#id cry from the amount of comfort it gave me
"sweetheart" but like you're talking to a concerned kid
"honey" but like comforting
"my love" but like platonically
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wizen-faced-frump · 1 year
This post contains SO MANY SPOILERS for the final mob psycho ep so pls scroll past immediately if you somehow found this and haven't watched the end yet!!!! I watched the episode as soon as it came out but then it was late and I had to go to sleep afterwards so I couldn't spew my thoughts out immediately,,
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[ID: Screenshot of Mob laughing from the show. End ID]
JESUS CHRIST WHAT A SHOW. I thought I'd be bawling by the end but I actually wasn't because I was so happy.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE how they dealt with Reigen and Mob. These two have had the best character arcs I've ever seen in any type of media. It's just beautiful. You can feel their growth and it's genuinely so real and heartwarming. As someone who mainly fell in love with the show because of how much I relate to Mob's struggle with himself, it feels like the show is reaching out and giving me a warm hug and telling me that it's okay to feel this way, that I'll figure it out eventually. Mob's acceptance of himself at the end was so, so lovely!! All I feel when I think about the episode is warm colors and comfort and this feeling in my chest that I can be content with myself too, given enough time.
And REIGEN!! My GOD what they did with him was STAGGERING they took such a despicable type of character and turned him into almost a role model, someone with such good intentions that people were happy the show ended with him sharing the spotlight. Reigen isn't perfect in any way and I LOVE that. Usually writers feel this need to make their characters as "good" as possible in order to inspire people, but it ends up creating the opposite effect because then you've got this character that is the epitome of good deeds and character which almost puts pressure on the readers to be and act a certain way. With Reigen, however, they preserved his "other side" along with the things that made us love him, making him even more loveable in the process and getting the message across that it's alright if you have flaws!! Everyone has them!!
And the actual episode itself. I CANNOT describe the feelings I felt when 99 started playing as Reigen struggled to get to Mob. My jaw fucking dropped and I had to physically put a hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming. The amount of effort Reigen made to get to Mob didn't just touch my heart, it ripped it out of my chest and threw it at the opposite wall. The episode managed to show just how much Reigen loves Mob beautifully. Even with Serizawa warning Reigen it would be dangerous, even with Reigen himself getting thrown back about five hundred times, he knew he HAD to get to Mob and confess. And when he started crying… I almost thought the creators wouldn't let him cry because of what happened in S2 Ep7, but they DID and it was one of the best feelings ever. Don't get me wrong, I don't particularly enjoy characters crying out of sadness, but as someone who has played Ace Attorney a LOT and as someone who has been obsessed with that franchise for two years it would often get me how the writers wouldn't let any of the characters show pure emotion and that feeling just stuck with me I guess. It could be that crying shows a character's vulnerabilities and makes them more "exposed" but hey, I can barely understand what I want to say, much less put it into words lol. The "grand speech" Reigen gave Mob while confessing was far from grand or perfect and that just made it feel so much more real and natural. GOD i love this show
Also Dimple. Dimple Dimple Dimple I love Dimple SO MUCH like AGAIN I can't believe the writers took someone like Dimple and made him THIS. The Divine Tree Arc gave him so much character,, Mob really does bring out the best in everyone huh. Dude just CANNOT fuck off and be obliterated he HAS to come back to make us all love him even more.
And then after Mob and his powers accepted each other and went to talk to Tsubomi (by the way what the FUCK tsubomi!!! how did you stay in that park all that time holy shit!!! you have no fear!), when Mob came back out and said she rejected him with a soft smile… it felt so natural. I knew that the writers wouldn't pull one of the dumbest moves ever and make Tsubomi accept his confession (just like they didn't give reigen psychic powers in the end like bro my heart almost stopped when reigen said he'd been "working out" because i didn't want him to magically get psychic powers but i was so glad that reigen managed to resist mob's powers because he was dimple LMAO). I wanted to give Mob a hug so badly when he started crying and then Reigen started giving him the most dad reassurance ever which made me want to hug them both and then the scene showed all three of them walking off together which made me want to hug everyone. ALTHOUGH I WILL SAY I WAS MAD NO ONE HUGGED ANYONE,,, PLS I JUST WANTED TO SEE REIGEN AND MOB HUGGING EACH OTHER THEY DESERVE ALL THE HUGS
Now for the small details,, Serizawa! Calling! Reigen! As soon as possible! To make sure he was okay! Reigen sounding so happy while talking about working to rebuild the city with Serizawa! Teru's new haircut! Teru asking Mob to go shopping with him again! Mob actually loving the shirt Teru picked out for him! Mob being the new vice captain of the body improvement club! Inukawa's alien eyes! TOME IN THE OFFICE! TOME IS IN HIGH SCHOOL! Serizawa starting to feel more comfortable while talking to people! Everyone getting together to throw Reigen a surprise party! Reigen almost crying! Serizawa catching the cake with his powers at the last moment! Serizawa's laughter while he reached out to Reigen with a towel to clean his face! Tome being all "AW i wanted to see you cry smh" their dynamic ahhh (I can't remember if it was her or dimple but! lmao whatever!)! MOB LAUGHING SO FREELY IN THE END HSJAHKFJHDJHKJ I'M ON THE FLOOR. I'M DECEASED.
I am in love with everything this show has to offer.
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old-reminiscence · 7 months
when my mom would debate leaving us in the car, her reasoning was always so that no one would call the police
i remember being all alone in the backyard sitting in a kids play house for an underminded amount of time playing with snails and bugs
being made to stay completely alone in my room for hours as punishment
deep memories of being alone and scared in my crib, crying and holding my stuffed animals
the screaming and arguing and the hiding
fucking making up scenarios where i was drugged and sexually assaulted over and over again
the way i flinch at every sudden movement near my head
strong feelings that i wasnt allowed to eat they were mad at me
that one time i struggled to make dinner because my parents refused to
the time i tried running away and my mom laughed at me and asked me where id go and what id do
the times theyd make me touch people i didnt know and look them in the eyes
when my dad first started teaching me how to swim i jumped in because he was getting frustrated with me
my dad looking me dead in the eyes and telling me if he told me anything more hed have to kill me
when mom would be sick and dad would be volatile and i was hungry
when dad wouldnt come home until really late
when theyd grab me and give me a stern talking to if i was being too rowdy or unclassy
like that one time i was rubning around the outside of a reasturant with my brother and having a really fun time
i got in trouble for so many mistakes like spills or knocking something over
"im sorry i didnt mean to im sorry"
being screamed at till i was sobbing and then being called out on it
"you look at me when im talking to you"
"dont roll your eyes at me"
"go to your room and dont come out"
the time i accidentally popped a lizards tail off chasing it and i told my mom excitedly about how it still moved and she said, "i thought you were the animal lover, shame on you" and treated me like i was a horrible person
asking about evolution and having my faith be questioned at dinner
being told i was going to go to hell if i was a bad kid
"pray every night"
"god loves you"
getting sick and my parents always got upset with me, blaming me for it
switching between comforting me from nightmares and leaving me all alone
that one time i genuinely thought my heart was breaking because i was so sad when my parents got dissapointed in me
being told about suicide when i was like 8
being taught how to kill someone when i was 11
watching a rape scene with my dad when i was 12
being taught tactics of how to analyze and scan people and areas like a soldier
"your mom loved you so much she gave you up so you could have a better life"
"she named you"
"we love you"
"we'd never hurt you"
"we're not those kidn of peopel"
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kiridarling · 3 years
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eijirou kirishima | f!reader, DARK CONTENT, drugging, noncon, but also the reader isn't not into it bc like...i have my limits okay, talk of vomit for a sec (no actual vomit), degradation, bondage, size kink, hair pulling, ripping clothes, slut-calling once or twice. minors dni!
— 3k words
"'S this what you need, Sweetheart? Y'need me to use you to get off while you just lie there and take it?"
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"See somethin' you like, Sweetheart?"
"U-Um," you flush a deeper red than the stranger's hair and pray he can't see it under neon red lights. Either way, you've been caught red-handed, and recoil. "Sorry."
The stranger's crimson eyes soften before relaxing into a kind smile, and he lifts a dismissive hand. "I was just messing with you! That's on me."
He lifts a hand to scratch the back of his head and the smile grows wider, displaying the rows of predatory sharp teeth that shouldn't look as gentle as they do. You relax in the seat to his right, immediately turning to the bartender to order a funny named a drink. The redhead raises an eyebrow, leaning his arm on the counter.
"A Stranger Danger?" He nearly deadpans.
"Club Special," you shrug. You've never been particularly great at holding your alcohol, but this drink provides just enough punch for a buzz, aka what you need to get through the night. The bartender slides over a tall, rose-dyed wine glass without another word.
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"Eijirou Kirishima," the stranger says with his sharp teeth, offering a large hand to shake. He looks comical next to you, all hunched over the neon bar while you sit up straight for your head to reach his shoulder, and as you take the handshake, can't help but notice how his palm eats yours like it's nothing.
"Y/N," you smile. His hand lingers before it pulls away, and he tells the bartender he'll have what you're having.
"So," Eijirou starts once his order has been placed. "You come here often?" You snort at the cheesy line, and the way Eijirou smirks implies he knows just how cliché it is.
"Sometimes," you shrug vaguely. The club's fairly new, so it's not as if you can say you've been going here for years. You lift the drink to your lips, the sugar-crusted rim tickling the corners of your mouth. "You?"
He shrugs, "When I want to get out."
You nod at that and offer him your glass with a raised eyebrow. Eijirou shakes his head, lifting a glass of his own. Your nose scrunches.
He takes a sip before answering, lips white from the foam before his tongue licks them over, "Stella Artois. Want some?"
Your eyes shift between your dainty glass and his not-so-dainty one before you snort, "I'll pass."
Eijirou shrugs, reclining back in his seat and beer in hand, "Suit yourself."
You pat your back pocket for your phone, but when you realize there's a loss of weight on one side, you pat your right buttcheek to realize you left your wallet in the car. Fuck.
"Uh, hey," you say, knocking the redhead on the shoulder. You figure he's trustworthy enough, and the bartender always keeps an eye out for you anyway. "I'll be right back—left my wallet in the car."
Eijirou nods at that as you push away from the counter practically shaking your head at how distracted you can be sometimes. Seriously, your wallet?
At least the bartender didn't ask for your ID. Yikes.
You slam the car door shut with a huff, wallet finally in hand as you trudge back to the bar. When you return, Eijirou's got the beer lifted to his lips and greets you with a small wave as you sit down.
"Long time no see."
You giggle while grabbing your glass by the neck. As the club starts to fill out, you begin to shrink into your shell—throwing the entire drink down the hatch fixes you right up, though.
"Oh wow okay, looks like we're just going for the whole thing, then," Eijirou chuckles as he takes a much more civilized sip of his. You smack your lips with a satisfied aah.
"Gotta get the buzz going somehow," you wink, before getting comfortable in your seat. Alcohol warms your veins already, prompting your body to start pulse in time with the bass of the music. Eijirou smiles, watching you.
"You like this song?" he asks softly, before adjusting so you're both sat the same way—elbows and backs against the counter, facing the club and all its chaos. You shrug.
"I guess. I've never heard it 'till now."
He tosses his head back onto his muscled shoulders in a chuckle, and you watch the entire act in slow motion. The glint of his teeth in the neon lights, how his chest balloons and quivers under the weight of a bellow. You find yourself staring much harder than you intend to, but he doesn't seem to notice, eyes locked on the dance floor.
"Touché, touché," he says upon recovery. The alcohol in your veins turns to syrup and time starts to blur more than you're used to it being, body so light and weightless you have to pat the chair to make sure you aren't floating. That usually doesn't happen.
"You okay?" Eijirou frowns when you falter. You pull a smile and nod.
"Mhm," you say, though silently panicking when you feel like you're falling out of your seat. You grip the countertop just in case. "Mhm, yeah."
He raises an eyebrow, "You sure?"
"Yeah," you nod, before clearing your throat. Your body flashes hot then cold, and you wonder if you shouldn't have taken that drink down like you did. "I'm um—I'm going to go to the bathroom, one sec."
You're unsure if Eijirou says something as you leave because you pour all your energy into stumbling across the obnoxiously loud club, filled with too much bass and pandemonium for your liking. You're suddenly overwhelmed by everything and your esophagus goes numb at the thought of vomiting, but you make it to the singles bathroom just in time to shut the door and control your goddamn stomach.
With a sigh, you rest your head against the cool sink. The incessant buzz of the overhead lights is much, much better.
You take a deep breath and flick on the sink. Ensuring it's as freezing as it can possibly go, you launch some into your face. You don't even consider ruining the amount of work that went into your outfit today, because ultimately you aren't sober enough to give a shit, blinking back at your reflection to find it fairly blurry. You nearly stumble and fall, but your vice grip on the counter keeps you alive.
"You okay?"
The second you step back into the noisy club, Eijirou's there—with his sweet sharp-toothed smile, he's posted next to the bathroom door and you find yourself grappling his jacket for stability.
"Whoa—Careful now," He chuckles at your sloppiness with a lifted eyebrow. You blink once, twice—the spots floating in your line of vision don't disappear. His hands snake around your waist to keep you from falling and eating shit, and you dig your forehead into his muscled chest.
"Gotta—I gotta go home."
"Okay," Eijirou soothes softly upon realizing how utterly shit-faced you are. "How'd you get here?"
"Walked," you groan and nearly cry, looking up at him with a pout. Eijirou coos.
"Well, no offense but I don't think you're good to walk on your own, Sweetheart."
His voice is heady with something you can't quite recognize, but it's comfortable, and you melt into his chest with a weak nod.
"Can I help you home?" He offers with a kind smile. You nod, fists gripping his shirt in tufts.
"Yes please."
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"I am al—hic—always so fu—fucking careful," you slur. Your body has gone so numb that Eijirou gave up and resorted to carrying you bridal style the rest of the way instead. But he has to set you down so you can stuff your keys in the door, but you can't even do that right.
"Need me to do it?"
"No!" You puff your cheeks, trying twice more before you successfully get it in the keyhole. "'Mma strong independent woman who don' nee' no mahn."
Eijirou chuckles, and using his big shoulder, opens the door to chauffeur you inside. Neither of you get very far, maybe halfway to your room, before your legs give out and the only thing that saves you is the hand on your waist.
"Down this hall?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. You nod so profusely it gives you a temporary headache.
You blink and you're in your bedroom, your front hitting the sheets with a soft thump. Huh. Maybe he carried you the rest of the way. With a face full of pillows, you groan at the new and improved position as you feel the bed dip behind you, and Eijirou grab both of your wrists.
"You're so cute, you know that?"
Something soft and silk ties your fists behind your back. You recognize the material as the belt from your robe, tossed carelessly on your bed during the chaos that ensues every time you get ready for the club. It's not until you try to pull your hands apart that you realize they're tied tight.
"Pulling is only going to make it tighter," Eijirou says with an absentminded sigh, like he's done this before, and trepidation spikes in your chest once he raises your hipbone and slides a pillow underneath to angle them, the only way you could break free—especially with the new grip on your hips.
"Ei—" you try to squirm, legs kicking blindly into the space behind you, but once he seizes your thighs he's sitting on your calves to keep you in place. There's the undeniable sound of cloth ripping and your behind is suddenly met with cool air, prompting a shiver or two.
"Eijirou, what are yo—"
You're interrupted by a stinging slap to your ass and a growl. "Don't tell me I gotta gag your pretty mouth too, Sweetheart."
His voice is low and sharp with a threat, his grip tightening around your thighs.
"You're soaked already? Fuck...and I bet you taste so sweet too..." he bites back a groan in thought, sliding a finger down your slit.
He clicks his tongue but it's damn near mocking. You gasp as he fills you with two large fingers instead of one, body tensing as the alcohol-induced numbness fades in favor of amplified arousal. Eijirou chuckles at your reaction.
"Taking it so well already," he purrs, hand caressing the crest of your ass. In your defense, there isn't much you can do but take it. Ah-ah, Sweetheart—Speak up for me."
"O-Ow," you hiss when your head is wrenched. upwards via your hair to expose your broken moan. Eijirou's grip only tightens after you complain, and you can feel his hot breath ghost the base of your neck. His thumb finds your clit and doesn't move, it just sits there as heavy weight—and it's just as frustrating as it is teasing.
"Ei," you rasp into the pillow, voice hoarse and thick. "I nee—fuck, more—"
"More?" He chuckles derisively, shaking his head with a tut. "Two fingers and you want more? Fuckin' slut."
Each word is loaded with something pitifully mocking and if you were in any other position you would've curled a lip and spat back. But that's a little hard with your face in the pillow and Eijirou's weight above you, isn't it? You shake your head against his fist until he lets go in favor of crackling a solid hand against your ass.
"Oh, you like that, don't you Sweetheart?" He grunts and his fingers increase in speed, the lewd squelch bounces off the walls of the bedroom and echoes in your head in the most insulting way. "My fingers fill you up that good?"
"Y-Yeah, I—" you choke around drool that gathers in the corners of your mouth and shake under his palm. "Fuck me Ei, I nee—"
The quick spank cracked against your ass shakes you from your thought process. "Dirty fucking girl—you really so desperate to let a guy you just met fuck you like this? So goddamn easy."
But he's removing his fingers regardless, stuffing them between your swollen lips as he assumes the space behind you. You hear the quiet fumble of his belt and the run of his zipper, before you feel his hot cock pressing against your soaked entrance.
Eijirou pushes in with a groan, his free hand finding your hips to keep them in place. Your legs thrash as he fills you up with a pleasurable burn, and by the time he bottoms out, you're positive he's filling you up all the way to your lungs.
"Fucking hell," he heaves above you, and the fingers in your mouth disappear to grasp the sheets. You shake along with him, back straightening in a poor attempt to alleviate the burn—and he barely gives you a second to breathe before he's pulling out and slamming back in.
You jump each time the head of his cock rams against your cervix, feet scrambling in a poor attempt to escape. Eijirou growls and puts all of his weight in his hips to ensure you'll stay still, a big hand smushing your face into the sheets.
"Sing for me, Sweetheart—I wanna hear ya."
Your voice cracks as Eijirou speeds up, simply using you for his own pleasure—but maybe that's what excites you the most.
"'S this what you need, Sweetheart?" He spits, and you can feel the sweat dripping from his shoulders onto your exposed back. "Y'need me to use you to get off while you just lie there and take it?"
You whimper uselessly and nod, but Eijirou growls, yanking your head up for a proper answer.
"I said, don't you?"
"Fuck I—" he hikes your hips even higher for a better angle and gets one, the head of his cock forcing a scream out of your lungs as you yelp, "I do!"
"'Course you do," he chuckles, and drops your head back onto the pillow, "'Course you fuckin' do—"
"Ei-Eiji—" you gasp like you've been underwater forever. "I can't, I nee—"
"Dumb little baby can't even speak," he coos, before his hand finds the sides of your neck and squeezes. "What? Whadd'ya need, Sweetheart?"
And honestly, you're not completely sure what you need, you just know you're chasing after *something—*and Eijirou's got you sprinting after it while you melt into the sheets into a hot, gooey mess. You think the split ends of EIjirou's hair ticking the back of your arms, but you aren't sure. The only thing you are sure of is the burn between your legs and the feeling of being very, very close.
"'Mma cum!" You squeal, the vein in the side of your neck bulging. Eijirou grunts and slides a calloused hand under your stomach to play with your clit, hissing as you squeeze around him.
"Awe, the little slut's gonna cream all over my cock?" He coos, and you're positive his hips speed up just a bit. The grip on your neck slides to the hands tied behind your back for leverage. "Yeah she fuckin' is—I can see your eyes rolling back already."
And he's right, because the weight of your orgasm knocks the wind out of your lungs and your lips round to form and 'o'. You couldn't say if you screamed or not, as the ringing in your ears peaks with your orgasm. The only reason you know Eijirou finishes is because his hips stutter to a stop while you lay face down in the pillow, heart thrumming against your ribcage.
"Hey, you okay?" Eijirou nearly scrambles to get your back on your chest. You know this type of thing gets him nervous, but he does it oh so well, and there isn't much you can do but smile at the ceiling lazily.
"You just railed me into the sheets and you're asking if I'm fine?" You snort at your boyfriend's frazzled appearance—and the afterglow doesn't help, his chili red hair sticking in every other direction except the one it's supposed to.
"Yeah," Eijirou doesn't even hesitate and then gives you a quick peck on the lips. His voice edges on a petulant whine as he says, "I was rough, Sweetheart."
"Because I asked you to be," you quirk an eyebrow and finally, the redhead stumbles to your joint bathroom butt naked. "And don't forget to wet the towel this time!
A little shuffling in the bathroom, and then:
"That was one time!"
"And my vag will never recover!" You holler back. Eijirou just snorts before the white noise of a running sink takes possession of the conversation, and you scoot to the section of your shared bed that isn't soiled with a sigh.
You roll onto your side and come face to face with a framed selfie of you and Eijirou on your first date. Next to that one is first anniversary, second anniversary, third...
Now you're edging on the fifth, comfortable enough where he's walking around with his soft dick out and you've given up in swatting at his hands every time they grab for your tits. You two are comfortable—this is comfortable.
Eyeing the bathroom door, you still hear running water. Sneakily, you reach for the drawer where Eijirou keeps the the ring he doesn't know you know he hides. But frankly, you're the only one who cleans this goddamn house, so it wasn't like you weren't going to find it. You open the red velvet box to blink down at a diamond ring, thumb caressing gem. It glimmers even when the lights are low, and you can't help but be jealous of it—which is silly. You know it'll be yours anyway. The ring is always smoother than you expect it to be, but that thought doesn't last long, because you quickly toss it back into Eijirou's drawer and assume a less suspicious position upon hearing the sink turn off.
"What?" he asks with a small grin as he walks in with a wet towel in hand. "You're giving me that weird look again."
You snort, rolling your eyes before adjusting so you face the ceiling again. Spreading your legs, you demand, "'S nothing. Now clean me up, big boy."
Eijirou huffs at that but he assumes the space between your legs with a light blush. You smile.
He'll do it. When he grows the balls.
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hii!! this is actually my first time requesting so I'm a little bit nervous about this. but would it be alright to ask for hcs with hinata, bokuto, and iwaizumi with an s/o who has this irrational fear of when they're walking and they don't see the person they're walking with in front of them or beside them, they (s/o) automatically assume that the person they're with left them and starts crying or pinging their phone? and when they ask they're s/o about it, they tell them that it was because when they were younger their mom always made them walk in front of her when she's in a bad mood and younger them just thought that their mom made them do this so that she could abandon them and leave them to be lost? it's totally fine if you don't want to do it! ^^
• Hinata, Bokuto, + Iwaizumi W/ a S/O Who Has a Fear of Getting Lost •
warnings: descriptions of a panic attack
genre: comfort + fluff
characters: hinata, bokuto, + iwaizumi
a/n: i’m so sorry that these are crappy, it’s been so long since i’ve written hcs 
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hinata was beyond excited to bring you along with him to the winter festival
not only did he get to stuff himself full of good food but he got to spend the entire night spending time with you
being as eager as he was, he picked you up early from your house and dragged your intertwined hands towards the bright lights that shone down the road
the winter festival was an extremely popular event in miyagi so it wasn’t a huge surprise that when the two of you finally arrived, it was packed with people
hinata payed the large crowd no mind, too focused on the bright lights and the smells flying through the air to care about the amount of people
you on the other hand began to grow worried, with the extreme amount of attendees the chances of getting separated from hinata were through the roof
however, you decided to push away your worries so you could just enjoy the night, taking a deep breath to calm your nerves and reaching a hand out to grip onto hinata’s sweater
but nothing but the cold night air met your fingers as they curled back into your palm
in a moment of panic your gaze swept across the crowd, eyes growing wide when you failed to spot your boyfriend
with shaky hands you fished around in your bag for your cellphone, quickly scrolling through your contacts and clicking on hinata’s name
the dial tone blared through your ears as chants of ‘please pick up’ fell from your lips
after what felt like an eternity the line connected and you could’ve swore you let go of a breath you didn’t even know you’d been holding
“Y/N where’d you go? I turned around but you weren’t there. Stay put and i’ll find you, kay?”
the line cut off as quickly as it connected and you were left clutching your cellphone in the middle of the busy street
you manged to make your way to the sidewalk in your frightened state as familiar thoughts slipped into your mind
he had told you he was on his way to come find you but all your brain had registered was that hinata had left you and was never coming back
it wasn’t until you felt a warm hand on your shoulder that you were ripped from those thoughts
your glossy eyes moved from the cracked pavement to the bright grin that was spread across hinata’s face
“There you are! Sorry, i should’ve made sure you with me-”
he stopped his train of thought when he noticed the hurt painted across your face
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“T-Thought you left me.”
his heart broke at those words as he slid down next to you and pulled you into a tight embrace
“I’m super sorry Y/N. I promise i’d never leave you on purpose. You mean so much to me and there’s no where else i’d rather be then right here with you.”
a sigh of contentment left your lips as you leaned into his touch, knowing he meant every word
“It’s okay Sho, i’m just glad you’re here now”
he beamed at you as he moved to stand up, extending a hand towards you
“Yup, and now that i am we can go have fun!”
the two of you spent the rest of the night laughing and smiling with one another, hand in hand as you stuck by each other’s side
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bokuto was so excited to take you along to watch your first in-person pro-volleyball game
of course you’d attend his games before but this was the first time you’d be able to see a professional game from somewhere other than his living room television
you were pretty fired up too, growing to love the sport just as much as bokuto did during your relationship with him
the two of you walked into the stadium hand in hand, bokuto rambling in excitement as his eyes trailed across the environment
you followed his gaze, looking about the huge structure around you and the many people that wandered throughout it
you knew professional games were obviously popular but you didn’t expect it to be so crowded
you were growing nervous, subconsciously squeezing bokuto’s hand out of habit as your sight shifted from one person to the next
bokuto’s eyes wandered to you due to the increased amount of pressure youd applied to his hand, wondering what had you so fidgety
“What’s wrong Y/N? Something bothering you? Oh, do you have to go to the bathroom? I’ll show you where it is!”
before you could protest, you were being dragged towards the direction of the restroom
it’s not as if you could turn down bokuto’s offer after he gave you such a confident smile at the door to the bathroom, so you gave him a quick hug and walked in
it was much more peaceful behind the closed doors, the soft music drowning out the anxiety that had previously overwhelmed you
after spending a believable amount of time in the restroom you turned to examine your appearance in the mirror once more before stepping outside
your gaze imminently wandered to the place where your boyfriend had stood prior
only to find that he was no longer there
your eyes quickly darted around the area, head turning almost painfully fast in attempts to scout out bokuto, but it was no use
your chest began to tighten as your breath picked up in pace
you felt light headed, dizzy, and so incredibly lonely
why did he have to leave you here? where could he have gone?
you stumbled, attempting to grip the wall to steady yourself but you missed
before your head met the floor you heard the crinkle of wrapping as a large hand gripped at your arm
you sank to the floor with the figure before you were wrapped in a comforting hug
“Y/N, it’s okay, i’m here. Just try and breathe for me, okay? Look, you can listen to my heartbeat too!”
your head was lightly pushed up against bokuto’s chest as his heartbeat filled your ears
slowly, your breath began to match the soothing sound as you came down from your breakdown
once your breathing had returned to normal bokuto pulled you away from his grasp and gave you a frown, hair falling with it
your eyes wandered around and moved from the sad boy in front of you to the snacks spread across the floor behind him
“I’m sorry Y/N, i just went to grab us snacks. I didn’t mean to scare you like that. I love you a whole bunch and i promise i’d never leave you all by yourself like that.”
your shaky hand moved to cup bokuto cheek as you gave him a soft smile
“It’s okay Ko, you’re here now and that’s all that matters. Now let’s go watch that game, kay?”
his grin returned as he pulled you into another hug
“Sounds good to me.”
The two of you made your way to the stands with snacks in hand and spent the rest of the day in each other’s company
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you and iwaizumi decided to spend your sunday afternoon window shopping in the plaza near his home
both of you had things to purchase so it made the most sense to kill two birds with one stone and spend time with one another as you found what you needed to
your dates together were always like this, never too fancy but always giving you the opportunity to spend time with one another, which was more than enough for the both of you
the two of you walked side by side down the sidewalk, chatting and peering through windows at different merchandise on display
normally it wasn’t too packed when you came to visit the shopping center but it was the weekend after all and pretty close to a holiday so it was a lot more packed than usual
however, you decided to pay it no mind today, way too focused on that adorable bag you spotted in a bouquet the two of you had just passed to worry about something like a crowd
you turned to tap iwaizumi on the shoulder so you could drag him to the shop, only to realize he wasn’t next to you like he had been prior
in fact, as your gaze wandered about the crowd you found that he was nowhere in sight
imminently, panic began to set in as tears pricked your eyes
he was gone and you had no idea where he could be in this sea of people
and although this wasn’t intentional on iwaizumi’s part, your brain told you that maybe he wanted to leave you stranded on the busy streets
your sniffles turned into quiet sobs as you cried into your hands, eyes still trying to find your boyfriend through blurry vision
swiping at your tears didn’t help your search either as muffled hiccups began to escaped your lips
you were about to completely give up and breakdown when you heard your name being called out somewhere in the crowds of people
eyes widened as you began frantically looking around for the source of the familiar voice and soon enough you spotted iwaizumi running towards you, a concerned look on his face
you sprinted towards him, sobs still wracking your body as you arms found their way around his torso, burying your face into his broad chest
he returned the embrace, holding you tightly as he felt your hot tears wet his grey t-shirt
“It’s okay Y/N, i’m right here. I’m so sorry, i’m not going anywhere i promise. I love you so much and id never leave you like that.”
after some time your sobs returned to mere sniffles in iwaizumi’s grasp
you felt safe and content knowing that your boyfriend was in arms reach once more
once you’d calmed down, the two of you continued your shopping, iwaizumi holding your hand just a little bit tighter this time around
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kuroos-babie · 4 years
Falling in Love with a Single Mom
Iwaizumi x fem!Reader | Bokuto x fem!Reader | Ushijima x fem!Reader
[ Headcanons/MiniFic ]
Request: Can I please req headcanons for Iwaizumi, Bokuto, and Ushijima falling for a single mom? — anonymous
a/n: this one’s looong but i really enjoyed writing it pLS GIVE ME MORE like anything concerning babies id love that please thank u :’] I HOPE Y’ALL WOULD LIKE THIS ONE :D i’d love to make these a full blown fic if any of yall want that hehe
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❀ aside from the hushed chattering of students waiting for the professor to arrive, the college lecture hall was fairly quiet
❀ that was until the high-pitched cries of a baby ripped through the room
“hey pipe it down!”
“who would even bring a baby to a lecture anyway?”
“can’t you just bring it outside jeez you’re interfering the class”
“class hasn’t even started yet”
❀ iwaizumi was the last one to speak, your classmates’ snarky comments annoying him more than the baby’s crying
❀ he saw you walk out the hall, pushing the stroller with your head low, muttering apologies
❀ letting out a sigh, iwa stood up with the intention of following you outside, but not before he shoots your classmates a threatening glare
❀ he finds you not too far from from the lecture hall, bouncing your 5-month old daughter on your hip as her wailing turned to quiet sobs while she laid her head on your chest
“there there, were you just sleepy?”, iwa doesn’t miss the soft but tired smile gracing your face
“uhh do you need some help with that?”, you jumped at his voice, startled
“oh no, we’re fine! thank you though...uhh..?”
“iwaizumi, i’m iwaizumi hajime, i believe we haven’t met before” he extends his hand for you to shake which you curtly did
“y/n! yeah i believe we haven’t”
❀ since that encounter, iwa would always sit beside you in class and glare at anyone who so much as attempts to make any unnecessary comments
❀ he’d often offer to look after your baby while you took class notes for the both of you
❀ it didn’t take long for iwa to grow fond of your blubbering baby and, of course, you
❀ he noticed how hard you worked; juggling classes, part-time jobs and taking care of your daughter and he admired you for it, so much so that he spent almost every weekend over at your place, insisting on helping you take care of your daughter
“y/n, i don’t want to seem rude but if it’s alright to ask, where’s her dad?”, he’d ask while holding your child, who was curiously pinching and smooshing at his face, as you prepared lunch
it was a question that’s been bugging him for so long, noticing that there was no sign of any other person in your small apartment except for you and your baby
“oh,” you started with a small laugh, “he left when i told him i was pregnant”
the amount of restrain it took iwaizumi to not curse in front of the baby is unthinkable but the bittersweet way you smiled dissipated his anger and he was filled with something he couldn’t quite comprehend
“it’s alright though! we’ve managed to get this far”, there was a wistful pause before you continued, “i’d love it if she grew up with a dad though.”
“then let me” with a voice so steady, unwavering, and as dependable as he was these past few months he continued, “i’ll take care of you.”
he didn’t even let your tears fall as he pulled you in his embrace together with your child, placing a soft kiss on your forehead, 
and for the first time in so long, you’re comforted with the feeling that everything will be fine —and you believed that it will be, as long as he was there
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❀ it was just another run to the grocery store with akaashi, him picking out everything on the list while bokuto sluggishly pushed the cart through the aisles
“akaashi what’s taking you so looooong? i want to go hooooome”
“bokuto-san we wouldn’t be spending so much time here if you regularly shopped instead of calling me for help when you’ve eaten the last bit of food in your house and you have nothing else to eat anymore.”
❀ the tall owl-like man deflated more, if that was even possible, as he followed akaashi around
❀ skimming through the snack aisle, he noticed something was tugging on his shirt, but when he looked down..
“uhhh akaashi???”
❀ the toddler clutched at the hem of bokuto’s shirt, tear-stained cheeks puffing out as he pouted
❀ bokuto picked the child up and held him in his arms with a bright smile
“what’s wrong buddy? are you lost? should we help you find mommy?”
“we should probably leave him at the security desk, bokuto-san”
“are you my daddy?”, the toddler asked again, teary eyed, ignoring akaashi’s words
“well do you want me to be your daddy?”, he grinned and the child nodded gleefully 
“bokuto-san, no”
he turned to his junior, tears welling up his eyes, “akaashi, i’m a father!!”
❀ the tragedy of akaashi keiji
❀ the rest of grocery shopping went by with bokuto picking out stuff for his “son”
❀ it was all fun and games right before you spotted them
“uhm, excuse me but i think that’s my son”
“mommy!” the child’s eyes lit up as he turned to you
“hi baby, let’s go home you’ve troubled this man enough.”
“mommy i found daddy!!”, he said while hugging around bokuto’s head, earning a chuckle from him
you laughed lightly, turning to the two men, “sorry he has a knack for trying to find a dad during grocery runs”
bokuto and akaashi gave each other a look before the latter spoke, “it’s alright you must’ve been worried, bokuto-san please give back her son”
“but akaashi--”
“give him back :)”
bokuto hesitantly placed your son in your arms, the both of them have matching pouts
your son nuzzled against your shoulder, stifling down his sobs and quietly whispered, “but i really wanted him to be my dad”
“maybe we can meet up some other time again so you and bokuto-san can play?”, you eyed the man pleadingly which earned you a giddy nod from both your child and him
❀ that was how you and bokuto started seeing each other regularly
❀ he’d visit your house every weekend, come with you to pick up your son from kindergarten, take you both out for dinner and even stayed over on some occasions 
❀ your son loves him so much and always calls him “dad/daddy”
❀ bokuto calls him “buddy/kid”
❀ your son would often tease bokuto when he catches him stealing glances at you while you walked around the house, getting chores done
“you like mommy don’t you?”, he’d snicker
“i-- whAT? kid where do you get those ideas from?”
you peered through the doorway of you son’s playroom, “baby do you want some snacks?”
“yes please!” the both of them answered at the same time, bokuto turning beet-red while you just stifle down a laugh and went to prepare their snacks
when bokuto was sure that you were out of earshot, he whispered to your son, “kid do you still want me to be your daddy?”
“yes! yes!! YES!!!”, the little boy bounced on his heels happily 
“okay good because i think i want to marry your mommy”
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“wakatoshi-kun isn’t that y/n-san?”
❀ ushijima grunted as he had his eyes fixed on your form from across the room
❀ it was your high school reunion and even though you both haven’t met in a while, the former volleyball team captain still felt his spine tingling at the sight of you
❀ you’ve always been pretty, pretty enough to catch his eyes and fascinating enough personality-wise to keep his attention on you
❀ though he never spoke of these feelings throughout high school, it never really vanished even when you’re well on your adult years
❀ and seeing you right now, with the same pretty smile but seemingly tired eyes, he can’t help but yearn for you as he did when you were in high school
❀ while walking to the other end of the room to where you were, he thought of anything to try and hit up a conversation with you but he was pulled from his musings the moment you’re standing in front of him, a mere arms-length away
“oh ushijima-san! long time no see, how hav--”
“mama!”, you were interrupted as your 5 year old child clung to your hips, “mama the scary man’s coming for me!”
“ᶦ ʷᵃˢ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵗʳʸᶦⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ˢᵃʸ ʰᵉˡˡᵒ“ :’/
“baby don’t be rude that’s just uncle goshiki, go on play with him” you urged your son with a gentle hand on his back
“no! his hair looks weird!!”
❀ rip tsutomu bb
❀ ushijima doesn’t know what to make out of the situation
❀ you have a child? does that mean you were married already? was he too late?
“i didn’t know you got married”
“huh? oh no! i didn’t..”, you were hoping he would get the hint but you remembered that it was ushijima wakatoshi in front of you, so you had to spell it out for him, “i got pregnant shortly after college, his dad left the moment i dropped the news though”
the laugh that came from you was humorless, and that didn’t go unnoticed by ushijima
“would it be alright if i took you out on a date, then?”
❀ with face flushed deep red, you bit the inside of your cheek and nodded, sheepishly squeaking out a quiet “yeah”
❀ you both agreed to meet the next weekend for lunch then take your son on a playhouse while you two catch up
❀ then came the weekend, everything was going well, except for one thing
❀ even at the playhouse, your son didn’t leave your side and instead opted for glaring at ushijima across the table in the parents’ waiting area
“baby it’s rude to glare at people, please go play with the other kids”
“what do you want to do with mama!”, he said pointedly at the mountain of a man 
“what do you want to talk about with her!” 
you couldn’t help but smile at your tiny little bodyguard acting so tough even with a man probably five times his size
“i wanted to know if she would consider marrying me”
at that, you whipped your head to look at the man across the table who was casually talking to your son, the prospect of marrying someone who you secretly pined for for all of high school sending a wave of hot blush on your face
“why?”, your son continued with the questions
“because i would like to marry her”
“because i love her”
“since when??”
your face grew incredibly warmer every second that passed by but his answer dealt the finishing blow and you thought your heart would burst
“since all of high school”
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hallefuckingluyah · 2 years
Female reader
872 words
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"Wandssssss... give it backkkkk" i whined she had been messing with me all morning.
"Please" I pouted, that was her weakness. She stared at me for a couple seconds before giving in and gave me my blanket back.
"That's not fair, you know id give it to you when you do that face" she complained, I just stuck my tongue out at her and snuggled into the blanket.
You see it was that time of the month where my uterus was bleeding uncontrollably, I was uncomfortable and in pain and just wanted to curl up in a ball and die. Some might think that's a bit dramatic but unless you're a female you have no right on any opinion about expressing period pains. End off.
Anyway today it was a winters day it was closing up to Christmas and We originally had the plan to go ice skating with the team. It was 10:35am and we were suppose to be leaving at 1:45pm so I had more then enough time to do absolutely nothing until about 10 minutes before we leave. But due to the immense amount of pain I was in, I really just didn't want to go or leave my bed at all.
"Baby... can we stay at home and watch movies all day and cuddle instead... please"
I gave her my puppy dog eyes so that it might help with the convincing.
"It's tempting but no, baby you love ice skating and this is the last time this year we all as a team will be able to go out somewhere together, I'll go get you some ibuprofen okay and they will start working before we go"
I just let out a small whine, I knew she was right I just didn't want to move from this spot for the next 4-5 days.
"Come on honey let's get showered and dressed and then we can go and have some brunch before we leave okay?"
My answer was muffled due to my head being stuffed into the pillow but after my attempt at moving she got her answer.
After we showered we both got dressed, Wanda was wearing a brown turtle neck top and wore a pair of blueish jeans. She had her hair down but it was curly and she wore a beanie over the top of it. She had long boots on that made her look taller then she was and she wore a scarf to top it all off. She looked very pretty. I was wearing a white sweatshirt and black jeans and wore a fluffy coat that covered my ass and went down to the back of my knees and a pair of beige coloured shoes. My hair was down and wavy like Wandas and I wore a matching beanie to go over the top, like she did. All in all I think we looked like a very hot couple.
Once we were back home, we all decided to watch a movie together, A few of us wanted to watch home alone and others wanted to watch Elf, and after some debate we ended up watching both.I had fallen asleep during the second movie but was awoken by the loud noises coming from the tv, it startled me and upset me as I just wanted my sleep so when I started weeping Wanda quickly realised and carried me up to our room, she changed me out of my clothes and into something more comfortable and helped me into bed. She changed herself and kissed my forehead before leaving the room mumbling saying she will be back shortly, i had slowly started to drift to sleep but before I could she came back with a hot water bottle and some tablets. She is so amazing. I started crying, I don't even know why.
"Awww honey it's okay" she whispered to me whilst getting into bed.
"I'm sorry I don't even know why I am crying, I just love you and your so good to me and I just" she cut me off before I could continue my rambling and said
"I love you too darling, I'd do anything for you. Try get some sleep okay. Wake me if you need me"
She wiped away my tears and brought me into a tight hug before placing the hot water bottle on my stomach. It didn't take me long before I was passed out snuggled into my girlfriends warmth.
I love her so much.
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heyyy i hope you’re doing well <3 i have a requestt :) so like ushijima’s (and anyone else you would like to add) s/o comes home and is having bad day but he is also having a bad day and he comes to comfort them and once they’re calmed down a bit they start talking about their problems and then they saying praising him a lot saying stuff like he’s a best they’ve ever had and then starts going into how much they’re proud of him which kinda makes him start tearing up too and he might say some stuff back and they just end up comforting each other the whole night. i hope this makes sense....😭
Coming home to Ushijima when you’ve both had a bad day
Contains: Ushijima
CW: None, Gender neutral s/o
Genre: comfort / fluff
Word count: 1307
Summary: You come home to Ushijima and comfort each other after you’ve both had a long hard day
A/n: This makes perfect sense and its such a cute request. Thanks for giving me a distraction from school <3 Id honestly love any requests right now they make me so happy to know someone likes my writing enough to ask :D. I might end up doing a part 2 because this request was so much fun to write.
Today had been a long hard gruelling day for both you and your boyfriend Ushijima but in two very different ways. 
You had been tied up with back to back work whether it be confused people, dealing with problem costumers or running after your boss, no matter what you had been on your feet all day and hadn’t had a single break. By the time you got home, you were completely overwhelmed and exhausted.
Wakatoshi however, had an extremely difficult practice. For some reason today his spiked just weren’t landing as well as normal. It was rather subtle, so he doubts the most of his team even noticed, but he certainly did and it frustrated him. The more he spiked the more frustrated he got. This lead to him staying extra long for individual practice. By the time he got home, he was exhausted in a different way.
Wakatoshi had arrived home about an hour before you had and by the time you walked through the door with your shoulders slumped over he had only just managed to get dressed after getting out of a long bath. Unlike usual his bath had barely let him relax at all and he was patiently waiting on the sofa staring at the door to your apartment. Honestly, he reminded you of a puppy because the second you walked through the door his eyes lit up ever so slightly at the sight of his precious s/o. 
No matter how exhausted you are when you get home and Toshi is there you walk over to the couch and gently press a kiss to his forehead, he relaxes just a little at the contact, and then you walk to your shared room to change out of your uniform and shower.
When you and Wakatoshi first began dating you never expected just how touch starved he’d end up being. He was always so stern and severe that he just didn’t seem like the type but behind closed doors, he clings to you like a koala. When he’s tired, or in a mood, or just wants cuddles its almost impossible to pry your self away from him, not that you’d want to. That man is a literal space heater and he uses it to his advantage in order to receive maximum cuddles.
When you eventually finished with a scalding shower and changed into your fluffiest, comfiest pyjamas you could find and emerged from your room wrapped in a blanket. 
You silently walk to where he’s sitting on the couch with a movie already playing. You silently put your arms out straight, look at him with puppy eyes and make grabby hands until he opens up his arms and lets you lay on his chest. At this point, after all the stress of your day, you just started to cry softly into his chest.
You weren’t crying over anything specific just letting all your frustrations of the day out as your loving boyfriend rubs small circles and patterns on your back. After a while, he asked what was up and you recounted every small event between sniffles. He sat and listened to everything from the one Karen you had to talk all the way until everything just got too much. He didn’t really care if his spikes didn’t land as well today he had his baby in his arms.
Once you had eventually calmed down and stopped sniffling you asked him how his day went. Not wanting to pile anything else on you he gently tells you he’s fine. Obviously, you don’t buy it for a second, he looked like he was about to pass out from exhaustion when you walked in. “Toshi. Baby.” you start in a soothing tone, “we’ve been together since our last year of high school. I know when you arent alright, and I know when somethings wrong. Why don’t you just tell me about it now? I promise I feel better now”
That was when he gave in and told you. He told you about every failed spike, every joke or comment from his teammates, every extra drill he forced himself to do. How utterly exhausted he felt. He told you all about his insecurities. Was he even good enough to call himself the ace when he can’t land spikes?
You quietly listen while you took your turn to draw soft circles all over his upper arm and chest doing anything you can to soothe his nerves and insecurities physically. After about forty minutes he was all out of insecurities today brought up for him so you decided to start reassuring him. 
“Toshi, I love you. I love you so much” You start with again with as soothing a tone as you can. Then you decide to pick up his hands and lay a gentle kiss to each individual knuckle then his rough palm. “I’ve been following your volleyball since our first year of high school, and I know that you’re the best ace I’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen anyone spike in the same way you can.” You held him tight, trying to wrap your arms around him. “It’s not just spikes. You can read opponents and recognise their strengths and weaknesses. You can receive and you’ve managed to keep up the spirits of any team I’ve ever seen you play on. You inspire all of us to do better because if we don’t we wouldn’t be able to keep up.”
By now Ushijimas eyes were beginning to water, growing up hed rarely gotten this much genuine praise, especially from someone he loved this much. “And it’s not just volleyball either, you’re the best boyfriend I could ask for. You’re always there for me. It’s like you’re my rock. You’re steady and strong. And even when you’re exhausted you made me a priority I couldn’t ever ask for anything more.” You continued on your ramble about how absolutely perfect your boyfriend is, a rant you’ve gone on many times to your friends. 
By now tears have started to slightly roll down his cheeks, it was as if you had just gone into his heart and soul and surgically removed every insecurity. Even ones that he had never said out loud. You went quiet when you noticed and shuffled further up his chest, using your sweater paws from oversized PJs to wipe off the small trail of tears. He just wrapped his arms around you and pulled you back to his chest. Once you were there he laid a gentles kiss on the top of your head and just hold you.
After a very short amount of time, he started to whisper praises back to you. He told you all about how gorgeous you are, how smart you are, how you’ve lit up his life. He told you about how if he’s your rock then you’re his home. His safe space to return to and recharge at the end of each day. How he loves how patient and understanding you can be. He loves how small you are when compared to him. How his teammates, even all the way back to high school, had always been jealous of him. Especially on random days when you would randomly show up to practice with tasty snacks, you had made to surprise him, over time learning how to make them fit into his meal plan. How you did all of those tiny things without thinking. 
Eventually, you went to bed and fell asleep in each other’s arms. It was one of the best nights sleep either of you had ever gotten in your life. Tomorrow, his spikes were back to normal, if not better, and your job seemed just a little bit easier. You both remembered that no matter what you were never alone. although you knew that a reminder is always nice.
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imagintheworldaway · 3 years
TW: sexual assault
A/N so this is my first imagine I’ve written in almost 5 years… wow going from 500+ followers to starting fresh is definitely a bit of a shock but hey I hope you guys enjoy and ill get my requests open ASAP if that’s something people would like?? my old master list can be found on my profile but just to warn you its very crap, anyway enjoy!!
I gave harry a quick kiss on the cheek as I left his apartment. I was going out for my friend Sophies birthday and we were going clubbing. i waved goodbye as I got in the taxi, it was rare that I was going drinking without Harry and I could tell he was slightly upset that I was going out without him. However, tonight was a girls night and I was going to have fun no matter what!
I had packed some mini alcohol bottles in my purse as I wanted to be wasted tonight, plus it was chilly in London and I, being the forgetful mess I am forgot a jacket. by the time the taxi had dropped me off outside the club half the group was already in line to get in. I had already downed my minis and was honestly feeling a bit tipsy as I walked up to the girls and extended my arms for an array of hugs. “Happy birthday” I beamed at Sophie as she bought me into a hug, I quickly made small talk with the other girls as we waited for the rest of the group to arrive. I had lived in London my whole life and thus known the girls forever and a day, having been to school with most of them it was easier to make small talk.
We were soon admitted to the club and we made a B-line to the bar, necking as many shots as we could. I soon felt the buzz of the shots and felt a hand grabbing me pulling me to the dance floor with the rest of the group to just have some fun.
After a stupid amount of drinks I was quintessentially lost. I hadn’t seen or heard from any of the girls in about half an hour and I had roamed the club as best I could with being in such a state. I whipped out my phone as I sat on the toilet and saw the club would be closing soon as it was 4am. Then it hit me as a text popped up saying i had missed the cab and all the girls had gone. I swore under my breathe but decided to just find a cab myself, and worse comes to worse Simon and JJs apartment was only a 15 minute walk, maybe 20 in these heels.
I left the toilet and made my way out of the club, stumbling on the cold path but I didn’t care, my vision was blurry and I knew my way to where the taxis were usually parked so hopefully I would be home and wrapped up in bed with my love soon. I waited for a few minutes but it seemed as though all of the taxis were pre booked or already all taken, meaning i would have to annoy my boyfriends friends, which made me slightly uncomfortable but I had known the boys for years so I’m sure they’d understand. I started walking to JJ and Simons apartment.
The walk went quicker than expected and I was about 5 minutes away when I noticed some guy was following me. I tried to take a short cut through a park and he yet again was following me. I quickened my pace but I was no match for him. I felt him grab my arm quite harshly, if I wasn’t so drunk id know that would leave quite the bruise in the morning. “Hey get off” I shouted at him struggling in his grip and to no avail. “Shut up bitch” he said as he yanked my arm and dragged me down the path, me stumbling after him.
I started to scream as the reality of this situation was quickly sobering me up. The man threw me on the concrete path before kicking my side and yanking me by my once perfectly curled hair so I could feel is breathe on my face. “Do that again and you won’t even make it to where we’re going” he growled at me. My heart sank.
I looked around trying to catch my bearings and to my luck we were practically outside of the boys apartment and I could see that the living room light was still on. I attempted to run again, kicking the man in the balls with my sharp heel and stumbling to the apartment complex, this time I made it to the doorway and was able to push the intercom to the boys apartment.
Before I could say anything the random man pinned me against the opposite wall as I yelped. I was flailing like crazy trying to get out of his grip. “HE-” I started but was silenced by his hand slamming on my mouth, I could barely breathe being trapped between this guy and a brick wall. I felt tears starting to stream down my face as the mans hand started to trail its way up my dress and hook itself on the edge of my pants. I just squeezed my eyes shut and tried to go numb. This wasn’t happening. I kept repeating to myself.
However, as he got halfway down my thigh I felt the pressure being released and I crumbled to the floor. My tears not stoping as I felt someone engulf me I started to punch them and try and break away until I heard a familiar voice. “Hey hey its me, Simon its ok” I opened my eyes and saw that it was in fact Simon and JJ was standing over the guy who previously had a grip on me. “Cmon lets go inside” Simon said leading me inside and up to the apartment. He sat me on the sofa snd got me a blanket to cover myself with. I started to calm my breathing but the tears were none stop.
“Hey you’re ok” I heard a female voice before I was engulfed by Taila. I just sat and cried into he chest. she rubbed my back until id calmed down and stopped crying. “He, he w was f f following me all night and there wasn’t a taxi and my phones died so I thought I’d come here and he-” I started to cry again as I explained to Taila what had happened. “Its ok” she said offering me a smile and passing a side men hoodie to me which I gladly put on.
She kept her grip on me which was comforting and kept telling me things like how it’s ok now and it’s not my fault and how I did the right thing by coming here.
After 15 minutes I had cried my eyes dry, Talia was still holding me and I could only hear whispers from the boys. Then the door swung open. I felt my eyes well up again as I whipped my head up and saw Harry. He darted towards me and Talias soft comforting grip was replaced by my boyfriends protective loving engulf. I felt tears run down my face before Harry pulled back. “I-“ I started but was cut off immediately by him. “No its fine the Boys have explained its ok I’m here now” I just shook my head and cried into his chest.
I must’ve fallen asleep cause I woke up in warm arms and soft sheets. I snuggled into Harrys chest, I could feel that I was wearing one of Harrys tops and some shorts. My hair was in the worst bun I have ever worn but I didn’t care. i felt Harry kiss my forehead. “I love you, its ok now” he mumbled. I just snuggled into his chest further. With the knowledge that I was safe and so in love. 
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chidoroki · 4 years
TPN - Krone one-shot
Ah, another extra chapter. Shirai and Demizu are so good to us. Anyways, I was quite surprised learning more about Krone's time training at the sister academy. From what little we saw from her and Isabella's flashbacks in early chapters and season 1, we know how competitive and serious the girls are at the facility, given the extreme nature of everyone's current situation. All the girls are quite literally fighting for their own lives here, so once Cecile was introduced, I was pleasantly surprised. (this is our first time meeting her right?)
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We soon learn that both were from the same GF house and as any natural older sibling would do, she steps in to help Krone avoid getting scolded by finding her missing embroidery. She then makes it plainly clear that it is best not to show any sort of weakness while at the facility. Everyone there is prove themselves worthy of becoming a sister or mother, and if they don't fulfill those qualifications, they'll be killed. 
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Having a close friend in such a terrible place provides Krone with minimal comfort, as Grandma Sarah (that's her name, correct?) reveals how slim their chances are at surviving. Only one girl will survive? That's rough.. and wasteful I feel like? I know there's only four premium farms with about 5(?) houses each, so mom and sister positions are very limited, but wow. Fighting off the other girls might not be much of a challenge emotionally, but to compete against your own sibling? Well, that's different. Fortunately for Krone, Cecile has other intentions. (can i say that at this point i already love this girl?)
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A hopeful idea, of course, but Krone brings up the chip they each have implanted in their hearts. You leave the facility? Dead. You somehow break the chip? The higher-ups get notified and you're as good as dead anyway. Cecile mentions how the pocket watch Grandma has doubles as a sort of gadget that could disable their chips, so all that has to be done is steal it and use it for themselves. Cecile's wealth of knowledge doesn't stop there, as she then shows Krone a map of the entire headquarters that was secretly put together by former trainees that once thought of escaping. At first, I found this a little hard to believe. One, that such an embroidery was passed down so often between other girls over an unknown amount of time and someone like Grandma never found it. Two, that there were so many girls who were willing to help each other out like this.. but then I remembered ch170 and how eager and willing the ladies were to join together under Isabella's command, so I believe it.
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As their plan is set in motion, we see familiar events take place, such as the girls physically fighting with each other (because being buff is somehow a prerequisite to look after children? you know, just in case they try to escape and you need to break some legs). I re-watched Krone's flashbacks in ep8 just to see if any of the girls there could possibly be identified as Cecile, but it didn't work out well since that scene is all monochrome anyway, so no luck trying to spot her blonde hair, blue eyes or even her ID number. Seeing them work together though is great.
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Honestly, I never really got attached to Krone upon my first watch of the series. Yeah her movements are very animated and fun to watch when she speaks, she's absolutely terrifying when it comes to playing tag, but she never had one of those moments where I was like “okay, I like this character now.” That, and she gets killed off so her screen-time was really limited. Having her plot against the kids was another reason I kinda pushed her aside too, but I'm still thankful she gave them the WM pen (because who knows where they would all be without it). Seeing her and Cecile just act like normal kids and talk about their dreams though, that did it for me. They're both precious!
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Anyways, after Grandma forced them to watch some other girl die after a failed escape attempt, due to her heart chip, our girls proceed with their plan, as they make stealing Grandma's watch top priority, lest they end up like the poor girl who just lost her life. Krone manages to successfully claim the watch at the perfect opportunity.. only to be completed fooled.
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Not only by the watch, which ends up being just a normal tracker, but by Cecile herself. Needless to say, that I also felt betrayed by this girl because damn it! How could you?! I swear, I just started to like this chick!
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I had my doubts before. I knew it was too good to be true that even if these two girls had history together, that it meant absolutely nothing in a harsh environment like this, and Cecile takes great pride in reminding us of that.
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It's because of this betrayal that we finally see the Krone we became so familiar with upon her transfer back to GF. Can't really blame her though. To find out that the only person you could trust suddenly turned on you for their own personal gain? Yeah, that's painful. No wonder she had to harden her heart.
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I once thought of Krone's plan of taking down Isabella was foolish, (because that woman is an absolute queen and you need all the luck in the world if you wanted to accomplish that) but she had the utmost confidence she could pull it off because she has done it before to her once best friend. With survival as her main goal, Krone wastes no time in selling out Cecile as the mastermind to their escape plan.
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Fantastic. She's learning how to take out her competition, thus granting her better chances at becoming a sister or mom. Good for her right? Sure, but also, wrong! TPN then decides to do what it does best: get me emotional, because poor Cecile did all of that just to help Krone survive! She saw how unguarded and scared Krone was upon joining the sister academy. She then vowed, as her older sibling, to protect and prepare her for the cruel reality of this world by teaching her how to be ruthless and survive. (though i'm sure there could've been easier way to accomplish this? like i know only one chick was gonna survive from their class but holy hell, did you have to go through such extremes?)
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As if the newest member of the self-sacrifice club didn't upset me enough, they decide to give us this sky scene that is only gonna hit my feels harder whenever I decide to watch episode 8 back again..
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Aahh.. I love all these extra chapters we've been getting, truly, but must they always make me feel bad for these characters? These girls deserved so much better! I'm sad. I think Cecile is great. Her methods are a bit extreme but her heart was in the right place.. and now they're both in a better place, ha.
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(we're getting an extra chapter for isabella sometime in the future as well and if it's gonna be another sad backstory, then i'm so not ready for it.. i already know i'm gonna cry. i love that woman.)
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Encore - Part of your world - Harry Hook x reader - part 22 - planning
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“beasty boy if yeh don’ tell meh where we are goin’ im goin’ ta rip that pretty grin off yer face!” Harry growled, trying to rip the blindfold on his eyes off but once again Ben slapped his hands away.
“pretty? Thank you~ and no this is a surprise! You can't see anything until we’re right where we need to be so hold on for just one more moment”
Harry was silent for a beat before he reached up to take off the blindfold again “ ‘ight that was a moment” he cackled a bit as Ben smacked his hand and he could feel the pout Ben was aiming at him.
“haha very funny now it's just around this corner!” Harry felt himself be tugged to the right and then abruptly stopped as Ben put his hands on his chest. “okay one moment”
“Ben” Harry warned, grinning slightly as Ben clicked his tongue at him and smacked his shoulder.
“okay….look!” Harry finally ripped off the blindfold, blinking fast from the sudden influx of sunlight that blinded him.
His jaw dropped as he looked at the large ship that rested in the docks before him. “I-Ben-wha’?”
Ben stepped in front of Harry and threw his arms wide open “this is my engagement gift to you and (y/n), I was planning on giving you this after your wedding but Evie gave me an idea that you two could use this to get married on!” Harry stared at the silvery-white sails that were held tightly by the pristine ropes.
“when-when did yeh start on this thing?!” Harry whispered yelled, climbing up the gangplank after Ben as the king went to give his friend a tour of his new ship. Ben gave a sheepish smile at that “, uh, I had it commissioned a bit after the barrier came down, it was originally going to be an apology gift to you and (y/n) for…well…taking her away from you” Harry's expression soured at the mention of when the vks kidnapped (y/n) to have FG send her back to her world “but then you proposed to (y/n) and I switched it up to an engagement gift! And luckily it was done just in time for you to possibly get married on” Ben clapped his hands together excitedly as Harry smirked at him “come on! I want to show you the captain's quarters!”
Harry followed Ben in stunned silence, spinning on his heels as he looked up at the magnificent sails.
“whew” you breathed, leaning back in Evie's sewing char and stretching your back “all that work just for the dress form huh?” Evie let out a small laugh, slipping your work in progress dress back into the form after she had you try it on to make sure her measurements were correct.
“Yeah, pretty much” she hummed, picking up a roll of chiffon and drawing some out until she reached the amount she needed “there's a lot that goes into dressmaking, even more, when it's for a wedding”
Uma hummed in agreement, scrolling through your tablet and seeing your designs for your dress and the bridesmaid's “rose gold?” Uma asked, facing the screen towards you. You glanced at it and nodded.
“yeah, rose gold looks good on just about anyone and it's pretty form-flattering color, my friend Jazzy’s a bit on the curvier side so I wanted her to feel comfortable yet fab as fuck so rose gold” Uma nodded, raising her brow at the one turquoise dress.
“what's this one?” Uma asked, raising her brow as you smacked your forehead.
“I knew I forgot about something!” you hissed, standing from Evie’s sewing chair and giving the girl a look. She immediately understood and left the room with an excuse of ‘forgetting something’ Uma raised her brows and looked back at you. “Uma, I meant to ask you this like, almost immediately after Harry proposed to me but” you reached out and took her hands “you have been by my side since the day Harry dragged me into the chip shop to join the crew, you accepted me as one of your own when you didn’t have to, and you didn’t turn me away when I told you the truth after lying to you about where I was from.” Uma eyes started to water as she realized where this was going. “you have been so supportive of both me and Harry and you are my best friend and pseudo sister, so on my wedding day, will you be my maid of honor?” Uma’s face scrunched up as tears of joy and shock ran down her face, she nodded and pulled you into a hug.
“yes, you fucking sap” Uma laughed, curling her fists into your shirt “ugg you’re making me cry”
You let out a small chuckled and squeezed her a bit, rubbing your thumb against her back “im sorry” she shook her head against your shoulder and pulled back, using her palms to dry her cheeks.
“it's fine, gah when did I get this emotional?” you giggled at that and shrugged.
“well there's no reason for you to bottle em up now, so” you gestured to her with a grin. Uma rolled her eyes and punched your shoulder “ow” you held your shoulder with a grin.
Evie stepped back into the room with a smile “well! You’ve got that done, your dress is being made, and you’ve got the guest list” Evie gestured to the purple folder on her sewing desk which had a white label printed on it with the words ‘guest list’. “now all you have left is the wedding party, the reception food planning, cake tasting with your aunt, decorations, flowers, and where you’re going to get married! Oh, and where you are going to have the reception too” Evie rambled, not watching you as you started to nervously tap your thumb against your ring.
Uma sighed and patted your shoulder “don’t worry girl, you got us and Harry to help with those decisions, it's not just your wedding to plan it's Harry’s too, and im sure he’d be more than willing to help out with everything he can” you giggled a bit and nodded.
“im sure, he still has to ask Harriet to be his best maid though” Uma and Evie gave you an odd look “he was going to go with Gil as his best man but he decided to go with Harriet instead so…best maid” Uma nodded while Evie took a second to shrug and turn back to your dress.
“So where are you thinking of having the ceremony,” Evie asked, distracted by creating the neckline for your dress.
“well, I was thinking the lost revenge?” you half asked half answered, looking to Uma for permission. She shrugged and nodded.
“yeah, if you two want to get married there go for it-“ she stopped mid-sentence as your phone started to ring. You quickly pulled it out and answered it when you saw the ID.
“hey harry, what's-…the docks? Why?...okay then? I'll see you soon” you snorted a bit; Harry had sounded very excited and had wanted you to come down to Ben's private docks for some reason. “uh, I have to go for a bit? Harry wants me to come down to the docks” Evie and Uma rose their brows but nodded.
“go on ahead, we can resume wedding stuff later, I’ll just be here working on the dress” Evie waved you off, Uma clamping your shoulder for a moment before leaning on Evie's sewing table as you walked out of the green room, got on your motorbike, and headed towards the docks.
You turned off your bike and took off your helmet, setting it on the seat and walking towards the docks, where you could see the form of Harry getting closer. “Harry?” he turned with a grin and held out his hand to you.
“(y/n)!” you grabbed onto his hand as you got close to him and smiled as he pulled you into his chest “I have somethin’ ta show yeh”
You gasped a bit as he covered your eyes with his hand and started to pull you towards the left end of the docks “uhhhh what's got you so excited?” you chuckled, tightly wrapping your hands around Harry's arm that held your hand and closed your eyes against his hand.
He took his hand off your eyes as he felt you close them and continued to pull you towards the surprise “you’ll see love, I promise, yer gonna love it”
You hummed in unknowing agreement and smiled as you felt Harry stop you and move in front of you, hands moving to your shoulders “yeh ready?”
“as I’ll ever be?” you laughed, gasping as Harry stepped beside you and told you to open your eyes “holy-shi- what?!” before you was a large dark brown ship with pure white sails, docked to Ben’s pirate docks. “what is this?!”
“it's our new ship love” Harry cooed, grabbing your hand and pulling you onto the ship, twirling you around for a moment before pulling your back against his chest “Ben had it made for us, and he” Harry paused for a moment “he had an idea about it”
He pulled away from you and started to walk towards the front of the ship at the bow “we-we can have an archway here, and-and fairy lights” he gestured above him with a wide grin, his eyes sparkling with excitement “strewn above us! And-and there” he pointed behind you. You turned to look at the back of the ship where the captain’s quarters were “you-you’ll come out and walk towards me…looking perfect, and then” you turned back to Harry with a smile on your face as Harry looked at you with the softest look you had seen on him. “then we’ll get married and we’ll start our new life together…here on the ship” you walked towards him, reaching out and grabbing his hands, pressing a kiss to his cheeks.
“you are such a dork and it's adorable “ Harry gave a sheepish grin “and that is an” you sighed dreamily, looking up at the sails “amazing idea… let's do it” you looked back at Harry, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close “let's get married on this ship”
“yeah?” Harry whispered, bumping his forehead into yours and wrapping his arms around you.
“yeah” you giggled, pressing a soft kiss to his lips and laughing as Harry's lips pulled into a grin and he picked you up and spun you around.
He set you on your feet and hugged you tightly. “I love yeh (y/n)” he whispered, burying his face in your shoulder as you hugged him back just as tightly and whispered back.
“I love you too Harry”
-end of part 22-
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange
@lunanight2012 @daughter-of-the-stars11
@musicarose @random-thoughts-003​
@remembered-license​ @jatp-rules-my-life​
@rintheemolion​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ 
@verboetoperee​ @imtryingthisout​
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We've seen Riju and Sooga, what about Sooga and Yunobo?
Oh absolutely??? Sooga stop adopting the children
"And you don't ask Daruk for this because?..."
"I dunno. He just. Makes me nervous. He's THE great Daruk! He's so strong and brave and big. It makes me feel like I can't be near him or I'll make him look bad."
"Name someone who IS comfortable with their father nowadays."
Sooga retorted. Yunobo had asked him to join him to go gem hunting. You'd think a goron wouldn't need that. But he wanted something very specific, deep in a rock mine. Sooga watched as a lizard ran past him, before turning to Yunobo. He didn't know what to make of him, other than the fact that Kohga pitied him enough to have Sooga accompany him.
"I THINK it's around here...though, I've never seen it."
"So we're running a fools errand?"
"Maybe? But I wanna try anyway. Even though you get those...m...m..."
"Yeah, those. The moblin creep me out the most. Big pig snouts and nasty breath."
"Id be less worried about the ones you can see...versus the ones you can't."
Just then, a pack of keese seemed to fly out of nowhere, fangs bared and bodies aflame. With a quick swipe of his sword, they became nothing but monster parts. Sooga tucked his weapon away, sighing. Yunobo was in his shield, cowering. Sooga was already tired of him. He knocked on the shield to get his attention, and Yunobo chuckled.
"S-sorry, panicked. Let's keep going!"
Yunobo kept leading the way, further down the darkened tunnel. There were plenty of gems and jewels that glittered the cave walls, but none seemed to be what he was looking for. Sooga lit his emergency torch, and shone them across the walls. It was lovely in here, all things considered.
"May I ask, what IS this stone anyway? You have ambers, rubies, ive even seen diamonds."
"Its a REALLY special one. Its called 'Eldin's tear'. It's said to be tears from a dragon, upon meeting the goddess. At least, that's what the stories say."
Sooga gave a shake to his head. Goron stories. He'd never understand.
"What are they FOR anyway?"
"It's...uhm...for someone. Someone who's special to me. If they're here, I HAVE to find it."
Sooga couldn’t help but chuckle at that. Boy was soft as clay, but he had love in his heart. It was endearing to see.
"Ah. Someone...special."
"Is it someone...pretty?"
"Yeah, really-I mean, no!"
Yunobo hid his face in his big hand, and Sooga chuckled. Pathetic as he may be, he was at least kind in the heart. Yunobo suddenly stopped, sniffing the air.
"What? Why did you-"
"Something...smells different. Hold on, in here!"
Yunobo turned the corner, starting to dig at the wall ahead of him. Sooga peered from behind him, and saw three blue, round spheres underneath the rock wall. Yunobo grinned, turning to him, clearly excited.
"Sooga I think this is it! It's GOTTA be it!"
Sooga quickly drew his weapon. The spheres quickly revealed three, awful, old, snake like skulls. Sooga quickly stepped in between Yunobo and the monster, slicing through two of the heads. One more to-
One of the skulls dug its fangs into his shoulder. Motivated by the taste of his blood, a second followed suit, while the other went straight for Sooga’s face, barely giving Sooga time to block the incoming bite with his sword. He was in quite the amount of pain, but that didn't matter. Yunobo was the one to protect, not him.
"Go! Get back outside, I'll join you in a moment!"
Yunobo sat there, like a deer in headlights. Sooga was about to bark at him again, when he was pushed to the side, his body hitting the rock wall and making his new wounds flare in pain. The monster was trying to get to Sooga through Yunobo, but the boy sat there, arms braced up in defense, refusing to let the giant thing near him. When the heads suddenly started to attack in unison, Yunobo brought out his protection, smashing all of their skulls in one fell swoop. The body fell limp onto the floor, skulls shattered to pieces. Yunobo stood there, looking at his hands and trembling.
"I...I...oh my god Sooga!"
He turned around, helping Sooga to his feet. He made the motion to carry him, but Sooga pushed him away.
"You should have ran off like I said. You could've gotten hurt."
"YOU got hurt. Because of ME!you're bleeding everywhere!"
"Wouldn’t be the first time. But new scars to-oh my god you're crying."
Yunobo suddenly picked him up in his arms, starting to absolutely SOB.
Yunobo was crying because he was scared. Scared that he hurt Sooga. Scared that he was worth nothing, and was but a bane on this earth. Sooga knew his pain. He patted his back carefully, as if the boy was made of glass.
"Shh. It's okay. Look, put me down, I'll get us both fixed up. I saw one of them bit your hand."
"....i failed, didn't I?"
"We both did. But the wonderful thing about failure, is that it's crushing weight molds you for the better. Speaking of crushing-you're hurting my bones."
"Oh, sorry!"
Yunobo put him down, and they soon left the cave. They must've been here for a while, given that it was night time. Sooga patched himself up with his emergency gauze, before tending to the bite on Yunobo's hand. The boy was still sniffling.
"How about we make a stop before we go home? Get you something to eat? On me."
"B-but I got you hurt and we didn't find Eldin's tear-"
"You are not Daruk. You are Yunobo. You cannot always have grand feats like he does. You can only be you. Do you understand?"
Yunobo nodded, wiping his face with his wounded hand. He held onto his hand, having just the place in mind.
"You better have a good reason to drag me all the way out h-oh my fucking god."
Sooga and Yunobo had ordered quite a bit of food, and had eaten it outside underneath a tree. Yunobo had stuffed himself until he passed out, pretty much crushing Sooga. Suffice to say, Kohga didn't appreciate getting a call to pick him up.
"Master Kohga-"
"No. No, we are NOT adopting this one too. I got Mipha, you got Riju, that's enough."
"But he's a BABY?"
"I don't care, we are NOT adopting him."
"...pretty please with bananas on top? And whipped cream? And sprinkles? And-"
"Oh my fucking god- FINE. But you fucking gotta help me carry this 'baby' back home. Baby fucking rhino."
"Thank you, Master Kohga!"
"Thank me after he's fucked up all of our backs. We got a trip home, Sooga."
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bobo-archive · 4 years
Bumbleby prompt! Blake comforting Yang after the traumatic events of the last couple episodes
I went a little overboard with this tbh-
“I’ll Always Stand by your Side in the End”
"What do you mean you lost Oscar?!"
The sound of Ruby's voice from the other side of the room startled Blake awake. She sat up to open her eyes to a living room inside of the Schnee Manor. She was on a sofa, and beside her was Weiss, who was still asleep. Blake took a moment to process what she'd just heard before realization set in.
She shot up off the sofa rushing to Ruby who still was using her scroll. The caller id appeared as she realized it was Yang she was talking to... It'd been hours since they'd heard from the rest of their team, and Blake had been worried most of the night for Yang.
"We were clearing up some grimm down in Mantle and this grimm came in and scared away a few beowolves before literally taking Oscar! This grimm... You won't believe me when I say this Ruby..." Yang held a pause for a moment which gave Blake an opportunity to hear the engine of a motorbike at full speed in the background, Blake was pulled back to the original conversation when the words she'd never expect to hear in her life rushed out of Yang, "The grimm talked! It even knew how to protect itself! We weren't able to stop it, at first it kept using Oscar as a... Almost like a meat shield! Then while we're chasing it-it called for help! Grimm don't do that... Something is really off."
"How is that even possible?" Ruby spoke with pure shock. She turned to notice Blake was now awake, "You... Did you hear what happened Blake?"
"Blake?" Yang's voice came over. Blake's ear twitched to the sound of her name from Yang.
"I heard... Are you coming back? And even then... What are we going to do?" Blake replied. She felt her ears press against her head as she took a step back.
"I don't know... But we're heading back. Are you guys already in Mantle?" Yang was quick to ask her sister.
"No, Nora got injured while we were in the Compound, we're in the Schnee Manor now letting her rest, but once she's ready to go we'll be back down as quick as we can," Ruby paused for a moment, "So we can figure out how we're going to get Oscar back from Salem."
Within an hour Weiss had woken up, along with May who had been sleeping on another sofa. Nora still was unconscious and her aura only in the middle. Blake hoped it wouldn't be too long before they could get back down to Mantle, she was worried about them. About Jaune, Ren, especially Oscar... And Yang.
Her mind wouldn't drift to anything else aside from Yang. The fear in her voice still shook her. She'd witnessed probably the first grimm ever in the history of Remnant talk and show signs of actual intelligence.
Ruby and Weiss had been lightly conversing about the situation, Weiss, who was also very shocked to hear what had happened to the other group, had barely spoken all morning. Blake still sat by the window, wondering just how bad it was... If grimm learned how to actually protect themselves, that could be bad for all of Remnant, not just them.
She'd been tempted to call Yang, she figured they'd be back in Mantle by now waiting for them, but part of her wouldn't let her pick up her scroll. If she did she'd stare at the call button for a few minutes before putting her scroll back down.
Things finally started to get a move on for the morning when Nora awoke around 15 minutes later. Her aura was still around halfway recharged but they had an actual emergency now. The burn marks from the electricity though were healing to be scars that ran throughout her body.
After an even longer amount of time, Ruby and Weiss went off and made breakfast for them, something quick since they didn't have much time. Waffles, something Blake enjoyed. The 5 of them had sat and eaten quickly before checking to see if they had everything and soon enough they were back in the airship they came in. They took off, and Blake was beside Ruby, who stared out the window.
She took the moment to talk to her.
"Are you okay..?" She asked, Ruby, didn't turn around as her face grew slightly sadder.
"Yeah... I'm just worried about Oscar... And Penny... Keeping Penny out of reach of Salem is the best option we have right now but I still worry... If the littlest thing goes wrong with launching Amity..." She paused, taking in a breath of hesitation. Ruby turned to Blake, and Blake met her silver eyes.
"Oscar... We know Salem has the relic and... Oscar technically still has Ozpin buried inside him somewhere... I worry... Salem probably doesn't know how to work the Relic of Knowledge but Oscar does." Ruby spoke. Blake understood the point, who knows what Salem would even want with the Relic of Knowledge.
"We're here." May cut off the conversation as Blake finally looked out the window again and realized they were down in Mantle. As they landed Weiss pulled out her scroll and began to pull up a call with Jaune Ren and Yang. Within moments it was Jaune who answered.
"We're back, are you guys at the restaurant?" Weiss said.
"Yes, we're working on a plan, you really need to hurry," Jaune said.
"Why? More news?" Blake asked.
"No... It's just really bad." Jaune sighed. The group hopped out of the airship and set off for the restaurant and within seconds they were back inside the same room they started in.
The reunion was... Different than expected. When Blake entered Yang hadn't even turned to her, she stood up to hug Ruby, looked at Weiss then sat back down.
Is she... Mad at me?
The horrid thought wouldn't leave her, but it stayed for a while when they all sat around the table. So far the only plan they'd had was to go straight into the giant Grimm whale and see if that was where Oscar was.
Of course, that plan had been thrown off the table quickly, and in this case literally. There was a scrapped piece of paper on the floor of a battle plan of sorts.
What felt like hours passed by and nothing. They'd had smaller plans that would quickly be scrapped. They decided to take a short break, take a minute to breathe, and see if any good ideas would come that way. Blake had sat nervously, wondering if Yang would maybe acknowledge her now. She'd conversed with her in parts of their planning session but they still hadn't had an actual conversation.
What she didn't expect was to not have been paying attention when she did eventually speak to her.
"Are you... Mad at me?"
The tables almost turned as Blake realized Yang wasn't mad at her... She was... Was she worried she was mad at her?
"No! I'm not upset...  I'm just worried. Everything going on..." Blake sighed as Yang took a seat beside her, "I thought you were mad at me for not going with you..."
"Blake, you were doing what you thought was right and in this situation, I'm just glad you're okay." Yang sighed.
"Are you okay, Yang?" Blake asked, turning to face her partner more directly. Yang took a while to respond. Blake grew anxious more and more before the response came.
"I don't know..." Yang's voice was barely a whisper. Blake could see invisible tears roll down Yang's face. Just by the looks of things it seemed worse than she'd expected overall. She spoke again, still in a whisper, "I just feel like this is partially my fault... Oscar being taken and all."
"It was not your fault." Her hand moved to caress Yang's cheek, "No one has ever seen a grimm like that before, and look now, we have no idea how to handle this. Even if you'd tried something then there's no guarantee it'll work. We'll get Oscar back. I promise." Yang stayed silent again as she leaned forward to fall into a hug with Blake, to which Blake moved her arms to hold onto Yang who by this point was almost crying. She noticed Ruby in the background, staring at the two of them. Her eyes wide with worry, but Blake nodded and Ruby turned away.
Once the hug was released she held eye contact with Yang.
"Yang, I know this wasn't your fault, and you did everything you could. You, Jaune, and Ren. This wasn't any of your faults, and I want you to know that." Blake said, "I'm not mad at you whatsoever, I just don't want you to get too worked up over this... I don't know what the future holds if I'm being honest, but no matter what, I promise I'll stand by your side in the end."
Silence rested between the two as Yang stood up with Blake. They hugged for a moment before Yang's eyes lit up.
"Guys, I have an idea."
I don't usually like writing things that could be in a canon setting per say but this was actually fun, writing hurt/comfort is kinda my jam, and for what it usually turns out to be this worked out a bit better than most I feel. Anyways... Please just be okay you two omg :(
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The Ides Of March
(A Darren Treacy x Jeanie Turner mini-series)
Prologue - Bad Romance
Word Count: 1815
Warnings: language, violence, murder, mention of sexual assault, angst
A/N: On Saint Patrick's Day, Darren and Jeanie start receiving ominous, cryptic text messages claiming to be from the future. Play the game; save Darren. Jeanie's rules are simple enough: If Dazz can catch her out in Dublin, he can have her any way and anywhere he wants. So how did a night of wild sex and whiskey lead to murder? *Spoilers for Love/Hate series 3*
Sequel to “The Sinner’s Prayer” Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
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There are tiny moments that contain millions of choices we all make. It's not a choose your own adventure; there's not always time to think cohesively. Add in copious amounts of liquor and sex and a person may become impulsive. As Jeanie cocked the gun pointed in Nidge’s direction, she found herself in the middle of one of those flip-of-the-coin situations.
She followed every hint, every cryptic text from a burner phone that was meant to prevent this exact instant. But the vile leader of an IRA faction lay slowly dying from internal injuries at her feet. Siobhan, softly sobbing hid her face in Tommy’s shoulder. Darren, behind her, still held the keg by the handle. Nidge was the only one who could square up. He was pacing like a trapped animal, enraged and seething. Jeanie never faltered in her aim.
“We're done here, Delaney,” the words came out distorted. “Right now. This was a nice night. I saw a great concert. I drank loads of fucking liquor. I have had more sex in the last few hours than I have in the last few years. I literally got eaten out in a pub loo. I'm getting divorced, and if Trish was smart she'd get a divorce too.”
“Red-” Darren tried.
Jeanie spun on him, the gun pointed too close for either’s comfort. Darren’s eyes like a deer in headlights. “I'm not losing you. I'm not letting this life eat anymore of you. Siobhan already paid the price.”
“Just put the gun down please. I'm only trying t’put him out, love. Look at the bastard.”
“It's a butterfly effect, Dazz. You're already too much for them.” Tears threatened Jeanie’s eyes.
Darren put his hand on the muzzle of the gun cautiously and pointed it down to the floor. “What the fuck are ye talking about? Jeanie, you've been barking all night. Not that I don't appreciate the craic,” he smirked, “Or the shaggin’. The panic attack when we walked through the door earlier. How did ye know about Git?”
Jeanie fished in her cleavage for her mobile and tossed it to Darren. He opened it up and used his own for comparison. He studied the texts on both screens with confusion in his eyes.
“You've been getting them too, right?”
“But how?”
Only Darren and Jeanie existed right now. And the soft gurgling of Git as he drowned in his own blood. The choked crying of a young woman who had been assaulted. They were alone, but aware. So deeply aware of their situation.
“Oh please, can ye even fire a fucking gun?” Nidge’s voice broke through.
Jeanie whirled again, her arm around the side of Darren's friend. It was all fluid. Her arms moved with resistance like underwater. The gun aimed somewhere towards the back of the basement or front. No one was sure. It was just where she pointed the gun and pulled the trigger.
One by one dominos topped in a new pattern. Siobhan screamed, but the sound was deafening so her panic was muted. The gun kicked back causing Jeanie’s elbow to vibrate. Almost like someone checked her reflexes with a small hammer. A burst of concrete where the bullet hit a wall, and Darren dropped the keg with an even louder crash.
In Nidge’s terror, he went to flee from Jeanie's bullet . His entire weight landed on Git’s face. Nidge’s trainer came down with a sickening crunch like a knife in butter. Git’s face was the butter. The gurgle ceased.
The last domino fell. Jeanie dropped the weapon to her side and staggered backwards into Darren’s arms. He tried to take the gun but she jerked it away.
Instead he switched gears and mumbled nonsensical words of comfort. “I've got yous.” and “Jeanie, it'll be ok” She stared up at him as a tremble rolled through her. Darren put his hand on her face and sort of started fixing her hair. Then, with a turn of her head, Jeanie vomited absolutely everywhere.
“Lovely. Just fucking lovely,” Nidge said. “Typical Americans.”
Darren held Jeanie by the arms and bent to look her in the eye. “Alright, sweetheart? Nidge and Tommy and I have t’ take care of this. Why don't ye call Laura or Ewan, and have them come get the pair of ye. Siobhan too? Get her cleaned up and get some sleep. Crash at my gaff, ok?”
Jeanie was numb. Catatonic almost as Darren and Tommy formed a circle. Their heads literally together as they attempted a plan.
Jeanie straightened her back and made her way to Siobhan who held herself tightly. Like she was trying to fade into the background. She put her arms around the young woman who started with a jump but relaxed into Jeanie. The gun finally out of her hands and on the desk beside them.
“Here's what we're gonna do, ok? Do you want me to call Trish or Mary? You aren't gonna clean yourself or even pee. We're gonna take you to hospital. They'll clean you up and take samples. Then we can get you some tea and a warm shower and a nice bed. Dazz has a nice bed. Then I'll get Layton, and bring him to you. That sound good?”
Siobhan nodded softly in agreement, but her uncle wasn't having it. He shoved Darren and Tommy aside to bellow at the two women huddled in the corner together. His finger pointed in Jeanie’s face.
“She’s not gonna do a goddamn thing you say. You're gonna sit right here while Uncle Nidge and the boys clean up this bitch’s mess.”
There was not a single thought that went through Jeanie's head. Was this how Darren's brain was wired to live this lifestyle? Just react and pay for it later while you're trying to live until the next job.
But she was done, she knew that much. Done being left behind. Treated like she was the good little obedient housewife. Having men tell her what she can and can't do. Shut up, sit still and be a good girl. But open your legs. It was being done that caused her to hold the gun up again and point the barrel to Nidge's forehead.
“Darren doesn't work for you anymore, Nigel. Tommy, you can stay here or you can take care of your wife. No one owes him any loyalty.”
“Come on, I didn't mean bitch. We just have to fix it. Then you and Treacy can do whatever.”
Jeanie cocked the gun again until it clicked, “No. You can call Elmo or Fran. Can't call Aido can you? Seeing as you got him shot. Dazz gave you a lung, the love of his life, his sister and his fucking mind. He's not giving you or this bullshit anything else.”
Jeanie swung the gun on Darren without thinking. He flinched and ducked, But she kept her wits about her. She aimed the gun at Nidge once more.
“Dazz, take your shoes off,” she instructed.
“You're standing in this cunt’s blood. Take your trainers off and leave them. Socks too, and stand behind me. Then text Ewan and tell him to meet us here with a car. We're going to your flat, then my hotel to pack our bags after we shower and set these clothes on fire. Then we are getting all of our money, our passports and our IDs. Say goodbye to Mary and the girls, and we are going away. Tibet. Phuket. Bali. I don't give a fuck, but we’re flying first class.”
Darren complied. Jeanie couldn't believe it. They shared a look. She couldn't tell if it was relief or the devil in his blazing green eyes, but she was emboldened by it as she bent to take off her own boots. Her focus on Nidge never faltered.
“Ewan said he'll be here in ten or so. Are you sure this is what you want to do?”
“I'm not above shooting this bastard in the head for you, Dazz. I'm not saying we are settling down and having babies and happily ever after or some shit. I'm saying I don't want you to die. If we have to run half way around the world to make that happen..” Jeanie's body started to quiver. The adrenaline was running out. “First I need a Bloody Mary and some French Toast.”
Jeanie exhaled for the first time in nearly 24 hours. The exhaustion finally set in as she laid back in the ridiculous bed chair thing from“upper class.” She and Darren were beyond first class, they were elite now. Even if it was only for the twelve hours it took to get to Thailand.
She could see his far too short hair sticking out on the other side of the wall. She knew at one point he would sneak in to be with her if only for a little while. Jeanie made him look a bit nicer than his typical trainers and hoodies and denim. She was in a sundress herself. They both knew dressing up was not fitting in. Neither felt they fit in here.
“You good, Dazz?”
“I t’ink so. Still trying t’figure out how we went from shagging in coat rooms and back rooms and toilets to watching an IRA boss,” Darren raised his eyes, “to being on this plane. We have forty.. Enough money to live, maybe years where we're going.”
“You couldn't keep living that life, Darren. Nidge was off his fucking rocker, and everyone around him is gonna pay for it.”
“Rosie would've never done this, you know that right?” He looked plaintively over at Jeanie as she climbed up onto her knees.
“Her loss is my gain though. I know you love me, but I'm not sure about my own feelings. I do care about you alot. I'm probably a danger junkie, so we could end up bored of each other without the fear of being caught or you not having any jobs. Or you could wear colors and learn to meditate, and I'll get a pet monkey and cut all my hair off.”
“Don't ye dare!” Darren laughed. “I'll become a Buddhist, just don't cut that hair.” He twisted his fingers up in it before reaching up to kiss her sweetly. Just a hint of his tongue.
“Fine,” Jeanie rolled her eyes. “But I still want a monkey. We should get some sleep.”
They kissed one last time before she laid back down and closed her eyes. Jeanie knew Darren would be on his side when he would begin to dream. His hand tucked under his cheek and head, mouth slightly agape. She pictured it in her head as she drifted off herself.
“How DID we get here?” she thought before dreaming herself of a game that started in sex but ended in murder.
Tag list: @sean-falco @robertsheehanownsmyass @nightmonsters @super-unpredictable98 @elliethesuperfruitlover @slutforrobbiebro @frogs--are--bitches @forenschik @bisexualnathanyoung @sugdenyoung
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1a-imagines · 4 years
Bunny band-aid.
Characters: Izuku Midoriya
Overview: You cant seem to catch a break lately and to top it all off you end up getting hurt! Luckily a cute hero is here to help patch you up!
A/n: Me and my friend were talking about dekus red bags that he keeps attached to his hips. She asked what i thought he keeps in them and i said probably first aid stuff and that spiralled into a long conversation about how cute it would be if he had little cartoon/bunny band-aids that he would give to people.
And well- how could I pass that up?
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"Why does this always happen to me?" You whined as you hopped around your small apartment, simultaneously pulling up your skirt as you tried to slather your toast with butter.
This morning you had received an angry call from your boss, yelling at you to get in as soon as you could. They were slammed and ,sure, you could imagine that must be stressful for any boss but it feels like your boss in particular was a ticking time bomb.
It was best not to get on his bad side, and so you didn't argue with him about the fact it was suppost to be your one day off.
You also had to ignore all the angry texts from your family for having to cancel on dinner with them yet again. How many times did that make it now? 6? You felt like the worst person ever for letting them down so many times, but your work just kept getting in the way!
You keep telling yourself you'll make it up to them, but you never have the time.
You could feel yourself slowly breaking down but you put on your brave face knowing that you'd only be in more trouble if you showed up at work crying.
You quickly finished your toast and downed your coffee before grabbing your bag and rushing out the door. You ran down the stairs until you reached the street, almost tumbling over a few times.
Your job wasn't too far- if you were quick you could make it in 10 minutes and maybe your boss wouldn't fire you?
So you ran.
You ran all the way down the street, narrowly avoiding other pedestrians and jumping over a few stray cats. You felt like you were running so fast that stopping seemed impossible. Your legs were going faster than you could keep up with. This is the sheer amount power and fear your boss held over you.
What a jerk.
Just as you were running past the park you felt one of your feet get caught on a loose pavement slab. Your eyes went wide as a gasp escaped your lips. Your whole body flew forward and you watched helplessly as the ground beneath you got closer.
You held out your hands and closed your eyes, bracing for the impact. You grunted in pain when your body inevitably hit the hard concrete. You had fallen so hard that your body had even bounced off the ground and skidded to a harsh stop.
That was it.
That was the breaking point. You didn't even have the energy to push yourself up. You lay there, your knees and hands stinging as you let the tears run down your cheeks.
Why was the world so against you lately? Have you done something wrong? Did you really deserve this harsh fate?
Personally, you liked to think you always tried your best. That you gave everything you all and you always went out of your way to help people. Overall, you were a pretty good person.
So why has fate decided to punish you lately?
You forced yourself to push your body up onto your backside and that's when you noticed the contents of your bag had also spilled out onto the ground.
You sniffled and rubbed your stinging cheek to rid yourself of the tears "Why can't I catch a break…" you muttered solemnly.
Once you had finished your pity party you figured it would be best to push yourself up, but before you could move, the sound of fast paced steps coming in your direction caught your attention.
You saw a boy in a green costume running up to you. When he finally reached you he knelt down, his big eyes filled with worry. He was panting a bit too, showing he must have ran over to you pretty fast.
"Are you ok!? I'm so sorry I couldn't catch you! I saw you fall from across the park and ran as fast as I could." He apologized so sincerely it sounded as if he completely blamed himself for your fall. You were about to say that it was ok but he gasped, successfully cuttinf you off.
"You're bleeding!!" You followed his gaze to your hands and knees.
He was right, You most certainly were bleeding. However, that much was to be expected after such a harsh fall like that. It wasn't a whole lot though, Most of them were just scrapes, but they still stung.
"Hold still! I have some first aid on me. I'll clean and bandage it up for you!" He said, reaching into the red bags strapped to his hips and pulling out a bottle, a cloth, and some bandages.
"You're a hero?" You tilted your head. The costume, plus carrying first aid, made you guess he was. Although you had never seen him before, was he new? You were a pretty big hero fan and you had a feeling you would've remembered someone like him. He smiled softly as he poured the gauze onto the piece of cloth he had.
"Sort of… I'm in training." He paused and looked up into your eyes. "This might hurt a bit, if it hurts too bad just tell me to stop, ok?"
You nodded your head. He was so gentle and reassuring. If he was the future of heroes then it greatly comforted you. The hero society could really use people like him right now. Especially after All Might's retirement.
You hissed in pain when the liquid hit your open wound. Even though you were no longer a little kid it was still one of the worst pains in the world to have to clean up scrapes with that unholy liquid.
It hurt, but didn't want to stop him. He was being so careful and gentle with the way he applied it, it would've been kind of nice if it wasn't burning like a bitch.
"Shouldn't you be focusing on saving people who actually need it right now?" You asked, your voice sounded more bleak and horse than you liked. You could hear the hopelessness in your own voice and you didn't like it. He looked back up at you, that same small smile was still on his lips, had it ever left?
He stared deep into your eyes and it almost made your heart stop for a moment. "What kind of hero would I be if I left a pretty girl crying in the middle of the street?"
"Crying?" You reached up to feel your cheek. You were still crying? You hadn't even noticed. He had been distracting you from all the sadness of your life with just his smile alone. It was incredible…
Wait, did he call you pretty!?
"It must hurt, I know, but don't worry, I'll fix you right up!" He said.
He thought you were crying because of the pain? The pain wasn't so bad, nothing you couldn't handle anyway. These tears were from stress, from holding everything back for so long.
Though you weren't about to tell him that.
You watched him bandage up your hands which seemed to have taken the most damage from the fall. How could you work with bandages all over your hands? You were so going to get fired.
It was kind of sad that despite being hurt, all you could think about was inconveniencing your boss. It was an unhealthy mind set to have.
"What's your name?" His voice broke through your thoughts.
"Oh! Uh- Y/n." You replied shyly, the embarrassment crying in front of him was starting to seep in. You turned your head away when you felt your cheeks heating up. You'd never really been a person to cry in front of people. So this was really embarrassing for you.  
"S-so, what about you? What's the name of my new hero?" You glanced over to him with a lopsided, bashful smile.
You saw him freeze at the sound of being called your hero, his cheeks turning the same shade as yours. Maybe even more so.
"O-oh, It's D-Deku." He stuttered out a reply as he finished wrapping up your hands.
He put the bottle and cloth back into the bags on his hips and pulled out a few bandaids. He took the paper off it and placed them over the scrapes on your knees.
"There! All done!" He pulled back and that's when you noticed the pattern on the bandaid. It had little bunnies on it!
'That's so adorable!' You inwardly squealed. Who would've guessed a hero would be carrying something as cute as this!
It made you gush.
"Thank you so much!" Ever since meeting him you had really perked up. Somehow, he had washed your worries away, maybe all you had really needed was to know that someone cared about you? That you weren't so alone?
Or maybe it was simply because it was the first nice encounter you've had in months! Which was saying a lot since you're legs and hands are currently bleeding.
He soon stood up, offering you a hand and pulling you up too.
"It's nothing! Really! You don't have to thank me!" He waved his hands in front of him shyly. It was like he wasn't used to people wanting to repay him.
Deku grabbed all the items that had fallen out of your bag and brushed the dirt off them before handing them back.
In all honesty, heroes were something a lot of people took for granted, but it was times like these that made you realise they were humans too.
His gesture may have been small but he had still made a big impact on your mood and on your day. You wanted to show your gratitude. After all, he didn't really have to come help you. Hero or not, he still could have walked away or ignored it.
"No! Really! I want to repay you somehow!" He had somehow made you feel the first thread of happiness- or was it hopefulness? That you had felt it for a while. It was so refreshing and he had helped you more than he was probably aware of.
Maybe there was also a small part of you that wanted to selfishly spend more time with him too. He was like a sudden breath of fresh air in your life and you weren't willing to let that go so easily.
"How about I buy you lunch?" You asked with a smile.
You phone began buzzing in your pocket and that's when you remembered you had work!! You pulled out your phone and upon seeing your boss's caller ID you felt your heart freeze. You could only imagine how pissed off he must be right now.
You looked up to see the worried face of your new hero, he must have caught on that something was wrong. Did he really care about you that much? You were nothing more than an acquaintance to him, and yet seeing you frown was clearing upsetting him too.
The world really did need more people like him.
You weren't sure where this sudden boldness had come from but you declined the call, and like that, weight on your shoulder was lifted. You shoved your phone away.
You'd be lying if you said it didn't make you feel a bit special
You'll deal with the consequences later.  
You smiled up at him. "Are you free right now?"
"Actually, I finish my patrol duty in 10 minutes." He replied. "If you don't mind waiting for a bit, then I'd love to get lunch with you!"
You shook your head.
You didn't mind waiting at all. You'd happily wait days, weeks even, to spend more time with your new hero. Something in your heart was telling you to get to know him better- to not let him go so easily.
Maybe fate was finally giving you the break you so desperately wanted?
"Great! Then wait here and I'll be back as soon as I can, ok?" He smiled so brightly you could practically feel the warmth radiating from it.
"It'll be my treat! To make up for not catching you in time!" He declared before running off, not giving you time to fight him on it.
You were supposed to be the one repaying him but it seemed he was now treating you to a meal instead, and you had a feeling that he wasn't going to stand down from it either.
You sighed happily and clutched your bag to your chest as you stared down at the cute bunny band aids that decorated your skin.
"Maybe today will be a good day after all."
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aquilamage · 4 years
“Court will adjourn for a thirty minute recess.”
Even with standing the moment the judge’s gavel sounded, Badd still had to wade through a crowd to get from his spot on the aisle of the first row of the gallery to the stairs outside. Fortunately, once out in the hall, the guards standing at the defendant lobby stepped aside to let him in without a word. The door clicked shut behind him, blocking out the murmur of the countless voices outside.
In contrast, this room was almost silent, save for Sebastian’s crying. He sat in the middle of the couch, curled up on himself, shaking with big gasping sobs.
To one side of him, Kay dropped another tissue in his lap. She looked up as Badd approached, gave him a smile that only reached as far as the corners of her mouth. “Hey.”
He nodded back at her. Then, he sat on the free end of the couch. It was impossible to tell if Sebastian genuinely hadn’t noticed his arrival or simply wasn’t responding, but either way it left Badd at a loss for what to do. He’d had a substantial amount of practice over the past few weeks, but it would have been much easier if he could simply hold him, like he does with Kay. At least that would be easy enough.
“Seb?” Kay waved her hand in front of where he could see. “I’m going to get you something to eat. Then I’ll be back, okay?” When he didn’t respond, she leaned forward slightly. “Okay?”
There was a long moment between, but he raised his head up enough to nod at her.
This time her smile had more substance to it.
He stared at the ground until the door closed again, and then a bit more, breathing still heavy but a little steadier. Slowly, he turned to look at Badd, blinking back tears. He opened his mouth, but whatever he was going to say caught in his throat, and he pressed his hand over his mouth.
Shit, the kid was an absolute wreck right now. He’d been holding up remarkably well during the trial today, and maybe he should have been suspicious of that. If this was the cost, Badd wished he would’ve shown how upset he was sooner. Sebastian wrapped his arms around himself, hands grabbing at the fabric of his sleeves. It was strange seeing him out of his school uniform. The plain button-up made him look smaller, or that might have been in his posture.
Well, there was a thought. Badd sighed. “Here.” He slid the jacket off his shoulders and, watching Sebastian carefully for a reaction, draped it over him.
His expression didn’t change at first, but then he relaxed marginally, pulling the edges around himself like a blanket. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” he murmured.
They lapsed into quiet again, Badd searching for something to say. The kid responded well to the right words, he’d seen that several times over with Edgeworth and Courtney. The key, though, was right, and most of the thoughts swirling around Badd’s head at that moment were of the sort about Debeste that he would not repeat to Sebastian under any circumstances, much less these. ……Yeah, maybe leave his father out of things completely for now. Find something else that could be reassuring and meaningful. Finally, he said, “You...did a good job in there.”
Immediately, Sebastian shook his head. “No I...I didn’t.” He wrapped his arms even tighter around his knees. “I kept messing up the words, and forgetting things, and,” he choked back a sob “and then I started crying. I was just a big idiot.”
It was technically true that Edgeworth had to talk him through parts of his testimony, with a few long pauses, but… “How many trials have you seen?”
He blinked. “Huh?”
“Have you ever actually watched a trial, before?”
“Um,” he appeared to give it some genuine thought, wrinkling his brow. “I think when I was little with- with Pops, but…”
Badd nodded, then reached over to grab the box of tissues for him. “I’ve seen plenty. You’re far from the first witness to cry on the stand. Especially one who’s been directly affected...by the culprit. And you won’t be the last.”
“But what if I messed everything up?” In the absence of anything else to fidget with, he started to run his fingers along one of the buttons of the coat. “If I did something wrong, and that means he doesn’t get-” He bit his lip, tensing his whole face.
“Hey.” He put as much weight behind the word as he dared, trying to keep his voice soft. “Listen,” One hand went to a spot on the couch next to Sebastian, close as he dared. “You told the truth, right? And everything you remember?”
Eyes red and still liberally teary, he looked over, and finally nodded.
“Between Courtney, Shields, Gumshoe, and Kay, you have someone backing up...most of your testimony. And Edgeworth’s the one who has the responsibility of prosecuting. You trust them?”
Another nod.
“Then just keep doing that, and we’ll…” get him convicted was the first thing to spring to mind, and while it was true, it’s what they all want (and the bastard certainly deserved it), again, not the right thing to say now. “We’ll make sure everything turns out right.”
Sebastian managed a weak smile. Readjusting the jacket, he took a few slow breaths. “Can I-” the words were so quiet as to almost be inaudible.
He startled. “Never mind!”
“No, what is it?”
Frowning, he turned his head fully away from Badd before he spoke. “Can I lean against you?”
The hesitancy, and even the twinge of outright fear in his voice didn’t surprise him, but it did feel like a hand was squeezing at his chest. With claws. He shouldn’t have even had to ask. Badd nodded before remembering himself. “Yeah. Of course.”
Sebastian made a tiny high sound, a messy breath that certainly heralded more crying, but shifted over until his head was rested against Badd’s shoulder, tucking the rest of himself in to follow.
Neither sad anything after that. This time was a more comfortable quiet, though, without the expectation of do something weighing down on him. Despite his earlier worry, Sebastian was hardly crying at all, the rhythm of his breath even against his side. This was the kind of situation he was used to. Kid didn’t even run anywhere near as warm as Kay, which helped that he wasn’t immediately overheating.
Speaking of: Kay walked back in, arms full. She paused for an almost imperceptible moment upon seeing the two of them, but kept going. “I didn’t know what you wanted, so I got a little of everything.”
Badd raised an eyebrow at her. At a glance, he would guess that she’d ventured down to the cafeteria instead of relying solely on the vending machines, but even that wasn’t a cheap option.
She smiled and shrugged, and dumped all of it on the table. “Hey, help me move this over,” she said, already tugging on one end.
As he did, he gave her another look.
From her bag she produced a wallet, which she flipped open to show an id with Edgeworth’s picture on it. Grinning, she put it back. Once the table was in place, Kay immediately turned her attention to Sebastian, scooting everything into his reach. “Help yourself.”
Blowing his nose one more time, Sebastian nodded. He accepted a water bottle, opening it to take a long drink before starting to go through the food.
They ate in relative silence. The food wasn’t bad – mostly packaged, but the sandwiches were fresh, even if they did taste and feel of having been in the fridge overnight. Sebastian had initially sat back on the middle cushion, pulling himself in to touch the others as little as possible. Until Badd murmured “I don’t mind...if you want to sit like before.” Then he carefully leaned against Badd again, angled better for eating. It was nice. Peaceful enough that you could almost forget where they were. He could only hope it was the same for the other two.
As he balled up his food wrappers, Badd checked the time. “Six minutes.” Beside him, Sebastian started to tense.
With a loud crackle of plastic, Kay tore open a packet of Swiss rolls. Carefully, she extracted one and held the second one out, wrapping-first, toward Sebastian. “I know today’s been hard, but we’re here for you, okay?”
Sebastian managed a smile, although his eyes had started to water. “Okay.” Then, smaller, as he took it, “thank you.”
Huh. Unless they’d had a conversation Badd didn’t know about, he wouldn’t have understood the full meaning behind Kay’s gesture. Not that it mattered. Her sentiment had still been made perfectly clear.
And as she broke the remaining Swiss roll in half and handed one piece to Badd, he realized it wasn’t meant only for Sebastian. He reached over the back of the couch and ruffled her hair, and she smiled.
By the time they finished eating, it was just about time for the trial to start. Kay swept the rest of the food into her bag, except for a full water bottle that she handed to Sebastian. “Mr. Edgeworth is pretty sure you won’t need to testify any more, so if you’d rather not sit down here again, you can go up in the gallery with Badd.”
(He remembered before the trial yesterday, when they’d mentioned that Sebastian could stay out of the courtroom when he wasn’t specifically needed. He’d never seen anyone yell that emphatically while crying before.)
“No.” He stood to his full height, a single tear rolling down his face. “I want to be there. It- It feels right.”
She nodded, and held her arm out for him.
Just as they got to the door, though, Sebastian skidded to a halt. “Oh! This is yours.” He reached to pull off the jacket that was still on his shoulders.
“Keep it on. If it makes you comfortable.” For a couple hours, he wouldn’t miss it, and he already suspected that something about the extra weight was comforting to the kid. Among other things.
He stared, wide-eyed. And then slowly, he pulled the jacket back securely into place, smiling.
“You’ll be fine, Sebastian. See you...in a bit.” With that, Badd left the two of them to head back into the trial.
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