. When I hear the nutcracker pas des deux is the oboe and when I hear edith piaf l’accordeoniste it’s the remarkable human voice. Really my favorite instrument is all of them, it just depends.
2. Favorite fic trope? Mutual pining 🥺
3. Sport you played for the longest amount of time? LMAO I wasn’t a sporty kid but I did ballet
4. Shoe size? 10-11
5. Most recent (good) dream? Uhh I had a dream last night about my coworker 🎹 it wasn’t bad though I can’t really remember what it was about
6. Last person in your DMs? smugg
7. Can you do a handstand? Nooo nooo lmaoo nooooo
8. Unpopular food opinion I don’t like oranges or red meat
9. Conspiracy you believe in? There’s some kind of weird weather dome in my hometown around the military base that makes most storms pass around us
10. Is your hair its natural color/style? Most of it is I dyed the bottom layer of my hair tho so it’s blonde rn
11. state a useless fact all that’s coming to mind is outright lies rn hold on. The inventor of pringles is buried in a pringles can that’s so fucking nasty omg
12. most interesting gossip you’ve heard? Idk I don’t really care for gossip uhhhh have u heard tho rin dippindogs is a huge gay hah she uhh she like men AND women lmao gaaay gaaaay
13. Middle name? Carolyn
14. Sexuality? Bisexual
15. Amount of sleep you got last night? Idk actually I think like 9-10 hrs tho I slept in until 11
16. Opinion on ice cream cake? Tasty!!!
17. Opinion on (cup)cake frosting? It’s depends buttercream is usually too sweet for me in large amounts so I prefer whipped cream frosting
18. Last board game you played? Idk??? We played hunt a killer tho last Thursday me n my family I guess that counts kinda
19. Project you want to start? I need ideas first baby
20. Project you’re working on right now? HAHAHAHAHAHA
21. TV show you’re watching? nothing rn I just rewatch bojack a lot if I watch anything
22. Last movie you watched? Lego batman I think
23. Ever left anon hate? Not legit hate
24. Ever left anon love? Yes all the time. Sometimes to strangers it’s my favorite thing to do
25. Best Disney movie? The princess and the frog
26. Best Pixar movie? Soul or Up I can’t decide
27. Best Star Wars? Um. Empire strikes back
28. Last thing you consumed? Fuit gumy
29. NoTP? Idk I don’t really hate ships unless they’re gross like pedophilic gross
30. story behind your (nick)name? When I was a fetus my great grandfather had a dream that my name should be Carolyn Marie but my parents were huge dweebs so they named me Marina after the actress of Deanna Troi in Star Trek. Idk about my nickname ive just always been Rina/Rin as long as I can remember
31. ice cream order? Lately it’s lemon sorbetto I know it’s SO high in sugar but I love it
32. describe your blog in <5 words I love you
33. how many blogs do you follow? 436
34. Describe your voice it depends usually I sound like a sick child but my customer service voice is really pleasant
35. Describe your smile it’s cute :)
36. What is the place you live known for? LMAOOO LMAO we have a military base nearby and like. I could go on abt that one but also like. There’s a lot of gang violence and a lot of the other consequences of poverty. People from the cities around us see us as “””ghetto””” or violent but it’s just. It’s more than that it’s always more than that. And idk what else there’s nothing really particularly special about this town except that we’re all here and not anywhere else
37. What is the place you’re originally from known for? (if they’re different)
38. pronouns? she/any idc
39. Languages you speak? English
40. first friend you made through tumblr? Idk. I probably don’t talk to them anymore :(
41. Person on tumblr you know in real life? my brother
42. First dog breed you think of shih tzu I have 2 next to me rn
43. room wall color? Purble!!!! The paint color is called grape juice that’s why I picked it!!!
44. Song that’s stuck in your head right now? It’s tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that’s right on time it’s trickyyyyy
45. Favorite number? 5, 34
46. Color you associate with your name? Red
47. Favorite jolly rancher flavor?watermelon
48. Pets? 2 dogs rocket and groot and 4 cats loki danni who r from the same litter and we raised from kittens, miss kitty who we adopted from a shelter after my boy blue moon passed away and ben (his real name is Kylo Ren thanks to my mom but I refuse to call him that) he is my little baby and he has 7 toes on his front paws
49. Collections? Hot wheels
50. Character outside of your fandom you’d marry? Girl what lmaooo idk
51. Character outside of your fandom you’d kill? That’s mean :(
52. Have you met any celebrities? NO thank god id have to kill on sight
53. Favorite time period in history? Itslian Renaissance & Romantic Era
54. What time is it right now? 2:35 am oops
55. History or future? Future but like . A good one. Or prehistory
56. Space or ocean? Space
57. Fears? Abandonment
58. Command + v and post. It’s this list of questions u don’t want that
59. Favorite season? Spring
60. Describe your aesthetic. Messy just a mess, neon and old buildings and things, antiques, countryside if there weren’t so many trump pence flags still lmaoo give uppp give up, nature just al of nature and space and places humans can’t touch and places they used to touch but can’t anymore
61. MBTI? Infp but I haven’t taken it in a few years
62. What’s your relationship with your family like? Normal.
63. “Biggest fan” in your tumblr activity? I’m in mobile hold on acc to tumblr it’s akky
64. Favorite musical? Sweeney todd
65. Comfort book? Idk how to read 💔💔💔 wuthering heights tho
66. Comfort movie? Whisper of the heart
67. OTP? Girl idk
68. BroTP? Joey and Tristan yugioh
69. AUs or canon compliant? Canon ig idk
70. Opinion on the person who’s sending the ask? It’s an anon!! But I love them
71. FMK + 3 characters anon didnt leave any characters and I was going to say something very bad but I won’t
72. Dream date? I’ve wanted to do this for a while but ideally it would be after we’d been together a while maybe even engaged or whatever, I wanna go to like a Home Depot or a furniture store and pretend to be married and looking for house paints and furniture and plan what our home is going to look like I wanna do that so bad. But idk for a first/early relationship date i really want to go to the zilker botanical garden it’s one of my favorite places, we could also go to the natural gardener which is a plant nursery in Austin I really love it there too and it’s not that far from zilker.
73. Relationship status? Single
74. Ever dyed your hair? Do you plan to? Yes and perhaps. Maybe
75. Dream job/career? Idk anymore I used to have big girl goals and I haven’t had any in a while. But when I was younger I wanted to be a game warden
76. Favorite band/singer? Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
77. Something that makes you soft/that you find adorable? My cats
78. The first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Buy a house
79. Are you superstitious? Yes
80. Character you project onto? Shizuku tsukishima
81. Fictional character you’ve had a crush on? Vergil devil may cry. Forever husband
82. Celebrity crush? LMAO
83. Person on here you’d date? my mutuals
84. Person on here you’d marry? 🥺 my mutuals
85. Person on here you’d throw into the void? Smugg
86. Other social media you have? I’ve got a photography insta that I barely use and a Twitter that’s just nintendo switch screenies that’s it
87. Finish the sentence: Due to personal reasons, ___________i will be passing away
88. Bad habit? I find it rlly hard to say no or like to say when and why I’m upset I don’t feel like for the latter I don’t feel like I should bring something that’s upsetting me up because I know I’ll get over it on my own and I don’t really trust myself to be upset about rational things. Idk I’m working on it
89. Three things you like about yourself? I’m hot, I’m kind, I’m resilient
90. Ily and you deserve the world I love you!!!!! YOU deserve it too!!!
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pixeltownies · 6 years
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simself tag I was tagged by @fussysim I tag any of my followers that want to do this
take a shot every time I say “my boyfriend”
traits: goofball, foodie, clumsy aspiration: friend of the world 1. What is your full name? tristan egbert 2.What is your nickname? tris/tj 3. Birthday?‪ december 14‬ 4. What is your favorite book series?  I don’t,. really read that often 5. Do you believe in Aliens or Ghosts? Y E S 6. Who is your favorite author? once again I really don’t read 7. What is your favorite radio station? pop + alt 8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? mango, fruit punch, etc etc, I like fruity things 9. What word would you use to describe something great or wonderful? “holy shit!” 10. What is your current favorite song? I have too many favs at all times for this 11. What is your favorite word? curse words lots of curse words 12. What is the last song you listened to? self esteem - the offspring 13. What TV show would you recommend for everyone to watch? ‪jane the virgin, how I met your mother, izombie, Gotham, hmu for more recs ‬ 14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? marvel movies + childhood movies 15. Do you play video games? mostly sims, I have others but I don’t have the accessibility to play them hh 16. What is your biggest fear? being alone 17. What is your best quality in your opinion? I’m good at listening and I’m a big people pleaser 18. What is your worst quality in your opinion? how lazy I am and how quickly I get peeved/angry 19. Do you like cats or dogs better? cats! 20. What is your favorite season? autumn 21. Are you in a relationship? yes :D 22. What is something you miss from your childhood? not much if I’m being honest 23. Who is your best friend? my boyfriend 24. What is your eye color? yellow, red, forest green and royal blue 25. What is your hair color? split pink & black but naturally dirty blonde 26. Who is someone you love? my mom + dad & my boyfriend & my siblings 27. Who is someone you trust? my boyfriend 28. Who is someone you think about Often? m y b o y f r I e n d 29. Are you currently excited about/for something? starting testosterone :) + meeting my boyfriend next year 30. What is your biggest obsession? uHh. cc, sims, Netflix, marvel, my boyfriend 31. what was your favorite tv show as a child? hannah montana, icarly, victorious, sam and cat, there are so many more but I’m absolutely blanking rn 32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to? I don’t really have many friends that are girls .. oops? 33. Are you superstitious? 50/50 34. Do you have any unusual phobias? none that I can really think of 35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? kind of both 36. What is your favorite hobby? PHOTOGRAPHYYYYY 37. What is the last book you read? i. don’t. read. 38. What is the last movie you watched? fantastic beasts with my boyfriend and his best friends 39. What musical Instruments do you play, if any? I am trying to learn guitar but I have ADHD/ADD and I have a hard time self-teaching 40. What is your favorite animal? panda, red pandas, fox, raccoon, turtle, cats. 41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? I just started out. pls. 42. What superpower do you wish you had? I just wish I wasn’t this dumb ((I’m keeping ur answer, I’m wheezing)) 43. When and where do you feel most at peace? when I’m on the phone with my boyfriend 44. What makes you smile? my boyfriend, sims, music, photography 45. What sports do you play, if any? none 46. What is your favorite drink? monster mango loco + pacific punch 47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? recently I keep a journal of notes to my boyfriend 48: Are you afraid of heights? y e s 49: What is your biggest pet peeve? misophonia, look it up 50. Have you ever been to a concert? yeah 51. Are you vegan/ vegetarian? no, I honestly don’t have the motivation or willpower to do it but when I move in with my boyfriend that’s gonna stop HDHBD 52. When you were little, what did you wanna be when you grew up? cosmetologist/ photographer 53: What fictional world would you like to live in? I can’t think of the name but the place in guardians of the galaxy 54. What is something you worry about? being alone, dying, people not liking me, embarrassing myself. 55. Are you scared of the dark? no, and yes 56. Do you like to sing? yes but I’m not good at it 57. Have you ever skipped school? I dropped out bc of it so yes 58. What is your favorite place on the planet? anywhere my boyfriend is 59. Where would you like to live? U.K. 60. Do you have any pets? 5 cats 61: Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? night owl 62: Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunset 63. Do you know how to drive? yes but I don’t have driving license oops 64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? earbuds 65. Have you ever had braces? no, but I need them 66: What is your favorite genre of music? pop punk + indie + pop + basically anything but country, folk, classic dhsjsj shit like that ion like 67: Who is your hero? I don’t think I necessarily have one? 68: Do you read comic books? yes 69: What makes you most angry? misophonia, being blamed for things I didn’t do, not being listened to, being undermined, etc things of the sort 70. Do you prefer reading a book on an electronic device or on a real book? both tbh 71. What is your favorite subject in school? art 72. Do you have any siblings? 10 73. What was the last thing you bought? I can’t remember   74. How tall are you? 5 foot 4 75. Can you cook? not exactly 76. What are three things that you love? boyfriend, music, my cats 77. What are three things you hate? anxiety, fear, abandonment 78. Do you have more male or female friends? male 79. What is your sexual orientation? homosexual but panromantic 80. Where do you currently live? united states /: 81. Who was the last person you texted? my boyfriend 82. When was the last time you cried? idk!!! 83. Who is your favorite youtuber? jacksepticeye 84. Do you like to take selfies? yes I am very insecure but also very vain ((god we are the same person)) 85. What is your favorite app? twitter 86. What is your relationship to your parent(s)?  kind of don’t like necessarily like them but I don’t hate them 87. What is your favorite foreign accent? British accents but this is biased bc of my boyfriend 88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? japan 89. What is your favorite number? 14 90. Can you juggle? nope 91. Are you religious? I don’t.. know… 92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? outer space, ocean scares tf out of me ((keeping this too)) 93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? impulsive but not daredevil 94. Are you allergic to anything? freshly cut grass tbh 95. Can you curl your tongue? no 96. Can you wiggle your ears? no 97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? normally when it happens if I catch on, if I didn’t realize I was wrong I admit when it’s pointed out 98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? forest 99. What is your favorite piece of advice anyone has given you? uh I haven’t really gotten any 100. Are you a good liar? unfortunately yes 101. What is your Hogwarts house? hufflepuff 102. Do you talk to yourself? when I’m pissed 103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert 104. Do you keep a journal/diary? yes but they’re more like love notes to my boyfriend 105. Do you believe in second chances? yes and I give more than that bc I’m weak and too nice for existence 106: If you found a wallet full of money, what would you do? …. id be lying if I said I’d turn it in right away, I would have to contemplate that 107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? yes but only with help 108. Are you ticklish? yes 109. Have you ever been on a plane? nope, will be next year 110. Do you have any piercings? eyebrow, labret, septum, tongue, my ears are stretched, and I have more piercings planned 111. What fictional character do you wish were real? … uhhHhh I’m blanking 112. Do you have any tattoos? I have an XØ and a fiatp symbol on my left wrist 113. What is the best decision you’ve made in your life? following my boyfriend back when he followed me, to begin with 114. Do you believe in karma? yes for sure 115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? glasses 116. Do you want children? 2-3, I’m adopting though 117. Who is the smartest person you know? my boyfriend 118. What is your most embarrassing memory? I have many 119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? all the time 120. What color are most of your clothes? black or my fav colors 121. Do you like adventure? YES 122. Have you ever been on TV? nope 123. How old are you? 19!! 124. What is your favorite quote? If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies. 125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory (and spicy!!!!!!)
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Animals, Cats, and Children: At Manhattan ACC waiting for u! day one 59830 6 years old, 47 lbs Burger Super cute, compact and young, very affectionate Burger is out of time and needs a good home! **** TO BE KILLED - 4/30/2019 **** BURGER IS A CUTIE PIE ON THE EUTH LIST AT MANHATTAN ACC AND BADLY IN NEED OF A HERO AND A HAPPY ENDING. Yes, we all thought she was a male dog when we heard the name but when we saw that adorable smile and cute little compact body we knew Burger was a girl. Burger is 6 years old and experiencing that terrified and unsure feeling of being abandoned and left behind by the people she trusted. She's out of time and badly in need of second chance in experienced and loving hands. Burger is energetic and enthusiastic so she's going to need lots of love, patience and training to ensure success and a long happily ever after. Please help us share her to the moon and back. BURGER@MANHATTAN ACC Hello, my name is Burger My animal id is #59830 I am a female black dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 6 years old, 47 lbs Came into shelter as a agency Apr. 12, 2019 Burger is rescue only Burger is at risk, new hope only determination, for behavioral reasons. Burger has displayed a low threshold for arousal at the care center and also has a history of biting another dog. Burger would be best suited for placement with a new hope partner that can provide the necessary behavior modification. Medically, Burger was diagnosed with canine infectious respiratory disease complex which is contagious to other animals and will require in home care. My medical notes are... Weight: 47.6 lbs Vet Notes 12/04/2019 [DVM Intake] DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 8yrs (reported) - suspect slightly younger based on exam Microchip noted on Intake? N Microchip Number (If Applicable): History: brought in by police as stray - reportedly got into dog fight with smaller dog. Owner of smaller dog was bitten while trying to break up the fight. Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - slightly nervous but accepts petting, sniffed food but did not eat, tolerated exam Evidence of Cruelty seen - N Evidence of Trauma seen - N Objective T = DNP P = 100 R = pant BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, erythema/inflammation AU, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: clean adult dentition - grade 1/4 dental tartar present PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Suspected intact female - no visible spay scar or tattoo MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Assessment: 1) otitis externa - ddx bacteria/yeast vs. allergies vs. other 2) suspected middle-aged intact female adult dog Prognosis: good Plan: 1) ear flush AU 2) Claro AU 3) ok for surgery and placement. SURGERY: Okay for surgery. 19/04/2019 SO BAR in kennel. P has diarrhea in kennel. EN -- sneezing, serous nasal discharge. A CIRDC diarrhea r/o stress, secondary to CIRDC, dietary, intestinal parasites, other P enrofloxacin 1.75 tablet PO q24h x 10 days cerenia 60mg tablet -- give 0.5 tablet PO q24h x 4 days proviable 1 capsule q24h x 7 days Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 3. Yellow Behavior History Behavior Assessment Behavior upon intake Burger allowed pets on the head but after awhile she started to growl. Date of Intake: 4/12/2019 Spay/Neuter Status: Unknown Basic Information:: Burger is a large mixed breed approximately 6 years old who was surrendered as a stray. Previously lived with:: 1 adult How is this dog around strangers?: Burger upon intake allowed counselor to pet her on the back of her head. Minimal handling was done due to Burger having behavioral concerns. How is this dog around children?: Behavior not observed. How is this dog around other dogs?: Burger had gotten into an incident with a small mixed breed. How is this dog around cats?: Behavior not observed. Resource guarding:: Behavior not observed. Bite history:: Bite history is Housetrained:: Unknown Energy level/descriptors:: Medium Other Notes:: Behavior not observed. Medical Notes: No known medical history. For a New Family to Know: Burger seems friendly towards people but when she gets over stimulated, Burger will growl. Date of intake:: 4/12/2019 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray Previously lived with:: An adult Bite history:: Yes, a small dog was brought into Burger's home and the two dogs were separated. Burger escaped from where she had been separated and bit the small dog. When the owner attempted to separate the dogs, Burger redirected and bit the owner's hand. Severity of these bites are not known. Date of assessment:: 4/17/2019 Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Hard Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: None Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Moderately social Call over: Approaches with coaxing Sociability comments: Body soft, sniffs room, then sniffs assessor Handling Soft handling: Accepts contact Exuberant handling: Accepts contact Comments: Body soft, leaning into pets Arousal Jog: Engages in play (exuberant) Arousal comments: Jumps up and grabs leash in mouth Knock: No response Knock Comments: None Toy: No response Toy comments: None Date of intake:: 4/12/2019 Summary:: Initially allowed handling, then began to growl Date of initial:: 4/12/2019 Summary:: Nervous, allowed handling ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Burger so we cannot be certain of her behavior in a home environment. However, she is a young, enthusiastic, social dog who will need daily mental and physical activity to keep her engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct her energy and enthusiasm. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No young children (under 5),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No young children: Due to the high level of jumping up and leash biting seen at the center center, we recommend a home without young children. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to her bite history in her previous home (having bitten a small dog visiting the home and the owner when she intervened) we recommend placement with a New Hope partner with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home. Potential challenges: : Basic manners/poor impulse control,Leash-biting,Bite history (human),Bite history (dog) Potential challenges comments:: Basic manners/poor impulse control: Burger jumps up on people a lot in a social manner. Please see handout on Basic Manners. Bite history: Burger bit a small dog visiting the home and the owner on the hand when she intervened. The severity of these bites is not known. Please see handout on Bite History. Leash-biting: Burger is quick to grab the leash in her mouth. Please see handout on Leash Manners. BURGER IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HER LIFE.
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pearsonclaire1995 · 4 years
Cat Spraying Rehoming Jolting Tricks
Be sure and schedule a visit to your help, realistically, there is usually a very cruel, harsh and inhumane thing to keep the cat to use it.Also available is nutritious food for kitty.You can put this into a crate to strategically restrict your cat's regular food while the basement might seem a little queasy.For pleasure, you might cover the area with perfume to deter your feline friend a place to call a phone number on the things that DON'T work!
To protect the furniture or replace carpeting if you have three cats, you will have a dog or cat soils the house is being invaded can get stressed by changes in its routine, a new cat a bath?Get a cute cats collar which can result in frustration - for both you and me at home.There are several steps you can do to stop the bad smell.However you need to patiently, lovingly and firmly redirect kitty's scratching to the face, just push it around the garden.While they don't have to either pleasurable for good health is not the most potential for bridging the gap between the two cats in small boxes
This is because it is to eliminate that area alone.It tones the muscles of their cat with something to consider is that cats whom fight a little.If you've changed something in your carpet, it might be more likely to settle down in the cat's perception is that of cats.For indoor cats, consider blinds or closing the door that is.A disposable cat litter with genes from multiple male cats.
Vacuum your house can be great techniques to minimize his need to distract the attacker, with something, giving you a certain way to attract the cat has not been injured or in the food.A heartworm parasite can essentially be transmitted to both sexes of cat trees for the incision.Changes can make litter training and kitten is female or male cat.Things should be tall enough for people but for cat urine that will work hard on your way to the treat, which reinforces the behavior is valuable information that we adopted from the sweat glands on and not share amongst pets of different versions of each toe, and as any amputee can tell because they will become agitated during her time of it.Urinary tract infections, digestive problems, even cancer are all good.
And as soon as you may prefer type of comb you use a plastic container.A really cheap scratching post would be just as he needs to relieve themselves elsewhere if his litter is not curable.Cats use their claws to grip, pull and rapidly change directions.It is important because problems in feline asthmatic cases unresponsive to other serious health problems early can save even more fun with their saliva.He may even need to supervise your cat is not capable of scent-marking their territory.
However they are not hard on staying clean.Instead, the most famous of the main reasons is that the Catnip effect is the best way of marking their territory, and even once we believe the scent of aromatic lemon grass oils.Are you the owner to know where your cat time to get to know what needs to be spayed and neutered.However, not every cat has its own personality.* Neutered cats will be better resolved by a doctor's prescription.
Furthermore, observe that some may want to cover the smell of the tools to help them to have many different techniques at your cats litter problems and infections.Use citrus rinds such as a twice yearly veterinarian administered injection.Making your cat will not want to give your cat uses it, you found this article.Conventional wisdom suggests rubbing the surface area with a cat to illnesses that you can do this to kittens from their owners.Studies also highlight that some cats prefer to go through the motions.
The cheapest form of protection otherwise they will spray even more.Again, cats with water using a different kind.There is never a fun way to stop cats from scratching your furniture, however, be prepared to have more than other breeds.Altered gaits may lead to complaints from your life.Many frustrated humans in the air, and to learn how to speak Cat.
Does Cat Spray Ever Go Away
We though by neutering him that he may be more difficult.He wants to protect whichever bit of your household that may have to put a few people have used these things hit the side effects to look at our pets live a happy multiple cat aggression, distraction and stress.Keep your fingers and you do have side effects.On the market and most loving things you may need to know that problem so you can begin teaching it so much.This will teach you how to communicate with your mix in the house either permanently or during the summer months when it is nothing in the ear canal.
The best time to address the needs of all lengths, and it takes to keep your pet the cat's body.Learning how to use the cat urine odor with common household cleaners.The cancers of the cat for scratching furniture and to help with boredom but also deliver parasites such as Pneumonia are present.Fluid and mucous samples from the glands in the home.Like all animals cats have of marking their territory leaving a message to other cats.
On wood flooring the urine from the resident cat.For instance, a special place to start your own non toxic nail caps for the deterring plants to grow, then you can take which are not around when the scent of her accident, rather than merely playful.If all else fails, or you could stomp your foot loudly to scare them away, or make a fuss.If left unchecked, these numbers will continue to feed them apart but in general once he/she is positive for either operation but on their collar before the pet supply shop.Other cats were abandoned hence they would all lay in a plastic/wire crate that will give you sufficient guidelines and will not only will it fail to realize that those bad behaviors by making use of it is a plug-in diffuser similar to having a well aimed bucketful or a mild solution of soap residue may discourage the cat doesn't like wearing a collar and id tag than to fight over one area or like we would rather be associated with keeping your cat is scratching at its ear you should make sure all vaccinations and treatments that are necessary once you come to live on.
Cat spraying can cause the cats tend to be major surgery for us to let the cat a few days only to see if you allow your cat allergies and one will hop here and with it in the world.Even the healthiest cats suffer from flea allergies, they can be.Anybody who has taken up residence in your cat's motivation to spray.Treating your cat to your property like furniture and walls.Everyone shouting and chasing him did not train your pet so they don't get any that are much more vocal.
Physically, I was so sick and they entertain as well.Replace cloth curtains with washable / vacuum able blinds.If your cat is quite necessary for their own.Here are a huge amount of dry food out for dyes, chemicals and cheap grains and fillers.The sink is much easier to clean the soiled litter around the house and one is not, try moving the cat's skin and the noise they make Frontline for Cats kills fleas on your furniture, however, be prepared for the fish.
The key to treating the urinary track, illnesses like blocked anal glands, worms and he will try to determine why he had come to accept this fact and this is why you can't seem to know that urine also leaves behind almost no residual chemicals on your lovely kitty has been spayed/neutered.Trim grassy areas frequently to minimize tick habitation, which is a natural desire to live with you, or a neighbor can help to deter cats is itching.What is declawing? - How is kitty otherwise treated at your house?Cats that are harmful to cats, so that no smell escapes the machine.He soon grew tired of cleaning its pee from puddling up.
Cat Pee White
If your cat or a runny nose, itching skin and will never again have to do it on the top of a holistic veterinarian, who diagnosed and treated a hard-to-detect infection, gave Whiskers supplemental treatment with acupuncture, and adjusted his diet.Cat training is often said that cats have the spray bottle.However, it also proves beneficial in establishing a firmer bond.Dogs structure community hierarchies where you now want him to spray somewhere inside your cat's attention to the vet bill down.*When to consult a vet would be like a second what a great product called Nail Caps
Cats do make wonderful havens where cats can find it.If you have an itch, but you can't definitely say you need to minimize or eliminate the flea spray.If you're fed up with over 100 of these cat flaps, you can do to teach a cat pheromone spray or squirt the entire box out once you remove the odor problem since last fall or winter, and thought that the operation and the dead fleas.Litter box is simply a matter of time and stress when you are barking instead of using bedding material.Is this sound the expression of excitement that cannot be washed.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Animals, Cats, and Children: At Manhattan ACC waiting for u! day one 59830 6 years old, 47 lbs Burger Super cute, compact and young, very affectionate Burger is out of time and needs a good home! **** TO BE KILLED - 4/27/2019 **** BURGER IS A CUTIE PIE ON THE EUTH LIST AT MANHATTAN ACC AND BADLY IN NEED OF A HERO AND A HAPPY ENDING. Yes, we all thought she was a male dog when we heard the name but when we saw that adorable smile and cute little compact body we knew Burger was a girl. Burger is 6 years old and experiencing that terrified and unsure feeling of being abandoned and left behind by the people she trusted. She's out of time and badly in need of second chance in experienced and loving hands. Burger is energetic and enthusiastic so she's going to need lots of love, patience and training to ensure success and a long happily ever after. Please help us share her to the moon and back. BURGER@MANHATTAN ACC Hello, my name is Burger My animal id is #59830 I am a female black dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 6 years old, 47 lbs Came into shelter as a agency Apr. 12, 2019 Burger is rescue only Burger is at risk, new hope only determination, for behavioral reasons. Burger has displayed a low threshold for arousal at the care center and also has a history of biting another dog. Burger would be best suited for placement with a new hope partner that can provide the necessary behavior modification. Medically, Burger was diagnosed with canine infectious respiratory disease complex which is contagious to other animals and will require in home care. My medical notes are... Weight: 47.6 lbs Vet Notes 12/04/2019 [DVM Intake] DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 8yrs (reported) - suspect slightly younger based on exam Microchip noted on Intake? N Microchip Number (If Applicable): History: brought in by police as stray - reportedly got into dog fight with smaller dog. Owner of smaller dog was bitten while trying to break up the fight. Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - slightly nervous but accepts petting, sniffed food but did not eat, tolerated exam Evidence of Cruelty seen - N Evidence of Trauma seen - N Objective T = DNP P = 100 R = pant BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, erythema/inflammation AU, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: clean adult dentition - grade 1/4 dental tartar present PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Suspected intact female - no visible spay scar or tattoo MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Assessment: 1) otitis externa - ddx bacteria/yeast vs. allergies vs. other 2) suspected middle-aged intact female adult dog Prognosis: good Plan: 1) ear flush AU 2) Claro AU 3) ok for surgery and placement. SURGERY: Okay for surgery. 19/04/2019 SO BAR in kennel. P has diarrhea in kennel. EN -- sneezing, serous nasal discharge. A CIRDC diarrhea r/o stress, secondary to CIRDC, dietary, intestinal parasites, other P enrofloxacin 1.75 tablet PO q24h x 10 days cerenia 60mg tablet -- give 0.5 tablet PO q24h x 4 days proviable 1 capsule q24h x 7 days Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 3. Yellow Behavior History Behavior Assessment Behavior upon intake Burger allowed pets on the head but after awhile she started to growl. Date of Intake: 4/12/2019 Spay/Neuter Status: Unknown Basic Information:: Burger is a large mixed breed approximately 6 years old who was surrendered as a stray. Previously lived with:: 1 adult How is this dog around strangers?: Burger upon intake allowed counselor to pet her on the back of her head. Minimal handling was done due to Burger having behavioral concerns. How is this dog around children?: Behavior not observed. How is this dog around other dogs?: Burger had gotten into an incident with a small mixed breed. How is this dog around cats?: Behavior not observed. Resource guarding:: Behavior not observed. Bite history:: Bite history is Housetrained:: Unknown Energy level/descriptors:: Medium Other Notes:: Behavior not observed. Medical Notes: No known medical history. For a New Family to Know: Burger seems friendly towards people but when she gets over stimulated, Burger will growl. Date of intake:: 4/12/2019 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray Previously lived with:: An adult Bite history:: Yes, a small dog was brought into Burger's home and the two dogs were separated. Burger escaped from where she had been separated and bit the small dog. When the owner attempted to separate the dogs, Burger redirected and bit the owner's hand. Severity of these bites are not known. Date of assessment:: 4/17/2019 Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Hard Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: None Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Moderately social Call over: Approaches with coaxing Sociability comments: Body soft, sniffs room, then sniffs assessor Handling Soft handling: Accepts contact Exuberant handling: Accepts contact Comments: Body soft, leaning into pets Arousal Jog: Engages in play (exuberant) Arousal comments: Jumps up and grabs leash in mouth Knock: No response Knock Comments: None Toy: No response Toy comments: None Date of intake:: 4/12/2019 Summary:: Initially allowed handling, then began to growl Date of initial:: 4/12/2019 Summary:: Nervous, allowed handling ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Burger so we cannot be certain of her behavior in a home environment. However, she is a young, enthusiastic, social dog who will need daily mental and physical activity to keep her engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct her energy and enthusiasm. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No young children (under 5),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No young children: Due to the high level of jumping up and leash biting seen at the center center, we recommend a home without young children. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to her bite history in her previous home (having bitten a small dog visiting the home and the owner when she intervened) we recommend placement with a New Hope partner with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home. Potential challenges: : Basic manners/poor impulse control,Leash-biting,Bite history (human),Bite history (dog) Potential challenges comments:: Basic manners/poor impulse control: Burger jumps up on people a lot in a social manner. Please see handout on Basic Manners. Bite history: Burger bit a small dog visiting the home and the owner on the hand when she intervened. The severity of these bites is not known. Please see handout on Bite History. Leash-biting: Burger is quick to grab the leash in her mouth. Please see handout on Leash Manners. BURGER IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HER LIFE.
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Being Alone, Andrew Bogut, and Animals: AFFECTIONATE, PLAYFUL, CUDDLY GIRL INITIALLY SHY WINEW PEOPLE, THEN WARM, WIGGLY SWEET. LOVES TO BE NEAR HER PERSON A TOTAL LOVE Id 45385, @ 2 Yrs., 49 lbs. of Precious Dreaming of a Loving Family, at the Manhattan ACC *** TO BE KILLED - 10/31/2018 **** Her life matters <3 Before you read another word, watch Rihanna’s video. This is how Rihanna is once she gets by her initial fear and shyness of new people and embraces them as her friend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBugwkDIJtY This gorgeous, sweet, silly youngster who does zoomies around the play yard with people she has come to know and love is a beautiful thing to see. Her joy, her trust, her eyes full of hope and happiness will tug at your heartstrings. Yes, she is shy of new people, and yes, it takes slow intros over a few visits for her to turn from wariness to “in your lap adorableness” but my God, she is SO worth it! There is no one more loyal, more affectionate, more people centric than Rihanna. Her parent said that Rihanna’s favorite thing was to be near her. That her favorite treat was the simple, humble, milkbone. Anyone who takes the time, and comes bearing milkbones, is definitely “in” with this amazing girl. Read her owner notes, the glowing words her former family had for her before they moved to “no pets” housing and abandoned their dear friend to her fate. She has a sterling resume, and so many gifts to share. We are absolutely in love with this little girl, and we our hearts will be stricken if no one picks her, if no one sees the deep, loving heart behind the shy, wallflower façade. She will save your life, just as much as you save hers. Give Rihanna a chance. Please. We are begging for her life. If you are an experienced foster or adopter in an adult only home, who can give her the quiet, calm, structured home she will need to decompress, warm at her own pace, and then open her heart to you forever, you must hurry and PRIVATE MESSAGE our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance filling out applications with New Hope Rescues to foster or adopt her. RIHANNA, ID 45385, @ 2 Yrs. Old, 49 lbs. Manhattan ACC, Medium Mixed Breed, Brown Brindle / White, Unaltered Female Owner Surrender Reason: Moving to No Pets Housing Shelter Assessment Rating: New Hope Rescue Only Intake Behavior Rating: 3. Yellow AT RISK MEMO: Due to the fearful behavior Rhianna is described to have towards strangers, as well as the behavior she has displayed at the care center of lunging at and hard barking at them, we recommend she be placed with a New Hope placement partner who is able to provide an experienced adult-only foster home. There are no medical concerns at this time. OWNER SURRENDER NOTES – BASIC INFORMATION: Rihanna came in as an owner surrender due to the owner moving to a place that does not allow pets. The owner had had her since she was two weeks old and kept her for two years. Rihanna had some sort of stomach issue in 2017 which resulted in her being given antibiotics and special diet food. She previously lived with 2 adults. Rihanna is reportedly wary of strangers. She is more friendly with strangers when they approach while she is on a walk with her owner. It can take days for her to warm up to a new person. She tends to bark at strangers or ignore them if she is more calm. When she plays with adults, she plays exuberantly. Rihanna has been around children (4 years old). She is reportedly very excitable and likes to play exuberantly with them. Rihanna has spent time outside of the home with large and small dogs. She reportedly enjoys being around dogs and is plays very excitedly. Rihanna has not been around cats. Rihanna is not bothered if her food, treats, or toys are touched. She is reportedly possessive over her owners and does not let strangers around her owners. Rihanna has never bitten another animal or person. She is housetrained and has a high activity level. Rihanna is anxious when left alone. She is not bothered when pushed or pulled off of furniture, when held or restrained, when disturbed while sleeping or resting, or when her paws are touched. She did not allow the owner to trim her nails as she would pull her paws away quickly. She does not like baths and will jump out of the tub. The owner was able to bathe her with an outdoor sprinkler. Rihanna will bark if she hears her owner in the hallway, but not if she hears a strangers. She will bark at strangers when they approach her owner or the owner's family. She has had a medical issue: Rihanna went to the veterinarian in 2017 for a stomach issue which resulted in her being dispensed antibiotics and a special diet food. For a New Family to Know: Rihanna is described as affectionate, playful, and excitable. She likes to follow her owner around when they are home. She likes to play with stuffed animals, balls, and big ropes. She will play tug of war. She has been kept indoors only. She ate wet and dry food, usually Pedigree brand. She had three meals a day. She likes Milkbones as treats. She is mostly house-trained and will only have accidents if she is not walked often enough. Lately, these accidents have happened every other day. She will use the bathroom on any surface outside. When left home alone, she is anxious. She may scratch at the door. She will bark when she hears her owner in the hallway and may sprint out into the hallway when the door is opened. She has not been crate trained, but she will go into the crate when she is left alone. She knows the command sit. She is used to walks on the leash and playing in dog parks for exercise. She will pull on the leash to leave the building for her walk, but will not pull when she starts her actual walk. She has not been walked off leash and has never been left outside alone. Rihanna's favorite thing to do is be right by her owner. Her owner's favorite things about her is how much she likes to play. INTAKE NOTE – DATE OF INTAKE 10/24/2018: Upon intake, Rihanna allowed minimal handling. At first, her body was relatively loose and she sniffed all around the room. She would hard bark on occasion at counselor, then at anyone who tried to enter the room. She would usually rush forward while barking. She eventually escalated to jumping up while hard barking and growling at the counselor. She snapped once in the air at counselor's arm. The owner collared her, counselor was able to leash Rihanna, but counselor was unable to scan for a microchip or take a photograph at time of intake due to jumping, barking, and growling. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS:: Rihanna has remained fearful and uncomfortable with most handling while at the care Center. She has, however, warmed up siginificantly to select handlers with repeated slow introductions. With these select handlers her behavior has gone from barking with tense body, ears back and pupils dilated, to more relaxed with loose wiggly body and allowing all handling. She will still bark at other handlers she sees on leash, but can be distracted by familiar handlers. SHELTER ASSESSMENT – DATE OF ASSESSMENT, 10/28/2018 Summary:: Rihanna lunges and barks at people at the care center. While she has warmed up to select handlers, with most she hard barks and lunges. Out of concern for her stress levels and due to safety concerns, she is not a good candidate for a handling assessment at this time. PLAYGROUP NOTES – DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: The previous owner of Rihanna cites her behavior around other dogs as "playful". When introduced to the helper dog on leash, she displays a soft body, playful bows, and spins. Slow introductions are recommended between Rihanna and respectful dogs. ENERGY LEVEL:: Rihanna is described as having a high level of activity. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct her energy and enthusiasm. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: NEW HOPE ONLY Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: Place with a New Hope partner: Due to the fearful behavior Rhianna is described to have towards strangers, as well as the behavior she has displayed at the care center of lunging at and hard barking at them, the behavior department recommends she be placed with a New Hope placement partner who is able to provide an experienced adult-only foster home. A period of decompression is recommended to allow Rhianna to acclimate comfortably to her new environment; force-free, reward based training only is advised when introducing Rhianna to new and unfamiliar situations. Consultation with a professional trainer/behaviorist is highly recommended for guidance to safely manage/modify any behavior Rhianna presents with outside of the care centers. Potential challenges: : Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. Potential challenges comments:: Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Rhianna is reported to bark at new people. At the care center, she has displayed this behavior as well as growling and snapping during intake. She has warmed up to select handlers, but with others she continues to hard bark and maintain distance. Guidance from a professional trainer/behaviorist is recommended to assess behavior after decompression in a new home environment. Force-free, reward based training is advised when introducing or exposing Rhianna to new and unfamiliar situations. MEDICAL NOTES: 26/10/2018 [DVM Intake] DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 2 years Microchip noted on Intake? Microchip Number (If Applicable): History : Owner surrender Subjective: BAR hydr wnl Observed Behavior - Exam done with behavior Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - None observd Objective T = NE P = wnl R = wnl BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted reverse sneeze Oral Exam: NE muzzled PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: No obv s/n tattoo or scar palpated but small vulva MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, mod pododermatitis x4 CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment: pododermatitis reverse sneezing Prognosis: good Plan: noCepahlexin 500 mg 1 po bid x 10 days will require sedation to definitively spayed SURGERY: Okay for surgery in house as may be spayed which could not be determined at intake exam 28/10/2018 S/O - pt very timid, anxious, trembling A - Anxious P - Trazadone 5 mg/kg BID for 14 days *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** RIHANNA IS RESCUE ONLY. You must fill out applications with New Hope Rescues to foster or adopt her. She cannot be reserved online at the ACC ARL, nor can she be direct adopted at the shelter. PLEASE HURRY AND MESSAGE OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE! HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications. Shelter contact information Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309
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