#solving crime via cats
traumafactory28 · 4 months
If I ever become a detective and see that a victim has a cat, you bet your ass I'm going to check for its DNA/hair at/on crime scenes, cars, people,etc. Because I know that cats hair will be anywhere the victim has been since it's on their clothes almost all the time.
What? This case is cold because you couldn't find the victims dna is a car? Check for cat hair and cross reference with the one the victim has. Boom! Case solved!
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atarathegreat · 1 year
TR Boys Crackhead Headcanons
Kazutora Hanemiya
Man spreads because why should you have space on the train
shoves puzzle pieces together that don't match because "this part fits, see!"
broke his own finger just to feel what it was like
moves furniture so people bump into it on purpose
crops everyone else out of photos he's in and doesn't even use the photos for anything
sometimes wears shoes on the opposite feet just to see who will notice
has and will break granola bars on anyone's bed
Mitsuya Takashi
learned to bake so he could put laxatives in cake (fuck around and find out)
hates who his sisters hate
definitely shit talks kindergarteners with Luna
wore a matching dress with his sisters to the movies, pummeled the guy that tried laughing at him
doesn't stop the conversation when he enters the public restrooms
Nahoya Kawata
walks down the upward escalator
smacks everyone in the back of the head because he feels like it
had court once, laughed on his way out because he was falsely found not guilty
has and will drink milk from cereal bowls without having cereal
sits and stares at Souya without blinking until Souya gets uncomfortable
knocked out a guy's teeth and kept them to send back to him via mail
Souya Kawata
Prefers to sleep in a pile of stuffed animals
the bed hasn't been slept in for three years
actually writes poems and hangs them around the city, ended up on the news for it
Cries to ASPCA commercials
Gets angry when Nahoya falls asleep on the couch, drags him back to bed by his feet
completely believes he could solve true crime
Keisuke Baji
Sharpens his teeth with a nail file
tried wearing contacts once but didn't soak them in contact solution so he only dried his eyes out
calls everyone babe platonically
if he can't find both shoes he only wears one
has a scrunchy collection
thought he was spiderman once and jumped off a roof
will shake his ass when standing still (mad tango skillz)
Kokonoi Hajime
Has a book of rare coins
has a button collection
uses chalk hairdye
plucks his eyebrows too thin
can ballet dance
TikTok feind
Manjiro Sano
Calls in sick to places he doesn't work
Got fired from three places he didn't work at
always orders kids meals
has a tantrum until Kenny cuts his hair
uses clear nail polish regularly
has debated getting a trampstamp
does his hair straight up before fixing it so he can look like a unicorn
Ken Ryuguji
has gone bald, does not work for him
draws in tattoos on the side of his head
has a collection of fake earrings that he tried once (Howls Moving Castle theme)
keeps flavored lube in his room just so he can taste it when he wants something sweet
Taiju Shiba
Thinks he can pull of orange (makes him feel like a baddy)
carries an eyebrow pencil everywhere
fights random females for fun
punches himself in the face for being late to things
had frosted tips in middle school
has staring contests with himself
Hanma Shuji
eats ice cream with a fork
eats soup off a plate
has a closet full of plaid clothing, irons it before wearing because "who tf fights with wrinkles in their clothes"
swears by hair gel
tried hairspray once, didn't taste nice so he threw it out a window
after being dubbed the Reaper, he wore a grim reaper outfit
will kiss and the homies and say no homo
Chifuyu Matsuno
plans to name his first child after his cat
has a Baji shrine next to his Peke J shrine
reads his Yaoi books in public and has outburst when things don't go how he wants them to
locked himself in a pet store and threatened to kill himself if he didn't get a cat, his mom beat the shit out of him for it
screams "real or cake" before biting literally anything
Tetta Kisake
puts milk before cereal
writes cursive only to annoy others
once slept on the roof of his house to make his mom feel bad for yelling at him
has a dog name Roscoe (it's a female)
definitely has little man syndrome
thinks girls are into his "mysterious" vibe (literally just doesn't speak to anyone and has RBF)
once pretended to be gay thinking he would get into a girls slumber party
Hakkai Shiba
the only girl he can talk to is his sister (that's just a fact)
moves the family photos around to see if Yuzuha will notice
is regularly on discord but he pretends to be a girl so he can troll guys
swings from trees like hes a monkey because he thinks its faster than running
worked at a haunted house and crawled across the floor like some messed up spider, he was playing as a scarecrow, it was a childrens haunted house
Takamichi Hanagaki
tries to scale buildings by the fire escapes
copies the others fighting styles hoping to look just as cool
eats a raw egg every morning
crops himself out of photos so no one can find him
unironically calls Hina his little princess
colors in the boxes to crossword puzzles
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linuxgamenews · 10 days
Get Ready for Paper Perjury Detective: A Captivating Visual Novel Game
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Paper Perjury detective visual novel game unveils the mystery for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the creativity of Paper Cat Games. Working to make its way onto Steam in full. If you’re tired of the usual grind and ready to dive into a thrilling detective mystery, Paper Perjury is the title for you! This exciting debut from Paper Cat is due to hit Steam on November 13, and it’s coming to Linux. In this game, you’ll be playing as Justina Smith, a rookie police clerk who stumbles onto something big — crimes that could rock Azure City to its core. Justina’s not just filing paperwork; she’s uncovering a hidden truth behind a string of suspicious crimes. And she’s also not doing it alone! In Paper Perjury, you’ll be teaming up with the quirky detective duo, Ernest Hunt and Sophie Swift. Due to piece together clues, interrogate some pretty interesting suspects, and follow the paper trails leading to the truth.
Paper Perjury detective visual novel Trailer
Inspired by mystery title like Ace Attorney, Paper Perjury puts your detective skills to the test. So you’ll need to connect evidence with witness statements, figure out who’s lying, and bring criminals to justice. With over 120,000 words of dialogue, get ready for plenty of twists and turns across five epic cases. These are all due to keep you sharp.
What makes this release stand out?
Gather evidence and chat with a whole range of colorful characters, all brought to life with beautiful pixel art.
Catch criminals in their lies by using the evidence you find — shove the truth right in their faces!
Investigate deeper themes like gentrification in a growing city while you solve each mystery.
Groove along to the Paper Perjury jazzy soundtrack as you sharpen your detective skills.
Oh, and most importantly—you can befriend a cat. Because, let’s be honest, that’s what we all want!
If you’re itching to try it out, a demo is also available on Steam, giving you a sneak peek of the action. Playable via Proton, which should work most, since this is a Ren'py title. Paper Perjury detective visual novel is due to release on November 13th, so get ready to bring justice to Azure City. So be sure to Wishlist on Steam, which is coming to Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Want more info? Head over to the official site for all the details.
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bluerosefox · 9 months
[2023 Prompt List 1][Here] [2023 Prompt List 2][Next] [2023 Prompt List 3][Next]
|Why Ra’s Would Summon the Ghost King (Also Twins AU) [Part 1] |Danyal, Danny, Phantom [Part 2] |WIP [Part 3] |Bio!Dad Jason and Bio!Mom Jazz (With Oc!Kid or Son!Danny) |Ghost Gotham (With Bonus Ghosts Martha and Thomas) |Danny Says Clone Rights |Robin’s Haunted Halloween (Feat. Ghost King Danny and Ghostly grandparents Martha and Thomas) |Library Cryptid Danny |Twins to Trio? (Dani mistakes Damian as Danny, and Damian learns his twin might not be dead) |Twins AU BUT WITH ANGST! |Mom!Dani (Square up Superman) |Free Flying Graysons (Feat. Ghostly John and Mary Grayson) |Comes in Twos (Twins! Jason and Danny die on the same day) |Foreboding Words of Warnings (Feat. Competent Ghost King Danny) |Across My Memories (Feat. Ghost King Danny, Ghost!Prince Jason) |Consorthood Via Combat (Feat. Ghost King Danny, and Danny dating any Bat of your choosing) |Wrong Number Au (Danny sends a rant text to Tucker... Only its not Tucker) |Todd and Phantom, Mostly Ghostly Shenanigans (Danny and Jason try to get out of the GZ together and bond) |Ellie “I WILL bite you” and Danny “He’s just a baby” Fenton (Deaged Danny and caretaker (and tiny bit feral) Dani (Ellie) watch out Gotham, she’ll bite.) |Double Troubles (another Damian and Danny twin au but they wanna see how long their families notice they switch places) |Everything, including the bride. WAIT, BRIDE?! (Dead Tired pairing, Tim now regrets being a smart cookie as a kid and solving a magical puzzle box while Danny regrets beating Pariah Dark cause he got the old King’s bride now as his own) |CAT Ghost INSTINCTS (Damian brings home a... interesting new acquaintance who has some interesting... quirks) |Peek-A-Boo Champ! (Jazz and her baby being taken by a cult. Jason coming to save them. And Uncle Danny being the best at peek-a-boo) |Teeny-Tiny Kitten (Danielle ‘Ellie’ makes a wish and later gets found by a certain cat and bat) |Same As The Day I Lost You (Mix de-aged Danny, and siblings!Damian and Danny, add in some teleporting/portaling when the bats are fighting the League and you get this idea.) |Cuckoo Clocks (Clockwork sends a certain RR a sticky note during his solo run to come find Phantom and later find him) |The (Not) Normal One... (a reborn/reincarnted Danny idea where he’s the normal one in the batfam... only he’s really not.) |Dip and Kiss (Jason totally would kiss the person who ended the Joker in an Oscar worthy movie moment) |The Trouble With Time Travel Guilt (Danny starts an AITA thread due to his guilt over the future that will never be, he trauma bonds with fellow heroes and time travelers over it) |Friendships Between Realms (YJ and Danny Shenanigans Being Peek Friendship) |Misunderstandings and Miscommunications (Danny panics and runs, good Fenton parents want their son home, well meaning but not knowing the full picture best friends, on a war path Jazz and the maybe wooing of RH, and the DCverse getting caught in the middle of the chaos) |A Little Robin (Danny gets stuck in a Robin doll/plush and winds up in Gotham) |Kid's y'know? (Youngblood wants to be an astronaut this time, and Danny... Has to stop him from running amok the JL Watchtower) |Gothamites Never Really Rest (Johnny was a crime alley kid, Kitty was the daughter of a mob boss, and Jason was a kid they pseudo raised before their deaths. They meet again when Kitty and Johnny return to Gotham and find budding crime lord named Red Hood)
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thenightling · 1 year
Who are the Dead Boy Detectives?
This has been asked a lot lately because there is a new show coming to Netflix (originally it was going to be on HBO Max). 
Who are The Dead Boy Detectives?
First we have Edwin Paine.  Edwin was roughly twelve or thirteen-years-old and blond haired.  Edwin was murdered some one hundred years ago in a boarding school in England. He had been killed by some older bullies who were wanna-be Satanists.  The bullies tried to offer up Edwin for demonic favors. The bullies died for their own various life-related reasons very shortly after murdering Edwin (it was close to the first World War) and the bullies went to Hell because they believed in Hell and felt that is what they deserved. In DC comics lore you only go to Hell if you believe in it, and believe you deserve it. That part of the lore can be problematic as it condemns people who have been brainwashed by abusers that they deserve to be tortured.  And it also can exonerate sociopaths who genuinely don’t think they did anything wrong. Currently The Sandman Netflix series has not addressed the old comic lore that you have to believe you deserve Hell to go there but it has acknowledged that you have to believe IN Hell in order to be able to go there. Edwin, though an innocent, spent a century trapped in a strange corridor where he thought something was following him.  He believed he was in Hell but according to another comic he ended up in this place via a “clerical error.” In The Sandman storyline called The Sandman: Season of Mists Lucifer quits ruling Hell and shuts the place down.  (Basis for the Lucifer TV Series.) When Lucifer shut Hell down all the demons were left to their own devices and all the souls that had been trapped in Hell returned to Earth. This is where poor Charles Rowland comes in. Charles was a dark haired living boy of about twelve or thirteen-years-old. In the 1990s Charles was attending the same boarding school that Edwin had died in.  The ghosts of the bullies returned to the school after Hell was shut down and looking for someone to torment they went after poor Charles and badly burnt his back with a hot stove. Edwin (who was also haunting the old school) tried to help Charles but Charles was dying from his injuries so all Edwin could do was stay with him and try to comfort him as he died up in the attic of the school, not far from where Edwin, himself, had been murdered. Death herself showed up to take Charles but Charles didn’t want to leave his friend, Edwin.   Death was very busy that day with demons and evil souls wandering the Earth and the evil souls killing people so she allowed Charles to stay with Edwin, implying she may come back for them later. The boy ghosts left the school after that and in their own comic book formed a detective agency to solve supernatural themed crimes together. Being naïve children they figured reading a few kid detective stories was enough education for this.  They were wrong.  Edwin Paine and Charles Rowland first appeared in The Sandman: Season of Mists: Chapter 4. Issue 25 of The Sandman comics. They were created by Neil Gaiman for The Sandman: Season of Mists.         The ghost boys later appeared in their own comic book called The Dead Boy Detectives. The Dead Boy Detectives (characters) appeared on TV in the HBO Max series Doom Patrol.  In Doom Patrol the boys ages were bumped to late teens so that Edwin could be portrayed as secretly being in love with Charles.   Doom Patrol also changed Charles’ cause of death so that he died of hypothermia when bullies forced him into a freezing lake. On Doom Patrol one of the boys was played by Ty Tennant, the son of David Tennant. David Tennant was Loki in The Sandman audio drama and was in episode 11 of The Sandman Netflix series in the story Dream of a Thousand Cats.  David Tennant was also Crowley in the show Good Omens (also based on a Neil Gaiman novel, this one that he co-wrote with the late Terry Pratchett). The version of The Dead Boy Detectives who appeared in Doom Patrol were given a spin-off series of their own for HBO Max but it was to star another new set of actors playing the roles of the teen ghosts.  Due to internal shake ups at Warner Brothers, The Dead Boy Detectives series never made it to air on HBO Max and will, instead, premiere on Netflix, which may allow it to connect more directly to The Sandman like it’s original literary incarnation.        
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superluigiglitchy · 4 months
Super Glitchy Heroes (Villains don't got nothing on these Dumbasses)
SMG4 is your average everyday meme nerd who is constantly terrorized by his supposed archnemesis SMG3 at his school, Mushroom Highschool and having started a new dreadful year it only make sense on the first of school he immediately gets sent to detention only to accidentally make friends with other detention goes
Mario the school idiot with a shockingly golden heart and a deep loyalty to his friends, Luigi his scaredy cat brother who is built like a truck and shares the same golden heart and loyalty with his brother and who may also be a little fruity, Meggy they're adoptive younger sister whom they found unconscious on the beach one day and took her in who also happens to bean amnesiac, Tari the sweethearted cyborg who loves video games and ducks who no one knows HOW she ended up in detention not even she knows, Saiko Tari's begruding best friend and a punk with a rough and tough exterior who won't hesistate to kick your ass, Bob the school smuggler and aspiring rapper who often gets his ovaries rocked, and Boopkins his reluctant partner in crime who is a total weeb and is often a target of bullying
now you'd think with this premise SMG4 would be in a slice of life anime with friendships and other mushy heartfelt stuff, well your not wrong, it was that way for about 2 weeks
until the gang stumbled across an alien space ship and accidentally got super powers
Mario and Luigi can do this crazy jumping shit, tari can enter technology now, saiko has super strength, boopkins embraces his fishy moniker and has become part fish, BOB HAS BLADE HANDS, SMG4 can no summon memes, and meggy... she still has epic marksmanship skills thats its, for some reason the powers skipped her (she got a killer migraine though)
oh and SMG3 and his weird friends were there too... yeah thats not good
so now the Glitchy Gang are being trained by 2 aliens named SMG1 and SMG2 who were sent to this universe to prevent SMG0 from taking it over and killing everyone, so much for a boring school year
now having to juggle between training they're new powers, the usual angst of high school, fighting bad guys, gay awakenings and growing pains, will our heroes save the universe and solve the mysteries surrounding they're lives now or will shit hit the fan and everything gets engulfed in flames with mario's stupid ass in the center of it all
and what's with Meggy's weird past coming to haunt her via dreams?? that's wierd af
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lalalaugenbrot · 8 months
15 questions + 15 friends tagged by @nougatbit
1. Are you named after anyone?
i don't think so but as far as i can retrace my name it's greek, somehow ended up in russia and then was made popular outside of russia via doctor zhivago's lara/larissa... (still have to read that!)
2. When was the last time you cried?
I cried from an allergy i have to certain skin cremes last night at the cinema... apart from that i don't remember atm but certainly not long ago
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
i did swimming when i was like 14 (i still like swimming a lot but i'm not in a club or anything anymore)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
no :-)
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
this has always been a weird question to me... their??? face?!?!! (*laughs nervously* wouldn't that always be the first thing to notice about someone???)
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
a weird opposition. i don't really like horror movies and i prefer the ending a story needs and deserves, so some stories (e.g. a story on two traumatised young men who love and need each other more than anything or anyone else in the world in a mediocre prime time crime show) certainly deserve a happy end, other stories (e.g. a film that displays some severe social grievances) often should not have a happy ending because there isn't one to be expected in reality either... except for sometimes, for example, when it is about two queer men in 1913 Britain, finding and loving each other against all odds and all social norms, written by a gay man in the same era, then of course a happy ending can be imperative even :-)
9. Any talents?
people don't tire to tell me how ~creative i am... and that despite my apparent total lack of (visual, auditory, sensory) imagination 🙃 so there's that
other than that... i think i am good with words and i write since i literally can write and nothing brings me more joy than having written.. writing has been like the most important thing in my life for 26 years now even though it has always been something that happens more like 'in the background' of everything else
10. Where were you born?
in one of the (imo) most village-like "Großstädte" of Germany... if i told you where you'd probably know it because of one specific thing... i've been all the way to other continents and people knew it just because of that
11. What are your hobbies?
most hobbylike things are probably analogue photography, building stuff around the house (shelves etc.) and going to the cinema (or like film in general)
12. Do you have any pets?
no, but i had mice and i miss them... if i had more time and more space to have an adequate place to keep them i'd like to have mice or rats again...
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
hm. not sports. i had a 'compulsory optional course' in physics/informatics and i always say it changed my life bc that's where i understood that i like and am good at technical and computer stuff... i also liked pedagogy (nrw superiority), the obligatory history course in 12th grade specifically and in the last years also maths... god do i miss solving math problems 😭😭
15. Dream job?
i wrote this in my friends journal when i was like 10 and it is still true but i think i am a bit past the point where this will ever happen but it's 'director ' (of films)... but that involves networking and other people and putting yourself out there... and uh... i just don't see that happening (i have directed but not in the slightest professionally), the other one of course has always been 'author' and i guess that could still happen... someday in the future maybe... you know, when I'm a grown-up
tagging: @diersten @tiny-steve @sinnsenke @mcfif @black-cat-aoife @silverysnake @free-piza @lachricola
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satoshi-mochida · 8 months
From Gematsu
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Forensics investigation simulation game TOKYO PSYCHODEMIC will launch for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam on May 30, Gravity Game Arise announced. A demo is currently available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC.
In Japan, the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Switch versions of TOKYO PSYCHODEMIC will be available both physically and digitally for 5,400 yen. First-print copies of the physical edition include a copy of the original soundtrack, which features music from the game including the ending theme song “Yell (feat. sleep cat & Lil Chill).”
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
Five percent of murder cases in the world go unsolved. Re-verify those unsolved cases. Cooperate with colleagues who have specialized skills such as obtaining physical evidence, and solve cases by using analytical tools and your own investigation skills.
Human ESP experimentation. “The Incident of the Abnormal Cult.” Just as even rumors spread in secret of the existence of this “case , a new threat of an unknown virus with a fatality rate of 80 percent spread through Tokyo. The “virus” spread quickly, reaching the center of the nation and even the major bureaucrats and the prime minister were never to return home. And then… “The Tokyo Lockdown” Starting with the capital of Japan, the “virus” was on the verge of engulfing the world. But it did not… After the declaration of a state of emergency, the younger generation of politicians struggled to deal with the situation. Although the provisional government was inexperienced, it was competent and successfully overcame the worst of the situation. Four years have since passed. Using the pandemic as a cover, Abnormal Cults, who had faded from people’s memories, continue to hide from the public eye and continue to work in the dark, leaving traces of their existence as unexplained incidents. The protagonist, who has a history of being captured and experimented on, turns his attention to a case that the police have been unable to solve, in order to break the ties and the ambitions of the “Abnormal Cult Order. In the traces of the tragedies, there must be clues that connect the dots leading to the secluded psychics…. Yes… in the unsolved cases…
Based on information of unsolved cases that arrive at the detective agency, you will investigate the various circumstances that may be involved, such as the victim’s personal information, activity history from security cameras, etc. Collect and confirm the information on the evidence board and seek out to the truth.
The investigation of a crime will be based on images of evidence from crime scenes, surveillance cameras, etc. Confirm the items, people, and points of interest involved in the case. Especially from security cameras, it is possible to confirm the behavior of the victims and others. From the moment of the incident, including before and after, every piece of information will allow you to infer the reason why an incident occurred. Use the evidence board to deduce how the evidence gathered relates to the case.
Watch a new trailer below.
Release Date Trailer
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theizzizzy · 9 months
NEW AU DROP! The Ancestral Lineage is an au that focuses on Sammeth and Maximus as they go through life in the 1930’s. They end up dealing with day to day life as detectives, such as solving crimes, figuring out how to utilize Maximus’ newfound hereditary powers, and taking care of a child. (Maximus’s fur fluffs up when he’s either feeling extreme emotions, or when he’s using his powers)
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I love the idea that piles of fluff can become sentient-
like, piles of cat hair eventually becomes a new cat
asexual reproduction
via shedding
this is how Maximus’s fluff works.
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firstprince-ao3feed · 1 month
burn it to the wick
by tonystarked Detective Alex Claremont-Diaz and Forensic Analyst Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor work side by side in the NYPD Homicides Unit, each known for their exceptional skills in solving crimes. But beneath their professional facades, both men harbor a dark secret—they are serial killers with distinct methods and motivations. As they delve deeper into the grisly cases that land on their desks, their paths cross in more ways than one, leading to an intense and complicated relationship. Spanning several years, the story traces Alex and Henry's lives from their contrasting childhoods to their shared college years at a university in Texas, where they first meet and forge a connection. As they unknowingly hunt each other's alter egos while falling for each other, the tension between their public lives and secret identities builds, leading to a deadly game of cat and mouse with no clear winner. or: a FirstPrince Serial Killers AU Words: 10284, Chapters: 1/11, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Oscar Diaz (Red White & Royal Blue), June Claremont-Diaz, Ellen Claremont, Queen Mary (Red White & Royal Blue), Arthur Fox, Catherine Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Beatrice Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Philip Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Percy "Pez" Okonjo Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Alex Claremont-Diaz & Oscar Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor & Percy "Pez" Okonjo, Arthur Fox & Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Alex Claremont-Diaz & June Claremont-Diaz Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Serial Killers, Heavy Angst, Worldbuilding, Slow Burn, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Catholic Guilt, Pining Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, complicated sibling dynamics, Social Media, Racism, Minor Character Death, Blasphemy, Eventual Happy Ending, (mostly), Mexican Catholicism, Alpha Alex Claremont-Diaz, Omega Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Past Child Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse via https://ift.tt/DKd0OT6
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markwatnae · 9 months
2023 Reading Wrap-Up
Monday's Not Coming - Tiffany D. Jackson - Oct. 3 This book ruined my life. No notes. 5 stars.
Slippery Creatures - KJ Charles - Oct. 20 1920s gays solve a crime! One of them is a soldier back from WWI, the other is a conman, they fuck. 5 stars.
The Alpha and His Ace - Ana J. Phoenix - Oct. 24 It was…okay. 1 star.
Luke and Billy Finally Get A Clue - Cat Sebastian - Oct. 26 1950s gay baseball players stuck in a cabin? Sign me up. 5 stars.
Blue Steel Chain - Alex Beecroft - Oct. 26 This one was just absolute nonsense. I had fun though! 2 stars.
Getting It On With Gargoyles - Hazel Mack - Oct 29 Very interesting world-building! I’m personally not a fan of how the sex is written and how the male characters sometimes talk to the female characters, but overall it was fun to read. 4 stars.
Tangling with Trolls - Hazel Mack - Oct 29 Mostly the same as Gargoyles. Except this one had an extra strange element of the troll man being exponentially larger than the human woman so…… 4 stars.
Backstroking with a Tiger Shark - Charlie Richards - Nov 1 A SeaWorld-esque aquarium stocked entirely by marine life that are actually human shapeshifters. GAY human shapeshifters. Amazing. My biggest beef is the abysmal OSHA violations in the first chapter that set off the events. 3 stars.
Floating with a Sea Cow - Charlie Richards - Nov 1 I would personally love to be soulmates with a huge manatee. Sign me up. 3 stars.
Diving with a Hammerhead - Charlie Richards - Nov 2 I would NOT love to be soulmates with a huge hammerhead but I won’t yuck your yum. 3 stars.
The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen - KJ Charles - Nov 2 There’s a mystery, there’s men in love, there’s generational family drama, it’s good. 4 stars.
Semper Fi - Keira Andrews - Nov 3 This book ruined me. And it was great. I'm still crying. 5 stars.
The Sleeping Soldier - Aster Glen Gray - Nov 4 Absolutely adorable. 5 stars.
Patricia Wants to Cuddle - Samantha Allen - Nov 9 This book can be summed up in one word: Potential. 4 stars.
The Silent Patient - Alex Michaelides - Nov 10 This book can be summed up in one word: Stupid. 1 star.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Wild Space - Karen Miller - Nov 10 Do you like Obi-Wan Kenobi miserable and in pain? Read this book. 5 stars.
A Marvelous Light - Freya Marske - Nov 14 This book series has me in a chokehold right now. I’ve read this trilogy twice and restarted it again. 15 stars.
Tommy Cabot Was Here - Cat Sebastian - Nov 14 First in the Cabot series and super cute. Tommy is gay, his ex-wife is gay, and Everett is the cool gay teacher. 5 stars.
Make You Mine - E.M. Lindsay - Nov 14 A chubby Jewish baker and a hot gay pornstar fall in love in Savannah, GA? Fuck yeah. 4 stars
All Systems Red - Martha Wells - Nov 15 Murderbot is forced to socialize, hates it, and peaces out. Same. 5 stars.
Artificial Condition - Martha Wells - Nov 15 Murderbot makes a friend! ART means everything to me. 5 stars.
Rogue Protocol - Martha Wells - Nov 15 My least favorite of the series, but mostly because there’s no Preservation team or ART. 3 stars.
Exit Strategy - Martha Wells - Nov 16 Murderbot has to rescue Dr. Mensah! It’s fucking pissed! 4 stars.
Network Effect - Martha Wells - Nov 16 Murderbot gets PTSD! Also accidentally releases another SecUnit from its own module. NICE! 5 stars.
Fugitive Telemetry - Martha Wells - Nov 19 The only thing you need to know about this book is: JollyBaby. #BringBackJollyBaby 5 stars.
System Collapse - Martha Wells - Nov 20 Murderbot learns what PTSD is! Isn’t a fan. But gets a family—begrudgingly. 5 stars.
A Restless Truth - Freya Marske - Nov 25 Lesbians on a cruise ship in 1909! Titanic wishes. 4 stars.
Peter Cabot Gets Lost - Cat Sebastian - Nov 25 We get a classic “fall in love via cross-country road trip” story set in 1960 and it’s adorable. 5 stars.
Daniel Cabot Puts Down Roots - Cat Sebastian - Nov 25 Alex is a probably-autistic doctor and Daniel is finding himself. They realize they’re in love. 5 stars.
A Power Unbound - Freya Marske - Nov 27 Wrecked me. Destroyed me. Put me back together. 5 stars.
Red, White, & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston - Dec 11 Made me believe in love again, if only for a day. 5 stars.
Perfect Ten - K.M. Neuhold - Dec 30 A perfectly fine, fun romance but this time on a super gay island off the coast of South Carolina. 3 stars.
One Last Stop - Casey McQuiston - Dec 31 A 1970s lesbian out of time and a protagonist that is actually me. Grabbed me by the heart and squeezed. 5 stars.
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spaciousreasoning · 17 days
Walking for Health
My blood sugar remained at 162 for the second day, despite indulging yesterday in an ice cream bar after lunch and a pre-dinner bite of the birthday pie, which is slowly disappearing.
After our coffee and brain games, Nancy and I went out to take some steps. Our morning walk repeated some of what my earlier stroll along 66th Street did: all the way to the north end, then back and into the Wallace M. Ruff Jr. Memorial Park, around the magnolia garden area, out via a path into the neighborhood just north of Thornton, and home.
I discovered an app on my phone that I had forgotten about, and it mapped and timed us and measured the distance. It even estimated the number of calories burned. The distance was 2.3 miles, with about 5,500 steps. We were gone an hour, but we were not walking constantly. The calories burned estimate was 336.
The most recent entries in the app were from October 2015 and included some walks (2.6 miles) and some bike rides (3.8 miles). They were mostly along the Rillito River Loop near where we lived in Tucson. Other entries went all the way back to November 2014. That was not long after I had been in the hospital due to my bout of diabetic ketoacidosis, so I was trying to stay healthy. Sadly, the “workouts” continued for less than one year.
While my addiction to sugar has continued to trouble me, I have been fortunate to maintain my recovery without any slips involving drugs or alcohol. It truly seems that the moment I realized I was addicted a switch was flipped and I have never been tempted since then. I wish avoiding sugar had been as simple.
Nancy and I moved a few things around in the cat/study, the second bedroom where my computer and desk shares space with the all the cat supplies, litter box, and Grace’s little cave to which she escapes when things annoy her, which is quite often. We swapped two shelving units so Nancy can store her art supplies in a more open manner, while the tall, narrow bookshelf is now used mostly for books. And there is still a little room that might be used for an electronic keyboard that will substitute for her piano that is now long gone.
A new shirt I ordered arrived in the mail today, just in time to wear it out this evening to the Springfield Block Party. We met Kathleen and Ronin and another friend at their place near 8th Street and Centennial just before 6 p.m. and then walked downtown, about 1.6 miles round trip. Of course there was more walking while there, so it was nice to have the app back in play.
There could have been a lot more walking, but it was still warm and it was crowded and noisy and seemingly disorganized, so Nancy and I headed back before long, with only another half mile beyond the walk there and back.
We then went to Costco to fill up the tank for our Saturday adventure to the coast, and, finally, had dinner at Don Juan’s on River Road. It wasn’t the best Mexican food, but it was better than the last two places we tried.
When we reached home, we watched Colbert and then another episode of “HPI,” the French police series about the cleaning lady who helps solve crimes.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 7 months
Batman: A Means to an End
by Heathercheryl The Batman Strikes! After a few months of operating in the shadows, a horrific crime forces Batman into the spotlight. Now it's a race against time as Batman and the GCPD search for answers, the twist? If the GCPD solves it first, Batman's identity will be revealed to the masses. Batman will have to try and juggle his detective work, and his social life, which a mysterious villain is threatening. One thing is sure: things in Gotham will never be the same...   This is a relatively low-tech Batman set in his universe. I will branch out with more DC stories set on this same Earth, so stick around! Words: 2187, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Silver St. Cloud, James Gordon Jr., Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Ellen Yin, Harvey Bullock, Aunt Harriet, Lucius Fox, Zatanna Zatara, Giovanni "John" Zatara, Renee Montoya, Bella Reál, Oswald Cobblepot, Elaine Marsh-Morton, Edward Nygma, Basil Karlo, David Cain, Hamilton Hill, Peyton Riley, Roman Sionis, Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul, Charise Carnes, Bridgit Pike, Lazlo Valentin, Vicki Vale, Cat Grant, Salvatore Maroni, Jason Bard, Peter Grogan, Gillian B. Loeb, Mackenzie Bock, Maggie Sawyer, Michael Akins, Clancy O'Hara, Crispus Allen, Natalia Knight, Sandra Woosan, Una Nemo Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Good Parent Alfred Pennyworth, Gotham City is Terrible, Gotham City Police Department, Location: Gotham City (DCU), Jewish Bruce Wayne, Canon Jewish Character, Trans Character, LGBTQ Themes, Canon LGBTQ Character, Bruce Wayne Needs a Hug, Bruce Wayne-centric, Long-Suffering Jim Gordon, DC Comics References, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Alternate Universe - Dark, Dark, Blood and Violence, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Gore, Blood and Injury, Detective Noir, Murder Mystery, Gothic, Tom King burned my house to the ground :(, Classic outfit Batman, Childhood Trauma, Heavy Angst, Angst via https://ift.tt/Hhvw2ip
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llpodcast · 2 years
Tumblr media
This very interesting book shows how normal every day citizens get involved in how to solve murders via social media and internet and most of the times able to catch their guy before the police are able to come up with any clues to proceed forward.
 This is a very interesting book for all the true crime fans out there.  Stow interviews groups and individuals who do this not for profit or a job but on their spare time.  They have captured the murderers of victims and given the victims a voice along with the victim’s family some peace.  There are some very high media murders involved along with the people involved with the Luka Magnotta case which became the Netflix winner, Don’t F*ck with Cats.  
 This is one to really sink your teeth into and although they seem over obsessed with these cases and hope that peace can be found for the ones incorporating into this world as each case ends with results before they start to move to the next one.  Saying this, they do come up with results and they do good for the victims family who are finally able to come up with resolution and move one after they are able to bury their loved ones.
 This is a techno-vigilant feel about the proceedings and although I am amazed and in awe on their techniques, I do wonder on what happens when they get it terribly wrong. This is highly recommended and very thought provoking within its delivery.
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What about an Akechi/Joker role swap AU where Akechi is still the detective prince and Joker is still the Shujin delinquent, but the major difference is that Morgana never lost his memories and found Akechi before he approached Shido with his metaverse assassination plot?
Like, imagine Akechi, bitter and jaded, who has just awakened Loki and felt the terrifying and thrilling rush of the berserk power. He's formed a plan to get back at his piece of shit father, even managed to set up a meeting, which he had to set up months in advance, and on the day he's going to present Shido with info on the metaverse, he winds up arriving a few minutes late, because even though he intended to be early, he was accosted by a talking cat (he's been in the metaverse, so he can hear him) on the way over, and in the whole wtf-ery of the moment, lost track of time. Shido, being Shido, refuses to see him and will not reschedule because he doesn't like having his time wasted.
Pissed off, Akechi leaves to find Morgana still waiting for him outside. So he doesn't look like an idiot yelling at a cat on the street, he brings Morgana back to his shitty apartment, where Morgana explains why he had found Akechi and whats up. He doesn't know about Yaldobaoth taking Igor's place, he just knows there's two champions, and Akechi was the one he found first, so he must be Igor's chosen champion. (It is my theory that it doesn't actually matter who was Igor's and Yaldobaoth's champions, it was more about the choices they each made and where they ended up.) 
Akechi has no interest in saving the world, but he knows that if he wants to get back at Shido, he needs to become someone of consequence, so he agrees to undergo Morgana's training, since Morgana clearly knows more about the metaverse than he does, and he can use it to solve cold cases, earning him a place as the Detective Prince. He changes a few hearts, to pacify Morgana, too. It takes a couple years, but during his senior year in high school, he makes it, earning himself the cooperation of the police and the spotlight of the public eye. He's getting so close to making Shido notice him that he can practically taste it. Also, what’s this ‘velvet room’ he keeps dreaming about?
Then Morgana finds Kamoshida’s palace and is like ‘heyo, you thought changing hearts in the metaverse was cool, check this shit out’ and Akechi is admittedly intrigued , so he takes a look. He sees the inside of Kamoshida’s heart and is appropriately disgusted and says to Morgana, ‘hey we should totally kill this guy’s shadow.’ Morgana’s like ‘why is your first suggestion always murder, we don’t know what would happen if we killed his shadow, Igor wasn’t very clear about that bit, we should try stealing the treasure instead’ and Morgana has been useful (and it’s been really nice to have the company these past two years, though he won’t admit that) so Akechi agrees ‘fine, we’ll steal the treasure, but if that doesn’t work, then I’m killing his shadow.’
And that’s when Ryuji and Ann make an appearance (’ohmigawd, goro, be more careful with that damn app, i s2g.’) Ryuji’s mom apparently thinks Akechi is pretty neat and watches all his interviews, so Ryuji knows who he is and is delighted to find out that the lame-ass detective his mom has talked about is actually a grumpy badass in the metaverse, with this shadow that has some kind of insane power, and hey, he helped them bring down Kamoshida (alive,) so maybe he is actually pretty cool, even though sometimes he spaces out and talks about evil twins and some longed-nose dude. He decides then and there that he’s going to be Akechi’s best friend, since he apparently has none, and Ann is all too happy to join in for the ride, and all of Goro’s protests have fallen on deaf ears, and they know about the whole detective prince thing being a facade, so he might as well indulge them for now. 
The ‘Phantom Thieves’ (a name that makes Goro want to roll his eyes whenever he hears it, and why is everyone calling him ‘leader?’) gain fame and change hearts, gaining new members such as this weird-ass artist dude who fights with ice, and oh, god, one Nijima is bad enough, don’t tell me there’s two! and she uses nukes, wtf?!
Around this time, he also meets Shujin’s delinquent, enigmatic transfer student whose talk of hope and justice never quite seem to reflect in his stormy grey eyes, and he and Goro are clearly birds of a feather in a way, he can tell, there’s just something about him, and he thinks this guy might actually be his best friend, but don’t tell Ryuji that, he’d never hear the end of it.
Akechi learns the truth behind Akira’s arrest and Shido’s involvement and he is disgusted to find that he genuinely wants to help this guy, and he can’t do that if Shido’s dead, maybe he doesn’t want his revenge as badly as he thought??? Oh, ew, I have feelings that aren’t anger and it’s all my friends’ fault, I can’t just leave them and go off to get revenge, they’d literally die without me, those lovable idiots. Also, when Ryuji saw his home, he pretty much insisted he stay with him instead, and Ryuji’s mom reminds him of the good times he had with his own mother, and he honestly doesn’t think he has the strength to disappoint her like that. So, he decides to change Shido’s heart, but he knows that there’s no way that this little group of miscreants is strong enough to take on the fucked up bullshit that he’s seen in Shido’s heart, so let’s hit pause on that for now.
Shido had Wakaba killed via completely non-supernatural ways and stole her research, same as before, so Futaba still has a palace. He found out Akira worked at Leblanc a while ago and started dropping by, and then somehow Ryuji found out about it, and now all the Phantom Thieves know, so much for a peaceful place to get away, but he actually doesn’t mind that much, and Akira lets Akechi keep an eye on the shop when there are no customers so he can go out and do errands and Boss doesn’t mind, so they’ve ended up hanging out there as a group from time to time and talking Phantom Thief business, so Futaba knows who they are, and asks for their help.
Okumura’s palace pretty much goes the same, Okumura dies somehow, are we responsible, why does murder actually make me feel kinda bad, stupid friends and their stupid good influence. 
Goro attends the Shujin student fair as guest speaker, whoa, the class president being friends with Akechi does have its perks, doesn’t it? Akira finds them all there together and approaches them, tells them he saw them go into the metaverse, awakened his own persona, and saw a guy in a black mask kill Okumura’s shadow, hey why don’t I join you, you probably need all the help you can get, who’s heart are we stealing next, how about Sae, she knows my probabtion officer and has been giving me hell, plus I already checked, she definitely has a palace.
They agree, and oh, hey, Akira can hear Morgana talk now, but WAIT A MINUTE?! Didn’t he hear Morgana talk before when he told Goro that Leblanc didn’t sell sushi, even though Goro hadn’t asked for any?
They hack Akira’s phone, learn that Shido (Akechi recognizes that voice) will have thugs waiting to capture them when they leave the palace. They plan around it, pull the metaverse switch and manage to sneak a heavily drugged Akechi out of the warehouse Shido stashed him in by traveling through the metaverse. Shido’s lackey’s have written a fake suicide letter from the leader of the Phantom thieves, and the chief of police, under Shido’s orders, delivers a statement confirming its authenticity, and look the plan succeeded. All they need to do know is take down Shido.
Things are going great, until they get to the engine room, where Joker, having realized what happened, is waiting for them. Joker, who lost everything after he transferred, who discovered the metaverse completely alone, who didn’t mean to kill that guy’s shadow, but he attacked him first, and Shido had somehow known, had been keeping an eye on him, had him convicted for a crime that he didn’t commit in the hopes that he would break because he needed an agent in the metaverse, and so far he’s had no luck. Joker, who had nothing left to lose and had accepted the only hand that had reached out for him.
They fight, and when it looks like things are going badly for Joker, he pulls out... a second persona?!?! At least, it looks like a persona, but something about it is off. it looks familiar somehow. And then Akira asks if they knew it was possible to fuse personas and Akechi realizes what he’s looking at. These aren’t the clean executions that Caroline and Justine perform, these are personas that have been ripped apart and haphazardly thrown back together with no thought to form or elegance, look, there’s a Yaksini’s arm, and that bit right there clearly used to belong to a Rangda, and I think that piece might have belonged to a Seiryu, and Akechi should stop listing personas now because Ann thinks she’s going to be sick.
They keep fighting. Joker can’t understand the difference in power between them. After all, aren’t they the same? Unloved, unwanted, soldiers pitted against each other by some bullshit higher power?
When Joker shoots the bulkhead door closed and Futaba reports that she’s lost Joker’s reading, Akechi vows then and there that he’s going to kill Shido after all. And he almost does. He stands there, with his gun pressed to the head of the shadow of his father, his friends can’t blame him, and even Morgana knows better than to try and stop him. But he doesn’t. He remembers Akira’s madness there at the end, and wonders what he would have become of him if it weren’t for Ryuji, who somewhere along the way, he’d realized he’d stopped tolerating and started actually liking. Ann, who shared his woes about being in the public eye and swapped tips with him about how to handle the press. Yusuke, who, although he was still completely bizarre to him, appreciated the beauty in life and didn’t tease Goro for his taste in Grandpa clothes. Makoto, who knew the importance of hard work and who, between herself and her sister, had caused Goro to pick up some healthier coping mechanisms. Futaba, who made fun of him for his food blog, but liked the same nerd bullshit that he did and would bombard him with memes until his day somehow became a little less shittier. Haru, who dreamed of starting her own business and actually cared about Goro’s opinions, and could threaten someone with a smile in a way that even Goro was jealous of. And Morganna, who had reminded him what it was like to not be lonely, and demanded more sushi than he could afford, but always made sure Goro ate his fill, instead of getting so focused on his work that he forgot.
Akechi guesses that he must have turned soft somewhere during the past several months, but after seeing what happened to Akira, he can’t help but be grateful, knowing with certainty that if things had turned out differently, that would have been him. Hey, Morgana, you know that world-saving bs you talked about two years ago? Let’s leave this piece of shit here to rot and focus our attention on that instead.
And you guys know the rest.
Or, at least, that’s how I thought it would go. Feel free to share your thoughts. :)
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
That one AU where Ryan’s undercover, right?
Still with Narco or maybe he’s been shuffled around a bit, moved over to Robbery right around the time Homicide and Beckett get the case with Finch and Esposito’s old partner. (Or maybe a case crossed over and he’s being loaned out, idk, details and so on???)
And at the beginning of the case in comes Detective Demming in Robbery, formerly out of the 54th.
Castle is like >:(((((( because the man is just too pretty, and also probably rescues cats out of trees on his days off, and honestly, is he the only one to see this Detective Tom Demming as what he truly is?
(In his experience, someone who seems too good to be true isn’t, but clearly this Demming has bamboozled not only Beckett but Esposito and Captain Montgomery as well and it is up to the intrepid author of the group to prove it! ...as soon as he finds evidence.)
The case proceeds as usual and Lanie finds Ike’s prints on Finch’s body, which, you know Drama.
In comes Holliwell and the accusations and whatnot.
Esposito going to see Carol and Tim and asking if she knew and all that fun stuff?
But then!
Someone finds out that Finch was in contact with this guy, someone who could help them with a Thing (technical issue, get them something else they needed, who can say, right?) and of course it happens to by this guy who happens to know Demming.
Seems delighted to see him, all friendly like as they haul him in to ask a few questions and he’s got this smirk and is “hey, Demming. See you’ve moved up in the world,” and generally being a cocky little shit because he knows they can’t pin anything on him and also he has an alibi, but yeah, sure. Why not humor the cops for a bit? Should be fun.
Demming is just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ because yes, okay, he knows this little weasel. Busted him a few times for minor offenses and the whatnot but he always gets out and no one can make anything stick. But. He’s got a reputation for being able to get people what they need and rumors tying him to a string of robberies in a case a few years ago they were never able to solve.
But everyone knows he had something to do with it, you know?
So they ask him a few questions and get a lead. Doesn’t pan out, but what did they expect, really? (The next time they haul him in he does have a lead that pans out, so that’s nice.)
Shenanigans and whatnot, they see the footage showing Finch’s wife and Ike casing the bank and bring her in for questioning. Esposito races to Ike’s with Beckett and he has that conversation about it that’s all about Drama.
Back to the precinct and Beckett sparring with Demming and the “stealthy” sneaking around to get Demming’s SIM card and ~reveal that oh, yeah, no.
Not a dirty cop and you should all feel ashamed about even considering the possibility because the man is an angel, okay? An absolute angel.
(He definitely rescues cats out of trees on his way to coach underprivileged kids, you know he does.)
And then!
Esposito running off to help Ike steal the ledger and Demming is like ah, yes, Esposito is totally taking “a walk” and excuses himself to make a phone call, as you do.
Beckett and the others realize Holliwell is the dirty cop and since Esposito isn’t back yet – but before they can theorize as to why that is, Demming comes back in and says a “reliable source” told him Ike’s going after the ledger as they speak and with Esposito nowhere to be found it makes sense he’d be with him, right?
There’s this Moment where Beckett and Castle do the brain-twin thing and go hmmmm because it’s a little too convenient how Demming came by that info, but no time to worry about that now, they have to get to Ike and Esposito before Holliwell does.
Holliwell showing up to catch Esposito and Ike in the act and the pew-pew shooting before Beckett and the others catch Holliwell trying to make a break for it.
Shenanigans in which other cases are dealt with and every so often Demming shows up and oh, hey.
Also Demming’s little weasel buddy?
Enough that he starts in on giving Esposito and the others grief too when they bring him in for questioning?
(Kind of weird how he keeps popping up, but whatever. Demming says the guy’s just like that and you just get used to it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Eventually though, there’s a case, right?
Some murder that’s tied to drugs and robberies and homicide(s) and he’s a suspect – and then a key witness – and all the good will and trust he’s built up with his little criminal circle doesn’t mean a damn thing when someone put a price on his head and anyway.
“Wait, what?”
Because they have to protect him from the baddies – a stipulation if they want the information he’s got in that head of his – and it’s like.
Like, sure. They could do that, or they could maybe put more pressure on the guy? Beckett and Esposito could break him, just give them time, and Demming is like.
“I mean, you could, but it wouldn’t get you much. Trust me.”
And so the safehouse and Demming’s little weasel courting painful, drawn-out murderization from Beckett and the others with all the shit he gives them? Seems delighted by it like he has no idea how close they are to snapping, and does he realize they definitely how to hide a body where no one will find it, but whatever.
The thing is, Beckett and the others would rather die than admit that yes, okay. They, too, have a soft spot for the little bastard the way Demming seems to?
Such a little shit, but weirdly endearing and also he has helped them out a time or two before, you know?
He really gets under Esposito's skin, though. Because flirty little bastard and Castle is like a kid in a candy store because a criminal willing to share stories and whatnot who hasn’t (yet) threatened to kill him!
(Also, a fan!)
Beckett kind of loves the way he pushes Esposito’s buttons and he’s just. It’s hard not to like him. (She pointedly ignores the looks she gets from Demming because they’re all of the “I told you so” variety and anyway.)
And then!
After a couple of days of this the weasel disappears on them – and it’s all !!! and also >:((((((((((( because not only how, but why????
Demming goes to get answers from his people while Beckett and the others try to find out where the little bastard’s gone.
Realize, after going over what they know about the case and the little bastard that of course he’s gone to talk to someone – make a deal with his boss (the one who put the price on his head) or something and anyway -
Demming runs into them to tell them there’s some kind of meet going on...somewhere and his weasel’s involved, and then madcap race to get there before the little bastard gets himself killed.
Shenanigans in which the bad guy gets the drop on Beckett and the others, looks like the whole gang is about to be murderized, right?
Drama and Bad Guy Confessions Via Monologue, the weasel about to get murdered for real, but what’s this?
A bunch of cops in from Narco and Robbery, also Captain Montgomery and associates and all cavalry to the rescue to save the day?
Bad guys in cuffs being led off and Esposito hauling the weasel along, pissed off like you wouldn’t believe because of course the little bastard snuck out on his watch – scared the shit out of him – and just.
Very much Annoyed.
Demming takes charge of the little weasel when they get back to the station, had this odd little smile on his face as Esposito hauled him away, right? One Beckett and Castle just could not figure out and then!
Beckett and the others up in Homicide finishing off reports and whatnot and not quite ready to head home?
She gets a call from Demming, says he has someone he wants them to meet and if everyone’s still there? To which she is like yes?????
And then!
Few minutes later the elevator goes ding!
Ding goes the elevator and out comes Demming and his little weasel?
No cuffs this time, and it looks like he’s had time to clean up and get a change of clothes, which is probably for the best because of all the blood and whatnot after being knocked around by the bad guys before Beckett and the others showed up.
Which also huh, you know, huh. Like, sure. Guy’s not their murder suspect, but also other crimes and why, okay, why is Demming smiling like that? Why is the weasel smiling like that?
(He does clean up well, though. Not that Esposito is staring or anything, goodness no.)
“Thought you’d like to meet Detective Kevin Ryan.”
Shit-eating grins on both their faces and Beckett and the others like what and then attempted murder of Ryan by Esposito because that little shit, and then shenanigans?
Also going out for drinks and the telling of a story that involves undercover work and many instances of running into Beckett and the others and being like – “Do you guys ever get a normal homicide case?” because Kevin’s new here and doesn’t realize and anyway.
For some reason Kevin Ryan ends up transferring to Homicide and Esposito grumbles to anyone who will listen for forever afterwards about getting stuck with him, but it’s pretty obvious someone needs to look out for the idiot.
And then shenanigans and Castle still prying stories and whatnot out of Ryan every chance he gets – Esposito gets this look on his face when he’s around for one because they’ve all gotten to know the little idiot by now and how the hell is he not dead yet???
And perhaps, also, there is still ~flirting because Ryan is still a little shit and Esposito cannot with this moron, but also there’s a betting pool, because of course there is.
Castle has a !!! “My goodness, I never would have expected you, of all people, to take part in this,” to Demming when he ponies up some money for the betting pool on how long until those idiots figure out their shit.
(Meanwhile, Ryan gets in on the betting pool about Beckett and Castle because how do they not see it and anyway, yes.)
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