#that wasnt you know a creepy old man
"sweetheart" but like you're talking to a concerned kid
"honey" but like comforting
"my love" but like platonically
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Warnings: mentions of sex, runaway children?
Pairing: pre-outbreak Joel Miller x fem!reader
Summary: you had never thought that finding s little girl injured in the street would lead to loving a man that you had just met.
Wordcount: 3.1k
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The summer sun was sweltering as you walked down the street, shopping bags heavy in your hands as you tried to make it back to your house. The summer of 1997 was too warm for your liking and you couldn’t wait for it to cool down into the fall.
You had just moved into the Texan neighbourhood and didnt know anyone yet; your best friend who you were sharing the house with had met a few people including the new mother Janet and the Adlers who seemed like the classic gossipers. Your introverted nature was challenged here where all the neighbours seemed to be friends.
You placed your bags down at the end of your drive as you tried to reach for your keys in the pocket of your shorts, rummaging round for them and finally pulling them out when you heard a little girls cry.
Your head instantly whipped around as you looked for where the sound came from and when you spotted the little girl in the middle of the street, lying there as she clutched onto her leg, you looked around. There was nobody else coming for her and normally, you would assume that someone was going to come and get her, something in you told you to check on her.
You looked at the little girl as she jogged over. She had dark curly hair that was tied into two pigtails on either side of her head and her face was distorted with the tears. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she clutched onto her knee and that’s when you spotted the gash along her leg, it was dark with blood and dirt.
Once again you looked around to see if there was anybody looking for the girl and when nobody came at the sound of her cries, you assumed she must have been some kind of runaway and that piqued your interest. You didnt want some little girl to be stuck out here in the heat by herself.
You knelt down next to her and she looked up at you, eyes wide and mouth turned into a frown as she scooted a little bit back, “My daddy says not to talk to strangers,” she said between her sobs, her words coming out in hiccups.
There was a reassurance that she had parents and once again you looked around for them but they were nowhere to be seen and that made you even more worried for the little girl.
You smiled, trying to seem non-threatening, “I just moved onto the street, that’s my house,” you said, pointing at the small bungalow on the corner of the street where you had dumped your bags. You pulled out your key from your pocket to show the house number on and she looked over your shoulder at your house, “See, I’m not gonna hurt you,”
She sniffled, the hand that wasn’t clutching onto her leg going up to her face to wipe her face clean, “You’re the pretty girl my Uncle Tommy was talking about,” she said nonchalantly.
Your face heated up as you looked at her, you didn’t realise that anybody had noticed her and hoped that her uncle wasnt some creepy old perv, “Where is your uncle Tommy?” You asked and she shook her head before turning her head to wipe her nose on her shoulder.
“At home,” she explained between her sniffles but it seemed that your presence had calmed her down because she wasn’t sobbing anymore at the pain from her leg
When you noticed a car making its way across the road, you extended your hand to her, “Let’s get you out of the road kid,” you said and you could see the way she hesitated before taking your hand and allowing you to pull her up.
You helped her up, hand on her shoulder as you ushered her out of the road as the car sped past through the cul-de-sac and towards the exit of the street. She winced when she stepped up the curb before sitting back down on the side.
“What’s your name honey?” You asked and she looked up at you, eyes red from the crying.
“Sarah,” she said and you said your name to her and she repeated, “That’s a pretty name,”
“Thank you Sarah, your names very pretty too,” you said, the pad of your thumb brushing a tear away from her cheek and she smiled at the action.
You were still curious as to why this little girl was crying in the middle of the street and why she was out here all by herself. You looked around again and nobody was coming to get her so you began to fear the worst.
“What’s happened to your leg?” You asked and she looked down, sniffling to herself.
“I was looking for fireflies in the garden and followed them out here and I fell over,” she explained and you nodded, looking at her knee. It was just a bit of a graze that needed to be cleaned up but she must have been in pain because you could see her wincing every time she touched it.
“Does that hurt?” You asked and she nodded, her demeanour turning shy.
You pressed a kiss to your pointer finger before placing it on the wound and she grinned, “You feel any better?” You asked and she nodded, a chuckle on her lips.
You smiled at the girl and looked around again, hoping she didnt see the worried crease between your brows.
“Where do you live honey?” You asked and she pointed at the house only a few doors away from where you were sitting. It seemed like a nice home with a porch and a big bay window that pointed out to the street.
“I'll take you home yeah, your daddy’s probably worried about you,” you said and you picked her up, the little girls legs wrapping around your waist and your hadn coming under her legs, supporting her.
As you walked across the street, you could hear yelling and assumed that it was the new couple thaat had moved in. It was a typical suburban street and as you looked around, you wondered what kind of dream you were living in.
“How old are you Sarah?” You asked as you walked the distance to her house and she looked over at you, her arms wrapped around your neck.
“I’m six,” she said and you nodded.
“You’re such a big girl,” you said and her face lit up, “I’m 23,”
That’s when you heard the door slam open at Sarahs house and some man stood at the door, yelling into the house, “Damn it Tommy! You don’t leave the gate open!” He exclaimed.
He seemed stressed out, his hands running through his hair and down to his beard as he scanned the area for his daughter and when his eyes landed on you holding the little girl in your arms, his shoulders sunk as all the tension left him.
The man immediately started running towards you and you finally got a good look at him. He was an attractive man who was probably only a few years older than you who had a grey hair or two growing from his hair - probably from the stress of this runaway child of his. He had deep brown eyes and a deep crease between them from where he was furrowing his brows.
You couldn’t imagine what he was thinking as he saw some random woman holding his child in the middle of the street and you walked faster to get there.
“Sarah, there you are babygirl,” he said, holding his hands out and you seamlessly passsed her over to her father. He ignored you for a second as he doted on the little girl, his hand coming to her face to smooth out the curls on her forehead, “What were you doing out here,”
“I was looking for fireflies daddy, and I fell over,” she said and her father instantly checked her over, spotting the graze on her leg.
He tutted to himself before bringing his hand back to her face, “My brave girl, does it hurt?”
She nodded her head before turning to look at you, “But our neighbour made it better,” she said before saying your name.
Her fathers attentions turned back to you and you felt like as he looked at you, eyes narrowed, that the entire gaze of the world was on you and he was somehow looking into your soul. Your face lit up under his gaze, the warmth spreading over your cheeks as you lifted your hadn up for a wave.
He repeated your name back to you and you nodded. You could almost see the cogs turning in his mind as he tried to figure out what your intentions were so you clarified it for him, “I was putting my groceries away when I heard her crying,” you explained.
Once again, you watched some of the tension fall out of his shoulders and the crease between his brows lessen. He was about to say something when he heard someone call his name out, Joel.
“Joel! Did you find her?” The voice asked and you turned to see a man standing at the doorway of the house, one hand holding onto the doorway and the other by his side.
You assumed that this other attrctaive man was his younger brother, the uncle tommy who yous attention you allegedly had caught. Joel turned back to look at him and you saw his face contort into one of annoyance.
“Yeah, no thanks to you! Get dinner set up, we’ll be in soon,” he called out and Tommys eyes locked with yours.
“Can she stay for dinner daddy?” Sarahs voice asked innocently and you turned your attention away from the man at the door to the man standing here.
His eyes scanned you over again and you could already tell that he was an untrusting man who wasnt sure what you wanted. But as he looked at you, he couldn’t deny that you were beautiful but you seemed younger than him and at thirty, he wasnt used to having dinner with beautiful girls.
“I don’t want to intrude,” you said, taking a step back as your introverted side came out, clear and apparent.
Sarahs eyes were wide as she looked up at her father and he sighed as he looked back at you, “We have enough for one more if you want,” he said, his tone gruff and almost reluctant.
A smile tugged at the corner of your lips and you nodded, “Let me put my groceries away and uh, ill be back,” you said, your hadn reaching out hesitantly to brush a piece of hair behind the girls ears and her face lit up.
Joel watched as you rushed back to your house and he walked back into the house, looking down at Sarah, “Let’s get your knee cleaned up okay,” he said and she nodded.
He carried her into the bathroom, sitting her down on the toilet seat as he pulled the first aid kit out from under the sink. Gently, he brushed a wipe against the dirt on the graze, looking up to see the tears welling up in the girls eyes - he hated to see her cry.
He placed a colourful themed plaster on her knee before pressing a kiss to the plaster and watching as the tears left her. He wiped a tear away before helping her to her feet, taking her hand in his.
“She’s very pretty daddy,” she said as she looked up at him.
He shrugged, “I guess so,” he said as he looked away from his daughter and out of the window to see you lightly jogging back over to his house.
As soon as you had left his house, you knew that he was a special man with a very lovely little girl. You rushed into your house, fumbling again with your keys as you rushed to make it inside so that he wasn’t waiting too long.
You sprayed a bit of perfume on, trying to look nice as you brushed your hair out. You didnt want this man to think that you were a slob. to say that you were instantly attracted to the man would be true, the second you laid eyes on him you had fallen completley for him even though you didnt know what he was like.
You knew your best friend would never let you live it down if you didnt at least try to look nice and shoot your shot. You rushed back to his house, trying not to look too eager as you knocked on the door.
Sarah was the one who opened it and before her father could scold her for opening the door when she didnt know who was outside, the words were taken from his mouth. It was just a quick bit of a makeup and a nicer outfit but he thought you were stunning.
“You want to come in?” He asked and you nodded. He watched as you walked in, merrily chatting to Sarah and he cursed himself. He hadnt felt these feelings bubbling up in his chest since Sarahs mother had left him and he knew what had happened to him then.
He hadnt dated in six years, hadn’t kissed a woman since Sarahs mother and although he got plenty of action and was hit on by every single mother in the school district, he hadn’t dated anyone in a while.
He pulled out the chair for you at the table and you smiled, sitting down and thanking him. Sarah rambled on about something that she was reading and he watched as you listened intently, asking questions and stoking her joy.
As Tommy and Joel started to grab the pasta that he had made for dinner, the younger brother had a smirk on his face as he saw the way that Joel watched you.
“Ive never seen you look at a woman like that before,” He said with a teasing smile on his face.
Joel turned to him, a glare on his face, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, picking up a kiddy bowl of pasta and another one for you.
He placed the bowl down on Sarahs mat and smiled at her before turning to you, “I hope you like it, you’re not allergic to anything right?” He questioned.
You blinked, thinking over what he said before shaking your head, “No, nothing, and this is lovely, thank you for inviting me,” you said, trying to hide your nervousness.
“You want wine ma’am?” Tommy asked and you looked at Joel before nodding, watching as the man poured you a glass of red.
He pursed some for Joel and himself before putting a glass of milk down for Sarah, “So, when did you move into the neighbourhood?” Joel asked you.
You finished your mouthful of food before looking at him, “A few weeks back, me and my friend just finished our gap year and I’ve got a job locally,” you explained. His eyes went wide and you could tell he was wondering how old you were and you chuckled at his reaction, “I’m twenty three,”
He nodded, a slight smile on his face as Tommy smiled ast his brothers reaction, hed ever seen him this comfortable in front og a girl he had just met before and knew that you were someone special but he could also tell that he was insecure about the slight age gap.
Once dinner was over and Sarah had said goodbye to you, you stood at the door, the evening setting sun illuminating down on you, “Thank you so much Joel, I had a really nice night,” you said, a smile on your face, “And if you ever need a babysitter, I’m just across the street,”
“I might just have to take you up on that, good night,” he said and you repeated the sentient before taking a step outside of the house.
Joel looked back at his brother who stood in the doorframe, shaking his head at his brothers inability to make a move. There was a moment where he hesitated as he looked at you start to walk away.
He had been scared ever since Sarah’s mother to fall in love but there was something about you after you’d only known each other for a few hours that he knew he could trust. He was worried about introductions a woman into Sarahs life but she had already warmed up to you so he wasnt too worried.
He called out your name and you turned back, a smile still evident on your face from the dinner “Would you like to have dinner sometime? Without Sarah?” He asked and your face lit up.
You nodded a little too enthusiastically, “I’d love to,” you said, walking back and digging around your purse for a pen before scribbling your house phone number onto his hand, “Call me sometime, or you know where i live so,”
Your voice trailed off and you leaned over, pressing a kiss to his cheek that made both your faces heat up in a blush before you started to walk away.
You were halfway across the street when you turned back to look at him still standing in his doorway, waiting for you to go into your house and you smiled to yourself at the situation. You could already tell that you were going to like him a lot.
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I loved writing this and was thinking of doing s sequel of their date and something just because I think that'll be cute, let me know what you think :)
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zwolfgames · 5 months
Yandere Platonic MHA x child!reader
Requested by: jocru046
Part two/sequel of this.
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(Warnings: kind of kidnapping, kicking a child, creepy overbearing behavior, yandere in general.)
(3rd person POV)
Life sucked.
No really, it did.
Atleast for you, that is. Y/N, not even a last name. Just a small kid, no parents or guardian. You can't even remember how thar happned. Did you have parents? Did you just spawn in one day? Only god knew. No wait, that didn't exsist. Trust me, you had begged that god for help and received nothing.
Never having gone to school or kindergarden you were far behind other kids. Now, as a illiterate 8 year old with no hopes or dreams you live on the streets. Luckily, your quirk kept you alive.
A simple concept. You cried pearls. Or well, thats all you knew of it. It would be sad if that was the only thing you could do but you didn't care at the moment. Survival was your top priority.
So, when you ran low on money, you cried and collected the little pearls. Selling them to who-ever you could. It worked... well enough. You were a kid, you definitly got scammed a lot.
So that brings us to this faithfull moolit night. One where you were drawing on an old newspaper. You couldn't read it anyways.
All was calm untill you began to hear footsteps. Loud frantic footsteps and heavy breaths. Like a group of humans running from a bear.
You held your breath and shrunk into your make-shift dumpster house as the footsteps came into your alley.
You expected them to just run past, like everyone always did. But no...
They stopped... Right in the middle of the alley.
It was quiet for a moment, just a moment. As if they were scanning the space.
"Oi! Kid. Come out, right now! We know you're here!" Some loud man screamed. A sudden crash of a thrashcan being thrown against a wall was heard. You gulped.
Surely they were thinking if some other kid, right? I mean, surely there was some other poor orphan child in this alley besides you?
Just as you finished the tought the lid of your dumpster home smashed open and before you could even gasp one of the men had a crushing grip on your upper arm. Ripping you out of the dumpster as if you were nothing but a twig.
"Got it." He huffed to his boss as this henchman, or whatever, held you beside him in the crushing grip.
"Who are you? Let go! You're hurting me!" You growl and bare your teeth, a trick you had seen the stray dogs use on weirdo's.
"Shut it. Hurt them." The boss man said harshly. He looked disgusting. Like some vile criminal. Whatever his quirk was wasnt helping his appearance. This man had the skin of a fish yet the appearance of a man...
The thug holding you complied and bashed your head against the rough brick wall. You let out a pained sounded and started slightly crying at the pain. Your head feeling heavy as you saw stars. If you guessed right you were even bleeding.
Two small pearls streamed down your cheeks and fell to the dirty alley ground with a small sound.
The fish man grinned, revealing scary, shark-like, teeth. "Thats them. The pearl seller. Take em away. We'll be rich by the end of the week!" He laughed and you were dragged along. Your head still spinning.
This was going too fast. What was happening?! Who were these people? Why did they hurt you?
You began realising the situation when their black van came into vieuw. They'd stuff you in there and you'd never be seen again! You knew it! You've seen it happen to kids before!
So in that moment you let out the most blood-curdling scream of despair. Shrill and loud, just like you wanted it.
The chance someone would come to rescue you was small, seeing how humans were.... But it was worth a shot.
The man holding you growled in anger and kicked in your stomach. You almost fell to the ground if it wasn't for his deadly harsh grip on your arm. The air knocked out of you.
The thug was about to throw you into the dammned van before you were suddendly back on the ground again.
No longer having your arm crushed. Now curling up into a pained ball on the ground as you cried. Shiny perfect pearls rolling down your face.
There, infront of you, stood some darkly dressed man. Somehow, his scarf somehow floating...
Just a moment ago all those bad men were ready to drive off.... and now they were either knocked out on the ground or too pained to move...
What was this... mosnter? How did he do this? The scary looking man came closer to you, taking light steps.
You could see his face now. Some ridiculous yellow goggles on his eyes. His long, messy black hair swayed with his steps. Overall, he didnt look too bad... maybe a bit sleep-deprived and dead inside but oh well... What made him scary was the fact that he just wiped out this gang of men that wanted to kidnap you.
The unknown man kneels down in front of you. Not too close, not too far.
He observes you. Just faintly, you can see his eyes stare into yours from behind his strange yellow goggles.
"Are you alright?" He asks after a long silnece. You had alreadt seized your crying... now just a pile of little pearls on the ground.
"Im... fine." You whispered. In a broken choked voice. Who could blame you? You just released the loudest scream you ever had in your short life.
"Sounds like a lie. You're bleeding kiddo." The mysterious man sigh and reaches his hand towards you, to wich you flinch and scamble to your feet to take a step back.
The man frowns and stand up aswell, way more intimidating at his full height.
"There's no need to be afraid. Im here to help." He said, keeping the distance as to not scare you further.
This man... He may be scary but he didn't feel the same way the thugs on the ground felt.... More... safe.
How could some-one so scary feel safe? You wondered.
The man seemed to notice your questioning look but said nothing, merely making sure you didn't run off. You were injured and he needed the whole story.
"Whats your name?" He suddendly said, his voice soft and caring, as if he was speaking to a small child- oh wait, you were a small child.
You hesitated for a moment but decided to just answer before he bashed your head in like he did with the thugs.
"Y/N..." You answer softly. Not looking him in the face anymore.
"Where are your parents, Y/N?" He asked calmly. That question stunned you for a moment, maybe you should have expected it but somehow... no-one had asked you that before.
"...Non-exsistent." You answered bluntly. Not a hint of care for the subject in your voice.
The man had expected that but not in... such a careless way.
"I see... Would you trust me to help you?" He asked. This man only asked questions, how annoying.
"...No." You answered after a moment of silence. The man seemed baffled, as if no-one he had rescued had ever said 'no'.
He opened his mouth to say something yet before he could a groan was heard from the fish man on the ground behind him.
He shot into action at the mere sound and before you knew it you were off the ground and in his arms.
The wind blew into your face before the man tucked your head into his chest. Now you had no clue what was happening.
But judging from the loud air sounds, you were going fast as fuck.
As the surprise faded and you came back to your senses you started struggeling, to wich the man simply tightend his hold on you.
"Don't struggle, im taking you somewhere safer." He said calmly, tough the wind made it hard to hear. Was this dude doing parkour or something? You were getting sick from these abrupt movements! But i guess that did make you struggle less.
You tried to speak but this mans clothes were smothering your face. That weird scarf fluttering against your head as the man jumped and ran.
After an agonizing whileof running and wind he set you down on a chair. No wait, this was a car...
"Mister, what do you think you're doing-" You quickly asked but he held a finger to your lips and buckled you in. You were utterly confused.
First, some thugs tried to nab you for unknown reasons. And now this random man shoved you into his car?!
You gulped in slight fear yet looked around the car curiously, never having been in one before.
The man seemed satisfied with your silence and got into the car, taking the wheel and driving off.
"I know this is going too fast for you, but you'll be alright. Im EraserHead. A pro-hero." He side-eyed you and you simply looked up ahead. He was right, this was going too fast. And a pro-hero? This slobby dude? Really?
You said nothing and simply stared ahead. This was too complex for a child. You felt as if you should be scared but he had infact saved you... untill he grabbed you himself but eh.
EraserHead eventually stopped the car and got out before walking over to your side and unbuckeling you. Taking your hand as he leads you into a huge building.
"See, this is U.A. You've heard of it, haven't you?" He smiles slightly down at you. Those stupid goggles off of his face now so you could actually see his eyes.
You wanted to say no... but decided just to nod to avoid any boring info.
EraserHead led you into the grand building and after an endless amount of twists and turns you arrived at some sort of hospital room.
There, at a desk, set a tiny old lady. She turned her head and greeted EraserHead before turning her attention to you. You didn't know what it was about her but she immeadiatly had your trust.
"How are you feeling sweetie?" She asked softly and observed your still bleeding head and multiple scrape wounds. Wich now that the adrenaline had stopped working, hurt quite a lot.
"I-Im fine." You meekly uttered, shrinking into yourself slightly. Eraserhead was about to comment 'Lies.' Once again but he didn't have the chance as the old lady shot him a glare.
"Is it okay if I help you dear?" She smiles at you. It was quite comforting since she wasn't way taller then you. You nod hesistanly.
The lady somewhat kisses your forehead and you can littarly feel your wounds being healed. Wich was really really weird!
The lady nodded and pat your head before gesturing to EraserHead that you were now fixed.
He nodded back and took your hand again. Seeing as this man claimed he was a hero, you'd seize your struggeling..  for now.
After another long trip of twists and turns youre back outside. Now walking on a nice path with a bunch of tall buildings next to it.
Where the hell did you end up?
"Students... This is Y/N. They'll be staying here temporally, untill I figure out how to solve their living situation." EraserHead ordered a group of weird looking teens. Wait, stay here?! Your consent was not asked!
Your eyes widen and you instictivly hide behind EraserHead. An action he found just adorable, tough he would never admit that.
The students stared for a moment untill you were suddendly swarmed.
Some pink girl squished your cheeks and you felt observed by everyone.
"Y/N, you're such a cutie. How did you end up here hmm?" The pink lady asked, to wich you had no answer. Luckily, EraserHead still exsisted and shooed the teens away.
"Y/N almost got abducted by a gang. They got hurt so I took them here. They don't seem to have parents or a guardian so untill that is sorted they stay here. If I hear even a single complaint from the kid, you're all dead." He sneered and glared at some spikey haired blonde specifically.
You gulped at all the attention and took a step backwards only to bump into some green haired guy.
He smiled such a friendly smile down at you, it was impossible to feel scared. That was what you tought untill he hugged you.
"Whats your quirk, little Y/N?" He asked sickingly sweet as he held you. You bet he tought it was comforting but after today and the amount of grabbing you've lived trough it was not..
"I um... cry pearls..." You uttered weakly. Overwhelmed by all the states and attention.
He nodded and seemed fascinated. Patting your head. "Thats so cool! Do they stay forever or is it temporary? Is it real pearl or does it just look like it? Does it hurt? Are there drawbacks? Do you get tired? Does i-"
"Shut up you stupid nerb!" That spikey haired blonde dude yelled harshly and his hand suddendly exploded.
You yelped in surprise and clung onto the green haired boy for dear life.
Not a moment later the blonde get wacked in the head by EraserHead.
"Stop bothering them. Introduce yourselfs so I can show them their room, they must be tired." He instructs and they did indeed introduce themselves. Some more elaborate then others but hey.... Its not like you'd remember their names anytime soon...
Like he said, EraserHead, also known as Aizawa now, led you up the stairs and showed you a vacant room.
There was a bed, a coffee table, a desk and a chair.... Thats more then you've ever had! Oh my god?!
Aizawa noticed you absolute bafflement and had to surpress a chuckle.
"Will you be able to sleep kiddo?" He asked softly and looked down at you. You slowly nodded, still taking the room in.
He smiled and pat your head before leaving you in the room. Closing the door behind him. You were now alone. And very tired. So you slumped onto the bed and fell asleep.
"Y/N. Wake up. Satou made breakfast." Some sweet female voice called out to you in your sleep. You slowly opened your eyes and were met with... Momo.... And her last name was too long for you to remember, so Momo it was.
Her black hair was nicely tied up and she put some clothes at the end of your bed.
"Come down when youre ready." She smiled and left your room. You were still sleepy but complied. Wow, these people were nice.
You put on your clothes, you had no clue how they got your meassurements but whatever.
You came downstairs and followed the sound of loud teens.
It led you to the dining room in this weird dorm like building and the room went quiet when you stepped in.
You were almost scared you did something wrong untill the students began argueing on who you should sit next to.
You stood there awkwardly before you were grabbed of the ground by none other then Aizawa and he just plopped you into an empty chair.
Now the people argued over who got to sit next to you but you just shrunk into yourself and quietly ate your food. It was amazing!
The students finally stopped bickering by the time you were done with eating, so, it was all for nothing. You jumped of your seat and went back to your room, unsure of what you were supposed, and allowed, to do.
Like that, life went on for some weeks. Tough you had noticed the way the class had become way more clingy and affectionate. You almost felt like some baby-doll they were assigned to take care off and got too attached to.
Your room had slowly been filled up with gifts and toys you had never seen before. But as much as you wanted to ignore it.... you had noticed how your balcony window did not open...
"Kiri, put me down! I can stand, I have legs!" You huff and struggle. Thats another thing they liked to do. Just pick you up.
"Would you rather not have legs, hmm?" He smiled sickingly sweet. It shut you right up. Another one of those scary remarks.
Something was wrong with these people.
You were hoping and praying for Aizawa to finish finding where you would go. Maybe an orphanage? Perhaps directly to a family?
He would never tell you he stopped searching long ago.
As Kirishima carried you to the living room for a movie you noticed everyone had gathered there.
You were put right in the middle, nicely tucked into a blanket. The movie started and you tried your best to pay attention... but you felt more watched then the movie...
You wanted to go home... But there was no home. You used to live in a dumpster for gods sake! They really had you stuck here.
The evening commenced and you fell asleep on the couch. It was way past your bedtime afterall.
The next day, you just woke up back in your bed. Probably carried there by who knows who... Everyone of these kids was strong enough to carry ten of you!
It was a nice loop. Wake up, eat, get left 'alone' for the school hours, play with the teens, eat, sleep. The same, every day.
You were so stuck in this routine. Figurativly and littarly.
You were used to it yes.... But they wouldn't ever let you leave either.
You hadnt tried yet... But each time you wandered outside you were quickly dragged back... It's like you were watched 24/7.
They didn't want you to play outside. It was dangerous. You could catch a cold, or scrape your knee.
All very normal things. You tried to reason. Back when you lived on the streets you got hurt and sick all the time. It made them even more protective.
Soon, you began noticing. The hushed whispers they tought you didn't hear. The hidden cameras. The damm baby monitor under you bed.
They were crazy! They had to be! What was all this? Why weren't you sent away yet?
What were you doing here?
Answers never came. You just had to stay in the loop. Wake up, eat, get left 'alone' for the school hours, play with the teens, eat, sleep.
Thats what they wanted.
You didn't have to know how dear you were to them. An innocent child. Waiting for them at the end of a stressfull day. Smiling and laughing.
You were precious to them.
You didn't have to know. You just had to stay.
None of them had ever expected that they could agree on something this... unhealty. Yet they did.
These teens, with such diffrencess, agreed to keep you with them.
How absurd.
But it happned anyways.
All was fine untill these 'villains' attacked their school.
From what you've heard, it wasn't the first time. You had seen nothing of the fight.
Aizawa had handed you to Jirou and Asui right at the beginning. They had a simple task. Bring you to the safest possible place.
Wich to your displeasure was a basement.
It was dark and you could hear fighting, but you couldnt go see. Couldnt move.
They made sure of that.
You were like their sibling. Their dear younger sibling.
You had suffred enough.
If they couldnt keep you safe now, how would they ever be great hero's?
So thats how security became even stronger after the attack.
No longer were you even allowed to step a foot outside. Not even look at the door if they could help it.
There was always someone with you.
Some nicer then other.... Surprisingly, Bakugo had more chill then Midoriya.
The angry blonde tought you how too cook omelets while the green nerd didn't even let you lift a finger.
Life was dull, repetitive and utterly.... boring.
What was fun if there were no risks? You couldn't go down a slide without someone holding you the whole way.
Couldnt build a pillow fort without Uraraka standing by for if anything fell.... Not even a pillow could graze your skin or panic would break loose!
You could argue as much as you wanted. In the end it didn't matter. You were the child. You were helpless. You needed them.
They made that clear.
And you would never, ever leave.
Where could you go?
It was them.... or nothing.
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Have a nice day/night!
Words: 3543
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whipped-bean · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel redesigns that will make you prefer the originals pt. 1
i hate this show's designs and storytelling so much so i made them look better, feel free to request someone next i guess idk lmao.
slightly disturbing imagery below (???)
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also no i don't support the show's creator and i hate her guts, the only stuff I've seen from the show is clips from tiktok :P
these are NOT meant to be animator friendly, srsly, i know its a running joke amongst redesigns but pls don't be like 'omg these would be such a pain to animatteeee' bc thats THE WHOLE POINT >:(
info under the cut
For angel:
-arms, legs, and big ol abdomen are NOT retractable because that just felt like a cheap way to make him look less detailed and pisses me off because its just wasted potential :P
-less of a formal outfit because if he wore one it would be too stuffy and uncomfortable'
-'shorts' that are basically just a skirt due to his back legs
-curly hair because it looks nice on him
-very uncomfortable boots, they force him to walk tip-toed 24/7 because theyre form fitted and stiff
-wanted to play up the spider theme AS MUCH as possible, if it wasnt obvious lmao
-no lower jaw
For Vox:
-a more or less 'imposter' kind of theme, he doesnt look human or demon, but his death was too severe for him to keep his entire body once he was sent to hell
-pieced himself back together with his very minimun memories of his past life as a simple and sad old man working as an electrician, so the engineering wasnt very good at first
-he didnt look creepy enough to me so obviously i fixed that
-kept his hat though to piss people off i guess, also cause its funny to me idk
-rubber gloves and shoes, and random patches on his clothes are rubber to absorb shock while he works
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theosconfessions · 8 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can over here :)
if youd like to read the stephens continued you can over here:)
theo-okay wow. all of this just for a tiktok about a 60 year old man?
scarlett- retros in.
theo-retro? you know your dad would kill you if he heard you call anything involving him retro right? hes not old as fuck you know.
scarlett-it was more of a dig at you than him. hes young. youre not. just want to point that out for anyone watching. makes you look creepy so.
theo-nice of you.well it can make me feel creepy sometimes but we fit.
scarlett-sure do
theo- [eyes narrow]
scarlett- so do you want to introduce yourself or?
theo-sure. im theo kline. im old as hell as scarlett likes to point out. i was on two seasons of the bachelor. one in ancient times. one recent.
scarlett- right! so to anyone who hasnt watched the first one theo did was the one where he met my mom, marlee, and the woman hed have a long affair with.
theo- nice dig.
scarlett- thanks [smirks] and the one that actually worked out despite theo trying to trash it whenever he could. the second season is where he met my dad.dustin.
theo- that wasnt where i met dustin.
scarlett- what?
theo- i didnt meet dustin on the show. i met him at his bar. just like we always said. and then he came on the show.
scarlett- wait? were you guys dating before he even came on the show?
theo- no, not dating. i encouraged him to apply though.
scarlett- WAIT.
dustin-wait what. the bachelor?
theo- youve heard of it right?
dustin- of course i have. i even not so freely admittedly have seen your season. with your wife.
theo-ah, marlee. well theres a reason why im doing a second stint. didnt work out.
dustin-i have to say this is the weirdest way someones ever asked me out before. like i liked you but im not sure i want to go on one date with just you. i need to see like 30 other people at the same time.
theo- c'mon dude i didnt mean it that way. look i signed the contract before i even came into this place and seen you. if i didnt do that,dustin. trust me id do this the old fashioned way because thats what youre worthy of. its a tv show ,man.thats it. and id think youd like it. cool people. cool place. and if you decide youre not into it . or me. or any of it you can def tell me to fuck off .
dustin- i cant believe im telling you yes right now
theo- really?
theo- i encouraged him to sign up.
scarlett- but you never asked him out before that?
theo- i wasnt sure i wanted to settle down so no. dustins the kind you do settle down for.
scarlett- you were married to my mom at the same time but you werent sure you wanted to settle down?
theo- well you seen how that ended up right? the jami thing? me being gay. it wasnt meant to last. but we got you out of it . so that is one good thing.
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violetduchess · 1 year
Sweet Light
Synopsis: Its the little moments that matter (Or a glimpse into the mornings with your lover.)
CW: slight NSFW mentions
Ft. The Dateables
Note: Sorry I've been M.I.A school has been kicking my ass. I hope to have this and one more project done before the week is over.
[------------------❀•°❀°•❀ ------------------]
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"You do know staring at a sleeping woman is still considered creepy, old man." You said, not bothering to open your eyes or move from your comfortable position. You could feel the laughter reverberating through his chest, causing a smile to pull at your lips.
A gentle kiss is placed on your forehead, before he begins to slowly get up from his place as your pillow. You let out a small whine of discontent, which promptly turns to a yelp when his hand makes contact with your bare bottom.
Your eyes fly open to glare blearily at him, only to be met with a cheeky grin.
"Gooood morning, my love~"
"Fuck you, Solomon"
You immediately regretted your choice of words when his grin got wider.
"That's not what you were saying when I-mmph!" You quickly reached over to put your hand over his mouth as your face filled with embarrassed heat.
The room was filled his with laughter and your exasperated sighs.
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You were convinced Barbatos didn't need to sleep. Like at all, because not once have you seen him look tired and every morning he would bring you breakfast in bed.
You even offered to help a couple of times but he would always tell you that he " Enjoyed taking care of you." with that insufferable smile of his and that would be the end of it.
Not today. Today you would make him breakfast. You even got Diavolo's help to distract him.
"Good luck!" He said while giving you a thumbs up.
You entered the kitchen and immediately got to work. While you weren't a culinary master like Barbatos, you could make mean omelettes. It didnt take you long to make them and clean-up right as Barbatos walked in.
"So this is why the young master was so insistent that I help him get dressed."
"Yep, so we gonna eat or what?"
"Of course my love."
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You whined when your pillow Diavolo began to move off the bed to begin his day. Like a petulant child you wrapped your arms around his waist and refused to move. (You both knew he could push off if he wanted to.)
"Stay." It wasnt a demand. You knew he was incredibly busy and moments like this were a rarity, but a selfish part of you wanted him for yourself today.
"[Name]" and he didn't need to say anything else. Reluctantly you let him go and tried to stop yourself from feeling disappointed.
You simply began to cocoon yourself into the ridiculously soft sheet and blankets. You heard a sigh, before he gently began to pry your shell from your body.
"I promise after I finish my paperwork for the morning we can do something together later. Does that sound good?"
"Good, get dressed and meet me downstairs. I asked Barabatos to make your favorite." He said with a grin while heading out the door.
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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haikyuu!! the dumpster battle ramblings
saw it earlier today and am going to see it again tomorow with a friend, am very Full Of Thoughts, if u dont wont spoilers for the movie well take this as your warning ig
okay first of all the sound direction, the sound direction was INSANELY good
this is absolutely a movie that needs to be experienced in cinema, the soundscape of tokyo gymnasium and the karasuno v nekoma match felt so vividly real it was like i was at an actual game
the soundtrack was great too, i mean it always is w/ hayashi yuuki
there were i think two tracks that used the leitmotif from 'above', good shit
the animation was also really great, overall it didnt look massively better than season 4 of the anime
which is fine, season 4 looked great imo (minus that outsourced episode)
but holy shit when the sakuga hit it hit HARD
tsukki and lev blocking, kageyama doing his thing, kenma and kuroo's quick, there were lots of really great sakuga moments
they also reused some shots from earlier on in the anime and idk maybe thats 'lazy' or whatever but i liked it, it was very nostalgic :')
they did re-animate and i think re-voice hinata and kenma's first meeting tho, framing it from kenma's POV, loved that
i think my favourite sakuga shot had to be hinata and kenma with the knives at each other's throats tho, that ate
not sure how i didnt know about this before hand but it made perfect sense to me when i saw studio trigger in the end credits, some of the sakuga, esp the blocking, had a bit of that trigger flair to it
so obviously they werent gonna fit in everything from the manga, and the movie definitely had kenma as its focus, but i think overall they did a decent job in picking and chosing what to cut
the one thing im annoyed about is the removal of old coach ukai and coach nekomata's backstory, i really i think it makes the handshake at the end of the game hit that much harder
other than that tho i dont think the movie suffered from not adapting everything in the manga, i mean obviously i wouldve LIKED it, but i dont think the movie NEEDED it to be a good movie
it very much felt like kenma was the main character of the movie, and the main focus, with kuroo and hinata as his deuteragonists
which i liked!!! i think framing the match from kenma's POV for the most part makes sense, and its fun to spend more time in outsider POVs of karasuno
rlly loved the adaptation of kuroo and kenma's childhood flashback, im pretty sure kaji yuuki voiced kid kenma too
watching their friendship grow and seeing them play togther now as high schoolers, AUGH RIGHT IN THE FEELS
theres also a montage of kid kuroo barging into kenma's room to demand they go play volleyball together that ends on kuroo doing so whilst kenma's changing/putting on trousers which was rlly funny and silly
the stuff with kuroo and tsukki was so good too
'thanks to everyone, occasionally it's fun', 'thank god i wasnt wrong', 'he's a man who walks ahead of me'
the scene that completely stole my breath away though was kageyama setting the open toss to hinata
i know ive already lost my mind over the whole 'threat of trust' thing and truly, the inarizaki match goes insane with that concept i will always adore it
but holy shit that scene smacked me over the head, HARD, with the concept of 'setting as a love language'
i just... i literally dont even have words for it it was SO amazingly good, i legitimately teared up in the cinema
speaking of other great scenes;
'stay interesting, 'kay?'
they did it perfectly
the music and the soundscape completely cutting out, the background whiting out so its just kenma and the net, kaji yuuki's delivery of the line
it genuinely felt like something out of a horror movie, it was creepy, and unsettling, and PERFECT
hinata's reaction after kenma collapses and says 'that was fun'
murase ayumu's delivery was so VISCERAL, dude got in that booth and CHEERED
you really felt hinata's sheer utter come through in that little scene, same with kuroo's incredulous laugh
the end of the match was slightly a mixed bag for me
on the good hand;
having done from kenma's first person POV was cool, i dont think haikyuu's ever really done that before, and it looked awesome
cutting back on the music and background soundscaping so we just focus on kenma's breathing and the sound of the ball/players jumping/shoes squeaking etc was a great way to really immerse the viewer in the scene, and put us inside kenma's head
on the bad hand;
it was anticlimatic, and i KNOW the whole point of the end of the match is that its anticlimatic,
but i had always imagined the scene with dramatic swelling music and the characters running frantically, only for it to all cut away when the ball slips and all you can hear is kenma's 'ah-' and there'd be a close-up of his facial expression
the stage play did a very similar thing and it worked EXTREMELY well imo
instead by doing it in the first person POV and already not having music it just,,, didnt feel quite as impactful as it shouldve imo??
like the match points for the seijoh, shiratorizawa, or inarizaki matches were done really dramatically
and i know the whole point is that the nekoma match is kinda an outlier in that it ends in that anticlimatic way with the ball slipping, and theres that big beat with hinata calling out 'nice serve' to tanaka before the realisation sets in that theyve won, but jusstttt
idk like it certainly wasnt BAD, i still DEEPLY DEEPLY enjoyed it, but just personally if i'd been the director i wouldve done it differently
also!! because it was from his first person POV we didnt get to see kenma's face on the 'idiot! the ball hasn't dropped yet!!!' line, which was pretty disapointing ngl i rlly love that scene how it is in the manga
ok enough complaining tho back to the infinite list of stuff i loved about the movie
the camera work! good god the camera work was so fucking cool
it really made the space of the gymnasium feel 3d and real, the way the camera would move over and through the net with the ball helped emphasise the physicality of the players and the court
i know jack shit about cinematography but yeah, after the sound design the camera work was prolly the best thing
the post credits scene was great!! daishou trying and failing to neg kuroo cracks me up every damn time
and the set up for the kamomedai match was so hype
speaking of; the very vague forshadowing for hinata's fever of him having flushed cheeks and not being all exhausted after the game like the others, auughhh my heartttt
if he isnt already, this movie will make kenma one of your top 5 haikyuu characters
seriously i love how they switched the perspective and framing so it was a bit more like kenma was the 'main character' of this match and hinata was the 'rival'
overall the movie was cool, creative, and a really clearly loving adaptation, im more than happy to be paying to see it again tmr lol
i'll probably have even more to say after seeing it a 2nd time so tune in for that ig
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lostfracturess · 2 days
Nici have I told you how much those tag notifications make my day? Lol 😂💕
Anyways, I read r&r as soon as I could and this is no surprise but I am in love yet again 🫶
I just love how we are getting a different perspective of the surgery scene and the scene at Yaga's office. It adds so much depth and I love how Suguru views the reader. Like it feels like a lover, but also kinda like a protector? Idk how to explain it but it's just sweet and you have written it in an amazingggg way. Doesn't feel forced or creepy or anything!
I love how Suguru hates Satoru for causing the s&c reader so much pain but there's also a hint of understanding there? Like ugh my best friend is an asshole but he's my best friend.
And ugh, Yaga has been an asshole, but using the reader control Satoru is just so FOUL Yaga
Okay, I am so so curious about the r&r reader, as if she is hiding something and I just can't wait to see how it turns out. Also, Satoru being so soft with her?? Aaahhhh I need to feel how soft his hands are and also something that's not so soft
And ofc my drug addict man prescribed the perfect dose to the r&r reader, after all, he has years of experience when it comes to handling drugs and he totally did not OD a couple of chapters back🥰🥰
Oh and i am so in love with the r&r reader!! Like she's smart, she's bold but she also gets a little carried away? I guess she's a little clumsy but I am not sure if it's the right word to use here lol. But the way she was showing Suguru how Satoru held her hand like yeah girl sprinkle some salt on that man's wounds😭🤌🤌
Also, I am pretty sure I was grinding like Suguru here because that scene was so fun to read!!
Aaahhhhhh and I love suguru and r&r reader's exchange like pleaseeee 😩😩😩✨✨ Like they are both so witty and match each other's level so well🤌
And then Geto kinda opening up to her in the MRI room despite his initial irritation - like it's the perfect place to have a heart to heart, right Geto?
Then there's the r&r reader and Geto's conversation where she's asking him to hang out. A cute cute scene, Nici, but it also shows that the reader is hiding something that she's afraid of and UGHHHH I WANNA KNOW SO BAD
Also, first the r&r reader called them an old married couple and then in the next scene they behave exactly like an old married couple is so on brand of them lolll. Like making plans to leave the university and all please 😭
I also love how this chapter filled in the missing blanks from the previous chapters yk? Like what did the guys do when Gojo showed up at Geto's door that night, what was Gojo's reaction when he saw that the s&c reader wasnt with maki and group and so on!!
Amazing work Nici! This chapter has been flawless and there wasn't any confusion or anything!! Thank you so so much for sharing it with us ✨🫶
Looking forward to seeing what you have planned for Geto and the r&r reader!! 💕
ahhhh tasha, you are just the sweetest !! so so glad that you loved the first chapter of r&r. getting to explore the surgery scene and the office confrontation from geto's perspective was so much fun for me to write !! really wanted to add depth and show a different side to those moments.
and oh man, the way geto views the reader, it's definitely something like lover and protector. he's just so taken with her, but also feels this deep need to keep her safe. i'm so happy it came across well and didn't feel forced or creepy <33
& yess !! geto's definitely struggling with his anger towards gojo, but you're right, there's that underlying understanding too. they're best friends, even when they're at odds.
and don't even get me started on yaga ahhaha !! but what do you mean with what secret behind the r&r reader ??? do you know more than me hahaha <33
& yes, the r&r reader is really different to s&c reader and just so funny to write !! she all about intelligence, boldness, and just a touch of chaos and clumsiness lol. but yes, there's definitely more to the r&r reader than meets the eye hehe.
i'm just so happy you enjoyed the chapter, and that it all flowed well for you !! thank you for sharing your thoughts. it means the world to me !! <33
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rise-my-angel · 2 months
Because I love salt, what do you find to be the most annoying lines of so-called evidence or foreshadowing for ships you hate? For me it’s hard to pick just one but Jon saying Sansa looked radiant is up there for me because the idea that Jon had a crush on Sansa in the first book or before is so much worse than the thought of them meeting again and then developing feelings (which I still hate, but it’s just not as bad). It’s super normal for people to think their siblings look nice. Arya’s POV chapters also remark that Sansa is beautiful. Ashford theory is annoying because it was originally about the hound and Sansa (also hate this ship but the fans are a million times more tolerable). I also roll my eyes when fans insist that the bride of fire line foreshadows Dany marrying Jon (and I even LIKE that ship but only in an AU in my head where Lyanna is Jon’s mom but Rhaegar is NOT the father)
"Because I love salt"
You have come to the right place as this is an accurate real life photo of me running this blog:
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Thats a good one I hate though, multiple siblings and family members in this series all compliment one another. Even characters with bad relationships compliment each other. In the books, Arya recalls that her father calls her pretty, which only Jon ever also called her. Does that mean Ned had romantic feelings for Arya? Or Lyanna for that matter? No of course not. Thinking someone in terms of beauty is zero indicator of attraction in any way.
Also its even funnier with Jonsas because Sansa herself notes that Arya looks just like Jon, and then on multiple occasions notes that she thinks Arya is ugly. So, its even less compelling.
In the show Tyrion compliments Cersei's beauty all the time and we know there is nothing to it. It's reading into something that isn't there beacuse if they ignore the way beauty is used in this series as a common compliment towards other highborns, then its a really simple box to check on really stock symptoms of attraction. (I also dont really enjoy Sansan but it is funny how they just stay in their circle and mind their business like they somehow are winning based on being not fucking annoying alone).
I'm gonna rapid fire for Jon here because pretty much every single ship he has is backed by the worst evidence known to man.
The idea that Jon never thinks about Sansa because he loves her the most is dumb and not how we know Jon works. He holds back what he says not what he thinks. He thinks of Sansa the least because despite being his sister, she treated him like shit because she looks down on him for being a bastard. Jon cares about her, but not anywhere near how he cares about his other siblings who have clearly shown him love and respect.
The worst of Jon and Arya is a very very old outline that grrm scrapped. Its an outline that wasnt used and most of it isnt canon so it is literally a piece of non evidence for a ship that is disgusting. (Both Jonsa and Jonrya make Jons good older brother behavior towards his sisters look predatory and the shippers are all literally too blind to realize it)
Jon and Dany have literally nothing to back that up, because they are staged as moral oppositions to one another, dont know the other exists, and the idea that the motif of ice and fire will be about the coming together of romance is antithetical to everything grrm has established about the themes of his story. They are so far from being a ship that literally the ONLY thing they have to support it is the show and thats an absolute joke (see my every post that got me blocked by jonerys stans for more detail)
Ygritte is a rapist, so I accept literally zero "evidence" on that ones validity.
I also hate the "the actors have chemistry" argument to support really bad ships, because some actors having chemistry doesnt equal good romance, it equals good on screen dynamics in its own unique way. Like Tywin and Arya in season 2 have GREAT chemistry, but I don't need to explain why shipping that is creepy. Catelyn and Jaime have great chemistry, but it doesn't mean anything was actually there which could've worked.
Like shipping is fine, but so many people just INSIST it is canon or meant to be instead of something fun to think about. I joke ship about Stannis and Davos because its fun but I'm not over here arguing that people who don't ship it are "ignoring the text in front of them deliberately".
Also honestly, its really funny to me that you had to specify you'd only like that ship if they weren't related. Big oof on that one. Jonerys stans hate the idea they couldn't be related because they somehow think Dany being his AUNT isn't at all creepy. Like, Dany is related to Jon the way Jon thinks hes related to his MOTHER. There is no capability of romance or attraction there, that's crazy.
People who are biologically related but don't know it, 99% of the time are in fact, still not accidentally attracted to each other because that's biological survival instinct. Anti inbreeding protocol. But they think because DANY was raised to think her families blood superiority driven incest is fine, that somehow means JON would think its fine. Jonsas have no argument for that they just have to pray desperately that Jon would want to fuck his little sister despite how much it makes him look like a predator.
I'm sorry, I hope you have water on hand to wash down all this goddamn salt I just threw at you all at once.
Really, it isn't individual lines that irk me, its the overall tendencies of these ships to put more emphasis on things that don't even exist to justify something they don't even realize WHY people think it's creepy. I don't hate a lot of ships, just...all pro incest ones, and ones that promote predatory/rapist behaviors. Which is why I don't ship much in this series.
We're probably not meant to ship many people in this series if I in any way understand even a modicum of why grrm writes the lack of romance the way he does.
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borathae · 2 months
ok finally doing this after a nap
Chapter 3
What is wrong with me *me 24/7, ALSO YES WHAT WAS ALL THAT???
Ever since you set foot into this estate, your brain went into a total frenzy YES EXACTLY AND it seems like she can remember hmmm
Why does everything here look so ancient? YOU NEED TO READ FANFICS to learn to live (except we dont get lucky yn parts just the unlucky embarrassing parts but thank god we aint dying every 5 chapter like yn)
You remember drinking one glass of wine. the said glass of wine:
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It is totally normal to forget your date’s name after sleeping in his guestroom never been on a date, but i forgot someone's name after sitting next to them all day and realized after class while talking to bestie and had to wait till attendance next day -_-
ok the door is still locked. he told her to keep them locked and she did, but opened it for a sec and locked it again during the night. and the entire teleporting happened. this is a bit confusing hmmm. like opening it for a sec caused the change, but she locked it again. then how did they get her inside again? the bruise is there so it means it was real. the lock must have some magic and opening it during night causes it to go away?? i will think later lol
Did you punch your own throat in your sleep oof
Why did he know where to look exactly it wasnt a dream babe
istg im about to bitch slap this bitchless dude (TAE I LOVE U DONT TAKE IT TO THE HEART)
You should take better care of your belongings Kim Taehyung damn
He creeps me out honestly speaking all of them are creepy, yoongi is 10% less
just like that all your worries are wiped away like magic. like magic or with magic 👀👀(were u silent or silenced)
your knees are buckling like crazy THIS WILL BREAK ME THIS IS GONNA BREAK ME
Okay not going to lie, this was kind of cool you know whats more cooler??? jimin feeding his cycle 😂 THAT REMINDS ME OF JIN RIDING THE CYCLE HANDS FREE *fans myself
You snort, “so very humble.” ikr sOoOo HuMbLe
hmm usually you see cats sitting on horses, chilling. yoongles must be a rare kitty
Tell me again, why are you studying?” seriously dude must be bored as fuck to study, or started to forget cuz its beeen toooo looong
hold on what if some old being makes some theories and is "killed/disappeared" and later, with a different identity, studies his own theories in college 😭 and continues with it lol
It earned you a scholarship, it clearly must be well written.” or was it something to bring her to them??? 👀 *sus
The entrance exam stole my sanity from me. Even after a week of completing it I still felt jittery.” what type of students go there? what type of university is that? very weird
Emma left, she won’t come back again EMMA DIED FOR SURE OOF
It was a clean and painless end whats that supposed to mean mr.dracula?
Taehyung was a man of such humour ikr him in interviews 😭
Taehyung knew such peculiar stories about places and that doesnt seem weird???
the rain part was soo cute it could me giggling and listening too still with you
wow the honesty was cool, though there is many secrets, some parts feels really raw.
we are both pick-me girls then BAHAHA PLS *starts playing pd48 pick me
they are so cute im gonna die
(the way i started slightly mad at tae and then ended up simping, sighs)
i cant wait for 2seokkook's pov and her talking to them woohoo
i love how smoothly its written, like everything just flows nicely, the scenes and dialogues, its like those nice cozy well directed movies that you watch with pillows and blanket and rested face, body and mind
its only been 3 chapters, obviously the suspense wouldnt make me grip my pillow yet but its already made me clutch my blanket/pearls lol
jjdafjs it took me so long to figure out how the wine pic happened HAHAHA this is such a funny idea help fjadjfs 😭😂
What is wrong with me *me 24/7, ALSO YES WHAT WAS ALL THAT???
Ever since you set foot into this estate, your brain went into a total frenzy YES EXACTLY AND it seems like she can remember hmmm
like the suspicion is growiinnggg
Why does everything here look so ancient? YOU NEED TO READ FANFICS to learn to live (except we dont get lucky yn parts just the unlucky embarrassing parts but thank god we aint dying every 5 chapter like yn)
it doesn't make sense to you yet probably but I wanna be SA!OC so bad jfasdjf
It is totally normal to forget your date’s name after sleeping in his guestroom never been on a date, but i forgot someone's name after sitting next to them all day and realized after class while talking to bestie and had to wait till attendance next day -_-
girliepop me all the time, I forget names so easily (the same with song titles FAFAJDS like I kid you not I even forgot BTS song titles sometimes like it's so bad)
ok the door is still locked. he told her to keep them locked and she did, but opened it for a sec and locked it again during the night. and the entire teleporting happened. this is a bit confusing hmmm. like opening it for a sec caused the change, but she locked it again. then how did they get her inside again? the bruise is there so it means it was real. the lock must have some magic and opening it during night causes it to go away?? i will think later lol
hmhmhmhm interesting theory indeed mhmhmmh or perhaps 👀 someone made her lock the door again and then think everything was just a dream 👀 mhmhmhm
You should take better care of your belongings Kim Taehyung damn
"belongings" LIKE THE ICK
He creeps me out honestly speaking all of them are creepy, yoongi is 10% less
JFJADSJF YES jhfahsdhf I agree fjadjfa
just like that all your worries are wiped away like magic. like magic or with magic 👀👀(were u silent or silenced)
Okay not going to lie, this was kind of cool you know whats more cooler??? jimin feeding his cycle 😂 THAT REMINDS ME OF JIN RIDING THE CYCLE HANDS FREE *fans myself
omg hahahaha this scene 😭😭 he is such a goof I love him 😭😭 Seokjin is honestly so hot I need to inhale him
hmm usually you see cats sitting on horses, chilling. yoongles must be a rare kitty
*cries* he is indeed a kitty
Tell me again, why are you studying?” seriously dude must be bored as fuck to study, or started to forget cuz its beeen toooo looong
hold on what if some old being makes some theories and is "killed/disappeared" and later, with a different identity, studies his own theories in college 😭 and continues with it lol
👀 interesting ohohooh
It earned you a scholarship, it clearly must be well written.” or was it something to bring her to them??? 👀 *sus
The entrance exam stole my sanity from me. Even after a week of completing it I still felt jittery.” what type of students go there? what type of university is that? very weird
lmaoaooaoao in her defence I have really sensitive eyes too and can barely stay in the sun without my eyes ACHING jfadsjfj so it IS possible
Emma left, she won’t come back again EMMA DIED FOR SURE OOF
👀 mhmhmhmmh
It was a clean and painless end whats that supposed to mean mr.dracula?
Taehyung was a man of such humour ikr him in interviews 😭
I love him 😭😭
Taehyung knew such peculiar stories about places and that doesnt seem weird???
kfadjsfasj she is just here for a good time not a long time lmaooa
wow the honesty was cool, though there is many secrets, some parts feels really raw. they are so cute im gonna die (the way i started slightly mad at tae and then ended up simping, sighs) THEY ARE GONNA HAVE ANOTHER DATE YIPPEE YIPPEE YIPPEE
fjadjfjad I love how you switched instnatly JFJADSJF THIS IS SO ME WHEN SANGUIS TAE FJADSJFJ
i love how smoothly its written, like everything just flows nicely, the scenes and dialogues, its like those nice cozy well directed movies that you watch with pillows and blanket and rested face, body and mind. its only been 3 chapters, obviously the suspense wouldnt make me grip my pillow yet but its already made me clutch my blanket/pearls lol
gaaah thank youuu <3 I'm so happy that you're having such a good time with it heheheh istfg I love reading your comments, they're so awesome heheheh 🥺😭💜💜
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jewishbarbies · 8 months
swifties r so annoying lol ppl r calling out taylor for dating a freshly 18 yr old harry styles when she was 23 and everyone is defending her in the comments like "oh he wasnt a minor its not creepy"... like theres this one tiktoker who calls out things like misogyny and the creepy age gaps that tend to be popular in hollywood,, and yet when 1989tv came out all she did was criticize harry for "cheating" lmao funny thing was that since harry has a big fanbase lots of ppl were defending him
it’s really disgusting the way that some women will defend predatory women just because they’re women. they drive me up the fucking wall. you know for a fact that these same people go apeshit when it’s two consenting adults 30+ with an age gap and the man is older, yet they refuse to call out a woman for me in her mid 20’s while dating 17yr olds and a freshly 18yr old. it’s literally a fucking pattern. but to them it’ll never be wrong just because she’s a woman, and it’s taylor fucking swift. it’s so disgusting.
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notahorseindisguise · 4 months
you know... they say... they i say i have the best music taste ever, yes, they do say that. they say to me DONALD. i love your taste in movies! its so good, best, best in the world by far! so many good directors, nolan, nolan with that.. BATMAN. the batman movies who doesnt love batman folks? we all love batman folks we love... we love christian bale! batman! we love christian bale we love what he did with american psycho, folks. wall street... we love wall street dont we folks? and didnt he just have the greatest apartment in that movie... great office! hot secretary! if it wasnt him i swear it could be me, i swear... willem dafoe! what a creepy little guy! he's weird, isnt he? whats he up to? green goblin! good as green goblin, very smart, very business smart not as smart as me! if i was in charge of oscorp i would do... i would do an amazing job wouldn't i folks? wouldnt i? you've gotta imagine. you've gotta imagine it'd be great wouldnt it? spider man! i love spider man folks but he'd be no match for me i was the green goblin! and you have- you have martin scorsese saying those movies aren't cinema! sad! newsflash, marty, no one wants three hour films about history anymore! and deniro, look at deniro, isnt he old folks? isnt he old? hes been doing movies forever, isnt he old? and we've got- we've got china doing movies now! japan, japan too! theyve got this thing, ANIME! anime they call it... its great folks its... its animated and its, its beautiful really... MANGA, its anime IN A BOOK folks, you know i, you know i love tv but i love a good book! like the bible, i love the bible folks dont i? jesus! jesus christ wasnt he great? great guy folks, great guy. have a wonderful day, god bless you all, god bless you all... even the HATERS AND LOSERS!!!! even them folks, im so nice arent it? even them... even the haters! and the losers too! many losers, many people are saying this. goodnight folks!
the critics are saying i have the worlds best letterboxd account, theyre saying to me, "Donald, your literary analysis is top notch, always top notch" and i never know what to say back to them, what can i say, its true! i do have the best film analysis in the whole of this great nation, and you know it too, dont deny it, you know my analysis of the shawshank redemption sets me apart from the rest
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spookfished · 4 months
media roundup jan 2024
hey whats up!!! its me again!!! happy valentines day :3 finally caught up to patch. and by patch i mean "talking about things that i remember reading." finally got around to reading/playing a bunch of things that were really hyped up!! that ive been really looking forward to :3 yippee also, one of my new years resolutions was to play all of umineko? which according to most people ive seen, does in fact take An Entire Year due to being 1. fully voice acted 2. a little over 1 million words. so uh, please look forward to that.
camp damascus by chuck tingle: horror ya. a girl on the cusp of adulthood belongs to a strict and isolated christian sect, living in the town with the us' most famous conversion camp. things get weird quickly.um ok i was really hyped about this! its the first chuck tingle thing that ive actually read (lol) but ive been following his stuff for a while. its an interesting look into what its like to be uh, really christian and also (SPOILERS) gay, but the whole time i was like man i wish i was playing [we know the devil]. which is a really good game please play wktd :3 there were some really cool and chilling body horror parts!! which i liked a lot!! but overall it was more inspiring (?) than scary, which wasnt really what i was looking for personally
the way spring arrives and other stories: translated chinese scifi/fantasy anthology, written and translated by a team of women + nb writers. really solid!!! took me a while to get through, but theres such a wonderful variety of stories here--some are creepy, some are heartwarming, some are silly, some are elegant. i particularly enjoyed some of the essays about translation itself, as well as the titular stories and A Brief History of Beinakan Disasters as Told in a Sinitic Language. definitely check it out!!
spark joy by marie kondo: an appendix of sorts to marie kondos super big book the life changing magic of tidying up, with a couple more practical tips and some anecdotes. ok to get kinda personal, konmari stuff appeals to me bc i grew up surrounded by detritus. from where i sit in my childhood bedroom, i can see a stack of floppy disks, old checkbooks, and a copy of The Lost Treasures of Infocom--a game from 1991. almost none of it is ever touched. so the idea of having a space full of only joyful things is really appealing.. honestly i think the best bit of advice from the book was that if you have things that are necessary but dont necessarily elicit joy (eg screwdrivers, coffee makers, whatever) that you try and take a bit to appreciate/praise those items and what they do for you? and they may become more beloved :3 anyways probably not worth reading unless youre already into the whole konmari thing
ninefox gambit by yoon ha lee: space opera. kel cheris, a freshly promoted general, has been sent to suppress a rebellion lodged in a fortress. but her greatest enemy is also her greatest asset: the implanted consciousness of the prodigy traitor-general, shuos jedao. famous for winning impossible battles--and infamous for killing his entire fleet. its kind of in a trio of "lesbian sff about empires and stuff" with machineries of empire and traitor baru cormorant. well for one i really liked it. i do have a lot of hours in um games like civ 5 and starcraft but i usually dont like Reading books about military stuff. this is obstacle number 1. obstacle number 2 is that ninefox gambit has some really intricate worldbuilding, and unlike some other lesbian bodysharing scifi novels out there, our protagonist is not a newcomer. you dont get the assist of getting to learn about the world as the same time as her. but the thing is that ninefox gambit makes you Want to pick apart everything thats going on and get into it, and once you have a good idea of all the factions and stereotypes and tensions, etc it feels really rewarding :3 and the world is grounded in how you get to see what feels like every single level of this one infiltration/siege, from the general at the top to the infantry at the bottom even to the servant robots who clean! yay robots :3 when youre jumping to someone completely different, doing something totally unrelated, its pretty easy for that to be… super jarring? (hi sanderson) but it was not that <3 although it took a bit for me to get it, i also liked the intermittent correspondence that we get to see from the enemy side as well. how humanizing! it also balances a large cast of characters very well. characters with bit parts still feel memorable to the extent they need to be? idk how to say that correctly. obviously between cheris and jedao, jedao has the upper hand conversationally pretty much always but they have a good dynamic and its cool to see her strengths come through in other ways i think one of its strengths/weaknesses is that its very focused on this One siege in One point in time. i would love to hear about the anden in the sequels for example. also like does everyone have to be in a section or are there real (non conquered) civilians. how do yall grow food. also yeah sorry democracy beign the ultimate heresy made me laugh ninefox gambit is kind of a tricky read; its probably not a good idea to try reading without a stretch of uninterrupted time + brain energy but i liked it 👍 i thought it was good 👍
raven strategem by yoon ha lee: sequel to ninefox gambit! yoon ha lees ability to balance lots of different povs works really well for this book :3 it really ratchets up the tension! i also really liked seeing all of the exotics lol (magic wepaons that do crazy stuff). unfortunately the tension didnt pay off in a way that was really satisfying to me personally, however.. it didnt really help that i didnt like one of the main pov characters (brezan.) the first book is still worth reading though as a standalone!
mitsuya sensei no keikakuteiki na edzuke: m/m series about a cooking writer (older man) and his editor. ok i talked about this last time but im a big fan of romance with older people in it. the baggage comes preattached!! also the protag in this kinda looks really similar to shinji from kamen rider ryuki?? has some Extremely Delicious looking food art, as well as some really nice like. food + desire + eroticism type thing going on. (i started reading it bc tumblr user stella obstinaterixatrix was talking about it as an example of non explicit eroticism!) yay i love food manga :]
sonna me de mitekure: aka look at me with those eyes. m/m romcom that parodies a lot of common BL tropes (overbearing prince of the school falls in love with some rando!) but also has a lot of heart :3 definitely only worth reading if youre like. already sort of in the soup of romance manga though lol
ouji-chan no sukina hito: suuuper cute f/f oneshot about baby prince idolization
catch you catch me: another cute f/f oneshot :3
botticelli drawings exhibit: ok i just thought this was neat. it was an exhibit about some of the preliminary sketches that were made for some of botticellis famous pieces (he was a famous painter during the florentine renaissance in italy) i like how you got to learn more about how the Workshop Style worked like how a lot of paintings were actually made by lots and lots of apprentices.. also how botticelli apparently got really into this one super duper intense monk type guy and started making some kinda weird shit
movies/tv shows:
pokemon concierge: lighthearted family show about a stressed office lady who quits her job to work at a pokemon hotel. super cute!! very short!! you can watch it with your parents or kids or whatever its really not that deep but the stop motion was just soooo cute. slightly concerning in like idk the level of 'escapism from office culture' but you know how it is
dear ex: slice of life/drama? taiwanese movie. after his father's sudden death, song chengxi and his mother meet his fathers hidden male lover. dudee this movie is so fucking pretty and so sad. i almost cried and blew up and died. all 3 main parts of the cast are such good actors and the way it does grief and like the seamless sliding between memory and the present AUGH. so good
sousou no frieren anime: also known as frieren of the funerals! a slice of life/fantasy anime about what happens after you save the world. frieren is a long-lived elf who saved the world with her companions--but many decades afterwards, she still wanders the world the same as ever. bro this show is so freaking gorgeous and well made. it really makes me wish going outside was real. has a really nice sense of melancholy too.. its just a really solid adaptation :3
dungeon meshi/delicious in dungeon anime: cooking/slice of life/adventure anime set in a dnd-like setting that digs into a lot of fantasy worldbuilding. mainly about: can you eat the monsters!!!! i finished the manga a couple months ago so i was really hyped (and a little bit nervous) about this anime but studio trigger is doing a really good job!! its just a really good show ok please watch it
marry my dead body: straight police guy gets ghost-married to a dead man, and then is tasked with solving his murder. um ok so i watched this bc i misread neils text and thought it was by the same director as dear ex. spoilers this is very much not true lmfao its more lighthearted with a side of feelings about death and stuff. very silly! i think the gulf of expectation was so wide that i couldnt enjoy it that much.. also cops. why. some of the jokes didnt really hit for me esp the whole like ahhhh slag straight guy doesnt understand anything type thing? but its like not a bad light movie
percy jackson and the olympians: remake of the first percy jackson book. yeah this was fine i watched it with my mom while playing solitaire the whole time. the actors are very charming and the show is solid, but i think it really deserved to be like. a 20-episode series with 20 minute episodes, or something like that. like its oestensibly for kids but its Really trying to make that nostalgia cash grab so it exists in a slightly uncomfortable middle (writing is very basic and friendship-y which isnt necessarily bad but its not like That Deep, but also who is making a kids show 40 MINUTES LONG). anyways i think a longer pacing like that would have given more time for filler and replicating the road-trippy vibe that the original books had. its still solid though!
umineko episode 1: its the classic murder mystery setup: a wealthy man on his deathbed still hasnt resolved the issue of his inheritance. he, his hateful children, and their own children are cut off from the world on a remote island. but the man still has unsettled debts….and something is deeply wrong on the island of rokkenjima 🤯ok umineko is infamous for 1. having fans who wont shut up about it 2. something something metatextual? 3. a very high bar for entry, featuring near-required modding, several hours of expository setup, and the fact that. well. its a visual novel. that aside, i enjoyed the first episode way more than i thought i would :3 the uroshimiya family is so rich and alive and shitty it felt like i was watching succession again lmfao. battler is a very endearing (if slightly stupid) main character, and there are some really strong characters laid down that make you excited to get into All That in the future. plus, once i got to the murder part it was genuinely so hair-raising? theres some phenomenal voice acting.. the scene with maria was so memorable i thought i was going to dream about it. also i loooove beatrice <3 anyways i would recommend but its not for the faint of heart. 99% of umineko-ers stop reading right before the love lets them see it, and so on.
off game: wow im so happy to have finally beat off. i mean. hey whats up. off is a weird, abstract game about a 4th-wall breaking "Batter" whos self proclaimed goal is to purify the world. its often viewed as a spiritual predecessor to games like undertale :3 …actually, i played off a long time ago and then got stuck/intimidated by the very last set of puzzles so i Just Now gave up on actually finishing and just watched a letsplay lol. honestly one thing that ive figured out over time is that actually?? im really not that much of a fan of pokemon-style rpgs like this 0_0 i mean, the gameplay is just. not that fun? and the typical random encounter type thing is just not that nice. i think this is something that a lot of jrpgs/rpgs have figured out recently, but off is an older game without those QOL improvements lol. (also random encounter is easier to code probably) anyways!! the writing in off is so compelling…its so weird in a way that invites you to pick apart that weirdness, but also makes you feel like some mysteries might remain unresolved forever. its a video game that actually Has Writing In It. its one of those (free!) indie classics thats definitely worth checking out. also i love drawing the judge and valerie. weird cats for the win ok now im just going to talk about my theories about the game. so we know that the only real humans in the world are sugar, zacharie and the baby. however, the queen and the batter are parental figures for the baby. the wardens of each of the levels were created for the baby as it (in the absence of its parents?) longed for companionship, but they warped over time. whats healthy becomes sick and whats sickening becomes necessary etc. possibly mimicking how the baby, sick and alone in the hospital, also warped over time? becoming warped caricaturizes the babys creations and makes them cruel and so the batter becomes the ultimate heroic figure, who purges whats evil and rotten. but if it lives where i live then i guess the whole world has to go?? well idk
take my hand by zerobaseone: ok whenever i listen to this imlike this is one of gods perfect songs. the production is like chefs kiss and theres just some really beautiful sounds in here? its so warmly dreamy and delicate feeling.. just like first loves… or whatever lmfao the fluttering hook-y thing at the beginning is just too good i ended up looking up a bunch of the producers. also big pop is nice bc you can tell they mixed it so it sounds good in a car OR in headphones lmfao
1,000,000 by nine inch nails: i forgot what genre nin is supposed to be ok this song came up when i was playing hifi rush (rhythm based action game!! so cool so stylish) and me and neil were like NINE INCH NAILS?! it was like that one comic you know. anyways i like this song its very adrenaline feeling. i looked up the real lyrics recently but to ME its about trying to escape emptiness thru adrenaline and danger and sex and stuff :P not that i do that but its still a fun song!! yippee
dark red by steve lacy: ok i found this song bc of a tumblr post i did not know he was the "i wish i knew" guy lmfao. honestly if people only knew like a 5 second songbite from my works id be so mad. but anyways its progressive rnb apparently? i just like this song :3 when you are kind of pathetic but basically chill with it but what if.
anyways if youre reading this: hi!!! ive been spending a lot of time recently doing the hard fisher quests in final fantasy 14. guys never do beast of brewers beacon ok the school year is just starting up but having to wake up early is kind of doing a number on me…… other than that i actually totally have my shit together! yay :3 if you read to the end (or even skimmed) thanks <3
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Mothman's Buffy Rewatch, Season 3, Episodes 1 and 2, "Anne" and "Dead Man's Party"
Willow's so hot in the start i love her outfit and hair
Oz fucking fails like a bitch
Buffy at da beach
Faith in the intro??
Creepy old men Buffy should beat them up
She looks so fucking angry at that couple I'm crying
Oz is doing a victory lap lmao
I like all of the camera stuff this scene is doing
Aw Giles is so determined to find her
Whoa who's this girl OH SHES THE VAMPIRE CULT GIRL
Oh everyone is saying "I'm no one"
Omg Ken "I'm just Ken"
Lowkey I got distracted for several minutes my bad
Ken is evil Damm
Ew whys it so goopy
Oh the goop just leads to a room alright then
His face glue reminded me of Mac and cheese
When I saw the giant containers I thought of the vat the Joker fell into
Poor Aaron
She's so girlboss I love her
I do really like the weapon she has in this episode
oof ouch right through his legs
"Gandhi?" "You know, if he was really pissed off"
The subtitles: tinkly piano
"Can I be Anne?" I dont know why but this got me
I hate when the episodes make me feel bad for Joyce I always have to remind myself how shitty she is
Dead Man's Party
"I just want things to go back to normal between us" maybe you shouldn't have fucking kicked her out Joyce
"Primitive art" Oh that's not
Willow's "Hi Buffy!" In the middle of the fight is so funny and sweet
Aw Buffy when she sees her friends know how to kill vampires
"You're not wanted for murder any more" well good I mean that was easy 😭 they set up that plot point and then did nothing with it I'm crying
Uuugghhhh I hate Snyder what do you mean you feel tingly
(I hate when I hate characters who are written to be hateable it's like I fell for the writer's trap)
THIS WOMEN HAS BARELY SAID ANY LINES AND I HATE HER "I was taking care of Joyce while you were away" in that guilt trippy way like Joyce was the one who told her to leave you asshole
Awww poor cat :(
"Goodbye stray cat who lost its way, I hope you find it" I know she's talking to buffy but that's sweet
"You've made some bad decisions, now you need to face consequences" (paraphrased) what was the bad decision? Being a slayer? That's not decision?????
"Welcome to the Hellmouth petting zoo"
Aww Oz bonding with the Zombie cat
Poor buffy, she just wants to catch up with her friends
Ew his head is so sticky
So many zombie guys
Willow walking in on Buffy leaving hurts so bad
They both have a point in this scene I love it, it's a good scene
The audacity of Joyce to talk about how it's worse with Buffy here and then getting mad at her for leaving
Oh, SHE put YOU through the ringer????
Xander defending Joyce... oh fuck off
Oz is being referee guy 👍👍
*stabs him* no, not vampires
Lol does the moms annoying friend die
Zombies actually freak me tf out more than like pretty much any other Halloween monsters
"Cordelia do stop being tiresome"
Pat turns into the devil herself and Buffy stabs her through the fucking eyes
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richardsphere · 3 months
Leverage Log: The Blue Line Job
I read the name of this episode and let me say in advance, the reference to a (thin?) blue line immediately after an episode where the villain referenced 9/11 has me significantly worried about this show's direction. --- Oh its an episode about how one of america's 4 favourite pasttimes (hockey, baseball, Handegg and WWE) is legitimately bad for the participants brains due to the repeated concussions. (note: That description covers 3 of the four. Only baseball is not a contact sport) Im gonna be honest, i don't know how this ties into the Blue Line, but its an important message that US audiences need to be more aware of. --- So we have extreme electromagnets getting seeded, and Parker is starting to get the psychological profiling references (in creepy Cold War ways)
Everyone gets really confused for a sec when Sophie turns out to know a lot about hockey. (turns out she stole the Stanley Cup. Not to be confused with the shitty Stanley Cups that for some reason became FOMO Fashion last year.) --- Ok, if you are ever in the same room as any of these people: Dont eat, Dont drink dont even breathe. --- Cheating the guy with magnets. Anticlimactic use of them tbh. --- Elliot is loving it on the ice. I wonder what its like for an actor being told they have to suddenly learn how to do fightscenes on ice. --- Guys been putting a hit out on his own man to prevent having to pay his bonus. (by which i mean paying people to start fights with him, to avoid paying a bonus which prerequisites him fighting every game of the season. Its a terrible plan for avoiding the payout. Unless he dies but the bribes are not hitmen level of money for murder.) --- Nate is really frustrated that Sophie apparently lost the stanley cup. (not in the "lost the tournament" sense, but in the "lost the trophy".) --- Elliot decides to cut the knot: Just tell the guy his medical paperwork is being rigged and that he's dying of brainbash. Unfortunately it seems he knows and is trying to do it for his kid. --- Ok so it turns out that Sophie's old partner is a Celebrity Cameo. (Im not american and i dont like sports so i dont know shit about this guy) --- Ok so Sophie is pretending to be an eccentric billionaire (with a turtle) --- Oh Clients Dad just attacked Elliot? "you dont know anything about me" *proceeds to diagnose* Elliot keeps trying the "convince him not to kill himself" play (a respectable play) but it just doesnt work. --- OMG he just counterconned them by accident? "I know the industry, you guys are the bigger fish. Im out, feel free to buy my company if you want it" Im fairly certain this might be the one case where the downturn wasnt a part of the con. Honestly, amazing on the writers to have this such a natural way for the con to fall apart. "oops Hardison's too good at his job" --- Ok, so goodbye to Cameoman, it was nice to see him and nate not have a dick-measuring contest over Sophie's affections. (I was worried it was gonna be one of those jealousy episodes) --- Final game just started and Elliot is tackling white-shirts like there's no tomorrow. Cant actually see what he's saying to them but I suspect he's going into step 2 of his plan: If Clients Dad wont get off the ice, warn everyone else he's got a bad case of "the Dyings". Honestly, Elliot is great at just cutting through the complexities. None of this treasurehunt nonsense just tell them. --- Elliot is taken out of the game and put on the bench. --- Dad tries to start a fight but it seems im right, Elliot has just been playing the simple game of: trust humans not to want to murder a guy. Return of the electromagnets. (good, puck-tricking was boring). Remember, checkov's gun can be loaded with more then a single bullet --- Sophie still doesn't know where the cup is. (and I still dont know where the blue line is)
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abimee · 9 months
even worse was how recruiters are just allowed into schools to talk to you casually during lunch about joining and theyd have a pullup bar for a fun ha ha can you do a pullup! thing and i remember always passing by that table and thinking about how creepy it is that they can come and talk to people who are just barely old enough to sit behind a car wheel and who cant vote. like i dont get the further pushing of others into the wheel wrt military families like you served and now you want me to serve? wasnt it awful? didnt the brutality of war make you wish this damnable country never waged it? why is the ''military father'' concept just so accepted where people will have children with their deployed husband knowing that he's going to come back desensitized to others because the military literally trains you to become apathetic to others so that you dont get as bugged out when killing people. and then they come home and cant feel anything for their children and then these children are raised in homes with a silhouette of a father who doesnt hit them or scream at them but just isnt there. despite being there all the time. hes in the living room hes driving you to school hes picking up dinner. but hes not there like a father is. hes not congratulating you on winning your track and field race hes not cheering you on in the stands, hes not soothing you after a bad dream or giving you hugs. hes not telling you he loves you because the military took his ability to see others as people away and now youre both standing in the same room but hes a shadow of a man and youre unable to reach out to him. and he wants you to enlist and become the same way because this country means more to him than you anymore. because they took everything out of him besides the will to serve. isnt that sad. why would anybody want this
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