#idk if he sounds young in the other versions of the game
teatitty · 5 months
Was showing some TW3 Lambert scenes to Rae tonight and it's soooo cute that he's such an emotional drunk. Depending on dialogue choices, you can have a scene play out where Geralt's like "you know you're like a little brother to me right?" And Lambert goes "[voice cracking] Why would you say that to me? I'm gonna cry. Come here" and as he moves in for a hug he knocks the empty wine bottle to the floor and just shatters it everywhere ruining the moment asfrtdfgt they're all such a fucking mess
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harmoniouseclipse · 25 days
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Woe fankids be upon ye
Doing a little series where I took some ship requests on my instagram to make them fankids, this one is for me tho (jeanlisa to kick it off whoo 🙌🏻) The lineup so far is Cytham, Kavetham, Lionfish (aka Freminet x Gaming aged up probably idk how old they are canonically), Cynonari, Jealuc, and Beiguang, and feel free to send me some other pairings you wanna see (as long as they are legal pls otherwise I will ignore it 👎)
I'm gonna ramble about some headcanons and lore for them under the cut, continue with caution bc I'm insane
These two are my brainrot rn, don't even joke lad. And I wanna tell yall their name meanings too bc I like them a lot 🥹 Zephra's means "west wind" derived from Greek, and it's the feminine version of Zephyr. Tyrian was a type of purple dye used by the Ancient Phoenicians, huge huge HUGE thanks to my pookie bear @miothefish for helping me out with his name!!! Also he has Lisa's butterfly earring and you can't see bc of the angle but Zephra has the rose that went in her hair holding her ponytail <3
I'm also making a massive family tree for the characters as a go along, and just the jeanlisa tree is taking up half of the canvas bc of the KoF and Sumeru characters since Cyno is their uncle and the rest of the gang are their honorary uncles 😭 I'll be posting that once the series is done/all the requests are finished/I run out of ships and otps I enjoy
Here's an alternative version with some more info on most of the characters I wanted to briefly mention in their relation to them; Tyrian likes calling Eula his aunt too even though she was never really considered one for them so it's kind of like her unofficial title she pretends to dislike but she loves it and dotes on Tyrian 🤭 She and Diluc also helped train Zephra with a claymore and Diluc kind of became a parental figure to her in her teen years after Lisa's passing 🥺 She also feels like she's outshined by Jean and that she's not smart or powerful enough to follow in Lisa's footsteps (something that Lisa wouldn't want anyways bc it led her to her death 😔) rip zephra she's just like me fr
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And yeah some Kaeya angst bc he's still going thru it I fear, and Jean is single mombossing but she's worried for zephra which me too dawg, im afraid to say she might be cooked 😦 Zephra is also kind of like a weird mix of Lisa when she was her age and Jean, where overall she's well-mannered and kind but she can be competitive and feel the need to push herself too much and pull a few strings to get what she wants from time to time. Tyrian is a ray of sunshine tho, he has not yet witnessed the horrors 💔 I do think that Jean is also a lot easier on him than her mom was with her so that also helps. He's very shy tho and wants to stick with Zephra or Razor most of the time, and they both have some nasty tan lines from going out with Razor and Klee and Fischl a lot 😔 Cyno also freaking loves them and dotes on them and Tyrian is getting a TCG addiction because of it smh, Cyno is also one of Zephra's favorite people and when she's in Sumeru she stays with him and Alhaitham (bc in my universe they are married ough I love cytham)
And (I think?) Klee physically and mentally ages slower than humans so I think she'd be technically 9 or 10, and Zephra is left with babysitting duty most of the time if she's home on break or smth 😭 Klee really looks up to her tho
Also, I wrote Tyrian's last bullet point like he was super young when Lisa died, but I think he was around 7 so he actually remembers Lisa better than I intended it to sound, he was just younger than Zephra (who was 11 at the time) and just didn't have as much time with her as Zeph did, but his most fond memory of Lisa was reading with her and she probably taught them some potion-making skills too.
I think there will be some abyss angst in here too at some point, since I hc Lisa to be probably an Abyss Lector/Harold (I forget which is which) um so thinking that Zeph and Tyrian experiencing some not normal things happening and Jean doesn't know what to do since Lisa also didn't really know what that dog in her was until it was too late 😔 That's what Kaeya's for tho since he's like the heir of the abyss???? Go off king. Also some touchy ragbros angst bc Kaeya is scared for Zeph knowing how close she is with Luc and he doesn't want him to push her away because of her being from the abyss or smth (they mostly made up but it's still a fear in Kaeya's mind both for him and Jean's kids)
I think that's all I wanted to touch on for now?? Mainly just thinking about domestic fluff and angst all the time now 🥺 Zeph not being able to be open with Jean bc she feels like a disappointment but Jean would literally actually die for her and shes proud of her no matter what ough im going to lose my freak dawg guess who my favorite fankid is it's super hard ik
Send me asks or dms or whatever for more ship requests!!! I'm having so much fun with this dawg 🫶🏻
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googleincognitomode · 6 months
Hunger Games headcanons:
Katniss = I think she has a very feminine voice, but, it’s quiet and very low. Like she is always speaking with a sort of flu. I would imagine it like a decent sounding voice- sounding very caring. She stresses certain words and certain letter ( like the A in Peeta or the R n M in Prim). An early Rory Gilmore maybe???
Peeta = a worldly accepted nice voice. I like to think he had a bit of a speech- impediment as a little kid or toddler, and his mum mad him read-out-aloud to be both a confidence speaker and has proper articulation. Very charming voice, like he can be real persuasive. All words are pronounced perfectly and nice. Like an audiobook reader.
Gale = I think his would sound so similar to Kevin Eleven. I can’t explain it. Like it’s moderately low, but it’s youthful enough to remind you he is still a teenager. It might even sound like his nose is a bit blocked? Idk. I think he also sounds like he is always sarcastic, but kids really grasp onto him, thinking he ‘sounds cool’
Annie = she sounds like Cher from clueless. Like so so nice and sweet. A loveable Valley girl
Effie = exactly like Elizabeth Banks. Maybe more of a transatlantic accent- with a bit more British flair!!
Haymitch = a very distinctive mix b/ween Woody and current Billy Ray Cyrus. Has a smokers laugh. Voice carries a lot of weight and somber. A voice that can put you into a good nights sleep
Finnick = surfer. Malibu. A Cali guy accent that idk of. I’m imagining a younger, more calmer version of that Turtle from Finding Nemo. Idk. Idk how. But that’s Finnick.
Johanna- a mix of an American- Canadian accent. She sound like she’s from Washington/Oregan (canon in d7 location)
Madge= a very pretty voice. Similar to peeta, I think she had lots of public speaking practices, due to being the daughter of the mayor. However, she is really quite so no one hears her talking too much h. But everyone stops and listens to what she says- a real leader type of voice. Like everyone can hear it perfect, it’s right everything. A fairing charm and attractiveness I think. I also think she is really good at mimicking accent. Has a bit of a habit calling ppl w nicknames, like sweetie or darling or smth. Some sarcastic and others to be nice.
Prim = it’s a real gentle voice. Like all her words are whispers and really soft. Like a perpetually lullaby or speaking to a young child voice. But it always carry’s a sombering sadness that can’t be masked, even if she isn’t sad.
Beetee = exactly in the movie. I wouldn’t change a thing. A piece of perfection!! Maybe w a British- erudite ness to his voice. Otherwise, nothing
Snow = transatlantic. Exactly like an old Hollywood movie. He doesn’t sound like anyone around him- talks like he is from another world. But I think he makes himself seem different; he will make a trend to be English-sounding and once all Capitol citizens mimic him, he swaps and then comes American. He does this all the time
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hi! hope you're doing okay—I've got a holocaust-history-in-media question for you. I was talking to my brother the other day, and he mentioned how his 10-year-old son tried out "Anne Frank mode" on the meta VR headset. I was kind of horrified, because that sounds deeply exploitative and disrespectful—but he went on to say it's just a VR version of the Anne Frank house, and that it let my nephew explore history in a new way. He was able to touch things and move them around in a way he wouldn't be able to IRL, not to mention the accessibility of not having to travel.
My nephew's kind of an unusual kid, and he chose this "game" while at a friend's house. All the other kids got bored and left pretty much immediately, but he stayed to learn, and my brother says that at the end his takeaway was, "It's so sad. It's so sad and awful what human beings do to each other."
Part of me is just like "No, absolutely not, that is not for VR companies to profit off of in any way, this feels inherently exploitative." But idk. If it increases accessibility and education in a meaningful way, then perhaps that disquiet is simply reactionary.
Then I remembered I have access to an actual Holocaust historian, someone who even specializes in women's narratives and the media portrayals of same.
So, no worries if you're busy/don't have time to respond to this, but I thought it might be an interesting question for you. Do you think the VR Anne Frank house is a good thing?
Ooooooh this is an interesting one. It's also a question that I think I would have answered differently a few years ago. I mean, I've posted here about my issues with central role Anne Frank has been accorded within Holocaust memory, I've posted about the politics of people playing Pokemon Go at sites of atrocities and disasters...
But. Technology changes SO quickly. I read this fantastic article probably 10+ years ago now about how the millennial generation began to express collective nostalgia SO quickly and so young, because technology and the norms it introduces change so quickly. I'm 34 and while that's hardly ancient, the technological world inhabited by children and adolescents is effectively alien to me because of this massive, rapid, ongoing change.
Moreover, I think the pandemic gave us all an...unwanted but helpful bootcamp in what works wrt education over the phone/computer, and what doesn't. In my personal and professional life, I've met and spoken with STEM companies/individuals who specialize in working with museums, historical societies, etc. And they're not just in it to make a buck--they're there to work with museums etc in increasing access and keeping up with educational trends because they know it's important and smart people value STEAM education.
So, despite my acknowledged concerns issued in the first paragraph, and the kneejerk negative reaction I think you and I share, I think my conclusion is that this is a good thing. Like, as a Holocaust historian, pubic historian, educator, and now a Hebrew School teacher of 7-11 year olds, I think whatever gets kids interested and engaged is Good; whatever draws them and gets them thinking about it is Good; even if the tech and infrastructure involved is something that I previously took (philosophical) issue with.
This doesn't mean I don't still have concerns about the centrality of Anne Frank, but let's be real: I lost that battle a long time ago. I've said my piece, and if Anne Frank is going to be kids' gateway into learning about the Holocaust, I'm glad to see that it's being done responsibly, well, and in keeping with how kids engage with education and tech in 2024.
There are, obviously, many theoretical conversations to be had about the implications of this kind of thing, and I hope a grad student applies like, Walter Benjamin to it for a first year paper, but this is my answer purely in terms of access and education.
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lainiespicewrites · 1 year
Someone to take her home
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Hey guys so I wrote this a while ago! This is a Henry one shot it an OFC because I'll die on the self insert hill! LOL it gives me so much comfort. Is that weird IDK. Anyway this story is kind of heavy. I wrote this to get out some feelings about an SA that I had experienced. I've always been someone that if I'm stressed I rewrite the situation with a comforting outcome or a better outcome to release the stress or make myself feel better. I wanted to sort of write myself a way to get some comfort from the trauma. And I hope having a character like this sweet soft version of Henry may help some of you too. I never reached out for myself for help and maybe I should have but if you experienced something please talk to someone. If you need someone to talk to or just want a place to let it out my DM's are a safe space <3 Just as disclaimer this doesn't mention any of the actual situation that happened to me. Just a filler to get out the emotion. Still this is a fluff with lots of love and sweet gentle young Henry bc I just know in my soul this was and is how he is as a person!
Warnings: Light Cursing, Trauma, Mentions of sexual assault. (Please reach out for help even if it's just talking to someone about your situation. My DM's are open if y'all wanna talk after this <3)
Description: OFC goes to college party and meets Henry and they become fast friends. and he helps her when things turn bad with a guy he warned her about.
I stared at myself in the mirror one more time. I needed to leave soon. If I looked any longer I would find something I hated and talk myself out of going. So I grabbed my bag and turned off my bedroom light. Nervous didn’t begin to describe how I was feeling. I’d never been to a party like this before. Sure I’d been out a few times in high school. But it was usually theater cast parties. And one time my friend and I stole some captain morgan from her parents liquor cabinet. But this was on an entirely different scale. 
Most of my drinking was a night in with the girls with wine or movie night drinking games. God I sound so boring. It’s not that I don’t enjoy partying. I was genuinely excited to be invited out tonight. Lilly and I had worked together for a few assignments in class. And we would say hi when we ran into each other in the dorms. But, I never expected to get a text this afternoon inviting me to her boyfriend's party. Purdue was an incredibly large campus. Upwards of 40,000 plus students. Yet somehow Lilly’s boyfriend Riley Hardesty seemed to know everyone. He was known for throwing huge parties all year. They weren’t exclusive. You could just be driving through the neighborhood and stop in.  But she told me a friend of  Riley’s had asked her about me. 
Matt Parker. I know of him. He’s in my English 204 lecture. But we’ve never talked. But he is really attractive. So maybe something good would come from all of this! I decided just to walk as my dorm wasn’t far from the house Riley and his roommates lived in. It was a cool night in mid october and I was definitely regretting the little black denim skirt I was wearing. I was smart enough to wear a cardigan but it was still cold. Thank God it's only 2 blocks down. I bit my lip nervously. Am I even going to know anyone here? Anyone I actually talk to? It’s too late now. I already got dressed and ready. I walked here. I have to go through with this. 
I took a deep breath and walked inside. Things were already full swing. I could hear the music outside before I even opened the door. No one seemed to notice me and honestly I was okay with that. I looked around scanning the room. Almost everyone had a drink in hand, standing around in groups talking. The smell of  pot hit me immediately as I started to walk through the house. I wasn’t  the least bit surprised. I made my way to the kitchen where I found multiple drinks, alcohol and mixers available. I kept it simple and grabbed a wine cooler. Something fruity. I was definitely going to need a buzz if I was going to be here longer than 5 minutes.
 I pushed my way out of the kitchen and found a quiet corner to drink and observe for a while. I was busy listening to some guys talk about last weekend's football game when I heard someone’s voice. And I realized they were talking to me. I shifted my eyes seeing a guy standing next to me. He was maybe 6’1, blue eyes, and brown hair with soft curls. I gave him a gentle smile,
“I’m sorry, what was that?” I asked. He smiled and chuckled softly. His smile was beautiful. 
“I uh, Just noticed your shirt. Are you a Def Leppard fan?” He asked. I looked down. I completely forgot that was the shirt I was wearing. I just thought a band t-shirt would look cute with the skirt. But
“Yeah! Well I know a few of their songs! My Mom was in her 20’s in the 80’s and she loved them!” I said. 
“She has good taste! They’re awesome! Are you here by yourself? Not trying to be creepy I just noticed you were by yourself over here and I wanted to make sure you were alright,” He rambled. I nodded.
“I look that out of place huh? Yeah, I um. I’m friends with Riley’s girlfriend. Well not friends necessarily. But I know her. Anyway she invited me because of some friend of Riley’s but I don’t know this isn’t normally my scene. Wow that was a lot,” I blushed. “Sorry,” I mumbled. 
“For?” He smiled, raising an eyebrow. “We’re talking. I like getting to know people! And I totally get it. This can kind of be a lot sometimes. I actually came with some friends but I needed to step away from all the crazy for a second. I’m Henry by the way.” He smiled, extending his hand. I took it and He squeezed mine softly. 
“Alayna!” I said. 
“It’s nice to meet you!” He smiled. “Which one of Riley’s friends? If you don't mind me asking,” He raised an eyebrow. 
“Matt Parker,” I said bluntly. “You know him,” Henry took a sip of his beer and nodded. 
“I do, He’s alright. We’re sort of friends I suppose. He may have good intentions. Listen, I know you don’t need my advice, but just be careful around him. I don’t know what you were expecting with him or hoping for. But he can be a little, well, if I had a daughter I wouldn’t trust him with her. But I could be wrong. I’m sorry, that was a bit much. I don't want to ruin your evening,” He said. 
“For?” I smirked copying his face from earlier. “You seem to have pure intentions. Just looking out for someone. That’s really kind of you actually. I honestly don't know what I was expecting. But I can handle myself. I didn’t really come out tonight for him. I wanted to actually let loose and have fun for once. I’ve been trying to have more adventures, meet new people, make new friends.” I smiled looking him in the eyes on that last part. He gave me a big smile and held out his beer bottle to cheers me. 
“To new friends,” He spoke and we clinked our bottles together. “I like you, I mean talking to you.” He said. 
“I like talking to you too! I was honestly super anxious about coming tonight. I was worried I’d be too anxious and awkward to have fun or it would be too much. Because this is a lot. I’m 100% sure I saw someone do coke off the kitchen counter. But I’m actually enjoying myself. Right now anyway.” I laughed. Henry chuckled. 
“Good! Well, I’m going to go find my friends but, what's your number? I’ll send you a text real quick and if you get overwhelmed or uncomfortable  or need to escape all of this for a bit come find me! Or text me. I’d be happy to be there for you.  And we can just chill out for a while.” I smiled and gave him my phone number. It was nice to meet someone as kind as Henry. You don’t meet a lot of people that… genuine and gentlemanly in places like this. He gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze before he walked off to find his friends. I wandered off to get another drink while I was standing in the kitchen waiting to grab another wine cooler. I felt someone lay their arm across my shoulder. 
“Hey gorgeous,” I recognized Matt’s voice. I gave him a soft smile. 
“Hi,” I spoke. 
“I’m glad you came tonight, You having a good time,” He asked, clearly buzzed. 
“Yeah,” I said tentatively “One hell of a party!” I laughed. 
“For sure!” He smiled and moved to the side of me taking his arm off my shoulder. “What are you drinking babe?” He asked. 
“Just Mike's lemonade.” I chuckled awkwardly. 
“Aw come on girl you can do something stronger than that huh?” He joked. I shook my head.
“I probably could but I’d rather not get sick.” I said. 
“Aw well come on at least do a shot with me?” He asked, giving me a puppy dog face and pouting. “Just tequila, we got training wheels!” He added. 
“I don’t know… I don’t wanna get too crazy,” I said. 
“Nah, it’ll be alright, it’ll just loosen you up a bit!” He spoke already pouring the shots. He slid one over to me. And a piece of lime. “Ready?” I picked up the shot and stared at it questioningly. 
“Alright,” He smiled. We clicked the glasses and hit them against the table before taking the shot. It was super bitter. I immediately followed it with the lime. But it didn’t help much. When I looked up again Matt had gotten me another Mike’s from the cooler.
“Atta girl!” He smirked. He took a step closer and I took the drink from him. Then I heard someone call his name from across the house. They were starting another game of beer pong. “That’s my que babe, but wait for me yeah? I’ll come back to you after this game!” He smirked and left a wet kiss on my cheek before running off to join the boys. 
Charming is certainly not a word I would use to describe him. But he’s nice. And he’s just trying to make sure I have fun. There’s no harm in that. I wandered around the party again. I opened up my new bottle and tossed the cap on a nearby coffee table. I thought about watching the beer pong game but I honestly wasn’t interested. I found the door leading to the backyard and saw there was a bonfire going. I stepped outside and found an empty seat by the fire. I watched it crackle for a bit and took a long sip of my drink. I felt a warmth inside me and knew it was coming from the alcohol. I started to relax as I listened to the fire and the white noise of the people chatting around me. It was a gorgeous night.
“Hey!” I heard a voice from behind me. “Funny meeting you out here!” Henry spoke, pulling up a chair next to me.
“Hey!” I said excitedly. “It’s calm out here. I like it!” I said. Henry smiled. 
“I do too, I love a good fire. Fuels the soul.” He half joked. 
“ I love the smell! Is that weird?” I laughed. 
“No,” He chuckled softly “Not at all! So, besides the band on that very cool shirt, What other music do you like?” Henry asked, leaning back in his chair and taking a long swig of his beer. 
“Oh all kinds. I’m a big lover of the stuff from the 70s though! Elton John, Heart, the Beatles, I guess they’re technically 60’s. I know it’s kind of old school but. I feel like they just don’t make music like that anymore.” I explained. 
“Classic! I like it,” He smiled. 
“What about you?” I asked. 
“Oh I’m all over the place too. I’m actually a big country fan!” He smirked. 
“I wouldn’t have expected that from you but I respect it. It’s not my favorite genre but there are definitely some good ones there!” I smiled. Henry and I chatted for a while. We talked about our majors. He's a history major. Where we’re from, he has an accent but I didn’t want to ask and be weird about it. He told me he’s from the UK. We talked about books, history and our friends. It was nice. A little while later I felt an arm around my shoulder again. I knew it was Matt. 
“There she is! Did you think I forgot about you babe?” He asked. 
“No,” I smiled blushing softly. He smiled. 
“Hey Henry! Are you having a good time, man?” He asked. Henry nodded and finished his beer. 
“Yeah! Actually I should go get another one. It was nice talking to you Alayna!” He smiled at me before he got up and left. I don’t know why but I could tell Henry wasn’t the biggest fan of Matt. He said they were friends earlier but I think he was just trying to be nice
I was shaken from the thought when I heard Matt’s voice again. 
“Hey, follow me!” He said enthusiastically. 
“Okay,” I smiled. I got up and followed him back inside. He led us upstairs and down the hall to what I assume was his room. 
“Too many people out there, I wanted to be alone with you,” He smiled. 
“That’s really sweet! It is pretty crowded.” I said. 
“Yeah,” He said blankly. “Are you enjoying the party?” He asked. 
“I am,” I said half telling the truth. I enjoyed talking to Henry. 
“God you’re so gorgeous,” He said. “I always want to talk to you in class but you always leave so quickly I never get the chance.” He said. 
“Thank you,” I blushed. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asked. I don’t know if I wanted it or if it was the alcohol but I nodded. He smirked and leaned in kissing me on the lips. It was gentle at first but then he quickly started using tongue. I felt kind of awkward. So I backed away. “Oh sorry, you okay?” he asked. 
“Yeah,” I lied. He just nodded and went back to kissing me. I kissed him back a bit but then I felt him start to feel me up. I froze. I really didn’t want that. He moved his hand under my shirt and I stopped him. 
“Uh Matt, I really don’t know about this.” I said nervously. He pulled back 
“It’s fine, nobody's gonna come in, don't worry about it.” He said and started kissing my neck. Oh god this sucks. 
“No I mean. I don’t… want to do this.” I stuttered. 
“Come on, it’ll be fun babe, it’ll be alright.” He kept feeling me up and continued kissing me. I felt stuck. He pushed himself against me, grinding into me. He moaned. I swallowed hard. Fuck, I really didn’t want this. 
“No, Matt, I really don’t want to.” I said again. 
“Shhh just go with it.” he said, shushing me. “You’ll enjoy it, I promise.” He said, sliding his hand under my skirt and rubbing his fingers against me. 
“No, stop Matt,” I said again, my voice quivering. He was definitely stronger than me. He used his other hand to take himself out of his shorts and he grabbed my hand putting it on him while he kept touching me, forcing his fingers inside. It hurt. I don’t know how but finally I found the strength to push him away from me. He stumbled back and fell against the bed and I ran out of the room. I could feel the tears stinging in my eyes already but I had to get out of this house. I quickly ran down the stairs and out the front door. Matt was pretty drunk so I don’t even think he tried to follow me. I walked a little way down the street and stopped letting out a sob. What the hell just happened. How did I let that happen? How could I have been stupid enough to trust him or follow him? I didn’t know what to do. I probably should have headed back to the dorm but I didn’t want to be alone right now. I took to my phone trying to think of who to talk to. 
I saw I had a text. It was Henry. “Hey it’s me! Henry I mean lol feel free to text me anytime.” I sent him a quick text taking a deep breath and trying to pull myself together. I didn’t want him to see me like this. I was so stupid. He tried to warn me. 
“Hey, it’s Alayna, where are you?” I sent it. To my surprise he responded almost immediately. 
“By the fire, You okay?” it read. 
“Would you wanna go on a walk with me?” I asked. There’s no way I could go back there. 
“Sure :) where are you?” 
“On the front sidewalk like 3 houses down toward campus.” 
“Be right there!” true to his word about 2 minutes later I saw him walking down the sidewalk toward me. 
“How are you?” He asked. 
“Good,” I nodded absentmindedly. 
“Were you leaving?” He asked.
I um,” I stuttered “Yeah, it was just… too much. I was gonna head home. I feel stupid I was just gonna walk home. I'll be fine, I’ll let you have fun. I don’t wanna interrupt your night.” I rambled. 
“No! Please do! I’d be happy to walk you home. Talking with you was the most fun I had tonight actually.” He stated simply. I smiled weakly.
“I’m glad.” I said. 
“Are you alright?” He asked me. I sighed trying not to get emotional. 
“Yeah, just a little overwhelmed and tired.” I lied. We walked in silence for a bit. I couldn’t believe how kind he was. The fact that he would leave his friends to walk me home. He was genuinely concerned about me. That feeling made me even more overwhelmed and finally after everything I could help but start crying. I felt like I had no control over my body as I started to sob. I felt my shoulders start to shake. Henry stopped and put his hands on my shoulders.
“Alayna what's wrong?” He asked me. I tried so hard to speak.
“He wouldn’t.. And I said… no, but he kept…” it all came out in broken sobs. Henry didn’t say anything. He just pulled me into him and hugged me tightly. After a few seconds. I started to calm down and tried to steady my breathing. 
“Shh it’s alright,  just breathe.” I heard him say. I slowed my breathing. “Did he touch you?” He asked gently, trying not to upset me again. I couldn’t speak, I just nodded. Henry went stiff. I looked up and saw his jaw was clenched. “Mother fucker,” He mumbled quietly under his breath. Then he spoke louder “Do you want to go talk to someone? Like report it?” He asked. Again his voice was gentle. I shook my head. 
“I can’t, I know I should but I really can’t, not now.” I said. He nodded. 
“Okay, well let's get you home.” He said. I started to walk again. Henry kept an arm around me as we walked. We were quiet the whole way there. He walked me all the way to the door. Wanting to make sure I got in okay.
“Thank you,” I said. But just as he turned to leave I grabbed his hand. “Wait, please don’t go.” I said, trying not to sound desperate. Not that I had the energy to care. 
“You want me to stay?” he asked. I nodded. 
“Yeah, no, I .. I don’t .. You don’t have to, I’ll be okay.” I said. 
“Hey,” He paused, grabbing my hand. “It’s okay, I don’t mind.” So I took off my shoes and slipped into the bathroom to change into some shorts. I laid in my bed and Henry sat next to me. “Do you want to watch something?” He asked. I nodded. And turned on my TV scrolling aimlessly. I stopped on some old 90’s sitcom. 
“Thank you, for staying,” I said. 
“You shouldn’t be alone right now. And I meant what I said. I had more fun talking to you tonight than with anyone else.” He smiled sympathetically. 
“I did too,” I said.  I sat up going to kiss him but he stopped me.
“Not tonight, darling. Believe me I would love to kiss you. But I think you’ll regret it later if you do this now. I like you. I’m not going anywhere. Let's take this slow. You’ve been through a lot tonight. I’ll still be here when you’re ready. But I think tonight you need to rest.” he said. The universe gave me Henry tonight. If I hadn’t ran into him. I’d have been alone after being sexually assaulted by a guy I barely know. Any other guy wouldn’t have treated me like him. He was so gentle and respectful. He was genuinely looking out for my best interest when he could’ve taken advantage of my vulnerability. I just nodded.
“I’m sorry that was stupid.” I sighed. 
“No, it wasn’t” he put his arm around me pulling me into his side and I naturally rested my head on his chest. “You don’t need to apologize. Try to get some rest.” He spoke gently. I could hear his heartbeat and my breath slowed to match the rhythm. Eventually so did he. I looked up to find him asleep with his arm still around me. I settled in snuggling into his side. All the noise around me slowly faded away and I finally got to rest, falling asleep in Henry’s arms.
That’s it you guys please let me know what you think. I love you all so much! You’ve shown my writing so much love 🥰
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tired-biscuit · 11 months
Idk if this is a thirst but I can’t stop thinking about dilf ish kiba and younger naruto sister reader hooking up LOL
like forced ish breeding from kiba but she likes saying no just for the fun of it (consensual obviously) idk i just think of kiba when i see this video (nsfw)
link (nsfw)
oh my goshhh, the kissing??! the ear biting??! and her little socks??! and the sound of her ass smacking against him when he starts to pound??!??! THIS IS HOW HE FUCKS AND I MIGHT DIE, OK!
to be completely honest, you pretending that you don’t want it and saying no and sort of trying to push him away and all that stuff is something i do see him being very into because it gives him a challenge to conquer and a chance to use a little bit of force and to be rougher and more in control of the entire situation. he’ll use every excuse to manhandle you and put you in your place, you know?
he’ll make you admit that you want him.
and it also gives him the chance to push your face into the pillow and be like “you don’t look like you want me to stop, though”, or when he can feel your pussy clench around him he can get all complacent about it, teasing you with a, “you sure you want me to pull out, kiddo? ‘cause the way your cunt keeps on squeezing me is tellin’ me otherwise.”
and it just feeds his ego SO DAMN MUCH, especially because your scent and body language can’t lie about how bad of a sucker you are for the entire thing and your attitude is crumbling underneath him and all of a sudden you’re going from no to literally begging him to spill his load inside you because he starts to pound you so fucking good whenever he’s close!
also yeah, amongst other things that he likes about you, he’d find the fact that you’re his friend’s younger sister very appealing, too. especially if there’s like a bit of an age gap between you because it proves to him that ‘he’s still got it when it comes to scoring young pussy’ or whatever, even though you’re supposed to be untouchable and ‘forbidden’ because of your sibling (he wants you even more because of it)… and because he feels more in charge since he’s older and more experienced, and simply lives for the thrill that the risk brings.
it’s why he tends to call you kid and kiddo and squirt and other stupid little nicknames like that; almost to make you feel a bit incompetent and thus more reliant on him in a way?
and he’d find the entire pretending in front of others (especially in front of naruto) so fun. like a game of sorts. if he’s anything, he’s foolishly brave and full of himself, so he persuades you to walk around the house with his cum dripping from you, soaking your underwear while you all hang out (he’s so slick and charming when he wants to be, how can you ever say no?) and he just can’t stop smiling because of it, trying to hide the grin behind his hand because he knows something the others don’t and he can smell himself on you while the others can’t and that makes him feel superior in a way.
btw, i do feel like this version of kiba would simply die from happiness if you’d let him take your virginity. he wants you to remember him so bad.
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ryuichirou · 8 months
Lots of love for the Tweels today (possibly related to our latest drawing of them and Idia)! And some other asks :3
Anonymous asked:
why is wallace old there? < never watched scott pilgrim
We get to see his older version in one episode of the anime, and I just couldn’t ignore it. I had to draw him 😭
Anonymous asked:
have u every watched bungo stray dogs... i think u might like it
We watched like 2 seasons I think? It was ages ago, so I don’t remember anything. But we did like Akutagawa; we even have some old and ugly Akutagawa sketches somewhere in this blog…
Anonymous asked:
rip idia 😔
Yeah, that poor thing…
Anonymous asked:
jade and floyd give me extreme cuteness aggression 😭😭😭
I’m glad to hear that hehehe <3 Jade and Floyd themselves are such massive cuteness aggressors so they would relate lol
Anonymous asked:
NEED to inject mafioso fish into my bloodstream
Who doesn’t… a lot of people, probably, that sounds dangerous!
Anonymous asked:
you characterize (the tweels) a lot more sadistic than other people do (i like it!!!!)... im curious how you think they'd react to being petted on :)
Thank you so much! Yeah, we always loved giving characters a bit of a darker twist to their personalities, but honestly with the Tweels it’s way too natural and pretty much canon in a lot of ways lol We really really love this about them. When it comes to cruel, unfair, messed up and freaky scenarios, they’re the perfect fit. I’m glad you like it!
To answer your question, well these two are unpredictable, but in general I feel like they don’t like being touched. Or rather, they would prefer to be the ones who’s petting, because they’re annoying like that lol But who knows, sometimes they might even demand petting.
(did I understand your question right? If not, I apologise)
kitsunegdx asked:
Hi hello hi this may sound like a dumb question but what is the story behind the Friday the 13th image of Azul n Idia :3? I am obsessed with the composition and was curious if there was a story
Hi! <3 It’s not dumb at all.
I explained it in this reply! Long story short, there isn’t much of a story, but…
furubatsu asked:
In between sending that ask about the Trey Vignette and you answering, I managed to go back and find it. I play the US version of the game so IDK if it's different in the Japanese version. It's the R School Unifrom Vignette "Open your mouths".
It starts with Ace and Deuce (I can't believe Ace was part of this and I didn't remember. RIP I him guess) brushing their teeth before lights out, Ace is done but Deuce reminds him of some insane rule like "You gotta brush twice on tuesdays" or something and Ace laughs it off, not like Riddle will know except Trey is there and tells them he won't tell Riddle if they do it right and does the mouth inspection. Deuce just gives a confued "Um??" while Ace calls him out like "That is NOT in the rulebook", it causes Trey to realise he's letting his Weirdness(tm) show and he explains that his siblings are young enough that playfully making sure they brushed properly is normal and he just kinda did it on instinct. Though Trey does offer to "help" the boys brush their teeth after that, it then ends with Trey "accidentally" doing another oral inspection on the boys and this time the noises/reactions they have doe imply he did something to their mouths ("Awough?!" reads more like the noise of something being put in your moth than a simple "Um" at least) so....
Thanks for the recap and for bringing this whole thing up! We watched the vignette, and oh god…
The more I look at Trey, the more “a psycho pervert who learned how to pretend to be a normal human being” sounds like something that could describe him lol Some people (like Ace or Vil) keep sensing that there is something sus about him, some people (like Rook or Idia) know for the fact that there is something wrong about him, and some people just think that he is a swell fellow that’s always very supportive and caring and wouldn’t do anything weird (like Deuce and Riddle) and I absolutely love it lol
The fact that Trey just kept going “oops sorry it’s a habit”, like is this that much of an automatic thing to you??
Mister Clover, don’t put your fingers in their mouths… alright, you can keep it in Deuce’s.
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sly-s-n0nfusion · 1 year
Sly’s ✨personal opinion✨ on Octopath Traveler’s english voice acting
Ok it’s been a while since I’ve wanted to do this! I tend to play almost all games with the jp voices when I play jrpgs but that doesn’t mean some English VAs didn’t do a great job! :)
All respect towards them and everyone else who has different opinions; I will simply rate them with ✅ passed and ⛔️ not passed basing on my personal tastes
Octopath 1
Ophilia: ⛔️ not passed - I really don’t like how artificially high-pitched her voice is?? It just sounds a bit fake :((( really not a fan
Cyrus: ⛔️ not passed - Listen I know a lot of people love his English voice and while I do agree that it’s not half bad I also must admit it just doesn’t fit him 😭 compared to the young, honey sweet voice he has in jp I think he sounds a bit too old? If that makes sense. Like he’s 10 years older or something 😂 I like how the VA exaggerated the tone of certain expressions tho, very dramatic!
Tressa: ✅ passed - I LOVE how snarky and bratty she sounds! The VA did a great job, she sounds just tomboyish and childlish enough
Olberic: ✅ passed - ok we’re talking about Patrick Seitz guys what do you want me to tell you!! He’s great and I don’t mind a more booming and intimidating Olberic compared to the quiet and brooding jp one. Fits him so well!
Primrose: ✅ passed - one of the exceptions where I prefer the en VA to the jp one. While the jp voice is sweet an and soft, the English voice has a coldness and edge to it that just fits Primrose’s personality so well. Great job!
Alfyn: ✅ passed - a biiit more soft spoken compared to the deeper, louder jp voice but I still think it fits him. Not much to add
Therion: ⛔️ not passed - I’M SORRY because this is another fan favorite but I really don’t like how the va completely changed his personality, going from the quiet, soft spoken, wary thief to a snarkier version of sonic the hedgehog 😭😭 also malus because they didn’t bother to make him fake the merchant voice during the disguise moment in his ch1 :((((
H’aanit: ✅ passed - MOMMY- I mean I LOVE her en voice SO MUCH. Like her jp voice was also great, but the VA somehow managed to keep the deep, cold sound of her voice and use it in a way that’s just so in character. The “NGAAAH” she makes when you boost her attacks is still implemented into my brain and I love it
Octopath 2
Ochette: ✅ passed - I love how faithful to the jp voice the actress was! She really did a good job also because it was a challenging role imo. Nailed the little growls and rawrs! Adorable!
Castti: ✅ passed - A nice interpretation, not much to say. The eng VA has a sweeter voice than the jp one, who added a bit of raspiness to her I really liked but overall a neat job.
Throné: ✅ passed - LOVE the VA’s voice. Deep, cold, but at the same time you can sense warmth in it. Excellent interpretation :)
Osvald: ✅ passed - The best adaptation in ot2, hands down! I know his Va is also a vtuber and a professional in his job and it shows. SO GOOD MAN! The tone, the personality, 100% nailed. Even though jp Osvald is also great this one HAS to take the crown
Partitio: ✴️ passed (?) - This one was hard to decide for me because while the eng acting does nail the southern accent and the overall vibe it’s also a bit too soft spoken for an energetic and loud personality such as Partitio’s. There’s like a huge difference between the jp acting and the eng one and I’m usually not a fan of that because it completely changes a character’s personality in a way
Agnea: ⛔️ not passed - again with the fake high-pitched voice 😭 idk it might be a pet peeve of mine at this point but. Idk I can tell when a va is clearly trying to fake a tone of voice that is really different from theirs and it bothers me so much
Temenos: ⛔️ not passed - I’m sorry but this one is a big no from me :( I know many others also found his eng voice a bit too emotionless and plain, it really misses that playful and snarky tone the jp VA gave him. Not to mention the part when [redacted] happens in Stormhail ch3, the emotions just… aren’t there. I’ve also heard the eng VA was a novice though so I’m sure he’ll have time to improve :)
Hikari: ✅ passed - I really like his eng voice and interpretation! It’s faithful to the jp one and suits his personality well. A great job!
Well these were my opinions that absolutely no one asked for! I’m sure all the VAs did their best and put a lot of effort in their job ❤️
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
Small opinion I had while showering: It could have been better if maybe they established Tiger Claw starting to see Shredder as a father figure or the closest person he can to a parental figure. Since Shredder took him in and gave him a place to stay and seems to have some kind of favoritism towards Tiger Claw. So him bringing Shredder back to life would make a bit more sense I guess?? Or even better, bring in Kitsune from the IDW comics. Something I decided to rewrite regarding the Kavaxas arc is that we finally get introduced to Kitsune. In IDW she works for the Shredder so her story is somewhat similar to the one in my version. She is a loyal helper and long time friend of Oroku Saki who also has various abilities and powers she obtained over the years. So she finds out about what happened to him and decides to avenge him and bring him back to life. I'm still working on her character but uhhhhh- seeing the crap she has done to Leo and the others in the comics, she is VERY unhinged in my 2012 version of her, is the lightest way I can put it- and to establish more of how unhinged she is and a terrible person in general and would definetely top some characters in the Pure Evil characters wiki she causes some of the worst psychological, mental, physical and emotional damage to the gang. Idk, just something I wanted to share with someone because I'm pretty passionate about my version of Kitsune in 2012- Wait that sounds like I love her for the damage she causes to the characters and all of the horrible things in general she has done... Yeah I love me some very deranged characters! ^^
I already have my own version of 2012!
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I've talked about her a little bit on here, but basically she is Shinigami's mother and old friends with Splinter, Shredder and Tang Shen. As kids and teenagers they are a team, always hanging out together, but Kitsune left the group and did her own thing after getting sick and tired of Yoshi and Saki's rivalry. (note: she left before Shen married Yoshi)
Years later she has a fling which results in her being pregnant. The father of her child abandoned her so she raised her daughter, Shinigami, on her own (with the help of her mother aka Shini’s grandmother). Kitsune is a master of the dark arts and witchcraft, and she taught everything she knows to her little girl. Eventually, when Shini was around 7 years old, Kitsune reunited with Shredder and he offered for her and her daughter to join the Foot Clan. However, Kitsune is smart and a tricky woman. She knows Shredder only sees her and her daughter as pawns in his game, but she's willing to play along. That's what makes the game fun, right? The game gets even more fun when she meets Karai. Kitsune knows the truth that Karai is not Shredder's daughter as he claims. Ever since she first met Karai as a young girl, she knew just from a glance that she is Yoshi's child. Should she tell her? No. It would be more fun for Karai to figure it out on her own.
My favorite thing about my version of Kitsune though is her dynamic with Splinter. I'd say it's playful platonic flirtation. Kitsune constantly teasingly flirts with Splinter, which makes him uncomfortable. She does it out of her entertainment. She's not interested in him romantically, but the reaction Yoshi makes when he thinks she is is HILARIOUS to Kitsune.
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Project sekai wishlist
YumeYume - perfect mmj song, I love how Miku is tuned she would sound perfect with MMJ. Sega please let me have a minori alt
Doremifa rondo - again, love Mikus tuning here, I'm conflicted between WXS and MMJ. Probably WXS, but I feel MMJs voices would work better
Reverse rainbow - again. Obviously minoharu duet. They'll probably give them a vocaloid but hoddamit I want a minoharu duet they're so perfect for this
Koneko no payapaya - erm. This really is coming out as a MMJ list huh. So to be fair on myself I think this would be nice for an emunene duet
Sing and smile - I so want a wondershow cover of this song. But would it work better for MMJ? Idk! I just hope they let us have a Len cover like in mirai cuz godddd his tuning there was perfect. But knowing colpal....it def won't happen
Mousou sketch - FINALLY! A SONG THAT ISNT MMJ OR WXS VIBES! this is a leoneed song obviously. Id love for this to be a ichishiho cover, maybe with a honasaki alt. Or just give them solo covers
Tricolor airline - HOW HAS THUS SONG NOT BEEN GIVEN TO MMJ YET??? ITS PERFECT FOR HARUKA. I pray they use Mikus original tuning
Kimi no taion - obvious leoneed song, I feel ichisakis voices would be perfect for this
Hello Mr earthling - I have no clue if I want this as a WXS cover or just a solo Miku song, Mikus original tuning is so good colpal please...
Watashi no jikan - I just rlly like this song, they had solo Len and Rin alts in mirai lmao. It was one of the last songs you can get, id love for them to add it for the vocaloids (please use the mirai Len and Rin solos PLEASE)
Crime and punishment - obvious Nightcord song. I rlly want a kanamafu duet of this
Cat food - I feel like the vibes are perfect for WXS but it's not a priority song for me, it could be good for MMJ too
Yuukei yesterday - we have a kagepro song in game already sooooo. This would be rlly cute for nenekasa imo
Dance of the corpses - PLEASE COLPAL. LET US HAVE MORE KIKUO SONGS. I've thought abt this song for wondershow but it definitely fits Nightcord better
Tengoku he ikuo - now HERES a perfect kikuo song for wondershow, I just wanna see emu sing this tbh >w<
This fucked up wonderful world exists for me - TSUKASA ASS SONG PLEASE COLPALLLLL
The girl who sells misfortune - please colpal...give it to mafuyu....
Secret police force - one of my fave songs, it goes to leoneed ofc
Skeleton orchestra and lilia - can't believe I forgot to add the best vocaloid song of all time. Wondershow sweeps this song
It's okay by daijobu p - uhh I just really like this song, no sekai cover just the normal Miku Rin and daijobu p
Okaasan - doesn't rlly work for any of the characters but I'm good with it being a vocaloid only song
Shama - I rlly like miyashita yuus cover of this song I don't think anyone can top it, I also like the original flower version. Both versions bring something different and new from each other I rlly like it. I really wanna say wondershow for this but it'd probably fit VBS better 😒
Pokkan color - I would love to give this to wondershow but I feel like this song is better without a sekai cover
Young girl A - god colpal please. I'm on my knees. I love this song so fucking much you have to. You have to put it in your damn game. I feel like this would be nice for a leoneed cover plus saki solo, she fits alot of these kinds of songs imo but I'm not a saki expert
Disappearence festival - this song is relatively new and by a newer producer but I really like this song (it's a Rin song teehee) I have no idea if it would work for wondershow, I think it should probably stay a vocaloid cover
Mesmerizer - this would be rlly awesome as an emunene cover but i think having it solely for the vocaloids is a good idea
Fear garden - another Rin song, I know it doesn't rlly fit anyone I just really REALLY like this song
Monochrome dream eating baku - fun fact I didn't know this was a vocaloid song cuz I always listened to an osomatsu San voice imitation cover. Anyways easy ruikasa song thank you very much
Idiot - this COULD fit VBS or Nightcord. I listened to this song alot back as a sophomore. It's very mean, maybe mizumafu duet or akito idk, if it was made a sekai cover they're gonna fuck up Mikus tuning so bad 😔
Adolescence - I know we have the 10 yr anniversary cendrillion cover but like. I prefer adolescence.
Anti the euphoric holic - I am very attached to the usuk hetaloid cover I dont think anything can top it but just for the sake of adhering to my middle school self this is going on the list. Ruikasa could fit, or maybe it'd be better as a group WXS cover, hell nightcord could do well here to. I never saw the lyrics cuz that meant having to listen to the original and I just. Haven't done that. Which is funny cuz on the YouTube reupload you can see me asking where I can find the lyrics cuz I wanted to animate the cover 🙈
Gomenne gomenne - okay. This is DEFINITELY not gonna be added to project sekai. But this is why it's called a wishlist. It definitely won't have a sekai cover lol
Triple baka - how hasnt this been added yet??
Popipo - give it to wondershow. A song about vegetable juice with the resident character of hating vegetables is perfect.
You're a useless child - again, another song that probably won't get a sekai cover. Who would even cover it is hard to think abt, it would be a pretty cool saki cover where it just ends up that the singer and the child are both her and she's been berating herself the entire time. Idk!
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herrscherrofyatta · 2 years
Deja Vu
Albedo x F!reader
angst, crack, y/n is the alchemist, Albedo is a voice actor, Isekai, idk what else to put, Albedo is a simp (real)
car-kun strikes again
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"I am Y/n, chief alchemist of the Knights of Favonius, it's a pleasure to join your team."
Albedo sighs as he re-watches Y/n's character trailer for the thousand time that day. He could hardly believe that it's already been two years since Y/n lost control and went missing during the battle against the MC. Since then, the game gave no hint if she was alive or not and in this new update, he would finally find out.
He was on the edge of his seat as there was minutes till the update comes out.
Aether, who voiced the main character, was going to join him as he live streams the storyline.
Getting the stream ready, he gets on a discord call with Aether and the both decide to talk about their day.
"So, how did the modeling meeting go?" Albedo asks as he talks a sip of water as he hears Aether chuckle in the end, "I'm still thinking about it and to be honest, I'm busy voice acting and adding modeling with just make me even more busier."
They both laugh at this before Albedo's phone starts to ring, "one sec."
"Hello?" Aether listens on the other end, a cat like grin on his face, "yes, this is Albedo....oh, you have it ready?"
Aether furrows his brows, he had expected something else, for Albedo to properly meet Y/n's voice actress one on one. He had planned for it-
"I don't think I'll be able to stream today, Aether. Maybe tomorrow afternoon?"
"Guess it can't be helped, I'll see you tomorrow at work anyways, be sure to tell everyone on Twitter." Aether leave the call as Albedo lets out a sigh, "why is my car finally fixed today?"
Now he won't be able to play the new version as he'll need to avoid social media for the spoilers and fan art.
Sending a quick announcement on his Twitter page, he shuts his phone off and gets up from his seat.
Closing down the stream and getting ready to head out to the auto mechanic, his car had broke down last week and sent it in, now it was ready for pick up.
Grabbing his things, he heads out and locks the front door, silently crying inside as he sulks about not being able to see his beloved Y/n.
"Well, let's get this over with and I'll play tomorrow with Aether." He mutters as he runs his fingers through his hair as he crosses the street.
"Let's hope I don't get spoiled, that would suck-"
"Hey, watch out!"
He looks to the side, to see a car going straight for him and he's too frozen with surprised to move as the car gets closer to him.
"Ah shit."
Somewhere in the world of Teyvat, a beautiful, young woman is standing in front of a craft table with her eyes closed.
This woman is none other than-
"Miss Y/n."
The woman turns around at the sound of her name, a tended smile on her lips as she sees her student at the door of her laboratory.
"Sucrose, my dear!"
She is none other as Y/n, the chief alchemist of the Knights of Favonius and her student, Sucrose.
Sucrose couldn't help but let out a small giggle as she sees how her teacher's face lights up the entire room.
"Miss Y/n, you're very happy today! Is it because of the traveler?"
Y/n hums at this, "thanks to the traveler, I managed to get very helpful information." She smiles brightly and Sucrose couldn't help but feel happy inside, her teacher was finally acting like a maiden in love!
As if reading her student's mind, the woman rolls her eyes and goes back to doing her work, not without a small smile on her lips.
"Going to the topic at hand, what brings you here Sucrose?"
"Oh! Right, I wanted to ask........."
The day goes by rather quickly and soon it's time to head back to Dragonspine, the woman had forgotten to get her clipboard so she had to walk to the mountains.
"Oh dear, why am I sudden so clumsy these days....." The woman mutters, thinking back at the past events.
She was so out of focus at the meeting with the other knights and Kaeya couldn't help but tease afterwards.
Her mind unintentionally wonders to the blonde traveler......"ah, I must be catching a cold, that's it."
Her face feels hot as she pulls her collar a bit despite being in the harsh colds of Dragonspine. "And a fever."
With her mind wondering to the traveler, she's unable to notice someone buried underneath the pure, white snow as she trips. Catching herself, her hands are on each side of the unconscious person's head.
Her brows furrows, "a man? Why is there a citizen of Mondstadt up here?"
She studies the man's feature, he had blonde, ash hair and he wears is really different from anyone else she encountered, while, besides the traveler that is.
The man's eyes open and she sees that they're a teal color before he faints again.
She sighs, picking herself up before carrying the man bridal style in her arms. "I'll take him back to the camp at the foot of the mountain and make someone send him back to Mondstadt."
She goes back where she came from, leaving this unknown blonde man in the hands of the Adventure Guild before retreating back into the mountains, her coat no longer on her shoulders since she left it with the blonde man in order to keep him warm.
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Series Masterlist
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dorianslayyy · 5 months
13 Books Tag Game
Tagged by @bubblegum-blackwood
1) The last book I read:
Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros - I absolutely devoured this sequel, omg. Obviously it’s nothing fancy or anything like that but hey what’s wrong with a smutty YA? Not to mention DRAGONS
2) A book I recommend:
Perfume by Patrick Süskind - when I read it I had no idea it was a whole entire modern classic, I just picked it up at Oxfam for like 3 for £1 or something but, wow, I can 100% understand how it earned that status! If you like an eery not-too-long horror story with the most beautiful imagery describing some fucked up gothic storylines and a lot of social commentary, you’ll love this book!
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
Ahhh ok, im gonna say In Memoriam by Alice Winn. The ending was… idk I wasn’t really a fan of the ending, I thought it kind of disengaged and took away from the struggles and severity of war and sexuality the rest of the book portrayed but until that point the rest of the story was everythingggg, there’s a sweet forbidden romance/coming of age/found family in the 1910’s propelling into a story of the horror of WW1 and losing everything you know. All I can really say is that I read it all in one go (more or less) and it had me laughing and sobbing throughout
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
I mean… there’s an obvious choice here - The Picture Of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. HOWEVER I’m going to absolutely cheat and also say Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, the drama, the trauma, the vast majority of these characters are awful and I love it 🤌🤌
5) A book on my TBR:
So many… so so many… I’m gonna say House Of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski tho because it was expensive and it’s cool looking and I’ve actually been meaning to read that for a while but boy howdy it’s huge
6) A book I’ve put down:
The Tale Of The Body Thief by Anne Rice UGHH I’m trying so hard!! It’s so many words with so little going on, and I do enjoy it, I really do, it’s so goofy, but it’s so.. i mean verbose isn’t really quite the right word but you know what I mean. Sorry mutuals :( I just need a break to read something short and silly - which I’ve almost finished the little series I’m currently reading
7) A book on my wish list:
Prophet Song by Paul Lynch - it sounds absolutely soul crushing and miserable, I know this completely contradicts what I just said about being in the mood for a silly read but <333
8) A favorite book from childhood:
Omg 10000x the Skulduggery Pleasant series by Derek Landy, guys you don’t understand, as much as I would love to talk about how my mum and I used to sit and read Anne Of Green Gables before bed or my Enid Blyton obsession when I was like 6, Skulduggery Pleasant was my absolute jam - I must’ve read that series (the original 9 + spin offs) a million times in primary school. I did keep up with phase 2 when that was coming out but I don’t know if I’ll bother with phase 3, I’m just too old now and phase 2 wasn’t all that imo - I think it’s sort of beating a dead horse at this point :( but the original 9 and Maleficent Seven/Armageddon Outta Here were my childhood and I definitely absorbed Valkyrie Cain into my identity as a child so that series probably shaped a big part of who I am and my hobbies as an adult
9) A book you would give to a friend:
Love On The Brain by Ali Hazelwood. Silly, nerdy, fun, a cute little Pride and Prejudice-esque enemies to lovers feat. women in STEM
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own:
Ok so anyone who’s seen my other poetry blog @apoemadaykeepsthehoesaway knows my obsession with The Complete Poems of Wilfred Owen (I have a lot of difference versions) AHHH by far my favourite poet - as you can imagine with such a young man, you can clearly see his changing mentalities, his growth as a person and a writer, his influences, and really gather a lot of context for what’s going on with him in general through his poems. And he grew up in all the same areas I grew up in and hung around as a kid/younger teen, which I think adds to my personal interest in him too. Idk ig we’re very close friends on a parasocial level lol.
And ofc there really aren’t that many poets around that give such visceral, truthful, and emotional insights to the First World War as Owen does (also a queer icon). He was my intro to war literature and I have tattoos relating to him, he and his work are just incredible to read about, would highly recommend having a look at Siegfried Sassoon’s war poems too; another very blunt poet who was a celebrity and war protestor at the time and happened to mentor Wilfred Owen, as well as being linked with other influential folks of the time such as Robbie Ross, Stephen Tennant, Rupert Brooke, and Ivor Novello. Ok Ill move on :,)
11) A nonfiction book you own:
Surprisingly I quite like nonfiction, mainly history and essays from philosophers and the like. Speaking of, Friedrich Nietzsche’s Beyond Good And Evil is a pretty solid one I own, I’ve never read anything where the author begins by calling himself and all his coworkers socially inept incels 🥹 but even though I don’t remember the specific reason I bought it (I was reading it to argue against some other philosophers in an essay in college and I really don’t remember who or what it was) I remember it being a really interesting read
Or yknow in a more traditional sense of non-fiction, I also have Notes On A Nervous Planet by Matt Haig. Really helped me get through some stuff, if you’re struggling with anxiety or feeling a bit down lately I’d very much recommend
12) What are you currently reading:
Omg ok, The Hitchhiker Trilogy by Douglas Adams, I’m currently on book 3 of 5 - Life, The Universe, And Everything. Really silly and nonsensical space bs but somehow also a bleakly satirical social commentary on the unseriousness of our ‘serious’ world. Really enjoyable, fairly political to some degree, really short (around or less than 200 pages a book), really fun. Martin Freeman truly was the perfect casting for Arthur Dent in the film of the first book. Full of that quintessentially British cynical humour and of course plenty of cups of tea
To give a little preview, the second book literally opens “The story so far: In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”
13) What are you planning on reading next?
Books 4 and 5 of The Hitchhiker Trilogy, and then I suppose I had better carry on reading The Tale Of The Body Thief :D
Tagging whoever wants to have a go, it’s super fun, sorry if I went on a bit on some of these 😅
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ubyr-babaj · 1 year
Dracula Mischaracterization Drinking Game, Black Chest edition
And here's another one on the "Renfield" 2023 fic, because why not:
Is combined with Jonathan/goes to Transylvania instead of Jonathan That's the 2023 movie we're talking, my dudes.
Is the secondary villain/straight up evil ...dude. That's a half-rusalka guy with NPD who spent the last century in a society of other low empathy creatures that kill people to survive. He's sweet and much uwu, but you're not safe with him, also sometimes he feels the deep need to start shit.
Is way older or way younger than his original age He stopped aging at 26, he's technically around 118?
Remains loyal to Dracula throughout the whole story and never fights/turns on him Cheats on him so much it's not even funny, literally kills him at some point.
Never interacts with Mina Since he's half-Jonathan, he was married to her before he ditched her.
Is shown as "sane" at the beginning He had C-PTSD/NPD long before he met Vlad.
Becomes a vampire at some point Our boy goes bigger.
The narrative tries to justify his mistreatment at the hands of Jack He doesn't spend that much time with Seward, thank fuck.
Is not "evil," just """misunderstood""" Idk, dude, he wants to keep himself and his loved ones safe and does a lot of fucked up shit to get to it.
Is actually the protagonist
His first name is Vlad
Appears and regularly interacts with the other characters throught the story Duh?
Is young/handsome/suave He's a hunchback with needle teeth, who swears like a sailor and looks in his early 60s.
Is here to "liberate" Mina from her "toxic"/"boring" husband
Is combined with Vlad the Impaler/some historical figure He's a fictionalized version of Vlad the Impaler.
Is obsessed with Mina specifically
Has all queer undertones stripped from him Dude he's so fucking gay, his own mother cursed him for being gay.
Is not Romanian/his actor makes no attempt to sound Romanian Half Romanian, half Lithuanian. Overall a cultural salad of man.
Is basically just a characature of Bela Logosi That's Nic Cage, baby.
Only kills the characters who "deserved" to die
Is hurt/killed by exposure to sunlight His flavor of vampirism means he will burn faster than an omlette.
Is Van Helsing's arch nemesis
Is friends with Frankenstein's monster
Never turns into anything other than a bat Vlad normally turns into a snake. His wolves suck, please don't ask him to turn into a wolf.
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aphantimes · 2 years
Knuckles voice actor ranking time!!!!!!! I said I’d do this after Prime came out but I’m slow hush
Going from worst to best (even though number one should be very obvious if you know anything about me). ofc, nothing against any of these VAs I’m judging them solely on how I personally think they stack up as voices for a fictional echidna!!!!! OK LET’S GET STARTED.
In last place, the 14th spot, is Fred Tatasciore, from the Sonic Drone Home short. I understand that he was just a replacement for Idris Elba for a little short, but this voice for Movie Knuckles is very unfitting. And, I know this isn’t the actor’s doing, but some of the way the lines were put together in the short felt very stiff and unnatural? And the voice itself makes him sound like a meat head. Bleh. Just, not a fan. 13th is Brian Drummond, from Sonic Underground. It’s.. a very different interpretation of his voice, lol? It’s the most high pitched and “cartoony” one, to me. It’s not bad at all tbh, just.. idk, not what I was expecting lol. It’s fine. Pre-Frontiers Dave B. Mitchell would be here instead if judged solely by his Team Sonic Racing performance. That specific performance was way more ear-bleeding to me than Brian Drummond’s will ever be. 12th is Bill Wise, from the English dub of the Sonic OVA. Similar to Brain Drummond, I don’t actually dislike this voice at all. It’s just very different to the others, so I’m not sure how to rank it. Apples and oranges, y’know? He makes Knuckles sound more like an average guy instead of a cartoon character, which is why he’s above Brian Drummond, but that’s really it. It’s a perfectly solid performance. 11th is Adam Nurada from Sonic Prime. I have similar complaints as everyone else has had, his voice is just too deep. And some specific lines stand out as being especially bad, giving me “Patrick Star” vibes. But, when he’s not sounding like an impression of THE idiot cartoon character, I do actually like his take on Knuckles. I think if he didn’t force his voice deeper than necessary he would sound great, I’m assuming it’s a direction problem? It’s a bit of a mixed bag, some lines are bad, but most are fine and even good. The previous two are better performances imo, but as a character voice for Knuckles, I give Adam Nurada the edge. 10th is Ryan Drummond. Yeah, Sonic’s first English voice actor. He voiced Knuckles for one game, being Sonic Shuffle. It’s basically just a Michael McGaharn impression lmao. It’s got that “generic super hero voice” vibe that reminds me of Knuckles’ SA1 E3 voice lol. 9th is Michael McGaharn, from SA1. I like how young and confused he sounds, he makes Knuckles actually sound like a naive teenager, but I have to admit that the delivery is very flat and emotionless. Parts of the E3 version are more emotive, but it has that problem I just mentioned where it sounds like some super hero voice, which makes me feel like the character himself is acting, which brings me out of it. I did really like this direction for the character, but the execution was a little shaky. 8th is Yasunori Matsumoto, his Japanese OVA voice. AFAIK this is Knuckles’ first voiced appearance, ever? I really like the deep voice, and how he sounds like an average dude. Honestly I would probably rank him higher bc this is just exactly what I want out of a Knuckles voice lol, but it’d just feel wrong for me to put this one-off role above the actors that stuck with the character for multiple years. It’s really good. 7th is Travis Willingham. He is amazing as Boom Knuckles and fits perfectly, but for game Knuckles, he just never... clicked for me. I look at Knuckles and hear Travis’ voice come out of him and there’s just a disconnect for me. It just... isn’t Knuckles to me. He’s an amazing actor, and fits fine enough, but he never felt quite right as Knuckles, to me. He is PEAK as Boom Knuckles, tho. There’s none of that disconnect at all when his voice comes from Boom Knuckles’ mouth. 6th is Dave B. Mitchell. As previously stated, if this were solely based on his TSR performance he would be way down at the bottom of the ranking. I can only assume it was due to terrible direction. That TSR voice is literally unlistenable to me. But, since then, his Knuckles voice has improved significantly. I do admit that it sounds very much like a Travis impression, but something about the more recent direction makes me prefer Dave’s take, while I still have to admit that I think Travis is objectively a better actor. Dave was amazing in Frontiers, and was great in the twitter takeover. Somehow, his voice coming out of Knuckles’ character model feels more fitting than Travis’ ever did to me. It may just be a writing thing. I’m glad Dave has good material to work with now. It’s still not quite the kind of voice I would prefer for Knuckles, but he does a good job.
5th is Dan Green. Dan Green was probably the Knuckles voice I had the most exposure to as a kid, because I watched Sonic X’s dub. He sounds fantastic when he yells, lol. I love the energy he brings to the character. He was really fitting for the character, and I do wish Knuckles would go back to having this kind of voice. I.. really have nothing bad at all to say about his Knuckles voice. He’s only fifth because I personally like the upcoming four better, it’s just preference. He’s great. 
 4th is Scott Dreier. I just LOVE how chill he is, while still being able to nail the angrier lines. Objectively, he’s not as good of an actor as many of the previous entries, but as a Knuckles voice I adore his take. When I read Knuckles lines in fics, this voice is the closest to what I hear.. though I tend to not include the American accent lol. Some of his delivery is a little monotonous, especially in SA2, but tbh I kinda prefer his SA2 performance more than his Heroes one. I like how calm it is. I tend to not prefer when he ramps up the gruffness too much, it sounds like he’s trying too hard, but when he hits that balance just right it is GREAT. It sounds like I’m dropping a lot of negatives but that’s just because it’s a little inconsistent, but those parts of this Knuckles voice that I like, I REALLY like. 3rd is Vincent Tong. REALLY surprising that one of Sonic Prime’s new Knuckles VAs is up so high! We don’t get to hear him do a “normal” Knuckles voice, because he voices all of Knuckles’ shatterverse variants (Renegade, Gnarly and Dread), but he does AMAZING. His range is absolutely insane! Every one of the three versions of Knuckles he voices sound perfect for that specific variant. When I heard his voice for Dread my first assumption was that they pulled in a third voice actor because it was so drastically different to the others, but no it’s still him! It’s incredibly impressive! Some of Renegade’s lines where the accent is less present are PERFECT for normal Knuckles. Literally my ideal English Modern Knuckles voice. Like if Game Knuckles was given a voice like that, and it stuck around, my life would be complete. I WOULD BE SO HAPPY. 2nd is Idris Elba. Do I even need to explain!? He KILLED it as Movie Knuckles. He stole the entire movie! That casting decision was absolutely phenomenal. He does such an amazing job. It doesn’t feel like one of those cases where they hire a celebrity just for the sake of the name, he actually fits the character flawlessly. Any other voice simply would not work. He makes Knuckles sound intimidating, but also bluntly honest and trusting, and carries his comedy perfectly. Some of the jokes WOULD NOT have landed as well if it weren’t for his amazing delivery. Knowing that he’ll be returning for the Knuckles series is half the reason I’m so excited for it. If I heard that they were getting someone else to voice Movie Knuckles for the series, I think I’d be... concerned. But with Idris Elba on board, I know that, at the very least, Knuckles will sound great in the series. And in 1st place is, of course, Nobutoshi Canna. Knuckles’ Japanese voice actor that has stuck around since Sonic Adventure all the way back in 1998. He was perfect back then, and remains perfect today. He has voiced Knuckles in EVERYTHING since Sonic Adventure. Every game, every show, everything (barring the Sonic Movie 2) . He has been with the character for decades. He is THE Knuckles. I revisit some of my favourite lines of his all the time because I just can’t get enough of his voice. I LOVE WHEN HE YELLS SO MUCH. There’s something about his.. enunciation? that I just ADORE. idk how to describe it, there’s just some quality to his voice that I could listen to for FOREVER. The only negative I can think of is that he does not work for Boom Knuckles. His voice is just incompatible with a dumb Knuckles, that was the only case where it would’ve been better find another VA in my opinion. But for every other Knuckles he’s voiced is just utter perfection. I cannot sing enough praise for this man.
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magicmindless · 1 year
Mind giving Robby & Allan related headcanons? 😏
I already made this hc list for Allan a while back ago, but I can make some for Robby
A HC list but it’s just Robby
Yo ho ho This man is in for a treat
- Tough and hardworking like Cori after being saved. He can be really snarky but he also has a nice side with a good sense of humor
- Has a bit of a raspy low voice with a west country-sort of accent, but not exactly like a pirate. He only really sounds like one if he gets pissed off
-(This hc used to make him like SUPER short but I wasn’t thinking about him in comparison to others so now he’s around 5,7”)
- Doesn’t like shaving because otherwise people think he looks young
- Ever since being saved he’s learned to cook so that he doesn’t have to rely on takeout. The first time he tried however he somehow burnt a piece of steak to a crisp while simultaneously leaving the inside completely raw. He got food poisoning. Thankfully he’s learned over time and his cooking is decent enough to taste good and not kill anyone
- He started working out because of Captain Cori, wanting to gain muscle like she did. He doesn’t often get the time, but he goes to the gym 2-3 times a week
- He doesn’t like a lot of things. Shrimp for example, he doesn’t like because he had to ration and eat that almost everyday and he got sick of it (also reminds him of being stranded)
- Also scared of thunderstorms, and despite being good at swimming, he doesn’t like the thought of drowning
- Yet he really likes the beach for some reason, and never stopped liking it
- His favorite things to watch on tv are sports, mainly baseball and hockey (though he only watches hockey if Allan’s in the games)
- Like mentioned with Allan, he, Allan, and Timm are all a tight friend trio who is always causing trouble, also known by everyone as “the 3 stooges”
- Likes card games in general, his favorite being cards against humanity
- For some reason pets never seem to have a good impression of him at first. Cooper’s cat scratched him when he tried to pet it, Prudence’s dog hid under the couch and growled at him if he tried getting near it, and one of Mary’s pugs barked at him if he tried to get close while the other bit him
- Good at being frugal and being resourceful
- Most of the clothes he owns are seconds-hand from the thrift store “Lovely Leftovers”. It’s his favorite store and he’s even considered a regular
- You wouldn’t think so but he’s good at escape rooms and small puzzles
- Learned sea shanties while working for Captain Cori and will sometimes sing, whistle, or hum them in his free time
- Likes old classic stories like Frankenstein and stuff from Edgar Allan Poe. He even likes fairytales. Not the nice versions the gruesome ones
-Okay this is extra but how do you like this song with Allan x Robby?
-Acoustic version of the same song because idk which one I like better
TW: Child abuse, depression, scarring and PTSD past this point (there’s only like a few hcs left but this is here just in case)
- Robby’s parents were abusive towards him when he was young. His mom didn’t care about him and his dad was very alcoholic. Because of this he fell into a deep depression during adulthood with no motives
- He had to be put in the hospital for a while after being rescued from the island due to his state. He’s still taking therapy for PTSD
- Besides emotional scarring he also has a lot of physical scars from being stuck on that island which are still visible. He’s not exactly proud of them but they’re there to stay
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drsteggy · 2 years
So idk this has all been on my brain of late and I just want to dump it out and Facebook sure isn’t the place to do it.
I’ll start by saying I’m AFAB cis straighty mcstraighterson. Like I’ve thought long and hard about these things for a long time and yeah, maybe I hit the Demi romantic spectrum because I classically do not recognize flirting unless the person finally says hello yes I am interested. Like the guy I married had to actually kiss me because I was very well he is just cuddly I guess and he got tired of waiting for me to move. And I feel that’s possibly a very large maybe.
But anyway. I got obsessed with a Zelda game to the point I went I would like to become the Zelda game, even if it’s just on a temporary basis. Early on in the process someone asked me if I was crossplaying or genderbending my Link and I decided that I was a guy when I wore my champion's tunic. And I really didn’t have an answer for that So I started to spend more and more time trying to come off more dude like.
And like, I get I’m playing at this. I understand that. This isn’t a struggle over my identity. I’m playing in a sandbox and I am trying to be respectful of the people I see out here who do struggle with this thing that seems on the surface it should just be a Fact to the point that total strangers feel they should just know that about you. Like, I see my privilege here, I get that, but it’s also been interesting to explore? I hope I’m not sounding like a jerk here.
But like there’s this thing where it’s are you wearing a costume or are you trying to be a character and the more times I put the things on and the more comfortable I got with being blonde and changing my contours the more I thought about what does this mean for me…and idk maybe I still don’t know.
I hit a point where every once in a while I’d fool someone in a photo, but I never fooled anyone in person.
Until this year. And I have no idea what changed other than I probably got better with practice.
I was off at some con and got into a conversation with a young person who told me he was trans pretty quickly and when we traded names, he gave me a confused look and came back with the masculine version of what I gave him. When I corrected him, he tilted his head and asked for pronouns and I told him she/her and he still looked skeptical and I was like….what’s this.
One day I did my make up and looked in the mirror and went wow I really really look like my dad, I never saw it before.
Then I went to NYCC and the days I wore the blue tunic (Gerudo Link fools nobody, unless you’re considering the point of that gear I guess) I had a few people kind of stop and then refer to me as they because they were not sure. And I was very well this is pretty interesting.
And I’m working on an upgrade for the new game. I haven’t put the entire thing together because I’m off to a con in like 48 hours and doing the whole deal can be Something so I am saving that energy for when it’s needed. But I did take some test images and while I’m really pleased with the costume (it’s going to be so bad ass when it’s entirely done, totally wearing that to GameStop to pick up my copy of the game) I also realize that if I take my face out of the equation, I’m not sure what the gender presentation is either.
So I’m super looking forward to going all out in drag here and see how I get addressed this weekend. I’m not sure I’ll offer up corrections.
And like, this has just been roaming the front of my brain and it’s better dumped out and I dunno.
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