#idk how much clothes cost tbh
decolonize-the-left · 10 months
My sister in law really needs clothes. She's going to live with us after all since it's the safest place for her to be but she still can't access her belongings.
She decided to press charges and police have told her to wait til the judge can make a court order to get her things but she needs stuff now.
Stuff meaning clothes mostly. She was able to get a lot of things she needed last time y'all sent money but not very many clothes.
I wanna take her to thrift store and such when I'm able. Thank you all so much. Y'all are for real helping to change her life.
cashpp: $CEOofAntifa
Venmo: CEOofAntifa
Paypal: here
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c00kieguy · 17 days
Transfem Aventurine
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relationships: - summary: I think the title is self explanatory lol cw: spoilers for 2.2 quest at the end. using she/her for Aventurine. Angst. Self hate, but tbh that's standard with Aventurine. Also a bit of Argenti at the end bc I love him and must squeeze him into every scenario possible. a/n: Since it's pride month, here's me transing one of my favorite characters! I guess this could be sorta considered an Aventurine character study...? idk. Got way longer than I expected tho oop wc: ~1k
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Kakavasha who admired her sister more than anything else in her entire life. She was the pillar she leaned on whenever things got rough, she meant everything and more to her.
Her sister was just the most beautiful girl she ever knew, so of course she wanted to be exactly like her!
She'd grow her hair out as much as possible but every time it reached past her shoulders she was told to cut it.
"But I wanna be as beautiful as you, big sis!" but that usually led to an argument, and little Kakavasha hated fighting with her sister.
It annoyed her a lot but she listened to her big sis nonetheless.
Aventurine who was given anything and everything when she joined the IPC. Riches and robes and authority, you name it, but none of that mattered, not when these were just new shackles she was forced to don
When she first returned to her new room she was taken back by just everything
Not only was her new wardrobe filled to the brim with fancy clothes but so many expensive products and many other items she could only dream of having before.
She didn't want to feel happy, not when these things costed her her freedom, but it was price she had already paid so was there any harm in enjoying it a little?
Aventurine who gets increasingly more frustrated when scourging through her wardrobe. suit, suit, suit, more suits.
It was only when she went though the nightwear section that she stumbles upon a single nightgown.
A humble shade of light blue covered it entirely. A very simple gown that had a few frills around the chest, arms and plenty around the bottom. There was even a cute little bow right below the neckline.
The material was smooth to the touch, almost definitely silk.
Aventurine couldn't believe her luck. Not a single dress to be seen and yet there was just one, one that she loved more than anything. One that was almost waiting for her to pick it up and put it on.
So put it on she did.
The soft fabric felt incredible on her, and for the first time she finds herself feeling beautiful in her own skin.
Of course, with a new dress, it was mandatory for her to do a little spin and watch the hems of the gown flare out like a blooming flower.
"At least...I can have this." She thought to herself, a small smile already on her lips.
That when she spots the various makeup products in front of the mirror. What's the harm in a bit more fun, right?
Excitedly she sits down in front of the mirror, hand already reaching for the lipstick in front of her. Aventurine remembers seeing quite a few rich women wear these, mainly in bright maroon colors so she picks a similar shade. To think she'd get the chance to try it too, she couldn't be more thrilled. I wish big sis was here. She thought to herself. I'm sure we'd have a lot of fun playing with these.
Carefully opening the cap she rotates the base to reveal the deep red wax. But when she looks to the mirror to guide her on putting it on she freezes.
Big sis? No...it was her own reflection. This having been the first time Aventurine had seen herself in years it was shocking just how similar she looked to her sister. Long tousled blonde hair sticking up in odd places, never having been taken care of during the entirety of her period of captivity. And those vivid bright eyes, how could she forget? The sight had been burnt into the back of her head after all, the very day her sister had been taken away from her she didn't look much different.
Immediately dropping the lipstick she snatches the scissors from the dressing table and holds it to her neck. Her hair had grown far past her shoulders, her sister would surely scold her, no? Relaxing her grip a little, Aventurine takes one last look in the mirror before closer her eyes and starting to snip away at her locks in frustration.
The scissors were haphazardly thrown on the floor which was now covered in tuffs of dirty blonde hair. Aventurine laid naked on the bed, the gown long been abandoned in the trash can. Choppy hair flares out around her head as she stared at the ceiling with a dead look in her eyes. The moment of joy was short lived and left her feeling even more disgusted by her own figure.
I guess...I can't have this either.
Aventurine now dresses the way she's expected to. While it pained her to throw away this side of herself, it pained her even more seeing her sister in herself everyday. The constant painful reminder of what she had lost would surely drive her to insanity.
Aventurine who now has one more reason to sacrifice herself in Penacony in the name of carrying out her duties for the IPC.
Aventurine who's Just. So. Tired.
"Are you alright?" A concerned voice calls out. Aventurine lifts up her head to see an iron clad hand reach out to her. Looking further she notices the rose themes knight armor and the vibrant red hair. Who is this guy...?
"To think I'd find a beautiful young lady such as yourself in this forsaken place. Please, allow me to lend you my aid." The strange knight says.
"Beautiful young lady, huh...." She scoff to herself. She was far from that in her eyes.
"Indeed! Your beauty shines even in these dire circumstances, like a radiant star in the darkest of nights." Aventurine is a little taken back at this, the knight seems to have assumed she was talking about the 'beautiful' part but she doesn't bring it up. Graciously she accepts his help.
Argenti mentions a beautiful young lady from the IPC akin to a peacock to the trailblazer and Firefly but it just confuses them. Sure, Aventurine fit the description of a peacock and he's also from the IPC, but a lady? They're both deeply concerned at the prospect of there being another stoneheart in Penacony.
Aventurine lying in her bed after being rescued, wondering what she should do next. She certainly wanted to live, that's for sure. But maybe there's someone she could talk to about this.
Ultimately though, she decides not to. The IPC cannot be trusted, and she was just oh so tired of everything, all she wanted to do was to escape now and perhaps start on a clean slate. The current chapter of her life was one she was more than eager to close, but it seemed the universe (or rather, the IPC and a certain Galaxy Ranger) had different plans.
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a/n: I think, Argenti is the kinda guy who can tell you're trans even before you realize it lol.
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that1fangirrl · 2 months
Dancer!Reader Gets Hurt
CW:kinda angsty, some swearing, blind joke, she/her pronouns, kinda scary(idk tbh)
A/N: You guys voted, so here I am delivering. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did writing it. I feel like Jane Villanueva when I write lol. K bye<3
When you and Matt first met, he made it his mission to protect you at all cost. Whether that be from creepy strangers, the frat boys on campus, or the scary mean girls in your dance class. You had told Matt many horror stories about the “bitches” in your class. They hated you since day one. Something about you being Miss Flynn’s favorite student even though you joined the class later than everyone else. And being the sweet boyfriend he is, he agreed with you. 
During a particular week, Miss Flynn had called out sick with the flu, but encouraged the class to continue using the studio as needed.
You guys were gearing up for a new spring showcase coming up in the next few weeks. You were especially ecstatic about your small classical part in the show. It would be your first time dancing solo. And hopefully the requitors in the audience would ask you to come and dance with them once you graduated. All nerves were out in the open. Most of the girls were super proud of you, knowing it’s a tough position to be in, but knew you could handle it and were definitely gonna kill it. 
Sydney and Madison thought it was stupid. “That bitch came here in sophomore year and thinks she can just kiss ass to the top. I bet she’s sleeping with the choreographer or something.” It was laughable how the two older girls always thought you had to be sleeping with somebody in the arts department to get your solo. Especially because everyone knew you were so obviously dating the sweet blind law student who always sat in the corner of the studio waiting to walk you back to your dorm.
“Yeah. She’s probably cheating on that blind guy. He wouldn’t even be able to see it coming. Poor guy, he’d be better off with someone like me.” Little did they know, Matt was extremely aware of their weird feelings. The two of them would constantly ask him random questions and be in his personal space. As if you weren't a few feet away, practicing with Miss Flynn in the same room. He always chose to just brush them off and go back to whatever it was he was doing before. 
Today was no different. Matt knew your nerves were off the charts, so he volunteered to stay with you the next few days while you practiced extra hours. Unfortunately today, he had been forced to help Foggy study for their upcoming test that was stressing him to hair loss. He sent you a sweet “Sorry about tonight, again. I promise to make it up to you as soon as I can, Rosie. ‘Sad face emoji’ ‘heart emoji’” He was so darn adorable. How could you be mad at him when he acts so sweet? 
Practice went great tonight. You had been there for almost 2 hours working with some of the other girls, too. When it was time to go, you decided to hit up the locker rooms to freshen up before going to your dorm. Thankfully, the room was still clean and empty.
The cool water on your muscles felt like absolute heaven on Earth. Your hands gilded across your body slowly and thoughtfully, massaging every area that had been giving you trouble. Once you were done, you wrapped a towel around yourself and walked back to the locker area. The sound of the door opening and closing took you out of your short daze. “Hello?” You craned your neck around the corner when there was no response. You continued drying off and clothing yourself; taking a seat on the bench. Another loud noise echoed off the walls. This time, you stood up grabbing your things and shoving them in your bag as quickly as possible. Trying your best to be quiet, you headed for the door.
Going down each aisle of lockers, no one was seen. You continued closer to the door, grabbing your phone and earbuds as you reached it. Putting one in and dialing your boyfriend’s number, you stayed cautious. Matt had finally picked up the phone with a cheerful “hello.” “Hey Matty. I’m on my way to your dorm. I think someone’s following me.” He perked up on the other side of the phone, immediately hushing a confused Foggy. “Are you okay? Where are you? I’ll meet you there.” You shook your head, walking down the long hallway. “Um. Arts building by the new locker rooms. The ones on the higher floors.”
You took a quick breath before turning around. Nothing. “I’m really scared, Matty. It’s so fucking dark and quiet over here. I heard someone come into the room, but I couldn’t see anyone.” Matt starts haphazardly putting his shoes on, nerves spiking with yours. “Okay. I’m on my way. Just stay on the phone okay. Foggy and I are coming to get you.”
Another loud bang had you quickening your pace. You started to speed up closer to the stairs, holding your phone and bag close to your body. “Okay. Just hurry cause I think they- ahhhh.” “Y/n. Hello? Y/n”
A/N: Did I spook you guys? Are you guys mad at the cliffhanger? Are you biting your nails off? Well don't! Cause I did write a part 2 that you will be getting soon. hehehehe I deadass was writing this shit like I was A from Pretty Little Liars. Like I literally was giggling my ass off so hard. But I was also low-key scared cause I always put myself in my reader's shoes in my mind(if that makes sense), so I literally was paranoid as hell. Anyways, tell me your guys' thoughts. I hope you liked it
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sparrowposting · 1 year
They're hiring for like the NEAR PERFECT position for me out on the west coast and I meet like 95% of the suggested qualifications and ALL of the mandatory ones, but the apps close end of June and I STILL dk if I'm current job is like....going to be funded again next year?? But I committed to staying if there's funding? It would be super fuckin awful of me (both as a person and a professional) to set up this big [redacted archival project] and for my boss to get funding for it for me BC it's outside of her skillset, to then just, bail completelyand leave them without someone to do this Very Necessary Project I spent months setting up
But also west coast. Much better pay in a city whose cost of living is only slightly higher than Toronto. Job I would like better. Job environment I would like better. I have the freedom to go wherever bc I have no social life or community here and absolutely nothing holding me back beyond the initial costs of shipping all my crap out west (which tbh, other than a small amount of clothes is rlly just books and my PC I don't actually own that much /stuff/)
Idk how adults are expected to navigate this without ruining all their working relationships and I'm too new to the field to burn bridges I don't have that many professional connections
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centeris2 · 7 months
oh I just noticed SSO posted a news article two days ago about the Hollow Woods. so I'm gonna ramble about it. under the cut so folks don't have to read it
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uh of course glyph puzzles were being ignored. When 1 powder cost 50 light but only got you 10 (or 15?) light in return? It's way more cost effective to save up powders for satchels, or wait until the higher levels of glyph puzzles so the 1 powder investment is worth it. Not to mention the number of powders increases every single time so like... no? That's just not a cost effective way to spend powders. Still isn't, tbh. Now that I've unlocked the highest difficulty+reward I'll do each of the glyph puzzles once a day, maybe twice since they give more than the satchels do per powder.
but the fact that it takes until the hardest difficulty+reward (so a LOT of light invested into that path) to make it worth the light investment? Yeah no, that's not going to be one that people do right off the bat. Not to mention the issue where the fog doesn't actually reflect how big the area is, so I keep getting the "you left the area" message when I'm still standing in purple fog.
And of course the runecarving is popular, it went hand in hand with the firefly collection, you run around and then you go "oh hey thing on the ground/tree". And it didn't cost anything to do it, unlike the satchels and glyph puzzles. And chasing wisps can be difficult if your camera is finicky or if you are focused on other things and don't want to take off in a random direction.
It's also wild to me that this system of "chose whatever path you want!" is... idk. Pick Your Path except how dare you ignore these aspects of gameplay. But yes, making the other things feel rewarding as well is definitely a good idea to make them more appealing to people, because I do like the glyph hunt and I'd do it way more if it didn't cost me powders (or an ever increasing amount) and had a secret "you went too far" barrier that isn't the purple fog.
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What do you MEAN you were surprised?? Did you folks not set the costs? How were you shocked that people hungry for content would gobble it up in a few days? I found all 100 spiders in less than 24 hours because it was finally something to do and because I'm a completionist! If there is a thing to fill out I want to fill it out. Not to mention it was FUN! Put on music or a podcast and just run around exploring the new area for hours! It was great! The only reason I didn't do it this time around was because I was busy and spend my time on other things.
Anyway. I have chilled out and now am taking a much slower approach to things because I've unlocked most things I want. I already own the magic horses and pets so no rush. I have no wardrobe space so no rush to unlock the clothes or gear. I already got the hair and makeup unlocks. I still have to unlock the Pandoric cosmetics, but I know those cost light to buy so not really in a rush to spend 3,200 light to unlock and then more light to buy each one.
There are some horse XP unlocks still, but ehhh it's so easy to get horse XP now that there isn't a rush there either.
I do, however, really enjoy the overall ideas. And I love anything that gives more makeup and hairstyles! More exciting makeup colors and unnatural hair colors!!! Now if only long hair models actually worked on the larger player model instead of just disappearing into the back.... but thank god it was finally something that wasn't a new color on the short page cut hair that every single damn NPC has.
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my-misericordia · 9 months
Tbh this show isn't really one I'd usually watch because gmmtv generally does not do class very well errr more like when one is rich and the other is poor.
Regardless I like Chimon. I want him to succeed. I don't watch everything he's in but idk I just think he's neat lol
Perth I just love hehe How can I not love the guy whos played the only short top character in live action BL lol Maybe there's been another? if so I'd like to know! But we still need more! I'm Sooooooooo BORED of the height difference trope that is always the same. Like Short bottom? Tall top? groundbreaking….
Anyway just watched the first 2 eps and it's giving real boys over flowers vibes. Is this showing how ancient I am? totally lol Now that's not a knock on it because, well I don't really remember how most of the shows depicted it because I never really watched them since NONE of them have ever cast a girl that I've been like yeah That's Makino Tsukushi, but the manga reallyyy went there depicting how bad school hazing was. But there were still small moments of levity? Especially when the main girl would get the upper hand? Basically what's happening here!
Grandma?? ughh I Want to like her, but I'm so over the obligatory good rich person~ because you see they're not All monsters~!! Even tho your family is probably responsible for high costs of living since your son is a real estate mogul? But how sweet you fund 1 scholarship bleh
Why do I feel like the father is doing shady stuff and that's why he doesn't want his son to stand out? If Kang isn't special less eyes on his family all around…but I could be wrong. Idk I just read his reaction at the suggestion of his son becoming school president as like hell no, we already got enough eyes on us as it is. Or he just doesn't see his son as a worthy successor lol
I do like the 2 different depictions of people in poverty between the brothers. Some people are a bit more laid back like Saifah (almost like Tsukushis dad!! lol). What's a little luxury gonna do? Not like the money would've actually helped in the long run, etc. I do think that Sailom might be a bit too noble?? It's just there's no way someone in poverty would realistically risk losing their scholarship just for pride. This is pretty common in thai bls tho. Gets under my skin honestly lol the ''noble'' poor person. It's just such empty messaging to poor people bcz we know the rich got their money but WE have to be honest?? go away
Oh oh!!! Clothessss!!! This is what I was talking about when I was complaining about Be My Favorite! I didn't want krist to be covered in dirt and rags to convey he was poor but just to have clothes like how Sailom and his friends have! Clean but clearly faded from so many washes. Sailom's house is great too! It really conveys how they're living. I feel heard!!! lol
Anyway I'll keep watching and see how much I can take of the future bad depictions of lower class people lol Honestly these past 2 episodes weren't bad. I only had minor complaints about some of Sailoms decision.
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moodyyehudi-sideblog · 4 months
Since we started eating kosher we order and do takeout food from out much much less (like twice a month down from 1-2x per week.) so our groceries bill naturally has gone up quite a bit, and it isn’t the cost of the kosher food because the only thing that’s really a significant increase is meat and we have only had 1 meat meal per month at our house the past 2 months (it just isn’t something we feel we need more often. We eat fish a lot now. And it’s easier this way) so it isn’t that we’re buying more expensive food items, I’m pretty sure. I didn’t grow up with any type of budgeting knowledge, education or experience. I kinda thought of food as something that was always a “justifiable” expense so not something to worry about the budget, cus you can always be frugal elsewhere like buying secondhand clothes and not buying expensive cosmetics or other luxury items. I realize that’s a privileged outlook. Tbh I do have ADHD in the way that, just getting everything into the house that I need to create cohesive, nutritious, enjoyable, kosher meals feels like a miraculous accomplishment for me. Like it’s a lot for me I know it sounds basic. But I have recently been struggling with huge guilt over the price/cost of groceries. Idk if we are spending more or the same or less on food overall cus as I said, I never had the wherewithal to budget for that. I always just figured we’d be ok and so far we have been but that’s kinda a scary way to go about things. I’m always questioning what I can afford. And the fact that I don’t contribute financially really makes me worry because it’s so much all on my husband and Ideally I want to do everything I can to negate the stress. But I haven’t honestly done much work toward that in this specific regard (I have been successful in saving money in other arenas, such as not buying many new items and making do w what we have, mending things when they break instead of replacing)
Idk it’s a combination of things. When I was growing up, I remember buying normal sized packages of food items for like less than $2 and now it feels like no single package of food is less than $4.75 at the store (I’m exaggerating there but really, when did bread become $6? When did a box of Oreos become more than $5? Maybe I just didn’t pay attention until recently but everything feels too expensive..)
Not to mention the time expense of cooking, but of course I’m so so happy to do it. But it is something I cannot help but to factor in because whenever I’m doing a sustained task like that, my kids are likely missing out on my attention for a bit and it can be distressing for all involved. I’m just trying my best and I’m pretty sure we are doing ok but how do people afford to do all this and also have lots of kids and then send them all to the Hebrew day schools 😭 when I first started having kids I was determined I would homeschool them but more and more I’m realizing Hebrew day school would be ideal in many ways. But like, how on earth to afford such a thing? And camp? And yeshiva and college? Like. Where is this money coming from … and when I do go back to the workforce how am I going to manage the household to the standard I want …? Just how 😭 idk idk. I’m having a lack of faith moment I guess because it has all worked out in the past so , I should just do my best and realize that things will be ok.
I’m having like these racing guilt and anxious thoughts. Idk why…
It is for sure time (overdue acrually) for me to make a groceries budget. I know that.
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ramayantika · 1 year
Today my mother knocked on the door and asked how many questions I am able to attempt in neet and the range of marks I am able to score. She was trying her best, but I could see the desperation, the slight annoyance and that little fear of everything fucking up. She says that she will be there beside me if and whenever things go wrong and out of all the people in the world, only your parents will have your back. It's true, even I believe the same.
Sometimes I don't feel as if she is my mother. Sometimes she appears to me as a women who is still confused and figuring out how to handle me. She is sad whenever she has her angry outbursts on me. She will say sorry and then say I love you and I am always with you
But are we all really that selfless? Everyday when I look at her and my father, I remember my home expenses over coaching, house rent, clothing and our future education. Now every time whatever I do, it's all that in the back of my head.
My mother is excited to buy me new clothes for college, but here I am downplaying it all because I feel guilty for using their money. Is this how she feels when she has to ask dad for money? My parents will never complain if I spend money on myself unless until I go overboard, yet that guilt remains. My father knows that mummy too handles expenses well and tbh he was the one who paid for all her courses because he wanted to help and fulfill her wishes. Yet, she rarely buys sarees or rarely uses money to buy things that she really wants to have. She closes her eyes and smiles, saying, "aankh band karlo saans lo aur piche mud jao toh aur lagega nahi"
I got my new phone yesterday and so did my brother. All of it cost around 40. We would need laptops, stationary, clothing and as for me my skincare stuff and makeup for dance. This combined with college fees is going to cost a little much now.
I wonder if I choose bsc and go on to do phd and stuff will I still be looking around to see if I meet my mother's approval? She says live for your self we are anyway going to die in our old age. I understand that but I can't do that.
My father doesn't believe in my dancing. Sometimes even I don't too. Maybe one day they will be proud when I get my phd and set up my dance studio. I can't cut out much of the costs but until I get a good job I can definitely cut on my expenses so I can save of that money and give it back to my father. That won't be enough to buy a car by the next 5 years but maybe it would form a small piece of installment? Idk how all that works though. Hopefully if I also get a part time jobs as content writer maybe I can have some income too to send back home which my father won't appreciate but maybe mummy can buy some nice kurtis for herself and that way I can have money to spend on dance items too.
But if I get into iiser or niser I will get internships and some stipend too so that would bring some more money for me maybe?
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doctorguilty · 1 year
Ofc I'm not beyond buying brand new clothes and accessories when something speaks to me enough but that's so so so minimal b/c again, growing up poor I never really got "used" to constant shopping new stuff, also never got into ordering a lot of clothes online since I'm so austim about clothing I like typically need to physically try something on or see the size feel the texture etc like unless it's a standard cotton t shirt like I know what to expect. But overall 80%+ of my wardrobe is second hand
One thing that frustrates me a lot (and this kinda goes back to why I think #aesthetics can be bad in some contexts), is the rise of fast fashion punk/grunge/goth because as a lot of people will talk about here, those styles are not just fashion styles they're subcultures originating with mainly poorer people and like anti capitalist people etc. As a fan of like 90s grunge I talk about kurt cobain quite a bit as like the icon of that subculture but the thing with kurt's style was that his clothes were all second hand from friends or thrifted, they were cheap and worn out, and he also liked androgyny, many of his friends were lesbians in fact who inspired his style. And the thing was, fans of his music and like artists could easily afford to dress like their icons.
Fast fashion punk/grunge/goth is all an oxymoron. Like the only "wrong" way to do those styles to me is buying an entire wardrobe brand new on Amazon/shein/whatever spending exuberant amounts of money and making these like perfect flawless styled outfits that are 100% matching etc. Wearing your mom's old pants from the 70s with embroidered hippe flowers is infinitely more alt. And that's something you can use as a base to build on like sew patches on, paint, distress, etc
Idk I'm just. Too used to being poor to find anything appealing about what these ppl on tiktok are doing and also hurt angry about like, the gentrification of subcultures if that makes sense?
It makes me want to do like fashion photos of my own where people typically brag about how much their outfits cost and the Brands and whatever except how cheap my outfits are and where I got everything. I'd kill and die to make that a trend tbh like not for rich people though they can fuck off. But for us anti capitalist people we should do that more. I think I've seen someone post something like that exactly once and I thought it was cool
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odnson · 1 year
Please, tell me more about literally all of the wips! What's cooking!
lmao oh gosh, what i have rn are like, very vague ideas and the docs are just full of lines that lead nowhere but….👀
1. jwds mafia
Before this, Joowon had only seen pictures. Dozens of them, featuring different angles and expressions, showcasing his subject in various types of clothing. Often alone, sometimes with his trusted confidante, but never with family.
Now, in the flesh, the first thing that Joowon notices is the slouch. Too relaxed and borderline lazy, and something he unconsciously frowns at.
literally what the filename says 😂😂😂 funny thing is tho, i have an ending for this and a beginning, but i completely have no idea how to stitch them together because all i have are vibes. just sth sth about jw infiltrating a rival clan to help hkh’s rise to power (pretty much the same with his motives in the show originally), going undercover but being busted from day one because lbr, he’s up against ds. but ds is weak to pretty men (canon) and lets jw do what he wants for a while, etc etc. this def revolves around the “love for jw but revenge for ds” premise, only that because i’m me, it doesn’t stay that way for ds ofc. it does, however, get messier and messier, and i cannot go into too many details without spoiling it but!!!! someday i wish to finish this, like, fr.
2. jwds5+1????
Manyang offering him a seat at a table full of people he’d antagonized more than once remains a strange phenomenon to his eyes, but sitting beside Lee Dongsik and letting his warm smile soothe him isn’t.
i got the idea for this while otw to work so hopefully i can finish this in a few days?? pretty excited about this tbh, but it’s essentially about jwds gatekeeping the other from ppl because they’re actually a little too insane for one another, as we all know!!! (the show canon is just too good, really) i think this will be my attempt to be funnier but who knows, maybe this will turn into something else entirely? again, all i have are vibes as of the moment. 🙃
3. jwdsjj
A question now sits in Jeongje’s eyes the longer Dongsik looks at him. Dongsik wonders if he’ll ask.
Then, slowly: “How’s Han Joowon?”
Dongsik blinks, caught off-guard. He thought of a number of questions Jeongje would have for him, the millions of ways he could’ve phrased what he truly wanted to know: what is Dongsik doing here?
But this—Dongsik has to admit that he didn’t foresee this.
The name sparks warmth in him, as it often does. Underneath that blanket of fondness and security is something that burns savagely, and Dongsik feels unmoored, like Jeongje is prying into things he shouldn’t.
“He’s fine,” is what Dongsik settles with. A crumb of a truth is a truth all the same, which is all he can offer for now.
Jeongje’s gaze flits to Dongsik’s side, at the obvious absence of the man in question.
Dongsik sighs. “He’s at home.”
Something seems to hit Jeongje then, like an unseen force: he shifts in his seat, a small smile sitting on his lips. He looks simultaneously victorious and resigned, as if he won a personal wager at the cost of himself.
There was a time, Dongsik remembers, that he’d ache when Jeongje looks that way. When they were young and Jeongje needed him, when he couldn’t fend for himself and Dongsik was still the taller of the two.
this is actually finished but idk, i’m not satisfied with it so i never posted it??? it sits at 5.5k words and while it does start in a way i like, it degenerates to sth that makes me go “hmmmm wait a sec” whenever i reread so yeah. 🙃🙃🙃 anyway, it’s about ds reminiscing and revisiting the love he has for jj (while jj is imprisoned) and realizing that it just couldn’t work for them that way. sounds very sad, i know, but i’m operating on what the show has given all of us lmao. i have to reread it again because i havent touched it in a while but i seem to remember that it’s also about ds seeing just how much jj loved him; it’s just that the love they had for each other didn’t happen at the same time and it was already too late when they both realized it. YEAH. now u might be wondering, how does jw fit into the picture??? that snippet is one of the many ways he does. 😂😂 (and just in case someone’s curious: no, it doesn’t end in a threesome. had i been capable of pwp, it def would’ve but alas.)
anyway this got way too long lmao but thank you, as always, for indulging me!!!! u’re amazing. 💕
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Oh nobody EVER thinks to explain any of this to Dream. Sam just barks orders that are followed without hesitation, and Wuackity only ever explains things in the immediate (ie. “Do this and you won’t get hurt” sort of thing), which means that — on Dream’s end — this is akin to a psychological horror. Anyway, you wanted bathtime tickles? Good news — that’s basically the first thing that happens.
So Dream hasn’t been allowed to properly bathe in about a year. He doesn’t even have a change of clothes. Bottom line is that he STINKS — which means it’s easy for both Sam and Quackity to logic an explanation for them to give him a bath.
Well, the first thing they need to do is shave off all his hair. ALL of it. Under his arms, on his legs, everything: it’s matted and disgusting and needs to be cut away so it can grow back fresh. Quackity tries to ignore how Dream whimpers as the blades go over the skin: he’s careful not to nick him, and that’s what matters. Eventually the gunk has been peeled away, and the skin underneath is left red and tender. After the hair is gone, Quackity still has to scrub out certain areas for a long time because of all the gunk build up. (And the skin underneath those areas is probably really tender, too!)
Now their prisoner is left red and raw and shaking. Quackity gets some sort of lotion or oil and starts to rub it over his inflamed skin — only to get a very unexpected result. It tickles like hell. The lotion makes his already tender skin more sensitive than ever, and with the pain dulled — well.
And Quackity doesn’t just have something fun to do handed to him on a silver platter. He has a reason to have to do it, because Dream is red and raw all over. Dream can’t stop squirming, so after his foot and leg is done (sole of his foot and his entire knee must have been an experience in and of themselves tbh), Quackity sits on his leg while Sam holds his arms above his head, and Quackity gets to work massaging the oils into his back and his sides and his ribs. He stays a little longer wherever he starts to hear him laugh louder. >:)
And then he has to flip him over.
He initially goes for the tummy first, but the squeal of anticipation — not even tickles! — that greets the movement makes him decide to save that for the finishing act. Instead he goes for the ribs, the armpits (Sam has to put a little more effort into holding his arms above his head for that one. Not much — Dream’s still very weak — but a little bit.), the neck and the chest. He saves the tummy for last.
He might even play a bit more with the tummy, too. (“Oh, looks like I missed a spot. Pass me the sponge, Sam.”) At the end, he might even finish off with a big old raspberry, right on the little hollow beneath his belly button.
The lotion bit probably takes about two hours. Dream is a wreck by the end of it.
Afterwards, he’s dressed in a clean hospital gown while his prison uniform is tossed in the incinerator downstairs (it is DISGUSTING), and he’s led to a room. A room that Sam insists on staying in with him. (It’s fine. Quackity can play the long con.) The two of them work to feed him some hot soup (obviously), and he’s can only stomach about a third of a full bowl but at least it’s not potatoes — it’s some beetroot concoction. Then they clean his teeth and finally put him to bed.
Sam insists on sleeping with him. Of course.
okxhxuzhss ohhh my heckkk 😵‍💫 idk why but this was so flustery to read fzgs.
once again you have described quackity and sam’s poor explanation to dream so heckin well 🙌🏼 sam is still kinda unreadable and oddly clingy. and quackity is so ominous that dream just assumes that he’s threatening him. they’re too caught up in their own heads to realise how wildly confused dream is (he’s always been pretty good at hiding it anyway).
(discussion below)
this whole situation is so cute omg. dream being given his first proper bath,, but at the cost of losing all of his body hair 😭 (what the heck 😭), quackity carefully shaving him with possibly the exact same tool that he had used to torture only days prior,, and having to ignore how panicked dream looks about it :((
i’m of course absolutely stuck on the idea of them realising that the lotion is tickling dream. like i actually can’t help it my whole stomach it flips. but i imagine dream would realise way before both quackity and sam would,, but obviously it’s in his best interest to keep it to himself. he’s already vulnerable and humiliated enough. he doesn’t need anything else to add on to this…
but of course eventually he can’t help but smile at the feeling. it’s amazing to not be in pain, an eye opener even. the feeling of not having his matted hair constantly pulling when he moves, the smoothness of his skin, the lack of stinging from his scars. it’s already enough to make him feel giddy. quackity’s touch is so gentle. it’s foreign. sams grip on his hands is equally caring. the lotion has a scent that makes him feel refreshed, he feels clean.
the smile slips out as well as the tiniest huffed giggle when quackity’s hands reach the backs of his knees. his thighs are tingling, his arm that he promptly uses to muffle the reaction is soft and clean. his legs start shuffling when quackity moves down to his shin, hands clenching and unclenching. his shoulders start shaking when he reaches his foot, and finally the first audible giggles pour out once the tingling from the lotion catches up with quackity’s rubbing.
it’s finally then that quackity and sam catch on,, particularly when quackity has to apply the lotion in between dream’s toes. dream actually starts kicking out at him then, unhiding himself and twisting himself up to fight at quackity’s hand. sam is quick to recapture and pin him back down though. he holds dream’s biceps out to the side and keeps him firmly (nicely though) pressed into the surface. quackity continues his application and dream cackles helplessly, foot twitching in quackity’s grasp
they start cooing at him. they tease him about it. it’s only sweet stuff about him being adorable,, but it’s unbelievably embarrassing for dream (who’s shirtless, bathed and raw). quackity sits on his thighs and starts applying to lotion to his back. he rubs over his shoulder blades, ribs, sides. maybe he even gives dream a bit of a massage (he’s rather good at them, experience from his fiancés). dream is full on giggling now. his legs and foot are still tingling, he’s still got the fresh scent of cleanliness in his nose, and he’s overwhelmed with the feeling of touch that isn’t harm.
he actually yells when sam stretches his arms out more and quackity’s hands glide up his upper ribs,, sniggering like crazy when the back and side of his neck are tended to. and then he hears the words “ok flip him over”, and he actually fights it.
he tries so hard to remain hidden,, but he’s overpowered easily, and immediately he’s showered in coos and teases once quackity and sam get to see his face. his eyes are glassy, his cheeks blotchy and red. he absolutely screams when quackity’s hands reach down towards his stomach,, pulling in vain at his arms when his face darkens eight shades. quackity starts covering his sides and ribs that couldn’t be reached when dresm was turned over. he arches his back. he tries to curl in when the hands move to his chest. his sides are tingly. he shakes his head when his neck is tended to again, whining when quackity cups his face and tells him how cute he is. he screams when sam stretches his arms up again, barking out laughter when quackity rubs into the baldness of his armpits. he twists and arches his back. he cackles. his arms are released one by one so quackity can apply the lotion to his arms. his fingers scrunch and straighten repetitively.
at last the only place left to do is his tummy. and quackity decides to mess with him a bit (omfgggg 😭). he scrubs at hypothetical dirt patches (that are conveniently located over dream’s worst spots). he kisses each spot when he’s done. he applies the lotion and massages it deep into his muscles to ‘make sure his tummy is extra smooth’. dream wheezes and cackles. tears start gathering in his eyes from the overwhelming sensation.
he yells when quackity places a raspberry to finish, giggling uncontrollably for several minutes after quackity promises that he’s finished. he’s given a hospital gown and is helped into his bed. he’s FED SOUP. SOUP. he tries his hardest to eat the beetroot concoction (i feckin hate beetroots i relate mr dreamie). they note down that he’d prefer rabbit stew. sam insists on staying with him while he gets to sleep. it’s surprisingly easier than dream originally assumed. his eyes are practically rolling the minute he hears sam purring
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queenofzan · 11 months
and idk it's hard not to be bitter about how anti-fashion people are when most people are also under the impression that clothes are cheap and easy to manufacture
they're not!
everything you're wearing was made by human hands, with very very limited exceptions. some tubes can be knit entirely by machine. your socks may have only been monitored by a technician, not directly sewn by one. likewise simple knitted hats. tubular skirts or dresses.
does the thing you're wearing have sleeves? straps? separate elastics? a zipper? it was made by human beings.
the only reason we think clothes are cheap is because they are made by slave labor.
everything i am wearing right now, except my socks, was made by me. if i paid myself an equitable wage for that labor, this outfit would be hundreds of dollars.
it's not a fancy outfit. i'm wearing a binder (self-drafted pattern), underwear (multiple-iterations of fit adjustment on a commercial pattern), a button-up sleeveless top (self-drafted pattern in multiple iterations), and trousers (self-drafted pattern with multiple iterations for fit). and the socks i did not make, but which i bought from a company that purports to only sell ethically made items like eight years ago.
i'd estimate the top took about four hours (not including pattern development), the pants more like eight (which does include some pattern development, since it was only the second time i used the pattern, and i ended up removing and adjusting the waistband twice), the underwear about an hour, and the binder probably two. at a decent but not great pay rate (less than most union jobs in my area pay, but about what they paid ten years ago), that is $375 not including materials, overhead, or any of my other costs (such as the pattern development and training to do all this).
this is a pretty standard casual-to-business-casual outfit. it should be $500-600.
now, i can get a pair of work trousers from target for, idk, $30. a top, let's say ditto. the binder is more expensive because it's still a specialty item but let's pretend anyone but me makes binders in my size i personally find comfortable, that's $75. underwear? likewise, i'm a sensitive baby, i have to buy kind of expensive undies in order to not feel pinched, let's say $15. which puts me at $150.
the only thing close to a fair wage for a skilled worker there is the binder, because, again, that's a specialty item people still feel comfortable charging a decent price for, because there's less undercutting happening. that won't be the case for long, as more places stock binders in store and therefore try to find ways to cut costs and get their sweatshop workers manufacturing them.
clothes are not cheap. clothes are not simple. they are not easy. they should not be so cheap, and the people who make them should not be exploited.
and tbh i do feel like there's a connection between not understanding how much work still goes into clothes and devaluing Fashion-As-Art. i think if more people were aware of the Real Cost of an everyday outfit being several hundreds of dollars, they might be less confused about why clothing designers and producers think hard enough about it to make Weird Fashion Art.
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having-conniptions · 1 year
KinnPorsche ep 8 Rewatch Rambles:
🥺🥺🥺 it starts with them snuggling, I already can't take it 🥺❤️
Morning breath lmao so domestic
And the soft kisses 🥺❤️
"I called him in for punishment" "was it very rough?" "Yes, it was. My legs are still shaking" HAHAHA I CAN'T HOW IS PETE STILL THIS OBLIVIOUS
The way Porsche immediately gets undressed again after Pete leaves lmao
NOT THE BREAD AD LMAO the cheek kiss was cute af tho
And the mismatched sockssssss
Oh yeah... the meeting room scene xD and Porsche's "punishment"
RIP all the stuff on that coffee table, Porsche's shirt and the innocence of that poor window
Yok is such an icon tbh
Jom the love guru xD
"Love is love. Love wins." 🏳️‍🌈😭❤️
Porsche has no clue how to date, awww bless him
"Why are you so darn cute?" SIR I COULD ASK YOU THE SAME
The casual clothing, the soft kisses, Kinn's carefree attitude towards PDA, Porsche trying to get the perfect photo of their food and making Kinn do funny poses and faces, their little selfie session, Porsche just trying to make the date perfect but also worrying about PDA because he can feel people staring,........ idk it just does a lot of things to my heart
And Kinn is so gentle and patient with him 🥺❤️🥺❤️
If you haven't watched the bts of the entire date you're missing out, so much MileApo cuteness
Detective Kim best Kim
The phone 🥺 idk if it's that cute I mean it's kinda possessive but when you remember none of the bodyguards are allowed to have phones at all it's actually really sweet
Fr tho how tf did Tawan appear and disappear that quickly
When they hid in the pool xD RIP Porsche's new phone I guess?
Porsche & Pete being besties 🥺❤️
"I think he looks way too polite to kill anyone" Porsche are you sure
PORSCHE'S DRAWING HAHAHA and Pete going "if I saw someone looking like that irl I'd be scared too"
Porsche. Pete. Leave playing detective to Kim. Lmao
Hahahahaha Porsche going through Kinn's hookups tho
"If it's this guy, I'm going to have to use a different gun" and it cuts to Porsche limping into his and Pete's room, looking disheveled and covered in hickeys AND PETE GOES "YOU SHOULD BLOCK WITH YOUR ARMS" Pete you're too precious
Chay's persistence is so cute
And so his his song awwww
The "I forgot my guitar strap" flamingo stance, "let me know what you think, bye-bye",.... HE IS SO PRECIOUS PROTECT THIS CINNAMON ROLL AT ALL COSTS
Kim's face when he realizes he's catching feelings tho
"Kok kek kok kek" will never not be funny
Hahaha Porsche wants to stay up with Pete & Tankhun bc he's scared of ghosts and they end up watching horror movies this man just has no luck whatsoever
Just realized they're watching on iQIYI and I'm watching KP on iQIYI this is iQIYIception
Scared Porsche is hilarious but GET UR DIRTY SHOES OFF THE DAMN SOFA
Time for the magic dildo phallic sculpture talisman
Ugh the whole Tawan storyline just stresses me out tbh
KP at the temple together tho 🥺❤️ Kinn in that white shirt 😍 but of course Tawan has to show up ughhhhh
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doctor-cerium · 2 years
please share the monty lore
This is all mainly based on my RP portrayal of Monty, but!!!! That's ok!!!!!! Basically the same guy, just a bit more gay-
Okok so Monty and DA started dating before Monty was even in the band. Like, back when Bonnie and Foxy were still around and Monty was just,,, the gator at Gator Golf. He was just a side-attraction, kinda like DJMM and DA. Side-attractions have less strict rules than the Glamrocks, so they can basically dress how they'd like (if it fits under the company's guidelines ofc)
DA enjoyed taking the kids to the golf course (because it's connected to the Daycare, y'know?), so they often had the chance to talk to Monty and Oh No The Gator Is Hot. Monty enjoyed DAs company, mainly because the other animatronics don't visit the side attractions that often. The Glamrocks have each other, DJ is too big to fit anywhere, so DA and Monty were the only ones that could really do things with each other.
DA was definetly the one that confessed first (Friends to Lovers, y'know) and Monty was just like "!!!! Two boyfriends? :DD" That's really how they started dating! Just something sweet like that, they deserve it.
He always knew that something was up with him, but just didn't know what exactly. He never really fully fit in with the other side-attractions, but obviously also wasn't a Glamrock member (yet). So he was always just... There. Even when he and DA started dating, that feeling never disappeared. Did he ever bother telling anyone about it? No, not at all. Why should he? They wouldn't understand him anyways because they fit into their corresponding groups.
He then eventually joined the band after the Bonnie incident (If you want a ramble about that too, tell me. That ramble will be based on an AU from one of my friends tho) and that's when it eventually clicked for him.
The outfits he had to wear during Gator Golf were ones he was able to chose himself, so he always felt comfortable, but when he joined the band? That changed. So did the way he had to act. His whole personality had to be changed when he was on-stage or interacting with customers.
His outfits were all picked out by the staff members that work in the Wardrobe department (is that the right term? Idk), so they were all rather feminine and flashy. Y'know, kinda like Roxy's or Chica's clothes. They were very different compared to the brown-green attire he wore in the swamp-like environment of Gator Golf.
The fact his personality had to be a completely different one when he was on-stage definitely messed with him too.
Being forced into a role you aren't would make anyone feel uncomfortable, y'know?
He eventually decided to tell DA about it (going to the BF for help is always a smart decision) and. Man. He was beyond relieved to hear DA actually be supportive. Probably cried a little bit about it too, let's be honest. DA was also the one that mentioned it to the staff members (with Monty's consent ofc).
That really then just let the ball rolling and that's how Monty eventually found out the term "transgender". He always felt more comfortable with the rather masculine clothes and demeanor he had back in his Gator Golf days, so he was just like... What if I'm a guy and DON'T just like the aesthetic?
The company didn't necessarily approve of that decision because changing him would cost too much money and be bad for the business, so Monty decided to perform his own top surgery.
Yeah. He sure did that!!!
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pacifymebby · 1 year
bestie i'm really stuck for money right now and need to think of inspiration, do you have any tips? I'm even considering starting an Only Fans hahaha
Hi lovely, i guess it depends on how stuck and what youve already got in place to get money. Like, I'm very wary of only fans and wpuld suggest trying literally everything else first just because its presented as an easy money maker with no consequences but really it isnt, its quite an exploitative platform, and I think it requires a lot of work and persistence to get any actual income from it.
What I will say, is get on reddit and r/eroticasells, you can make a bit of cash to tide you over by writing erotica for people, but again, u have to be careful, generally get the money before u give them any work u know. So that u arent scammed.
You can do that on fiverr too, but you have to be extremely careful about what you write in your advert because they suspend accounts at the drop of a hat and then u have to wait three months to withdraw your earnings. When I was on there I would withdraw my money the second it cleared. But i still got caught out by them and don't use them anymore. Its annoying though because fiverr was how i found the best clients who were willing to pay.
I don't know if u can do things like take on extra hours at your work (idk this feels like something you'd habe already thought of and lile super patronising to even suggest but idk) i ended up getting a second job and then a third job when i couldnt get good hours. It was kinda exhausting but i guess worth it in the end cause i got to keep my independence.
What i would say is,
Don't be tempted to use a credit card or any kind of loan, i know we're in a cost of living crisis so those loan compamies and credit card men will be out in force trying to prey on people who are short of cash. You can build up credit debt so quickly and its scary and stressful af so don't be tempted!!
I tried (and am going to try again) selling my old clothes on depop. That was a lot of effort too for my adhd ish brain but it could work for u.
Then like other little things like, my dad taught me some good budgeting skills over the years i guess.
But try to plan how much u spend a week on food/travel/everything.
So rn I'm getting worried about my money again and I'm trying to spend no more than £15 a week shopping, so I'll try to plan meals and stuff. If you don't cook from scratch its much cheaper to buy your ingredients for stuff like pasta all seperately ect.
This feels patronising or obvious again though tbh so if its something ur already doing then I'm sorry i couldnt be more helpful.
Times are really really tough and shitty right now an am sorry you're struggling bestie.
Hope some of this was useful, if u want me to elaborate about the reddit thing I'll try haha x
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fanmoose12 · 2 years
wait i wanna know what problems u have w c/sm characters!!!
omg i have so many!!! quick disclaimer though: i like anime and it's not actually hate or criticism of it, just.... problems i have lmao
ok, let's start with denji!!! he's cool? i actually didn't like him in the beginning, his constant talks about boobs kinda annoyed me, but then i found out that he's 16? constant talks about boobs make a lot, lot of sense now. actually, he's my new standard of anime characters, other main characters also should constant talk about boobs, it's perfectly natural for boys of 15-16 years old. also, he's my little cutie pie and must be protected at all costs.
next, next... we have.... makima? big fan of her design! big fan of her clothes and her huge flapping coat! unfortunately, not a big fan of her manipulations and psychosexual relationship with denji🫤
power? i kinda like power (again, HUGE fan of her design, but i love designs of all characters tbh), she's cool, character wise? but ummmm, the way she uses everyone around her and tries to run away from practically every fight? even though she's, u know, a practically immortal demon? i must admit, that's not very cool of her 😐 like, i know she's a demon and her feelings and emotions are different because of that and maybe some great character development moment will happen to her next, but yeah.... as of now, i don't like her very much (although i do enjoy her dynamics with other characters)
aki is..... ok, ig? i don't have any problems with him, he's the most ok guy in the anime, he doesn't annoy me like some do. however..... (this might be a controversial opinion) i find him kinda boring. he's in some ways similar to sasuke or megumi from jjk but he doesn't have an interesting edge like sasuke did and he doesn't have friendly characters he can play off from and show off his softer side. again, maybe he'll get better in future episodes, he's going through a pretty interesting arc so maybe i'll warm up to him just like i did to megumi. i've got to say though, the way other characters treat him? so unfair!!! he agreed to live with power and denji (absolute nuisances), cook and clean the house for them, and what those two offer him in return? a visit to the hospital where they were acting like assholes and then?? stole his apples??? guys why😭 aki is a good dude
oh, now i guess, it's himeno's turn? and i got to admit, i was very VERY excited for this character to show up, her design is superb, but, um...... the way she practically threw herself at denji? denji who is only sixteen years old? i know she was drunk and going through a lot, but girl...... he's sixteen....... idk how old she is, my guess is somewhere between 22 and 25, which might not seem like a big age difference, but.... he's 16.... he's practically baby, why would she, ugh...... also hate to say this but her leadership skills in the ep with hotel kinda sucked ass? i can (sort of) excuse her not wanting for aki to fight because his sword shortens his life span, but those two newbies who were freaking out all the time and aggravating everyone around them? girl..... why didn't you just lock them in some room or tie them up to bed or SOMETHING, they clearly were bringing down everyone's moral and damaging the result of the operation
one of the newbies, the girl, her name is kobeni, if i'm not mistaken? annoyed me to no end in the beginning BUT when she saved danji? that was cool as shit bro, i really hope she did some self-reflection and will become a cool devil hunter in the future😌
the new guy? the crueler, more ruthless version of kakashi, who drinks and actively harms his two pupils? i love him!!! he's not only super cool (the strongest character! i just got to like a character like that), but also he's voiced by kenjiro tsuda and he did phenomenonal work as joker from fire force and nanami from jjk and his voice is really, really sexy, ok?
other new characters - tendo and the guy that is always with her? oh, they're good, no complaints about them (yet), and i hope we'll get to see more of them in the future
so, in conclusion! i like csm, the op kicks ass, the characters are interesting, but not very likable. i can excuse murder, (some) war crimes, amorality and general ruthlessness but i absolutely draw the line at trying to seduce the main underaged character, i'm sorry 😔
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