#idiots tm
sunshine-zenith · 7 months
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TWO fairies who grant wishes for you? No, one fairy, plus the guy who lives in her house, hangs out with her when she’s working, and is legally bound to her by marriage
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acowardinmordor · 9 months
Everyone knows that Wayne knows about and supports his nephew in his various flavors of queer across all fics and headcanons. But I especially enjoy it when Wayne knows and supports him, while Eddie is completely oblivious to the fact that he's not straight.
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I was thinking about them while making coffee. Theyre such idiots <3
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evol-astraea · 1 year
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"Insufferable." *[REDACTED]*
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emlvi56 · 8 months
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IDIOT DOOM SPIRAL - "When I lost my keys, I lost more than access to my apartment -- I also lost my leverage over humanity. I wasn't a high-concept creative director anymore, I was just some homeless asshole with a premium Sansarique Lickra(TM) tracksuit."
George is probably my third favorite character in the game (and I haven't even completed the ultra-liberal quest yet!), so I had to draw him.
I think if he saw this he'd say, "That shit is so medium-concept I wouldn't touch it with a stick."
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crookedfivefingers · 4 months
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Doctor Who - 'The Forgotten' - Vol. 2
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rin-hanarin · 3 months
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I got very excited about the recent Dragon Age news and made my future Antivan Crow Rook (name TBA.) and some memes.
He's a city(?) elf rogue and a bit of a dumbass, but hey, if we don't get Zevran in this game, at least I'll have a cringefail assassin at home, and it's not gonna be the "no bullshit 9-5 office man assassin" Lucanis.
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pavlovianfuckery · 1 month
i am very interested in whatever is going on with his face here actually
like yes, why did you keep the murder mask? for idiot reasons? or do you not even really know?
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samsalami66 · 1 year
Here we go again with a fun little drabble, this time for a spontaneous Knight!Hob and Prince!Dream au (which will probably get a few more additions lmao). It all started with my lovely @im-not-corrupted handing me the prompt "you know, it's ok if you're not ok" from this wonderful prompt list.
Dream ran down a corridor, his coat billowing behind him like an angry cloud of black smoke, set to destroy everything that would dare to stand between him and this God-forsaken door deep within the bowels of the castle. 
Dream ran, and it was the first time Dream remembered running since his childhood years, when he had been a naught but a babe, excited to explore every nook and corner of the massive palace that he called his home. Of course the first time he was forced to engage in such physical activity in as many years, it would be Hob Gadling's fault. Because it was always Hob Gadling's fault, from the moment he stepped foot into the throne room and announced he would become Dream's personal guardian, a Knight in his name alone, loyal to none other than the Prince of the Dreaming. 
What is he at fault for? a curious reader might ask, and Dream would whirl around on his heel and give a whole list of things Sir Robert Gadling could be blamed for, if only indirectly. 
For the blush he forced onto Dream's pale cheeks anytime their gazes met over a particularly boring dinner with his family. Perhaps also for the way Dream's heart skipped a beat whenever Hob spoke up to the King and Queen on his behalf, a feat so terrible even the most noble of men had failed before him. Good thing Hob was no nobleman, no son of high houses nor of new money. 
He was an idiot, first and foremost. A talented, quick witted and patient idiot, but an idiot nonetheless. After all, who just waltzes into a room with the King and Queen in it and promises undying loyalty to their adolescent son who no one particularly likes and expects it to simply work? And who decides to simply enter a jousting match without any former training or experience for fun?
Hob Gadling, of course, which was just one more example of things he could be blamed for. 
Nil consideration for his own physical well-being. 
Dream was about to say as much as he threw open the door to Hob's chambers, but every ill thought spent towards his Knight's stupidity was immediately dropped as Dream found him hunched over the back of his armchair, one hand clutching at his bare chest as it rose and fell in quick succession. 
God's wounds, Dream had seen how Hob got shoved out of his saddle, how the lance had connected with his armor plate and sent him flying from his horse in one spectacular arch. But he never could have guessed just how bad it must have hurt, even through the steel and cloth. The bruise on Hob's chest was an angry black, his sides spotted with a deep red where his ribs were most definitely fractured. 
"Hob," the name left Dream's lips like a plea, like God's name would fall from a sinner's lips who prayed for salvation. And he did pray for salvation, in a way. Not his own, but salvation from endless pain nonetheless.
The man in question looked up between sweaty brows, a pained grimace painting his usual smile an ugly gray. Dream found himself by his side faster than lightning, hands coming up to hover helplessly over Hob's chest. 
Hob sighed at the concern clearly plastered into every corner of Dream's face, the way his lips tugged downwards in an obvious display of his dislike for the position he found Hob in. 
"Don't you worry for me, my Lord. I'm… fine. I'm fine, I promise." 
Tragically, the trustworthiness of this statement was negated by a heavy cough wrecking Hob's body, which left him groaning in pain over his injuries. 
"You are not fine, Robert Gadling," Dream hissed in response, hands finally coming to a rest on Hob's back. "Which is. Alright. It is alright if you are not alright. Just, please, lay down, my friend. You must rest."
Thankfully, Hob did not fight Dream as he was pushed towards his bedroom, and neither did he when Dream gently pressed him down into the mattress with a careful hand to his shoulder. His breath was still heavy and his eyes half-lidded as he looked up at Dream, something vulnerable hidden behind the dark brown of his eyes that Dream could not quite decipher in the near darkness of the bedroom. 
"Will you stay? My Lord?" Hob whispered, apparently balancing carefully between the realm of sleep and the world of the waking. 
"No duty could possibly force me from your side, my half-witted Knight." Dream responded quietly, his heart warming considerably at the soft smile that crept into his friend's eyes at the endearment, before they eventually fell close and Hob got pulled into deep and restful slumber. 
Dream placed a single feather-light kiss to the dark spot on Hob's chest before settling into the other side of the bed, his eyes fixed on the slowing rise and fall of Hob's breast. 
Hob Gadling really was an idiot.
Dream's idiot, but an idiot nonetheless.
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arunningjoke · 6 months
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coping very well if you cant tell . since solars dead it gives me an excuse to think about "what if the rest of the celestial family turned into stars" au(s) . anyway . supernovas all over your solar
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1candybrainrotdungeon · 6 months
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Drops of my Fallout New Vegas sparkle dog before dipping off the face of the planet again
I'll prob doodle more stuff of him as I play more of the game but yah I made the courier french bc musketeer courier sounds cool >:)
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‘Hurry and take the picture!!’  
‘ ‘Kay :]’
sorta extra pic - but it’s wonky so it’s under the read more-
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he probably will take an actual picture eventually---  
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chocoloom · 24 days
Might be an unpopular opinion, but I need more crossover fanfictions in my life man there like. My favorite kinda of fic.
I like seeing characters getting thrust into wildly different situations and conflicts than what they’re used to. I like seeing characters react and compare differences between the world they’re from and the world they’re in. I like seeing characters with similar struggles getting to interact when they wouldn’t otherwise because they’re from two different worlds. I like seeing characters from different media clash with each other because they have differing perspectives on something, or seeing characters from different media learn from each other by interacting. I just feel like we need more of those, for funsies y’know?
For example, what if Edward Elric ended up in Dungeon Meshi. How would he react upon witnessing or discovering Falin’s resurrection and finding out that it worked. Other than absolute anger (which is a given with Ed’s temper), would he be jealous, just a bit, because Marceille succeeded in bringing back the one she loved? Why did she succeed while he and his brother failed and said failure has horrifically impacted their lives? How would learning about a SUCCESSFUL resurrection impact the actions he takes in the future? Would he relate to Laios, as both of them are dedicated older siblings who feel responsible for their younger siblings? Especially considering both of them feel directly responsible for their siblings becoming horrifically altered due to their actions. How does he interact with Senshi? Do they bond over similar views on seeing humans as small, but vital parts of the world’s ecosystem? I bet Senshi would love Ed’s appetite, what with him having a bottomless pit of a stomach (due to human transmutation shenanigans).
I dunno, I feel like there’s a lot of untapped potential in crossovers, both in terms of angst and in terms of just, general chaos and comedy. Like, imagine Sailor Moon in one of the Souls games like Elden Ring. Or putting Kirby in Disco Elysium? Can you imagine the insanity?! Cuz I can, it’s hilarious.
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snippet sunday (monday)
(ft a rough lil wading in waist-high water sequel draft)
thank uuu for the tags @wanderingdonut n @fruity-individual 💋💋💋
Sirius flips down the car mirror and fluffs his hair. His hand pauses as he notices movement inside the cottage, and he watches long fingers (which have featured heavily in his dreams) part the curtains, before a face appears at the window. Sirius is too far away to draw out the details—the bump in the ridge of his nose, the smattering of freckles, the golden flecks in his eyes—but he’d know Remus anywhere; in this world, and the next. Before he knows it, he's stepping out of the car and striding up the path to the front door. His hand is outstretched to knock, but the rough wooden door swings open before he ever gets the chance. “Hi,” Remus says. His cheeks are flushed with colour, his curls tousled and dusted with flour. His brown eyes are warm, so unbelievably warm. Sirius's dreams did not do them justice. “Hi,” Sirius breathes. “Hi,” Remus repeats. Sirius splutters out a laugh. “Hi.” Remus’s eyes scan his face, as if savouring every little detail. He bites his lip, eyes flicking back up to meet Sirius's, and Sirius watches black pupil swallow brown iris. He opens his mouth to speak, but before he can get a word out, Remus is pushing him against the side of the house. “I missed you,” Remus murmurs against his lips, while Sirius scrambles for purchase, arching against him, trying to get as close as he physically can without crawling into Remus's skin. "I—fuck. I missed you so much.”
tagging: @maybebabyplease, @pancakehouse, @tortoisebore, @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur, @fatemy-friend, @moongays, @thebloatedfrog, @a-fiery-fox, @blackberry-sunset, @lynxindisguise xxxxxxxxxx
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Ended up binging Good Omens Season 2 when I should have gone to be and I don't understand why people are comparing this to SPN this isnt an SPN this is a OFMD he's being STUPID AND HE REGRETS IT THIS IS THE DIVORCE CHAPTER NOT THE END GOD THIS IS DELICIOUS I AM EATING THIS WITH A SPOON.
Anyway I'm delighted, I had so much fun watching that. Definitely going to need a rewatch.
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