#idk if I should tag this with actual tags or not
steakcreature · 9 hours
I'm fucking dying ghghghsjsj
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I guess this is original. By sweepswoop from twitter I guess. Correct me if I wrong.
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when I want to write something self indulgent to give me all the angsty and cuddly hurt/comfort feels but I can't because I end up feeling guilty because I'm seeking after feels that I feel in an inappropriate place because my mom told me one time when I was 15 that I shouldn't search that out or it's probably sexual sin but it confuses me because ALL the feels happen that way for me even if it's entirely platonic and nonsexual and so I don't know if it's okay to want to write to that because apparently all pleasure of any sort, even over platonic stories, is sexual or comes with a possibly probably sexual feeling and I also am having a hard time figuring out what's genuine conviction from God and what's just my anxiety/OCD/perfectionism/fear of failure
#like I feel like it's conviction. but also when I analyze it... I'm not doing anything sexual??? the stories I'm writing are#ENTIRELY platonic#it's like. found family feels.#but then why do I feel so guilty/convicted over it and feel better/less guilty when I stop writing anything feelsy#like... I guess I'm only allowed to write plot and can't ever write hugs and hurt/comfort anymore#my mom keeps saying I should journal all this instead of venting it at everybody and honestly maybe she's right#idk how to handle this but also I feel like if I just find a holding pattern where I can strike a healthy balance of lile#like* what is correct and healthy for me to enjoy#then the anxiety over it might pass? I don't want to avoid conviction though but like. why am I convicted over#writing a story where someone who's been treated like a monster finds a family who loves them#like.. is it because I'm seeking out whatever that feeling in my lower belly/groin is????#but that's like... so tied up in enjoyment and hurt/comfort to me that idk if I'm ACTUALLY looking for that#or if this is just what I write#and idk if that even is sinful in any way at all!!!#and why can't I just get over this? like I keep going in circles with it and it's so frustrating#idk this is totally tmi I just got hit with this awful feeling after work today and the only thing I can pinpoint it to#is this specific thing I've been writing. but even though yeah I've been getting feelsy with it... it's PLATONIC#ENTIRELY COMPLETELY NONSEXUAL. so like... is it that pleasure feeling that's the thing I'm being convicted over??#probably. bc that's the only thing that eases the feeling of conviction/anxiety/guilt#and also probably no one is reading all these tags lol sorry guys I'll go away now
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eevylynn · 2 days
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @endwersed and @violetfairydust
This is from my fic for the Sterek Reverse Bang
Eventually, they found themselves way in the middle of a clearing, a cliff rising high on one side, providing at least one wall of protection from anyone stumbling upon them. A stream flowed along the opposite side, adding a peaceful ambiance to the area.
“Well, this is pretty,” Stiles said, turning in place to observe the clearing around him. “How did you find this place?”
“I used to come out here with my Cora, Laura, and our cousins,” Derek replied softly.
Stiles turned to give him a soft look, but he didn’t say anything because he knew Derek wouldn’t want to dwell on it.
“So, what’s the plan?” Stiles asked, swinging his arms nervously but trying not to look like he was actually nervous.
“First things first,” Derek began, “we need to find out how strong you actually are.”
“Yeah, obviously,” Stiles said.
“So, we know that when the Nogitsune had full control of your body, it was stronger than me.”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” Stiles winced, memories of the Nogitsune tossing Derek like a ragdoll flashing in his mind.
“Don’t worry about it,” Derek said firmly, dismissing Stiles’ concerns with a wave of his hand. “It wasn’t you.”
“We’re going to start with a warm up. What I want you to do first is climb that,” Derek said, pointing to the cliff that rose next to them. He pulled his phone out of his pocket. “I’m going to time you to see how fast you can climb up and then get back down.”
“What about you?” Stiles said. 
“I know how long it takes me,” Derek said simply.
“Well, I think you should climb with me,” Stiles said with a sly grin. “We’ll be able to compare better.”
“You just don’t want to face humiliating defeat if I beat you at this already,” Stiles taunted, his grin widening
Derek fought a smile, obviously debating internally whether or not he should give in. He shook his head with a sigh. “Fine,” he conceded, returning his phone back to his pocket. “Let’s get on with this.”
“And no jumping?” Stiles added quickly. “Just pure climbing, right?” He had seen how much the werewolves in his life took advantage of their ability to jump high and far.
“Just climbing,” Derek confirmed, a glint of amusement in his eyes. “We’ll test your jumping later.”
They walked over to the cliff and discussed the best spots for both to climb, ensuring the challenge was as fair as possible. Once they were in position, Derek counted down.
“Ready. Set. Go!”
At Derek’s signal, they both grabbed a hold of the cliff wall and began climbing. Stiles was thrilled by how quickly he could identify the best handholds and footholds, his muscles working in perfect coordination to propel him upward. Glancing quickly to his left, he saw that he and Derek were neck and neck. The surge of confidence pushed him to climb faster, and before he knew it, he was pulling himself over the top.
Mere seconds later, Derek joined him at the top, and Stiles couldn’t help but cheer.
“Nice work,” Derek said, a hint of pride in his voice.
Stiles grinned widely, soaking in the rare praise. “So, what’s next?”
“Next, jump down,” Derek instructed calmly.
Stiles’ grin faltered. “Wait, jump?”
“Jump…off the cliff?” Stiles asked, staring over the edge in disbelief.
“Yes, Stiles. Jump off of the cliff.”
“But…” Stiles hesitated, his brain short-circuiting as he looked down at the fifty-foot drop. “That’s over 50 feet.”
“Yes,” Derek confirmed, his tone unwavering. “And you can handle it.”
Stiles swallowed hard, nerves tingling in his gut. However, he trusted Derek, so he took a deep breath in and jumped, feeling the wind rush past him as he plummeted towards the ground.
Idk who hasn't done this yet, so I'm going to tag @hedwig221b @thotpuppy @rosieposiepuddingnpie and anyone else that wants to do it
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notveevee · 2 days
megumi x reader smau | prev | masterlist | next
cp 10: prolly not
when toge woke up late, again. “he should probably stop streaming so much” is the advice yuta gave to toge although he did NOT take it. but now he has 20 minutes until he has to be at class. ☹️
he arrives 2 minutes late, internally thanking yuta for reminding him to do his homework last night. i mean, he did it.. but most of the answers were copied offline.
yuji sits next to him again. and almost immediately starts a conversation with him, maybe maki was right.. he is loud. toge sinks deeper into turtle neck and closes his eyes hoping he would get the hint to talk to him later.
he doesnt, whatever…… i guess i actually have to talk to him. toge listens to whatever he was saying and it sounds like he is trying to find out if he is a streamer or not. “so.. i was on… Twitch.. the other day.. ever heard of it..?” yuji says. “yeah. arent you a streamer” toge replies, hopefully he didnt sound too mean.
yujis eyes widen slightly as his voice goes down to a whisper “WHAT HOW DID YOU KNOW” yuji whispers. “my friend watches your streams” yuji makes a quiet “oh” … “are they also a streamer” yuji asks. “mhm” toge replies
“we should stream together sometime!” yuji excitedly says. “oh, i dont know if one of my friends would be… thrilled… to meet you”
“whatttt…. why nott”
“i dunno, shes been weird lately” toge laughs slightly
they both go back to their notes
at the last 5 minutes of class they resume their conversation on streaming, “we really should, it would be good for our accounts” yuji says with a smile
“i could probably get 2/3 of my friends to come. one might be a little harder” toge says
“do you want my number so we can plan it ?”
“sure. its xxx-xxx-xxxx” toge says
“thanks!” yuji walks off when the class ends
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spongebob pfp!!!
i do have a test on monday 😭😭
i got a 98 on my science test guys!! (clap)
so smarttt!!
maki keeps auto correcting to maki
toge did NOT listen to maki.
btw i do nkt proofread anythin i write, you can probaly tell tho.
no i didnt spell prolly wrong 🌀🌀
your telling me a shrimp fried this rice
when yuji said theyre he was talking about maki, he doesnt know anything about her yet
taglist (10/20) ask to be added
@frogtits1 @megumisdivinedogs @asparkofapricity @satoryaa @starmaiya11 @1ndee @tuna-toes @loriisheart @kurtcobaingirlie @city-of-lovers
if you werent tagged then idk… sorry…..
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gayferrari · 1 day
we as a community need to get more rpf-y about the fact that charles' girlfriend's name is alex
I see your vision. However EYE am more interested in the fact that in a certain light she looks like she and Carlos could be related.
Long answer: this ask sent me down a bit of a thought spiral about how F1 fandom in general deals with IRL significant others, as opposed to other sports RPF fandoms I've lurked in, so you get an actual essay, sorry.
I think it's interesting how F1 fic writers tend to just ignore irl partners, way more than other sports fandoms. You know how the tag “AU: no girlfriend / no wives” gets A Lot of mileage elsewhere? In F1 it's hardly ever used, because wags are simply excluded by default. The only ships that sometimes remember partners exist (include them or deliberately write around them) are ships involving guys like Seb or Nico whose relationships are a big part of their lives and are probably harder to just push to the side.
By contrast, the younger crop of drivers have a big social media presence that's almost impossible to ignore BUT does not include their actual irl partners because it's all work mandated PR, so these men's F1 personas make it very easy to paint them as single. Even if their broader public personas (outside of F1) are very high profile and often includes very public relationships and friendships — it's not like they keep their relationships lowkey, you know? But people just choose not to dig into those layers of lore, probably simply because the stuff we get through team PR videos and grill the grid already gives us a lot to work with.
IDK, I just find it fascinating! I bet many people don't even notice, but TO ME it's kinda glaring how often everyone in fic is single because imo it's such a fundamental component of the elite athlete lifestyle how these guys always have someone to come home to (and do some emotional labour for them). It doesn't have to be their actual irl girlfriends — many people draw the RPF line at including semi-famous partners, and that's a totally understandable stance — but there aren't even that many OC girlfriends. It is something that stands out to me compared to, idk, hockey RPF to make the most obvious comparison.
HAVING SAID ALL THAT. Yeah, I'd actually be very interested in more fics where Charles has a girlfriend. Again, it doesn't have to be a fictional version of his actual rl girlfriend, it can just be an OC with a different name. BUT, Charles's whole serial monogamy thing is actually a really big part of his personality that I think fandom misses out on, because HE is the one who's assigned the role of girlfriend in most ships he's involved in. You know, the omegafication of Charles... I get why it's a popular trend, I've written it myself and enjoy reading it. But I think there are interesting things to be done, characterisation wise, drawing on the fact that irl he's very much A Dude, and also a serious relationship kinda guy, and a very basic kinda straight guy who yearns for three children by age 35. Like... I think taking THAT kind of man and giving him a sexuality crisis is an avenue full of potential that the fandom could explore more.
tldr: I fully respect people's decision NOT to engage with significant others in RPF but also I think it has potential if you're inclined to go that way! so yea I agree RPF fandom could and should do more with Charles having a girlfriend even if people choose not to RPF *this* specific girlfriend.
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spot-the-ableism · 3 days
to set the record straight, as I have zero things to hide.
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[IMAGE ID: a tumblr post by user crippled-peeper, it is a reblog chain of 3 posts. It reads “accuses me of “race faking” because I talked about being a refugee from Katrina checks my bio again first line: white man” next reblog reads “idk what’s more fucked up, that these bloggers are named “spot the antisemitism” or “ spot the ableism” or the fact that they are so racist and ableist they think the only way a white person could be a refugee is if they’re making it up” next post reads “ “you can’t be a refugee and disagree with me!!! Everyone knows that I am the arbiter of who is and isn’t a refugee as someone who lives in a gated community in the USA !!! Don’t you know I RUN A BLOG?!?!?” The tags read “#I’m so glad other people are im agreement that these kids are actual clowns not to be taken seriously at all” END ID:]
I never said or insinuated that you were not a climate refugee, nor that you were a racefaker
above is proof, I have not edited the posts nor want to. You have the reblogs to prove I in fact did not edit anything.
the things you are claiming I “did” were things that spot-the-antisemitism did and said.
intracommunity ableism is still ableism, hate speech against both Jewish and other disabled people is not okay, you can be both completely totally right to call out spot-the-antisemitism’s ableism and commit hate speech against random Jewish and disabled people. You can do both, nuance exists.
me calling you out on harmful behaviour and inciting hate speech is not a bad nor immoral thing I’d hope you would do it to me.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
if you are mad at me swearing at you may I remind you that you have committed way worse acts of hate speech and yet I gave you benefit of the doubt. People are allowed to swear at people.
i have said you may be having a horrible time right now due to medication troubles and that people should not harass you regardless. And that they should keep in mind that you have been through a lot and do not want harassment. I do also humbly apologise for swearing it was wrong of me to and not conducive to anything helpful.
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if anything I have been way too forgiving, what you have said to many well meaning and non-ableist/normal disabled people has been utterly vile and yet do I use that against you? Yet do I say those same things towards you? Yet do I mean to hurt or harass you? No.
I live my life, you live yours, I care about you enough to actually call out people who do wish to hurt you. I shouldn’t, but I do. If you return my very calm and sincere response with the same energy and hatred that you usually do it is not in good faith.
you are having a hard time, a hard time always. And I do not wish to contribute to that. But I cannot stay silent and let others be hurt by what you do and you say. Words do effect reality, there are people behind these screens and I am one, and I am writing this sincerely.
again why am I ableist when I was the one to in fact call out and hold spot-the-antisemitism accountable, and explain why it was bad? I spotted the ableism, simple as that.
I am no wimp, or coward if you wish to call me horrible things I am proud to Bare it.
As I do with all things.
sincerely a disabled person who was told way worse things than this over the course of my childhood.
if you do say "KYS" or any variation of it I will be reporting you.
as that. is. hate. speech. and violent speech which. is. not. legal.
I have not discriminated against you nor malgendered you, I have only sweared at you at the worst (and called out that fakeclaiming and spewing violent hate speech is unacceptable), if anything I have been on your side on most of this.
this comes from a place of love, not hatred.
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gurugirl · 2 days
Hi, idk really why I want to ask you this but sometimes I just feel so insecure about the fact I’m still a virgin at 23. I haven’t even kissed someone. I’ve always been so insecure about my looks that I’ve never wanted to get intimate with someone, and i know I’m not ugly but I just feel like now the fact I have never had anything makes me feel repulsive. I’ve been on dates but I’ve just never felt that interested in them? I like my alone time too and I feel like I can’t be bothered trying to force a relationship when I want to work on myself. I’m going travelling in 6 months for a year and I doubt I’ll meet someone when I’m travelling so I’ll be 25 almost when I come back and still a virgin. Is that bad? I know I should take things at my pace but I just feel like there must be something wrong with me if I don’t really want to with anyone I’ve met who’s been into me? What should I do?
I got wordy here so a read more was necessary ↓
Hi hon. I say this anytime someone asks me about having not met some milestone yet - but you still being a virgin at 23 really doesn't define you at all and it's not weird. I bet I could post a poll right now and ask who's still a virgin past the age of 23 and you'd see a lot more virgins than not. In fact, I just had a recent anon who is also 23 and a virgin (pretty sure I posted this ask yesterday - check the #ask tag on my blog if you'd like) so you're not alone. Not even close.
Milestones, especially something like when you should lose your virginity, should all be done away with. There's no timeline for something like that. And I'm sure you've heard it before but you definitely want to enjoy your first time having sex and do it with someone you trust and not force yourself to get it over with. While I think virginity is mostly just a social construct, it can be a big deal to us as individuals.
You aren't repulsive, there's nothing wrong with you, and you get to decide when and with whom you do have sex with. No one but you. I actually think you sound like you have a good head on your shoulders. You've gone on dates and have made the mature decision that you weren't that into the people you dated, you know you're someone who enjoys your alone time (me too hon), you already know better than to force a relationship (some people don't get this concept bc they're scared to be alone and by the time they realize what they've done it's too late), and you're about to go on a year-long travel which is huge and there would be so many people your age terrified to travel for a year. You're brave, adventurous, and smart.
I think you're way more amazing than you realize, just from this ask I can pick up how mature and emotionally intelligent you are. Don't compromise. You're doing absolutely amazing. And also don't discount yourself that you're not going to perhaps meet someone on your travels. Who knows what will happen? Maybe you'll still be a virgin after the year is up - but that's perfectly okay too. Be open to what could happen and keep doing what you're doing.
Also, it's going to benefit you to not talk badly about yourself. Start telling yourself how impressive and how unique you are. Do away with saying such negative things. Seriously. No more of that that! You're going to be just fine. Remember that you're still young, you're smart, and you're about to do something that most people in this world cannot say they've ever done, nor would they be brave enough to (enjoy wherever your travels take you!).
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lovecoredeity · 9 months
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this still doesn’t feel Finished to me but I don’t know if it ever will be so I’m posting it! Behold, some of what I imagine Lanturn would have in his inventory/on his person!
pictured is: detachable stained glass horn caps, a locket which contains a picture of himself, a poison ring, a hand mirror, various jewels and jewelry, a bottle of perfume, a picker watch that doubles as a compact mirror, money and lastly one of the lanterns that he hangs from his tail!
♡ if you like my art please consider buying me a kofi ♡
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stoopidstapler · 1 year
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therealamperssand · 5 days
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another goddamn mystery
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bedforddanes75 · 2 months
im not american but some of you guys are just fucking stupid ong what do you MEAN youre not gna vote because you disagree with like one part of what youre voting for. like okay me when im fucking thick
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clown-eating-pig · 8 months
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Date night for Chester and Norris
(+shoutout to @moofter for drawing the design on the mug 😌)
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zelkam · 6 months
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— chuck palahniuk, haunted
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ghostlykidplaidbanana · 9 months
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A continuation of this post
You thought it was just rise and 2012?
Im thinking I’ll make more of these crossover shenanigans I’ve got a lot of ideas silly smirk emoji
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betweenlands · 3 months
i walk into the literature convention wearing a shirt that says ask me about the uniquely complex conditions of live improvisation, limitation of expression by narrative and physical constraints, meta-awareness of a specific audience, video editing/framing choices, and amateur enthusiast storytelling that contribute to virtual improv roleplay* being a fascinating nascent artform that is uniquely suited to telling stories that cannot be told in any other format and everyone cheers & claps & whoops & hollers and then they read the smaller text saying *especially within Minecraft builds, maps, servers, streams, and videos and then everyone boos & yells & shoots me with lasers and guns & blows me up with grenades & hits me with 2x4s
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bowelfly · 1 year
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RIDICULOUS. this was so big that even with tumblr's recently expanded image limit i still had to weld every other image together to fit it into one post, but if you want to see every image in its full glory, i made a page for it on my website (jankily hand-coded and probably not very mobile friendly).
it was so fun to see which elements stuck around and for how long. i still can't believe the skeleton got banished and then resurrected 15 iterations later!
huge thanks to everyone who participated. in order:
@mobileleprechaun, ink drinker, @dimetrodrawn, @escherbug, @gachimushi, @ikrutt, @dunwichdrawsstuff, @mathpope, @bedupolker, @solidagold, @a-beepbop, thenauticalwarlock, @ohpsshaw, @eisly, @juenavei, me, @librivore42, @greedol, @mechabutchzilla, @phanta-friends, @tickfleato, @skelizard, elixer, @espimyte, @noctomnis-art, @bluedotjpeg, @fetus-cakes, @iguanodont, @flame-shadow, @kombuchaclock, @slimekingmike, @crtastrophe, @leona-florianova, @skelebee, @nutspider, @palossssssand, and gachimushi again for the header image to this post
whew! now time to seriously consider a yearlong 72-artist game...
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