#idk I think it’s interesting
skyyknights · 2 years
Zelda’s mouth always bothered me in certain cutscenes/images because they made her mouth SO SMALL at some points (yes, video game logic, but it still bothers me) so I edited her to have a more realistically proportioned mouth and
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foreveralbon · 21 days
Hi! I’m new to f1 tumblr and you’re one of the first blogs I’ve come across so can I request a tea time for your celly? (Congrats by the way!!) 🫖
I’d love to know a cool fact about you! Don’t worry if you’ve not got one (I sure don’t) or if it doesn’t seem cool to you! I’m sure it is
omg hi!! i’m honoured to be one of the first, i hope you consider staying <33
something i’d say is cool about me is that i’m very (kinda) multicultural!! i’m south and south east asian and speak a total of four-ish languages: english, indonesian, urdu and arabic.
i definitely understand far better than i can speak, so i’m probably giving myself a bit too much credit. my friends like to joke that i’m “ms worldwide” because according to them, i’m practically from half of asia 😭😭
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cardboard-queen · 3 months
seeing more posts abt girlsmell this, boysmell that…. listen, i don’t think smell is erotic to me.
you’re next to someone. you feel a wave of comfort. you’re so close to them you can recognize them without a word, eyes closed. do you understand?
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foxgloveinspace · 11 months
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that there’s all this fear mongering around homeschool right now when a BUNCH of liberal and middle leaning people are pulling their kids out of school cause of the fear of shooters.
I really really don’t.
Done wrong, yes homeschooling can be about controlling your kids.
Done right, it’s about keeping your kids at home with you so you can enjoy Having Kids. And then you take them to groups and meet ups and field trips and things like that, and they get the outside perspective of things, be around other kids, and you as the parent get to have fun with your children and other parents.
It’s not wrong to want to be around your children.
I think it’s a bit weird that we have accepted not seeing the kids you wanted. I think it’s weird that parents say shit like ‘ I can’t wait for school to be back in’ like they Can’t Wait To Not Be Around The Little Humans They Made.
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ronanlynchbf · 10 months
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jq37 · 1 month
I find it interesting that Oisin's snarky, kick her while she's down comment to Adaine was to say that she's not a very good diviner when Aelwyn, even at her most villainous, was so sure that Adaine was the greatest diviner alive that she was comfortable staking the entire evil plan on Adaine stealing that book. Aelwyn was a total bitch to Adaine but she never underestimated her.
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yanderespamton78 · 28 days
Edit since a lot of people seem confused - your "real" name is the name that you want to be referred to in real life. It doesn't have to be your legal name. So if you're trans and you have a different name to whats on your birth certificate, even if not many people call you by the name, it still counts as your real name.
Edit 2 : Holy shit guys please stop reblogging this post my poor inbox im getting like 20 notifs an hour asjfhkajshdkh /lh /srs
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wardingshout · 5 months
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Zelda goes mushroom girl
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haematoclan · 3 months
Leo's relationship with death
Leo really doesn't like to think about death.
I mean, we all saw how much impact Karai's death had on all of Mad Dogs but Leo was the only one that had to be dragged from her, yelling after her, he really, really didn't want to lose her.
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And I think when he lost her it left a deep scar.
I saw posts talking how Leo wants for things to get back to normal and pretend nothing happened, which I completely agree with. I think it's in big part because of his fear of repeating losing a close one.
He REALLY doesn't want to even acknowledge death.
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Here Raph seemed to be getting through to Leo-
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-but the moment he mentions possibility of his family dying?
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Nope, time to deflect, joke and feign ignorance.
Leo's aware that death is a big part of being a responsible hero and that's why he'd rather goof off with his brothers and not train.
Because obviously when you ignore something it just dissapears, right? So if they ignore severity of certain situations and possibility of dying it won't happen, right?
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If they don't treat it seriously they'll be fine! Totally!
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Then Raph shields Leo from the Krang and sends him away.
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And it's as if Karai's death stared right in his eyes.
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So Leo picks up the slack of leadership in order to save Raph. He behaves carelessly during this time but can you really blame him, he desperately wants to save his brother, to stop yet another family member from death that he is so scared of.
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He still tries to be positive and nonchalant, that "pfff obvioulsy everything will turn out alright!" but at the end of the day, it's not that simple.
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Casey's speech had hard time to really hit Leo, he's still avoiding confronting resposibility, literally and metaphorically turning away from it. But the moment Casey says Leo's whole family died?
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Now that made an impact.
And every time his family is in terrible danger he looks absolutely terrified and basically every time Leo has to be dragged away to not just return and try to save them again.
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And when there's nobody to drag him away?
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First thing he does is sacrifice himself. Because I don't think Leo is scared of his own death, or at least he is not as scared of him dying as his family. He'd rather give away his life than live through another grief.
Obviously I'm not sayin that the rest of the fam isn't terrified of close ones dying. But while they seem less aware (Mikey) and/or more ready for the possibility (Raph)...
Leo's wholly aware but he'd rather not be and ignore his fears until he can't anymore.
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etchif · 9 months
Jesus imagine if we confirm the existence of extraterrestrial life the Taxonomy would be insane
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vriskan8or · 3 months
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let her go
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waiting for everyone to get on board with "fiction that depicts dark subject matter is not inherently romanticizing it" so we can move on to "fiction that romanticizes dark subject matter should not inherently be condemned and sometimes the dark subject matter may in fact be Intentionally Romanticized to Make A Point"
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welcometogrouchland · 3 months
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[ID in ALT] I've made posts before about Talia/Dick co-parenting Damian moments (will never happen but let me dream) and this came to me in a vision. Took me ages to finish for some reason 😭 and then even longer to post
#dc comics#dc#damian wayne#dick grayson#talia al ghul#batfamily#dc robin#nightwing#anyway. yes im a self-indulgent ''dick as damians secret third parent'' truther#like i DO think it's way more complex and nuanced than the schmoopy affectionate fan portrayal of it#they're brothers they're father and son they're partners they're the dynamic duo except only in past tense etc etc#but consider! I'm not immune to schmoopy affection in fanworks. it compells me despite itself#anyway it's technically not that crazy when it comes to dick and damian. they hug! often! at least they did#it's not as big a leap to these types of scenarios#also talia ''somewhat absent for complex reasons on both her and damians part but very loving and loved by her son'' al ghul#you will always be famous to me#son of the demon origin...bwahhh#anyway. someone made a comic kind of like this/like a post i made abt this topic#but way funnier bc dick and talia starting trying to beat each other up#so go look at that as well#anyway. it's been a somewhat difficult few weeks so I'm. desperately trying to take it easy#i got some reading with me (first vol of kevin smiths GA run that i found second hand and jaimes BB run vol 2!)#so we'll see how far i get through those. considering there's demons in my head telling me to re-read things (LET ME OUT!!!)#when i finish GA and BB i do plan on rereading robin 2021. as a treat to myself#it's a run I've really warmed up to as time went on#I'm keeping up w/ the current b&r run even though it is. admittedly very slow w/ some weird dialogue#i read it for the damian content more than anything. also nikas back so that's neat :]#idk I have a feeling that after absolute power shakes out we might get some more creative team switch ups#so if anyone at dc is interested in taking over the reigns on b&r...that could be very neat#mine
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collierose1 · 3 months
hey so i might be doing a little something ^-^
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arsenicflame · 13 days
Bonus round! Do you use a queue tag?
#ive been super curious about this because people seem to have really strong opinions on the queue! so many people seem to HATE it#but i love using the queue! i dont really know exactly why i like it so much- i started using in like... 2016 and its a fundamental part of#my tumblr experience now. i think i started off just using it for offline hours so id hit most my american mutuals (/ for aes posts)#but these days basically everything goes in my queue (cept time sensitive things & like. current hype and original posts-#anything 'normal' posting is in the queue)#idk it feels. nice to me! i like to spread out my posting and not rb 30 things in half an hour and then disappear for the rest of the day#esp since my spaces are so circular- the same post runs on my dash a dozen times minimum. and i get to put it on ur dash a week late!!!#and its so nice to have small interactions with mutuals in incompatible timezones; to open up my notifications in the morning#and go: oh! my friends were here <3#its such a Part of the tumblr experience for me i dont think i could ever truly change now. maybe switch to timed queueing#but my availability changes so much i prefer to just. know i guess#but (i am so sorry for all that) im curious about how other people feel!!!!!! itd be so interesting to hear abt why people do/do not like i#i know some people like the experience of spamming and going. some people think it makes this seem to much like influencing or whatever#everyone has their reasons and i want to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#nyxtalks#poll#queue#no see answers option because you must fall into one of these
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 months
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Afton'd Reader AU my beloved,, clingy obsessed possessive boys my beloved,,,, i really should draw this Mentally Unwell Trio more often, its very fun skldfhsdkjfdh
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