#police work
semioticapocalypse · 9 months
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Leonard Freed. From the 'Police Work' series. New York. 1972
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science70 · 1 year
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Photo identification of a wanted criminal, New York Police Department, 1975.
Photography: Leonard Freed
Published in Police Work (Simon and Schuster, 1980).
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karihighman · 5 months
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healthy, communicative, non-competitive, wholesome, productive female friendships >>>>
it was such a great end scene for lucy & celina in this episode because it truly shows how far they’ve come in their professional and personal relationship, and how they can not let one interfere with the other. respectful & receptive were the perfect words for them to use too!! 💙
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aeshnacyanea2000 · 2 years
The main office included not only the duty officer’s desk but also half a dozen smaller ones, where watchmen sat when they had to do the really tricky parts of police work, like punctuating a sentence correctly.
Terry Pratchett - Thud!
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glasratz · 1 year
If I ever hear about staff problems in the German police again, I'll just laugh.
Today three (3!) plain clothes police officers squeezed in front of me in the train to shake down a teenaged couple. While the two young people were visibly intimidated and very quiet, the police didn't care much that they had quite an audience. The train ride was only a couple of minutes to the final stop, so they could just have done the whole thing at the station.
Well, they found one (1!) joint and one of the teenagers even had a prescription. The police wasn't satisfied with that and threw all kinds of accusations at those kids. When I looked back from my next train fifteen minutes later, they were still standing at the station taking the data for the report.
So let's summarize this: The police obviously has enough manpower to put three officers in a small town regional train to target recreational drug users. Those aren't afraid to spend about an man-hour of time to report an offense that will surely be dismissed. And they do all that without any respect for their targets' privacy.
Meanwhile, we have quite a problem with burglaries and con artists.
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williamrablan · 4 months
Houston, we have lift-off - Broken People is released
It is a story of God's love and redemptive power for us. And it's about extending Grace to others . . .
Leonardo Da Vinci is supposed to have said that “Great works of are never finished. They’re simply abandoned.” I’m not sure I’d put my little novel up against the Mona Lisa, but it certainly represents a lot of hard work, sweat, tears, sleepless nights, and so on. But one can always hope. -HOW BROKEN PEOPLE CAME ABOUT The title could easily have been something else. Broken Toy Soldiers was one…
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traumafactory28 · 4 months
If I ever become a detective and see that a victim has a cat, you bet your ass I'm going to check for its DNA/hair at/on crime scenes, cars, people,etc. Because I know that cats hair will be anywhere the victim has been since it's on their clothes almost all the time.
What? This case is cold because you couldn't find the victims dna is a car? Check for cat hair and cross reference with the one the victim has. Boom! Case solved!
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morganbritton132 · 11 days
AU where Tim, age nine, walked three miles to his neighbor’s house, held up his bleeding hand to Alfred, and asked if he could please have a bandaid. He got stitches instead, and a hug from Dick, who squeezed him tight and asked, “Can we keep him?”
And then Tim never went home again.
He learns gymnastics with Dick and reads in the library with Jason. He shows Alfred how to reset the wifi and rambles on to Bruce about his latest obsession (shipwrecks), and he never sees his parents again.
Behind the scenes, there was a kid left alone in a mansion while a whole international incident played out. It included a kidnapping, a ransom, a failed hostage negotiation, and two dead parents never coming home.
It pokes at a wound in Bruce when he is told about the Drakes and he has always been productive in tragedy. He knows how to shove the hurt away and build something strong on top of it.
The adoption was seamless. The sell of the Drake Estate was effortless. The trust for Tim. The memorial. The scholarships in Jack and Janet’s names. Bruce does it all methodical and singleminded.
And somewhere. Somehow. They forget to tell Tim.
Sometimes he misses his mom and dad. He misses his old room and being alone in a big house, but months turn to years and he likes it here. He really does. He has brothers here and Alfred, and they say they’re his family. He likes that.
They said they wanted to keep him, so they kept him. Kept him forever.
Then Damian is there.
Tim comes home and there’s a new boy, about the age he was when they got him. Tim asks in a whisper, “Did they take you too?”
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nomilatico · 1 month
Convex doodles to chew on- cheers!
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tiger-grace · 2 months
Damian standing outside of the police precinct because Jason (notorious crime lord) got caught for busting an illegal poaching and harvesting scheme
Damian: free my man he ain’t do anything wrong
Commissioner Gordon: he cut off their hands-
Damian, slowly pulling a batarang out of his pocket: I said, free my man. He ain’t do anything wrong.
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August 22/23, 2024 - Protesters ripped down police barricades and the gates of Parliament in Jakarta, forcing the Indonesian government to postpone the ratification of an election law that would strengthen the political influence of President Joko Widodo and his family. Demonstrations against the president's nepotism have been met by heavy police repression and violence, but continued into the night as militant protesters sang "Buruh Tani" - a working class anthem of solidarity and resistance against oppression. [video]/[video]
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locusfandomtime · 1 year
The maths fandom is wild. “Real” and “imaginary” numbers? I think you mean canon and non-canon. You guys seriously go “this is my number oc his name is i and he is the square root of -1” when in numbers canon lore it’s actually impossible to square root a negative but sure whatever. “Complex numbers”? I think you mean a character x oc ship. “f(x) = 3x - 5”? That is self-insert fanfiction.
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arcanegifs · 4 months
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ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: ↳ "So was I. I was angry, just like you. I led us across this bridge, thinking things could change. If I hadn't… your parents would still be alive. I know you wanna hurt the topsiders for what they've done to us. But who are you willing to lose? Mylo? Claggor? Powder? Nobody wins in war, Vi."
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nando161mando · 2 months
Riots erupted last night in the working-class neighborhood of Harehills in the city of Leeds, UK. The local community attacked police, destroyed their cars and set fires in the area.
The incident began after police confiscated five Roma children from their family over alleged safety concerns. One of the children was admitted to a hospital with an injury.
The parents say that the injury was not due to mistreatment, and the rest of the local community quickly rallied against the authorities.
Harehills is one of the poorest areas of the country, hit hard by more than a decade of austerity measures. Roma communities have emphasized that their children are more likely than others to be separated by social services due to the discrimination they face.
Far-right accounts in the US and Europe immediately pounced on the situation, claiming that “Muslims” and “immigrants” were behind the clashes, and thereby whipping up racism.
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fosliie · 6 months
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Everywhere I look, he’s always there
Was reminded of this trend from awhiiiile ago and just HAD to do a lil spin on it.
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williamrablan · 1 year
The Third Best Meal I Ever Had
I love food. Put a grilled steak that’s been marinated in Greek spices in front of me and I’m in hog heaven. Just put the herbal butter on it and let it melt. Or then there’s the eternal quest for the perfect hamburger. I found it once served by two brothers at a place called the Romeo Lunch. The grill probably hadn’t been cleaned since the depression but toss that burger on a bun, serve it up…
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