#idk if that's a fully healthy mindset or not but that
southernvampire · 1 year
uterus has been yeeterused
#so i had a hysterectomy about two weeks ago and it's insane how much better i feel not only physically but mentally#i havent felt this in tune with my body since i was a kid#i finally feel like im on the path to how i want my body to be like and i never understood just how much i was affected by#both gender dysphoria and physical disease (endometriosis) until i got almost everything removed in there#im solidly sure im nonbinary now instead of having conflicting feelings about it#i feel much better about expressing my strange femininity and being perceived as feminine#i feel more spiritual too?? idk how to describe it#im just confused a little about why this had such a big impact on me since yeah it did give me dysphoria to a degree but i didnt think it#was THAT bad#i feel more in tune with my child self; like i feel like a grown up version of my 9 year old self and more confident#my mind is much calmer and i just feel so present and one with my body. i finally feel like i could meditate comfortably withouf wanting to#escape my mind or body?? idk idk it's so so weird#anyway im also in much less pain despite not being able to do much of anything and still healing from surgery#and i know that having this done isnt a cure but god i hope i get lucky and that the endo doesnt come back anyway#it's amazing to be able to love my body instead of being mad at it because it causes me pain and does things that i dont want it to#idk if that's a fully healthy mindset or not but that#that's what's been going on in my life so far
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rrat-king · 3 months
Reread Old Habits and remembered when I said what "type" of Foster kid Kristen and Adaine are
Kristen is what I'd call "testing boundaries attachment issues". Her parents just abruptly stopped loving her one day and as my friend once said "She definitely lies awake at night wondering why they didn't love her more than their god". Like no way she hasn't internalised some idea of her being a fundamentally flawed person who everyone will eventually give up on like her parents did. So her mindset becomes "I'll be bad and make them stop loving me now so when they inevitably do give up and stop loving me it will hurt less". It was present with Jawbone but MAJORLY so with Sandra Lynn who she firmly believes doesn't like her (Sandra Lynn has no idea of this and DOES love Kristen like that's her kid and she can't understand why anyone would give her up). It was bad in FY right after she was kicked out, got a bit better, and then got worse post breakup with Tracker when she became "just your niece's weird ex" (they've been calling her variations of "the middle child" in texts for months)
Adaine is what I'd call "withdrawn attachment issues". She was the baby who learned not to cry because no one was coming idk what to tell you. Nothing she ever did was enough and as much as she knows her parents are shitty, she does have some sense of her being a failure. She's fully internalised the idea you cannot trust parents and that you can't rely on them to love you so if she just doesn't engage with them then they can't see that she's a failure or be disappointed with her! This is a totally healthy idea!
Kristen: I will make you stop loving me gradually so when you give up on me it will hurt less. If I'm shitty they'll see how good Adaine is because she deserves love
Adaine: Kristen please stop they will absolutely stop loving you and I can't be the golden child because I care about you and you deserve love
Adaine 🤝 Kristen
Parental love is not a constant nor unconditional so don't rely on it in any meaningful way or you will get hurt
oh God Kristen thinking Sandra Lynn doesn't like her as a rule is so real and I feel like so present in sophomore year in the way they interact. also like, the feeling of letting adaine get taken care of by pulling herself away cuz she doesn't want to deal with being let down.
and god Adaine who is trying so hard not rely on anyone and can't stand the idea of having the same roll as her sister used to have cuz she knows Kristen deserves love but she can't understand that herself
they are so fucked with what they think they are allowed to have and deserve
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adilynnyuri · 1 month
Heyy! Hope your having a good day, I just wanted to ask one question because your answers are always right.
I’ve been using this health subliminal for maybe a week and a half. It covers your whole health and the creator has a positive reputation. The problem is that I fell sick like 4 days ago, and i’m still sick, a part of me is thinking that my body is purging the ”bad” out in order for me to be fully healthy but idk, I just feel like the sub should have prevented this from happening :( ❣️ Should I keep listening or change subs?
Hii love!! 🤍
🔑See love! Subliminal is not something which actually is the "reason" For you to get results or not. It's your belief. Your assumption. I hope you have recovered from your sickness!
Sometimes things like this happens, I am not saying you can't control! OF COURSE YOU CAN CONTROL ANYTHING YOU WANT. It's all your assumptions love!
If you assume,
"Ohh I am getting sick ig my body is purging bad outta me"
Then that's what the truth is.
If you assume,
"Ohh what? I never get sick! I am completely healthy and happy no matter what!
Then that's the truth.
"I can't physically see it" Make it happen physically simple. If you ask me how? Assume that YOU ARE COMPLETELY ALRIGHT AND PERFECT. AND THAT HAS TO HAPPEN NO MATTER WHAT!
And subliminals really help you in lotta stuffs definitely. Even in the case of me, some subs will give results to me and some don't. It's all our mindset and belief.
"Should I keep listening or change to other subs"
You choose love! Whatever you want do it. It same applies to your mindset, you have to choose what you want and persist with the assumption that you have already gotten, even when the external circumstances are fucked up.
Remember! Subliminals can be used of course! But don't depend on it!
"If I don't listen to subliminal I won't get what I want"
With lots of love,
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Headcanons for the Separation Au(One where Kuai was the only one taken to the Lin Kuei as a child) idk I am not good at naming Au’s
Bi-Han Headcanons
- Bi-Han goes to his families grave every birthday for every member of his family and every holiday, no matter the weather nor what is happening in his own life, he goes and leaves different things like food, flowers, and small trinkets. It’s one of the most well kept graves.
- He held on close to the belief that Kuai Liang was alive, somewhere, and tried for years to find out more about the Lin Kuei but to no avail.
- He kept as much stuff he could of his families personal items from jewelry, toys, etc. He still has Kuai Liang’s old stuffed animal on his night stand that he refuses to part with.
- His cyromancey was dormant for a long time, due to his truama he repressed a lot of his own memories and emotions of the more painful portions of his life. It didn’t unlock fully until his late teens when he had a mental breakdown to a fuck ton of stress in his personal life. He covered his bed room in ice.
- He trained in Martial Arts, it’s something to focus his anger on, as he has gotten older he has mellowed out and found more healthy outlets, but he is still a skilled fighter, compared to Kuai Liang, he doesn’t have the aim to kill mindset obviously, he’s comparable to Mk9 Johnny cage, likes to fight but never thought nor ever had the want to seriously injury someone.
- Speaking of Johnny, they essentially are childhood friends, after moving in with his mothers close friend(she was the god mother), he grew closer to the local kid his age named Johnathan Carton. They went to the same dojo together and even the same university.
- Bi-Han was planning to stay behind in their hometown, but Johnny who got a gig in Hollywood pushed him to do move to go with him to California.
- Bi-Han and Johnny did go, but took different paths, Johnny on his way to become a rising martial arts actor, while Bi-Han opened a bakery, not wanted to have a overly complicated time there as he paved his own way.
- They had vastly different schedules and barley saw each other. But still set up a time each month to spar with each other on the insistence of Johnny( “You have real skills and talent! Don’t get rusty”)
- Only took the job as a fighter choreographer as a favor to Johnny(also not because he has a crush on his old friend not at all) and he only did it as a side gig when he wasn’t busy.
- There were nights were their got super drunk and high together, we’re Bi-Han and Johnny’s feelings all spilled out and they ended up hooking up. Since then their relationship has been in a strange place. They’re not together but they’re not in a simple friendship anymore.
- Both pine after each other but have a lot of their own issues about getting into a relationship so it takes a long time.
- Johnny is only the second person to know of Bi-Hans cyromancy. It was a weird conversation and it took Johnnt awhile to let it sink in.
- Bi-Han went with Johnny when the actor was invited for the tournament. He thought it was a stupid idea to go(he thought it was a cult thing) but he wanst going to let his friend go alone.
- It’s during Johnny’s fight when he spots a familiar symbol of the Lin Kuei, the same people that killed his family and stole his baby brother from him.
ooooooo love this
Johnny will sometimes come with Bi-Han to the grave, and after they move to hollywood and. Johnny starts making money, he pays for the flight out and back every year so that Bi-Han can keep that connection to his family
Bi-Han is convinced that he would feel it if Kuai Liang was dead. Meanwhile, Kuai Liang has vague memories of a family and a life before the Lin Kuei that he has learned not to talk about, but clings to. They both hum their mother's lullaby in order to sleep
Bi-Han ended up with a very eclectic and androgynous style bc he'd wear as much of the jewelry he saved from the house after they died as possible, even getting his ears pierced just to wear his sister's earrings
After the breakdown, Bi-Han started practicing with his cryomancy again, but struggles to control it for longer than a minute
Has several trophies from martial arts competitions and did join a fight club when he was younger. Johnny was the one to pull him out of that and convince him it was a bad idea
Johnny was the only person who didn't treat Bi-Han like he was broken or pitiable, which led to Bi-han feeling comfortable around him and protective of him. Bi-Han has beaten up several bullies on Johnny's behalf
Bi-Han and Johnny actually had a really big fight about Bi-han wanting to stay, leading to Bi-han realizing that he doesn't like it when he can't talk to or be around Johnny, so he followed (also he's pining)
Bi-Han always used to back with his mother (who had owned a bakery herself) and so opened the bakery in her honor. He named it Mama Ru's
They usually use the bakery basement if they can't book a room anywhere else to spar. This has lead to many nights where they have ended up hooking up.
Funnily enough, Bi-Han ends up as a highly sought after fight choreographer, but won't take any job unless Johnny asks, which leads to Johnny getting more action roles
The drunken pining hookups have them both really confused, bc they both like each other and want to move forward, but they're also terrified of trying for something and having it break down. They end up in a situationship and it hurts them both for a while, especially when Johnny brings Bi-Han as his date to a premier of a movie they both worked on but spends the whole night flirting with other people.
Actually getting together required the intervention of no less than 4 other people
The first person to know about his cryomancer (outside of his family) was Angela, Lian's (the older sister) girlfriend who survived the attack by the Lin Kuei and still keeps in touch with Bi-Han and Johnny. She has actually worked as an sfx artist on some of Johnny's movies
Bi-Han is a protector at heart and has played bodyguard more than once so despite Johnny's protests, Bi-Han isn't letting him go to the tournament alone
Bi_han interrogates Cyrax after almost killing Sektor in Kombat about where Kuai Liang is, learning that Kuai Liang is here at the tournament
Bc Kuai Liang is Sub-Zero from the start in this au, Bi-Han sees him fighting Scorpion and intervenes, throwing himself over his brother's prone body and basically begging for his life. The situation is too similar to what he saw his wife do in the vision Quan Chi showed him, so Scorpion backs off
Kuai Liang, delirious from his wounds, smiles up at Bi-Han and just says "I knew you were real" before passing out.
Now we just gotta figure out where Sareena fits into this so I can get my bireencage fix
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oleander-nin · 9 months
hi! for the yandere turtles, is there any chance of the reader de-yanderifying them over time? like teaching them healthy boundaries and stuff? love ur writing btw <3
Im not sure if this is was supposed to be a request or not, but since my requests are technically closed, I'm just going to answer it 'normally'. Sorry it took a while for me to answer, I was trying to figure out how to go about it. Merry Christmas y'all.
It got kinda long so I put it under a cut-
I personally think theoretically yes, but I will personally not write it(at this time. Feelings change or there mught be a good request idk). In no way, shape, or form do I think the yandere genre should be painted in a good light, and to me, this feels like it could be. The idea of de-yanderefying someone feels too close to the "I can fix them" mindset, and I personally hate that because to me, it seems like someone could try and argue that this behavior is more or less excusable. To me, this falls into the same area as "Yandere (Y/n)/Reader", which is another trope im uncomfortable with as it feels more like its being acted out for some reason. Obviously, I wrote one of those, so no, I don't actually think it's the same as actually being yandere or some other sick and twisted mindset in real life. Now I'm not trying to sit up on a high horse and condem people who like this trope, sometimes I think it's written well and I do like it, it's just not something I plan on dipping my toes in at this moment in time.
Now to actually answer the question, it really depends on both the scenario, how 'extreme' you're going with the yandere, how long it would take, and how much they're 'de-yanderefied'. Take Mikey for example. I usually try to portray him as delusional and someone who snaps once, and that 'snap' is what turns him fully yandere rather than just toxic. While you could definitely over time get him back to toxic, he can always snap again and he will never be considered a 'normal' relationship. You can only try and break down someone's inner personality so much, and if that toxicity is built into them like in most yandere fiction, I don't believe you could fully revert someone like that to meet societies standards of a normal, functional relationship. Although, this is fiction, so yeah you could definitely. It might just be hard to justify and plan correctly because of the mental hoops yanderes have to jump through to justify their immense abuse and toxicity.
Feel free to debate me on this if you have like, a vastly different opinion, but in my mind you can't really change someone? usually at least. Abusers abuse others and cheaters usually keep cheating. to me, someone who's 'de-yanderefied' is just a yandere waiting to snap again.
TL;DR - Yes, but I don't want to write it.
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nerves-nebula · 2 months
Does Groe blame itself for its whole situation with Maureno?
gonna have to be more specific. but broadly YES and NO ??
it blames itself for a lot of things but mostly just for "being stupid" aka "being a normal guy who used to trust people" yknow. that way traumatized ppl sometimes have this immature mindset of "I'm so stupid for (insert a completely normal and healthy thing like, idk, trusting people) it's my fault I let things get this bad"
it blames Maureno for most of the way things turned out, which is somewhat fair tbh, maureno really screwed the pooch on this entire relationship!
but Groe is also very internally self hating as well. so not all of its criticism of Maureno is based on her actions. it's very into projecting what it hates about itself onto her :3
and yknow, as much as it thinks that if Maureno had been there Bee wouldn't have died- it can't really twist the story enough to fully blame Maureno. Maureno didn't know about Bee. Groe was supposed to take care of them, not Maureno. so there's also that.
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lexipoo · 1 month
I think with Azzi’s whole confidence issue, it all boils down to her health and her being a perfectionist. She was very confident in high school and the beginning of her sophomore year before the knee injury. I’m still on the fence about her being fully healthy between the second half of her sophomore year when she came back and the beginning of her junior. But when she’s at her healthiest is when she is more confident and aggressive. This season I don’t expect her to come out fully aggressive but hopefully as the season goes on and she’s completely out of the woods then I hope we see that version of her.
She’s def coming in with a different mindset. Idk if you guys can see it but she def seems more confident and taking the mental aspect seriously
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hajihiko · 2 years
Ok first off I love you and your opinions are 100% valid BUT I've been thinking for a while and I disagree about hajime and nagito clashing once Nagito wakes up. And this isn't a shipping thing I just want them to be friends. They had some sort of vibe in chapter 1 enough for Hajime to feel betrayed by Nagito's "oops-I'm-crazy" reveal, but even after that Hajime always just wanted to understand Nagito. And yes then chapter 4 happened and Nagito was an ass to everyone especially Hajime, but in the anime they seem like friends now?? Hajime was the only one there when he woke up and Nagito recognized he was Hajime and not Izuru immediately. They even ate on the boat together. Nagito definitely needs to change some of his mindsets thru therapy but the anime made me sad for him, the guy has no friends and he wants to be friends with kaz and fuyu and the others, he just needs help getting there. And he says weird stuff and can be creepy but Hajime accepts every other quirky person on the island so..? Idk I would love your thoughts :)
Ok so a while ago I talked about how I can imagine Nagito either, a) would resent Hajime for choosing his Just A Guy self over Izuru, or b) idolize him (like he idolizes all the Ultimates, but more) for nonetheless being The Ultimate Superguy. I'm not 100% on either, just figured those would be the two most likely scenarios. I also think both would not sit well with Hajime who now has a bit of a complex identity that he might not fully get himself, and having it sorta put in the spotlight all the time might be uncomfy.
I also sort of do-and-dont consider the anime, since I liked a bunch of things about it but some felt rushed, so I think of that ending as like .... thematically accurate but not necessarily how it went down? And I guess that includes the Nagito OVA. Like, thematically yes, Nagito is gonna be friendly with everyone now and it's reinstated how Hajime is himself (including Izuru) and they come a full circle with mimicking each other's poses from the start of the game; thematically YES very good. But i think it kinda happens too easily?
Tbh I just kinda think it's more boring if they're both immediately totally cool with one another, and I think they're more interesting when they clash and make each other think about things differently. Same with like, Mikan and Hiyoko, I don't buy that they're just immediately chill around each other after All That. That's not as satisfying as them having to work on themselves and the relationship. Like, with Nagito specifically digging at Hajime's insecurities and singling him out like he did, causing Chiaki's death (which he had a good reason for but it obviously hurt for Hajime especially), and just generally how Nagito was treated through a lot of the game (badly), and his views on Social Hierarchy being super challenged by Hajime even existing... having them just end as being wordlessly ok with it all is anticlimactic imo.
So like, whenever I talk about post-wakeup dynamics, in my mind I'm kind of thinking they had at LEAST a year together before the scene in the anime where everyone's awake and healthy and working together.
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itsmaddienotmaddy · 2 years
Oh this damn sport hurts my soul sometimes
USWNT v The Deutschland
Murphy… well it feels mean to blame her for the own goal. But I do feel comfortable questioning how the hell is she organizing her back line. That’s part of her job as a keeper and whenever she’s in.. full mess. She had some great saves, will never take that away from her though
Alana and Girma.. seemingly a solid future pairing. Some very bright moments pushing the ball up and some clutch saves. Naomi reads as calm but paying attention. Alana’s nonchalance sometimes reads as her not paying attention and getting caught extremely off guard. Right side was the weak side tonight.
Which begs the question. Why in the hell do Alana and Sofia not work better together. Club and country. Same spots. If it’s not fully clicking, I don’t think we should be making fetch happen.
Sofia had a quieter game because she obviously was not able to get up as much. That’s where she thrives. She did have a good physical presence though, I love when she decides she shall NOT be fucked with.
Fox did decent. She gets caught up too far sometimes and just does not react to get back. She was getting beat up out there which was very rude, someone give a helmet. Knee pads. Lil bit of bubble wrap. I think she’s very very good, but I would take a healthy Dunn over Fox.
Dunn. She did well. She wasn’t the game changer I think folks wanted her to be. But she’s a left back, I’m not counting on her to do it all. I think coming back from pregnancy and getting back in the mindset of two different positions should not be looked over. Midfield with club was the first priority. I wouldn’t be surprised if it took a little extra time to get back into defense.
Rose was going x games mode. I understand not overworking her, especially after that scary knee moment in the first half. But if we keep her fully healthy, gonna need to have her for ninety. The movement, the nutmegs. Only thing she was missing was getting off some banger shots. Girlie needed to SHOOT
Captain Lindsey KT tape Horan. She has the vision, she had the ability to create space, she has the headers, she has the bike attempts. Does she have the speed? Negative. I forget who, Alex maybe, tried to give and go with her and miss ma’am just, was not getting to the second ball. I think she had a pretty decent game but fatigue was apparent and I would have taken her off a little sooner.
Andi goes hard. I will always give her that. Broken record, but US Soccer needs to stop trying to pigeon hole her into a Julie Ertz role. The expectation of that position in our formation needs to be ADJUSTED.
I already voiced my opinion on Korn coming in. I think she’s great. Love her at San Diego so much. Don’t love the insistence on putting her in based on heading ability over a legitimate game plan. She shouldn’t be our Hail Mary last resort.
Coffey… at this point, I think it’s good she comes in to get experience. But as a 6, same thing as Andi. We gotta reevaluate what that position means.
Sanchez. Well thank god she came in. I was fucking waiting for that. A lovely spark
Mal. Mal is obviously talented as all get out. I will never argue that. But when she does the SAME ‘fake like she going to continue down the side, cut and explode centrally’ after it hasn’t worked 11 times. Idk maybe she wants to try something else. And if she wants to shoot, and she SHOULD, she needs to stop ruining her own angle
Sophia was doing so much. So much, all of the work. Somewhere… Carli Lloyd is praising her for being a harder worker than those 8 year olds she slandered on Twitter. But after all her work, her final ball was lacking. The amount of times she launched crosses and shots while falling away from the ball… it was too much. It seemed like she felt alone up top and didn’t have a good enough option and tried going alone.
Alex. Was quiet for most of the game. Which I don’t love. But will never doubt her ability to never stop. The tenacity to get the assist that late in the game. THAT Alex. It’s why she’s on the field over other people. Always.
Pinoe really said… hello new baby straights of the uswnt…. Here’s how us old lesbians get shit done. For real though. At least we can still count on her!!
And Trinity. Should have come in at half. Like Coffey, games like this are amazing experience since she is still so young. But her ability to just RUN. When she has 45 to ball out without the expectation of a ninety. She will GO. She showed she can blow past defenders and will come back on defense. She has the oomph we need to inject. More Trin.
And we have to do it again soon! Not in Florida though, so that’s a plus. I would LIKE to see Miss AD FRANCH and Kristen Anne Mewis to get some fuckin minutes.
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azrielgreen · 1 year
sometimes cult leaders wants to check loyalty of their followers so my question is: eddie wasn't fully in control, but he provoked billy and then *intentionally or not* made steve start an argument, because he wanted to stay with eddie and help him. Was it a test of some sort for steve to check if he is ready to risk it all already?
(idk if that makes sense lol)
I love answering Prism asks! Yes, so I think I get your question.
The finale of part one where Eddie set things up as much as he could to cause this enormous confrontation and clash between Steve and Billy. It wasn't a test, but it was something he felt was "necessary" for Steve and for Billy too. Sort of like removing a damn, one branch at a time and then pulling the final one away and letting the water go. Talking about Prism Eddie's mindset is always strange because there's such a distinct split between what he THINKS is good and right and completely rational versus what is ACTUALLY any of those things. He built Steve up just enough that, he hoped, when Billy truly lost it (pushed by Eddie right over the edge) Steve would choose a different path this time, and not just choosing Eddie but choosing himself and his own safety. Eddie's whole thing is that he likes to (in his mind) interfere minimally.
He could have taken Steve at any point, manipulated him, swayed him, hell, even dated him, but he has this obsession with people coming to him, ESPECIALLY with Steve. The idea that Steve should break up with Billy himself is somewhat grounded. If Eddie stole Steve away from Billy, Steve would want to go back. He genuinely loves Billy and Eddie respects that. Equally it's the reason why he didn't just kill Billy - that would make him a martyr, deprive Steve of "growth closure" and Steve would never have had the chance to break free of his own accord. Building Steve up slowly to bring him back to himself in some small way and then setting Billy off at his WORST is Eddie's idea of pushing Steve towards healthy change, but he could never really know what would happen and there was a great deal of risk, especially towards Steve, which is why Eddie was struggling to process his feelings at the end of part one. It seems strange to him how deeply he cares and how powerfully his own empathy for Steve undercuts his pragmatism.
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astroyongie · 2 years
Hi yongie! Sooooo idk if you’ll have time for this (if you are busy don’t worry about it) but I wanted to ask what FIRST steps to take to fix your life if it’s been unhealthy! I know it’s different for everyone but if you have any advice to start everything on the right path it would help greatly! I was so distracted by work and surface level positivity (everything’s fine, if I just keep going forward etc) that I wasn’t making any spiritual or mental progress. I was just kinda ignoring it bc I was at what I thought was an okay enough place. I didn’t fully notice how physically and mentally unhealthy I was becoming by just focusing on work and school and ignoring small issues. Then BANG one day the consequences of my choices and prioritizations hit me at once. Even though I didn’t feel it before! Now physically I feel terrible from my crappy choices build up the past year (not getting enough minerals/nutrients, not going to gym, quitting hobbies, not sleeping enough) and mentally I’m more unstable than I’ve been in years (huge depressive episodes, insomnias, distancing myself from others, anxieties & overthinking). But also at the same time I threw SOOO much money and investment into school that right now I don’t have money or time to do things like start up my hobbies, buy meds, or go back to the gym even though I’m struggling.
I just really would like advice from someone learning abt this stuff on what first steps to take to fix something like this. The consequences of build up from bad decisions. It just feels so stuck.
Ily yongie hope your doing well at school and in life! I’m sure your busy and Ik I wrote this so confusing so you don’t have to answer. If you have something/advice to add though I would appreciate it! Don’t overwhelm yourself with all the love readings I saw how many are on for January (😭)!! I wish you and your cats the very best. 💞
Hey hun, thank you for sharing all of your struggles with me. I will teach you a way that can help you and of course, this can go FOR EVERYONE THAT IS STRUGGLING to keep their life healthy and in check
The first thing I want to say is that sometimes it's okay to stay in bed, it's okay to feel sad and it's okay to take time for oneself before getting back on track. You aren't a machine, and your divine timing needs to be respected.
I will advise you to first have the mindset (which it seem you got it) like admitting to ourselves that this life isn't going good and that we want to change. That's the first step. Now secondly, I usually help patients to set goals. Minor goals, Medium Goals, and Big goals. there are some examples:
Minor goals: Goals set for a day to one week
cleaning the bedroom
read a chapter from my favorite book
go out in the sun
eat 4 meals today
do one session of pilates
Medium goals: Goals set for a week or the month
Doing 3 sessions of workouts at home
Seeing my friends/family
Challenging myself to go to the museum alone
Big goals: Goals set for a month or a year.
Have a driving license
Getting my school year
Seeing a therapist
Achieving something that would make me happy
Your goals need to be set based on your needs and what you want to achieve. To keep track of all of it, I usually suggest you keep track of schedules that you plan beforehand, with cognitive stimulation, journaling, etc.
What if there's a goal that I wasn't able to achieve? : Then it's okay. you still have plenty of days, weeks, and months, to achieve it. It's about baby steps and motivation, slow progress, don't expect to change your lifestyle in a week. It's a start as sometimes mental health, financial issues, and life events can make it challenging to keep track. In those times, breathe. Take a break, then come back stronger. Look for what didn't work, and start by changing that.
If you can instaure also a reward system for each goal that you reach. by the end of each week and/or month, give yourself a reward based to celebrate what you archived, even if it's minor. Allow yourself to have that chocolate cake, allow yourself to binge-watch your favorite show without leaving the bed, and allow yourself to buy that thing you have been wishing for.
It's not about how quickly you do things. It's about how steadily you are writing your own story and developing at your own pace.
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quenthel · 1 year
oughughug ed stuff (also some tmi stuff)
i have been recovering from my ED pretty well... learning how to enjoy meals and not overeat all the time im even a little bit distressed/ reward myself with other stuff than food so my relationship to meals have changed... i also got much more into cooking than i was bc of dunmeshi too and i enjoyed the philosophy of cooking and eating meals from that manga so much legit helped me a ton to think about it more and really internalize it. Like reading that manga really made me reconsider what i think of food and that made it easier for me not to fall back into old bad mindsets as much (but i do sometimes still its a work in progress)
And like I lost a lot of weight bc of this (i just eat a little less move a little more and give more time and thought to my meals) like its been still a struggle for me esp in the beginning and by this point im losing weight very slowly like it took me 8 months to lose 10kg while the first 8 i lost in like 2 months. And while this food journey was overall good for my mental my body got much much weaker psychically esp my endurance because its a large change. Im not sad about it because being overweight (and still being overweight lol) was making me miserable (and the societal hatred for fat people was part of that ofc, but also mostly it was caused by some beliefs i have about my own self worth its a big issue) but I feel like no weight loss post or story or anything talks about this. I also started to exercise and so far some of it has been harder but some of it has been easier. And i still need to work a lot on appreciating my own body and truly inhabiting it in a sense like being at peace with it and not fighting it and connect to my own body as its part of myself and not just something im in. Like its part of me. Funnily enough the times i really felt that connection were the times I was spending a lot of time together with other people like irl (when i had a huge friend group and we drank a lot together or when i was w my ex lol).
Like at this point i weigh less than i ever remember weighing (even in my teens lol) and i still have a long way to go. But i would not have done it without being supported by my friends and parents like i dont think anybody can come out of toxic mindsets without opening those doors and asking for help or knowing that they HAVE to do it for other people (like my dad recovering from alcoholism because he was scared he will die before seeing my brother and me grow up). Also its funny that around the time i started really thinking abt my own body and my health and really asking for help (in therapy too) to make me truly healthy, not working on it in isolation like i did after beating disco elysium was around the time i started thinking abt being trans too. Like realizing that my body is me made me think more about my own gender too. I’m also thinking a lot abt starting HRT but that would be impossible for me bc of my country (idk if i can even do that abroad but maybe...) but I don’t want to yet since I want to establish my body mind connection first and THEN see if i still feel like I should.
Anyway im around halfway done with my weightloss plans and its been 9 months. I originally wanted to recover fully and reach that weight and develop habits to exercise regularly in 2 years but since im moving soon i might not be able to focus on this as much or maybe its going to get easier... who knows. I still feel like I’m a work in progress tho both bc of therapy and bc of this but also because i really feel like im JUST starting to become more of an adult because im thinking about these things (and its making me more sad that i cant be financially independent yet but im trying to be patient). But it feels like im currently at a point of my life when im changing for the better overall and while I struggle a lot its not as bad as it was before so thats pretty hopeful...
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I want to get my hopes up about Kate’s start next year, but I guess it depends if/when she has a new private secretary in place? On the other hand there are things she can do, like some more information about the royal foundation partnering with Olena Zelenska, or just more about her early years work. Righty now there’s just so many meetings about it. I also want both William and Kate to diversify their engagements a bit more and not just focus all their time on mental health, early years, and environment. Those three things are huge and can mean different things for different people, but idk, sometimes I feel like they leave out things that they could do because Kate wants to do early years stuff (which is important, I’m not trying to minimize it). I’d love to see her do something with charities connected to the Irish Guards, or rugby accessibility for girls in school.
(Also for William to actually visit girl’s and women’s grassroots football, and special team’s football. It’s all well and good to wish the national team good luck and drag yourself to one match in over 15 years, but he should also show up to the smaller things that matter almost more. Attend the women’s FA Cup Final)
I'm battling flu and there are so many words here I have to be honest I am not sure I fully understood it. But essentially I agree. I'm intrigued by the Private Secretary situation because we haven't officially been informed she's stepped down and also we don't know who the new one is or even if they have a new one.
I want to see more regular work as a key area to focus on going foward. I would also, like you, like to see a bigger range. I'm happy for Kate to do 6 early years-related, Royal Foundation-linked engagements in one month, as long as she also does engagements with mental health, and the outdoors, and art, and visiting communities. I loved your idea of rugby accessibility for girls in school - she could visit school's which have interesting approaches to sport or even ones which promote a healthy mindset through physical activity or being outside!
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cremelunaire · 2 months
“It would be nice” manifestation method
*not created by me idk who came up with it
My tips:
This works best for small, materialistic things.
This works best when you are not trying hard
Focusing with this method almost never works
Making this method a habit/mindset increases effectiveness
This is a great method to use if you are trying to increase your luck
What is the method?
The “it would be nice” method simply consists of thinking “it would be nice” and then your object of attraction.
Affirmations I have successfully used:
“It would be nice to have some snacks when I got to work.”
“It would be nice to try one of those drinks for free.”
“It would be nice to have a free full size tube of that lipgloss.”
“It would be nice to take this home once the company was done with it.”
Although your desires for this objects will not simply dissipate after affirming, you cannot mentally beg for them similar to many manifestation methods.
IME in any scenario I have caught myself trying to use this method and then whether I try to or not lingering on the thought of how badly I want that object it would not work. Only after I stopped consciously begging the universe was it given to me. This could be limiting beliefs so I would love for you to go in with an open mindset and ignore your limiting beliefs. Honestly though the way I see it is like with any manifestation method it is about KNOWING that the desire is already yours, but with little things like this it’s hard to affirm because it is a physical object, so it is just easier to ignore not having it along with not worrying or thinking about having it.
Make it a habit:
Start by having a healthy grasp on your needs and wants. Know and understand not just needs in terms of bills but to upkeep your lifestyle. Hair styling products, everyday makeup producst, skincare routine products, cleaning products ect ect. Now do not use it for any of that, these are things you cannot forget about and you have to have your focus on. Think about your wants, the things you can live the rest of your life without and not really be affected, things that don’t necessarily move you forward in any way but would be nice to have. Think of that body glitter, those shoes, a food you want to try, those cute bedsheets on Pinterest. Find something you can drop your focus on, that you want but not so badly you linger on it. Now every time it comes to mind think to yourself “it would be nice to have ______” or if you find yourself unable to truely believe you could fully manifest it for free think about how nice it would be to get a discount on it. Now forget about it. Don’t think of it any more. Just let go of your desires for it and distract yourself if you need. The first few times you try this it can be hard, so I recommend finding different things that you are willing to try and just keep going, and it will pick up. You will improve at it and find that you manifest more and better with it, thus giving you that “lucky” aspect because these things seem to just fall in your lap. I would suggest not doing this with just everything, like walking through the store while shopping don’t just look at everything you want and think it would be nice, but find things you feel like you can attract with it because that feeling is going to fuel your belief and manifesting process.
By making this a mindset you are allowing yourself to naturally attract the things you desire into your life.
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dissociacrip · 2 years
call me oversensitive or something if you want but personally as a survivor of developmental trauma that is ingrained into my sense of being in such foundational ways that i'll probably never be able to fully rid myself of its effects (and that's okay) i'd rather see more messaging along the lines of "you'll someday reach a point where you realize there is so much more to who you are as a person than your trauma/suffering" as opposed to "stop making your trauma/suffering apart of your identity that's not healthy" because, to me, the latter almost frames it as if not being able to just snap yourself out of that mindset (or if you're still being regularly subject to more trauma) is some kind of personal failing, whereas the latter seems more like the kind of compassionate sentiment that people like me need.
it's hard not to identify with suffering when that's all you've ever been given to work with. it's hard not to identify with suffering when you're still being put through it due to circumstances outside of your control. it's hard when the former happens and then the latter happens too to reinforce it. idk i really dislike the way online recovery culture often seems to implicitly moralize aspects of "recovery" like this, or acts as if recovery is solely about one's personal choices rather than other factors (like whether one is even in a safe and stable enough life circumstance) playing a role that's just as big, if not bigger.
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So first of all how old where everyone before adoption?
And second why when i read that in your swap au trip and wukong relationshipand the fact that he is not found of wukong being mk successor for some reason i thaut of the line " I didnt need you then asshole i dont now" frome helluveboss?
Like maybe trip desides that if he spends more time with wukong he could get him away from what ever mind set mk was putting him in which at first no one exept bajie really paid attention but it started to become alittle more wierd with time. Like when wukong wanted to go visit or train with mk he would bring up going to a restaurant or park as a family an wujing would be really happy so wukong wouldn't and couldn't say no and at the end wukong anaps and says "what are you trying to do" and trip is like " wdym cant i just want us to be more close?" And they start argueing cuz wukong is convinced something is wrong and it leads to that line
Idk how old wukong was when he was adopted but i feel like it could be 16 or something
Sorry for the long ask i just wanted to share this and askevery ones age
So i never thought of the ages because I'm bad with math, so i didn't really spent time thinking and calculating the past ages and the present ones.
because i wanna keep wukong rather young in the present rather than a 30 years old y'know?
But yeah, i do think that the ages were around:
Wukong and Ao lie were 16.
bajie was 10
And wujing was around 6/7
So all the attention got to the youngers.
which wasn't fair because all of them needed a father figure, and considering how little Tripitaka was in their life, all the attention was on the youngest, the oldests didn't get their fathers love.
But while Ao lie didn't care too much, wukong was deeply hurt by it. Because he genuinely thinks of Tripitaka as a father.
So Tripitaka and Wukong relationship was always distant, intentional or not.
MK mindset that he's teaching sun wukong is way more healthy than Tripitaka, he's teaching sun wukong how to defend himself and the people he loves (training/fighting demons), how to talk to people since MK is way more social rather than wise, and just general good stuff.
And while they see each other as brothers, wukong genuinely looks up to MK, like when the younger brother looks up to the oldest. The same thing.
but Tripitaka isn't worried about that, he's more focused on the fighting stuff.
He refuses to accept that MK is helping wukong with his problems, well, he's not refusing them he's more ignoring that fact and the good thing that MK is doing to his son, and he's focusing on the flaws.
Buddhism dosen't allows violence (it says murder but still.) and with how strict Tripitaka was with those rules in Buddhism, learning that your son is some immortal successor and will have to fight demons,,,iss ehh.
He did not let that slide.
which lead to many other problems.
Often fighting about it, often telling wukong to drop the training and come back doing whatever he was doing before, y'know. That stuff.
"I'm doing it for your own good!"
So he doesn't get hurt. So he doesn't fall of the path of enlightenment.
there were times where Tripitaka offered wukong to spend some time together, usually in summer because no one was busy, but wukong never fully enjoyed them. Because it felt like Tripitaka was forced, even if he wasn't, it just felt like Tripitaka wasn't there by choice.
he never experienced the love of a father and when he gets those rare time of fatherly love, he gets weirded out by it.
It's unfamiliar.
But now this little times Tripitaka spends with wukong? They became times where Tripitaka tries to convice wukong to drop his training.
So the feeling of Tripitaka being forced there became stronger, to the point wukong avoided whenever Tripitaka offered those times by lying.
"i have to work"
"gotta get food"
"wujing needs me"
Really, the only two who have a healthy relationship is wujing and wukong.
The others are really distant even if they don't realize.
MK is hurt by knowing how bad this situation is.
Because they are his friends reincarnation. And they weren't like this. Why are they so cruel?
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