#idk it didn't really feel like a saw movie honestly. just inspired by it
brainfullofbees · 8 months
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chickenoptyrx · 5 months
You do so right by z Broly, you understand his potential. Your au with him and Trunks is a delight
Glad we all appreciate my blatant misrepresentation of the character 😌 im partly joking but man fr, 12 year old me would hate that instead of him bein a badass edgy monster, I draw him as.. *checks notes* .. an immature loser with bad coping mechanisms uwu
Ok but in true ask tradition! :U im hijacking this ask to talk about a dumb theory thats been rolling around in my head for like 2 years now: android 16 and broly similarities:
Ok so. If you aren't aware. The android arc of dragon ball was originally going to focus on the androids 19 & 20 and trunks even names them specifically
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But Toriyamas former editor, Kazuhiko Torishima, didn't like them as the main antagonists and so Toriyama changed it to focus on 17 & 18 as the bad guys and introduced 16 as a sort of mystery
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Now. This gets almost completely dropped once that same former editor ALSO doesn't like these androids and cell becomes the main villian for the arc (yeah yeah, the bomb thing is technically *there*, but its so inconsequential most people forget its even a thing :T )
So. Idk exactly when movie 8 went into production, but we know Brolys LSSJ form was inspired by trunks SSJ grade3 form that appears several chapters after cell has been introduced and the androids have become power-up fodder, so im gonna argue its safe to say the decision to move away from their story had been made
(side tangent that I find absolutely hilarious btw- despite gokus commentary in the HTC, SSJ grade 3 was the strongest form of ssj we saw at this point, so its pretty appropriate to use it as the basis of the strongest scariest ssj form.... rrriiiiiiiiggght up until toriyama introduced SSJ2 on Feb 2, 1993- near exactly 1 month before the first Broly movie hit theaters. Completely undermined what, up til then, looked like a trend in stronger form = bigger and beefier right as the big beefy strongest guy ever movie came out 🤣 absolutely love it!)
So anyways. The movies overall also tend to have varying degrees of similarities with recent arcs in the show and Toriyama, while not overly involved, would give the studio designs and story notes. And. Idk. Yall can tell me im reaching if ya want, but: A guy who's made into a weapon by his father who's on a quest for revenge and has this conflicting view of his son as both someone he feels he failed to protect, someone he cares about, but also as a tool for that revenge, and someone who's destructive power hes become deeply afraid of.. now where have we seen somethin like that 🤔 may be an extra reach but I also think its neat that despite their different face shape, Toriyamas gave em the same expression
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Lol they're also both just ridiculously tall bastards. Like for no gd reason. And yeah, to me atleast, it explains why hating goku specifically gets shoehorned into brolys backstory (listen I can absolutely do the mental gymnastics to make it make sense! I'm fine with it! Its fine! I actually like it! ... but it IS a dumb shoehorned plot point! Both things can be true D:< ) look just lookit these tall ass shits
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Anyway. My last note is just this statement from Toriyama about 16 and Gero. The way gero is presented is really in line with how I see Paragus as this tragic failure of a father- honestly caring about his kid, but letting grief and revenge drive him into conflicting corners where he wants revenge FOR the life denied his son, but also actively shaping his son into such a terrifying weapon that ultimately hed rather his kid just never be conscious cause thats the 'only way to keep them safe'
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“Dr. Gero’s son who died young a long time ago served as the visual model for Android 16. He was a high-ranking soldier for the Red Ribbon Army but was shot down by the enemy. Dr. Gero reserved special feelings for 16 as “his son,” and although he equipped 16 with immense power and a frightening destructive device, he didn’t want to see him be defeated on the battlefield and thus programmed him to have a gentle personality. 16 was consequently considered a failed creation.” The smaller caption below Toriyama’s quote reads: “Was the reason Dr. Gero didn’t want to activate 16 perhaps because of his parental love to not see him destroyed?”
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sharpth1ng · 6 months
Obviously it doesn't apply to Debaser but I was wondering how you feel about Scream 3 and the narrative that it was all orchestrated by Roman. I feel myself constantly surrounded by people downplaying Billy's and Stu's role (with Roman also claiming Maureen's death) I felt like they take away a lot of our horror husbands' autonomy. When I watched it I feel like Roman gave Billy a hint and the rest was them (it also didn't feel like Billy really used Stu as the guy to take the fall like Roman said.) so idk I feel weird about how people see it and was curious about your thoughts?
Sorry if it's already been asked!
I honestly think Scream 3 is an instance of some pretty bad screen writing in the context of the original trilogy. The dialogue and self-contained plot is mostly fine, I like the concept of the movie taking place on set with the director as the killer, but the reveal also weakens the impact of the first movie, which is still by far the best one in the franchise.
Honestly I dislike even the concept that Roman inspired Billy at all, part of what I like about the original is the fact that the motive isn't grand or justified, it's very much teenage bullshit, even if it matters a lot to Billy. It's petty, it's overkill, and with every murder after Maureen it's very obviously a weak excuse for the killing spree they go on.
The fact is that originally scream wasn't going to be a franchise. Roman was added in after the fact as a cause for the events of the first movie. Saw can pull that shit off because its a soap opera basically, but I expect a tighter plot from scream. I also dislike the way Roman's motivation pulls Maureen back into the situation again, and especially the fact that it ads sexual assault to her backstory. I found that unnecessary.
In context of the themes in the original trilogy I think it would have worked better not to connect Roman's motive back to scream 1 in that way. Scream 1 is a deconstruction of horror, scream 2 is a deconstruction of sequels, so scream 3 should deal with what we tend to see happening when a horror franchise gets popular enough to have 3 movies (and it sort of does? Just not as well as I think it could have).
At that point, it becomes part of the popular culture, its not just a genre flick anymore. We see funko pops and parodic depictions of the killers, knockoff merch, and sometimes we see real life acts of violence being blamed on them (Like with Childs play 3), because they're so omnipresent they're hard to avoid. We already see this happening in Scream 2 with the popularity of the Stab franchise and with Mickey, but I would have taken this a step further for Scream 3.
Roman shouldn't have been related to anyone in the original movie, and that should have been played as plot twist.
Roman's sole motive should have been to make a new movie, and to raise the stakes for the new millennium. In the 2000's we start to see a lot more gore than we got on screen before (think final destination, it comes out the same year as scream 3) and I think making a point of commenting on the need to raise the stakes for a desensitized audience that's already used to the state of play could have worked well.
So yeah, I don't like a lot about scream 3, I do not like Roman's motive or his involvement in the events of the first movie- because you're totally right, it does take Billy and Stu's agency in a way that makes Scream 1 hit a little less hard. Also you're right about the fact that it doesn't really feel like Billy is setting Stu up as a fall guy- because it wasn't a fucking part of the original script, it's a retcon.
Sorry for the rant lmao I have feelings.
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class1akids · 8 months
On the second to last page in the leaks, it shows the flashback scene where little Deku and Bakugou are getting the rare all might cards, only now all might is looking on from behind them. But the boys aren't holding the cards, they're each holding that ball of light that I guess represents one for all, as is AM behind them.
I'm a little confused. Is this meant to be symbolic about the general legacy of AM, and that Deku and Bakugou are taking it on, or it is really meant to invoke OFA specifically, and it's important that Bakugou is shown holding it as well? Is it meant to show that he has OFA too?
I know the movies are canon, so does it have to do with when Deku transferred OFA to him in one of the movies? It's gonna turn out he has some kind of remnant of it? Horikoshi's shown Melissa and Rody's siblings so obviously he considers the movies canon, but those feel like more of a fun cameo whereas Bakugou having OFA would be such an important plot point... (Sorry if you've already talked about how canon we can consider the movies and if we can expect to see them come into play, but I must've missed it if you have).
If Bakugou has OFA, I honestly don't think it would be because of a movie, but because of a plot point to do with All Might's vestige introduced in the manga itself (about the vestige we saw in Ch 362 and then last chapter's mention of AM's vestige leaving early).
While the movies are "canon" or rather Japan doesn't have the strange obsession with what's canon and what's not like the Western audience does, it would still be highly strange for a manga to rely on a movie for a major plot-point. (Because before, every movie reference was of an Easter egg nature, that was not required for the understanding of the overall plot).
All Might's "vestige" was always an outlier in the OFA realm, so idk, maybe bc he's quirkless / still alive, he will discover that he can body-jump at will. The OFA-lore is always changing, so Hori can make up whatever rule he wants (just like he made up the "OFA is only for the quirkless now" rule post-war), and as the IronSuit plot shown, anything goes at this point.
I personally - just as I didn't want to see Bakugou's explosion in OFA, I don't really want to see OFA inside Bakugou. I hope his power-up is more linked to the natural progression of his own quirk and effort rather than All Might "granting" him special power. So I could see the image of light simply linking back to Ch 399 about the Organic Alternating Current Lamp, where All Might talks about his light being picked up.
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So Bakugou and Deku picking up All Might's light as children inspired by his heroism could be just tying back to that idea - All Might's light being picked up by others.
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And yes, I do see the "OFA-stars" around the light globe, which could mean that Bakugou has literal OFA or could just mean that OFA is transforming into a new network of power which Hawks was talking about back in Ch 325, where the whole "we all became the greatest hero" idea originated.
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kris-mage-fics · 8 months
Okay I gotta ask since it looks so great but I’m still on the fence about it: How scary would you say Scarlet Hollow is? For context, I’m a HUGE baby when it comes to horror- like even the most “mild” scary movies I watch between my fingers. I love a psychological thriller, but that’s about as far as it will go. I was also a kid who read Goosebumps and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark even though they inevitably freaked me out and gave me nightmares for years lol. Would you recommend to someone who loves a good story but is a big Scaredy Cat like myself?
Yes I would, because honestly I'm a big Scaredy Cat too! I wouldn't have even tried the game if two friends on another discord server didn't assure me that it wasn't really scary. In my opinion it leans more into the psychological side than really terrifying. Compared to movies like Saw or Se7en* it's much tamer. (Since I've seen very little horror I can't give a lot of examples to compare SH too.) If you've seen the anime Madoka Magica, I'd say it's similar-ish levels to that, a little scarier because of the more realistic art style. Actually, part of the game is inspired by the anime. I tend to get nightmares easily from things that freak me out, and I haven't had one from playing Scarlet Hollow. Though I have bawled my eyes out, especially at the end of Episode 4! It's just so tragic! There are some kinda gross and gory parts but it's not really heavy, because that's not what the story is about. It's really focused on things like generational trauma, and how the choices of a lot of character's ancestors affect the present. Just exploring those ideas through supernatural happenings and horror. (Is that the definition of Gothic Horror? Idk, I'm not genre savvy when it comes to horror.) You can always try out the demo, which is Episode 1. That should give you a decent idea of how scary it is. Though everyone has a different view on which part is the scariest so far. The devs have an extensive trigger warning list available as well, so feel free to check it out. Of course there are some vague spoilers in it. You won't encounter everything on the list in a given playthrough, since some of it is highly dependent on your choices. But no shame or judgement from me if you think it's too scary. Taking care of your mental health is more important than playing a game! <3 *Yes I know Se7en isn't really horror, but from what I remember, it was pretty gruesome. Granted I watched both it and Saw in my early 20's, so a long time ago. At this point in my life there's no way I could handle watching either of those movies again.
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annbourbon · 8 months
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Well hello folks! It's that time of the year again! And here's my 2023 movie list, keep on mind I actually made the effort to watch movies I have never seen before, even though they're old... so even if you already watched them because they're classics, I didn't until now.
I actually need to get some books to read but for now binged all these days to watch 31 movies & series in a couple of days.
1. Mask Girl (K-Drama, series)✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
Okay this series was amazing. I've been a fan of Orange Caramel even though they're now disbanded, so seeing Nana back on the scene was so cool. But that's not all, honestly:
* Insane plot, made me gasp a couple of times and I've been into K-Drama for a while now so...
* I was actually rooting for Kim Mo-mi the whole time, but also I couldn't find myself to hate the other characters because the actors are so good<3
* Did I mention Nana is there?
* It has so many layers and many points of view which makes it so interesting to watch
I'm not saying anything else because I highly recommend this one.
2. The Platform (movie) ✅⭐⭐
A bit boring at times but quite interesting too. I watched it because someone recommended it to me. I was so disappointed with the ending but at the same time I understood why it finished the way it did. I'm not going to watch it again though. Definitely hated it.
3. Scream (movie, 2023 ver.) ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
Since I already watched the original one. This one was awesome. I loved the original cast coming back, and also, Jenna Ortega 😍😚
4. Suspiria (remake)✅⭐⭐⭐
I got bored lol it is aesthetic but not a lot. I prefer the school on the original movie. Like, it's so pretty...
Actually I got, really bored at some parts. I wanted the whole ballet concept to be more... macabre and beautiful. They could have put anything else and the idea would have been the same.
I enjoyed the dance. But it's not classical ballet. I'm giving it an extra star because of the aesthetics. It's not creepy or scary. Just another film. Some parts are awesome but mostly... bland.
5. The Deep House ✅⭐⭐
I think, I was disappointed. It's one of those old school movies, you either love it or hate it. I ended up disliking it a lot because it felt kind of lazy. There was no message behind, there was no reason for me to actually care about them as characters, and BTW, the dude there, he was sooooo toxic. I ended up hating him the whole movie except for his last moments. I really don't recommend this one lol but here you have me, trying to find something different.
Well, sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.
6. Doctor Sleep ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
I need to be honest, he's still one of my first celebrity crushes. So I might be a bit biased. But I loved the movie. Before you say anything to me, I have watched The Shinning already.
7. Gothika ✅⭐⭐
I might as well be honest. I saw this movie when I was a kiddo. But I had a lot of nightmares about it. Still, now I got to watch it fully. And I realized that it's not as intense as I thought it was. I mean, yes. It has some scenes. But I'm a Hannibal Lecter and Criminal Minds fan now lol it's kind of difficult to get past that.
8. Dreamcatcher ✅⭐⭐⭐
It started pretty average and I was expecting nothing from it. But it got better. And really scary. I hated the bathroom scene but also loved the whole movie.
9. Only Mine ✅⭐⭐⭐
Scary but because it's based on a real story. The movie is pretty decent.
10. Train to Busan ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Was so cool 💕 😢 more than scary it was inspiring me a lot. IDK how to explain it. But I'll be watching it again because *feelings*
I think it's becoming one of my favorite horror movies.
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11. Annihilation ✅⭐⭐
Mmmmm I fell asleep. Had to watch it again. And it was not that interesting. I loved the colors though. If I have to say anything about it lol 💤😴
12. Psycho (1960) ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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I can't believe it took me so long to watch this one!!! I love this movie I swear. It's such a good one. It's not as scary as I thought it would be but I think that's a "me" problem lol since it seems like I'm so used to scary things nothing really scares me anymore.
However, the suspense was so in point and I can't even believe that I was holding my breath. Like, how? This movie is so old no? It should be boring and all that uh? Well it doesn't matter. Hitchcock definitely knew his way around. It caught my interest and hold me captive till the end of the movie. I didn't even start scrolling my phone or got bored!
Sure there are a couple of plots that can be "fixed" because we now have better phones and technology, but the whole movie it's timeless. It definitely holds. I loved it. A lot. That can't be said of several other movies and tv shows.
13. Constantine ✅⭐⭐⭐
Not really scary. But really cool. I was having a crush over Tilda Swinton the whole time lol sadly she doesn't get to have a lot of screentime but I repeated her scenes for a while before going to the next movie.
14. Beowulf ✅⭐⭐
By now I'm getting tired AF of bloodbaths. Like it's not even scary. It's disgusting and tiresome. I want to see something else. I really did not enjoy the movie. I'm starting to realize that binging on a certain genre can desensitize a person and it certainly feels like I'm way over it. I remember the movie but I can't remember anything that is worth of comment. Except, maybe... that Beowulf is an asshole, so is the king, and apparently the next king will do the same thing and everyone there deserved what happened to them except ofc the people in town and kids. I don't think I liked the story or movie at all. 💀
15. Disturbing Behavior ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
Okay so James Marsden and Katie Holmes are so cute together. And they're literally kids here. It was a bit awkward lol but I enjoyed the movie. It's kind of interesting and definitely talks about how society pressures you on behaving in a certain way. All that while making a scary movie. Which is why I might've ended up liking it a bit more than the others. Interesting how parents were so on board with this behavior too. Anyway, since I'm on a marathon I don't really have a lot of time to analyze it as much as I usually do. I probably won't be watching it again, but it's a good movie to analyze and enjoy for a while. For real.
16. The Exorcist (original) ✅⭐⭐⭐
Now we're getting serious lol or not...
Honest reaction
Before the movie>> I'm so scared of it 😭😿😱
During and after the movie>>> wow... It's so... meh 😑
I was a bit distracted during the whole movie. And it's not that scary. Just sad, long, boring and disappointing. Nothing else to comment.
My brother said that I needed to appreciate it a bit more since it's an old movie, but honestly... I prefer Psycho to the Exorcist. Like, I get it. Old movie. Different type of special effects and all that. But still, the whole thing, even the characters feels kinda flat? Nvm the spoilers. I received a similar amount of spoilers from both movies and I still enjoyed Psycho more. I did laughed a lot. But it's not supposed to be a comedy movie 😭🤣
17. 12 Monkeys ✅⭐⭐⭐
TT~TT okay? I really cried for a while. And I had to take some days off because of this one. I started watching other series, kdramas and stuff that made me laugh and forget about this one.
18. Ghost Ship ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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I remember seeing this one everywhere when I was a kid and my parents trying to make sure I didn't watch it. One of the reasons I finally got my hands on it and watch it lol
I really enjoyed it. I was so sad about the girl on the ship. And I usually do not like slashers but somehow I ended up loving this one. Definitely is going to be one of my favorite movies from now on.
19. The exorcism of Emily Rose ✅ ⭐⭐
Boring at the beginning but interesting after 30 minutes into the movie. Which in a way, it's not good lol but let it be. I was thinking to call the Winchesters all the time.
Mmmm I think these two are one of the reasons I stopped disliking horror movies.
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The other one would be Fi from So Weird
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Which TBH is the original reason I stopped disliking ghosts and monsters. I joined Fi team first before Supernatural. Supernatural was me being edgy and sarcastic all the way, especially on my worse days. But Fiona, she's the one I truly aspired to be. Now I think I'm a mix of both and it's okay. I still prefer Fi over the Winchesters because she gives everyone a chance to be. I mean, I love the brothers a lot... okay not the point of this lol sorry... Ummmm I think you can see I got distracted while watching the movie. 💀🤣
Interesting though, a mix of lawyer-ish fight with "medical terms" and all that in a demonic possession case. Different P.O.V. sure. It definitely makes more sense than the Exorcist where the story ends without anyone (no cops, no lawyers, no other authorities) involved despite several people dying.
"Touched by the hand of God" they said. And believe me when I said "ew" during that part 😭🤣 I wasn't even trying to be funny. Seriously though... there's only one thing I despise more than movie slashers. Religion, especially inside movies. And inside books too. I was so disappointed by Susan's problem when I found out what it was about. I also spent almost my entire childhood inside several Catholic and Christian schools. Most of the time being bullied by everyone there. Please lol I can't stand them (I do realize that not everyone is like that but it left a huge trauma on me so I can't stand those things.) The fun part is, I don't have anything against religions. Just against hypocrisy and lack of comprehension. Still, it's okay for a movie. One or two hours of it won't be bothering me so much. Didn't scare me. But made me uncomfortable. I wish I could hear more about Dr. Adani (?) P.O.V. though.... I believe I will have to watch Heroes (series) for a similar take on that.
20. The Barcelona Vamp ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
This was... triggering. And not about vampires. But about CP and apparently a real case. Obviously Hollywood has its own take on this so I can't say anything about it until I do my research on the real deal. But the whole movie was interesting and also very, very triggering. Really scary. Some scenes were too uncomfortable to watch so I had to pause it several times. Why? These things are so so close to us and people, sometimes people we know, keep hiding these things from us. Maybe the Barcelona Vamp was innocent. Maybe it wasn't. The only thing that it is true is that nothing like this happens without another one getting involved too. Another one keeping silence. Someone refusing to act. That's how bad it is. Not the movie ofc.
I love the use of color and the use of black and white too. It's definitely a good film. The dialogues... they were too realistic. Sadly. I have known people that say things like that. That keep blaming it onto the victims no matter if they're 40 or 6 years old. Don't watch this movie if child abuse triggers you. While it is not graphic it definitely makes you uncomfortable. And it should. Another thing to say about this movie: the original language is in Spanish. And when I saw it on HBO the English subtitles were lacking. So were the subtitles in Spanish. So either you learn/practice your Spanish or you'll need to find CC and the mp4 file too. To make sure you get it otherwise you'll be missing half of the story.
21. Dracula (1979)✅ ⭐⭐⭐
Okay the whole time I was so into the aesthetics. But sometimes I found it funny. Mmmm but I decided to give it a go because it was an old movie. Honestly it wasn't that bad. A bit cringe but kinda okay. The aesthetics were really pleasing tho.
22. Army of the Dead ✅⭐⭐
I started watching it because... it looked fun. Zombieland type of fun.
The OST is awesome. I'm not taking this movie seriously. I don't know why... oh yeah okay... now I kind of understand why.
Okay it has a lot of tits and a lot of blood in the very beginning. If this is how's gonna be... or not. Oh... it gets better after the first minutes 😜 A bit of character development...
I like this idea of zombies being strong and somewhat more fast. Like Korean zombies.
I fell asleep. Again... *sighs* this is ridiculous. I'll have to rewatch just... I'm not sure...
I'll be back. Let me do a quick rewatch.
Zombie tiger Valentine was awesome. Smart zombies? Cool!!
I think I'm bored...
I mean, it's a cool movie. But I prefer Zombieland.
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They're supposed to be great at shooting, so why do they spend so many bullets on killing one zombie if they already know to aim for the head?
I'm rooting for the king. He actually seems decent.
Ohh no they killed his baby 😭
They should pay for it.
Okay... okay, wait a second lol I'm getting an idea...
Why there are no movies with zombies as main characters where the humans are the bad ones?
I mean, we have all what it takes: Usually someone, a doctor, trying to play God, and making a human turn into zombie. The whole zombie apocalypse goes on because they kill the family of subject Zero and all that.
This movie deserves another star just cause the OST is really awesome. Seriously. I'm not going to give it one more though lol the whole thing was quite disappointing.
23. The Fall of the Usher House (Netflix series) ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Okay I saw this whole series in what? Two days? The adaptation was incredibly well done. I'm aware that the story on the book is different but I quite enjoyed the show. Although it's quite graphic. So there's my trigger warning ⚠️ if anything lol honest question, do we need trigger warnings for horror movies?
Carla Gugino's still one of my unexplained crushes, she is still as beautiful as the day I saw her for the first time, does she have a fountain of eternal youth hidden somewhere? Anyway, it surprised me how good she's within the horror genre. To be honest I haven't followed her in years but now she captured my attention so I definitely will be paying attention from now on.💕
I actually screamed during Tammy's death. Her acting is truly on point. It made me feel everything that the rest of the Ushers couldn't. Considering how tired and how much I've disassociated these weeks to be able to watch horror movies every day, I think you can say she's the best of the best.
Ironically, she wasn't even my favorite character but Aunt Madeleine and Camille who I felt they were so alike. And in a way I kept admiring them. And also Lenore but for different reasons. Still I felt captivated by the whole series. Aunt Madeleine monologue is wow! But Tammy's death and the way it was presented to us, I truly felt like I was inside with her. Grieving and feeling all that. I couldn't stop watching despite how much I wanted to.
24. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein✅⭐⭐⭐
It made me jump several times 😭🤣 but I can't quite put my finger on why... maybe because it was raining while I was watching the movie. Maybe because the timing was so on point every time the lightening strikes inside the movie, the same thing happened here...
Anyway this is my first time watching Frankestein and the aesthetics are so good 😍💖 also.. Helena Bonham Carter is there!? And considering how good Kenneth Branagh was playing Gilderoy Lockhart I really found hilarious and on point sawing him play Victor Frankenstein too.
25. #Alive✅⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐
What a movie! I wonder if this is tied to Train to Busan and All of us are Dead. I mean, technically it's not. But the fandom can always take upon it and make it a thing. It has happened before lol right?? Please someone needs to make it a thing 😭 even if it's just a fanfic or something. I'll be so happy.
It keeps reminding me of coronavirus 😭
The guy is a good person but... why is he eating such a big ramen? He should be breaking it into small portions lol he really does not know anything about survival. Poor thing 😕 I shouldn't be laughing so much about it but... he's really stupid at times. If he survives it'll be a miracle lol
Oh... she's cute 🥺 kind and smart. She's going to die lol
They are so lucky to have each other. 🥺😭
Okay... let's start counting how many times he actually screwed it off lol
Every time I think he's about to screw it off, he saves her lol and I like their dynamic so much 🥺😭 like, not really shipping them. Just, rooting for them and loving their friendship. That's a friendship right?
OMG she's so cool...
No way... see? This is why I enjoy Korean movies so much... their plot twists are insane...
26. Freaky✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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O.M.G. it's definitely one of the best movies I've seen in a while. Scary but original. And funny. I loved it. Great characters. Awesome development. Good acting. Made me laugh a lot and I was rooting for the heroine. But also... aw 🥺🤧 that ending... And the beginning! 😱💕
27. A nightmare on Elm Street ✅⭐⭐⭐
It's a great movie. Seriously. But I had to pause it several times because I felt sleepy... really sleepy. Which is so weird because I usually don't feel like that while watching a horror movie.
Anyway I found odd watching Johnny Depp as a kid 🤣 but I was rooting for Nancy's character all the way.
28. The Wizard of Oz ✅ ⭐⭐
Aw... cute singing...
Toto what!? 😱 Well...
I'm not sure I liked the movie lol it felt like.... why are they singing so merrily about the death of the witch!? I feel like they're so mean 😭💀
.... Did Glinda just decided to make Dorothy part of her beef against Elephie? (Ignoring the musical plot ofc) they're so mean lololol
Pretty sure lions and tigers are not part of the forest 😭🤣 okay maybe there are tigers on the rainforests. But pretty sure you won't find one... in middle of the forest. Nvm. I realize it's supposed to be a movie... sorry about that lol
Ohhh that last part when they are all together, facing their worse fears together. It's so cute.
I love the hourglass. It's red!! 😍 so pretty.... the movie is cringy lol but the songs are catchy. The red shoes are marvelous too 😍
And that's it. I don't like this movie lol but the songs are awesome.
29. Cirque du Freak ✅⭐⭐
Ken Watanabe!? Josh Hutcherson, John C. Reilly, Salma Hayek and William Dafoe!? How come I didn't watch this first!? 😭😱 looks so cool...
The intro is so long... but kind of interesting lol
I was eating... lucky me, I don't really get nauseous or sick of watching gross things. I used to watch Dr House or Hannibal when I was a kid while I was eating. That's how strong my stomach is lol
... Is it just me or Evra looks a bit like Ross Lynch here? I love Ross Lynch.... maybe that's why lol
Being honest it was below average. But I also liked it. So... the stars do not say how much, because then it'd be a 3 or 4 but the movie deserves only two.
30. Suspiria (original)✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
The aesthetics are so 😍💕
Did I mention I'm a Dario Argento fan? Okay, I'm a new fan lol like, I'm barely starting with his movies and all that, but still, he's the only one who has actually made me feel so excited and terrified at the same time. Like actually screaming and keep me horrified for several minutes. I loved Phenomena with Jennifer Connelly. Suspiria seems like a dream and a nightmare at the same time.
She looks like Lily Collins 😳
God... the aesthetics... that blue, and those walls... 😍💖
It's actually ballet! 😭😚
The music gives you an actual headache...
Are they trying to drown her!? That diet seems so... lol still... I wish there was a school like that. Minus the bloodbath ofc
lol I like how Susy prefers to sleep before spying on the teachers. I'd be pissed irl because there's nothing better than a mystery but... the movie's making me laugh a little with that. I think they're putting something on her food though.
Okay Susie's definitely taking pills to sleep, you do recognize the signs after a while... I'm surprised I didn't notice before... but Sara keeps shaking her so much it's impossible for her not to be awake unless she's on drugs 😭
Okay... the ending was a bit disappointing. But also good? Still, that makes me like the remake a bit more. Ummm... I think I like both movies now. I'm keeping this on first place because the aesthetics and music. Some parts are dark but nothing big if you're into horror movies. Still... I think I want to watch it again because of the aesthetics. *sigh*
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31. (No title. I'll be watching a movie with a friend 😚💕)
🦇✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🦇
My take: I'm usually a person who likes horror movies. A lot. But... I'm so tired of them RN so I definitely took some horror movies out to make it a bit more light and that's why I ended up watching The Wizard of Oz and Cirque du Freak. And I still ended up hating them lol that's how tired I am. I'm about to puke already. Seriously. Someone please get me something else to watch lololol
I am now looking for the original books of Oz after watching Return to Oz and The Wizard of Oz (which tbh I never saw the original one until now, but several animated ones, and I always found them so creepy I could not even.)
I'm definitely not going to watch horror movies in a while. I'm so done with it. Also, this is why I was struggling so much and couldn't find another movie to make it 31 to the point I almost fall asleep with most of them. I can't feel a thing with most of them. And I love Suspiria. I'm not going to watch anything else after this movie. Not right now at least.
I did enjoy the movie with my friend. I think it's one of the best things. Just because I spent almost 2 hours with that person. That already makes everything 1000% better.
Things that I've learned:
* I hate slashers, unless they're really good or do not have so many gory details. Or it's a bit more "elegant" lol idk how to explain it, except for me liking more Hannibal than a random freak with a knife. You guys get it no?
* My favorite Halloween movies are with ghosts, but I prefer psychological thriller movies.
* I can endure religions on movies but I hate them with passion.
* Monsters are not my thing because they usually are so brainless and so are the people around them trying to kill or run away from them. Use your brain! (This is why I'm a Ravenclaw -.-)
* American zombies suck. They're slow and boring. Please do not mention to me War Z. Korean zombies are awesome and they're the only reason I started watching zombie movies 💀 I like them fast.
* I will root for the brainy and most sassiest person in the room. If this one is killed I will root for the killer.
* I don't think I'll be celebrating Halloween with horror movies next year lol but who knows right?
* The winner of this list would be: Psycho. And in second place I'd be picking Freaky cause I really enjoyed that movie.
* I'm growing less and less fond of Halloween the more time it passes (not the idea itself, death and undead will never scare me but the whole horror show puts me a bit.... off now. I'm starting to understand my own roots a bit more too like being fond of this time of the year because it ends but not because of the horror, ya know what I mean? I'm getting old I think. Or maybe I'm coming back to the person I used to be.)
* Most horror movies and series lack of character development or something that makes it attractive and lets the audience feel compelled to root for them. That's why many people started rooting for the monster. It lacks humanity. They're just bloodbaths. It's boring.
* It took me so many hours to think of my costumes, design something somewhat decent, pull all the pics and watch movies at the same time 😭 🤣 it was fun but I won't be doing this again.
* I love autumn 🍂🍁🍂
* Somehow I'm more in touch with my feelings right now.
* Some movies and series actually made me feel inspired to go back and write!
* I really, really love autumn 🍂 it's just this cozy, nostalgic feeling. I'm trying not to cry whenever I see the sunlight through the leaves. 🍁
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nonclassyparty · 1 year
if you wrote a novel i would seriously read it. your story telling/planning is novel quality i mean it.
for my thoughts on the last chapter 💐💐:
it may suck but i don’t feel too bad that her and mingi didn’t work out considering that he still obviously has some growing to do emotionally. hopefully he can achieve that and if they end up crossing paths in the future, great. if not also great, or at least she finds someone who’s right for her considering she expressed desire to be in a relationship, or even if she stays with herself bc i’m a firm believer that you can be happy without a romantic relationship.
i like the way you wrote her and yeosangs sort of reconciliation, it’s a bit more realistic bc i wouldn’t be so quick to forgive someone who’s treated me like that either, but i like how they can be around each other without feeling the need to be overly friendly and also without feeling like they’re just tolerating each other (i think the word is cordial, idk). there’s balance.
i’m not someone who expresses her emotions regularly but when her and seonghwa spoke for the first time in a while almost made me get out the tissues. this is the softest we’ve seen him act the whole story and i like how you wrote in his lego building hobby i thought it was very endearing.
as for sans ending, i don’t really feel a way about it other than it ended as perfectly as it could. when she first called him initially i was just like “girl i know we over him but why keep calling him” but i realize it was her final go at getting closure and i feel like their ending made sense. what more would they talk about in the future if they continue meeting even as friends? we saw how that turned out the first time. and at least she got something out of it (which was seonghwa)
i just love how you tied the story together at the end. if it’s ok to ask (i mean you already made it clear in the last chapter) how do you think they all end up in the further future. like who gets married, does she pursue bigger things with her art, etc.
i hope you’re proud of yourself for this story, bc it’s honestly one of the best series i’ve read here and i can’t wait for your next one bc i know it’s also gonna be great as well <3
omg woahhhhhh thank you very much!!
i genuinely have nothing to add to these little points u guys are making but i really enjoy reading them altho i will say that the seonghwa parts were hard to write. him and san being friends was something i planned from the start but i simply didn't know how to insert hwa into this chapter or if i did their meeting and reconciliation justice, it's hard to describe sibling relationships 😭
as for the question about where they'll end up in the future;
well, the one year forward where y/n has the apartment finally already means two things, first- wooyoung and yeosang live together now and second- it was the apartment she talked to mingi about in act 6 when he asked "how does ur life look like if everything goes to plan?" or something and which he asked about in the last chapter meaning that the story ended with her finally in a place where she's content with her life and it can only go up from there. she will later on start working as an illustrator for animated movies (a lot of inspiration for her art to me came from spirited away lol) and that will be her main occupation while she will do some art for herself occasionally. and she will meet someone, i imagine him being a fan of her works so he will be head over heels for her and she will finally get romanced the life out of her lol but i don't see any kids for her, i don't think she'd want to be a mother.
mingi well...he'll fall in love with someone else, get married, have kids, move out of the city and join a smaller firm somewhere bc it makes him more content and it's less pressure. hongjoong is similar to y/n in a way that the both of them are single and in a place where they want to have fun in life, they obviously keep in touch as she goes to visit him in tokyo and he sends her postcards, he's sort of a free spirit...
seonghwa will marry his current girlfriend, continue working at his father's firm but their relationship will never be good, hwa and y/n will be very close tho!
and san...well, i kinda want to say i'm keeping his ending a secret bc i'd like to write a spin-off for him some time later but if that never happens, then his life will be what he imagined it - he'll be very rich but very lonely.
wooyoung and yeosang will get married. when y/n left woo to go to the hotel, he literally called yeosang crying and said "you have to marry me bc there is no breaking up here after going through all this shit"😭
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aeroplaneblues · 1 year
Alright! its time for top anime of 2022 list🎉
This year I didn't watched that many however I did found some good ones! 2 of those are recurring shows which I try to avoid, as this might be used as a rec list, but I like them that much!
the tldr; is on twitter
10- Vampire in the garden: this one was on netflix which I guess is why it didn't get that much attention, i like the concept and visuals were very nice its a bittersweet end but I quite enjoyed. 09- Raven of the inner palace: the story is interesting, its starts very monster of the week style with ghosts then moves to a main villain, the relationships between the MC and the rest of the cast is honestly the highlight. My only complain is pronunciation of the names are jp localized so I hope this gets a chinese dub. 08- Gundam: the witch of mercury: the last gundam i watched was wing and do not remember anything but i know its reputation, I gave this one a chance because the designs are really fun and I also went in with the idea that it was yuri bait. TURNS OUT this might not be what I was expecting, there is one more ep of this + the rest of the cour so I'm hoping it improves from here. The characters carry this for me even the background ones, they all feel like characters not props! Plus ZERO GRAVITY HUGS!! 07- Mob psycho 100 III: I know this list is numbered but I love all of these equally ! However, this in comparison with s1 and s2 is one of the weakest, maybe bc it had to close loose ends? idk but its still a good one, the moment I cry was with ekubo more than reigen i know i know but reigen had his moment in s2 and I think that hit harder. Time to read the manga! 06- My dress-up darling: this is ecchi, im saying this first bc if people barely tolerate bnha fanservice this is not for you. I usually avoid this but I was dumb and didn't saw the tag😂 and I got attached to the main characters and the story, I read the manga and the ecchi is very far and far between as the story progresses. I think it has a lot of heart and its quite fun love story, plus you learn so much about cosplaying! 05- Sasaki and miyano: cutest bl I've ever watched/read, sasaki reminds me of childe which I find it so funny I can't unsee it. Miyano isn't your uwu protagonist and their relationship is build sloooowly on a lot of love and respect. Its nice to see this type of bl without its usual uh nonsense. 04- The case study of vanitas II: the thing about this second season is that i didn't know if bones was going to adapt everything, the manga updates at shoujo pace and has had rough months of absence HOWEVER it was all adapted, like a month after the last ch came out we saw that ep which is the wildest thing for me tbh. Anyway that last ep is why this is here, it was the BEST fight scene ending like [SPOILERS] watch it, it was amazing. 03- Chainsaw man: yeah i know ofc this is here, this is one of the best adaptations I've ever watched, it is beyond perfect. Several episodes I felt like I was watching a movie, can't rec it enough it even has its own mads mikkelsen inspired character voiced by the same va of the other mads mikkelsen inspired character from my other fave show. Also love the detail how mappa draws shoes as fujimoto draws them. 02- Spy x family: this is another good adaptation, I started reading this manga in 2019?? And I kept thinking how GOOD of a story it was and it was a shame so little attention it got, but now with the anime its got the much deserved attention. I adore it immensely, here is hoping for a continuous success.
01- Bocchi the rock: THIS is at the top bc of how relatable it is for me and what a nice surprise to know its actually a good anime. I was expecting it to be another "cute girls do cute things" like "do it yourself" from this year and I wasn't wrong its just that it has a little more depth than that. All the girls have good and bad traits, goals and obstacles to overcome so the story focuses on that with their collective goal of playing music. As someone with social anxiety that lean on rock/playing guitar to make friends and not succeeding on that front I want to see bocchi accomplish her goals, its cathartic like that. Also the animator are truly having fun with the different styles of animating the jokes which is always a treat to watch.
If you got it to this part, thank you so much for reading! If you give any of this a chance and like them let me know! I love talking about anime as you can see haha. I hope next year the season isn't as dry mid way so I get to watch more!
Happy New Year!!🎉
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cookinguptales · 1 year
it's come up a few times lately and at least two people said "I WISH YOU TOLD ME" so like okay fine I'll say it
the biggest reason I haven't talked about My Issues With Fanart is because I worry it might hurt someone's feelings?? even though I swear it has nothing to do with anything personal or any real metric of quality.
the fact of the matter is that I've got a very visual mind, and even when I write fic, I am basically just describing the movie I see in my head. when art doesn't match up with what's in my head, I get a weird sense of... dissonance? I don't like it, lmao. and yeah, it tends to be stronger with live-action canons.
so when it comes to art I do like, it's usually either just like what I see in my head (rare!!) or so far away that I'm not really thinking of them in the same way at all. so I tend to like things that either match my internal picture or things that are highly stylized and VERY different from what I see in my head. everything else falls into like... I want to say the emotion is kind of like uncanny valley...? just a subtle wrongness that makes me uncomfortable.
that said, again, this is absolutely a me thing!! and not any slight against any artist. even work that is objectively great can hit me kind of weird for no apparent reason. it's like... idk, having textural sensitivities with food. (also a thing I struggle with sometimes.) a food can be super delicious and everyone loves it and even YOU love most things about it but there's somethin that just. your brain is like "nngh'. lmao
so then someone asked me if that means I don't like getting fanart or art as gifts and see, this is the part I was afraid of. making anyone feel like those efforts weren't appreciated. because they are!!! I feel like someone making a thing with me in mind, no matter what it is, is always gonna turn me into
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this lil guy
and if I inspired it!!! even more so!!! what a thing to inspire someone to create!!! I cry!!!
truthfully speaking, I've only ever seen art inspired by one of my fics that completely lined up with what I saw in my head once and that moment was like fucking magic and I cried a little lmao. but no, art that was made with me or my work in mind doesn't get processed by my brain the same way because all I see is rainbows honestly lmao. you could send me stick figures and I would be like "baby!!"
(and all of you have created far nicer than stick figures ;;)
so if I'm not reblogging some random piece of wwdits fanart that comes up on my dash -- well okay the top reason is probably that I didn't see it, I have terrible adhd. but the SECOND reason is that it scratched my brain weird even though it's very nice. the reason is pretty much never because I don't like it and I don't like you and I think art belongs in the dumpster. :')
but that's kind of what I worry I sound like when I talk about fanart so I just don't. do it. ._.
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astroboots · 1 year
Hi CiCi!! I don’t normally do this because I feel a little embarrassed by it, so I’ll say this is not really a request but if it does inspire you at any moment of your life, doesn’t matter how far away that may be, I’ll be thrilled to read it because it’s kinda angsty, its funny, it’s sexy, and it’s honestly something I wish happened to me lmao. So I watched the movie ‘Magic Mike’ and then I saw this mf edits right here:
And I just had this idea, more like day dreaming if you ask me, of kinda of an AU with the moon boys, specially Jake because he’s the one that works in the night right? Also Mike/Jake, practically the same name. So reader is dragged by her friends into this random night club that lately has a lot of clients (because they started the dancing), and she’s a little out of place, in this shows normally someone gets called to stage so the guys can dance all over you, so reader gets called to stage and is Jake the one to dance to her like in the videos. Maybe she’s just drunk enough to accept being pulled out to the stage, and maybe a week later she goes to the museum for whatever reason and sees Steven there and she thinks it’s Jake. Or maybe she knows Steven from before and talked with him and all and goes to the club and sees Jake and she thinks it’s Steven, maybe that’d work better? Idk maybe this is just rambling but it’d be a fun concept I think and just imagining the moon boys dancing like that has me sweating all over 🥵
ooooh! so this ask made me smile because not so long ago I went to the Magic Mike live show in London and my poor friend who does not like to be grinded on said the "safe word" but because everyone in the room was screaming and so damn loud, they didn't hear her and kept going!!!
I love your ask though and the idea that reader meets Jake and then sees Steven or vice versa and the two couldn't be more different! Just imagine the whiplash!?!?!? Sweet little Steven who's like nervous and talks too much because he likes her so much whenever she drops by the Museum and is flustered, and then you just have Jake grinding on her with a smirk ad she's like 🤯🤯🤯
I loved this, thank you so so so much for sharing with me. In a few weeks' time I might be opening up requests for AU requests specifically, please feel free to remind me of this one if I forget 🥰
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scattered-winter · 2 years
respectfully requesting newt from maze runner for the character meme !!
bro you've Awakened Something in me it's been far too long since I've talked about my boy my babygirl my blorbo
favorite thing about him
his selflessness!!! throughout all the events of the series (both the books AND the movies) he's consistently putting everyone else's needs before his own. he was one of the leaders of the Glade, which meant he worked day and night to keep the order and safety there. and outside the Glade, he pulled his own weight and even put himself in danger to protect the others on several occasions (saving Minho from the lightning storm is what immediately comes to mind but I know there's a lot more). and even in the death cure, when the flare is taking over and he can feel himself changing, he still stays focused and doesn't let that distract him or anyone else from the end goal. to me it's just....heartbreaking, really. he suffered in silence because he didn't want his friends to grieve him while he was still standing there, and so he had to deal with slowly losing his mind by himself
least favorite thing about him
listen I can love and hate the same thing about a guy
the fact that he was so focused on the group's survival just added so much more angst to the story and it causes me PAINNNN. like!! in the movies specifically, they were SO CLOSE to giving him the cure!!!!!!!!! they were so achingly close!!!!!!!! but he'd been fighting the virus for so long and it finally took over and he died only moments before the cure arrived. I'm fukcijgn
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favorite line
"great, we're all bloody inspired"
Minho and Newt are BESTIES ok. they're besties. I cry about them every day. they're besties
same with Alby and Newt they were! leaders together! and neither of them made it out! I'm unwell!
actually on that same note. I think Minho was the oldest Glader to have made it out alive. all his friends and mentors who came before him are dead. I'm so fucking emo right now
honestly I love all of Newt's canon friendships! his friendship with Thomas is GREAT his friendship with the other Gladers is GREAT
meh nothing really....strikes me as a nOTP tbh. in fact I don't really actively ship anyone in this series! usually when I hard-core ship something, it's because I felt unsatisfied with the media/felt like it's an interesting dynamic to be explored. I was fairly satisfied with the series as a whole and I felt like the overall point of them was complete without romance, and to add a lot of romance (excluding the thomas/teresa thomas/brenda stuff that was already there) would have just....blocked out the horror and morally gray themes, ya know? so idk I don't really have strong feelings about any romantic pairings in this specific piece of media
in fact, I saw someone point out that it would've been a stronger and more potent narrative if Thomas and Teresa were SIBLINGS instead of romantic partners and tbh that hasn't left my brain because they're RIGHT. it would've been soooo compelling ughh I'm going insane just thinking about the parallels here
all that being said, it's kinda fun to play with the narratives a bit :] most of the fic I intend to write in this fandom is friendship/family based, because of my feelings as stated above, but I'm not immune to the newtmas or minewt here <3 there's just something about two best friends who have been through hell and worse together getting to kiss <3
random headcanon
Newt actually left notes for EVERYONE, not just Thomas. he even left one with Thomas intended for Teresa, despite everything she'd done, but ofc she never got the chance to read it so Thomas just kept it in a pocket by his heart. and maybe one day, years later, after he finally found some semblance of peace and healing, he burned it to ash to finally say goodbye to them both
unpopular opinion
listen I love Newt but the fandom has a tendency to shove Minho aside to make room for him (especially hardcore newtmas shippers) which is... :/ let's all examine why that might be !
song I associate with him
Doom Days by Bastille. warning: you will cry.
favorite picture of him
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hair floof <3 he's so blorbo shaped here idk
send me a character!
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gryphis-eyes · 2 years
I'm curious too
Here for the ask ;
-Pluto I'm excited for this one
If you feel uncomfortable you can skip the last one
And why didn't I noticed your new layout it looks cool
I want you to guess who I am I left no clues I know 😁
Hello you're asking a old dying lady to use her intuition 🤣 i'd say Aaron or Wild Candy ? 👀
I've already answered 9th house in a previous ask :)
pluto ⇢ tell something supernatural that happened to you
In some way i provocated this event haha, here is my "first" (pretty sure i met one when i was little) interaction with a demon (and i did massive error dw i learned from it i don't use those methods anymore)
So basically at the begining i didn't had that much ressources beside goetia (yeah you know where it's going 💀) and also some people online, i had this demon, Belial who i kept seing everywhere i won't list everything but it was very clear that he was going to be the demon i'll go to. So yeah i did all of ritual but with a shit ton of error in it oh boy it was a disaster but he did come, then i felt someone sitting next to me (i sat on my bed because my bedroom is very small) when i closed the ritual i felt like "he" was leaving and i went to bed
That's where we get the supernatural part, in my dream i saw a specific letter "shin" thing is, when i opened my eyes the letter was still in front of me and i wasn't dreaming at all i was fully awake and it slowly faded. (And now the big event) on that day i went out with friends, before leaving i asked with tarot if i did everything well or if i fucked up i didn't really understood the answer and i had to go because i was about to miss my train. When i went home and opened the light i saw a tall shadow figure in front of me and it went in my bedroom i was paralysed i didn't know what to do because that wasn't a human at a l l, so you know what i did ? 😭 I went to the kitchen calming down and took a knife to go in my bedroom cuz idk what was in my mind at this point haha
And in my bedroom there was NOTHING (and i did check under my bed 😭) however the 3 cards i pulled in the morning weren't the same (i took note of them) and the message was a clear "yes everything went well".... So that's why Belial isn't for beginners he isn't gentle haha
5H ⇢ do you have a hobby? which one(s)?
Too much honestly if drawing wasn't so time consuming i would love to learn some music instrument ! Beside that i love reading even if i have trouble with attention, mostly books related to witchcraft and mythology but i enjoy other types of books but it takes me a lot of time to read :') i really appreciate mangas even if i don't search that much for new ones it's a big source of inspiration. I looove cinema i highly hesitated between cinema and art school back in time, i enjoy all genre and i love going to theater sooo much i can't just like one thing i have to go deep in my research and it takes all my time haha
12H ⇢ which is/are your biggest fear(s)?
Old bald men no but im deadly scared of those "Monsters" in mandela catalog (i had trouble sleeping for a week after watching it 😭) if you saw Dark skies you might understand why im scared of aliens but not in a way of i don't want to meet one just the way they are represented in that movie is terrifying
*dramatic song in the background* Im also scared of romantic love
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moonbear-from-space · 2 years
A year has past or so snice I been in the Venom fandom and Spider-Man in some aspects as well. As I think it's time to talk about my very long story of how I got into this to begin with.
So this will be a very long story, so get yourself comfy if you wish to read it.
It all begins in the year of 2018. The first Venom movie came out or at least the trailer, at the time I was like "why are they making a movie about a villain for?" Yes this was my reaction to it and oh boy I was very wrong about that.
Because my only knowledge at the time was I thought Venom was the quote bad guy likely because of SM3, even though I didn't see that movie in full I just knew that Venom was the villain of the story. But also at the time, I didn't know who Eddie Brock was, I didn't know Venom had a host or even could do that and was just some evil Spider Man guy that was just some monster.
The only things I remember was I saw a handful of Venom fan art, I just thought people ship Eddie and Venom just for the fun of it and didn't know that they were a couple. I remember hearing that they were gay and heard it was a thing in the comics. And had that moment of "oh maybe I might give it a watch" and never got around to.
So a few years past and forget everything that I knew about that because it just didn't fully phase me at the time. And thanks to funny enough Ben 10 that kick started my love for aliens. Everything change in 2021 when I was at college in my class and saw one of the class members in there watching Venom: LTBC.
I saw and realise that it was Venom and had no idea that a second movie came out. I ask them about what they were watching and said it was the second Venom movie. I got me actually interested idk what happen but something just dragged me into it, maybe it was the universe had something plan for me.
Or maybe it was because early that year I was was watching USM cartoon with my boyfriend as we were going threw all of the Man of Action cartoons they have made. So seeing Venom in that got me interested about him even before.
Later my dad and my sister were gonna go off to see it and I just wanted to join because I just wanted to see a movie because last thing I saw at the time in cinemas was the Sonic movie. My dad said to me I could only see it if I saw the first one and later on we both sat down to watch it as in good timing it was airing on tv.
I know a lot of people have mix feelings of these movies but honestly I fell in love with it. With me already loving Ben 10 it gave me vibes of that in some ways. It had this very 00s feel to it all.
So once I saw it and realise how cool Venom was and he was just misunderstood and not really a villain more of a anti-hero. Even Venom saying he is a loser made me realise that he wasn't this mindless creature there so much more to him. Also the voice just making me think of a Ben 10 alien, that's also what was appealing about him and the first thing I thought of when hearing his voice in full.
Next was of course seeing the second movie, with finding out context about them being a gay couple in the comics, again after not remembering. It made me more interested in these characters even more.
So me, my dad and my sister all went to see and we all enjoy it. We all had a blast, I remember my dad and me laughing the most and I had the biggest smile on my face coming outta it. I never felt that happy in so long and finally finding a new interested to be fixated on after trying to find something new for so long, was satisfying to say at least.
Again people have mix feelings about these movies but honestly, these movies mean a lot to me. I love them for there goofyness and camp. They made me find happiness again, they made me inspired and so what if there strange or doesn't have the perfect writing or whatever. It was the just the vibes that made me love it the most.
Especially the rave scene part. That whole speech Venom had was simple at best, but it was touching. It something I needed to hear as it was the year I came out as bi online. I wasn't sure if I was being true to myself and thought I was lying to myself, however that moment with what Venom said made me proud of myself. So it was in a way all thanks to Venom for making me even more bi. (Then also later on found out I was gender fuild as well.)
I had a better understanding of things and myself and felt free. I use to be unsure of myself a lot because I forced myself to hide what I was really feeling in fear of what others might of said. Or being forced not to feel that way, that and I was also around some not so nice people at the time so that didn't help ether. Venom: LTBC was kinda similar in a metaphorical way to what I was going threw.
But yeah, after that I got into Venom and Spider Man too over all. From seeing fan art, fics and then reading the comics, I love the 90s Venom comic and some of the recent-ish ones too and also binging threw all the Spidey movies so I could be ready to watch Spider Man: NWH. Oh some of the Spidey cartoons as well.
Granted I did previously see the some of of Spidey movies as a kid. Like the Raimi Spidey films seeing 1&2 and a bits and pieces of the third one on tv. I saw TASM1 in cinemas and then Spiderverse way later on and both love those movies and so on.
But yeah overall Venom has done a lot of good for me. I'm glad to be part of it and with the many ups and downs I seen its made me learn to appreciate more things and so on. Without Venom I would of not met the amazing friends I have made or the stuff I drawn, or even braching off into getting into others things like horror and such.
Its done a lot of good overall and I wouldn't be here or be who I am now without it. Every little thing helped a long way to try new things because you never know you might learn something new about yourself, that you didn't know before.
Thank you for taking time to read this. Sorry if this was a long ramble but I been meaning to talk about this for some time now, so I hope you enjoy it.
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twntyfiveotwo · 6 months
everyone told me it was just a phase when i told them i missed you
but it's been a year. it's been a whole fking year. i tried so hard to persuade myself that it was only a process of grief - granted, because i know i can't keep you around as a friend when my feelings to you are more than friends. is it really? do grief processes take so long to get over? cause im tired. im tired of missing you, im tired of wanting you back, im tired of wanting to be her. heck, tbh i dont even want to be her lmao. if it wasnt for the fact that she's the one by your side, she's not one of those girls i inspire to be like. honestly, this is not coming from a place of hate because i find her really gorgeous physically, and i am sure she is happy/proud of the person she is. we're just different, and we have different tastes in the things we enjoy or like. that's it. at this point i dont even relate to the song "heather" anymore. i dont want to be fking heather. all i want is to be loved by you. but that is just a want, and santa claus dont exist in real life, am i right.
it's going to be 2024 in a few days. and im done. i dont wanna miss you anymore. im going to push myself into acceptance that this friendship is over whether either of us wants it or not. "i wish nothing changes between us". ha, how selfish of you to ask that from me knowing FULL WELL i've always loved you. or maybe you didnt know because i was jumping in and out of relationships non stop. trying to fill a void inside. but you knew at one point that i did love you, and maybe you didn't love me. or maybe you did but you never had the courage back then. but does the truth matter? no. because whatever the truth was back then, that truth stays there. and the present truth is that we are both in our own long term relationships, we have found our own persons. i wont even doubt, i really think she deserves you much more than me. pft, i dont mean it in the altruistic way because i'm no longer the same person as i was in the past who is always trying to be morally "right". idw to pretend and shower her w praises because i've finally learnt to be honest w myself. i dont give no fks about her. no disrespect but idk her. all i care about is you. and the only reason why i no longer talk to you is because i respect YOUR rs, and i dont want to cause you unnecessary stress.
at the same time, it also took me years to realise i've always loved you. i constantly tried to ignore the tingling feeling in my stomach everytime we met up as friends even when i was attached in the past. i still remember, i got together w my first boyfriend on my bus trip home after you rejected my confession. and then since then, i was just constantly jumping in and out of relationships/situationships. and always talking to you when i get my heart broken, drinking my butt off. where did you even get the patience to deal w my bullshit all the fking time. i got to say hats off to you. ha... but it doesnt matter anymore.
you know what made me realised that i miss you and not the memories we shared? because i actually dont have any vivid memories of us in my head anymore. it's all blurred. i remember crashing your house, i remember us watching a horror movie in the theatres together, i remember you calling me out for being plain stupid. but they're just sweeping memories, i can't remember any specific actions or a specific memory of us. what i do remember, is how safe i feel with you. how gentle you always were with me. how the people around me pointed out that it was the first time they saw me looking happy after my depression. i meant it when i said you felt like home to me. because i cant forget this feeling, and i cant seem to find this feeling w anyone else. but HA darling boy, you're someone else's home now. and i wish you happiness. but i also want you out of my mind. im sick of you creeping into my head when i have nothing to keep me busy. and i mean even on days when im busy and there are pockets of free time you would pop up too. it's draining, it's exhausting, knowing full well you appearing in my mind or my dreams doesn't mean that i get to see you irl. i had this insane thought whereby i would camp at your house void deck to see a hint of you before 2023 ends. but i think i would save myself from the embarrassment of acting like a stalking creepo. i want to let you go, i want to let you out. not for you, but for myself. because this is plain torture. because you living in my head rent free throughout 2023 has been causing me constant pain. im always upset. and ive been hurting innocent people over it. it's not fair for me, it's not fair for them. i want to breathe, i want to sleep at night in peace. i dont want to pray in desperation before my sleep wishing that you would appear in my dream, when there is a lucky girl out there who is sleeping with you right next to her. pls just go, pls be gone. let 2023 mark the end of our long, bittersweet friendship.
thank you for teaching me to never be self-deprecating to myself.
thank you for making me feel loved even if you never really did love me.
thank you for always being there.
"hey now" always sounded so gentle when it came from you, i will be forgetting those words and how they felt for me.
i will stop looking for shadows of you in every song i listen, every game i play or every place i visit.
we had 6 years of memories.... it wont be easy but i will try to not think about you.
you were my finest scenary, my home. but it's time i move on and live a life of my own without your shadow.
i loved you, always did, but i hope not anymore.
i will try to stop loving you from now. may you always stay loved by someone else.
and i know you would continue to stay the happiest, even without me around. because you've got her now.
farewell, always.
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actualbird · 2 years
Zak, I need to thank you for getting me to watch Encanto because OH MY GOD YOU WERE RIGHT, THIS MOVIE IS INCREDIBLE!! Honestly, I had 0 plans of watching this until I saw your posts, and then I was intrigued, and now I'm so glad I did!! I grew up the eldest daughter of an Asian family so I really related to both the older sisters! I think a lot people like mr had to face exceedingly high expectations because they were expected to "set a good example for their siblings". I think my favourite line in the movie was from Isabela: "What could I do if I just knew it didn't need to be perfect; it just needed to be, and they'd let me be." BECAUSE SAME I'VE BEEN ASKING THIS QUESTION ALL MY LIFE
And oh my god, Abuela's flashback at the end tore me to a thousand fucking pieces, I cried so much 😭 I see so much of my own grandmother in Abuela, especially since the story of how my family came to settle here is unfortunately very similar to how Abuela came to settle in the village, genocide and all. And I understood why she acted the way she did. It doesn't necessarily justify her actions, but it explains a lot. As an immigrant, my grandmother always felt like she had to constantly had prove to the community that her and her family was not a burden, that she was useful, and that only by doing so will they be accepted, and only by doing so will all the sacrifices not be in vain. I like to think that maybe Abuela thought the same way.
ANYWAYYY thank you for bringing me to this movie, I cried a lot but I'm really happy I found it!! Happy New Year!! Here's to everyone trying to work through generational trauma, it sure as hell isn't easy, but at least none of us are alone <3
hi, anon!! sorry for the late response to this ask, it got a bit buried kjdkjs but IM SO GLAD I GOT U TO WATCH ENCANTO WAHHHH!!
IT'S A RLLY INCREDIBLE MOVIE. for me, nothing missed. A+ music, frigging inspired scenes and utilizations of the south american magical fiction vibes, this very good article "Disney’s Encanto isn’t just about representation — it’s an act of defiance" written by José María Luna made shed a new light to everything i already loved about the movie, and yep yep
the characters n plot
huge agree on isabela's theme being the Perfect One, gosh, and im rlly glad her song was able to resonate with u. genuinely, this movie had a character for everybody to relate to. like, my older sister (not the eldest but the eldest girl sibling in the family) hugely related to luisa and her vibes of needing to be the strong one who always shoulders every problem. and i....hugely fucking related with mirabel //sobs
the entire lyrics and scene of Waiting For A Miracle did not have to go that fucking hard. lyrics alone (i had listened to the song before watching the movie) already made me cry, what with the undercurrent of "im not like my family, i am a part of my family but im not great like them" like whew huge mood haha. im part of a family thats obv not magical but might as fucking well be. literally everybody is like......so goddamn renowned in their field. a legendary polsci professor mom who so many admire who creates such meaningful literal change in the world, a dad whos written amazing plays that have been performed for decades to the point that theyre ingrained into a special tradition, and my siblings already have made names for themselves in places that matter and---yOU GET THE POINT. the song alone hit too hard
i was not prepared for the scene itself. this....joyous occasion, everybody is happy, and mirabel is happy too but. shes not in the picture. she looks at the picture of the family and it's a perfect picture and idk theres that feeling. look at this family, it's perfect and happy and brilliant so long as im not there. the mediocre middle child, the one who hasnt done anything of note, the one thats not special in the slightest.
it's a fucked up sentiment to have nurtured in a person; the thought that youre the only hang-up stopping these people you love truly achieving absolute joy and excellence. the song shifts, mirabel wants to be more, she wants to be like them, if only she was like them, she'd do so much, shes ready, but all that drives the contrast home. me and them, different people.
pause from my oversharing but heres a funny thing that lives in my brain rent free: in middle school, a classmate met my family and enthusiastically told me "your family is so cool! you should be more like them :D"
ANYWAY yeah huhu abuela's scene made me sob as well and YEP YEP the trauma of one generation stays for more and more generations to come. and yet, in spite of past violence, there is ALWAYS a way to thrive in the future. the answer is ALWAYS going to be communication, understanding, and love. all those succeeding over fear. it's a frigging fantastic message.
happy new year to you as well, anon!!!
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reveriesofawriter · 2 years
hi bestie :) gimme 1, 12, 18, 26, 35, 36, 38, 53, 60 for let's fall in love for the night jalex, 61 for the one where jalex keep meeting at weddings, 66 for street lightning fic, aaand 70 sorrynotsorry for being ur biggest fan ill follow you until you love me etc xoxo bella
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
I daydream constantly all the time but if I think up a specific piece of dialogue or a scene that I can literally see in my head, I will write it down immediately, usually in my phone notes bc starting a new doc is intimidating
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
I only outline my fics if I think they're going to be long, and for me "long" depends on the format of the fic like if I'm writing something in snapshots I usually won't outline, and honestly most of the fics I've outlined have been 5+1 type fics where I needed to keep track of Things and Events
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
I do enjoy research, I love learning super niche things that have no practical effect on my story whatsoever but knowing I'm getting into the head of someone in a particular time period (for example) knowing precisely what types of technology they would have had and how prevalent things were and whether something was only ever popular with rich people or only with teenagers. idk if this counts as research but I've watched multiple movies to write them into fics and that definitely took up as much time as actual research. for one more time for second chances I had a character who was an 8-10 month old baby so I did have to do some light googling to figure out developmental milestones but that was mostly to confirm what I learned a few years ago in my child development classes
26. What’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
finishing things. no the part where I've written all the significant plot points and I need to connect the dots or make the parts flow better. that's partly why I like snapshot fics so much bc I don't have to write so much of the glue, if I leave enough breadcrumbs I can trust the reader to fill in the blanks to a greater extent than if I've written 90% of a fic to be linear and then have random scenes that I just thought were too boring to write
35. What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted?
everything taylor-verse? can I say that? We Dream Impossible Dreams probably
36. What fic are you proudest of?
I am still in pure awe that sam and I co-wrote over 20k, I reread it all last week and we really! did that! and I have no clue how!! I can picture it after all these days 
but also street lightning, I feel like I caught a rare spark there
38. What is your most self-indulgent posted story?
I've been going crazy (I'm stuck in here) I know it was part of a challenge technically but I saw the challenge and knew without a doubt what I wanted to write about bc I remembered this event that happened and was like Fic Material and I really like how I had to do zero extra work to give it a pairing bc merrikat are just Like That
53. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
not including the tag for alcohol warnings, fluff 😌
60. In and forget in the morning, what inspired the idea for the plot?
I listened to the song one too many times and a vague plot popped into my head lmao the most thought I put into it was when I was like oh alex is ace and then went back to make sure I didn't already write something that contradicted that. I seem to remember writing most of it while on vc with you and sam and neither of you had any idea lol
61. In if you leave the light on, then I'll leave the light on, what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
the first one probably, I wrote the majority of this one on my phone just one section each night and I didn't think it would turn into a real fic until I got to part 3 and was like this is actually going somewhere, tho honorable mention to the fourth scene with the part about alex's middle name that you love so much :)) but the first scene was like a break in my usual writing pattern in so many ways so I like that I could stretch that out to a whole fic
66. What’s a fun fact about romancing what might've been?
you commented that it feels like a music video or short film? if I was directing any of my fics in film form, this would be the one I'm most confident in just because the vibe of it is so perfect that it would be a good balance of being hard to mess up (which would be good for my perfectionist self) and also like a pinprick sized specific mood that I wouldn't want to hand over to anyone else
70. Are you subscribed to any writers on AO3?
no but in my defense I follow my favorite writers in other places so I rarely miss a fic
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