tenth-sentence · 6 months
But Martin is busy today; he is presenting his new book on Identitarians at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
"Going Dark: The Secret Social Lives of Extremists" - Julia Ebner
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yohann72xp · 5 months
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baeddelilluminati · 1 month
Do afabs have power over amabs on the agab axis? If so, this implies that cis women dominate cis men in agab-based social dynamics
dont think anyone other than terfs or others who are stuck in the same narrow conception of gendered dynamics think this is a coherent axis. like. theres so much to the medico-legal designation of gender and that interpolations following mechanisms of negative reflections of gendered binaries, plus histories before the present medico-legal birth certification that brings a long linage of complicated interrelations.
you're asking the wrong questions because theyre, to whats pretty unequivocally to me, steeped in so much gender hegemony thats just using AGAB terminology in place of more archaic terms as a way to either find some easy way through, around (out?) of the trouble you and i are in here.
with regards to the assumption that followed your leading rhetorical question, cis white women oppress black cis men in many cases, cis women oppress trans women in many cases, wealthy women oppress working women and men alike - while this doesn't have to even imply the absurd notion of a "misandry" just rather that gendered oppression cannot be separated from many other axis
cis and trans are axis that you wish to erase for your own simple minded worldview.
examples like the last point in ur anon that takes an ahistoric cis/het normative idealist situation as the crux from which to base that statement eclipses so many things even on idealist terms,
but in an historicised context, one that takes note of the role of colonialism (e.g very targeted transfemicide of indigenous populations), racism, xenophobia, global supremacy of western taxonomic models, imperialism, capitaist atomisation of family, specific materialised intersex babies and, to whom agency is over ascribed (when they are disempowered) vs who it is under ascribed (when they are empowered)... we just...
there is no way the reductive identity politics of the last 20+ years (not mentioning before then) is going to allow us to champion a world where we make impossible the violence that not just transfeminime people face but everyone else, by the very demands of nation states and capitalists to have homogeneous citizens, families, workers and underclasses to shift the harsher bunts of crisis to (like surplus population control/repression).
we are just one piece of a wider puzzle of LGBT+ solidarity through developing political thought. peoples opposition is expected, but 101 (assumedly bad faith?) asks like this allow for introspection for those of us invested in finding solutions for this conundrum where we seek to not do another version of what white usamerican feminists did to black women (not that its stopped mind you)
like the question is why this anon is backwards?
the implied false equivalence that transfeminine subjects are in the patriarchal club of male society because cis men and transfeminine subjects share one small moment after birth that some clinician saw a protrusion between their legs and then ticked a box on a governmental document completely and utterly undermines the lifetime of attempts to correct behavior and reinforce 'sex' dimorphism (that doesn't exist past unscientific generalisations), which has more time and particularities that doesn't just implicate fathers, but mothers etc etc in the social reification of gender.
colors put on them, hobbies theyre encouraged or discouraged, control over childrens bodies to drill into them their "destined" place in the reproduction and reinterpretation of norms that maintain the social order of this vastly violent and anti community world - its all a very large process that (c)AGAB alone can't manage alone nor can crude reductive ideas of a socialisation binary!
anon, this wasnt for you, but thank you for giving me something to chew on while i was vibing really hard with my cadre of shamanic priestesses.
[this was the draft we lost and now found]
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is-this-really--life · 4 months
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atlas-atsus · 10 months
Centricide Fanart in the year of our lord 2023
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discworldwitches · 3 months
begging people to stop seeing bi/pan women as interlopers and accept that they’ve always been part of lesbian spaces & scenes, the broader lesbian community, and lesbian culture.
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ansburg · 8 months
new khadija mbowe video feels very topical re the biphobic bg3 discourse abt how astarion is Truly Gay and people who ship their feminine-aligned pcs with him are delusional 🤪
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ophthalmotropy · 3 months
At this rate I think it would pay higher dividends to go back to not giving signs of having any emotional problems in my life.
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incorrectjregquotes · 2 years
nazi, about ancap: i've been dropping subtle hints that i love him ancap walks by nazi: i hate you
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yasminmeadowflower · 9 months
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ms-hells-bells · 2 years
it feels kinda sickly that a ton of the feminists rightfully defending megan spent weeks, months, attacking and mocking amber, even mocking her testimony of physical and sexual abuse. i think it really shows the damage of 1. the liberal notion that race or class cancels out female oppression, and 2. the idea that victimhood is based on how likable or unlikable a woman is.
amber and megan were impacted in different ways due to their demographics and life experiences, megan has extra difficulties in many areas, including misogyny, because she is a black woman, but in this case, they both suffered under the core common ground of abuse against women by men, and both deserve the same support and care. i am not comparing them to each other, they are not competitors in trauma, it's just that at least with those claiming to champion women, all women means all women, not calculating if there are enough oppression points to care. because if women are unable to collectivise around womanhood in regards to female oppression, like other marginalised groups are despite the differences within them, nothing will ever change.
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baravaggio · 9 months
the way I've spent the better part of this year trying to still remain friendly with people without becoming jokerified by the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) ways in which they treat me differently 🫥
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yohann72xp · 2 months
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"Can I get a mood board of white identitarian with guns and bugs and also the colour blue?"
~🧀 Pyotr
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is-this-really--life · 4 months
oh ok this made me feel normal
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hillbillyoracle · 2 years
I have a condition called superior canal dehiscence syndrome that makes me dissociate whenever I am exposed to sound and whenever I try to talk out loud. I have been dissociating more than 75% of my life since the day I was fucking born.l
This condition is actually incredibly common, because autism makes your body break down bone faster, causing holes in the skull.
But thanks for assuming I don't know anything about dissociation.
You're the one who wants to feel special.
Dissociation isn't fucking rare. You're just a crybaby who needs to be smarter than everybody on the planet.
Dissociative disorders are rare. Dissociation and dissociative disorders are different. Saying non-clinical dissociation isn't real is like saying non-clinical depression sadness isn't real. Do you block every single person who says one thing that your Intro to Psych class didn't cover? Get a life
Honest question: do you have a condition that makes it difficult to read? Because I literally cover most of what you rage out about here. I'll go over it again though.
I said low grade dissociation is common but that many people are saying the text post I made is about dissociation when it is factually not, it's about pain threshold. Since I wrote it, I know what I was talking about.
I also say if you want to talk about your personal experiences about it that's chill but don't generalize. You provided factually incorrect information as if it was true for everyone. You could have mentioned your specific condition but you didn't. "Common" or not, not everyone has it. But everyone does have a pain threshold.
I'm real over folks hiding behind their various identities to justify dropping anti social crap like this in my inbox. Hon I have several conditions (including autism) myself but I don't use them to justify being hateful to total strangers.
Get a life? I blocked you and went on with my life. You're the one who had to either log out or open an incognito window and spend your time writing this up. Don't think I'm the one who needs a life here. And I blocked you because I thought someone who seems so comfortable handing out medical misinformation seems like the type to snap if it gets corrected. Looks like it was a good call.
I genuinely hope you get the help you need. This behavior - raging out at strangers who differ from you, crossing explicit boundaries - is not normal. If you're having trouble stopping or if you're having trouble leaving a group that has made it seem normal, I encourage you to reach out to your local mental health resources.
All the best.
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